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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Mourning Moon

October 2008 Lunacy   This was actually the first lunacy that I ever purchased, and it was a really great choice.   Initially, I get a light, sort of tart citrus scent -- definitely grapefruit, there. As it dries, it quickly picks up...a sort of body and depth, from the violet leaf and other, darker notes, while the citrus notes keep it sweet and feminine. This is a beautiful, rich, classy perfume, not entirely woeful to me; more like the air of a mourning widow who is determined to keep her head held high and keep carrying on. There's a sort of sad determination to it, as well as a hopeful appreciation for the beauty of life in the here and now. Truly gorgeous.





Category: Limited Edition -- Yule 2007   Oh. My. God. Wonderful warm BEESWAX mixed with amber, and I think I'm even smelling the olive oil a bit...a warm, smoky sort of smell. Must...have...more!!





Category: Diabolus   While this shares the same note (red patchouli) as Malediction, it's sweetened considerably by the myrrh, making this a scent that's earthy in a sensual way.





Category: Sin And Salvation   Phew, dark, evil, romantically cruel hippy. (With average throw and staying power.) I think this will be a pass.





Category: Diabolus   Very sweet: strawberries and poppy, definitely. It's more evocative of slumber parties and lipgloss than orgies, but...that's just me. Pretty decent staying power.





Category: Illyria   I smell violet, and possibly benzoin and tonka. It actually kind of reminds me of a sweet herbal liqueur...kinda like Galliano, for some really weird reason. It's a pretty durable scent, lasting all day long.





Category: Wanderlust   This delicious, albeit powdery, vanilla. I just wish that it was stronger and more durable, because while it's around it smells so very nice.




The Ghost

Category: Ars Moriendi   Well, 'ethereal floral' certainly applies here...I get a whiff of light florals, with maybe a bit of dusty ivy...and then it's gone. Very faint, very fleeting.




Black Cat

Category: Bewitching Brews -- The Conjure Bag   I get a lot of mint -- as in spearmint, a sweetly herbal scent. As it dries, I get maybe a hint of lemon, and a bit of a...fuzzy note. Not exactly powdery, but more like the light fuzz atop a cat's head; that sort of aura.   While the scent itself isn't really my cup of tea, I think it's a really cute concept, and it was definitely worth a try!





Category: Marchen   Initially, this is plum, leather and musk like woah. After a bit, it softens, and the lilac comes out. Believe it or not, this is a fairly manly sort of floral. I am discovering that plum is one of my favorite notes, and this perfume does not disappoint. It has good staying power and some pretty decent throw from time to time.




Belle Vinu

Category: Marchen   I get a lot of peach from this, though this perfume is in general a very light scent. There may be some other florals hovering around, but they never really seem to take anything over. The faint aroma lingers all day long. This reminds me of the Gaoler's Daughter, but Belle Vinu is braver and possesses more personality.




Apple Of Sodom

Category: Rappacini's Garden   The apple in this is rather medicinal-smelling...almost like eucalyptus, as someone else noted earlier. However, I don't find it unpleasant at all, due to the way that the ashy notes blend in with it. Honestly, to me it's like a mixture of the appletini smell of Mock Turtle's Lessons and the wondrous charcoal of Brimstone. I like both of those scents, and really like this one. It is a scent that soaks into your skin and gives little wafts here and there, and seems to last for a goodly time. One of my favorites, now.




The Antikythera Mechanism

Category: Phoenix Steamworks   Dark wood, seasoned with a splash of manly vanilla. (Do you doubt that there is such a thing as manly vanilla?) It hugs fairly close to the skin, and seemed to evaporate after a while...didn't last the whole day on me.





Category: Phoenix Steamworks   At first blush, I get a blast of citrusy smell, and then the cedar kicks it to make it smell like woodsy polish.   It has decent staying power and throw...not sure if this is a keeper for me, though.




