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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

catchin' up on 9.16

Would a "gift" donation to one of the organizations/causes you support be a great gift, or a lame gift? That would be cool. I don't think I put enough organizations on my questionnaire, though. Someone mentioned Wolf Haven; that's a really good one, so is the Bat World Sanctuary. I love poor misunderstood bats! I also support no-kill cat shelters.   How varied is your musical taste? Extremely so. It's all across the board and I'm very into using theme music to suit the mood, time of day, season, etc. I would be happy to get new music! I'm open to almost anything, except maybe contemporary country, opera (just can't get into it somehow), or...not really into thrash metal, either. That's all I can think of at the moment. and Hildegard is awesome. Would you like to receive something of this nature (sweet diva boxes) from your witch? Ok, I can't figure this one out. What are they? Google searches is not coming up with anything conclusive. It sounds like it is something you buy with things already selected? I guess I'd rather my witch chose things for me (if that's what it is.) But really I have no idea.   musicals: Not very into them. Exception would be Les Miserables. I was very into it in junior high. Phantom of the Opera was ok too. Ok, and I like Fiddler on the Roof.   Are there any songs, albums, movies, or TV shows that you can't find/haven't been released that you want? The other day I was just thinking about the 2 great songs from Pretty In Pink that are NOT on the soundtrack-the club scene bands. The Rave-Ups was one, I can't remember the other one right now. I've never seen them anywhere. The other song I've always wanted is Danny Elfman's "This is Halloween" mixed with Pop Will Eat Itself's "Ich Bin Ein Auslander". mixed by that genius Kurt guy from Information Society. Pirate or ninja: Ninja. Well,...although the pirate costume is better. But I identify more with a ninja. Super villain or vigilante? Which would you like to be? Which would you like to receive? vigilante!   About Yankee candles: THe main thing is that the smell is often too strong for me and gives me a headache. (too many synthetics, maybe? not sure...) I've had this happen with other candles so I am selective. I had no problems with candles from Illuminations, although I haven't been there lately. I also have really enjoyed candles and tarts from Dark Candles. I was going to try and only use beeswax candles in my home. I'm sticking to that, but I would make an exception for Dark Candles.   Hey, let's make that a question! Would you want candles from this site, and if so, which scents interest you? http://www.darkcandles.com I'd like to try: Bonfire, Chocolate Bat, Autumn Harvest, Jack O'Latte (heads up, pumpkin latte fans!!) or Pumpkin Spice, Nosferatu... wohoo, candles! They make tarts too. A lovely past Witch sent me a Dark Carnival tart, and I loved it. It smelled like halloween candy.




SW Fall Questions - oops, I forgot 9/10

Are you interested in things like home remedies for ailments, cleaning solutions, etc.?   I feel like I answered this before... But sure, cleaning solutions would be good.   If you do any kind of craft, could you use supplies? What kind? knitting needles, yarn, amazing fabric, pinking shears, cool thimbles or pincushins, jewelery making supplies, beads, etc.?   I knit a *lot* but I also have a lot of yarn. If you find some fabulous sock yarn I certainly wouldn't be opposed, though!   What's your favorite pain-relief remedy or ritual?   I usually take a couple of Excedrin, drink a lot of water, and go back to bed for a bit. It usually works.   Do sounds make you happy? What ambient noises make you smile?   I like the sound of my kitties purr-snoring. So cute!   When you receive your SW packages...do you like receiving things that are individually wrapped inside? or unwrapped? or both?   When I send packages I don't usually individually wrap because I don't like the wasted paper, even though it is fun to unwrap gifts. Also cuz I'm lazy. So witch, if you really love to wrap things then go for it. If you don't then it's fine with me if you just throw them (gently) into a (well-packed) box.   Of course, we're all going to be grateful no matter what our witches give us, but for the record, what is your anti-present? Tell us something that you think your future witch might give you that you absolutely, unequivocally DO. NOT. WANT.   I think I mentioned this in my questionnaire, but I have a lot of empty blank books, so I don't need more unless they're really special. Same with bath products, though I always make an exception for Lush or some etailer I haven't tried (which is all of them).   But I think I didn't mention monkeys. I don't like them. I don't think they're cute. They kind of creep me out. Please no monkey toys / pictures of monkeys / etc. Clowns too!   What BPAL scent have you never tried but always wanted to? What scent have you tried and LOVED, and haven't been able to get more of and why?   I've always wanted to try Fee, cuz it just sounds interesting but nearly impossible to get. I've been fairly lucky in finding bits more of things I love, but I also haven't tried anything *that* rare. But if you find me some Succubus I will be so happy! I only have one bottle and haven't found more since it got discontinued.   I know we're all scent sensitive here. What are your favorite non-perfume smells? Day in the life stuff?   I like the smell of rain on the sidewalks. Also citrus fruits.   Coffee drinkers, what types of beans to you like? Kona, Sumatra, Kenya..etc. How do you like them roasted? Do you like flavors, such as hazelnut, vanilla, etc. in your coffee?   I don't really drink coffee.   Who has a birthday falling in this round?   Not I!   For those of us who like chocolate, do you like anything /in/ your chocolate, like fruit, nuts, or for the more daring among us, chilies?   Fruit, nuts, or chilies would all be fun. But no bacon!   Are there any childhood shows/movies/games/books/etc. that still hold a really special place in your heart?   I had this board game called Catfish Bend. I loved it but most of the pieces had gone missing, but then I lucked out and found a brand new (well, late 70s / early 80s new) still wrapped one on eBay. Woohoo!




Fall SW Questions 9/11 to 9/15

Does anyone have any symbols they consider to be personally significant or talismanic?   I have a great love of / obsession with five-pointed stars. Not for any significant reason that I know of, but just because I've loved them for at least 13 years now.   Are there any Gods, Goddess, or other mythological figures of whom you're particularly fond?   Look at the grammatical correctness of this question! Um, no, not particularly.   Super villain or vigilante? Which would you like to be? Which would you like to receive?   You know, when I was a little kid I always wanted to be Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty... until The Little Mermaid came out.   What mythical or fantastic race of creatures (dragons, unicorns, griffins, elves, dwarves, faeries, etc.) do you most identify with, and why?   Ooo, I guess mermaids. And, actually, that was pre-The Little Mermaid. I was obsessed with Splash as a kid.   How do you feel about Dia de los Muertos? Are you interested in sugar skulls? Catrina (or other) skeleton figurines?   I have some canvas sugar skull mary janes, but other than that no.   Do you have a favorite poem or poet?   I can't think of one off the top of my head. I read waaaaay too much poetry when taking a creative writing class in high school   For the crafty people out there: would you prefer something crafted or crafting supplies?   Either is great! If you have a different craft than mine I would *love* something crafted. Yarn is always good too, though I have lots.   Can you use pill boxes, a hard ID case, coin purse, etc?   Sure! Pill boxes would make great stitch marker boxes too. I used to have a hard ID case that I loved, but now I could use it to carry all the extra cards (for grocery stores and frequent buyer and such) that are crowding my wallet! And I love cute coin purses since my New Year's Resolution a couple years ago was not to throw change in the bottom of my bag.   Any songs you are desperately into at the moment?   I've been desperately into Into the White by Katatonia, Stained Silver by Cave In, and Say When by Fair to Midland for about a year now.   What's autumn like in your neck of the woods? What do you love and/or hate about it?   Here it's usually pretty nice. Leaves change, it gets crisp but not too cold, and sometimes it rains but I don't mind it. I like the overcast days better than the sunny ones anyway.   What's your favorite product(s) at Trader Joe's?   Oh, I adore Trader Joe's! I have easy access, so my witch shouldn't feel like s/he has to get me anything there. The chocolate covered raisins and the chocolate orange sticks are awesome. I also love the frozen steel cut oatmeal cuz I'm weird.   If you're caught in front of the tv, what are you watching?   Probably Bones, The Closer, Psych, or House. Or reruns of Law and Order while I knit.   Any Amy Brown art fans?   I like her stuff ok, but I just don't think it would fit much in my house. Though I don't know, if there was one with blue and stars that would be cool...   How do you feel about Halloween music? (mix CDs, what have you)   I have a playlist for Halloween, but most of it isn't *really* Halloween music besides Black #1 by Type O Negative and a cover of Halloween by AFI. The other stuff is mostly just thing with "ghost" or "monster" or something in the title. I don't know... I'd give it a shot. Oh, also the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack. I play that for Halloween too.   Who else is reeeeeally looking forward to Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland?   I'm interested... mostly to see Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter.   Is there a store that you love which does not have a location near you (but that has a physical presence somewhere, not just online? Why do you love it so much?   Hmm... not really. There's an awesome bar in Cambridge, MA called River Gods that I love for the atmosphere, and I don't even drink!   Lolcats....yeah or nay?   Usually nay.   What is your favorite creepy folk story or legend?   I don't have one. I'm not really into creepy stories.   If your witch were to either write something for you or put together a collection of ghost stories, would you rather have it in writing, recorded as an oral telling, or both?   Either, but I'm not a big fan of ghost stories.   If you had the funds to comission an original painting for yourself, what would it be of? What would it be like- colors, size, style?   I've actually gotten to do this before from a friend I went to high school and college with - he's a good artist. I sort of gave him free rein except I told him I wanted blue. It's a painting of a blue sky with white stars and a hilly landscape in front of it with a rocky monument type thing on the horizon. My sister's best friend also painted me a sheep similar to the one in The Little Prince that is hanging in my knitting corner.   If I got to do it again I'd request something in the same vein as Starry Night - a swirly sky with stars. Maybe something in the foreground but I don't know what. And something fairly large so I could hang it over my couch as a centerpiece.   What's something you're really looking forward to in the semi-near future?   I'm traveling to New York for the Sheep & Wool festival in October and visiting some friends in Boston. I'm excited for that!   What fictional character do you most identify with and why?   I don't really know. I used to (and sometimes still do) identify with Holden Caulfield from The Catcher in the Rye - not the pompous jerk part or all the swearing, but because I think underneath he's just someone who is growing up and seeing the world appearing to change around him when really he's just changing himself. I know I still feel that way sometimes when I have to do something particularly "grown up" and scary or make big decisions. It's like the world is changing so fast and leaving you behind, but then you realize that really the world is pretty much the same and it's *you* who is changing. And you don't feel ready to be an adult. But I think I finally realized that most people feel that way sometimes - it's not like adults have all the answers. That's when I felt really grown up. And there's a little window into my brain!   Could you use a 'travel' imp case? How many should it hold?   I rarely travel with imps, but maybe that's because I don't have an easy way to carry them! I don't know, 4? 5?   As a witchee, would you prefer to have many little packages sent to you throughout the round with a not-so-big final package or fewer things throughout the round with one huge final package to seal the sweetness?   I like many little packages because it can be overwhelming to get a huge box of wonderful all at the end, but I understand that shipping prices can be high, so whatever works best for my witch is fine!   What is your idea of the perfect evening at home?   Curling up on the couch with some nice beverage (chai if it's cold, iced coffee milk tea if it's hot) and my kitties and my knitting and watching a good movie or TV show while I knit. Alternatively reading a lovely book.   Are you on any social networks (MySpace, Twitter, LJ, Facebook, Bebo, etc)? If so, make with the links! Are you open to new friends?   I do have a Facebook, but I don't usually add people who aren't my "real life" friends. Plus I hardly ever use it. I have a twitter (I'm stariel there too) but it's locked - if you want to follow me just leave a note about who you are and I'll add you. Otherwise I have a Plurk that's mostly public.   What kind of socks?   I love socks! I have a lot of crazy socks, both store-bought and hand knit. Mostly I like ankle socks for summer and normal size socks for the rest of the year. I don't usually wear knee-highs or anything higher because I have enormous muscular calves. I am so not kidding.   How often do you update your wishlist?   Whenever I find out about something I just must try, or try an imp and decide I want a bottle.   May I help you fill out your costuming wardrobe (assuming you costume)? Are there articles you are seeking to enhance your a) Halloween costume, Renfest attire, c) Cosplay, d) Steampunk accouterment?   I really want to be Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas for Halloween. I don't have anything appropriate. I seem to recall I knew someone with a Sally dress but now I can't remember who it was. I might just give up and make my black velvet cloak into a costume again. I don't costume for anything else.   So, who has a store or ETSY shop or knows of a shop of a fellow BPALer that everybody needs to check out?   I think most the ones I know have been listed.   Who are your favorite artists/illustrators/art periods?   I like Dali and Escher a lot. I also like impressionist landscapes like Monet. Oh, and Starry Night, of course.   What's your stance on cranberries?   I love them dried, love them in scones, and love fresh cranberry sauce if it's not too sour. But not from a can, ugh!   Do you mind receiving used (in good condition, of course) CDs or DVDs? (I know this question was on the questionnaire about books, but I didn't see one for DVDs or CDs.)   Not at all! In fact, if you have a copy of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind sitting around unloved I'd love it - I always forget to get that one.   Do you have a crush on anyone famous? Do you have a crush on any literary characters? Would you like fanfiction or fan art based on this/these people?   I used to have a crush on Heath Ledger. Now I sort of have a crush on Peter Petrelli from Heroes. Oh, and Legolas. And Eric Northman from the Sookie books... because a tall blond with long hair who's also a viking *AND* a vampire? I even speak Norwegian! But I'm not really into fanfiction.   You're at home, or out, and you want a snack. Something that will get you through to the next meal, or through to the end of school or what ever. What do you grab?   I usually have a stash of granola bars. The chewy kind with fruit and nuts.   Do you have a favorite bpal bottle art?   I don't have / haven't seen that many LE bottles. I like Zarita the Doll Girl.   Are there any decants from the Halloweenies, Literary Vampires, Gris Grimly, or Hellboy that you would be interested in receiving?   I'm already getting quite a few of the Halloweenies. The Literary Vampires didn't really seem my style but I'd be open to trying them. I haven't even looked at the others.   There has been a lot of talk about chocolate, but none about Candy! What is your favorite Candy? What candy do you hate?   I think most of my favorite candy has chocolate. I can't usually do gummies because of gelatin. Oh, Red Vines! Totally obsessed with them. But not Twizzlers, those are totally different and I don't like them. I like candy corn in moderation. I'm sure I'll think of something later.   Do you have a Blu-Ray player?   Sadly no. I don't think my TV would even do it justice.   Do you have any objections to receiving downloads? Is your internet connection fast enough for you to download large files like music easily? Are there any songs, albums, movies, or TV shows that you can't find/haven't been released that you want?   I'm not really into illegal downloads. I do have a fast internet connection, though. I do really like mix CDs, I feel like those are more a "taste" of artists and then if I like them I can go buy more.




