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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Bow And Crown Of Conquest

Category: Sin and Salvation   Well-worn leather is predominant, though I can also smell cedar and some sage in there. After a while it went all Generic Boy Cologne on me, but it was sure nice for a while. It stays and throws very decently.





Category: Ars Amatoria   I had a hard time envisioning plum as an appropriate scent, but this fits the bill entirely. It really does seem like the sort of perfume that a five-dollar whore would wear (in 1880 dollars). It's sweet and feminine but definitely not innocent; it's one of those ladies that makes a point of putting a roll in her hips to make sure you keep following her up the stairs. Lasts all day, like a working girl should. Another winner!




Bon Vivant

Category: Bewitching Brews   Slightly-sour champagne, with candy-like strawberry. It's not bad, but it never really steps up and asserts itself much, and drifts away.





Category: Diabolus   At first it smelled like funky vase water after you've just dumped out a rotting bouquet. But it gets better. It works its way upward from ugly rottenness to a twisted, vetivery musk tinged with violets, and eventually becomes a clean scent, floral but not quite unmanly...as if the murderer has washed his hands after his crimes and is ready to lay on the charm with a new victim. Conceptually this makes it *very* interesting, and as a scent it's a winner. Lasts most of the day with enough wafts throughout its transformation to mind you of how interesting it is.




Blood Rose

Category -- Rappacini's Garden   A rather innocuous rose. The dragon's blood gives it a sweetness that threatens to send it into the same icky rose territory that I amped like crazy in Rose Cross, but it stays okay for the most part. It actually ends up smelling soapy more than anything. Decent throw and staying power, just not for me.




Zombie Apocalypse

In the bottle: Caramelized sugar - almost maple-y.   On wet: Maple sugar and something decidedly RED n' FRUITY! Quite a jarring combination.   Drydown: Sweet, red berry jam. Thick and gloppy. Caramel sugar is glowing underneath. The entire effect is almost...hazy, if that makes sense - like there's this vapour trail of heavy, goo-ified, sugar-berry NOMness wafting up from my skin. It's absolutely *incredible*.   Overall: I all but cried when I heard the preliminary reports on this scent - that one of my all-time favourite concepts was going to be a *gasp* FOODIE blend! - not quite what an anti-foodie like me had been hoping for. With much trepidation and little optimism, I ordered ZA anyway...and I am SO glad I did! YES, it's a foodie scent, and YES, it's super sweet, but holy smokes, does it ever smell GOOD! And it actually works on my skin! I don't forsee slathering it on *every day* or anything, but it's definitely wearable, it's totally fun, and my nose can't seem to get enough of it! DELICIOUS! 4.5/5




Psychological Horror

In the bottle: Mmm...candied violets that've been smooshed into a delectable powder.   On wet: YUM! Still getting that sweet musk/candied violet - which is actually going more candied rose the longer I sniff - combo. Absolutely delicious!   Drydown: Loving this. Smells like a bolder Tushnamatay that's been dusted with sweet candy powder. What an amazing blend. As others have mentioned, there definitely is something *else* underneath all those good notes, something I can't quite put my finger on, and it does indeed smell "off". Not in an icky way, mind, just something...sharp? biting? metallic?...that kind of peeps out from beneath that powder puff of yumness every now and then - especially when I get in close for a good whiff. I quite like it.   Overall: I'm a fan of sweet powdery-musky stuff, so this scent definitely works for me - it's got great throw, too. An easy 4/5.




Creature Feature

In the bottle: Light, smooth, *clean* musk.   On wet: Soooo soft! Sweet, almost soapy, incredibly faint.   Drydown: Sweet, clean powder - instantly evokes a "vintage" feel - like I'd find a bottle of this on a movie star's dressing table back in the 50's. Definitely getting an amber vibe now, too, which I'm not 100% crazy about (amber and I do not click, unfortunately).   Overall: I was really enjoying the soft, almost candy-like muskiness of the wet stage, but the drydown didn't quite work with my skin chemistry. We'll see what happens as it ages. Currently, it's a 3/5 for me.





The amber stands out, and it really is grey amber, but everything else is just seamlessly blended. I smell a marshmallowy sweetness, and I would think that's tonka, but it's not the warmth of tonka that I usually can pick out. I have been known to really pick out the sweeter notes in scents, for example, Oblivion also dries down to a very marshmallow sweetness when I wear it.   Anyway, this is really a great scent. As long as I've had it, I have kind of neglected it, but I always knew I liked it. It just got lost in the shuffle of my other oils. But I'm wearing it now, and it's one of those great, sophisticated, gender-neutral scents that I think are my favorite category, if you can call it a category. This could be worn equally by either men or women. It's ambery, slightly sweet, a little woody, and somewhat velvety. There is a nearly dusty grey quality but it's not a dusty scent. Very sophisticated and definitely one of my favorites of all the Lupercalia scents.




Lawn Gnome

This scent is quite unusual, and I appreciate the artistry behind it. I have found over 3 tests that I probably won't wear it out and about, but I will keep my decant. It's so unique, I'd like to have it around for when the mood strikes.   Mostly I smell a heavy sweetness, and fruit. I enjoy cooking with molasses, but it's not something I ever thought I'd want to smell like! I found that the molasses combined with the moss and patchouli give this scent an earthy, almost smokey element that is truly compelling. After multiple tests I noticed that the sugary element comes close to banana when I sniff up close, kind of like Mr. Nancy did (until it aged and didn't smell like banana any more). In fact, Lawn Gnome is almost like Mr. Nancy's rugged, outdoorsy cousin. Same family, but more into camping and gardening (duh), not cocktail lounges or fedoras.   The only problem is that something about this scent turns on me far into the dry-down. It becomes just a little flat and almost ashy, but I can't pin down what's causing it. I truly loved the opening stages enough to keep this around.




Labores Solis

This is the scent that I can never spell. : /   It has given me different impressions the three times that I wore it. Mostly it is herbal, resins, and somehow slightly woody. I can pick out chamomile, frankincense, and amber. I have never learned to identify saffron (I'm not sure what it tastes like either), but I think it adds a slight medicinial, bitter feel from what I've heard. Not unpleasant at all. At first I didn't think this scent was powdery, but I put some on tonight and applied very lightly (not sure if that made the difference), and it definitely is powdery this time, kind of the same way that Minotaur is powdery.   Anyway, this reminds me of several other bpal scents, like Sol, Sagittarius, and Carceri D'Invenzione as portalkat mentioned. I swear there's a little bit of wood in here. So, do I like it? Yes! I didn't care for Sol all that much, but this seems to be more like what I wanted from that scent. It's unique. I can wear this to work, because it's not all dark and sexy, even with the element of darkness.




Good Judy: Pop

Pop Category: Punk Quantity: sample   Description: POP Break out the Dickies and the studded belts! Faux-hawks. Thin ties. Skinny jeans. Chuck Taylors. Eyeliner. Cotton candy flavored cherry-red lipstick. Pink and black. Trucker hats and skull jewelry.   Review:   In the bottle: I smell cherry, something sweet (like sugar maybe?), and a bitter under-note.   Wet: It has turned darker, with a spicy bitterness like clove or pepper. The cherry is almost absent.   Dry: The cherry came back, and I still smell clove… Why am I thinking “cherry cola”?   Verdict: Frankly, this isn’t my thing. I love cherry, and I love spicy scents; but I’m not sure I like the two together. This one just doesn’t work for me.





