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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Summer '09 SW round: extra questions part 4

Who knits? Do you also spin and dye? What supplies, that you wouldn't buy for yourself, would you just love to have for that activity? I don't know how to knit. I wish I did. *pout*   Are you interested in Tarot or Tarot art? hmmm... I don't really do Tarot but some art I've seen on some cards is beautiful!   What would you think of soap samples/shampoo bar samples? (I believe the latter can be used as soap if you are not shampoo bar inclined). Or other sample sized bath/beauty products, for that matter? Any sample sized product would be welcomed just the same as it's full sized counterpart.   What about burnables as in candles, tarts and/or incense? Weeellllll... I don't have a tart burner, and I don't really burn incense (even though I think it smells really good and I'm sure I have a burner around here somewhere *searches through piles of stuff in my room*) and I like candles but I just never get around to burning them.   Do you want to know when you have something coming in the mail, or would you rather it be a complete surprise? Either way. If my witch tells me I will squee and squee and squee again and stalk my mailbox until it comes. If she doesn't tell me then I'll squee extra loud when it gets here. It's really up to her... And part 2.. What's your mailbox situation? I have a pretty big mailbox. The mail people have fit multiple packages in there before (if it won't fit in the mailbox they usually just walk it up to my porch anyway.) so I think you're good sending whatever you want. And there are almost always people at my house to bring in the mail so things shouldn't be sitting out there for too long.   What kind of a car do you drive and would you want something you could use in your car? I don't drive...   Are you a good witch or a bad witch? That all depends on who I'm talking to.   Is your abode a palace covered in fur, a disaster area, or a neat freak's delight? heh... with 8 cats and a dog in the house it's hard not to have fur everywhere. And the house is... lived in but not a wreck. Except for my room. That's a wreck. I can find my clothes and the things I need to find but yeah. It's a huge mess in there. The cat's aren't allowed in. Literally, the most organized thing in my room are my BPAL boxes. It's sad.   What one item would you just love to have that is made by a Switch Witch?   Examples: Art by strangemodegirl Jewelry by coldfire box by Delphine Quilt by scotchgrrl etc.     you mean I'm supposed to choose just one?     How are you doing for BPAL storage? Need any boxes? Yes! Decorated box(es) would be wonderful!!   Is there any place you've visited where you feel like you left your heart there? Hmmm. Nowhere I can think of off the top of my head.   If you have music or DVD's on your wishlist, do you mind getting a burned copy? How about if it is original packaging but previously used? Or do you only want it new? burned or used is fine   Are you a candles person, incense person, or just a BPTP spritzer for room scents? BPTP sprays, definitely.   Are there any phobias you have that you absolutely, positively, do NOT want anything from your witch referencing? no phobias. I doubt there's anything my witch would want to send me that would bother me.   What do you like to snack on? All sorts of stuff... If we're talking sweets, I like cookies and brownies and candy and, and, and.... There has been much talk of salted caramels and that sounds quite tasty. And whoever it was that mentioned Starbucks salted caramel hot chocolate, I like it too... a lot.   Not-sweet things. I like crackers and pretzels and stuff like that. Also, cut up veggies.   Is there something that would offend you if you received it in your mail/gift/email)? (as in profanity, a bad words in an email/card/music ... or a card or something with a scantily dressed man/woman pictured on it, crude/immature humor tshirts, etc ...) Profanity and nudity wouldn't offend me. It depends on the crude or immature humor but I'm starting to have less and less tolerance for that sort of thing.   If you could make your perfect scent (or at least most desired at the moment!) what would be in it? Whew... this is tough. I've been going for darker, more incense-y things lately so it would probably have patchouli or something smoky or incense-ish. Also, spices (think Snake Charmer). But with some sweetness thrown in.   OR   something super foody with cream and fruit and berries and maybe some cake or something... (mmmm, cream)   OR   Something dark and sexy with leather and smoke (not vetiver though! ) and hot spices... maybe some myrrh or something.   Gah! My scent tastes are all over the place so it's so hard to choose just one combination!   List things you DO NOT need any more of: Beaded jewelry. I make it, so yeah. Other jewelry is great! But beads, I've got covered.   Do you wear makeup or nail polish? Need brushes, containers, storage, mani/pedi supplies? What colors and brands do you like? I don't usually wear makeup, but I've been looking at some going, "Hmm, I wonder, if I had that would I wear it?" Usually the things I look at are jewel toned eyeshadows with a bit of shimmer (some neutral colors too) and I love lip glosses and such things and lust after them with a passion. Other makeup... sure! Why not! I actually really want to start wearing it more often and if I actually had some I liked I might...   Nail polish = yes please! I love to paint my nails! I don't have many colors, so whatever you want to give me would be appreciated.   Do you like shiney hanging porch decorations like windchimes or those things that spin and swirl in the wind? They're pretty but I doubt they'd get much use around my house.   Hair adornments? Headbands and little clips would be nice. I just cut my hair to chin length from below my shoulders and all the hair bobs I have are for much more hair than I have now.   Which flavors are you interested to try from the Chocolate Research Facility?   *drool*   As well as, ya know, the various kinds of milk, dark and white chocolate they have... Coffee with Nescafe powder, Cardamon with Almond, Ginger with Ginger Crystal (Spring/Summer '09 Series), Caramel, French Vanilla, Tiramisu, (Exotic Series), Green Apple with Dried Pear, Strawberry with dried Strawberry, Orange with dried Orange (Double Fruit Series), Lemon Peel, Mango, Apricot, Strawberry, Wild Berries, Pineapple, Sweetened Plum (Fruit Series), Irish Cream (Alcohol Series), Cappuccino, Latte, Cafe Mocha, Espresso (Coffee Series)




Summer '09 SW round: extra questions part 3

Good Books Recently Read?   Just finished Nammah's Kiss. (As one can see from my questionnare, I'm a huge Jacqueline Carey/Terre d'Ange fangirl.)   I put The Mists of Avalon aside to read it and it seems I just can't get back into it, so now I'm reading Peony in Love by Lisa See.   What are your favorite animals? Or, what animals resonate strongly with you?   Ya know, I was waiting for a question like this, because I forgot to include any info like this on my questionnaire. I have a special place in my heart for frogs and snails. (I have a giant stuffed snail that I love named Big Petey after my pet snail and a little flourite frog that my mom gave me on my first day of college.) I'm the girl who saves the snails. And pretty much anything with snails or frogs will get an "awww" out of me.   Historical figures: hmmm. There's no one in particular I can think of.   Chips: Eh... they're okay. But I don't eat them that often.   Beer: I don't drink, so nope.   Posters: I have no space!   Is there anything you've been wanting to learn that your witch might be able to help you with? I’d like to learn how to knit and crochet.   Are you obsessed with honey? If so, is there a particular kind you like best? Spun honey, flavored honeys, certain types of honey.... etc. Honey’s okay but I wouldn’t say I’m obsessed.   Are there any kinds of books you collect? I don’t have any specific collections. I’d love a book of pinup art. (I don’t have one)   So... favorite kinds of woods (as used in wood art ect.)? Ummm. I don’t know. I do like art made of wood, but I don’t know enough about it that I can of differentiate between the types of wood.   Any part of art history/ style of art that you can't get enough of? (eg: Baroque, ancient Egyptian, Victorian, steam punk, modern?) I like some steampunk stuff. Otherwise, I don’t really know enough about art to say what it is I like. It usually I see something and say “Ohhh! I like it!”   Do you like coffee? Whole bean or ground? Bold/Medium/Mild roast? I love coffee. You hear me? love. Get that from my dad. I don't have a coffee grinder in my house though so no whole bean for me. All the orphan coffee can come live at my house.     So you have enough socks and wraps... (shush, VCW!) Are there any other knitted goods you might like? Lap blanket? Fingerless gloves? Arm warmers? Little knitted animals? Silk scarf? Head band? Wrist cuff? Dish clothes? Yes to everything but dish clothes... I'm not exactly sure what that means... I'd love some arm warmers (I used to have some, dunno where they got off to) and little knitted animals = love!




Summer '09 SW round: extra questions Part 2

Would anyone like bath bombs or bath melts scented with one of their favorite Bpal scents? I do these for myself sometimes and find them to be quite enjoyable. I don't have access to a bathtub unfortunately... but I am on a huuuuuge scented soap kick right now and I would love soap scented with BPAL!   Would you like homemade cinnamon buns or sticky buns? yes, yes, and more yes!   Is there anyone here that likes Hello Kitty or any other Sanrio Characters? not really...   Do you play any online games, like World of Warcraft? If so, what server do you play on, what's your character's name, etc.? I used to play FFXI but it got too expensive...   Is there a program you might have missed or show you love which is gone from the airwaves which might be found (or burned) for you by a Witch? Ohh! Six Feet Under! I got, like, halfway through the series before my Netflix subscription got canceled and now I hardly remember any of it since it's been so long since I've seen it. But I loved it.   Would you like any recycle/upcycle supplies for your crafting? The only crafty sort of thing I do is bead, so I would love beads.   Ok, for all you shower people, would you like BPAL scented soap? I'm out of soap stuff right now, but if I can get any anytime soon, would that be something that you'd like? Or how about BPAL scented massage bars or solid scrub bars?   Soap, soap, soap! yes, please! I've never tried a massage bar but I've been wanting some LUSH ones for a while, so a BPAL one would be awesome!   Basically any bath & body thing that isn't bathtub exclusive will be most appreciated and well-loved.   If you were to make a seasonal mix CD for this summer, what would you name it? Probably something boring like "Summer Music Mix" or something like that. I'm not very creative when it comes to being clever with titles and such.   Do you collect dolls or miniatures? newp.   Are there any single notes (likely non bpal) that anyone is dying to have/try?   For wearing: Neroli, Patchouli, Honeysuckle, and Sandalwood and Red Musk come to mind. A lot of my "love" notes on my note likes and dislikes list would probably have SNs floating around out there that wouldn't be too hard to track down.   For sniffing: I would find it very helpful to smell many, many SNs since I usually have a hard time picking out specific notes in blends.   My fiance sent me an early dvd rip of Coraline that he was given (pretty sure it's not been released yet, but I sometimes have a hard time keeping up) and I was wondering if anyone would like a copy of it?   I never saw it but my sister would probably like it...   net flick or the likes gift subscriptions? A month of Netflicks vs a DvD?   I used to have Netflix and didn't use it all that much. I usually just run up to Blockbuster when I'm in the mood to watch something. I'd rather get a DVD of something you think I'd like than a subscription.   Are you in need of decanting supplies, wand caps, or other scent-related paraphernalia?   yes to wand caps! always yes! I have enough pipettes for now but I could use more roller bottles. Also, imp sized vials to decant into. I would definitely love some of those.   As for Carnaval stuff...   I think my favorites right now are Mme. Moriarty (aged of course), Agrat-Bat-however-you-spell-it, Doc. Constantine... hmmm... Zarita has a place in my heart. I just got myself a bottle of Inez and I think she has some potential but I think she need some age on her first. I have a bottle of The Illustrated Woman but I have yet to test it. (I know, I know! The horror!)   There's sooooo much of the Carnaval I haven't tried and want to. (just look at my wishlist ) I'm sloooowly working my way down the list.   When I read descriptions of the prototype of Alley of Games I did squee pretty loud. It sounds like just the sort of thing I'd like. And the sword swallower teaser art? That's the sort of art that makes you buy a bottle of the perfume no matter what it smells like.   Does your feline like catnip? yesssss   Salt soap bars (soap made with a large quantity of salt, like salt-scrub-in-a-bar)? yes! that sounds wonderful!   How would you feel about homemade jelly/jam from home-grown berries? :)   Homemade dill pickles? Made from cukes, beans, snap peas, baby zucchini? I don't really like pickles...   Would it bother you if you are not the first person to receive the same gift? Imagine a Witch who always sends her favourite book, for example.   If it's something I'd like then secondhand gifts are welcomed and loved! icon_biggrin.gif   Pets: What do you have, and do they need/want anything?   8 cats and a dog. They're pretty set for now. The cats just play with stuff around the house so they don't really need special toys or anything. My poor dog is too old and arthritic to get any enjoyment out of toys and such. Poor thing.   Steampunk jewelry? Yes.   Twilight? not so much...   Tea. How do you feel about it?   I like it. Though I usually think I'll drink more than I'll end up drinking, if that makes any sense. I'd love to try some new styles/flavors/kinds/brands. I usually like fruit flavors or spices, but I'm open to pretty much anything.   what is your favorite anime, or if you don't like that what is your favorite animated series?   I'm not really into anime. I used to be a lot more than I am now. (I still go to Otakon though, and I'm going again this year.)   ETA: anime series I used to watch a lot: DNAngel... erm, I think that's about it actually. My sister is a HUUUGE Full Metal Alchemist fanatic fan and my friend used to love Fruits Basket so I saw it all thanks to her.   Cowboy Bebop was pretty good too.




