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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Against Idleness and Mischief

In the imp: Pollen-y honey and something oddly astringent.   On wet: Chamomile, a smidge of sweetness - but it's SO light! I can barely smell anything, and I slathered my wrist up good! I hope it intensifies as it dries down...   Drydown: Still pretty faint, which gives me massive sadface 'cause I not only LOVE chamomile, but have wanted a honeyed-cham scent *forever*. What I *am* able to smell, however, is exactly that - gentle, bee-kissed chamomile. It's sweet, delicately herbal, and makes me feel clean, cozy and safe. Not getting any tonka or hyssop specifically, but I'm sure they're lending themselves to sweetening things up and grounding everything. And I agree with some of the previous posters - the further this dries, the more it smells like O without the amber.   Overall: I'm hoping this scent will get more intense as it ages - especially the chamomile. Other than that, I quite like it! It's soft, sweet, and comforting. I will definitely be grabbing a bottle if my imp ages the way I'm hoping it will. 4/5




Pumpkin Patch Breakdown.....all years, all releases!

I've been thinking about the Pumpkin Patches, past and present, and I know there are at least a couple I'd still like to try. Here's a breakdown so I can get it all straight in my mind. There are so many, it's kind of hard to keep track of them!   So, I will rate these on a scale of 1-5, based on interest. Anything 3 or above, I'll probably track down a decant at some point.   Pumpkin Patch '05 and '06......   I......Pumpkin with apple cider and mulling spice. This sounds pretty yummy, but I think my ultimate mulled cider scent has already been found (Fearful Pleasure). I wouldn't mind sniffing this but I won't go way out of my way to find it. However, if I found a cheap bottle, I'd probably grab it for a room scent. 2/5   II.....Pumpkin with cocoa, hazelnut and walnut. Nah, don't like cocoa that much, and not crazy about nuts in perfume either. I can safely pass on this one. 1/5   III......Pumpkin and pomegranate. I'm not a big fruit scent fan either....I already have a few, and they are more than enough to fill that niche in my collection. Pass on this one. 1/5   IV......Pumpkin with sandalwood and orris. I don't like orris that much. I like sandalwood, but I already have plenty of nice sandalwood essential oil. If I ever get the urge for pumpkin and sandalwood, it would be pretty easy to recreate on my own. Pass on this one too! 2/5   V.......Pumpkin with five woods, English ivy and galangal root. Now this one, I have always wanted to try. I tend to like green scents, and a lot of woods work well for me. Some woods go kind of flat for me but this is worth a try, for sure. 4/5   Pumpkin Patch '07   I.......Pumpkin with pear, white wine grapes, and jasmine-laced tea. No.......not for me. Probably smells nice, but just not my thing. 2/5   II........Pumpkin with tobacco, champa flower, carnation, and tonka. Hmm, I thought I had tried a decant of this, but I never wrote a review. It does sound like something I'd like. Tobacco is the only iffy note, but it works for me sometimes. Would like to try except I have this nagging feeling that I already have a decant of this somewhere. I'll have to look for it. 3/5   III........Pumpkin with white chocolate, caramel, pomegranate, and cream. Again, not crazy about chocolate. I remember thinking this sounded interesting when these first came out. Since then, I've had my fill of chocolate and/or fruity scents. 2/5   IV.....Pumpkin with cactus blossom, sage, and sweetgrass. Definitely already have a decant, not a bad scent, but do not need more. 1/5 (would be higher if I didn't already have some)   V.......Pumpkin with benzoin, bourbon vanilla, lemon peel, neroli, blood orange, and red ginger. Yes! Already have a decant, and could probably use another one. I have tested this side by side with Pumpkin Queen, and although they are different scents, it's really hard to tell the difference. 3/5 (would be higher if I didn't already have some)   Pumpkin Patch '08   I......Pumpkin with mango, persimmon, coconut, and myrrh. Already tried it, have some, do not need more! It smells like sweet potato casserole to me. 1/5   II........Pumpkin with black musk, leather accord, tonka, teak, orange wood, and opoponax. Yes, yes, yes! Have a decant, would not mind another. 4/5   IV......Pumpkin with white sage, cherry tobacco, honey, smoky vanilla, cedar, and pine. I had an interest in this one, but I let it pass by because of the honey, probably. Still wouldn't mind trying it, as long as the honey behaves itself. 4/5   V.......Pumpkin with cranberry, strawberry, red musk, red rose, rosehip, frankincense, fig, jasmine, and carnation. No ma'am, no sir, not for me! Red musk, jasmine and frankincense are nice, fig and carnation are okay, red rose can be wearable sometimes, but all together, and with the fruits, make this one an easy pass for me. 1/5   Pumpkin Patch '09   I.......Pumpkin, almond, brown musk, and honey. I usually can't wear honey, with a rare exception here and there. And I don't think I like brown musk that much. Pass on this one. 2/5   II.......Pumpkin, rosewood, red sandalwood, and tea rose. Not really of interest to me, except for maybe the red sandalwood. 2/5   III......Pumpkin, fir needle, pitch, rosemary, and tomato. I am interested in trying this, not sure if it's something I'd wear, but it's unique and I'd like to try it. 3/5   IV......Pumpkin, black musk, tobacco, myrrh, and clove. Reminds me of a couple of the past ones. I wouldn't mind trying it, but I also have lots of scents like this already. Maybe not with pumpkin, though. Interested enough for a decant at some point. 3/5   V........Pumpkin, chocolate, coffee bean, vanilla bean, and hazelnut. At first I wasn't interested because of the chocolate, but the will-call reviews are saying this is heavier on the coffee, which makes it a little more appealing in my eye. Would like to sniff at some point. 3/5




