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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Ars Draconis and me

Now that I've tried all the Ars Draconis blends except for Dragon's Hide and Ladon, I thought it fitting that I should ramble about them as a group.   I'll start with Dragon's Blood which wasn't what I tried first but is the base of the other scents. I'd tried both Dragon's Heart and Dragon's Claw and was expecting the warm almost spicy note I'd smelled in both to be what Dragon's Blood smelled like. Silly me, I put it on and "Waugh! Flowers" They weren't as strong as Dragon's Eye so I kept it on instead of washing it off right away. Good thing I did, because the flowers did go away (mostly) and revealed something kind of like I was expecting, though...brighter? I guess? Not bad, once the flowers leave, but I need to try it again to see if the flower stage is worth waiting through. Probably not something I want a full bottle of, however.   On second try, the flowers stayed too long and too strong--into the swap pile it goes.   Dragon's Heart on the other hand, I loved from first sniff. I can't pick out any notes in it (except that it has that warm, almost spicy hint in common with some of the others) but it smelled amazing. I'm glad I decided to try all the Ars Draconis, in spite of reservations about some of the names/notes, because otherwise I would not have tried this. I need to try it again to see if I can pick out notes, now that I'm getting more used to BPAL scents, but I'm pretty sure I want a bottle of this.   Dragon's Eye was another one I wouldn't have tried, and I almost wish I hadn't. It was my first huge failure. "WAUGH FLOWERS" all the way. It was almost nauseating. If it changed later I'll never know because I could only stand it a half-hour or so before I had to wash it off.   Dragon's Claw on the other hand, was a huge success. I think it's my favorite of the ones I've tried. A very warm and sharp scent and I was sniffing my wrist continually. Need a bottle.   Dragon's Musk was nice, and turned surprisingly ...fruity? later. Not much to say about it--needs trying again. Second try: nice but not something I particularly need more of.   Dragon's Tears ...is this the dreaded "baby powder" I've read about in reviews of various scents? I think it is. I had to wash it off 15 minutes later. Second try: actually the first few minutes are amazing but then it goes weird and baby powdery (not exactly baby powder on close inspection but close enough to be mistaken on random whiffs). If I could keep the smell of the first ten or so minutes I'd buy a bottle :|   Dragon's Milk ...sour milk in the plastic bottle. That's exactly what this was. I need to check the notes and see what caused it D: ... I tried it again and let it sit for a while after reading the notes were vanilla--the sour turned nice and sweet but there's still a strong hint of plastic which ruins it. Boo. It would be nice without the plastic.   Dragon's Bone very dry! Bone dry, even. I liked it, but I was still reeling from Dragon's Milk so I'm sure I didn't get the full effect. Need to try again for a detailed test, but I know already I want more.   Dragon's Reverie flowers! But they started fading the instant I put it on. It got spicy after so I think it's a keeper.   Tanin'iver Loved it! Spicy and warm. I definitely need more.       All in all, I still love Ars Draconis and hope for more scents to try out someday. And I definitely want to try Dragon's Hide and Ladon (though I expect I won't like Ladon that much but I've been surprised twice already!).




Valentine's Shotgun Questions Pt.5

mmm, yummy ketchup...with onions... Hair stuff? Sadly, I don't have a lot of hair to play with yet...growing it out. It's in a bob and not quite long enough to put in pigtails yet. Probably the next thing I would need for it are some of those good quality very small alligator clips (I think they are called. The ones with the teeth.) I had some once that did a great job of holding my super fine, super straight hair back when I was growing it out. Canned goods? uh...Home canned, you mean? That sounds nice...Regular canned goods from the grocery store? I don't need those.   OPI Alice? Honestly, I had to google this, and the result I found is worth posting here so everyone can reference it: http://www.alllacqueredup.com/2009/12/opi-...hes-review.html   I think I already shared my avoidance of glitter polish, but I have to say the Mad As A Hatter is pretty awesome. I wouldn't wear it much though and don't have the patience to put it on and take it off. I definitely like the Thanks So Muchness rather than the Off With Her Red, but I'm not a big wearer of red. So in summation...Great concept, but not anything I need or really want. Severed Finger? uh..no? What??   Tiny things? Probably would get lost. How do you feel about handmade stuffed animals? That sounds so cute! I used to collect stuffed animals and I wouldn't mind having one.   Are there any accessories you'd really like? (Keychains, little purses, etc.) Not right now...I need to minimize!   What are your favorite animals? Cats! Cats! That would be for pets. For just admiring and looking at, it's wolves, whales, wild birds, owls, and bats. Is there anything you've had to give up that you really miss or want back? Maybe something a witch could help out with? Most falls into the category of unique articles of clothing that I regret getting rid of. Just yesterday I realized with a jolt that I got rid of my old New Model Army tee shirt. Why did I do that?? It's not like a tee shirt takes up that much room!     If you were a student at Hogwarts, what house would you be in? I'd wish for Ravenclaw, but if the hat didn't think I was smart enough...(is it pure smarts that gets you in or just a love of knowledge and learning?) I dunno, maybe Gryffindor? I am loyal and I get fired up about justice, and I am also a bit rebellious...but only in "safe" ways. Would I have gone ahead and flown to the Ministry with Harry, or would I have stayed behind? Those are the kinds of things that you probably only know when they are tested IRL. Maybe I would be a Hufflepuff. I really don't know.   Astronomy? It's kinda cool. I don't know all the constellations or anything.   Star Trek? Yes!! TNG is my fave, mostly for nostalgic reasons, followed by classic (same thing) I am not a purist; I enjoyed the new movie a lot. My whole family are Trekkies to varying degrees. I plan to watch all of DS9 soon since my brother has raved about it so much (and I liked the ones I did see.) Fave flowers: hmm. Apple and cherry blossoms, lilacs, roses. These are all basically to look at when they are growing..I'm not a huge fan of cut flowers. When I do get roses I dry them...love dried roses. Eye color: hazel, of a brown/green hue Stuff I collect other than BPAL: Books, vinyl records, old cameras, photographic ephemera, recipes, socks   Breakdown of spending: nah, not necessary   If you like tea, what are your favorite kinds? Fruity, sweet, chai, plain, black, green, red, white? When it comes to herbal tisanes, I am quite willing to try new ones. I am not as fond of fruity as I am of spicy. I am interested in the medicinal properties of herbs as well. My favorite black teas are chai and earl grey, but beyond that I am not a big black tea fan, especially flavored black teas. I sometimes enjoy green tea, and Pu Erh (smoked tea.) Oh and I love Rooibos. I usually like it plan but am open to trying different flavors. Trader Joe's had a delicious orange spice rooibos that they no longer carry...sad. If my witch happens to live in Seattle, you could make my day by sending me a bag of the Morning Glory chai spice mix from Mr. Spot's!   Patronus: Probably a cat. I am nocturnal, I love to sleep, I like my solitude and am choosy about whom I lavish affection upon. But I love having a good lap to curl up in, and if you feed me I am yours forever. hee.   PS. Dear Witch-I know better than to buy things on my wishlist right now (I hope!) But I'm afraid I am guilty of participating in the V-Day Wishes thread without thinking about the consequences. Due to an extremelygenerous wish-granter, I now am taking both Blackberry Jam and Scones and Ded Moroz off my bpal wishlist. Hope that's not too much of a pain in the butt. I will refrain from any more of that. love, me.




My everchanging wishlist

Red scents are a priority and/or I want them the most in their section. Green are already on order/being swapped for. Purple are maybe scents. * are scents I am mostly looking for imps of (but might take a bottle) Anything else, unless it has "Bottle only" after it, I will take in any amount     I also am wishing for: decanting supplies for my bottles I don't like enough to keep a whole bottle of   and empty bottles for collection purposes: The list is here     Things I have already tried (not sorted)   Must. Have. More!!! Violens Ü Mütter Museum Tintagel Dragon Moon 06 The Bow and Crown of Conquest Odin   Want more of: Grand Guignol Gold Phoenix * Silver Phoenix * Quicksilver Phoenix* Dragon's Heart Tanin'iver Dragon's Claw Sol Invictus 09 Leipreachan Pumpkin Patch V (unknown year) Dragon's Bone Malignant Dreams of Cthulu in Love Banshee Beat Wolfsbane Baku Yew Trees Pumpkin III, IV 07 Pumpkin I, III, V 09 White Phoenix Sachs Severin Falling Leaf Moon   Will probably never turn down offers of: (unless it's already on my "scents I did not like" list) Any Thirteen blend any Celtic themed blend any blend based off of a country/culture in Asia (I happen to be an Asian Studies student )   Things I want to try (by rough category)   LE Scents   A Little Lunacy I would like to try any of them, but especially: Blood Moon 08 Wolf Moon (any year) Red Moon Bakeneko Berry Moon Roux-Ga-Roux Bony Moon Mead Moon Frost Moon   Anniversary scents and/or LE with Phoenix in the name Wood Phoenix Orange Phoenix Mechanical Phoenix Blood Phoenix any of the others?   Yules Sleipnir ...probably a lot forthcoming. This section under construction   Lupercalia Section still under construction! Khrysee Ignarok Jewelers   Novel Ideas for Secret Amusements (Shungas) ...get their own subsection because I want to try them all. If I don't have it already I want to try it. Especially strong wants: Butterflies and Plovers Lovers in a Ricefield Manners among men and women in the red light district Voyeurs among cherry blossoms   Halloweenie Section still under construction! Tattie Bogle Any pumpkin related scent but especially: Pumpkin patch (05/06): 3, 1, 4 Pumpkin II 09 Pumpkin I, II, V 08 Pumpkin I, V 07   Springtime in Arkham Tulzscha Yog-Sothoth   Oblation Thunderbird Oisin Cerberus Corazon ...Chiroptera (the flowers give me pause butbut bats!)   Other LE and forum only scents The Deserted Village Werepuppy   Discontinued De Sade Yerevan Hamadryad Yuki-Onna Hakkotsu   General Catalogue scents (I am still looking through these and constantly changing wants as I find out what I do and don't like in notes)   Neil Gaiman The Ifrit Mad Sweeney Mr. Nancy Spider The Bugger Alle This Bible Aziraphale Agnes Nutter Crowley Tristran Sunbird   Bewitching Brews Anne Bonny Bewitched Blood Blood Amber Cathode Calico Jack Dana O'Shee Jolly Roger Plunder Yggdrasil Black Forest The Jersey Devil Juke Joint Kill-Devil Leanan Sidhe Velvet Wilde Has no Hanna Wolf's Heart   Ars Moriendi Dance of Death Danse Macabre Deep in Earth Embalming Fluid Thanatopsis   Hellboy Abe Sapien   Sin & Salvation Envy The Great Sword of War Cathedral Dirty Les Infortunes De La Vertu   Gris Grimly   Diabolus Fenris Wolf Nocnitsa Akuma Baobhan Sith Dracul Kitsune-Tsuki Phobos Villain   Ars Amatoria Golden Priapus Casanova   Mad Tea Party Jabberwocky The Lion Mouse's Long and Sad Tale Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat How Doth the Little Crocodile   Illyria Antony The Apothecary Iago Lear   Wanderlust Havana Kyoto Port Royal Tombstone   Ars Draconis Dragon's Hide Ladon   Rappaccini's Garden     Picnic in Arkham Arkham     Excolo Ochosi Aizen-Myoo Old Scratch Alecto   Marchen The Little Sparrow The Little Wooden Doll The Red Rider The Black Rider   Phoenix Steamworks & Research Facility The Antikythera Mechanism The Robotic Scarab     Doc Constantine's Pharmacopoeia Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener   The District ...the home of lots of floral notes. will list when I figure out what floral notes like me   The Salon And There Was a Great Cry in Egypt The Fox Woman Kuzunoha Leaving Her Child Cloister Graveyard in the Snow Itasô Kansei Nenkan Jorô No Fûzoku The Lantern Ghost of Oiwa Fox Fires on New Year's Eve at the Garment Nettle Tree at Oji Kiyohime Changes From a Serpent Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree   The Chakras ...will need more time to figure out what I like first   Panacea must read through reviews first   Somnium     Carnaval Diabolique Doc Constantine Gennivre Faiza and the Snake Pit (especially Habu) Wulric the wolfman Priala   Retail Exclusive Haloes   BPTP scents ... pity I don't take baths (no working tub, alas) or trust most soaps because some of the bath oils/soaps available on the site sound amazing. Some of the sprays interest me, and the scent lockets are amazing (and way to expensive for my poor bank account, woe).   Sprays Saloon #10 Okiya Alchemical Laboratory Doc Constantine's Medicine Show Down the Rabbit Hole   Scents Warrior Queens: Boadicea, Hua Mulan, Jingu   Naughty or Nice Inquisition: (I don't like enough of the scents to attempt to buy) Nice: MONSIEUR PETITBLED'S FRIVOLOUS WHEELED FOOTWEAR Naughty: PLaying with a Loaded Gun (hahaha seems everybody wants this one)