Summer '09 SW round: extra questions

What kinds of crafts does everyone either enjoy making or enjoy getting? Do you have a certain type of handmade item that you love to collect? Socks, boxes, jewelry, dolls etc? About the only crafty thing I can make is beaded jewelry... which all the people I've made it for seem to like so, awesome.   As for crafty things I like to get... whooo boy, I could go on. A BPAL box would rock my proverbial socks. The ones I have now are boring. I love knitted and crocheted things: socks, hats, scarves, arm/hand warmers, etc. To echo bubblefish, homemade bath & body stuff is awesome!! Like scrubs, lotion, massage bars, soap, body wash/shower gel. However I do not have access to a bath tub so bath bombs and other bathtub-exclusive bath goodies are out. Jewelry also gets a big thumbs up in my book.   Clearly, vegans are not into soaps with honey or milk, etc. But, if you're not a vegan how would you feel about soaps made with emu oil? Squicked out/concerned about animal cruelty, or willing to try them? (The woman I buy them from uses the whole emu. She sells the meat, sells the feathers, and uses the oil to make soap.) I'm cool with soap made with milk, honey, emu oil (that sounds interesting)... yeah.   Are there any of the BPTP bath oils you adore (particularly ones that you cannot get anymore). What about the room sprays? I've never tried any any of the bath oils but I'd really like to try Luxuria and Castitas. (I know, they're the ones you can get all the time, I've just never gotten around to it.)   As for atmosphere spray, my favorite that I've tried so far is Goblin of Yuletide Present. I really like Doc. Constantine's Medicine Show too (I'm out of that one, actually), and I'd like to try Okiya and Cathouse at some point.   I know you didn't mention the massage oils but I've had my eye on the TKO massage oil for quite some time now.......   How would you feel about an ultra-girlie shawl or wrap in summer-weight (lace)? wow! Those are beautiful! I would love to own one of those. (I would just have to keep it in my room, out of the reach of cat claws >.< )   what would you think of hand-dyed items? I don't usually go for tie-dye so much but those are cool. (Especially the black/green/yellow one on that page.) Though if someone had hand dyed it especially for me, I would me much more inclined to wear/use the item in question.   So, I hear you don't like lacy wraps! How do you feel about hand-knit socks? Socks are lovely and I would feel quite honored if someone knitted some just for me   How many potential witchees have an iPod, or download MP3s? I have an iPod Nano, and buy some tunes from time to time. I still have a butt-ton of CDs that need to be burned into my computer, I just haven't gotten around to it. I got a new iPod recently... and it's far too big for me. You see, I wanted a Classic. And the Classics only come in 120 GB apparently. *grumble* So some awesome mix CDs or something of the sort would be greatly appreciated.




Banning and our forum...

In the past, there's been a lot of speculation and false assumptions made concerning the banning of member accounts on this forum. Among many there seems to be a lot of false impressions over how often and how easily it is to get banned here. This may be in part our fault, as we have never drawn attention to the banning process, nor did typically discuss member banishments after the fact. This was because we felt it unfair to speak out about someone when they're not able to return and make a counter argument in their defense, because often the person still had friends on the forum and we didn't want to put them in an awkward position, and simply because we didn't want to further the unpleasantness of the situation. It was a decision we thought sound for a time, but clearly our silence on the subject has allowed people to believe that this is something we do far more often than we actually do and that we do it for simpler or pettier reasons than is the truth. So, to try to clear up any confusion or misconceptions about this touchy subject, we've decided to be more open about it and have all past and any future bannings presented in the public record. We hope this will help demonstrate that this not something we do often or lightly. And because of the sensitive nature of the subject, we're posting this information here rather than in the announcements area of the forum.     To this date, we have banned 9 individuals: Unseelie, diabolique, BlueStar, wax, AngelFireHeart (aka: RainDropAngel), Black Medicine, wichapi (aka: ShyinChi, aka: MaineEvent), MissAnthropy (aka: InanimatusConjurus, aka: paintahappylittletree, aka: SeeYouNextTuesday), and tehriaz (aka: asunderpants, aka: omgriri). Details on the events leading up to each of these decisions will be posted as I have time to go through the various records.   UPDATED 6 Oct 09: We have since banned 2 more individuals: beneathglass (aka Lia, aka loviatorthertip, aka herokitty) and ebonykawai (aka httpoo, aka raineygirl)




All Bottled Up

Okay, this is my bottle collection. Not much, but it's growing! Privilege
Frau Holle
Lovers in a Rice Field




[BANNED] Unseelie, Wax, AngelFireHeart

UNSEELIE On December 12, 2004, Unseelie sent a brand new member a harassing PM and blocked her from being able to respond and received a 30% warning and a notice that further similar actions would be taken seriously. On April 17, 2005, she created a topic devoted about how "horrible and wretched" another member's signature was, and received a warning because her tone and words again violated the good manners rule. One month later, she altered her profile to verbally attack a moderator, and because she had already shown a pattern of harassment (both member and moderator), she was banned. (Incidentally, if this happened now, it would probably have been handled differently; these days, we prefer to give a suspension before banning.)     WAX On May 31, 2006 after registering a new account here, wax attempted to hack our forum. As a result, he was banned.     ANGELFIREHEART/ET AL On June 26, 2006, Rain Drop Angel (RDA) posted that AngelFireHeart (AFH) at committed suicide. After noticing that AFH had been logging in after her so-called death, we started doing a little investigation into her forum activity, and discovered AFH had been using the PM system after her "death," and that the person known to be behind the AFH account had made at least one account elsewhere (specifically on lost.fm) as RDA. Because of our suspicions, we did contact her local coroner's office, and was told that nobody had died at that address on or around the date we were told AFH had died, making this a case of pseudocide. As a result, on July 23, 2006, both accounts were banned for their outrageous abuse of our community.   Note that if this happened today, our duplicate account tools would be able to catch any account switching and new account creating, so the extent that was gone to prove to ourselves that this really was a case of pseudocide would be unnecessary.




scent is a strange thing -- 1

I wonder sometimes why I like some scents that should probably seem overpowering or obnoxious: gasoline, used engine oil, wet paint (high VOC, yeah baby!), fresh asphalt, just-snuffed matches, hot metal. Especially hot metal and black engine oil. My ideal mate would probably be a mechanic (though I was seriously considering being a mechanic myself 20+ years ago). Why would any of these appeal to me?   Scent is so deeply wired into our brains, that you'd think the only scents that would appeal to us would be the ones that somehow enhanced our chances of survival (and reproduction). We're quick to pick up the scent of a pending storm, decay, lack of cleanliness, etc. Granted, many scent likes and dislikes are purely psychologically-driven. You could argue that my liking for oil and gasoline had to do with watching my dad work in the garage when I was very young. I don't know that to be the case, but I'm positive we all have associations that invite instant like or dislike, but that we can't necessarily put a name, face, time, or place to.   What about sour, bitter, acrid, or chemical smells? I like the smell of hospitals. How weird is that? I like quite a few natural scents that are, apparently, generally disliked, like bruised marigold foliage (astringent, chemical). Love! But everyone I know who smells it recoils. And tomato foliage (astringent, oppressively herbal). I could seriously see wearing a perfume that had tomato foliage at its base. Oddly, I also like the smell of damp, dusty places, like old houses or barns that have been abandoned. How could the latter possibly be a benefit to survival? It's probably not, but I remember often playing in an old abandoned barn when I was a child, and so must have positive associations with the smells inherent in such a place. More psychological underpinnings. I'm beginning to think that psychologically-based scent preferences easily (and sometimes completely) override the hardwired ones.   My animal scent likes and dislikes are pretty distinct. I like the smell of cats, but not dogs. Horses, but not cows. Allow me to rephrase: it's not that I dislike the smell of dogs (except wet ones) or cows, but that I get no reaction from them other than internally taking note of their scent. Cats and horses give me a real physical reaction, a pleasant one. (Don't read too far into that; I'm talking warm fuzzies here not Catherine the Great.) I also love the smell of many objects that are found around horses: leather, wool, denim, hay, and weathered wood. I'll categorize this as psychological. I grew up around horses and cats. Childhood = good, therefore ... etc.   I have a few scent dislikes, but none that drive me out of a room, with one exception: citrus mold. Agh! And the odd part is, I can smell it before it's even evident. I'll start smelling this nauseating scent a day or two before the first powdery bloom appears on an orange or lemon. And I can walk into a room and instantly tell if there's newly-molding citrus in it, even if I can't see the fruit. The strong scent usually goes away (for me) on fruit that started molding some time ago, even if there's mold still on it. This scent ... it isn't just unpleasant, it's something I really can't take. I have to get away from it. This has me wondering if I'm allergic to the type of mold that forms on citrus fruits. Why else would I have such a strong visceral response to it? Do we finally have here an example of a survival-based scent preference? I haven't done a proper scientific study of the reactions of other people, but my significant other can't smell it at all, whereas I can smell it in eensy-teensy-parts-per-million at a hundred paces and it gives me an instant headache.   Continued ...




the SW questions just keep on comin'!

What are your favorite types of baked goods? How would you feel about candied citrus peel, chocolate-covered or not? Would you be interested in the mix version of the baked goods or perhaps a spice mix, something along those lines? I like muffins and scones and cakes and brownies and cookies and....are you getting the idea here? Yes to all of the other questions there!   Have you found any new loves since the beginning of the round that you wished you'd known to include on your questionnaire? Nope!     ***7/12*** Question...do you fret or take it personally when your witch or witchee gets too quiet? Like they figured you out and don't like you? I sometimes worry a little if my Witchee drops out of sight for a while, but I know everyone has life stuff going on, so I don't get too hung up on it beyond hoping people are okay.     Do you try to figure out who your witch is? Do you want your witch to give you clues? I like it when it's a surprise, but it can be fun to try to figure it out, too!     Who has a Kindle? If you do, would you like a Kindle gift card, Kindle accessories, etc. as a gift? Whadda you need? I don't have one.     What about other electronics (Blackberries, iPhone, etc.)? Do you need any accessories, etc. for those? I just have my stupid crappy cell phone.     ***7/8*** I've recently been listening to Rasputina's 'O Perilous World' album and am particularly enamored by '1816: the Year Without a Summer'. So I'd like to know if my witchee likes Rasputina, and would like any music by them? I have How We Quit the Forest (I *think* that's what it's called - haven't pulled it out in a while) and think they're pretty good. Haven't listened to much of them, though.




Switch Witch Help, 7/13/09

OK, I am not doing well at all keeping up with questions. So what I'm going to do instead is to list stuff that I like and don't like. I may update this list as I think of more things.   LIKES: -Handmade or e-tailer soap of almost any kind. Love Villainess, LUSH; would love to try ones I haven't heard of. Prefer musky, incensey, woodsy or milky/foody scents in soaps. Don't like floral or citrus or fruity or minty scents in soaps. -Candles. Again, woodsy, spicy or foody scents are best. Aromatherapy candles are great. Don't like florals, oceanic, fruity scents. -Incense. LOVE Fred Soll and anything with chunky resins. Also, I am HUGE nag champa fan and I like that brand that comes in the blue box ("sai" something or other) -Body creams/lotions in musky or vanillic scents -Rich, thick hand cream -Lip balm -Dark chocolate (but not uber-dark or bitter -- 55% or so is ideal). Or medium-dark chocolate with other stuff in it. I love Vosges Red Fire bar and Barcelona bar. -Tea, but not anything too minty or fruity -Vintage advertisements, especially for cosmetics -Books and magazines -Things I can share with my kids -Just about anything handmade; someone once sent me a handmade bookmark in a swap and I still have it -Cookies or anything crunchy -NUTS! No nut allergies here. -Organic/boutique skincare lines. My skin is normal/combo or normal/dry. -Anything relating to Miyazaki films or good quality anime -Anything relating to Jane Austen or 18th-19th century British literature -Pottery. Handmade mugs, small bowls or plates, etc., I love that stuff. -A homemade box or pouch to put BPAL in would be a welcome gift.   DON'T LIKE: -CDs. I am not as into music as the average person is. I don't even own an iPod. I rarely listen to anything other than the radio while I'm driving to work. If you do send me a CD, though, I'll listen to it It's just not my most wished-for item. -Bath bombs and scrubs. I rarely use them. -Etailer shampoo and conditioner. My hair is easily damaged so I am pretty careful what I use in it. -Large, colorful jewelry; wire-wrapped pendants, steampunk themed jewelry and the like. I only like subtle, delicate, simple jewelry. -Mineral makeup. I just make a mess of loose powder. -Large hair ornaments. My hair is fine and can't hold most of them. -Possets, HAEE, Haunt or most e-tailer perfume oils. I do wear stuff other than BPAL, but those brands don't appeal to me. I do like Yosh Han and Ava-Luxe. -Tarts. I don't have a tart burner. -Nail polish. It's OK but I rarely wear it. -Fantasy or vampire fiction. It's just not my thing. Sometimes I think I am the only BPALer who *isn't* into Neil Gaiman or the Twilight series! -Hershey's Kisses (or any type of Hershey's chocolate)





Bottled gloom; the essence of oblivion. Blackest opium and narcissus deepened by myrrh.

in the bottle: Clean scent, some kind of wood. Slight smokiness. Pleasingly warm and dry in a resinous kind of way. Something smooth running behind.

on wet: Incense. More incense. Truly, incense. But somehow not obnoxious.

drydown: Still wood-y. Still incense, with a hint of sweetness behind; a kind of fresh, floral sweetness that isn't perfume-y, but more warm and heady.

one hour later: The slightly resinous, dry quality has returned, but I can't pin a scent on it, it's more of an impression. The light but warm and heady floral is still there. This is turning into what I would think of as perfume in a more classic sense, but not like any perfume I've smelled before.

end of day: Dry, resinous floral, with the floral barely in evidence. The dry quality is more pronounced, to the point of making me feel like I have a catch in my throat. Gives me the urge to drink water. I believe that the dry, resinous quality comes from the same component that I was reading as smoky while still in the bottle.

compared to official description: I don't get the morbid bleakness suggested by the official description; but then again, I'd be hard-pressed to describe the smell of oblivion.

notes: I'd have to say that, overall, I like this, but being ridiculously picky, I'm not convinced I want it. It doesn't scream "wear me!"

