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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Mother Shub's Pfancy Pfefferneusse

Limited Edition -- Yule 2009 -- Miskatonic Valley Yuletide Faire   I don't get a nutty vibe from this...it mostly smells like spicy baked goods, like cookies or bread. Unfortunately, the sugary side of it is what causes it to smell off to me...there's just a barest hint of toasted plastic to it. And that's a shame, given its subtle throw and very hardy staying power. Ah well.




Lead Phoenix

Limited Edition -- Anniversary Scents   I actually do get straight up lettuce leaf from this! It's so weird. It does do well in evoking lead, as it has a dull gray, soft, almost smokey sort of aura to it. Unfortunately, like almost all the phoenixes, it quickly turns to generic cologne and then fades away.





Limited Edition -- Yule 2009   When I first tried this, I got a spiced plum smell mixed with something like oats...like a warm fruit/oat bread. It wasn't bad, but wasn't great, either. And now, I'm getting boozy spiced prune wine. And wish I could drink it.   I don't recall it having much throw or staying power, though, so it's probably for the best that I didn't get more than this decant.




Iron Phoenix

Limited Edition -- Anniversary Scents   To me, this is a smokey scent -- like smokey musk. There is a bit of herbalness...the sweet basil lurking just beneath -- but for the most part I seem to get black pepper, smoke, and dust, and if the dragon's blood is there it's acting like incense for once, instead of being ultra-sweet as it usually manifests for me. This is a manly scent, but one that I don't mind wearing...I think I can decently rock it. Smoke, stone, and iron -- very fitting for this phoenix!




In Winter In My Room

Limited Edition -- Yule 2009   This is a really gorgeous, creamy, fruity scent. Utterly laden with pink and orange goodness; I get a lot of images of a sunlit room redolent with the smell of flowers and a freshly-ordered fruit basket. So very yummy! It has a little bit of throw, and lasts quite a while even under the rigors of things like washing one's hands during cooking and such. Now I'm wishing that finances had allowed a bottle of this.




Valentine's Questions Part 2

2/11 If you could have one "unselfish" wish (but personal) what would it be? For my sister to get the house of her dreams without having to deal with crazy sellers anymore.   2/10 If you had to choose SHOES or PURSES? Shoes. No question. I'll stuff things in my pockets, bra, wherever if it meant I got to keep my shoes.   If you could have 5mL of ANY ONE BPAL scent, what would it be? I guess it would have to be Haloes as I where it often enough to wonder why I never got around to getting a bottle. Now, if it was ONLY one for the rest of my life...Devil's Night 2006.   Loose tea or bagged tea? Or both? I've spoken of my inability to tea properly.   2/9 Who are your fantasy five? 1. Christian Bale 2. David Tennant 3. Joshua Jackson 4. Zachary Levi 5. Nathan Fillion or James Roday. I can't choose!   2/8 Are there any books you particularly want to read that you don't mind being 2nd hand (or 3rd or 4th )? I have no problem with second hand books, many of mine are. I'm also quite open to being enabled to new authors. It is why I love the book outlet so, I read books I never would have when I go there.   Do you like gardening,growing vegetables, house plants? Need any small tools, seeds, labels? I don't garden. I did help build a nice little fence though for my parent's garden.   Are there any soundtracks you'd be interested in getting a copy of? You'd have to see the Amazon wishlist for those, I'm pretty sure there are a bunch on there.   2/7 Do you have any personal heroes / heroines and why? Jim Henson. All that creativity in such a wonderful man.   Are there any languages or countries that you're really interested in? I'd like to relearn French (I can still read it passably, but unless I'm asking you out on a date or where something is, I'm awful). I've only ever gone to Canada, so really all countries interest me, but especially the UK and Europe.   If you could be in any fictional universe, what would it be? (Harry Potter, Firefly, Lord of the Rings, Silent Hill, wtv.) This is wicked hard. I would have to say the West Wing universe, where the politicians actually govern for a better country, where the system works almost as it should and where they celebrate "Big Block of Cheese Day." That isn't really interesting though, but it would be more peaceful. Harry Potter would be cool if I got to be a wizard, other than that it would be pretty normal. The BtVS verse would be scary and quite possibly awful, as would the Doctor Who universe if I didn't get to meet the Doctor. I would really like to try Jareth's labyrinth to see how I would do.   2/6 If you were a student at Hogwarts, what house would you be in? Ravenclaw.   I'm a space junky. Love anything galaxy, space, star, etc related. I'm even getting a milky way tattoo one day. And I am a total Star Trek geek. Anyone else? I do! Only mildly with the Star Trek though.   If you like tea, what are your favorite kinds? Fruity, sweet, chai, plain, black, green, red, white? See above.   What's your Patronus? Non-Potter fans, what's your Spirit Animal? It would be a cat or a bunny, or something ridiculous like a platypus.   2/5 How do you feel about handmade stuffed animals? Love them.   Are there any accessories you'd really like? (Keychains, little purses, etc.) Hair accessories, always.   What are your favorite animals? Cats and Bunnies. Chipmunks are cute.   Is there anything you've had to give up that you really miss or want back? Maybe something a witch could help out with? If there is, I've forgotten it. I've lost a few books but I don't really miss them. Well, there was an old copy of Hans Christian Anderson fairy tales that I lost back in elementary school. I've bought a new copy since, but it isn't the same because it doesn't match my Grimm's fairy tales. They were both translated by Mrs. E. V. Lucas and published by Grosset and Dunlap. My Grimm's is slowly falling apart and is red. They may have been a set. Ah ha! http://www.biblio.com/details.php?dcx=264442862&aid=frg, but that price is crazy outrageous. Other books that I lost are both by Anne Rice. Belinda and Blood and Gold.