Halloween Summary....

decants, priority 1 Carlin Feeding The Dead The Hell-Gate Of Ireland Lambs-Wool Countess Dolingen Of Gratz Sarah Julia Stone   decants, priority 2 Shadowless Like Silence Summer's Last Will And Testament Trick Or Treat 2009 Pumpkin Patch III Pumpkin Patch IV Lord Ruthven   bottles? The Hell-Gate Of Ireland Lambs-Wool Sarah   Edit: ordered the ones crossed off (in decant form so far), and Devil's Night to boot! Honestly at this point, I'm thinking Sarah might be the only bottle I go for. But of course that could change if I fall in love with any of the other decants. : )




ISO / Wishlist / Wanted

WISHLIST - 5ml bottles only please. Partials are acceptable. Usually swapping my LEs for GCs is not a problem; feel free to ask.     Many of the "Lace" scents: Mourning Lace, Red Lace, Tattered Lace, Absinthe and Lace, Pink Lace Snake Pits (any, always, Snake Oil anything) SN India Ink and other single notes




Imperious Tiger Lily

sigh. I adored the 'other' Tiger Lily, so I'm sorry but this review is largely a comparison to the other one. I know they're supposed to stand alone and one is not the substitute for the other, but I just can't separate them in my mind.   so, plain ol' Tiger Lily was saturated, indolent, thick, warm, peachy honeyed lilies with a lot of throw while Imperious Tiger Lily is cooler, fruitier more delicate and whimsical. It just strikes me as a more candied, more youthful treatment of lily. Not really more imperious.   So, even if the concept goes a bit awry on my skin, I like them both. I wish Tiger Lily was still around, but this is a very nice lily scent. :love!:





A gentle white scent, breezes laced with the scent of springtime blooms and citrus. Lemon, lemon verbena, neroli, white musk, white florals, white sandalwood, China musk, bergamot and a drop of vanilla.

in the bottle: Perfume. This is the first BPAL scent I've smelled that immediately put me in mind of traditional perfume. Feminine. Floral. Strong sandalwood, but without the sense of dryness I usually get. I definitely smell lemon verbena and a strong but light musky component. Bergamot -- one of my favorite scents. I'm a bit put off by the overall perfume-y-ness of it, but I'll give it a go.

on wet: Immediately, the sandalwood and musk are dominant; all the other scents drop away completely.