Fall '09 Switch Witch

******9/17***** Are you into 80s movies (like i am ) if so, which are your favorites and who are your favorite characters? Do you like Villainess soaps? What are your favorite scents? Birth Rite, Krakatoa, Ginger Snapped, Kill Switch Do you mind artificial colors in your food? Not really Who wants hair pretties?(headbands, barrettes, pony-o's, scrunchies, bobby pins, hair clips, etc) Sure! If you were my witchee, would you like any of the scents/sizes that are available on clearance? I am on an origami crane kick recently, so I wonder if anyone will be interested in origami crane earrings, origami crane in a glass vial (~1.2cm wide) phone charm/pendant or just a container filled with cranes of different sizes. you bet! How do you feel about clothing/accessories made from animals? Anti-fur, leather, shells, etc.? Does even faux wig you out? Fur would squick me out a little but the others would be fine How do you deal with stress? What's your favorite way to unwind? Reading, listening to music, puttering in the garden, having a big nap You're given the opportunity to apprentice at any trade (or craft) of your choosing for the period of one year. Your mentor may be any currently living person. Which field of study would you choose, and who would be your mentor? ******9/16***** Who is musically inclined? What instruments (voice counts) do you play? Would you enjoy sheet music? Favorite musicals? Which of the seven deadly sins is most likely to be your undoing? Sloth or Gluttony Anyone want a nickname and embroidered headband from PandaBite? No thanks I have seen a lot of yankee candles haters..... personally i like yankee candle (some of them, anyway). do you or don't you, and if not, what candles do you like? this assumes you like candles. otherwise, what specific home fragrance do you use? I don't mind Yankee Candle Would a "gift" donation to one of the organizations/causes you support be a great gift, or a lame gift? great! ******9/15***** Does anyone have any symbols they consider to be personally significant or talismanic? Are there any Gods, Goddess, or other mythological figures of whom you're particularly fond? Super villain or vigilante? Which would you like to be? Which would you like to receive? What mythical or fantastic race of creatures (dragons, unicorns, griffins, elves, dwarves, faeries, etc.) do you most identify with, and why? How do you feel about Dia de los Muertos? Are you interested in sugar skulls? Catrina (or other) skeleton figurines? Do you have a favorite poem or poet?   ******9/14***** For the crafty people out there: would you prefer something crafted or crafting supplies? Either! Slight preference to something crafted but not everyone is so inclined Can you use pill boxes, a hard ID case, coin purse, etc? I don't really need any but I do like these sort of things Any songs you are desperately into at the moment ? What's autumn like in your neck of the woods? What do you love and/or hate about it? It's usually nice in September & gets steadily cooler & crisper - we get a nice show of leaves unless the rains start early What's your favorite product(s) at Trader Joe's? I've never had anything from them - there aren't any here If you're caught in front of the tv, what are you watching? kid's shows or History Channel Any Amy Brown art fans? Somewhat - I seem to be drawn to the ones where the clothes & hair are streaming off to one side like Cloak of Stars or Passage To Autumn How do you feel about Halloween music? (mix CDs, what have you)I'd like some! Who else is reeeeeally looking forward to Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland? Kinda. I've seen too many versions that were overly wacky & made me cringe Is there a store that you love which does not have a location near you (but that has a physical presence somewhere, not just online? Why do you love it so much? I used to love going to Vancouver Kid's Books when I lived right in Vancouver - they have a ton of cool books with mini staff reviews & awesome stuffed animals (I will forever covet the enormous gryphon puppet) Lolcats....yeah or nay? Yeah! What is your favorite creepy folk story or legend? The Wendigo freaked me out, too! If your witch were to either write something for you or put together a collection of ghost stories, would you rather have it in writing, recorded as an oral telling, or both?Both would be very cool! If you had the funds to comission an original painting for yourself, what would it be of? What would it be like - colors, size, style? Something mysterious in cool dark watery colours ******9/12-13***** What's something you're really looking forward to in the semi-near future? What fictional character do you most identify with and why? Could you use a 'travel' imp case? How many should it hold? I have several but I do like them, 5-6 imps is enough As a witchee, would you prefer to have many little packages sent to you throughout the round with a not-so-big final package or fewer things throughout the round with one huge final package to seal the sweetness? I enjoy getting a few packages but none of them need to be huge! What is your idea of the perfect evening at home? Kids early to bed, big fat book & munchies or my DH & I watching & discussing a show together Are you on any social networks (MySpace, Twitter, LJ, Facebook, Bebo,etc)? Not really my thing What kind of socks? thin black cotton, or thicker cotton grey/blue heather-type blend How often do you update your wishlist?Fairly often - after getting new stuff or if there's an update May I help you fill out your costuming wardrobe (assuming you costume)? I'd love some pointy elf ear tips (& adhesive), horns or a fanciful leather mask So, who has a store or ETSY shop or knows of a shop of a fellow BPALer that everybody needs to check out? Who are your favorite artists/illustrators/art periods? What's your stance on cranberries? fond of them Do you mind receiving used (in good condition, of course) CDs or DVDs? Used is good! Do you have a crush on anyone famous? Do you have a crush on any literary characters? Would you like fanfiction or fan art based on this/these people? I like Colin Firth, Alan Rickman & Johnny Depp so Darcy, Snape & Captain Jack Sparrow material would be fun You're at home, or out, and you want a snack. Something that will get you through to the next meal, or through to the end of school or what ever. What do you grab? usually cereal, yogurt or a sandwich, sometimes popcorn or chips Do you have a favorite bpal bottle art? I love Harvest Moon '05 & its pumpkin with spindly legs - actually most years the Weenies & Yukes are pretty appealing, Rose Moon '07 with its silver phoenix made of roses is also lovely Are there any decants from the Halloweenies, Literary Vampires, Gris Grimly, or Hellboy that you would be interested in receiving? I've ordered an embarrassing amount of decants   ******9/11***** There has been a lot of talk about chocolate, but none about Candy! What is your favorite Candy? What candy do you hate?I like licorice, toffees, caramel, tootsie rolls, fruit (esp. black currant or raspberry) or floral (rose, violet) flavoured hard candy. Not a huge fan of sours, marshmallows or lemon/lime. Do you have a Blu-Ray player? Nope Do you have any objections to receiving downloads?Is your internet connection fast enough for you to download large files like music easily?Are there any songs, albums, movies, or TV shows that you can't find/haven't been released that you want? I wouldn't object but things would have to be Mac compatible (& fairly idiot proof) %20******9/10***** Are you interested in things like home remedies for ailments, cleaning solutions, etc.?Sure! If you do any kind of craft, could you use supplies? What kind: knitting needles, yarn, amazing fabric, pinking shears, cool thimbles or pincushions, jewelery making supplies, beads, etc.? I'd love a fun pincushion & beads or findings are always welcome What's your favorite pain-relief remedy or ritual? Ibuprofen or tylenol & a nap Do sounds make you happy? What ambient noises make you smile? I love the sound of rain (especially to fall asleep to), my kids & cats snoring, waves, birds, bees humming - wind actually makes me a bit nervous since I've always lived in places with large trees around & bits do fall off When you receive your SW packages... do you like receiving things that are individually wrapped inside? or unwrapped? or both? Doesn't matter too much, I'll whichever my witch feels like doing Of course, we're all going to be grateful no matter what our witches give us, but for the record, what is your anti-present? Tell us something that you think your future witch might give you that you absolutely, unequivocally DO. NOT.WANT. can't really think of anything What BPAL scent have you never tried but always wanted to? What scent have you tried and LOVED, and haven't been able to get more of and why? I'd love to try Pumpkin King & Bat of Wealth & have more than my decant of MB:Closet I know we're all scent sensitive here. What are your favorite non-perfume smells? Day in the life stuff? Fallen leaves, freshly ground coffee, baking bread (actually all baking sends a nice waft), baby head (right now there's a hint of vanilla from the yogurt that he smeared in at lunch ), clean sheets, wet pavement, roses & herbs Coffee drinkers, what types of beans do you like?Kona, Sumatra, Kenya..etc. How do you like them roasted?Do you like flavors, such as hazelnut, vanilla, etc. in your coffee? whatever's in Starbucks' French Roast suits me fine; no flavored coffees please Who has a birthday falling in this round? not I For those of us who like chocolate, do you like anything in your chocolate, like fruit, nuts, or for the more daring among us, chilies?Oh yes! Praline, toffee, sea salt, coffee, cocoa nibs, ginger, nuts & seeds, chili & other spices (even curry & I especially like cinnamon & cardamom), lavender, fruit (except raisins), orange peel Are there any childhood shows/movies/games/books/etc. that still hold a really special place in your heart?Muppets & 1970's Sesame Street, Mr Dressup, Friendly Giant, the Munsters ******9/9***** Superpower? If I send you whole spices or coffee beans, would you be able to grind them or would you prefer them pre-ground for your convenience? I have a coffee grinder but not one for spices For the tea and coffee drinkers: Opinion on tea and/or coffee-related accessories/etc?(Teaware, sugar crystals, infusers, tea chests, etc) How do you take your coffee (or tea)? Black or with cream and/or sugar? I like accessories! (Whether I need them is another matter) I take my coffee with milk & my black tea with milk & sugar, some herb/fruit teas require honey Restaurants you'd like a gift certificate to on Restaurant.com? I'm not in the US In our perfect world it is chocolate and...? more chocolate! Some coffee would also be acceptable How do you scent your home: tarts, reed diffusers, BPAL, candles? candles, homemade room sprays & occasionally incense What's your favorite dessert treat? Ice cream? Cake? Pie?Fudge brownie cake with pie flavored ice cream on top? Creme brulee Do you believe we control our destiny, or does our destiny control us? A bit of both What one thing that is missing from your life would you like to have above all else? Order winning over chaos in my home ******9/8***** What was your favouritest job ever, and why? I quite like my present job (helping people find material on Art & History topics at a Public Library, some data entry & fact checking) but enjoyed it more when I was in another department with staff who were more social & outgoing Which three albums would you take to your apocalypse bolt hole and how would you power the generator? What GC scent have you been putting off getting since it'll "always be there"?Snake Oil, Morocco, Perversion or Fae -but I made sure I have a backup of Dorian & Shub   %20******9/7*****%20 Any cooks? Could you use anything cooking related? Aprons? Cookbooks? Measuring Cups? Recipes? Herb/Spice containers?Fancy Spices?Dish Towels? Cocktail napkins? Amazing Beaded Pot Holders?(like from our very own Pottersville!) Something else? I like kitchen stuff & could use some new pot holders actually - mine are either burnt or irretrievably grubby What's your favorite candy to stock up on at Halloween? mini Mars bars & O'Henrys What are your phobias? heights, flying, driving What is your favourite flower (or plant)? I'm liking autumny things at the moment: asters, mums, sunflowers, dark coloured dahlias Duct tape purses and wallets and things are pretty darned cool. Who else thinks so? They're kinda interesting An anonymous benefactor gives you $500 (or an equivalent amount of money in your currency of choice) with the following stipulations. You must spend all of it within a week: any money left unspent must be returned. You must spend at least half of the money on yourself. You may not use it to pay off debts or bills of any kind. What do you do with the money? Take my sister out for a fabulous lunch/dinner & day of spoiling for her 50th birthday which is this October Who likes coloring books? Sure! Are you an avid reader? What's your favorite book/series?Sure am! A lot of the series I follow, I no longer buy because there's too many of them (Terry Pratchett} or I no longer love them but still want to find out what happens (Kim Harrison, Charlaine Harris). I can't seem to go wrong with Patricia Briggs, though Do you have a Good Reads profile?If so, make with the link! If you don't have one, go make one! It's right here but I just started so there's only a few books so far ******9/6***** You're in the kitchen at the end of a pay period and groceries are pretty scarce. Do you take the five ingredients you find first and make something fabulous, or do you order take out? Take-out usually occurs on payday; fortunately my kids like mac & cheese & ramen with veggies If you could decorate/redecorate any 1 room in your home, what would it be and how would you decorate it? I'd love to give my house the fab retro 50's kitchen it never had Any rabid sports fans out there? What teams do you root for? Canucks (though I should resent them - my DH is the rabid fan, I've joked in the past about being a hockey widow) What's your favorite animal? (You can have more than one.) cats, otters, tigers This is how the world ends... zombie apocalypse, robot uprising, alien invasion, return of the elder gods... which doomsday scenario do you prefer (or make your own!)? Elder gods! In the year 2525... if man is still alive... what sort of future do you imagine? (apologies to anyone who gets that song stuck in their head!) I suspect mankind won't be around Do you believe in magic (or magick, if you prefer)? What does it mean to you? Yes, I think the natural world is pretty amazing & mysterious & I believe in the interconnectedness of things. I feel it's kind of arrogant to think we know all that can be known about the universe. If you found the puzzle box from Hellraiser, what would you do with it? ( and would you be able to resist playing with it? ) I probably could resist because I'm naturally cautious (though I would want to have a good look at it) ******9/5***** Do you like pinup art/images? Yes, but don't need any What are your plans for Halloween? Have you made any yet? Do you have any traditions? I take my eldest Trick or Treating (I may or may not dress up myself) while my DH stays home & gives out candy. He carves the pumpkin that always goes outside our door. I often set up a small ancestor/remembrance shrine with photos of loved ones & a candle Who are your BPAL forum buddies? You know, people I could conspire with to Witch you! my former witches have all been excellent What is your favorite color? tied between blue & purple Any other steampunk fans/lovers? I like! Describe your ideal picnic lunch. Where would you go? Who (if anyone, and yes there can be multiple people) would accompany you? What sort of food would you take? And, of course, if a picnic lunch sounds like a horrible idea, feel free to say so! I'd get an assortment of fabulous sandwiches, foccacia & desserts from Terra Breads in Vancouver & treat my friends under the huge trees at Jericho Beach enjoying the incredible view of the mountains ******9/4***** Any Gamers here? What kind? Board games? RPG? Miniature? MMORPG? Fraid not Is anyone playing this round of SW into ABJ? (asian ball jointed dolls) Not for me What is your favorite Halloween icon? black cats & pumpkins Imagine that you're given a shoebox-sized time capsule, and you are asked to put any number of items in the box that symbolize who you are. The items can be may be anything you can imagine, and money is no object, but they must fit within the box. Which items do you choose? A dried rose & sprig of rosemary, a couple of favorite books, some perfume, favorite jewellery bits, some recipes, various photos, figurines of a a warrior, a knight & a monkey (for my DH & kids) some plush or ceramic black kitties with everything wrapped in a velvet shawl Are you involved in any long-term, ambitious project? something like decorating your house or saving for a trip to the other end of the world, for example. Never-ending home fix-ups & yard work Favorite kind or take out kinda burger? Whats your burger preference? Veggie,meat or ???? I do get beef cravings sometimes: Monty's mushroom burger from White Spot or A&W's Mozzaburger; otherwise I'm a chicken burger gal What's your favorite childhood toy? my sister had an awesome replica of the Disney castle from the 60's with little plastic figures that I adored (I never wanted to be a princess though) If you have a pet, what kind of gifts would be good for them? major catnip addicts, also like foam balls Do you Tweet? What is your Twitter name? nope Are you on Ravelry? What is your Ravelry name? nope   ******9/3***** What are everyone's favorite Halloween-y/Autumn-y/spooky movies? Are there any you don't own but would like to? I'd love Nightmare Before Christmas, Scary Godmother & Rocky Horror Are roasted pumpkin seeds and home made chex mix the best fall snack foods, or what? as long as they're the savory versions What's your favorite pie, my dear SW's? I like making apple & pumpkin - both spiced with cinnamon & cardamom & a touch of vanilla What kinda socks ar you wearing tonight? Too warm right now but last week I had on some thick cotton blend house socks Do you like socks? Blankets? Wrist warmers? Arm warmers? Headband? Shawl? Or what kind of knitted thing would you love the most? anything but I doubt a headband would get much use How do you feel about ghost stories? Do you like to tell the old tales around a campfire? Read true accounts on the web way past your bedtime? Do you like to pick up a good anthology of Poe stories on a blustery day? Or is all that too scary for you? I've always loved to read ghost stories (true accounts & Poe would be welcome, too!) Who here is LOVING Warehouse 13? I haven't seen but it sounds like it's my kind of thing Nother question! Coffee or Tea? Love both! Interested in locally produced products? Food, skincare or both?Olive oil? Lavender oils or soaps? Love regional products of all sorts, don't need olive oil thanks to last switch witch (quimerula!) & I do like lavender (particularly combined with orange) Does anyone in here wear a lot of dangly earrings or collect pendants of all kinds?? How about hair clips or pony tail band things? yes to all What is your favourite historical period? Hard to choose: Medieval, Regency, Victorian, Ancient Greece, Rome, Egypt & China, 1920's What other hot beverages everyone likes for fall? pumpkin spice latte, baby! Did you order anything from the most recent update? Bottles of Lamb's Wool, Pomona & Falling Leaf Moon, a gazillion decants & a Falling Leaf Moon tee Vampires or Werewolves? Or some other monster? slight edge to vampires What sort of odd or regional foods do you crave? I sometimes crave german foods from my childhood like Rotkohl or Schnitzel





Ok, so I was farting around Etsy and I found some cool stuff. You don't have to get me stuff from it, I just wanted to show you some things I was into. Maybe it will help give you some insight?!   My Etsy Favorites   I picked some items and sellers that I thought had neat products.   It was 80 degrees here today! That's a little odd for Portland. Not unheard of, but I was hot.   This weekend is the VegFest and I'm really looking forward to it. I will also be pampering myself with a hair cut/color, and a Lush party. It's so nice to have something to look forward to during the workweek, huh?   Ok, I'm watching the Food Network and they are killing me with desserts. I'm going to go scavenge for something sweet.




