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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!


i forgot to put any fragrance on today. omg! good thing my deodorant smells nice. i would hate to come across as unscented!   have started back at school, and i am stressin'! have taken to using fiery wall of protection as a result of extreme negativity at work--i have a bad feeling about my lead person. i swear, she schedules us specifically to make things difficult for me. maybe it's just paranoia, but i'm taking precautions. am also looking for new employment! i guess going back to school and taking statistics and speech at the same time isn't quite challenging enough. *sigh* my next purchase is likely going to be something to go along with fwop, probably clarity, determination, or concentration. i'll take any help i can get where school is concerned. heck, if i had the loot, i'd get all three!   in addition to school, i've been seeing someone. we met in april, and for the first time that i've actually believed it, i fell pretty hard. this should be great, right? there's always a caveat. he's going through a divorce. well, sitting in the middle of being legally separated and not sure if he wants to proceed would better explain the situation. his wife dumped him for another guy with whom she'd been cheating, apparently, and then they (the wife and the asshole) moved to peru. yes. south america. from wisconsin. that's just messed up, isn't it? so, they left in february, and naturally, when he and i started to see we felt something for one another, she starts e mailing him. she and her boyfriend broke up (shocking!), and now she's thinking of her husband and misses him. well, duh. she's in a foreign country with no close friends and no family whatsoever. the man she moved there for has dumped her. so instead of putting on her big girl panties and dealing with it, she's jerking around the man she trashed in the first place. she wants to get laid. so i'm pretty torn, here, to put it mildly. i really like him, but he's in no position to be getting serious right now. he's still hurting very much, and her stunts have left him very confused. i can't help him. i can't make it better. all i do is compound the situation by getting emotionally involved. and i have a test in stats on wednesday and a speech to present tuesday. i must be irretrievably mad.





Envelop yourself in the soft, sensual embrace of gentle sandalwood warmed by cocoa vanilla and a veil of deep myrrh.

in the bottle: Cocoa! Dutch-processed with a touch of vanilla. Hint of sandalwood. Something (or some things) else that I can't identify: smooth, a little smoky, a little sweet. Also, a creamy sensation, maybe the vanilla again.

on, wet: Cocoa and a bit of sandalwood. After about 10 seconds, strong suggestion of smoke.

drydown: This will sound strange, but my left wrist retains the cocoa scent, where my right has gone completely smoky. And not just a little smoky, but full on sitting-in-front-of-a-wood-fire smoky (with a hint of vanilla). The cocoa-y vanilla scent on my left wrist is starting to seem a little food-like to me. Overall, I prefer the smoky effect.

one hour later: Sandalwood and vanilla, both wrists. A ghost or two of scents in the background, but almost completely hidden by the sandalwood.

end of day: Sandalwood and vanilla. Enduring scent, not unpleasant, but nothing like what I smelled in the bottle or through drydown. There remains a hint -- just a suggestion, really -- of other scents way in the background that are completely homogenized, but which lighten the sandalwood and give it a certain dusty sweetness.

compared to official description: Not sure I'd recognize myrrh, as I'm positive I've never smelled straight myrrh, and would therefore have trouble picking it out of a lineup. I know the lab doesn't necessarily list every component, but as the only three listed are sandalwood, cocoa vanilla, and myrrh, I'm wondering if the myrrh carries the smoky effect, since that's the only thing in this blend that stands out to me other than the other two listed.

notes: Not for me. Smells like a my paternal grandmother's house, somehow. In fact, I get a strong scent-memory of being put down for a nap as a very small child on my grandmother's bed, and drifting off to sleep with the faint drone of nearly-inaudible adult voices drifting up the steep, narrow stairs and slipping under the thick, dark, heavy wood door. Pleasant, but I'd want my house to smell this way, not me.

afterthought: I was initially disappointed that this perfume didn't retain its original character, but after rereading my description I realized that there's no reason velvet should smell like cocoa. In the end, I believe the cocoa stayed there but hovered in the distance to give the whole thing a bit of smooth dryness, and that some other element, in addition, pushed the effect over to dustiness. While the hours-later effect was very different from what I smelled straight out of the bottle, I'd have to classify the later scentsation as being more akin to how I'd define velvet (from an olfactory standpoint), since velvet (the fabric) makes me think of dusty places and the satiny-smooth skin of my grandmother's cheek. In the end, this could very well be velvet, at least for me.

added to forum reviews





The warmth of doeskin, dry plains grasses and soft, dusty woods warmed by amber and a downy, gentle coat of deep musk.

in the bottle: Strong, but not oppressive musk (light); very familiar, almost soapy background -- amber?

on wet: Amber, I think, almost 100%.

drydown: Mostly amber. Slightly soapy musk, not unpleasant; this is a scent that suggests warmth and would be an excellent "enhanced skin" scent for someone. (Not me.)

one hour later: Warm and sweet. Musk and amber. Some other very subtle but warm and ... airy? light? dry? ... scents.

end of day: Amber, period. On me, soap.

compared to official description: My nose probably isn't good enough to identify subtle woods and grasses. I will say that there are definitely elements other than amber and musk, but whatever they are, they're very close in scent temperament to the former two, and I can't break it down into individual notes. if there's wood, it's very harmoniously combined and disguised by its neighbors. Near impossible for me to pick out anything individual, but after the drydown and through the first part of the day I detected something slightly spice-like in a non-foody way. Cinnamon? Vanilla? (Or coumarin, perhaps -- as in dry grasses; just a guess.) FWIW, the warm sweetness strikes me as more feline than canine. Canines, to my nose, have a drier, muskier scent.

Also, no hint of doeskin, which I will assume is meant to be a light leather scent.

Having said all that, I'll say again that the stated elements may well be there in enough quantity to affect the character of the oil, but I'd need to smell Coyote sans doeskin before I'd be able to properly state my opinion of how things like doeskin (dry grasses, soft woods, etc.) work for the whole. Right now, it's a homogeneous mix that, for me, defies dissection.

notes: I think I tend to read amber-based scents as soapy or powdery depending on the surrounding scents.

ETA: Months later, I've tried Coyote again and I get a different impression. On my wrists, recently dried, it's still very much amber with dry wood, but in the bottle it smells completely different than it did the first time: Now I get light leather and hay-like scents very strongly, with a little amber underneath.

