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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Jersey Devil

Category -- Bewitching Brews   There's a strong whiff of pine, and then it quickly becomes tempered by the smell of cranberries, which helps make it sweet and tart as well as robust. Not me, but it was a fun experience nonetheless.




Ile De La Tortue

Category -- Wanderlust   I don't get any darkness from this at all -- nope, this is a bright, sunny, lush jungle scent. It's extremely evocative of someone sitting by a waterfall, sipping a rum-based drink, and inhaling the rain-kissed scent of jungle blooms. And, later on, I really do get the scent of stone -- as if our intrepid hero sauntered into the limestone cave behind the waterfall to check on his chest of treasure and sleep the afternoon away.   Alas, it dissipates pretty quickly on me, but it's a very fun little mind-trip while it's there!   It's a really great scent for summertime!




High John The Conqueror

Category -- Bewitching Brews -- The Conjure Bag   This is a bright, intriguing blend that, yes, is full of courage and hope. Like many of my favorite plant scents, this one seems to come from the roots and stems and leaves of plants, rather than all the pretty frou-frou petaled parts. It's like sunlight and glowing sap. Really nice.





Category -- Ars Amatoria   As a rose scent, it's very nice and pretty. It actually reminds me of what a little girl's room would smell like -- very light and floral and feminine. Not very harloty AT ALL.   It faded very quickly on me, and didn't have much throw while it was there. Pretty, but fleeting.




Grandmother of Ghosts

At first Grandmother and I didn't get along; she smelled like baby powder with a very unpleasant biological crotch-sweat edge to it. Eww! Over time, however, she mellowed out, did a 180, and smelled like a bouquet of dried flowers that had been saved over the years in a wooden drawer, age and dust giving them a peppery sort of aura.   Not really my thing, but I'm relieve that it had a happy ending, at least.




Golden Priapus

Category -- Ars Amatoria   Mmmmm. Up close and personal, it's pine. Big, manly, rugged pine. And then, as my wrist whisks away, it leave behind a tantalizing blend of spicy vanilla -- the pine's still there, but now it feels more like a blend of juniper and herbs, the same sort of sexiness that I love about Himerus.   To me, this is the male companion to Flowering Chrysanthemums. FC is all wet, dusky petals, and GP is a thick branch brimming with sap, and both of them are bathed in fragrant vanilla. That's hot.   Delicious.




Dragon's Heart

Category -- Ars Draconis   For the first few minutes of wearing it, I'm treated to a smokey, resinous scent that is my holy grail of incense-like smells. And yet, like any good holy grail, it is quickly carried away by mysterious figures wearing samite, leaving me with the sweet and slightly fruity scent that I have now come to associate with BPAL's dragon's blood.   Every now and then, there is a pleasant, smoky sort of whuff to it...like a dragon breathing fragrant smoke out of its huge, powerful lungs as it slumbers, its heart beating but once per hour.   Definitely an interesting blend.




Stressing about money

I hate this, but I don't see any way around it. I'm absolutely stressed out about money. I don't know how I'm going to make it through the next month or two, and there is lots of stuff going on that I want to take part in. My friends are going to a big drag show in Dayton, which is about a 45 minute drive. They want to get hotel rooms so we can all drink. I don't even know if I can afford to drink at a bar, much less do that and get a hotel room.   Then our gay pride weekend is the following weekend, and I'll be going out again, and spending money again. I guess I just need to sit down and write it all down, and figure out a budget because my funds are definitely limited. : (




Blood Pearl

Category -- Bewitching Brews   I do smell coconut and orris. It's nice, but even with the musk, it's just so darned meek that I really can't put it on my list of keepers. Light throw, average longevity.