I don't wear food scents a whole lot, mostly just around the house as 'comfort' scents. I was curious about this one. Unfortunately, it doesn't quite work out for me. It comes off kind of flat, like stale popcorn. I didn't get much of a butter note, it's more salty and a little stale. And it fades really fast....within an hour or less, it's pretty much gone unless I sniff up close to where I applied it. So there ya go, curiosity satisfied.




Summer SW Questions 7/16

Who knows about wizard rock and wants more? Who doesn't know but wants to?   Erm... I love Harry Potter but the one time I heard wizard rock (live, at the huge HP shindig in Cambridge, MA) I wasn't impressed.   What's the wallpaper/screensaver on your computer?   The bamboo that comes with Windows. I had to reformat recently and haven't switched it back.   Do you like Sugar Ray (the band not the boxer)?   Nah.   Would you be interested in receiving some pasties from your witch?   Erm... my boobs like more coverage.   How did you get your forum name?   Well, it's been my nickname since 1996 or so. I declared once that I didn't have a nickname, and a few days later one of my co-DJs at the radio station where I worked put "stariel's birthday" on the calendar and stariel was born. That's been me ever since.   Anything from the trunk show?   I'm trying not to covet anything old and rare. I've never tried any of it, though, and I certainly wouldn't mind a decant!   Anything from the newest ebay listing?   Same as above.   "If I could be I would be ____________ for a day." Fill in the blank.   a guy. I think it would be interesting.   What are your favorite types of baked goods? How would you feel about candied citrus peel, chocolate-covered or not? Would you be interested in the mix version of the baked goods or perhaps a spice mix, something along those lines?   I like most baked goods. Yes please! I would certainly be interested in a mix version, I like to bake.   Have you found any new loves since the beginning of the round that you wished you'd known to include on your questionnaire?   Not really. In fact, I've been really bad and bought a bunch of things because I was so excited about finally having a real job.