added to forum reviews




Help for sneaky switch witches

Help for my witch (take #2)   This is a combination of stuff I'd love to try and things so cute they make me giddy. And by no means, do I want you to feel like you have to get anything off this list at all. It's a fun way for me to keep track of stuff I like, as well.   BPTP Magnets: the one with the phoenix keychains: they're both mahvelous soaps: snake oil, dorian, TKO nail polish: I'd like to try these for the toes - blood countess, hell's belle, lady macbeth, midnight on the midway, morgause   Propaganda Bath I've been stalking these for a while, but have yet to try anything. I'd love to try these scents in either the bath knots or their soaps: (ETA: Apparently these guys shut down. But if you have unloveds floating around, I'd be happy to find some of these) creature comforts grounds for grunge pastilles theda funhouse (soap)   Villainess Smooches: Crushed, Decadence, Embargo, Grundy, Jai Mahal* Bombs: Jai Mahal**, Crushed, Grundy Soaps: Crushed, Decadence, Dulces en Fuego, Embargo, Jai Mahal Whipped: Crushed, Decadence, Dulces en Fuego, Embargo, Grundy, Jai Mahal* And I would absolutely LOVE to try the cuppas!   Arcana Stuffs on TSB I just put my first order in for some more Arcana oils. I got Burlesque** in a swap and loved it, and knew I had to try more. I got Frilly Underpinnings, Devilish*, Caffeinated Death, and Mme. Lapin. I'm just getting into soaps, so would love to try the soaps, as well: Burlesque**, Devilish, Mutiny, Shambhala   I work for Lush, so I'm pretty good on that front. However, there are a few discons I adore and would love to adopt if you have 'em and don't want 'em... Fairy Jasmine or Rainbow Worrior bombs Turbo BBS SWTWC or sultana perfume or lotion   I'm not a huge knick-knack person, but I am a trinket whore! I love little notepads and journals with black and white designs, Alice in Wonderland stuff, Ravens, hair clips on bobby pins (for short hair), jewelery charms, flat magnets, absinthe spoons and vintage absinthe postcards and imagery, and anything with keys (both vintage door keys and vintage typewriter keys). I also adore little pouches. Ones that zip or otherwise close so I can keep things organized and make it easier to transfer between bags.   Here's links to some of my favorite things and places online.   Gorey Details - the Alice Stuffs mini journal mini mirror - I love these little things! glass pendant - this is my favorite imagery and subtext in the story. I love the eat me, drink me, rabbit hole pics. Stickers, scrap papers, notecards or art prints. They're all so marvelous.   My Vintage Hut - their hair flowers are TDF! I love these in red, white, black, leopard,and the cherries. Especially the daisies, the peonies and the gardenias.   My loves on Etsy! - Some of these are expired or sold, but these are all examples of makers, designs, and things I adore to bits. Plus, some of the sellers restock some of the sold items.      




My current bottle loves

I've sold off the majority of bottles that just didn't work for me, and now I just keep my most beloveds.   My second-skin scents and all-time favorites: BPAL- MB: Underpants Snake Oil CD: Candy Butcher CD: Boomslang CD: Wulric, the Wolfman Arcana- Burlesque   The ones I keep close BPAL- Love's Philosophy MB: Closet Gelt Midnight Kiss (almost gone..) Dragon's Milk (almost gone..) CD: The Organ Grinder Pumpkin Patch #3 - '07 Pumpkin Patch #2 - '06 Freak Show Sugar Cookie '05 Midway (orig.) 13 (06/08) TKO Dragon's Heart (although, I haven't quite made my mind up about this one yet) Arcana- Caffeinated Death Devilish Morphine   I've got a couple of others, but these are the ones I REALLY enjoy and wear frequently.




SW Random Q's

How many potential witchees have an iPod, or download MP3s? I don't have an ipod, but I do have a really kickass mp3 player capable of storing pics and video and it also has radio. It's a sansa and I got it for a fraction of the price of an ipod. I've never had an ipod, but I've used my cousin's ipod before, and I actually prefer my little sansa to hers. Unfortunately, I managed to lose my mp3 player recently. I'll find it eventually, but until I do, all music is downloaded and put on a cd. I love new music, and I'd definitely love it if you burned a cd with your favorite music.   is there anything from the US you'd love that you can't get where you live now? Well, I'm from the US, but I've seen US people posting what they'd like from other countries in response to this question sooooo.....Any foreign candy is great. Especially European chocolate and also candy and snacks from the UK. I ADORE Cadbury's Crunchie bars and love pretty much anything Cadbury. Tea is good as well. Oh, and any kind of cool flavored chips ....or "crisps" as some of you call them. This could also be a good idea for anyone that's American but lives near a specialty store that sells imported goods I love candy and food from different places and love to try new things!   What kinds of crafts does everyone either enjoy making or enjoy getting?Do you have a certain type of handmade item that you love to collect? Socks, boxes, jewelry, dolls etc? I experiment with making jewelry and bath stuffs (bombs, melts and soap) and i would enjoy getting anything like that. I love handmade boxes. I'm not really into socks. I wear them when I have to. I'm not into dolls so much either.   Clearly, vegans are not into soaps with honey or milk, etc. But, if you're NOT a vegan, how would you feel about soaps made with emu oil? Squicked out/concerned about animal cruelty, or willing to try them? I'd be willing to try them. My grandmother uses emu oil, it's supposed to help with arthritis...but I don't know how much it's helped her.   Are there any of the BPTP bath oils you adore (particularly ones that you cannot get anymore). What about the room sprays? I've never tried any of the BPTP bath oils or room sprays, but they sound interesting. I love bath oils. I'm not big on room sprays, I prefer tarts, candles and incense.   How would you feel about an ultra-girlie shawl or wrap in summer-weight (lace)? Those really are gorgeous, but I wouldn't be able to use them much. I'm very very hot natured and if I weren't so self conscious (and if it were legal) I would run around naked during the summer. I can't stant to be hot and can't stand anything on my arms in the summer.   knitted socks? If you've made it this far, it's quite possible you already know about my dislike for wearing socks except to keep my feet from sweating in my sneakers. I kinda HAVE to wear them then, or else I'd have to take off my shoes a mile away from the rest of the household. But yes, knitted things and I don't usually get along unless it's in the dead of winter, just because I overheat so easily.




Switch Witch Help

Disclaimer: Please don't feel pressured to get anything on this list - this is just to give you an idea of what I like, and what I'd like to try... I love being enabled! ANYthing I get will be appreciated!   BPTP: M or L Babydoll t-shirts: Librarian Thirteen Goblin Squirts: Doc Constantine's Medicine Show Soaps: Snake Oil   Arcana: Already LOVE: Queen Crossbones   Villainess: scrubby Smooches Whipped   Cocoa Pink: Shine +/Glissade in:
Black Kittens
Midnight Hag
Pink Sugar Noel
Pumpkin Noel
Thrill Ride
  Solstice Scents: Cocoa Mallow Body Butter Cocoa Mallow Whipped Soap   Lush: Emotibombs Bubble Bars Massage Bars   Wylde Ivy: Spiced Apples soap Yuletide soap *love*   Prairie Land Herbs: Gorgeous Gams Shaving Bar Lather of Youth Soap Shea Special Soap Wise Woman soap   Think Geek: Link to wishlist (hope this works)   Etsy favorite items favorite shops   Amazon: Link to wishlist   Tarot/Oracle Decks: The Well Worn Path Enchanted Oracle Housewives Tarot Mystic Faerie Tarot Tell Me Tarot Goddess Guidance Oracle Pagan Tarot   *NOT THESE* I'd prefer not to have anything from these etailers: Conjure Oils Good Judy Smell Bent Isle of Eden




Good Judy: Uke

Uke Category: Anime & Manga Quantity: sample   Description: UKE Whatever flavor, shy or outgoing, Ukes are the younger, more androgynous (even feminine) counterpart in the Boy Love anime genre of Yaoi. Fiercely loyal to their Seme, Ukes can be slightly annoying, but always cute in their devotion. Sexy and hot! Vanilla musk, cotton candy, cherry, cream   Review:   In the bottle: It smells like cherry cupcakes! I smell cherry, vanilla, sugar, and milk, in that order.   Wet: Indeed, it smells like Betty Crocker’s cherry cupcake mix… It’s drying into a mix of candied vanilla musk and cherry cream.   Dry: Now that it’s completely dry, I smell musky vanilla, and less sugar. The cherry note is also less intense.   Verdict: I love this one, it’s so yummy! What? It’s for boys? Who cares! It smells delicious and sweet.