My Stash

So many packages came in over the last few days (and my bank account is wailing in agony but oh well) that I now have enough scents to create a stash post listing them.   Legend: * bottle I might get rid of ** bottle I would be willing to swap as long as I could keep/get an imp or two of the scent *** amazing scent need more now   # Imp I like but might be willing to get rid of ## Imp I need another imp or two of, at least ### Imp I need a whole bottle of, at least   & untried && needs trying again   Bottles! Hay Moon Makhanitis * Crypt Queen ** Devil's Night 09 Thirteen (April 07) ... (***?) Thirteen (Feb 09) ... (***?) Gunpowder Men Ringing Bells with Penises && Lovers with Rutting Cats && Ded Moroz Blood Moon 05 && Thirteen (Nov 09) Tamam-no-Mae Marotte * Chaos Theory III Strange Attractors DLXXXIV * Green Phoenix && Thirteen (March 09) Thirteen (June 08) Thirteen (Oct 06)   LE Imps/decants Iron Phoenix #? Tin Phoenix ### (bottle on order) Quicksilver Phoenix Silver Phoenix ## Gold Phoenix ## Leipreachan ## Summer's Last Will & Testament && Hungry ghost Moon ## Dragon Moon 06 ### Couple Consulting an Enpon ##? Tissue Sol Invictus (09) ## Pumpkin Patch V (05? 06?) ## But Men Loved Darkness Rather Than Light Ü Mütter Museum ###!! Banshee Beat ## Malignant Dreams of Cthulu in Love ### Pumpkin III 07 ## Pumpkin IV 07 ## Joulumuori Mother Shub's Spice Lait de Chevre && Wind in the Willows: Mole Water Phoenix Pumpkin III 09 ## Pumpkin V 09 Luperci && Pumpkin I 09 ## Copper Phoenix Velvet Dogs Playing Poker   GC Imps Himerus Grand Guignol ## Hetairae && Nefertiti && Nero ##? Pais del la Canela && Thy Godfather's Present && The Hesperides The Bow and Crown of Conquest ### Dragon's Heart ##(#?) Tintagel ### The Dormouse The Phantom Wooer && Violens ###!!! Dragon's Claw ##(#?) Dragon's Musk Dragon's Bone ##(#?) Dragon's Reverie Tanin'iver ## Snake Oil & Seraglio Sri Lanka Eclipse Glasgow 77 The Highwayman && Wolfsbane ## Baku ##? Perversion && Yew Trees ### Satyr The High Priest Not to Be Described # Magus The Ghost Zephyr && Odin ### Osun &&       Scents I did not like at all (+ means I still have it) Lead Phoenix (LE) Velvet Tiger (LE) + Rose Red (LE) Lilium Inter Spinas + Aeval + Dove's Heart 51 + Delirium + Iambe + Dragon's Eye + Hairy Toad Lily + Dragon's Tears + Dragon's Milk + Nyx + Follow Me Boy + Black Dahlia + Desire +     Scents I do not like enough to keep Dragon's Blood (flowery for too long) + Sweet Life + Wind in the Willows: Nowhere in Particular +   ...next, I need to make a wishlist.




Sw Help & Other Questionnaires

Here's a little of everything, help for SW and assorted swaps -   Barnes & Noble Wishlist - http://my.barnesandnoble.com/Jolee-Lewisons-Switch-Witch-Wishlist/wl/15990290/#   Think Geek Wishlist - throw my e-mail address or real name into the Wishlist search.   Etsy Wishlist - http://www.etsy.com/people/litaphoenix/favorites   Sizes - 2x shirts (42 DD), about US 16 on pants/jeans, 7 shoes (5 chucks). And I tend to prefer a 7 in rings, as I can fit that on most fingers. Now, the clothes are subject to change soon, as I'm losing weight, but those are my current sizes.   I have to say, sadly, no 'private parts' art or items as I'm currently living with my somewhat traditional parents.   Bath and shower stuffs are good, but I'm a bit of a LUSH addict.   Plants are cool - I've been trying to get a little potted garden going. The soil here is all sand, so it has to be potted.   I'm TOTALLY behind the proposed 'Let's Play Doctor: Tennant Version' game. Mmmm.... Tennant. Between him and Craig Ferguson, I'm having a Scottish Lad 'thing'. But I'd only be with it if Tennant was included, as I'm terminally single and without a playmate. Erotica and other toys are cool, though!   Chocolate is a major weakness for me, except for 'white' chocolate.... that's not even chocolate. Blah. Adventurous and 'wacky' flavors are cool - I'm a bit of a foodie, and try everything I can get my hands on! Lavender chocolate sounds really interesting... and I'll savor anything with mint! I'm not a fan of coconut, or nuts other than peanut or almond, though.   I do have a bit of an issue with jewelry - I'm very acidic and turn any metal that isn't coated or sterling silver in less than a day. Hmph. Plastic and/or leather are staples for me!   Alcoholic things are happiness and light - beers are nummy, especially specialty and microbrews. Wine is okay.... I usually leave that to the 'rents. I'm a bit of a rum nut, and I have been meaning to try absinthe one of these days. Fruity, 'girly' mixes are okay sometimes, but it's not what I'd usually reach for when I want a buzz. I'll try anything at least three times!   Along the foodie line, candy's nummy!   I used to hoard candles, but I've worked my way through my stash.... see my favorite scents for what I tend to like.   I'm a huge fan of Tim Burton and Johnny Depp, together and separately. I have Zero from The Nightmare Before Christmas tattooed on my right foot (And yes, I know that Burton didn't direct it, only created the story with Danny Elfman and some of the characters!) I'm a Whedonite from the beginning, and have a nummy Spike poster on my wall. I collect gargoyles, wolves, bats, pocketknives, shotglasses, and BPAL. Are we seeing a pattern here?   My Oz counterpart? Hmmmm..... Probably one of the Munchkins. I'm wee @ 5'2'' and love a bit of fun, but work hard at what I love. I also love gothic whimsy in my decorating sense (clothes and rooms), but that's really just the movie version. Hee!   Desired person to snog(and then some)? Gosh.... I loves me some Tennant (I'll wholeheartedly agree on the brown striped suit and brainy specs. Mmmmm.), I still hold a bit of a torch for a few rockers (Frank Iero, William Control, Shawn Harris). But I think my current 'Oh, dear god, WANT' grabby-hands award goes to Andrew-Lee Potts of Primeval and (SYFY) Alice fame. Adorable, expressive, and plays these geeky, quirky, three-dimensional characters. Plus, he's freakin' gorgeous with a smile that can cause jellied knees within a 10 yard radius.   What is your least child friendly personality trait or hobby? Oh, gods, I have so very many! My lack of interest in self-sacrifice, my intolerance for crying and tantrums, my tendency to stay up late and sleep in late, the way that I don't find human babies cute or lovable at all.... the list goes on and on! I can add to that scarily-accurate list - swears when surprised, startled, or otherwise emotionally energized; and also, I love non-child-friendly items (see pocketknife collection, incense, candles, choking hazard with beading). Hobby that is not child friendly? I bead, and make jewelry. I cross-stitch, and there's needles with that. Also, I have exacto knives. Pointy, dangerous, and sharp. I've cut *myself* pretty badly with that thing!   And crafting kits? Love. I've been eyeing those 'Subversive Cross Stitch' patterns for months. I always tend to have a few crafty bits I'm working on. I love unique pieces and often alter and add on to things I buy. On my list? Studding a scarf, altering/painting a few pair of soon-to-be fingerless gloves, and more multi-chain and charm jewelry pieces.   If you were my victim, would you like CB I Hate Perfume even if you had never tried them before? Sure, why not?! I'm open to smellies of all sorts.... and I hear they do my kind of scents well.   Valentine's Day colors: Red and black are my signature colors, including my signature red lips! I wear and use all kinds of red, but I'm not a big fan of orangey reds. The more blue, bright, or deep, the better!! I actually painted one of the walls in my old bedroom Ralph Lauren Red. It was vaulted.... and awesome, and striking... and then we sold the house. Blah. I still miss it!! As far as pink and white? I use splashes of hot pink occasionally as accents, but I don't care for anything lighter than that. And white does not exist in my world, unless it's animal fur. :shifty: My mom dressed me in too much white and baby pink as a child.   Favorite kind of love story: I'm such a closet romantic.... I enjoy smart love stories - not a fan of 'grab a tissue' kind of stuff. I don't do sappy. LOL I did enjoy 'Ella Enchanted', though... to my surprise. And 'The 10th Kingdom', and one of my favorite musicals is 'Through the Woods'. I adore folklore and fairy stories, quite a lot.   Favorite love poem: None that I can thing of.... I do have a weakness for Shakespeare, though. Some of his bits in 'Much Ado About Nothing' are quite lovely, and real.   Hand knit stuff? Yes, please! I may be in FL, but I hate being cold! I'll add my 'whoo-hoo' vote to a pair of fingerless gloves for my little hands. Scarves are also happiness! Oooh, I just remembered about kitty hats. Whimsy is good in my world, but is usually more gothic whimsy! Really, I like hand-made anything!   Favorite semi-obscure animal? Hmmm.... that Quoll is adorable. The most 'odd' thing that I like is probably bats. I held a baby brown bat as a kid in a summer program, and instantly fell in love. So cute!!! So soft and fuzzy!   Favorite first sign of Spring? Probably the weather getting warmer. Wildflowers.   Think Geek plush microbes? I saw those ages back, and still think they're the cutest darn things. Lovely geeky fun. Saw some in a store in NC recently, and was amused that the virus I had just battled (Mononucleosis) was actually CUTE. I adore plush unusual things.   Naughty items? I'm single, so that must be factored in. And I'm living with my somewhat traditional parents. But things such as funny edibles and small items are okay!   Ren Faire / Conventions - I go to the Tampa Bay Area Faire every year! I've been attending for at least 10 years, and I almost always go in costume, choosing either the more tomboyish piratey look or the fancy black crushed velvet and lace dress depending on the weather. More accurately, on the projected heat of the day. LOL Count on warm days and a bit of rain! I used to go to geek cons (Trek, misc geekery, Buffy) back in the day, but haven't been lured in the last few years.   Secondhand Stuff? Loves it. Absolutely. I'm a thrift-shop kinda girl. I love recycling / upcycling, as well, and that absolutely includes books, dvds, anything gently used! I like unique, and most secondhand stuff is unique, or cheap enough that I can alter it to make it unique without feeling too badly.   Accessories for electronics? I'm always looking for silicone cases for my iPod nano (generation 3).   Pet Stuff? My little boy is seriously fluffy, so no collars. LOL Treats are ok. He loves balls and rubber toys, though.   Mix cd? Yeah, sure!!! If my Witch is well-versed in Googlefu, my Myspace should show my true musical tastes well.   I play a little Vampire Wars on Facebook, have gone back to Neopets, nd just started on PetPet Park, and about once a month I bust out The Sims 2.   I know someone said something about anatomical hearts earlier? Love. Absolutely love. I'm a makeup artist with a horror bent and a medical backround. I've been looking for a heart-mold for jello or whatever for years! I find lots of brains, but no hearts.   Favourite candy - I love unusual combinations! Lavender? Bacon? Bring it on! Dark chocolate. Not big on maple, coconut, salted licorice, or nuts other than peanuts or almonds, though.   Kitchen Gadgetry - Ooh, cooking toys!   Mardi Gras - Nah, we do Gasparilla down here in Tampa. It's a bit earlier - similar execution, but Pirate-themed.   Would you like new nail polish? If so, what colors are you craving? I've gone through phases of cremes, shimmers, glitters - I like them all. I like striking colors on my pale skin - dark or bright, or super-light. Green, blue, purple, black, greys (as long as it's not purple-y). Been looking for a black with red glitter for ages!   Do you like incense and/or scented candles, and are you able to burn them in your home? I love both! I like non-traditional scents, though. Very few florals and sweet scents stay in my possession very long!   Boxes? For Bpal (bottles and/or imps) or otherwise. Yay, boxes! It's the Capricorn in me - I love organization. I have two cheapie ones from Michael's, but they're unpainted. I would welcome stickers, decals, fun bits and paint, stencils - anything to help! I may be a makeup artist, but I'll be damned if I can draw worth crap!   What about UNTOUCHED make-up samples or any other type of girly-sample thing? Loves it. I'm a makeup artist by trade, but I am always open to try new things, and new brands. Prob. not Clinique stuff, though, unless it's the DDMGel as I go through it like water. I used to work for them, and have tried everything that they offer. I'm looking mainly for things I haven't tried yet!   Natural sea sponge? Well, I live in Tarpon Springs, where they bring up a LOT of that stuff. So, no thanks!   Paintbox Soaps? Oh, my goodness!! I really liked the Beet one, and the minty one last round! Etsy wishlist updated!   Would you like some of my favourite recipes? Cooking is another art form to me, so yes! I'm doing a new eating plan, so I'm looking mostly for ones involving spinach, broccoli, kale, brussel sprouts and collard greens! Nothing too salty, please! Anthing involving meat is good, too!   Posters, pictures, art? Oooh. I love posters, and Surrealist pieces. I LOVE handmade art.   Salted caramels? Are you people trying to kill me by electrocution?! I keep drooling on my keyboard! Those are a serious guilty pleasure.   Imagine that someone hands you their wallet and sends you into a really good bakery. They have everything, from breads to brownies, cookies to croissants, anything you could imagine, and you're allowed to pick out five things for yourself. What do you pick? After I wake up from fainting?   Good, crusty sourdough bread. Whatever cookie is their specialty. Baklava Gooey brownie with choc chunks and no nuts That rosemary bread sounds tasty.... anyone got some good olive oil and maybe a few chunks of rich cheese? I'm thinking alfresco lunch at the park.   Sockdreams? Where has this been all my life, and how did I not know about it?! I not only love funderwear(quite a lot, really), I love socks! A lot of those OTKs look amazing! I love rainbow socks, toe socks, and tights!!! I've got the red and purple BPTP socks, and I loves them!   Coffee, hot chocolate, or tea? I'll echo whomever just said 'YES!' I have a bean grinder, so coffee is cool. Hot chocolate is one of the best things on the planet. And tea.... I can live on tea. I'm not into most black or jasmine, though. Green, white, red, oolong, etc. Stash rocks, and so does Choice. I'm having a love affair with mint teas, lately.   Do you like alcoholic beverages? If so, what is your preference (beer, wine, liquor...)? Again, YES! I'm a rum girl at heart, but I'll try near anything. I've been dying to try absinthe (and I love anise). I discovered last week I like coffee tequila.... I love my fav bartenders and their tendancy to just plop shots in front of regulars!! I love a good strong beer, no water-tasting crap. Wine-wise, I usually like fruity. Oooooh, mead!! I almost forgot mead. I only get it once a year @ the Faire, and I love it.   Steampunk? Don't have any steampunky stuff yet, but I adore this stuff!!   Would you like or accept an energetically-charged item or gift? Something that had power poured into it? If so, do you have a particular purpose that you'd prefer? (Love, protection, money, etc.) To answer my own question - yes, and I'd like any/all of the above!   And, I think I found an answer to the 'Unobtainable' question - a small and quiet air compressor for an airbrush gun. I need to learn it for future work, and I have a great gun, but I don't have a compressor, and they're usually pretty expensive.   Villainess update? I haven't tried any of their stuff, yet, but I'm always open to new 'smelly toys', as it were. Oh, wait, I think I did get a sniifle of Chloroform once. That's definitely yum.   Burlesque: Haven't been to a show yet, but it sounds like fun.... and is damn sexy!!   Does EVERYONE here sleep in the nude??? Seems to be, yeah. On the occasion I need a nightie or boxers/tee (people sleeping over, or I'm not in my own bed), I prefer black or red... which I prefer as my colors to wear, anyway! Sleeping nekkid, there's less to get tangled up in! And I'm in FL, dangit - you try sleeping in 90 degree heat at Midnight with clothes on! It's practical - drive up the electric bill, or wear less clothes!   Favorite flowers? I have a rose bush outside my window. If only it weren't fuschia-pink, I'd be like pie - sweet and dandy. LOL I honestly prefer red roses, or white. If someone's going to make a statement, then make a dramatic one, dangit! And those colors go with everything I have! LOL Otherwise, I adore daisies. Just regular white daisies. Cute and simple, very unlike me, but they bring a smile to my face!   Are you opposed to vegan baked goods? Or baked goods in general? Mmmmmm.....nummy. Actually, one of my favorite cakes I've ever had was vegan. One of my best girls was vegan for many years (isn't now because of health issues), and we hated to make her feel left out, so we made a lot of vegan yummies for our group outings, and get-togethers. The only thing I'm averse to is nuts.   For those that have dogs, if I were to knit them a sweater, what colour would you like it to be? Oh, my lord, he's got one already! Shelties just can't help it! LOL Poor fluffy kid. He's so purdy he's always being mistaken for a girl!   Hair Stuff? Hair's colored dark brown right now, with swoopy side bangs and lots of layers, so little barettes are cool. Non-metal headbands are awesome (the little ends hurt my head on the metal ones).   Eye color: Blue, except when they're not. I wear clear contacts much of the time, and green (about the backround shade of the Autumn skin) other times. And then sometimes it's my plastic Doctor/Ten glasses. (I don't think I picked them to coincide with his on purpose, but with my brain, I'm never sure how what I'm into at the time trickles down into my style!)   Lip balm: Yay or nay? If yay, what are your favorite kinds (brands, consistency, whatever)? Love it! I always have at least one tube on me at any given time! Though, I just ordered 4 from Elladean on Etsy (They're fab, btw.), so I think I'm set for a bit. But if my dear Witch has a brand she thinks I *must* try, I wouldn't say no! LOL I have a gloss (and lipstick, too) addiction, but that's allowed, considering I have to try things out for work.... yeah, that's the ticket, try 'em out for work! It's research! Eh, who am I kidding? LOL I'm an addict.   Home-canned goods? Sure, but I'm not a big fan of pickled anything. Ehh. Jams and jellies are cool!   Frankenpolish? Hee, fun! I think my one thing that I don't have, but would scream 'me' would be (predictably) red and black glitter. Not red glitter in black base, as has been done by many a maker, but a clear or red base with separate red and black glitters would be the shit.   Keys? I adore keys! I'm definitely a lover of key lore - I have little brass charms, and a big skeleton key I wear as part of a necklace. I'm always open to new doors, so to speak! (Too many puns tonight? LOL)   Severed Finger? Actually, I have one of those already.... it was from my former teacher's yard. No, really! It's plaster/ultracal and was a very detailed (like fingernail ridges and knuckle folds detailed!) mold off someone's hand.... one of the fingers broke off, and he gave it to me. LOL Yep, he's just as twisted as I am! You have to be to go into all that casting and molding, not to mention the gore work! The finger currently is part of my Halloween setup.   Tiny things? Sometimes. I'm trying to not collect too many tchotchkies, though. Tiny gargoyles and bats? Definitely.   How do you feel about handmade stuffed animals? Cute, sweet, and definitely yes! While not handmade, my Uglydoll (a black Icebat) certainly looks that way, and I adore him!   Are there any accessories you'd really like? (Keychains, little purses, etc.) I've been searching for a vintage (or vintage-looking) or distressed small messenger bag, like an old Coach bag. Any color, but preferably leather. Cross-body strap would be ideal.   What are your favorite animals? As I said, I have a thing for bats. Due to my mom, I like moose and black bears, as well - she decorated our place in the NC mountains to them! LOL But really any cute and cuddly gets my vote!   Is there anything you've had to give up that you really miss or want back? Maybe something a witch could help out with? I'll echo another poster - my clove cigs. I really miss 'em, and I smoke them so rarely that it took me usually over 2 weeks to get through a pack. Now I can only order them by the carton from Indonesia - I can just see the reaction of my family of that package coming to the door! I've been wanting them lately, and regular cigs are not the same. Nor are Black & Milds. I miss my Black kreteks!




