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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!


Limited Editions -- Halloween 2009   Crisp, green, slightly juicy apple, paired with the tang of rum and with a wee bit of slightly-toasted caramel (with perhaps some nuts on it). It's a really fun initial whiff; unfortunately, it dissipates pretty quickly on me.




Bite Me

Limited Editions -- Halloween 2009   Like many, I also detected Roses WTF from this. Upon deeply huffing my wrist, however, I can figure out that it's just the way that the almond is interacting with the other components...it's almost like there's almond and orange extract, or orange rind, in with a caramely pastry of some sort. From a distance, that distinction blurs and becomes a rose-like scent. I actually love the way that this scent works, and therefore bought a bottle of it.




Wolf Moon '07

Trying out my new bottle of wolf moon, I tried some recently at a Mett 'N Sniff. Seems spicier on me than I remember, might need to dry more I'm just starting to pick out the sandalwood.   Mmmm sweet sandalwood, it's turning a little bit smoky but just in the background, ya its getting there now.   Then: Slightly sweet, spicy wood and a bit smoky. Actually it's smokier than I remember, I'll have to try it again later in the month. By evening it was almost completely sweet.   Different day, Same Week: put it on again and it went funky on me, ended up smelling like sweat, I mean really bad b.o.




I need to try something with Frankincense

What I need to remember to try, or better yet I'll put it here so I can find it later.   Psyche Ars Amatoria Bulgar rose, Chinese white musk, lavender, orchid and frankincense.   King Cobra Carnaval Diabolique Snake Oil with orris, frankincense, and copal.   Pannychis Excolo Night-blooming jasmine, moonflower, cardamom, sandalwood, black currant, ylang ylang, frankincense and lily.   And There Was A Great Cry In Egypt The Salon , Arthur Hacker. Dark myrrh, white sandalwood, amber, hyssop, frankincense, honey, cypress, red musk, cardamom and saffron.   The Ecstacy of St. Theresa The Salon , Gianlorenzo Bernini. Frankincense, iris, white gardenia, Roman chamomile, amber, and agarwood.   Titus Andronicus Illyria Dark musk and black amber with frankincense, red sandalwood, neroli and bergamot.   Anne Bonny Bewitching Brews A blend of Indonesian red patchouli, red sandalwood, and frankincense.   And out of pure curiosity due to all the unknowns listed:   Meskhenet, the Vulture Maiden Carnaval Diabolique Frankincense, hyssop, hibiscus, river reeds, orris root, palm frond, and olibanum.   Temple Viper Carnaval Diabolique Snake Oil with sugar cane, frankincense, champaca, opoponax, labdanum, and hyssop.




Oh, so that's what that is

Pink Pepper: http://whatscookingamerica.net/Q-A/BrazilianPinkPepper.htm   Osmanthus http://www.leffingwell.com/osmanthus.htm   Heliotrope http://whatcom.wsu.edu/ag/homehort/plant/heliotrope.htm   Golden Amber http://sorceryofscent.blogspot.com/2008/07...umery-myth.html   Frangipani http://www.desert-tropicals.com/Plants/Apo...acutifolia.html




Limited Edition Replacements

I happened upon a post called "A Short Guide to Common Recommendations, with direct links." According to the comparison list I should try Black forest. Which is useful since I couldn't find the notes listed for Wolf Moon. I haven't gotten very far with notes yet. I like sandal wood, I'm not big on cedar but cedar's scent gets big on me. I like Queen Mab a lot, although the SO said it smells "erotic" so I guess I'll have to use with caution, lol. I seem to like golden amber (given the list below). Someday I will find an apricot to rival Sally Hansen's cuticle softener. Unfortunately it was not March Hare, which I found to be pleasant yet very "eh."   ?Black Forrest: viscous pine with ambergris, black musk, juniper and cypress (many mention the pine is too strong on them, hmmm)   Queen Mab: black orchid, sandalwood, night-blooming jasmine, osmanthus, Somalian rose, and Chinese musk.   Josie: honey and peaches, the magnolia   Sol Invictus: golden amber, saffron, heliotrope, hibiscus, citron, frangipani, frankincense, tangerine, mock orange, and orange blossom   Hermia: Pink pepper, golden amber, honeysuckle, and passion flower.




