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BPAL Madness!

Former Price Caps & LE Price List


This list is obsolete as of March 23, 2013; however, we will retain it as a reference.

<br />

<br />

  1. <a href=#note>A quick note</a>
  2. <a href=#caps>Price caps</a>
  3. <a href=#prices>How much was that LE?</a>
  4. <a href=#retailers>How much was that Retail Exclusive?</a>
  5. <a href=#vintage>How do I know what vintage my LE is from?</a>
  6. <a href=#violations>Consequences of violating the price caps</a>

<a name=note></a>A QUICK NOTE<br /><br />

We strongly discourage people from profiteering off the Lab's hard work on this forum. The swaps price caps were created to prevent this from happening. Now that the lab has raised its prices, we have adjusted the price caps accordingly. <br /><br />

<br /><br />

However, we feel that it is against the spirit of friendship and fairness that we hope this forum creates for people to sell oils purchased at the lower price for the new, higher prices. We expect that anyone who purchases oils from a forumite based on the new prices to receive a brand new, fresh product that was not ordered prior to August 3, 2006.<br /><br />

<br /><br />

These price caps are effective for all transactions arranged on the forum, including those arranged via the "Wanted" forum or privately. <br /><br />

<br /><br />

Additionally, please keep in mind that including shipping in the cost of the oil does not mean that you can violate the price cap. If you want $20 for an oil that is capped at $18 but that $20 includes shipping, you must list it as an oil that is $18, plus a $2 shipping fee.<br /><br />

<br /><br />

Finally, to find the price cap for less than full bottles, you multiply the percent fullness by the cap for the full bottle. For instance, a bottle of F5 (sold for $12.50, capped at $15.00) that is only 50% full would have a price cap of $7.50, and anything exceeding $7.50 would be a price cap violation. As well, since empty bottles are 0% full of oil, you cannot charge anything for them.<br /><br />

<br /><br />

<a name=caps></a>PRICE CAPS<br /><br />

Bottles are to be set no more than $2.50 over the purchase price from the lab (or in the case of the TALs, authorized retailers). For bottles only available in 10 mL form, 5 mL decants are capped at 50% of the 10 mL cap.<br /><br />

<br /><br />

For 5 mL bottles, samples (or imp's ears) are to be set no more than 1/5 the purchase price, plus 50 cents. For 10 mL bottles, samples are to be set no more than 1/10th of the purchase price, plus 50 cents. In the case of the general catalog categories that are only available in imp packs (such as the Tarot Oils or The Salon), the cap for decanted samples will be set as shown below. Imps that are extra with a large bottle set (such as an imp of Anaconda included with the purchase of the entirety of the Snake Pit) are considered "unreleased" scents and are price capped accordingly.<br /><br />

<br /><br />

If you paid more than the price cap off of the forum (such as on eBay or LJ or elsewhere), please contact shriekingviolet or quantum spice for approval BEFORE you add it to your list.<br /><br />

<br /><br />

For non-full items, multiply the approximate percentage by the price for the maximum price. Examples (using the old price caps):

  • 50% full imp of Burial: $3.50 * 50% = $1.75
  • 2/3 full bottle of Habu: $22.50 * (2 / 3) = $15.00

<br /><br />

Violating the price cap will result in a warning. For more information on what happens when you violate the price cap, go here.<br /><br />

<br /><br />

<br /><br />

Price caps are listed as follows: <br /><br />

<br /><br />

:: General Catalog (purchased before 8/2/06) ::

  • $12.50 5 mL Bottles / $19.50 10 mL Bottle
    • Full bottle: $22 (10 mL) / $15.00 (5mL)
    • Imp: $3.00

    [*]$21.50 10 mL Bottles (Tarot Sephiroth, Qliphoth)

    • Full bottle: $24.00 (10 mL) / $12.00 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $2.65

    [*]$23.00 5 mL Bottles (The Salon, Panceas)

    • Full bottle: $25.50 (5mL)
    • Imp: $5.10

    [*]$25.00 5 mL Bottles (The Chakras)

    • Full bottle: $27.50 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $5.50

    [*]Unreleased Bottles

    • Full bottle: $22 (10 mL) / $15.00 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $3.00

:: General Catalog (purchased after 8/2/06) ::

