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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!


Notes of WIN: acai, acorn, allspice, almond, almond flower/milk, amber, ambergris, anise, balsam, benzoin, berries, bread, burning leaves, butter, buttercream, caramel, cardamom, cake, cassia, champagne, cherry, cherry blossom, chestnut, chocolate, cinnamon, civet, clove, coconut(especially black), copal, cream, currant, dark florals, dragon's blood, date, fig, frankincense, galangal, galbanum, ginger, grape, green or baked apple, guava, honey, khus, labdanum, lavender, lime, liquor, maple, maple syrup, marshmallow, mastic, mead, milk, mint, molasses, monoi, moonflower, musk(especially red), myrrh, nag champa, nutmeg, oak, orange(especially blood orange), orange blossom, orchid, oude, passionfruit, pineapple, pikake, pitch, plum, pomegranate, pumpkin, rum, saffron sandalwood(especially red), seaspray, smoke, snow, spikenard, sugar(especially brown), sweet pea, sweet potato, tea(except green), tiare, tobacco flower, tonka, tonquin, tuberose, vanilla, vanilla flower, violet, wine, walnut (especially black walnut), ylang ylang, anything foody, smutty, dark, resinous, and "red" or "purple" in general   Iffy notes: apple (red or yellow), aloe, ash, banana, bark, bay, cedar, cucumber, cypress, dandelion, gardenia, grapefruit, hyacinth, kumquat, leather, lemon, lilac, lily,lychee, mahogany, magnolia, metal, mango, moss, neroli, ozone, papaya, peach, pear, pepper, petitgrain, pine pitch, rose, l vetiver, orris, osmanthus, sage, seaweed, shea, stone, watermelon, wildflowers, zinnia   Notes of FAIL: basil, cantaloupe/honeydew (if prominent), carnation (The Great Revered and Illustrious Carnation of Doom), cedar, dirt (if prominent), most types of jasmine (turns to straight cat pee or rancid banana on me), geranium/rose geranium, grass, lemongrass and lemon verbena (if prominent), myrtle, rosemary, anything too dry, green, floral, herbal or predominantly masculine




CD pitch Cards I NEED

I collect CD pitch cards and need the following to complete my set(s) <---cuz 3 sets are better than 1, right? agrat-bat-mahlat antonino the carney talker archnina the spider girl ashlultum blasphmere reliquary blockhead blood garden candy butcher the chapel the contract of... cythera daiyu doc constantine eisheth eshe faiza faeu boulanger gennivre the grand inquisitior... gwneth hand of glory isaac the living skelly katanyia knucklebones licwiglunga the maltese cross... marcilla melisande the puppet... meskehenet the vulture... midnight in the midway the organ grinder parliament of monsters parthenope the phantom calliope priala the human phoenix pulcinella & teresina shrunken heads sir hugh... stormclouds over the midway thalassa the galapagos... theodosius the ledgermain tiresias two-headed goat the wild men... wulric the wolfman xanthe the weeping clown




Good Judy: Lava Rocket

Lava Rocket Category: Starlite Oasis Quantity: sample   Description: LAVA ROCKET Turn it on. Warm it up. Watch it erupt. Get ready for blast off baby! Cassia, clove, black pepper, molten musk, orange lava   Review:   In the bottle: I smell cassia, pepper, clove, and a little bit of musk. So far, it’s alright.   Wet: Hmm, spicy! I get clove and pepper first, then musk.   Dry: Now it’s just old musk...   Verdict: No, not my thing, it’s just too oldish, and maybe a little bit too masculine for me.




