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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

More zoo stuff

I went to the zoo again last week, and had a nice relaxing visit. The weather was really great, a little chilly but sunny and windy.   I enjoy watching the serval in the cat house.....so graceful and.....willowy? I also love the feathertailed gliders in the nocturnal house. They are incredibly cute. It's funny because the nocturnal house is, of course, dark inside. At first when I looked in on the feathertailed gliders, I didn't see anything moving. So after standing still and watching for a couple minutes, I started to notice little darting movements here and there. They are like small mice, with weird tails that look kind of flattened out, which they use for gliding. I didn't see any of them jump or glide, but they were darting around and moving all over. They are so cute!   I watched the Sumatran rhinos eat for a while. I love their eyes. They open their eyes so wide you can see the white parts. The zoo built these really cool sun-shades over the rhino habitat, to protect them from the sun.   The insect house has a whole section that you walk into, and it looks like a greenhouse, and it's full of butterflies. There are a few different kinds of birds, too, including hummingbirds, my favorite. For a while I didn't see any hummingbirds but I was determined so I stayed in there for a few minutes, and finally spotted one. It was great.





I don't think I trust the internet enough to really write about some of the things going on right now. I certainly wouldn't post on facebook, and not really on livejournal either, which is dying a slow death anyway (unless I just need to update my friends list a little bit, which is possible).   Anyway, change is in the air, and I'm kind of excited. I seem to have gotten stuck in a loop of insanity, repeating really stupid behaviors, and I'm finally feeling like I might be breaking free. One thing I know for sure is I can't keep doing the same things over and over, and expect things to somehow magically become better.....without changing what I'm doing. I don't want to be too cryptic but again, it's not really stuff that I want to post on the internet....even on a 'private' forum.   My point (and I do have one) is that I'm really lucky right now. I have 2 real paper journals that are only partially filled, with plenty of room left in them. Also, I bought a membership to our zoo, which is right next door to my apartment building. It is so, so easy to just walk a block, show my card, and walk right in.....skipping the whole line for tickets. And as long as it's not too crowded, it is a great place to walk for some exercise, and sit and relax, while writing in my journal. I'm off work tomorrow night so I think I'm going to take a little trip to the zoo and say hi to my animal friends. The cat house makes me a little sad, though, because I feel like the cats would be happier outdoors, with lots more room to roam around. I guess they don't know what they're missing? I hope not. They look kind of sad all confined as they are.




Scents I've tried

The ones I've loved. Many of these are not available. Those I have are marked with an asterix. (House fire wiped out my collection in 2007, man with a chemical sensitivity kept me from getting more.)
Bluebeard, Brimstone, Devil's Night, Death Adder, Djinn, Dorian, The Great He-Goat, Green Tree Viper, Haunted, Hemlock*, Krampus, Love Me*, Mad Hatter, Osun, Masquerade*, Morocco, No. 93 Engine*, Schwarzer Mond, Snake Charmer, Sloth, the Tell-Tale Heart, Tezcatlipoca, The Caterpillar,
winter of our discontent

The ones I've liked, but didn't (or wouldn't) keep (or would try again):
Alice, Anne Bonny, Azathoth, Bewitched, Blood, Blood Moon, Bow & Crown of Conquest, Brisingamen, Cairo, Cathedral, Cheshire Cat, Chrysanthemum Moon, Czernobog, Dee, Death on a Pale Horse, Devil's Claw, Dragon's Hide, Drink Me, Grog, Half-Elf, Hecate, Hurricane, King Cobra, Laudanum, Lear, Lolita, Lucretia, Medicine Show, Midnight Mass 2006, Mme. Moriarty, Omen, Polyhymnia, Scarecrow, Snake Oil, Tanin'iver, The Lion, Torture King, Typhon, Umbra, Urd, White Rabbit

The ones I didn't care for or flat out didn't like (star indicates extreme):
Absinthe, Aeval, Annabel Lee, Antique Lace*, Arcana, Arkham Revisited, Bat-Woman, Bed of Nails, Belle Epoque, Black Lotus, Black Phoenix, Blood Amber, Bordello, Centzon Totochtin, Coyote, Debauchery*,
Dove's Heart, Dragon's Tears*, Eclipse, Fallen,
Faustus, Gamaliel, Glasgow, Harlot, Has No Hanna, Hellfire, Herr Drosselmeyer*, Highwayman, Inferno, the Jersey Devil, Kathmandu, Kingsport*, Lampades,
Les Fleurs du Mal, London, Loviatar, Mag Mell, Malice, the Masque, Mata Hari*, Megaera, Montresor, Muse, the Music of Erich Zahn, Nefertiti, Nephilim, Nosferatu, New Orleans, Nuit, Oberon, Ouija, Pain, Penny Dreadful, Pele, Red Devil, Samhain, Santa Eularia Des Rui, Saturnalia, Scherezade, Sea of Glass*, Seance, Silk Road, Suspiro, The Death of Sardanapal*, The Unicorn, Titus Andronicus, Tombstone, Twilight, Typhon, Veil, Vinland, Voodoo, Wanton, Western Diamondback, Whippoorwill, Whitechapel, Utrennyaya, Yggdrasil, Zombi




Master Imp & Bottle list

Everything here is what I either like, like the scent but haven't tested yet or hasn't been sorted into the swaps piles.   All are imps unless specified that there's a bottle. Any number following a scent that isn't part of the name is how many imps I own of that scent.   Bpal   Ace of Wands Agape – Bottle Agrat-Bat-Mahlaht (Small amount in roller bottle) All Night Long Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo Banded Sea Snake Belle Epoque Bewitched Bijoux Y'ah-Nthlei Bitch 2 Black Cat 2 Bliss 3 Blood Kiss 2 Blood Pearl 2 Blood Rose Blue Moon '09 Brian's Creation Boo 2 + 3 Bottles Bread-and-Butterfly But Men Loved Darkness Rather Than Light Cake Smash 3 + 2 bottles Candles Moon '10 (unlabeled) Candy Butcher Carnal Cathode Chuparosa Cleopatra Testing Poisons on those Condemned to Death Clockwork Couture Female Clockwork Couture Male Copper Phoenix Couple Consulting an Enpon Coxcomb Dana O'Shee 2 Dark Chocolate & Key Lime Truffle Day of the Skulls Debauchery Ded Moroz Dee Desdemona Devil's Claw Doc Constantine Dorian Dorian Chaos Theory CXLI Dragon's Heart Eat Me Eclipse 5 + Bottle Ekhidna Enyalios Fearful Pleasure Fenris Wolf + Bottle Florence Gelt 2 + Bottle Glitter Gluttony Green Tree Viper Grr Gunpowder Habu Havana Hecate Hellcat Hollywood Babylon Hope Horn of Plenty How Doth the Little Crocodile + Bottle Hurricane Imp Intrigue Jezebel Joulumuori Jupiter Lady Una Lambs Wool Lawn Gnome (unlabeled) L'Ecole des Filles 2 Les Fleurs du Mal Lilith Lilith and the Giant Crab Luna Man with Phallus Head Marotte Mars Maud Ruthyn Mercury Milk Chocolate & Matcha Green Tea Miskatonic Univversity Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller Mme. Moriarty + Bottle Monsterbait: Tokyo Stomp Night-Gaunt Neptune No. 93 Engine Nostrum Remedium Obatala Okayaki Olisbos (unlabeled) Oof Pais de la Canela Pamona Pannychis Penitence 2 Perversion Pet Magah Bird Plunder Pluto Pontia Port-au-Prince Quicksilver Phoenix Raven Moon Santa Muerte Saturn Schrodinger's Cat Scurvy Seraglio Serpent's Kiss Silver Phoenix Skuld Sleipnir Snake Oil 2 + Bottle Snooty Rose Snow Glass Apples + Bottle Sol Spanked Spooky Res. Squirting Cucumber Storytime at Dark Del Sylph Tanin'iver 7 + Bottle Teatime in Roswell Tezcatlipoca Tin Foil Hat Tin Phoenix The Black Rider The Dodo The East + Bottle The Harp of C'noc 2 The Millers Daughter The Piper at the Gates of Dawn The Star (Tarot oil) 10ml bottle + 2ml in 5ml roller bottle The Temptation The World (Tarot oil) Tiresias the Androgyne Titania Ugh Ultraviolet 2 Under the Harvest Moon Unveiled (unlabeled) Uranus Vampire Tears Van Van Velvet Panther Venus Verdandi 2 3 Western Diamondback 2 When the Winter Chrysanthemums Go White Chocolate & Strawberry + 2ml in 5ml roller bottle White Chocolate, Strawberry & White Pepper Truffle Womb Furie + Bottle Wulric the Wolfman 2 + 2 bottles   BPTP Atmosphere Sprays Basil Hallinard's Studio Proto-type Doc Constantine's Medicine Show Okiya The Fainting Couch The Queen's Croquet Ground Villa Diodati Proto-type   other e-tailers   Cobalt Blends Rehab   Violette Market Black Apple   Possets Les Espices Lavender Water Haute Love Pomona Liquid Music - Bottle   Past Time Perfumerie Silk Road   Merci 32 Blood Drop   Nocturne Alchemy Hathor   Bella Lucce Moroccan Incense massage oil 2   Scream Blooddrop Autumn '09   Haunt Turkish Cocoa