  • $15.00 5 mL Bottles / $24.50 10 mL Bottle
    • Full bottle: $27.00 (10 mL) / $17.50 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $3.50

    [*]$24.00 10 mL Bottles (Sephiroth, Qliphoth)

    • Full bottle: $26.50 (10 mL) / $13.50 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $3.20

    [*]$25.00 5 mL Bottles (The Carousel, Good Omens, Stardust)

    • Full bottle: $27.50 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $5.50

    [*]$25.50 5 mL Bottles (The Salon, Pancea)

    • Full bottle: $28.00 (5 mL)
    • The Salon Imp: $5.38
    • Panacea Imp: $5.14

    [*]$26.50 10 mL Bottles (Tarot)

    • Full bottle: $29.00 (10 mL) / $14.50 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $3.33

    [*]$27.50 5 mL Bottles (The Chakras)

    • Full bottle: $30.00 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $5.32

    [*]Unreleased Bottles

    • Full bottle: $28.00 (10 mL) / $17.50 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $3.50

:: Discontinued General Catalog ::<br /><br />

Because discontinued oils were not affected by the price increase, their prices will not be adjusted.

  • General Catalog (including: Astrological Oils, Planetary Oils not purchased while as LE)
    • Full bottle: $22 (10 mL) / $15.00 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $3.00

    [*]Single Notes

    • Bottles: $22.50 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $4.50

:: Limited Editions ::<br /><br />

"Forum only" scents are included in this category. Additionally, note that due to our previous price cap structure, LEs that originally sold for $10.50, $12.50, or $13.00 for 5 mL bottles or $17.50 or $19.50 for 10 mL bottles are priced the same.

  • <a href=#free>Free imp with purchase of a bottle set</a>
    • Imp: $3.50

    [*]<a href=#10.50>$10.50 5 mL Bottles / $17.50 10 mL Bottles</a> <br /><br />

    <a href=#12.50>$12.50 5 mL Bottles / $19.50 10 mL Bottles</a><br /><br />

    <a href=#13.00>$13.00 5 mL Bottles</a>

    • Full Bottle: $22.00 (10 mL) / $15.00 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $3.00

    [*]<a href=#15.00>$15.00 5 mL Bottles</a>

    • Full bottle: $17.50 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $3.50

    [*]<a href=#16.00>$16.00 5 mL Bottles</a>

    • Full bottle: $18.50 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $3.70

    [*]<a href=#17.50>$17.50 5 mL Bottles</a>

    • Full bottle: $20.00 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $4.00

    [*]<a href=#18.00>$18.00 5 mL Bottles</a>

    • Full bottle: $20.50 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $4.13

    [*]<a href=#20.00>$20.00 5 mL Bottles</a>

    • Full bottle: $22.50 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $4.50

    [*]<a href=#25.00>$25.00 5 mL Bottles</a>

    • Full bottle: $27.50 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $5.50

    [*]<a href=#25.50>$25.50 5 mL Bottles</a>

    • Full bottle: $28.00 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $5.60

    [*]<a href=#25.50>$25.50 5 mL Bottles</a>

    • Full bottle: $28.00 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $5.60

    [*]<a href=#25.50>$25.50 5 mL Bottles</a>

    • Full bottle: $28.00 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $5.60

    [*]<a href=#27.50>$27.50 5 mL Bottles</a>

    • Full bottle: $30.00 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $6.00

    [*]<a href=#45.00>$45.00 Formula 54 (F54)</a>

    • Full bottle: $47.50 (10mL) / $23.75 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $5.00

    [*]5 mL bottle Pumpkin Patch 2005 set

    • Full set: $92.50 (5 x 5 mL)
    • Single bottle: $18.50 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $3.70

    [*]5 mL bottle Pumpkin Patch 2006 set

    • Full set: $90.00 (5 x 5 mL)
    • Single bottle: $17.50 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $3.50

    [*]Snow, Glass, Apples set

    • Full set: $50.00 (Chapbook + 5 mL)
    • Single bottle: $25.00 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $5.50 (decant)
    • Chapbook: $25.00

:: Black Phoenix Trading Post ::<br /><br />

Items originating from the BPTP should be priced as-sold. This includes lockets, shirts, sets, soaps, nail polishes, bath oils, and so on.