Halloween Sw 2010 Help!

Here you go SW: Some of my favorite places that I like to window shop! By no means is this a list of mandatory items that need to be purchased on my behalf!!!     Etsy: Paintworks Soapbox http://www.etsy.com/shop/paintboxsoapworks?section_id=6642367   Some of my favorites are:   Man in the moon and Sweet Cheeks, Hoarfrost, and Lavendar Truffle. BUT...   I am dying to try: Dead Leaves on the Dirty Ground Resolution Indian Summer Ms. Ada The queen is dead!   Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/14QNI3BM61VYR   Not on the wishlist witch o'mine:   Not required...but I just love old movies on DVD esp. horror.   John Carpenter's Vampires   Bram Stoker's Dracula   Wolf with Jack Nicholson and Michelle Pfeiffer.   These aren't mandatory...but they are kind of hard to find in my local walmart so I figured I would list them for future reference for witching or for something for me to try and track down myself.

Dark Alice

Dark Alice


More VD SW Help.

How do you feel about home-canned goods? Jams/jellies would likely be used faster than pickles. Canned fruits will likely be eaten upon arrival. Canned veggies will be used when I feel like it.   How do you feel about handmade stuffed animals? Sure.   Are there any accessories you'd really like? Not at this time.   Hair stuff? I have so much wishlisted on the etsy and amazon lists it's not funny. Please?   Lip balm? I don't use it a lot (I've got one my MIL gave me for xmas '07 that I haven't finished using), but I think it's because I haven't found the 'right' lip balm. So try me.




Valentines SW Shotgun Round

2/14 Are you following the Olympics? What's your favorite sport to watch? Would you be interested in merch?   2/13 These are a few of my favourite things: ...? 2/12 I love to decoupage/collage boxes and notebooks. If you were my witchee, would you like one? What colors/themes would you want it to have? Find cute pictures--inspire me (and other crafty witches)! I would love boxes. Of any kind! Of any theme! I have seen some gorgeous ones posted on the forum, CaudaPavonis does some lovely ones.   2/11 If you could have one "unselfish" wish (but personal) what would it be?   2/10 If you had to choose SHOES or PURSES? If you could have 5mL of ANY ONE BPAL scent, what would it be? Loose tea or bagged tea? Or both?   2/9 Who are your fantasy five?   2/8 Are there any books you particularly want to read that you don't mind being 2nd hand (or 3rd or 4th )? I can't think of any that I am particularly longing for, but I do have an Amazon wish list. And I would prefer 2nd, 3rd hand, books are so expensive and I am kind of hard on them since I just throw them in my bag & carry them around. I also have a kindle, so those can't be 2nd hand But I am interested in lots of stuff, so.... I am happy to take any books at all! Do you like gardening,growing vegetables, house plants? Need any small tools, seeds, labels? I would love to grow things. But, I have the black thumb that seems to be so common on this board. Any that I manage to keep alive, the Kat seems determined to kill. She will break them, knock them off tables (repeatedly until they die). I end up feeling bad for the plants. Are there any soundtracks you'd be interested in getting a copy of? Original movie soundtrack of "Guys and Dolls" with Frank Sinatra and Marlon Brando. None of the others compare. I can't think of any others right now.   2/7 Do you have any personal heroes / heroines and why? Are there any languages or countries that you're really interested in? Pretty much all of Europe.... I love England, France, Italy... there is so much to see that I hope to see one day. If you could be in any fictional universe, what would it be? (Harry Potter, Firefly, Lord of the Rings, Silent Hill, wtv.)   2/6 If you were a student at Hogwarts, what house would you be in? I'm a space junky. Love anything galaxy, space, star, etc related. I'm even getting a milky way tattoo one day. And I am a total Star Trek geek. Anyone else? Stars are pretty. (I don't believe that this is actually a question, I think there was discussion about it and then SultryWolf randomly bolded it and people started answering it so I'll put it here for reference but I just can't get behind this question) Severed fingers? If you like tea, what are your favorite kinds? Fruity, sweet, chai, plain, black, green, red, white? I like tea. I am not a huge chai fan, so that would be wasted on me... my favorite is the Good Earth Original Sweet and Spicy. The kind with caffeine, although I have trouble finding it and just brew the herbal kind in a cup with a black tea bag. I like Earl Grey too, or Peppermint, or.... it just depends on my mood, but I always have the Sweet and Spicy and some Peppermint around. What's your Patronus? Non-Potter fans, what's your Spirit Animal? Hmmm.... don't really know. Small, fluffy white dog?   2/5 How do you feel about handmade stuffed animals? I would love them! Are there any accessories you'd really like? (Keychains, little purses, etc.) I always have several little bags in my very large purse, helps with the illusion of being able to find things! So, little purses like change purses, little teeny makeup bags, that type of thing is great. I am good with keychains, unless you find a really cool one. What are your favorite animals? I like all animals, the fluffier the better. Baby animals are great, I love the photos I've seen recently of the baby owls looking all fluffy and trying to be fierce. Is there anything you've had to give up that you really miss or want back? Maybe something a witch could help out with? Years and years ago, a roommate stole a cross that I had that had belonged to my mom (she died when I was 17). I never got it back. A coin collection that belonged to my father that "disappeared" when my aunt (his sister!) was helping go through his house.     2/4 Are you opposed to vegan baked goods? Or baked goods in general? I love baked goods, pretty much of any kind. And from what I understand, vegan baked goods rock. What's your favourite flower? Lilacs, butterfly bush, pansies, grape hyacinth.... there are lots. For some reason, they are all purple today. For those that have dogs, if I were to knit them a sweater, what colour would you like it to be? As cute as he is, Nemo does NAWT like clothes. Even though I dress him up for Halloween every year. But a sweater would be much appreciated (by me) (and I will take pictures). Any color is good! Lip balm: Yay or nay? If yay, what are your favorite kinds (brands, consistency, whatever)? Yay! Much, much yay! I love Burt's Bee's pomegranate one for the scent and the consistency, and it seems to work really well on me. I am looking for one that has that kind of "hard" consistency & a wonderful scent/flavor but will add a little color to my very pale lips.   2/3 I custom mix nail polish, a process called 'frankening'. If you were my witch, would you enjoy a custom 'franken', based on whatever colors/theme you chose? I had never heard of this, but when I looked it up, that is really cool! I am very impressed by the Franken-polish. Since everyone is spending the same amount of money on this swap, would you be interested in seeing the cost breakdown of each item in your package? Nah, not necessary. I am very proud of a couple of the things I have figured out for my Witchee, but don't need to see a breakdown. But if there is something you are really proud of getting a great bargain on, share away! Do you like keys? I do! I like old, ornate keys, not necessarily in jewelry, I have seen really pretty keys with a tassel attached hung as a decoration, and like that idea a lot. Do you like guessing who your witch is, or would you prefer to know? Do you mind knowing? I don't mind either way. Whatever my Witch chooses is great by me - the thread moves too fast for me to try to keep track, though. If it's going to be obvious who your witch is, would you rather she played the ninja and sent one big box at the end, or smaller packages along the way? Again, whatever my witch chooses is great. For me, I can't think of anyone who would be "obvious" - but that may just be me being oblivious. What color are your eyes? Chocolate Brown. or darker. If you had to choose a color for a nightie to sleep in what color would it be? I ususally just sleep in t shirt and undies, or t shirt/sweat pants   2/2 Would you like or accept an energetically-charged item or gift? Something that had power poured into it? If so, do you have a particular purpose that you'd prefer? (Love, protection, money, etc.) I think this would be awesome & wonderful and would like this even if it is not a part of a sw round. I need love, money and health. Do you have any significant upcoming events in your life you'd like something for? A child/yourself graduating from high school/college? Are you buying a new home or car soon? Moving in with someone/getting married? Taking a new job? Moving to a new part of the country/world? Nah. Same old, same old. Ooooh! BPAL's beloved alicia_stardust is having a contest! If you're my Witchee, would you like a chance to win these earrings? I made sure to answer this on the thread as well, those are beee-yoooo tiful and I love them. How are we feeling about burlesque? Burlesque, okay, but not really into it. Is there anything you're lusting after in the Villainess update? Everything sounds lovely.... but I am waiting for Birth Rite to come back. And I really want to try Slick.   1/26-2/1 What is everyone's take on Valentine's Day? Meh. Do you like traditional Valentine's Day colors (red, pink, white, more?) ? I like red and pink, not so much into white. Begs to be stained. A Favorite love poem? What's everyone's favorite semi-obscure (or underappreciated!) animal? What is your favorite sign that spring is coming? Do you like hand-knit Things? For those of you with pets, would you like pet things? Toys, treats, etc? What's your favorite Love Story? Would anyone like receiving naughty/sexy things? Who on the thread likes attending Ren Faires, SciFi/Comic Cons & the like? And do you dress up for them? Do you need any accessories for your phone, computer, mp3 player, etc.? What are your feelings on gently used CDs/DVDs? First five songs on the "Top 25 Most Played" list on iPod. Would you like a mix cd from your witch? Are you interested in receiving gifts representative of Witch's country or culture? Do you like candy? What kinds? Do you play WoW? Would you like one of those Plush Microbes? What are your feelings on Mardi Gras? Would you like homemade sewn stuff? Any fabrics to avoid? Do you need any kitchen-related gadgetry? Would you like new nail polish? Do you like incense and/or scented candles, and are you able to burn them in your home? If so, what kinds of scents do you like? Boxes? For Bpal (bottles and/or imps) or otherwise Would you use a natural sea sponge? Are you interested in bacon chocolate? Coffee, hot chocolate, or tea? Would you like some of my favorite recipes? Would you like posters, pictures, art? Would you like soaps? Especially from Paintbox? And ESPECIALLY the Valentines Special Edition Soaps?? New question--I'm calling this "could never happen in a million years": Your Witch is perusing the wares at a local yard sale. S/he looks down and sees [insert impossibly rare item that you've always wanted but could never afford] with a $5-10 sticker on it. Sheepishly s/he takes it to the guy behind the folding table. "Do you know what this is?" s/he inquires. The gentleman states that it belonged to his mother/sister/grandmother/Great Aunt Beulah and he thinks it's for, like, hair or something. With a trembling hand, s/hes pays the man and heads home with the inconceivable riches. So, what is this unobtainable miracle your Witch found? Do you like salted caramels? Imagine that someone hands you their wallet and sends you into a really good bakery. They have everything, from breads to brownies, cookies to croissants, anything you could imagine, and you're allowed to pick out five things for yourself. What do you pick? It gets asked every round but sockdreams? Do you like alcoholic beverages? If so, what is your preference (beer, wine, liquor...)? Are you into steampunk?           Bakery : Chocolate almond croissant - I used to get wonderful ones and can't find them anymore. Really crusty bread with lots of creamy butter Lemon tart German chocolate cake Dense, chewy bread made with cheese   Soap/Paintbox: I love soaps, and I love Paintbox Soapworks! Tarty's soaps are awesome, and both of the V-Day ones look wonderful.   Alcohol: I like red wine, and sweet liqueurs - Kaluha, Baileys, Tuaca, in that vein. (Things you can mix with coffee or hot chocolate, I guess!)   Tea/coffee/hot chocolate: I love them all! I like all kinds of regular and herbal teas, although I am not a huge chai fan. Coffee is great in just about any form, as is hot cocoa.   Recipes: I would love recipes! For really anything.   Posters/Pictures/Art: I'm kind of picky about the larger things I have, but small pictures would be great! I love nature pictures, animals or not, and architectural details from buildings - the detail of a carving, for example. Or unique buildings or features.   Steampunk: I am kind of meh about this. I like some of the jewelry and things, but not to an obsession!   Salted Caramels: Never tried any!   Sock dreams: They have really cute things! I have heard lots of good things about them.       & Ithought of another kind of candy I like that I would love you forever if you find them.... I used to be able to buy these candys that were roasted almond, dipped in a thin toffee layer, then dipped in milk chocolate. Then rolled in cocoa powder. They were fabulous, and I think the store that I bought them in made them. And then they closed.




