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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Crib Girls

On my initial application, I got nothing. Zip, zada, nada. Like I'd just bought a 5ml of water.   My nose must've been on hiatus, because I tried it a couple of days later and now I'm suffused with lemon candy happiness. I'm fond of sweet, citrus, fruit scents and I do like the lab's honey - so I bought this unsniffed and I'm happy I did so. It's not a very complicated scent, just light, sweet and clean. I don't really get the sex scent of the more notorious honey blends. It reminds me quite a bit of Aelopile, which is darker and heavier, but still lemony. This is a more feminine, playful version of Aelopile.   I'm going to get good use out of this in the spring and summer and I'm curious to see how it ages. I might need a backup bottle!




imp list and wishlist- 1/19 updated 2/1

This will be an ongoing and updated list! Bolded entries are what I'm willing to swap away immediately- bad, bad skin chemistry issues. Italics are ones that I am not interested in swapping/selling at this time.   absinthe aelophile akuma Arcana baku bordello chaos theory v clxxxi chimera crib girls crossroad-needs to be relabeled, using as a ritual oil danse macabre ded moroz dee 2x dioble en bote Dragon's Heart dragon's hide farewell to false love hecate incubus J Horror king of hearts ladon Laudanum Le Père Fouettard lump of coal mason and jenkins port jelly mother shub's toothsome banketstaaf nemesis nephilim 2x perversion P Horror plunder prurience (sniff) riding the goat Santa Eularia Des Riu sapphics sleipnir (spelling?) snow maiden spooky res st. john's eve suck it sugar skull tavern of hell 2x the coil- partial the coiled serpent the great sword of war 2x the music of erich zahn tisiphone torture king the ides of march[/b tushnamatay vice yew trees   tea party- new, sale only NOT FOR TRADE (wedding favors) queen of hearts high strung daisies     wishlist:   German Expressionist Horror A Bachelor's Dog The Grand Inquisitor's Heretic's Fork -any of the four lick its -any weenies AEVAL Anne Bonny Aperotos Eros Archangel Winter BARON SAMEDI belladonna BELLE ÉPOQUE Bengal BLACK FOREST Block Buster Bonfire Night Brimstone Calico Jack chimera clemence Crowley CZERNOBOG de sade (but only in a sniffie) Death of Autumn dee Devil's Night Djinn Doc Constantine, Act II: Fiat Nox Faunalia fenris wolf GRANDMOTHER OF GHOSTS hades Hellfire Hexxenacht HIGHWAYMAN Himerus holly king Jabberwocky Kali LAMPADES Loup Garou Love and Pain Mama Ji mata hari oak king oberon On Darkness Pais de la Canela Priala Red Devil red lantern Rumpelstilzchen Samhainophobia Sin skadi smut snow moon Strangler Fig THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM THE BLACK RIDER THE BLACK TOWER the catapillar the dodo the Goblin Ride The Great He Goat THE JERSEY DEVIL THE LIGHTS OF MEN'S LIVES the music of erich zahn THE OBSIDIAN WIDOW Tintagel Titus Andronicus torture king Ulalume Van Van White Light wraith YEMAYA




Libra 2007

Category: Limited Editions   Sort of funny...I got an imp of this in a swap from one person, and then a bottle in another swap, and for a while I thought I might have been lucky enough to have both versions of Libra, since they smelled so different!   In the bottle, it's a very sweet scent...fruit scents dominate, with florals sitting very humbly in the background. For a while I thought it was very sweet apple I might be smelling, but research revealed that the bottle is the 2007 version. So, I get to smell the sweet cherry and currant and plum, and it's suuuuuper nice there.   On my skin (and in the imp), however, things switch places. The fruit quickly retreats, and rose shoulders its way forward, with carnation acting as its adoring sidekick.   Thankfully, this version of rose isn't the kind that turns into MUA HA HA DIE on me, but it's still Rose Liek Whoa. It comes juuuust short of getting crazy a lot of the time...which, come to think of it, describes me rather well, too.   While not the sweet light fruity blend that I think I would have adored, this is still a pretty scent...not one for every day wear, but definitely one worth hanging onto and breaking out when I feel like basking in the wonderfulness that is Libra. (And we are quite wonderful, yes. *preen*)




Jezirat Al Tannyn

Category: Wanderlust -- The Phantom Isles   Hmm, this is interesting. It smells like hot, smooth, black stones, with a hint of smokey charcoal (like that found in Brimstone)...and yet there's also an aquatic side to it as well, as if those stones make up the beach on a lonely island, or perhaps they're part of some natural jungle hot-springs spa. Some nice imagery there, if not as vivid as many others enjoy through this scent. This scent sticks close to the skin, and wears off after a few hours.




