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Jailhouse hooch. Distilled in toilets, this vintage is comprised of chow line droppings, including oranges, apples, ketchup, and sugar.

WOO HOOO PRUNO! I nearly fell and broke my head running to the mailbox for this one!

In the bottle: Sweet and fruity! I think the strongest note is apple with sweet orange being a second but it's really hard to pick out which fruits in particular are in it. Real Pruno's made of such a mashup of stuff, I find this very appropriate. No hint of the dreaded ketchup!

On skin: Ooooo, verra nice. Still no ketchup. There's something in here giving it an almost fizzy scent--maybe that's the tomato leaf? I think it is. It's still so well-blended I can't really tell which fruit is happening. I think there's a very faint floral background note, something white.

On skin, later: My skin eats the fruit up really quickly so I'm left with the white floral, some sugar, and the green tomato leaf. It's light and refreshing, very unlike real Pruno. This is more like a wine spritzer or something. Dainty!

Lobster Rating
Better than: dropping the soap

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In the bottle: This seems "green" to me. It's like the smell down by a river where we used to picnic. A little bit of sweet fruit in there, but not identifiable.


Wet on skin: The riverside scent gets stronger. I'm having a terrible time identifying anything in this, although "fruit" of some kind is coming out.


Drydown: AH! When I was a kid, we used to love Bonne Bell "Lip Smackers" lip glosses. This smells EXACTLY like the old Bonne Bell 7-Up scented lip gloss! I mean exactly like it.


One hour later: I agree with Lobster -- it's much like a wine spritzer. It's fizzy and clean and a bit tart and tangy. I can't detect any single scent like ketchup or apple or anything. I just love this!


Throw: Not bad. On my arm, I can smell it while walking around, but just faintly.


Verdict: I think I'm gonna have to snag another bottle before this is gone. Love it!

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This smells so good in the bottle. Apples, with a slight hint of orange....fresh and sweet, but not really in a total foody way....but after it's been on for a while the chow line droppings rise up and leave me with nothing but a very dirty, harsh smell. Sadly, all of the freshness in the bottle does not remain on my skin at all.


But, I think, for me, that Beth has captured the true essence of Pruno...stank and all. :P

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I'll be honest: I couldn't wait to smell this. Ketchup? I had to know what that would smell like in perfume.


It's really different on my skin than it is in the bottle. What it smells like, on me, is very sweet fruit perfume. It's so sweet it's twinkly. It reminds me a bit of champagne. I don't smell anything even similar to ketchup at all. There is something in it that makes me think of tomato leaf, but it's not prominent.


To me it smells mostly fruity and sparkly. I completely agree with the people who said it's like a wine spritzer. It smells fresh and zesty.


I like it! :P

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In Bottle: Orange and very sugary! Deliciously foody.


Wet: Orange, sweet, but more alcohol. Like a margarita, or maybe an orangetini. Yes, I just made that up.


Dry: There is the tiniest floral note in this, though it stays essentially like fruity alcohol. Sweet, delicious. This is a remarkable scent. I think I'll go put Swank on my other wrist and see how they compare. I might actually be buying another bottle of this while I still can, because I will not want to run out of this one. I would smuggle this into prison in a body cavity, I would.


Overall: I love.

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I'm sure nearly all of us have done this at some point or another. You pour a glass of orange juice, take a nice big gulp, and suddenly discover you have a mouthful of fizzy, fermented juice. You think, wow that had quite a kick to it! In my younger days, I would almost contemplate whether to finish my glass rather than pouring it out. Fizzy! Tingly in my mouth!


In the bottle: Pruno smells just like fermented fruit juice... in a good, fun way. There's a sharp fizzy, alcoholic kick to it that sits over sweet smelling fruit. It's captured so well that I can literally taste it. When I smell this I can especially pick out the oranges, but the apples don't come into play until later on.


On my skin: The fizzy, alcoholic fruit juice kick continues. After dry down I can separate the apple scent from the rest of the fruit/orange scent. I can also detect the beginning hints of something more... shady. Early on it starts out as something that's sort of leafy with a hint of sweet n' sour added in. Perhaps it's tomato, perhaps it's something else. Later still, I sniff my wrist and startle myself when I actually smell something reminiscent of chow line droppings! What is this? It's something dinner-like, that's for sure.