drydown: Sandalwood and vanilla. A really nice vanilla. I don't know if this is a special type of vanilla or if it's just being affected by the surrounding components, but it's a dry, non-sweet vanilla which I like very much. Oddly, the sandalwood is already not as strong, which is counter to my past experiences with sandalwood (where it usually becomes the dominant -- if not only -- component throughout the scent life of the oil or perfume). No hint of bergamot left. :love!:

one hour later: Okay, still a perfume-y perfume, but not offensive. I'm getting a whiff now of the neroli (one of the few floral scents in real life that doesn't give me a headache). Also, this is the first one I've tried that has throw. That sort of makes me want to wash my wrists, but I'll tough it out.

end of day: Light floral.

compared to official description: Simplistically, the throw on this one does make me think of breezes, especially the type that waft the warm scent of Philadelphus blossoms across the yard (nice match to the description since, for us, Philadelphus blooms in late spring, so ... spring breezes). If "white scent" is supposed to mean light and non-heady, again accurate. I would've thought that sandalwood would immediately make a scent not light, but I see that it's described as "white sandalwood." I'm not sure what that means, but it's clearly a completely different scent than the one I'm used to.

notes: Lagniappe. Not one I would have thought to try because of the floral component. I'm glad the lab throws these in because I do allow myself to be dissuaded by a description. This forces me to take a chance, for better or worse.

It's a very pretty but light floral. Very much a perfume. I can see the appeal if you like this sort of thing. Overall, it isn't me. It leaves me feeling fragile and withdrawn -- not sensations that I enjoy.

