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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!


Yule 2010 update wishlist! The Soldier Snow White Winter Time Gelts Herr Drosselmeyer Harlequin and Columbine Waltz of the Snowflakes First of three spirits Mr. Fezziwiggs Ball Christmas Eve on the Moor A game called yes or no Changing the shadows Whoop Autumn and Winter Jacobs Ladder Woods in Winter   I would love to try the following TAL oils White Light Glamour STFU Hand of Hermes Mantle of Venus Foundation of Fortune Fiery Wall of Protection Flying Devil Peace Clarity Meditation   Trading Post Lust! Marshmallow Pumpkin Perfume Oil Slaugh Perfume Oil An T-Samhuinn Soap Autumn Grove Spray Pumpkin Pie Bath oil Dia De Los Muertos Tee- 2x crew The Fool Tarot Tee- 2x crew Gula Bath Oil Snake Oil Bath Oil Castitas Bath Oil Snake Oil Soap Port Royal Soap Shub Niggurath Soap TKO Massage Oil Snow White Soap Snow White Bath Oil Snow White Atmosphere Spray   MoonaLisa Lust: Which is most everything because I loooooong to try her stuff and drool over the site all the time but can never get to actually order anything. Here's the latest wants from her site: Dusting powder: Casandras Cauldron, or Bayou Mist 4 in 1 gel- Any and all Perfumes: Bayou Mist Cauldron The Conjuring Room Soap: Blood Chocolate Other: Scrying Candle Seeing Eye Candle   Violette Mkt I would like to try: Calaveras Chocolate Calaveras Negro Glowing Jack-O-Lantern Diablo Canyon Cemetery Bag of Bones Magic Pistol McVay Zarya Occultist & Tarot Card Reader Raven's Midnight Pumpkin Patch




More Ketchup

What is your favourite snack food, something you could grab any time? Popcorn, chex mix, cheese -- I like salty things.   Ebooks I don't have a device.   Nail Polish: Yes, please.   Soft/plushy things: Not stuffed animals, but handmade things, yes.   What hobby/craft would you like to learn how to do? knitting! I don't know how, and I'd really like to. Especially I'd like to make socks.   For those who decorate for Halloween, do you prefer cute decorations or creepy ones?: We do a castle for halloween; we have a whole facade for our house. We'd LOVE anything castle themed-- last year, target had sort of punk rock castle stuff but we didn't discover it until it was too late.   Also, as part of the cute-or-creepy question, would you want hand made, molded, glazed (by yours truly!) ceramic decorations (napkin rings, potporri/tart warmers, etc) to add to your stock? Yes!   how do you feel about mortars and pestles would love one.   Is there anything you have a phobia of, or that would make you go "squick" if you saw it in a package? I'm an emetophobe, so no Harry Potter Jelly Beans.   Are you into Austen's books? NO.   Do you read Tarot cards? If not, would you be interested? No, but I like the cool looking cards.   So for those of you who are into Harry Potter at all, which house do you think you'd be sorted into? ravenclaw   What, if anything, is your guilty TV watching pleasure? Ooh, I thought of something -- I watched the first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on hulu this summer -- I'd love that. IRL I watch The Big Bang Theory and Law & Order SVU.     If you cosplay or need a costume for your bellydance/burlesque hobby (or any other hobby which needs dressup/different from your normal wear), is there anything you need/want for it? I love pikachu or other pokemon stuff. Celebrity crush?: Paul Walker maybe?   Knitted things?: Yes, please!   What about [mixed or otherwise] DVDs? Sure.   DVDs: Do you prefer widescreen or formatted? Doesn't matter to me.   Music: Any preference towards MP3 or CD? Both are good.   Do you like scented tarts? I don't have a tart warmer, but I would probably like them.   Lip balms? Maybe. Nothing with almond oil, I'm allergic. I prefer the kind I don't have to touch with my fingers.   Do you have any body mods? If so, do you need any new jewelry, o-rings, plugs, etc (and if so, what size, length, etc)? Do you like pro-body mod stickers? I have no piercings, but I want one like crazy. I'd like pro body mod stickers, yes.   Booze. Do you drink it, would you like some I do, and yes! I don't like coconut, rum, or coconut rum. I love wine but am not crazy about Merlot or Chardonnay; I like red blended table wines and my favourite white is Pinot Grigio. I love mulled wines!   What is your favorite artist or art style? (including if you have links to favorite pictures/paintings/photographs) I like post impressionism (Cezanne) and some modern. My kid is really into Mondrian right now. I also like Duchamp and all that bad 60s-70s stuff in the avocado green and tangerines. Baked goods: Sure, but I'm not that into sweets. And I'm ALLERGIC TO ALMONDS. (I'm going to say that over and over again, because, I like breathing).   Gifts for other household members: Little bits for the 6 yr old would be appreciated.   Are you someone who'd rather have lots of small testers of different things on your wishlist, or would you rather have one or two "big" things? So hard to say. I think I'd rather have a bottle of something I love than testers of stuff I might not like, but on the other hand, I'd be so excited to see a bunch of the things I've longed to sniff. I think I'm easy to please either way.   How about tshirt/bottoms sizes?: T shirts -- It's so variable, but I'm about 42 inches at the bust so usually a large. I prefer tailored ts or really soft, "well worn" crew necks; I just never wear a stiff new unisex t shirt.   Bottoms-- I'm a 12-14, or a large.




Daemon Quizzes.

First Quiz:   RAVEN - Your daemon may be a member of the crow family. You are intelligent, observant, and gregarious. Just as a crow or raven picks shiny objects out of the dirt, you pick up tidbits of information or ideas and store them away. You have a good sense of humour, but sometimes lose patience with people who are antipathic to your nature. You are swift to alert others when you find the truth, and you have no tolerance for those who would hide it.   2nd time around: CAT - your daemon may be a cat if you are independent and comfort loving. You follow your heart and do what you want to do - no matter what others think. You have a strong sense of your own worth, and an inner dignity. You may be loving and generous in one moment, and then lash out at someone in the next. You have as many moods as there are colours in a rainbow, and you wear them all brilliantly. You always know what you want right now - although in five minutes you may change your mind and set your sights elsewhere. You like to do things with style and flair. When someone else orders you to do something, do you feel an unholy urge to do exactly the opposite? That just might be your inner daemon talking.   The Golden Compass Daemon Test @ OKCupid:   Your result for The Golden Compass Daemon Test ...     Calm Thoughtful Soul You are a calm and restrained person, and you don't usually let your emotions get the better of you. Your friends and family are very important to you, and you enjoy spending time with them. However, you need to get away from them occasionally, because you need regular time to yourself to unwind a bit.   You are thoughtful and sensitive to the needs of others, especially your loved ones. You make an excellent listener, and your friends rely on you to be their rock in times of trouble. It is rare that you ask them to return the favour, however: you are a private person, and you rarely talk about your feelings. You don't like confrontation, and you don't usually react when someone hurts your feelings. You try to give people the benefit of the doubt, and you don't want to cause a fuss. You pick your battles, and when someone steps over the line, you surprise them with the vehemence of your emotions.   Your daemon's form would represent your poised, confident nature and your calm self restraint. He or she would probably rarely speak in public, but when alone, you and he/she could review the day, and he or she could provide the reassurance and comfort that you deny yourself by keeping your emotions bottled up.   Suggested forms: Cheetah, Crane, Wolf, Raven.       Fascinating.




More catchup.

If you were to receive a knitted item (such as a scarf, hat, etc), what colors would you like? And do you have any sensitivies/allergies to any materials? Any colors except pastels. Prefer natural fibers, but wool makes me itchy. Natural/synthetic blends are fine if the wool caveat rules out too many things. (note: I've never really worn angora or cashmere or alpaca, so I can't comment to those. Stuff off a sheep's back, however, I will be clawing at eventually.)   Would you like a bag of dried Honeycrisp apples? OMGYES.   If I were to send you a gift certificate for something would you rather get a physical gift certificate in the mail? Or would you prefer an electronic one that you can use right away? Either/or, not too picky.   Steampunk, yay or nay? If yay, what part appeals most? Oh yes. Very much yes. To me, the clothes/jewelry appeal most, but I also enjoy looking at the mechanical things people come up with.   Favorite Yankee Candles? Or other brands scents? No thanks.   How does everyone feel about glow in the dark radishes? No thanks.   What places to do you visit that you'd like a gift card to? Barnes&Noble, Borders, any of my favorite etsy stores which offer GCs.. Target.   Socks? Sock Dreams? Anyone? only wear below the ankle socks.   Cake or Frosting? THE CAKE IS A LIE. What's YOUR favorite word? Dilapidated. Mostly because of the mental image I get: the letters start falling in from the left (like the cascade from Solitaire) and at the first bounce they all collide and smoosh together; so on the second bounce when they straighten out again, they look.. dilapidated.   Which brings me to a question: would you like a zuni animal fetish? And if so, what animal? Eeeeh, probably bear; but I'm leery of stuff like this generally. (my decor is not Southwest oriented. However, if it were just the carving, I might put it in the massage room.)




Here Ye Here Ye. I haz some answers and stuff for SW!

Ok Witch!! Here ya go!!   Some yummy condom..ents   Socks? Anyone? If you don’t like socks, what are you doing playing a round of SW!! Isn’t it mandatory?   Do you wear makeup? Yep!! I’m dying to try mineral make up next   Disney? Love Disney moobies. The kiddies love them too when they come to visit   When you go to an etsy wishlist, it will tell you what things are sold. If you click on the sold item, sometimes it will give options that are similar to what was sold, but not identical. Personally, I would love getting something similar to one of my favorites, even if it is not the same - what say all of you? How picky are you? Not very picky at all!! I don’t mind if my witch finds something similar.     What hobby/craft would you like to learn how to do? I iz zee Anti Craft!   For those who decorate for Halloween, do you prefer cute decorations or creepy ones? I like bats and witches. No country Halloween Décor though.   Booze? I try not to drink so much anymore these days. I’m tired of being hung over   E-books: I don’t have a reader, and I like old fashioned books the way they are. Paper and all!   Do you like scented tarts? I don’t have a tart burner (yet) but I’d love scented tarts!   Would you like a bag of dried Honeycrisp apples? I'd love some honeycrisp apples!! Though, I am able to obtain them easily enough at the grocery store, I don't believe I have ever seen dried honeycrisp apples. Those would be divine!   Steampunk? I LOVE Steampunk. I love how all those parts move with steam and there's not a sound. It's so relaxing to watch gears move. Love the science and love the art!   If you were to receive a knitted item (such as a scarf, hat, etc), what colors would you like? And do you have any sensitivies/allergies to any materials? I would LOVE a knitted thingerbobber witch!! I love dark colors. Dark Red, Dark Brown, Dark Black (hyuck hyuck), dark purple. Anything dark :bigfatgrin: No allergies here   If I were to send you a gift certificate for something would you rather get a physical gift certificate in the mail? Or would you prefer an electronic one that you can use right away? Whatever you would like to do my witch. I'm not picky.   Favorite Yankee Candles? Or other brands scents? I haven't purchased many candles in long time. I like scents like vanilla/sandalwood, Patchouli, some foodie types are good too (fall related foodies are always good to make the house smell nommy)   Glow in the dark radishes? Sounds adorable to me!   What places to do you visit that you'd like a gift card to? Goodwill is my favorite place of all time.   Cake or Frosting? FROSTING FTW!!!




SW Friendly E-tailers

http://www.wild-hybrid.co.nz/shop/default.aspx - Wild Hybrid, galahad's shop: sells Chain Maille Jewellery, Other jewellery, Soap, Perfume oils   http://www.etsy.com/shop/origamiornaments - colormonochrome's shop: will include lots of extra things for Witches who buy something, and I can also make custom jewellery or artworks if they have a Witchee's special interests in mind   http://www.etsy.com/shop/VoyeurWithWings - GirlInDenial's shop   http://www.etsy.com/shop/cyrenemyst - SyreneMists's shop   http://www.etsy.com/shop/darksideofthesun - MelleMel's shop   http://www.taranova.us/ - jupiternf's shop   http://www.etsy.com/shop/mothermoongems - Coldfire's shop   Solstice Scents   http://team.etsy.com/viewteam.php?id=786 - TeamBPAL   http://www.etsy.com/shop/sevencatsco - Kitrona's shop: jewelry, especially gaming dice jewelry   http://www.etsy.com/shop/paintboxsoapworks- Tartchef's shop





Birthchart: Sure! I don't really know what this means, but it sounds fun.   Box for your BPALS or anything else? I have a great place to store my bottles, and I keep my imps in .357 ammo cases. I wouldn't object to trying something new, but I'm not longing for it.   Cake or Frosting? I'm not really big on either, but I'm super super picky about frosting. I like cream cheese frosting, though. And I love carrot cake without nuts.   Comfort rereads? The Earth's Children series. I actually only have these in hardcover and would love any of the books in paperback, except Clan of the Cave Bear, which I do have in paperback. Enchantment by Orson Scott Card, which I have in paperback. Through the Looking Glass. The Anne McCaffery books about the Unicorn girl and the other series about Pern.   Comic Book:Do you read them? Are there any series you like, or some you would like to try? I really don't. There was a graphic novel I wanted for a while but I have forgotten the title. Disney movies, Yay or Nay, and favourites if you do like them? Yes, I love them. Favourite is The Sword in the Stone. I have it, though. I'm a big Tinker Bell fan but the orignial Tink, not the "disney pixies" Tink.   Do you have a special symbol or totem that is meaningful to you? Peace symbols; also, I am drawn to turtles.   Do you have A VCR, DVD Player or Blue Ray or a combo of the three? We have a VCR, but it's not particularly functional. I have a couple DVD players, no Blu Ray   Do you like the Muppets? Which is your favorite? Nope, not even as a kid.   Do you wear make up? Yes, but I have v. sensitive skin.   Favorite Halloween candy? Maple and honey things, caramel, and candy corn. -- NO ALMONDS! I'm allergic.   Favorite Halloween/Scary movies/books The Nightmare Before Christmas! I know, not scary, but I love it.   Favorite Yankee Candles? Or other brands scents? I think I liked Oatmeal Cookie. There was also a cinnamon toast one I think? I like warm sweets but hate clove, which is sad, because pumpkin scents always have clove. I'm intrigued by the scentstories but I don't have anything. I love the Henri Bendel candles; esp. Basil.   Slightly off topic, but I have a scentbug from Bath and Body Works and I love it. I want a hot pink one. How does everyone feel about glow in the dark radishes? Um, no thanks? If I were to send you a gift certificate for something would you rather get a physical gift certificate in the mail? Or would you prefer an electronic one that you can use right away? Either way is great.   If you could be any person, being, or animal from Fantasy what or who would you be? This question is too hard.   If you could go back to any point in time, where, when? I'm a cheeseball, but I'd go back to when my baby was still a baby.   If you could have any creature (real or imaginary) as a pet, what would it be? A dragon.   If you were to receive a knitted item (such as a scarf, hat, etc), what colors would you like? And do you have any sensitivies/allergies to any materials? I love hot pink and caramel brown and dark green. I'm allergic to rabbit. Name a couple of sites you frequent other than this one? I favourite things at etsy but don't buy them. I play on facebook a lot.   School/Classes: I teach. I am doing my practicum for my master's in counseling. I'd love to take a knitting class but I fear I am hopeless.   Socks? Sock Dreams? Anyone? Sock Dreams FTW! Thigh High Socks RULE! Steampunk, yay or nay? If yay, what part appeals most? Sure.   Warm drinks? Mulled wine. Apple Cider. Coffee flavoured coffee. English Breakfast Tea.   What is something you use to comfort yourself when feeling yucky, depressed, or in pain? Water. I'm such a pisces. heat, like those rice things you put in the microwave.   What movie scared the bejeezus out of you as a child? I don't remember a movie, but I was scared of the Incredible Hulk (I called it the crippled hawk) when I was a preschooler.   What places to do you visit that you'd like a gift card to? Brick and mortar? B&N, Noodles&Company (my kid loves to eat there!), Melting Pot. Internet: Itunes, Ticketmaster, ThinkGeek, probably a million more. What's YOUR favorite word? Someone already said Serendipity, but I love that word. I loved the Serendipity books as a child and if my son had been a girl instead, he'd have been Laine Maralee Serendipty Lastname.   When you go to an etsy wishlist, it will tell you what things are sold. If you click on the sold item, sometimes it will give options that are similar to what was sold, but not identical, would you like the similar item or prefer not to get it at all unless it's the same item? How picky are you? Honestly, it depends. If you scan my etsy, you will see there are a lot of trends, and things within those trends are okay. But just because I liked one knit hat doesn't mean I will like ALL the knit hats.   Will you be going out of town during the round, or is there any other time during the round when it would not be ideal for you to receive a package from your witch? I'll be around the whole time.   Would you like a bag of dried Honeycrisp apples? So much.   Would you like a zuni animal fetish? And if so, what animal? Yes! A turtle or a frog or an elephant. I'm drawn to turtles, but I also have frogs and elephants.   Would you like custom icons as a gift? Probably.