Approximate Record of What I Have

Stuff that I have, messily C&P'd into categories: (some of these are probably in the wrong category, and a handful of them -- mostly GCs and possettes -- might have been sent away) [Note: this doesn't really indicate what I like, just what has made its way to me through various means.] (last update 9/20/10)   GC imps: aizen-myoo aglaea the antikythera mechanism dragon's blood x2 eclipse eden x2 gluttony jezebel kali the lion miskatonic university nanshe severin shango shoggoth silk road snake oil verdandi baku black lotus cathode event horizon lilith love in idleness midnight psyche rapture shanghai the hamptons athens hunger undertow Horn of Plenty Queen Mab Manhattan Arkham Thalia Bliss Hellfire Poisoned Apple The Caterpillar All Night Long Grog Hurricane Blood Penny Dreadful Cathedral x2 Seance Baobhan Sith Baku Juke Joint Black Phoenix Tweedledum Harlot La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente Ophelia Absinthe Tintagel Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo Rosalind Titania Kathmandu Robin Goodfellow Verdandi The Great Sword of War Kurukula Bluebeard The Dormouse Persephone Black Opal Le Serpent Que Danse Port-Au-Prince Mouse's Long and Sad Tale The Hamptons Dorian bastet cheshire cat d shub-niggurath tzadikim nistarim d morocco ogun eos hermia hecate paris florence hollywood babylon kuang shi masquerade voodoo alecto block buster imp la belle au bois dormant grand guignol nostrum remedium nocturne dirty Dove's Heart Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo Black Cat Anne Bonny Chimera The Jersey Devil Nosferatu Tanin'iver Blood Pearl Catherine Darkness Dorian Dragon's Reverie Erato Kathmandu Lolita Niflheim Othello Psyche Rapture Sloth Snake oil White Rabbit Black Pearl (torn label, testable amount) black phoenix house of night lysander shanghai gomorrah siren event horizon oujia thanatos utrennyaya casanova nefertiti uruk r'lyeh nyarlathotep lust queen alice 1/3 imp rosalind voodoo szepasszony ode on melancholy lorelei suspiro port royal love me serpents with glittering eyes & forky tongues (sniffie) the robotic scarab (sniffie) old scratch belle vinu prunella bensiabel rumpelstilzchen serpents with glittering eyes and forky tongues the miller's daughter. athens belladonna czernobog dee dragon's hide hellcat horreur sympathetique ladon the red queen satyr thalia troll tweedledee vechernyaya wilde hamadryad sudha segara elegba eve maenad hades nemesis seraglio tweedledee vice bengal tenochtitlan squirting cucumber block buster black cat van van queen erato polyhymnia terpischore thalia urania ra tannin'iver delirium the hesperides imp mania the knave of hearts zephyr horror sympathique depraved succubus akuma chimera the temptation vixen mock turtle la petit mort centzon totochtin dian's bud kitsune-tsuki dove's heart red devil arcana the black tower intrigue jabberwocky la belle dame sans merci sundew villain al-shairan wanda wolfsbane wrath herbert west desire machu picchu alecto peitho Black Hellebore - at label Chuparosa Epitaph Delight - a little below label Gaueko Les Bijoux Mata Hari - at label Salome Satyr #20 Love Oil Antique Lace Embalming Fluid L'Ecole des Filles Megaera Santa Muerte Kyoto Zombi Old Scratch New Orleans black forest laudanum mandrake ava maria gratia plena gaueko kuang shi osun squirting cucumber 51 (wrinkled label) Bien Loin d'Ici Blood Kiss Envy High John the Conqueror Melpomene Sybaris Wolf's Heart x2 Slippery Poppy Tincture Odin akuma black dahlia cobra lily come to me croquet defutata djinn goblin helena hi'iaka himerus hymn kabuki kumari kandam love me marquise de merteuil peitho port royal rose cross santa eularia des riu serpent's kiss shattered suspiro wanton wings of azrael zorya dragon's milk croquet strangler fig tombstone aizen-myoo dirty dragon's eye hamadryad velvet blood lotus grog high john the conqueror phantom queen two, five, and seven king of hearts lilith fire of love black lily swank twenty one croquet (sniffie, a few drops) love lies bleeding ophelia snake oil sybaris queen of sheba dana o'shee the rose moon rose alice eat me all night long juke joint black rose cthulhu drink me the hamptons lucy's kiss moon rose pele rose cross sri lanka utrennyaya lurid delirium aelopile (GC) fallen (GC) black opal dove's heart event horizon highwayman la bella donna della mia mente leanan sidhe lysander maenad magdalene morocco nuit peitho sacred whore of babylon the scales of deprivation temple of dreams thanatos undertow vechernyaya Belle Vinu (2/3) jazz funeral marquise de merteuil obsidian widow pontarlier ra tell tale heart arcana obatala the apple of sodom bohun upas the lotus tree the tree of knowledge of good and evil the zieba tree eros o katharina stimulating sassafras strengthener march hare somnus night-gaunt 51 the antikythera mechanism baneberry brown jenkins chuparosa darkness debauchery djinn eos french love harlot hollywood babylon incantation mad hatter saint-germain succubus sudha segara to a woman tweedledee undertow glasgow yggdrasil Gomorrah Moscow Ouija deadly nightshade honey hemlock honey   GC bottles: aglaea baku belle vinu snake oil kali the miller's daughter greed   GC Salon/TAL/unimpables & LE/discontinued decants (including CD, Lunacy, etc): Bat Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Those Condemned to Death Death and Life Completed Fox Fires on NYE at the Garment Nettle Tree at Oji Kiyohime Changes From a Serpent Love and Pain Macbeth and the Witches: Mad Meg Madonna Monna Vanna Philosopher in Meditation Schlafende Baigneuse The Smiling Spider Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree: Sunflower Sunrise With Sea-Monsters the arrival at the sabbath and homage to the devil the cup of death cupid complaining to venus the ecstasy of st. theresa garden path with chickens the great he-goat the great red dragon and the woman clothed with the sun itaso kansei nenkan joro no fuzoku judith victorius la mort qui danse the lantern ghost of oiwa les anges dechus lot and his daughters melancholia the sailor's den three gorgons haloes judith and holofernes heavenly love & earthly love wezwanie/hold lucifer el amor y la muerte la vague peacocks autumn mad kate the black swan rozpustnica parsifal The Cup Of Death (Salon) Retail-Only Salons: El Amor y la Muerte death of sardanapal mad kate Butterflies and Plovers Ebisu Making Love as Two Octopuses Look on Lover's Parodies of Sumo Holds Men Ringing Bells with Penises The Black Swan The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife seduction succor lustration quietude moxie detox safari bitch TKO snake eyes (2/3) white light anthelion lionheart ouroboros master (TAL) Madame Tracy Victoria War (leaking?) The Witch Queen Yvaine Aziraphale (leaking?) buggre all this bible (80%) bilquis spider eau de ghoul banana peel in a graveyard lady on the grey the macabray miss lupescu the convocation the owens' tomb snow white 07 (full) vampire tears (3/4) libra (3/4) pumpkin queen (3/4) samhain 07 (full) sugar skull 06 (full) alison grossi berenice gibbous moon ivanushka lady luck blues litha moon of ice night thoughts sportive sun parentalia presence of love Rose Moon (full) The Organ Grinder (full) Earth Rat (full) Midnight Kiss (Full) hony mone the phantom calliope (sniffie) lady lilith pumpkin II pumpkin III pumpkin IV mictecacihuatl to autumn calliope 1/2 decant tarot the magician 13 from April 2007 bad luck woman blues et lux fuit chaos theory: butterfly effect CCCLXXXII chaos theory: butterfly effect CDXXXIII Witching Time of Night Sephitroth: Yesod Qliphoth: Thaumiel Qliphoth: Sathariel Qliphoth: Samael Qliphoth: Ghagiel Qliphoth: Gha'agsheblah Qliphoth: A'arab Zaraq Sephiroth: Binah (3/4) Sephiroth: Chesed (3/4) Qliphoth: Thagirion Qliphoth: Gamaliel Bakeneko Faiza (sniffie) SN Grapefruit (sniffie) Pumpkin Patch III (p-smthng? & pomegranate) (sniffie) Quincy Morris (sniffie) Carceri d'Invenzione Death of Autumn Diwali Enraged Orangutan Musk Gingerbread Poppet '06 Illustrated Woman (75%) Lurid Library Midwinter's Eve '06 (75%) All Souls '07 (75%) The Castle (50%) The Snow Storm (75%) Sportive Sun (70%) Hearth '05 (30%) Door 13 (sniffie) Snow, Glass, Apples (imp in a bottle) harvest moon 2006 vampire tears asp viper green tree viper saw-scaled viper night's pavilion winter of our discontent aries cancer bitter moon (~ imp in the bottle) blue moon 2007 budding moon holiday moon (little less than a full imp in the bottle) snow moon dia de los muertos (quarter-bottle) enraged groundhog musk fire pig poisson d'avril the perilous parlor 1/2 purple phoenix red lantern sticky pillowcase parlement of foules treat #2 sniffie (liquid) storm moon sniffie (dry) cereberus 3 am 1/2 imp gelt rum butter cookie lick it like you mean it sugar cookie 2008 visiting the temple of auspicious fortune alone on the winter solstice carnaval diabolique mme. moriarty, misfortune teller xanthe, the weeping clown theodosius, the legerdemain the flower song (imp in a bottle) faith hope licwlglunga cytherea marguerite midnight on the midway the presence of love mole (decant in a bottle) lines written among the Euganean hills all they had seen, and all they had lost the magi rose red winter of our discontent democrat independent Snow Angel 1/3 i fell in love with a floating brain mutant hot-rodders from hell high spawn of the she-demon that! the terror from over there! crimson christmas invasion of the flesh-eating reindeer from uranus milk moon snow angel: resurrected snowblind: resurrected gluhwein hollyberry and mistletoe scattered gloom uncertain horror bah humbug Antonino, the Carny Talker (decanted 09/2007) Australian Copperhead (decanted 11/2008) Boomslang (decanted 11/2008) Coral Snake (decanted 11/2008) King Cobra (decanted 11/2008) Priala, the Human Phoenix (decanted 11/2008) Pulcinella & Teresina (decanted 09/2007) Thalassa, the Galapagos Mermaid (decanted 11/2008) Wulric, the