Hod (Resurrected)

Limited Edition -- Anniversary Scents   I get lots of spicy carnation. In fact, it alternates between spicy and creamy, to the point where I'd be pretty convinced that there is honey in this blend -- and a nice, sweet honey at that. For some reason, I wasn't liking this very much at all when I was testing it...there was a weird edge to it that I found off-putting. Now that it has had time to settle, it smells much nicer. Alas that I should discover this after it has been taken back to the graveyard of discontinued scents! I guess I will just hold onto my decant, then, and see how it ages...




Gold Phoenix

Limited Edition -- Anniversary Scents   I get sweet, slightly lemony florals from this...and then it poofs away and dissipates. Even hard huffing at my skin doesn't seem to reveal much! Which is puzzling, because a couple of people commented on it smelling nice...so I'm wondering what they hell they were smelling! I suppose I'll hang onto my decant for a while, but it seemed pointless to buy a bottle of something I can't even smell.




Evening Cicadas And Red Peppers

Limited Edition -- Yule 2009   To me, this is a spicy aquatic floral. The camellia is sweet and light and fresh, given punch by the peppers. The first time I wore this, it actually seemed to irritate my nose a bit with its peppery spiciness, so I gave up on it. Now that I am revisiting it to review it, it's behaving itself better, so this may age decently. For all its spiciness, it does not have a lot of throw, and seems to wear off after a few hours. Pretty in its own distinct way, but not for me.




El Dia De Los Reyes

Limited Editions -- Yule 2009   Honestly, it smells like the chocolate scratch and sniff stickers I used to go wild over as a kid...dusted with a bit of cinnamon. This is a scent that stays close to the skin, and lasts for a decent amount of time. It's fun, if not bottle-worthy IMHO.




Copper Phoenix

Limited Edition -- 2009 Anniversary Scents   At first, this starts out as a bright, light citrus, made sweet by rose. Alas, in the end, it morphs into generic cologne. Not much throw, but it lasts a long time...I just don't fancy smelling like generic cologne. Into the trade box with you!




The Black Temple Burlesque Troupe

Limited Editions: Yule 2009 -- Miskatonic Valley Yuletide Faire   For me, this doesn't register as either 'chocolate' or 'tobacco' right away...it actually smelled like vanilla. A real sultry vanilla, the dark black of vanilla extract without the alcoholic edge to it. But that's just my nose being silly. Close up, I can definitely get the cacao, which is unlike any chocolate scent I've smelled heretofore...and the tobacco melds so nicely with it, that to me it becomes a dark, creamy, sensuous scent. And it lasts. All day long, and then some. I was actually on the fence about it for the longest time, but I realized that every time I put my coat on I was smelling the redolant aroma of the Troupe and *smiling* because of it...and so I came to my senses and ordered some. This is probably the most awesome of the 2009 Yule scents, and I'm *so* glad that I ordered a bottle!




more spicey mustard, cuz I don't care for the ketchup

If you like tea, what are your favorite kinds? *hangs head in shame* Not a tea drinker   Do you have any personal heroes / heroines and why? Hmmm…. I’m having a hard time with this one.   Are there any languages or countries that you're really interested in? My dream vacation is to one day take a cooking/eating tour of Italy. I’d love to learn the language, but I don’t have an “ear” for language and don’t think this would be a very realistic goal.   If you could be in any fictional universe, what would it be? (Harry Potter, Firefly, Lord of the Rings, Silent Hill, wtv.) Gilligan’s Island? I’ve been having fantasies about hanging out on a deserted tropical beach, laying in a hammock watching the waves.   Are there any books you particularly want to read that you don't mind being 2nd hand? I have wanted to read the Loon Lake Fishing Mysteries Series by Victoria Houston but haven’t gotten of them yet. Otherwise any popular fiction/mystery suspense books would be loved. I adore 2nd hand (or 3rd or 4th…) books. Unfortunately they don’t have a way for anyone else to view a wish list (they did say they were working on it when I inquired) but I HIGHLY recommend Better World Books. They are an online bookstore, with no shipping charge in the US and have carbon neutral shipping. Also their profits go to support literacy initiatives worldwide. PLUS, their books start at $3.98. Something else I should mention is that I would LOVE audio books!!! There are days that I spend 10 – 12 hours in my work truck, and I’d love a good story to keep me company.   Do you like gardening,growing vegetables, house plants? Need any small tools, seeds, labels? I have a black thumb, but I would love to start some house plants that would do well with a minimum of light.   Which 5 celebrities are on your "LIST"? Mike Rowe, Vin Diesel, Josh Duhamel, George Clooney, Tony Stewart   Alan Rickman? I don’t even know who he is   If you had to choose SHOES or PURSES? PURSES!!! I adore purses!!! Cute funky colorful bags or big almost tote bags, LOVE THEM ALL   If you could have 5mL of ANY ONE BPAL scent, what would it be? Snow.Glass.Apples Even just a drop to sniff... Back to reality Snake Oil, or TKO, or Illustrated Woman   Loose tea or bagged tea? Or both? No tea, thank you   If you could have one "unselfish" wish (but personal) what would it be? That my friends who have been laid off could find jobs that make them happy.