Alien Invasion

A retail exclusive from Dark Delicacies   Definitely very fruity...it doesn't *quite* speak grapefruit to me...there's a spicy sort of side to it, like ginger, and a definite ultra-sweet syrupy gooeyness to it, too. It's a weird scent. It's also rather 'young' smelling, like the sort of perfume that would permeate some kind of glittery lip gloss geared toward teens. But, it was appropriate that this was released as part of a summer blockbuster series, because its light, sweet absurdity is perfect for hot, bright, sunny weather...or evoking that sort of atmosphere, should one need it.




Bruised Violet Compound

Category: Doc Constantine's Pharmacopeia   I don't really get a 'dirty' vibe from this (when I was initially reading reviews, people were all (OMG it smells like dirt and mud and violets!)...it's more of a *sweet* violet, perhaps one that has been squished to make, well, bruised violet compound. It's a pretty straightforward violet scent, IMHO. Has a wee bit of throw once it dries (and it is especially lovely once it does), and has good staying power.




Bohun Upas

Category: Rappacini's Garden   As with a lot of the Garden scents, I get a lot of 'green' from this -- bark, roots, even a little bit of dirt. There is a bit of sweetness there, as well, as if the deadly tree has bait to lure victims in to sleep forever at its base. It has a nice amount of throw and lasted most of the day.




Block Buster

Category: Bewitching Brews -- The Conjure Bag   As many others have said, this is very cinnamon-fruity, like a liberally-spiced apple treat. It works better than, say, All Night Long on me, and is very similar to Alice's Evidence. In spite of its aromatic components, it tends to have very light throw, and dissipates after a few hours.




Aperotos Eros

Category: Ars Amatoria   This is a beautiful blend that manages to be sweet without been cloying, and a bit on the resinous side. It's a dark-brown sort of scent, melancholy and brooding, and subtly creeps up on you to gently fill your senses with its sweet air of loss. It has decent staying power and throw. Very, very lovely.




All In The Golden Afternoon

Category: Mad Tea Party   Now that I am re-visiting it for the review, this smells a lot better than it had initially. I remember it being rather shrill and awful; now it's more muted, more like a watercolor painting done in pastel colors than the garish melange of FRUT! FLOWERS! INSANITY! that I remember.   Even so, something -- possibly the pineapple -- is just not working for me. This one needs to go to a loving home.




Alice's Evidence

Category: Mad Tea Party   This smells like sweet, sticky, golden fruit preserves, seasoned with lots of ginger and perhaps a bit of cinnamon as well. Quite lovely! I think it lasted quite a while, as well.




Against Idleness And Mischief

Category: Mad Tea Party   On first application, it's Honey Liek Whoa. Thankfully, it doesn't take long for the tonka and perhaps the chamomile to calm it down and make it into more of a smooth, creamy scent. Once it dries, it tends to hug close to the skin, and seemed to wear off pretty quickly.