SW pt 2

If you were to receive a knitted item (such as a scarf, hat, etc), what colors would you like? I like purples, burgandy's, blues, lavender, lilac, pinks (when mixed w/other colors)blue-greens, pine green.   Comfort Rereads?: I don't reread a lot, my "to read" list is too long to allow for it. Charles DeLint & "The Blue Castle" by LM Montgomery are probably it.   School - I'll be taking CEU's for teaching this year. I hope to start a Master's in special Ed sometime in the next couple of years. I like to work with the ADHD, Asperger's, Emotional Disorder, Behavioral Disorder, Learning Disorder realm of students.




Massive first round of questions!

9/10/10 Would you like a bag of dried Honeycrisp apples? Those would be awesome! I like munching on and baking with dried fruit. My “crack” of choice is crystalized ginger. If you were to receive a knitted item (such as a scarf, hat, etc), what colors would you like? I like pinks and blues (all shades of each), whites, ivories, dark purples, dark teals, and silvers. I have a brown winter coat that I wear most often, if you are looking for something to go with that. I don’t like “muddy” colors of any sort, and I’m weird with oranges and reds. And do you have any sensitivies/allergies to any materials? No Gift Certificate: physical or email? If you would like to get me a gift certificate I would love however you wanted to present it.   9/9/10 What movie scared the bejeezus out of you as a child? For whatever reason my Dad took me to see Psycho in the theater when I was about 10. I’m pretty sure I didn’t close the door when I took a shower for at least two years. Name a couple of sites you frequent other than this one Etsy, allrecipes.com, National Weather Service (because I’m just a geek that way!) Do you like the Muppets? Which is your favorite? Not so much my thing If you could have any creature (real or imaginary) as a pet, what would it be? Truthfully, it would be my little dog, CeeCee (or more properly, Madame Cee Cee La Roux). I’ve talked about her a lot in the GUSP thread and how she came into my life. I’ve had pets (dogs, cats, horses, birds, fish) all of my life and there is something about this little dog that has touched a very special part of my heart. Comfort Rereads?: I have gazillion books (most of which are still waiting to be unpacked), and I really enjoy rereading the Janet Evanovitch books and Joanne Fluke ones. I’ve been thinking recently about how much I LOVED the Nancy Drew series when I was younger and I think I might like to hunt some of them down at some point. Will you be going out of town during the round, or is there any other time during the round when it would not be ideal for you to receive a package from your witch? Work occasionally pulls the rug out from under me and puts me on a plane bound for somewhere, but even when they do I have an awesome neighbor who takes care of my mail and packages. If you are in school now, what classes are you taking? Does anything you are currently studying really interest you? (if you are not in school, is there anything you are trying to learn?) I teach several college courses that deal with Wildland Fire, Emergency Management, and Fire Behavior and Prediction. This year I am at a new college, and I am taking advantage of being able to take some courses myself. I am taking a couple of basic computer classes, because back when I went to college I typed everything on a typewriter and bought stock in correction fluid. I work with computers every day, but have never been formally taught anything, so this is a lot of fun. I’m also taking a creative writing course because I’ve always wanted to be a better writer, but when I do things for work it is very technical, hence it tends to be choppy and poorly formatted. My dream for someday is to write a novel. What animal would your daemon be? Alternately, your patronus. I don’t know. I took one of the quizzes in the thread and I really didn’t like any of them, in fact they kind of turned me off. I’ve always felt a connection with wolves, and I have a wolf howling at the moon tattoo on my hip. Otherwise I love dragon flies, lady bugs and birds of any sort. And BEARS!!!! I adore bears. Stuffed, real, pictures of…. I’m not real crazy about them when they get into my trash, though…e What's YOUR favorite word? Fuzzy Steampunk, yay or nay? If yay, what part appeals most? Nay. Not my thing. Do you have a special symbol or totem that is meaningful to you? No.   Do you need a box for your bpal bottles? Your imps? Your something else to put in a box stuff? Yes, Yes and Yes. My 5 mls are currently in a treasure chest wooden box, but the collection has now exceeded its capacity. My imps are in ammo boxes, except for the ones that don’t fit in the 7 ammo boxes, and they are in a glass candy dish on my desk. If you could be any person, being, or animal from Fantasy what or who would you be? I don’t know. I’m not much into fantasy. If you could go back to any point in time, where, when, why? I would go back to a day before my Mom died. It wouldn’t have to be doing anything special, but just to be able to spend one more day with her would be it. Favorite Halloween Candy/Treat? Chocolate marshmallow pumpkins, Hot apple cider What are your favorite baked goods/homemade treats? Homemade breads, any candy. Not so much of a cake or cookie eater, but candy… That is another thing entirely. Would you be interested in an astrology birth chart? Would LOVE it. I’ve always been interested in Astrology, but have never taken the time to learn about it as I would like. Same thing with Tarot. I’d love to learn more about it, or have a reading done.   9/7/10 Socks? Sock Dreams? Anyone? Love socks! But, I will warn you, I’m goofy in that I only wear socks that are ankle high. I’ve favorited a couple types on sock dreams (on my MEGA Amazon wish list of doom) so you can see the types that I mean. What is something you use to comfort yourself when feeling yucky, depressed, or in pain? Food, which you would think that after 39 years I would realize doesn’t work, and sleep. Sometimes a nap really does make everything better. Favorite Halloween/Scary movies/books Not so much into the scary aspect of Halloween, or movies in general. I do like thriller (Silence of the Lamb kinda movies), but every year I have to watch The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. What would the name of your custom blend be? The description?   COMIC BOOKS. Do you read them? Are there any series you like, or some you would like to try? No. Not my thing Warm drinks? I really don’t care for any warm drinks, except fresh apple cider. I’m not a tea or coffee drinker at all. Hot, cold or lukewarm.   9/6/10 When you go to an etsy wishlist, it will tell you what things are sold. If you click on the sold item, sometimes it will give options that are similar to what was sold, but not identical, would you like the similar item or prefer not to get it at all unless it's the same item? How picky are you? The things on my wish lists are really just there for inspiration. I would NEVER expect you to get me something off from them. I just pick the kinds of things that I like so you can get a better taste for my style and things I like. Do you wear make up? Yes. My former witch enabled me with my first mineral make ups, last round. I generally do a pretty full face every day, but since I work in a pretty restrictive environment, I keep the colors to pinks/plums/purples, etc. Nothing wild. I do love me some sparkly shiny lips, though! Disney movies, Yay or Nay, and favourites if you do like them? Nay Do you have A VCR, DVD Player or Blue Ray or a combo of the three? VCR and DVD no Blue Ray or do I see one on my horizon. Would you like custom icons as a gift? That would be very cool, since I have no idea how to do it myself. What is your favourite snack food, something you could grab any time? Potato chips!!! And yes, I know I shouldn’t eat them, but I love them! Especially Ruffles Sour Cream and Cheddar. Or candy. I’m not a big chocolate eater, but would eat rocks if they were covered in caramel! Healthy wise (which I really do try to do) I munch on nuts, dried cranberries, dried strawberries, and fresh fruit. Ebooks Maybe. I’ll up date this as soon as I pull the trigger and hit submit order on the Kindle that is sitting in my shopping cart on Amazon. Nail Polish: No. I’m a nut and I chew my nails down the quick. Soft/plushy things: Yes Please! I still have an inner 8 year old that has never outgrown stuffed critters of any sort. But especially bears!!! What hobby/craft would you like to learn how to do? I’m starting to pick up crochet again, but I’m not very good. I’m also trying to teach myself beading and jewelry making and would love to do more of it. I’ve also started to become fascinated with soap making, to where I may have to get one of Brambleberry’s kits and start playing around. For those who decorate for Halloween, do you prefer cute decorations or creepy ones?: Cute. I decorate mainly for fall, but always a couple of cute pumpkins, ghosts, etc. Never anything scary, though. Also, as part of the cute-or-creepy question, would you want hand made, molded, glazed (by yours truly!) ceramic decorations (napkin rings, potporri/tart warmers, etc) to add to your stock? Yes, YES!!! YES!!! Love hand painted ceramics! how do you feel about mortars and pestles I have one that I use about once a year. Other than that I don’t know what I would do with it. Is there anything you have a phobia of, or that would make you go "squick" if you saw it in a package? Snakes. Mice. Bugs, Bats. Really anything that creeps and slithers. I’m also not so crazy about the fake bloody stuff.   9/4/10 Are you into Austen's books? I have the ones that I want to reread. Do you read Tarot cards? If not, would you be interested? I don’t, but I would love to learn about it. A fourmite gave me a reading once and I loved it. I’d love to have one again, or, even better, learn to read cards myself. So for those of you who are into Harry Potter at all, which house do you think you'd be sorted into? I really need to watch the Harry Potter movies one of these days, don’t I? What, if anything, is your guilty TV watching pleasure? That 70’s show reruns, Amazing Race, Sarah’s House, Holmes on Homes, Dirty Jobs If you cosplay or need a costume for your bellydance/burlesque hobby (or any other hobby which needs dressup/different from your normal wear), is there anything you need/want for it? Nope Celebrity crush?: Vin Diesel, Mike Rowe, Mike Holmes Knitted things?: Yes, Please!!! What about [mixed or otherwise] DVDs? Sure DVDs: Do you prefer widescreen or formatted? Wide Screen Music: Any preference towards MP3 or CD? CD Do you like scented tarts? Love them! I burn them almost every day. Lip balms? Sure. Do you have any body mods? If so, do you need any new jewelry, o-rings, plugs, etc (and if so, what size, length, etc)?No Do you like pro-body mod stickers? No Booze. Do you drink it, would you like some I don’t drink very often, and I usually consider it an ingredient for my baking more than a good way to spend the evening. What is your favorite artist or art style? (including if you have links to favorite pictures/paintings/photographs)     9/03/10 Hallowe'en plans? I’m sure I’ll be working. Nov. 1 is my Dad’s birthday, so will be doing something with him, too. Mix CDs? Sure Girlyness level? It’s surprisingly high. I say surprisingly because I never really think of myself as a girly-girl, but I guess I am. I work in a VERY male environment and I do try to embrace the girly when I can. I also have almost exclusively pink office supplies because they are much less likely to be stolen!   9/02/10 Baked goods: Probably not. It’s just me, and if you want to send one cookie, great, but anything more than that would be wasted, because it just wouldn’t get eaten. However, if you are a candy maker, I will do things that are illegal in several states for home made candies. Especially if they are caramels. If they are salted caramels, well, I’ll just sign over my soul and my first born now. Gifts for other household members: It’s just me and the kitty and doggie. Hannah the kitty likes things that roll, and that she can pounce on, and if they make noise, even better. She’s not a catnip fan. Cee Cee the dog has led kind of a tough life. She’s had most of her teeth pulled, and is on a very special diet. She spent the first 10 years of her life in a puppy mill breeding cage, so she doesn’t know what to do with toys. Her very favorite thing is to curl up on a fuzzy blanket or pillow by my feet and nap. Are you someone who'd rather have lots of small testers of different things on your wishlist, or would you rather have one or two "big" things? Yes. Seriously, both. I love trying samples from places I’ve never tried before, and I love great big bottles of things that I already love. You can’t miss with me. social networking usernames, ie twitter, facebook, livejournal, ravelry, anything else: Facebook I’m Joni Kay Orth,(but I NEVER post on there.) twitter I’m lucyboo21, and I’m bad about posting there, but I’ll try to be better. would you like to receive Groupons or similar deals/gift certificates from your Witch? They seem like a great idea, but I live in an area where there just aren’t a lot of places that participate in such things. I have to drive 30 minutes if I want fast food. I really do live in the boonies. How about tshirt/bottoms sizes? I have a weird, Umpa Loompa shape. Buying me clothing isn’t always a safe bet. That said, I’m safely a 2X in both. I have a really long torso, long arms, short legs, and a big chest and butt.




More SW QnA!

9/10/10 Would you like a bag of dried Honeycrisp apples? Yes, very much. I love honeycrisp apples fresh, so I know i would love them dried also!   If you were to receive a knitted item (such as a scarf, hat, etc), what colors would you like? And do you have any sensitivies/allergies to any materials? Dark colors like black, or wild mixes (my usual winter coat is kind of a pink/purple color, although I have an old black one too). No sensitivities that I know of.   Gift Certificate: physical or email? No preference.   9/9/10 What movie scared the bejeezus out of you as a child? Rosemary's Baby   Name a couple of sites you frequent other than this one. Facebook, LinkedIn, and my email provider are the top three other than this one. Sad, I know! But I like cooking sites and homebrew sites and gardening sites.   Do you like the Muppets? Which is your favorite? I feel lame to admit that I am not really into the Muppets. But it is the truth.   If you could have any creature (real or imaginary) as a pet, what would it be? A little calf that never grows up.   Comfort Rereads?: A Little Princess or The Secret Garden. Also Here Be Dragons (Sharon Kay Penman) and Wideacre   Will you be going out of town during the round, or is there any other time during the round when it would not be ideal for you to receive a package from your witch? I will be out of town around October 11-15, but it shouldn't interfere with me getting packages.   If you are in school now, what classes are you taking? Does anything you are currently studying really interest you? (if you are not in school, is there anything you are trying to learn?) I've been out of school since 1992, although I did take a science writing course last semester that I enjoyed. I would like to learn more about cheese making, using/growing herbs, eating wild plants, and learning to play the recorder better. And to make oboe reeds better!   What animal would your daemon be? Alternately, your patronus. Not sure?   What's YOUR favorite word? Not sure on this one either!   Steampunk, yay or nay? If yay, what part appeals most? Yay. I'm not sure; it's not something I'm into, but I like science and history and the general steampunk look, even if it not really "me".