More SW Answers...

What's your favorite product(s) at Trader Joe's?   We don't have TJ's in Colorado! I know... it's practically criminal that TJ's hasn't come here! Do you have any idea how hard it is to live somewhere with TJ's in town and then to move to a new place and spent the next 10 years without a TJ's for a thousand miles around???   Okay, my favorite TJ's items that I try to pick up whenever I'm near a TJs:   ~ Vanilla Joe-Joe's. (vanilla cookie with vanilla bean filling). No chocolate Joe-Joe's, please! I have a total of 3 stale vanilla Joe-Joe's in a ziploc bag in my cupboard because I failed at hitting up TJ's when I was in LA in July. I need Joe-Joe's!!!   ~TJ's 500mg peppermint chewable melatonin. Do you know that at the Whole Foods around here, I can't find less than 2 or 3mg melatonin? It's stupid when TJ's has 1/2 mg melatonin for only $4 for 100 tabletss!   ~TJ's Roasted Pepitas. There's nothing quite like them anywhere. Fortunately, I'm stocked up on them right now, so I don't need any, but seriously, if you live near a TJ's and you haven't tried their roasted pepitas, get some and toss a few in a salad. They're sooo good!   ~TJ's dried fruit bars -- they're like fruit roll-ups done TJ's style. I love all the flavors. They're so yummy.   ~TJ's chili-pineapple in the dried fruits section. Mmmm...delish!   There's pretty much nothing from TJ's that I don't love. I really wish they'd open a store in Colorado! It's no fair that they won't come here.   Also, who mentioned Pad Thai? Now I'm craving it. Have you noticed most of my posts are about food? I must be really hungry. All the time.     what's autumn like in your neck of the woods? what do you love and/or hate about it? I love early- to mid-Autumn weather in Colorado. I love the warm sun and cool air. I love the changing colors of the trees. I love being able to hang out in my hammock and read while snuggled under a blanket. I especially love it when my nephew and dogs join me, although we don't get much reading done in that instance. I love taking walks through the mountains or the plains during this gorgeous Autumn weather. What I don't like is that even though the leaves do change color here, we don't get a lot of variety in fall colors and we don't get much in the way of the extremely bright, vivid colors like you get in Minnesota/Wisconsin or New England. If you drive into the mountains for a lovely fall day, you'll mostly see evergreens and golden aspens and not much else in the way of pretty colors. Some people love it, but I miss the oranges and bright yellows and golds and crimsons and cinnamon colors you see in other places. Plus, I don't like that it can be gorgeous here on the plains, but if you drive into the mountains for a drive to see the pretty fall colors, you may just end up getting snowed on instead. It's happened to me a few times. So that's what I love/dislike about fall here. There you go. Now you know.     Is there a store that you love which does not have a location near you (but that has a physical presence somewhere, not just online? Why do you love it so much? Aside from the aforementioned Trader Joe's, my favorite store that is 1,000 miles away is Halloweentown in Burbank, CA. I could spend hours and hours and thousands of dollars in that store. It is so much fun! I especially love their jewelry, the raven necklaces in particular and the hearse earrings.     Most looking forward to in teh Weenies? I've sniffed them all since I ran a decant group, but I haven't tried them all yet. I'm especially looking forward to layering Suck It with Lick It. They're both sitting on my desk waiting for Sarah to wear off my skin so I can try them together. Sadly, Boo goes wonky on my skin, so I'm really looking forward to trying it in my oil burner.   Also, I had no idea about the Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland movie. Where do you guys find out about this stuff? I'm always so behind the times.     What mythical or fantastic race of creatures (dragons, unicorns, griffins, elves, dwarves, faeries, etc.) do you most identify with, and why? I've never thought about this. I'm really not much into fantasy, but I do LOVE cheezeball unicorns and squished fairies.   How do you feel about Dia de los Muertos? Are you interested in sugar skulls? Catrina (or other) skeleton figurines? I would love DDLM stuff! A friend made a sugar skull for me 3 years ago to put out for my precious kitty Wayne, who passed away a month prior. When she gave it to me, I cried. It meant so much. I lost two relatives this year (my aunt and my grandfather), so sugar skulls in honor of them would be very touching and really wonderful...but not required since I hadn't even thought about it before now.   Do you have a favorite poem or poet? For the most part, I actually don't enjoy poetry. However, there are a few poets out there that I like: Rilke, Rumi, Sharon Olds, Galway Kinnell, and my sister's poetry, which kicks some serious @$$. I don't know why I never got into poetry, but unless it's song lyrics, I don't usually "get it" in that to me, poetry is rarely emotional/moving/meaningful.   Super villain or vigilante? If you're going to put one in a box, I'll take the super villain. I think it would be so much fun to Rob banks and art museums and threaten the destruction of the entire universe.   I couldn't imagine being a vigilante about anyone or anything...unless someone hurt my dogs. Then I'd definitely want to be the hand of justice.     If your witch were to either write something for you or put together a collection of ghost stories, would you rather have it in writing, recorded as an oral telling, or both? I don't know if I know any. Shame on me! I think I just lost goth points. Oh wait... I never had any! Also, I would freaking LOVE an oral telling of as many ghost stories or any creepy stories. That would rock!   If you had the funds to commission an original painting for yourself, what would it be of? I would commission something by Susan Faye. I love the Halloween-themed designs she has up right now. Her custom portraits are just so whimsical and wonderful. They all make me so super happy! one of those with me and my husband and our gray kitty and our b&w corn dogs would be so wonderful! She did this custom portrait of my friend Maz and her kitties, and I just love it to bits and pieces.   Pirates or Ninjas: Vampires. Or scary nuns.   Lolcats....yeah or nay? Oh yes. They're hilarious!   Would you like to receive something of this nature (sweet diva boxes) from your witch? Probably not.   Are there any Gods, Goddess, or other mythological figures of whom you're particularly fond? I'm not particularly drawn to any specific gods, goddesses, mythological figures, but I am fascinated by all of them. I purchased The Encyclopedia of Spirits: The Ultimate Guide to the Magic of Fairies, Genies, Demons, Ghosts, Gods, & Goddesses last spring, and I haven't gotten tired of it yet. I read through an entry or two every night before bed and I am learning so much! I am really interested in all of them and the cultures behind them.   Does anyone have any symbols they consider to be personally significant or talismanic? The triquetra. Like this piece I have on my back:  




Switch Witch Fall 2009

QUESTIONS   ART What kind of socks are you wearing tonight? None! Unfortunately, I live in FL, land of the evenings so darn hot that you're lucky that I'm not naked right now.   Do you like socks? Blankets? Wrist warmers? Arm warmers? Headband? Shawl? Or what kind of knitted thing would you love the most? I personally love shawls and scarves. I can only wear them when I'm away at school, but they're still lovely and cozy.   Would any witches be interested in home-made sewn type crafts? If so, what type? (e.g. tote bags, pillowcases, laptop covers, etc..) Of course! I love homemade gifts. icon_smile.gif I'm a sucker for cute tote bags, too.   Pendants or dangly earrings? I don't really wear jewelry, sorry.   Do you like pin up art/images? I don't really care that much about it one way or the other, tbh. They're nice enough, but not my first choice for decorating.   Who are your favorite artists/illustrators/art periods? Norman Rockwell, art nouveau (Mucha!), Van Gogh, Bosch, Rembrandt, Prendergast, Rodin.   New question, because I'm learning how to sew - if you do any kind of craft, could you use supplies? What kind? knitting needles, yarn, amazing fabric, pinking shears, cool thimbles or pincushins, jewelery making supplies, beads, etc.? I love all kinds of crafting, but I mostly do beadwork, etc. If you find any interesting beads or findings I would ~love~ that. Also, I'd love to take up batik again one day...   Who likes coloring books? Um me yes. I got a really neat one of Egyptian deities a few years ago when I was studying at UChicago. It is still my faaavorite.   MUSIC/BOOKS Which three albums would you take to your apocalypse bolt hole and how would you power the generator? One of my Disney CDs, probably an Imogen Heap one, and also The Nutcracker, probably.   Are you an avid reader? What's your favorite book/series? I love to read! I adore Diana Wynne Jones's books, especially Howl's Moving Castle and the Chrestomanci series.   FOOD Are roasted pumpkin seeds and home made chex mix the best fall snack foods, or what? Well, as much as I love pumpkin seeds, I have to say that I prefer a big batch of pumpkin drop cookies even more. I'm a baking fiend at heart.   There has been a lot of talk about chocolate, but none about Candy! What is your favorite Candy? What candy do you hate? I like chocolate (obviously) and some chewy fruit candies like starburst and gummis. Good quality gummi is amazing. I'm also super fond of marzipan and black licorice. I haaaate Turkish Delight, candy corn, circus peanuts and other crazy sugary things like that. I also don't like cherries.   For those of us who like chocolate, do you like anything /in/ your chocolate, like fruit, nuts, or for the more daring among us, chilies? Um, I like nuts...but that's it. I tried the chili route, but it just kind of gave me a slow burn that hurt my tummy later. icon_sad.gif And I basically only like fruit fresh. Otherwise the texture wigs me out. (With an exception of banana chips--I love those so much!)   Coffee type? I like most kinds of roasts, and I usually drink them without flavoring. I never have flavored cream, but every so often I will use a sugar-free syrup in my coffee.   What's your favorite dessert treat? Anything with pumpkin, generally. I had a gourd mousse once that was amazing. icon_biggrin.gif Though I also have to say, I made a really awesome cake recently. It was a chocolate cake that used ground almonds instead of flour. First time I'd ever had something like that and it was divine.   If i send you whole spices or coffee beans, would you be able to grind them or would you prefer them preground for your convenience? Either is fine! I have a grinder at my disposal and I kind of like having whole things, but there's something to be said for convenience.   For the tea and coffee drinkers: Opinion on tea- and/or coffee-related accessories/etc? Sounds good! I drink both heavily. As usual, if you find anything fun or quirky for tea/coffee I would be happy to use it...a lot. .gif   In your perfect world it is chocolate and...? Um...books, maybe? That sounds more like a perfect autumn day, though.   How do you take your tea? I take my tea straight and my coffee with a little bit of half and half. I used to put sugar in when I was a little girl, but I've weaned myself of that pretty well. Except for pumpkin spice lattes but whatev.   Any cooks? Could you use anything cooking related? Aprons? Cookbooks? Measuring Cups? Recipes? Herb/Spice containers? Fancy Spices? Dish Towels? Cocktail napkins? Amazing Beaded Pot Holders? (like from our very own Pottersville! ) Something else? Oh god, yes. I love to cook and I always adore cute, quirky cookware. I love cute ideas and bright colors.   What's your favorite candy to stock up on at Halloween? Sweettarts, actually. icon_redface.gif   Olive oil? I cook with it!   favorite kind or take out kinda burger? Ummm...I'm really fond of the burgers at Five Guys with cheese, BLT and A-1. aroused.gif   Coffee or Tea: I like both, but I can't have a large amount of caffeine, so decaf coffee and tea is best! (Rooibos is my favorite tea. icon_smile.gif) I'm also looking forward to hot apple cider this fall, yum!   Regional Foods: If you live near a large Japanese supermarket, I have a really sad weakness for Japanese candy. It's all so cute and tasty. Also, as a girl from up north, I'm really missing apples that don't have 'delicious' in the name. Also, Ohio buckeyes! I miss that part of my childhood. I will really try almost anything, though.   You're in the kitchen at the end of a pay period and groceries are pretty scarce. Do you take the five ingredients you find first and make something fabulous, or do you order take out? I would probably see what 5 ingredients they were then look up something on the internet. I don't like cooking the same things often and am always looking out for new recipes to try. icon_biggrin.gif   Describe your ideal picnic lunch. Where would you go? Who (if anyone, and yes there can be multiple people) would accompany you? What sort of food would you take? And, of course, if a picnic lunch sounds like a horrible idea, feel free to say so! Well, it's still pretty hot here where I'm living, and I can't really spend a lot of time outside in this kind of heat. HOWEVER, if I managed to score a venue in a park up north where the leaves are just starting to change color--well, that's a whole 'nother ball game. I would probably take some horribly bad for you soul food up there along with a variety of cakes and brownies. Fried chicken and potatoes are a must. Also, probably a vegetable tray or something, so some of it's not TOO awful. .gif I'd invite all my friends to go with me, and there would probably be a lot of talking, jokes, gossip, and general goofiness going on.   SMELLY STUFF Lavender? Absolutely not. Welcome to basically my biggest allergy. .gif I have problems with a lot of flowers, but lavender is the worst.   Did you order anything from the most recent update? I got decants of Cake Smash and the Lunacy. I'm still considering The Fool. I love the story it's based on and adored an imp I was given...I really want to buy a bottle, but it's so expensive. DX   Could you use a 'travel' imp case? How many should it hold? I could! I don't have anything like that. I'm not picky about how big.   I know we're all scent sensitive here. What are your favorite non-perfume smells? Day in the life stuff? I love the smell of gardening. (Fresh top soil, water, greenery.) Also baking bread and melting beeswax.   How do you scent your home: tarts, reed diffusers, BPAL, candles? Candles and especially tarts. I just got into them and I really love them!   What GC scent have you been putting off getting since it'll "always be there"? Well, I'm pretty new...so a lot of them. .gif I've only tried about 9 of the GC and about half of those were frimps...   SW PREFERENCE As a witchee, would you prefer to have many little packages sent to you throughout the round with a not-so-big final package or fewer things throughout the round with one HUGE final package to seal the sweetness? I admit that I LOVE getting mail, so I would like lots of packages, but it really comes down to what's best for my witch. I believe in your plan!   Individually wrapped or not? I love opening up little gifts, but if my witch is opposed to waste, I'm okay with getting it either way. icon_smile.gif I would say, though--my cats ADORE wrapping paper, ha.   Of course, we're all going to be grateful no matter what our witches give us, but for the record, what is your anti-present? Tell us something that you think your future witch might give you that you absolutely, unequivocally DO. NOT. WANT. Um, I really don't like hard candies or candies that are like icing sugar. (Like candy corn.) I have to pace myself when it comes to sugar, so I'd prefer it if I made each sweet count! Also, I love planting things and gardening, but I have a lot of flower allergies, especially lavender. If you could err on the side of caution with those, I would really appreciate it. Finally, this is more a word of warning than a DNW. I live in FL, which will be hot no matter when you send your gift. If you're sending something that might spoil in the heat, you might want to package it carefully!     HALLOWEEN What's something you're really looking forward to in the semi-near future? Trick-or-treating at Disney World. Going the 9th!   What is your favorite Halloween icon? A big ol' harvest moon. Also, pumpkins!   Vampires or Werewolves? Or some other monster? I like werewolves more than vampires, but I really love it when someone pulls out a lesser-known creature.   How do you feel about ghost stories? Do you like to tell the old tales around a campfire? Read true accounts on the web way past your bedtime? Do you like to pick up a good anthology of Poe stories on a blustery day? Or is all that too scary for you? I personally spend way too much time scaring myself silly on the internet and I love telling spooky stories to friends. (And then, of course, jumping out of a closet at them later.)   What are everyone's favorite Halloween-y/Autumn-y/spooky movies? Are there any you don't own but would like to? I am typically more of a 'fun' Halloween person than a scary Halloween person. I'm more the kind of person to bake pumpkin bread for the neighborhood and play around in corn mazes. One reason I love Hocus Pocus, Nightmare Before Xmas, Coraline, and Ichabod Crane is that I can sleep after I watch them! Which I do. Every year. Ahahaha. Every so often, though, I like to watch scary movies with my friends or go out on a spooky excursion. For some reason, Asian horror always gets me the furthest under the covers. The Ring, Ju-On, and The Eye all come to mind. *shivers*   May I help you fill out your costuming wardrobe (assuming you costume)? Are there articles you are seeking to enhance your a) Halloween costume, Renfest attire, c) Cosplay, d) Steampunk accoutrement? Umm. My Halloween costume this year is mostly something I'll have to make myself, but I could use some more plaster strips for the masks?   What are your plans for Halloween? Have you made any yet? Do you have any traditions? I'll be going to Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party at Disney World with two of my friends. We'll be going as Lock, Shock, and Barrel. icon_biggrin.gifb Also, I'll be volunteering at a local children's book store to help put on a The Graveyard Book-themed Halloween party. (That's why I've been watching sales posts for imps of a couple TGB scents. .gif Gotta be festive!) Other than that, I'll probably be baking for the neighborhood kids and my friends and watching scary movies! OTHER   I've heard a lot of anti-cute sentiments in this thread lately. Let it be known right now that I adore things that are cute and fun and quirky. My Hello Kitty pajama pants that I am wearing right now attest to this fact. icon_wink.gif   What fictional character do you identify most with and why? Um... For a while, the character that I aspired to be like was Sumeragi Subaru (from the manga Tokyo Babylon). He was a character that was unfailingly kind and always believed in the goodness of people, even when confronted with the dark underbelly of humanity all the time. I think it takes a special kind of courage to love mankind even knowing that you could get very badly hurt by it. When I first read that manga, I was a very mistrustful preteen who'd been through a lot. He was the reason I started finally making friends. I've been happier since then. I even wrote my college application on him--and got in! icon_biggrin.gif He's affected my life a lot. (And also explains my deep love for cherry blossoms, even if they make me sneeze...)   I'm not quite there yet, though. I don't know who I'm actually like...   Do you have a Blu-Ray player? Nope.   Do you have any objections to receiving downloads? Is your internet connection fast enough for you to download large files like music easily? Are there any songs, albums, movies, or TV shows that you can't find/haven't been released that you want? I'm okay with downloads. :3 Just definitely no book downloads at all. My mother's an author and she'd kill me.   Birthday? Nope! May girl.   Are there any childhood shows/movies/games/books/etc. that still hold a really special place in your heart? As you might be able to tell from my icon and signature, I'm still pretty in touch with my childhood. I'd say the one I feel the greatest connection to, though, is The Muppets--particularly Kermit. I still cry every time I hear The Rainbow Connection.   Superpower? Teleportation. I have trouble getting around sometimes, and I'm late all the time! .gif   What are your favorite sounds? I love the sound of rain on the windowpanes. I also love the noises my pets make when they're happy. Purring and trilling and groaning (in the case of my puppy). Socute. Also, wind through dead leaves. Whooshhh.   Pain relief? I usually go for heating pads for a little while and then maybe a hot bath. Most pain medicines don't really help me. icon_sad.gif   Do you believe we control our destiny or that destiny controls us? I think that's not really the way to look at it. I mean, destiny is what it is. If someone could look at the long timeline of your life, they would be able to see your future. That is your destiny. But you still make the choices that get you there. I mean, the end of a story will always be the same, but it only exists because of the beginning and middle. Destiny is a product of choices, not the determinate of them.   The one thing missing from my life, I guess, is good health. I have a feeling that if I could just get around the house without trouble, the rest of the things I want would fall into place. That's a bit depressing, though! |D   Are you interested in things like home remedies for ailments, cleaning solutions, etc.? Not really!   What's your favorite animal? Platypi! They're super cute and interesting. Also, red pandas.   What are your phobias? I'm not sure if it's a PHOBIA, per se, but I hate getting wet. I also get really nervous and anxious when going down spiral staircases. And. Um. Dolls creep me out.   What is your favourite flower (or plant)? Hmm. A lot of flowers make me sneeze, but I do like daffodils. :3   Duct tape purses and wallets and things are pretty darned cool. Who else thinks so? They're okay, but I'm actually really fond of my cute owl wallet. magtongue.gif Faux leather and bright colors!   An anonymous benefactor gives you $500 (or an equivalent amount of money in your currency of choice) with the following stipulations. You must spend all of it within a week: any money left unspent must be returned. You must spend at least half of the money on yourself. You may not use it to pay off debts or bills of any kind. What do you do with the money? Eek, um. I would probably get some new clothes as I haven't gotten any in a while, and then I'd probably use the rest to go to Disney's Food and Wine Festival. icon_smile.gif   Who are your BPAL forum buddies? You know, people I could conspire with to Witch you! thejobbernowl is the girl who got me into this thing and she knows me like the back of her hand. BUG HER, PLEASE. It's fun.   What's your favorite color? Purple! Close runner up is green.   Imagine that you're given a shoebox-sized time capsule, and you are asked to put any number of items in the box that symbolize who you are. The items can be may be anything you can imagine, and money is no object, but they must fit within the box. Which items do you choose? Um. Probably my old album. I've kept all the cards people have given me, along with photos, programs, acceptance letters, ticket stubs, and everything else I've wanted to remember. I'd also put in my mp3 player full of all the music that I love.   Are you involved in any long-term, ambitious project? something like decorating your house or saving for a trip to the other end of the world, for example. I'm working on getting healthy! This involves a lot of physical therapy and diet changes and such, but I'm gonna do my best! Also, college. magtongue.gif   Whats your favorite childhood toy? Ummm...probably either books or my computer. I used to sleep with books instead of toys when I was little. icon_redface.gif   If you have a pet, what kind of gifts would be good for them? I have three cats and a dog. The kitties are pretty thoroughly enthralled with the toads and lizards we have around our house and for some reason aren't too excited over catnip, but I bet Loki could use a new rubber bone or a durable squeaky toy.   Are you a gamer? I sometimes play RPGs for the PS2 and Gameboy Advance. I'm playing through Persona 4 with a friend right now, but it's slow going because she's so busy now! I am in suspense, guys.   Is anyone playing this round of SW into ABJ? (asian ball jointed dolls) Nonononono. I have a little bit of a doll phobia and those, right under porcelain ones, are the worst. >< I had to ask all my lj friends to start listing their squeeing and pics under cuts because I would jump a mile while scrolling through my friends list.   Historical Period: Most of the ancient eras appeal to me a lot.     CONTACT/STALKAGE LJ Twitter Facebook     WISHLISTS (Still updating and adding) Amazon Thinkgeek Wishlist.com BPAL!