Books For 2010

Books read/started/finished/etc. in 2010.   Read Entirely in 2010 1. Frostbitten - Kelly Armstrong (S) (V) 2. Heart's Blood - Juliet Marillier (F) 3. Sandman: Fables and Reflections - Neil Gaiman (S)(R )(GN) (F) 4. Cybele's Secret - Juliet Marillier (S)(YA)(F) 5. The Man with the Golden Torc - Simon R. Green (F)(S)(SF) 6. Outlander - Diana Gabaldon (S)(F) 7. The Well of Shades - Juliet Marillier (F)(S) 8. Sandman: Brief Lives - Neil Gaiman (R )(S)(GN)(F) 9. The Orphan's Tales: In the Night Garden - Catherine M. Valente (F)(S) 10. Mercy Thompson: Homecoming - Patricia Briggs (V)(GN)(S) 11. The Orphan's Tales: Cities of Coin and Spice - Catherine M. Valente (F)(S) 12. Once Dead, Twice Shy - Kim Harrison (V)(YA) 13. Grave Sight - Charlaine Harris (S)(V) 14. Flirt - Laurel K. Hamilton (S)(V) 15. Paladan of Souls - Lois McMaster Bujold (F) (S) 16. Dragonfly in Amber - Diana Gabaldon (F)(S) 17. City of Glass - Cassandra Claire (YA)(S)(F)(V) 18. Devine Misdemeaners - Laurel K. Hamilton (S)(V) 19. Charles Darwin's Origin of the Species (NF)(GN) 20. The Summoning - Kelly Armstrong (S)(YA)(V) 21. Men of the Otherworld - Kelly Armstrong (S)(V) (SW) 22. Sandman: World's End - Neil Gaiman (R )(S)(GN)(F) 23. Touch of Dead - Charlaine Harris (S) (SW)(V) 24. Lord Sunday - Garth Nix (S)(YA)(F) 25. Personal Demon - Kelly Armstrong (S)(V) 26. Living With the Dead - Kelly Armstrong (S)(V) 27. Sandman: The Kindly Ones - Neil Gaiman (R )(S)(GN)(F) 28. Fables: War and Pieces - Bill Willingham (S)(GN)(F) 29. Black Magic Sanction - Kim Harrison (S)(V) 30. Child of Fire - Harry Connelly (S)(V) 31. Jack of Fables: The (Nearly) Great Escape - Bill Willingham (S)(GN)(F) 32. Fables: The Dark Ages - Bill Willingham (S)(GN)(F) 33. Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman (R )(F) 34. Fables: The Great Fables Crossover - Bill Willingham (S)(GN)(F) 35. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - JK Rowling (R )(S)(F)(YA) 36. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - JK Rowling (R )(S)(F)(YA) 37. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - JK Rowling (R )(S)(F)(YA) 38. Sandman: The Wake - Neil Gaiman (R )(S)(GN)(F) 39. Voyager - Diana Gabaldon (F)(S) 40. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire - JK Rowling (R )(S)(F)(YA) 41. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - JK Rowling (R )(S)(F)(YA) 42. Imago - Octavia Butler (S) (AOC)(SF) 43. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince - JK Rowling (R )(S)(F)(YA) 44. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - JK Rowling (R )(S)(F)(YA) 45. Alex and the Ironic Gentleman - Adrienne Kress (YA) 46. Sirens of Titan - Kurt Vonnegut (SF) 47. Drums of Autumn - Diana Gabaldon (F)(S) 48. A Door in the Hedge - Robyn McKinley (F)(SW)(YA) 49. Tales of the Otherworld - Kelly Armstrong (S)(V) (SW) 50. The Firey Cross - Diana Gabaldon (F)(S) 51. Silver Borne - Patricia Briggs (S)(V) 52. Lord John and the Private Matter - Diana Gabaldon (F)(S) 53. The Homecoming - Ray Bradbury & Dave McKeon (SW)(GN)(R for story) 