Wolfman (decanted 11/2008) Zarita, the Doll Girl (decanted 11/2008) Pumpkin Patch I Pumpkin Patch III Pumpkin Patch V Tanuki Egg Nog The Fruit of Paradise La Befana Lick it One More Time The Peacock Queen Rose Red 2007 November Tiger Lily Virgo sniffie Snow White 2008 sniffie Daiyu - decant, 95% Kunstkammer - 1/2 decant La Vita Nouva - decant, 85% CTII CCCXLV sniffie w/ drops CTII CDXXXIV sniffie w/ drops CTII CLVIII CTIII DCXVIII CTIV CCCXX CTIV DCCCLXI 1/2 CTIV MCVI CTIV MCCCLXIV 1/2 Fearful Pleasure - decant, 30% full Khajuraho 08 (full to top of label) Sleepy Hollow: Gunpowder flower moon Cheshire Moon Lunar Eclipse Luperci 2008 Te Po (Atomic Luau Lounge) Golden Wave (Atomic Luau Lounge) Knecht Ruprecht 2006 (stained label, slightly below label) Dionysia Hanami - imps worth in 1ml roller vial The Head of Holofernes Jolasveinar 2007 - imps worth in 1ml roller vial Penumbra Spell of Amorous Love - imps worth in 1ml roller vial dia de los muertos 2005 decant sniffle imp: fruitcake (dry) beltane '06 30% glamour farewell to false love the grindhouse la vague the churchyard aries dark delicacies mars lilith victoria sapphics white phoenix long night moon lune noire old moon beltane 2008 huesos de santo jacob's ladder pickled imp glitter harikata Anactoria Black Moon Christmas Rose 2007 Dragon Moon (older year) Pumpkin Patch #1 2008 Montresor Snow Maiden The Brides of Dracula The Emathides The Ghastly Garden love's philosophy eisheth zenunim glowing vulva sniffie, generous drops gwyneth melisande crumpet rebelion lydia monsterbait: closet monsterbait: underbed monsterbait: underpants shanghai tunnel tarot: wheel of fortune tarot: the moon 1/2 tarted old venice 1/2 tarted emperor jolasveinar 2007 zarita the doll girl snow-flakes '06 spanked (sniffie, almost entirely dry) ashlutum (sniffie, dry -- suspect it leaked in the mini-bag) banded sea snake (sniffie, barely a drop) king cobra (sniffie, almost entirely dry) the blasphemare reliquary the contract of theophilus of adana tabula smaragdina two-headed goat Chaos Theory III-CCLXXXIV (mocha, to me) Glasya 2006 Herr Drosselmeyer Sagittarius 2007 yuletide 2007 decant devils night 2005 decant toad hall decant blasphemare reliquary the wild men of jezirat aeronwen agrat-bat-mahlaht clemence inez dia eustephanos (imp in a roller vial) khrysee makhanitis melainis morpho philommeides pontia pothon meter symmakhia earth ox 413 U.S. 15 / Miller Vs California dark chocolate and cherry dark chocolate and pepper-smoked caramel milk chocolate buttercream white chocolate marshmallow and coconut white chocolate and strawberry white chocolate and sugared violets (leaked, soaked, sticky label) couple consulting an enpon eight views of actors in their dressing rooms flowering chrysanthemums giant vulva lovers in a ricefield lovers with rutting cats man with phallus head manners among men and women in the red light district tissue voyeurs among the cherry blossoms cheshire moon sugar moon dyan moon mourning moon x2 sturgeon moon hay moon budding moon singing moon sea of tranquility honey mone beaver moon pink moon night thoughts x2 hanami clod and pebble her voice vampire tears moon of ice la vita nuovo parentalia ivanushka victoria mort de cesar sapphics libra abhisarika New Year's Eve in Dogville Pumpkin Queen Kindly Moon (2/3) Virahotkantita (2/3) lady luck blues (~1/2?) arachne (sniffie) (drops) aeaea (~90%) velvet clown velvet cthulhu velvet nudie velvet panther velvet pink kitty velvet tiger velvet tiki velvet unicorn coxcomb marotte motley the deserted village the dole of the king's daughter eanach ehuin the host of the air the ides of march hand of hermes road opener stfu charisma milk & honey bette noir kaiden yurei witchblade door (decant in a bottle) hunter the floating market lamia black death (decant in a bottle) black heart black lace Metal Tiger Bijoux Enchanted Wood Florist Zadok Allen Vineyard Khrysopelex Miaphonos Thoos Thouros Anactoria Perfumed Garden Two Loves Unveiled autumn moon of the mirror stand beanman & beanwoman prepare to attack the vagina harimse kiss amongst discarded tissues konseishin the penis god lovers in a carp streamer needlework octopus and abalone diver okayaki penis admiration picture book and pleasure toys pink mood prosperity of a country ronin unveiled doll's eye infused honey jerusalem cherry infused honey yew berry infused honey paduan killer swarm gypsy luna rosy maple common jezebel monarch paper kite spicebush swallowtail The Magician The Priestess (decant in a bottle) The Fool Countess Willie Crib Girls Emma Flora Helena Josie Lulu (decant in a bottle) Attuning Mnemosyne Aegis Brass Balls Jinx Removing Blessings of Isis Mantle of Venus Nocturne Bocal del Sang (FRIMP from DarkDel) Cicuta Sanctus Vespillo Tombeur Transeo VILF   Ordered from decant circles: dia de los natitas lambs-wool 2010 nothing gold can stay punkie night pumpkin latte blue pumpkin floss samhain 2010 halloween: brooklyn halloween: san francisco halloween: new orleans ghoulish pomegranate I pomegranate II pomegranate III pomegranate IV pomegranate V encroaching madness   LE/discontinued/Salon/Tal/unimpable bottles: clio green phoenix (detached label) Chanukkiyah 2007 ashlultum phantom calliope house of mirrors w/ snake charmer label madeline samhain 2008 tabella e pluribus unum candy butcher dog days of summer pancake breakfast Snow Angel Gluhwein Snowblind (1/2) The Gladdener of All Hearts (at label, maybe a smidge below) Blue Moon 07 (smidge above label) Ostara (~3/4 full) Bilquis (.6 full) Dyan Moon Presence of Love moon of the terrible x 2 snake charmer: resurrected gennivre candy phoenix metal phoenix snake charmer resurrected gelt visiting the temple of auspicious fortune earth ox agape x 3 maud ruthyn blue phoenix monsterbait: bloody mary lady luck blues nahemoth new year's eve in dogville pink phoenix taurus 2007 13: march 2009 flower moon 2009 chaos theory 5 v1: the dorian series chaos theory 5 v1: the o series (I think I got rid of this one) chaos theory 5 v1: the snake oil series philommeides tissue manners among men and women in the red light district man with phallus head flowering chrysanthemums Libra 2007 Irrelevant and Disturbing Crawdad Dreams Katrina von Tassel hunger moon (.6 bottle) beatrice (.8 bottle) pumpkin V 2008 (empty)   BPTP: BPTP gula bath oil sample [might be used] gula bath oil sample [might be used] 1/2 Yuletide Past atm spry (generous half) Yule bath oils: proserpina Yule bath oils: winter maiden Yule bath oils: holiday stress relief Atm spray goblin squirts: the queen's croquet ground Atm spray goblin squirts: okiya Goblin of Yuletide Past atm spray decant Goblin of Yuletide Present atm spray decant ghost of yuletide present amt spray decant ghost of yuletide past amt spray decant ghost of yuletide yet to come amt spray decant bah humbug amt spray decant snow white atm spray decant ice prince bath oil decant luxuria bath oil (mini bottle) l'autumno bath oil (mini bottle) [might be used]   Possettes: dioxazine purple fireflies id Fluoxetine The Girls Love Pink Pepper High Tea Midnight Mass at Old St. Mary's Naples Yellow The Scent of Angels Silver Roses d Super Ego Titanium White possets: cadium orange possets: dioxaxine purple possets: scented gloves Possets - Girls love Limeys - full decant Possettes: The girls love limeys possetts: paisley possets: silver violets possets: sweet new england (vermont) possets: the clockwork kumquat (oregon) possets: dioxazine purple   Sunshine in a Bottle -- California The Clockwork Kumquat -- Oregon Moon of Carolina -- South Carolina Sweet New England -- Vermont The Gingerbread Whorehouse The Gingerbread Crackhouse Ego Glee Lambs Madame X Maggie Penelope Puce! Strawberry Heart Ultramarine Blue The Girls Love to Go Clubbing! The Girls Love a Good Posset! The Girls Love Vanilla! ault park eve cadmium red dioxazine purple x 2 fluxotine friction the girls love limeys the girls love vanilla handkerchief water hearts and flowers x 2 madame x scented gloves a snowflake in the martini strawberry heart super ego titanium white ultramarine blue western hills bottle: Forever Home bottle: Mark bottle: Starry Night bottle: Walter bottle: Lily - The Halloween Vixen bottle: Venus Black bottle: Yule Posset 2008 bottle: Epinoia bottle: Pomander Ball 2008 bottle: Lavender Water - Le Soleil bottle: Lavender Water - Les Espices bottle: Lavender Water - Les Fleurs bottle: Hearts and Flowers bottle: Friction bottle: Zuben-el-Genubi bottle: Wiley - Mr. "Schnecken" bottle: Candy Thong   Other samples: Arcana's Peppermint SN - full decant Arcana: Sleepy Hollow Arcana's Sweet Milk SN - full decant Conjure Oils Shape Shifter Conjure Oils Shape Shifter - full decant Four Season Fragrances: Autumn Equinox HAEE: cherry blossom (1.5 size) HAEE: innocence HAEE: lolita HAEE: "moonlight fairy" Dream Esscents: vintage pumpkin Dream Esscents.com noix de coco Dream Esscents.com candy cream DE teakwood DE au lait (probably -- a little rubbed off) DE shanghai pearl Midsummer Muse presents White Paper Mythos Mixtures: konohana nocturne alchemy egyptologist Sidhe Creations: Vampire's Teeth Superbad's Bond Girls - full decant Superbad's French Model's Breakfast - full decant Superbad's Pulp - sniffie w/ drops Superbad's Rarely Wrong - full decant Superbad's Souvenir - full decant velvet moon bathery "Vanilla Mourning" Violette Market: Betty (full mini bottle -- about half a bpal bottle) wylde ivy custom "Sweet Earth" Arcana: anodyne (10 ml) cobalt blends: headless gingerbread man (bottle) cremoso bath: brigid's eternal fire ZOMG Smells :] -- Beyond Blueberry   Soap Box Co = I Smell Good: sea salt chocolate marshmallow lily violet vanilla peach coconut apple rose mango almond rhubarb cake plumeria cherry amber I Smell Good: Berry SN - full decant I Smell Good: Lily SN - full decant I Smell Good: Peach SN - full decant I Smell Good: Marshmallow SN - 1.5 decant, vial is bigger than an imp sized vial