SW Feb2010 Shotgun round

Here's an edited list of useful answers from shotgun Feb SW round: These are a few of my favourite things: ...? Family, friends, and fun times w/each. Those rare occasions when my daughter (usually in constant motion) cuddles on my lap. Dark chocolate. Walks in the woods. Reading a good book for the first time. Reading a book or taking a soak in a warm nice smelling tub (or both together) without being interrupted. Being done with the "to-do" list for the day. Cooking something new that promises to be yummy. Live music. Singing w/good musicians.   decoupage/collage boxes and notebooks Sure! As for pictures/themes: Gryphons, dragons, bats, dragonflies, wolves, anything Froud (Brian or Wendy), Keith Parkinson   Soundtrack? Shrek the musical. So love the movie & the Broadway soundtrack is fabulous! REALLY REALLY REALLY wish I could see the show.   Do you prefer coffee, tea, or hot chocolate? What flavors? not coffee. Generally love anything chocolate esp dark chocolate. Always wondered what sort of alcohol would go best w/hot chocolate . . . have yet to experiment. as for tea, love chai & also fruity (herbal, green or white) teas. Bagged OR loose tea is great, although the loose stuff is like an extra special treat for me when I can take the extra time to do it juuuusssst right icon_smile.gif   Mix CD's - I do enjoy new music & a variety of styles of music so any mixed CDs would be great fun.   Fictional Universe? hmmm most of the ones I've wanted to visit were for lustful reasons that OF COURSE I would not be remotely interested in now that I'm married to my wonderful man. angel.gif Firefly would be a blast, depending on what planet you were stuck on. Someplace with magic where I could be friends with gryphons or dragons would be really cool. Mercedes Lackey had a series for each of those . .. . and of course I'd love to be an academic instructor at Professor X's school for the gifted, but my hubby doesn't want me that close to Wolverine   Fav animals- bats, wolves, gryphons, dragons, ocelot, rainbow lorikeets, hawks, eagles, raccoons, turtles.   Makeup and face care samples are ALWAYS loved! Although not so much lipstick, since I almost never wear that. And nail polish is pretty well wasted on me at this point in my life.   home canned goods sounds great. SOMEONE in the house should enjoy it, even if I don't. Unless it's peppers. Only hubby likes peppers & the poor dear OCD man probably wouldn't appreciate them from an unknown "stranger".   hair stuff - I have short hair, but barrettes are always good.   Fav flowers: Lavender, snapdragons, violets, and general wildflowers   Nightie/nightshirt - I usually wear comfy pants & a comfy shirt that are both "not to be worn in public" due to bleach mishaps, stretching out, etc. Something that actually looks half-way attractive would be a nice change (but still needs to be comfy) My fav colors - blue, purple, pink (not pastels) are all good options   ANd I've always wanted to learn to belly dance. Dunno if there's anything you can do with that, but I thought I'd put it out there just in case icon_smile.gif   Love to cook, love new recipes.   Favorite flavors: chocolate, garlic, cranberry, pomegranate, peanut, almond, pecans, brown sugar   Favorite foods/drinks:green & white (flavored) teas, Mead, Mediterranean (HUMMUS!), Asian, a good veggie pizza (with a variety of veg but no peppers) on garlic sauce, seafood , banana nut bread   Magazines you like, but don't subscribe to: Realms of Fantasy, Subterraninian, Veritas, the TAPS Paranormal Magazine, Sojourners, Relevent   - Something that you never buy for yourself, but you’d love to have: movie tickets & dinners out, those fab looking brownies & cookies you see in bakeries for $1-3 a piece, a manicure, chocolate cheesecake. Temp/wash out hair color for light/med brown hair, to create some shade of darker brown and/or reddish highlights. If it covers gray that's a REAL bonus.   kitchen-related gadgetry Love to cook but the only specific thing I've been craving would probably be too expensive: an immersion blender (I may have spelled that wrong)   Do you like incense and/or scented candles, and are you able to burn them in your home? Love 'em - but everyone else in the house is not so crazy about them. So a definite no to incense (I miss it so!) and a maybe to candles. The scent needs to be light & generally vanilla, buttercream or lavender related scents are good.   candy – Generally only chocolate. I love chocolate. Dark chocolate. fudge is good. Nuts are good.   We do Ren Faire almost every year. Been to 1 Con & loved it, but again with the money & free time thing. And I love dressing in costume, no matter what excuse & it doesn't need to be "realistic" just fun   Used books, CDs, DVDs, etc. Personally I'm fine with gently used products (including kid clothes sizes 18 or 24 mo)