  • La Fee Verte or Hellion
    • Full set: $50.00 (10 mL bottle + statue) (Capped at $52.50)
    • Statue: $25.00
    • Bottle: $25.00 (10 mL) / $12.50 (5 mL)
    • Decant: $3.12

    [*]Naughty or Nice Inquisition

    • Full set: $45.00 (5 mL + t-shirt)
    • T-shirt: $25.00
    • Single bottle: $20.00 (5 mL)
    • Decant: $4.50

    [*]Trick or Treat Inquisition (2006)

    • Full set: $45.00 (5 mL + t-shirt)
    • T-shirt: $25.00
    • Single bottle: $20.00 (5 mL)
    • Decant: $4.50

    [*]Agony and Ecstasy Inquisition

    • Full set: $45.00 (5 mL + t-shirt)
    • T-shirt: $25.00
    • Single bottle: $20.00 (5 mL)
    • Decant: $4.50

    [*]Trick or Treat Inquisition (2007)

    • Full set: $45.00 (5 mL + t-shirt)
    • T-shirt: $25.00
    • Single bottle: $20.00 (5 mL)
    • Decant: $4.50

    [*]Monster Bait: biggerCritters

    • Full set: $65.00 (5 mL + critter)
    • Critter: $45.00
    • Single bottle: $20.00 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $4.50

    [*]Crypt Queen

    • Full set: $30.00
    • Crypt: $12.50
    • Single bottle: $20.00 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $4.50

    [*]Winter Bath Oils (The Ice Prince, Winter Maiden): $30.00[*]Phoenix Steamworks Set

    • Full set: $40.00 (5 mL + crew-neck t-shirt)
    • Full set: $42.00 (5 mL + 3x crew-neck)
    • Full set: $45.00 (5 mL + baby-doll v-neck)
    • T-shirt: $20.00, $22.00, or $25.00 (depending on style)
    • Single bottle: $20.00 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $4.00

    [*]Miskatonic Valley Junior Baseball Association

    • Full set: $49.00 (5 mL + t-shirt)
    • T-shirt: $26.00
    • Single bottle: $19.50 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $4.40
    • Pennant: $3.50

    [*]Four Seasons Inquisition (2008)

    • Full set: $49.00 (5 mL, 4 oz. bath oil, + 4 oz. atmosphere spray)
    • Atmosphere spray: $20.00 (4 oz.)
    • 1 oz. decant: $4.00
    • Bath oil: $14.00 (4 oz.)
    • 1 oz. decant: $2.80
    • Single bottle: $15.00 (5 mL)
    • Imp: $3.50

    [*]Warrior Queens Inquisition (2009)

    • Full set: $40.00 (5 mL + bath oil + goblin squirt)
    • Single bottle: $20.00 (5mL)
    • Decant: $4.00
    • Bath oil: $16.00 (4 oz.)
    • Goblin squirt (Templum Victoriae Atmospheric Spray): $4.00

    :: Twilight Alchemy Lab ::

    • $25.00 5mL Bottles
      • Full bottle: $28.00 (5 mL)
      • Imp: $5.50

    :: <a href=#DD>Dark Delicacies</a> ::

    • $20.00 5mL Bottles
      • Full bottle: $22.50 (5 mL)
      • Imp: $4.50

    :: <a href=#ExSalons>Retail-Exclusive Salon Bottles</a> ::

    • $25.00 5 mL Bottles
      • Full bottle: $28.00 (5 mL)
      • Imp: $5.50


  • <a name=free></a>Free (Price cap: 5mL - $17.50; Imp - $3.50)
    • Ah'Duno
    • Anaconda
    • Dark Chocolate
    • Delousing Powder
    • Fruitcake
    • Holiday Stress Relief
    • Horn of Amalthea
    • Imp of the Perverse
    • Intergalactic
    • A Murder of Crows
    • Needle in a Haystack
    • Reindeer Poop
    • Screaming Mandragora

    [*]<a name=10.50></a>$10.50 5 mL bottles / $17.50 10 mL bottles (Price cap: 10 mL - $22.00; 5 mL - $15.00; Imp - $3.00)