LIST OF MY BPAL- WHATS LOVED - it's a long list!

The List of my unloved bottles is my swap page, along with the list of imps that I do not want as well- I am willing to take requests as to what I should bring on Sunday   My bottles of lovin':   1. Aizen-Myoo (colbalt bottle) 2 &3. Antique Lace x2 4. CD: Hope '09 5. CD: Faith'09 6. Snake oil ('09) 7. Pirate Moon '07 8. Green Phoenix '09 9. Fairy Wine '09 10. Proshitapathika '07 11 & 12. On Darkness ('08 and '09) 13. Shadowless like silence '09 (1 imp left) 14. The Harp of Cnoc I'chosgair '10 15. Mouse's long and sad Tale '09 16. Hay Moon '08 17. Temple Viper '10 18. To Autumn '08 19. The Girl   Sniffies: Chaos Theory V: The Dorian Series   Bottles I could be swayed on:   Joulumuori '09 Michtecacihuatl '08   My imps of love:   Alice Antique Lace Brom BOnes Bon Vivant Black Opal Baobahn Sith Cupid Complaining to Venus Copper Phoenix Delirium Fruminous Bandersnatch Gunpowder Hymn to proserpine How doth the little crocodile La Belle Au Bois Dormant Lilium Inter Spinas L'ecole Des Filles Lolita L'estate The Millers Daughter The Mouse's Long and sad Tale CD: Midway x2 Maiden x2 Mole Murder of Crows '08 Persephone Rapture Roses pearls and Diamonds Rose Red '07 Shanghai Samhain '09 Saint-Germain Swank The Sea Foams Milk Snake Oil Snow White '07 Tabella Tempest Tweedle Dee Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat x2 Tiki King Tiki Queen The Temptation Violet Ray White Rabbit Grand Guignol Schrodinger's Cat Lurid 51   Plus single note imps of: Violet, Apple, cheesecake, musk, kashmir, leather, tomato leaf   Like I said at the beginning, my whole swap list is open for bringing along too PM me if there is anything you would like to sniff or swap or buy, that is, if we're doing that!




Moving on to positive things!

Breakdown for the new scents (I need a break from studying, anyway)........I've never read Neverwhere or the other graphic novels, so these are based on notes, concepts, and imagery.   Mr. Croup....."Pompous and predatory: tonka bean, black musk, bourbon geranium, and crushed porcelain". Intrigued by the crushed porcelain, but the bourbon geranium is probably the deal breaker. At least....I know I don't like rose geranium. May try a decant eventually.   Mr. Vandemar....."Dark and gangly, with a glint of razor-sharp stainless steel behind it: opopponax, costus, black pepper, black sandalwood, and polished metal". Hmmm.....possibly.....but I'm kind of scared off by the black sandalwood, it hasn't worked much for me.....at least, I didn't like the one Ode To Mars scent that had black sandalwood. This looks interesting enough to try.   Door.....golden honey, nope.   The Marquis de Carabas....."A splash of bay rum, leather, dusty black wool, massoia bark, and opium residue". This looks pretty good, except maybe for dusty wool, but I'm willing to try a decant at some point.   The Rat Speakers...."A snuffling, brown scent: earthy patchouli, sage, russet sandalwood, grimy leather, fig leaf, and lemongrass". This sounds reminiscent of Brown Jenkins, and some of the Wind In The Willows scents.....and none of them worked for me. I would try it if it comes my way but I can most likely skip this one.   Anesthesia....."A scent that slips through the cracks: peppermint, lavender, bergamot, and mandrake". Sounds pretty and refreshing, not what I usually go for but I'm kind of attracted to it. Decant might be good at some point.   Night's Bridge...."Stone and darkness". This sounds totally intriguing, especially since I loved Sarah from last year's Halloween blends. I will probably end up trying this one.   Hunter....."Leonine amber, tanned hides, clove, and clary sage". Yes, I want to try this, definitely.   The Floating Market....."A cacophony of curious scents: copaiba balsam, petitgrain, citrus rind, sinicuichi accord, betel nut, wasabi root, coconut palm, and wattleseed layered atop innumerable strange herbs, spices, and woods". Sounds really interesting, sometimes I can do the more herbal scents. some of these things I'm not familiar with but I really don't see anything that worries me.   The Velvets....."Smooth inky musk, cathedral incense, ylang ylang, violet leaf, rose-infused amber, red sandalwood, and iris". This is interesting because I'm attracted to the concept and imagery more than the actual notes. Might be fun to risk a decant, and even better if I end up liking it.   Lamia....."Deadly elegance: pale orchid, lily of the valley, vanilla amber, black currant, white peach, champaca, coconut, honeysuckle, Arabian myrrh, Burmese vetiver, and oude". Sounds pretty and womanly, but could be worth a try. I like most of the notes.....but lily can be a deal-breaker.   Plutonian...."Soapy cleanliness sullied by blood and ashes". I don't like a lot of soapy scents but this could still work, and it's worth a try.   Mr. Qubit....."Gleaming metal, electrical discharge, and a whiff of tinny cologne". Sounds kind of like last year's anniversary scents....which didn't really work for me. But I'm still interested in trying most things that are dude-centric, which this appears to be. I'll be watching reviews.   Bette Noir.....sounds very womanly, I can probably pass on this one.   Kaidan....I already tried this....not bad but didn't knock my socks off. I may try it again some day.   Yurei....."White tea, hibiscus, Arabian sandalwood, white amber, ho leaf, pale Japanese flowers, and vetiver". Could be a nice springy scent. Worth a try, for sure.   Alana Patel....."Faded perfume, cigarette smoke, and gin". Not my kind of thing, but I'd be interested in smelling it just because it contains a note of cigarette smoke.   Witchblade...."Antediluvian, sacred metal, glowing red musk, blessed frankincense, and antiqued amber". Sounds pretty good to me....I think I'll have to try it!   Sara Pezzini....honey-dusted.....nope!   Det. Patrick Gleason....."A classic men's cologne splashed over a leather trenchcoat and a hint of gunshot residue". Sounds like it could be worth a try.   The Curator....."Mysterious herbs and ancient resins. Dust settled on ancient relics, both holy and malevolent". Worth a try, but could be too dusty.   Panther Moon....."Gleaming black musk, mandrake, labdanum, black ginger, benzoin, champaca, ambergris accord, myrrh, and star anise". I just don't know.....I mean, it sounds good, but I can't tell for sure if I'd like it, or if it will be too similar to other things I've tried. I didn't end up liking Velvet Panther, and black musk is one of those things that sometimes works and sometimes doesn't for me. This is very much worth a try, and could be worth a whole bottle. I just wish I could decide!   All of the honey scents........no.   Paduan Killer Swarm....."Tonka, black licorice, amber, golden sandalwood, ginger cream, bitter clove, stinging nettle, cinnamon bark, and coconut shell". I like the combination of notes listed, but what if it has honey, too? That would be a deal breaker for sure. But everything else sounds so good.....   Paramatman....."Orange blossom, East Indian sandalwood, and champaca". Yet another 'worth a try', although I don't usually like orange blossom all that much.   Ehecatl......"Hibiscus, matcha, white musk, and lime". You guessed it.......worth a try.   The Forest Reverie....."A sunlit ancient forest, dotted with wild roses, grape vine, and queenly lilies, clothed in swirls of opium smoke". Roses and lilies.......no, no, no.   L'examen de Minuit.....lilac and rose otto......nope.   Pyramus......"Dragon's blood resin, frankincense, amber, white tea, lavender, and golden musk". This sounds really good. It would be fun to find someone to split the pair with me, because I know I wouldn't like the other half.   Thisbe....."Diaphanous sandalwood, pink rose, lotus root, lemon orpur, and iris stained by mulberry juice". Pink rose and iris? I think not.