SW Reveal Package Mix CD Playlist

1. "Finity" - Boards of Canada   2. "Cloud" - Fischerspooner   3. "Supersprøde" - Freezepop   4. "Vegas" - Calvin Harris   5. "Blue Skies" - Tori Amos   6. "In the Morning" - Junior Boys   7. "Dessous Chics" - Supersonic   8. "Wanna Be Startin Something" - 1L   9. "Satisfaction" Ukelele Orchestra of Great Britain   10. "Hot in Here" - Jenny Owen Youngs   11. "Sins Can Swim Like This" - Sugarplastic   12. "Ondine" - They Might Be Giants   13. "That's Really Super, Supergirl" - XTC   14. "Universal Traveler" - Air   15. "Clowny Clown Clown" - Crispin Hellion Glover *   * My witch notes that this is the Crispin Glover of "Back to the Future Fame" (Marty's dad), and his middle name is, in fact, 'Hellion'.   I found that to be particularly awesome.




Whooooa Nelly

I'm a little exhausted....weekends tend to wear me out (the ones when I work, that is), and I didn't get much sleep before work. My landlady showed the apartment to a couple with a little girl. Having strange people in the apt kind of wakes me up and so I couldn't get to sleep after they left, and also, I'm on at the very end of Under The Dome, and I just couldn't put it down to go to sleep. So I had about 4 hours of sleep before work, maybe 5 hrs tops. Anyway....this is okay because in the morning when I get home I will flop into bed and sleep to my heart's content!   I am excited to be moving, but most of all, ready for it to be done (and I haven't even started). I can't wait to be in my cozy little new apartment! It is a funny apartment, probably the smallest one I've ever lived in, and kind of retro but not in a cool way...it has a tacky, 70's Brady Bunch kind of feel. The living room has fake brick on the walls (which I think is awesome).




cozy winter wearables swap from verilita!

a package arrived today. a soft package with a return address i did not recognize. it contained delightful hand-made goodness from verilita!     sorry about the weird lighting in these photos. my husband would not stop goofing around while he was taking these. and i found it impossible to take photos of my own arms.     these arm-warmers are made from a lovely green and brown yarn, crocheted comfortably loose with a gold-tone button accent (it's got a leafy sort of design). i didn't know if it went at the top or the bottom but i liked the way it looked near my hands so that's how i wore them. there was also some tea (which is not pictured because i already drank most of it ) and a nice postcard!   thank you so, so much verilita! these are so beautiful, i will be wearing them regularly this winter.




a trio of scents from my witch!

i got witched!   i've known who my witch is for about a week, we've had some nice notes back and forth. she sent me her big packeage of goodies last week, then sent me on a treasure hunt to find her identity...   yewberry!   thank you so much for making my first switch with round so fun!   anyway, she told me she had one more little thing to send along and it should be here around this weekend. and it was.     a bottle of the snow storm, a decant of l'autunno & a sample of happy housewife's revel.   i love the snow storm, love it. i was down to my last bottle and a little bummed that it did not return for this yule season. but now, thanks to you, i have another whole bottle to tide me over. and i've always wanted to try l'autunno, i do love the apple scents. and i'm always curious to try other companies scents and see what i think.   thank you so much once again for spoiling me way more than i could have ever expected.




Notes to Self:

Try Inez again: first impression was great, second bad, third curiously delicious...try it again!   I'm missing Titania, find her or order another imp.   Scents that work for me:   Lily of the Valley, Rose, Coniferous tree scents, Coconut, Plumeria, smoke (maybe) ...   Iffy wish list: Titania (if can't find)   5ml's: Come To Me All Night Long Titania Snake Oil     Coconut Black Pearl Perversion The Star Spooky Snow White King of Spades Eden (already have) Red Lantern     Pine Dracul Jabberwocky Voodoo Dublin   Smoke Hellfire Hunter Moon Hexennacht Samhain Wildfire   Rose Spellbound Rose Red Old London Maiden Persephone Queen Mab Harlot #20 Love Oil Ingenue Ophelia Silentium Amoris Lucy's Kiss Zombi The Empress Pride Old Venice Eve Psyche Old Rome Rapture Seralgio   Sandalwood and Cedar Cathedral Queen Mab Noir Sin Velvet Dragon's Claw Anne Bonny Kathmandu Jezebel Rakshasa Tushmanatay Gaueko Midnight Mass   Sexy (suggestions from bpal): Scherezade Sin Swank Dana O' Shee Lust Debauchery Red Devil Ravenous Queen Mab Perversion Blood Rose Spellbound De Sade Bordello Hellcat Harlot Hollywood Babylon Tempest Zombi Rapture Queen of Hearts Veil Desire Love Me Voodoo Tombstone Old Athens Queen of Sheba Hemlock Hunger Depraved Dragon's Milk Gluttony Alice Velvet Black Lotus Aizen-Myoo Psyche Persephone Incantation Bewitched Aureus Old Shanghai Masquerade Desire Sudha Segara O Old Morocco Wanda     What my favorite imps include: Titania: A nocturnal bounty of fae dew-kissed petals and pale fruits: white grape, white peach, iced pear, musk rose, sweet pea, moonflower and snapdragon. Come To Me: ? Maybe Lilly of the Valley and some rose...? Herbal too. All Night Long: Cinnamon, Cedar, Cloves Thalia: Plumeria, pear and white champagne. Snake Oil: A blend of exotic Indonesian oils sugared with vanilla. Snake Charmer: same as Snake Oil but I am detecting peach as well: Sensual, sibilant, sexual and hypnotic: Arabian musk and exotic spices slinking through Egyptian amber, enticing vanilla, and a serpentine blend of black plum, labdanum, ambrette, benzoin and black coconut. OTHER NOTABLE SCENTS: Lilly of the Vally, Cedar, Sandalwood  




What a week already...

Started off with Kay jumping me the minute she got to work to see if I had seen James hair.. He cut it all off on Samhain/ halloween so the surfer hair is gone and is replace with a military buzz.. sigh.   Had to run and get coffees for myself, Michelle and Kay was all where dragging after the holiday.. then we where all quite hyper ( nothing like the Redhead trio on mocha but all working like mad but not talking to scare the TL )   Tues we get the "email of doom" the Yule/ xmas party that we all look forward to to get dressed up and look pretty is not going to happen. They did not say anything but "the powers that be" announced we are doing a "lunch" at work the day before the holidays. Sigh...   Today is dragging... no coffee in sight. Oh and it is the Aunt's b day today.. and have no idea what to get her..




a huge box of goodies!

yay! my witch had sent me an e-mail to "watch my mailbox early next week!" but i was not expecting it to be delivered yesterday, so i didn't bother checking the mail until this morning. and there was a box! a heavy box! with a return address in portland... how curious!   who can resist the allure of a sealed mystery box? not me! so i tore into it pretty quickly. and just as quickly my cat pounced on the box and let me know that there was something in there for her. it was hard to get a good photo of her flailing all over the place with this small cloth bundle with fringe. but here is the best of the dozens i took:     she then took it over to the box (which is also now hers) and combined them into a cat in the box toy. hard to describe i suppose, but she is very thankful for the gift!   so the first thing i noticed when i opened the box (other than my cat jumping on top of it) was yarn! yarn! lots of yarn!     these are all vintage from what i can tell, all from companies i don't recognize! this is just the sort of yarn i go nuts for. there were three hanks of what looks to be a handspun yarn. it's got a wonderful drape to it. and a cone of fuchsia laceweight yarn that looks to be... mohair maybe? the sticker on the inside doesn't say. yeah, so i'm pretty much snuggling these for a while. at least until i figure out what to make from them!   there were lots of things buried in with the yarn but the first thing i pulled out was a small bag just stuffed with perfume. so stuffed, i could barely get all the perfume out. witch you are spoiling me with all the wonderful smellies!     a partial bottle of agnes nutter & a bottle of slate junco from cobalt blends. bpal imps of goblin, imp, shanghai, black lily & nocnitsa. bpal decants of: the ifrit, the norn's farmhouse, julia stone, pumpkin 3 2007 & pumpkin 3 2009. samples from other retailers: haute love from possets, pyramid of khufu from nocturne alchemy & bohemia from happy housewife. so much goodness.   i then gathered up everything else in the box... wow...     okay, witch, that recipe book is exactly the sort of thing i was talking about on my questionnaire: full of kitschy recipes that i would never ever make but which get me to smile just by reading them. though i'll admit, there is one recipe in there that i'm modifying becasue i want to try it and see if it's yummy...   there are candles, both tapers and votive (the votives are 'honey butter' scent, they smell like frosting) a compact disc called 'her song' which i'm saving to listen to on my baking day (tuesday), a box on incense and... a bundle of... tamarind? i'm not certain what the pods are. they are so festive though, they went right on to my desk next to all my autumn leaves.   so many goodies! so much to keep me busy and inspired! thank you ever so much!