Final thoughts: I love this. I imagine that I won't often find myself wanting to woo strangers with my Pruno-scented aura, but the scent is captured so well (without being gross) and it is so evocative. And damn, I can pretty much taste the fizzy orange juice each time I open the bottle. :P

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I was lucky enough to get a sniff out of the bottle when I went to a Show and Smell with Moonarcana and ForSpecialPlate in the 'hood. I loved this one. It was all fizzy ginger ale to me. Much prettier than the inmate herself. I could not detect any ketchup in this one whatsoever!

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straight sniff from bottle is fruit cocktail; sweet and syrupy...



once applied i do detect a feel of fermentation most certainly...


i think itz a witty and awesome blend and will wear it lots

with the upcoming heat and humidity headed my way... :P

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I'm actually kind of disappointed by how normal this smells. Not like I expected it to smell like sludge, but I was hoping for something a little thicker and foodier. This is very light and, dare I say, refreshing.


On me, it smells like a cosmopolitan. I can tell the notes are more complex than that, but in general, it smells like a fruity cocktail. A cocktail that's not quite right, but still, a cocktail. :D I can't pick out any one note, because it's all very thoroughly blended. Definitely a boozy quality, but not in the thick, syrupy quality I get in Perversion or Roadhouse. It's cool and crisp. Apparently celebrities make high class toilet hooch. :P


The throw is about average. The life is also about average. After around 4-5 hours the throw has weakened considerably, but it's easy to smell under nose. Someone must've dropped the soap in the toilet, because that's how this morphs after an hour or two on my skin. I'll try it another few times, but because of the soap, I'm afraid this might be one for swaps.


Quite nice, if cocktail scents strike your fancy. And if it doesn't turn soapy.

Edited by naeelah

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This just in: LA prisoners expell sigh of relief, after our celebutante is released, more pruno for the *real* prisoners, she kept flashing some expensive boobies to get the other prisoners to give up their share and everyone missed their hooch...


As our media darling exits the building we get the hint of bartels and james wine coolers....maybe she got a good batch of the pruno.


why, i do declare i belive the gaurds might have helped smuggle her in some classy champagne in a box, this doesn't smell at all like ketchup and nasty fruit...i have some investigating to do, but don't worry i shall get to the bottom of this.


after doing some dumpster diving and digging through false eyelashes, shimmery lip gloss, and fake butt pads???? i have found a wine cooler, i can not reveal the name brand so i don't get sued..we know how these rich socialites love to sue. but the real story is this is no jail house pruno, no my friends we have had our legs pulled. this is beautiful fizzy white grape, a touch of alcoholic beverage for sure, and i believe in an attempt to throw us off this story they have thrown in tomato leaf, to fool us in to believing our genteel papparazzi prey was indeed imbibing in the aforementioned hooch, but alas i have uncovered the truch, just as in life she has had the privilege of drinking this fine smelling wine. it shouldn't surprise us, she has after all earned her way by being born in the lucky sperm club.


stay tuned for more *news* from world reknown stalkerazzi, shelldoo out

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It smelled exactly as I thought it would: fruity, tipsy champagne, and a hint of tomato leaf (Burt's Bees toner). If Pruno actually smelled like this, they'd be selling it in supermarkets...it's just sparkling, light, and lovely. Refreshing even! It reminds me a little of the fruitiness of Fire Pig, but it's much, much lighter.

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This is hilarious. This smells exactly like my basement tiki bar (or like me after 5 hours of mixing cocktails). It's fresh juices and booze.



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In the bottle: Strong fermented fruit. Really strong, fermented fruit! :P


Wet: Still slighted fermented, but mostly sweet, almost overripe fruit.


Dry: Sugary fruit, and somewhat foody – maybe cake? It’s not at all what I expected. It’s not one of my favorites, but I think I will wear it occasionally.

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I must say, I'm impressed!


In the bottle, it's super strong, sour, fermented fruit. It stays that way when it first hits my skin, but eventually becomes a little sweeter. It remains a fruity, boozy scent, but no longer one I want to turn my nose up at. By the time it's dry, it's really quite light and refreshing - pleasant. A touch of champagne, a hint of something green or floral. And I'm with whoever said it reminded them of Swank - on dry down, Pruno is very reminiscent of Swank on me. A sweet cocktail blend, sitting on a table with some greenery.


I love it!

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I should not be as amused by this scent as I am.