Good Judy: Femme

Femme Category: LGBT & More Quantity: sample   Description: FEMME N/A   Review:   Ok, I’m going to look stupid, but I didn’t know the meaning of “femme”. In French, a femme is a woman, but I thought that was too broad. I searched for an expression with femme in it, and I found “femme fatale”, which was an interesting theme, of course, until I searched “femme” in Wikipedia and found out what it means. Well, at least I’ve learned something... On the other hand, a femme could also be a femme fatale, right? Anyway, let’s move on... The scent has no description, so this is going to be a challenge for my nose. I’m sure I’m going to be completely off the track with this one.   In the bottle: The first thing I think about is grape punch. It’s sweet and delicate, with a little something floral.   Wet: Now I have images of flower trees in bloom (maybe lilac?), and a fruit (peach?). Whatever it is, I still get delicate florals with something fruity and juicy.   Dry: This review is about to get worse... It reminds me of wine a little bit, but mostly of a fruit punch I used to drink when I was younger, which was made of grape, cassia, berries, and some other fruits I forgot. It’s not as floral as before, but it’s still sweet.   Verdict: I’m getting a retro pin-up feeling out of this one. It’s feminine, seductive, and very sexy!




CD Pitch Cards I HAVE

Because I collect pitch cards, I have a shit ton of dupes and would be glad to swap cards (I abbreviate titles) aeronwen 3 agrat bat 2 antonino archnina 2 ashlultum beozar 4 blasphmere 3 blood 2 candy CD 3 chapel clemence 3 contract 3 cythera 2 daiyu dionysia 3 doc 2 eisheth 2 eshe 2 faiza 2 faeu 3 gennivre grand 3 grindhouse 3 gwneth hand 3 hope 4 illustrated 5 inez 4 isaac katanyia knucklebones l'heure 3 licwiglunga 3 mme. 3 maltese 3 marcilla maruguerite 3 marianne 3 melisande meskehenet midnight organ parliament parthenope 2 phantom pickled 5 priala pulcinella screaming shrunken 3 sir 3 stormclouds 2 tabula 3 thalassa 2 theodosius tiresias torture 3 two headed 2 wild 2 wulric 2 xanthe 2 zarita 3





Limited Edition -- Yule 2009   Rather nutty and warm -- I don't get any berries from this at all. It reminds me kind of like dry cereal...whereas Gunpowder was more warm, moist oatmeal. It was fun to try, at least.




Tin Phoenix

Limited Edition -- Anniversary Blends   I guess I mostly get ozone and lemony lemongrass. It's not anything that stands out too terribly, for me.




Spooky (Resurrected)

Limited Edition -- Anniversary Blends   Man, this one is *not* for me. The peppermint and coconut meld together to create a really nauseating scent, like Dimetapp cough syrup. There's a faint hint of dry chalky cocoa behind it, but mostly it's just that weird, gross syrupy scent. Eeek.




Silver Phoenix

Limited Edition -- Anniversary Blends   I really wanted to like this one, because I don't run into pear a whole lot as a component, and when it works it's really divine. However, this one didn't click with me. The pear and moonflower were almost sickeningly sweet and cloying, and eventually succumbed to the fate of all the phoenixes on me, turning into generic cologne and fading away.   I do give it major props for giving an aura of sweet, gleaming silver -- so themewise, it captured the aura of silver quite well.




Pet Magah Bird

Limited Editions -- Yule 2009 -- Miskatonic Valley Yuletide Faire   I mostly get creamy fruit, so yeah, it's somewhat like Agape. I can't quite identify what fruit I think I'm smelling...I think it's more like cherries, or oranges. Nice and fun, if rather faint.




Mother Shub's Toothsome Banketstaaf

Limited Edition -- Yule 2009 -- Miskatonic Yuletide Faire   I didn't have much material to test, so this one sort of got lost in the shuffle. I'm rather regretting it now, as it's pretty yummy-smelling. As many others have noted, it has a slightly-buttery almond pastry feel. I'm not getting a lot of fruit, though there is a very sweet aspect to it, so I wouldn't put it past the cherry to be present right now. It's throwing pretty well just from the tiny dab I put on. This turned out to be my favorite of Mother Shub's creations.