Valentines SW Questions

2/4 Are you opposed to vegan baked goods? Or baked goods in general? Not all. I'm a sucker for a baked good.   What's your favourite flower? I love the look of lilies and the smell of lilacs (comes from living in Rochester, lilacs are part of our lives)   For those that have dogs, if I were to knit them a sweater, what colour would you like it to be? No dogs and the cats hate when you do stuff to them.   Lip balm: Yay or nay? If yay, what are your favorite kinds (brands, consistency, whatever)? The more all natural the better. Currently I've got a few tubes of the prarieland herb balms. I do prefer ones in stick form to the ones in pots because I hate getting my fingers dirty.   2/3 I custom mix nail polish, a process called 'frankening'. If you were my witch, would you enjoy a custom 'franken', based on whatever colors/theme you chose? I love nailpolish, I've been dying to try the bpal ones, but really I only ever wear it on my toes and I haven't even done that in months.   Since everyone is spending the same amount of money on this swap, would you be interested in seeing the cost breakdown of each item in your package? If my witch wants to do so, that's fine. I have no feelings on the matter.   Do you like keys? Love them. When in high school I had an old skeleton key that I wore on a chain around my neck.   Do you like guessing who your witch is, or would you prefer to know? Do you mind knowing? I suck at guessing, but I would like to know at the end for a proper thank you.   If it's going to be obvious who your witch is, would you rather she played the ninja and sent one big box at the end, or smaller packages along the way? See above, suck at guessing.   What color are your eyes? Brown.   If you had to choose a color for a nightie to sleep in what color would it be? Blue. Though lately I've been sleeping with pants, socks, shirt and hoodie. It's been cold.   2/2 Would you like or accept an energetically-charged item or gift? Something that had power poured into it? If so, do you have a particular purpose that you'd prefer? (Love, protection, money, etc.) SUre, no preference that I can think of.   Do you have any significant upcoming events in your life you'd like something for? A child/yourself graduating from high school/college? Are you buying a new home or car soon? Moving in with someone/getting married? Taking a new job? Moving to a new part of the country/world? My sister is getting married in July, I should be moving out in the spring, but that is about it.   Ooooh! BPAL's beloved alicia_stardust is having a contest! If you're my Witchee, would you like a chance to win these earrings? They are very pretty.   How are we feeling about burlesque? Dunno. Never really thought about it.   Is there anything you're lusting after in the Villainess update? Torchsong definitely. Either smooch or soap, it takes me forever to get through the whipped.   1/26-2/1 What is everyone's take on Valentine's Day? I don't really feel one way about it or the other.   Do you like traditional Valentine's Day colors (red, pink, white, more?) ? I do.   A Favorite love poem? This is hard. Let me think. Probably Annabel Lee. I adore that poem. Also, Shakespeare's Sonnets. There's a CD of them being read by actors and I never remember the title or to buy it when I do. I wonder if I wrote it down somewhere. Ah ha! I'm pretty sure it's "From Shakespeare with Love" or "When Love Speaks" we listened to one in class back in 2005 (I loved that class it was about deconstructing gender with cross-dressing in Elizabethan Literature). One has Alan Rickman, the other David Tennant. I really can't remember which one it was. Sorry.   What's everyone's favorite semi-obscure (or underappreciated!) animal?   What is your favorite sign that spring is coming? The smell of mud.   Do you like hand-knit Things? I do.   For those of you with pets, would you like pet things? Toys, treats, etc? They can have treats, but they have two cabinents worth of toys and make toys out of everything.   What's your favorite Love Story? I like the love stories where it isn't spontaneous love at first sight stuff. I like the oens where people who have known each other for a while discover new feelings or where two people love each other even though they shouldn't and it often doesn't work.   Would anyone like receiving naughty/sexy things? Not particularly. I have quite a collection.   Who on the thread likes attending Ren Faires, SciFi/Comic Cons & the like? And do you dress up for them? I attend the Sterling Ren Faire every now and then but never dress up.   Do you need any accessories for your phone, computer, mp3 player, etc.? Not that I can think of.   What are your feelings on gently used CDs/DVDs? Don't mind them at all. I buy all my cds used.   First five songs on the "Top 25 Most Played" list on iPod. Now, this is kinda warped because I've been rereading the TWOP recaps of Doctor Who so I've had the soundtracks on in the background.   Doctor Who, television series score~Song For Ten Doctor Who, television series score~Doomsday Doctor Who, television series score~Abide with Me Doctor Who, television series score~The Face Of Boe Doctor Who, television series score-This is Gallifrey: Our Childhood, Our Home     Would you like a mix cd from your witch? Would love one.   Are you interested in receiving gifts representative of Witch's country or culture? Sure!   Do you like candy? What kinds? Anything with caramel, nuts or chocolate and I'm a happy girl.   Do you play WoW? Nope.   Would you like one of those Plush Microbes? I find them very cute, just never could decide which one I like best. I've been leaning towards gangrene and Herpes really has no right to be so adorable as a plush.   What are your feelings on Mardi Gras? I tend to forget about it unless someone mentions it to me.   Would you like homemade sewn stuff? Any fabrics to avoid? I don't like the feel of velour, or anything scratchy, but that is about it.   Do you need any kitchen-related gadgetry? I'm awful at this. I know there are things I just can't think of them. I'll come back if I think of it.   Would you like new nail polish?   Do you like incense and/or scented candles, and are you able to burn them in your home? If so, what kinds of scents do you like? I do. I'm not particularly foodie with candles. I can't stand chocolate or cookie scented candles. Fruits are good, as are aquatics or spices or even just vanilla. My two current favorites are Halloween Night and Tamboti Safari by Partylite.   Boxes? For Bpal (bottles and/or imps) or otherwise Yes, the more storage the better.   Would you use a natural sea sponge? Probably not. Not a fan of sponges.   Are you interested in bacon chocolate? No.   Coffee, hot chocolate, or tea? Coffee or Hot Chocolate. I keep trying tea but am convinced that I can't do it right so if there is a tea for idiots kit that could be awesome.   Would you like some of my favorite recipes? I love recipes.   Would you like posters, pictures, art? Would love it.   Would you like soaps? Especially from Paintbox? And ESPECIALLY the Valentines Special Edition Soaps?? I just love soap.   New question--I'm calling this "could never happen in a million years": Your Witch is perusing the wares at a local yard sale. S/he looks down and sees [insert impossibly rare item that you've always wanted but could never afford] with a $5-10 sticker on it. Sheepishly s/he takes it to the guy behind the folding table. "Do you know what this is?" s/he inquires. The gentleman states that it belonged to his mother/sister/grandmother/Great Aunt Beulah and he thinks it's for, like, hair or something. With a trembling hand, s/hes pays the man and heads home with the inconceivable riches. So, what is this unobtainable miracle your Witch found? It would probably be a very old copy of a book. Doesn't really matter which one, but probably a classic or something. I have a 1930s Nancy Drew and a 1930s complete works of Shakespeare that I adore.   Do you like salted caramels? Never tried them.   Imagine that someone hands you their wallet and sends you into a really good bakery. They have everything, from breads to brownies, cookies to croissants, anything you could imagine, and you're allowed to pick out five things for yourself. What do you pick? Donuts, Orange Danish, a slice of cake, a slice of pie and then something completely random,   It gets asked every round but sockdreams? Love socks, though toe socks and I currently are on the outs.   Do you like alcoholic beverages? If so, what is your preference (beer, wine, liquor...)? Don't drink.   Are you into steampunk? A little.




Fiction authors.

YA: I hear Jane Yolen has done some awesome YA books. For as much of a fan of Neil Gaiman I am, I only have Coraline. Frank Beddor's series was awesome. Scott Westerfield's series (Uglies, Pretties, Specials, Extras) was pretty good too.   Fiction: I /love/ retold fairy tales. Have been looking for Ellen Datlow's Tamsin tale.. and will be adding some of her edited books to my amazon wishlist. Charles de Lint is also an awesome writer. (again, see wishlist.) I would like to find the other two books of his where he published originally under the name Samuel M. Key (I've got Angel of Screams.) Nancy Madore has an erotic fairy tale collection called Enchanted, which I have, but there's another out there that I want. I'm also a fan of Jacqueline Carey and am missing the third book in the second Kusheline trilogy. (which must be hardback to match the others in the set.) Oh, I also like Diana Gabaldon, and have read (but do not own) through to the newest Echo In The Bone. Nor have I read the spinoffs featuring Lord John Grey.   Alternate history intrigues me, although with the exception of Gregory Key, haven't read any.   SF: This is a bit trickier. I like Harlan Ellison, Ray Bradbury, and Roger Zelazny (although I've only read his Amber series). I like reading my dad's Analog magazine when I can get my fingers on it. However, other than the above mentioned authors, I can't help you much.