Category -- Diabolus   *gack cough* This is aggressive, all right. Vetiver whispers unkind things into the ear of patchouli, who otherwise is my friend, and together they are stalking across the way to rearrange my face. I think I shall be leaving by the back door, now...   And you know what's ironic? Besides being so angry, it smells like the Queen Of All Hippies. Talk about a paradox.   It actually reminds me a lot of my experiences with Crossroads and Lust...and those weren't very pleasant, either.




Blood Lotus

Category -- Rappaccini's Garden   I wasn't hoping for much from this one, but was pleasantly surprised. This really does smell like rich, juicy red berries, with maybe a teensy splash of wine. Unfortunately, it doesn't have all that much throw or longevity on me; otherwise it'd be a keeper.   Go ahead and try this if you normally don't like lotus. I think you'll enjoy it for a change.




Blood Kiss

Category -- Bewitching Brews   The sad part is that I can smell the clove, vetiver, and cherry all working together, but their resultant team effort is just not a harmonious one to my nose. It just kinda smells like burnt, bitter cherry with a side of ass. I blame you, vetiver. Thankfully, it doesn't broadcast very much to the world.   If you already know that the components work on you, then feel free to give this a try, and enjoy.




Blood Countess

Category -- Diabolus   The first time I wore this, I knew that I was smelling the plum pretty predominantly; it had a sort of rich, dark fruity tone to it without being too terribly juicy.   Now, as I retest it, I'm given the impression of a rich lady sampling plums in between sips of champagne; it's fruity, yes, but there's also a very rich, perfumey smell that is almost alcoholic in its headiness.   A co-worker of mine recently received a rose that smelled a lot like this -- a sweetness so fruity that it was hard to believe it was coming from a rose! So I can believe that there is rose in here...though in this case the sweetness is surely from the fruits mixing with all the various florals.   It tends to hug close to the skin; this is a scent that's pretty much reserved for your own pleasure, and that of anyone you invite into very close company.   Recommended for fans of plum and fruit scents, and even for those who normally hate rose (of which I am one). This is a sexy one.




Blood Amber

Category -- Bewitching Brews   Pretty much as advertised -- dragon's blood and amber. The dragon's blood gives it sweetness, while the amber gives it warmth, and the feeling of a nice, round, polished edge to one's nose. Very pleasant. It has modest throw and decent staying power. Recommended to anyone who's a fan of these two components.





I am so freakin' excited! And I want to talk about it but I have nobody to yak at.   There is a new game coming out, made by the people who made Ico and Shadow Of The Colossus. I have been waiting patiently for info for a very long time. I knew it would be exclusive to PS3, and I knew I'd have to get a PS3 system just to play this, whenever it comes out.   Anyway, there was a trailer for the game leaked to the internet last week (working title is Project Trico). It looks amazing. It hasn't been confirmed as being real, but I'm betting it is, because it looks too good to be a fake. Apparently the video is over a year old, so the finished product will be even better. I can't wait to play this!!   I would be really happy if it came out this fall or winter. I realize it may take longer, but my fingers are crossed. Hopefully more will be announced at E3 this week.




Lilith And The Jarocho

Posting this because the entire description should be saved somewhere. I haven't tried the scent itself, but I'd like to find a decant. I think I would like it but I just can't justify a whole bottle right now, with my financial situation being what it is.   Lilith And The Jarocho.... In the past eight months since Lilith was born, Ted and I have had many moments of unutterable joy. There is one, in particular, that stands out from the rest as perfect.   Our daughter loves music… everything from the clank of her toy piano, to unending looped choruses of "You Are My Sunshine" (with Moonshine variants) and "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" (or Bat) sung by her mother at naptime, to a rousing round of "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" belted out by her father at playtime, to all the hair band videos she watches on Metal Mania.   This kid LOVES music.   On the last Saturday in April, Ted and I took Lilith to Olvera Street, and stopped at the El Paseo Inn for lunch. While we were waiting for our food, the band came to stand behind our table, and Lili was riveted by their music. At the end of the first song, she clapped! Holy hell, that was adorable. The singer saw Lilith clapping and staring, and walked over to us. This sweet, wonderful man serenaded her.   There was a Perfect Moment -- the kindness on the singer’s face as he sang to my baby, Lilith’s eyes as wide as saucers, her hands in prayer position, and the joy radiating from my husband -- this was a moment that brought me to tears.   This scent is a swirl of everything I felt, sensed, smelled, and saw right then, at that perfect point in time: Jasmine, vanilla, Spanish cedar, moss, marigold, purple verbena, candied tamarind, lime rind, a splash of margaritas on a nearby table, a little bit of Dorian, a little bit of Snake Oil, and a bright bouquet of mal de ojo.