This isn't your standard prison-issue moonshine; it smells classier than that. Rather, it's a sparkling sweet citrusy drink with a hint of apple underneath. The citrus recedes and the apple comes out more on drydown, and it ends up smelling like an apple-champagne type cocktail drink with a shot of sugar as a sort of pick-me-up. What would that be called, I wonder?


Whatever it is, it's really good and I LIKE it.

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Some boozy BPALs love me. Like Smut. Smut loves me.


Pruno? Pruno HATES me. With a burning passion.


You know how in those descriptions of Pruno, not the perfume, the actual hootch, people talk about there being a bit of a puke smell? Well, a lot of a puke smell?


Pruno smells like pruno on me. :P


Kinda pukey and boozy and rotten fruity.


Hoo boy.


Then again, Devil's Night smelled like sweaty pukey frat boy on me, and the Imp of the Perverse also smelled like puke on me.


There's some booze thing that hates me.


And it's in Pruno. Hating me. With a firey burning passion.


This one goes right into the swap pile :D



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I love this. Love love love.


But orange always does nice things on my skin so... love.


In the bottle, very fruity and kind of fizzy.


On my skin, wet, its just a yummy, straight orange, with a hint of booziness. Kind of like a mimosa!


No! EXACTLY like a mimosa!


As it dries down, its pretty much stays mimosa on me, but develops a wee bit more complexity. A little 'twist' of something (ketchup, maybe?). Whatever it is, if it were a drink, I would surely guzzle it. Its absolutely lovely, and makes me want a mimosa.


ETA: by 'mimosa', I mean the drink, not the flower.

Edited by Extispex

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As soon as I smelled this in the bottle I started laughing (that was my very first reaction, and that's not so bad).


Wet or dry, this is (as others have said) fizzy, fruity, boozey, and orangey. It's delightful! A refreshing, happy scent, one I would wear on a hot, sticky summer day, in prison or out. Makes me smile.


Doesn't last super long, but a scent this effervescent probably wouldn't.


Thumbs up for this one! :P

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In the bottle Pruno smelled slightly fruity, with tomato leaf green smell. However, when I applied it, all I could smell was Irish Spring. Not the mountain fresh version, but the original green and white marbled version.



I haven't decided if I like it or not. On one hand, I will smell like I have freshly showered on the other hand, I would smell like Irish Spring. I do kind of like the smell of that soap....hmmmmm.

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  alicia_stardust said:
I'm sure nearly all of us have done this at some point or another. You pour a glass of orange juice, take a nice big gulp, and suddenly discover you have a mouthful of fizzy, fermented juice. You think, wow that had quite a kick to it! In my younger days, I would almost contemplate whether to finish my glass rather than pouring it out. Fizzy! Tingly in my mouth!




I've been wracking my brain, trying to figure what little-kid memory Pruno was stirring, and that is it!

Edited by Putli Bai

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I couldn't wait for this one! It is mouthwatering, juicy, fruity goodness! Bright orange is the standout here...and it packs a punch! Reminds me of an incredibly tangy fruit drink....you know the kind that you have in the juice boxes when you are little? Just like that! The apple is nice and sweet too but much more faint than that incredible orange. I thought Moxie was a blast of orange but this one wins in orangeness hands down!


There is a watery quality too that's very pretty. But this isn't an aquatic water at all. More like a sugar water, which only adds to the juice box similarities in my mind. I don't detect any of the ketchup/tomato.


For being such a bright fruit scent it lasts a good amount of time. Usually fruit scents wear off on me quickly. It is a happy scent, and it feels nice on such a hot day. And the artwork makes me laugh everytime I see it!

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OMG Pruno is AMAZING! Fruity blends rarely work on me. Boozey blends rarely work on me. Pruno, though, WORKS! On my skin it's rich, juicy fruits with that gorgeous fizzy quality. It's a bit like those fruity wines - Arbor Mist. Gorgeous! Unfortunately it doesn't linger long. I just want to roll in it. :P

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Alicia Stardust is so right--this like fermented fruit juice in the bottle. Kind of red and tingly and like fermented fruit or a wine cooler. It's not bad in the bottle.


However, as soon as I put it on, it went to a heavy perfumy scent. What happened to the fermented fruit? Where is the ketchup? This is soapy powdery on me the minute it hits my skin.


Dryer sheets. that's what it is on me. This has been the first BPAL in a while that I knew was going to swaps immediately, no need for another try. Also the first one in awhile that I've wanted to wash off.


Ah well.

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