54. Pictures that Tick - Dave McKeon (SW)(GN) 55. Alibi Man - Tami Hoag (S) (M) 56. House of Mystery - Bill Willingham (GN) (S)(f) 57. Namaah's Curse - Jacqueline Carey (S) 58. Identity Crisis - Brad Meltzer & Rags Morales (GN) 59. Vampires Don't Sleep Alone - Elizabeth Barrial and DH Altair (V) 60. Peter and Max - Bill Willingham (S)(F) 61. World's End - Mark Chadbourn (S)(SF) 62. Exit Wounds - Rutu Modon (GN) 63. Darkest Hour - Mark Chadbourn (S)(SF) 64. The Gates - John Connolly (F) 65. A Breath of Snow and Ashes - Diana Gabaldon (F)(S) 66. Lord John and the Brotherhood of the Blade - Diana Gabaldon (F)(S) 67. Always Forever - Mark Chadbourn (S)(SF) 68. Dead in the Family - Charlaine Harris (S) (V) 69. The Lost Symbol - Dan Brown (S)(M) 70. Exile - Diana Gabaldon (F)(S)(GN) 71. Echo in the Bone - Diana Gabaldon (F)(S) 72. Now and Forever - Ray Bradbury (SF) 73. The Last Unicorn - Peter S. Begle (F) 74. Unseen Academicals - Terry Pratchett (SF) (S) 75. The Fall of Atlantis - Maron Zimmer Bradley (F) 76. A Christmas Carol and other Stories - Charles Dickens (R ) 77. Storm Prey - John Sanford (S)(M) 78. Angels and Other Strangers - Katherine Patterson (R ) (SW) 79. The Runaway Dragon - Kate Combs (YA) (F) 80. Steven Colbert's Tek Janson - (GN)(SF) 81. The Anarchist Convention and Other Stories - John Sayles (SW) 82. Sandman: The Dream Hunters - Neil Gaiman & P. Craig Russel (F) (GN) (R for story)     Chapter books read with Son 1. Odd and the Frost Giants - Neil Gaiman 2. D'Aulaire's Norse Gods & Giants - Ingri D'Aulaire 3. Fire and Wings: Dragon Tales from East and West - Marianne Carus 4. Favorite Norse Myths - Mary Pope Osborne 5. A Ring of Tricksters - Virginia Hamilton 6. The Gods and Goddesses of Ancient China - Leonard Everett Fisher 7. The Gods and Goddesses of the Ancient Maya - Leonard Everett Fisher 8. Children of the Dragon - Sherry Garland 9. Spellbound - Anna Dale 10. Kenny and the Dragon... 11. Magic Tree House 44 12. A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens 13. The Daring Adventures of Penhaligon Brush - S. Jones Rogan (in progress as of 12-29) 14-37. The A-to-Z Mysteries - Ron Roy (Letters: A-L, N-U, W-Y, Special 1) 38. The Calendar Mysteries - Ron Roy (January) 39-50. The Boxcar Children Mysteries - Gertrude Changler Warner (1, 3-6, 8, 11, 14, 25, 51, 65, Special 11)   Started in 2009 or before, finished in 2010 Lover Avenged - J.R. Ward (2009) (S)(V) Jambalaya - L. Tisch (2007) (AOC) (NF)   In progress (if not started in 2010, starting year in parens) Ulysses - James Joyce (2005) Who Let the Dogs In - Molly Ivins (2008) (SW) (NF) Everything You Know About God is Wrong - Russ Kick (NF) (SW)   Island of the Could Not Finish 13 1/2 - Nevada Barr (2009) (M) Curse of Challion - Lois McMaster Bujold (F) (S) Lover Mine - JR Ward Bullet - Laurel K. Hamilton   Some coding:(AOC) = Author of Color(F) = Fantasy(GN) = Graphic Novel(M) = Mystery(NF) = Non-fiction(R ) = Reread(S) = Series(SF) = Science Fiction(SW) = Short Works(V) = Vampires, werewolves, and witches, oh my!(YA) = Young Adult