what a weekend.....

I deleted my last entry because the negativity was consuming me. I couldn't shake it all weekend and I finally was able to let it go somewhat.   I survived the weekend, but I am learning some lessons lately. What should have been a great weekend turned out to be horrible. I can't go back in time so I'll just try to move on, forgive myself, and forget about it.





Wishlist: Updated as of 10/2013 Imps please! (testers are great) Any prototypes. The Final Darkness Protagoras Luna Sanguinem Neither Peace nor rest perfume When Stars are Weeping A low lit candle room HERODOTUS PHOENIX!!!! Another bottle/partial of the Ifrit Decants of any of the roomsprays from the Trading post.   One more imp of she crushes men with wine...   Any of the following hard to gets: (testers are fine) Nocturnus Kuoinichi     Imps/Bottles I need more of: Bottle: Arana-would love decants for my bottle Smoky Moon 2012 imps are fine Gothabilly******* (impossible dream...I could use imps) Ninon...same as Gothabilly. Always and forever: Bottles, imps, anything! Paladin Evil Lilith Victoria The Midnight Carnivale Voodoo Nightmarchers v5 Antique Lace (HA! ) Mircalla the Countess of Karnstein       BPTP: Lavinia-perfume and bath oil...decant please! Sylvia-perfume and bath oil-Decant please   https://www.etsy.com/treasury/OTAzOTk3N3wyNzI1MjEyNjY0/switch-witch-help Etsy:   http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/ref=gno_listpop_wi

Dark Alice

Dark Alice


more breaking down

Phantom Time Hypothesis....."A traditional Medieval perfume that never existed: balm, benzoin, damask rose, gumdragon, lignum aloes, orange water, ambergris, and vegetal musk". Hmm, sounds interesting, except for the rose! I can probably pass on this one, honestly. I'm kind of intrigued by vegetal musk, though.   Reptoid Dominion....."Malevolent superintelligent para-dimensional shapeshifting reptoid musk". I don't like all musks, but I'd love to try this one! It could be really great.   Skytyping With Chemtrails....."Incapacitating poofiness: spun sugar, white amber, white musk, citron, and lemongrass masking a sinister, almost chemical undernote of elemi, zdravetz, and ravintsara". Well, not so interested in this one....reminds me of a few other scents that I've already tried. I could end up liking it but I'm still trying to track down that bottle of Metal Phoenix. I may try this some day, though.   Staged Moon Landing....."Prop moon rocks: muguet, orris, white sandalwood, galbanum, cistus, and dusty vanilla". I am generally not fond of papery, dusty scents, with a few notable exceptions, so this one isn't really tripping my radar. White sandalwood can be papery on me, it's probably my least favorite kind of sandalwood.   Teatime In Roswell....."Aliens at high tea: Earl Grey, biscuits, Battenberg cake, and strangely-glowing cucumber sandwiches". I'm curious....or is that just the hype getting to me? : ) I would like to try this, though. I'm not totally against the occasional cakey scent.   Traipsing Through The Crop Circles....."Miles and miles of flattened wheat, barley, and maize". Not sure about this one. Just from the description, I can't really imagine what it would smell like. I didn't really fall for Bezoar or Hay Moon, and corn doesn't sound all that appealing, but again, this could be another one that surprises me and ends up smelling great. I just can't tell sometimes.




Breakdowns and stuff

My exams went really well, what a relief! Moving on.......   I wanted to do my own breakdown of some recent updates. I'm at work and it's busy, so we'll see how far I get. Starting with the Black Helicopter scents.........   The Aurora Spaceship Takes A Dive...."Texas thistle, bluebell, red corn poppy, magnolia, sunflower, cedar sage, and smashed, flaming windmill". A little on the floral side for me, and I've learned that I'm not a big fan of poppy. But still, I could end up liking this. I may track down a decant.   The Committee Of 300: Meeting Minutes......"An ominous round table for the quintessential Round Table Group: polished wood, tobacco smoke, faded cologne, and neon discharge". Sounds discordant, with wood and smoke, but also cologne and neon discharge? I just don't know about this one, it could go either way. I suppose I'll have to try a decant sooner or later.   Illuminati Cotillion......"Ceremonial incense, pipe tobacco, temple roses, and shittim wood". If not for the roses, I would really want to try this. As it stands, I might want to try it anyway. I'm always attracted to incense scents, and even some of the ones with rose end up being nice.   Menacing Ionospheric Research Instrument......"Electrically charged white amber, violet, sage, mint, and neroli flanked by dazzling metals and shining wires". I usually stay away from violet, and I'm not a big fan of neroli, but yet again, this could go either way. I'm just not sure! Decant, somewhere down the line.   The Montauk Project....."Breathtaking native flora concealing a bastion of covert government experiments: shagbark hickory, sassafras, black gum, bald cypress, pine, dogwood, wild comfrey, swamp sunflower, and trumpet creeper". Bottle already ordered! The florals scare me a little, but I'm very attracted by the sassafras and pine. I love taking a chance with a scent and being pleasantly surprised. I'm not completely sure I'll like this but I can hardly wait to find out.   .....more later.....




Another one of "those" moods

I'm at work....I'm bored, anxious, and nervous all at the same time. I want to write things but it's all random and unconnected.   I have 2 final exams Saturday.....well, another one online that is due by Saturday, so 3 all together. I'm freaking out because I think my grades are right on the C/D edge, and I need to do really well on my exams. I can't get any D's, I just can't. If I do, my tuition won't get paid by my employer, and I will most likely have to wait another year to move forward in this program. So yeah, I'm freaking out.   Speaking of work, I am in need of some nights off. I am off this weekend, but Saturday's final exams kind of ruin the weekend. Sure I'm off Saturday night, but then I go back Sunday night, which doesn't leave me much time to do anything. What do I want to do? Well, I've been wanting to visit my friend Kevin in Columbus (Ohio), and to really relax I want more than one night off to do this. Then, next week is my spring break, except I work almost every night. I'm off Wednesday night but that's it. Long story short, I am getting burned out and I need a break.   And these people that I deal with at work are driving me crazy! In fact I have to cut this short because we're getting busy again and I have to actually work instead of typing in a blog.