Valentine Shotgun Switch Witch 2010

Switch Witch Questions - Valentine's Shotgun Round 2/16 If you were to give up something for 40 days, what would it be and why? - It wouldn't hurt me to lay off the french fries for a while, so my pants fit better   2/14 Are you following the Olympics? What's your favorite sport to watch? Would you be interested in merch? - no thanks, I'm at Olympic central here so I can get whatever I'm interested in   2/13 These are a few of my favourite things: ...? - Kitties, my kids, chocolate, tea, coffee, napping, fragrant flowers, big pile of books   2/12 I love to decoupage/collage boxes and notebooks. If you were my witchee, would you like one? What colors/themes would you want it to have? Find cute pictures--inspire me (and other crafty witches)! - You bet!   2/11 If you could have one "unselfish" wish (but personal) what would it be? - That my sister's cancer continues to stay in remission   2/10 If you had to choose SHOES or PURSES? - Purses but I need shoes more If you could have 5mL of ANY ONE BPAL scent, what would it be? - Monster Bait: Underbed or Sybil Loose tea or bagged tea? Or both? - Both, slight preference to bagged   2/9 Who are your fantasy five? - Colin Firth, Spike,   2/8 Are there any books you particularly want to read that you don't mind being 2nd hand (or 3rd or 4th )? Anything on my WL can be used Do you like gardening,growing vegetables, house plants? Need any small tools, seeds, labels? - no houseplants but I'm always game for seeds & trowels Are there any soundtracks you'd be interested in getting a copy of? - Grosse Point Blank   2/7 Do you have any personal heroes / heroines and why? Are there any languages or countries that you're really interested in? If you could be in any fictional universe, what would it be? (Harry Potter, Firefly, Lord of the Rings, Silent Hill, wtv) 2/6 If you were a student at Hogwarts, what house would you be in? -Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw What animal would your Patronus be? I'm a space junky. Love anything galaxy, space, star, etc related. I'm even getting a milky way tattoo one day. And I am a total Star Trek geek. Anyone else? Sure - I'm quite fond of Star Trek in most of its incarnations Severed fingers? -Um, probably not If you like tea, what are your favorite kinds? Fruity, sweet, chai, plain, black, green, red, white? - Fruity, chai & black (is that plain tea?)   2/5 How do you feel about handmade stuffed animals? - Cool! Are there any accessories you'd really like? (Keychains, little purses, etc.) -A new keychain would be fun What are your favorite animals? - cats, tigers, otters Is there anything you've had to give up that you really miss or want back? Maybe something a witch could help out with?   2/4 Are you opposed to vegan baked goods? Or baked goods in general? - Baked goods are swell What's your favourite flower? -roses, lilies & dahlias For those that have dogs, if I were to knit them a sweater, what colour would you like it to be?- Kitties don't like clothes too much Lip balm: Yay or nay? If yay, what are your favorite kinds (brands, consistency, whatever)? -Yay! I quite like My Lipstuff (so many flavors!) & ones that are a bit tinted How do you feel about home-canned goods, like pickles, jelly, preserves, stuff like that. -Nom! OPI Alice in Wonderland set? - I'd like the blue but I think it's a no-no to mail nail polish to Canada Hair stuff? Clips and things, do you need any? -Sure!   2/3 I custom mix nail polish, a process called 'frankening'. If you were my witch, would you enjoy a custom 'franken', based on whatever colors/theme you chose? - That would be cool Since everyone is spending the same amount of money on this swap, would you be interested in seeing the cost breakdown of each item in your package? -If my witch wants to Do you like keys? - Yup! The older looking the better Do you like guessing who your witch is, or would you prefer to know? Do you mind knowing? -I'd like to know but don't mind trying to guess If it's going to be obvious who your witch is, would you rather she played the ninja and sent one big box at the end, or smaller packages along the way? - Either is good What color are your eyes? - Greenish blue or blue grey depending on the light & what I'm wearing If you had to choose a color for a nightie to sleep in what color would it be? -Purple or blue   2/2 Would you like or accept an energetically-charged item or gift? Something that had power poured into it? If so, do you have a particular purpose that you'd prefer? (Love, protection, money, etc.) - That would be cool: energy, peace, protection, abundance would all be great Do you have any