BPALS wanted 7/12

Below is a post of oils I wants to smell/try. All categories separated by bolding, parenthesis are used for the notes that peaked my interest, asterisk are the ones I've smelled/tried and wants a bottle of.   LEs: Stinky (clean and powdery)   Iteru Festival of Anuket   Lupercalia *Lovers in a Ricefield (for the vanilla sandalwood) Giant Vulva (for the skin musk) Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge (teak) Smut (musk) Pontia (bergamot) Chintamani-Dhupa (sandalwood goodness!) Vipralabda (chamomile) Philommeidês (peach) Love's Philosophy (vanilla)   A Little Lunacy Chaste Moon (buttery) Smoky Moon (sandalwood) Honey Moon (well, honey of course)   Neil Gaiman The Owens' Tomb (daffodils!) The Lady on the Grey (soft musk) Yvaine (love it love it love it, probably one of my fave bpal scents)   GCs: Bewitching Brews Antique Lace (my staple, an always must have) Arcana (herby lemon-verbena) Dana O'Shee (should NOT have given away my imp) Fae (musk) *Jolly Roger (love it and would get a bottle) Juke Joint (tried it and liked it) Lampades (cranberry and lillies)   Mad Tea Party Moral Hymnody and Nonsense — Against Idleness and Mischief               Old super un-organized list... Perfumed Garden Black Lace The Queen's Salon, Bat's Day exclusive La Petit Mort Seduction, Elixir I Bitch, Elixir VIII Pisces Midwinter's Eve Zero Pink Phoenix Glitter Black Cat Sacred Whore of Babylon (sad that I still haven't tried it!) Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo Numb Morocco Carnaval Diabolique Bewitched Antonino, The Carny Talker Bilquis Mr. Ibis Dragon's Musk Aeval Bastet Pele The Fox-woman Kuzunoha Leaving Her Child Hellion Monsterbait: Bigger Critters, Underpants, Tokyo Stomp Cheshire Cat Kitsune-Tsuki Pannychis Neil Gaimen's Stardust (I have a much-adored bottle of Yvaine, want to try more) New Orleans Shanghai




July '09 DD Stock List — Wants

Vintage: 13 (Oct 2006) (smelled nice!) Archangel Winter 2007 (winter) Beatrice (Antique Lace-ish floral) Christmas Rose (an interesting winter flower) Kalahantarika (sharp herby lavender) Lycaon (might be similar to Olive Branch) Milk Moon (was milky and strange) Pulse Points (not terrible, but not good either) Punkie Night (apples, like coral snake) Rat King (the Nutcracker prince!) Smut 2007 (obviously) Snow Maiden 2006 (bought it!) Snow Storm 2007 (sounds interesting) Thagirion (smelled awesome, wanted to buy it!) Virahotkantita (lilac, lily, bergamont, yes!)   Prototypes (sniff as many as you can get your little hands on): Dorian v2 (I bought this one) Hellion v2 (OH YEAH, had to buy) Lolita v2 (bubblegum, nice) MB: Underbed v1 (didn't like it AT ALL) Scurvy v1 (YUM wants) TKO v3 (loooooved it, bought it)




La Petit Mort

Seduction, sensuality, the Act, and the aftermath all in one. The scent of warm, damp skin flushed with the glow of passion, touched by the luxuriant potency of ylang ylang and myrrh.

in the bottle: Something a little fake and plastic-y. A blast of sweet almond. Musk, not overpowering. Overtones of ... ? I don't know. Something that puts me in mind of just-dried sweat. Not unpleasant. Maybe the initial musk (or a second musk).

on wet: Plastic and almond with overtones of musk and powder. The fresh sweat smell is gone. So far, this is staying remarkably close to my skin.

drydown: Powdery musk. Something a little resinous and/or smoky. Powdery, mostly. Some catch-in-the-throat smokiness coming through, but just barely.

one hour later: Powder, dammit! Why do so many things end up smelling like powder on me?

end of day: I've tried this oil twice now and haven't made it to the end of the day with it. What I mean is, I lose interest, forget about it, then end up remembering a few days later that I never did my final assessment. I wanted to like this, so it bothers me a little to say this: it fails to make an impression. Quite literally. Can't say it's good or bad. Just ... meh.

compared to official description: No idea what ylang-ylang smells like. See "notes after notes" at the end of this review.

notes: Oddly, the cap of the imp (on the inside) smells overpoweringly of plastic and almond. The liquid in the vial is more fresh sweat and musk. I'm guessing some separation happened, but I can't seem to get it recombined. I think there's too little space in the vial to get a good shaking action going. I'll stand the vial on its head for a week or so to see if that makes a difference. [edited to add: I did this. Made a little bit of difference, but there's still a sense of separation.]

notes after notes: If there are moments that deserve to be immortalized with paint, music, or scented oils, they are the ones where words fail. "Seduction, sensuality, the Act, and the aftermath" would definitely be one of those moments. I admire Beth's courage in trying to capture the moment in scent, but I have trouble imagining how you would even go about that. After all, no one wants to smell, literally, like they just had sex. So what then? "Warm, damp skin flushed with the glow of passion." Whose skin? I won't argue that you can't smell someone's desire on their skin, you definitely can. But it's not a particular scent, it's the difference (in anyone's skin) between normal and flushed, dry and damp, blood running normally or hormones raging. This is a different scent on different people. It's each of us, individually enhanced with the heat and chemicals of lust.