Valentine SW, Part Deux

2/4 Are you opposed to vegan baked goods? Or baked goods in general? No, and no.   2/3 I custom mix nail polish, a process called 'frankening'. If you were my witch, would you enjoy a custom 'franken', based on whatever colors/theme you chose? Don't wear polish, even on the toes.   Since everyone is spending the same amount of money on this swap, would you be interested in seeing the cost breakdown of each item in your package? Not really.   Do you like keys? Mmm. Keys.   Do you like guessing who your witch is, or would you prefer to know? Do you mind knowing? I like to guess, but I don't obsessively cross names off a list. If he/she chooses to reveal before the round is over, that's okay. However my Witch prefers.   If it's going to be obvious who your witch is, would you rather she played the ninja and sent one big box at the end, or smaller packages along the way? Up to Witch's preference.   What color are your eyes? blue-green   If you had to choose a color for a nightie to sleep in what color would it be? Well, like others I sleep in the altogether, but any of my favorite colors.     2/2 Would you like or accept an energetically-charged item or gift? Something that had power poured into it? If so, do you have a particular purpose that you'd prefer? (Love, protection, money, etc.) Yes, either money or luck pertaining to us finally doing something about our separation and putting in for a US permanent resident visa for the hubby.   Do you have any significant upcoming events in your life you'd like something for? A child/yourself graduating from high school/college? Are you buying a new home or car soon? Moving in with someone/getting married? Taking a new job? Moving to a new part of the country/world? Birthday is in April, wedding anniversary is in May. If you want to, fine. If not, fine.   Ooooh! BPAL's beloved alicia_stardust is having a contest! If you're my Witchee, would you like a chance to win these earrings? I don't know if copper would play nicely with my ears. They're gorgeous, though.   How are we feeling about burlesque? Never tried it or seen it, but I think I'd be fine with it.   Is there anything you're lusting after in the Villainess update? Not into Villainess, but can be enabled. Look to favorite notes to help you choose if you so desire.   2/1 and previous Would you use a natural sea sponge? No. They squick me out.   Are you interested in bacon chocolate? No thanks. Fruit or nuts only in my chocolate.   Coffee, hot chocolate, or tea? Tea, hot chocolate, coffee in that order, because I have no percolator to keep grinds out of my teeth.   Would you like some of my favorite recipes? Sure!   Would you like posters, pictures, art? Mmmm.. I'd rather choose these on my own, thanks.   Would you like soaps? Especially from Paintbox? And ESPECIALLY the Valentines Special Edition Soaps?? Yes.   New question--I'm calling this "could never happen in a million years": Your Witch is perusing the wares at a local yard sale. S/he looks down and sees [insert impossibly rare item that you've always wanted but could never afford] with a $5-10 sticker on it. Sheepishly s/he takes it to the guy behind the folding table. "Do you know what this is?" s/he inquires. The gentleman states that it belonged to his mother/sister/grandmother/Great Aunt Beulah and he thinks it's for, like, hair or something. With a trembling hand, s/hes pays the man and heads home with the inconceivable riches. So, what is this unobtainable miracle your Witch found? Uhm. I really don't know.   Do you like salted caramels? Never had them, but am open to trying them. (I love caramels, so salted shouldn't be so bad, right?)   Imagine that someone hands you their wallet and sends you into a really good bakery. They have everything, from breads to brownies, cookies to croissants, anything you could imagine, and you're allowed to pick out five things for yourself. What do you pick? Right out of the oven piping hot crusty bread. I will have jam and butter to do proper homage to said bread before devouring it. I can't turn down fresh choco-chip cookies, either. Or a properly fudgy brownie. And if they have cinnamon sugar-coated almonds..   It gets asked every round but sockdreams? Never been to SockDreams. However, I prefer right above or right below ankle socks.   Do you like alcoholic beverages? If so, what is your preference (beer, wine, liquor...)? Prefer liquor. Will not turn down any kind of alcohol, though.   Are you into steampunk? I do like steampunk. Check out the Amazon wishlist (search under my RL name or hoshigrrl) or etsy wishlist, and you'll see what i like.




Shotgun Round Questions

Updated 15 February 2010.   What is everyone's take on Valentine's Day? I do like Valentine's Day. It's way overcommercialized, but I do love sending valentines and baking for Molly.   Do you like traditional Valentine's Day colors (red, pink, white, more?)? Pink is my least favourite colour objectively, but if done well it can be very attractive. Pink with black, and pink with brown are both are classic. I do love red and white is fine.   What's everyone's favorite semi-obscure animal? Platypus!   What is your favorite sign that spring is coming? Crocuses and daffodils poking their heads up.   Favorite love poem? Sonnet CXVI Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments. Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove: O no! it is an ever-fixed mark That looks on tempests and is never shaken; It is the star to every wandering bark, Whose Worth's unknown, although his height be taken. Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks Within his bending sickle's compass come; Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out even to the edge of doom: If this be error and upon me proved, I never writ, nor no man ever loved. -William Shakespeare   For those of you with pets, would you like pet things? Toys, treats, etc? Sure--Spot cat loves tender treats but won't eat the crunchy ones.   Favorite Love Story: Beatrice and Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing!   Would anyone like receiving naughty/sexy things? Sure, just keep in mind I'm married to a woman!   Who on the thread likes attending Ren Faires, SciFi/Comic Cons & the like? And do you dress up for them? I love going to Ren faires and all kinds of cons, though I haven't been able to afford any cons recently. I especially love to dress up for them!   Do you need any accessories for your phone, computer, mp3 player, etc.? I lost my Skull Candy earbuds and I loved them so. They were black and green and made of awesome.   Gently Used CDs/DVDs? Bring it on!   What are the songs on the "Top 25 Most Played" list on your ipod? This probably tells you more than I want you to know about me! Backstabber - Dresden Dolls Girl Anachronism - Dresden Dolls Time Is Running Out - Muse My Alcoholic Friends - Dresden Dolls Runs In the Family - Amanda Palmer Closer - Nine Inch Nails I'm On My Way - The Proclaimers I'll Be That Girl - Barenaked Ladies Hard Like Heroic - Nymh (WoW-themed parody of Bad Touch by Bloodhound Gang-- .) Perfect (Exceeder) - Mason & Princess Superstar In The Car - Barenaked Ladies Coin-Operated Boy - Dresden Dolls Shoebox - Barenaked Ladies Grace Kelly - Mika Dairy Queen - Indigo Girls White & Nerdy - Weird Al Yankovic The Old Apartment - Barenaked Ladies Delilah - Dresden Dolls Bitches Ain't Shit - Ben Folds Oasis - Amanda Palmer Chariots Of Fire - BWO Creep - Radiohead Are You Out There - Dar Williams Ampersand - Amanda Palmer Rockin' the Suburbs - Ben Folds   If your witch was international, would you be interested in receiving gifts that were representative of her country or culture? Absolutely! Would totally love it, especially if I got a UK witch. I miss living there!   WoW player? Pandaren Monk and Lil' KT pets? I do play WoW, and I'd love to get them!   What's your favourite candy? Outside of a chocolatier's, mine is definitely Jelly Babies (especially the black ones), but I also love Reese's Cups and peppermint patties. Inside of a chocolatier's it's lime or whiskey truffle!   This, definitely!   Also, I missed some questions. Here's a quick catch-up.   Hand knit stuff? Yes, yes, yes, please! I knit, but I never manage to actually finish knitting anything for myself! I'll be thrilled with anything, and I will actually use it, I promise!   Homemade Sewn Stuff? Any fabrics to avoid? Oh, I used to be decent at sewing, but now I don't even have a machine. Bring on the sewn stuff--I absolutely love handmade things! I don't have any fabrics that I particularly dislike, the only caveat is that I'm allergic to laundry detergent that's not free/clear. No big deal if you use the regular stuff, let me know and I can just wash it when I get it!   Think Geek plush microbes? I love ThinkGeek, I'm drinking coffee out of my caffeine thermos right now, actually. The little plushy microbes are so cute! I'm not sure what I'd do with them, but I'm sure I'd think of something if you sent me one.   Kitchen gadgetry Oh, I'd love a microplane/micrograter for zesting citrus, grinding nutmeg, shredding parm, et cetera! I love kitchen stuff, I'm a huge Alton Brown fan. I lust after his cookbooks. (Also, kitchen confession: I don't own a food processor. )   Mardi Gras - We tend to not celebrate it due to an unfortunate event that happened to coincide with the holiday. But I love the colours!   Would you like new nail polish? If so, what colors are you craving? I've been wanting to add to my red nail polish stash lately, so I'm eyeing the two new reds from the new OPI collection (Thanks So Muchness, and Off With Her Red). Like LitaPhoenix, I'm super pale and love to wear striking colours. My red nail polish is nearly a collection of its own. I also love green (especially spring green), blue, purple, black, and grey/silver. I could really use some sort of anti-chipping stuff, since my nails are genetically super-flexible.   Do you like incense and/or scented candles, and are you able to burn them in your home? I love scented candles, and tend to prefer sweet/fruity scents. I love A Scent of Scandal. Yankee Candles tend to not be my favourite.   Boxes? For Bpal (bottles and/or imps) or otherwise. Yay, boxes! I need a better bottle box, and I desperately need an imp box. They're everywhere!!! Seriously.   Do you like alcoholic beverages? If so, what is your preference (beer, wine, liquor...)? I like all three kinds of alcohol. My favourites are white wine, microbrews, Granny Smith Apple Woodchuck, flavored vodka, and good whiskey. Okay, I was going to say yes, but now I'm terrified.   Paintbox Soaps? Yes, definitely! I have a bunch in my Etsy faves.   Would you like some of my favourite recipes? Yes, of course! I love to cook!   Posters, pictures, art? Yes again here! Especially RSC posters!   Salted caramels? A thousand times YES!!!   Imagine that someone hands you their wallet and sends you into a really good bakery. They have everything, from breads to brownies, cookies to croissants, anything you could imagine, and you're allowed to pick out five things for yourself. What do you pick? -Blueberry scone -Pan au chocolat (like the little patisserie at the end of my street in London had every morning) -A loaf of fresh, warm sourdough bread -A challah -Apricot tart I agree wholeheartedly! Steampunk and Sock Dreams are both awesome. My Swapper Help link in my sig has my Sock Dreams wishlist in it, if you want suggestions!  Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa? Coffee or Tea would be lovely! I'm not a big cocoa drinker, though. If it's coffee, I like the good stuff, but other than that I'm not too picky. I love to try different blends and flavors. Tea is my biggest weakness, though, and my favourite kind is Earl Grey. I love trying new kinds of tea, the crazier the more fun! The last kind I tried was a blend of Jasmine Dragon Pearl and Rooibos Tropica (my first venture into a mall that had a Teavana, ). The only caveat is that chamomile gives me a headache.   Energetically-charged item or gift? Sure! Can't hurt, might help! ow1goddess and I are both looking for jobs.   Do you have any significant upcoming events in your life you'd like something for? Nope! We just moved end of last year, and probably will again end of this year, but for now, it's smooth sailing.   Burlesque? Yes! I love burlesque!   Earrings? I'm an earring addict, so absolutely!   Baked Goods? I love homemade food, and I love to bake, so I will love, appreciate, and NOM anything you send me that does not contain pork or seafood (not that I think you'd really put seafood in the mail, but I had to include that for completeness' sake).   Would you like a mix cd from your witch? Sure, bring it on!   Boxes? For Bpal (bottles and/or imps) or otherwise Oh, yes! My bottles have been stored in a card box for a long time, but they've outgrown it, and my imps/decants are exploding.   Are you interested in bacon chocolate? Only if you can find turkey bacon or veggie bacon chocolate! Jewish = no (pork) bacon chocolate for me. Maybe I can make my own...   Your Witch is perusing the wares at a local yard sale. S/he looks down and sees [insert impossibly rare item that you've always wanted but could never afford] with a $5-10 sticker on it. Sheepishly s/he takes it to the guy behind the folding table. "Do you know what this is?" s/he inquires. The gentleman states that it belonged to his mother/sister/grandmother/Great Aunt Beulah and he thinks it's for, like, hair or something. With a trembling hand, s/hes pays the man and heads home with the inconceivable riches.   My unobtainium is a gorgeous, unusual place to hang earrings. Digging through my bucket o' earrings can be vexing, and they always have handmade ones at one of the stores I love (Cocoanut Jewelry), but they're always like $100. :| Or one of those fancy cooking thermometers Alton Brown has. Or maybe just a solid, cast-iron Dutch Oven. Or, if we're going the BPAL route, it's a pretty box full of paper, but underneath is a bottle of Mitzvah, Spanked, De Sade, or any bottle off of my wishlist, really.   Price List? Meh. If that's something you really want to do, do it! If it's not, that's fine with me, too.   Keys? I love keys. If I had enough of them I would decorate with them. As it is, I have plenty of places that would be improved by an old-fashioned key on a ribbon.   Frankenpolish? Absolutely! I love that blog, and I'm up for anything!   Do you like guessing who your witch is, or would you prefer to know? Do you mind knowing? I like not knowing, but I don't mind knowing, either...then the mystery is about the box instead of the person, so I still get my mystery fix. I'd prefer to know who it is eventually after the round is over so I can them, though I'll survive if I don't find out. I'll just be forced to thank them profusely in the threads.   If it's going to be obvious who your witch is, would you rather she played the ninja and sent one big box at the end, or smaller packages along the way? I honestly don't care, as long as I have a witch and am not forgotten. Ninja-witching is fun, wondering when they'll strike, what they'll do, how long they'll wait. But it's fun to get surprises along the way, and e-cards and such, too.     Muaahahahahahaha! Ow1goddess and I also sleep naked--it's the best! If I were going to sleep in a nightie, though, I'd go for black, red, or green.   As for the Alice In Wonderland polishes, I can't speak for my witchee, but I would LOVE them!   Favorite flowers? I'm not a huge flower person, but I do love tulips, orchids, and lily of the valley.   Are you opposed to vegan baked goods? Or baked goods in general? I'm not opposed to anything baked, vegan or otherwise, unless it contains pork.   For those that have dogs, if I were to knit them a sweater, what colour would you like it to be? No dog, and my cat would loathe it if I tried to sweater him.   hair stuff? My hair is long and fine, and I just don't have a bunch of it, so a smaller clip would be fun. Also, I've been meaning to try LUSH's Goth Juice for curling my hair.   Eye color: Hazel   Lip balm: Yay or nay? If yay, what are your favorite kinds (brands, consistency, whatever)? None of Your Beeswax!   Home-canned goods? As long as they're tasty!   Is there anything you've had to give up that you really miss or want back? Buying Thirteens and lunacies. I used to buy them all the time, every month unless it sounded like something that wouldn't work for me. But, since my health went downhill and I can't work in most jobs , I just don't have the funds anymore. I got lucky and wasn't super excited about the last few lunacies of 2009, and I've picked up decants where I could. Not being able to order the November 13 was hard, since I liked the notes in it, and not being able to order Candles Moon is killing me. It sounds SO good! Hmm, that answer sort of got away from me there. Sorry.   What animal would be your Patronus? I'd love to say something like a jaguar, but it would probably look just like my cat Spot. He's gotten me through the toughest part of my life, and is the most special creature I've ever had the good fortune to live with. (And he's curled up on the leopard-print chaise next to me, sleeping with his tail keeping his little nose warm. D'awwww.) This is exactly how I would feel about getting another decant of any of my Valentine wishes. Especially since most of them are not full decants, and they're of scents that I'm not likely to ever see any more of ever again.  Do you have any personal heroes/heroines? Why? David Tennant. He is a brilliant, talented, resilient, and amazing actor. And why? Because he watched Doctor Who as a kid, and wanted to do that. And he really did! This skinny, geeky, Scottish bloke is suddenly a heartthrob? Geek really is the new hot. I was an actor for the exact same reason, and even though I'm not skinny, or acting now, he's still this geeky Scottish chick's hero.   Are there any languages or countries that you're really interested in? I studied abroad in London in college, and I still miss living there. I miss it hugely. I loved visiting Edinburgh as well. But I love languages, and I wish I could learn them all! I'm still conversant in ASL, though I used to be fluent, and I've studied Latin, Greek, and Russian. I really do want to catch up on my signing again, though (so no time to learn French and Italian and...yeah).   If you could be in any fictional universe, what would it be? (Harry Potter, Firefly, Lord of the Rings, Silent Hill, wtv.) My desire to be in a fictional universe is very conditional. Doctor Who IF I can meet The Doctor (and therefore have a shot at being a companion). Harry Potter IF I'm a wizard.   Gardening? Nah, I would only want an outdoor, in-the-dirt, backyard sort of garden, and we just don't have that.   Are there any soundtracks you'd be interested in getting a copy of? Not that I can think of.   The Top Five on my "list": Gillian Anderson (Hottest. Woman. Ever.)
Amanda Palmer (Phwoar!)
David Tennant (Best Romeo I ever saw--2001 was a very good year)
The Doctor (Geeks are sexy, what can I say!)
Severus Snape (As is)
River (Firefly)
I love to decoupage/collage boxes and notebooks. If you were my witchee, would you like one? What colors/themes would you want it to have? Absolutely! I like brown/burgundy/red/green, and I'm a huge sucker for Shakespeare and...well, Doctor Who.   One "unselfish" personal wish? That Ow1goddess gets this job! It'd be a huge lift to her morale, she's been feeling useless and unwanted, and looking for a job full-time since November. Everything that I think of that's still personal is at least a little bit selfish, like that my father would realize that even though he doesn't feel terrible, Diabetes is doing damage to his body as long as he continues to drink regular coke, eat fruit pies, donuts, and everything else he feels like.   A few of your favourite things: In completely random order: Tea, Shakespeare, Food Network, Doctor Who, cats (especially my Spot kitty), cuddling up with Ow1goddess, books, salted caramel or salted chocolate, soup, spending an evening with friends, knitted socks, and of course: BPAL.   Tea: Loose or bags? Either. I have infusers for the loose kind which is so much fun to watch steep, and the bagged kind is portable.   Are you following the Olympics? What's your favorite sport to watch? Would you be interested in merch? I always end up following the Olympics whether I set out to or not. Well, my favourite Olympic sport is fencing, but apparently there's no fencing in winter. So I just watch whatever's on, the more active the better. Not sure what I'd do with merch, but if you find something good, why not?   When are you mailing your reveal? Probably around the 20th, but it will be later if I end up having to use Priority Mail.