My Wish List

To be updated as I think of more

Things I would love a(nother) bottle / partial bottle of:
Fairy Wine
Diary of a Lovestruck Teenage Cannibal
I Fell in Love with a Floating Brain
Spinning Multicolored Metallic Pinwheel
Hairy Toad Lily
The Reaper and The Flowers
Red (Fraggle Rock)

Things I'm interested in imps / decants / bottles / partial bottles / whatever of (i.e. ones I'm interested in trying):
A Cold, Clear Winter Day
A Fit of Artistic Enthusiasm
Ae. Aegypti
Arachnina, the Spider Girl
Ave Maria Gratia Plena
Bat of Virtue
Before the Snowy Window
Bien Loin D'Ici
Bijoux Y'ha-Nthlei
Blue Moon
The Candy Butcher
Changing the Shadows
Common Jezebel
Coral Snake
Detestable Putrescence
Et Lux Fuit
Fairy Market
The First of the Three Spirits
Fledgling Raptor Moon
Fruit Moon
Gennivre, L’Artiste du Diable / Iulia, L'Artiste du Diable
The Ghastly Garden
Gods of Intercourse
Grandmother of Ghosts
The Great Sword of War
Harlequin & Columbine
The Ifrit
The Illustrated Woman
Itasô Kansei Nenkan Jorô No Fûzoku
The Jersey Devil
Juke Joint
Kuang Shi
L'Heure Verte
La Belle au Bois Dormant
Lambs Wool
The Lady on the Grey
The Lady of Shallott
Lady Una
Leanan Sidhe
Les Bijoux
Lick It (or later variations)
Loosening of the Obi
Love's Philosophy
Lovers with Rutting Cats
Mary Read
Midnight on the Midway
Minamoto No Yorimitsu Cuts at the Earth Spider
Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller
Monna Vanna
Monster Bait: Underpants
Paper Kite
Pickled Imp
Pink Moon
Pink Snowballs
Pumpkin IV 2008
Pumpkin Princess
Queen of Clubs
Sea of Glass
Serpents with Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues
The Soldier
Sorrowful Affectation
The Stormhold
Tiki Princess
Tiki Queen
Tomoe Gozen
Two Loves
Under the Harvest Moon
Upa Upa
Velvet Nudie
Velvet Pink Kitty
Velvet Tiger
Velvet Tiki
Velvet Unicorn
White Phoenix
White Rabbit
Wulric, the Wolfman

***Just a note - some of these are in here for my own recollection for a time when I have more $$$, not necessarily because they're hard to find ***