added to forum reviews




Halloweenie breakdown

Here are my thoughts. I need to write get it on paper (or on computer screen, as it were) so I can figure out what decants I want. And what bottles. Here we go....   edit: decant desires bolded   BLACK BUTTERFLY MOON Soft, deep, and luminous: Lady of the Night orchid, benzoin, opopponax, currant, black chypre, white gardenia, ambergris, damp, wooded mosses, and black lily. The notes sound nice, except for black lily. I don't feel the need to try this, though. Probably somewhat feminine and perfumey.   THE LAST ROSE OF SUMMER A quiet, solitary scent: white rose, frankincense, Arabian sandalwood, neroli, orris root, and patchouli. With 'Rose' in the name, I can safely pass on this one. Not that I hate rose, but I don't really like orris and the combination here would probably be soapy and/or powdery.   SHADOWLESS LIKE SILENCE Dry leaves and white sandalwood, rock moss, cypress, and dry, lifeless roses. Dry, lifeless roses sounds powdery or soapy to me. Another I can pass up. Edit: preliminary reviews are saying the rose is faint.....maybe a decant after all.   SUMMER'S LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT Doomed summer, supported on the shoulders of winter and autumn: citrus-infused Baltic amber, red valerian, marigold, blood orange, and sunflower subdued by somber myrrh and dry geranium alongside the leaves of autumn and a breath of winter wind. Sounds nice enough, except it does sound like at least one other blend that I already have a whole bottle of (Red Moon, the newer one). Worth a decant.   UNDER THE HARVEST MOON Blue and white musk, summer roses, wild crimson leaves, grey amber, carnation, lavender bud, and vanilla bean. Sounds very perfumey which I know is a lame adjective but it describes the kind of scent that I'm trying to avoid lately. It's just the word I use for a particular quality that I don't know how else to describe.   BITE ME Croquembouche with almond silk and a drizzle of caramel. Nah, not so much.....I'd sniff it given the chance but not going out of my way to obtain some.   BOO Eerie billows of spun sugar, fluttering white cotton, and sheets of cream. Definitely not. I'm not into cotton/linen notes, or cream for that matter. Worth a sniff, though.   CARLIN Black sage, ivy-twined rowan, thistle, snapdragon, heather, gorse, fumitory, and anise. Just not sure about this one.......worth a decant just to find out. I like herbal scents from time to time.   CREEPY 2009 A return of 2006's Ridiculous Scent! As creepy as Spooky was spooky, this is the scent of butterscotch-kissed, caramel-smothered red apples spiked with a blast of coconut rum. I swapped my bottle from '06, no need to try it again. It's nice enough but a little too rich for me.   DEVIL'S NIGHT 2009 This is the scent of autumn night, fires in the distance, with a touch of boozy swoon, playful sugar and thuggish musk. One of my favorites, but I already have enough to last me a long time. I may get a decant if the reviews indicate it's different from the past ones.   DIA DE LOS MUERTOS 2009 dry, crackling leaves, the incense smoke of altars honoring Death and the Dead, funeral bouquets, the candies, chocolates, foods and tobacco of the ofrenda, amaranth, sweet cactus blossom and desert cereus. Never have tried this, I may end up with a decant eventually. I just don't like chocolate in perfume (usually).   FEEDING THE DEAD A barrel of beer, a pyramid of cakes, and three sticks of incense. I am interested, enough for a decant.   THE HELL-GATE OF IRELAND Smoldering brimstone, bitter labdanum, clove, black musk, and copper-colored feathers. This is one of the more interesting prospects. The only worry is that sometimes black musk is powdery. But not always. Decant.   LAMBS-WOOL A popular holy day beverage in 18th century Ireland: roasted apples mashed into warmed milk and ale, with nutmeg, sugar, ginger, and clove. Warmed milk is the only thing holding me back from a decant. I will watch reviews.   POMONA Azaroles, nuts, and apple blossoms with red apple pulp, mulberry, blackberry, and pomegranate juice. Nahh, too fruity for me. I'll stick with Possets' Pomona.   SAMHAIN 2009 Truly the scent of autumn itself -- damp woods, fir needle, and black patchouli with the gentlest touches of warm pumpkin, clove, nutmeg, allspice, sweet red apple and mullein. I am so stocked up on Samhain in its past incarnations, that I really don't need more at this point. Especially since I don't even wear it that much.   SUCK IT Sexy and suckable: black cherry brandy. This sounds like it could be nice, just not sure. Possibly a decant?   TRICK OR TREAT 2009 The sticky sweet scent of candy corn! Even cornier for 2009! - cuz corny is how we roll at BPAL. I might like a decant, to compare with my older decant. I do like the sweet comforting scents every now and then, and the older one has a nice touch of spice.   Pumpkin Patch I Pumpkin, almond, brown musk, and honey. Brown musk and honey make this a no-go.   Pumpkin Patch II Pumpkin, rosewood, red sandalwood, and tea rose. Nah, not so much. Worth a sniff some time, maybe, but not priority right now.   Pumpkin Patch III Pumpkin, fir needle, pitch, rosemary, and tomato. I would like a decant. I love pine and fir scents.   Pumpkin Patch IV Pumpkin, black musk, tobacco, myrrh, and clove. Possibly worth a decant, we'll see how much I have to spend.   Pumpkin Patch V Pumpkin, chocolate, coffee bean, vanilla bean, and hazelnut. There's that chocolate again.......again, worth a sniff, but probably not a priority right now.   TATTIE BOGLE Hay, gunpowder, patchouli, autumn herbs, and sun-baked wood. Could be nice, if I ever ran across a sniffie.   ARIADNE BRUNNELL Poppy flowers, peat, sphagnum moss, gardenia, and white water lily. Sounds good except for the lily. It's not one of my more successful notes.   CLARIMONDE Pallid skin musk, white roses, and a languorous vapor of Oriental perfume. Again, perfumey. This will be very perfumey. Also I think skin musk reminds me of honey, which is a note I really don't like very often.   CRISTINA Chestnut trees, juniper berries, violet leaf, labdanum, dazzling, moonlit white musk, and night-blooming summer flowers. Hmmm, could be worth a decant, just not sure on this one. As far as autumn scents, this is probably lower in my priorities, but it could be a nice scent.   COUNTESS DOLINGEN OF GRATZ Hailstone-pounded cypress boughs, olibanum, and an ozone blast of lightning. Definitely want to try a decant of this.   THE GIRL A seductive, serpentine white scent, elusive, crystalline, and spellbinding: white amber, silver birch, immortelle, davana, pale musk, star jasmine, and ylang ylang. Worth a sniff, but not so much calling to me.   MIRCALLA, COUNTESS KARNSTEIN Languid, melancholy fire: red musk, purple orchid, frankincense, smoky vanilla, Styrian herbs, peru balsam, tonka, Zanzibar clove, and patchouli. This should appeal to me....but I think I have a few scents like this already. I will watch reviews.   LORD RUTHVEN The father of all dandy aristocrat vampires: Aqua Admirabilis with polished boot leather and blood. I could be into this one......possibly a decant.   SARAH Unholy mist congealing into soft, white flesh, with black marble, remnants of liturgical incense, wolf's fur, and black flecks of froth. Wolf's fur is the only thing I am wary of, because I don't like muzzy furry notes all that much. But this is just so odd, I have to try a decant.   JULIA STONE Rotting once-white fabric, spotted with mold. I don't usually like linen notes, but I have a thing for the underdog. In most of the other breakdowns, everyone pretty much dismissed this one......which of course makes me want to try a decant! We'll see how the reviews go.   PERLE VON MAUREN Heliotrope, grave soil, and blood. Soil is a gamble of a note for me, I think I'll let this one pass me by, unless the reviews shout otherwise.   So, overall, no immediate bottle purchases. I have this nagging feeling about Lambs-Wool.....I think it's going to be a big hit, and I am pretty sure I want to try it. I might just get a surprise, even with the warm milk note! Other than that, I want to try the obvious masculine ones for the most part, and a couple others.