significant upcoming events in your life you'd like something for? -Nope Ooooh! BPAL's beloved alicia_stardust is having a contest! If you're my Witchee, would you like a chance to win these earrings? -You bet! How are we feeling about burlesque? -It's not something I'd take part in but I can appreciate it Is there anything you're lusting after in the Villainess update? -Raspberry Swirl & I'm sad there's no Miss Edith smooch or whipped   1/26-2/1 What is everyone's take on Valentine's Day? - Chocolate is always welcome My husband was well trained in his youth & always produces gifts & cards appropriate to the occasion Do you like traditional Valentine's Day colors (red, pink, white, more?) ? - Red or dusty rose A Favorite love poem? What's everyone's favorite semi-obscure (or underappreciated!) animal? - coatis What is your favorite sign that spring is coming? - snowdrops & other early bulbs Do you like hand-knit Things? - Oh, yes! For those of you with pets, would you like pet things? Toys, treats, etc? -Sure - catnip toys are always a hit What's your favorite Love Story? Would anyone like receiving naughty/sexy things? Who on the thread likes attending Ren Faires, SciFi/Comic Cons & the like? And do you dress up for them? -I've never been to anything like that but could get into it if I went with the right friends Do you need any accessories for your phone, computer, mp3 player, etc.? - not really What are your feelings on gently used CDs/DVDs? - Fabulous First five songs on the "Top 25 Most Played" list on iPod. - Joe Strummer - Redemption Day, Bauhaus -Ziggy Stardust, Rancid - Timebomb, Soundgarden - Outshined, Hard Rock Miners - Black & Blue Would you like a mix cd from your witch? -Oh yes! Are you interested in receiving gifts representative of Witch's country or culture? - You bet! Do you like candy? What kinds? -Oh yes, see Switch Witch Help for specifics Do you play WoW? - Nope Would you like one of those Plush Microbes? - Sure: they do amuse me What are your feelings on Mardi Gras? - not a local tradition but I do like the colours green & purple together Would you like homemade sewn stuff? Any fabrics to avoid? -You bet: anything is fine Do you need any kitchen-related gadgetry? - I'd love an egg timer in the hour-glass style - I can't seem to find them anymore Do you like incense and/or scented candles, and are you able to burn them in your home? If so, what kinds of scents do you like? - Japanese incense preferred & spicy fruity candles - See Switch Witch Help for specifics Boxes? For Bpal (bottles and/or imps) or otherwise. - I thought I was all set & then tried to fit something else in the box I've been using for my rose scents & couldn't, so I guess I could use another Would you use a natural sea sponge? - Sure Are you interested in bacon chocolate? - Yes! I'm most curious Coffee, hot chocolate, or tea? - All Would you like some of my favorite recipes? -Yes! Would you like posters, pictures, art? -Sure! But not super large Would you like soaps? Especially from Paintbox? And ESPECIALLY the Valentines Special Edition Soaps?? - I wuv soap & am rather curious about Tartchef's beet soap & Black Heart & This Charming Man New question--I'm calling this "could never happen in a million years": Your Witch is perusing the wares at a local yard sale. S/he looks down and sees [insert impossibly rare item that you've always wanted but could never afford] with a $5-10 sticker on it. Sheepishly s/he takes it to the guy behind the folding table. "Do you know what this is?" s/he inquires. The gentleman states that it belonged to his mother/sister/grandmother/Great Aunt Beulah and he thinks it's for, like, hair or something. With a trembling hand, s/hes pays the man and heads home with the inconceivable riches. So, what is this unobtainable miracle your Witch found? -A Daum or Galle vase, something in Royal Winton's Sweet Pea pattern, an Arthur Rackham print or book Do you like salted caramels? Oh, yeah! Imagine that someone hands you their wallet and sends you into a really good bakery. They have everything, from breads to brownies, cookies to croissants, anything you could imagine, and you're allowed to pick out five things for yourself. What do you pick? - Rosemary olive oil bread, Apple, caramel & thyme foccacia, chocolate florentines, raspberry mousse torte & a cranberry pear galette (I'm pretending my two favorite bakeries are one) It gets asked every round but sockdreams? - Of course! Do you like alcoholic beverages? If so, what is your preference (beer, wine, liquor...)? - Pale ale, red wine, cider, Grand Marnier & Frangelico would just about cover it Are you into steampunk? - Sure