Imps and Decants

A list of my Imps, which I plan to update as I inevitably add more to the collection:   Absinthe Anathema Bengal Black Butterfly Moon Dance of Death Death on a Pale Horse Destroying Angel The Dodo Eternal Event Horizon Frumious Bandersnatch Hi'iaka High-Strung Daisies Jolly Roger Kabuki Kali The King of Hearts Lead Phoenix Lightning Miskatonic University Peach Moon Pele Penny Dreadful Prague Saturnalia The Scales of Deprivation Seraphim Shoggoth Smoky Moon Sudha Segara Twilight Utrennyaya Vixen Wicked Wrath The Zieba Tree





A list of my Bottles (as of yet) which I plan to update as I inevitably buy more:   The Literary Vampire: Miracalla, Countess Karnstein Crypt Queen The Grindhouse Strawberry Moon Diary of a Lovestruck Teenage Cannibal (x3) Vespertilio Proterus Kuhl Fraggle Rock: Red Fraggle Rock: Gobo Labyrinth: Goblin Cider Mango-Infused Pumpkin Chai Latte Garden Gnome Multi-Colored Spinning Metallic Pinwheel Plastic Pink Flamingo Pandy Faiza, the Black Mamba Xanthe, the Weeping Clown Blue Morpho Rosy Maple Luna Moth Monster Bait: Bloody Mary Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream Frumious Bandersnatch High-Strung Daisies The Phoenix at Dawn (x2) Agape (x2) Fairy Wine (x2) Kitty Dragon's Blood Melisande, The Puppet Mistress Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller Opuhi Marae Australian Copperhead Zarita, the Doll Girl Boo I Fell in Love with a Floating Brain Skytyping with Chemtrails The Harp of Cnoc I'Chosgair




Good Judy: Shoujo

Shoujo Category: Anime & Manga Quantity: sample   Description: SHOUJO Shoujo is all things girly! Images of fairy tales, summer romances, slumber parties, whispered secrets, giggles, best friends, boys, flowers, and those sugary sweet and innocent teenage years. Fushigi Yugi, Ayashi no Ceres, and anything from CLAMP offer Shoujo at its finest! Apricot, sugar cane, candy hearts, white florals.   Review:   In the bottle: It smells like apricot-flavoured candy, mixed with something floral, or a very sweet and fruity herbal tea.   Wet: Hmm, it’s juicy like a fresh fruit, as if you were biting into a delicious apricot. It’s still very surgary sweet, but the flowers balance the candy a little bit.   Dry: It’s so soft and lovely! I can still identify the powdery candy hearts; but overall, it’s a very peaceful blend.   Verdict: It’s soft, delicate, feminine, refreshing, and absolutely perfect for summer. I like it, although I’m afraid that it might be a little bit too young for me… but I do love it, so it’s on my “maybe” list.




Empty bottles for collecting

I am mostly interested in bottles of the Shungas, Salons, and Lunacies though all the bottles have very aesthetically pleasing labels and I'd like to have one of everything. ...I just don't have enough room to collect everything so I'll just focus my efforts on those.   These are the empty bottles I'm looking for:   A Little Lunacy   2004 Blue Moon 04 Red Moon 04 Frost Moon   2005 Storm Moon Chaste Moon Flower Moon 05 Fruit Moon   2006 Budding Moon Peony Moon Hungry Ghost Moon   Lycaon   2007 Hunger Moon Rose Moon   Bakeneko Ivanushka Alison Gross The Emathides Minotaur Sea of Tranquility Swan Maiden     2008 Moon of Ice   Lune Niore Cheshire Moon   2009 Strawberry Moon 09 Berry Moon Raven Moon Peach Moon Beth's Blue Moon 09 Brian's Blue Moon 09   2010 Whirling Wind Moon Candles Moon Chaste Moon 10 (pending??)     Novel Ideas for Secret Amusements ...I actually have all of the first two sets; just looking for this year's.   Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand Beanman & Beanwoman Prepare to Attack the Vagina Harimise Kiss Amongst Discarded Tissues Koneishin the Penis God Lovers in a Carp Streamer Needlework (especially want! not getting a bottle) Octopus and Abalone Diver Okayaki Penis Admiration Picture Book and Pleasure Toys Pink Mood Prosperity of a Country Ronin Unveiled   The Salon series Peacocks El Amor y La Muerte Judith and Holofernes The Black Swan Wezwanie/Hold Lucifer Autumn La Vague Haloes Heavenly Love & Earthly Love Mad Kate Rozpustnica Parsifal The Penitent Magdalen (I) Three Brides (I) The Fox-Woman Kuzunoha Leaving Her Child (I) Silence (I) Carceri d'Invenzione (I) And There Was a Great Cry in Egypt (I) The Death of Sardanapal (I) Two Monsters (I) Satan and Death with Sin Intervening (I) The Isle of the Dead (I) Lucretia (I) Resurrection of the Flesh (I) Bat-Woman (I) Orpheus (I) Death of the Grave Digger (I) Cloister Graveyard in the Snow (I) Lot and His Daughters (II) The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun (II) Melancholia (II) The Ecstacy of St. Theresa (II) Three Gorgons (II) La Mort Qui Danse (II) Garden Path with Chickens (II) The Lantern Ghost of Oiwa (II) The Sailor's Den (II) Itaso Kansei Nenkan Joro No Fuzoku (II) Les Anges Dechus (II) The Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil (II) Cupid Complaining to Venus (II) The Cup of Death (II) Judith Victorious (II) The Great He-Goat (II)