I'm not saying that the moment isn't full of wonderful scents: musky, salty, earthy. I can see trying to turn these into a scented oil, but I suspect that Beth is hamstrung in this effort (to a certain degree) by avoiding true animal musks. Maybe what's being attempted here is enhancement of skin -- any skin -- with scents that deepen the inherent skin-ness of each of us. Are we similar enough for this to be successful? I doubt it. There are threads full of people who find a "skin only better" scent for themselves, only for someone else to say it "smells like burned plastic" on them.

What's being captured here then? A feeling? How do you capture the electric ache of being close ... so close ... but not quite touching? With night-blooming florals? And the shuddery first brush of skin on skin; is that myrrh? What about being pulled tight to your lover and feeling the evidence of their desire? How about almost not being able to breathe, anticipating the moment when you'll feel them inside you? Is that ylang-ylang? My point is, we're talking about a series of events which are too tied to the deepest part of yourself, too complex in potential sensations and emotions, for translation, for distillation into a bottle. What defines the essence of breathless, aching sexual need? Almonds?

I know I'm being too literal, but the experience is going to be very different, not just from person to person, but sexual moment to sexual moment, even between the same people. What is a perfume designed to capture the essence of desire and fulfillment going to be like, really? Sometimes the moment is slow and warm; sometimes it's light and sweet. Then there's frantic, heady, overheated, and on and on. Just the idea of these different feelings, different ways in which the moment can play out, puts me in mind of different scents (different music, different colors, different textures, etc.).

If I'm going to be too nit-picky and literal, I may as well take it a step further and talk about the name. La petit mort isn't "seduction, sensuality, the Act, and the aftermath all in one," it's really only the aftermath; or rather, the climax. Can that be a perfume? So, the oil represents a sensation then? A sensation of pleasure? Of release?

I'm not being argumentative, truly. Though you could say I'm taking it a bit too seriously. I'll accept that. Granted, it's just scented oil. And marketing. I guess I went into this with a certain amount of doubt. I'm coming out of it with a feeling (a lot like certainty) that the only creative expression that could potentially do the moment justice is music. But that's another, um, essay.

Again, I think it's great that Beth is attempting these things. At worst, she'll produce some wonderful oils that give people a great deal of pleasure. At best, for someone, this may put them in mind of a lovely moment.

None of this will prevent me from trying other oils with similar themes, like O, Wanda, Perversion, etc. I'm certain I'll find one that, if not exactly putting me in the moment, will at least put me in the mood.

added to forum reviews




allow me to restate

I decided to amend my thoughts from my previous post. The whole "no better than a walking room freshener" bit was harsh. I understand the other side of putting out a particular image (the projecting side, as opposed to the being-projected-upon side). I can't speak for everyone, but I know that we women will, on some occasions, choose our clothes, makeup, hair color, etc. because there's a facet of ourselves that we want to nurture and make prominent. We all have some aspect of bad girl, ingenue, sophisticate, tomboy, fighter, animal, sex toy, etc. And yes, sometimes we want, or need, to focus on that part of ourselves -- to bring it to the fore. Choosing a perfume that announces who (or what) you are is a convenient way to do that. So, yeah, while I sometimes resent being forced to view someone in a certain way based on the temporary choices they've made with their physical appearance or grooming enhancements, that's how the game is played. You are who you appear to be until you've decided that you want to know someone better, then you let them in and you are who you are. Rant neutralized.   And my apologies to those who prefer perfume with a lot of throw. While I may not necessarily want to get anywhere near you, I've known your scent to sometimes brighten a room, change the atmosphere, or set a mood.   Elevators are quite another thing.




scent is a strange thing -- 2

Another scent dislike -- an odd one, perhaps, for someone on this site -- is strong perfumes, no matter their components. By strong I mean something with a lot of throw. Perfume, to me, is something you should pick up when you're close to someone. Maybe it's the romantic in me, but I think of it as something that should make you want to lean in and and take a deep breath. If it's swirling around you at ten paces from the source, it's irritating and pointless. People with strong perfume are no better than walking room fresheners. And why would you ever want to stand close to someone with a wall of scent around them? Actually, "wall" strikes me as a good word; a person loaded with perfume has a built-in defensive perimeter of scent. It isn't inviting, it's prickly and thick, like a rank of shields and spears.   I think my preference here is because I'm very aware of how much of my feelings for people are affected by scent. This may be something from the survival-based category, as I seem to rely a great deal on my sense of smell to really get a feel for people. Unfair or not, how someone smells can weigh heavily in my judgment.   We may be talking about pheromones here, as well as grooming scents. An example: I've known many people that make my whiskers stand up, for better or worse, before I've seen or heard anything from them that should give me a strong opinion. (BTW, I'm not a fan of simplistic application of the word 'instinct' -- instinct is merely the functioning of our five natural senses at a threshhold below conscious recognition. It isn't magic, it's just some part of us that resists being affected by the frontal lobe.) I know a few people that are pleasant, well-liked, and easy to get along with but that raise my hackles. Pheromones? Psychological? I don't know why it would be the latter. There are people that I really want to like, but for no apparent reason can't summon anything better than mild dislike for. If that isn't bad chemistry (quite literally), I don't know what it is. Well, and let's be honest: Conversely, I've known people that were absolutely no good, but that I was instantly comfortable around. People that were definitely not companion material, but that gave me an almost instant feeling of kinship, or ... well ... desire.   I know there are plenty of psychiatrists out there that would argue that every bit of that is software, and that it feeds a need for rebellion, or that it's hardware and feeds a need for adrenalin-pumping danger, etc., but that doesn't explain instant attraction to someone who's perfectly suitable as a companion, and yeah, I have those moments too. As an aside, I fully believe that we don't know enough about how our brains function to be able to properly distinguish between impulses that are software-driven, hardware-driven, or both.   I genuinely believe that some part of my olfactory-system-to-primitive-brain process can detect and make me understand when I'm too alike or too unlike some people (in all the wrong ways) at a basic, genetic level. It seems farfetched when stated "out loud" like that, but I'm not claiming to be any different than anyone else. I think we humans have many potentially strong, primitive subconscious interactions with our environment that have, for many people, gone rusty with disuse (or with being ignored). So what am I saying? Can we subconsciously detect when we're a good "chemical" (i.e. genetic) match, sexually? What about when we're judging a person of the same sex? (Speaking, obviously, from a heterosexual point of view.) Are we able to subconsciously understand that someone is very different from, or similar to, us in makeup, and do we then become more or less comfortable with them because they're "of our clan" or "other"? Did human senses ever allow our species to correctly judge such things, and do they still? Is it all written in our pheromones?   Another example: I know a few men that I don't particularly like or dislike, but that make my skin tingle when they're close. Seen at a distance: nothing. Sound of their voices: nothing. Thoughts of: not the least bit inappropriate. Close up: strong, unreasoning response with a deep desire to get close to their bare skin. What is that if not pheromones? I can't actually smell anything, but I'm responding from head to toes to someone that I'm otherwise completely uninterested in.   As far as grooming scents, I've never had a chance to research it, but there are men's scents that instantly leave me feeling mellow and ... pliable. I've never gotten that straight from a bottle of cologne, but warmed on the skin of a few men, it's hypnotic. My significant other is a good example of both: Freshly showered and without added scent, when I'm against his skin I feel like I want to just cling to him, breathing deeply, and stay that way forever. With cologne, I want to nibble every inch of him. With hot skin and a fresh, light layer of sweat ... oh. my. god.   Pheromones. Definitely.   Sorry. Wandered off track there. Ahem. So ... my point being: When I'm talking to someone and all I can smell is a thick layer of perfume (or cologne), I'm irritated by it in the same way I would be if that person required me to converse with them blindfolded. I feel like I'm being manipulated. It's as if they're projecting who they want to be, forcing me to have a specific impression of them, instead of just letting me get to know them. They may as well be wearing a costume, or talking with a fake accent. Ugh. It wrecks my sense of who they are and makes me uncomfortable. I literally feel like one of my senses has been stripped away. Deliberately. And as innocuous as the perfume wearer's intentions are, I end up resenting the olfactory masking.