    • Samhain 2003
      • Samhain 2003

      [*]Yule 2003

      • Gingerbread Poppet 2003
      • Midwinter's Eve 2003
      • Rose Red 2003
      • Snow White 2003
      • Spooky 2003 (1/8 oz bottle only)
      • Yuletide 2003

    [*]<a name=12.50></a>$12.50 bottles / $19.50 10 mL bottles(starred where available) (Price cap: 10 mL - $22.00; 5 mL - $15.00; Imp - $3.00)

    • A Little Lunacy
      • Blue Moon*
      • Chaste Moon
      • Cold Moon
      • Frost Moon
      • Harvest Moon 2004
      • Hunter Moon
      • Pink Moon
      • Red Moon*
      • Storm Moon
      • Wolf Moon

      [*]Samhain 2004

      • All Saints' 2004
      • Dia de los Muertos 2004
      • Samhain 2004
      • Sugar Skull 2004

      [*]Yule 2004

      • Egg Nog 2004
      • Gingerbread poppet 2004
      • Hearth 2004
      • Ice Queen 2004
      • Midwinter's Eve 2004
      • Mistletoe 2004
      • Rose Red 2004
      • Skadi 2004
      • Snow White 2004
      • Sugar Cookie 2004
      • Yuletide 2004


      • Cerberus
      • Chiroptera
      • Corazon
      • Oisin
      • Thunderbird

      [*]Forum Only

      • King of Diamonds
      • King of Spades
      • Queen of Diamonds
      • Queen of Spades
      • F5

      [*]Other $12.50 LEs

      • Beltane 2005
      • Chaos Theory I
      • Dead Man's Hand
      • Graveyard Dirt (LE)
      • Havisham*
      • Hexennacht
      • The Ides of March
      • June Gloom*
      • The Living Flame
      • Lughnasadh*
      • Mabon
      • Pumpkin King (Convergence XI Exclusive)
      • Wildfire

    [*]<a name=13.00></a>$13.00 5 mL bottle LE (Price cap: 5 mL - $15.00; Imp - $3.00)

    • Spooky 2005

    [*]<a name=15.00></a>$15.00 5 mL bottle LE (Price cap: 5 mL - $17.50; Imp - $3.50)

    • A Little Lunacy
      • Beaver Moon
      • Blood Moon
      • Buck Moon
      • Budding Moon
      • Dragon Moon
      • Flower Moon
      • Fruit Moon
      • Harvest Moon 2005
      • Harvest Moon 2006
      • Holiday Moon
      • Honey Moon
      • Hungry Ghost Moon
      • Lotus Moon
      • Milk Moon
      • Peony Moon
      • Sleepy Moon
      • Snow Moon
      • Strawberry Moon

      [*]Planetary Oils

      • Jupiter
      • Luna
      • Mars
      • Mercury
      • Neptune
      • Pluto
      • Saturn
      • Sol
      • Uranus
      • Venus

      [*]Springtime in Arkham

      • Al Azif
      • Arkham Revisited
      • Azathoth
      • Cthulhu
      • Kingsport
      • Mi-Go Brain Canister
      • Miskatonic University
      • Shub-Niggurath
      • Tulzscha
      • Whippoorwill
      • Yog-Sothoth

      [*]Carnaval Noir

      • Bearded Lady
      • Bed of Nails
      • Carnivale
      • Fire Eater
      • Freak Show
      • Geek
      • Gypsy Queen
      • House of Mirrors
      • Kunstkammer
      • Medicine Show
      • Midway
      • Shill
      • Snake Charmer
      • Torture King


      • Khajurajo
      • Luperci
      • Night's Pavilion
      • Parlement of Foules
      • The Perfumed Garden
      • Red Lantern
      • Smut

      [*]Demon in my View

      • Al-Araaf
      • Alone
      • Annabel Lee
      • The City in the Sea
      • Dreamland
      • Evening Star
      • The Haunted Palace
      • Lenore
      • Spirits of the Dead


      • Ace of Hearts
      • Enraged Bunny Musk
      • Enraged Groundhog Musk
      • Enraged Orangutan Musk
      • Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream
      • King of Clubs
      • Queen of Clubs