2009 Reading Analysis

Wow, so, definitely met the standing 100+ books goal with 120 unique books last year. In addition, there were 2 books that I started prior to this year and finished, one that’s part of a mystery series, another non-fiction history of Haitian voodoo. I gave up on 5 books entirely. Of these, 3 were by authors I’ve read before and enjoyed, including one adaptation from a book I enjoyed originally and one sequel. As of Jan. 1, I had 5 books still in progress (note that of the 2 started in 2009, 1 I’ve given up on and 1 is completed, but that’s for a year from now). The 3 remaining are from previous years. Maybe this will be the year I actually plow through Ulysses.   I got pretty haphazard about tracking reading with the boy this year. Ultimately, I just started noting books that I would/have read on my own as well. I’m just not up for keeping track of 40 Scooby Doo chapter books.   As for the rest of the analysis: • 15 of these were rereads, and that doesn’t count that I read 1 book twice. • 83 were books in series of various kinds. • In terms of genre, 39 were fantasy (as defined personally), 37 were YA, 19 sci-fi, 22 involved vampires, werewolves or other staples of urban fantasy (I categorized these differently, because Anita Blake just feels different to me than, say, Mists of Avalon), 11 were mysteries • In terms of form, 5 were short works (usually short stories), 17 were graphic novels and 4 were non-fiction (and 1 of those was a graphic novel) • Looking at authors, only 8 books were written by authors identified as non-white, 26 total were new to me (accounting for roughly 38 books read) and approximately 58 distinct authors represented overall.   Every year I tend to beat myself up for the fact that I read a lot of genre fiction and not a lot of “classics” or books that are generally heralded as books of substance. But screw that. I read for entertainment and what entertains me are stories about vampires and fictional societies where magic exists in some form and dystopic alien worlds and mysteries where I can lose myself for a while. I could whip out my hairshirt about the fact that I don’t really enjoy biographies and non-fiction much outside of humorous pop-cult essays, but really, why bother. I still read more than probably 90% of the population and I’m teaching my kid to value reading for its own sake and am continuing to discover new sub-genres and authors that I thoroughly enjoy. So, go me. Or something like that.




That Feeling again

I guess basically it's insecurity that I'm feeling. NYE was fun, but ever since then I've been worrying that I made an ass of myself....said the wrong things.....acted like a dumbass......etc. I hung out with 3 of my friends, 2 of them are a couple I know, both very good looking, good friends, always gracious to me and I know I worry needlessly. They were nothing but nice and let me crash on their couch, invited me to a great dinner, went out of their way to make fun drinks I hadn't tried before (caiphirina? I don't know how to spell it), but I can't seem to just let go of my worries and just have fond memories of the whole night. I envy them because I am single and when I let myself think about it, not really happy about it, so I usually just try to focus on school and work. Anyway.....just feeling totally unworthy and trying to write about it to get it all out. Really nothing new in my world.




an apology

I want to apologize to all the new members/lurking members who may have oils that I'd like to buy, or swap for. Sadly I won't be able to do so because of the actions of ONE member of this board and the lies she is getting away with to the staff here.   This sucks, because I really enjoy buying/swapping oils here and I am very sure that almost all of you are honest people whom I'd love to get to know. However, I won't risk it because one bad person has left a very bad taste in my mouth.   Once again, I'm so sorry.   Kristana




reviewed scents- january 2010

queen mab the coil akuma laudanum yew trees hesperides danse macabre catherine marianne incubus ded moroz hurricane black lily grand guignol vice the snow maiden 4-13-07 spooky res beaver moon morgaouse ladon king of hearts plunder nephilim the coil





This will be my second BPAL order! ^^   6 Imp Set including-- Phobos, Phantom Queen, Wings of Azrael, Bathsheba, Whip, and Depraved -- $19.50   5ml of Rapture -- $15.00   5ml of Doc Constantine --$20.00   5ml of Slippery Poppy Tincture --$15.00   Total w/Shipping Fees : $76.00




