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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!


Although I have a private LJ (and a blog for cross-stitch) I think a scent journal would be useful. My LJ friends have not the slightest idea of perfume and I don't want to spam their friends list with perfume ramblings. I think a blog here is a nice idea as mostly people who like BPAL will read it (if anyone at all reads it anyway). This will be my space for pondering over what to include in my next order and post short reviews.   With the new update I want to place a new order, so question is what to order?   I think I'll pass on the Fledgling Raptor Moon. I love the concept and the artwork is beautiful but woods are not very me, I'm still unsure how vanilla works for me (same with sandalwood) and I have never tried Hinoki, Massoia or West Indian bay.   Until now I also thought I wouldn't need Chaos Theory because it's too risky but yesterday I got a decant from some CT Vanilla and it's vanilla-creamy orange and smells sooo yummy. Also in the reviews incense hasn't been mentioned much so i'm kinda save. It's not that I don't like incense but I have many imps smelling like it so I don't need more. So I will take the risk and hope for a foody or fruity or floral Vanilla blend.   Also on my order will be Tiki Princess and an Imp pack of the Tiki bar (consisting of Blue Fire, Mahana, Rangoon Riptide, Red Tide, Screeching Parrot and Ehecatl). All those sound delicious for summer! I'm not the biggest fan of warm coconut (Paduan Killer Swarm is nice once in a while but the coconut is a little bit too much), so I hope the cold coconut in Tiki Princess will be as awesome as I hope for.   I plan to get my first GC bottle. With my last order I got an Imp of Glasgow and it's GEORGEOUS!!! I love the heather and blackberry. It's such a subtle, warm and soft blend that I could wear it everyday if there weren't all those Imps to test.   So the (new, edited) breakdown: CT Vanilla Tiki Princess Glasgow Durian Fruit infused Honey and Brandy Imp Pack + some Wandcaps   This will be the biggest order I've placed so far but as it's my birthday in 3 days I think it's okay to make myself a small present ^^   Okay EDIT: I completely forgot!!! I also wanted to order Durian Fruit infused Honey and Brandy. IMO it's the best infused honey because it's not so overly green like Doll's Eye and a little bit more complex than Jerusalem Cherry (which is also nice but I only need one Infused Honey). I haven't tried Yew Berry but that's okay. Maybe the fact that I forgot it in the breakdown is a sign that I shouldn't order it at all? But it's such a nice light scent... And in July I might want to order the Moths and Butterflies when I'm finally done testing them all.




Untangling The Threads

I have enough imps -- and plan on getting enough more -- that I should really start figuring out what works for me and what doesn't. I've learned that some things I like to smell don't necessarily work well on my skin (no surprise), and so far, nothing I dislike actually works on me (again, no surprise). Other conclusions follow. (This is an entry that I will be coming back to and modifying over the years.)   avoid these elements: Dragon's Blood   elements which may work very well for me, but which I need to try in other combinations before I'm sure: wax   look for these elements specifically: tobacco leather   these may or may not be deal-breakers in that they're scents I like (or don't dislike) but that amp to a point where they thuggishly take over a scent: amber sandalwood




Well, allrighty.

Absolutely nothing going on here at work.....very boring.   I want to make another Lab order this week. I really can't afford it, but I want more Chaos Theories before they go away (at least one). But, do I want amber or frankincense? Or another Tilt-A-Whirl? I really don't know. I should just get one of each and be done with it.   I ordered 4 of the Tilt-A-Whirl already......   One is straight-up powdery floral. I guessed poppy and carnation, with possibly a little rose too, like tea rose. This is already living with moonarcana now because it is so much more her kind of thing than mine!   Another one is almost exactly like Cathedral. Seriously, you have to smell them side by side to tell the difference. The Chaos is a little stronger on the woods. It has a cedary note that is almost pungent, but truthfully, it's almost exactly like Cathedral.   One is weird and herbal with sassafras, I think. It's like sassafras without any sweetness. It reminds me of some kind of herbal hair product. It's herbal, but not pretty herbal, or spring-like, or anything like that. If anything, it's almost brackish, but not really aquatic, if that makes any sense at all. Brackish. I'm not even sure what that means but it seems like a good word. Swamp-like?   And finally, one of them is really, really pretty. Glowing reddish orange, florals, slightly fruity, with something warm like resin or maybe amber. It's really great but not quite something that I would wear. I described it as a tropical sunset and that's still pretty much the image I get. Lotus and amber, and more? I'll have to try this one again and really think about whether I want to keep it.




Retired shipping updates :) (spring-summer 2010/winter 2011)

I hope this works as a good place to display updated shipping information. It'll keep me from having to update two threads.   Swaps/Sales beginning 2/20/2011:lilium: Joyful Moon (Lunacy August 2010) - $20 (shipped Th 2/24/11)
Penance: Krampus (Yuletide 2006) - $17.50 (shipped Th 2/24/11)
hbcarter2: Luna (Metamorphosis: The Moths) - $20 (shipped Th 2/24/11)
GodivaSyndrone: Rosy Maple (Metamorphosis: The Moths) - $20 (shipped Th 2/24/11)
Prosperity of a Country (Lupercalia 2010) - (shipped)
Clockwork Couture: Female & Skytyping with Chemtrails (Black Helicopters; 1x) - $20
Enyalios (Lupercalia 2010: Ode to Ares; 1x) - $17.50
Mitzvah Goreret Mitzvah (Yuletide Toy Drive 2010) ~ possibly pending: MUA
Lady Lilith (Forum Only: The Salon) - $25 ~ possibly pending: MUA
Lilith and the Jarocho (Forum Only June 2009) - $17.50 ~ possibly pending: MUA
Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller (Forum Only September 2009) - $17.50 ~ possibly pending: MUA
Sunbird (Neil Gaiman, w/ chapbook) - $45 ~ possibly pending: MUA
The Gladdener of All Hearts (Forum Only September 2008) - $17.50 ~ possibly pending: MUA
The Volstead Act (C2E2 Exclusive) - $20 ~ possibly pending: MUA
The White Lady of Durand Eastman Park (NY Comic Con 2010) - $20 ~ possibly pending: MUA
Champagne and Absinthe (Retail New Year's 2010/11 Exclusive) ~ possibly pending: MUA
Champagne and Opium (Retail New Year's 2010/11 Exclusive) ~ possibly pending: MUA
Freak Show (Carnaval Noir; 70%) ~ possibly pending: MUA
Gypsy (Metamorphosis: The Moths; 90%) ~ possibly pending: MUA
Hermes Trismegistus VR (Cobwebs 2009) ~ possibly pending: MUA   Shipping Information (Zip Code ~ Delivery Confirmation number):
60586-6269 ~ 0496 9011 7930 3609 1923
31558 ~ 0496 9011 7930 3609 1930
36115 ~ 0496 9011 7930 3609 1947
Germany (customs #) ~ LC83859336US7