Since I'm so epically slow, my swap threads get killed a lot . So this is for me, and anyone else nosey. Feel free to PM me about anything in here! Just note I do sometimes drift off to the real world for weeks at a time and vanish from the internet entirely P:   I only trade Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab things. I'd be willing to accept BPTP perhaps, but I haven't began dabbling in that yet (cause omg, BPAL has me addicted enough). Everything I have I've received directly from the lab, or from users on this forum.   What do I want for trades? I actually want any scent I haven't tried, even if it isn't a note I think I'd like. I'd also like to swap LE for LEs, GC for GC, or 2 GC for an LE, 5 imps for a bottle, etc. It makes me feel better.   Condition of imps? I suck royally at telling how low my oils are. All have enough to test, and most I'm trading have only been tested by me once or twice. Depending on where I got it from (lab fresh, or tested from others first) the oil level will vary. If you have any tips on figure out the oil level, I'd love to hear it. I'm clueless on that front. Ask, and I'll find out more details for you.   GC Imps Old Scratch Yew Trees Shattered - Worn label   Limited Imps (rare/DC/unimpable/etcetc) Diabolical Offspring Zombie Apocalypse Creature Feature Illustrated Woman Clemence




Fell off the map and now I'm Back!

I apologize for my extended leave of absence from the site and you wonderful people, you know how life goes... ! Now it's nearing the end of October and I'm calming down a bit to hibernate over the thick Montana winter. I am still loving the bpal scents and am ready to start researching them again and blogging about them. I especially get in the ritualistic mood around Halloween, so that also brought me back around. To me the use of scent is a magical ritual and I can't wait to dive back into discovery. If anyone would like to send me a message please do, I will be checking more frequently.   - Sophie




Bottle List

Also posted here     Aglaea 10ml Alice Banshee Beat Black Hellebore Black Pumpkin Floss 2012 The Blooming Flowers of Spring Blossoms In Springtime Brood XIX Capax Infiniti Champagne & Absinthe Countess Willie Crib Girls Cristina Crypt Queen Cupid Complaining To Venus x2 Dancing Koi The Diamond's Gong Dorian The Dormouse Eat Me Eden Eve (OLLA) Feed Me And Fill Me With Pleasure The First Of The Three Spirits Furo Giant Vulva Gingerbread Satyr Gingerbread Snake The Girl Go To Sleep, Darlings Goblin Gypsy Hal Haloes x2 Hesiod's Phoenix Ice In Templum Dei Jailbait Josie Judith & Holofernes Kit La Lugubre Gondola La Petite Mort The Laughter Of Loki Les Bijoux Lick It Again '06 (glass wand cap) Licorice Bats 2010 The Lights Of Men's Lives Lolita Loosening Of The Obi Love Lay Upon Her Eyes Lucifer Lyonesse Marshmallow Pumpkin 2010 A Mirror Of Spring Pleasures On Kites Miss Jenny Morocco Mouse's Long and Sad Tale Nocnitsa Paduan Killer Swarm Paladin Pink Mood Pink Snowballs Pumpkin 1 2009 Rakshasha Shub-Niggurath Sin Snow White '08 Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener Suck It Sumatran Red Patchouli TKO This Is Your Wilderness Tombeur Valse Finale et Apotheose Vasilissa Velvet Vixen The Waltz Of the Snowflakes Wolf Moon 2014 Womb Furie 2010 Womb Furie 2011 Youth's Disengagement




The Unicorn

Thanks to the lab for a frimp of The Unicorn   It's a clean, white floral that starts off with an effervescent bit of gin and tonic. It's not soapy at all.   During the drydown it reminds me a bit of Manhattan, without the wood and leather - it might be the more feminine version of that scent. It quickly fades to a light skin scent and then disappears entirely. It's as elusive as the mythical beast it portrays.   Lovely, but too fleeting.