Good Judy: Honey Patch

Honey Patch Category: Resinate Quantity: sample   Description: HONEY PATCH In the wild, unadulterated lands of the free, grows the honey patchouli tree. Earthy, warm, and golden. Patchouli and two sweet golden honeys.   Review:   In the bottle: Honeyed, sweetened patchouli; yet, the patchouli is quite strong.   Wet: What a sweet honey! I can’t decide if it’s herbal or floral (maybe both?), but I can smell the honey very well, and I can almost imagine its texture. Yum.   Dry: The patchouli comes out as it dries, but it keeps a good balance with the honey.   Verdict: This perfume has a little bit of a borderline personality, always on the edge between honey and patchouli. Honestly, patchouli isn’t my thing, so my enthusiasm was limited from the start. However, I have to admit that this blend is interesting.




run-up to my first reviews

So I received my first imps some time ago and am just getting around to putting my impressions into words. I've decided to be quasi-scientific about it and do the one-scent-a-day-noting-all-impressions approach that I see so many people adopting in the reviews section. But first ...   I'm a little frustrated, when reading the reviews of others, to see descriptions of people's impressions that basically rewrite the lab's official write-up, or that seem to hinge entirely on the name of the scent. For example, Coyote: We get lots of descriptions of warm fur smell, lying in grasses in the hot plains sun, etc. I almost wish the lab would release the scent unnamed, let us review it, then tell us what it's supposed to be. And without revealing the notes.   There's no doubt that we all smell things differently, pick up different scents, completely lose others, and turn scents on their heads on our skin (or amp up particular ones). Having said that, it's not helpful to read a review of a scent with the notes described as "cedar, bergamot, black tea" and to see someone say "I'm standing in the woods sipping a cup of Earl Grey." Now, that might be exactly the impression the person got, but I can't help but believe their impression was affected by the description. We humans are nothing if not mentally malleable.   I'm not sure where I'm going with this. This isn't intended as a rail against people's review styles, and I certainly don't want to discourage anyone from writing reviews in a way that expresses their sensations most meaningfully. However, I feel the process is tainted by the marketing. (Bless the lab, they do what every good business does.) Just my take on things.   Last note: I've already smelled an imp or two that had the main notes stand out most strongly as the ones listed by the lab, so I'm not saying that people are incorrect to fix on those elements and write about them. All I'm saying is that I will try very hard to review scents based on how they smell, and even though I'm sure I'll be influenced to some degree by the words, I really, really will try to be objective.




Well I can't figure out how to set a new entry

All RIGHT A new SW round. SUMMER 09!!   Lets see I need to do a new wish list, i don't have a new mentor witch this round but you can get any of my friends to ask questions is you want. Also i am going to try and keep track of the questions but I am really really BAD at that. So feel free to send out Poke Rhoda messages, I don't mind, I like to be talked to.




Switch Witch Info :)

Dear Witch,   I hope that this is helpful to you and I'm sorry that it's so freakin' long. I apparently do not know when to stop I'm really looking forward to being "witched" by you   Here is a link to my bpal wishlist   And here is a link to my non-bpal wishlist   ___________________________________   ~Other things I'm interested in~   I love animals. I don't really have a favorite animal, but I'm very partial to cats and have two of my own. I do not like snakes.   I must be a kid at heart, because I still have all of my stuffed animals and I still get new ones from friends and family.   Other "childish" things I like include : Sanrio Characters, Disney Merch and Winnie the Pooh, Harry Potter, Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake, Teddy Ruxpin, TMNT, Every single Tim Burton animated film (I love pretty much every Burton film though) and I love animated films in general. I still watch cartoons sometimes...and I mean other than south park and everything on Adult Swim. I sometimes watch Cartoon Network during the day when it's directed at kids, lol. I still love stickers. I really like quirky pens and stuff like that. I still write with Gel Pens sometimes   I love incense and i could actually use a new incense burner for stick incense.   I love hockey. My favorite team is the Carolina Hurricanes. I collect Hockey Pucks. It doesn't have to be a Hurricanes puck.   I love to star gaze and am currently really interested in astronomy.   I'm a history geek.   I love anything to do with Alice's Adventures in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass.   On the subject of Alice, I have always wanted to play American McGee's Alice (the pc game) and never got around to it or couldn't afford it...and now I can't find it.   Anything Dickens and anything Poe I would love. I also love Mark Twain. I seem to favor classic male authors the most for some reason, although I do love Austen and Alcott.   I love music and am always wanting new music to listen to, so "mix tapes" are awesome.   I love love love to read and I gave a lot of specific info about that on my SW questionnaire, so I'll save you the boredom of reading it here, lol.   The fiance and I are currently being old fashioned romantics and writing each other actual letters on paper while we're apart, so stationary is great.   I'm obsessed with lip balm and lip butters. I constantly apply it. I can always use more.     My cats LOVE feline greenies. Their favorite flavor is ocean fish, but they love them all. And of course, catnip is a huge hit in this house, even I use it!   