question 2

Are there any books you particularly want to read that you don't mind being 2nd hand (or 3rd or 4th )? I am ALWAYS looking for Old patrica Briggs books, my unicorn of second hand book stores is a copy of marques Do you like gardening,growing vegetables, house plants? Need any small tools, seeds, labels?Oh my gods yes. I Would love some heirloom tomatoe seeds and instructions in how to get the little buggers to grow. Are there any soundtracks you'd be interested in getting a copy of? Nine   2/7 Do you have any personal heroes / heroines and why? yes an no I look up to the older friends htat helped me survive my late teen years Are there any languages or countries that you're really interested in?japanese If you could be in any fictional universe, what would it be? (Harry Potter, Firefly, Lord of the Rings, Silent Hill, wtv.) hummm i think i would liek to live in patrica briggs dragon bones universe   2/6 If you were a student at Hogwarts, what house would you be in?I would either be a gryphondor or a ravenclaw but i am married to a slytherian I'm a space junky. Love anything galaxy, space, star, etc related. I'm even getting a milky way tattoo one day. And I am a total Star Trek geek. Anyone else? I am passingly familiar with all of these but not focused on any. Although i LVOE the fifth element movie (I don't believe that this is actually a question, I think there was discussion about it and then SultryWolf randomly bolded it and people started answering it so I'll put it here for reference but I just can't get behind this question) Severed fingers? eweee If you like tea, what are your favorite kinds? Fruity, sweet, chai, plain, black, green, red, white? alergic to real tea and so far havn't found a nice sweet alt no matter how much i have tried What's your Patronus? Non-Potter fans, what's your Spirit Animal? a female wolf, i am an alpha bitch and she not much easier going   2/5 How do you feel about handmade stuffed animals? could be fun Are there any accessories you'd really like? (Keychains, little purses, etc.) I liek anime key chains i use them all over the place What are your favorite animals? i like most animal but i HATE snakes Is there anything you've had to give up that you really miss or want back? Maybe something a witch could help out with?   2/4 Are you opposed to vegan baked goods? Or baked goods in general?nope What's your favourite flower? actually i LOVE deep red roses, and bright purple bacholor buttons, and white babies breath For those that have dogs, if I were to knit them a sweater, what colour would you like it to be?no dog Lip balm: Yay or nay? If yay, what are your favorite kinds (brands, consistency, whatever)? yay How do you feel about home-canned goods, like pickles, jelly, preserves, stuff like that. if i could find someone that amkes bread and butter pickles they would become my new best friend OPI Alice in Wonderland set? curious abou tit is all Hair stuff? Clips and things, do you need any? hair stick and heavy duty hair clips taken here   2/3 I custom mix nail polish, a process called 'frankening'. If you were my witch, would you enjoy a custom 'franken', based on whatever colors/theme you chose? yeah Since everyone is spending the same amount of money on this swap, would you be interested in seeing the cost breakdown of each item in your package? no Do you like keys?not really Do you like guessing who your witch is, or would you prefer to know? Do you mind knowing?i liek to know If it's going to be obvious who your witch is, would you rather she played the ninja and sent one big box at the end, or smaller packages along the way? What color are your eyes?i have eyes that change color depending on my mood, i call them hazel but they can be anywhere from green to a yellow gray   If you had to choose a color for a nightie to sleep in what color would it be? black and slinky





This will be an ongoing and updated list! Bolded entries are what I'm willing to swap away immediately- bad, bad skin chemistry issues. Italics are ones that I am not interested in swapping/selling at this time.   absinthe akuma bordello candles moon chimera crossroad-needs to be relabeled, using as a ritual oil dana o'shee danse macabre dee 2x dioble en bote doc constantine* dracul Dragon's Heart dragon's hide egle event horizon farewell to false love faunalia i died for beauty incubus intrigue king of hearts ladon Laudanum Le Père Fouettard mason and jenkins port jelly mother shub's toothsome banketstaaf needlework nefrititi nemesis nephilim 2x obatala octopus and abalone diver perversion plunder prurience (sniff) riding the goat sapphics sleipnir (spelling?) spooky res st. john's eve suck it sugar skull tavern of hell 2x the coil- partial the coiled serpent the great sword of war 2x the jersey devil the music of erich zahn 2x tisiphone torture king vice yew trees   *only willing to trade for something in the same scent family   tea party- new, sale only NOT FOR TRADE (wedding favors) queen of hearts high strung daisies   wishlist:   German Expressionist Horror A Bachelor's Dog The Grand Inquisitor's Heretic's Fork -any of the four lick its -any weenies AEVAL Anne Bonny Aperotos Eros Archangel Winter BARON SAMEDI belladonna BELLE ÉPOQUE Bengal BLACK FOREST Block Buster Bonfire Night Brimstone Calico Jack chimera clemence Crowley CZERNOBOG de sade (but only in a sniffie) Death of Autumn dee Devil's Night Djinn fenris wolf GRANDMOTHER OF GHOSTS hades Hellfire Hexxenacht HIGHWAYMAN Himerus holly king Jabberwocky Kali Loup Garou Love and Pain Mama Ji mata hari oak king oberon On Darkness Pais de la Canela Priala Red Devil red lantern Rumpelstilzchen Samhainophobia Sin skadi smut snow moon Spider Strangler Fig THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM THE BLACK RIDER THE BLACK TOWER the catapillar the dodo the Goblin Ride The Great He Goat THE LIGHTS OF MEN'S LIVES the music of erich zahn THE OBSIDIAN WIDOW Tintagel Titus Andronicus torture king Ulalume Van Van White Light wraith YEMAYA