I love you Witch~

Dearest Witch   Your ecard yesterday made me so happy! I printed it, as I did the first one you sent I did answer the first ecard but via the Wicked Moon site, so it probably got ate in transit. This is my first time to SW, so I'm still learning where to post public answers   So, my answers to your qs were...   do you have a favorite Shakespeare work or character?   Well, I'm partial to the plays I've had the luck of seeing firsthand in London and Stratford-upon-Avon, of course Probably my favorite of those would be Titus Andronicus (where at the London Globe Theatre, at the end of the performance, the acting troupe got off the stage, came and mingled with the groundlings, grabbed my hand, and danced with me around the room! I danced with Shakespeareian performers in London!!) and Midsummer Night's Dream. I wrote my thesis over The Merchant of Venice, so that's special to me, as well. My fave characters are Iago, Richard III, and Shylock.   - where are you hoping to go next if you have a chance to take a big trip? I'm planning my next big trip for May of 2010; should be buying airfare next month to .... Ireland!!!! yay!!!!   - are the items on your BPAL wishlist bottles or imps? I updated my wishlist to discern which are which   - do you have a favorite color or group of colors (like warm shades: reds, pink, orange or cool shades: blue, green, purple etc)? Well, I love any color that's just intense and bold, but I guess I'm drawn to oranges, yellows, and reds...   - can you point me to a etsy or amazon wishlist? I added an Amazon wishlist link!!   Oh thank you for sending me that adorable postcard and happy thoughts! I spoke to the police, AGAIN, last night; these people have been calling me nonstop (really, like 45 times a day!) begging me not to press charges as they don't want their four month old daughter taken away. Um, sorry. Not my problem. As of yesterday, they no longer beg; they threaten to come back and finish the job, including me.   I had to go and get a gun last night, per recommendation of the officers and the detective.   This really sucks. I mean, I don't live a soap opera life and I don't want to, either! The stress is unbelievable.   Meganola sent me a PM apologizing for forgetting the card, so no worries! The surprises inside were AMAZING; I mean, a 4 year old aged imp of Samhain? How lucky am I!!!?? And, I am now addicted to the butts of bunnies; thanks my witch!!!




Imps I have (incomplete list)

2008 Halloweenies A Blade of Grass
Chant d'Automne
Day of the Skulls
Meditation in Autumn
Mictecacihuatl (I hope I spelled that right!)
The Goblin Rider
The Witching Time of the Night
2008 Graveyard GHOLHEIM
2008 Yulies Butter Rum Cookie
Frau Holle
The Head of Holofernes
Jacob's Ladder 2008
Lick It Like You Mean It
Lines Written Among the Euganean Hills
The Magi
Midnight Mass 2008
On Darkness
Rose Red 2008
Snow White 2008
There's A Certain Slant of Light
Visiting the Temple of Auspicious Fortune Alone On the Winter Solstice
Winter of Our Discontent 2008
Wind in the Willows Mole
Nowhere In Particular
The Sea Rat
All They Had See, and All They Had Lost
2008 Small Spirits, Phoenixes, Res'ed MOON OF SMALL SPIRITS
2009 vday BONY MOON
Dark Chocolate and Cherry
White Chocolate and Sugared Violets
2009 Velvet Paintings/Le Mat VELVET CTHULHU
2009 Warrior Queens BOADICEA
Strawberry Moon 09
===========   Other imps I have (list incomplete!!) I'll update with the rest I have once I get my collection back. Bess
The Deep Ones
Reindeer Poop
Cinnamon Sugar Cookies & Egg Nog