9/10/10 Would you like a bag of dried Honeycrisp apples? Mmmm, yes. They sound wonderful. Love dried fruit of almost any kind, especially pineapples. If you were to receive a knitted item (such as a scarf, hat, etc), what colors would you like? And do you have any sensitivies/allergies to any materials? Ivory, charcoal, also vibrant colors such as reds, purples, emeralds, cobalt... I'm easy to please.   Gift Certificate: physical or email? E-mail   Favorite Yankee Candles? Or other brands scents? Not very familiar with Yankee Candles. I use a lot of wax tarts, probably my notes link (in About Me page) is the best place to see what kinds of smells are my favorites.   would you like a zuni animal fetish? And if so, what animal? Turtle!   And how does everyone feel about glow in the dark radishes? Cute, but please NOOOOOOOO. They look very heavy and awkward. What places to do you visit that you'd like a gift card to? Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Sephora, Target, Costco. ThinkGeek. Michael's   Cake or Frosting? Frosting, yep.   9/9/10 What movie scared the bejeezus out of you as a child? The first Hellraiser movie. Can't remember how old I was, but it scared me more than any other movie ever had before then.   Name a couple of sites you frequent other than this one The Onion. 3quarksdaily. news. dragon cave. Cake Wrecks. lolcats. Mental Floss.   Do you like the Muppets? Which is your favorite? Love the Muppets. Favorites are probably Beaker & the Swedish Chef.   If you could have any creature (real or imaginary) as a pet, what would it be? Had to think about this one. Came to the conclusion with one dalmatian, one tuxedo kitten, one goldfish, three frogs, one daughter, and one husband I'm all set for pets. Comfort Rereads?: Star Trek novels, Pure Dead Magic series, almost anything I've ever read and enjoyed... Will you be going out of town during the round, or is there any other time during the round when it would not be ideal for you to receive a package from your witch? Nope   If you are in school now, what classes are you taking? Does anything you are currently studying really interest you? (if you are not in school, is there anything you are trying to learn?) Mathematics, philosophy, physics, Russian history. Trying to learn to play the mandolin. Would like to learn to crochet, and understand more about the Tarot.   What animal would your daemon be? Alternately, your patronus. Cheetah or Raven.   What's YOUR favorite word? hmmm Steampunk, yay or nay? If yay, what part appeals most? YAYYYYY! Obsessed with steampunk fiction, costuming, computer and game modding. I loved the Secret Adventures of Jules Verne when it was on, and wish it would come out on DVD already! 9/8/10 Do you have a special symbol or totem that is meaningful to you? Turtles. Owls. Penguins. I have a spiral goddess necklace that I have worn for a very long time - it symbolizes both the labyrinth and meditation to me. It was also the focus object I used during childbirth What are your favorite baked goods/homemade treats? No-bake cookies, made with peanut butter and chocolate and oatmeal. Scones. Lemony cranberry things...mmmm list just keeps going   Would you be interested in an astrology birth chart? Yes. Born in Austin TX on September 17th 1972. 8:47 pm at Bergstrom Air Force Base.     9/5/10 What is your favourite snack food, something you could grab any time? Zero bars, fresh fruit, Salt & Vinegar potato chips   Ebooks - Love them! Have a ton of Kindle books on my iPod touch, and hoping to get a new Kindle this Christmas Nail Polish: OPI mostly. Dark and/or glittery colors. Have never tried BPTP claw polish, but would love to. And can't forget glow-in-the dark Soft/plushy things: Yay! They would have many friends. I especially collect bats, turtles, and penguins. And Nightmare Before Christmas   What hobby/craft would you like to learn how to do? Crochet, and paper-making.   For those who decorate for Halloween, do you prefer cute decorations or creepy ones?: Decorate a LOT for Halloween, more than any other holiday including Christmas. Elegant, creepy, dark, but with maybe an edge of heartwarming without being cutesy...   Also, as part of the cute-or-creepy question, would you want hand made, molded, glazed (by yours truly!) ceramic decorations (napkin rings, potpourri/tart warmers, etc) to add to your stock? a new tart warmer would be awesome   how do you feel about mortars and pestles Sure   Is there anything you have a phobia of, or that would make you go "squick" if you saw it in a package? Roaches, rats.   9/6/10 When you go to an etsy wishlist, it will tell you what things are sold. If you click on the sold item, sometimes it will give options that are similar to what was sold, but not identical, would you like the similar item or prefer not to get it at all unless it's the same item? How picky are you? My wishlists are frequently guidelines to the KIND of things that I like. Surprises are welcome and appreciated.   Do you wear make up? Sometimes. Prefer stuff that doesn't feel like goop on my face. I use Bare Escentuals foundation, frequently use dark colored lip balms/lip gloss   Disney movies, Yay or Nay, and favourites if you do like them? Sometimes. Tend to hate princesses, and what they try to teach little girls. LOVE Nightmare Before Christmas, Meet the Robinsons, Pixar films in general...   Do you have A VCR, DVD Player or Blue Ray or a combo of the three? We have VCR's and DVD players, but will never own a BluRay player. Sony is evil, boycott the rootkit fiends!   Would you like custom icons as a gift? Sounds cool, but wouldn't know where to post it. No room for links or icons in my sig, too many baby Dragons   9/7/10 Socks? Sock Dreams? Anyone? Usually prefer to go barefoot or wear sandals, but neat/cool/unique knee/above the knee/thigh high socks are always fun. Hate toe socks.   What is something you use to comfort yourself when feeling yucky, depressed, or in pain? Music, reading, scents via wax or oils.   Favorite Halloween/Scary movies/books Nightmare Before Christmas, Edgar Allen Poe, anything with Bruce Campbell, Roald Dahl, the list goes on awhile...   What would the name of your custom blend be? The description? will have to think more on this one...   COMIC BOOKS. Do you read them? Are there any series you like, or some you would like to try? love comic books, tend to prefer to get them in graphic novel format. Fables, Buffy/Angel, Star Trek Year 5, surprises are good too...   Warm drinks? COFFEEEEEE!!!!! new kinds, but only flavored coffees I like are Cinnamon types. Green tea & jasmine tea blends are also delicious. 9/8/10 Do you have a special symbol or totem that is meaningful to you? Bats, natural looking ones not cutesy. Turtles. Owls. I have also been a Lewis Carroll follower for many years now - can't resist mathematics, logic, philosophy & nonsense altogether... For a meaningful symbol, the Spiral Goddess. And turtles of course.   Do you need a box for your bpal bottles? Your imps? Your something else to put in a box stuff? Use ammo boxes for imps, so that's all good. Cool/fun/decorative boxes to hold bottles could be fun.   If you could be any person, being, or animal from Fantasy what or who would you be? A dragon. I want a pile of treasure to hoard, and to breathe flame if anybody comes around trying to pester me! Favorite Halloween Candy/Treat? Candy corn! and the harvest pumpkins and shaped candies of similar type. Pixi sticks. Peeps. Reese's peanut butter cups. Nom, getting hungry now...     With Massive Thanks to Lioness for keeping the master list of these questions!!!!   Baked goods: Sounds delicious, but slightly worried about mailing time. Up to discretion of the expert (i.e., the cook)   Gifts for other household members: Yes, please. My almost 8 year old daughter loves the candy and free fun bits that I get lots of the time with orders, and a package is one of her favorite things in the world. A gift for her counts as a gift for me. The husband is pickier, but adores dark chocolate. The dog and the cat would appreciate small fun things. Sounds like a lot of fun for everybody!   Are you someone who'd rather have lots of small testers of different things on your wishlist, or would you rather have one or two "big" things? Definitely lots of testers - I'm still trying to figure out which ones I like, and which ones might sound good but just don't work. Imps, sniffies - yay!   social networking usernames, ie twitter, facebook, livejournal, ravelry, anything else: umm, for personal reasons I've turned most of those off for now.   would you like to receive Groupons or similar deals/gift certificates from your Witch? meh, not so much.   How about tshirt/bottoms sizes? large or xl for t-shirts (depends on style), xl for bottoms.     9/03/10 Hallowe'en plans? We are going to dress up as the Addams family - Morticia, Gomez and Wednesday. Daughter and I have been planning it since March or so, and husband is growing in his moustache as we speak.   Mix CDs? It's always fun to hear something new - might be a new favorite even.   Girlyness level? Across the spectrum, depending on subject. Love babydoll tshirts and ankle-length skirts, have long long hair. Paint my toenails every so often. Wear makeup sometimes, mostly BE or something that doesn't feel too yucky. Love physics, science fiction, technology, computer geekery of many sorts. Hate cheerleaders. Hard to answer without a more specific thought process.     9/4/10 Are you into Austen's books? Have read some, find them entertaining but not obsessed. Enjoyed Pride & Prejudice and Zombies (not original Austen, but fun)   Do you read Tarot cards? If not, would you be interested? I am trying to learn the meaning of the different cards right now. Fascinated by the imagery and psychology behind the Tarot.   So for those of you who are into Harry Potter at all, which house do you think you'd be sorted into? Ravenclaw, absolutely.   What, if anything, is your guilty TV watching pleasure? Glee   If you cosplay or need a costume for your bellydance/burlesque hobby (or any other hobby which needs dressup/different from your normal wear), is there anything you need/want for it? Learning belly dancing, any clothing/accessories for such would be appreciated.   Celebrity crush?: David Tennant, Angelina Jolie, Spike the vampire, Jensen Ackles... Will probably think of more soon   Knitted things?: Sure, if it's not too much trouble. Caps/hats or small knitted toys sound fun.   What about [mixed or otherwise] DVDs? Could be interesting...   DVDs: Do you prefer widescreen or formatted? Widescreen!   Music: Any preference towards MP3 or CD? Slight preference towards MP3, but not by much.   Do you like scented tarts? Yes! Lip balms? If it has coffee or cinnamon... Or caffeine   Do you have any body mods? If so, do you need any new jewelry, o-rings, plugs, etc (and if so, what size, length, etc)? Do you like pro-body mod stickers? Eh, nah. Not against them, just not up for permanent modifications to my very own skin. Just ear piercings here.   Booze. Do you drink it, would you like some - I do drink, especially fun cocktails (especially vodka or gin based). Shipping sounds iffy, but if you run across a cool recipe for a mixed drink, throw it in! My favorite is the Corpse Reviver, made with Absinthe and Patron Citronge.   What is your favorite artist or art style? (including if you have links to favorite pictures/paintings/photographs) Fond of the Impressionists, especially Fauvism and Matisse. Also enjoy Waterhouse & Rackham. Some links: Woman In A Purple Coat, Fauvism Miranda, The Tempest





...at the moment i don't have anything posted here, I am trying to decide if I really just want to work on my Wordpress blog once and for all instead - anybody have any comments? I havent started on any blog because I cant make up my mind where I want it to be published...




Dried Fruit and Gift Certificates

Answers to more SW questions...   Steampunk, yay or nay? Mostly nay, although I love my BPTP Clocket   Favorite word? YES   Dried Honeycrisp apples? That would be delicious, as would any other dried fruit except banana. Or dried durian.   If you were to receive a knitted item (such as a scarf, hat, etc), what colors would you like? And do you have any sensitivies/allergies to any materials? Knitted items would make me weep with joy. Colors I would like include teal, seafoam, aqua, gray/blue, gray, light green, cream taupe and warm brown. I have a slight wool sensitivity but I can deal with it.   Gift Certificate: physical or email? Whatever is most convenient for my witch would be fine with me.




Halloween Switch Witch 2010!

FIRST! A FEW IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS, YAY!   Number one, I'll be out of town from October 5th through 11th for NYCC. Because I'm a nerd.   Number two, I've accidentally linked you to the wrong wishlist! That other one is woefully outdated. Here's a link to the new one: Link!   Number three: My mail goes to a place other than my house. I can totally go over super quick if I have warning, though! So if you send me anything perishable, please let me know ahead of time! I'd hate for it to go bad.   Additional Contact: Twitter: iletaitunefois LJ (flocked): cookinguptales Email: cookinguptales@gmail.com DW (hardly used): iletaitunefois Facebook: iletaitunefois   Hooray! On to the somewhat-out-of-order questions! (Ctrl+F is your new best friend. ) If you have any more, feel free to hit me up, and I'll update this blog as needed. (New questions at the top!)   How do you all feel about flowers and plants? Flower and plant seeds? Drawings of flowers or plants? Pressed flowers? Welll, I'm allergic to a lot of flowers, so that's probably not a great route for me. I love herbs, though, so I'd be okay with that! I don't have a lot of space for planting, though...   Cake truffles? Sounds good to me!   Favorite word? Umm...scrumdiddlyumptious! I love things to be both whimsical and delicious!   Cake or frosting? Cake, definitely. I have to be careful with cake due to sugar intolerance, but even a bite of frosting just sends me right over the edge.   Would you like a zuni animal fetish? And if so, what animal? I had to google this! These sound really neat, and I'd love to have one. A few of the animals I identify with are bears, badgers, foxes, and otters.   If you were to receive a knitted item (such as a scarf, hat, etc), what colors would you like? And do you have any sensitivities/allergies to any materials? I love purple, blue, and green. I don't wear a lot of wool (so itchy!) and I like really soft, cozy materials.   If I were to send you a gift certificate for something would you rather get a physical gift certificate in the mail? Or would you prefer an electronic one that you can use right away? Electronic, definitely. I'm...really good at losing physical ones...   Favorite Yankee Candles? Or other brands scents? Pumpkin and kiwi are my two favorites!   How does everyone feel about glow in the dark radishes? I think they're adorable, but I don't wear jewelry.   What places to do you visit that you'd like a gift card to? Hmm. Thinkgeek, definitely. Also Borders or Barnes & Noble... Maybe an online comics store? I usually just get my comics from my local comics shop, but that might be fun for back issues! I know that midtown comics, and mycomicshop both have gift cards. And, of course, something to Target or something like that would always be appreciated.   Steampunk? I can appreciate the aesthetic, but I've just never really gotten into it.   Dried fruit? I like banana chips a lot! Not so fond of the other stuff, though.   Honeycrisp apples? Oh my god, a thousand times yes. I grew up in an area where we could go apple picking every year, so we could get all the good varieties! Now...not so much. Now I'm lucky if I can get an unbruised granny smith. Sadface. So that sounds AMAZING!!! Delicious and nostalgic and so much yes. If my lovely witch does send them, though, I'll need email warning! My mail goes to my parents' house instead of my temporary apartment, and I don't want them to go bad before I get a chance to go over! I guess that goes for all perishables, though. I'll make a note in my blog...which I'm working on... Haha.   Box for your BPALS or anything else? I'd LOVE that. My BPAL is kind of fretfully disorganized right now. It's mostly imps and decants, so they get so messy... Also, I'd love a place to put my comics. I've got them nicely stacked next to my bookshelf for now (the single issues, I mean--my TPBs are on my shelf), but there's gonna come a time when that's not enough...   What movie scared the bejeezus out of you as a child? Um, every movie, I'm pretty sure. I was super wimpy as a child. I specifically remember Willy Wonka freaking me out from the very beginning when Augustus Gloop got stuck in the pipe. I thought he would die in there, seriously. Name a couple of sites you frequent other than this one. Hmm. A lot of geek news sites (Geeks of Doom, Comic Vine, Geekosystem, etc.), The Daily What, livejournal, twitter, a tooon of webcomics (my super favorites are Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, Monsterhood, Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name, and ESPECIALLY Happle Tea), ummm...Cracked, news sites... Haha, I spend a lot of time on the internet.   If you could have any creature (real or imaginary) as a pet, what would it be? Real, a platypus. A girl one, so it couldn't stick me with spurs! They're so adorable and shy and awesome. Fake, probably a daemon. Not technically a pet, but I've wanted one for SO LONG.   Do you like the Muppets? Which is your favorite? Haha, see icon! Seriously, though, I love the Muppets. I feel a special connection Jim Henson's work for a lot of reasons--I've been on Muppets 3D at Disney World so many times that I can quote the whole thing from heart. My favorites characters would probably be Kermit, Gonzo, and Sam Eagle. (A salute to all nations, but especially America!)   Will you be going out of town during the round, or is there any other time during the round when it would not be ideal for you to receive a package from your witch? Yeah. I'll be attending NYCC in October, so I'll be gone from October 5-11.   What animal would your daemon be? Alternately, your patronus. Probably a red panda! Fun-loving, but also quick witted and fierce~! Also, the whole active at night thing, haha.   Favorite comfort re-reads: Any book by Diana Wynne Jones, mostly, but especially Howl's Moving Castle and the Chrestomanci series. I reread those at least once a year. It centers me. I've read them so often that it's seriously become almost a zen experience.   What are your favorite baked goods/homemade treats? I love ginger snaps and snickerdoodles! Also, anything with pumpkin. Yum! What would the name of your custom blend be? The description? As I said in the ?aire, I want a blend that's all over apple picking. Wood and leaves just starting to turn, along with fresh grass and a hundred different kinds of apples. To make it even more like my childhood experiences, it also needs hay and honey, because the farm we went to kept bees, too. Mmm, I think that it could be called Apple Nostalgia. Hee. And I'd want an applesauce chaser! How do you feel about short stories/films? I love them so much. I love a good collection of short stories, and I watch short films a lot. (Tarboy is my favorite right now! An oldie but a goodie.) Every year my father and I go to see the Oscar nominated short films, and every year our favorites never win. (I also like things like one-shot comic books and things like that, too. I'm a sucker for the short and the sweet.)   Favorite Halloween snack: Reeses Pumpkins! Those things are so delicious. I don't care what anyone says--they taste better than normal cups. Also, pumpkin cookies/bread! I love pumpkin so much, and this time of year delights me because I can get it in everything!   If you could be any person, being, or animal from Fantasy what or who would you be? Probably a phoenix. I love the idea of being able to burn away your old life to start anew. Plus, flying!!! If you could go back to any point in time, where, when, why? God, that's a hard question. Honestly, I'm such a techie girl that I wouldn't want to go back in time for an extended length of time. If I could go back just to visit, though, I'd probably like to show up in ancient Egypt. So fascinating!   Warm Drinks: I love them. It was a familial tradition to have coffee with everyone before bed, so I still do that as often as possible. It makes me all warm and ready for sleep. I also love hot cocoa in the winter time (shut up, Florida, I do what I want) and I drink more tea than is really healthy. I have a ton of teapots. My favorite teas are rooibos and Wonderland tea's Mad Tea Party blend (you can pick it up at Disney World now and it's so delicious), though I have to be careful with that last one as I can't have a lot of caffeine. SO YEAH, if you send me any warm drinks, please have them be decaffeinated! Favorite horror movie: Ummm, probably The Orphanage, even though the ending always makes me cry buckets. I really like spooky movies and psychological horror, but I detest gore. The first time I watched Pan's Labyrinth, I watched it with a large group of teenage boys--who had to warn me when to cover my eyes EVERY TIME. Hahaha.   Hmm...I really liked The Ring and Ju-On (The Grudge--but I haven't seen the American version of that one) even though I still get freaked out over Samara/Sadako sometimes! I also have this weak spot for 1408 if just because that's the room I lived in freshman year of college, and that's where I was living when I watched it, haha.   And then, of course, there are some Halloween specials that I love to watch every year, like Hocus Pocus. Last year I also had a marathon of Are You Afraid of the Dark? with a friend. Don't judge! That's my childhood right there, ahaha. Some of the episodes still quietly creep me out.   Favorite scary book or story: I really, really love short stories and films, so I can think of several short stories that I love. There's a short story by Neil Gaiman called 'Feeders and Eaters' that gives me the shivers every time. Also, The Lottery by Shirley Jackson has been a favorite of mine since I was a kid. Most recently, I finally started reading Lovecraft. While the Cthulhu stories don't do much for me, The Colour Out Of Space kept me awake for a good two days. Some of the imagery near the end. Augh!   Socks: I love socks, especially when they're kind of kooky!   What is something you use to comfort yourself when feeling yucky, depressed, or in pain? I have chronic pain/fatigue/illness as part of my disability, so I have a bunch of these. Naps and warm socks, hot tea, and chicken--soup or chicken tenders--are all ways I deal with feeling sickish. I listen to music a lot when I'm unhappy, and chick flicks are just MADE for those morose evenings when you're all alone. I also like comic books when that happens, as long as they aren't super sad arcs. The cracky plotlines prove to be infinitely distracting.   Would you like custom icons as a gift? I do have my own icons, but I never turn down more. \o/   Also, as part of the cute-or-creepy question, would you want hand made, molded, glazed (by yours truly!) ceramic decorations (napkin rings, potporri/tart warmers, etc) to add to your stock? I'm of a mixed mind on this. That sounds fabulous, truly, but I am both extremely clumsy and in an impermanent living situation. I'm almost sure they'd get broken. Boo.   COMIC BOOKS. Do you read them? Are there any series you like, or some you would like to try? I'm a pretty big reader of comics, to the points where my friends tend to roll their eyes at me when I get started. I have some characters I love deeply, like Batman, Captain America, and Oracle, and some series that I'm super addicted to, like Fables and Irredeemable--but I tend to get in and out of series. I'll love a series a ridiculous amount for about a month, then forget about it, then remember several months later when I get back into it. I have total comic book ADD. So, my dear witch, if there are any series you want to poke me about, feel free!   Hallowe'en plans? I'm not sure yet! I am craaaazy into Halloween, so this is unusual. (I adore holidays, and Halloween is my favorite.) I know I'm going to Disney to trick-or-treat at some point (I WILL DO THIS UNTIL I'M 80, DON'T EVEN JOKE) and I know that I'm catching a matinee of 9-5 up in Tampa on the 31st (spooky, I know), but I'm not sure exactly what I'll be doing with my friends or what I'll be doing on the night itself. It's a little far away. Mix CDs? I love 'em!   Girlyness level? Variable. I love cute things, but not necessarily GIRLY cute things, if you catch my meaning. I'm not super huge on pink or make up or frills, but I do like the occasional ribbon in my hair.   Baked goods: Always! Gifts for other household members: I live alone.   Are you someone who'd rather have lots of small testers of different things on your wishlist, or would you rather have one or two "big" things? Since I have a lot of testers right now (because I have the best friends on earth and people on the forums are amazing, oh my lord), I think I'd prefer a big thing instead of lots of little ones.   would you like to receive Groupons or similar deals/gift certificates from your Witch? Sure~.   How about tshirt/bottoms sizes? I tend to be a medium in T-Shirts (large/x-large if we're talking about dumb AA which delights in making me feel fat) and a 12/14 in bottoms.   Phobias: I am not super fond of bees, but am okay with most depictions. As long as you aren't shoving dead bees (or LIVE BEES!) in envelopes, I think we're good. I'm also pretty terrified of going down spiral staircases, but I don't see how you could do that to me via SW, so I think you're good.   How do you feel about mortars and pestles: Oh man, I have always wanted one.   Halloween decor: Cutesy creepy. I don't really like things to be gory at all.   When you go to an etsy wishlist, it will tell you what things are sold. If you click on the sold item, sometimes it will give options that are similar to what was sold, but not identical. Personally, I would love getting something similar to one of my favorites, even if it is not the same - what say all of you? How picky are you? I'm not picky at all!   Make up? I don't wear any.   Disney movies, Yay or Nay, and favourites if you do like them? Oh my god, I am basically the biggest Disney fangirl you will ever meet. (And if I'm not, INTRODUCE ME TO THE GREATER!) I live in FL and visit the parks a ton, and I love the movies like burning. My two favorite Disney movies are Beauty and the Beast and The Princess and the Frog. The characters in both of those movies make me so happy. Best Disney princesses EVER. And if we're counting Pixar, Ratatouille is basically my favorite movie, period. The music and the ambiance and the characters and--everyone can cook! I'm a chef at heart (and I love French cuisine), so the movie was a treat. I loved every message, too.   Also, I have a VCR and a DVD player, though I do have access to a blu-ray player that I can borrow at times.   What is your favourite snack food, something you could grab any time? Chex Mix! I have to eat a lot of salt for medical reasons, and I've become pretty much addicted to the original mix. I don't like the sweet mixes, but omg. The original and cheesy ones are glorious.   Ebooks I read them! I don't have an e-reader, but I'll occasionally read them on my computer. I prefer physical books, but I do love all kinds.   Nail Polish: Don't wear it!   Soft/plushy things: Umm, I really love plushies. UNFORTUNATELY, I have roughly a million of them, so unless they're either tiny or functional (like a keyring, which is BOTH), then I can't really have any more. Sigh. What hobby/craft would you like to learn how to do? Knit. I can crochet just fine, but knitting has always eluded me.   Are you into Austen's books? I am! I have watched the BBC miniseries of Pride & Prejudice about a million times, and will likely double that by the time I'm 30.   Do you read Tarot cards? If not, would you be interested? I do not typically read tarot cards, but I do collect them. I'm really interested in the Spiritualism movement from a folkloric standpoint, and the rise of tarot has always kind of fascinated me. Plus...they're pretty. Hahaha. I'm so shallow.   So for those of you who are into Harry Potter at all, which house do you think you'd be sorted into? Actually, since I just went to a giant Harry Potter convention about two months ago (Infinitus 2010, heck yeah!), I have gone into this in depth. In the end, we decided that I would definitely be a Ravenpuff. I'm cheerful and loyal to my friends and deeply silly at times, but I'm also so much a smart little researcher at heart.   What, if anything, is your guilty TV watching pleasure? I don't actually watch TV all that much anymore (just got out of the habit), but I have this extreme love-hate relationship with Glee. The show is so problematic at times (as a disabled feminist who cares about actually having good representation sometimes--yeah, that show makes me PULL MY HAIR OUT) but I can't stop watching it. It's like crack. It's just! Fun musical numbers! Guest stars! Sue Sylvester and Kurt! It's an addiction.   If you cosplay or need a costume for your bellydance/burlesque hobby (or any other hobby which needs dressup/different from your normal wear), is there anything you need/want for it? Hmm. I'm cosplaying as Oracle for NYCC, but that costume is mostly completed. I was going to be using it for Dragon*Con this past weekend, but my plans to go there were canceled by some pretty awful family business...so it's going to be worn at NYCC instead. So if you think of anything that might go well with that outfit, I'd looove to hear your ideas. (HELP ME BLING OUT MY WHEELCHAIR!!!)   Celebrity crush?: I have...a few... I've had a crush on Anna Paquin since I was like. Twelve. Haha, I'm not sure that my parents knew why I really liked watching X-Men so much...and now there's True Blood... I will also watch the Iron Man movies at length because damn, RDJ is fiiine.   Does Captain America count as a celebrity crush? Because I have the biggest crush on him ever, I am not even gonna lie. (Speaking of which, why do all my celebrity crushes somehow involve superheroes? WEIRD.)   Knitted things?: I love them! But keep in mind that I do live in Florida most of the time. I'm not sure how much action winter clothes are gonna get here, haha.   What about [mixed or otherwise] DVDs? I like DVDs! I use and abuse my Netflix subscription.   DVDs: Do you prefer widescreen or formatted? Widescreen   Music: Any preference towards MP3 or CD? I am good with both! I need a good CD ripping program, come to think of it...   Do you like scented tarts? I do, especially fruity ones.   Lip balms? Nope! I can't put anything on my lips.   Do you have any body mods? If so, do you need any new jewelry, o-rings, plugs, etc (and if so, what size, length, etc)? Do you like pro-body mod stickers? Nooo, I'm really not into any kind of body modification. My body is already plenty messed up, thanks.   Booze. Do you drink it, would you like some? I am straight-edge all the way (not that I could drink booze without collapsing even if I wanted to), but I do like cooking with alcohol. Desserts are best when lit on fire and I love a good red wine reduction.   What is your favorite artist or art style? (including if you have links to favorite pictures/paintings/photographs) Hmmm. Art nouveau, probably?     AND PS, ILU DEAR WITCH!!!