I commented in my last review that I don't know the scent of myrrh well enough to identify it. I wonder now if the slight smokiness I smelled in the bottle would be the myrrh, since Velvet had a smoky quality to me and also contained myrrh. Having said that, the smokiness wasn't pronounced, and may have snuck in later as more of a dry warmth.

A number of times during the day when I was moving around I picked up a wafting scent which made me think of a faintly sharp, non-spicy lily, but I could never smell it on my wrists, only when my hands were moving around at a distance. Except for the odd waft every now and then, this stayed exceptionally close to my skin, but didn't fade completely. Another potentially good second-skin type scent I think, but not for me.

ETA: This one is really variable on me. At certain times (ahem), like when I reviewed, it's too strong and floral. The rest of the time, that wonderful smokiness really comes through and it becomes a scent I enjoy. I'm waiting on receiving and testing the dozen imps currently on order before I decide to get it, though. This is close, really close, but I'm thinking that if I can get this close, I can get even closer. I have high hopes for some of the oils described as smoky now.

ETA, again: I mixed the whole imp with a vanilla-based after-bath oil and got something that makes me feel naked in my clothes. After I've spritzed and smoothed it, I get the urge to ruuuuub against everything, like a kitty demanding affection.

added to forum reviews




My Bottle Collection

How did this happen? My collection so far-   1. 13 (April 2007) 2. 13 (June 2008) 3. 13 (tentacle label?) 4. 13 (skeleton/woman black/white label) 5. 13 (woman w/wings & wheel label) 6. 13 (Red/Black label) 7. 51 (homemade bottle) A’s 8. Abedus Indentatus v5 9. Absinthe v7 10. AF1 11. Astrophobia v1 12. Albedo v5 x2 13. AF5 14. Adoration of the Mi-Go (Yule 2009) 15. Apple of Sodom (homemade bottle) 16. Anti-Saloon League, The (event exclusive) 17. Anne Bonny (Bewitching Brews- A blend of Indonesian red patchouli, red sandalwood, and frankincense). 18. Aunt Caroline’s Joy Mojo (Homemade bottle, Bewitching Brews-Helps reverse misfortune, brings light and laughter to even the most troubled and discordant place, and aids in alleviating the stress and discontent that accompanies so many of life's daily trials). 19. Anne Beany (forum only) x2 20. Anactoria (Lupercalia 2008) 21. Amaterasu v2 22. Autumn Cider (Holloween 2011) x2 23. Arabian Dance ((Yule 2010) x4 24. Appalling Abattoir, The (Halloween 2012) 25. Antique Lace (Bewitching Brews, Dc’d) x5 (old style label x2, roller ball and partial cobalt bottle, half w/old style label.) 26. Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil (Salon dc’d) 27. And There Was a Great Cry in Egypt (Salon, dc’d) 28. A Bachelor’s Dog (Vintage 2007, April Fool’s Dogs Playing Poker?) 29. Adrian Brunnell (Halloween 2009) 30. Attrocious Attic, The (Halloween, haunted House 1st release) 31. Anthesteria 32. Agrat-Bat-Mahlaht (CD, 7/09) 33. Angeronalia (Yule 2007) 34. Amsterdam (Wanderlust) 35. Australian Copperhead (CD Snake Pit) 36. Autumn Lace (Dark Delicacies retail) 37. All in the Golden Afternoon (Mad Tea Party) 38. Agape (Bpal.org 5th Anniversary) 39. Absinthe & Lace (Dark Delicacies) x2 40. Anactoria (Lupercalia 2010) 41. Al Souls (Halloween 2006) 42. Antikythera Mechanism, The (Phoenix Steamworks) 43. Anesthesia (Neil Gaiman, Neverwhere) 44. Antonio The CarneyTalker (CD) 45. Absinthe (Bewitching Brews, An intoxicating blend containing wormwood essence, light mints, cardamom, anise, hyssop, and the barest hint of lemon). 46. An Incubus Leaving Two Sleeping Women (Halloween, Pickman Gallery) 47. A Wonderful Light (Yule, The Little Match Girl) 48. Aatos Polemoio (Lupercalia 2010) 49. All Saints (cobalt bottle) Alley of Games v6 Atlas (moth) x2 Arana (Pickman Gallery Lilith’s Exhibit I) Autumn (retail exclusive) Arachne of Lydia (The Last Unicorn) As Above (Haute Macabre exclusive)   B’s 50. Beaver Moon (Lunacy Nov. 2007) 51. Beaver Moon (Lunacy Nov. 2010) 52. Bogle (BPTP Halloween 2010) 53. Blasphemare Reliquary, The (CD, The Wunderkammer) 54. Bastet (Excolo, Luxuriant amber, warm Egyptian musk, fierce saffron and soft myrrh, almond, cardamom and golden lotus). 55. Bow & Crown of Conquest, The (Sin & Salvation) x2 56. Bitch 57. B Horror (Dark delicacies, Summer blockbusters 2009) 58. Banned in Boston (Event Exclusive) 59. BRA II 60. Belshazzaz v3 61. Box 116 62. B.B3 63. Blue Phoenix Proto 2 x2 64. Byron v13 65. Blue Pumpkin Floss (Halloween 2010) 66. Bette Noir (Irredeemable) 67. Bat of Health (Bat’s Day 2009) 68. Boo Bam (Atomic Luau Lounge) 69. Body, Remember (Lupercalia 2012) 70. Blue Pumpkin Floss v3 71. Boneshaking Antique Velocipede (BPTP inquisition 2009?) x3 72. Boomslang (CD, Snake pit) 73. Boadicea (BPTP Warrior Queens 2009) 74. Bat of Longevity (Bat’s Day 2009) 75. Bat of Virtue (Bat’s Day 2009) 76. Black Lace (Dark Delicacies 13th anniversary) x5 77. Beatrice 78. Black Cherry Amaretto Christmas Puddin’ (BPTP Yule 2011) 79. Bengal (Wanderlust, skin musk with honey, peppers, clove, cinnamon bark and ginger). X2 80. Bah! (BPTP 2008) 81. Berry Moon (Lunacy Aug. 2009) 82. Bien Loin D’ici (Ars Amatoria, : red musk, benzoin, caramel accord, golden honey, and spiced Moroccan unguents). 83. Bearded Lady (Carnival Noir) x2 84. B340 (Convergence XV event exclusive) 85. Bordello (Ars Amatoria, homemade bottle, Bawdy plum with amaretto, burgundy wine and black currant). 86. Bonfire Night (Halloween 2012) 87. Brood XIX (2011 LE) 88. Banshee Beat (Space 15 Twenty/Urban Outfitters exclusive) x4 89. Butterscotch Ball’s and Black beetles (Neil Gaiman, Coraline) 90. Blockbuster (Bewitching Brews, Used to open up options in your life, overcome obstacles, and create opportunities. This blend increases your potential for success, inspires creativity and quick thinking, and helps you to be more flexible, adaptable and open to change). 91. Black Death (Dark Delicacies 2010) 92. Blue Moon (2009) 93. Bathtub Gin (event exclusive 2010) 94. Butter Rum Cookie (Yule 2008) 95. Blue Morpho (LE 2011) 96. Black Opal (Bewitching Brews Dc’d, Soft and luminescent with flashes of black fire). 97. Brom Bones (Halloween 2008) 98. Bloody Banister, The (Halloween 2012) 99. Bakunawa (Dragon Con 2012) 100. Boo! (Halloween 2009) 101. Bakeneko (Lunacy Feb. 2007) 102. Black Moon (2006) 103. Blue Moon (Lunacy 6/2007) 104. Bezoar (CD, The Wunderkammer) 105. Benevolent Triple Conjunction (TAL May 2011) 106. Brahmin (LE 2011) 107. BTCS (proto) 108. Black Apple of Saturn (Halloween 2011) 109. Black Temple Burlesque Troupe, The (Yule 2009) 110. Blue Snowballs (BPTP Yule 2012) 111. Beaver Moon 2012 112. Bat Woman (Salon Dc’d) 113. Badgers (Event exclusive 2012) 114. But Men Loved Darkness rather Than Light (Yule 2009) 115. Blackbear Moon (Lunacy 2012) 116. Blossoms in Springtime (Lupercalia 2012) x3 red oil and ½ bottle clear 117. Boomslang v2 118. Berry moon (Lunacy Aug. 2011) 119. Black Moon (2011) 120. Black Swan, The (Retail salon) 121. Butter Arsenic (proto) 122. Black Pumpkin Floss (BPTP Halloween 2012) 123. Bruised Violet Compound (Doc Constantine’s Pharmacopoeia, Crushed violets, red currant, patchouli root, and Spanish moss). Black Rider (GC) Bon Vivant (GC) Black Taffeta (Dark Del exclusive) Blood Countess (DC’d GC) Book, The (ParaNorman)   C’s 124. Cristina (Halloween, Literary Vampire 2009) 125. Creature Feature (Dark Del. Summer Blockbuster 2009) 126. Cupcake Splatter Pattern Analysis (WKAP) 127. Chilling Cellar, The (Halloween, Haunted House original release) 128. Crypt Queen w/ Crypt (Halloween 2007) 129. Chaos Theory: Vanilla 639 *** 130. Chaos Theory: Vanilla 648 131. Carpathian Mountains, The (LE, Order of the Dragon) 132. Countess Dolingen of Gratz (Halloween 2009, Literary Vampire) 133. Chaos Theory: Vanilla 630 *** 134. Crimson Christmas (Dark Del) 135. Croquet (Mad Tea Party, Pink lime, pink grapefruit, white nectarine, wild rose, sage, woody patchouli, bergamot, and ornery hedgehog musk). 136. Candy Butcher (CD, Dc’d) 137. Clarimonde (Halloween 2009, Literary Vampire) 138. Carlin (Halloween 2009) 139. Changing the Shadows (Yule 2010?) 140. Chimera v5 x2 141. Carceri D’invenzione (Salon, Dc’d) 142. Cerberus (cobalt bottle, oblation blend, Dc’d) 143. Chained Phantoms, the (Yule, Christmas Carol, 2011) 144. Coyote (Excolo, The warmth of doeskin, dry plains grasses and soft, dusty woods warmed by amber and a downy, gentle coat of deep musk). 145. Cake Smash (Forum only) 146. Chaos Theory: Vanilla 370 147. Coral Snake (Cd, Snake Pit) 148. Copper Phoenix (LE, 7th Anniversary) 149. Changeling, The (Halloween 2011, Pickman Gallery) 150. Crowley (Neil Gaiman, Good Omens) x2 151. Cockaigne (homemade bottle, Wanderlust, milk and honey, sweet cakes and wine). 152. Creeping Mist, The ((Halloween 2010, Gothic Literature) 153. Countess Willie (1 original & 1 Homemade bottle, The District) 154. Common Jezebel (LE, The Butterflies 2011) 155. Captain Cully (The Last Unicorn, A cocky light musk with leather, tonka, a dusting of dry woods, and a splash of porter) 156. Clockwork Couture Male 157. Clockwork Couture Female 158. Cake Smash v6 159. Candy Corn Coated Candy Apple (Halloween 2010) 160. Champagne & Cigars (New Years 2008/09) 161. Celeste (BPTP) x2 161. Cyronashian Catnip (BPTP 2011?) 162. Ceanothus Silkmoth (The Moths 2012) 163. Champagne & Party Hats (New Years 2010/11) 164. Clytie (BPTP 2010) 165. Carnal (homemade bottle, Ars Amatoria, Bold, bright mandarin paired with the sweet, sensual earthiness of fig). 166. Candied Pumpkin (Halloween, BPTP 2011?) 167. Chaste Moon (Lunacy 3/2010) x2 168. Candles Moon (Lunacy, 2/2010) x2 169. Creepy (Halloween 2009 & 2006) x2 170. Chewing Little Bits of String (BPTP 2009, Inquisition: Naughty) 171. CBBOB1 172. Capela Dos Ossos v5 x2 173. Chellah v4 174. Cesky Krumlov VI 175. Comforting Plush Companion (BPTP 2009 Inquisition: Nice) 176. Citrinitas v4 x2 177. Cytherea (CD, White sandalwood, patchouli, white amber, orris, bourbon vanilla, champaca flower, and kush. ) 178. Clytemnestra v3 179. Crypt King w/crypt (BPTP ) Cottonmouth (Esty- 3/2013) Cat Allingham (The Unknown) Cykranosh (Pickman Gallery Lilith’s Exhibit I) Court of Honor (C2E2 2013) on the way Count Dracula x2 partials Cleric (RPG, Ebay 6/25/2013) Casanova (GC, Dc’d 6/13) Cleopatra Testing Poison on those Condemned to Death (Dc’d salon) Cupid Complaining to Venus (Dc’d salon) Coraline Jones (Neil Gaiman, Coraline) Calocyclas (song of nature) Courtney (Paranorman)   D’s 180. Dirty v3 181. Durian Fruit Infused Honey with Brandy (Paduan Killer Bees) 182. Dance of the Mirlitons (Yule, The Nutcracker 2010) 183. Dr. Henry Jekyll (Dark Del. 2009) 184. Dark Chocolate and Key Lime Truffle (Lupercalia box of chocolates 2009?) x2 185. Dirty (Sin & Salvation, A wonderful antidote to an all-nighter oozing with drunken, addled perversion and debauchery. A fresh, crisp white linen scent: perfectly clean, perfectly breezy). 186. Dragon Pecker v2 x2 187. Dorian v2 188. Dee (5ml x2 & 10ml, Bewitching Brews, His scent is soft English leather, rosewood and tonka with a hint of incense, parchment and soft woods). 189. Dano O’Shee (10ml & 5ml non-original bottle, Bewitching Brews, Offerings of milk, honey and sweet grains were made to placate these creatures, and it is that the basis of the scent created in their name). 190. Deserted Village, The (Bards of Ireland 2009) 191. Desiccated Frostberry Pie Filling (BPTP) 192. Doodad (not original bottle BPTP frimp w/purchase) 193. Dragon’s Reverie (Ars Draconis, dragon’s blood resin, poppy, amber and ylang ylang). 194. Diable En Boite (Yule 2009) 195. Dragon’s Milk (Ars Draconis, A truly fae nectar! Dragon's blood resin and honeyed vanilla). 196. Dorian (Sin & Salvation) x2 (8/09 & 6/13). 197. Deathrock (Bat’s Day 2011) 198. Dragon’s Claw (not original bottle, Ars Draconis, dragon’s blood resin and three sandalwoods). 199. Dragon’s Musk (not original bottle, Ars Draconis, Dragon’s blood and five deep musks). 200. Dungeon Crawl (SD Comic Con 2010) 201. Dolly Keio (Anime event, 2012) 202. Devil’s Night (Halloween 2009) 203. Dragon’s Claw (not original bottle, Ars Draconis, dragon’s blood resin and three sandalwoods). 