Summer '09 SW round: extra questions part 5

What's that one thing you keep meaning to get but keep forgetting or passing over? For me, it's a wallet. I really need a new wallet. And I could use an aluminum water bottle. Like a Sigg bottle but I don't care what brand.   What kind of mythology are you interested in? Egyptian and Greek are pretty interesting   Puddin' posts ebay sales of older stuff every now and then - what of the current lot are you dying for? I've always wanted to try Pinched and Bah.... less so All Souls and Beaver Moon '05.   But please, dearest Witch, don't get involved in a crazy Ebay bidding war with ridiculous prices involved just for my sake.     The internet makes stalking 2000000000000000 times easier than it ever has been. Do you tweet? I have, thus far, avoided the Twitter movement.   Do you like coconut? To eat? Not really.   With all this talk of chocolate, do you prefer milk or dark? Both.   What of the summer update (Egyptian, Lawn Ornaments, etc.) appeals most to you? Weeelllll....   I got Lawn Gnome (love it! ) and Nonae Caprotina (jury's still out) and Feast of The Greatly Revered Ones (another love ) I kinda want a backup of Feast of The Greatly Revered Ones, but I probably won't buy one. (I got Smoky Moon too and it's great!)   Of the ones I didn't get I'd like to try the Egyptian themed ones and the other two lawn ornaments. I probably won't actively seek them out though.   What is your favorite classic fairy tale or children's story? I really enjoyed reading the original Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass. I loved the illustrations too! I can never find my favorite one anywhere (granted, I haven't looked very hard). It's the one of Alice sitting between the two queens (red and white) and they're asleep, leaning on her.   No fairy tales really called to me... If I think of something I will amend that statement.   If your witch goes to Convergence (or is bestest friends with someone, same thing), is there anything you'd love to have? I guess something with some combination of my love or like notes would call to me. I'd actually really like an event-exclusive scent; I don't think I've ever had one.   Do you have an electric stove, and would you like a bowl and tarts to use the residual heat (and for extra safety)? I have a gas stove   Lip Balm: Yes, yes and more yes! I love lip balms and an constantly losing the ones I have. There are some on my Etsy wishlist. Usually I prefer tubes over the stick-your-finger-in-it pots, but it doesn't really matter. I really like Bunny Butt Apothecary lip balm. I have one and I'd like others.   Are there any etailers you haven't tried yet but would like to be enabled (e.g., a company you haven't tried but would like recommendations from your witch, based on your likes and dislikes)? I'd like to try some Violette Market. Also LUSH. I've never tried anything from Haunt. I'd always be up for random enabling that my witch would like to bestow on me.   Some other Etailers I'd like to try: Arcana, Cobalt Blends, Blooddrop, Villainess   Who out there is equally challenged and would appreciate icons/banners as witchy gifts? I can't make icons or anything so that would be cool.   A witch wants to cheer you up. What are we cheering you up from? In other words, what are the most pressing problems you're facing right now? Hmmm... I'm pretty stressy about learning to drive right now. I'm scared about trying to get my license. I'm stressed about going back to school but I'm sure once I get back in the swing of things I'll be fine.   Are you freaking out over any of the discontinued scents, dear fellow Witches? yes!!!! I was just thinking about upgrading to a bottle of Succubus and look what drops into my inbox. But the money, I do not has it...   Does my witchee like hats, a floppy summer sun hat or something more stylish? Would you like a hand knit cap or hat? I think a knit cap would be more my style.   What kind of shopper are you? Do you make a budget? Planner, or compulsive? Do you like to buy what's new, special offers, only the usual? Totally compulsive. That's why I have no money now.   What styles of jewelry do you like? Bold and funky? Delicate and dainty? Short necklaces, long ones, chokers? Bracelets or anklets? I like all kinds of jewelry, really. I wear everything from chokers to long necklaces to beaded stuff, to really delicate things... I'm all over the place.   Do you like coffee and/or wine? Coffee is a big yes! Wine, I like but I don't drink it.   What are your thought on World Market? I don't know what it is... I guess it's a store and it sounds pretty cool from what people are saying but I've never heard of it before.   What are your favorite Yankee Candle scents? I don't really burn candles that much but the flavors I tend towards when I do are the "fresh baked cookies" or "cake batter" or "buttercream" or whathaveyou. Only if they smell realistic though. Sometimes I go for the fruity scents like orange or lemon/lime or something like that.   Chocolate Gecko: The Poodles, Orange, French Kiss, Espresso (Hand rolled truffles), Tropical Tree Frogs, Chai Buddha, Starry Night, Tropical Storm, Cafe con Crema (Molded Truffles), Chocolate Dipped Strawberries (Dipped Fresh Fruit), Nibby Bar, Rocky Road Bar (Chocolate Bars), Green Fairy (Gecko Specialty Chocolates)   Do you mind receiving partials, imps, full bottles, sniffies of oils from BPAL and other companies? Nope, that's fine.   What are you happiest about (besides SW)? What makes you feel good this summer? Any summer? I just came back from seeing fireworks with my boyfriend, so that made me pretty happy. I'm looking forward to the beach trip I'll be taking later this summer.   Have you any desire to read Hannibal? Sure, why not?   What's your favorite summer activity? Just sittin' around. Reading a lot. Watching movies too... Swimming is pretty fun but I don't do it much.   Would you like a recipe booklet (homemade) for homemade smoothies and shakes? I'm sure they'd be quite tasty, but I don't know where the blender is so it probably wouldn't work out so well.   What's your favorite vacation spot? A cabin in the mountains. Doesn't matter what cabin, doesn't matter what mountains.   Would you like anything nostalgic? Things you loved from their childhood or maybe things you've always loved that were from a time before your own? Hmmm, nothing really comes to mind.   What are your thoughts on J.R.R. Tolkein? Amazing writer. Love his books. I own The Lord of The Rings series and The Hobbit and a bunch of the associated Middle Earth stories.   Do you like musicals? What have you seen? What do you want to see? Any you'd like to own? I love musicals! I had a huuuuge Phantom of the Opera obsession for a while and I saw it on stage (not on Broadway but it was still amazing! it was a traveling company.) I own the movie and the soundtracks (movie and stage production). I even read the book that the musical was based off of. You can imagine my squeeage when the Erik and Christine BPALs came out.   Others I like: Evita, Chess, Avenue Q (saw it on Broadway!!)   There is another Ebay update from Puddin. What appeals to you there? Snow White, All Saints '04, Valentine of Rome (in that order)   ZOMG update!!!   I'll be buying Berry Moon, no question. Others that I want but probably won't end up getting, at least right now:   Stinky Aperotos Eros Whoso List to Hunt (just to test. I'm leery about the rose) Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bat (teehee, I love the name!) Imperious Tiger Lily High Strung Daisies Brusque Violet How Doth the Little Crocodile Against Idleness and Mischief 'Tis the Voice of the Lobster   And I always wanted to try Tiger Lily but now they're discontinuing it. Ah, well.   I have easy access to Asian candies, tropical fruits(mangosteen, mango, durian, jackfruit) flavored biscuits/chips/snacks, dried tropical fruits, Japanese/korean/taiwanese cosmetics brands and music/CDs. Is there anything you will like from Singapore or Asia in general? Nothing like this really calls my name but I'm sure if my witch finds something she really thinks I'd like then I'd like it. Lol.   Do you play any musical instruments? Which ones? If not, are there any you'd like to learn? What styles of music do you play, and are you interested in learning any different styles? I used to play the Celtic folk harp. I don't anymore and haven't in years, but it would be fun to pick it up again.   Are you partial to any kind of comedy? I really can't handle most "stupid comedy" does that make sense. (I'm not trying to insult anyone's choices in comedic entertainment, it just seems that "stupid comedy" really is a genre) And I literally get sick to my stomach watching people hurt themselves or other people. (ie, Jackass)   I'd like to know if my witchee likes Rasputina, and would like any music by them? I've never heard of them, but I'm always up for new music.   Do I try to find out who my Witch is? I haven't so far...   Who has a Kindle? If you do, would you like a Kindle gift card, Kindle accessories, etc. as a gift? Whadda you need? I don't have a kindle or any other electro-book type thingie.   What about other electronics (Blackberries, iPhone, etc.)? Do you need any accessories, etc. for those? Nope.   Question...do you fret or take it personally when your witch or witchee gets too quiet? Like they figured you out and don't like you? If I haven't heard from my witch or witchee in a little while I just assume they're busy.   What if, anything, are you interested in from the DD Trunk show? Psychological Horror and Zombie Apocalypse! Gothic Horror and Diabolical Offspring!   Comic-con scents/WKAP: I've pretty much resigned myself to not being able to get any of them (due to lack of money on my part and their limited release). The reviews for Sunbird sound very interesting but I'm not even going to try to get one. And Blackberry Jam and Scones sounded pretty drool-worthy especially with my super foody tastes. But it's not the end of the world if I don't get them.