Woobie - Wishlist

Great. Had to go perusing & now curiousity is at an alltime high Woobie Wishlist:   Fall Ones: Batty, Maple Haze, Cozy, Apple Basket, Buttered Pumpkins, Fall Foliage, Hazelnut Cream, Cob Webs   Christmas: Holiday Hugs, Frosty, Holiday Coma, Sugar Pie , Cookie Batter, Snickerdoodle, Insanity Claus, Butterscotch, Reindeer Turds   V- day: Anathema, Black Heart, Chocolate Raspberries, Chocolate Dipped Strawberry, Chocolate Covered Raspberries,   GC : Peaches & Cream, Peach Passion, Candied Apples, Christmas Cookies, Marmalade, Pink Vanilla, Raspberry Fluff, Spiced Buttercream Cake,




Wish List

Sonia13's BPAL Journey and Wishes   I am *very* new so this list will probably be edited many, many times!   So far I have tried: Satyr Sin Burial Seraphim (LOVED this one, favorite so far) Tzadikim Nistarim (LOVED) Salome Dirty (Love the Linen vibe) Dorian (Liked this one as well) Hellfire Vice (Hated it in the imp and directly on my skin, smells nicer in massage oil on me) Nyarlathotep The Deep Ones (Clean-smelling and light) Suspiro (Arm-huffing goodness!) Ophelia (Beautiful scent) Morocco Lyonesse Xiuhtecuhtli The Antikythera Mechanism Defututa (gorgeous, warm, rich, refined) Aglaea Tamora (Smelled like Vicks VapoRub on me, and like fantastic juicy peaches on my sister... life isn't fair.) Boomslang I would really like to try these:   ***Anything with a church incense vibe!**** Midnight Mass Cathedral Hymn All Saints' Penitence No. 93 Engine Pride Hunger Velvet Snake Charmer Hanerot Halalu Sed Non Satiata Nocturne Chimera Voodoo Blood Kiss Anubis Lilith Desire Belle Epoque O Snake Oil Agape Languor Three Brides The Caterpillar Scherezade Anne Bonny   Any scent suggestions are greatly appreciated! (Maybe someone more experienced can recognize a theme?) Thank you for looking!




June Gloom

I have been rather BPAL and forum obsessed lately. My second review, and my second blog post today XDIn the bottle: Rain and flowers and a touch of citrusy soap.Wet: A feminine, sweet floral with aquatic notes, and I agree with fairnymph--it's not citrus rind but the milder white pith. Can't place the specific flowers in it.Initial drydown: Not sure what the flowers are in here, but the floral reminds me a bit of Lancome Tresor, except less headache-inducing and muted by watery aquatics. The citrus has gone into hiding, but some greenery has emerged. A little musk? Maybe bitter herbs? Moderate to strong throw, much stronger than Strawberry Moon, which I tried for the first time yesterday.45 minutes later: Same strong floral, mixed with rain and something musky green. Not sure it really smells like Tresor, since I haven't smelled it in years, but it has a similarly feminine, sensuous ambience. Has a warm feeling despite the aquatics--this would be the June Gloom-ness. Something I'd wear as an evening perfume rather than an everyday scent. Except, darn it, it's giving me a headache--I'm just not good with strong florals.3 hours later: Wet flowers, a slightly bitter green undertone, no detectable citrus.Verdict: A nice BPAL take on a traditional feminine floral, but I've come to realize while I like this kind of perfume on paper, in reality it gives me a headache. I'll give it another shot in a couple weeks to make sure today's headache wasn't a fluke, but looks like it's just not for me.Next up, putting together a wishlist!