I can always use herbs for herbal remedies. I have a lot of health problems right now and have to take a lot of pills, so anything that i can help soothe without using pharmaceuticals is great. I mainly use herbal remedies to help treat my PCOS symptoms and to help with my insomnia. It's nice being able to feel like you can help control something yourself without the help of pharmaceuticals. My favorites are scullcap, damiana, valerian root, chamomile, red raspberry leaf, hops, wild yam, passion flower and dagga leaf   essential oils are also something I always like to keep on hand and I can NEVER have enough lavender essential oil.   I also love to keep cocoa and shea butter and other plant butters on hand. I have many uses for them. They're great in the bath when I use a bomb or bubble bar but want some added moisture. I sometimes make my own bath melts and also use it when making bath bombs. I use them plain as moisturizers or make my own massage bars/lotion bars even though I also use lotion and commecial body butters. I'm obsessive about having soft skin.   I've really been wanting to plant some flowers here, and I want to grow them myself, but I haven't gotten around to getting the seeds. I'm really interested in growing some night blooming flowers as well as some honeysuckle since our new yard doesn't have any. I'd also love to start an herb garden and I would love to grow my own lavender, so seeds are good   I love love love honey and put it in and on pretty much everything. I really love it in or on hot milk, hot chocolate, teas, oatmeal, some cold breakfast cereals, icecream, yogurt, biscuits, toast, english muffins, peanut butter sandwiches, fruits and I love to bake with it. I also use it in homemade facials that I do from time to time I also love honey of different varieties like lavender honey and cinnamon honey.   I can also always use earplugs. Seriously. These days I'm often a light sleeper and my family is VERY VERY loud. Everyone is on a different schedule as well, so to get any sleep around here I need ear plugs. They're also useful when I go to hockey games and concerts and also when I have to stay in the hospital. I can never ever have enough ear plugs.   I could always use decanting supplies since I'm getting into that now.   It's really hard for me to narrow down my favorite movies because I love SO many. I love these movies and anything to do with them though : Lord of the Rings, Labyrinth, The Wizard of Oz and pretty much all Tim Burton movies.   I'd love anything to do with Buffy, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Family Guy, South Park, Lost and Pushing Daisies.   I forgot to mention this in the questionnaire, but I collect unique rocks, shells and crystals.   I also forgot to mention my favorite drinks in the questionnaire...I think I focused too much on food. Food is on my mind a lot latey My favorite drinks are cider, pepsi, orange soda, strawberry banana nectar, raspberry juice, teas of all varieties except green and hot chocolate. Of the alcoholic variety I love wine and Bailey's and mixed drinks of all kinds. I also love hard cider but I absolutely despise beer. I'm obsessed with shakes and smoothies.   I love anything weird or unusual. Most people think that I don't make any sense, because my tastes are all over the place. I like girly and cutesy things yet at the same time I'm accused of liking things that other people say are "morbid". Heh.   On that note, I love cemetaries.   I love all things european, especially anything from the Uk, russia, czech repub, sweden, holland, latvia, greece and italy.   I also love all things Egyptian and all things Indian. My fiance loves a lot of Japanese stuff, and I think a lot of it is cool as well.   Fantasy Bath - Splash, Aloha, Bora Bora Bound, Mango Tango, Paradisio, She Sells Sea Shells, Sun moon and stars melts, Bayou Voodoo, Blackberry Brew, Cashmere, Days of Lime and Roses, Delish, Dryad, Enchantment, Heart's Desire, Into the green, It's my birthday, Jamaica Me Crazy, Lorelei,Peppermint Ice, Summer Soother, Wylde Child.   I love anything having to do with my favorite old tv shows...and I mean very old! I love Lucy, Dick Van Dyke and All in the Family.   Carved wooden boxes are awesome.Any cool boxes are awesome though.   I love chocolate, but I also love other candy. I am CRAZY over pop rocks. I love freeze dried ice cream and the other freeze dried novelty foods you can get, if that counts as candy. I love Chupa Chups and they're hard to find around here. You used to could find them everywhere when I was younger, but it's almost impossible now. I love banana laffy taffy and banana now and laters.   When it comes to incense I will burn stick incense of any kind, and sometimes cone incense. I do love me some Fred Soll's incense though. I also burn resin and can always use frankincense tears, dragon's blood and pretty much any other resin as well as things like sandalwood chips to burn. I can always use charcoal tablets.   I've recently gotten into graphic novels. I've only read Neil Gaiman so far, but I'd be interested in trying anything!   I love to dye my hair, even if it's just to put streaks in. Funky hair dye is always welcome. Manic Panic is a fave of mine. Any of the blues, purples, pinks or reds.   I love snowflakes.   I love pewter fairies and would love to start a collection. I love mythical creatures and have an interest in mythology of many cultures.   My favorite color is blood red. My favorite color combinations are red and black or purple and black.   I love to try new etailers and I LOVE LOVE LOVE samples. Samples are the best. There are so many etailers I still haven't tried yet. I'd like to try Nocturne Alchemy and possibly Conjure oils. I've also had my eye on MoonaLisa, Fantasy Bath and Cocoa Pink for awhile now.   ~Things I can't really use~   I know it's summer, but someone might want to send socks or scarves or that sort of thing to prepare me for cold weather...I kid you not when I say I am VERY hot natured. Even in the winter. I bundle up when I absolutely have to, to keep from getting sick...but other than that I always have bare arms and I only wear socks with my shoes.   Green Tea. I just don't like it. I love other tea, but I don't like green tea at all.   Licorice and licorice flavored or scented things.   Anything super strongly floral and most rose scented things.   Earrings. I don't have pierced ears.   Coffee. I don't drink it and I'm really not supposed to anyway. Every once in a long while I will have a cappucino or something.   I hope this was some help to you, witch!