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   NOTE 7/9/10: I shipped all remaining packages on Friday 7/9/10. I also brought home my new puppy (whom I had fallen in love with during multiple half-day visits) on Thursday night. So, while I would normally have entered the DCs when I got home Friday, I instead immediately became Puppy Mom. Thus, by the time you are seeing these DCs today, your packages have likely flown most of the way to you!   NOTE 7/7/10: Apparently my head is just not screwed back on after my vacation. I went to the PO today and shipped off four more packages. My iPhone would not function long enough to tell me the address info for Faeu and claw polishes by the time I got to those packages. (Ever since I downloaded iPhone OS 4.0, my phone has been crippled.) SO, I will get to the PO AGAIN either tomorrow or Friday with those two and the Canadian package. I could not make it there in time to ship international again today. :sigh:   NOTE 7/6/10: So, I packed up oils, sprays, claw polish, bottle tape, baggies, bubble wrap, packing tape, and three mailers today. Three. Three for nine packages. Well, okay - I packed the spray in the small box I had. Of course, I got to the PO *right after* they closed, so since the box is on its way to Canada it didn't get to go anywhere. I drove like a bat out of hell to get people their smellies, and my dumb ass forgot to pack mailers in my packing bag. SO, I'm very sorry all nine packages did not go out today. I tried, and will try again tomorrow if at all possible! I had hoped to get to the PO's APC on 7/5, but was back from vacation late. So, please remember that weekdays are hard for me due to work (as stated in my terms on my swap page), but I will do my very best!   PENDING/SHIPPED: JULY
tarotgirl ~ 413 US Miller vs. CA (LE) ~ paid 6/30/10; SHIPPED 7/7/10 / 7/9/10
tailoredshirt (lj) ~ BPAL Hod Resurrected & Sapphics (LE; Love Poems) + Arcana Filthy Viking 5mls ~ paid 7/2/10; SHIPPED 7/6/10
becca_blueroses (lj) ~ BPAL Banshee Beat 5ml ~ paid 7/2/10; SHIPPED 7/6/10
alouette-sparra (lj) ~ BPAL Bat-Woman 5ml ~ paid 7/2/10; SHIPPED 7/7/10
luredbyvenus (lj) ~ BPAL Anti-Saloon League 5ml (insured) ~ paid 7/2/10; SHIPPED 7/7/10
sakuratart (lj) ~ BPAL Loli Goth x 2 & Cake Smash 5mls ~ paid 7/2/10; SHIPPED 7/7/10
wriorprincess87 (lj) ~ BPTP Sakura atmosphere spray ~ paid 7/3/10 SHIPPED 7/9/10
lbfury3 (lj) ~ BPAL Banshee Beat & Corazon 5mls ~ paid 7/3/10; SHIPPED 7/6/10
edenssixthscent (lj) ~ BPTP Blood Countess and Embalming Fluid claw polishes ~ paid 7/3/10 SHIPPED 7/9/10
lockwoodsdream ~ Faeu Boulanger 5ml ; SHIPPED 7/9/10   JUNE 2010 swaps/sales - I did not post one day's DCs as the receipt was lost in a pile.
GeekGoth (Bat's Day 2010 exclusive) ~ SHIPPED
VictorianaGoth (Bat's Day 2010 exclusive) ~ SHIPPED
Sky City (After; Irredeemable; Chicago Exclusive) ~ SHIPPED
benthic ~ Glitter Resurrected 2006 ~ SHIPPED 6/14/10
*Lady MacBeth claw polish (75% full) & Midnight on the Midway claw polish (used for 1 mani) ~ SHIPPED 6/14/10
Midnight Aeval ~ Banshee Beat & Gothabilly 5mls ~ SHIPPED 6/17/10
secret special gal ~ Arcana Sweet Milk (single note) & Tammany Hall 5mls + Alhambra soap~ SHIPPED 6/17/10
*Graveyard Dirt 2008 ~ SHIPPED
lj ~ BPAL HTF/LE decants/imps/sniffies + BPAL Bathtub Gin 5ml (C2E2 Exclusive) ~ SHIPPED 6/19/10
uaskygal (MUA) ~ BPAL But Men Loved Darkness Rather Than Light (Yule 2009) ~ SHIPPED 6/19/10
DeniseBar ~ Black Amber & Black Coconut SN 5ml, Burlesque 5ml, The Sweet Trade 10ml REQUEST FOR SHIPMENT on 7/15
PotniaTheron ~ BPAL Black Lace (recent DarkDel release / blue background; unopened back-up) & Arcana Devilish 5ml ~ SHIPPED 6/27/10
CaudaPavonis ~ BPAL Midway Res & Stinky (tested 2x) 5mls ~ SHIPPED 6/27/10
moonjelly ~ Raven Moon ~ SHIPPED 6/27/10
*Arcana Byzantium 5ml + Devilish & Dreaming in Midwinter soaps ~ SHIPPED 6/27/10
CitizenBree ~ Pink Snowballs 5ml ~ SHIPPED 6/30/10
FieryRedhead ~ Heavenly Love and Earthly Love ~ SHIPPED 6/30/10
unlaced ~ Chaste Moon 2010 5ml ~ SHIPPED 6/30/10
WhatTheThunderSaid ~ Raven Moon & Silas Ruthyn 5mls ~ SHIPPED 6/30/10   MAY 2010 swaps/sales
itrittipoe ~ Arcana Queen Crossbones & Sturm Drang 5mls + BPAL Black Death SHIPPED 5/12/10
NeonGreen ~ Spawn of the She-Demon (Dark Delicacies) SHIPPED 5/12/10
chinkee21 (lj) ~ BPAL Shirafuji & Ü (Mutter Museum) 5mls SHIPPED 5/12/10
LaLaLaLaLemon ~ BPAL Hod Resurrected (unopened) & Signior Dildo 5mls SHIPPED 5/12/10
heywilma ~ BPAL Ü (Mutter Museum) SHIPPED 5/17/10
djaeno ~ BPAL Giant Squid SHIPPED 5/17/10
spiresinthesnow ~ BPAL The Wrestler SHIPPED 5/17/10
Roccamanamana / epiphany ~ BPAL Sky City Before & The Wrestler SHIPPED 5/17/10
lbfury3 ~ Citadel of Awesome + Thriambus atmosphere sprays ~ RECEIVED   SHIPPING INFO: (There were two additional shipping days between 6/9 and 6/27, and I need to get the receipts to update DC #s.)   Friday 7/9/10
07675 ~ 0496 9010 1850 0215 7718
19075 ~ 0496 9010 1850 0215 7701
77079 ~ 0496 9010 1850 0215 7695
80021 ~ 0496 9010 1850 0215 7725
95501 ~ 0496 9010 1850 0215 7688
CAN ~ LC838593336US   Wednesday 7/7/10
10017 ~ 0796 9010 1850 1500 6666
19075 ~ 0496 9010 1850 1512 4271
19966 ~ 0496 9010 1850 1512 4264 *note: this zip came up with the name of a town that was inconsistent to the one you typed. Is this normal?
77488 ~ 0796 9010 1850 1500 6673   Tuesday 7/6/2010
15206 ~ 0496 9010 1850 1512 4226
19075 ~ 0496 9010 1850 1512 4219
98663 ~ 0496 9010 1850 1512 4233   Wednesday 6/30/10
20705 ~ 0496 9010 1730 4110 5555
38555 ~ 0496 9010 1730 4110 5562
60647 ~ 0496 9010 1730 4110 5548
75006 ~ 0496 9010 1730 4110 5531
Saturday 6/27/10
79121 ~ 0496 9010 1850 2813 4205
CAN ~ LC838593322US
GREECE ~ LC716152705US
Monday 6/14/2010
CAN ~ customs # LC716152691US
48197 ~ 0310 0480 0001 5687 4650
Wednesday 6/9/2010
AUS ~ customs # LC716161614US
01089 ~ 0310 0480 0003 1312 3638
47431 ~ 0310 0480 0003 1312 3614
90715 ~ 0310 0480 0003 1312 3621
98663 ~ 0310 0480 0003 1312 3607
91316 ~ 0496 9010 1850 0708 4927
10029 ~ 0496 9010 1850 1512 1294
21230 ~ 0496 9010 1850 1512 1270
77379 ~ 0496 9010 1850 1512 1287
94556 ~ 0496 9010 1850 1512 1300
02032 ~ 0496 9010 1850 0906 7102
22655 ~ 0496 9010 1850 0906 7096
34203 ~ 0496 9010 1850 0906 7119
45656 ~ 0496 9010 1850 0906 7089
43551 ~ 0309 2880 0000 2898 6270
Singapore ~ C# LC654420387US
78264 ~ 0479 8072 3360 0215 1732
91316 ~ 0479 8072 3360 0215 1749
07675 ~ 0479 8072 3360 0215 1756
97213 ~ 0479 8072 3360 0215 1763
34203 ~ 0479 8072 3360 0215 1770
90755 ~ 0479 8072 3360 0215 1787
43551 ~ 0479 8072 3360 1511 8906
60101 ~ 0309 3220 0000 2962 5377