Switch Witch Questions! ^_^

What movie scared the bejeezus out of you as a child? Nothing really, I grew up playing violent video games (like the original Wolfenstein) and watching action movies...much to the disgust of my mother.   Name a couple of sites you frequent other than this one Livejournal, Twitter, Lush AU/NZ forum, Lunchbox (support forum), Questionable Content (webcomic), xkcd (webcomic)   Do you like the Muppets? Which is your favorite? Hell no.   If you could have any creature (real or imaginary) as a pet, what would it be? A moggle   Comfort Rereads? Nothing really....I've got ADD but it was only recently diagnosed and I haven't been able to read a book properly for about 8 years. But I used to love reading the Obernewtyn Chronicles books over and over when I was in highschool.   Will you be going out of town during the round, or is there any other time during the round when it would not be ideal for you to receive a package from your witch? I don't think so, but at the end of the swap period (November) it gets kinda hot in Australia, so chocolate might melt. =)   If you are in school now, what classes are you taking? Not in school anymore, I graduated university a couple of years ago, but I love learning about things! Particularly science and weird and geeky things. =)   Does anything you are currently studying really interest you? (if you are not in school, is there anything you are trying to learn?) I've been wanting to learn violin for about 15 years...when I was in primary school I learned for about 6 months, but I had to leave that school because my parents couldn't afford it, and could never afford music lessons.   Do you have a special symbol or totem that is meaningful to you? Not really   Do you need a box for your bpal bottles? Your imps? Your something else to put in a box stuff? I do have BPAL boxes, but I could always use more...LOL. Actually what I really need is a box or shelving unit to house my playing card collection, but it's over 100 decks of cards at the moment so that might be a bit big for international postage.   If you could be any person, being, or animal from Fantasy what or who would you be? Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica, and I would do things a bit differently than she did in the end!   If you could go back to any point in time, where, when, why? I'd go to the future!   Favorite Halloween Candy/Treat? No idea! We don't really celebrate Halloween here that much, and we don't get special candy or treats. One day I will go to the US and have a proper Halloween!   What are your favorite baked goods/homemade treats? Meringues, apple crumble, pavlova, cookies, mudcake. Om nom nom. I miss cakes and cookies though, coz I should be eating gluten free.   Would you be interested in an astrology birth chart? Maaaaybe. I had a friend do an astrology reading for me once and it was really interesting.   Socks? Sock Dreams? Anyone? I love nice socks, but I have really thick calves so none of them ever fit me properly. And mens socks are out because I have very thin feet. >.<   What is something you use to comfort yourself when feeling yucky, depressed, or in pain? I get really bad period pain (endometriosis) so I love my wheat heat pack to take the edge off. And when I need cheering up, I watch a funny tv show like Scrubs, or a standup comedy set. =)   Favorite Halloween/Scary movies/books I like scary things or many sorts! Particularly scary video games, like the good Resident Evil games, or Project Zero.   COMIC BOOKS. Do you read them? Are there any series you like, or some you would like to try? I read them sometimes...I've got a Johnny Vasquez set and the Serenity comics. I like either serious or silly comics, dark humour, that sort of thing, not really into the superhero stuff.   Warm drinks? Tea! But it's a bad idea to send it into Australia, coz we have strict quarantine. I also like hot chocolate, mulled wine, and apple cider.   When you go to an etsy wishlist, it will tell you what things are sold. If you click on the sold item, sometimes it will give options that are similar to what was sold, but not identical, would you like the similar item or prefer not to get it at all unless it's the same item? How picky are you? Not picky at all! I've got heaps of stuff on my wishlist but I've not updated it for ages...LOL. Oops. It's connected to my store account. (origamiornaments)   Do you wear make up? Indeed! I tend to favour eye makeup, and I have a large collection of loose eyeshadow. I've never really learned much about lipstick, though I wouldn't mind learning. I also wear a lot of nail polish. I only use non animal tested cosmetics if possible.   Disney movies, Yay or Nay, and favourites if you do like them? Yeah, depends what it is though. I like Pixar films, and I think my favourite Disney film is Treasue Planet.   Do you have A VCR, DVD Player or Blue Ray or a combo of the three? Just a DVD player, though I can borrow my parent's VCR if needed. With DVDs, I do have an all region DVD player, so I can watch US DVDs.   Would you like custom icons as a gift? If they were original art or something, then sure! I can make icons from stock images myself though, coz I'm a bit of a photoshop geek.   What is your favourite snack food, something you could grab any time? Sushi, and apples. Oh and popping candy!   Ebooks? Don't have a reader.   Nail Polish: Haha, yes! I have really weak and bendy nails, so they are always breaking and short. But I love painting my nails! I tend to favour dark colours, and going through a phase of non metallic cremes.   Soft/plushy things: Yeah, soft plushy things are cute! My favourite one so far is my collection of plus brain cells.   What hobby/craft would you like to learn how to do? As I said before, I'd love to learn to play violin. But I'm 24...am I too old? I'd also love to learn to crochet. I can knit beginner stuff, but I really want to learn how to do those adorable little amigurumi things.   For those who decorate for Halloween, do you prefer cute decorations or creepy ones?: I don't decorate for Halloween really, but I like both!   Also, as part of the cute-or-creepy question, would you want hand made, molded, glazed ceramic decorations (napkin rings, potporri/tart warmers, etc) to add to your stock? That sounds awesome! Things like candle holders (like little plates) or incense holders or coasters would get more use than napkin rings though.   how do you feel about mortars and pestles I actually really need one!!!   Is there anything you have a phobia of, or that would make you go "squick" if you saw it in a package? Bees/wasps, and needles (like injection needles) are my only phobias. Actually, anything baby pink would probably make me turn my nose! LOL   Are you into Austen's books? I've never read one, and honestly I've been more tempted to read Pride & Prejudice & Zombies!   Do you read Tarot cards? If not, would you be interested? I'd be interested in Tarot cards, definitely. I'm really interested in learning about other beliefs and faiths, but even if that didn't work out for me, I'd still be interested from a card collecting standpoint.   What, if anything, is your guilty TV watching pleasure? Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, ANTM. I fail at being a geek.goth!!!   If you cosplay or need a costume for your bellydance/burlesque hobby (or any other hobby which needs dressup/different from your normal wear), is there anything you need/want for it? I don't cosplay or anything....but I am goth and I love dressing up when going clubbing, and I know a lot of that is pretty 'costumey' to those who aren't in the scene. I love wearing corsets, for instance.   Celebrity crush?: Felicia Day & Alexander_Skarsgård   Knitted things?: I can knit, but not very well...LOL. So I do like knitted things!   What about [mixed or otherwise] DVDs? Sure!   DVDs: Do you prefer widescreen or formatted? Widescreen.   Music: Any preference towards MP3 or CD? Either is fine.   Do you like scented tarts? Yes, but I already have lots.   Lip balms? Love lip balm! I go through lots because of my compulsion for lip chewing.   Do you have any body mods? If so, do you need any new jewelry, o-rings, plugs, etc (and if so, what size, length, etc)? Do you like pro-body mod stickers? I don't, sadly. I really want a few, but my body really didn't like my ear piercings so I don't think any others would be a good idea. I want tattoos, and would LOVE some inspiration. I'm looking at a back/shoulder/arm single piece and want it to be more art than just random symbols, if that makes sense. No idea what I want right now though, so that's why I need inspiration! I would like the southern cross (star constellation) represented somehow, but that's all I know.   Booze. Do you drink it, would you like some? YES! YES! I love gin, vodka, cider, mulled wine, beer....but I've recently found a few whiskeys I like as well. I also like liqueurs, and all the fruity type alcohols as well. Favourite wine would be blackberry wine.   What is your favorite artist or art style? (including if you have links to favorite pictures/paintings/photographs) I don't really have any....but I do love alternative and dark art, and also (this will sound weird) old maps. I LOVE looking at the old maps of Australia when it was called Terra Australis, and looking at what people thought the world looked like hundreds of years ago. It's fascinating!   Hallowe'en plans? Nothing really...though I suspect there will be a goth nightclub running.   Mix CDs? Awesome idea! I especially love hearing personal favourites of others...I think it provides a lovely insight.   Girlyness level? Not very. I think I said this in the main questionnaire....I'm more into feminine than girly if that makes sense. So think dark edgy female rather than pale pink sparkley shit.   Baked Goods? Love baked goods, and always looking for tasty gluten free recipes that don't cost a fortune.   Family Prezzies? That's actually a really cool idea! My boyfriend likes a lot of the same things I do actually....so anything along the geeky/scifi/D&D/zombies type theme would probably be appreciated by him as well.   Bottles/lots of little samples? I'm overrun with imps, to be honest....   Social Networking Twitter: colormonochrome LJ: colormonochrome Facebook: colormonochrome@gmail.com   Groupons or similar deals/gift certificates? No idea what that is, and most stuff you lot get in the US is useless to me anyway. But gift certificates are good if they are to places I can shop!   T-Shirt/PJ size For girly tshirts, usually L. That's the size I got from BPTP in the babydoll and tissue tee, and from Threadless I get XL. I'm losing weight though, so don't worry too much about sizes.   Jewellery types? I prefer longer necklaces, and pendant styles rather than beading all the way around. It doesn't have to be a pendant, it's just that beading at the top of my neck/shoulders doesn't suit me at all.   Steampunk, yay or nay? If yay, what part appeals most? YAY!!! I love everything steampunk, and when I lose more weight I'm going to properly invest in making a bunch of different things. I think the most appealing part is the sciency aspect. And the watches. I have a couple of pocket watches on necklaces, but they're broken coz they were so cheap.   If you were to receive a knitted item (such as a scarf, hat, etc), what colors would you like? And do you have any sensitivies/allergies to any materials? No allergies (except to cats_) but I'd prefer natural fibers like soft wool or cotton to acrylic. =) Colours would be black, grey, or green. Or anything really, I don't mind!   Dried fruit? DO NOT TRY TO SEND DRIED FRUIT TO AUSTRALIA!!!!   If I were to send you a gift certificate for something would you rather get a physical gift certificate in the mail? Or would you prefer an electronic one that you can use right away? Whichever is easiest, as long as I can actually use it being in Australia. =)   Favorite Yankee Candles? Or other brands scents? I do not know this "Yankee" candle of which you speak! But I do like candles, and have quite a few Dusk (Aussie brand) candles in my stash, of various scents.   would you like a zuni animal fetish? And if so, what animal? Yes! I'd never heard of them before I followed the link, and they look really interesting. =)   Daemon? According to this test, I got: EAGLE or HAWK - your daemon may be some kind of bird of prey. Yours is a strong spirit, and a fierce sense of liberty. You cannot be confined. You may be shrewdly observant, and like to be aware of everything that goes on around you. You will fight fiercely for the things that are most important to you, and you are definitely a force to be reckoned with. Still, you are not vicious by nature and would prefer to be left in peace. You probably value your solitude very highly - not that you don't enjoy company, but sometimes you just need to be alone - otherwise you begin to feel caged in and confined. You might want to take a drive on your own, just to feel the road beneath you, or to sit alone on your balcony, watching the world go by.   And how does everyone feel about glow in the dark radishes? http://www.etsy.com/listing/55985585/glow-in-the-dark-luna-lovegood-radish?ref=cat1_gallery_8 LOL! Glow in the dark things are cool.   Cake or Frosting? Frosting! I have been known just to make bowls of icing coz I'm too lazy to make the cake...heh.