[BANNED] beneathglass, aka Lia, aka loviatorthertip, aka herokitty

From roughly June 14-June 30, beneathglass contacted in excess of 100 members, offering to swap and/or sale.   By July 3, we had received so many reports about slow swap/non communication that we restricted her access to the swaps forum.   Around July 7, she was restricted from the private areas of the forum.   On July 8, she created Lia and loviatorthertip to get around that restriction and was informed that another duplicate account would result in her getting banned.   On August 5, she created herokitty and was banned.




Lady Una

"Why, you are crying."   She said nothing. Dunstan pulled her toward him, wiping ineffectually at her face with his big hand; and then he leaned into her sobbing face, and, tentatively, uncertain of whether or not he was doing the correct thing given the circumstances, he kissed her, full upon the burning lips.   There was a moment of hesitation, and then her mouth opened against his, and her tongue slid into his mouth, and he was, under the strange stars, utterly, irrevocably, lost.   Honey musk, green tea leaf, blackberry leaf, vanilla bean, and fae spices.   I love how this smells in the bottle, honey, vanilla and spice! On me it changes a bit though, it actually smells almost identical to Milk Moon. It's like Milk Moon without the grape note. I like MM but wasn't expecting it. After it sits on my skin for a few hours it morphs more into it's own scent and is lovely. Very pretty scent overall! I think I will try it out in a locket to see how it smells then, I have a feeling it will be heaven!   ETA: Nope never mind today it's all honey and not very similar to MM! This scent is great!




imp order and frustration

My recent experience with La Petit Mort (actually, I'm still experiencing it) has me back in the old "I can't wear perfume" mindset. I've resolved to order a dozen imps instead of just six, consisting of those scents I consider the most promising from my own research, plus a few taken willy-nilly out of the favorites of a few people who seem to have the same scent preferences as me.   Today I'm ordering (as imps):   Shub-Niggurath Embalming Fluid Dracul No. 93 Engine Antikythera Mechanism Centzon Totochtin Perversion The Apothecary Dragon's Hide Mary Read Les Infortunes De La Vertu Lightning   Let's see if I have more luck with any of these.




Video Game Excitement

I realized yesterday that I've reached the point where upcoming video games are more exciting to me now than upcoming movies. I guess a lot of people crossed that line a long time ago, but for me it's pretty amazing that I reached it at all.   I am still excited about the Dark Crystal sequel, and the Dawn Treader movie from the Narnia series. However, I am much, much more excited about the Last Guardian. In fact, I just preordered it. Woo Hoo!! I can't wait.