A Bit of an FIL Rant

A bit more detail arising from a 16June2010 post in GUSP, which began I'll link the email here, if I can find it; I tend to delete stuff from him unopened, unless it has Cute Dog in subject line. That strategy even failed me once.   FIL's politics are those of the far-right extremist*, while S. is liberal. (I'm fairly moderate, since you wonder!)   FIL forwards these kinds of things all the time, to everyone whether they have specifically asked to be left off the list or not. When called on it, he becomes defensive. Any attempt to have a rational discussion is labelled a personal attack.   I’m trying to describe this all as clinically as possible, and I pride myself on being a diplomatic person, but I am genuinesly amazed at what a horrible "debate" skills FIL has.   The first time that S. broke all contact with his father – six or seven years ago, maybe? – he was eventually persuaded to “make peace for the sake of the rest of the family”. My FIL did not make any concessions; he was asked to not bring up politics at family functions, but has done so (at a much lower frequency than before, at least). So, Hubs pretty much feels like he gave up his own principles, and was pressured to do so. Furthermore, he is hurt than no one in the family, including me, spoke up in alliance with him. He felt, and feels, disrespected both in his father's actions and words and in the lack of visible support from the rest of the family.   Now, for myself, while I hold strong beliefs and opinions, I prefer not to debate them. I’m not really interested in converting anyone else to my position. I don’t mind learning new facts about the other position, or even a well-reasoned explanation of why one might hold it, and I’ll do the same. I’m even open to changing my mind. But I don’t enjoy the types of politico-philosophical arguments that some do, where the only goal seems to be . . . I don’t even know what the goal is. Thus, I remain quiet, as I did when discussions turned political at the dinner table. In my mind, I wasn't failing to support S., I was merely maintaining my own right not to be baited. He sees it a bit differently. Hubs feels strongly that, in instances where the other party is Just Plain Wrong, we all have a responsibility to speak out against it, no matter how difficult it may be to do. I am starting to see his point on that . . . I’m still not comfortable doing it, but I do take Truth and Justice pretty seriously, and so I have resolved to do better. Whatever that might mean.   I'm not looking forward to confronation with my FIL. He and I have a very good relationship. There's even a slim chance that he'll listen to me, whether it would result in any lasting change or not. And of course that lends a whiff of guilt to my . . . cowardice about not wanting to get involved.   *I hate "labelling" groups, even - or especially - for the reason that I do not agree with their politics. Don't these groups, no matter how extreme, have the right to their positions? I believe that they do; but there is a difference with holding different beliefs, based on the same empirical facts, and groups that spread lies as the only apparent support for their beliefs. Sadly, such groups do exist, and my FIL, God help us, proudly allies himself with them. In any case, I won't use loaded terminology like "Right-Wing-Nut".