204. Drink Me(not original bottle, Mad Tea Party, (it had, in fact, a sort of mixed flavour of cherry-tart, custard, pine-apple, roast turkey, toffee, and hot buttered toast,) she very soon finished it off). 205. Dia De Los Muertos (Halloween 2009) 206. Devil’s Night (Halloween, cobalt, 2005/06?) 207. Dia De Los Natitas (Halloween 2010) 208. Dyan Moon (Lunacy 6/2008) 209. Ded Moraz (Yule 2009) 210. Dancing Koi (Luper 2011?) 211. Diary of A Love Struck Teenage Cannibal (Dark Del.) 212. Dark Chocolate & Pepper-Smoked Caramel (Luper 2009) 213. Detestable Putrescence (Gris Grimly) 214. Doc Buzzard (Convergence 12) 215. Delight and Consternation (Shunga 2013) 216. Dionysia (CD, Etsy 3/2013) Dysopes Tenuis (Bat’s Day 2013) Dracul (GC, 6/13) Djinn (GC, 6/13) Depraved (GC, 6/13) Desmonema (song of nature) E’s 214. Enraged Bunny musk (April Fool’s 2006) 215. Elegba ( 1 not in original bottle, Excolo, His ofrenda contains coconut, tobacco and sweet, sugared rum). X2 216. Ennui v42 217. Eat Me v6 218. Eanach Dhuin (Bards of Ireland 2009) 219. E. Pluribus Unum (Election Day 2008) 220. Egg Nog (Yule 2007 & 2010) x2 221. Elephantine Colossus, The, (NYCC 2010) 222. Evening Cicadas and Red Pepper (Yule 2009) 223. El Dia De Reyes (Yule 2007) x2 224. Egg Nog Latte (Yule toy drive 2008) 225. Entangled (Luper 2012) 226. Ecstasy Infatuation (BPTP Luper) 227. Ein Kuss Von Krampus (Dark Del. Yule 2010) 228. Echo (BPTP 2010) x2 229. Enraged Groundhog Musk (bpal.org forum blend) 230. Elf (RPG series, Pale golden musk, honeycomb, amber, parma violet, hawthorne bark, aspen leaf, forest lily, life everlasting, white moss, and a hint of wild berry). 231. Enlightenment of the Courtesan Jigokudayu (LE, fundraiser for global relief efforts) 232. Eidolon (vintage 2004) Eight View of Actors in Their Dressing Rooms proto 4 Eat Me (GC, Mad Tea Party) Exhibit Hall Fatigue Oil Epibulia (song of nature) F’s 233. Faunalina (Yule 2009) 234. Frost at Midnight (Yule 2011) 235. Figgy Puddin’ (BPTP Yule 2011) 236. Following Instructions (Luper) x2 237. First of the Three Spirits v5 238. Forever is Mercy Built (Will call food drive 2012) 239. Freak Show (Carnival Noir Dc’d) 240. Fledgling Raptor Moon (Lunacy 7/2010) 241. Fruit of Paradise, The (Yule 2009) 242. Fire Pig (Chinese New Year 2007) 243. Fuwa Bansaku in Ruined Temple With Black Monster on Umbrella (Sakura con 2010) 244. Fizzy Jack O’Lantern (Halloween 2012) 245. Flower Moon (Lunacy 4/2009) 246. Fruit Cake (not original bottle) 247. Feast for the Greatly Revered Ones (LE 2009) 248. First Encounter, The (Luper 2012) 249. Fetish Goth (Bat’s Day 2011) 250. Fire Eater (Carnival Noir Dc’d) x2 251. Frederic (Bpal.org forum scent 2008) 252. Fearful Pleasure (Halloween 2008) x2 253. Fire Phoenix (LE, 2008 Anniversary) 254. Fox-Woman Kuzunoha Leaving Her Child (Salon, Dc’d) 255. Fox Fires on New Year’s Eve at the Garment Nettle Tree at Oh (Salon, Dc’d) 256. Flora (The District Dc’d, Sweet, wet fruits, sibilant Eastern musk, apple blossom, tuberose, calla lily, osmanthus, wild orchid, amber, and sandalwood). 257. Fairies, The (The Bards of Ireland 2012) 258. First of the Three Spirits, The (Yule 2011 or 2010?) x2 259. Falling Leaf Moon (Lunacy 10/2009) 260. Feeding the Dead (Halloween 2009) Forgive us our Virtues, Forgive us (Our Lady of Pain, Luper 2013) Feed Me and Fill Me With Pleasure (OLoP, Luper 2013) First Soft Snow, The (Yule 2009) Fighter (RPG, ebay 6/25/2013) Faith (CD) Frumious Bandersnatch (Dc’d GC) G’s 261. Gypsy Queen (not original bottle, Carnival Noir Dc’d) 262. Ghosts in Love (Halloween 2011) 263. Gun Powder (Halloween 2008) 264. Gobo (Fraggle Rock) x2 265. Gold Phoenix (7th Anniversary) 266. Giallo (Dark Del. Summer Blockbuster 2009) 267. German Expressonist Horror (Dark Del. Summer Blockbuster 2009) 268. Ghost of the Arroyo Seco Bridge, The (Convergence XV) 269. Gluhwein (BTPT 2008) x2 270. Gacela of the Dark Death (Yule 2009) 271. Gennivre L’Artiste du Diable (CD) 272. Glowing Vulva (Luper 2008/09?) x3 + 1 almost empty 273. Grand Gugnol v4 274. Girl, The (Halloween Literary Vampire, 2009) x3 275. Gun Moll (Event Exclusive 2010) 276. Great Grey Witch (The Moths 2011) 277. Gothic Horror (Dark Del. Summer Blockbuster 2009) 278. Gladdener of all Hearts, The (Forum only 2008) 279. Gathering Wild Mushrooms (Luper 2012) 280. Grog (non-lab bottle, Bewitching Brews, Arrr! Avast ye, matey! This be the scent of pirate rum). 281. Grandmother of Ghosts (non-lab bottle, Excolo, Her scent swirls with a high-pitched tumult of laurel, stargazer lily, splintered woods, peony, mandarin and white musk, and is spiked with pale pepper). 282. Grindhouse, The (CD) x2 283. Ghoulish (Halloween 2010) 284. Geisha in Orange Kimono Admiring A Samurai (Luper 2012) 285. Gingerbread Poppet (Yule 2007) 286. Giant Vulva (Shunga 2009) 287. Goblin Cider (Labyrinth, 288. Giant Squid (Seattle exclusive 2010) 289. Geek Goth (Bat’s Day 2010) 290. Ghoul Hooligan (BPTP) 291. Good (RPG) 292. Goblin Rider, The (Halloween, Sleepy Hallow 2008) Green Tree Viper (Etsy 3/2013) Gollettes (on the way) Gorobble (on the way) G’milut Chasadim (Will call toy drive 2012) Greed (Sin & Salvation ebay 6/2013) Goblin Sack (w/statute in arterial spray red)   H’s 293. Hungry Ghost Moon (Lunacy 2011?) 294. Hilma (The District, Honeysuckle, Bulgarian rose, night blooming jasmine, sweet clove, cedarwood, black tea, and nectarine). 295. Highwayman (Bewitching Brews, Vetiver with gardenia, blood red rose, night-blooming jasmine, a dash of cinnamon and a faint hint of leather). 296. High John the Conqueror (Bewitching Brews, Attracts wealth, prestige, good health, and enhances others' opinions of you. Grants courage and steadfastness). 298. Hairy Toad lily (Rappaccini’s Garden, Spotty, hairy, purple, sweet!) 299. Halloween: Las Vegas (Forum Only) (2x original bottle and 1x non-original) 300. Heroine (Hero Initiative, Nepalese amber, East African patchouli, dark musk, apple blossom, petitgrain, aged leather, skin musk, and rhubarb). 301. How Doth the Little Crocodile (Mad Tea Party, Chocolate peppermint, mint-soaked vanilla, pistachio, oakmoss, and green cedar). 302. Harvest Moon (Lunacy 2010) 303. Helios (BPTP) 304. Hanerot Halalu 305. Hungry Ghosts Moon (Lunacy July 2006) 306. Haloa (Yule 2010) 307. Hypothermia (Yule 2009) 308. Hoggle (Labyrinth) 309. Halloween in Miskatonic University (Halloween 2012) 310. Haloes (retail exclusive) 311. Hellhound on my Trail (2008) 312. Hideous Heart (Gris Grimly) 313. Ho Ho Ho (December will call 2008) 314. Hochelaga (Pretty Indulgence) 315. Hunger (Ars Amatoria, Black narcissus, orange blossoms, and vanilla). 316. Harikata (Shunga) 317. Hod: Res (2009) 318. Huesos De Santo (Halloween 2008) 319. Hanging Gardens (Wanderlust, date palm, ebony, fir, pomegranate, plum, two pears, quince, fig, and grapevine with plumeria, three gardenias and dry rose). 320. Hippie Ghost (ParaNorman) 321. Hellion (non-lab rollerball, BPTP) 322. Harvest on (Lunacy 8/2006) 323. Hell of Great Heat, The (Shunga 2012?) 324. Havana (Wanderlust, Date palm, dried tobacco, snakeroot, and leather). 325. Holly King v4 (prototype) x2 326. Harvest Moon (Lunacy 2011) 327. Heretic (Retail exclusive) * 328. Hygeia * 329. Hesperides, The (Bewitching Brews Dc’d, Their perfume is that of sturdy oak bark, dew-kissed leaves, twilight mist and crisp apple). 330. Hexahedraon v3 331. Hellion v2 * 332. Hearth v2 333. Half Elf v5 334. Hot Buttered Rum (Will Call toy drive 2011) 335. Hollywood Babylon (Wanderlust, glittering Egyptian amber and heliotrope, infused with the sweetness of strawberry and vanilla - dragged into debauch by lusty red musk and a dribble of black cherry). 336. Harp of Cnoc I’Chosgir (Bards of Ireland) x2 337. Head of Holofernes, The (Yule 2008) * 338. Harigata II (Shunga 2011) Habu (CD, snake pit) on the way Haumea v1 Haute Macabre (Retail Exclusive) Happy Baby in A Long Dress (Pickman Gallery Lilith’s Exhibit I) Humpback Whale Hellion 10 ml x3 Heavenly Love and Earthly Love (retail exclusive) Honey Moon 2013 (not original bottle) Hellcat (GC, 6/24/13) Hatta (Century Guild/Fragmented Alice)     I’s 339. In Winter in my Room (Yule 2009) 340. Ifrit, The (Neil Gaiman, American Gods) 341. I Died for Beauty (Bewitching Brews, Dc’d) 342. Intergalactic (Happy Holidaze 2006) 343. Inez (CD) * 344. I Fell in Love with A Floating Brain (Dark Del.) 345. Imperious Tiger Lily (Mad Tea Party, Tiger-lily, ginger root, neroli, purple fruits, and frankincense). 346. Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream (Forum only 2008) x2 347. Infernal Lover (Halloween 2011) 348. In the Forest (The Bards of Ireland 2012) 349. Invasion of the Flesh Eating Reindeer from Uranus (Dark del.) 350. In Brightness and in Joy (Little Match Girl, Yule 2010?) 351. Ice Queen (2004 Etsy) 352. IXHV37 x2 353. ICD 37 354. I Fell in Love with A Floating Brain v1 Ivanushka IXHV4 (coffee proto) Illustrated Woman, The (CD)   J’s 355. June Gloom (Lunacy 6/2009) 356. Jerusalem Cherry Infused Honey 357. Judith & Holofernes 358. Jester (Dc’d non-lab bottle, Illyria, Huckleberry and red currant with the incisive bite of neroli). 359. J-Horror (Dark Del. Summer Blockbuster 2009) 360. Joyful Moon (Lunacy 8/2010) x2 361. Joulumuori (Yule 2009) 362. Jareth (Labyrinth) 363. Josie (The District, Heady magnolia and honeyed peaches). 364. Jailbait ’08 (Sin & Salvation, Sticky pink bubblegum and the thick, sweet scent of orange and cherry lollipops smeared over a breath of heady womanly perfume). 365. Jack (Bewitching Brews, The scent of warm, glowing jack o'lanterns on a warm autumn night: true Halloween pumpkin, spiced with nutmeg, glowing peach and murky clove). K’s 366. Khajuraho (Lupercalia 2013) 367. Kingdom or Sweets, The (Yule 2010) 368. Kaidan (Irredeemable) 369. Kiss Among Discarded Tissues (Shunga) 370. Kumari Kandam (Wanderlust, hick incense, clay, stone, and hothouse blooms with a spike of frost, a hint of decay, and heavy, dolorous aquatic notes). 371. Katharina (Illyria, white musk with a trickle of bright, sharp apricot and orange blossom). 372. King of Clubs 373. Konsheisin the Penis God (Shunga) 374. Khalkokorustes (luper 2010) 375. Krampus (Yule 2007) 376. Krampus (Yule 2006) 378. Kagema (Shunga) x2 379. Kingsport (Springtime in Arkham) 380. King Cobra (CD, Snake Pit) 381. KPX130 382. Kitty (BPTP) Katrina Van Tassel (Halloween ,Sleepy Hallow, 2008) Khrysee (BPTP LE 2009) L’s 383. Liberty (CBLDB) 384. Lights of Men’s Lives (non-lab bottle) 385. Lion, The (non-lab bottle) 386. Lemon Scented Sticky Bat (Neil Gaiman) 387. Living Flame, The 388. Lilith’s Tea Party (Forum only) 389. Liaison (Luper 2012) 390. La Calavera Catrina (Halloween 2011) 391. Lawn Gnome (Summer 2009) 392. Lovers in a Carp Streamer (Shunga) 393. Labores Solis 394. Lilith and the Jericho 395. Lurid library, The (Halloween original release) 396. Last Rose of Summer, The (LE 2009) 397. Lick it Again (Yule 2006) 398. Luna Negra (Black Moon 2011) 399. Lurid Library (Halloween 2012) 400. Lady in Speckled Pink Kimono (Shunga 2012?) 401. Lucifer (Retail Salon) 402. Lady Macbeth (Illyria, The essence of ambition, covetousness and manipulation: sweet Bordeaux wine, blood red currant, thyme and wild berries). 403. Luna (The Moths) 404. Love and Pain (Salon, Dc’d) 405. Last Squished Jelly Bean (Non-lab bottle) 406. Lotus Moon (Lunacy 6/2010) 407. Lamia (Neil Gaiman, Neverwhere) 408. Lilith Victoria (Forum only 2008) x2 409. Lady Luck Blues (LE 2007) 410. Lotus Tree, The (Rappaccini’s Garden) 411. L’Essence De L’Ardeur (BPTP, Luper 2012) x2 412. L’Essence De L’Engouement (BPTP, Luper 2012) 413. Lambs Wool (Halloween , 2009) 414. Les Anges Dechus (Salon, Dc’d) 415. Little Flora (Yule, 2012) 416. Lord Teishin with a Demon Behind a Screen (LE, Fundraiser) 417. La Fee Verte (BPTP, non-lab bottle) 418. Litha (LE 2009) 419. Larentalia (Yule 2008) 420. Lover’s Parody of Sumo Holds (shunga) 421. Lump of Coal (Yule BPTP) 422. Lust (Sin & Salvation) x2. 423. Leo Stillium (TAL 8/2011) 424. Lyonesse (Wanderlust, Golden vanilla and gilded musk, stargazer lily, white sandalwood, grey amber, elemi, orris root, ambergris and sea moss). *** 425. Loviatar (Dc’d not original bottle) 426. Lydia (Convergence exclusive) 427. Lilith vs. the Giant Crab (Forum only) x2 428. Last Evening of the Year (Little Match Girl Yule 2011) 429. Lady Lilith (Forum Salon Exhibit 2008) 430. Lady Louibond v2 431. Lamia v3 432. Lolita v2 433. Lead Phoenix (7th Anniversary) 434. Luperci (Luper 2010) 435. Litha (LE, 2006) 436. Les Bijoux (Ars Amatoria, Skin musk and honey, blood-red rose, orange blossom, white peach, red apple, frankincense and myrrh). 