My collection

Edited 7/7/10   Current Collection: #20 Love Oil (imp) A Countenance Foreboding Evil (imp) Abhisarika (bottle) Absinthe (imp) Aelopile (imp) Aeval (imp) Against Idleness & Mischief (imp) Alice (bottle, imp) All Night Long (imp) All Souls (imp) Angeronalla (imp) Antique Lace (imp) Antony (imp) Aperotos Eros (imp) Athens (imp) Australian Copperhead (1/4 imp) Ave Maria Gratra Plena (imp) Bake Sale (sniffy) Baku (imp) Baron Samedi (imp) Bastet (2 imps) Bayou (imp) Bearded Lady (bottle) Beaver Moon '05 (2 decants) Beaver Moon '07 (bottle) Beaver'versary (bottle) Belle Vinu (imp) Bengal (imp) Bien Loin D'ici (imp) Bite Me (bottle, 1/2 decant) Black Death (bottle) Black Forest (imp) Black Heart (imp) Black Lace Original (1/2 bottle) Black Lace Res (bottle, decant) Black Phoenix (imp) Black Rose (bottle) Black Rose (imp) Blasphemare Reliquary (decant) Blood Kiss (imp) Blood Pearl (imp) Bloodlust (imp) Bon Vivant (bottle) Bread-and-Butterfly (bottle) Brides of Dracula (bottle) Brimstone (2 imps) Cairo (imp) Cake Smash (imp) Cario (imp) Carnival Diabolique (imp) Catherine (imp) CD023 (bottle) Centzon Totochtn (imp) Champagne & Roses (bottle) Chaos Amber Series #55 (bottle) Chaste Moon (imp) Chewing Little Bits of String (imp) Christmas Rose (imp) Chuparosa (2 imps) Come to Me (imp) Comforting Plush Companion (imp) Copper Phoenix (imp) Coxcomb (decant) Creepy ('09 bottle, 2 decants) Crossroads (imp) Crowley (bottle) Cthulu (imp & card) Cupid Complaining to Venus (imp) Daiyu (sniffy) Dana O'Shee (2 imps) Danube (imp) Dark Chocolate & Pepper Smoked Carmel (bottle, imp) Deadly Nightshade Honey (imp) Defututa (imp) Delight (imp) Depraved (imp) Dia de los Muertos (decant) Diable en Boite (imp) Doll's Eye Infused Honey (imp) Dorian ('07, '08, '09 '10 bottles, imp) Dorian V3 (sniffy) Dracul (imp) Dragon's Bone (imp) Dragon's Eye (imp) Dragon's Hide (imp) Dragon's Milk (imp) Dragon's Reverie (2 imps) Durian Infused Honey with Brandy (imp) Eat Me (2 bottles, dram bottle, 2 imps) Ecstacy of Passion (bottle) Edge of Chaos DCCCXCVII (bottle) Edge of Chaos MLXXIII (bottle) Egg Moon (imp) Egg Nog 2007 (bottle) Egg Nogg '07 (imp) Egle (imp) El Amor Y La Muerta (bottle) El Dia De Los Reyes (imp) EOS (imp) Ephemera (imp) Epitaph (imp) Eshe (2 decants) Eve (imp) Fascinum (imp) Faustus (imp) Feeding the Dead (imp) Fenris Wolf (imp) Fire for they Stepmother's Daughter (imp) Fire of Love (imp) Follow Me Boy (3 imps) French Love (imp) Gaueko (2 imps) Giallo (imp) Giant Vulva (bottle, imp, sniffy) Glowing Vulva (2 bottles, 1/4 decant) Gluttony (2 imps) Goblin (imp) Grand Guinol (imp) Grandmother of Ghosts (2 imps) Greed (imp) Grindhouse (bottle) Grog (2 imps) Harlot (imp) Harlot V2 (bottle) Has No Hanna (imp) Hearth '05 (2 imps) Heavenly Love & Earthly Love (bottle) Hecate (imp) Helena (imp) Hellboy (imp & card) Hellgate of Ireland (imp) Hell's Belle (imp) Hemlock Honey (imp) Hetairae (imp) High John the Conqueror (imp) Himerus (3 imps) Ho Ho Ho (bottle) Hod (1/2 imp) Hollywood Babylon (2 imps) Honey Moon (decant) Hony Mone (bottle) Hope (bottle) Horn of Plenty (2 imps) Horreur Sympathique (imp) House of Night (imp) Hpiaka (imp) Hunger (imp) Hymn (imp) I Fell in Love with a Floating Brain (imp) Iambe (imp) Ile De La Torture (2 imps) Illuminati Cotillion (imp) Inez (imp) Jerusalem Cherry Infused Honey (imp) June Gloom '09 (decant) Kabuki (imp) Kaidan (imp card) Kanshta (decant) Katrina Van Tassel (bottle, imp) Khajuraho (2 bottles) Kill-Devil (2 imps) King of Clubs (decant) La Petit Mort (2 imps) Lady Una (imp) Lamb's Wool (decant imp) Lawn Gnome (imp) Le Serpent Qui Danse (imp) Left His Nurse While In A Crowd (decant) Leo '07 (bottle, imp) Lilith Victoria (decant) Lolita (2 imps) Love Me (imp) Lovers with Rutting Cats (imp) Lucy Westerna (2 bottles) Lucy's Kiss (imp, sniffy) Lyonesse (imp) Machu Picchu (imp) Maiden (imp) Malice (imp) Margurite (imp) Marquise de Merteuil (imp) Masquerade (imp) Mata Hari (imp) Meliai (imp) Midnight Kiss (imp) Midnight Mass '06 (bottle) Midnight on the Midway (2 bottles) Midway (1/4 bottle, imp) Milk Moon '05 (bottle) Milk Moon '07 (bottle) Mircalla (imp) Miskatonic University (imp) Mitzvah (bottle) Mme Moriarty (bottle, decant) Monster Bait : Closet (decant) Monster Bait: Underpants (1/4 decant) Morocco (bottle, imp, imp & card) Mouse's Sad Long Tale (imp) MVJHL Bake Sale (sniffy) Nanshe (imp) Nes Gadol Haya Sham '09 (decant) Niflheim (imp) Night's Pavillion (decant) Nonae Caprotina (imp) Nosferatu (imp) Nostrum Remedium (2 imps) Now Winter Nights Enlarge (bottle, 2 imps) O (bottle, 2 imps) O v5 (imp) Oleander Honey (imp) Olisbos (decant) On Darkness (bottle) Ophelia (imp) Ouija (imp) Panduan Killer Swarm (imp) Panther Moon (imp) Parlement of Foules (bottle) Penis Admiration (1/2 bottle) PEXO Prototype (decant) Phantasm (imp) Phantom Queen (imp) Phantom Time Hypothesis (imp) Phobos (2 imps) Pink Plastic Flamingo (imp) Pink Snowballs (imp) Priala the Human Phoenix (1/8 imp) Prunela (imp) Prurience (imp) Queen (imp) Queen Alice (imp) Queen Mab (imp) Quicksilver Phoenix (imp) Rakshasa (imp) Rat (decant) Raven Moon (decant) Red Devil (imp) Red Rose (2 bottles) Regan (imp) Robin Goodfellow (imp) Rocking Horse-Fly (2 imps) Rose Cross (bottle) Rose Red '08 (bottle) Rose Red '09 (bottle, imp) Saint Foutin De Verailles (decant) Salome (imp) Santo Domingo (2 imps) Sara Pezzini (bottle) Screaming Mandragora (sniffy) Seance (imp) Sed Non Satiata (imp) Seraglio (imp) Shango (imp) Sin (imp) Skytyping with Chemtrails (imp) Sleipnir (imp, sniffy) Smokestack (imp) Smut 2010 (decant) Snake Charmer (full decant, sniffy) Snake Charmer Res (bottle) Snake Oil ('07, '09 bottles, '10 imp) Snow Maiden (imp) Snow White (decant) Snow White '04 (bottle) Sol Invictus '09 (imp) Spare Change (imp) Spellbound '08 (2 bottles) Staged Moon Landing (imp) Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener (imp) Sudha Segara (imp) Sugar Cookie '08 (decant) Sugar Moon (imp) Sundew (imp) Tabula Smaragdina (decant) TAL Aegis (decant) TAL Amor (bottle) TAL Bastet's Laughter (bottle) TAL Blessings of Isis (bottle) TAL Blinding Glory of Love (bottle) TAL Brass Balls (decant) TAL Caliph's Beloved (bottle) TAL Charisma (bottle) TAL Dixie Love Perfume (bottle) TAL Fiery Wall of Protection (bottle) TAL Fire of Passion (bottle) TAL Glamour (bottle) TAL Hand of Hermes (decant) TAL Helping Hand (bottle) TAL LaFLAMME (bottle) TAL Lionheart (bottle) TAL Mantle of Venus (bottle) TAL Master (decant) TAL Nine Muses (decant) TAL Road Opener (decant) TAL Servare (2 decants) TAL Sexual Energy (bottle) TAL STFU (bottle) TAL White Light (bottle, decant) Teatime in Roswell (imp) Tempest (imp) Temple of Dreams (imp) Thalia (imp) The Aurora Spaceship Takes a Dive (imp) The Bow & Crown of Conquest (imp) The Dole of the King's Daughter (bottle) The Doormouse (2 imps) The Forest Reverie (imp) The Harp of Cnoc l'Chosgair (bottle) The High Priest not to be Described (2 imps) The Host of the Air (imp) The Last Rose of Summer (1/2 bottle) The Light's of Men's Lives (bottle, imp) The Little Sparrow (imp) The Peacock Queen ('05, '07, '09 bottles) The Perfumed Garden (bottle) The Perilous Parlour (imp) The Red Queen (imp) The Robotic Scarab (imp) The Rose (imp) The Unheavenly City (bottle) The Velvets (imp & card) Three Witches (bottle, imp) Tin Foil Hat (1/2 decant) Tiresias the Androgyne (imp) Trevor Butterhelm (imp) Trick or Treat (imp) Troll (imp) Tweedle Dee (imp) Twenty-One (imp) Twilight (2 imps) Two, Five & Seven (bottle) Unveiled (1/2 bottle) Van Van (imp) Veil (2 imps) Velvet Clown (imp) Velvet Dogs Playing Poker (imp) Velvet Unicorn (bottle) Vice (2 imps) Wezwani / Hold (bottle) When the Winter Chrysanthemums Go (imp) Whip (imp) White Chocolate & Strawberry (bottle) White Chocolate, Strawberry & White Pepper Truffle (bottle, decant)) White Rose (2 bottles) Wicked (imp) Wilde (imp) Wilhemina Murray (bottle) Windward Passage (imp) Witchblade (bottle, imp & card) Womb Furie (2 bottles) Xiulttecuhtli (imp) Yate-Vo (imp) Yellow Jessamine Honey (imp) Yew Berry Infused Honey (imp) Yew Trees (imp) Y'ha-nthlei (imp) Zombie Apocolypse '09 (decant)