I am a TOTAL sucker for pitch cards.     Favorite GCs: Anne Bonny Golden Priapus Snake Oil Antikythera Mechanism Sin Violens TKO Emma   Would like to try, in no particular order:   Imps Dana O'Shee Veritas London Hell's Belle Hermia Intrigue Love's Torments Casanova Miskatonic University Goblin Villain Velvet Thanatos Death Cap Queen Alice Sea of Glass Baron Samedi Death Adder Sachs Horror Sympathique Regan Door   LE Krampus (to scare my kids with ) Rivet.goth (hey, I have to try!)   Bottles Dorian Anne Bonny EMPTY Tokyo Stomp (for display!)




Notes Love/Like/Hate

This is just for personal reference!   Note Love: Vanilla Lilac Lavender Honey Violet Olive Blossom Mint White Musk Chamomile Pine Ambergris Fig Maple   Note Like: Bergamot Lily of the Valley Sandalwood Plum Carnation Pineapple Grapefruit Coconut Honeysuckle Water Bamboo Apple Sugar (especially brown) Patchouli Amber (in small doses) Most Spices Anise Vetiver Neroli Cinnamon Clove Date Guava Lime/Lemon Molasses Nutmeg Oak Pumpkin Rum Tea (all) Moss Peach Pear   Note Dislike/Hate: Freesia Jasmine Melon Almond




My BPAL top ten

My top ten keeps changing, I will attempt to track it here   June 2010 Banshee Beat , so perfect, I wish this was available, I would wear it everywhere. Glowing vulva- - close second-love the teak and vanilla mix Liz- a floral I can wear CC female - scented powder, the leather stops it being too girly Okayaki- not sure why, but I can't stop sniffing this Mme Moriarty- evening wear, perfect musk Chrysanthemum moon-sweet, overpowering but beautiful Raven Moon- dark and perfect (can't wait for Panther moon to arrive, hope it's similar) Crumpet Rebellion- best foody Boneshaking Antique Velocipede- squirting cucumber with teak   But I've missed so many favourites, not even started on the GCs Coxcomb and Snow White missed out and I have multiples of these, may need to rethink or have a top 50




personal list- not for swaps

Brusque violet
high strung daisies
Twinkle twinkle little bat
Alice's evidence
'tis the voice of the lobster
how doth the little crocodile
Two Loves
Black Heart
Blackberry Jam & Scones
CBLDF: Who Killed Amanda Palmer?
Planting moon
Moon of the Terrible
Thalassa, The Galapagos Mermaid
Any of the "Box of Chocolates"
Fairy Wine
Bearded lady
Huesos de Santo
Green Party
Eggnog Latte
Wulric, the Wolfman
Miller vs California
June Gloom
Strawberry moon
Velvet nudie
Velvet pink kitty
Velvet unicorn
The Sailing Stones of Death Valley
The Phantom Cow of Yerba Buena Island
Lawn gnome
Spinning multicolored metallic pinwheel
Plastic pink flamingo
Tomoe Gozen
Under the harvest moon
Bite Me
Trick or Treat
Detestable Putrescence

Centzon Totochtin
Bruised Violet Compound
Dragon's Milk
Dragon's Tears
La Petite Mort
Le Serpent Qui Danse
Les Bijoux
Kill Devil
Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener
Nostrum Remedium
The Unicorn




Custom scent

Not that I'll likely ever get a custom scent, but I've been thinking about one in the last few days. It's kind of like a song I can't get out of my head.   It would be like a more masculine version of Snow White. I'm imagining a pure white mixture of rice cream (is there such a thing?) and coconut milk, infused with ginger, with a dash of nutmeg and cardamom on top, possibly a hint of clove. It's in a wooden bowl with a scattering of pine boughs around it. All of this is outside on a blustery, snowy day. Snow, rice cream, coconut, almond, ginger, spices, turbinado sugar, balsam fir. Maybe some woodsmoke, or frankincense, just a hint of something to give it a bit of a rugged edge. Ooh, maybe some cherry too? Just a little bit, not enough to stand out a whole lot. It's possible some kind of floral would be good, but I don't know florals well enough to say which one.   It would be something between Snow White, Jolasveinar, and Cloister Graveyard In The Snow.




Wishlist (Bpal/ Bptp)