Fall SW Questions through 9/4

******9/4***** Any Gamers here? What kind? Board games? RPG? Miniature? MMORPG? Love board games, currently playing a variant of the Werewolf RPG, don't do miniatures or MMORPGs.   Is anyone playing this round of SW into ABJ? (asian ball jointed dolls) Nope.   What is your favorite Halloween icon? I guess jack-o-lanterns are my favorite, specifically the real ones, with real candles inside!   Imagine that you're given a shoebox-sized time capsule, and you are asked to put any number of items in the box that symbolize who you are. The items can be may be anything you can imagine, and money is no object, but they must fit within the box. Which items do you choose? My iPod nano filled with carefully selected tunes, a couple of cat toys, a couple of dog bones, and a picture of my Tiwa (I love all my furkids equally and all that... but really my Tiwa-girl is my baby, my heart-dog), a pen or two, a guitar pick, maybe some tuba and flute sheet music?, and a well-worn paperback book. Oh, and clearly some BPAL! Probably a bottle of Bilquis, methinks...   Are you involved in any long-term, ambitious project? something like decorating your house or saving for a trip to the other end of the world, for example. Not as such.   Favorite kind or take out kinda burger? Whats your burger preference? Veggie,meat or ???? There's a take-out place near where my mom, stepdad, and grandfather live in Alabama, I think it's called JR's, that makes a mean cheeseburger. Love getting grilled cheeses from In 'N' Out on the west coast and Five Guys on the east. It's hard to go wrong with a nice marinated slab of portabello (the longer I look at that word the more misspelled it looks, and tinkering with it is not helping) mushroom.   Whats your favorite childhood toy? I always loved stuffed animals, especially my Liz Bear, who I've had since I was an infant (so you can probably imagine how her name came about), and with whom I still sleep sometimes. She's looking terribly ragged these days, but she's as real as they come at this point.   If you have a pet, what kind of gifts would be good for them? Nothing too easily destroyed, for the dogs; standard cat toys are fine for the kitties. I prefer treats that are a little more on the natural end (I recently ended up with some Snausages-in-"blankets" from a coworker... and they're kind of gross. Like, clearly evaluating dog treats based on my own tastes doesn't really work, but still... ew...), but I'm not going to complain about stuff given to my babies as a gift!   Do you Tweet? What is your Twitter name? On occasion; lizardqueen137.   Are you on Ravelry? What is your Ravelry name? Yes, though I rarely update; lizardqueen.   ******9/3***** What are everyone's favorite Halloween-y/Autumn-y/spooky movies? Are there any you don't own but would like to? I love me a good spooky movie. Recent favorites include The Wicker Man (the original... and a big part of that is that I identify with the islanders, which gives it sort of a different twist) and From Hell, and then Clue (which is, of course, not particularly spooky, but it kind of has the spooky atmosphere, and murder!) is a perennial favorite. Off the top of my head I can't think of any I really need to own and don't.   Are roasted pumpkin seeds and home made chex mix the best fall snack foods, or what? Love roasted pumpkin seeds, like store-bought chex mix and can't remember if/when I've last had home-made chex mix (if at all), but if it could be made without the pretzels (which are my least favorite part of the store-bought variety), then that would kick ass!   Whats your favorite pie, my dear SW's? I actually think I make a damn good apple pie, if I do say so myself, but I think my favorite might just be Key Lime.   What kinda socks ar you wearing tonight? Currently barefoot!   Do you like socks? Blankets? Wrist warmers? Arm warmers? Headband? Shawl? Or what kind of knitted thing would you love the most? I like all of these things, and if my witch would like to knit any of them for me, I would be pleased as punch!   How do you feel about ghost stories? Do you like to tell the old tales around a campfire? Read true accounts on the web way past your bedtime? Do you like to pick up a good anthology of Poe stories on a blustery day? Or is all that too scary for you? Love ghost stories!   Who here is LOVING Warehouse 13? I have heard good things about it, but have not yet seen it myself.   Nother question! Coffee or Tea? Yes please!   Interested in locally produced products? Food, skincare or both?Olive oil? Lavender oils or soaps? Yes please!   Does anyone in here wear a lot of dangly earrings or collect pendants of all kinds?? How about hair clips or pony tail band things? I do not wear a lot of dangly earrings. I do appear to be amassing a (as yet quite small) pendant collection. My hair is fussy (fine and slippery and lots of it), so mostly gifting me with hair things is an exercise in futility (oh how do I wish I could use hair sticks!), but something kind of like this might come in handy...   What is your favourite historical period? Hmm, I don't know. Early 20th century (including the 20s)? The Renaissance? The 1960s? Probably one of those...   What other hot beverages everyone likes for fall? Hot apple cider! I even think the from-a-packet stuff is yummy, though of course *real* cider is preferable.   Did you order anything from the most recent update? I ordered some decants. I didn't get a decant of Falling Leaf Moon, nor do I think I got one of Lamb's Wool, and I fear I may have goofed there. I'm really looking forward to trying my decants... especially because I can't fully remember what I *did* order!   Vampires or Werewolves? Or some other monster? Werewolves, though vampires are often pretty awesome, too.   What sort of odd or regional foods do you crave? ...real, fresh tortillas. Store-bought just aren't the same. (Of course, I could always just learn to make them myself...)