Scents that don't work on me

I decided that I needed to start a list of BPAL scents that don't work on me. Some of these scents just seem to haunt me. They never work on me, but I keep getting them in swaps and such. If you are swapping with me, please don't send me any of the following.   Absinthe Blood Kiss Bon Vivant Coiled Serpent Grand Guginol Grog Highwayman Juke Joint Magus Namaste Omen Ouija Sudha Segara Twenty-One VooDoo Fire of Love Darkness Haunted Jazz Funeral Midnight Twilight Zombi Envy Gluttony Greed Wrath Les Infortunes De La Virtue Malediction Rose Cross Serephim Black Phoenix Bluebeard Marquise de Merteuil Nocnitsa Pain Bathsheba Carnal Jezebel Depraved Desire Endymion Kabuki Les Bijoux Love's Torments Muse O Salome Saturnalia Suspiro Wanton Croquet Knave of Hearts Mock Turtle's Lessons Queen of Hearts The Red Queen Two,Five,and Seven Juliet Katharina Ophelia Tamora Titus Andronicus Athens Cairo Delphi Eden Havana Niflhiem Rome Sri Lanka Uruk Belladonna Devil's Claw Hairy Toad Lily Mandrake Opium Poppy Shadow Witch Orchid Strangler Fig Aizen-Myoo Gaueko Grandmother of Ghosts Hades Nemesis Nuit Oya Santa Muerte Euphrosyne Tisiphone Zorya




Sorry I'm behind lovely Witch!

Do you ever send out your witchee's stuff and then get really anxious that they won't like it? Yeah. And I waffle on what to buy them because "what if they hate it".   Retro candy So! New question! Are you interested in/do you like any of this candy! Sure!! I like trying neato stuff like that!   Cheese & Jam? is this something that's combined together, cause I dunno if could eat cheese flavored jam.   Bacon? Its good, but not amazing. I ate it for breakfast today and zapped it in the microwave to get rid of all that extra nasty grease. Ugh.   Do you all like board games (like Scrabble, Yahtzee, etc)? I like Apples to Apples, Scrabble, chess, and Star Wars Monopoly.   Figs? Nomnomnom!   Tomatoes? ::gag::   what are your thoughts on masks? Hmm... masks...dunno. It'd have to be something really cool.   are you going to reveal yourself or do you want your witchee to let you know that they know if they do?? I have a plan.... ::grins::   would you wear a name necklace (like carrie has from sex and the city?) I have my name in Arabic that I wear. I'd only do my name if it's in another language.   do you like/collect any toys?? I collect glow toys and LED toys, and cool little knick knack toys (star wars, creepy looking vintage toys.)   Chestnuts? I don't know if I've ever had them before.   So, with the recent slew of discontinued GC's - are you panicking, and which GC's are you now desperate to order now? SIN, Black Rose, Morocco, but for sure, SIN!     Bug phobias? I have no problems with bugs unless they are in one of three following situations: 1. They're in my apartment/work/car/. 2. They're in my food. 3. They're trying to bite me.     (No need to change that answer!! Applys to me as well!)   Disney? I don't collect any disney toys, but I do love disney movies. I am in need of Lady and the Tramp, Sleeping Beauty, Alice in Wonderland, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. I have them on VHS but the ol' VCR is coughin and sputterin and weezin and there's no need to spend money on a new one when we have all these new fangled technological advancerismims like yer DeeVeeeDee players and such. Them kids from across the street... they knows how to press play for me when I ask em too. ::spits wad of tobaceee::   Wallace & Gromit? erm... who?




in case my witch is wondering.....

My witch is a wonderwoman-she is the best ecard and post reader ever and shes really stalking me dear witch-you asked how I feel about antique lace-yeah its one of my faves-but Im basically a vanilla lover so I have othr faves now   and must do some ordering now-FEEDING THE DEAD &DETESTABLE PUTRESCENCE am saying this because you asked and dont want you to feel compelled to try to get me bpal!   bw-today wore the little blue car earrings you gave me, and they are just adorable!!|   and I can dream about all the weird cars in the car book you sent me!so really, dear witch o' mine, just tell me you'll reveal to me, ok?