my current Stash

bottles Falling leaf moon Raven moon Dorian Haloa Snake oil Coyote Love's philosophy 13 2009 Season of the emergence Mum moon Hay moon Snow Maiden Snowball fracas Pet magah bird Pomona First soft snow Cooper phoenix Beth's blue moon 2009 Brian's blue moon 2009 Black heart Werepuppy Lawn Gnome Elegaba Spooky Resurrected Earth Phoenix Milk moon '07 Against idleness and mischief Graveyard dirt Bordello Deep in earth Mead moon 2008 Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand Bread and Butterfly




Shotgun Switch Witch Questions, Part 1

1/26-2/1   What is everyone's take on Valentine's Day?   Meh. Up until two years ago my love life was basically nonexistent, so V-Day was really just an occasion to grumble and drink gin and bitters, and once to paint a gigantic cynical mural on newspapers that wallpapered my friends' house's dining room. Another year I painstakingly made my own conversation hearts by scraping some Sweethearts clean with an exacto knife, then writing new messages (e.g. "LUV SUX" "HATE U") on using a technical pen filled with red food coloring. Two years ago I guess I had my first "real" V-Day in that it was spent with a boyfriend--although he dumped me via email two weeks later. But last year I got to celebrate the day with my current sweetie, which was lovely. Damned if I can remember what we actually did, though.   Do you like traditional Valentine's Day colors (red, pink, white, more?)   I don't think it's possible for me to overindulge in the color red. It's seemingly everywhere in my home and on my person. White I don't really care for, and pink...well, let's just say I'm coming around on pink. It really depends upon the shade; pastels leave me cold, but give me something punchy and bright and I'll at least give it a chance.   Favorite semi-obscure animal?   Oh, oh, can I make a plug for rats? The cute/indoor/wanted kind, of course. They aren't obscure, I know, they just have a bad reputation. But they're awfully adorable and smart as the dickens! It pisses me off to no end that I developed an allergy to rats after owning them for a few years.   What is your favorite sign that spring is coming?   Me, I can't decide. I'm torn between 1) bouquets of daffodils showing up at the grocery store, 2) that one week of really nice, sunny weather Washington always seems to get sometime in February, and 3) the annual appearance of Cadbury Mini Eggs.   Knitted items:   Love, love, love anything handmade. Crafts rock! In fact, if I am lucky enough to be included in this round, my witchee will most likely be getting some kind of customized embroidered hanky in their package...   Used books/CDs:   Go for it!   Naughty stuff:   Sure, why not.   Ren Faires, Cons and dress-up:   I have a passing interest in steampunkish things, almost went to SteamCon in Seattle last year but didn't get off my duff in time to make a costume. I did however attend a steampunk birthday high tea recently, and dressed up to boot, which was loads of fun.   Accessories for electronic doodads:   Nothing in particular comes to mind, I think I'm set on that front.   Pet toys:   Alas, I have no pets. In fact I'm allergic to most cute and fuzzy critters.   Top 25 most listened to on iTunes:   "Take Me With U," Prince "Bad Romance," Lady Gaga "Just Kissed My Baby," The Meters "Skin Tight," Ohio Players "Future Shock," Curtis Mayfield "Atomic Dog," George Clinton "Fight The Power - Pts. 1 & 2," The Isley Brothers "The Payback," James Brown "Human Nature," Michael Jackson "Mothership Connection (Star Child)," Parliament "Outa-Space," Billy Preston "Bustin' Loose," Chuck Brown & The Soul Searchers "The Message," Cymande "Halfway Home," TV On The Radio "Teenage Wildlife," David Bowie "Ready Or Not Here I Come (Can't Hide From Love)," The Delfonics "Cult of Personality," Living Colour "Cuando te Vea," Tito Puente "Everything That Happens," Brian Eno & David Byrne "Golden Years," David Bowie "Le Temps Des Cerises," Edith Piaf "I Thank You," Sam & Dave "Golden Hours," 801 "Sexy Boy," Air "You're the Top," Ella Fitzgerald   (Apparently I put my funk compilation on repeat...)   Mix CD:   Absolutely, I'm a huge music fan and love mix cd projects.   Mardi Gras:   As a recovering Catholic, Mardi Gras will always hold a special place in my heart. But my natural introversion keeps me from fully enjoying any occasion where the main draw is lots of loud, crowded, drunken revelry. It's just...not my thing.   