I'm excited, of course, about the Halloween update coming up. It's my absolute favorite of all the special updates we get to see, and that's including Carnaval Diabolique. There's just something so special and cozy about fall for me. It makes me think of sleepovers, watching horror movies (good ones and bad ones), spicy and sweet goodies, brisk walks in chilly night air......the list goes on......   My only complaint is that I don't take full advantage of all the fun things I could do in the fall season. This is due to my own laziness, and too much focus on work. But I do manage to make some fun goodies at home like mulled apple cider, or some kind of spicy baked goods. It's a great feeling to fire up the oven when it's actually cool outside. So warm and cozy!   So obviously I'm really happy that the Halloween update will be coming along soon. Usually I buy one or two bottles unsniffed based on the descriptions, which is always fun because it adds an element of chance. Then I go nuts with decants. I think the one series that held the most favorites for me was the Order Of The Dragon. I just love Quncey Morris, Dr. John Seward, and of course Count Dracula. And then there are the old favorites like Samhain, Devil's Night, and now Death Of Autumn. It's funny.....Samhain is something I don't wear very often, probably less than 10 times during the whole year, but it's something that I just don't want to be without. When I want to smell it, nothing else will do. I think 2007 is the only year that I didn't at least try the new one, and I have a nearly full bottle from 2004.   I just can't wait to see what autumn brings us this year! :love!:





Constant wears/Holy Grails: Pumpkin I 2005 Elegba Poisoned Apple (good for now) Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener (need bottle with BPAL art) Beaver'versary Pumpkin II 2009 (good for now) Head of Holofernes (good for now) The Haunted Palace (good for now) Old Moon (good for now) Fearsome Pleasure (almost gone!) Arcana's Ganesh (the only cocoa I can wear!)     To bring my collection up to speed: #20 Love Oil - pending A Countenance Forboding Evil Aelopile Aeval Aglaea aizen-Myoo All in the Golden Afternoon Antique Lace - yeah right Antony Anubis Aperotos Eros Baku - pending Bastet Bathsheba Belladonna Belle Vinu Bensiabel Bien Loin D'Ici Black Lily- pending Black Opal Black Pearl Black Phoenix Bliss Block Buster Blood Amber Bordello Brisingamen Brusque Violet Burial Cairo Calico Jack Casanova Centzon Totochtlin Chimera Cockaigne Coyote Crossroads Czernobog Darkness De Sade Deep in Earth Depraved Dirty Dorian - need more imps Dracul Dragon's Milk Eat Me Eden El Dorado Embalming Fluid Eris Fae Fenris Wolf Fire for Thy Stepmother's Daughters Follow Me Boy Forbidden Fruit Gaueko- pending Goblin Godfather Death Hellfire High John the Conqueror High-Strung Daisies Hi'Laka Horn of Plenty How Doth the Little Crocodile Hymn to Proserpine Incantation Incubus Intrigue Jezebel Juliet Kabuki Kali Katharina Kitsune Tsuki Kuang Shi- pending Kuman Kandam Kyoto La Bella Dame Sans Merci Lady Macbeth Laudanum Le Serpent Qui Danse Leanan Sidhe L'Ecole des Filles Lilium Inter Spinas Loralei Love-In-Idleness Machu Picchu Magus Maiden manhattan Mania Marquise de Merteuil - pending Masquerade Mata Hari Miskatonic University Morocco Mouse's Long and Sad Tale Muse Namaste No. 93 Engine O Oberon - pending Oblata Oblivion Ogygia Omen Pele Prurience Queen of Sheba Rakshasa Rapture Ravenous Red Devil Rosalind Saint Germain Salome - pending Santa Eularia des Riu Scherezade Séance - pending Serpents with Glittering Eyes Severin Shanghai Sheol Sin Snooty Rose Sri Lanka Succubus Swank Thanatopsis - pending The Black Tower The Chicken-Legged Hut The Lights of Men's Lives The Little Sparrow The Little Wooden Doll The Pool of Tears The Sea Foams Milk The Sluggard The Temptation The Unicorn The White Rider The Witch's Garden The Witch's Repast Thy Godfather's Present Titania Tushanamay Tweedledum Undertow Utrennyaya Vixen Windward Passage Wrath Xiuhtecuhti     Other:Red are pending, green are most wanted Spare Change Last Squished Jellybean Any Tarted Imps - doubles are absolutely okay. :love!:   I also need a bottle for my Mircalla 09 decants, would prefer the label art from BPAL.