Switch Witch Summer 2009 - Hi!

Dear My Witch,   Oh hai! Thank you for taking the time to be my witch! I'm going to post various things that might be of use to you (answers to questions posted in the thread, any random thing I think of, etc.) here, so you can always check here for that kind of thing.   If you should want to text me, my mobile number is 4239560934. I have unlimited texting, so no worries about charges on my end.   Love, Cam   6/25/2009 I have just discovered that Barnes & Noble have finally gotten a clue and enabled public links to wish lists! Here is mine, FYI: http://my.barnesandnoble.com/cam-collinss-...List/cm/182204/   6/13/2009 - Other things I love that may not have made it into the questionnaire. Crossfit. My hubby says I've joined a fitness cult. This program is hard, but addictive. I work out with a couple of my best friends, and we love it.   Yoga. I've been practicing for four years now, and have been considering teacher certification.   Etsy favorites. Another wish list type link I forgot to include in the questionnaire.   Italy. The hubby and I are absolutely obsessed with Italy. We spent our honeymoon there, and hope to live there someday. Tuscany in particular is our favorite place in the world.   Q&A Have you had much experience with tea? If so, what kind of teas do you like the most? Black, herbal, green, white, oolong, chai, etc...... Would you be interested in sampling a lot of new teas? I love tea, and would be very interested in trying new teas. I really like all kinds of teas. Black, white and oolong are my top three favorites.   Etsy wishlist? http://www.etsy.com/favorite_listings_publ...p;ref=favorites   What new scents from the update are calling your name? Berry Moon is a must have. And the tee. Aperotos Eros and Whoso List to Hunt sound interesting. I'd like to try those and the Mad Tea Party scents at some point. Berry Moon is the real critical one for me.   Do you play any musical instruments? Which ones? If not, are there any you'd like to learn? What styles of music do you play, and are you interested in learning any different style? Nope. I am not musically inclined.   What's your favorite vacation spot? Italy. Ok, that's my favorite spot, period. So to give a different answer for my dear witch's sanity I also love the woods or the beach.   There is another Ebay update from Puddin. What appeals to you there? Monster Bait: Underpants, MVJBA Spring Training, Pink Phoenix and The Ecstatsy of Passion are all wants. But the eBay prices tend to get up there quickly, dear witch, so just take that as a guideline if you happen to have a decant you don't love lying about or something like that.   Comedy? I love British comedy. Crazy about Eddie Izzard. I am not a fan of Sacha Baron Cohen and his ilk.   What are your thoughts on J.R.R. Tolkein? Tolkein is love. I've read the Lord of the Rings and would like to read more.   If you answered that you would like recipes, are there any national or ethnic cuisines you prefer or don't prefer? I love ethnic cuisines and eat a lot of them. The hubby and I are especially fond of Indian and Thai. We're also crazy about Ethiopian, but don't have any recipes or any idea how to cook it for ourselves.   Do you like musicals? What have you seen? What do you want to see? Any you'd like to own? I am extremely picky about musicals, and would say that in general, I'm not a big fan. However, there are some I dearly love. Love Sweeney Todd, for example. I just saw Repo! The Genetic opera, and am completely in love with it. Got it on Blu-ray from Netflix and the hubby and I have watched it four times in the past week. I'd love to have my own copy. I would also like to see Wicked (which I think is a musical? not sure, but I enjoyed the book).   Do you mind receiving partials, imps, full bottles, sniffies of oils from BPAL and other companies? Um.... no. I definitely do not mind that. Not one teeny, tiny little bit.   What styles of jewelry do you like? Bold and funky? Delicate and dainty? Short necklaces, long ones, chokers? Bracelets or anklets? For necklaces, I like more delicate and dainty things, or something cool on a cord, like those pretty glass pieces with the glittery swirls and such. I like chokers and short things (around 16 inches or so). I would kind of like to try mixing it up with some long necklaces of the pretty, dainty variety. I'm not crazy about sort of mid-length necklaces, though. I have gauged ears (00g), as well as regular ear piercings, and like plugs in natural materials like polished wood, stones, bone, etc. I do like bracelets and anklets, of varying kinds. I currently have a leather cuff with a Celtic knotwork design that a wear a lot, and I love it. Wouldn't mind having more similar things.   Have you read anything by China Mieville, Neil Gaiman or Charles de Lint? If so, what? Like/dislike...?? other than books/cds/dvds are there any "things" that you collect or symbols which you have an affinity for? If you were buying or making a witch gift for yourself, what would YOU buy/make? Book stuff: I love love love love love Neil Gaiman, and anything Gaiman related. I have Sandman posters, action figures, watches, a set of postcards and a clock. I have a cute little Neil Rat resin figure by Lisa Snellings, and two Gaiman lockets, and am gradually working my way through trying all the BPAL Gaiman scents. So yeah, um... that kind of thing would be very welcome. I haven't read much Mieville or de Lint.   Other things/symbols: I play Magic (yes I am a huge geek) and other games, and I kind of collect pretty dice. 20-sided dice are my favorites, and can be found in all sorts of pretty colors and such (marble-looking ones, glittery ones, etc.). As my witch already knows, I also have an affinity for Bastet (I consider her my patron goddess).   If I were witching me: If my bank statement is any indication, I witch myself fairly often. Let's see... If I were witching me, I would make or buy me bath & beauty related stuff (which I just can't seem to get enough of). Chocolate is always love. I would make or buy me some sort of steampunk-related jewelry (which I've been lusting after on etsy and haven't got around to finding materials to make myself something). Possibly some puzzle books. I love logic puzzles.   What are your favorite Yankee Candle scents? I love that one that smells like cake (I think it's Buttercream). I am generally down with just about any scent that smells like baked goods or other foodie stuff. Fruit scents are great. I'm not crazy about things that are supposed to smell like "air on a midsummer night" or that kind of thing.   Does my witchee like hats, a floppy summer sun hat or something more stylish? Would you like a hand knit cap or hat? I love hats!   What are you happiest about (besides SW)? What makes you feel good this summer? Any Summer? The things I'm happest about: that I have a fantastic husband, wonderful snuggly cats and dog, that my business is managing to stay afloat in the current economy. I'm not much of a summer person, to be honest (I hate hot weather), but the things that make me feel good in summer are: sitting on the porch with a glass of wine, my hubby, the dog and the cats who are allowed out; taking the dog to the lake to swim; and going to our local farmer's markets.   What kind of shopper are you? Do you make a budget? Planner, or compulsive? Do you like to buy what's new, special offers, only the usual? It depends. Sometimes I set a budget for a particular thing I need to buy (for example, when I needed to find a dress to wear to a friend's wedding but didn't want to spend a lot on it). Other times I'm pretty impulsive and/or compulsive (as my massive perfume collection illustrates ).   Is anyone else having trouble getting motivated to do the things your supposed to do? Yep. The hubby and I worked very hard the past couple of weeks to get a massive project finished and launched on time, and we did it.... and now I'm just feeling burned out and blah. Looking forward to a 3-day weekend.   If you are a dog lover, or gigantic dog nerd like I am, would you like any breed-related items from this site? If so, which breed(s)? Zomg, can I get some love for the labs? Labs are the sweetest dogs ever (I have a chocolate).   A witch wants to cheer you up. What are we cheering you up from? In other words, what are the most pressing problems you're facing right now? Money, as ever, is my most pressing problem right now. The hubby and I have a small business, and keeping up with taxes and our work and household bills is very hard. It seems like we're always behind. I sometimes have trouble sleeping for worrying about it, much as I try to tell myself that keeping myself up worrying about it is anything but helpful.   Do you like coffee and/or wine? Oh, yes. I am a HUGE wine nerd, and love love love coffee too.   What are your thought on World Market? I love it! I wish we had one where I live.   Who out there is equally challenged and would appreciate icons/banners as witchy gifts? Not challenged. Actually, I make my living designing and building websites. However, if anyone needs that kind of thing for a witchee, I'd be glad to lend a hand.   Are there any etailers you haven't tried yet but would like to be enabled (e.g., a company you haven't tried but would like recommendations from your witch, based on your likes and dislikes)? I would like to try some things from Violette Market, Nocturne Alchemy and Blooddrop, but have never got around to giving them a try (aside from one really nice frimp from Nocturne Alchemy that someone sent me last year).   