Wishlist update!

Fyrinnae wishlist is here, and have updated it. All items on said wishlist are properly labeled with what size wanted.   If the link doesn't work, search by my email address. If that doesn't work, please have the ringleaders poke me.




Switch Witchereee

To my sweet Witch - these are questions from SW Fall '10, Spring 2011, and new ones added for current Halloween round '11!! (updated today, Sept. 11, 2011) My Amazon wishlist is very current and has many ideas and items updated! I am fine with 2nd hand items (lets be ecologically conscious consumers!) as long as they are clean and smoke-free. My Amazon wishlist - click here   (just a quick note - I dont need any sort of journal or blank book - have a huge stack I dont know what to do with right now)   Thrift store items? yes useful or beautiful preferred - Its possible to find some amazing things, also fabrics, and I collect the old Fire King apricot/peach glazed dinnerware.   Do you have an Etsy shop? Do you know of any Etsy shops that are Switch Witch friendly? Yes, mine, just not much listed!   Halloween candy? chocolate without cookies or flour-type crunchies, mini candy bars, fruit slices (YUM), gummies, chews, sour things, but none of those orange and black nouget things blech! One thing I am hunting is gluten-free strawberry/raspberry/grape or cherry licorice!!! I LOVE licorice but cant eat the common ones because they are all made with wheat flour. I especially love the licorice strings and ropes, but will take any I can find   soap or shower gel? Yes, as answered WAYYYYY down below, no body shop or Avon or bath n body works unless its totally essential oils - these cheap perfumes really do a number on my head!   How do you like your chocolate? massive quantities gourmet, Godiva, Mrs. See's butterscotch squares, choc or fruit creams, organic, unique, I like trying the new weirder flavors too - just NO HOT PEPPERS.   Beads! Do you use them? AN OBSESSION! I do not use plastic beads, ever. I stay away from most wood beads, and also those tiny stone chip beads. I love gemstone beads, mid to larger size, love glass beads in darker jewel tones, LOVE copper beads and findings/spaces, etc...love unique nature or celtic charms. some of my fav beads are in the blue-green-violet spectrum.   Sea salted caramels? oh sure!   What #1 actor, director, author and/or musician are you obsessed with? no obsessions. I love James McAvoy! ..and Ralph Fiennes   are you interested in anything from the Villainness Bad Apples update? Im afraid the combos wont work - but some of the other weenies sound good   If you have a pet, would he/she/they like to receive a treat or a toy as a gift? My cats love treats and small fuzzy balls to play with - they also love feathery toys   What are your top three "I want to try them but I think I'll never get to try them" (or, "I've tried them and I want moar moar moar, but I don't think I'll ever get any") scents/bath oils/sprays? Fairy Wine, High Priest Not To Be Described, and Gold Phoenix.   Is there a particular artist and piece that you would like a print of? LOVE Falero - also Waterhouse - any size!   If you are in to beauty and makeup related stuff, what kind of stuff do you like? Vapour Organic Beauty is my new top fav!! I wish I could afford their stuff! WOULD LOVE one of their samplers, cause they send a gift cert for next purchase! I want all MAC pigments, body gltter, and large sized body paints by Wolfe, Paradise, Kryolan or Mehron. I am the palest skin tone without being albino (for real!) tend toward red cheeks, and cool tones look best most of the time. Hair is super fine, thin, and super dry and frizz curl.   Do you like coffee or tea? hot cocoa - really good decaf dark roast coffee and decaf black or green teas. prefer no fruits or heavy flavors. HATE ROOIBOS.   Are there any CDs/Albums you've been wanting but haven't bought yet? I would love CD's by Amy Winehouse, Mumford n Sons, Indigo Girls, Gorrilaz, Crystal Method   Are you going away for any part of this round? no....?   Would you like to receive a mix-CD from your Witch? sure!!   If your witch were going somewhere on a vacation during the round, would you want a little souvenir? yes!!   Do you enjoy any outdoor activities? Hiking, photography, backpacking - Im sick a lot but I love being in nature and the mtns & woods.   Witchee, are you a fan of musicals? Love the oldies - think Broadway, and old 40's and 50's like Singin in the Rain and the King n I.   Do you like to burn incense? LOL!! Im hosting the current circular Incense box swap - Im a bit of a snob who LOVES! good incense - Fred Soll is THE BEST outside of whole resins and blends made for burning on charcoal! I order my Fred Soll through his online store now.   - Harry Potter - a fan? If so, what house are you? I would be similar to Harry - Slytherin and Gryffindor   - If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from? oh gee! Amazon? I have things on there I've wanted forever - the Pyramid Collection! - even just Target is okay...   Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you're drawn to? yes - Joan of Arc, Athena (my patron), and the Nymphs and Satyr!   If you could see anything, what would it be? I would love to see a spaceship from somewhere else, with its door open, for me to get on!   When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter? HOT bath, or HOT shower, sometimes eat some of my legal mj edibles, going to a movie and munching out on junk food rocks too. Drinking some tequila/mezcal or scotch works wonders too! If Im not feeling well enough for all that, or have no $, I just try to meditate in nature. The BEStest medicine is lots of hugs from my sweetie and my friends...I dont ever seem to get enough hugs!   What are your thoughts on comics? Calvin and Hobbes, Rose is Rose, Mutt and (I forgot!)   Are you musical? Im 2nd soprano in the Orpheus Pagan Chamber Choir I also own two djembes!!! I love drum circles.   Does anyone garden? Irises - I dream of going on a mad buying spree at Schriener's iris website! plus they do a buy one get one free thing! *sigh* - I also grow herbs, houseplants, dahlias, veggies, make cuttings of plants...whatever!   Do you decorate for Halloween? Is your decorating taste elegant, kitschy and fun, or scary? fun and scary, all the time!! Not too scary for the 3 year olds, but creepy...I use lighting to do that.   Witchee, do you have any symbols or totems that have special meaning for you? the Triskele - the merkabah - foxes, bears, and the ocean - holly and ivy twining together   Is anyone fond of programs like Adopt a Tree/Highway/Library/Manatee/Acre of Rainforest/etc?: yes - i also donate to Kiva, Defenders of Wildlife, and NRDC - locally I help groups that take gifts and supplies up to the Indian reservations.   From the Weenie Update....what are you most wanting to try? All the '2011' weenies (samhan, october, etc), as well as Expressive head and   Is there a quote (or lyric or part of a poem) that really resonates with you or is your favorite? Wordsworth: The world is too much with us soon and late, getting and spending we lay waste our powers...etc That whole poem - I think of it all the time.   Dream candle? Oh, I love beeswax candles scented with orange clove mixes....more natural scented apple cider/wassail is wonderful too! Aloha Bay (chakra scents) is also good, or other Aloha Bay - they make wonderful scents.   Do you like knitted goodies? I have a friend who knitted me a wonderful scarf and hat! I would love leg warmers, however, I have large calves.   Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? sure. as long as there is no flour in it, or instead its made with gluten-free flour.   What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying? Fairy Wine!!!!!!!! We just dont have a budget for me to splurge on things like perfume I missed out on The High Priest Not to be Described, and its one that smells fabulous on me (few do!), and now I cant find it anywhere -   Witchee, do you use a PC or a Mac? PC   What is your favorite animal? see my swap-bot profile (link in my signature)   What are you going to be for Halloween? not sure yet - I am considering being a REAL forest hag!   How do you feel about nick-knacks? if its specific to anything listed here as a 'like', fine! otherwise, Im not into plastic or dollar store stuff, or kitschy, country things.   What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you? birthday, anniversary, Yule, Mabon, Samhain, Ostara   Do you like going to the movies? LOVE THE MOVIES   What are your favorite restaurants? local ones usually - good vegetarian, thai, chinese, middle eastern/mediterranean or indian is my preference every time!   Do you play any video games? role playing fantasy (none of the heavy dark violent ones) - I only have a PS2 though, which is fine...I wish I could get my hands on the Harry Potter playstation game.   Do you like any anime? no   Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for? no   how much do you like jewelry? like, if you were to get a shit ton of it during the round, how excited would you be? sure - I have tons though! Right now I am most into adding larger pendants of REAL stones, wrapped or in coppor or silver or gold. That way I can just slip it on a chain. Earrings are tricky - I have tons, and dont wear a lot. OH! I LOVE the new blingy crystal beaded rhinestoney stretch bracelets!!! in greens, pale peachy pinks, aquas, golds!   Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? I have yet to get a box tall enough to hold the small collection of bottles. Wood or metal, old fashioned, just nothing too kitschy. I wish I had a box to hold bottles and imps. probably just a little smaller than a shoebox.   Muppets: sure - the old muppet show muppets fozzy bear, swedish chef, animal....the band members...I miss them all.   Favorite Mythological Creature?: Pegasus (see amazon wishlist and dragons   Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers: sure as long as they arent heavy - I will wear them - my hair is super fine and thin   Expanding on the hair question - does anyone like those flower clips for the hair that are big right now?? yes   Booze? Yay or Nay? what kinds? DEF!! thought I answered already..but anyway...tequilla, single malt scotch, mead, absinthe   Steampunk inspired items? Its okay, but when I dressup like that, Im much more the gothy pirate, and sometimes I even dress like a man-pirate! ARGH!   Do you like amurigami dolls? yes, I have none! There is one in my Etsy favs I adore...Im into the cute widdle critters, not monsters.   Pirates vs Ninjas vs Zombies - who wins? Pirates, all the time.   For those who like lipgloss, lipstick, tinted balms, etc, what colors do you wear? I wear mostly lip stains, but would love a stain with moisturizer!! I love the nude shades cause my skin is so pale - otherwise I wear cool natural looking mauves and roses, sometimes adding pigments. My dream lipstick is silly I know - but I wish for Tom Ford's Smoke Red lipstick - I have no red lipstick, but that one seems like it might work. Someday, when its not so freaking expensive!   What's your favorite animal? Foxes, flickers, bears - I live with felines   Do you like wearing things in your hair?I like elegant, celtic, or victorian (dark), gothic style small slips and combs - my hair is fine so nothing heavy or it will fall right out and get lost. Piercings? ears and nostril   Chocolate. With stuff in it? Yeah, I am SUPER open about trying high quality chocolate! For example, yes, I do love the Bacon bars! The hot chilis dont agree with me though. LOVE Godiva - especially fruit fillings, love Mrs Sees too (butterscotch squares OMG!!)   surprise! the world has given you the day off. You hear that, no chores, responsibilities, or budget you have to follow. What would you do in those 24 hours? Spa treatment in the most luxurious spa I could find in Vegas!!   Do you need another bpal box? I guess I could use a real Bpal box - i have a little soap box someone gave me that is pretty, but everything is all topsy turvy and hard to see. Im open on the box style - just use my favorite colors and anything else you think I might like   Do you enjoy gardening? yes - but we live in this nasty dry climate. I grow irises, herbs, and many indoor plants. Vegetable gardening is for the greenhouse that will have to be put together to use!   Social Networking sites: Facebook   favourite artists or specific paintings? Rembrandt, Bouguereau, Falero, Renoir, specific Monet (not the florals)   Baked Goods? Yea Nay? YAY IF they are GLUTEN FREE...but would much prefer (see below)   If not Baked goods and you are changing eating habits..a book of recipes perhaps that will help the new eating lifestyle? There is a special cookbook using almond flour by Elena something or other - I would to have that! But also, if you have any super good crockpot recipes using beans!! We got a crockpot in hopes of eating healthier, and want to use many more beans in our diet.   What would I order TODAY from BPAL? I so would love a bottle(any amount) of The High Priest Not To Be Described - every time I wear this I get complements, especially at pagan events. I also have been wishing for bottles (any amount) of Fairy Wine and Gold Phoenix - 2 scents that raise my spirits for sure! What level of nudity? ANY! we seem to have run out of porno at our house :thud:erotica is lovely!   gently used items from a garage sale/thrift store? as long as its useful and clean!   Do you like cooking seasonings, like the kind you can get in ounces sizes? If so, things you'd love to try out? Love them! No MSG please..since I have a cool spice shoppe in the city, I experiment all the time. Love special salts, herbal blends, not big on spicy (peppery) stuff. My hubby likes cheesy blends for popcorn   Do you like any particular kinds of green or black teas or coffees that could also be gotten in bulk? love unflavored, delicious decaffeinated green/white/black teas (they are hard to find). Same with coffee - whole bean or ground, just decaf please, darker the better! caffiene makes me ill.   Favorite snack foods (and can they be from bulk section as well?) NOMNOMNOMMMMY again, please no MSG, otherwise...nuts (roasted with salt or flavors), dried fruits, non-beef jerky, seeds, gummys, it all has to be wheat-free so no licorice Mixed CDS: yes, indeed - as long as its something I might like. Im very open-minded - just no country, rap, death metal or easy listening - favorite genres include world music, trance/techno, celtic, dark wave, and folk. I also like guided meditations.   ETSY similarities: yes - will go with similar item to a sold favorite.   If you play console video games, what game systems do you have and what games would you love to have? I have a PS2, and I ADORE LOVE AM OBSESSED with really intense fantasy role-playing games with really super good stories.   How do you feel about marzipan? - LOVE it   Fav Candy: Anything but gum and hard candy - love chocolate, gummies, and sour stuff (not kill-you sour!), those choc covered strawberry/raspberry marshmellow eggs, choco covered nuts, etc!   snack food: gluten free goodies - potato chip type things, pistachios, cashews, nori seaweed stuff (no wheat)   dried fruit: mangoes my fav, cherries,...;-), but freeze dried fruits are cool too!   If you could have 3 BPAL bottles fall (gently) out of the sky right this second that you've been looking for or pining for - which 3 would they be? Byronic Antihero, High Priest Not To Be Described, Fairy Wine   Is there anything from the 'Ween BPTP update that you would like but haven't ordered for yourself? AN T-SAMHUINN SOAP - I also wish so much I could somehow magically get a BPTP crew tee Like This , or this one, or even this one!     How do you feel about silly, funny knick-knack, dollar store stuff, stickers, magnets etc? Would you like receiving that kind of stuff or rather not?: Mostly no - but sometimes a little gadget here or there is ok. I give away a lot of stuff - I have a thrift store donation box at all times in my house, and it gets filled up, donated, and then start over.   Are you open to receiving things that are not on your wishlist, maybe something your Witch thinks you might like?: Definitely   Is there a TV, movie or literary character that you are a lot alike, or would like to be alike? Yes - i resonant a lot with Beatrix Potter, Sara Pezzini, Bugs Bunny, and Joan of Arc   Is there anything you need for your kitchen, ie measuring cups, spoons, grater, ect? I updated my Amazon wishlist - includes some things I've been needing for quite awhile.   Also flowers and plants- If you like flowers/plants, do you have a favorite(s)? YES! bearded iris' - Schreiner's (online store) is my all time favorite - amazing beautiful flowers. Also my husband and I both adore sunflowers. Im a seedsaver so in the fall, I go around and sneak flower heads to save their seeds for next tear. My husband LOVES lilies. But we have to grow them outdoors in our short summer cause the leaves are poison to kitties.   How do you feel about stationery, like nice pens or notepaper? Some pagan oriented stationary would be nice, but NO pentacles please! -- do like post-its and good writing pens are nice.   Would you like homemade preserves (e.g. marinated vegies, pickled onions, chilli jam?) Sure, why not - I make this stuff myself - like to try other people's too   If you've got stuff on your BPAL wishlist, would partial bottles be okay? YES! My scentbase profile is in my sig, along with BPAL wishies.   If you could see one concert right now, who would it be? Rush   how do you feel about mortars and pestles: I have one - and seek a different kind - the flatter ones, if you know what I mean.   Favorite Yankee Candles? Or other brands scents? I make my own candles too, but sometimes have money to spend on others - My favs from Yankee are Autumn Wreath, Autumn leaves, Farmer's Market, Sea Harbor, Witches Brew My favs otherwise - I found an AMAZING orange clove essential oil candle - OMG the best ever. Aloha Bay (chakra scents) is also good, or other Aloha Bay - they make wonderful scents.   Phobias: real spiders - fake ones are ok. Dont like clowns or really scary movies either.   Girliness level: Wellll...thats a tough one - very changable, but Im a triple Aries, if that helps any! meaning I can be quite forceful and opinionated, but I love romance - cant stand pink stuff, or overly fem stuff - if I get lace, it best be dark or dark colored. If its fem, I prefer it to be dark and gothy or victorian, renaissancy.   Hobby craft I'd like to learn: spinning!! I weave, but spinning is it for sure, followed by actual real jewelry-making(with hot soldering stuff) - and I'd love to learn stained glass-making too!   Do you have a special symbol or totem that is meaningful to you? The triskele (celtic for body/mind/spirit); Holly & Ivy intertwined, and my animals are Foxes, Coyotes, Wolverines, Cougars, Flickers, and rodents   Tee/ bottoms sizes: Tee - prefer XL-XXL cause they shrink; bottoms - XXL-XXXL - can you sing, "Fat Bottomed Girls make the Rockin world go round!"   What is something you use to comfort yourself when feeling yucky, depressed, or in pain? I use many things (have chronic illness) - but my quickie favs are Tiger Balm patches for muscle pain, linden & chamomile tea for soothing, a good movie and a bowl of gluten free cereal or chix rice soup when Im feeling yucky.   Socks - oh yes please - fleece ones are awesome, homemade ones are awesome - warm, cozy ones are best!   Do you have any sensitivies/allergies to any fiber materials? no wool (sensitive to scratchies) - but alpaca, hemp, bamboo, silk all ok - I love natural fibers best. Colors - choose from my favorite colors list on here..   If I were to send you a gift certificate for something would you rather get a physical gift certificate in the mail? Or would you prefer an electronic one that you can use right away? electronic - must have right away   If you could be any person, being, or animal from Fantasy what or who would you be? I'd either be Sara Pezzini as portrayed by Yancy Butler in the Witchblade TV series (1st season, not 2nd), or one of the medieval Queens. If you could go back to any point in time, where, when, why? I'd head straight to pre-christian ancient Ireland and Scotland - and then over to Greece. I was born WAYYYY too late!!! I would survive quite well without 'modern' society, when barter and trade were the ways of the land, and few people populated the Earth, so the mass-destruction of our environment hadn't happened yet....   COMIC BOOKS: Haven't read them in a LONG time - but I wouldn't throw them away if I received some cool ones - just not into the military oriented characters.   Favorite scary book or story: I recall a collection by Ursula K LeGuin being scary but Ive never been able to find it since I was a kid! The kind of scary I like takes me away to that world, and doesnt give me bad dreams - I can think of three series that do that for me: The Mayfair Witch series by Anne Rice (I have hardbound 1st editions of them too ); Stephen R Donaldson Thomas Covenant series (both sets); Tad Williams Shadowmarch series (only have book 1 and would love the other 2) - Oh, I also loved Wolfen .   Favorite scary movie: I love good scary sci fi cause it couldn't be real; I can handle any of the Hannibal Lector movies because people are sick puppies in real life. Blood and gore doesn't get to me - its the slashers and jumpiness and scary nasty monsters that give me nightmares. I love Vincent Price, Edgar Allen Poe - GOTHIC is prob one of my fav scary movies, along with Dracula (Langella or Oldman's version).   Would you like custom icons as a gift? maybe.   If you could have any creature (real or imaginary) as a pet, what would it be? Have always dreamed of a pegasus to be my guide.   if you are not in school, is there anything you are trying to learn?: French - to be able to speak it; web page design and HTML/CSS (I know practically nothing!)   Do you like the Muppets? Which is your favorite? Love them, miss them - I luv Fozzy bear and the Swedish Chef, and any of the little mice critters..   Will you be going out of town during the round, or is there any other time during the round when it would not be ideal for you to receive a package from your witch? nope!   Would you be interested in an astrology birth chart? I'm the astrologer who makes the charts ;-)   What animal would your daemon be? Alternately, your patronus. A Fox or a Phoenix   Nail Polish: just my toes - unless I come across a miracle formula to keep my fingernails from being damaged after painting them. Love unique colors - My current bottles are an aqua, metallic pumpkin, opalescent ruby red, and one called 'Solar' by Revlon that is SOOO old but I love   Stuffed critters - sure. Animals in particular. foxies, wolves, turtles, rodents, bears, even blue jays or coyotes for my hubby.   Jane Austen - have not read any - but LOVE the movies - own several of the BBC versions.   Tarot - Yes - have several decks - Im kind of falling away from them for divination - I crave the Soul Cards and the Dream Cards. Amazon list has the ones Im still seeking.   Guilty TV pleasure: love good movies of all kinds, Project Runway, Top Chef, Chopped, Face-Off, space and ancient history documentaries - and Stargate Destiny.   Celebrity crush - eh...if I HAD to pick one, it would be a toss up btwn Robert Redford, Hugh Jackman, and Christian Bale - and Redford would win hands down, old man or not.   Knitting: I make socks - rarely, thats all I know how to knit! But Im a weaver, really - I do like to receive things though - need some of those half-finger-wristelet things - whatchamacallits.   DVDs: whatever! I have so many loves - see my Swap-bot profile (link in my questionnaire)to see some of my favs.   Music: will take either mp3 or CD - tastes run the gamut of world music, celtic, middle eastern, phillip glass, john denver, techno, (think Nick Warren and global underground, not oakenfold), traditonal bluegrass, led zeppelin grateful dead, phish, hendrix, mamas & papas, woody/arlo guthrie, Eleni Mendell, PJ Harvey, Lorenna McKennitt, etc!   lip balm: yes   Piercings: would love new nostril screw - been wearing the same one since I got it pierced in 1997   Alcohol: yes - listed in my links too - mezcal, tekillya, mead, single malt scotch, Absolut pear, Absinthe, others...whatevah!   Artist and art: Bouguereau, Waterhouse, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Corot, Renoir - guess you could say I'm more into classics.   Baked goodies - must be Gluten-Free, preferably no canola oil either.   Gifts for hubby or kitties are all good - hubby is all natural, into peace, and loves running, minor league baseball, nature, blue jays, birding in general, dogs (especially black labs!), sustainable living - kitties are spoiled, no collars, but love to play and hide in boxes.   Groupons - sure if you think I will like it!! Like spa stuff - oh yes! or chocolate - Or something fun