437. Lucy Kissed (BPTP 2009) 438. Lola (BPTP) 439. Love’s Philosophy (Luper) 440. Leather Phoenix (LE 9th Anniversary) 441. Little Bird (Bards of Ireland 2010?) L’Essence De La Passion (BTPT, Luper 2012) Love (Pickman Gallery Lilith’s Exhibit I) Lady on the Grey, The (Dc’d, Neil Gaiman, Graveyard Book) La Vague (retail salon exclusive) Lady Una La Fee Verte (10ml) Lucy Westerna L’Estate M’s 442. Mabon 443. Mrs. Grose (Yule 2012) 444. Marquis De Carabas (Neil Gaiman Neverwhere) 445. Monarch (LE, The Butterflies) 446. Midnight Bell (Dark Del) 447. Mysterious Warning (Dark Del) 448. Macabray, The (Neil Gaiman, The Graveyard Book Dc’d) 449. Miskatonic Valley Junior Baseball Association 450. Mountain of Bone (BPTP Under World Cup) 451. Marianne (CD) 452. Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp 453. Moon of Horses (Lunacy 6/2011) 454. Midwinter Eve (Yule 2007) 455. Mr. Jacquel (Neil Gaiman, American Gods) 456. Mad Kate (Salon Dc’d) 457. Monster Bait: Knockout Drops 458. Monster Bait: Closet 459. Monster Bait: Bloody Mary 460. Monster Bait: Ventriloquist Dummy 461. Monster Bait: Bigger Critter (GC label) 462. Monster Bait: Underbed 463. Monster Bait: Bones Trombone x2 Monster Bait: Underpants (trunk show label) 464. Marshmallow Pumpkin (Halloween BPTP) x3 465. Miller V. California 413 U.S. 15 (CBLDF) 466. Mr. Croup (Neil Gaiman, Neverwhere) 467. Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller (Forum Only) 468. Mother Ginger (Yule Nutcracker 2010) 469. Miskatonic University (non-lab bottle GC) 470. Mother Shub’s Spiced Lait De Chevre (Yule 2009) x2 471. Mourning Moon (Lunacy) 472. Mircalla (Literary Vampire Halloween 2009) 473. Macadamia, Coconut, Button Mushroom, Marshmallow (Luper, Box of Chocolates 2012) 474. Muse of the Night (Halloween, Pickman Gallery ) 475. Midnight on the Midway (Cd, Dc’d) 476. Mars revisited 477. Manners Among Men and Women in the Red Light District (Shunga 2009) 478. Marshmallow Poof (BPTP) 479. Milk Chocolate and Matcha Green Tea Ganache Truffle (Luper, box of chocolates 2010, on the way) 480. Mutant Hot-Rodders from Hell High (Dark Del.) 481. Mitzvah Goreret Mitzvah (Yule toy drive 2010) 482. Motley (LE 2009) 483. Melainis (LE 2009) 484. Mother Shub’s Toothsome Banketstaaf (Yule 2009) 485. Mr. Vandemar (Neil Gaiman, Neverwhere) 486. Most Magnificent Christmas Tree, The (Yule, Little Match Girl 2010?) 487. Morocco (Wanderlust) x3 488. Mango Infused Pumpkin Chai Latte (Halloween 2012) x2 489. Malignant Dreams of Cthulhu in Love (Think Geek Excusive, from first release) 490. Medical Procedure (Shunga 2011?) 491. Miaiphonos (Luper 2010) 492. Mourning Cloak (mislabeled Mourning Shroud, LE 2011) 493. Metal Tiger (Chinese New Year 2010) 494. MVJHL Bake Sale v3 495. Mad Hatter v1 496. Monster Bait: Under bed v1 497. Mother Shub’s Stygian Nougat (Yule 2012) 498. Mother Shub’s Cthulhustollen (Yule 2012) 499. Mr. Fezziwig’s Ball (Yule, Christmas Carol, dc’d early) 500. Morocco v2 501. Midnight Kiss (Shojo Beat 2007) 503. Mariposita (Forum only 2012 not original bottle) 504. Mouse’s Long and Sad Tale (Mad Tea Party) 505. Miss Ida (Gentlemen’s Directory, event exclusive 2012) 506. Mouse Circus (Neil Gaiman, Coraline) 507. Miss Addie (Gentlemen’s Directory 2012) 508. MME. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (CD) 509. Midway (res, 5th Anniversary) 510. Mourning Lace (Dark Del.) 511. My Sweetest Lesbia (Luper 2012) 512. Man with Phallus Head (Shunga 2009) Milk Chocolate and Matcha Green Tea Ganache (luper box of chocolates 2010) Misfortune Teller v3 Monster Bait: Thunder and Blazes Maison En Pain D’Epices (Yule 2011, non-lab bottle) My Happy Day (Pickman Gallery Lilith’s Exhibit I) Mopsfledermaus (Bat’s Day 2013) Miss Forcible (Coraline) My Mom With the Sun in her Hands Molly Grue (The Lat Unicorn) Mouse’s Long and Sad Tale v4 Mouse’s Long and Sad Tale v5 Miskatonic University v3 Mastermind (Grendel)     N’s 513. Nepthys v11 (x2) 514. Nightmare (Land of Dreams) 515. Needlework (Shunga) 516. Ninon (BPTP ) x2*** 517. Night’s Pavillion (Luper? 2007) 518. Now Winter Nights Enlarge (Yule 2009) 519. Narkissos (BPTP 2010) 520. Narrow Opening (Shunga 521. Nightmarchers v5 522. Nymphes de Pave (Gentlemen’s Directory event exclusive 2012?) 523. NGAGL5 x2 524. Nes Gadol Haya Sham (Yule 2009) 525. Nameless City Drive-in Theatre (Dark Del. 2009) 526. Night Hag Visiting the Lapland Witches (Halloween, Pickman Gallery) 527. Nightmare (Halloween, Pickman Gallery) Norman (ParaNorman) Nevar (Century Guild exclusive) O’s 528. O v6 529. October (Halloween 2010) 530. On Darkness (Yule 2009) 531. Old Demons of the First Class (GC, 1 non-lab bottle & 1 lab bottle) x2 532. Osiris v4 533. Ops (Food drive 2010, 10ml roller ball bottle) 534. Okayaki (Shunga 2010) 535. Old Man Ackerman’s Instructional Toys (Yule 2009) 536. Octopus and Abalone Diver (Shunga) Our Lady of Pain (OLoP, Luper 2013) O Daughter of Death and Priapus (OLoP, Luper 2013) Olisbos (2009?) Organ Grinder, The (CD) Orchard, The (Ysanne Kickstarter) P’s 537. Pyramus (BPTP) 538. Phoenix at Dawn, The (9th Anniversary) 539. Pink Lace (Dark Del.) 540. Pumpkin I (Halloween 2012) 541. Pale Student of the Unhallowed Arts (Yule, Frankenstein) 542. Peacocks (retail salon) 543. Pediophobia VI 544. Pirate Moon (10/31/07) sold 545. Phantom Time Hypothesis (April fool’s 2010) 546. Psithyristes (LE, 2009) 547. Pink Mood (Shunga) 548. Pit and the Pendulum, The 549. Plunder (GC) 550. Perle Von Mauren *Halloween, Literary Vampire 2009) 551. Playful Wooden Mallets (Shunga 2012) 552. PL81 553. Playing With Dangerous Toys (BPTP Halloween 2009) x2 554. Playing with A Loaded Gun (BPTP Halloween 2009) 555. Pa-Pow 556. Paduan Killer Swarm 557. Peach Moon (Lunacy, 12/2009) 558. Plum Pundin’ (BPTP Halloween 2011) 559. Phoenix at Midday, The (9th Anniversary) 560. Panther Moon (Lunacy 5/2010) 561. Phoenix Steamworks (GC) 562. PW12 563. PL176 x2 564. Pumpkin V (Halloween 2009) 565. Pepper (Neil Gaiman, Good Omens) 566. Purple Spotted Swallowtail (LE, 2011) 567. Pink Moon (Lunacy, 4/2012) 568. Punkie Night (Halloween, 2006 vinateg label) x2 569. Purple Phoenix (11/18/2006) 570. Pumpkin 2005/06? 571. Pumpkin 2005/06? 572. Phantom Cow of Yerba Buena Island (Convergence XV exclusive) 573. Penumbra (LE, 2008) 574. PRC12 x2 575. Priala (CD) 576. Peter Quint (Yule 2012) 577. Pumpkin 2005/06? 578. Parlement of Foules 2008 579. Pumpkin III 2009 580. Pumpkin IV 2009 581. Pomegranate IV 582. Pumpkin II 2009 583. Pumpkin I 2009 584. Pink Phoenix 2005 585. Parthenope (CD) 586. Parsifal (Retail exclusive) 587. PO13 588. Pumpkin Cheesecake (BPTP) x2 589. PX23 590. Pumpkin Masala Rooibos (Yule 2011) 591. Pink Snowballs (Yule 2009) 592. Pickled Imp (Cd, The Wunderkammer) 593. Phyllocrania Paradoxa v1 x2 *** 594. Pussy (Moths 2011) 595. Pallas Athene 596. Plastic Pink Flamingo 2009 597. Poisoned Apple v3 598. Pinched With Four Aces (Dogs Playing Poker 2007) 599. PX117 600. Pomona (Halloween 2009) 601. Perilous Parlor, The (Halloween 2012) 602. Pet Magah Bird (Yule 2009) 603. Pumpkin Smash (Halloween) 604. Pink Lace (Dark Del. 2012) 605. Pruno 606. Pumpkin Latte (Halloween 2010) 607. Pumpkin I 2008 608. PEXO (proto) 609. PPH21 610. PSX54 611. Plague Doctor v10 612. PPN 143 613. Playing with Dangerous Toys v2 Pumpkin V 2012 Pteropus Leucopterus (Bat’s Day 2012) Philosopher in Meditation (dc’d Salon?) Pursue Rabbit (Century Guild Kickstarter/Fragmented Alice) Peach IV (Event excusive) Paladin (RG) Q’s 614. Quick Grope Under the Mistletoe 615. Queen Alice (not original bottle) Obatala (GC) R’s 616. Raven Moon (lunacy 11/2009) x2 617. Rubedo v4 618. Red (Fraggle Rock) 619. Rhinotoros (Luper 2010) 620. Regina Erebi (Halloween, An Evening in Hades) 621. Red Devil (Voodoo blend, cobalt bottle) 622. Red Lantern 2008 623. Red Lace (Dark Del 2011) 624. Rosy Maple (the Moths, 2010?) 625. Riding the Goat (Dogs Playing Poker 2007) 626. Romanti Goth (Bat’s Day 2010) x2 627. Ruddy Daggerwing (2012) 628. Ravenous (GC, not original bottle) 629. Reptoid Dominion (April Fools 2010) 630. Ragged Wood, The (Love Poems) 631. Red Phoenix 2005 632. Rite of Luna 93 Oasis (OOAK?) Raptures and Roses of Vice, The (OLoP, Luper 2013) Rapunzel in Ballpoint (Pickman Gallery Lilith’s Exhibit I) Redacted Dragon (Pickman Gallery Lilith’s Exhibit I) Rogue (RPG) Rozpustnica (salon) S’s 633. Smut (Luper 2006? Cobalt bottle, and 2012) x2 634. Sol Invictus (Yule 2009) 635. Shanghai Tunnel (Convergence XIII) 636. Spare Change (BPTP imp w/purchase not original bottle) 637. Season of Ghosts, The (Yule 2009) 638. Seekim, The (Halloween, Pickman Gallery 2011?) 639. Snowblind (BPTP, Goblin Story Time 2008) 640. Spicebush Swallow Tail (The Butterflies) 641. Senelion (Yule 2010 Will Call) 642. Smoky Moon (Lunacy 7/2009) 643. Spellbound (GC 644. Spanked (Yule 2011) x2 645. Sol Niger v2 646. Sun Bird (Neil Gaiman) x2 647. Silver Haired Bat (Bat’s Day 2012?) 648. Sailor’s Den (Dc’d Salon) 649. Semiramis (BPTP, Warrior Queens 2009) 650. Sugar plum Fairy (Yule, Nutcracker 2010) 651. Shirafuji Genta with A Kappa (Sakuracon 2010) 652. Shadowy and the Sublime, The (Halloween, 2010?) 653. Sugar Skull (Halloween 2010) 654. Street Festival (Shunga) 655. Sonnet D’Automne (Halloween 2011) 656. Sumai No Sechie (Shunga) 657. Spooky: Res (Halloween 2009) 658. Snow White (Yule 2009) 659. Sentimental Initiation (Halloween, Pickman Gallery 2011?) 660. Soothing System (Gris Grimly) 661. Snow White (Yule 2007) 662. Suck It (Halloween 2009) 663. Sacrifice (Dark Del. ) x2 664. Saqqara v2 665. Shadowless Like Silence (Summer’s End 2009) 666. Samhain (Halloween 2008) 667. Smiling Spider, The (Dc’d Salon) 668. Smoky Moon (Lunacy 7/2012) 669. Sugar Skull (Halloween 2012) 670. Splatter Comedy (Dark Del. Summer Blockbuster 2009) 671. Screeching Parrot (Atomic Luau Lounge, Tiki Bar) 672. Spanish Dance, The (Yule, Nutcracker 2010) 673. Slaugh (BPTP, Halloween 2010) 674. St. Lucia proto 8 x2 675. Satan && Death with Sin Intervening (Dc’d Salon) 676. Sinister Salon, The (Halloween 2012) 677. Silver Apple of the Moon, The (Halloween 2010?) 678. Sugar Moon (Lunacy 3/2008) 679. Stinky (Summer 2009) 680. Sachs (George Perez) 681. Sailing Stones of Death Valley (Convergence XV) 682. Sprinklecake (Forum only 2011?) 683. Strawberry Moon (Lunacy 6/2009) x2 684. Snake Oil (GC 2009) 685. Sound of Insects, The (Shunga 2013) 686. Sin (GC) 687. SN: French Tobacco x2 688. SN: Rum Soaked French Tonka x6 689. SN: Haitian Vetiver 690. SN: Eight-Petaled Lotus 691. SN: Devil’s Trumpet 692. SN: Spanish Moss 693. SN: Annurca Apple Blossom 694. SN: Golgothan Myrrh 695. SN: Siberian Musk x2 696. SN: Evening Stock 697. SN: Cherokee Rose 698. SN: King Mandarin 699. SN: Madagascan Vanilla Rum x7 700. SN: Spanish Red Carnation SN: Ambergris x2 SN: Sweet Alyssum SN: Passion Flower SN: Sumatran Red Patchouli x2 SN: Wild Dandelion SN: Sweet Pea SN: India Ink (Comic Con 2012) SN: Burning Book (CBLDF SDCC Welcome Party) 701. Sticky Pillowcase (Halloween 2008) 702. Samhaim (Halloween 05/06?) 703. Spiked Punch (BPTP Halloween 2007) 704. Suspiro (GC? Not original bottle) 705. Sugar Slathered Candy Apple (BPTP Halloween) 706. Sarah (Halloween 2009, Literary Vampires) 707. Snow Bunny (Yule 2005) 708. Summer Summoning Spectacular (2008) 709. St. John’s Eve 2009 710. Snake Charmer (Res x2, 1 original?) x3 711. Snow, Glass, Apples (Neil Gaiman) 712. Saw Scaled Viper (CD, Snake pit) 713. Snack Hut, The (Dark Del.) 714. Shango (GC) 715. Skuld (GC, not original bottle) 716. Smilin’ Servitors’ Hyperdemensional Hits (Yule 2009) 717. Sara Pezzini (Witchblade) 718. Stardust (Yule 2005) 719. Sibyl 720. Sleep (Land of Dreams) 721. Sweet Lavinia’s Risalmande (Yule 2012) 722. Sleipnir (Yule 2009) 723. Summer’s Last Will & Testament (Summer’s End 2009) 724. Sparkling Apple Cider (New Year’s Will Call 2010) 725. Star, The (Dc’d Tarot) 726. Second of the Three Spirits (Yule 2011?) 