      [*]Other $15.00 LEs

      • Beatrice
      • Chaos Theory II: The Butterfly Effect
      • Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors
      • Chaos Theory IV: Edge of Chaos
      • Et Lux Fuit
      • Love in the Asylum
      • Numb
      • Pink Phoenix
      • Red Phoenix
      • The Sleeper
      • Thirteen (13) -- 5/13/05, 1/13/06 formulations (white label)

    [*]<a name=16.00></a>$16.00 5 mL bottle LE (Price cap: 5 mL - $18.50; Imp - $3.70)

    • Samhain 2005
      • All Saints' 2005
      • Devil's Night 2005
      • Dia de los Muertos 2005
      • Samhain 2005
      • Sugar Skull 2005
      • Trick or Treat

      [*]Yule 2005

      • The Cracked Bell
      • Gingerbread Poppet 2005
      • Hearth 2005
      • Herr Drosselmeyer
      • Jacob's Ladder
      • Lick it
      • Midnight Mass 2005
      • Midwinter's Eve 2005
      • Mistletoe 2005
      • Nuclear Winter
      • The Peacock Queen
      • The Rat King
      • Rose Red 2005
      • Snow Bunny
      • Snow White 2005
      • Stardust
      • Sugar Cookie 2005
      • Talvikuu
      • Yuletide 2005


      • Berenice
      • Fortunato
      • Montresor
      • The Masque
      • The Pit & the Pendulum
      • The Premature Burial
      • The Tell-Tale Heart
      • Usher

    [*]<a name=17.50></a>$17.50 5 mL bottle LE (Price cap: 5 mL - $20.00; Imp - $4.00)

    • A Little Lunacy
      • Beaver Moon 2007
      • Bitter Moon
      • Chrysanthumum Moon
      • Crow Moon
      • Dragon Moon 2008
      • Dyan Moon
      • Hay Moon
      • Harvest Moon 2008
      • Hunger Moon
      • Hunter Moon 2007
      • Kindly Moon
      • Long Night Moon
      • Lune Noire
      • Mead Moon
      • Milk Moon 2007
      • Moon of Ice
      • Old Moon
      • Pink Moon 2007
      • Red Moon 2007
      • Rose Moon
      • Schwarzer Moon 2008
      • Sea of Tranquility
      • Singing Moon
      • Sturgeon Moon
      • Sugar Moon
      • Thunder Moon
      • White Moon
      • Wolf Moon 2006
      • Worm Moon

      [*]Therianthropic Blends

      • Aeaea
      • Allison Gross
      • Bakeneko
      • The Emathides
      • Ivanushka
      • Lyacon
      • Minotaur
      • Oborot
      • Roux Ga Roux
      • Selkie
      • Swan Maiden
      • Tamamo-no-Mae
      • Tanuki

      [*]Halloweenie 2006

      • All Saints 2006
      • All Souls
      • Creepy
      • Devil's Night 2006
      • Dia de los Muertos 2006
      • Pumpkin Queen
      • Punkie Night
      • Samhain 2006
      • Samhainophobia
      • Sugar Skull 2006

      [*]The Order of the Dragon

      • The Bloody Sword
      • The Brides of Dracula
      • Carfax Abbey
      • The Carparthian Mountains
      • The Castle
      • Count Dracula
      • Dr. John Seward
      • Johnathan Harker
      • Lucy Westenra
      • Quincey Morris
      • R.M. Renfield
      • Wilhelmina Murray

      [*]Yuletide 2006

      • Black Ice
      • The Darkling Thrush
      • Hal�a
      • Herr Drosselmeyer 2006
      • Jacob's Ladder 2006
      • J�lasveinar
      • Knecht Ruprecht
      • Krampus
      • Lick It Again
      • Midnight Mass 2006
      • The Snow Maiden
      • Snow-flakes
      • Sol Invictus
      • Stardust 2006
      • The Winter of Our Discontent
      • Yule

      [*]Lupercalia 2007

      • Dolce Stil Nuovo
      • Chintamani-Dhupa
      • Kanishta
      • Khajuraho 2007
      • Luperci 2007
      • Night's Pavilion 2007
      • The Oblation
      • The Perfumed Garden 2007
      • Red Lantern 2007
      • Smut 2007

      [*]Resurrected 2006

      • Bat's Blood
      • Feu Follet
      • Glasya
      • Glitter
      • Silentium Amoris
      • Typhon
      • Yuki-Onna