Valentine's Shotgun round part 3

What color are your eyes? Blue   If you had to choose a color for a nightie to sleep in what color would it be? oh my... Black is usually my favorite/default color for these sorts of things but I also like blue (light and dark), red (the darker the better) and purple.     Since everyone is spending the same amount of money on this swap, would you be interested in seeing the cost breakdown of each item in your package? If you want to tell me, that's fine but I don't feel the need to know otherwise. I know you're putting a lot of time and effort into witching me and that's what matters.   Villainess update? I'm drooling over The Truffle Trade (I had a bar of it before and ) and Raspberry Swirl.   Do you like guessing who your witch is, or would you prefer to know? Do you mind knowing? I usually don't try to guess mid round. But I always like my witch to reveal!   If it's going to be obvious who your witch is, would you rather she played the ninja and sent one big box at the end, or smaller packages along the way? However you want to play it is fine with me.   Are you opposed to vegan baked goods? Or baked goods in general? Any baked goods will be gladly accepted be me and my family (I'm generous like that lol) Vegan is fine. I'm not vegan but I'm not opposed to vegan recipes. Please tell me if the recipe isn't vegetarian though (contains gelatin, lard, or some other animal product) because while I am not a vegetarian, my mother is.   Lip balm: Yay or nay? If yay, what are your favorite kinds (brands, consistency, whatever)? Yes yes and more yes! (gotta watch those parabens though...) I don't like sticky or overly gloopy lip balms/glosses, waxy is also not good. I have a Bunny Butt lip balm and I like it a lot. I'd like another/more and I'd like to try their lip tints. I would love to be enabled to more!   How do you feel about home-canned goods, like pickles, jelly, preserves, stuff like that. Jelly or preserves would be great. I don't like pickles though.   Favorite flower? White rose. second? tiger lily.   For those that have dogs, if I were to knit them a sweater, what colour would you like it to be? my dog is okay sweaterless thanks.   Hair stuff his would be awesome! I can always use more hair clips (the claw clip kind with rubber stuff inside to keep your hair in is best) and ponytail holders.   OPI Alice minis sure   Tiny cute things: love them! I have a fondness for tiny cute things... I used to have an American Girl Doll and I'd play with all her accessories and stuff more than with the actual doll. I'm totally loving the thermometer necklace and chocolate donut necklace (and the apple core keychain)   How do you feel about handmade stuffed animals? so, so, so, so awesome!   Are there any accessories you'd really like? (Keychains, little purses, etc.) both keychains and little purses would be put to good use! I also love little boxes and bags/pouches.   Is there anything you've had to give up that you really miss or want back? Maybe something a witch could help out with? BPAL-wise: I regret swapping my bottle of Visiting the Temple of Auspicious Fortune Alone on the Winter Solstice. I thought "Oh I never wear this" and swapped it out. I have a decant back now but I miss my bottle (I know it sounds silly). And it wasn't really giving it up but I managed to ruin a perfectly aged bottle of Xiuhtecuhtli by my own stupidity. (I'll tell you the story if you want.) I've been slowly swapping for imps of it but I haven't had the extra money to make a lab order so I haven't gotten another bottle of it. It's one of my absolute favorites and I'm living in constant fear that it will get discon'ed and I'll be SOL. (okay, that sounds a bit overdramatic but you catch my drift, yes?)   As for other areas of my life... hmmm I'll have to think about that.   What are your favorite animals? snails (squee!), frogs, dolphins, horses   If you like tea, what are your favorite kinds? Fruity, sweet, chai, plain, black, green, red, white? I like sweet, fruity, sometimes green with flavors (usually I'm not picky about the color of my tea lol), I also like spicy teas   Fictional universe? Hmmm, probably Middle Earth. (I'm back on a LOTR/Tolkien kick)   Do you like gardening,growing vegetables, house plants? Need any small tools, seeds, labels? I don't really garden or anything. I used to work at a garden store/plant nursery and I kinda got my fill there.   Are there any soundtracks you'd be interested in getting a copy of? YES! The Nine soundtrack! Saw it in theaters and I really want the soundtrack!   My top 5 "list" as of right now, in no particular order. (I'm equal opportunity ) Matthew Gray Gubler David Boreanaz Keira Knightley Viggo Mortensen Cote de Pablo   If you had to choose SHOES or PURSES? Hmmm hard choice... I think I'd have to go with purses though. (But can't I have both? If I ask reeeealllly nice ans say pretty please with a cherry on top?)   If you could have 5mL of ANY ONE BPAL scent, what would it be? Hmmmm. I'm craving De Sade right now so I'd probably say De Sade. However... Mum moon is also calling to me. More realistically I'm craving Prosperity of a Country, Olisbos, and Signor Dildo from the Luper update (though I haven't even tried the new ones yet).   If you could have one "unselfish" wish (but personal) what would it be? That my mom would stop having migraines. Or at least they would figure out how to get them under control. She's tried literally everything (that we can think of) and nothing works.   Are there any books you particularly want to read that you don't mind being 2nd hand? I don't mind any books being second hand. I'm really wishing that I had a full set of the Kushiel's Dart, etc. series. I had them all at one point and have read them all but I loaned the first few to an ex at one point and never got them back when we broke up.




SW questions

I custom mix nail polish, a process called 'frankening'. If you were my witch, would you enjoy a custom 'franken', based on whatever colors/theme you chose? I love nailpolish and interesting colours, so sure, why not?! Since everyone is spending the same amount of money on this swap, would you be interested in seeing the cost breakdown of each item in your package? Not really - I figure money is a private thing and I'm not interested in whether it comes in a bit under or over. Would you like or accept an energetically-charged item or gift? Something that had power poured into it? If so, do you have a particular purpose that you'd prefer? (Love, protection, money, etc.) I'm weird like that: I like to 'take care' of my own spirituality, and so, while I appreciate good thoughts sent in tough situations, I wouldn't be interested in something like that. Do you have any significant upcoming events in your life you'd like something for? A child/yourself graduating from high school/college? Are you buying a new home or car soon? Moving in with someone/getting married? Taking a new job? Moving to a new part of the country/world? Not really. My work contract runs out June and I'm not sure what'll happen after, but that whole situation is so unresolved it's not really a big event. Ooooh! BPAL's beloved alicia_stardust is having a contest! If you're my Witchee, would you like a chance to win these earrings? Nope, not pierced! How are we feeling about burlesque? Love it. I like the aesthetic and the fun, and would love to learn more about its history. Is there anything you're lusting after in the Villainess update? I've never tried Villainess (I know, the horror!) but I love spicy, rich scents for bathproducts. What is everyone's take on Valentine's Day? I've been single for a long time and it didn't mean too much to me then. Now, it's a fun day to go on a roadtrip together and just do something special. It's not about romantic gestures (we don't need a day for that) but about having fun together. Do you like traditional Valentine's Day colors (red, pink, white, more?) ? I love pink kitchen gear (I have pink bowls, a pink colander, pink toaster, pink kettle, pink scales) and a good dark, rich red can never be beaten. Not too big on white - I don't look good in it and it just gets too dirty too quickly A Favorite love poem? I love poetry but I really can't answer that since most of what I like isn't love poetry. What's everyone's favorite semi-obscure (or underappreciated!) animal? Capybara! What is your favorite sign that spring is coming? Birdies chirping in the early morning dawn Do you like hand-knit Things? I love them! I especially love fairisle and lace knitting, but also chunky, bold-coloured things For those of you with pets, would you like pet things? Toys, treats, etc? Two cats, they'd appreciate treats and action-focused toys What's your favorite Love Story? The quiet, strong kind where two characters grow closer until they realize they belong together Would anyone like receiving naughty/sexy things? Sure, why not. Who on the thread likes attending Ren Faires, SciFi/Comic Cons & the like? And do you dress up for them? I love both RenFaires and SciFi - Im more likely to dress up for RenFaire than a Con, though Do you need any accessories for your phone, computer, mp3 player, etc.? A funky skin/cover for my Kindle wouldn't come amiss What are your feelings on gently used CDs/DVDs? I buy used stuff all the time. First five songs on the "Top 25 Most Played" list on iPod. Nope. I haven't used my iPod a lot recently, my library disappeared several times, and all I've been listening to is the Glee! OST. I can give you 5 songs I really like, though! David Gray - Baby you're the world to me ; Naked Raven - Velvet Sky ; Great Big Sea - Boston to St. John's ; David Bowie - When the world falls down ; Eddie Reader ; Galileo Would you like a mix cd from your witch? I'd love a mix CD! Are you interested in receiving gifts representative of Witch's country or culture? No knick-knacks! Photos, art postcards & recipes would be fantastic Do you like candy? What kinds? Dark chocolate, truffles Do you play WoW? No Would you like one of those Plush Microbes? No. What are your feelings on Mardi Gras? I've always wanted to go! And I miss German Fasching so much,.. Would you like homemade sewn stuff? Any fabrics to avoid? Sure, why not? Do you need any kitchen-related gadgetry? Tongs & spatulas? Would you like new nail polish? Yep. Do you like incense and/or scented candles, and are you able to burn them in your home? If so, what kinds of scents do you like? I like scented candles, especially autumny/spicy/warm scents. Boxes? For Bpal (bottles and/or imps) or otherwise I don't need any, but otoh, a lovely box is always wonderful! Would you use a natural sea sponge? Already have one. Are you interested in bacon chocolate? Not really. Coffee, hot chocolate, or tea? Most of the time tea. Would you like some of my favorite recipes? YES! I love cooking and always love getting new recipes. Would you like posters, pictures, art? I'm not too much into art, but if it's my witch's thing I'd love it! Would you like soaps? Especially from Paintbox? And ESPECIALLY the Valentines Special Edition Soaps?? They look good, yes. Though i do have quite a few soaps in my stash! New question--I'm calling this "could never happen in a million years": Your Witch is perusing the wares at a local yard sale. S/he looks down and sees [insert impossibly rare item that you've always wanted but could never afford] with a $5-10 sticker on it. Sheepishly s/he takes it to the guy behind the folding table. "Do you know what this is?" s/he inquires. The gentleman states that it belonged to his mother/sister/grandmother/Great Aunt Beulah and he thinks it's for, like, hair or something. With a trembling hand, s/hes pays the man and heads home with the inconceivable riches. So, what is this unobtainable miracle your Witch found? Polaroid 600 film or an Alice in Wonderland tea-set. Or maybe Disney's Beauty & the Beast and Alice in Wonderland on dvd. Do you like salted caramels? I SO want to tryyyy! Imagine that someone hands you their wallet and sends you into a really good bakery. They have everything, from breads to brownies, cookies to croissants, anything you could imagine, and you're allowed to pick out five things for yourself. What do you pick? A Krapfen (round donut filled with rosehip jam), a loaf of sourdough rye bread, a chocolate croissant, a piece of baked cheesecake and a Laugenstange It gets asked every round but sockdreams? Have never owned socks from them. Love socks, would love knee-highs, DO have really fat calves though Do you like alcoholic beverages? If so, what is your preference (beer, wine, liquor...)? Wiiiine! But don't worry about buying me booze, lovely witch. Are you into steampunk? I love the aesthetic of it, especially the rich contrast between polished warm metals (brass, copper) and shining dark wood. Do you need/would you like wall art? I have a bunch of posters that I haven't even hung yet - I just kept the landlords BOOOOORING art on the walls. I'd love something colourful and interesting. It's all a bit tame atm. What's your favorite cookie? Tough question. I like peanut butter cookies, I quite like choc chip, and I LOVE anything gingery/spicy. I've never tried snickerdoodles, but always wanted to (hmmmm, cinnamon!) Lib Balm? Love it. Love flavoured/scecnted one. My lip stuff is ok, but sometimes the texture can be a bit off. I like my lip balm a bit thick and creamy, but still smooth.   Baked Goods? Yes please. I love cooking, but while my baking skills are ok I prefer eating over baking. And vegan is fine, too. And if it is indeed vegan, I want the recipe. I have the vegan cupcake book and it's great.   Canned goods? Know what I love? A good chili jam/jelly. Yum! Pickles not so much, I run from vinegar.   Favourite flowers? Bright pink tulips, all sorts of roses, sunflowers, gerbera, calla lilies - and all sorts of wildflowers, as well.   Hair things? I have thick hair, so it needs to be sturdy. But I love hairclips and barettes, so bring it on! I used to have a butterfly-shaped metal clasp that I loved. I love MZB's Darkover books, so I'm a bit obsessed with butterfly-shaped hairthings.   OPI Alice? Love the blue and the multiglitter.