727. Signior Dildo (Luper 2010) 728. Soldier, The (Yule 2010, The Nutcracker) 729. Scherezade (GC, not original bottle) 730. Silk Road (Dc’d) 731. Shadwell (Neil Gaiman, Good Omens) 732. Sir Hugh Ockrams Winding Sheet (CD, The Wunnderkammer) 733. Samurai in a Graveyard by Night (Shunga 2012?) Self Portrait Self Portrait With Puffy Stickers Serotine Bat x2 (Bat’s Day 2013) Snake Oil x2 (May 2013 & 6/13 ) Snow White 2005 Summer Lace (Dark Del Exclusive) Slipping into Madness (BPTP plaque exclusive w/o plaque) Samhain (Halloween 2010) So Below (Haute Macabre exclusive) Schwarzer Mond 2011     T’s 734. Tattered Lace (Dark Del.) x2 735. Tabella (Election Day 2008) 736. Tamora (GC, 10ml) 737. Tanuki No Senkimochi (Tanuki 2012) 738. Trick #1 (BPTP Halloween 2006) 738. Treat #2 (BPTP Halloween 2006) 739. TX30 740. Tis the Voice of the Lobster (GC, The Mad Tea Party) 741. Tiki Princess v3 742. TP46 743. Time Does Not Bring Relief (Luper 2013) 744. Tissue (Shunga 2009) 745. Trinket (Not original bottle) 746. Tin Foil Hat (Not original bottle) 747. Tweedle Dee (Not original bottle) 748. Trick #2 (Halloween 2006) 749. Thisbe (BPTP 2010) 750. Theodosius (CD) 751. Two Loves (Luper 2010) 752. Tata, The (Halloween, Pickman Gallery) 753. Trick or Treat (Halloween, 2009) 754. To Autumn (Halloween 2008?) 755. Tcotchkie (not original bottle) 756. Transeo (VILF) 757. Tiki Princess (June 2010 forum only) 758. Tupapau (Atomic Luau Lounge, Flotsam) 759. Tombstone (GC, wanderlust) x2 760. Teatime in Roswell (April Fool’s 2010?) 761. Tanin’iver (Dc’d) 762. Third Chard (Halloween, 2012) 763. Tabula Smaragdina (CD, The Wunderkammer) 764. Tombeur (VILF) 765. Twisted Oak (Halloween, 2012) 766. Torture King (Carnaval Noir) 767. Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (GC, Rappaccini’s Garden) 768. Thoos (Luper 2010) 769. Toad Hall (Bat’s Day 2008) 770. Twenty-One (GC, 10ml) 771. Touched Twice (Last Unicorn, LE) 772. Tanuki No Yudachi (Takuki 2012) 773. Tilt v4 Tiki King (Atomic Luau Lounge) Turkish Village (C2E2 2013) Thunderbird (Dc’d Oblation blend) Tarasque (Periodic Table?, unreleased) Tintagel (Dc’d GC) Tympanidium (song of nature) Time’s Infliction of Eternity (Century Guild/Fragmented Alice) x2 U’s 774. Under the Harvest Moon (Summer’s end 2009) 775. Unfortunate Shopping Cart Incident (WKAP, Dc’d) 776. Unveiled (Shunga) 777. Unicorn, The (Gc, Dc’d) 778. Upa Upa (Atomic Luau Lounge, Tiki Bar) 779. UOH34 780. UOH2 x2 781. Unveil the Grace in Thine Eyes (Luper 2013) 782. Uncle Traveling Matt (Fraggle Rock) 783. Une Folle Enterprise (Pretty Indulgence exclusive) 784. Unheavenly City, The (Convergence XIII) Uncle Brian (Pickman Gallery Lilith’s Exhibit I) x2 V’s 785. Valse Finale et Apotheose 786. Velvet Tiki (4/09 787. Velvet Clown (4/09) 788. Velvet Pink Kitty (4/09) 789. Velvet Panther (4/09) 790. Velvet Tiger (4/09) 791. Velvet Unicorn (4/09) 792. Velvet Nudie (4/09) 793. Vasillissa (GC, Marchen) 794. Veronica (BPTP) 795. Vice (GC, Sin & Salvation) 796. Virginia (BPTP) 797. Vampire Bride (Halloween 2011) 798. Velvet (GC) 799. Voodoo (GC) 800. Vampire Bride (Halloween 2012) 801. Vechernyaya (GC, Dc’d) 802. Vamp Goth (Bat’s Day 2011) 803. Vine, The (Luper 2012) 804. Variety of Pleasing Amusements (Shunga) 805. Vampire Tears (Shojo Beat) 806. Volstead Act, The (Event exclusive 2010) 807. VILF (VILF) 808. Victoria (Neil Gaiman, Stardust) Violens (Hero Initiative) Vespertillio Proterus (Bat’s Day 2012) Velvet Bandito – W’s 809. White Chocolate, Black Raspberry, and Apricot Cordial Truffle (Box of Chocolates,2010) 810. Weeping Branches Moon (lunacy, 2011) 811. Witch Queen, The (Neil Gaiman, Stardust) 812. Waltz of the Snowflakes, The (Yule 2010) 813. Winter of Our Discontent, The 814. White Chocolate Martini (Box of Chocolates) 815. Witch Dance (Halloween, 2012) 816. Wretched Rose Window (Halloween 2012) 817. White Rider, The (GC, Marchen) 818. White Chocolate Marshmallow & Coconut (luper 2009) 819. Wulric, the Wolfman (CD) 820. Weisse Maus v4 821. Western Diamondback (CD, Snake Pit) 822. Wolf Spider 823. White Peacock (2012) 824. Wrestler Onogawa Kisaburg Blowing Smoke at a One-eyed Monster (Sakuracon 2010) 825. WILF x2 826. Wildfire 827. White Chocolate & Sugared Violets (luper 2009) 828. Whirling Wind Moon (Lunacy 01/2010) 829. Wobanakik v2 830. Wake (Land of Dreams) 831. Waltz of the Flowers, The (Yule 2010) 832. Wezwanie Hold (retail exclusive) 833. Womb Furie (luper 2010) x2 834. Wembley (Fraggle Rock) 835. When the Winter Chrysanthemums Go (Yule 2009) White Chocolate with Mate, Hazelnut, and Banana Cream (Luper box of chocolates 2013) Worm Shall Revive Thee with Kisses, The (Our Lady of Pain) Wildmen of Jezirat al Tennyn Wormwood Fields (century Guild/Fragmented Alice) x2 X’s 836. Xanthe the Weeping Clown (CD) 837. XCDL13 x2 838. XCDW5 839. Xiuhtercuntli (GC, not original bottle) Y’s 840. Yuki-Onna (vinatage label) 841. Yuletide (Yule 05) 842. Yesod v5 843. Yurei (Irredeemable Yvaine (Dc’d, Neil Gaiman, Stradust) Z’s 844. Zadok Allen Vinyard, The 845. Zombie Apocalypse v4 846. Zebra Heliconian 847. Zombie Apocalypse (Dark Del. Summer blockbuster) Zombi (GC, 6/2013)     Empty Bottles- Glowing Vulva Mama Ji Quincy Morris Not Original Bottles- Collecting imps/decants to fill Apple of Sodom (homemade bottle) Aunt Caroline’s Joy Mojo (Homemade bottle) Bordello (Ars Amatoria, homemade bottle) Blockbuster – check if homemade bottle Chimera Chuparosa Cockaigne (homemade bottle, Countess Willie Carnal (homemade bottle Dirty (Sin & Salvation, - check if homemade bottle Dano O’Shee Doodad Dragon’s Reverie Dragon’s Claw (not original bottle, Ars Draconis, dragon’s blood resin and three sandalwoods). Dragon’s Musk Drink Me Elegba Envy Fruit Cake Gypsy Queen Grog Grandmother of Ghosts Hellfire Highwayman? High John the Conqueror? Hairy Toad lily? I Died for Beauty Jester Kabuki Katharina Lights of Men’s Lives (non-lab bottle) Lion, The (non-lab bottle) Last Squished Jelly Bean La Fee Verte Loviatar Miskatonic University Maraposita Obsidian Widow, The Old Demons of the First Class Ops (10ml rollerball) Perversion Queen Alice Ravenous Regan Roses, Pearls, and Diamonds Séance Slippery Poppy Tincture Spare Change Suspiro Skuld Scherezade Three Witches Titus Andronicus Trinket (Not original bottle) Tin Foil Hat (Not original bottle) Tweedle Dee ( Not original bottle) Tcotchkie (not original bottle) Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Bat (2ml jewel top bottle) Witch’s Garden, The Xiuhtercuntli (GC, not original bottle)     Imps/decants A Sudden Invitation (Luper 2013) A Thought from Propertius (Luper 20130 Akuma (GC) Alice (GC) x2 Alice’s Evidence Ameles Potmos x2 (GC) Anne Bonny (GC) Antikythera Mechanism, The (GC Antonio the Carney Talker (CD) Aperotos Eros (GC) Athens (GC) Ave Maria Gratia Plena (GC) Baba Yaga (GC) x2 Badgers (event exclusive) Baghdad (GC) Bayou (GC) x2 Beer from the Marsh Woman’s Brewery (GC) Belle Vinu (GC) Bien Loin D’ici (GC) Black Helebore (GC) Black Phoenix (GC) Black Rose (GC) Blockhead, The (CD) Blood Amber Blood Kiss x3 Blood Pearl (GC) x2 Boo (Halloween 2009) Brisingamen (GC) Caligula Carnival Diabolique Caterpillar (GC) Catherine (GC) Cernunnos (Dawn 2010) Cheshire Cat (GC) Cheshire Moon 2013 Chintamani-Dhupa 2013 Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Those Condemned to Death (lab imp) Daphne Honey (GC) Defututa (GC) Depraved (GC) x3 Desire (GC) Destroying Angel (GC) Dian’s Bud (GC) Djinn (GC) Dragon’s Bone (GC) Dragon’s Blood x2 Eat Me (GC) Eden (GC) El Dorado (GC) Embalming Fluid (GC) Eternal (GC) Eve Event Horizon x2 Faustus (GC) Feast for the Greatly Revered Ones (2009) French Love (GC) Gaueko (GC) Geek x3 (CN) Ghost, The (GC) Great Basin, The (event exclusive 2013) Great Sword of War GRR (Pancea) Halfling (RPG GC) Has No Hanna (GC) Haunted (GC) Herbert West (GC) Himerus (GC) His Station and Four Aces (decant) Hollywood Babylon (GC) Horn of Plenty Horse Chestnut Honey (GC) Iago (GC) Iambe (GC) Imp (GC) In His Hands all Thy Cruelties Thrive (Lupe 2013) Isles of Demons, The (GC) Jezebel (GC) Judith Victorious (lab imp) Kabuki King of Spades Kublay Khan Libertarian (LE) Little Egypt (event exclusive) Little Wooden Doll, The Lips Full of Lust and Laughter (decant) Lot and his Daughters (lab imp) Love in Idleness Love Me (GC) Lucretia (lab Imp) Mad Hatter Madonna (lab imp) Mage (RPG) Malediction Mandrake (GC) March Hare (GC/Discontinued) Marquis de Carabas, The (decant) Melancholy (lab Imp) Mischief (Halloween 2012) Miss Ida (event exclusive) Miss Jenny (event exclusive) Mocking the Invisible World with its Own Shadow (bpal?) Monna Vanna (lab imp) Mrs. Lewis (event exclusive) Muse (GC) Nabby Gardner’s Holiday Globules (decant) Nanny Ashtoreth *** Nephilimj Night Raven, The (GC) Noh Mask and Maple Leaves (Luper 2013) Nyarlathotep Nymphes De Pave (event exclusive) Pandemonium (Pickman gallery 2012) Pandy Palace of Electricity, The (event exclusive) Parker Lily Peach I Peitho (GC Penitent Magdalen, The (lab imp) Philosopher in Meditation (lab imp) Phobos (GC) x2 Pontarlier (GC) Pool of Tears, The Port Royal PPGC92 Prunella Prurience Pumpkin Hard Candy Qaeris Quot Mihi Basiationes Rapture Red Queen, The Red Rider, The x2 Road House Rogue (RPG) Sacred Whore of Babylon Saturnalia Sea Foams Milk, The (GC) Sea of Glass Seraglio Serpents with Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues Shattered Sluggard Smoke Stack Snake oil (6/2013) Snooty Rose (GC) Squirting Cucumber (GC) Tarasque (unreleased GC) Tavern of Hell Thalia Three Brides (D’cd salon) Three Gorgons (Dc’d salon) Torture Queen x2 (CD) Three Gorgons (lab imp) Troll Twenty one Twilight x2 Unicorn, The (dc’d) Vasilissa (GC) Velvet x2 (gc) Velvet Cthulhu (2009) Veritas Vicomte de Valmont Villain (GC) Voodoo Wanton Whip x2 White Chapel (GC) Whoso List to Hunt (GC) Wilde Wiley Grasser, The (2011) Wolf’s Heart Ya-Te-Vo x2       Black Phoenix Trading Post Atmospheric Sprays Agricultural Building (4oz) x2 Angi’s Room Spray of Love (imp sized sample unreleased atmo) Aphrodite Eyrkine (1oz) Aphrodite Kypria (1oz) Bah Humbug (4oz) Barmbrack (4oz) Basil Howard’s Studio proto (goblin squirt) Butterfly Garden (4oz) Candlelight (4oz) Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Pyre (1oz) Crazy Kuranes Patented Anti-Zoog Spray (4oz) Down the Rabbit Hole (sample) East Indian Palace, The (4oz) Erebos (sample) Exotic Bazaar (1 oz & Goblin Squirt) Fae Forest (1oz) Fainting Couch, The (sample) Fierce Midnights and Famishing Morrows (1oz) Gertrude Dix’s (1oz) Ghoul-Haunted Woodland of Weir (4oz +1/2 oz) Good Cheer (1oz) x2 Greene Street (1oz) Harvest Festival (1oz) & (4oz original bottle) Hattie Taylor’s House of Assignation (1oz) Horticultural Building (4oz) House of Unquenchable Fire (1oz) Inn, The (prototype sample) x2 Knock A Dolly (4oz) Konditorei (Yule 2011 4oz) Krampusumzuge (4oz) Le Café Du Rat-Mort proto (goblin squirt) Lich’s Laboratory (goblin squirt) Mahogany Hall (1 oz + sample) Mechanical Dragon Manufactory (1oz) Midway Plaisance (event Exclusive, 4oz) Miskatonic Valley Yuletide Faire, The (1oz) Miss Emma Benedict’s Parlor House (1oz) Mr. Fezziwig’s Ball (4oz) Mrs. Palmer’s Establishment Okiya x2 (goblin squirts) Orchards of Hell, The (1oz) Peaches in the Bpal Garden (1oz decant) Pyriphlegethonian Pomegranate(4oz) Red Lantern (8oz) Sakura (.5oz) Saloon #10 (goblin squirt) Samhain (4oz) Shrine Where Sin is A Prayer, The (1oz) Snow Bunny (1oz) Steeplechase Park (4oz & 1oz) Storyteller’s Parlor, The (1oz) Swamp proto (goblin squirt) Thousand Pillar proto (goblin squirt) Unspeakably Evil Temple (1oz) Wererat-Infested Sewer (goblin squirt, RPG series)       Bath Oils Aunt Rosie’s All Purpose Cephalopod (1oz) Bitter Sweet Chocolate (1oz) Castitas (8oz) Dank Tarn of Auber BO (4oz + 1/2 oz) Glacies (8oz) Glowing Vulva (8oz) Egg Nog (8oz) Eldrich Dark (4oz) Exhibit Hall Fatigue (1oz) Glowing Vulva BO (8oz) Honey Pumpkin Stout (1oz & 8oz) Ice Prince, The BO (8oz) Ice Princess (1oz) L’Eau De L’Ardeur (1oz) L’eau De La Folie (4oz) L’Eau De La Passion (1oz) L’Estate BO (4oz) Looking Glass, Looking Glass BO (5ml rollerball) Marshmallow Pumpkin (8oz) Morocco (8oz ) x2 Proserpina (8oz) Pumpkin Pie BO (8oz) x3 Snake oil (8oz) Spun Sugar Spectre (8oz) Sugared Peaches (4oz x2 & 1oz decant) Treatsy (8oz) Tricksy BO (8oz) Victorian Virgin With Cherubs (8oz) Virgin’s Blood (4oz) Winter Fairy BO (1oz)   Hair glosses Beautiful Implacable Tyrant (4oz) Fig and White Sandalwood (4oz) Hair Loosened and Soiled in Mid Orgies (4oz) Honey Hair gloss (1oz) Morocco (4oz) Snake oil (4oz) White Peach and Incense (4oz x2 & 1oz decant)   Massage Oil Bitter Sweet Chocolate (4oz + 1oz) Bourbon Vanilla (1oz)   Candles Samhain Pumpkin Tart