With all this talk of chocolate, do you prefer milk or dark? I love both.   Lip balms: yay or nay? Is there a particular kind you prefer? Definite yay. I don't really have a preference.   Hannibal? The general? Sure! Serial killer? Read it.   If your witch goes to Convergence (or is bestest friends with someone, same thing), is there anything you'd love to have? Anything with notes I like would be super nice!   What of the summer update (Egyptian, Lawn Ornaments, etc.) appeals most to you? Nonae Caprotina, St. John's Eve, and The Feast for the Greatly Revered Ones   What is your favorite classic fairy tale or children's story? Little Red Riding Hood   Do you have an electric stove, and would you like a bowl and tarts to use the residual heat (and for extra safety)? I do, but since our kitchen is downstairs and we don't spend much time there (it's really cold), it would kind of be wasted on me.   For those candy loving witchees. Are there any 3 that u love and would like more of? Earth & Sky chocolates, Vosges Barcelona Bar and Mo's Bacon Bar   And, are there any 3 that u just cannot stand and would not like any of? Almond Joy, Mounds, and any kind of cherry cordials   Are you freaking out over any of the discontinued scents, dear fellow Witches? Nah.   What kind of mythology are you interested in? Egyptian, Celtic, and Hindu are really interesting to me.   Puddin' posts ebay sales of older stuff every now and then - what of the current lot are you dying for? In order of lust: Bakeneko, Bah, Hellion and The Phoenix.   The internet makes stalking 2000000000000000 times easier than it ever has been. Do you tweet? http://twitter.com/cammycat   Do you like coconut (to eat)? Only in small quantities or specific instances. Example: I love those little toasted coconut donuts, but I loathe Mounds and Almond Joy bars. I'm pretty picky/weird about coconut.   Do you wear makeup or nail polish? Need brushes, containers, storage, mani/pedi supplies? What colors and brands do you like? Yes! As I'm sure my witch can tell from my Kaboodle profile & lists, I do love the makeup. (I don't slather it on, but I believe in variety, and I love to have plenty of colors to choose from.) Favorite brands, colors, etc. should be there. I could use brushes and mani/pedi stuff (I could really use something to smooth my heels and the stupid calluses I get from lifting weights).   Do you like shiney hanging porch decorations like windchimes or those things that spin and swirl in the wind? I love windchimes!   Hair adornments? Sure!   Which flavors are you interested to try from the Chocolate Research Facility? Let me first say I'd like to beat the designer of that website. "Chocolate" melting down the screen so you have to constantly refresh to keep reading? FAIL.   Ahem. Professional criticism aside, oooooh! *drool* I would like to try: Hazelnut Gianduja, Sichuan Pepper, Mint, White Sesame, Black Sesame, Coffee with Nescafe Powder, Cardamom with Almond Milk, Lemongrass, Rose Petal, Strawberry with Dried Strawberry, and anything from the Alcohol, Tea, or Coffee Series   What are your favorite websites (besides this one, and the online shops you listed in your questionnaire)? Pure Felinity Draynwing's Cat House - most. awesome. timesink. ever. textsfromlastnight.com WildEarth.TV icanhascheezburger.com Dragon Cave   We have so many talented witches and they really need to promote themselves more so, if you made something by hand for a previous witchee or have an etsy store or some other outlet for hand made goods, will you post it here with pictures or links? Or, if you want to brag on a previous witch's talent, this is the place for that as well. I have to brag on the awesome Alianthe (whom I don't believe is playing this round) and her knitting skillz. She knitted me the prettiest pair of gaming gloves (i.e. armwarmers) and a matching dice bag for winter round. The pictures do not do them justice.   I make jewelry and bookmarks, but sadly don't have any photos of them. I just keep giving stuff away before it ever makes it to etsy. I made a couple of things for my witchee last round that I thought were nice, but she didn't post pics. So yeah. Note to self: take pictures of things!   If you could make your perfect scent (or at least most desired at the moment!) what would be in it? Hmmm. Tough call. I would love to have something that is as sexy as Snake Oil, but a lighter scent for summer. I don't know if that's very helpful at all.   So I have a question for the witchees, and hopefully mine will answer as well...In trying to decide what to fix for dinner, I thought that I've received some great recipes from friends (particularly the culinary mastermind that is scotchgrrl). I also have a few great recipes of my own. So would anyone like to receive some original, or very much loved recipes from his/her witch? That would be great.   List things you DO NOT need any more of: Technically, I don't need anymore shower gels.... but I won't turn my nose up at them, either! (Sssh! Don't tell my husband I said that last part!)   What do you like to snack on? Jerky (particularly buffalo jerky, yum!), smoked almonds, edamame, hummous, cheese, fruit, and chips & salsa are favorites.   Is there something that would offend you if you received it in your mail/gift/email)? (as in profanity, a bad words in an email/card/music ... or a card or something with a scantily dressed man/woman pictured on it, crude/immature humor tshirts, etc ...) I'm pretty difficult to offend.   Are there any phobias you have that you absolutely, positively, do NOT want anything from your witch referencing? Unless my witch can somehow gift me enclosed spaces, I think I'll be fine.   What is your favorite latin or faux latiny phrase? Sic semper tyrannis (I'm a Virginia girl).   Are you a candles person, incense person, or just a BPTP spritzer for room scents? Any of the above.   Who is your favorite artist? What are some of your favorite pieces of their work? Gustav Klimt - my favorite is The Kiss Brom - His Angel of Destruction piece (for a Magic card) is one of my favorites; I also LOVE his book The Plucker. Rebecca Guay - Anything, really. She's fantastic. Charles Vess - I love pretty much everything he's done Ursula Vernon - Again, just about anything My friend Julie Armbruster - my favorite is a pentic piece she did for me in exchange for helping her with her website. Really fabulous.   What is the color scheme you use most when you decorate? Jewel tones.   If you have music or DVD's on your wishlist, do you mind getting a burned copy? How about if it is original packaging but previously used? Or do you only want it new? Burned or used copies are fine with me.   Is your abode a palace covered in fur, a disaster area ,or a neat freaks delight? It's lovely if we have company coming over. Otherwise (as I'm sure my witch can guess) it's covered in fur.   How are you doing for BPAL storage? Need any boxes? I really need bottle storage. I bought one of Eros' lovely coffin shelves around the time I started collecting last year, and I've totally outgrown it already.   Is there any place you've visited where you feel like you left your heart there? Tuscany. I'm also deeply in love with the Pacific Northwest, particularly Oregon.   What one item would you just love to have that is made by a Switch Witch? I can't choose just ONE! Honestly, I would be thrilled to have anything made by any of the talented witches in this forum. I did notice that syrenemyst has some LOVELY jewelry on etsy as well as gorgeous boxes, tho....   Are you interested in Tarot or Tarot art? Yes. I have two gorgeous decks - the Revelations Tarot that the fabulous SeaMonkey sent me during the Halloween round, and the Vertigo Tarot that I ordered recently. I'm still learning to read Tarot, and would love any sort of reference links, advice, etc. my witch could send, if he/she is into that as well.   What would you think of soap samples/shampoo bar samples? (I believe the latter can be used as soap if you are not shampoo bar inclined). Or other sample sized bath/beauty products, for that matter? Bring 'em on.   What about burnables as in candles, tarts and/or incense? I have a lot of incense, but am low on candles, which I love. Scented candles are great, but I also need some unscented candles in different colors, for anointing with TAL oils. I'm having a hard time finding some.   Old books? You bet! I am a fiend for books.   Do you want to know when you have something coming in the mail, or would you rather it be a complete surprise? I would like to know, so I can stalk.   And part 2.. What's your mailbox situation? My mailbox isn't very large (which is why I like to know, so I can be home around the time we usually get mail and keep any packages from sitting on the porch all day).   What kind of a car do you drive and would you want something you could use in your car? Rear view mirror charms, steering wheel covers (a new thing for the knitters), car blessing medicine bags... I drive a black 2008 Subaru WRX. It is the most fantastic car ever. I love it. Car stuff would totally be cool.   Who knits? Do you also spin and dye? What supplies, that you wouldn't buy for yourself, would you just love to have for that activity? I've just started learning, so not yet. Just trying to master the basics.   What are your favorite animals? Or, what animals resonate strongly with you? This will probably come as no great surprise to anyone, but cats! All cats. Housecats, big cats, you name it. Wolves and foxes also very strongly resonate with me. Those are probably the animals with which I identify most strongly. I'm an animal lover in general, though.   