Updated FEBRARY 2012   Bolded = really really really want! Bolded = really want! Italics = pending/ on the way Strikethrough = received     Would Love Decants of these TALs: Abundance Oil Anthelion - Thank you, Frolic! Bastet's Laughter Love Oil 7 Milk & Honey Senelion Oil White Light     Would Love Bottles of: Alice 10ml only (any fill level) ANTIQUE LACE! A.ntiq.ue Lac.e! (even an empty 5ml) THANK YOU DARK ALICE! Antique Lace 10ml (any fill level) Ara.bian Da.nce (partial) B.eaver M.oon 2005 (good label) Blackbear Moon (empty/ partial) Blue Pumpkin Floss proto (partial) Boo 2010 (empty, partial) Bow & Crown of Conquest Candy Corn Coated Candy Apple (empty/ partial) Clockwork Couture Male (partial) Confectionary proto!!! Devil's Night 2006 (partial) D.orian Egg Nog 2010 (partial) Fenris Wolf v2 Golletes (empty) Halloween L.A. (empty) Halloween SF (empty) Holiday Stress Relief bath oil (1-3oz.) L'Eau de L'Engouement Bath Oil L'Essence de L'Engouement Perfume Oil Marquis de Carabas (partial ok) Mourning Lace Panther Moon (empty/ partial) Parker Lily* (empty/ partial/ any! - don't I know how to dream?) Phyllocrania Paradoxa v1 (partial/ full) Pink Lace Pumpkin IV '09 (low level partial, 1-2ml) Pumpkin Latte Pumpkin Stout bath oil (partial/ 1-2oz decant) Sky City Before (partial) Snow White 2003 perfume oil Sno.w Wh.ite 2004 perfume oil Snow White 2005 perfume oil The Solder (partial) Tat.tered La.ce Time Does Not Bring Relief (partial) Treatsy bath oil Ticksy bath oil XCDL13     Would Love Decants - LE/ Rares: (Not in a rush to obtain; only interested in swapping for some of these) Alana Patel Anactoria '10 Angeronalia Arachnina, The Spider Girl (CD) Atrocious Attic Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand B340 Bakeneko Banned in Boston Beanman & Beanwoman Prepare to Attack the Vagina Beaver Moon 2005 Berenice Bette Noir Bijoux Y'ha-Nthlei Blackbear Moon Blossoms in Springtime Body, Remember But Men Loved Darkness Rather Than Light Candles Moon The Changeling Chaste Moon '05 (orig.) Cheshire Moon Clarimonde vamp. '09 Cloister Graveyard in the Snow Corazon (ha!) Thank you Dark Alice!!! Crumpet Rebellion Dancing Koi Daya (Nov. '09 Will Call frimp) Dark Chocolate, Whiskey, and Cognac Truffle Ded Moroz Yule '09 Devil's Night '09 Dia (Aphrodite/ Lupercalia '09) shouldn't have gotten rid of mine Door Dreamland '05 Dreamland '07 Egg Moon The Elephantine Colossus (would swap for) Enlightenment of the Courtesan Jigokudayu Enkhespalos Eshe, A Vision of Life-in-Death (CD) The Fairies Forbidding Foyer Formula 54 (I know, I know, ha!) Gods of Intercourse The Gorrobble Gun Moll Haunted Palace '05 Haunted Palace '07 Harigata II Harikata Harimise Hunter Ichabod Crane ('08 Weenie) II No Hayata Kills the Nue at the Imperial Palace In the Forest The Infernal Lover (creamy, non-red musk version) The Infernal Lover (red musk version) Jólasveinar Kusunoki Tamonmaru Masatsura Surprising a Fox Ghost Lair of Nefarious Misdeeds Atmosphere Spray Lamia v3 (ha!) Lenore '05 Lenore '07 Lick It '05 Lick It Again '06 Lick It Like You Mean It '08 Looking Glass bath oil Loosening of the Obi Lord Ruthven vamp. '09 Lump of Coal (ha!) Lust v7 MVJBA: Spring Training MVJBA Summer Summoning Spectacular Maiden v2 (ha!) Maltese Cross (CD) Marcilla (CD) Marquis de Carabas (would swap for) Melainis Menacing Ionospheric Research Instrument Minamoto No Yorimitsu Cuts At the Earth Spider Miskatonic University v3 (ha!) Moana Mourning Lace Nanny Ashtoreth Needlework Nig.ht's Brid.ge Nightmarchers v5 Olis.bos Op.uhi Ov.al Po.rtrait P0.13 PX79 Parker Lily (would swap for) Pink Lace Phyllocrania Paradoxa v1 Perchta Pe.rilous Pa.rlor, The Poe Pi.nk Mo.od Pumpkin II 2007 (tobacco, champa flower, carnation, and tonka) S.amhain '04 Samhain '07 Sa.ra Pe.zzini S.et v3 Se.verin (discon'd GC) Shivering Boy, The '09 Yule *SINGLE NOTES (listed at bottom)* Sky City Before Snow Angel (either year) Snow Bunny '05 Snow Bunny '08 Snow White 2003 perfume oil Sno.w W.hite 2004 perfume oil Snow White 2005 perfume oil The Sorrow of Love Staged Moon Landing Story Time at Dark Delicacies Storyville (I know, I know) Street Festival Summer Summoning Spectacular MVJBA The Ta-Ta Tattered Lace Theodosius, The Legerdemain (CD) Tiki Queen Time Does Not Bring Relief Under the Harvest Moon Unveiled Vasakasajja The Velvets Variety of Pleasing Amusements The Vine White Phoenix Witchblade Wulric, the Wolfman (CD) XCDL13 Yule Cat '09 Yürei     Would Love Imps - GCs/ GC Unimpables: Against Idleness and Mischief (Mad Tea Party) Anne Bonny (Bewitching Brews) Aperotos Eros (Ars Amatoria) Aremata-Popoa (Atomic Luau Lounge) Aureus (Bewitching Brews) Beer From the Marsh Woman's Brewery (Marchen) Bread-and-Butter-Fly (Mad Tea Party) Carnal (Ars Amatoria) Cloister Graveyard in the Snow (Salon) Coyote (Excolo) Crib Girls (The District) - tester is fine! De Sade (discon'd GC) will ALWAYS gladly accept more!!! Desdemona (Illyria) Dorian (Sin & Salvation) will ALWAYS gladly accept more!!! Ehecatl (Excolo) Emma (The District) Fallen (Sin & Salvation) Flora (The District) Golden Wave (Atomic Luau Lounge) High-Strung Daisies (Mad Tea Party) Hunter Incantation (Bewitching Brews) Josie (The District) Lilith (Excolo) Lulu (The District) Marquis de Carabas (would swap for) Moonshine and Mist (Marchen) The Night-Raven (Marchen) Oblivion (Sin & Salvation) Old Demons of the First Class (Marchen) Pahoehoe (Atomic Luau Lounge) Paramatman (Sin & Salvation) Pollution (Good Omens) Polynesian Pop (Atomic Luau Lounge) Prurience (Ars Amatoria) Prunella (Marchen) Nanny Ashtoreth Red Tide (Atomic Luau Lounge) Sed Non Satiata (Ars Amatoria) Severin - AGED for comparison (discon'd GC) Screeching Parrot (Atomic Luau Lounge) Sybaris (Wanderlust) Trevor Bruttenholm (Hellboy) Whoso List to Hunt (Ars Amatoria) Wolf's Heart (Bewitching Brews)     BPTP Goods I Covet: Bath Oils: Treat | Tricksy | Pumpkin Stout Claw Polish: Croquet | Maiden | Robotic Scarab | Sed Non Satiata | Smokestack Soaps!: ANY! Snake Oil | Snow Glass Apples Goblin Squirts: Cathouse | Down the Rabbit Hole | Okiya | Saloon #10 | Boot Hill Atmo Sprays: Boot Hill | Citadel of Awesome | L'Estate | The Path of Dreams Apparel: Carnaval Noir: Babydoll V-Neck - small Carnaval Diabolique: Babydoll V-Neck - small Drink Me Eat Me: Girlie Crew Neck - small *** Hunter Moon heather green ringer tee- small *** White Rabbit scent locket       Would Love Decants/Testers of these SINGLE NOTES: Single Note: Ambergris Single Note: Anise Single Note: Bergamot Single Note: Black Amber Single Note: Blood Orange Single Note: Blue Lilac Single Note: Calamus Single Note: Carnation Single Note: Cherry Blossom Single Note: Coffee Bean Single Note: Daffodil Single Note: Dandelion Single Note: D'Anjou Pear Single Note: Dark Myrrh Single Note: East African Black Patchouli Single Note: Egyptian Amber Single Note: Egyptian Musk Single Note: Fig Single Note: Frangipani Single Note: Frankincense Single Note: Heliotrope Single Note: Hyssop Single Note: Indonesian Red Patchouli Single Note: Light Myrrh Single Note: Lotus Single Note: Mimosa Single Note: Neroli Single Note: Orange Blossom Single Note: Peony Single Note: Pikaki Single Note: Plumeria Single Note: Red Ginger Single Note: Red Mysor(e) Sandalwood Single Note: Roman Chamomile Single Note: Rose Geranium Single Note: Saffron Single Note: Siberian Musk Single Note: Stargazer Lily Single Note: Tonka Bean Single Note: Tuberose Single Note: Vanilla Bean Single Note: Violet Single Note: White Musk Single Note: White Sandalwood Single Note: Ylang Ylang       Bolded = really really really want! Bolded = really want! Italics = pending/ on the way Strikethrough = received       My current faves: (ideas of scents/notes I love) *Antique Lace* A Bachelor's Dog Beaver'Versary* Boomslang Creature Feature DORIAN!* (fresh or aged) -- Can never get enough Dorian! <3 <3 <3 Flowering Chrysanthemums Glowing Vulva* Hanerot Halalu Hellhound On My Trail* L'Estate Le Père Fouettard Mme. Moriarty Osiris v4 Sacrifice Smoky Moon Snake Charmer Res. Sugar Moon Velvet Tiki *XCDL13*   * = wouldn't mind gettin' more of