New questions for SW!

9/8/10 Do you have a special symbol or totem that is meaningful to you? I've adopted anything cephalopod related as a totem. Personal symbol - I'm drawn to fire imagery. Do you need a box for your bpal bottles? Your imps? Your something else to put in a box stuff? I love boxes! If you could be any person, being, or animal from Fantasy what or who would you be? If you could go back to any point in time, where, when, why? I rather like it here, but I'd love to visit the Renaissance, Rome, Egypt, and the Belle Epoque. Doubt I'd stay, but it'd be nice to experience Favorite Halloween Candy/Treat? Peppermint Batties, Skor, almond and PB m&ms What are your favorite baked goods/homemade treats? I love anything, honestly Would you be interested in an astrology birth chart? I already have an incredible reading from jarvenpa,   9/7/10 Socks? Sock Dreams? Anyone? SOCKS!!!!! YES!!!! What is something you use to comfort yourself when feeling yucky, depressed, or in pain? tea, socks, napping, cheesy teen movies, ice cream, booze. Lots of booze. Favorite Halloween/Scary movies/books: Love Romero, any Argento, Fulci. J and K horror are mixed, but when they're good, they're awesome. Will watch slasher movies for the humor. COMIC BOOKS. Do you read them? Are there any series you like, or some you would like to try? I am a comic nerd. I write a series called Sullengrey. Currently reading - Buffy, Unwritten, Beasts of Burden, Hellboy/BPRD, Chimichanga. Warm drinks? Any and all. Coffee, tea, tisanes, cocoa, mulled cider.   9/6/10 When you go to an etsy wishlist, it will tell you what things are sold. If you click on the sold item, sometimes it will give options that are similar to what was sold, but not identical, would you like the similar item or prefer not to get it at all unless it's the same item? How picky are you? Not at all picky Do you wear make up? i try to Disney movies, Yay or Nay, and favourites if you do like them? I like the movies, love the parks, but keep my memorabilia to vintagey posters and such. Fantasia, Sleeping Beauty, Mulan, the Aristocats and Black Cauldron are my favorites. Do you have A VCR, DVD Player or Blue Ray or a combo of the three? DVD player Would you like custom icons as a gift? No, thank you.




BPAL Wish List - Update 08/03/12

BOTTLES THAT I WANT OH SO BADLY:   THE UNSTEADY GOVERNESS BOOBER Fire Pig 2007 Swank That! The Terror from over there! Come To Me Dirty Green Phoenix Szepasszony Water of Notre Dame Jailbait   ANYTHING STRAWBERRY   GENERAL CATALOGUE Ajna Akuma Alecto (Kindly Ones) Arkham Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo Aureus Ave Maria Gratia Plena Baku Baneberry Baobhan Sith Belladonna Bensiabel Black Annis Black Cat Black Forest Black Hellebore Bohun Upas Bread-and-Butterfly Caliban Calico Jack Carnal Croquet Cupid complaining Death Cap Deep Ones Delirium Desire Destroying Angel Detox (VI) Dodo Envy Euterpe (Muses) Fae Fairy Market Fairy Wine Follow Me Boy Fox Fires on New Year's Eve French Love Garden Path with Chickens Glasgow Gomorrah Grand Guignol Hamptons Hellcat Hesperides Hetairae High John the Conqueror Isles of Demons (The Phantom Islands) Jersey Devil Kiyohime Changes from a Serpent (III) Ladon Lady Macbeth Lady Una Leanan Sidhe Lilium Inter Spinas Machu Picchu Mania Muse Nanshe (IV) Nero Night-Gaunt Nocnitsa Nosferatu Nuit Obatala Ogun Olokun Orpheus (I) Pele Perversion Phobos Quietude (IV) R'lyeh Rosalind Santa Eularia Des Riu Satyr Scales of Deprivation (CAS) Sea of Glass Seduction (I) Severin Shadwell Slippery Poppy Tincture Snap-Dragonfly Succor (II) Sundew Sunrise With Seamonsters (III) Swank Tempest Temple of Dreams (III) Thalia (Gratiae) Thanatopsis The Apothecary The Coil The Dodo The Pool of Tears The Potter's Field The Sea Foams Blood The Stormhold The Vortex 'Tis the Voice of the Lobster Tushnamatay Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bat Ugh (XII) Ultraviolet Venice Verdandi Vicomte de Valmont Viola Vishuddha Wilde Windward Passage Wolf's Heart Ya-Te-Vo Yggdrasil Zephyr   LIMITED EDITION 413 U.S. 15 / Miller Vs California Abe Sapien Aeaea Allison Gross Antonino, The Carny Talker April Fool Ariadne Brunnell Banded Sea Snake Boadicea Buck Moon Butterflies and Plovers C. Auguste Dupin Cancer 2007 Chanukkiyah Cheshire Moon Clarimonde Coral Snake Corazon Cristina Dia De Los Muertos 2009 Diary of a Lovestruck Teenage Cannibal Earth Ox Ecstasy of Infatuation Eight Views of Actors in Their Dressing Rooms Eshe, a Vision of Life-in-Death Faeu Boulanger Faiza, the Black Mamba Fee Freak Show Frost Moon Fruit Moon Geek Gennivre, L'Artiste du Diable Gnome Golden Wave Haunted House: The Perilous Parlor Haunted House: The Twisted Oak Tree Hexennacht 2008 Hunter Moon Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream Isaac the Living Skeleton Khajuraho 2006 King of Clubs King of Spades Kunstkammer Lick It Like You Mean It Liz Lughnasadh Mabon Makhanitis Manners Among Men and Women in the Red Light District Marotte Maud Ruthyn Milk Moon 2007 Moana Monster Bait: Bloody Mary Monster Bait: Closet Monster Bait: Underpants Moon of Small Spirits Motley New Year's Eve in Dogville November One to Tie, Two to Win Philommeidês Plague of Frogs Planting Moon Privilege Punkie Night Queen of Clubs Queen of Diamonds Rangoon Riptide Rat Roux-Ga-Roux Samhain Selkie Semiramis Singing Moon Skadi Sleepy Hollow: Fearful Pleasure Sleepy Hollow: Gunpowder Sleepy Hollow: Ichabod Crane Sleepy Hollow: The Goblin Rider Snow Angel Snow, Glass, Apples Snowblind Snow-Flakes Spirits of the Dead Spooky 2005 Storm Moon Stormclouds Over the Midway Stranger in Camp Strawberry Moon Sturgeon Moon Suck It Summer's Last Will and Testament Svadhinaopatika Thalassa, the Galapagos Mermaid The Carpathian Mountains The Castle The City in the Sea The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife The Flower Song The Fool The Fruit of Paradise The Horn of Amalthea The Ides of March The Phoenix The Piper at the Gates of Dawn The Pit & The Pendulum The Sea Rat The Spell of Amorous Love Theodosius, the Legerdemain Thirteen (13) Thunderbird Tiki King Tissue Tomoe Gozen Trevor Bruttenhelm Usher Velvet Clown Velvet Pink Kitty Velvet Tiger   LATE 2009 LE Chewing Bits of String Lick it till it's sticky Overprotective Possessed Talking Doll Peach Moon Season of the emergence Spooky 2009 Resurrected Scent The Fruit of Paradise Very Slightly Haunted Dollhouse   JAN-APRIL 2010 LE Thouros – Furious Metal Tiger Dark Chocolate and Key Lime Truffle Milk Chocolate and Matcha Green Tea Ganache Truffle White Chocolate, Black Raspberry and Apricot Cordial Truffle White Chocolate, Strawberry and White Pepper Truffle The Steeple Enchanted Wood Florist Candles Moon Chaste Moon 2010 Teatime in Roswell   MAY-SEPT 2010 LE I still need to go back and look!   Yule 2010 LE The Waltz of the Snowflakes Incessant torture of remorse A cold clear winter day The second of the three spirits The last of the spirits   The Last Unicorn The Lilac Wood The Last Unicorn     OTHER Embalming Fluid Soap Snake Oil Soap ANY BATH OIL ANY L ladies shirt (new or slightly used)   No this list isn't daunting to me in the least yeah right!   Source: Wishlist




rest of the list so far

here we go the rest of the list- i am CAUGHT UP   9/8/10 Do you have a special symbol or totem that is meaningful to you? Actually I sat thinking about this for awhile. I am a Bitch and depending on the day I am an old hound dog or the black german Shepard ready to defend themselves and their charges. I tend to see animals at times where they shouldn't be. Twice now when a friend has passed away bald eagles have shown up not sure if they are totems or not but they are soothing in my grief   Do you need a box for your bpal bottles? Your imps? Your something else to put in a box stuff? I am always looking for pretty storage   If you could be any person, being, or animal from Fantasy what or who would you be?i would be a spinx I think.   If you could go back to any point in time, where, when, why?Humm I would Like to see things in the past. Lost things such as the Appaloosas before they were slaughtered. Ireland before the english. The thing is I realize that I am a product of my times and so wouldn't really be prepared for what it actually would be like un romanticized   Favorite Halloween Candy/Treat?tiny kit kat bars   What are your favorite baked goods/homemade treats?I like cakes   Would you be interested in an astrology birth chart? Yes yes I would   9/7/10 Socks? Sock Dreams? Anyone? SOCKS, I will go hunt up more for the EVIL amazon list for you   What is something you use to comfort yourself when feeling yucky, depressed, or in pain? I actually am a textured person when I feel worst I tend to go fins something satin or silk and slide it through my hands. Its a weird thing but it has always soothed me   Favorite Halloween/Scary movies/books hummm Hocus Pocus, Pratical Magic ( I am in Love with the Aunts clothes in that movie, oh to be stockard channing. The music make this movie I think)   What would the name of your custom blend be? The description?  Humm I think its would be -   Ditzy Archivist – the smell of books, inks, with the hint of apple candy left on a high shelf     COMIC BOOKS. Do you read them? Are there any series you like, or some you would like to try? I WANT all the Patrica Briggs Comics, I have the first four and havn't been able to get the rest. I also have the first few Anita Blake graphic novels I would love to get the rest or one of the Asher prints they did a couple of years ago for the book room   Warm drinks? I love milk chocolate coco, my hubby only does dark chocolate and i don't like it. I also love vanilla steamers which is basically vanilla steamed milk. With my tea allergy its always dangerous to try things like chai.   9/6/10 When you go to an etsy wishlist, it will tell you what things are sold. If you click on the sold item, sometimes it will give options that are similar to what was sold, but not identical, would you like the similar item or prefer not to get it at all unless it's the same item? How picky are you? my etsy list is a hodge podge of things that caught my eye. As such it has all KINDS of things on it. I liked the look of. It a good idea getter but its isn't actually anything I am expecting a certain thing from   Do you wear make up? for occasions, but it looks like ia m going to have to get a job and I could sure use the basics (a tutorial would be nice) on mineral makeup for a business. I actually can do the more outlandish already as thats what I do for the girls when we play dress up   Disney movies, Yay or Nay, and favorites if you do like them?I LIKE them but we are pretty picky   Do you have A VCR, DVD Player or Blue Ray or a combo of the three? I have a PS3 so I get dvd and blue ray   Would you like custom icons as a gift? It wouldn't be bad, not sure what I would be though   9/5/10 What is your favourite snack food, something you could grab any time?i can hurt myself on shelled sunflower seeds,   Ebooks Only if they are Baen, so far the others have defeated me.   Nail Polish:oh hell yeah, I love the stuff   Soft/plushy things:in this house you could die by plushie avalanche   What hobby/craft would you like to learn how to do?quilt, I Sooo want to learn how to do this   For those who decorate for Halloween, do you prefer cute decorations or creepy ones?: I prefer cute   Also, as part of the cute-or-creepy question, would you want hand made, molded, glazed (by yours truly!) ceramic decorations (napkin rings, potporri/tart warmers, etc) to add to your stock? I wouldn't' turn it down, not sure what they would do though   how do you feel about mortars and pestles Wow I would be totally blown away by something like this. I have always wanted one that was functional not just a decoration   Is there anything you have a phobia of, or that would make you go "squick" if you saw it in a package? I don't do snakes, if it looked anything LIFE like I would jump.