      [*]Halloween Blends 2007

      • All Souls 2007
      • Bonfire Night
      • The Death of Autumn
      • Dia De Los Muertos 2007
      • October
      • Samhain 2007
      • Samhainophobia 2007
      • Sugar Skull 2007
      • The Haunted House
        • The Atrocious Attic
        • The Chilling Cellar
        • The Forbidding Foyer
        • The Ghastly Garden
        • The Lurid Library
        • The Perilous Parlor
        • The Twisted Oak Tree

        [*]Pumpkin Patch 2007

        • Pumpkin I
        • Pumpkin II
        • Pumpkin III
        • Pumpkin IV
        • Pumpkin V

        [*]Lupercalia 2008

        • Anactoria
        • Khajuraho 2008
        • Luperci 2008
        • Parlement of Foules 2008
        • Red Lantern 2008
        • Smut 2008
        • Valentine of Rome

        [*]Love Poems

        • A Farewell to False Love
        • The Clod and the Pebble
        • The Flower Song
        • Her Voice
        • La Vita Nuova
        • Longing
        • Love's Philosophy
        • Night Thoughts
        • The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
        • The Presence of Love
        • Sapphics
        • The Ragged Wood
        • To Helen

      [*]Forum Only

      • Frederic
      • The Gladdener of All Hearts
      • Lilith Victoria
      • The Phoenix

      [*]Resurrected, 2007

      • Midway Resurrected

      [*]Atomic Luau Lounge

      • The Bar
        • Blue Fire
        • Golden Wave
        • Rangoon Riptide
        • Screeching Parrot
        • Te Po
        • Upa Upa


        • Boo Bam
        • Marae
        • Moai
        • Moana
        • Opuhi
        • Tupapau

      [*]Halloweenie 2008

      • A Blade of Grass
      • Autumn Coolness
      • John Barleycorn
      • Chant d'Automne
      • Day of the Skulls
      • Graveyard Dirt 2008
      • Huesos de Santo
      • Meditation in Autumn
      • Mictecacihuatl
      • Samhain 2008
      • Sticky Pillowcase
      • Sugar Skull 2008
      • To Autumn
      • Pumpkin Patch 2008
        • Pumpkin I
        • Pumpkin II
        • Pumpkin III
        • Pumpkin IV
        • Pumpkin V

        [*]Sleepy Hollow

        • Brom Bones
        • The Churchyard
        • Fearful Pleasure
        • The Goblin Rider
        • Gunpowder
        • The Hessian of the Hollows
        • Ichabod Crane
        • Katrina Von Tassel
        • The School-House
        • The Shattered Pumpkin
        • Wiley's Swamp
        • The Witching Time of Night

      [*]Other $17.50 LEs

      • April Fool
      • Beltane 2008
      • Cheshire Moon
      • Earth Rat
      • Hanami
      • Hellhound on My Trail
      • Hexennacht 2008
      • The Ides of March 2007
      • Parentalia
      • Penumbra
      • Poisson d'Avril
      • Privilege
      • Pruno
      • Purple Phoenix
      • Thirteen (13), 10/13/06 formulation (orange label)
      • Thirteen (13), 6/13/08 formulation (green label)

      [*]<a name=18.00></a>$18.00 5 mL bottle LE (Price cap: 5 mL - $20.50; Imp - $4.13)

      • Yule 2007
        • Angeronalia
        • Archangel Winter
        • Chanukkiyah
        • Christmas Rose
        • Diwali
        • Egg Nog 2007
        • El Dia De Reyes
        • The Fruit of Paradise
        • Gingerbread Poppet 2007
        • Hal�a 2007
        • J�lasveinar 2007
        • Krampus 2007
        • Le Befana
        • Lick It One More Time
        • Midwinter's Eve 2007
        • Mistletoe 2007
        • Noche Buena
        • November
        • Peacock Queen 2007
        • Rose Red 2007
        • The Shivering Boy
        • The Snow Storm
        • Snow White 2007

      [*]<a name=20.00></a>$20.00 5 mL bottle LE (Price cap: 5 mL - $22.50; Imp - $4.50)