Summer SW Questions 7/12

Question...do you fret or take it personally when your witch or witchee gets too quiet? Like they figured you out and don't like you?   I try not to. My first witchee was very quiet, but acknowledged my packages with much enthusiasm, which really helped.   I tend to be sort of medium contact as a witch or a witchee. If my witch contacts me I'll contact him/her back and of course I squee appropriately about packages, but I'm not super chatty on the thread - though I do try to answer the questions. And I do try to keep in touch with my witchee, but life gets busy and sometimes I think "Oh no, I haven't emailed my witchee in over a week!"   <- Bad witch!   Do you try to figure out who your witch is? Do you want your witch to give you clues?   I'm too lazy to be a good sleuth, though if my witch gives me clues I might try. It's just that I don't "know" many of the participants well so I'm unlikely to think "Oh, that must be so-and-so!"   Who has a Kindle? If you do, would you like a Kindle gift card, Kindle accessories, etc. as a gift? Whadda you need?   I don't. I've thought about it - it seems like it would be good for knitting and reading, but I haven't taken the plunge yet.   What about other electronics (Blackberries, iPhone, etc.)? Do you need any accessories, etc. for those?   I have an iPhone, but I just got a lovely new cover for it. I don't think there are really any other accessories...   I've recently been listening to Rasputina's 'O Perilous World' album and am particularly enamored by '1816: the Year Without a Summer'. So I'd like to know if my witchee likes Rasputina, and would like any music by them?   They're not really my style.





Imp #28: Melpomene   "Melpomene is Tragedy, and the sound of Her voice is filled with beauty, power and strength. She is crowned in cypress branches, holds the mask of tragedy, wears the cothurnus and wields a knife or club. Her scent is rife with pathos, and inspires us with the ability to express our grief, loss, and the pain in our souls in a cathartic, creative fashion: dark cypress with mint, geranium, Bulgar lavender, orange blossom and passion flower."   Note: Middle of cycle. Imp from littleone101701's sales.   In the bottle: Cypress takes the stage. I don't really notice anything else.   On me: Cypress still predominates, but some of the florals come out, blended together nicely, with just a hint of the mint. This isn't a cypress swamp, it is much drier. This is the cypress lane leading somewhere mysterious. Not dry and dead. Alive, but not dripping with life.   1 hour+ later: A quiet, subtle scent. A walk in a wooded lane in autumn. The woods are open below the canopy, with little underbrush to be seen. The trunks soar up tall, orderly and branchless like columns in a cathedral nave, finally reaching out to meet each other near the bright grey sky. The wind is still and the leaves littered across the floor of the wood move to the breeze of your footsteps.





Imp #27: Whip   "Agony and ecstasy: black leather and damp red rose."   Note: Middle of cycle. Imp from littleone101701's sales.   In the bottle: Rose and more rose.   On me: The leather comes out as a base note and makes it more sophisticated. Still, the leather harmonizes and melds with the rose, making it very hard to distinguish the two notes as separate entities. This is an apple-sized red rose, fully open and heady on the vine.   1 hour+ later: At first I thought it was fading, fast, but then suddenly it wasn't. It has very good throw on me. I wouldn't have thought it possible, but this is a sultry floral.