First round of questions answered

I am working on the great list of questions, if you have questions i am willing to answer them   9/4/10 Are you into Austen's books?  Umm no, although if you had an Old battered copy of pride and prejudice that i can try and read again i have been told to try again now that i am older   Do you read Tarot cards? If not, would you be interested? I did but I lost my deck last year to the Girls who thought they were just big playing cards. I would love a new set, but they would need a nice box that I can put up unnoticed   So for those of you who are into Harry Potter at all, which house do you think you'd be sorted into? I am a Ravenclaw through and through (I used to miss the bus because I was sitting there reading when it came)   What, if anything, is your guilty TV watching pleasure?I have to admit I watch Mythbusters about any time I watch an actual SHOW. But my guilty pleasure is Palidia chanel with all the concerts. I LOVE live music and having it on my tv is an extra bonus   If you cosplay or need a costume for your bellydance/burlesque hobby (or any other hobby which needs dressup/different from your normal wear), is there anything you need/want for it? Hummm as a largish person I try NOT to go out in public but I would love one of those bright scarves to use while I do my belly dancing exercise   Celebrity crush?:Keanu Reeves, followed closely by Brad Pitt with orlando Bloom hanging around for effect.   Knitted things?:YES, although I am sensitive to itchies with some fibers. BUT I have to say one of my not so secret wishes is for a LONG ravenclaw scarf for me and a slitheren on for the hubby   What about [mixed or otherwise] DVDs?hummm never had a mixed dvd what is on that?   DVDs: Do you prefer widescreen or formatted? You philistine how could you even mention formatted in my presence   Music: Any preference towards MP3 or CD? I like both, the only thing is I like to listen to mix cds in the car which dosn't do mp3s   Do you like scented tarts? I don't have anything to do anything with them not against them just not sure what they Do   Lip balms? yes but only really good balms. A past witchy set me up with my lip stuff ( mylipstuff.com)and I have been in love with it every since but I am almost out with winter in Ohio approaching   Do you have any body mods? If so, do you need any new jewelry, o-rings, plugs, etc (and if so, what size, length, etc)? Do you like pro-body mod stickers? Sorry the only thing I have is pieces ears and I am always on the look out for new studs that my ears won't eat.   Booze. Do you drink it, would you like some I lvoe booze and any that come to the house will be drunk by someone     What is your favorite artist or art style? (including if you have links to favorite pictures/paintings/photographs) humm I love lots of artists but it is the pieces not the artist themselves that draw me in. I love the early works of Kim McElroy ( http://www.spiritofhorse.com/ ) her illusionary horses are in person just amazing. I find her more recent stuff and her new world view a little wooo woo. I live to read about what ever Ursula Veron ( http://www.redwombatstudio.com/ )has come up with to do this time. I adore this woman and some day will make a pilgrimage to a con shes attending just to shake her hand and thank her for all the laughs I have had since following her lj all those years ago. If she ever does DO the hamsutra I Have GOT to have one!! I like bright gorgeous colors but I also like classics such as van gogh's sunflowers and starry night. Monet depending on the canvass. I like color and I like it In your face. Humm I wonder if this answer makes any sense to anyone not me.     9/03/10 Hallowe'en plans? kidlet trick or treating, I am thinking the spawn should be faeries this year so I am looking for cost effective wings and so on.   Mix Cds?oh yeah   Girlyness level? That depends on a day to day basis I am almost a man. Exept for my vainness about getting my hair put up every day. But I LOVE LOVE to pamper myself sometimes, I indulge in things like bubble baths and I LOVE the Ice prince Oil (I should horde it but oh its so relaxing) On the other hand no one in their right mind things i am a guy.   9/02/10 Baked goods: all for this I love baked foods   Gifts for other household members: the girls if not given their own will probably mis appropriate something from the packages   Are you someone who'd rather have lots of small testers of different things on your wishlist, or would you rather have one or two "big" things? Hummm My poor little wishlist for bpal is so smallish right now. That most of what ON it I will take in what ever form I can get my grubby paws on it and be a VERY happy camper for getting it   social networking usernames, ie twitter, facebook, livejournal, ravelry, anything else: I am on LJ as therhoda, dreamwidth as the same. I don't post much and most of what i DO post is fandom and whiny. But feel free to add me.   would you like to receive Groupons or similar deals/gift certificates from your Witch? The deals on groupon look sweet but I am not sure anything Would be ME there.   How about tshirt/bottoms sizes? I am fat!@ sooo you are look at a mens large or a womens xl or xxl as far as tops. I am a size 22 top and a size 20 pants. But I would love some nice flannel anything, I tend to sleep in old flannel shirts in the winter, I tend to steal them from male relatives or beg for them for holidays.




More Questionses (and Answerses)

Movie that scared the beejeezus out of you as a child? The Deer Hunter, from which I am still trying to recover some 32 years later. Mommas, do NOT take your young child to scary movies because you yourself don't want to go alone. I was also traumatized by Bambi. (There was a fire! His momma died!)   What other websites do you frequent? BPAL is the only daily one, but I also follow Apartment Therapy, dooce and passiveagressivenotes.com.   Favorite Muppet? I LOVE the Muppets! Love them! Choosing a favorite would be like choosing my favorite child.   What creature (real or fantasy) would you like as a pet? A fantasy pet would be too much responsibility--what if I exposed it to bright light or got it wet a la "Gremlins?" Someday when I have a house I'd love to get a collie or a golden retriever. For now, I have to be content with occasionally babysitting my neighbor's neurotic dachshund.   Comfort reads? Anne of Green Gables books, Jane Austen (especially Persuasion), The Deptford Trilogy (Robertson Davies), Mark Twain books, biographies   Halloween treats? This is the only time of year I will eat candy corn.   Do you need a BPAL box? My bottles have good storing places but my imps are homeless at the moment (except for the few that I have in my lovely BPTP imp case).   Warm drink? Hot cocoa or cider   Astrology chart? I would love to get a professional chart done someday.   Favorite historical time? Actually, I'd love to go 100 years into the future!