Velvet Dogs Playing Poker

Category: Limited Editions -- The Salon -- April Fools   This...smells so familiar. And delicious. I think...I think it might be reminding me of that one magical time when I was wearing Fearful Pleasure, and it had that woody sarsparilla smell with just a hint of vanilla beans and other stuff...so hey, if cigars, coffee, and Irish creme is what makes it smell like that, FINE! There is definitely a smooth, woody tone pervading the sweetness throughout. As one reviewer noted, it does smell more like the mess left in the room afterward, as opposed to the actual doggy poker party itself...but that's fine by me. I think I need a bottle now.




Loup Garou

Category: Diabolus   I really wanted to like this one, both for the name and ingredients! All I get is pine trees and eucalyptus, though, and it's not even that awesome. It could have been the heat and sweat, but even with trying to slather it, the scent just disappears. So sad.





Category: Illyria   This is another pretty sort of 'bouquet of flowers' smell. The florals all just kind of bunch together and I really don't get any defining characteristic out of it. It seemed to fade fairly quickly and did not throw much.





Category: Ars Amatoria   Initially, I got lots of syrupy cherry with a hint of cinnamon; subsequent uses brought out the licorice. Now, it's blended (in that very mysterious way that a lot of scents seem to have gotten their shit together a month after I originally tested them) into a nice mix of cherry and anise, with the licorice smell diabolically present and tempting. I was on the fence about getting rid of it, but now that I've read the reviews again, I think I'll hang onto it. :love!: It stays and throws decently.




Come To Me

Category: Bewitching Brews -- The Conjure Bag   Why do you want me to come to you? Because you just cleaned and disinfected the room? That's sort of what it smells like. Oh, okay, well, there is something that smells pretty nice, here...jasmine, maybe, or a lily. It's pretty enough, I suppose, but as far as being amorous, let alone sexually commanding...I just don't get it. Fire Of Love fills that niche for me.





Category: Sin and Salvation   Another woody, sort of piney scent (to me), but it's clean and full of light, too...like sunlight spreading across curved rafters and pillars of polished wood. If anything, it makes me think of sitting in a church, perhaps before a big ritual or holiday, in the hour or so before everyone else starts arriving; you're alone and you have time to savor the quietness and intimacy. Even though it's not a keeper for me, it's a beautiful image to evoke.





Category: Bewitching Brews   Piney dirt, mostly. Not a rose (or any other flower for that matter) in sight. Not bad, but it doesn't linger long, and I don't think it would be a 'me' scent, anyway.




Brown Jenkins

Category: Picnic In Arkham   This is another one I really wanted to like, and I do...I just don't know how well. It has a really nice, coconutty air to it, along with what smells like hints of chocolate...I think that sandalwood smells like that to me sometimes. I think it ultimately must bow down to Death Cap.





Category: Ars Amatoria   I really wanted to like this one -- and it was pleasant, no doubt about it. I get amber, pretty much, with the apple blossom and myrtle adding something sweet around the edges...and then it goes away. Just doesn't stand out enough for me, alas.





Category: Bewitching Brews   Oh, wow! It took me a while to figure out just *what* this smelled like, but once I did I was in love. It smells *exactly* like those little round pieces of charcoal that you buy in rolls of six, wrapped up in white paper like Ho-Hos. (LOL) One can practically hear the gunpowdery crackle of it as it lights and gets red-hot. It's just the charcoal -- right before you drop the incense in. Absolutely fantastic