Do you like coffee? Whole bean or ground? Bold/Medium/Mild roast? God, yes. Whole bean, medium or bold roast. We actually roast our own, or we did until our roaster died! Sent it in for repairs and it came back still broken. At some point, we are going to replace it. But anyway, yeah, I love coffee.   Are there any other knitted goods you might like? Lap blanket? Fingerless gloves? Arm warmers? Little knitted animals? Silk scarf? Head band? Wrist cuff? Dish clothes? Yes. All of the above. Especially fingerless gloves and arm warmers. And little knitted animals. And silk scarves.   Are there any kinds of books you collect? I collect comics and also signed & numbered limited editions of various books I like. (In fact, I've been meaning to make a list, take pics, etc. for insurance purposes.) I have books by Poppy Z. Brite, Caitlin Kiernan, Neil Gaiman and Jim Butcher currently.   What are your favorite materials? Or material things? Some people like jewelry, some like woods, some plants... Silver, paper, leather, velvet, wood, stone.   Are you obsessed with honey? If so, is there a particular kind you like best? Spun honey, flavored honeys, certain types of honey.... etc. I really like honey, but I haven't exactly gotten into it, in terms of trying out different kinds and figuring out what I like, etc. I would not mind being enabled here.   Is there anything you've been wanting to learn that your witch might be able to help you with? I'm still working on learning to knit from winter round.   Beer? Although I am complete wine nerd I also love beer. I love dark beers (stouts, porters and the like) and Belgians (but not the Delirium beers; am not a fan). I'm also a big fan of ambers (Abita Amber is love!). I'm not so crazy about IPAs and other super hoppy beers.   (Note to my witch: Although my home address is in Tennessee, where alcohol cannot be shipped, I work in Virginia, where it can be shipped. Just sayin.)   Chips? I love love love salt & vinegar chips. And anything spicy.   What scent are you wearing right now, if any? Snake Oil   What socially respsonsible site would you recommend to ALL Witches? I'm a huge fan of Best Friends Animal Society (bestfriends.org). They're the animal rescue group that fought to save and rehabilitate the Michael Vick dogs (they have a show called Dogtown on the National Geographic channel). They do amazing work.   Good books recently read? I'm currently rereading George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series.   Does your feline like catnip? They loooooove it.   Salt soap bars (soap made with a large quantity of salt, like salt-scrub-in-a-bar)? That would be awesome!   How would you feel about homemade jelly/jam from home-grown berries? Yum!   Homemade dill pickles? Made from cukes, beans, snap peas, baby zucchini? Sure, sounds good.   Would my future witchee like to receive steampunk style jewelry? I would die of squee.   Tea. How do you feel about it? I love tea. I am especially eager to try the Supernatural and Buffy signature blends here: https://www.adagio.com/pages/customer_profi...userId=169170BA   What is your favorite anime, or if you don't like that what is your favorite animated series? It would be hard to choose one. I love Vampire Hunter D, Witch Hunter Robin, Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro, The Cat Returns, Princess Mononoke.... I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting right now. I love anime.   Based on Prior Carnivale act prototypes...which one are you truly excited about? I've liked a lot of what I tried from Act IV, but honestly, I haven't tried much from Carnivale. Would love to try more.   Would it bother you if you are not the first person to receive the same gift? Imagine a Witch who always sends her favourite book, for example. Nope, wouldn't bother me a bit. Sometimes a good gift is a good gift.   Pets: What do you have, and do they need/want anything? I have 9 cats and a chocolate lab. They are always happy to receive toys and such. The pup likes treats, but I have yet to find a cat treat (other than, ya know, stuff from my plate) that they'll eat.   Oh, and Brightcat could use a new collar. His was apparently damaged and fell off somewhere in his recent accident. His old collar was the black pirate collar here, which I really loved and would someday like to replace.   Does anyone play video games? What platform(s)? Are there any new or vintage games you would like? More than I probably should! I have a PS3, PSP and my computer. I would love a copy of Spore (PC), Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (PSP), Dissidia Final Fantasy (PSP), or Silent Hill: Homecoming (PS3). (Dear my witch: games can be expensive, so please, please only consider them if you can find them used!)   Twilight fans, would you be interested in any products from this Etsy seller? Nah.   Are you in need of decanting supplies, wand caps, or other scent-related paraphernalia? I could really use some pipettes and those little plastic baggies. I can always use more wand caps.   Are there any single notes (likely non bpal) that anyone is dying to have/try? Any singles of my favorite notes would be welcome. I'm not dying for them, tho.   Netflix or the like gift subscriptions? A month of Netflix vs a DvD? I have a Netflix account, sure! A free month would be great.   Adorable Japanese characters? I love Totoro, the cat from The Cat Returns... any japanese cat type character. I'm also a huge, huge fan of Tokidoki (which is actually Italian, but Japanese-inspired).   My fiance sent me an early dvd rip of Coraline that he was given (pretty sure it's not been released yet, but I sometimes have a hard time keeping up) and I was wondering if anyone would like a copy of it? That would be awesome!   Do you collect dolls or miniatures? What kind? Do you like to get new clothes or items for them? Not really. Now that I think about it, I don't have any yet, but I'm kind of obsessed with endlesswhimsy's adorable little cat sculptures on etsy: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5225991   If you were to make a seasonal mix CD for this summer, what would you name it? Summer Thunder (sounds dumb, I know, but we have been deluged with thunderstorms where I live this summer).   Ok, for all you shower people, would you like Bpal scented soap? I'm out of soap stuff right now, but if I can get any anytime soon, would that be something that you'd like? Or how about Bpal scented massage bars or solid scrub bars? Oooh, that would be really nice. I'm especially fond of scrub bars.   Is there a program you might have missed or show you love which is gone from the airwaves which might be found (or burned) for you by a Witch? Alias! Also Farscape. Ooh! Or Star Trek:TNG.   Would you like any recycle/upcycle supplies for your crafting? Sure   Do you play any online games, like World of Warcraft? If so, what server do you play on, what's your character's name, etc.? I play WoW. My server is Lightninghoof, and my main character is a level 80 Warlock named Deadcam (note: sometimes my hubby is playing my character).   Would anyone like bath bombs or bath melts scented with one of their favorite Bpal scents? Yes, please!   Would you like homemade cinnamon buns or sticky buns? Yes, but they might not ship well in the summer, since I live in the south.   Is there anyone here that likes Hello Kitty or any other Sanrio Characters? I love Chococat.   How many potential witchees have an iPod, or download MP3s? Me me me! I have an 80g video ipod that I keep all my music on and swap out any movies, tv shows, etc. that I want to watch, and a purple 16g nano that I take to the gym. (Yes, I do realize having two is kinda spoiled and ridiculous, but the 80g is a bit heavy to work out with, and I couldn't find an arm band for it anyway.)   Are there any of the BPTP bath oils you adore (particularly ones that you cannot get anymore). What about the room sprays? Bath Oils: I LOVE Boadicea. L'Autunno and The Winter Maiden are my other current favorites. I actually haven't tried any of the general catalog bath oils, but would like to. Room Sprays: Snow White and Bonfire Night are my favorites that I've tried so far. Again, I haven't tried any GC room sprays, but Cathouse, Saloon #10 and Okiya seem really nice.   How would you feel about an ultra-girlie shawl or wrap in summer-weight (lace)? Holy crap, those are gorgeous! I would love something like that.   What would you think of hand-dyed items? That would be neat.   So, I hear you don't like lacy wraps! How do you feel about hand-knit socks? I'm a bit weird about socks. I really only wear them to the gym, or occasionally with boots or something like that. So super nice hand-knit ones would be kinda lost on me.   What kinds of crafts does everyone either enjoy making or enjoy getting? Do you have a certain type of handmade item that you love to collect? Socks, boxes, jewelry, dolls etc? I like to make jewelry and bookmarks. I love getting things like handmade armwarmers, hats, gloves (accessories, I guess) and jewelry. And food. Well, pretty much anything would be neat. I wouldn't say that I collect any specific handmade item. At least, not that I can think of at the moment.   Clearly, vegans are not into soaps with honey or milk, etc. But, if you're NOT a vegan how would you feel about soaps made with emu oil? Squicked out/concerned about animal cruelty, or willing to try them? I'd be ok with it as long as the source was using the whole emu, not just killing them for oil, and raising them humanely.