International/cultural things:   Yes please!   Sewing crafts:   This is one I happen to do myself! But I always like handmade stuff, so if sewing is what you do too, I say go for it!   WoW:   That's my sweetie's distraction, not mine. I'm much more of a Nintendo girl, personally.   Do you like candy? What kinds?   I love candy, probably too much, especially the Cadbury stuff you can get at World Market. Time Out, Flake, Crunchie, the chocolate bars with whole hazelnuts in them...hoo lordy. Also, peanut butter MnM's. Anything chocolate, really, and you can't go wrong. The only big candy don't for me is black licorice.   A Favorite love poem?   Gonna have to get back to you on this one as nothing leaps to mind.   Would you like one of those Plush Microbes?   The mad cow one would be appropriate since I was living in Scotland around the time that whole thing blew up, but it would probably just gather dust.   Would you like new nail polish?   I already have a sizable collection of nail polishes I don't use, so maybe not.   Do you like incense and/or scented candles, and are you able to burn them in your home? If so, what kinds of scents do you like?   Scented candles no; incense a big yes. At home I usually burn classic nag champa, or Japanese rosewood or cedarwood.   Boxes? For Bpal (bottles and/or imps) or otherwise   Imp storage is taken care of but I'm still looking for a good box for my bottles...   Would you use a natural sea sponge?   Yes, more than likely, as I go to the nearby Korean spa reasonably often.   Are you interested in bacon chocolate?   I've tried it and it's good, but once was enough, thanks.   Coffee, hot chocolate, or tea?   Yes to all three. Coffee is usually in the form of a mocha, but I drink plenty of tea and like to indulge in good hot chocolate now and then.   Would you like some of my favorite recipes?   If you have a knock-em-dead recipe you'd like to share, please do! I especially like making desserts, but I'll try anything once.   Would you like posters, pictures, art?   I'm open to that idea, as I'm making more of a concerted effort to decorate my walls lately.   Would you like soaps? Especially from Paintbox? And ESPECIALLY the Valentines Special Edition Soaps??   I don't usually use scented soaps, but I've heard a lot of good things about Paintbox.   Your Witch is perusing the wares at a local yard sale...So, what is this unobtainable miracle your Witch found?   Heh...studio space for me to have an area where I can set up my letterpress?   Do you like salted caramels?   I love them so much I made several batches at Christmas to give to friends and family. They were a huge hit and I'll probably make them for my own witchee!   Imagine that someone hands you their wallet and sends you into a really good bakery. They have everything, from breads to brownies, cookies to croissants, anything you could imagine, and you're allowed to pick out five things for yourself. What do you pick?   1. Maple bar 2. Sfogliatelle pastry 3. Salted caramel chocolate cupcake (a la Cupcake Royale) 4. A loaf of fresh, hot, crusty bread 5. Another maple bar for good measure.   It gets asked every round but sockdreams?   Hmm, could be interesting, wacky socks are neat. Sock It To Me is especially good for that. Anything taller than knee-high is probably out though, I have chunky legs.   Do you like alcoholic beverages? If so, what is your preference (beer, wine, liquor...)?   I have yet to find a beer I like. But I have a small wine collection (Italian reds FTW) and I would acquire and drink more single malt scotch if I could justify the expense. Instead I usually default to Maker's Mark on the rocks or a good Manhattan.   Are you into steampunk?   Sort of (see the RenFair/Con question above).   2/2 Would you like or accept an energetically-charged item or gift? Something that had power poured into it? If so, do you have a particular purpose that you'd prefer? (Love, protection, money, etc.)   I would accept such a gift if my witch wanted to give it but I wouldn't request it specifically. Health and/or balance would probably be my preferred purpose.   Do you have any significant upcoming events in your life you'd like something for? A child/yourself graduating from high school/college? Are you buying a new home or car soon? Moving in with someone/getting married? Taking a new job? Moving to a new part of the country/world?   At this point I have no major life-event plans on the horizon. <knocks on wood>