Switch Witch: Fall 2009 Question/Answers

This is just a collection of the Q&A posts I've made in the SW: Fall 2009 General Chatter threads (in typical OCPD-influenced alphabetical order).   - Any cooks? Could you use anything cooking related? Aprons? Cookbooks? Measuring Cups? Recipes? Herb/Spice containers? Fancy Spices? Dish Towels? Cocktail napkins? Amazing Beaded Pot Holders? Something else? Me! Me! I love cooking, especially new things I've never tried. I'm always looking for new recipes, so cookbooks and recipes are never a bad idea. I'm very well stocked on towels and measuring cups, but I'm an herb and spice freak, so I'd never say no to fancy spices, herbs, olive oil, etc.   - Any gamers here? What kind? Board games? RPG? Miniature? MMORPG: I loves me some games, of almost all varieties. I do love board games (Scrabble and Monopoly being my favourite), as well as video and computer games. I love multi-player video games, but prefer single-player computer games. I dig horror (Silent Hill is my absolute favourite horror game series), sci-fi, and adventure (Syberia, Myst, Riven, Longest Journey, Dreamfall, Dark Fall, etc).   - Any other steampunk fans/lovers? I adore all things steampunk. In fact, I'd be itching to be in the steampunk swap, but I'm just not crafty enough. :\   - Any rabid sports fans out there? What teams do you root for? The only American sport I like is hockey. (And oh, how I love hockey.) Of course, I'm a Red Wings girl.   - Are roasted pumpkin seeds and home made chex mix the best fall snack foods, or what? Roasted pumpkin seeds are awesome, but I've never really liked chex mix.   - Are there any Gods, Goddess, or other mythological figures of whom you're particularly fond? I've always adored Hades, as well as Nyx and several of her children, including Moros, the Keres, Thanatos, and Lyssa. (Have you noticed a theme here?)   - Are you an avid reader? What's your favorite book/series? Avid? More like voracious! I try to read whenever I can. I have dozens of books loaded onto my iPhone, so whenever I have a few spare moments (in a queue, between classes), if there's nothing else I should be doing, I'm reading. That said, I can be kind of picky: I don't like romance or teen-themed books. However, anything scifi, (good) fantasy, or horror-related (especially zombies, straight-up horror, or vampires [except Twilight!]!) is safe. I don't really follow book series much, though I will read anything at all by Gaiman or Clive Barker. My GoodReads profile is a pretty good indicator of what I like to read. (Though there are hundreds of books I've read that I haven't gotten around to adding to my GR shelves yet!)   - Are you involved in any long-term, ambitious project? something like decorating your house or saving for a trip to the other end of the world, for example.: Just this thing called "college." Blarg.   - Are you on any social networks (MySpace, Twitter, LJ, Facebook, Bebo, etc)? If so, make with the links! Facebook, Twitter, Livejournal.   - As a witchee, would you prefer to have many little packages sent to you throughout the round with a not-so-big final package or fewer things throughout the round with one HUGE final package to seal the sweetness? It really doesn't matter to me. Little things along the way is always nifty, but as I've said a bajillion times, it's just the thought that counts.   - Ball jointed dolls? I collected them a bit as a kid, but it's not a big interest anymore.   - Coffee or Tea? Tea, tea, and tea. I do love coffee, but it can't compare with good tea. That said, I do frequent Starbucks and some other coffee shops once or twice a week. I visit Starbucks about 3-4 times a week, but usually for non-coffee drinks, like their Tazo drinks (Green Tea Frappuccino, Earl Grey Latte, Green Tea Latte, and Green Iced Tea FTW). When Yule/Christmas rolls around, though, I can't resist having their Peppermint Mocha Twist 3-4 times a week. I'm awful.   - Could you use a 'travel' imp case? How many should it hold? Wouldn't say no! I carry 5-6 decants or imps in my purse at any given time.   - Did you order anything from the most recent update? Not yet, no, but I have my eyes on some things. It's a matter of finding the time to decide what to get, and in what form (bottle vs. decant, etc).   - Do you like pinup art/images? Love it!   - Do you like socks? Blankets? Wrist warmers? Arm warmers? Headband? Shawl? Or what kind of knitted thing would you love the most? I'm not so sure about shawls, but I do dig socks, blankets, warmers, and that sort of thing. I wish I were craftier, so that I could whip something up.   - Do you Tweet? What is your Twitter name? I'm Painted over on Twitter.   - Historical Period I'm fascinated by all things Ancient Greece (ca. 1100-146 BC) and I adore all things Victorian-era. I am, unsurprisingly, a huge steampunk fan.   - Hot beverages other than tea/coffee?: Mulled cider is awesome   - How do you feel about Dia de los Muertos? Are you interested in sugar skulls? Catrina (or other) skeleton figurines? I love Dia de los Muertos, and I love me some sugar skulls. Catrina figures are particularly awesome!   - How do you feel about Halloween music? (mix CDs, what have you) Love! Love, love, love!   - How do you feel about ghost stories? Do you like to tell the old tales around a campfire? Read true accounts on the web way past your bedtime? Do you like to pick up a good anthology of Poe stories on a blustery day? Or is all that too scary for you? As I said before, I? I am a horror junkie, and that includes ghosts. One of my favourite things to do wen I visit a new city is to find out all I can (usually beforehand) about said city or area's supernatural/spooky history - especially possibly haunted locations I can visit.   - How do you scent your home: Tarts, reed diffusers, BPAL, candles? I'm definitely a tart and candle girl (hush!). I don't actually have much experience with reed diffusers, but I hear they're awesome? I haven't found a way to diffuse BPAL that works for me - everything I've tried has failed in some way (not enough throw, doesn't waft, etc). I tend to prefer tarts; they seem to waft and last longer than candles.   - How do you take your tea? Black or with cream and/or sugar? Depends on the tea! For example, I add a bit of soy or almond milk and a pinch of sugar crystals to, say, Irish Breakfast tea; while I don't usually add anything to white teas. I definitely add almond/soy milk or flavoured non-dairy creamers () and sugar to coffee. Black coffee is made of fail.   - If I send you whole spices or coffee beans, would you be able to grind them or would you prefer them preground for your convenience? I have just about every spice grinder/grater known to man, and I can grind coffee beans as well, so whole spices/beans are perfectly fine - and so are pre-ground things!   -If you found the puzzle box from Hellraiser, what would you do with it? ( and would you be able to resist playing with it?) Would I know what it is? If so, I'd definitely keep it! I actually had one (a replica, obviously), but I lost it during a move a few years ago (I was v. v. sad, of course). If I knew what it is, I certainly wouldn't tinker with it: I do love me some Clive Barker/Hellraiser, but I'd rather not have a face-to-face meeting with a Cenobite, thanks.   - Lavender ? In small doses, I love it. I especially love fresh lavender things, like fresh lavender sachets. I do try to keep lavender essential oil or a strong lavender sachet on-hand, because it (along with peppermint) helps ward off a migraine if I catch it early enough.   - Of course, we're all going to be grateful no matter what our witches give us, but for the record, what is your anti-present? Tell us something that you think your future witch might give you that you absolutely, unequivocally DO. NOT. WANT. In another SW-esque swap in which I participated, I mentioned that I don't like Twilight (there was a "Twilight or True Blood?" question), and think Meyer is little more than a fanfiction author. (No debating this here, plz.) My gifter thought it'd be funny to wrap everything in Twilight shirts, towels, etc, and include other Twilight things. Funny, I guess, but not my kind of joke. The only thing I'll ever request a Witch not send me is Twilight stuff, or anything else I explicitly mention I dislike.   - Olive Oil ? I love, love, love olive oil, especially on fresh bread or a simple salad. I have an entire rack in my kitchen for flavoured/infused olive oils, and I love finding new ones.   - Pendants or Dangly Earrings? Pendants! My ears are pierced, but I don't wear dangly earrings often. I'm almost always wearing at least one necklace/pendant. (I'm wearing three right now!) I'm particularly fond of steampunk pendants (and earrings, actually).   - Vampires or Werewolves? Or some other monster?: Monsters are made of awesome. I prefer vampires to werewolves, but I do like most critters of the monstrous variety.   - What are your plans for Halloween? Have you made any yet? Do you have any traditions? It's just barely September! I haven't a clue what I might be doing for Hallowe'en yet.   - What's your favorite animal? (You can have more than one.) Do dragons count? I love all things dragon. After dragons, I'd say dragonflies and cats.   - What's your favorite color? I love shades of green-yellow (like #99EF0E, 94DF1B, etc) and bright orange (like #FF981F, #FFC30F, #FFBE0F, etc), and also bright-light blue (like azure [#007FFF], Brandeis blue [#0070FF], #3FA0FF, #1FAFFF, etc). As is probably obvious, I adore bright, bold, vivid colours.   - What GC scent have you been putting off getting since it'll "always be there"? Pretty much anything GC on my wishlist.   - What is your favourite flower (or plant)? I can preface this by saying that I love flowers in general. I always have 7-8 flowering plants and/or vases of flowers in my apt. at any given time. As with everything, I love bright, bold, flowers - red and blue especially. As for specific flowers, I'm fondest of red Snapdragons; Lilies (especially the St Bernard's, Wood, Turk's Cap, Leopard, Japanese, and Eater lilies); Oleander; Lily of the Valley; Scarlet Pimpernel (really only the blue SP, A. arvensis Forma azurea); Mediterranean stork's bill (so shiny!); Dragon Arum/Voodoo Lily (from a distance! ); Red trillium; Pink Arum Lily; and (white) Calla lily (which is funny, since I hate calla lily in perfumes). Don't even get me started on trees!   - What is your favorite Halloween icon?: It's impossible to choose! Bats, ghosts, vampires, goblins, cemetery things, I love them all!   - What is your favorite pie, my dear SW's? Heavily-spiced pumpkin pie!   - What mythical or fantastic race of creatures (dragons, unicorns, griffins, elves, dwarves, faeries, etc.) do you most identify with, and why Oh, where to start. I love everything dragon-related (especially Chinese and Japanese dragons, but Western and other dragons are awesome, too!), and I've always been fond of faeries, and also water spirits/creatures, like ondines/undines, nymphs, oceanids, etc. I'm a mythology geek (especially Greek, Roman, and Celtic & Irish Gaelic) as well, and I've always had an affinity for the Moirae/Parcae and the Keres/Ceres (what does the latter say about me, I wonder?).   - What sort of odd or regional foods do you crave? I live in an area with a very large Middle Eastern population, so ME/Indian food is plentiful (if not technically regional), and I love it! I have a fattoush and/or chicken shish taouk sandwich for lunch at least once a week. Al Shallal in Dearborn Heights also has the most amazing chicken w/garlic and cilantro dish.   - When you receive your SW packages...do you like receiving things that are individually wrapped inside? or unwrapped? or both? I must admit, individually-wrapped things in tissue paper are made of awesome, but it really doesn't matter: wrapped or unwrapped, it's all about the thought.   - Who here is LOVING Warehouse 13? I've heard awesome things, but haven't had time to check it out.   - Who likes coloring books? I do! I find repetitious activities like colouring fantastically relaxing. I must admit, I do have colouring books that I break out once in a while. :X   - Would any witches be interested in home-made sewn type crafts? If so, what type? (e.g. tote bags, pillowcases, laptop covers, etc.: I love crafty things! I have special pillow-cases (with sewn-in spots for little scent disks - they're awesome!), but everything else is, er, awesome.   -Your one absolute favorite, BPAL: There's no way to choose just one! King of Spades and Snow White are tied for my absolute favourite, and lately, Hungry Ghost Moon, Schwarzer Mond, and Dorian have been rounding out the top five.




Surveys for mah witch!

What are everyone's favorite Halloween-y/Autumn-y/spooky movies? Are there any you don't own but would like to? The Lost Boys, Bram Stokers Dracula, Halloweentown, A nightmare on Elm Street, Poltergeist, and all those cheesy B horror flicks from the past, such as Frankenstein Unbound (ooo spooky and weird!)   Are roasted pumpkin seeds and home made chex mix the best fall snack foods, or what? Ooo that does sound interesting!! I need to get back into the spirit of this kind of stuff. I haven’t eaten punkin seeds in awhile.   Whats your favorite pie, my dear SW's? Cherry pie and Pecan praline! Oh god soooo good. I have a huge sweet tooth!   What kinda socks are you wearing tonight? It’s still sandal season. No sockies tonight   Do you like socks? Blankets? Wrist warmers? Arm warmers? Headband? Shawl? Or what kind of knitted thing would you love the most? I’m in southern California, so the weather here is relatively nice year round, even in the colder months. I do LOVE blankets and sockies, and scarves though!!! I’d probably love a little knitted blanket or a scarf the most.   How do you feel about ghost stories? Do you like to tell the old tales around a campfire? Read true accounts on the web way past your bedtime? Do you like to pick up a good anthology of Poe stories on a blustery day? Or is all that too scary for you? I love watching Most Haunted, and getting myself spooked out. I also do read stories on the webs about some of the hauntings around the world. Ghosties aren’t so scary to me   Who here is LOVING Warehouse 13? *googles* Ohhh that looks interesting. Never seen it though    Nother question! Coffee or Tea? I love both! The only tea that I am “meh” about is Green tea and earl grey. I used to love them, but I think I burnt myself out.   Interested in locally produced products? Food, skincare or both? If I can I will! There isn’t a lot of locally produced products in my part of town . Whenever I go out of town, I tend to buy all the fruits and veggies and specialty products that are for sale in the smaller shops.   Does anyone in here wear a lot of dangly earrings or collect pendants of all kinds?? How about hair clips or pony tail band things? I wear silver spirial earrings in a 16 gauge that I found on etsy. They are called “Antennae” earings. I love them!! I also ADORE pendants!! I love the vintage ones, the new ones! I only have two right now. I’m always watching moonstone pendants on ebay, and am always on the look out for something special that I’d want to own! I wear my pendants on a long silver colored chain (not real, that’d be expensive!) I don’t wear hair clips, but I am on the lookout for some great hairsticks! I have long thick hair, and most hairsticks break. I saw some on etsy that are made of metal, and am srsly contemplating.   What is your favourite historical period? Victorian England. The fashion, the manners! The gentlemen! Its enough to make a lady swoon.   What other hot beverages everyone likes for fall? coffee, tea, hot toddies, hot cider, hot cocoa with those cute little marshamees.   Did you order anything from the most recent update? No, I'm trying to be a good girl.   Olive oil? Tasty!! I love olive oil. We use it when we cook, and sometimes I like to sneak a handful to put in my hair for an oil treatment!!   Lavender? Lavender is very nice and soothing. I don’t really wear lavender blends (unless it’s Dorian) but I do use lavender schets in my dryer in place of dryer sheets!!!   Vampires or Werewolves? Or some other monster? BOTH!!!   Any Gamers here? What kind? Board games? RPG? Miniature? MMORPG? Not me! I used to RPG when I was 15 (about 13 years ago) on AOL, but times have changed, and I just don’t have time for that anymore.




A couple more questions that I've answered!

What was your favouritest job ever, and why? Schlubbing music at Wherehouse Music. It was an amazing job. I worked it for about 3 and a half years, and had the time of my life! I got first dibs at concert tickets on ticketmaster, and discovered many off the wall artists that I would have never discovered on my own. They shut down my store in 2003 and I got laid off icon_sad.gif I still have dreams of workin the store. Working there was just like watching the movie Empire Records.   Which three albums would you take to your apocalypse bolt hole and how would you power the generator? 1. Dead Can Dance Box - Toward the Within 2. TV on the Radio - Dear Science 3. The Chemical Brothers - Come with us   I would power the generator with my cat and a hamster wheel.     What GC scent have you been putting off getting since it'll "always be there"? Back up bottles of Sin!!     Here's a new question (I didn't see it posted?)   How do you take your coffee (or tea)? Black or with cream and/or sugar?   I like my coffee black with about 3 packets of splenda (in a large cup!) and my hot tea with just 1 or 2 packets of splenda.




More info for mah witch!

Ketchup!   What's your favorite color? Dark purple   Interested in locally produced products? Those are the best. I love browsing the neato home made schtuff. It has much more character than commercial product. It's also made with 00001616.gif   Would any witches be interested in home-made sewn type crafts? If so, what type? (e.g. tote bags, pillowcases, laptop covers, etc..) Please tote/pillow/covermylap!!!! I'd cuddle it and love it and have tea parties with it every day!!!   Steampunk? YES!! Skeleton keys, and copper, and old watches. *falls back in a fit of vapors*




I sure hope my witch see's this!