Non-BPAL Wishlist of Immense and Unfathomable DOOM

I'm a shameless perfume whore. That said,I have now compiled for your wondering eyes the unabridged version of my massive list of non-BPAL lusts, which is even (mostly) alphabetized. Behold and be amazed:   Arcana: Devilish, Frivolous Aside, Lady Lamb, Lady Posh (Posh Brats exclusive),Single Notes: Chocolate, Citrus Creme, Pumpkin, White Musk, Yellow Cake   Blooddrop: Past LE/Discon GC: Au Bout du Monde, Bardot, Broceliande, Buche de Noel, Cavity Creeps, C’est la Neige qui rend tout Silencieux, Café Zazou Edition Fete 07, Cobwebs, Contempt, The Cookie Plate, Country Bumpkin, Cutie Patootie, Dandelion Wine, Doe Eyes, Drive-In Movie, Eeek!, Gathering, Honey Bee, Hubba Hubba, L’Empoisonneusse Extraordinaire, Madame Claire de Lune’s Cidre Doux aux Pommes Epicées, Madame Claire de Lune's Cidre Doux au Poire, Merci Extrait D’Hiver, Merci Extrait Maison, The Merry Widow Who Invented Champagne, Midsummer, Orange Et Noir, PB&J, The Pheasants, Taint the Afternoon Cakes, Scurvy Girl, There Castle, Training Bra, Tree in My House, The (Un) poisoned Tea Cup, Vintage, Witchery GC: At Denny’s After Rocky, Bisou, Bonne Nuit, Broomstick, Café Zazou, Citrouille, Diabolique, Delicieuse, Devonshire Cottage, Dixie Eloise Dechamps’ Perfectly Legal and Innocuous Kissing Cake, Dollhouse, Eiffel Tower, Frau Von Schtinklestein’s Parially Completed Bavarian Love Essence, Josephine, Les Madeleines, Madame Pompidou’s Elixir Secret Pour Las Maladies et Crises du Coeur, Medusa, Melancholia, Mourning Dove, Pumpkin, Ruffles Bustles and Corsets, Star Light Star Bright, Sultrylicious, White Pumpkin, The Zodiac Club   Conjure Oils: Anemoi, Aswang, Anna, Bathtub Gin, Bat’s Blood, Bastet, The Befuddling Fan, Bete Noire Brew, Black Raspberry, Blood Type A, Blood Type B, Blood Moon, Cherry Red Lipstick, Chupacabra, Circe, Cleopatra, Coatlicue, The Countess, Earl Black, El Diablito, Flapper, Floozy, Gears of Oblivion, Glamour, Immortal, Inanna, Jamila, Kala, La Bruja, La Corona, La Luna, Lindy Hop, Loch Ness Monster, Love Eternal, Moon, Mothman, Nadia, Nagwa, Naima, Nejla, Passion, The Pernicious Parasol, Pirate’s Breakfast, Radio Bastet, Salome, Shakti, The Shadowy Shawl, Shapeshifter, Unicorn, Vajrayogini, Vampire Kisses, Vaudeville, Wendigo, Werewolf, Zeinat   Single notes: Black Orchid, Chai Spice Tea, Champa Bouquet, Coconut Milk, Dark Chocolate, Dragon's Blood, Egyptian Musk, Ethiopian Frankincense, Golden Amber, Indian Patchouli, Madagascar Vanilla, Milk Chocolate, Mysore Sandalwood, Night Queen, Oriental Opium, Sweet Myrrh, Sweet Patchouli   Haus of Gloi: Depravity, Elevenses, Lavender Sugar, Honey Tree, Moon Dog, Peach Mama, Satyr, Twice is Nice, Troika, Vice   I Smell Good: Almond, Amber, Berry, Cake, Chocolate, Marshmallow, Rhubarb   Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie: All Hallow's Eve, And Everything Nice, Autumnal Equinox 07, Constant Craving, Dark Seductions (original), Drakula's Bakery, Gothic Xmas, Halloween Moon, Hallowtide, Hotter Than Hell, La Vie Boheme Femme, LP White, Lorien's Sugared Twilight, Messalina's Passion Potion,Sorceress, Sugared French Vanilla, Sugared Magi, Sugared Nag Champa, (more)Sugared Pumpkins, Slave to Sin, Tea and Strumpets, Winter Snow Blossom, Yule Snuggle   Nocturne Alchemy: GC: Akhnouphis, Alexandria, Amarna, Anubis, Bassima, Bast-um-Ra, Blue Nile, Chocolate Cinnamon Ceylon, Egyptian Black Raspberry, Egyptian Caramel Coffee, Egyptian Vanilla & Passionfruit, Eternal Alexandria, Eternal Ankh, Eternal Aswan, Eternal Cairo, Eternal Egypt, Eternal Luxor, Eternal Nile, Ether:Khepri, Fire:Sekhmet, Hathor, Horus, Isis, Karnak, Ma'at, Meditation: Anubis, Meditation: Atum, Meditation: Bastet, Mediation: Hathor, Meditation: Horus, Meditation: Nut & Geb, Meditation: Osiris, Meditation: Seshat, Meditation: Seth, Meditation: Thoth, Karkade, Luxor, Malban, Mnemethe, Mummy Daddy Caffeinated, Nefer-ka-Ra, Nefertiti, Nomastikha, Osiris, Phyriad, Plum Ohm Ali, Purple Nile, Pyramid of Khafre, Pyramid of Khufu, Pyramid of Menkaure, Qeb-Hwt, Ra, Red Egypt, Scarab, Seth, Sekhmet, Sekhephrium, Smenkhare, Sphinx, Sobek, Temple of Isis, Tutankhamun, Urphaeus, Valley of the Kings, Vanilla Necropolis Canopic Jars:Resin, Duamutef, Imsety Dendera Zodiac: Anubis, Amun, Bennu, Hathor, Horus, Sekhmet, Sphinx Gold of Egypt: Ankh, Bennu, Crook & Flail, Gold, Scarab, Sistum Moons: Alabaster Moon, Amber Moon, Bloodstone Moon, Deity Moon: Sekhmet, Faience Moon, Fluorite Moon, Gold Moon, Scarab Moon Blue Label NAlentine: Bastet's Chocolate-Covered Apricots, Isis' Love Elixir, The Lady of Philae, Postcard: Egypt, Purple Rose of Cairo NAliday: A Memory of Hope, Amber Noel, Christmas in Cairo, Egyptian Eggnog, Eye of Horus, Halcyon, Hathor's Pomegranate Wine, Invocation of the Gods, Konafah, Mulled Mummy, Ra's Amber Sandalwood, Ra's Mocha Eggnog, Ra's Pumpkin Eggnog, Raspberry Amber, Set's Cider NAlloween: Bastet's Chocolate-Covered Raspberries, The Cursed Tomb, Darker Egypt, KV13, Chaos of Seth, The Curse I, Hapi's Pumpkin Chai Creme Brulee, Flesh-Eating Scarabs, Heretic King, Heretic Queen, Immortal, Jackal'Lantern, Madness of Osiris, The Mummy, Mummy's Revenge (both years), Mummy Wrappings, Necropolis, Nepra, The Netherworld, Pharoh's Revenge, Ra's Book of Shadows, Revenge of Isis, Sarcophagus, Scroll of Thoth III, Shezmu, The Summoning, Ta-Seti Chocolate Honey, The Tribunal of Osiris, Vampire Pharoh, Yummified Mummified, Yummy Mummy, Zombie Bast, Zombie Nubi New Year's: Baby Anubi, Baby Bastet, Baby Horus, Baby Nefer, Baby Tut(all years) Nokturne: Amethyst, Andalusite, Carnelian, Crimson, Crystal, Ember, Kashmir Sapphire, Santalum (original), Sapphire, will always take more Kobalt!   Other Forum Exclusives: Aegyptika, Amber 23, Amber 46, Anubis Blood, Alkhemyst, Amber Kyphi, Bastet’s Chocolate Covered Cherries, Bastet’s Chocolate Covered Acai Berries, Blood of Anubis, Cinnamon Kashmir, Darker Scarab, Djeser-Djeseru, Dream Stela, Duality: Crimson Sapphire, Duality: Crystal Lazuli, Duality: Kashmir Champa, Duality: Sapphire Honey, Egyptian Dreaming, Gold of Egypt: Bastet, Gold of Egypt: Bast-um-RA, Gold of Egypt: Eternal Egypt, Gold of Egypt: Eternal Luxor, Gold of Egypt: Ma’at’ini, Gold of Egypt: Nile Cruise, Gold of Egypt: Mnemythe, Gold of Egypt: Nakhti-Amun, Nefertini, Nectar of the Gods, The Passage of Akhet, Ra’s Creamy Blueberry Eggnog, Raspberry Mocha Ma’atiato, Riddle of the Sphinx: Elegant, Riddle of the Sphinx: Spicy, Riddle of the Sphinx: Sweet, Rites of Ma’at, Sacred Kyphi, Sanctum of Taweret, Scroll of Thoth I, II and III, Blue, Scroll of Thoth III Gold, Shadow of Anubis, Temple of Atmos, Thoth Moon: Bleu, Thoth Moon: Lapis, The Underworld<i>OM NA:</i> Eternity, Khet, Temple NA Scent Addict Exclusives: Incensia Solar Egypt: Ra(Sera)Three Seasons of Egypt: Peret, Shomu Venom:Asp Venom, Cobra Venom I, Other LEs: Abraxas, Alabaster Sphinx, Amber Sun: Nocturnal, Aten, Bedouin Honey Tea, Blood of Anubis, Cardamom Coffee, Dreams of Egypt, Egypt, Egyptian Honey of the Sun Moon and Stars, The Guardian, Haroeris, Hathor's Cherry Pomegranate Tea, Hathor's Creamy Vanilla Almond & Chestnut Tea, Hathor's Peach Kaproret Tea, Judgement: Pure, Raspberry Cardamom Chai, Ra's Hazelnut Cocoa, Renenutet, Journey to Eternity, Hathor's Egyptian Vanilla Tea, Mummy Daddy (original), Mummy Mommy 08 & 09, Offering to Onnophris, Sahara, Ra's Cocoa Lotus, Sekhmet's Plum & Honey Elixir, Shabti, Summer of Thoth, Wine of Cleopatra   Villainess: Antihero, Asphixiate, Birth Rite, Blood, Brats, Byzantium, Canaan, Crushed, Datura, Decadence, Dulces en Fuego, Embargo, Friction, Ginger Snapped, Gloop, Jai Mahal, Killer Beez, Kill Switch, Krakatoa, Paradise Misplaced, Posh, Pyromania, Raspberry Swirl, Retrograde, Silk & Cyanide, The Truffle Trade, Torchsong, Villainess, Xia   Violette Market: try me on any old-school VM blends and A Christmas Carol 08   Wylde Ivy (oils only, not alcohol sprays): Amber Chai, Apple Fest, Azure, Bella Vanille, Black Cat, Black Patch, Black Vanilla, Chocolate Fatale, Coconut Island Castaway, Crystal Amber, Daydreamer, Dirty Chocolate, Ember, Ice Princess, I Heart Patchouli, In the Shadows, Little Shop in Salem, Mystic Amber,Pale Vanilla, Raven, Starling, Sticky, White Cashmere, Wylde Cocoa, Wylde Summer, Wylde Vanilla (try me on any other old LEs/discons)