Valentine's Shotgun Questions Pt.6

Do you have any personal heroes / heroines and why? (In random order) MLK Jr., Howard Zinn, Frida Kahlo, the Dalai Lama, Maggie Kuhn, Sojourner Truth, Imogen Cunningham, Sally Mann, Sylvia Plachy, Madeline L'Engle, Dan Savage, Gene Robinson, Neil Gaiman, Sherlock Holmes, Zoe from Firefly (you didn't say they had to be real!) There are probably more I'll think of after I post this...   Are there any languages or countries that you're really interested in? Iceland...Language, I'm not sure...I'm not very good with languages.   If you could be in any fictional universe, what would it be? (Harry Potter, Firefly, Lord of the Rings, Silent Hill, wtv.) Perhaps Harry Potter, but only if I am a witch. I don't want to be a Muggle. Failing that, the Land of Oz is pretty cool.   Books to read: see my amazon wishlist! (uh, there are some books in there, really...I just noticed how much of it is music or movies. I also have a "to-read" shelf on goodreads; you might be able to pull some ideas out of there, but watch out for the ones that are also on the "own" shelf! I have a lot of books I haven't read yet...) used copies are always always welcome.   Gardening: yes, it's time to plan my garden for spring! Seeds I could use: hmm. What am I going to grow this year? Carrots...Spinach...arugula? basil...peppers...dill...cucumbers? (not sure about that one...) strawberries! (I actually grew a few last year!) onions...Parsley...(insert Simon and Garfunkel song)...maybe some other herbs I haven't tried before...Like I said, I'm interested in medicinal herb properties...but I'm drawing a blank right now on what I'd like to grow, and not sure what will grow in my climate. Also, it needs to be easy to grow. I kill things sometimes.




Valentine's day #3

How do you feel about home-canned goods, like pickles, jelly, preserves, stuff like that. I don't like pickles, but I love jellies & jams   Hair stuff? I'm always running out of elastics, but mostly I use black scrunchies to tie my hair back. I love feather and flower fascinators for dressing up.   Lip balm? Of course!   How do you feel about handmade stuffed animals? If they're my witch's specialty, of course I'd want one, but I'm not really into stuffed animals.   Are there any accessories you'd really like? (Keychains, little purses, etc.) Nothing comes to mind.   Fav flower Roses and lilacs. I love crocuses, too.   Alice in Wonderland perfume/nailpolish No thanks   Is there anything you've had to give up that you really miss or want back? Maybe something a witch could help out with? Not really. I don't miss anything that I've sold or traded.   If you were a student at Hogwarts, what house would you be in? Ravenclaw   Astronomy: the only constellation I can recognize is Orion. I want to learn more, but the city light pollution makes it so hard   Star Trek: huge fan in my teen years, not so much any more.




Valentine's Day Shotgun SW #1

Your view of Valentine's Day? It exists to support Hallmark and to make the singles feel left out. My future husband had better NOT get me flowers or chcolates on Feb. 14.   Do you like traditional Valentine's Day colors (red, pink, white, more?) Yes, but not just for Valentine's day. I love red.   A Favorite love poem? Not really   Turkish delight? Never had it, not interested in trying it.   What is your favorite sign that spring is coming? Crocuses   Are you a big Mardi Gras fan? What's your favorite part? Not really.   I have been knitting a lot lately, would something hand knit be nice for you? I love handknits. I'm such a knitting dork.   What is your favourite kind of love story? I like fairy-tale style romances.   Would anyone like receiving naughty/sexy things? No thanks   who on the thread likes attending Ren Faires, SciFi/Comic Cons & the like? And do you dress up for them? I've gone to ren faires and cons. I enjoy snarking at the outfits. I do occasionally hang out with 18thc. reenactors   Do you need any accessories for your phone, computer, mp3 player, &c.? Other than an iPad? None.   Used books/cds/dvds, etc? I love used books! I'm totally OK wiht used anything.   For those of you with pets, would you like pet things? No pets   Interested in receiving gifts representative of Witch's country or culture? Sure.   First five songs on the "Top 25 Most Played" list on iPod:   The Auld Triangle/Dropkick Murphys Rob Fraser's Farewell to San Francisco/Alasdair Fraser & Natalie Haas The West Mabou Reel/ Laura Cortese Tear in Your Hand/Tori Amos 1952 Vincent Black Lightning/Richard Thompson   If you're a WoW player, do you have the Pandaren Monk and Lil' KT pets? Would you want them? I don't play WoW   would you be interested in getting a mix CD from your witch? Absolutely!   What's your favourite candy? Chocolste   Think Geek plush microbes? Cute, but not really my style   What about handmade sewn gifts? Any fabrics you wish to/need to avoid due to allergies, etc?   Kitchen gadgetry? I have a pretty well-stocked kitchen.   Nail polish? Love it. Some of my favorites that I don't yet have are OPI's Black Cherry Chutney & Yoga-ta Get This Blue and Rescue Beauty's Recycle.   Do you like incense and/or scented candles, and are you able to burn them in your home? If so, what kinds of scents do you like? I don't like scented candles or incense. I love plain candles, especailly beeswax ones.   Boxes? For Bpal (bottles and/or imps) or otherwise. I've more boxes than perfume.   So, what is this unobtainable miracle your Witch found? Um.... a spinning wheel, a drumcarder, a treadle sewing machine , or a Raleigh 3-speed with a Brooks saddle.   Natural sea sponge? No thanks.   What about UNTOUCHED make-up samples or any other type of girly-sample thing? Don't really wear makeup, but lotion/soap samples are cool.