Switch Witch Q&A - Valentines shotgun round

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Etsy wishlist | Amazon wishlist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     What is everyone's take on Valentine's Day? Don't give two hoots! My husband and I both have birthdays in Feb, and we agreed early on in our relationship not to bother celebrating VDay.   Do you like traditional Valentine's Day colors (red, pink, white, more?) ? Yes, yes and yes. I just love colour!   A Favorite love poem? Not a poem as such, but one of my favourite pieces of writing about lurve is this excerpt from Captain Corelli's Mandolin (it was read at my wedding)... Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like volcanoes, and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of eternal passion. That is just being "in love", which any fool can do. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and that is both an art and a fortunate accident. Those that truly love, have roots that grow towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossoms have fallen from the branches, they find that they are one tree and not two. Louis De Bernieres   What's everyone's favorite semi-obscure (or underappreciated!) animal? I'm a fan of the tapir, and the numbat.   What is your favorite sign that spring is coming? The morning light, when it changes from that bluish quality of winter to the pale yellow that lets you know spring is coming. And the cherry blossom coming out, so pretty!   Would something hand knit be nice for you? Definitely. I have a huge appreciation for anyone with the patience to knit!   What is your favourite kind of love story? I actually prefer love stories that have kind of a bittersweet ending, I find them the most memorable. I really like the novel "After You'd Gone" by Maggie O'Farrell... without summarising the whole plot, the love affair ends in a devastating way, but the story still has a lot of hope in it. I like that, it's kinda like life.   Would anyone like receiving naughty/sexy things? TOH and I are going to recommence TTC soon, so it couldn't do any harm! I'm not into full-on kink though.   Who on the thread likes attending Ren Faires, SciFi/Comic Cons & the like? And do you dress up for them? Never have... that's not to say I wouldn't, but I don't know if those kinds of things are all that common in Aus.   Do you need any accessories for your phone, computer, mp3 player, etc.? Not so much... my husband is my 'tech support' (I even got him a sign to hang above his desk at home) so he tends to take care of that kind of stuff for me.   For those of you with pets, would you like pet things? Toys, treats, etc? Treats always go down a, uh, treat for the furbabies. The dogs are turbo-drooling destructomatics (and too dumb or attention-deficient for fetch), so toys don't last long.   'nother Q - the Qaire mentioned used books, but what about used CDs, DVDs, etc. Why not?   Top 25: Make You Happy - Josh Pyke Piazza, New York Catcher - Belle & Sebastian Better Than - John Butler Trio This Boy's in Love - The Presets Tell Her This - Del Amitri Hand Me Downs - Bob Evans To Her Door - Paul Kelly Baby I Need Your Loving - The Temptations Oxford Comma - Vampire Weekend Don't Think Twice, it's Alright - The Waifs Crazy - Icehouse Ladyhawke - My Delerium Little Lion Man - Mumford & Sons Dreaming of You - The Coral What Are You Waiting For? - Gwen Stefani I'll be Seeing You - Billie Holliday 43 in the Shade - Mark Seymour Winter - Joshua Radin Khe Sanh - Cold Chisel Rock the Casbah - The Clash Back in Black - AC/DC You and Steve McQueen - The Audreys Heads Will Roll - Yeah Yeah Yeahs Lullabye - The Dixie Chicks Jungle Drum - Emiliana Torrini   Interested in receiving gifts representative of Witch's country or culture? Yes plz   WoW Don't play, far too scared to even try it as it seems to possess a supernatural ability to turn previously functional people into obsessed zombies who stay up till the wee hours playing, and lose whole days at a time without knowing where they went. No offence to WoW'ers, just sayin'   Mix CDs yup, sounds good.   Favourite candy anything that combines chocolate and hazlenut (or coconut) is generally good. I love sour candies too.   Plush microbes I first saw these a couple of years ago and I think they're super adorable. However, I possibly already have more stuffed animals than would generally be considered seemly for an almost 30yr old!   Sewn things sure! No allergies.   Mardi Gras? In Australia, the only context in which Mardi Gras tends to be mentioned is the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras (which looks like awesome, hilarious fun but I'm not in the target market!). The 'flash your boobs for plastic beads' mardi gras madness hasn't made it down under   Make-up / girly samples? Love make-up and skincare, so this would make me smile.   Natural sea sponges? Natural sponges are ace! Though I'd probably paint with them rather than using it in the tub.   Nail polish? Sure, I'm a big fan of nail polish. I like most colours, but especially unusual neutrals and really bright, happy colours. Also deep dark reds and charcoals, and anything with sparkles. (Okay, you get the idea - I'm not too hard to please!) I haven't tried any of the BPTP claw polishes yet, so any of them would be a hit, too.   BPAL boxes? Hell yeah! My blossoming collection would love a proper home.   Miraculous yard sale find? Oh, love this question! For me it would be a vintage nipping press, for hand bookbinding. Hehe, dreams are free!   Tea/Coffee/Hot Chocolate: I'm a tea girl. I think there's nothing in the world that smells better than coffee beans, but I don't wanna drink 'em apart from the occasional after-dinner espresso. Tea however - I'll try anything. Love both herbal blends and black tea.   Recipes: Absolutely! I love cooking, so feel free to shower me with recipes for your great-great-grandma's famous fudge cookies or whatever!   Posters/pictures/art: Yes, in favour of this.   Paintbox soaps these look gorgeous and the fragrances sound wonderful, but TBH I haven't used regular soap in years - I tend to use body wash and liquid hand soap.   Salted caramels never tried 'em, but nothing ventured nothing gained!   Sock dreams socks are not something I give a huge amount of thought to (other than to say I loooove above-the-knee socks in winter), but these do look amazing.   Fantasy bakery I tend to crave savoury more than sweet things, so my choices would be: croissants (I'm assuming that as it's a fantasy bakery the croissants will not take up permanent residence on my thighs as they normally would?) a cheese and herb scroll fig sourdough bread (to have with cheese) a sausage roll (every good Aussie bakery has 'em) a raspberry jam tart (for dessert)   Alcoholic beverages I'm not a big drinker, but I do enjoy the occasional glass of a nice, mellow red wine. Suspect potential customs issues make this possibility non-viable though.   Steampunk I've not got into it so far, but definitely open to it.   Energetically-charged item or gift Sure! DH and I are hoping to start a family soon, so fertility-boosting objects of power would be perfect   Significant upcoming events Nothing in particular on this front.   Alicia's earrings Very pretty!   Burlesque I think it's rather awesomesauce, but I'm not into it myself.   Villainess hadn't heard of it before now, but it looks fabbo! I'd just like to send a shout-out to whichever little witchy added this question - I totally needed another thing to spend money on, so cheers!   Frankenpolish yes   Cost breakdown not bothered either way - I don't need to know, but if you want to brag about your awesome bargain hunting skill, have at it.   Keys Love old timey skeleton keys! Beautiful.   Witch's identity being new to both the forum and switchwitching, I have zip-zilch-zero chance of guessing correctly anyway! It would be nice to find out at some stage though, so that I can sing your praises to the world and his dog.   Ninja vs lotsa packages whatever works for you, dear witch.   Eye colour green   Nighties don't tend to wear them, as I'm a violent sleeper and invariably wake up in the middle of the night with the bastard thing wrapped tightly about my larynx. I sleep in jammies in winter or cotton undies and singlets in summer.   Flowers white tulips (only white ones, though!), cherry blossom, sunflowers (natch), orchids, viburnum (snowball)   Vegan baking can't say I've ever tried it, but I'm game   Dog sweaters awww! My woofies would love sweaters! Ms. Bella would probably like something in hot pink, to go with her stylish pink collar, and Wile E. looks handsome in red or royal blue. Disclaimer: my beasties are not elegant lapdog-type creatures... they are running, digging, slobbering, playfighting machines... heavy-duty fabrics required!   Lip balm in favour, but I'm forever forgetting to take it with me. Fruity flavours would be nice - mango or pineapple or pink grapefruit or something.   Hair stuff definitely! Hair things are the bestest.   Preserved/canned/pickled things I would love this, but when non-commercial foodstuffs go head to head with Aussie customs, customs usually wins.   OPI Alice minis Love OPI and Alice in Wonderland, so mark me down as a yes!   Stuffed animals that would be super cute, but I made the mistake a while back of giving my dogs stuffed animals to play with, which they used to practice their dismembering instincts. They enjoyed it so much that they are now permanently on a 'seek and destroy' mission where stuffed animals are concerned, I had to hid all my childhood teddies and my awesome giant Paddington Bear in the wardrobe in the spare room (ooh, Narnia moment! I wonder if Paddington's been to Narnia... ). Anyway, my point is, if you send me a stuffed animal, the gruesome twosome will probably bite his head off and suck his guts out   Accessories sounds great, anything goes   Hogwarts house one quiz said Ravenclaw, another said Hufflepuff.   Space, the final frontier I love looking at the stars on clear nights, but I could not pick out a constellation to save myself (not even the Southern Cross, which should be pretty damn familiar as it's on our flag). Hubs loves Star Trek, but I've never really got into it. He did make me come to the latest movie with him, which I actually really enjoyed. In general I'm not a sci-fi buff though.   Favorite animals elephants, I think they are the most beautiful creatures, and I find it really touching that they grieve similarly to humans and hold 'funerals' when they lose a member of the herd. I also love otters, penguins, seals, rhinos. And those emails with photos of baby pandas make me squee at a pitch only dogs can hear. Oh, and hedgehogs... I remember when I visited the UK, I really wanted to see one. I was driving in the countryside with my English cousin, when she suddenly pulled over - she knew I wanted to see a hedgehog, and she'd spotted one. Unfortunately, it had been run over. Tragic times. I never did see a live one... anyway. My favourite bird is the albatross, and of course I love dogs and cats best of all, 'cause they love me back.   Something lost and missed when I was eleven, somebody stole my Kero Kero Keroppi sticker book out of my school bag. I was cut up about that for a long time. I think I'm just about over it now, but if my witch found one...   Patronus Peregrine falcon, because I've always wanted to be able to fly (I even convinced myself I could when I was little) and I love to wander.   Fictional universe I'm not much into fantasy (though I do love Harry Potter - but hey, who doesn't?)... but I would happily up sticks and go live in Moonacre, the fictional village from The Little White Horse, a book I loved when I was little.   Languages/countries hell yes, languages are a thing of mine. I learned Spanish for awhile and I would dearly love to get better at that, but it's not all that easy in Australia - not a lot of native Spanish speakers kicking around. I also speak some German, and learned Latin years ago (which managed to be simultaneously incredibly fascinating and endlessly frustrating). As for countries, I want to go anywhere and everywhere in South and Central America, but have only managed Mexico and Cuba so far. I would love to go to Africa, and I have already been to India but would like to go back and travel around much more there. I loved Germany in winter, but would like to see it in Spring or Summer too. I'd like to see more of the US - only been to California and Hawaii so far... for some reason Oregon appeals. And I'd love to go to Canada too, and the Balkans... oh, for the love of god, you get the idea. I like to travel and I want to go everywhere.   Personal heroes/heroines Frida Kahlo... the woman possessed extreme levels of awesomeness.   Gardening I'm unforgivably crap at gardening, but I do like plants and trees a lot. I actually had a fairly ace little herb garden going at one stage, but then it died a brown and crispy death when I stopped remembering to weed and water it. I do have a birds nest fern (who goes by the name of Ernie) sitting on my desk, which I have not managed to kill in the past 6 months. So maybe things are looking up on the gardening front.   Books I love to read. Anything you liked, I will probably like. I don't care how pre-loved it is.   Soundtracks not so much. If I hear a song I love in a movie or TV show, I tend to just download it from iTunes instead of buying the whole album.   The list in no particular order: Johnny Depp (for the pirate outfits), Chris Fox from The Bill (for the death stares and general sexy Britishness), Gael García Bernal (for sheer male beauty), Gerard Butler (for the accent), Alexander Skarsgård (for the fangs). Yes, that will do nicely.   Shoes or purses both please! But if I had to choose, shoes. I has obsession.   5ml of your dreams The Star or Candy Butcher, the others on my list are still easily obtainable.   Tea loose or bags, it's all good