imps and decants absinthe akuma-3x baobhan sith bien loin d'ici black cat black death black heart block buster-2x blood pearl boo bordello calico jack CD: Blue Pumpkin Floss v3 centzon chimera czernobog crossroad-needs to be relabeled, using as a ritual oil dana o'shee dee 2x dioble en bote doc constantine* dracul-2x Dragon's Heart dragon's hide egle ekhidna el dia des reyes-2007 event horizon fae-2x faunalia feast for the greatly revered ones grief-low herbert west high john hod-original, very low partial incubus intrigue jazz funeral-dated 2007 2x josie lady macbeth lampades Laudanum Le Père Fouettard lilith victoria milk chocolate, coconut, cardamom, rum, and ginger truffle needlework nephilim 2x obatala ochosi (need to check spelling) pele perversion phantom queen prurience (sniff) sapphics sleipnir (spelling?) spooky res st. john's eve suck it sugar skull tavern of hell 2x the coiled serpent the ghost the great sword of war 2x the jersey devil the music of erich zahn 3x tiki princess proto v3 torture king ulalume vampire tears-2x vice-3x villain yew trees yggdrasil yorick   the amazing red labeled mystery decant *only willing to trade for something in the same scent family   tea party- new, sale only NOT FOR TRADE (wedding favors) queen of hearts high strung daisies the dodo frumius bandersnitch all in a golden afternoon cheshire cat drink me alice   sniffies     testers smut 2010 tal-decants charisma     bptp champaigne bath oil decant (willing to trade, i don't have a tub!)     other etailers arcana pax mundi   love potions new year's evil   possets nevada heat   bottles   partials spring training   empty womb furie fruit of paradise pomona copper phoenix milk chocolate, coconut...truffle adoration of the mi go       wishlist:   German Expressionist Horror A Bachelor's Dog The Grand Inquisitor's Heretic's Fork -any of the four lick its -any weenies -any of the pumpkin patches AEVAL Anne Bonny Aperotos Eros Archangel Winter BARON SAMEDI belladonna BELLE ÉPOQUE BLACK FOREST Block Buster Bonfire Night chimera clemence Crowley Death of Autumn dee Devil's Night Djinn fenris wolf GOLDEN WAVE GRANDMOTHER OF GHOSTS GYPSY hades Hellfire HIGHWAYMAN Himerus holly king interfector Jabberwocky Kali Loup Garou Love and Pain Mama Ji mata hari MONARCH oak king oberon On Darkness Pais de la Canela philologus POLYNESIAN POP Priala RANGOON RIPTIDE red lantern RED TIDE Rumpelstilzchen samhain, any year Samhainophobia SCREECHING PARROT Sin skadi snow moon Spider Strangler Fig THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM THE BLACK RIDER THE BLACK TOWER the catapillar the dodo the Goblin Ride The Great He Goat THE LIGHTS OF MEN'S LIVES the music of erich zahn THE OBSIDIAN WIDOW Tintagel Titus Andronicus tombeur torture king Van Van vilf White Light wraith YEMAYA




list update

imps and decants absinthe akuma-3x baobhan sith bien loin d'ici black cat black death black heart block buster boo bordello centzon chimera czernobog crossroad-needs to be relabeled, using as a ritual oil dana o'shee dee 2x dioble en bote doc constantine* dracul-2x Dragon's Heart dragon's hide egle el dia des reyes-2007 event horizon fae-2x faunalia feast for the greatly revered ones herbert west high john high strung dasies hod-original, very low partial incubus intrigue jazz funeral-dated 2007 josie lady mcbeth lampades Laudanum Le Père Fouettard lilith victoria mechanical phoenix milk chocolate, coconut, cardamom, rum, and ginger truffle needlework nephilim 2x obatala ochosi (need to check spelling) octopus and abalone diver pele perversion phantom queen prurience (sniff) sapphics sleipnir (spelling?) spooky res st. john's eve suck it sugar skull tavern of hell 2x the coil- partial the coiled serpent the ghost the great sword of war 2x the jersey devil the music of erich zahn 3x torture king ulalume vampire tears-2x vice villain yew trees   the amazing red labeled mystery decant *only willing to trade for something in the same scent family   tea party- new, sale only NOT FOR TRADE (wedding favors) queen of hearts high strung daisies the dodo frumius bandersnitch all in a golden afternoon cheshire cat drink me alice   sniffies antique lace iganok jewelers jersey devil obatala ostara penis adoration snow angel under the harvest moon   testers autumn moon of the mirror stand olisbos smut 2010   tal-decants charisma     bptp champaigne bath oil decant (willing to trade, i don't have a tub!)     other etailers arcana pax mundi   love potions new year's evil   possets nevada heat   bottles   partials spring training   empty womb furie fruit of paradise pomona copper phoenix milk chocolate, coconut...truffle adoration of the mi go       wishlist:   German Expressionist Horror A Bachelor's Dog The Grand Inquisitor's Heretic's Fork -any of the four lick its -any weenies AEVAL Anne Bonny Aperotos Eros Archangel Winter BARON SAMEDI belladonna BELLE ÉPOQUE Bengal BLACK FOREST Block Buster Bonfire Night Brimstone Calico Jack chimera clemence Crowley Death of Autumn dee Devil's Night Djinn fenris wolf GRANDMOTHER OF GHOSTS hades Hellfire HIGHWAYMAN Himerus holly king Jabberwocky Kali Loup Garou Love and Pain Mama Ji mata hari oak king oberon On Darkness Pais de la Canela Priala Red Devil red lantern Rumpelstilzchen Samhainophobia Sin skadi smut snow moon Spider Strangler Fig THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM THE BLACK RIDER THE BLACK TOWER the catapillar the dodo the Goblin Ride The Great He Goat THE LIGHTS OF MEN'S LIVES the music of erich zahn THE OBSIDIAN WIDOW Tintagel Titus Andronicus torture king Van Van White Light wraith YEMAYA