What does God smell like?

An entertraining entry I found while tracking down the various scent components of Heavenly Love and Earthly Love.       And a carol it links to - Quelle est cette odeur agreable?





Just relaxing and watching re-runs of the Office right now. Laundry is in the dryer, I am clean and wearing VS Pink sweats, dinner has been put away. *sigh of relief* My boyfriend has stolen my DS to play Scribblenauts, which I just got and it's amazing! I'm enjoying some Assam black tea with soymilk and agave.   I picked up my books on hold at the library today and I'm quite excited to read Wesley the Owl. Maybe I should get off the computer.




[BANNED] ebonykawai, aka httpoo, aka raineygirl; shelldoo

After some drama blazed about her e-tail business, Atropa's Cottage, ebonykawaii created a sock puppet account, httpoo (on 17 May 2006). We were aware of its existence, but didn't do anything about it because initially, it was not being used.   On 11 Sept 2009, httpoo was used to troll in a topic about the Black Butterfly Moon (August 2009) update. At this point in time, httpoo was put on the restricted duplicate account group and ebonykawaii suspended and warned that if another duplicate account was linked to her, she would be banned.   On 22 Sept 2009, ebonykawaii created the raineygirl account, and was promptly banned.     When we say we do not tolerate duplicate accounts, especially for sock puppet and trolling purposes, we mean it!   ---   In 2008, shelldoo and two other forum members collected money and goods for Beth and Ted's wedding present from the forum. Shelldoo insisted on collecting the money for the charitable donation and was supposed to donate over $1,500 of the collection to the ACLU in Beth and Ted's name. The donation was never made. While we didn't ban her for the massive swaplift that she also did around this time (spanning from approximately October 2008 - April 2009), when this problem was brought to our attention, we felt that this sort of abuse of our members' trust is intolerable and she was banned.




Newest additions to GC

okay to add to my wanted list i have gone through and would like to try these GC Add ins-   THE LIGHTS OF MEN’S LIVES THY GODFATHER’S PRESENT GODFATHER DEATH THE LITTLE WOODEN DOLL FIRE FOR THY STEPMOTHER’S DAUGHTERS VASILISSA PAÍS DE LA CANELA   It is going to be some time before i can order more from the lab. Also on a weird side note. If i could get an imp of Crowley from somewhere it would be great. Mine went home with one of my friends a year ago I am going to be doign a MnS here at the house next month and somehow it dosn't seem right to have people try Aziraphale without Crowley there to try to. Which i didn't think of when my friend fell in love with my imp.   As with anything these are just things i want and being older than i want to be my wants won't hurt me.




The Apothecary

Tea leaf with three mosses, green grass, a medley of herbal notes, and a drop of ginger and fig.

in the bottle: Tea and herbs. Nice, actually. I'm hoping the tea scent lasts longer for me in this than in Embalming Fluid.

on wet: Mostly tea. The herbs have gone.

drydown: This is interesting. The tea no longer stands out enough to distinguish; instead I'm getting a well-meshed clean scent that reminds me of having just stepped out of a shower after using a nice, expensive, french-milled herbal soap. It doesn't smell soapy, just clean. Seriously -- clean. If I had to define the scent of clean skin with a scented oil, this would be exactly it.

one hour later: Still clean, though there's some light sweetness asserting itself. I don't think it's a particular component (or maybe it is -- perhaps the fig?), but rather the sum of the whole. The whole thing is very light in a way which makes me think it might not last the day.

end of day: Still here. The herbal effect went away and left me with a sort of light, sweet tea thing. Not sweet tea as in sugar added, but more like a cup of non-tannic, delicate tea with ... or, near ... it's really hard to describe. Just ... sweet. And light.

compared to official description: I didn't really get the ginger, which is a shame. I'm thinking now that the fig contributed to the sense of sweetness, but I never once thought "Oh, that's fig!"

notes: The final result was a tad too sweet for me. I like how light it was, though. This might be a good one for the locket.

added to forum reviews