Valentine's Round #2

What color are your eyes? Brown   If you had to choose a color for a nightie to sleep in what color would it be? Anything. As long as it's warm. When it's really cold, I'll wear two pairs of socks, sweatpants, thermal top, hoodie and a wool hat to bed.   Since everyone is spending the same amount of money on this swap, would you be interested in seeing the cost breakdown of each item in your package? I don't care.   Do you like guessing who your witch is, or would you prefer to know? Do you mind knowing? I like puzzles, so if my witch were to set clues, I'd enjoy it. Or if she'd rather be secret, that would be cool, too. It's up to her. But I would like an end of the round reveal.     If it's going to be obvious who your witch is, would you rather she played the ninja and sent one big box at the end, or smaller packages along the way? Whatever my witch wants to do.   Frankenpolish? Sure. I'll try it.     If you're my Witchee, would you like a chance to win these earrings? They're pretty.   Would you like or accept an energetically-charged item or gift? Something that had power poured into it? If so, do you have a particular purpose that you'd prefer? (Love, protection, money, etc.) Sure.   Baked Goods? I love cake. And cookies. And bread.   Keys? I routinely misplace my housekeys. I don't think I need decorative keys scattered about the house.   Villainess update? Not really.   Burlesque ? Not so much




valentine shot gun swap 2010, questions and answers

Turkish delight? sure   What's everyone's favorite semi-obscure (or underappreciated!) animal? squid   What is your favorite sign that spring is coming? budding crocuses   Are you a big Mardi Gras fan? What's your favorite part? yes! I lived in New Orleans for several years before Katrina. my favorite parts are the parades and balls   I have been knitting a lot lately, would something hand knit be nice for you? absolutely What is your favourite kind of love story? I think I answered this one already, and I think I said Julia Child and her husband, but Romeo and Juliet are right up there too   Would anyone like receiving naughty/sexy things? sure   who on the thread likes attending Ren Faires, SciFi/Comic Cons & the like? And do you dress up for them? I love renfaires, I haven't been to any cons lately but I do like them. I don't dress up for cons Do you need any accessories for your phone, computer, mp3 player, &c.? a case for my iphone would be cool   Used books/cds/dvds, etc? yes please   For those of you with pets, would you like pet things? Toys, treats, etc? sure Interested in receiving gifts representative of Witch's country or culture? I am always interested in things that represent my witch; country, culture, favorite things, you name it   First five songs on the "Top 25 Most Played" list on iPod   lol, all TOOL   If you're a WoW player, do you have the Pandaren Monk and Lil' KT pets? Would you want them? I have them both already would you be interested in getting a mix CD from your witch? sure   What's your favourite candy? caramels, and sugared fruits   Think Geek plush microbes? no thanks What about handmade sewn gifts? Any fabrics you wish to/need to avoid due to allergies, etc? no allergies, and I collect vintage linens, lol, so yeah I love handsewn items Kitchen gadgetry? yes!   Nail polish? always   Do you like incense and/or scented candles, and are you able to burn them in your home? If so, what kinds of scents do you like? I think I answered this one too, but yes! I light nag champa incense daily, I love candles. I just don't like foodie scents, I prefer resins and woods Boxes? For Bpal (bottles and/or imps) or otherwise not for BPAL, but I love boxes New question--I'm calling this "could never happen in a million years": Your Witch is perusing the wares at a local yard sale. S/he looks down and sees [insert impossibly rare item that you've always wanted but could never afford] with a $5-10 sticker on it. Sheepishly s/he takes it to the guy behind the folding table. "Do you know what this is?" s/he inquires. The gentleman states that it belonged to his mother/sister/grandmother/Great Aunt Beulah and he thinks it's for, like, hair or something. With a trembling hand, s/hes pays the man and heads home with the inconceivable riches. So, what is this unobtainable miracle your Witch found? I did answer this, and I think I said anything art nouveauie, or architectural antiques. or rocks, I love rocks   alcohol sure bakery peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies almond croissants lemonie things   actually, I am not picky about baked goods, lol   steampunk? the fiance loves it   recipes? sure   salted caramels LOVE coffee, tea, chocolate yes please   Hair stuff? I am always losing scrunchies, lol, so sure   Canned goods? um, sure if my witch likes something like that, but I think it would be expensive to ship OPI Alice? sure Severed Finger? ok, this one confuses me   Tiny things? yes How do you feel about handmade stuffed animals? one of my favorite stuffed animals was a handmade octopus that my son adored and therefore destroyed Are there any accessories you'd really like? um, anything that my witch likes, I am easy What are your favorite animals? cats, octopuses, frogs, turtles If you were a student at Hogwarts, what house would you be in? I always forget, if my witch really wants to know I'll take a test for her Astronomy? I love astronomy   Star Trek? nope   Fave flowers: waterlilies hold a special place in my heart, but I've never met a flower I didn't like   Eye color: gray blue   Stuff I collect other than BPAL: rocks, antique everything, limoges boxes, arrowheads   Breakdown of spending: no thank you If you like tea, what are your favorite kinds? Fruity, sweet, chai, plain, black, green, red, white? black   Patronus: mountain lion





Smoky rum and black tobacco with a whisper of steamy leather with a splash of crystalline chardonnay, layered over a sensual, sweet, and deceptively magnetic base of tonka.

in the bottle: When I first got this imp (with 15 others) and did a "speed-smell", I commented that I couldn't pick anything distinct out of it, but that it smelled familiar to me one end to the other. Well, here I am months later trying it for real, and I find myself in the same position. In the bottle I get a melange of scent that seems sweet almost to the point of cloying, but not in a food-y kind of way, more like a sweet liquor (which I despise, almost without exception). Not good as a start, But I'll run with it and see where it takes me.

on wet: Again, overpowering sweet liquour. Not good.

drydown: Here we go with the different scents on different wrists. My left wrist smells faintly powdery and a little mildewed, my right wrist smells like fancy pipe tobacco. Bizarre.