      • Astrological blends (2007/2008 LE formulation)
        • Aries 2007
        • Taurus 2007
        • Gemini 2007
        • Cancer 2007
        • Leo 2007
        • Virgo 2007
        • Libra 2007
        • Scorpio 2007
        • Sagittarius 2007
        • Capricorn 2007
        • Aquarius 2008
        • Pisces 2008

        [*]Monster Bait

        • Monster Bait: Bloody Mary
        • Monster Bait: Closet
        • Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp
        • Monster Bait: Underbed
        • Monster Bait: Underpants
        • Monster Bait: Ventriloquist Dummy

        [*]Carnaval Diabolique

        • Act I: The Prologue
        • The Candy Butcher
        • Carnaval Diabolique
        • Midnight on the Midway
        • The Phantom Calliope

      • Act II: Fiat Nox
        • Antonio, The Carny Talker
        • Doc Constantine
        • Gennivre, L'artiste du Diable
        • Madame Moriarty, Misfortune Teller
        • Melisande, the Puppet Mistress
        • The Organ Grinder
        • Pulcinella & Teresina
        • Theodosius, The Legerdemain
        • Xanthe, The Weeping Clown

      • Act III: The 13-in-1
        • Arachnina, The Spider Girl
        • Eshe, A Vision of Life-in-Death
        • Faiza, The Black Mamba
        • Hope & Faith, The Siamese Twins
        • Isaac, The Living Skeleton
        • Kataniya, The Clockwork Woman
        • Meskhenet, The Vulture Maiden
        • The Parliament of Monsters
        • Priala, The Human Phoenix
        • Thalassa, The Galapagos Mermaid
        • Tiresias, The Androgyne
        • The Wild Men of Jezirat al Tennyn
        • Wulric, The Wolfman
        • Zarita, The Doll Girl

      • The Snake Pit
        • Asp Viper
        • Australian Copperhead
        • Banded Sea Snake
        • Boomslang
        • Coral Snake
        • Cottonmouth
        • Death Adder
        • Green Tree Viper
        • Habu
        • King Cobra
        • Saw-Scaled Viper
        • Temple Viper
        • Western Diamondback

      • Act IV: The Interlude
        • The Blockhead
        • The Blood Garden
        • The Chapel
        • The Illustrated Woman
        • Knucklebones
        • L'heure Verte
        • Stormclouds Over the Midway
        • The Torture Queen

      • The Grindhouse
        • Aeronwen
        • Agrat-Bat-Mahlaht
        • Ashlultum
        • Clémence
        • Cytherea
        • Dionysia
        • Daiyu
        • Eisheth Zenunim
        • The Grindhouse
        • Gwyneth
        • Inez
        • Marcilla
        • Marguerite
        • Marianne
        • Parthenope

      • Act V: The Wunderkammer
        • Bezoar
        • The Blasphemare Reliquary
        • The Contract of Theophilus of Adana
        • Faeu Boulanger
        • The Grand Inquisitor's Heretic's Fork
        • Hand of Glory
        • Licwiglunga
        • The Maltese Cross of Sanctus Germanus
        • Pickled Imp
        • Shrunken Heads
        • Sir Hugh Ockram's Winding Sheet
        • Tabula Smaragdina
        • The Two-Headed Goat

      [*]Ashtanyika: The Faces of the Heroine

      • Abhisarika
      • Kalahantarika
      • Khandita
      • Proshitapathika
      • Svadhinaopatika
      • Vasakasajja
      • Vipralabda
      • Virahotkantita

      [*]Forum Only

      • Honey Mone
      • Pirate Moon

      [*]Shojo Beat

      • Midnight Kiss
      • Vampire Tears

      [*]BPAL 5th Anniversary Scents

      • Blood Phoenix
      • Green Phoenix
      • Mechanical Phoenix
      • White Phoenix

      [*]Other $20.00 LEs

      • Bad Luck Woman Blues
      • Beltane 2006
      • Fire Pig
      • Lady Luck Blues
      • Litha
      • Mort de Cesar
      • Ostara
      • The Gibbous Moon
      • The Sportive Sun
      • Thirteen (13), 4/13/07 & 7/13/07 formulations

      [*]<a name=23.00></a>$23.00 5 mL bottle LE (Price cap: 5 mL - $25.50; Imp - $5.10)