Another Shotgun SW question update

2/4   Are you opposed to vegan baked goods? Or baked goods in general? Just so long as it tastes good. Raisins are not a favorite, however.   What's your favourite flower? Daffodils, hands down!   Lip balm: Yay or nay? If yay, what are your favorite kinds (brands, consistency, whatever)? Eh, I barely use the lip balm I do have (Burt's Bees).   How do you feel about home-canned goods, like pickles, jelly, preserves, stuff like that. I'm a canner myself, so I appreciate that!   OPI Alice in Wonderland set? It's OK, but I'm not wild over it.   2/3   I custom mix nail polish, a process called 'frankening'. If you were my witch, would you enjoy a custom 'franken', based on whatever colors/theme you chose? If it's something you'd like to do I'm sure I could think of a theme.   Since everyone is spending the same amount of money on this swap, would you be interested in seeing the cost breakdown of each item in your package? Not especially, unless you really want to.   Do you like keys? I like the key-shaped multitool that ThinkGeek sells!   Do you like guessing who your witch is, or would you prefer to know? Do you mind knowing? I think I would like to find out who my witch is by the end so I know who to thank!   If it's going to be obvious who your witch is, would you rather she played the ninja and sent one big box at the end, or smaller packages along the way? Either way is fine with me, however my witch wants to do it.   What color are your eyes? Green.   If you had to choose a color for a nightie to sleep in what color would it be? Hmm, probably black, although it would be for lounging more than sleeping.   2/2   Ooooh! BPAL's beloved alicia_stardust is having a contest! If you're my Witchee, would you like a chance to win these earrings? I don't think I'd appreciate them nearly as much as they deserve, so I'll pass.   How are we feeling about burlesque? When done well it can be a kick, when done poorly...eesh. I don't think I could get away with doing it myself.   Is there anything you're lusting after in the Villainess update? I don't know as I've never bought anything from them...




Pending Purchases

My list of purchases that I'm stalking the mailbox for: As of 2/11/2010     Moon Rose Kali Earth Rat - 2/22 Boo - 2/25 Metal Tiger - 2/16/2010 Zadok Allen Vinyard - 2/16/2010 Sol Invictus - 2/12/2010 Mason Jenkins Port Jelly - 2/13/2010 20 Imps - 2/19 Autumn Mirror of the Night Stand Silver Phoenix Ladon F5 Agape L'Heure Verte Chaste Moon 2005 Pumpkin II - 2/23 Athens Long Night Moon Gibbous Moon Agape L'Heure Verte Gold Phoenix Midway Ostara   Order of doom! Placed 2/26/2010 Against Idleness And Mischief Chaste Moon 2010 Baobhan Sith Eve Fae Fairy Wine Hellcat Horreur Sympathique Kumiho Roses, Pearls, And Diamonds Shango Thalia The Dormouse Needlework Titania Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bat Whip Thouros   New Order: Pele Bon Vivant Bread and Butterfly Imps: Maiden Maenad Ultraviolet Suspiro Tenochtitlan Megaera




Mother Shub's Spicy Lait de Chevre

Limited Edition -- Yule 2009 -- Miskatonic Valley Yuletide Faire   Unfortunately the decant I had of this had leaked, so I didn't have much to test. What I can sniff smells like chocolate at first, then gets a sweet berry note to it. It seems to be a scent that stays fairly close to the skin, but appears to last for a decent long while.