Wish List - Updated September 2009

Hi, thanks for taking a look at my wish list! The first section is BPAL items. If you scroll down, you can find non-BPAL stuff (and I'm not too picky about swapping BPAL or non-BPAL).   For convenience, Halloweenie/Autumn related stuff is listed in bold orange.   BPAL Wish List   I can always use more: L'Autunno Snake Charmer   Bottles I'd like to have: Alecto Alice Cake Smash Carlin Count Dracula Creepy 2009 Dana O'Shee De Sade Dia de los Muertos 2009 Elixir IX: TKO Feeding the Dead Gothic Horror Hellfire Hunger Mabon (a girl can dream, eh?) No. 93 Engine Queen Alice Quincy Morris Raven Moon Storyville (yeah, right, I know)   Scents I'd like to try: LE, Unimpable, etc. Agape The Girl Lord Ruthven Monster Bait: Underpants Perle Von Mauren Spooky Season of the Inundation The Festival of Anuket Spinning Multicolored Metallic Pinwheel J-Horror Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde   Ars Draconis Dragon's Bone Dragon's Hide   Bewitching Brews Intrigue Kubla Khan   Carnaval Diabolique Doc Constantine   The Graveyard Book * Gholheim The Macabray   Gris Grimly Hideous Heart * Soothing System **   Hellboy Hellboy **** Kroenen Liz **** Trevor Bruttenholm   Marchen The Miller's Daughter   Panacea Elixir I: Seduction Elixir II: Succor Elixir V: Moxie Elixir XII: Ugh   Rappaccini's Garden The Apple of Sodom The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil   BPTP Pumpkin Pie Bath Oil **** Barmbrack Atmosphere Spray **** Knock a Dolly Atmosphere Spray **** Alchemical Laboratory Atmosphere Spray * Castitas Bath Oil Gula Bath Oil Hua Mulan Semiramis Snow White Atmosphere Spray Massage oils - TKO * and Ugh *, any of the rest would be great too though Yoga pants (size M) - Belladonna, Hemlock, Jolly Roger Tees (size M) - Phoenix Steamworks   TAL * Caliph's Beloved Aunt Caroline's Money Draw Aunt Caroline's Money Bag Nocturne Fiery Wall of Protection   Non-BPAL Wish List For some of these (like Arcana, Haunt or Villainess) I've just listed scents, rather than a specific product. If there's something particular I'd like in that scent, it's noted.   Possets Kitteh scents* (I am obsessed. If there are kitteh scents and I don't have them, I want them.) Reason * Venus Black Virginia Humidity *     Nocturne Alchemy Sekhmet (bottle) Eternal Ankh (bottle) Nokturne: Sapphire Coconut Kh'aramel Ma'athiato Bassima Bergamot and Egyptian Mint Tea Meditation with the Gods: Anubis Anubis     Arcana (soap, oil, whatever) Sweet Box Cocoa Butter Body Cream Scrubs! * (Just about any of them; I LOVE Arcana scrubs) Philtre #2: Adoration Philtre #3: Fetish Romani Princess The Bakehouse Nereid Chocolate Bath Melt * (I absolutely love these) Poison Candy Queen Crossbones perfume oil Swashbuckler perfume oil Devilish perfume oil     Villainess Trauma Nesthai Pipevine Swallowtail (particularly the Burn!) Xia (particularly the mud) Prosperina Masala Blush Mud I am dying to try their Smack!     Haunt (especially skin glossing oils) Roma Turkish Cocoa Milk & Nectar Gloaming Vargas Lovehound Lip lust: Raspberry Lemon, Sweet Cream, Strawberry Lime     MoonaLisa I never, ever manage to get anything from her updates, so I haven't been able to try much. I'm open to pretty much anything.     Blooddrop I've never tried any of their stuff, but would like to.   Alba Niaopoli, The Conveyer of Desires Anne-Cecile Ledesѐperée, The Spirit Speaker Libertine Oona Swindlehurst-Toussaint, The Time Seer, Granddaughter of The Womb Oona Swindlehurst, The Womb Citrouille d’Orée Citrouille Noire The Devil’s Orchard Hocus Pocus The Ruby Cauldron Scream     Violette Market I've never tried any of their stuff, but would like to.   Beggar's Night 2009 Calaveras Chocolate Golden Autumn Spirit Cakes Sugar Shock   Blasphemy Scrubs Autumn Lust **** Practically any of their foodie stuff, and also the Anubis one.




Good Judy: Diamond

Diamond Category: Limited Edition (April 2009) Quantity: 5ml bottle   Description: DIAMOND April's birthstone, Diamond is known as the stone of innocence and purity, and inspires matters of the heart. Diamond is said to encourage self-confidence and independence and counteract jealousy. Diamonds are energy amplifiers so be cautious: it amplifies negative as well as positive. Diamond purifies and detoxifies all of the body’s systems, rebalancing the metabolism, and building up stamina, strength and treating allergies and chronic conditions. White peach, champagne, white hibiscus, white amber   Review:   In the bottle: It smells white and clear. It reminds me of my mother’s garden, with fruit trees and hibiscus plants around every corner.   Wet: Mostly hibiscus and peach, with a little bit of champagne and amber.   Dry: Slightly less peach, and more champagne and amber.   Verdict: What a clear and fancy scent! I think I just found my new “special occasion” perfume.




I want Spinning Multicolored Metallic Pinwheel!

Raspberry, lime, blueberry, tangerine, lemon, juniper, and white grape....it sounds so fruity and delicious! I was trying to figure out why I love Bess so much and think it's the grape variant--also love Titania with its sparkly fruits and grape too.But I just spent $75 on BPAL this past month, so I don't think I can buy more perfume already. What do I do? I really am becoming addicted =P Hm, maybe I can ask my sister for an early b-day present? And now I want an actual multi-colored metallic pinwheel as well




Wishlist of perfumes (aka: Switch Witch help)

Bpal: Bubblegum & Roses* Lick It Softly (partial bottle is good) Lick It Now (partial bottle) Rose Red Snake Oil Calico Jack GRR (hoping to find something to help with my headaches) Ashlultum Pool of Tears Tiger Lily Eldritch Dark   Arcana Queen Crossbones     Trading Post: Eldritch Dark Aeris massage oil TAL: Temple of the Ghede (bottle preferred but will take any amount) Temple of the Loas Eleggua (same as above)   Blooddrop: Delightfully Wickedly L'Shana Tova Todos Santos (decant) Tobacco Patchouli Vint. 2007 Graveyard Dirt Arcana: Surf Lust     CB I Hate Perfume: At The Beach 1966 North Atlantic Mr. Hulot's Holiday     Conjure Oils (samples or any amount bottles): The Queen's Knowe Rose Goblin




The Lion

Category -- The Mad Tea Party   Predominantly a glorious, warm amber. The grassy scents are dry ones, and smell a little like patchouli and cinnamon, or some other very dry, powdery spice. I agree with other reviewers about this lasting a short time; it's really nice for the hour or so that it's there, but then the Lion is padding off to parts unknown.




Good Judy: Hanami

Hanami Category: Limited Edition (Spring 2009) Quantity: 5ml bottle   Description: HANAMI Hanami is the Japanese tradition of viewing the flowering trees. When the Sakura (cherry) and Ume (plum) Trees blossom, spectators arrive in throngs to view the ephemeral and beautiful flowers and picnic on foods and sake. The Hanami tradition is as anticipated and celebrated as Leaf Season in America. Sakura blossom, ume blossom, sake   Review:   In the bottle: This smells like spring to me, and walking through the apple and cherry trees in bloom. Although, in this case, it’s cherry and plum…   Wet: The flowers are exploding under my nose. The plum came first, and then the cherry.   Dry: I’m still getting a lot of the flowers, but with a little bit of sake as well. It’s strange, but it smells a bit like spray net…   Verdict: Hanami has a serious, mature feeling. I don’t doubt this could be an elegant Japanese woman’s favourite perfume.





Ugh......here I am at work, stuck to a desk, and feeling antsy as all hell. Why don't I ever feel like this at home, where I could actually get up and do something? I could actually organize my perfumes and put up a sales/swaps page if I felt like this at home! Or any number of other things that I need to get done. : /





Category -- Limited Editions -- Yule 2008 -- BPTP Yule Inquisition   Sirensea sent me a sniffie of this (phew, say that five times fast), and I'm very glad to have been able to smell this! It's a very rich coffee that to me has tones of hazelnut, or amaretto. I don't really get a boozy vibe from it. There wasn't enough to test on my skin, so I'm not sure how my chemistry would have interacted with it. I almost get the impression that it might have turned sort of sour after a while, like coffee breath. But as a little sniffie every now and then, it's very fun.




La Belle Dame Sans Merci

Category -- Bewitching Brews   A sweet, almost cloying mix if rose and other florals. Not really my thing. It has decent longevity and some moderate throw, especially if, like me, you tend to amp this certain kind of rose. (Now if only I knew just what *kind* of rose it is...)





Category -- Diabolus   A *really* delicious tea-and-ginger smell. I wish so much that it lasted more than a few minutes on me! *cry*