      • Atomic Luau Lounge
        • Tiki King
        • Tiki Queen

        [*]Other $23.00 LEs

        • Lunar Eclipse

        [*]<a name=25.00></a>$25.00 5 mL bottle LE (Price cap: 5 mL - $27.50; Imp - $5.50)

        • Elementals
          • Gnome
          • Salamander
          • Sylph
          • Undine

          [*]Convergence XII Exclusive

          • Doc Buzzard
          • Storyville
          • Voodoo Queen

          [*]Black Moon Rising

          • Black Moon (Beth's creation)
          • Schwarzer Mond (Brian's creation)

          [*]Convergence XIII Exclusive

          • Crumpet's Rebellion
          • Lydia
          • Shanghai Tunnel
          • Unheavenly City

          [*]Bat's Day Exclusive

          • Door 13
          • The Queen's Salon

          [*]Forum Only

          • The Salon: Lady Lilith

          [*]<a name=25.50></a>$25.50 5 mL bottle LE (Price cap: 5ml - $28.00; Imp - $5.60)

          • Dogs Playing Poker
            • A Bachelor's Dog
            • A Bold Bluff
            • His Station And Four Aces
            • Kelly Pool
            • New Year's Eve In Dogsville
            • One To Tie, Two To Win
            • Pinched With Four Aces
            • Riding The Goat
            • Sitting Up With A Sick Friend
            • Stranger In Camp

            [*]<a name=27.50>$27.50 5 mL bottle LE (Price cap: 5ml - $30.00; Imp - $6.00)

            • A Little Lunacy
              • Blue Moon 2007

              [*]Novel Ideas for Secret Amusements

              • Butterflies and Plovers
              • The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife
              • Ebisu Making Love as Two Octopuses Look on
              • Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge
              • Harikata
              • Lover's Parodies of Sumo Holds
              • Men Ringing Bell With Penises
              • The Spell of Amorous Love

            <a name=retailers></a>HOW MUCH WAS THAT RETAIL EXCLUSIVE?

            • <a name=DD></a>Dark Delicacies Bottles, $20.00 (Price cap: 5 mL - $22.50; Imp - $4.50)
              • Black Lace
              • Dark Delicacies
              • Diary of a Lovestruck Teenage Cannibal
              • I Married a Vampire From Planet X
              • The Poe Collection, $20.00 (Price cap: 5 mL - $22.50; Imp - $4.50)
                • Alone
                • C. Auguste Dupin
                • The Haunted Palace
                • The House
                • Lenore
                • Madeline
                • The Masque
                • The Oval Portrait
                • The Pit and The Pendulum
                • Premature Burial
                • Prospero
                • Spirits of the Dead
                • The Tell-Tale Heart

              [*]<a name=ExSalons></a>Retail-Exclusive Salon Bottles, $25.00 (Price cap: 5ml - $27.50; Imp - $5.50)

              • Autumn
              • The Black Swan
              • El Amor Y La Muerte
              • Haloes
              • Heavenly Love & Earthly Love
              • Judith and Holofernes
              • La Vague
              • Lucifer
              • Mad Kate
              • Parsifal
              • Peacocks
              • Ruzpstnica
              • Wezwanie / Hold

            <a name=vintage></a>HOW DO I KNOW WHAT VINTAGE MY LE WAS FROM?<br /><br />

            Several LEs have been released multiple times, and not always at the same price. Knowing which vintage your LE comes from will let you better describe your oil AND help you adhere to the price cap!

            <a name=violations></a>CONSEQUENCES OF VIOLATING THE PRICE CAPS

            • First price cap violation: After the first price cap violation, a warning will be issued. This warning will be reversed if and when the violation is fixed.
            • Second price cap violation: After the second price cap violation, a warning that will NOT be reversed (if and when the violation is fixed) will be issued.
            • Third price cap violation: After the third price cap violation, the individual will be suspended from the swaps are for two months. A warning will be issued.
            • Fourth price cap violation: After the fourth price cap violation, the individual will be permanently suspended from the swaps. No warning because they can't commit the offense any more.

            Since Decant This pro-actively deals with the pricing issues (eg, the pre-approval of all threads), it will NOT be affected by this. Swaps, For Sale, and Wanted WILL be.<br /><br />

            <br /><br />

            rev 10.31.08