List of my scents I am interested in and why :3

ALRIGHTAY THEN... I want to add all of these scents to my collection. Or, try them out. I'm not sure which yet.   Wings of Azrael-- Ars Morendi--Azrael is the Angel of Death, marked as the last being to die in the Apocalypse. Though a harbinger of doom, his duties are an act of mercy: he curtails human life before world-weariness and despair destroys our spirits. Warm myrrh swirled with a bittersweet blend of violet, Lily of the Valley, juniper, cypess and cajeput. The description of it is definitely something that seems to blend with me well. I am a big fan or myrhh for it's warm, comforting scent it carries for me from my mom's old ylang-ylang myrhh massage oil, and Lily of the Valley, juniper and cypress all remind me of my late grandmother Katherine. She wore a Lily of the Valley something I could never place, plus the trees outside her home were always healthy and strong and in the spring you could smell all things alive outside her home. I cannot wait to try it.   Kroenen-- Hellboy-- Shining black leather, gleaming metal, labdanum, and myrrh From the reviews I've seen, I think that this is one scent I cannot pass up. I am a huge bdsm junkie, so from what I've heard, the scent is right up my alley. Not only that, I am lucky enough to be able to pull off both masculine as well as feminine scents. Maybe it's because I wear them a little more than my feminine ones anyway, but most people say that light, candy, fruity, or overly floral scents are not for me, and that I'm more of a musky, smokey, thick kind of smell.   Envy-- Sin and Salvation-- Green herbs slithering through mint, lime and lavender. My own personal problem. Envy. Jealousy. Slowly growing to malice and a look of uncontained wrath that crosses my face, it is my demon. I do not envy over physical possessions, but a heart. A heart that I destroyed and warped to a being even more beautiful and undeniable, but now frightening as well, changed to a sharp predator by her own hatred, grief, wrath and fear as well as my abuse. The embodiment of my enemy who destroyed my life...   Phantom Queen-- Diabolus-- An epithet of the Morrigan, crow-winged Celtic goddess of war, strife and fertility. Adoration of this Goddess is expressed both through the ecstasy of battle lust and the ecstasy of sexual regeneration. Black orchid, apple blossom, meadowsweet, and rue over Irish moss, hawthorn and red clover. I imagine that this will smell sweet and will adapt to me well, but not come off as too feminine. Plus, I'm in need of some sexual regeneration. Or at least some relearning and healing.   Phobos-- Diabolus-- Twin to Deimos and child of War, Phobos is the embodiment of terror and mortal fear. Chilling white musk, lemon verbena.   Villain-- Diabolus-- A classic Victorian men's cologne: a lavender fougere, with hints of lilac, lime, and citrus musk. Mmmmm-mmm-good. I bet Phobos is like Villain was possessed by a demon of fear, and Villain is just him his normal, mortal self.   Rapture-- Ars Amatoria-- Sensual ecstasy, the blinding red fire of the apex of sexual pleasure: Moroccan rose, Sumatran rose, mandarin, Egyptian myrrh, night-blooming jasmine, bergamot and neroli thrust into Arabian musk. Something I want to enjoy sometime. Egyptian myrhh. Yummy. Mandarin and roses. Edible scent. Neroli and jasmine. Oomph. They smell like that warm rush. And Arabian musk? I bet it tops it all off with something like a hot sigh of releif.   Bathsheba-- Ars Amatoria-- The Seventh Daughter, Daughter of the Oath. She was King David’s lover, and the mother of King Solomon. Her scent is breathtakingly lovely, exotic and powerfully sensual in its innocence: carnation, sensual plum, and Arabian musk. I remember hearing her story as a child. Plum is my favorite fruit, and I always wondered what she'd smell like...   Whip-- Ars Amatoria-- Agony and ecstasy: black leather and damp red rose. Just the crack of one makes my muscles tighten and draws a feeling of longing to my chest, nearly evoking an audible cry in the form of a soft beg of need and heartache, a wish for releif. This is a bit of a placebo-like want, but if it smells good, I'll keep it.   Depraved-- Ars Amatoria-- A salacious, lecherous, leering scent - dirty and dark, slapped with a wet sweetness. Earthy black patchouli swelling with apricot. Apricots are yum, I like wet smells, and earthy scents are wonderful. Plus, the name strikes a chord in my life right now, so it's worth a shot.   Athens-- Wanderlust-- A reformulation and modernization of a true Classical Greek perfume, myrrhine: voluptuous myrrh, golden honey, red wine, and sweet flowers. I've sought a wine scent a while. Plus, myrhh and honey sound mouthwatering. Greek and Roman things are awesome too. I want to visit Venice badly, but the Venice scent doesn't sound like something I'd want.   Apple of Sodom-- Rappaccini's Gardens-- The description is a bit long, but the name is interesting. I just want something that has an apple scent to it, not only that, you can't spell sodomy without sodom. :X   Slippery Poppy Tincture-- Pharmacopoeia-- Supports psychic health and strengthens the astral body. Dissolves and expels telepathic blockage. Every medium should have it. Use before every seance. Poppy flowers, acai berry and honey. From the forumtalk I've heard about it in the reviews, it smells like my kind of scent. I love medicinal scents.   Somus-- Somnium-- Named after the Roman God of Sleep. This blend helps bring on deep, restful, natural sleep. Also, the reviews gave me a little insight on how it behaves, and it sounds like something I'd even wear out as well as to gain solace on restless nights. I like how this sounds.   Wulric the Wolfman-- Carnaval Diabolique-- Friendly, charming, and cuddly, but possessing one hell of a mean streak: cocoa absolute, French vanilla, birch tar, lavender, bourbon vetiver, wild musk, clary sage, and citrus. Sounds yummy. It's worth a shot.   Parthenope-- Carnaval Diabolique-- Honeysuckle, orris, moss, musk, benzoin, oakmoss, and star jasmine. Pretty girl, scents I know I enjoy. Now it is only a matter of embracing her. And finding the cash to do so. *chuckles*   Doc Constantine-- Carnaval Diabolique-- ...After a long heartbeat, the door flap opens. A man steps out wearing a crystal-eyed schnabel mask in the style of medieval plague doctors, carmine streaking his sleeves, vest, and the blonde hair that crowns him. He pulls off the mask, and you see a handsome figure, almost beatific. He rolls a cigarette, lights it, takes a deep pull, and winks at you slyly as he gestures at the multitude of concoctions he has for sale... Sheer musk, cedar smoke, fir needle, black amber and leather. Oh lord, Doc, you had me at hello. I think I've come down with something, baby, cure what ails me. *shivers* The reviews for Doc sound wonderful. I love medicinal smells, so rubbing on a little of his Slippery Poppy then having him slide into bed with me sounds like a wonderful pair...