Now on my right wrist, after a few minutes, and at a distance, I smell something powdery and sweetish, but with my nose touching my wrist, I get leathery and tobacco-y with a faintly dusty-sweet base. At the same time, testing my left wrist, I get a warm vanilla-leather smell, with the vanilla dominant. My nose wants more leather, less vanilla.

one hour later: Left wrist vanilla/leather. Right wrist vanilla/tobacco. I actually like it at this stage. The initial bottle scent and everything before about 15 minutes on was nauseating, but now I get a mellow, old-world, retire-to-the-smoking-room-and-discuss-serious-things kind of scent, but not overwhelmingly so. My SO commented that he could smell the tobacco when he walked into the room, but to my nose it doesn't appear to have much throw. I have to stick my nose right next to my wrists to get anything.

end of day: Faint, mellow, vanilla-like tobacco and leather.

compared to official description: I don't get chardonnay, though a hint of that with the rum (and tonka) probably gave me my ack! mixed drinks! reaction (I'm a straight bourbon kind of girl, myself.) I'm sure the tonka is what had me thinking vanilla.

notes: The leather and tobacco ended up standing out in this one, which is what I've been looking for all along. Given the stomach-turning reaction I first had, I'm amazed that I ended up liking this one as much as I do. This is the complete opposite of most of the ones that seemed promising to me. I'll definitely be keeping this one, but it will never, ever, come anywhere near my locket. This one requires tempering on my skin to reach it's true potential (at least as far as my scent preferences are concerned).

added to forum reviews




Switch Witch Spring 2010

Switch Witch questions/ help Dear Witch I will try to update this during the next week, with all the questions I have missed.   Loose tea or bagged tea? Or both? Both, bagged for speed, loose when I'm having a day off. I use a teapot and tea strainer.   If you could have one "unselfish" wish (but personal) what would it be? I want all my daughters to be happy, healthy and find their way in life.   Are there any books you particularly want to read that you don't mind being 2nd hand (or 3rd or 4th )? Any from my Amazon list and probably loads more too.   Some I missed Think Geek plush microbes? No thanks, Not a plush toys collector and I see way too many real microbes every day. WoW? No (sorry seem to have lots of noes) Are you opposed to vegan baked goods? Or baked goods in general? Not opposed in any way, only eat veggie baked goods no lard etc.   2/3 I custom mix nail polish, a process called 'frankening'. If you were my witch, would you enjoy a custom 'franken', based on whatever colors/theme you chose? No finger nails to speak of, it would be wasted on my toes. Since everyone is spending the same amount of money on this swap, would you be interested in seeing the cost breakdown of each item in your package? Not really, unless it made my witch happy Do you like keys? Not for me Do you like guessing who your witch is, or would you prefer to know? Do you mind knowing? I wont be able to guess, please tell me at the end though. If it's going to be obvious who your witch is, would you rather she played the ninja and sent one big box at the end, or smaller packages along the way? Whatever pleases my witch. What color are your eyes? blue If you had to choose a color for a nightie to sleep in what color would it be? No nighties, pjs only in winter Are you interested in receiving gifts representative of Witch's country or culture? Yes Do you like candy? What kinds? Oh yes, chocolate, chocolate with fruit, chocolate with spice, chocolate with nuts. Like to try different things so if you are international anything, if in the US I remember getting sugar free cinnamon gum. (We dont have that) What are your feelings on Mardi Gras? Not happening in the UK. We have Shrove Tuesday when we cook pancakes, I love pancakes with lemon juice. Would you like homemade sewn stuff? Any fabrics to avoid? Yes (like)and no (avoid) Do you need any kitchen-related gadgetry? Would you like new nail polish? No thank you, no nails Do you like incense and/or scented candles, and are you able to burn them in your home? If so, what kinds of scents do you like? Boxes? For Bpal (bottles and/or imps) or otherwise Would you use a natural sea sponge? Are you interested in bacon chocolate? No thank you, Chocolate yes, bacon no. Coffee, hot chocolate, or tea? Ground coffee, not flavoured, conversely I like flavoured latte mix (vanilla/hazlenut) Hot chocolate is good, Drink tea all the time, mainly black tea (very British!) occasionally get adventurous with herbal,fruity,chai and redbush or green tea. Would you like some of my favorite recipes? Probably Would you like soaps? Especially from Paintbox? And ESPECIALLY the Valentines Special Edition Soaps?? These look lovely, especially The Black Heart Do you like salted caramels? I'm sure I would It gets asked every round but sockdreams? Not seen before but I like short socks Do you like alcoholic beverages? If so, what is your preference (beer, wine, liquor...)? Yes, cider,wine, beer              