massive update to list-3/9

This will be an ongoing and updated list! Bolded entries are what I'm willing to swap away immediately- bad, bad skin chemistry issues. Italics are ones that I am not interested in swapping/selling at this time.   imps and decants absinthe akuma-2x baobhan sith bien loin d'ici black cat black death black heart boo bordello chimera crossroad-needs to be relabeled, using as a ritual oil dana o'shee dee 2x dioble en bote doc constantine* dracul-2x Dragon's Heart dragon's hide egle el dia des reyes-2007 event horizon fae faunalia feast for the greatly revered ones herbert west high john high strung dasies i died for beauty incubus intrigue jazz funeral-dated 2007 josie ladon lady mcbeth lampades Laudanum Le Père Fouettard milk chocolate, coconut, cardamom, rum, and ginger truffle mother shub's toothsome banketstaaf needlework nephilim 2x obatala ochosi (need to check spelling) octopus and abalone diver pele perversion phantom queen plunder pontarlier prurience (sniff) riding the goat sapphics sleipnir (spelling?) spooky res st. john's eve suck it sugar skull tavern of hell 2x the coil- partial the coiled serpent the ghost the great sword of war 2x the jersey devil the music of erich zahn 3x tisiphone torture king ulalume vampire tears-2x vice yew trees   *only willing to trade for something in the same scent family   tea party- new, sale only NOT FOR TRADE (wedding favors) queen of hearts high strung daisies the dodo frumius bandersnitch all in a golden afternoon cheshire cat drink me alice   sniffies antique lace iganok jewelers jersey devil obatala ostara penis adoration snow angel under the harvest moon   testers autumn moon of the mirror stand olisbos smut 2010   tal-decants charisma queen of the nile   bptp champaigne bath oil decant (willing to trade, i don't have a tub!)     other etailers arcana pax mundi   love potions new year's evil   possets nevada heat   bottles partials spring training   empty womb furie fruit of paradise pomona copper phoenix milk chocolate, coconut...truffle adoration of the mi go       wishlist:   German Expressionist Horror A Bachelor's Dog The Grand Inquisitor's Heretic's Fork -any of the four lick its -any weenies AEVAL Anne Bonny Aperotos Eros Archangel Winter BARON SAMEDI belladonna BELLE ÉPOQUE Bengal BLACK FOREST Block Buster Bonfire Night Brimstone Calico Jack chimera clemence Crowley Death of Autumn dee Devil's Night Djinn fenris wolf GRANDMOTHER OF GHOSTS hades Hellfire HIGHWAYMAN Himerus holly king Jabberwocky Kali Loup Garou Love and Pain Mama Ji mata hari oak king oberon On Darkness Pais de la Canela Priala Red Devil red lantern Rumpelstilzchen Samhainophobia Sin skadi smut snow moon Spider Strangler Fig THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM THE BLACK RIDER THE BLACK TOWER the catapillar the dodo the Goblin Ride The Great He Goat THE LIGHTS OF MEN'S LIVES the music of erich zahn THE OBSIDIAN WIDOW Tintagel Titus Andronicus torture king Van Van White Light wraith YEMAYA




More video game stuff

Played through Bioshock 2 twice, rushed through the first time and then went more slowly the second time (got 2 of the different endings). I do really like it, the story is not as good but game play is a little more fun, more options of what to do with the little sisters, more plasmid upgrades, etc....etc....now I want to go back and play the first Bioshock again! However.....   I want to get some use out of my SNES and I keep feeling this attraction to older games. I ordered Zelda Link To The Past, and also Megaman X, so I can play those, as well as Super Metroid which I really didn't get into, but would like to start it back up again. I also have Earthworm Jim which is really fun but I didn't get very far into it (I played it on the old Sega Genesis, and was never really good at it, although I watched my room-mate at the time beat the game).   So, anyway......oh I also would like to finish Final Fantasy IV, which I started when I was waiting to play Bioshock 2.   (.....and I'm trying to be a student at the same time, LOL)




Good Judy: B

B Category: LGBT & More Quantity: sample   Description: B N/A   Review:   In the bottle: Citrus and... bergamot?   Wet: Yes, I do smell a sweet herb such as bergamot, as well as citrus or orange.   Dry: Now, I’m getting something floral, possibly honeysuckle.   Verdict: It’s golden, vibrant, and the citrus scent smells clean, of course. Overall, it’s a nice gender-neutral blend.





This will be an ongoing and updated list! Bolded entries are what I'm willing to swap away immediately- bad, bad skin chemistry issues. Italics are ones that I am not interested in swapping/selling at this time.   absinthe akuma aquarius 2007 baobhan sith bien loin d'ici black death bordello candles moon chimera crossroad-needs to be relabeled, using as a ritual oil dana o'shee dee 2x dioble en bote doc constantine* dracul Dragon's Heart dragon's hide egle event horizon fae farewell to false love faunalia i died for beauty incubus intrigue herbert west high john high strung daisies ladon lampades Laudanum Le Père Fouettard mother shub's toothsome banketstaaf needlework nefrititi nephilim 2x obatala ochosi (need to check spelling) octopus and abalone diver pele perversion plunder pontarlier prurience (sniff) riding the goat sapphics sleipnir (spelling?) spooky res st. john's eve suck it sugar skull tavern of hell 2x the coil- partial the coiled serpent the ghost the great sword of war 2x the jersey devil the music of erich zahn 3x tisiphone torture king ulalume vampire tears-2x vice yew trees   *only willing to trade for something in the same scent family   tea party- new, sale only NOT FOR TRADE (wedding favors) queen of hearts high strung daisies the dodo frumius bandersnitch all in a golden afternoon cheshire cat drink me alice   wishlist:   German Expressionist Horror A Bachelor's Dog The Grand Inquisitor's Heretic's Fork -any of the four lick its -any weenies AEVAL Anne Bonny Aperotos Eros Archangel Winter BARON SAMEDI belladonna BELLE ÉPOQUE Bengal BLACK FOREST Block Buster Bonfire Night Brimstone Calico Jack chimera clemence Crowley CZERNOBOG de sade (but only in a sniffie) Death of Autumn dee Devil's Night Djinn fenris wolf GRANDMOTHER OF GHOSTS hades Hellfire Hexxenacht HIGHWAYMAN Himerus holly king Jabberwocky Kali Loup Garou Love and Pain Mama Ji mata hari oak king oberon On Darkness Pais de la Canela Priala Red Devil red lantern Rumpelstilzchen Samhainophobia Sin skadi smut snow moon Spider Strangler Fig THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM THE BLACK RIDER THE BLACK TOWER the catapillar the dodo the Goblin Ride The Great He Goat THE LIGHTS OF MEN'S LIVES the music of erich zahn THE OBSIDIAN WIDOW Tintagel Titus Andronicus torture king Van Van White Light wraith YEMAYA