Holy cannoli!!   Do you like pinup art/images? meh!   Who are your BPAL forum buddies? ummm.. ::covers eyes with hand and points at a random person in the forum::   ::squints... looks at name of person..:: yay... community status blog!   What are your plans for Halloween? Have you made any yet? Do you have any traditions? Well... even though I am not of a trick or treating age, a co-worker and I have decided that YES we WILL trick or treat!! I can make myself look 15 years younger easily enough. If the guy at the gas station won't ever believe that I am over 18 years of age, so would unsuspecting home owners handing out delicious candy right?   Describe your ideal picnic lunch. Chicken pesto sammys on rustic wheat bread, with a mixed spinach and olive oil/mozzarella cheese salad, topped with a classic ceasar dressing (the clear kind..)   Steampunk? love it all!! Little hats, pocket watches, skeleton keys, and bustle skirts. Bring. it. on!!   You're in the kitchen at the end of a pay period and groceries are scarce. Do you take the five ingredients you find first and make something fabulous, or do you order take out? Order take out 00000288.gif I'm beat after work and don't like to hassle with cooking and dishes during the week.   What is your favorite Halloween icon? Batsezes and catzesez and witchesez   What's your burger preference? Not really a burger person, but if I do eat a burger, it's usually going to be a turkey patty burger or a garden burger patty on wheat with pickles and onions, mustard and ketchup!!   Favorite childhood toy? Cabbage Patch Kid, or my My Little Pony wub.gif   If you have a pet, what kind of gifts would be good for them? My old gramma cat is a tired old lady, and rarely stops to sniff the nip, or roll in an empty box these days. She might like a small nip mouse maybe?   If you could redecorate one room in your home? My dining room. My DH is using it as his computer room (it will never be a dining room, it shall always be his work room) so, I'd like to finish it up. We'd been planning on making it a mad scientist lab with a steampunk inspired Table of Elements (he'd been working on this project for awhile, since most tables are pretty current. He's making it with old English lettering) and maybe a Tesla coil or two 00000288.gif   Any rabid sports fans out there? What teams do you root for? GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO team!!! No.. not really. magtongue.gif




Fall 2009 Switch Witch - Random Questions

THANK YOU SCOTCHGRRL!!!   ******9/3***** What are everyone's favorite Halloween-y/Autumn-y/spooky movies? Are there any you don't own but would like to? I like the Nightmare Before Christmas, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Shaun of the Dead, and there are others... that I can't think of & will add later if I think of them. I like spooOOOoooky movies instead of gory yucky ones. And I don't own any of them. The old classics are great -   Are roasted pumpkin seeds and home made chex mix the best fall snack foods, or what? I can never get roasted pumpkin seeds to come out right. I always think I will LOVE them, and try to make them, and while they seem verra verra simple, they are fail for me. I still think I will LOVE them - if someone else makes them. Homemade chex mix rocks. It is the best. The classic kind, nothing fancy. I have found the little rye crackers in my grocery store - roasted garlic flavor - those are the only addition that is acceptable, cause they are made of yum. Also - puppy chow. Also made of yum..... I gots to have teh chocolate....   Whats your favorite pie, my dear SW's? Yes. Pie. Pie is my favorite kind of pie. Um..... pumpkin. Or cherry. Or lemon merengue. Or chocolate (homemade only, though). Or .... key lime. Or apple. Must I go on?   What kinda socks ar you wearing tonight? Not - still warm here.   Do you like socks? Blankets? Wrist warmers? Arm warmers? Headband? Shawl? Or what kind of knitted thing would you love the most? I would love socks. Or blanket, or shawl!   How do you feel about ghost stories? Do you like to tell the old tales around a campfire? Read true accounts on the web way past your bedtime? Do you like to pick up a good anthology of Poe stories on a blustery day? Or is all that too scary for you? LOVE ghost stories! Haunted house stories, "It happened to me/my sister/my sister's best friend's husband's cousin" stories. All wonderful! I love haunted tours too, the kind that are for realz, not "haunted hayride" crap. But actual ghost sighting places and stories. BUT - if I am up past my bedtime, it is either cause I am HERE or cause I am reading some kind of mystery - not necessarly Poe, although I love him. Haunted History on Tv is very cool.   Who here is LOVING Warehouse 13? YES YES YES - but I like Fringe better, I think.   Nother question! Coffee or Tea? I usually drink coffee in the am, in my travel mug on my way to work, and then switch to tea. At least that is the attempt. BUT I love them both, and I am not a coffee snob at all. If it has caffiene, I will slurp it up. If it is crappy coffee, I add cream.   Interested in locally produced products? Food, skincare or both?Olive oil? Lavender oils or soaps?OHHHHHH yes! All of those sound wonderful!   Does anyone in here wear a lot of dangly earrings or collect pendants of all kinds?? How about hair clips or pony tail band things?I often forget to wear earrings, but when I do, I like danglys. I like pendants. I don't really wear clips in my hair, it is just now getting long enough for a ponytail for the first time in ages, if I need to get it out of my eyes for work, I grab a bobby pin or roller clip and shove it back!   What is your favourite historical period? I am fascinated by the era of King Henry VIII and his many wives, and that of his daughters. Through the end of the reign of Elizabeth I.   What other hot beverages everyone likes for fall? I like hot spiced cider, in small doses. And hot chocolate occasionally, but I am kind of meh about it.   Did you order anything from the most recent update?Yes, I ordered Mlle Moriarty, Cake Smash and a back up bottle of Boo. I am kicking myself for not ordering Falling Leaves, and if I talk myself into it, I will change this answer. The notes sounded like fail on me, and I convinced myself I already have some "woody" scents. And then I read some reviews..... OK, I had to change this... I just ordered Falling leaf moon, last rose of summer, stinky, under the harvest moon, the tee shirt and knock a dolly.   Vampires or Werewolves? Or some other monster?Awww, depends on the monster. Some vampires are awesome, some are awful (I am looking at you, Twilight vamps). Same with others.   What sort of odd or regional foods do you crave? Although not really my region, I love and adore Maple Sugar Candy. It is getting harder to find in this area, though. Probably just generally harder to find. That's the only one I can think of that is pretty regional. And I like all kinds of cheeses, usually there are some of those that are regional. OoooOOh, I almost forgot. APPLE CIDER DONUTS are made of win, butI guess lots of people have never heard of them. And beignets, also not from my region but too good not to mention.     ******9/4***** Any Gamers here? What kind? Board games? RPG? Miniature? MMORPG? Um. No.   Is anyone playing this round of SW into ABJ? (asian ball jointed dolls) Again, no.   What is your favorite Halloween icon?I pretty much like them all. Ghosts, I guess.   Imagine that you're given a shoebox-sized time capsule, and you are asked to put any number of items in the box that symbolize who you are. The items can be may be anything you can imagine, and money is no object, but they must fit within the box. Which items do you choose?I read one answer that said "my ipod" and I think that is brilliant! I have an ipod touch that really covers most of my life, with music, some books, calendar, photos, and more stuff on it. I think that would give the truest picture of me. And if money is no object, I will be able to get a new ipod!   Are you involved in any long-term, ambitious project? something like decorating your house or saving for a trip to the other end of the world, for example. I am currently engaged in the long term, ambitious project of trying to get my damn house clean. It may take me the rest of my natural life, and some piece thereafter. I would like to learn sign language, but have done nothing about it. Also french, for my trip to Paris that I will take at some point. When my house is clean,   Favorite kind or take out kinda burger? Whats your burger preference? Veggie,meat or ???? I like Gardenburgers (veggie). Just the regular ones, with cheese. If I want the meat kind, 5 Guys is really really good. And so are their fries, they are like Boardwalk Fries.   Whats your favorite childhood toy?I had a little pink dog that I was given as a newborn, that had a music box inside. It played "How Much is that Doggie in the Window?" I think I wore it out when I was still very young. I was also horse mad, so I coveted all the Breyer's horses, Misty of Chincoteague was one of my prized possessions. Also her colt, Stormy.   If you have a pet, what kind of gifts would be good for them?Nemo the leetle dog likes squeaky toys (both plastic and stuffed animal kind), they just have to be small dog sized so he can carry them around and chase them. He also likes greenies, and most kind of chewies I have tried, the rawhide kind. He is picky about treats, though - his favorite are duck tenders. Daisy the leetle kat likes nothing I give her. Absolutely nothing. You might try the stuffed mousies with catnip - if it came from someone else, she may deign to take it. Or something to scratch on. She does like that. Or little balls that rattle or make noise. Sometimes those are ok. Won't take treats from me. Baby Bunny the leetle bunny (are we seeing a theme?) likes "Fiesta" Food, the logs made of alfalfa that he can hide in and chew on both, and I think pretty much anything that bunnies would like. Hay. He loves him some hay. He is still pretty young, so he doesn't seem to have developed any dislikes yet. Except for Daisy - I think he dislikes her. But that is because of the stalking.   Do you Tweet? What is your Twitter name? I am on twitter, as trittipoe, so I can follow other people. I do not tweet.   Are you on Ravelry? What is your Ravelry name?Nope   ******9/5***** Do you like pinup art/images?Not really, I like landscape photos/paintings, or of buildings. I am not into photos of people unless they are related to me.   What are your plans for Halloween? Have you made any yet? Do you have any traditions?I usually just stay home and hand out candy. I grew up waaaay out in the middle of nowhere, no trick or treaters evah. So, now that I live in a townhouse, I enjoy seeing the kids dressed up. And Nemo dresses up. I decorate the house a little, Pumpkins and cobwebs and stuff, but mostly I am too lazy to do much, cause then ya just gotta take it down, y'know?   Who are your BPAL forum buddies? You know, people I could conspire with to Witch you! I am still too new to have anyone who really "knows" me, I think. But I am looking forward to making more buddies! Rhowan and I had some nice PM chats when I was very very new, she sold me my first imps. But I am pretty chatty on here, I think, so not too hard to find out stuff.   What is your favorite color? Black, and I like cobalt blue. Or like a salmony pink. Or some lime-y greens. I wear mostly black, so anything with color looks good with that! HA - I just re-read this and realized - the blue of the old bottles. That cobalt. My favorite.   Any other steampunk fans/lovers? I really think it is cool and interesting, and like what I see. But I don't know too much about it , I do like the accessories. Again, there is the lazy thing. The clothes look like an awful lot of effort.   Describe your ideal picnic lunch. Where would you go? Who (if anyone, and yes there can be multiple people) would accompany you? What sort of food would you take? And, of course, if a picnic lunch sounds like a horrible idea, feel free to say so!Picnics are fun cause you can take puppies! I like a cookout style picnic the best, with the grills and all. Anything grilled is good! With some good wine, or sangria, or something fun. Usually just with family- my sister grills a lot, & has me over for dinner with her family lots, and we eat outside.   ******9/6***** You're in the kitchen at the end of a pay period and groceries are pretty scarce. Do you take the five ingredients you find first and make something fabulous, or do you order take out? I don't usually order takeout, I normally have something quick and easy around, even if it's just cheese and crackers and fruit, or a frozen pizza, or tuna. So... somewhere in between takeout and fabulous.   If you could decorate/redecorate any 1 room in your home, what would it be and how would you decorate it? I'm not so good at the decorating thing. I guess it would be my living room, and quite honestly, I would just like it decorated. In some way. I would like to plaster the walls (venetian plaster), have built in bookcases around an electric fireplace, and some nice artwork. Photos and paintings. I think the best way to say it is country cottage type. Not florals!, but soft whites and blues and wood. But with dark touches - shiny black where white would be expected, and sparkle.   Any rabid sports fans out there? What teams do you root for? sports? does my nephew's flag football team count? (He's 5, so there are more flags than football going on - also more standing around staring at the sky, and digging holes. It's fun!)   What's your favorite animal? (You can have more than one.) Dogs, horses, bunnies, pandas, seals, uh... really, all animals.   This is how the world ends... zombie apocalypse, robot uprising, alien invasion, return of the elder gods... which doomsday scenario do you prefer (or make your own!)? Zombies for the win!   In the year 2525... if man is still alive... what sort of future do you imagine? (apologies to anyone who gets that song stuck in their head!) The zombies will have gotten us all way before then.   Do you believe in magic (or magick, if you prefer)? What does it mean to you? Yes, absolutely. The magic of everyday life, and the Blessed Be kind.   If you found the puzzle box from Hellraiser, what would you do with it? ( and would you be able to resist playing with it? )I am sure that I would have no idea what it was until it was too late. Maybe that would be the end of the world, that I found that damn puzzle box and didn't know what it was.   ******9/7***** Are you an avid reader? What's your favorite book/series? Oh, yes, always have been & I am fairly indescriminate in my reading. I guess my favorite book/series (or at least one of them) is the Outlander series. I have a kindle now, so love book downloads (amazon.com giftcards?), but also love the regular kind.   What's your favorite candy to stock up on at Halloween?Someone said Reese's pumpkins. I love those, really anything Reeses. Halloween is and excuse to stock up.   What are your phobias? Heights -   What is your favourite flower (or plant)? I pretty much enjoy ell plants and flowers. I do have a black thumb, so I appreciate all the ones that I can't grow. I love hydrangeas, daffodils, hyacinth(esp. grape hyacinth), lilacs... springtime!!   Duct tape purses and wallets and things are pretty darned cool. Who else thinks so? No, but someone else mentioned a map / duct tape business card case. that would be cool.   An anonymous benefactor gives you $500 (or an equivalent amount of money in your currency of choice) with the following stipulations. You must spend all of it within a week: any money left unspent must be returned. You must spend at least half of the money on yourself. You may not use it to pay off debts or bills of any kind. What do you do with the money?Have a big cookout/party for my family and friends. SHOP - I could do $500 in probably half an hour.   ******9/8***** What was your favouritest job ever, and why?The one I have now is pretty cool - I love doing hair. Most of the time.   Which three albums would you take to your apocalypse bolt hole and how would you power the generator? Bicycle power, if I had someone to rig it up for me. I am sooooo not mechanically inclined, unfortunately. Actually, I would power it however the rigger up person told me to. And I would cheat - I would take my iPod and charger.   What GC scent have you been putting off getting since it'll "always be there"? I am really too new to bpal to answer that - they are all pretty new to me. I put GC in my cart and take them out, and try to get one that I want per order.   Are you interested in things like home remedies for ailments, cleaning solutions, etc.? Very much so. Any home remedies, cleaning solutions, beauty treatments, anything like that are good for me!     ******9/9***** Super power? the I Dream of Jeannie power - just to blink and do whatever!   If I send you whole spices or coffee beans, would you be able to grind them or would you prefer them preground for your convenience? Preground for convenience - not for teh lazy? Def. preground. I don't have grinders. As much as I would love to grind everything fresh. I know it is much better.   For the tea and coffee drinkers: Opinion on tea- and/or coffee-related accessories/etc? (Teaware, sugar crystals, infusers, tea chests, etc) Yes please!   How do you take your coffee (or tea)? Black or with cream and/or sugar?Tea - plain or with a little honey. Depends on the tea. Coffee - either black or with flavored creamer - usually vanilla.   Restaurants you'd like a gift certificate to on Restaurant.com?   In your perfect world it is chocolate and...?I vote Alan Rickman as well. Or Joseph Fiennes, if Mr. Rickman is otherwise - uh, engaged. Chocolate covered Joseph Fiennes.... OK for realz - there is a candy that is hard to find, for me at least. I used to be able to get it all the time, and then the store closed. Neer have found the exact one, just close: It is roasted almonds, dipped in a thin layer of toffee, then dipped in really good chocolate (semi sweet) and then rolled in cocoa powder. Out of this world.   How do you scent your home: tarts, reed diffusers, BPAL, candles? Candles or Bpal. I am still learning how to use the bpal, I have an oil warmer, and am learning which ones work best. Sometimes inscense.   What's your favorite dessert treat? Ice cream? Cake? Pie? Fudge brownie cake with pie flavored ice cream on top? Um, just dessert, thanks. But.... blackberry cobbler with lots of vanilla ice cream..... or the chocolate covered Joseph Fiennes referenced above. Cheesecake of any variety is a win.   Do you believe we control our destiny, or does our destiny control us? To an extent, both. We have a destiny, but also free will to mess with that destiny.   What one thing that is missing from your life would you like to have above all else? I have to go with life partner, call it boyfriend, husband... I have been single a long time now.   ******9/10***** If you do any kind of craft, could you use supplies? What kind? knitti,ng needles, yarn, amazing fabric, pinking shears, cool thimbles or pincushins, jewelery making supplies, beads, etc.? Not crafty, but love the finished product done by other people   What's your favorite pain-relief remedy or ritual? Advil and coffee   Do sounds make you happy? What ambient noises make you smile? Yes, nature sounds in the background, rain, love the sound of the ocean.....   When you receive your SW packages...do you like receiving things that are individually wrapped inside? or unwrapped? or both? Either way is good, I would prefer at least wrapped in tissue to make it feel more special, but each one doesn't have to be "wrapped" fancy.... I kind of like searching thru all the tissue to find little things!   Of course, we're all going to be grateful no matter what our witches give us, but for the record, what is your anti-present? Tell us something that you think your future witch might give you that you absolutely, unequivocally DO. NOT. WANT.   What BPAL scent have you never tried but always wanted to? What scent have you tried and LOVED, and haven't been able to get more of and why? I would have to say that I am curious about some of the ultra rares, I do have some that I have been very lucky to find at very reasonable prices, but there are some that just really aren't around..... or I can't afford! Snow, Glass, Apples, - Candy Butcher, Punkie Night, Black Lace, Underpants.... and I know that there are others but can't think of them. I have a partial of Hellhound on my Trail, and love and adore it. When I have seen more for sale recently, the prices have gone very high.   I know we're all scent sensitive here. What are your favorite non-perfume smells? Day in the life stuff? Since I do hair, there are certain shampoos that I love, the smell of woodsmoke and leaves in the fall, the damp ground in the spring... fresh mowed grass. Outdoorsy smells.   Coffee drinkers, what types of beans to you like? Kona, Sumatra, Kenya..etc. How do you like them roasted? Do you like flavors, such as hazelnut, vanilla, etc. in your coffee? Coffee. All Coffee. Yum. I do not particularly care for Starbucks, as I find it very acid-y. But will drink it and enjoy it, especially in the seasonal lattes that are now available - Pumpkin whatever I LOVE and the eggnog one too. I do like vanilla. I like the Eight O'Clock brand, the regular or french roast.   Who has a birthday falling in this round? no... it was August 24.   For those of us who like chocolate, do you like anything /in/ your chocolate, like fruit, nuts, or for the more daring among us, chilies? Almonds - especially this one that I can't find anywhere anymore (hint, hint) roasted almonds, dipped in toffee, then dipped in really good semisweet chocolate, then rolled in cocoa - fabulous!, cranberries (those new chocolate covered cranberries are a brilliant idea, even though the chocolate is not the best - they are craisinettes), coconut, peanut butter, peppermint, yeah I am a chocolate whore   Are there any childhood shows/movies/games/books/etc. that still hold a really special place in your heart? Uncle Wiggly's Tales, the Mother Goose stories,   ******9/11***** There has been a lot of talk about chocolate, but none about Candy! What is your favorite Candy? What candy do you hate? I like Maple Sugar candy, cinnamon candies, butter rum - don't care for gummies, licorice or skittles type   Do you have a Blu-Ray player? no, dvd on my laptop only   Do you have any objections to receiving downloads? Is your internet connection fast enough for you to download large files like music easily? No objections, my internet is fast enough - I'd be pretty freaking excited, actually.   Are there any songs, albums, movies, or TV shows that you can't find/haven't been released that you want? Repo!, and I am sure that there are others. Cavalia - I just learned of this, and they look awesome. They will be coming pretty close to me, but I don't think I will be able to go. Notre Dame de Paris. I am learning about all kinds of things I want from what other people want!     ******9/12-13***** What's something you're really looking forward to in the semi-near future? Getting a package from my Witch! On it's way! Also, I am going to a hair show this coming weekend. Should be good! I love taking the classes and learning new things/techniques. Of course it is also Bike Week, and a huge craft convention of some kind all in the same town,   What fictional character do you most identify with and why?   Could you use a 'travel' imp case? How many should it hold? Yep, sure could. I should carry imps instead of the makeup bag of bottles I lug around with me. But I do love my bottles! I guess 8 or so.   As a witchee, would you prefer to have many little packages sent to you throughout the round with a not-so-big final package or fewer things throughout the round with one huge final package to seal the sweetness? I like lots of little packages, the final one can be the same size, doesn't have to be bigger. I looooovvvveeee getting packages in the mail!   What is your idea of the perfect evening at home?   Are you on any social networks (MySpace, Twitter, LJ, Facebook, Bebo, etc)? If so, make with the links! Are you open to new friends? I am on Facebook, but have gotten bored with it after the first little rush. I will add links tomorrow - put "bpal" in the message or something so I know you are not some random spammer. I seem to get those.   What kind of socks?For work, I wear just plain black ones or kind of thin patterened ones - I had some cute Wicked Witch ones I wore last year at Halloween. But I do like big thick fuzzy socks. Fun ones.   How often do you update your wishlist? Since I am still new, it is huge and unwieldy. So I try to update it pretty frequently, esp. if I get something that is on the list that I can delete and make the list smaller. Eventually it will just be what I really really want, not just "to try".   May I help you fill out your costuming wardrobe (assuming you costume)? Are there articles you are seeking to enhance your a) Halloween costume, Renfest attire, c) Cosplay, d) Steampunk accouterment?   So, who has a store or ETSY shop or knows of a shop of a fellow BPALer that everybody needs to check out?   Who are your favorite artists/illustrators/art periods?   What's your stance on cranberries? love them!   Do you mind receiving used (in good condition, of course) CDs or DVDs? (I know this question was on the questionnaire about books, but I didn't see one for DVDs or CDs.) I mostly download music, but have no objection to cds new or used. Downloads are just one less thing to keep track of (I use iTunes or Amazon). But, that said, there is music that I like that is not available in the US yet. And iTunes UK won't let me buy from them, you can't if you are in the US. So the only way to get them is to get the cds (usually on ebay). That's how I got Daniel Merriweather and Imelda May. DVDs - used are great!   Do you have a crush on anyone famous? Do you have a crush on any literary characters? Would you like fanfiction or fan art based on this/these people? Fanfiction, no, art, no - I have lots of "crushes" but no please....   You're at home, or out, and you want a snack. Something that will get you through to the next meal, or through to the end of school or what ever. What do you grab? At home or work I usually have cheese and crackers. If I am out I will grab whatever I am in the mood for - I try to avoid fast food, though.   Do you have a favorite bpal bottle art?   Are there any decants from the Halloweenies, Literary Vampires, Gris Grimly, or Hellboy that you would be interested in receiving? I am in a decant circle but am always interested in a85 ny of them, the more the merrier! Ones that I did not get that I was interested in are: Carlin, Hell Gate of Ireland, Suck It, Trick or Treat, any of the Pumpkins. More Lambs Wool and Devil's Night are most welcome!   ******9/14***** For the crafty people out there: would you prefer something crafted or crafting supplies? I am throwing myself on the AntiCraft side of the line - can't do any of it. Love it when people do it for me, though!   Can you use pill boxes, a hard ID case, coin purse, etc? Sure! Not so much the id case unless it is one of the BPTP ones - I have a plain one that I use when I don't carry my wallet. But a pill box is good for vitamins that I am always forgetting to take, and a coin purse would make my purse not so jangly! (I am one of those people who just throw the change in the bottom of the black hole)   Any songs you are desperately into at the moment? I already have them... but Death Trip by the Bad Livers (Thanks True Blood), Time Bomb by Beck (ditto) and ....   What's autumn like in your neck of the woods? What do you love and/or hate about it? In the Shenandoah Valley, even though I guess I am on the edge of it, it's usually lovely. I am very near skyline drive, and people come from all over to drive it and see the leaves. Foliage report - there is even this. Warm (sometimes VERY warm days) and cool nights. ETA: Although now it is COLD and rainy. And Maybe Snowy.   What's your favorite product(s) at Trader Joe's? I really like Trader Joe's, but the closest to me is at least 1 1/2 hours. So I don't really have a favorite product - I have loved everything that I have gotten from them, but I haven't been in a long time.   If you're caught in front of the tv, what are you watching? Oh, you mean that background noise that I glance at occasionally? I like: True Blood, Fringe, Bones, Warehouse 13, CSI, Law and Order, & I'm looking forward to new shows this fall - the one with Joseph Fiennes looks good.   Any Amy Brown art fans? Pretty, but not my thing.   How do you feel about Halloween music? (mix CDs, what have you) Not really my thing. I decorate some, but usually have a movie on when I'm waiting for trick or treaters instead of creepy music.   Who else is reeeeeally looking forward to Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland? I answered this one, but ME ME ME ME ME   Is there a store that you love which does not have a location near you (but that has a physical presence somewhere, not just online? Why do you love it so much? There are lots, but I love Trader Joes, and so regularly go to the website to request something close to me. Sephora, of course. But the shipping is so fast on Sephora that it is ok, although more fun and more dangerous to go into the store. Instant gratification FTW, but website is ok. And World Market. Not many stores seem to have actual physical presences near me...   Lolcats....yeah or nay? YAY YAY YAY   What is your favorite creepy folk story or legend?   If your witch were to either write something for you or put together a collection of ghost stories, would you rather have it in writing, recorded as an oral telling, or both?   If you had the funds to comission an original painting for yourself, what would it be of? What would it be like- colors, size, style?     ******9/15***** Does anyone have any symbols they consider to be personally significant or talismanic? Are there any Gods, Goddess, or other mythological figures of whom you're particularly fond? Super villain or vigilante? Which would you like to be? Which would you like to receive? What mythical or fantastic race of creatures (dragons, unicorns, griffins, elves, dwarves, faeries, etc.) do you most identify with, and why? How do you feel about Dia de los Muertos? Are you interested in sugar skulls? Catrina (or other) skeleton figurines? Do you have a favorite poem or poet?   ******9/16***** Who is musically inclined? What instruments (voice counts) do you play? Would you enjoy sheet music? Favorite musicals? Which of the seven deadly sins is most likely to be your undoing? Anyone want a nickname and embroidered headband from PandaBite? I have seen a lot of yankee candles haters..... personally i like yankee candle (some of them, anyway). do you or don't you, and if not, what candles do you like? this assumes you like candles. otherwise, what specific home fragrance do you use? Would a "gift" donation to one of the organizations/causes you support be a great gift, or a lame gift?   ******9/17***** Are you into 80s movies (like i am ) if so, which are your favorites and who are your favorite characters? Do you like Villainess soaps? What are your favorite scents? Do you mind artificial colors in your food? Who wants hair pretties?(headbands, barrettes, pony-o's, scrunchies, bobby pins, hair clips, etc) If you were my witchee, would you like any of the scents/sizes that are available on clearance? I am on an origami crane kick recently, so I wonder if anyone will be interested in origami crane earrings, origami crane in a glass vial (~1.2cm wide) phone charm/pendant or just a container filled with cranes of different sizes. How do you feel about clothing/accessories made from animals? Anti-fur, leather, shells, etc.? Does even faux wig you out? How do you deal with stress? What's your favorite way to unwind? You're given the opportunity to apprentice at any trade (or craft) of your choosing for the period of one year. Your mentor may be any currently living person. Which field of study would you choose, and who would be your mentor?   ******9/18***** Do you wear lip gloss/lip balm? If so, what flavors/scents? What is one thing you constantly keep with you that you constantly loose? What are your favorite fruits? If Beth made a perfume called "switch witch" what notes would be in it? What is your favorite cookie type?     ******9/19***** Do you drink alcohol? Wine, beer or liquor? What is your favorite wine/beer/mixed drink? Do you like to find out there's a package on the way or to receive a tracking number to stalk, or do you prefer surprise packages? If I were your witch, and I wanted to make you a spell or mojo bag, would you be into that? And, if you were, would you want it for something like love, prosperity or luck? Or would you want it for a certain element? Or would you want it for something more personal- and what might that be?     ******9/20***** Would you object to annonomous postcards (real ones) from your witch before the big reveal???   ******9/21-22***** The New update is next week.....Is everyone ready for the Yules and everything else in store? Cake or death? Are there any foreign food products that you'd love to get or to try? Tea lovers, loose or bag? Paraphernalia? ******9/23***** Who collects ACEOs/ATCs? Switch Witches, which shoes do you own that are your favorite? What are your "daily drivers"? If you could describe yourself in 5 words, what would they be? Do you collect new/used stamps? Will you like to get stamps on your mails? Any WKAP you're excited about? How do you feel about stationary? (pens, notepads, cards, pencils, etc.)   ******9/24***** Do you use henna at all (hair or skin)? What about 2010 Wall calenders? Or 2010 journals or appointment diaries? What subject? What are your thoughts on Halloween decorations? What tarot card do you most identify with?   Some days after 9/24 and before the end of the month****** What are your thoughts on Incense? What about handbags/totes/clutches? Are there any particular movies you want on DVD? What about stickers?? Do you just need anything from the Possets update?     ******9/29***** Suppose I have a bottle of something you (my witchee) really wants, and I want to share it with you. Would you like a rollerball bottle made from oil in my own bottle in it?    