BPAL Wishlist

Last updated: Oct 2013   Current most desperate wishes: Hermia Judith and Holofernes (ideally 5ml bottles, but I'd be grateful for any amount)   Scents I would like to try: Captain Cully Diable en Boite Mad Kate Mouse Circus The Country of Eternal Light The Perilous Parlour Third Charm   Unrealistic want-to-tries: The Girl Quincy Morris Loviatar Snow Glass Apples   Tried and looking for 5ml bottles: Baghdad Bliss Cheshire Cat Crib Girls Croquet Death on a Pale Horse Evil Mage Namaste Polynesian Pop The Black Rider The Sea Foams Milk The Unicorn Xiuhtecuhtli   Seeking more: The Candy Butcher Liz Spanish Red Carnation




Valentine's Shotgun Questions Pt. 4

Ooooh! BPAL's beloved alicia_stardust is having a contest! If you're my Witchee, would you like a chance to win these earrings? Those earrings look awesome, but my ears are stretched to 10G, so assuming they are standard posts (that's how it looks in the pic) I couldn't wear them.   Would you like or accept an energetically-charged item or gift? Something that had power poured into it? If so, do you have a particular purpose that you'd prefer? (Love, protection, money, etc.) Sure! ummm...I need strength and focus! ETA: Actually, I think maybe what I really need is patience...but I don't know if you can charge something with that.   Do you have any significant upcoming events in your life you'd like something for? A child/yourself graduating from high school/college? Are you buying a new home or car soon? Moving in with someone/getting married? Taking a new job? Moving to a new part of the country/world? Not really. Things are kind of non-eventful now.   Burlesque: Not so much. Roller derby is more my thang.   Villainess update: haven't even looked yet. uhhhh....ok...yum. Rasberry Swirl and Lipstick Lost sound great...in Whipped or Smooch. Oh, the Rasberry Swirl Smack sounds delish. Have not experienced the smack. Fleuvogs: awesome looking but expensive.




General Wish List

Lets see now....   Etsy and Amazon favorite's link is in my signature; quite a fertile breeding ground, that is. Flickr is also in my signature, for a sense of 'who I am'.   About me: I enjoy scotch, seeing new places, taking pictures of beer bottle caps with my new DSLR, karaoke, watching BSG with my husband and cuddling with my dog. I also make my own greek yogurt. And, I'm a fiercely liberal, pro-choice, Childfree, atheist, feminist democrat. So yeah. That's probably important.   In fact, why don't I just link to my LJ profile. That'll make things easier. - http://misti-k.livejournal.com/profile   About my scent preferences: I love foodie scents, and grass/dirt/woods/natural scents, and unusual 'environment' scents (Storytime at Dark Delicacies, Miskatonic U, etc). Mint, violet, leather, red currant, fruit, true roses, lemon/lemongrass, wood, pastry, cake, chocolate (white, dark and milk), alcohol (port wine, champagne, red wine) - all do gorgeous things on my skin. 'Dark' scents like incense, dark ambers, spices, patchouli - bad things on my skin My favorite BPAL's, for reference: Ultraviolet The Red Rider Bon Vivant The Jersey Devil Wanda Drink Me The Red Queen All in the Golden Afternoon Manhattan Amsterdamn Squirting Cucumber Lawn Gnome Mason & Jenkin's Port Jelly Mother Shub's Toothsum Banketstaff Beaver Moon Monarch     Thing's I'd like to try:   Beauty/Bath Moonlisa -Body Butter -Soaps   Villainess -Smooches   Savor -Soaps   Food/Drink -Yay for chocolate. Seriously, YAY FOR CHOCOLATE. -I'm drinking more hot tea these days; I'd love to branch out from what I find at my local grocery. I love Jasmine, Red Currant, 'springy' blends. I do not like chocolate/caramel or naturally sweet teas.   Hobbies/Collections/Books -I'm into graphic journaling so ephemera/bits and bobs/ribbons and trim/neat papers or pens, are all appreciated. -I do nail polish frankens as well, so any half-used bottles lying around are aces with me! -Also, if you have any old Sally Hansen Prism collection or Revlon Street Wear polish...I'd be happy to take them off your hands. -I adore erotica. Those big yearly compilations are awesome. -I've just gotten into wire wrapped jewelry and playing with resin. So fun bits and beads to encase in resin or wrap wire around = hooray!   Home/Decor -I've wanted an electric oil difuser, like this one from Slatkin for a long damn time. I just never get around to it. -I collect cutey little mushrooms, deer and 'woodland' decor, as evidenced in my Etsy. -Also, retro, vintage, mod, atomic design is my thing.   Jewelry/Clothing -I'm a sucker for just about any jewelry with my initial (M) on it. I've been lusting after a small, delicate signet ring for a bit now... -Sock Dreams, I love you. I love socks. Really. -I'm about 18/20, all around. XXL for dresses, skirts. XXL for tops, t-shirts, blouses. 18/20 for pants. Size 11 foot. Ring size - 8.5, necklace length - 16'' with an extender, I hardly ever wear bracelets.




SW Answers - Questions from 10/4 onward

Halloween Switch Witch 2011   There are two more blog posts with more info, one from last year and all the questions from this year up until 10/3. My post was starting to delete information. So I'm starting fresh!   October 5th   Are there any DIY / Crafty / Free / Budget items you'd love to get but haven't noted yet? (Or, maybe you'd just like to emphasize something you may have only noted in passing?) -I'm a fan of yarn, embrodiery thread, racy/trendy saying embrodiery patterns....that's all I got right now.   Do you own a DSLR camera? Are you interested in a minky camera strap like these? What about anything from Photojojo? -I do! A Nikon D90. I love just about everything from Photojojo. I have a seatbelt strap and the Diana F+ lens for my camera. I love all the iphone lenses, the polaroid film, and the Nikon coffee mug.   Is anybody else into film photography? Interested in receiving film, supplies, etc from Lomography? -That would be excellent. I have a Diana F+ with the light attachment and light ring attachment. Medium format film is expensive, yo.   Are you musically inclined? Do you play an instrument or sing? If so, what? -I sing...that's about it. I love karaoke.




Valentine's Shotgun Questions Pt. 3

Would you like new nail polish? If so, what colors are you craving? I used to wear nail polish very often. Then, I got rid of most of it and now it's become an occasional thing. I tried to keep only the really good quality ones, and they all are formaldehyde and tolulene-free. I'm really interested in trying the water-based (rather than solvent-based, which still contains fumes.) I know the BPTP claw polish is pretty safe (relatively) so I still want to try those in Robotic Scarab and Smokestack. I like dark colors and I no longer use nail polish with actual pieces of glitter in it because it is so annoying to take off.   Do you like incense and/or scented candles, and are you able to burn them in your home? If so, what kinds of scents do you like? I'm kind of over incense...I'd rather impart a scent without the smoke. Wax tarts have worked successfully in the past, particularly from Dark Candles. I also like their candles. However, I am attempting to have only beeswax candles in my home, which conflicts with that. There are plenty of great beeswax ones out there, though, like Big Dipper waxworks. Oh, what kinds of scents do I like? Foody and spicy usually. I just got some mini candles that are Cinnamon red-hots. They smell delicious. In the Dark Candles line, I have in the past appreciated the Dark Carnival and Dark Grove scents. I'm interested in the Bonfire, Haunted House, Forbidden Fruit, and Liquored-Up Tart.   WoW? no Boxes? For Bpal (bottles and/or imps) or otherwise. I keep trying to think of new ways to organize my imps. I could use some kind of box or holder to keep everyday favorites in-I have ammo boxes for long term storage but I find those hard to access on a regular basis. My main concern is keeping imps upright, but also when they're tucked into something like an ammo box it's hard to see the labels and find things. If you think you have the perfect solution for me, I would be thrilled. Otherwise, on other box fronts I am more or less set, having many lovely boxes gifted to me by past creative Witches! Favorite candy: dark chocolate. plain or with almonds or hazelnuts. chocolate covered coffee beans. Reeses PB cups used to be my favorite but I look for things that are slightly healthier now and I don't like milk chocolate anymore. in the non-chocolate category... uh.....drawing a blank. Is there candy besides chocolate? icon_biggrin.gif Kitchen Gadgets: I wish I had one of those rotating egg beaters. Other than that, I think all the gadgets I desire fall way outside of the $28 limit. oh, there is one other thing (but I wouldn't expect a Witch to mail this one): a large (12-qt.) stainless steel mixing bowl with a smooth/flat bottom (ie it doesn't have a groove running around the bottom inside, which my current set of mixing bowls has) and a rounded rim. For mixing bread dough in. I haven't been able to figure out what brand is best...a guy I know got his at IKEA and it's perfect, but I didn't see any on their website and our nearest IKEA is 3 hours away. I wouldn't mind cool dish towels. Ours are mismatched from Goodwill. (Not just cause we're cheap, often the used ones work much better: our Goodwill towels are more effective than our dark red matching ones that we got brand new as a wedding gift. They don't dry well and leave a lot of lint.)   handmade gifts are great. To my knowledge I have no fabric allergies, though I do tend to like natural fabrics (not to be a snob or anything. There are plenty of good natural/acrylic blends out there and I am currently knitting a scarf with one.)   I gots all confuzed...was the love poem question in this swap or in the no-baby shower swap? looks like lots of people are posting poems over there so sorry if i spilled over into this one with my enthusiasm. Anyway it doesn't matter if you are my witch, since u will see all my posts right? 00000288.gif Mardi Gras: I never paid much attention to it until I started, uh, going to church (totally different story for another topic...) and Shrove Tuesday started to have some meaning for me. I actually really appreciate Ash Wednesday and Lent (I'm an Episcopalian, to be very very brief.) For me it's about having a great party and celebrating life with a sort of "carpe diem" or memento mori attitude, followed by somber reflection on the fact that everything is temporary and I will return to dust, and then a season of inner reflection and trying to be aware of how I live my life while I'm here. </religious talk>   I heart plush microbes! And I don't have any yet! I like the white blood cell, black death (duh), swine flu, flu, sore throat, beer yeast, and mono! omg Flesh eating disease is adorable too! magtongue.gif




Valentine's Shotgun Questions Pt. 2

For those of you with pets, would you like pet things? Toys, treats, etc? No pets, sadly. We want cats.   Would anyone like receiving naughty/sexy things? I will answer my own question. We're not particularly kinky around here...but sex-positive. I'm open to new games to play, trying new things, etc. Don't need condoms and the like, but lube or other sex enhancers (ahem) are welcome (I am the one who posted this question but it's totally making me blush!)   Who on the thread likes attending Ren Faires, SciFi/Comic Cons & the like? And do you dress up for them? I haven't been to one in a long time. I do have some costuming things but rarely an occasion to wear them.   Do you need any accessories for your phone, computer, mp3 player, etc.? nope!   Gently Used CDs/DVDs? Yes!   "Top 25 Most Played" list on iPod-I just grabbed a bunch from the top, don't know if it's 25: A Thousand Beautiful Things-Annie Lennox Sogg -Amiina Rugla-Amiina The Swell Season-Glen Hansard & Markéta Irglová Travel As I Wait-Tomas Halberstad Modular Mix-Air Alone In Kyoto-Air Another Day- Air Alpha Beta Gaga -Air Hilli -Amiina Sexfaldur -Amiina The Hurting Time-Annie Lennox Erased-Annie Lennox Dark Entries-Bauhaus Harvest Home-Big Country Ashes To Ashes - David Bowie Girls' Night Out -The Knife Something Inside Me Has Died-Kommunity FK Situation (US 12" Mix)-Yaz   Kind of random.   Interested in receiving gifts representative of Witch's country or culture? Absolutely!




Valentine's Shotgun Questions Pt. 1

What is everyone's take on Valentine's Day? Sadly, most of my Valentine's memories involve rarely getting any valentines (except for from the kids whose moms made them get valentines for every person in the class), and never getting a flower when, in junior high, they had those stupid anonymous "flower delivery" things (ah, the envy of those who did not receive their single wilted carnation!) Things did not improve much in adulthood, with a string of bad valentines days involving date disappointments, breakups either right before or right after v-day, and the like. By the time I was actually in a positive relationship that coincided with v-day, I was pretty cynical. Now I am married, but we don't make a big deal out of the holiday, and we don't see the need to go out to dinner on the same night that every freaking couple in the city is doing the same thing. I feel more positive about the holiday from a friend-love, sharing-chocolate POV, but I still feel that it is overly commercialized and places wayy to much emphasis on the idea that there is ONE other person out there for you and you are incomplete if not romantically coupled. Not to mention it is also totally hetero-centric. So I generally shun it except when it comes to creating new, non-commercialized, non-traditional traditions such as a round of SW! whoo.gif Do you like traditional Valentine's Day colors (red, pink, white, more?)? I like red, especially paired with black. pink, not so much...white, ok with black...(you get the picture...) What's everyone's favorite semi-obscure (or underappreciated!) animal? Bats!   What is your favorite sign that spring is coming? budding apple and cherry blossom trees, although this will be my first spring in the Midwest so I'm not sure what to expect. Perhaps it will become ice melting.   Hand-knitted? oh mais OUI!! I loooove hand knitted things. Scarves are not so much needed right now, since I have lots and am honing my own knitting skills by doing scarf after scarf (once I feel confident I will move on to hats.) I would love a hat, or gloves, or armwarmers, or legwarmers,, or socks...     I have a question: Would anyone like receiving naughty/sexy things? E.g. edible body paint, lube, safer sex items...etc... icon_redface.gif