BPAL to Avoid (DB scents)

Nearly Anything with Dragon or Blood in the title, but additionally:   Serpent's Kiss Diabolus Seething with passion, yet utterly cold-blooded. Dragon's blood, vetivert and spice.   Blood Rose Rappaccini's Garden Sensual, robust, and silken: voluptuous red rose bursting with lascivious red wine and sultry dragon's blood resin.   Wrath Sin & Salvation A scent aflame with rage, swirling in the red haze of hatred: dragon's blood spiked with black pepper, clove, and cinnamon.   Tintagel Wanderlust According to legend, the birthplace of King Arthur. The scent of a castle's great hall in the midst of joyous feasting. Spicy mulled wine flowing through the musky heat, warm leather and bright clash of armor, the damp branches of Cornish hawthorn, blackthorn, juniper, English elm and bayberry, and the magical tingle of dragon's blood resin.   Ladon Ars Draconis The hundred-headed dragon that guards the garden of the Hesperides: dragon’s blood resin, golden apple, apple blossom, white musk and hyacinth.   Surprisingly Okay? The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed With the Sun The Salon , William Blake. Daemonorops, vanilla, Indian sandalwood, Mexican copal, hyssop, muguet, sweet pea, amber, hazelwood, galbanum, hiba wood, and orchid.




Non-Bpal/ Bptp Wishes

Bolded = really really really want! Bolded = really want! Italics = pending/ on the way Strikethrough = received       Non-BPAL Lusts: Arcana: Devilish perfume | Egyptian Musk perfume | Honey Tobacco perfume (tester) | Rich Vanilla perfume | ANY SOAP!!!   CB I Hate Perfume: Blood Orange | Butter Cookie | Butterscotch | CB93 | Carrot Cake | Cheesecake! | Daffodil | Fennel | Frangipani | Gingerbread | Greenbriar 1968 | I Am a Dandelion | <b>Leaf Tobacco</b> | Licorice | M4: Room with a View | My Birthday Cake | Mr. Hulot's Holiday | Old Leather | Pipe Tobacco | Plumeria | Red Velvet Cake! | Sandalwood Mysore | Smoky Tobacco | Rich Tobacco   Cocoa Pink: Un-Red junket creme conditioner, Un-Red VBB, Vanilla Sandalwood VBB, Black Vanilla junket creme   Haunt: Winchester perfume!, ANY SCRUB!   LUSH: Big shampoo, The Blonde shampoo, Marilyn hair mask, Rehab shampoo   Possets: BBC-The Big Black Cat | Corona Borealis | Cri de Coeur | Isabella | Issota and Sigismundo | Lamp Black | Les Girls-Sloe Byrne | Les Girls-Sugar Puss | Maggie | Mockingbirds Trilling Their Mating Songs | Moon Drenched Magnolias | Mrs. Rabbit's Carrot Cake | The Queen | Queen of the Night | Reason | Silver Carnations | Silver Gardenias | Silver Violets | Starlight | Stewart | Strawberry Heart |   Smell Bent: Incensed, Lemon Cowboy, Little Miss Panda, Sunshine   TheSheSpace mineral pigments/ makeup: Leos & Lovers | Oh Precious Patience | Snow Capped   Solstice Scents (etsy): Cenobite | Fright Night | Black Leather, Red Lace | Vanilla Sandalwood | Lace Draped Spectre   Villainess: Datura Slick, Ennui Whipped, Gloop Whipped, Smashed Whipped, Mudslide Whipped, Mall Santa Whipped, Mall Santa Smooch, Jai Mahal Smooch, ANY SMACK! <-- never tried       Nail Polish Lusts: BPTP Claw Polish: Croquet | Maiden | Robotic Scarab | Sed Non Satiata | Smokestack   China Glaze: Recycle | Sky High-Top | Branding Iron | VIII | Wagon Trail | Refreshmint   Essie: Angora Cardi | Flawless | Mint Candy Apple   Misa: Dirty Sexy Money | Sorry, Just Can't Help It | That's My Little Secret | Fashionista | Camellia Destiny | Moody Model   Rescue Beauty Lounge: Plie | Stormy | Chinoise | Bikini Bottom | No More War