9/15 SW Random Questions

What is your favorite creepy folk story or legend?   If your witch were to either write something for you or put together a collection of ghost stories, would you rather have it in writing, recorded as an oral telling, or both?   For the crafty people out there: would you prefer something crafted or crafting supplies? At the moment, supplies - esp soap-making (I have a wishlist at Bramble Berry). The only exception would be a knitted slouch hat like so - I have yet to get my knitting to the point where I'd even attempt this, but one in a muddy brown/green/burgundy/grey wool blend would be so nice for fall!   Any songs you are desperately into at the moment? REM's Cuyahoga Sigur Ros's Gobbledigook Feist's Sea Lion White Rabbits' We Done Wrong/They Done Wrong   Can you use pill boxes, a hard ID case, coin purse, etc? A tin pillbox would be great - big enough for a pair of earplugs & a few ibuprofen... two things I often find myself wishing for when I'm far from home   Would you like to receive something of this nature (sweet diva boxes) from your witch? I'm such a fussypants about what's in my bath & body products, and I don't have pierced ears, so no, thank you.   What mythical or fantastic race of creatures (dragons, unicorns, griffins, elves, dwarves, faeries, etc.) do you most identify with, and why? Ents! Shepherds of the forest, slow to move, but if you finally do succeed in making me mad, watch out!   How do you feel about Dia de los Muertos? Are you interested in sugar skulls? Catrina (or other) skeleton figurines? Not a big touch point for me, really.   Do you have a favorite poem or poet? The Owl & the Pussycat Also a Pablo Neruda fan.   Super villain or vigilante? Vigilante. I like to think I'm a badass, but I'm really a goodygoody at heart...




Switch Witch questions & answers!

******9/8*****   What was your favouritest job ever, and why? My current job is actually my favorite. I'm a wench at Medieval times, and I LOVE it! I love the work, I love the people, I love everything about it. (except the drama... that could go away and i would be so happy) I get to wear a costume and hang out with my friends all day, it doesn't even feel like work most of the time!   Which three albums would you take to your apocalypse bolt hole and how would you power the generator? Something by Carbon Leaf (if I could have a disk of all their songs, all the better!) A David Bowie album, probably his greatest hits, and a compilation of the 80's hair bands rock, Van Halen (david lee roth please, not sammy hagar) GnR, Alice Cooper, White Snake, Poison, ect. To run it, I'd either use a bike or treadmill to keep in shape.   What GC scent have you been putting off getting since it'll "always be there"? Bliss & Eclipse. Recently fell back in love with both, and wish I had more! (even imps would be awesome at this point)   Are you interested in things like home remedies for ailments, cleaning solutions, etc.? Send me recipes!!! I'm always looking for natural remedies for anything!




Switch Witch questions & answers!