Scents I own

Just keeping track of my collection. And I am amazed at how it is expanding.   GC 5mls Jack Embalming Fluid   Le/Discontinued 5mls Enraged Groundhog Musk Spell of Amorous Love Vampire Tears Katrina Van Tassel Candy Phoenix Agape Milk Moon 2007 Velvet Unicorn I Fell In Love With The Floating Brain Pirate Moon Bite Me Suck It Mlle Lilith: Fortune Teller Earth Rat Lady Luck Blues Pruno Rangoon Riptide Long Night Moon   Bewitching Brews Black Pearl Delirium Jack Wilde La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente   Sin & Salvation De Sade Jailbait (x2) Dorian Sin   Ars Amatoria Whip (x3) Lucy's Kiss Brisingamen Lorelei Forbidden Fruit Golden Priapus   Diabolus Baobhan Sith Serpent's Kiss (x2) Phobos   Mad Tea Party Frumious Bandersnatch March Hare (x2) Eat Me (x2) Mouse's Long and Sad Tale Tweedledee   Illyria Lysander Lady Macbeth Titania Desdemona Hermia   Wanderlust 51 Bengal Tombstone The Hanging Gardens   Ars Draconis Dragon's Eye Dragon's Milk Dragon's Blood   Rappacini's Garden Black Lotus Moon Rose The Zieba Tree Blood Lotus Voodoo Lily   Excolo Persephone Hecate Eve Yemaya Aglaea Centzon Totochtin   Marchen Prunella Bensiabel   Phoenix Steamworks Ether The Obsidian Widow   Panacea Seduction     Somnium Nanshe   Carnaval Diabolique Agrat-Bat-Mahlaht Madame Moriarty       LE/Discontined Enraged Bunny Musk Hungry Ghost Moon (x2) Et Lux Fuit Pirate Moon Taurus Vampire Tears Velvet Tiki Pumpkin Patch #3 (2007) The Shivering Boy Butter Rum Cookie Marotte Midnight Kiss Pumpkin Patch #5 (2009) Lick It One More Time Pumpkin Patch #1 (2006) Spinning Multicolored Plastic Pinwheel Angeronalia