Notes: Good/ Bad

<b><!--coloro:teal--><span style="color:teal"><!--/coloro--><u>Notes of FAIL </u><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--></b> <img src="http://www.bpal.org/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/00000020.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="" border="0" alt="00000020.gif" /> <!--sizeo:1--><span style="font-size:8pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--> <b>bamboo:</b> horrific soap <b>cedar:</b> amp amp amp <b>champagne:</b> BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD <b>cloves:</b> while I like it, my skin CRAZY AMPS cloves, must be barely there to work for me <b>honey:</b> Hony Mone is all wrong, ALL wrong on me <b>jasmine:</b> something about the lab's jasmine note rubs me the wrong way, and it doesn't help that I amp it <b>Jazz Funeral (Ars Moriendi):</b> goes sour on me <b>patchouli:</b> my skin über-amps patchouli to the point it obscures most other notes <b>rose:</b> usually sour on me, but not always <b>vetiver:</b> unless it's barely there <b><i>certain</i> WINE notes:</b> Delphi, Glühwein, Kali SOUR on me (LadyMacB & Fairy Wine are good, though!) <!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->   <b><!--coloro:teal--><span style="color:teal"><!--/coloro--><u>Notes of WIN! </u><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--></b> <!--sizeo:1--><span style="font-size:8pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--> <b>amber:</b> some work, some turn bad powdery <b>carnation:</b> <b>leather:</b> love it well-blended (but I <i>amp</i> it like whoa) <b>musk:</b> red, Creature Feature musks, Dorian, Ivanushka, Hunter Moon '07 etc., haven't found one that hasn't worked so far! (White musk isn't always great, but doable) <b>sandalwood:</b> <b>tobacco:</b> LOVE LOVE LOVE! Not the cherry-ish tobacco, but good ol' delicious, slightly sweet tobacco. <b>vanilla:</b> a la Antique Lace, Love's Philosophy, Dorian, etc. <!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec-->   <b><!--coloro:teal--><span style="color:teal"><!--/coloro--><u>My current faves: (ideas of scents/notes I love)</u></b><!--sizeo:1--><span style="font-size:8pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--> Antique Lace* <b>A Bachelor's Dog*</b> Bat of Wealth Bat of Virtue Beaver'Versary Boomslang Creature Feature <b>Dorian*</b> (fresh) -- Can never get enough Dorian! <3 <3 <3 Flowering Chrysanthemums <b>*Glowing Vulva*</b> Hanerot Halalu L'Estate <b>Le Père Fouettard*</b> Smoky Moon Snake Charmer Res. Sugar Moon Velvet Tiki   * = wouldn't mind gettin' more of <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/icon_wink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="" border="0" alt="icon_wink.gif" /><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--><!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->




Centzon Totochtin

The Four Hundred divine rabbits of the Aztec pantheon that preside over parties and drunkenness. Bittersweet Mexican cocoa with rum, red wine, and a scent redolent of sacrificial blood.

in the bottle: Rum! And a scent that I know must be cocoa, but that seems more like a toasted sweet nut. Actually, it reminds me strongly of Nutella. There's something a bit sharp running behind which I can't pin down at this point. There's also a sense of unpleasantly over-the-top (sort of sickly) sweetness, like rancid fruit.

on wet: Nutella. 100%.

drydown: The Nutella has faded into a slightly food-y, cozy, very comfortably enveloping scent, which strikes me as the scent equivalent of being wrapped in your favorite blanket on a cool autumn evening. Wow, that's pretty evocative; I'm surprising myself a little. I'm getting a warm, headshop-y undertone which I think is some sort of musk, though that's not listed.

one hour later: I'll be going to bed with this on, so I'll have to start this review over another day to get the full day's worth of critique. G'night.

end of day:

compared to official description:






The electric tang of ozone, marine notes, and a drop of sharp rain.

in the bottle: When I first smelled this, it smelled exactly like chapstick. Now, months later, it smells exactly (with no deviation) like an air freshener (can't remember brand) called Spring Rain. I don't like the scent. Not even a little. This is going straight to the trade pile. I know I should make an attempt to analyze it -- a scent is a scent -- but I'm too distracted by what I consider to be an overwhelmingly common commercial scent. I'm not feeling very generous today, I suppose.





A wonderful antidote to an all-nighter oozing with drunken, addled perversion and debauchery. A fresh, crisp white linen scent: perfectly clean, perfectly breezy.

in the bottle: Okay, I have to say it: dryer sheets. It makes me think of fabric softener or dryer sheets; it's what warm, clean clothes used to smell like straight out of the dryer before I started using unscented laundry products. Floral, but it's that light, breezy, not-obnoxiously-floral floral that definitely puts one in mind of clean laundry. As a matter of fact, I'm having trouble moving past the laundry connotations as some part of my brain is now reminding me insistently that I'm behind on laundry and need to start working on that NOW!

I can't pick apart the notes. All I can really think is floral. Actually, this puts me in mind of a kind of jasmine. Or maybe orange blossom. A little sharp. This could give me a headache, I think.

on wet: Exactly the same.

drydown: More rounded now, not so stabbing-me-repeatedly-with-flowers. Actually, even more like laundry products now than before.

one hour later: I'm not interested in leaving this on for an hour.

end of day: Definitely not interested in leaving it on all day.

compared to official description: It really does have a "clean" feeling, but I know that's because of the whole "mmmm... fresh, clean laundry" connection. Psychologically, there's nothing quite like pulling warm clothes out of the dryer and draping them on yourself -- for me it's an instant mood lifter. Not because of the smell, but because of the feeling of clean. It's an enduring emotional scent connection for me. This is a great scent for someone who wants to give themselves an instant hit of "fresh and clean".

notes: To be frank, I stopped using scented detergents and dryer sheets (never used fabric softener) because I grew weary of the types of scents that are used for that category of product. It's interesting to see the connection between this scent and those things, but I in no way want to smell like this myself.