Things I Have (or: From Me to You)

BPAL ScentsImps, 3/4ths full AhathoorKumihoRed DevilHecateYule (decant) Imps, only sniffed or cleanly tested TempestWolfsbaneRaSinDanubeEveMagdalenePeleVeilBlissNeo-TokyoNephilimGomorrahOchosiLady MacbethThe CaterpillarGlasgowSanta MuerteQueen of ShebaShoggothKubla KhanCordeliaJezebelSchrodinger’s CatKhajuraho (original label missing)Snake Charmer (Decant) 5ml Bottles Moon RoseBlood CountessYuki-Onna (resurrection edition)Schwarzer Monde (08)





Imp #26: Seraglio   "In long-ago Arabia, harem girls rubbed an herbal poultice formed from a blend of sensual, luxuriant herbs and oils onto their bodies to prepare themselves for the Sultan's pleasure. This lush, indulgent perfume is based on that ancient formula. Sweet almond and Mysor sandalwood enveloped by a heady veil of Bulgarian Rose, neroli, nutmeg, clove and orange peel."   Note: Middle of cycle. Frimp from the Lab.   In the bottle: The almond and orange really stand out to me. I get a waft of orange Madeleine cake, with a sophisticated bitter edge.   On me: Unfortunately, it gets more sugary on me, and the rose comes out from wherever it was hiding and takes over as the main note.   1 hour+ later: The rose does step back and marry with the other fragrances after a short time. There is not much staying power on me.





Imp #25: Libertine   "Like a puffed and reckless libertine, Himself the primrose path of dalliance treads.   Rosewood and chamomile with bergamot, violet, red sandalwood, primrose and Arabian musk. "   Note: Middle of cycle. Imp from fruitycake's sales.   In the bottle: To me, this is "perfumy".   On me: On me, the bad perfume smell goes away immediately, and I get a rich dark musky floral. I don't know which flower does it, but I get a Victorian feel from this. It is plush velvets, a roll-top rosewood desk, and a man writing with a nibbed pen.   1 hour+ later: It stayed true for as long as I stayed awake, which wasn't really all that long. I don't know if the scent helped me fall into that rich darkness, or if it was just the time of night.




My Bottle List

These are my bottles! Organised by... well, not very organised at all!   Anactoria I Fell in Love with a Floating Brain Litha (09) Velvet Cthulhu Lick It One More Time Lick It Like You Mean It Lick It Again Dreamland Blood Moon (05) Midnight (very aged, maybe '06, maybe '05) 413 Miller vs California x2 Sticky Pillowcase Nuclear Winter Somnus Sapphics I Fell In Love With A Floating Brain Anactoria White Chocolate & Sugared Violets Kingly Moon Agape F5 Pisces Strawberry Moon Tiki King Velvet Unicorn Velvet Tiki Tanuki Chaos Theory V Recursive Self Similarity v2 - O series (L.V.V.VI) Chaos Theory V Recursive Self Similarity v2 - Snake Oil series (CX.X.VII) Sugar Skull (06) Angeronalia Holiday Moon The Pit and The Pendulum The Witching Time of Night The Goblin Rider Gunpowder Midnight Kiss Tabella Pirate Moon Crow Moon Worm Moon Bony Moon Smut The Carpathian Mountains Host of the Air 13 (March 09?) Beltane (06) Luperci (08) June Gloom Hexennacht (08) Jolasveinar Channukiyah The Sportive Sun Jazz Funeral Goblin (08) Mandrake The Witch's Garden Schrodinger's Cat Chrysanthemum Moon Flowering Chrysanthemums Tissue Giant Vulva B340 The Sailing Stones of Death Valley The Phantom Cow of Yeurba Beuna Island The Ghosts of the Arroyo Seco Bridge Eight Views of Actors in Their Dressing Rooms Punkie Night (06) Beltane (06) Puck Embalming Fluid La Befana Mead Moon (08) The Head of Holofernes Dark Delicacies Flower Moon Buggre Alle This Bible Taurus Cancer Libra Virgo Leo Aries Budding Moon Harvest Moon (06) White Moon (06) The Black Swan Sol Invictus Venus Candy Phoenix Berry Moon I Married A Vampire from Planet X Night's Pavilion White Rabbit Edge of Chaos DCCXLI Chaos Theory III Strange Attractors DCCCXIV Motley   Villainess Friction Neisthai Arsenic & Old Lace Chloroform Ginger Snapped Scintillating Crushed   Good Judy Uncharted   Cobalt Blends Coldwater Firekeeper Cobalt Amber   Tiki Queen - just above label Velvet Clown - just below label Thunder Moon - bottom of neck Jolasveinar - at shoulder War - at shoulder Allison Gross - at shoulder Dragon Moon (06) - just over 2/3 Marotte   Villainess Blood   I have a few other e-tailers that I haven't got around to listing yet.




The List

Tried and loved (bolded are faves): Agape Aglaea Agrat-Bat-Mahlaht Alice Antique Lace Anubis April Fool Beaver Moon Bengal Black Pearl Bliss Blood Kiss Blue Fire Butter Rum Cookie Catherine Chimera Cordelia Cytherea Dana O'Shee Delight Desdemona Diary of a Lovestruck Teenage Cannibal Eat Me Eden Endymion Eos Ephemera Fae Flowering Chrysanthemums Giant Vulva Helena Hell's Belle Hermia Himerus Hope Horreur Sympathique Hymn to Proserpine I Died For Beauty Imp Jack Jacob's Ladder Jailbait Jezebel Juliet Katharina La Belle Au Bois Dormant La Petit Morte Le Serpent Qui Danse Les Bijoux The Lion Lolita Love Lies Bleeding Love's Philosophy Lydia Mania March Hare Meskhenet Midwinter's Eve Moon Rose Mouse's Sad and Long Tale Ode on Melancholy Ophelia Opuhi Pele Persephone Queen Alice Queen Mab Queen Of Hearts Rapunzel Santo Domingo Sed Non Satiata Snow White 07 & 08 Sugar Cookie Sugar Skull Tamora Thaleia Thalia Tiger Lily Titania The Unicorn Vampire Tears Velvet Pink Kitty Velvet Tiki Velvet Unicorn Viola White Rabbit Wood Phoenix Zarita   Not loved: Velvet Nudie Grand Guignol La Belle Dame Sans Merci Honey Mone Tokyo Stomp (sniffie only) Long Night Moon The High Priest Not To Be Described Queen Gertrude Love Me Zephyr Sybaris Blood Kiss Suspiro All They Had Seen, All They Had Lost (sniffie only) Saturnalia Hetairae Perversion (sniffie only) Shattered Eris Depraved Forbidden Fruit Tamamo-No-Mae (sniffie only) Ivanushka   Traded away: Twilight Darkness Jester Carnaval Diabolique Mata Hari Santa Muerte Belle Vinu Absinthe Delphi Siren Saint-Germain Death on a Pale Horse Intrigue Sundew AMSTERDAM Prunella (sniffie only) Jester (sniffie only) Aeval Desire Hollywood Babylon Lick It Again 06 Lust Khrysee Clemence The Illustrated Woman The Hesperides Magdalene Mad Hatter Osun Melisande Mme. Moriarty The Caterpillar Ashlutum Daiyu Velvet Panther Channukiyah   On the way: Berry Moon Poisoned Apple Swank O Drink Me Imperious Tiger Lily Lady MacBeth Sophia Death of Sardanapal Penitent Magdalen I Died for Beauty Eternal Twenty-One Bathsheba Muse Namaste Inez 51 London Machi Picchu Rumpelstilzchen Tamora Venice Ichabod Crane Velvet Tiger Wild Men of Jezarit Wiley's Swamp Candy Phoenix Katrina Van Tassel Has No Hanna Lilium Inter Spinas Kyoto Phantom Wooer The Gladdener of All Hearts (eBay)       Want to try: Midnight Nocturne Arcana Belle Epoque Bon Vivant Sudha Segara Veil Ave Maria Gratia Plena L'Ecole des Filles QUEEN OF SHEBA Catherine HELLCAT Maenad Marquis de Merteuil Phantom Queen The East Fairy Market FAIRY WINE LADY UNA Victoria The Witch Queen Drink Me King of Hearts The Red Queen Regan Rosalind ATHENS CAIRO Florence Glasgow The Hanging Gardens Lyoness URUK COCKAIGNE EVE KALI NO. 93 ENGINE AND THERE WAS A GREAT CRY IN EGYPT CUPID COMPLAINING TO VENUS The Phantom Calliope Xanthe GENNIVRE, L'ARTISTE du DIABLE Dionysia




Silk Road Teas: Gin Zhen

We live a few blocks from Lake Michigan, and there's a chilly breeze coming in off the lake. It's a perfect day for a hot cup of tea.   Silk Road Teas (not to be confused with Silk Road Tea) is my favorite vendor of Chinese teas, followed closely by Hou De. Silk Road's teas are hand selected from local farmer's in China. I've been a customer for over 10 years, and have nothing but praise for the company and the tea.   Boutique "tea" shops at the mall charge a lot more for tea and teawares of questionable quality, and even more questionable origin. If you like flavored and scented teas (and who doesn't) check out SpecialTeas. They are my go to for Earl Grey 825, and I love the Peach 927 for iced tea. I've heard good things about Adagio too.   Today I'm drinking Gin Zhen (Golden Needle). I usually brew this tea in a 4 oz. yixing pot, but the boymonster recently caused it's demise. Until I find a replacement (teapot that is, I'm keeping the boy), it's wrong-fu in a porcelain cup with a Finium strainer, instead of gong-fu in a proper teapot.   Description Becoming increasingly rare, this shiny, small–leaf organic black tea is characterized by golden tips on top of long, slender leaves. It is the best organic lot we have tasted providing a full–bodied sweet and malty flavor and a deep amber liquor.   Wrong-fu Brewing Parameters leaf to water ratio: 1 gram leaf to 2 ounces water leaf: 4 grams water: 8 ounces, just off a boil   Preheat your cup by rinsing with boiling water. infusion one: 90 seconds infusion two: 90 seconds infusion three: 3 min.   Rich, complex, chocolate, malt and honey. Big time delicious! You should get three infusions out of the same leaves, the third will be thinner, but still tasty. I usually add a bit of sugar to the third infusion to perk it up.   Gin Zhen is wonderful iced. Just use 3 ounces of water to brew instead of 8 ounces, then add a nip of sugar and 5 ounces of ice. Perfection!   You can cold brew this tea too, using the leaf to water ratio above. Just pop it in the fridge for and hour or two to steep.




Serpents with Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues

In the imp: Sweet, unidentifiable fruit, and something almost cleaner-ish.   On wet: Fruit syrup - the kind that you get from canned fruit cocktail. Lightly sweet and pourably slick.   Drydown: I'm mostly smelling musk, maybe whatever the "serpentine green herbs" are, a touch of the lemon/lime combo every once in a while (not very prominent at all), and something dry and spicy-hazy underneath it all - I'm assuming that's the snakeskin. Weirdly evocative! The fruity vibes from the initial application vanished after just a minute or two, but the further it dries, the more currant I seem to get - wonderful! I love Beth's currant notes, so I'm really glad they make a more obvious appearance!   Overall: The list of notes sound like they were made for me - lemon, lime, musk, currant - but it takes a *long* time for these superstars to actually wake up and shine on my skin. I didn't care for the wet-to-dry stages that much, and the later drydown - which I really, *really* like - was super faint and didn't seem to have much throw. I agree with posters before me who mention the 51 comparison. 51 is one of my favourite light musk/fruity blends, and Serpents definitely heads in the same direction the longer it sits on my skin. Even still, it's huffably addictive (my nose is mashed against my wrist even now), so it's quite possibly bottle-worthy in the future. 3.5/5




imp reviews, Fri 10/7/09

I've had some time off work to do what it is I *really* like to do (poetry stuff, that which earns no money you understand...) and in the meantime have found some imps lying around that had yet to be tested. I really need to get back into the routine of testing, seeing as I still order LE decants!   Manners Among Men and Women in the Red Light District - a light woody scent. Slightly feminine, and very refined. The blonde wood is lovely because it's so light and melds so well with the apricot. Even with the apricot, I think this would be fantastic on a fellow. I don't think it has much throw on me, but this is due to personal body chemistry rather than the fragrance. I think on the right person this will sing beautifully.   The Music of Erich Zahn - all just dirty vetiver on me, I'm afraid. I did briefly test on a male friend and it was so much more rich and complex. But I am fond of BPAL's vetiver - it's very rich and reminds me of fragrant dirt or soil with a burnt aroma added in.   Litha 2009 - very, very floral. Most dominant is the honeysuckle. That does die down and it becomes more honeyed later on. I won't be keeping my decant.   Nyarlatholep - not really a big fan of ozonic scents, but this one I did quite like - probably because of the incense. That isn't quite enough for me in the end - the wateriness comes back and overpowers the incense. It's pretty nice as far as the oceanic scents go, for me.   Villain - this will be devastatingly debonair on a lad, but I quite like it on me, even though there isn't much throw. The lime is just gorgeous and it's a subtle fragrance that speaks volumes precisely because of its subtlety. Might be an excuse to get a new bedtime scent that's unisex...!