Wish List

Atomic Luau Lounge AREMATA-POPOA BLUE FIRE GOLDEN WAVE MAHANA POLYNESIAN POP RED TIDE SCREECHING PARROT   Bewitching Brews   Fae   Sin & Salvation   Dorian   Ars Amatoria Bordello     Diabolus Imp Akuma     Mad Tea Party The Dodo Mouse's Long and Sad Tale High Strung Daisies The March Hare   Illirya Lysander   Wanderlust Tombstone Whitechapel Bengal     Excolo Thalia     Marchen Bensiabel       Carnival Diabolique Midnight on the Midway Zarita, The Doll Girl Marcilla Boomslang   LE/Discontinued   Monterbait: Closet Monster Bait: Underpants Philommeides Pumpkin Patch #2 (2005) Khrysee Hungry Ghost Moon (bottle) Creepy 09 Tissue Velvet Pink Kitty Et Lux Fuit (bottle) J-Horror (bottle) Story Time at Dark Delicacies Detestable Putrescence Sachs Violens Fearful Pleasures Samhain       GC Bottle Wants Mouse's Long And Sad Tale Delirium Tombstone Bengal Eat Me Dorian




imp list and wishlist- 12/26

This will be an ongoing and updated list! Bolded entries are what I'm willing to swap away immediately- bad, bad skin chemistry issues. Italics are ones that I am not interested in swapping/selling at this time.   Arcana catherine chaos theory v clxxxi chimera crib girls crossroad-needs to be relabeled, using as a ritual oil danse macabre dee dioble en bote Dragon's Heart dragon's hide farewell to false love J Horror king of hearts Laudanum Le Père Fouettard lump of coal nephilim P Horror plunder prurience (sniff) Queen Mab Santa Eularia Des Riu sapphics sleipnir (spelling?) st. john's eve suck it the coil- partial the great sword of war 2x the music of erich zahn torture king the ides of march yew trees   * one of these are being frimped, i need to double check which one.   wishlist:   German Expressionist Horror  A Bachelor's Dog  The Grand Inquisitor's Heretic's Fork -any of the four lick its Aelopile AEVAL Anne Bonny Aperotos Eros Archangel Winter BARON SAMEDI belladonna BELLE ÉPOQUE Bengal BLACK FOREST Block Buster Bonfire Night Brimstone Calico Jack chimera clemence Crowley CZERNOBOG de sade (but only in a sniffie) Death of Autumn dee Devil's Night Djinn Doc Constantine, Act II: Fiat Nox EPHEMERA fae Faunalia fenris wolf GRANDMOTHER OF GHOSTS hades HECATE Hellfire Hexxenacht HIGHWAYMAN Himerus holly king Jabberwocky JACK Kali LAMPADES Loup Garou Love and Pain Loviatar Mama Ji mata hari Nemesis oak king oberon On Darkness Pais de la Canela Priala Red Devil red lantern Rumpelstilzchen Samhainophobia Sin skadi smut Snow Bunny snow moon Strangler Fig TAVERN OF HELL THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM THE BLACK RIDER THE BLACK TOWER the catapillar the dodo the Goblin Ride The Great He Goat THE JERSEY DEVIL THE LIGHTS OF MEN'S LIVES the music of erich zahn THE OBSIDIAN WIDOW Tintagel Titus Andronicus torture king Ulalume Van Van vice White Light wraith YEMAYA




Good Judy: Woobie

Woobie Category: In The Mood Quantity: sample   Description: WOOBIE Every little one (and many of us larger ones) knows the comfort and security (as well as juju) a well-worn woobie can evoke. A woobie can be anything from a favorite blanket to a favorite pair of socks. Good Judy’s Woobie evokes the comfort and security (and the juju) of your favorite woobie. Warm, comforting, and soothing, Woobie surrounds you in a peaceful, secure aroma. Benzoin, vanilla 10x, styrax, labdamnum   Review:   In the bottle: Benzoin, vanilla, and spices.   Wet: The perfume is dark brown, and when I first applied it, it actually left a brown mark on my skin. Fortunately, I rubbed the area with my finger, and the mark disappeared; but still, this is one dark perfume! I smell the vanilla even more than before; but overall, it’s very soft and sweet (well, I guess that’s the point). Appart, from the warm vanilla feeling, it doesn’t smell that much, no matter how much I put on.   Dry: It’s still raw vanilla and benzoin for me. In fact, it makes me think of a vanilla cake on sleeping pills... weird image...   Verdict: Hey Sigg, have you ever thought of turning this one into a soap? I’m sure it could work for bath & relaxation products.