Help for my Switch Witch

Hi - decided to try to compile a list of the questions that were asked on the SW thread in hopes of helping out my Witch - here goes   Baked goods - love them and would love the recipes as well. Family prezzies - husband loves to watch me open things and see what's in them, so that's probably gift enough for him, and of course the pets love all things, but totally not necessary. Totally up to my (hopeful here) future witch. Bottles vs lots of little things - I love the little things in life and trying new things - but once again, up to my witch. Social networking - I don't do facebook, twitter or have a blog, but I'm active on Ravelry and will make a big effort to be more active here T-shirt/bottom sizes - T's - in crews I wear a large, in the girly T's it's usually a 2xl (I'm small in the rib cage, but the "girls" aren't), bottoms - large Groupons - no thank you - I live in the middle of nowhere Mix CD's - would love them - I love new music Mancandy - Honestly - my husband is my Mancandy - we've been married 20+ years and he is truly candy for my eyes, all others pale in comparison - if you ever see him, you'll know what I mean. Girly/Non-Girly - I'm Non-Girly with odd quirks of girly. Make-up to me is blush and lipstick. Dressing up means putting on mascara (I'm not kidding). I don't wear dresses or skirts, don't wear lots of jewelry, but then all of a sudden I'll see a really CUTE Hello Kitty back-pack and stop and carry it around for hours in the store (yes, I'm aware I have problems). I can pull off sexy/vamp when called upon to do so (thanks to the girls up front, small rib cage and waist), but rarely do so as it makes me very self conscious. Then again, I have my nails done & painted every week and have my toes done every 4 weeks (hey, a girls got to have standards). I change the color every week and have been know to enjoy wild colors. Hogwatrts House - Not for me, but see the appeal. TV Guilty Pleasures - I only watch 2 TV programs - Dancing with the Stars and Castle - don't get between me and the TV (or call) during those on Monday nights starting Sept 20th, someone might get hurt. Cosplay/Costumes - Nope, not into it. Knitted Things - As a knitter myself I would welcome any and all knitted items - they are priceless (but totally understand if you aren't a knitter) Halloween - I LOVE the holiday itself, decorate the whole house, the day comes we turn off the lights and read (I dont' like strangers ringing my doorbell - I know, I'm odd) Tarot - No thank you - it's a fate thing I can't handle Jane Austen - No E-books - I like hold-em-in-your-hand-turn-the-real-page kind of books, but see their appeal for others) What about [mixed or otherwise] DVDs? - These would be great DVDs: Do you prefer widescreen or formatted? - Either is fine Music: Any preference towards MP3 or CD? - CD Do you like scented tarts? - No Lip balms? - Yes, I like Burt's Bees Do you have any body mods? - No Booze. Do you drink it, would you like some - I do drink it, but can't imagine getting some in the mail What is your favorite artist or art style - I love Art Deco/Nouveau, vintage valentines, old travel stickers What is your favourite snack food, something you could grab any time? - dry roasted almonds (no salt) combined with dried apricots - yum Ebooks - No Nail Polish: - Yes, I like China Glaze Soft/plushy things: - Some What hobby/craft would you like to learn how to do? - I wish I could paint For those who decorate for Halloween, do you prefer cute decorations or creepy ones?: - cute but electic How do you feel about mortars and pestles - I have two sets Is there anything you have a phobia of, or that would make you go "squick" if you saw it in a package? - spiders, snakes When you go to an etsy wishlist, How picky are you? - similar is fine Do you wear make up? - Not really Disney movies, Yay or Nay, and favourites if you do like them? - I do like Disney movies, Eeyore (especially vintage) is my all time favorite Do you have A VCR, DVD Player or Blue Ray or a combo of the three? - I have a VCR & DVD Would you like custom icons as a gift? - Sure Socks? Anyone? - Yes! What is something you use to comfort yourself when feeling yucky, depressed, or in pain? - Wine Wine & Gin and Tonics usually will settle my stomach if I'm not feeling well, heating pad usually helps with pain and is comforting, BPAL scents can usually help me relax too Favorite Halloween/Scary movies? Nightmare before Christmas, Rocky Horror Favorite Halloween/Scary books? Not really What would the name of your custom blend be? The description? Smoke-filled dream - Sandalwood, tobacco, frankincense, sage COMIC BOOKS. Do you read them? Are there any series you like, or some you would like to try? No, I don't, but would like some female hero ones to try out Warm drinks? Hot cocoa, love teas (but need caffeine free) Do you have a special symbol or totem that is meaningful to you? Bats and Trees Do you need a box for your bpal bottles? Your imps? Your something else to put in a box stuff? Nope, I'm good If you could go back to any point in time, where, when, why? I like right where I am Favorite Halloween Candy/Treat? The Reese's Pumpkins sound really good, candy corn, sweet tarts What are your favorite baked goods/homemade treats? Homemade lara type bars, caramel apples, unique brownies Would you be interested in an astrology birth chart? No thanks What movie scared the bejeezus out of you as a child? Poltergeist Name a couple of sites you frequent other than this one - Love Ravelry, Perez Hilton, Martha Stewart Blog, etc Do you like the Muppets? Which is your favorite? I do like the Muppets, Tiny Tim in the Muppet's Christmas Carol is adorable If you could have any creature (real or imaginary) as a pet, what would it be? Donkey Comfort Rereads? I really don't reread books much Will you be going out of town during the round, or is there any other time during the round when it would not be ideal for you to receive a package from your witch? I will be out of town some (Sept 27-30th, Oct 11-15, Oct 21-25), but there is always someone here to accept packages etc., so it won't be a problem - and I'll have my laptop with me. If you are not in school, is there anything you are trying to learn? I'm learning to quilt What animal would your daemon be? Ttook the test and I'm an Open Solitary Soul (which was pretty dead on in the description for the most part - some exceptions) - with suggested animals of panda, artic fox, domestic cat, wood thrush, spitz dog - I'd probably pick the artic fox What's YOUR favorite word? Queer (meaning odd) - I've always liked it, but don't get to use it much Steampunk, yay or nay? If yay, what part appeals most? Yay - I love Steampunk. I don't do costumes myself or anything, but I'm fascinated by the whole thing, the colors, the style, the vintage sepia tone, the jewelry, etc. Would you like a bag of dried Honey Crisp apples? - Oh yes please (from TwilightEyes) If you were to receive a knitted item (such as a scarf, hat, etc), what colors would you like? And do you have any sensitivies/allergies to any materials? I don't like orange or yellow or black - love blues, greens coral - , I like soft wool items (nothing scratchy) Gift Certificate: physical or email? I would prefer physical gifts, but would be thrilled with anything (email would be best if I had to choose) Favorite Yankee Candles? Or other brands scents? I'm not really into fake scent things, so anything natural smelling would be great Would you like a zuni animal fetish? And if so, what animal? do they make Zuni Bats or donkey's? And how does everyone feel about glow in the dark radishes? I like funky, but no thanks What places to do you visit that you'd like a gift card to? Starbucks, Target, Wal-Mart, B&N, a favorite restaurant or clothing shop? see above Cake or Frosting? Corner piece - cake with lots of frosting Cake truffle? If YES! Cake/icing/chocolate type? OOoooo yum, any Are you interested in mini bottles(under 100ml for hand luggage) of bath and body products? Sure - love natural products Vampire shows, literature, etc? Yay or nay? I don't True Blood, but like Sookie Stackhouse, and really like Vampire Erotica If you play console video games, what game systems do you have and what games would you love to have? None How do you all feel about flowers and plants? Flower and plant seeds? Drawings of flowers or plants? Pressed flowers? I'm not very girly, so flowers are okay but love seeds How do you feel about marzipan? I like marzipan If you could have 3 BPAL bottles fall (gently) out of the sky right this second that you've been looking for or pining for - which 3 would they be? I haven't been using/collecting BPAL long enough for this one - but definitely Velvet Panther - loved it Are there any international treats that you love and have a hard time finding? I live in rural TN - anything is international for me . I used to live in Dallas TX in a big city and love international foods, so spices and all things unique I love. Love to cook and love new recipes, try me Is there anything from the 'Ween BPTP update that you would like but haven't ordered for yourself? Not really, I ordered all the imps I wanted, but haven't received them quite yet.   Updated 9/13 If you are a crafter, would you like to receive supplies from your witch (beads, fabric, yarn/roving etc?) I love to quilt, so fabrics, quilting notions, etc would be fun Find your iPod (or other MP3 device), put it on shuffle/random. What are the first five songs to come up? I'm embarassed to say that I have an MP3 player, I've owned it since last October and it's still in the plastic box it arrived in. But, things that would be on it would be Common Threads by Cherryholmes, Scream by Chris Cornell, Melissa Etheridge, etc. Soundtracks you'd like? There isn't one that I can think of If you could see one concert right now, who would it be? Elton John Any countries you're interested in? Italy, Scotland, France Would you enjoy homemade bath products (bath salts, fizzies, etc.) and/or linen sprays? Esp. if scented with some of your favorite BPAL scents? Yes, but I have to be careful what soap I use and what bath things I use because sometimes it gives me yeast infections (I know - way too TMI, but trying to be honest here) as my skin is sensitive If you witch made you something and it didn't come out just right, would you still want it? Absolutely, yes. If you knew me, you'd know that I'm the one picking up the misfit, even in the store. If there is one stuffed animal that's not quite right or whatever, that's the one that comes home with me Are you a foodie? Scent wise - I'm not sure. I haven't tried many food scents (that I know of) but like the Chocolate ones. Cooking Foodie - absolutely I am - love cooking, cookbooks, etc Any sports fans in the house? What's your favorite sport/team/player? Nope For holidays, do you decorate? Would you like decorative stuff, weenie or otherwise? If so, do you lean towards the elegant, the crafty/folksy, or the more, erm, campy? Love to decorate for every holiday - campy describes my style Do you like journals/notebooks/sketchbooks? Love note pads, pens, etc What interests you from the latest lab update? I ordered quite a few imps from the Halloween update (but haven't gotten them yet). I'd like to find some that are smoky How do you feel about stationery, like nice pens or notepaper? And if you're in favor, do you prefer classic/contemporary or cutesy stuff? Love pens, stationery, and notepaper things - cool stuff is what I like Would you like homemade preserves (e.g. marinated veggies, pickled onions, chili jam?) Yes If you've got stuff on your BPAL wishlist, would partial bottles be okay? Yes, I'd be thrilled Would you like something you have to make yourself? Sure Say you were my witchee, and I found things on your wishlist that I could totally make. Would you want me to make it? Or would you rather it be purchased for you? I'd be thrilled with either (not everyone is crafty) Who is your favorite soap etailer? Burt's Bees, Dr. Bronner What about vintage decoration items, teacups, etc etc? I love vintage decorations of all kinds With regards to your gifts, would you prefer your presents' awesomeness evenly spread out (several packages of pretty terrific things) over the round or a slow build-up of awesomeness (going up from pretty cool things to something super-duper cool at the end) to go out with a bang? Do you have a preference? I like lot's of little things, but I'm good with whatever my Witch would like What kind of make-up do you wear? What colors? Is there anything you'd like to try but haven't yet? I don't wear much make-up and I'm not very coordinated with application, but fun cool stuff is always a hoot. What level of contact do you prefer? I like high contact, lot's of e-cards, lots of emails, etc. Do you have a place where you have all the BPAL you have listed? I'm working on my Scentbase and will post it soon   Updated 9/14 Do you like maple sugar candy? Sure as long as it's not fakey What is your position on the chocolate & bacon flavor combination? How can that be bad! If you are a tea-drinker do you need a tea-cozie for your pot? I already have one Go to your spice cabinet, what are the three most used spices? Minced dried garlic, granulated garlic, Italian spices Microsoft or Apple? Microsoft (though I have a soft spot in my heart for Apple) Where was your last vacation? What did you like most? Blowing Rock, NC - the food, the shopping and the Cherryholmes concert Would you appreciate receiving handwritten letters and/or postcards (anonymous or not)? How about sending them? I would love both - I love cards and letters Do you hate any food things with a passion?? Squid or Octopus, orange flavored things for the most part Would you be opposed to receiving a digital version (via email) of a magazine you like but don't subscribe to...you know, in the interest of saving a tree? Sure - I've never done that Chocolate or other types of candy? Love chocolate and I've always wanted to try those salted caramels For tea drinkers, do you prefer loose leaf or tea bags? I like bags, but can also do loose If you would enjoy something of a knitted persuasion, do you have a preference on type of thing? Since making a scarf for someone who has 10 might be a smidge excessive? Also, how do people feel about shawls? Shawls are nice, scarves are nice, but I'm REALLY picky about hats so that might not be a good idea Is there a TV, movie or literary character that you are a lot alike, or would like to be alike? Can't think of one Is there anything you need for your kitchen, ie measuring cups, spoons, grater, ect? A Microplane grater would be GREAT Music, DO you prefer Live or Studio? Edited or explicit? Definately studio - I hate live albums, no editing If you are an animal lover, is there a specific type/breed that you love most? I have a soft spot in my heart for Pugs, but I love all rescue animals Also flowers and plants- If you like flowers/plants, do you have a favorite(s)? I like roses, Passion Flowers and Thistles Do you have a favorite quotation? Song lyric? Book passage? No   Updated 9/21 - whew What is a bpal scent that you've been dying to try for awhile but just can't find? (A scent where even a tester would do) - I don't have one yet   What would your last meal be if it could be anything in the world (sky is the limit, drinks too, the whole shebang) NaNoWriMo? - Carrabba's Chicken Bryan, Caesar Salad, Mom's German Chocolate Cake   How do you feel about silly, funny knick-knack, dollar store stuff, stickers, magnets etc? Would you like receiving that kind of stuff or rather not? You bet   Is there a specific book you've been wanting to get but haven't found the time or the opportunity to? Nope   Do you read mangas/watch animes? Which ones? Do you have a particular favourite? Would you like to receive managas or anything related to them? Don't read them   Are you open to receiving things that are not on your wishlist, maybe something your Witch thinks you might like? Yes   If you have something on a wishlist that we could craft INSTEAD of buying, though it might not end up identical to the wishlist thing, would it be okay to craft it instead? Obviously we don't want to copy anyone else's design, but if we can replicate the flavour or intent that you like without stepping on toes? Yes   OK, I know that lots of folks love socks. Do you have a preference of length? Materials? Patterns? Nope - I love all socks   How do people feel about word magnets - sure   If you could have any costume, or if you aren't into costumes, necklace or other accessory, from any movie character, what would it be? None   How do you feel about samples/decants of things other than BPAL? Soap slices, lotion/scrub/shower gel decants, single use make-up/beauty products, etc. Sure   What are you guys going to be aiming for in the Inquisition? Or do you just plan on ordering individual items? Hoping to order some individual items, but haven't yet   If I were to knit a scarf, would you prefer a skinny one, or a wide one? A short one, that when wrapped once around your neck will just tuck under your jacket, or a long one, at least to your waist? Would like to wrap it around my neck twice and tuck it into my jacket - med width   Don't like scarves? Would a rectangular shawl or triangular shawl be more to your taste? Sure   How do you feel about recipes? Love them   What kind of a cook/baker are you? I love America's test kitchen, so I don't mind something taking longer to cook as long as it's wonderful.   Are you happiest calling for delivery or microwaving a lean cuisine, Or will Food Network be asking you to host their new program? Cooking - little take out   If I send you something home made would you like the reciepe for it? Yes please   If you are someone who doesn't want baked goods sent, would you like a collection of some of my favorite recipes? Sure   How about home made mixes or kits? Kind of like the cookie in a jar thing, where you would need to add the perishable ingredients? Sure, but in the past I haven't really used those   if you are a tea lover, what are your flavor preferences? Green? Black? Herbal (I know, technically those are NOT teas, but tisanes)? Flavored blacks/greens? I like all non caffinated teas   Are there any particular movies, tv shows or cd's that you've been meaning to buy for years but just never got round to getting? Would you mind a gently used dvd/cd if your witch had it or could get it?? Nope   Is there anything from the Possets' Hallowe'en update you're lusting after? I'm not familiar with them   Would you like a custom/altered toy either from a seller or from your witch (like My Little Pony, or a Barbie or any particular toy that can be changed?) Hello Kitty   Do you like the candy apple, candy corn or pumpkin spice kisses? Yes   Anne Taintor, anyone? Don't know who she is   Which web comics do you enjoy? No   Who likes hair toys, and if so what kind? I have short hair - not hair toys needed   Does any art we may send need to be child safe, either in the actually safe sense or the non X rated sense? Nope   In the knitted/crocheted things area, would you want wrist warmers, 1/2 gloves, a neck warmer(the kind that pretty much just goes around your neck and maybe fastens instead of being long and loose like a scarf), slippers, or hats? All would be welcome   How do you feel about altered/recycled/upcycled items of clothing or accessories? Love them   Is there anything you want from the Violette Market update? I'm not familiar with them   What is your favourite habitat and climate to live in? How about to visit? (ie. forest, canyons, mountains, by the beach; temperate, tropical...) Mountains, forest, canyons   What do you wish you could make/craft if you had the know-how and supplies? Specifically, which particular items? No, not really   Is there anything you would like from Conjure Oils general catalogue or the new updates that isn't already on your wishlist? No familiar with them   Am I alone in this, or is there a Book Fair/Comic Con scent you're dying to get your paws on, too? I'd have to look   Anyone need address/phone type books? No   Do you read/like fantasy? What kind of books or authors do you love? Which one would you like to read? Would you like gifts related to it? I like to read Erotica by Ellora's Cave, and love almost anything by Joey W. Hill   Soaps : do you like them? What brands? What scents? Anything you're dying to try? I love scented soaps, but my body doesn't like them (I know I've answered this before - other answers are more specific)   I wondered if my witch or any witch would enjoy things like nice pens to draw with or anything similar? Sure   For those who are yarnies, would you like other-than-yarn witchery? Hooks, needles? Preference of material? Do you use/would you like handmade stitch markers, etc.? I'd love some hand made stitch markers - other than that, I'm set   Does anyone do altered books? Would you be interested in old books to alter? Any type or title in particular? No thanks   Did someone ask about incense yet? Would you like some? Something to store or burn it in? What scents? What form? No thanks   Any oddball free things you collect or would want saved for you? Nope   If you happened to be my Witchee, is there something you'd like from the Arcana Halloween update? I sound like a broken record   How many bottles of BPAL do you have? - 53 bottles, 97 samples   Is there any exercise program that you're interesting in learning? Meditation, Yoga, Pilates, Belly Dancing, Zumba ect? Or if you do any of these (or anything else sport related) are there any things you need/want? Candles, music, mats, water bottles ect? Would like Belly Dancing things   Anyone else into Emily Autumn? Don't know who that is   What's on your walls? Please show us up to three paintings/posters/whatever. If you love a painting so much that you would steal (to watch it with your greedy eyes) one, please share. - I'll get back to this one   do you like Girl Scout cookies? What kind? No thank you   What's your take on homemade apple butter? Want some? Yummy - sure   Do you like garlic? Do you REALLY like garlic? Would you want to try some really unusual garlic stuff, like garlic cheese or garlic fudge or garlic chocolate, etc., etc., etc.? LOVE Garlic - bring it on   Can I talk to you about the living dead? How do you feel about Zombies? do I really need to answer this?   Updated 10/1   Do you have a deviantart print wish list or favorites list? No - I've never heard of this   Is there anything from Blooddrop that you want to try? GC? Halloween update? I'm awful, I've never heard of them   What kind of shoes do you need/want? What size shoes do you wear? Would you mind gently used shoes? I wear 7.5 to 8 shoe - but have lots   Do you like paper dolls (new or vintage) or coloring in books? Never was into paper dolls (much to my Mom's chagrin), but I do like coloring books   Do you like weird scary things as traditionally girly fashion items like heels and handbags? Not into heels, but I have a tote bag fetish   What song is on heavy rotation for you right now? Chris Cornell's Scream album - all songs   Are you coveting any of the NYCC atmospheric sprays? Nope   If you could get any one thing hand-painted from your witch, what would it be and what would be on it? Imp holder painted with bats   Would you (assuming' you're a yarnie) be interested in a naturally-dyed yarn that's designed to very gradually fade with washing? Sure   If you have played before, what are some of the most memorable things you've gotten? What really made you go WOW? If you haven't played, same thing, but not limited to SW. I haven't played before, this is my first time. And everything I've gotten so far has make me go wow   Do you collect stones/rocks? I'm talking like "semi" precious stones, i.e. moonstone, bloodstone, quartz etc. Are there any that you're looking for at the moment? Are you in need of a stone but don't know which kind? I collect all kinds of things, but so far stones isn't one of them   What's your favorite Halloween Music? I don't think I have any favorite Halloween Music yet   Just curious, but if your witch was to make an amigurumi critter (or other plushie) just for you, what would it be? They have a bat crochet ornament that is way too cute   Would you want a local/tourist item from your witch? Like a t-shirt, mug or shot glass? Yes, I think that would be lots of fun   Okay, who wants NAlloween and some Vampire Apothecary goodness? I'm lame - my witch is going to disown me   Venomous Villains? See above   Last Unicorn? I just got the book to read, but I know lots of people have been anxiously awaiting this one - would love to see the notes in each one before saying which I'd like to try   Who is your fav Disney Villain/villainess? How about hero/heroine? (doesn't have to be specifically Disney though) - The Evil Queen of Snow White Stands out   If you could make a scent that represents where you live (or have lived), what would be the ingredients? The beautiful soft scent of pines, the wind blowing through the trees, the leaves rustling & the feel of sun on my face   Are you in need of Roller bottles or anything of the like? I've never tried a roller bottle, that might be fun & who couldn't use more wand tops   Is there one scent that is your goto for comfort on a bad stressful day? Like the perfume equivalent of a security blankie? Dark chocolate and pepper smoked caramel & Interfector   What are you going to be for Halloween? I normally don't dress up for Halloween   Is there something just super random you like/enjoy/want/are ogling that has not been and will not be covered by any other questions, because it's just that WEIRD? I just like simple things & I can see that I'm going to have to get more creative with my answers!   Villainess has an update. Anyone wanting anything from it? Sigh - sorry dear witch. I'll have to get online this weekend and try to find all these other folks and see if there is anything I'd like to try   Updated 10/4 how are all the witchees fixed for purses--lunchbags, etc? I'm good - thanks   Now, I have a question for you. About notes. Which are your favourite ones? Do you have a kind of "note top ten?" I think we've talked about this before - I know the smokey scents work good, tobacco (if it's not too sweet), some vanilla's,   Anything that works particularly well on you? Do you have a perfume category (foody, floral, aquatic, musky) that you favour? And are there any notes you have never tried, but think would work well on you? Interfector works perfect on me, Dark Chocolate with Pepper Smoked Caramel, I thought I might be a foodie, but cake scents seem to have a fake plastic smell on my skin. I'd like to try some ginger scents to see if those would work on me.   Would you like a sugar skull decorated by your witch? Or do you like sugar skull stuff in general? Sure, I like Dia De Los Muertos things   So, who here loves pomegranates? Are the good as a fruit, a flavoring or just a scent? Love pomegranates as a fruit & flavoring, don't know as a scent yet.   Snuggies? No thank you - can you imagine what they would look like with the pet hair from 5 pets all over them? They sound warm though   Updated 10/7 Would you like to receive international magazines, even if you don't speak the language it's written in, just to ogle the pictures or for the novelty of it? If yes, what kind of magazines, or what magazines in particular? If there is one my Witch likes fine, but I like English better Besides, I have Cook's Illustrated coming from my Witch and I'm very happy! would you have interest in any of the new Christmas stuff from Lush? Didn't see anything Oh, witchee-poo... if there was one bottle you could have from the NYCC exclusives, what would it be? None for me If someone were to make you one of the items in this post which would it be? I like #2 If you were my witchee, would you mind a gift certificate where you'd have to do it old school style and mail it in with your order form? I think my Wtich already knows about the GC thing Did you forget anything fun/interesting or find something new and exciting? I trying very hard to update my Etsy favorites - who-boy you could get lost in there forever!   Updated 10/26 I came home with some Dungeon Crawl and some Bedbugs yesterday. If you were my witchee, would you want some of either/both? Those sound too hard to acquire and there's so much I haven't tried, so no thank you   Would you want your witch to reveal herself? How? Absolutely - and the sooner the better, but I'll be patient (NOT) - reveal in any form is good for me   Today I got one of the Starbucks Halloween Bearista Bears - it's dressed like a werewolf! Is this something witchees might like? Not into Starbucks, but if there's a bat ... Are you interested in Halloween costumes for your pet(s)? No thanks, I don't require any of my pets to do tricks of any kind or wear costumes (but love looking at other people's pets who love them)   Do you prefer scented or unscented lotions/moisturizers? Unscented please (or all natural and not highly scented).   What are you most interested in from the Yule update? I have already joined a decant group and have purchased the following imps from the Yules: HERR DROSSELMEYER 2010 HARLEQUIN AND COLUMBINE THE RAT KING 2010 EBENEZER SCROOGE CHRISTMAS EVE IN THE COUNTING HOUSE THE SECOND OF THE THREE SPIRITS BOB CRATCHIT’S HEARTH ALTAR TO COLD, RIGID, DREADFUL DEATHS AUTUMN AND WINTER NOCHE BUENA 2010 WOODS IN WINTER YULE 2010   If you were my witchee, would you want to receive Confessions of a Jane Austen Addict, or wouldn't that be your cup of classics? No Thanks   Would you like some homemade snack mix? That would be wonderful!   Knitterly Witchees, would you like a yarn bowl? I already have 3 yarn bowls and don't need any more   So....let's say that you're my witchee, and you have an affinity for widgets. Let's also pretend that I sent you one of these widgets, but in a form that has a very special personal significance to me. Would you find that to be touching (in a "Yay, now I'll always use this and think of my witch!" way) or tacky (in a "My witch is making this all about her!" way)? This sounds wonderful and my Witch has really wonderful taste, so anything she sends is great   Have you had a chance to try Halloweenies? If so, which ones are you really really in love with this year? I really liked A Howl in the Darkness, but haven't tried all of them yet. The ones I have tried I updated on my Scentbase list.   Pocket shrines! Would you like one, made for a particular obsession of yours? No thank you