*******9/7*******   Any cooks? Could you use anything cooking related? Aprons? Cookbooks? Measuring Cups? Recipes? Herb/Spice containers? Fancy Spices? Dish Towels? Cocktail napkins? Amazing Beaded Pot Holders? (like from our very own Pottersville! ) Something else? I could def. use a new cheese grater, my old one is falling apart. A spice rack would be awesome. The colours in my kitchen are Green and orange, some black and sliver   Are you an avid reader? What's your favorite book/series? Yes! Right now I'm absolutely in love with Dresden, and anything that's historical fiction or historical fantasy Looking for any Civil War era books. I only have one of the Dresden novels, Fool Moon, any other are fair game. As for historical fiction or Fantasy, it might be best if my witch asked me if I had something before getting it for me if they went this route, as I have quite an extensive collection! I'm also looking to get Twilight and New Moon. I have the 3rd and 4th books, but am missing the first two.   What's your favorite candy to stock up on at Halloween? Anything with chocolate and peanut butter. I also like the hallowe'en peeps!   What are your phobias? Death, Heights and I'm highly claustrophobic.   What is your favourite flower (or plant)? I love herbs, mint, basil, dill, lavender. I wish I could keep them alive I also love Oak & Maple trees   Duct tape purses and wallets and things are pretty darned cool. Who else thinks so? Not really my thing...   An anonymous benefactor gives you $500 (or an equivalent amount of money in your currency of choice) with the following stipulations. You must spend all of it within a week: any money left unspent must be returned. You must spend at least half of the money on yourself. You may not use it to pay off debts or bills of any kind. What do you do with the money? Easy, Bpal and Bptp orders. I would order bottles of the GCs and CDs that I am dying for, Yoga pants and teeshirts and various other items from the trading post.   I would also spend probably about $100 in books.




Switch Witch questions & answers!

******9/6*****   You're in the kitchen at the end of a pay period and groceries are pretty scarce. Do you take the five ingredients you find first and make something fabulous, or do you order take out? it depends on my mood and how hungry I am, & how much money I can scroung up. Lately though, I'd just grab 5 things and put them together. I'm finding more and more takeout gives me horrible stomach aches   If you could decorate/redecorate any 1 room in your home, what would it be and how would you decorate it? I would love to do my bedroom in bold green and gold. I have wood looking furniture and a beautiful blanket that I want to use as a tapestry above my headboard. Make some gauzy gold curtains and I would love to have a candelabra type light fixture. and a nice area rug in browns and golds.   Any rabid sports fans out there? What teams do you root for? Not really Rabid, but I like the Hamilton Ti-Cats, the Montreal Canadians and Tony Stewart.   What's your favorite animal? (You can have more than one.) Otters, Wolves, Owls, Moose   This is how the world ends... zombie apocalypse, robot uprising, alien invasion, return of the elder gods... which doomsday scenario do you prefer (or make your own!)? Of those, return of the Elder gods. Though I hate doomsday things, I'm very afraid of death, I don't know why I just can't think about it, else I get all anxious.   In the year 2525... if man is still alive... what sort of future do you imagine? (apologies to anyone who gets that song stuck in their head!) I honestly have no clue. I don't like thinking about that because I won't be around and then I get thinking about death and it's a horrible circle for me :S   Do you believe in magic (or magick, if you prefer)? What does it mean to you? Yes, magic is in each of us, and in the world around us. It's the way the seasons change, and yet everything is still the same. It's in the air we breathe and the people we meet.   If you found the puzzle box from Hellraiser, what would you do with it? ( and would you be able to resist playing with it? ) I've honestly never seen Hellraiser, so I don't know if I can answer this properly...




Switch Witch questions & answers!

******9/5*****   Do you like pinup art/images? YES! I'm really liking the new image for Storyville!   What are your plans for Halloween? Have you made any yet? Do you have any traditions? No Plans for Hallowe'en just yet, though it being a Saturday I know I'll most likely be working. If I do any ritual for Samhain, it will be during the day.   Who are your BPAL forum buddies? You know, people I could conspire with to Witch you! I don't really talk with a lot of people from the forums yet, I'm kinda shy-ish.   What is your favorite color? Orange, Gold, Yellow, Brown, Green, Red. Autumn colours, I LOVE autumn   Any other steampunk fans/lovers? I like it yes, but I don't know if I could pull it off.   Describe your ideal picnic lunch. Where would you go? Who (if anyone, and yes there can be multiple people) would accompany you? What sort of food would you take? And, of course, if a picnic lunch sounds like a horrible idea, feel free to say so! I would probably go to Beamers Falls, close to where I grew up. I would have Fried Chicken, biscuts and potato salad with watermelon and Chocolate peanut butter cookies for desert. I would bring apple cider for drinks. I would have My friends Tupac, Ken, Erika, Marli & Amanda.




Switch Witch questions & answers!

******9/4***** Any Gamers here? What kind? Board games? RPG? Miniature? MMORPG? I used to play D&D, and Love Final Fantasy IX, but I don't have much time anymore to play Though I may have a few friends to play D&D again if I can find the time!   Is anyone playing this round of SW into ABJ? (asian ball jointed dolls) I've never heard of that before.... So no   What is your favorite Halloween icon? I love Black Cats, and Jack-o-lanterns and Ghosts that go Boo!   Imagine that you're given a shoebox-sized time capsule, and you are asked to put any number of items in the box that symbolize who you are. The items can be may be anything you can imagine, and money is no object, but they must fit within the box. Which items do you choose? A Dresden Files book, possibly the most recent, My Clocket, an imp of Bliss, Eclipse, Wulric, Fenris Wolf, Western Diamondback, Banded Sea Snake, SGA, Fearful Pleasure & Gunpowder. Bits of yarn and fabric from my costumes, pictures of my family, my pets, my husband and my best friends. My headband and nametag from work, my teddy bear, an iPhone.   Are you involved in any long-term, ambitious project? something like decorating your house or saving for a trip to the other end of the world, for example. Saving to buy a house and another dog! Eventually would love to have Children.   Favorite kind or take out kinda burger? Whats your burger preference? Veggie,meat or ???? I love homemade burgers with mushrooms and onions inside. Always has to have cheese, bacon is optional. Pickles are a must! Ketchup and mustard as well.   Whats your favorite childhood toy? I really liked Sailor Moon toys, and still have a few, but it's hard to collect right now given the price of everything   If you have a pet, what kind of gifts would be good for them? Catnip toys or ribbons for the kitties, (sadly the dog gets most of their toys cause he's a wanker) For him, a really tough stuffed toy, he can get through most in like 5 minutes flat.   Do you Tweet? What is your Twitter name? I rarely tweet, but I do have a twitter, AutumnsLioness   Are you on Ravelry? What is your Ravelry name? My ravelry name is AutumnsLioness




Switch Witch questions & answers!

******9/3*****   What are everyone's favorite Halloween-y/Autumn-y/spooky movies? Are there any you don't own but would like to? I'm not a big fan of horror movies, but DH is, and he has a ton of them! I tend to like the more for kids hallowe'en movies like Halloweentown   Are roasted pumpkin seeds and home made chex mix the best fall snack foods, or what? YES!!! I have a really great recipe for a bits and bites that I'm going to be making soon! Yum! And pumpkin seeds, I've missed so much, I havn't carved a pumpkin in years! (stupid apartment building living )   Whats your favorite pie, my dear SW's? I LOVE mincemeat pies, though those tend to be a Yule treat. They are still my Favorite though! Pumpkin pie is yummy too, this year I'm hoping to make one from total scratch! I also like Cherry and Strawberry-rhubarb pies   What kinda socks ar you wearing tonight? None at the moment, still too warm here.   Do you like socks? Blankets? Wrist warmers? Arm warmers? Headband? Shawl? Or what kind of knitted thing would you love the most? SOCKS! (though that was made pretty clear on my ?aire ) though that said, I keep meaning to make myself some mittens or some fingerless gloves, but I always end up making something for someone else rather then myself lol   How do you feel about ghost stories? Do you like to tell the old tales around a campfire? Read true accounts on the web way past your bedtime? Do you like to pick up a good anthology of Poe stories on a blustery day? Or is all that too scary for you? I love ghost stories! I find myself turning on all the lights if I get too scared, I'm always scared of the bumps in the night, but it's an awesome scared feeling!   Who here is LOVING Warehouse 13? I will have to look that up, I will edit this once I do.   Nother question! Coffee or Tea? Tea! No coffee for me, it gives me rotgut Smells good though! (so possibly coffee scented products could work, but I am far more partial to tea)   Interested in locally produced products? Food, skincare or both?Olive oil? Lavender oils or soaps? Def. interested in Local products! Food or skincare (though I rarely use much) I am a big fan of lavender!   Does anyone in here wear a lot of dangly earrings or collect pendants of all kinds?? How about hair clips or pony tail band things? I like dangly earrings, not very long though. I don't have many pairs of earrings anymore for some reason. Not very big on pendants, i tend to wear the same necklace all the time. Hair clips yes, pony tail bands no. I just cut all my hair off and there's not enough there to tie back!   What is your favourite historical period? Tudor to Elizabethan for sure, though I'm highly partial to the Civil War era as well. Queen Elizabeth the first is my favorite woman of all history, she was amazing and I wish I could be just like her. I'm hoping to get a tattoo inspired by her.   What other hot beverages everyone likes for fall? APPLE CIDER!!!!!!!! Yum. I love it, I start getting jugs of it at least twice a week once it hits the supermarket here and I'm the only one who drinks it!   Did you order anything from the most recent update? I got decants from a circle (still waiting ) and a 5ml of Boo (I hope I like it!) I'm kinda regretting not getting Falling Leaf Moon, given all the recent reviews of it sounding AWESOME!   Vampires or Werewolves? Or some other monster? I am a slave for both! First love was vampires, but Underworld, Dresden Files, Twilight and not to mention Wulric, have made me fall HARD for Werewolves.   What sort of odd or regional foods do you crave? I'm always wanting to try new Cajun dishes. My dad used to make a lot of it when I was younger, and I love it! I also tend to get a craving for Maryland crab, Adore it! I also LOVE tea flavoured candies.




Switch Witch questions & answers!

******9/9*****   Super power? I would love to be able to fly! My biggest fear about heights is falling and getting hurt, but if I could fly i wouldn't have to worry about falling!   If I send you whole spices or coffee beans, would you be able to grind them or would you prefer them preground for your convenience? I would love to say send them whole, but I have no idea how I would grind them...   For the tea and coffee drinkers: Opinion on tea- and/or coffee-related accessories/etc? (Teaware, sugar crystals, infusers, tea chests, etc)How do you take your coffee (or tea)? Black or with cream and/or sugar? I usually drink tea as is, as in just water and tea, but if I need to add something I prefer to add honey. I got these honey straw type things for my tea, it has the perfect amount of honey. I don't like flavoured honey in my tea, as in the flavoured honey straws, just regular honey, or clover honey or something similar. I also like to try different honey then the "normal" store bought brand. I also love Big mugs, and would love to have more infusers, or a tea chest. I have a couple big tea pots, so I'm good there, and as for tea, I'm always willing to try new things! I love cocoa Chai from Good Earth, and Original Sweet & Spicy   Restaurants you'd like a gift certificate to on Restaurant.com? Does not apply   In your perfect world it is chocolate and...? Gary Oldman or Jackson Rathbone... mmmmmhmmmmm   Reality though? I love fruit in chocolate, orange, raspberry, blueberry, cherry, not strawberry though... Green tea, I'm also interested in trying new things, like lavender or salt or even bacon!   How do you scent your home: tarts, reed diffusers, BPAL, candles? I don't do much to be honest, sometimes the BPTP room sprays. I usually scent myself with perfume, but if I need something I usually open a window. LOL! I'm interested in tarts, but I have issues with a lot of candle scents in that they're too fake or too strong If I am scenting my home, I tend to like grandma's kitchen, or sugar cookie or something similar   What's your favorite dessert treat? Ice cream? Cake? Pie? Fudge brownie cake with pie flavored ice cream on top? I am so in love with pie it's not even funny! Mincemeat is my favorite (Now I really want to go get mincemeat pie...)   Do you believe we control our destiny, or does our destiny control us? I think it's a bit of both, I think we can control it unless we are meant to do something specific, then we find ourselves doing things that we usually wouldn't do, and that is destiny.   What one thing that is missing from your life would you like to have above all else? Friends that are not just at work. I would love to be able to do things with people out side of work and to have plans once in a while.   New question, because I'm learning how to sew - if you do any kind of craft, could you use supplies? What kind? knitting needles, yarn, amazing fabric, pinking shears, cool thimbles or pincushins, jewelery making supplies, beads, etc.? I, too, am learning how to sew and have very little in the way of sewing supplies. I also like to knit, still a beginner though, and any easy patterns or lovely yarn would be awesome!!! I just got some hand spun merino wool, in gray & pink and I have no idea what to do with it!




Switch Witch questions & answers!

******9/10***** Are you interested in things like home remedies for ailments, cleaning solutions, etc.? Yes Please! I'm always interested in recipes and the like for remedies and cleaning solutions, though I'm partial to making them myself and not getting some that are premade. I really like to know what is in my stuff   If you do any kind of craft, could you use supplies? What kind? knitting needles, yarn, amazing fabric, pinking shears, cool thimbles or pincushins, jewelery making supplies, beads, etc.? I could always use more yarn, or fabric. I'm a beginner knitter (yay!) and a really really beginner sew-er. I love unique yarns and hand spun yarns I also don't have much in the way of sewing supplies, like pins, pincushins, measuring tapes, fabric pens ect.   What's your favorite pain-relief remedy or ritual? Usually an advil or two depending on strength and I'm good to go. I also like grr for minor headaches. If it's a migraine that I didn't get early enough with the advil I have to lay down and sleep. I have to have a cool-cold face cloth over my eyes and forehead in complete darkness. I've always wanted one of those flax pillows for over the eyes. You can freeze them or warm them up, and sometimes they have lavender in them. One of those would be amazing, considering how often I can get headaches.   Do sounds make you happy? What ambient noises make you smile? Very much so, I love the sound of my luna cat chirping, nascar stock cars, guitars, (usually in a rock sound ) David Bowie's voice, bands such as Carbon Leaf, Kings of Leon, Hinder. I love the rain on a roof, distant thunder storms, a gentle stream bubbling, a fire crackling, waves crashing against a shore.   When you receive your SW packages...do you like receiving things that are individually wrapped inside? or unwrapped? or both? I love either way. I would prefer if my witch would wrap items in scraps of cloth rather then paper, but items don't need to be wrapped at all   Of course, we're all going to be grateful no matter what our witches give us, but for the record, what is your anti-present? Tell us something that you think your future witch might give you that you absolutely, unequivocally DO. NOT. WANT. Please no coffee, it will be wasted on me.   What BPAL scent have you never tried but always wanted to? What scent have you tried and LOVED, and haven't been able to get more of and why? I've always wanted to try Crumpet Rebellion and Orange, though I doubt I'll ever get a chance to. As for not being able to get more, I can't really think of one at the moment. Though I have been having a hard time tracking down imps of Bliss and Eclipse, even though they're GC.   I know we're all scent sensitive here. What are your favorite non-perfume smells? Day in the life stuff? Garlic and onions sauteing in a pan with some olive oil, fresh BREAD! apple cider simmering on the stove, fresh herbs from my mum's garden, my puppy! Most home cooking, a camp fire, the ocean, fallen leaves in the fall, Cajun food cooking, Horses, crisp air in autumn just as the weather begins to change, mint bubble gum   Coffee drinkers, what types of beans to you like? Kona, Sumatra, Kenya..etc. How do you like them roasted? Do you like flavors, such as hazelnut, vanilla, etc. in your coffee? I don't drink coffee, so none for me thanks   Who has a birthday falling in this round? Not I, just my 1 year anniversary with DH on Sept 22nd.   For those of us who like chocolate, do you like anything /in/ your chocolate, like fruit, nuts, or for the more daring among us, chilies? I like fruit creams (just not strawberry or coconut), green tea cream, I'm always up for trying new things. I'd love to try bacon in chocolate!   Are there any childhood shows/movies/games/books/etc. that still hold a really special place in your heart? Probably too many to list, but Labyrinth is one, are you afraid of the dark?, there are probably more but I can't think of them right now... LOL!