added to forum reviews





Black musk, tobacco, fir, balsam of peru, cumin, bitter clove, crushed mint, and orange blossom.
re-sniffed on 6/24/10

in the bottle: Amazingly, I pick out most of the listed scents. This is uncommon, but it might be because the components are uncommonly strong and distinctive. Tobacco. A warm spice: clove. Something musky. A wood. A kind of catch-in-my-throat dryness; don't know where that's coming from. I will admit that I smell something that reminds me strongly of some kind of alcohol, but it hovers somewhere -- strangely -- between red wine and whiskey, even though neither is listed. Second try: Now I don't smell anything remotely like alcohol, rather it's all about wood and very strong clove. Really, this is predominantly clove.

on wet: A little floral. Tobacco.

drydown: The floral has gone creamy in a vanilla-smooth kind of way. What I'm smelling now, at a slight distance, just 2 minutes later, is nothing like what I smelled in the bottle. If I put my nose right on my wrist and inhale deeply, I get the clove and tobacco, but they're ghosts. OK, clove and wood, in that order. There are definitely other scents in the background, but they're almost "transparent".

one hour later: The scent is dominated by clove, with a deep, dark undertone which is almost impossible to focus on -- I know it's there, affecting my response, but it's almost subliminal. I'm going to say it's the musk and tobacco working together, but that's purely a guess; I can't, in all honesty, smell musk and tobacco.

before too long: I can barely smell anything on myself. I suspect that the scent is just as strong (if my SO walked in right now I'm sure he'd notice the scent immediately) but my nose has become immune to it. That's disheartening. I wear perfume primarily for its effect on me. Maybe today isn't a good day to be testing. I'll probably have to revisit this one yet again.

end of day:

compared to official description: I've never, to my knowledge, smelled Balsam of Peru, though it seems from my research that it's a fairly common component in scents, so it'd probably be more truthful to say that if I've smelled it before, I wouldn't have know that was what I was smelling. Second time around, I detected no floral notes in this. I'm pretty happy that I didn't pick the cumin scent out of this. I like cumin as a culinary addition, but I always notice it at the top of every spice mix, so I need very little to get the full effect. It so easily could have been overkill, but I don't smell it at all in this oil. What I do smell strongly is the clove, which is fine; I like clove so much I've even been known to chew the plain dried cloves like candy.

notes: I started this a little too late in the day to do a full review. I'll have to come back to it. This is pretty close to gender neutral to my nose. Having said that: It's hard to tell when it's just me wearing it, but I suspect that I would find this drop-dead, oh-my-god-take-me-now sexy on the right man.




My Own Personal Skin Chem

I seem to have the oddest one of a kind reactions. If I have a scent twin out there I don't think they've discovered BPAL yet. I am seriously tempted to apply scents to my fingers from now on, the reactions seem better on average to the drops that spill there.




ebay and other stuff

I can't seem to resist making outrageous bids on ebay, for bpal scents that I've been wanting for a while. I guess I shouldn't feel guilty.....some of these things I've really wanted for a long time, and they never seem to come up in swaps around here. Of course, it doesn't matter in the end, when I'm outbid less than 12 hours after I place my starting bid (this was for the Holly King proto)! And the winning bid is more than twice what I was willing to pay. I was kind of surprised at that one, I guess I'm not the only one who wanted it badly!   But now I have another auction that I placed a bid on, and we'll see how high that goes. I'm not going to raise my highest bid, because I've already bid more than I really should spend. So, we'll see. It's actually a scent that I already have half a bottle of, and this would be a back-up bottle (something nearly unheard of in my collection, except for Snake Oil which is for aging).   In other news........I'm in the middle of my long stretch of work, interrupted only by being off Tuesday night, until the weekend. I'm looking forward to Tuesday and really looking forward to the weekend, although it's pretty far off. I bought an annual pass to the Newport Aquarium, because I miss the Zoo's aquarium, which was made into the manitee exhibit. The manatees are pretty cool, but the aquarium was always my favorite part of the Zoo. And the Newport Aquarium is not even that great.....there are some cool parts, though. I only have to go once more to make up for the cost of my annual pass (and I'm pretty sure I'll go more than once more in the next year).   Anyway, yeah.....spending lots of money when I should be concentrating on credit card debt. Oh well, gotta have fun somehow, right??   Oh and speaking of spending money, I made an order with Nature's Gift. I bought their Sacred emotional synergy for a room scent. I wanted something for a sort of peaceful meditation blend, although I already have their Meditation blend....and it's pretty awesome.....but I wanted another spiritual blend, too. I also bought some jojoba oil and something for my occasional dermatitis/eczema.....now I can't even remember which oil, LOL.....oh yeah, calendula oil for skin care. And I asked for some samples of their fir/pine essential oils. Can't wait to see what they send me! They're always really nice about sending free samples when I ask for them.




Just Imp Case

So I've been giving thought to the whole imp case thing. I'm not real big on the ones from the lab or their price. I could get a condom case (same dimensions) http://www.kyledesigns.com/product/CN/Cool...ed-Designs.html   Or I could by a mint case, with dimensions of 2 1/4" x 1 3/4" x 1/2" which is actually a closer fit. Most likely the least expensive option as well. Good places to look being etsy and ebay. However, many have curved edges which may or may not work out okay for holding imps. There are also aspirin tins which are 2 1/4" x 1 3/4" x 1/3" but the designs are typically less attractive.   My favorite option is my own design but I don't know where to find the materials. I would need a small circular tin with a height of about 1 3/4." I haven't decided on the diameter but there would be a metal circle like a cookie cutter on the inside. The difference in diameter between the tin and the inner circle would be just over 1/4" - just over imp width. The imps would go in a circular pattern with their labels behind the next few imps. This eliminates the wasted space caused by the labels in the tin, or the last imp's label at any rate. If the tin height was partially the cap, then once the cap was removed the height of the imps would then exceed the tin making them easy to pull out. Additionally you should be able to pull each one up enough to read the label with out removing it completely. I was also thinking that inside the inner circle there could be a design of some sort.   So ya, that's what I was thinking of as I fell asleep last night.