Count down to Samhain and the joys of Smut love

This week is going to be madness   Too much to do too little time and not enough chocolate in the world to help me.. lol   Kay swears she can tell when the chocolate hits.. and I tend to snag a bag of sweets and pass them out to my co workers... can not horde the goodness... and we need a pick me up at the end of the day. The last hour drags... or we work and get giddy on sweets you pick.   Oh and David is driving me nuts, libra who thinks he knows all. He is soo smug... Kay swear he gets off on being "right" Enough about work     Smut.. oh how I love theee, Michelle giggled when I told her what I was wearing ( she first thought I said "slut" and her eyes got really big.. Smirk)     After three years of hating me you have turned into spicy yummy vanilla on my skin... love how Bpal oils age.. Either it changed or I have since now Rose scents smell odd on me. But spent most of yesterday sniffing my wrist... it is spice like clove and then sweet of vanilla with a hint of something I can not put my finger on.





In the imp: YUM! Sweet mandarin. A tip of the hat to those of you who mention the gummy bear connection - it's a *dead on* description, lol!   On wet: Fizzy, fruity, orange-y. Yes, it's reminiscent of Tang orange drink.   Drydown: Sweet n' simple. Fig on the bottom, mandarin on top. I can't decide if I smell more like candy, or a really, REALLY good bath product!   Overall: I don't know if I'd wear this very often, but it's definitely cheerful and lovely and huffable. Suitable for any occasion, and more than appropriate for any age group - especially the wee BPAL addicts-in-training. A fun 3/5.   (I'm thinking I may layer this with Plunder for some spicy orange tea goodness!!)





In the imp: Whew! That's some strong muguet! When you get past the LotV attack, the scent underneath is very bright and sweet.   On wet: Hmm, it's softly floral once applied. The chamomile is present as well, coming across as a slightly honeyed, grassy-type smell. I can definitely understand the banana references, though - I'm getting a hint of that, too.   Drydown: Sweet, almost jarring florals. Something vaguely dusty - usually I attribute this to orchids, but I'm not seeing any in the listed notes. Perhaps a sneaky mystery orchid? Or maybe there's another flower that gives off the same powdery-dusty vibe? The chamomile is working underneath the flowery jumble, putting out a smooth, sweet, almost golden calmness to ground the crazy. I'm sad to say it's not enough...   Overall: I'd always wanted to try this blend - I'm mad for chamomile, violets, and autumn leaves. The other floral aspects usually perform well against my skin chemistry, too. For whatever reason, this mix of notes doesn't want to play nice on me - it just wants to alternate between "bananas gone wild" and sweeet n' dusty floral overload. 2/5





In the imp: Supa' Spicy! Cinnamon, specifically.   On wet: Cinnamon, cinnamon, cinnamon...with just a *hint* of tea.   Drydown: Mmm...still predominantly cinnamon-yum, but the sweet, grounding scent of sandalwood has finally emerged. It takes a few minutes, but clove shows up next, followed by nutmeg, then the vaguely sweetish allspice. Not getting tobacco or peppercorn - and even the tea seems to have been overshadowed by the main spices - but I'm sure they're all in there, adding their deliciousness to the mix.   Overall: This is one of the most fab spice scents I've ever encountered. It's dry, intense, wonderfully warm, authentic, and all together wearable - no generic candle or potpourri smell going on over here! I can see this being worn all by itself on cold days, or layered under something else to kick up the heat a notch. Excellent addition to the spicy love line-up. 4/5




Head to desk

I survived the big "meeting" I now understand my Great grandmother's saying " Too many chiefs not enough indians" ... was madness had everyone coming over to say "Hello" or to see what I was doing.. Michelle and I kept smiling and working, and working and working... dealing with people on the phone, people with question, and felt like I got nothing done.. but was working my butt off.   Had the heads of department hovering oh and our AP guy had his buddies walk in and out ( one pointed out that our area is full of red heads.. to which Michelle looked at me and Kay smirked... we are the redhead trio )   The Apache Tears helped but need one to work on focus... or better a clear head.   But still feel pissy and tired, like drained.