Strawberry Moon Review

I got my Strawberry Moon yesterday, yay! This is my first review, a teeny bit revised.   In the bottle: smells like juicy strawberry gum, except without the artificiality, and I can smell a green, slightly creamy tang...must be the grass and dandelion.   Wet: Juicy strawberries and green stems with a creamy undercurrent, probably the vanilla-infused sugar.   Initial drydown: A trace of strawberry sweetness remains, but the creamy, milky notes are dominant, with some floral and a little astringent green coming through. The dandelion sap, I think, gives the scent a faint acrid tinge. I had hoped for more strawberry but it's still appealing. It's like sitting in a field of grass and flowers on a warm, early summer day, holding a bowl of strawberries completely drowned in cream and sugar in your lap--can't see any red in the bowl at all. Not very much throw, but I dab rather than slather.   45 minutes later: Oh lovely, the strawberry is coming out again; it's not so drowned in the creamy grassy floral sweetness anymore.   4 hours later: Lingering strawberry and vanilla sugar with a touch of green very close to the skin.   Verdict: If you are looking for something that screams strawberry, you may be disappointed. The initial drydown is interesting, but I don't care for the slightly acrid note or the disappearance of the berry. Ah, but once the strawberry comes back, it's just delicious--strawberry evenly balanced with floral, sugary sweetness and green underneath. I need to go eat strawberries in cream and sugar now.




Good Judy: Ostara

Ostara Category: Limited Edition (March 2009) Quantity: 5ml bottle   Description: OSTARA Ostara, or Eostre, is the Goddess of Renewal, from which the name Easter evolved. In celebration of the movement toward the rising sun (East), Ostara embodies renewal, rebirth, and fertility. Wild strawberry, honeysuckle, rice flower, spring rain   Review:   In the bottle: Sweet, honeyed strawberry, with a floral touch underneath.   Wet: So far, the strawberry and florals mix well. The rice flower and spring rain are very subtle, of course, but I did not expect anything else.   Dry: Well, I have to admit this is lovely. It’s sweet, but not too sweet. Because it’s fruity, it might work fine on a young girl.   Verdict: If it was only the strawberry, this perfume would be way too sweet, but the flowers offer just the right balance between serious and playful. It’s a youthful, yummy scent, but it won’t turn you diabetic.




Good Judy: Chocolate Chai Muffin

Chocolate Chai Muffin Category: Mary Jo's Bakery Quantity: sample   Description: CHOCOLATE CHAI MUFFIN A cakey, not-too-sweet, muffin flavored with chocolate powder and chai spices. This muffin is scrumptious!   Review:   In the bottle: Oh my! Spicy chocolate! Those warm, exotic spices seem delightful when mixed with the cocoa.   Wet: As soon as it touched my skin, it turned into bitter spices, with an subtle note of musk. There’s a little bit of chocolate behind, but it’s not as strong as in the bottle.   Dry: After a few minutes, it turned herbal; that’s weird. If you are familiar with the (fake) chocolate essence sold for soap-making, mix it with spicy herbs, and that’s what you get.   Verdict: Honestly, I feared that it would be the cousin of Forbidden Desire; but fortunately, it’s not as sweet, and its spiciness gives it a very sexy aspect.




YES -- im here and breathing

man - it has been busy for finals then for starting massage school. exams everyday. its crazy hard -- and requires much more from me than i'd expected. i feel runover by a dump truck.   wah!   i will leave feedback for everyone in my decant circle asap. apologies for the delay, life has taken over and made me lose my damn sight of everything. -tear     <3 fern


