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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!


Top 10

1. Violet Ray
2. Lady Macbeth
3. Semiramis
4. Mircalla
5. Yuki-Onna (res)
6. Moon of Small Spirits
7. O/Lust
8. Lawn Gnome
9. Liz
10. Velvet Cthulhu

Notables: Tweedledee/Tweedledum, Bordello, Dragon's Milk, Fae, Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat





Bottle wishlist:
Lady Macbeth, Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat, Bordello

Always loved, in any amount: Semiramis, Mircalla, Violet Ray

Imps/Decant Wishlist

Would love to try anything from the "Pretty Deadly" series of scents

Favorite scents: violet, spices (ginger, cinnamon in particular), red musk, amber, violet, vanilla, red currant, black currant, bergamot, greeny scents

Last updated 10/24/2015




Current BPAL scents

Now that I have finally located that darn entries tab all the way to the right, I can post in my blog, hurrah!   I thought I should make a comprehensive list of what BPAL I own or have owned. So here it is.   Waiting on: A bottle of Bess A bottle of Strawberry Moon A bottle of June Gloom Imps of Swank, L'Ecole Des Filles, Kumiho, Jabberwocky, The Lotus Tree, The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil   My bottles: Rose Red 2007 (hiding somewhere in my apartment) Chaos Theory IV: Edge of Chaos, DLLXXXV To Autumn   My imps: Titania Bastet Phantom Queen Snake Oil (given away) Egle Bensabiel Szepasszony High John the Conqueror Port Au Prince Ulalume The Hanging Gardens Queen Mab Blockbuster Neo-Tokyo Machu Picchu Bess (also in hiding) Dirty Two, Five, Seven The Dormouse Dorian (given away) Manila (given away) Ophelia Maenad Tweedledee Manhattan (also in hiding) Baobhan Sith Aizen-myoo Serpents With Glittering Eyes And Forky Tongues Persephone (given away)   My frimps (yay for BPAL's generosity): Anubis Dragon's Blood The Sea Foams Blood Vampire Tears Van Van Ochosi A Countenance Foreboding Evil Wanda Raksha (given away) The Ghost Hunger Possibly others, hiding away




Ho Hum....

* sigh *   I am not only bored but restless, too. I'm at work and kind of wish I wasn't here. I feel like I have important things that need to get done, but not much time in which to do them. Just restless energy, I guess. And I guess this Mountain Dew I'm drinking probably isn't a great idea.   Earlier today I wore Fearful Pleasure, which I still like a lot. Right now I'm wearing To Autumn, which I also like.....maybe even better. I just like them both, I think. Fearful Pleasure does this kind of musky thing on the dry-down, which I don't like as much.....but it's not enough to put me off the scent. I guess it's the woodsmoke that gives me that musky impression, or maybe it does have some musk, although I didn't see anyone else mention it in reviews.   Anyway, enough babbling for now.




BPAL: Herbert West

Herbert West Category: Picnic in Arkham Quantity: sample   Description: HERBERT WEST Of Herbert West, who was my friend in college and in after life, I can speak only with extreme terror. This terror is not due altogether to the sinister manner of his recent disappearance, but was engendered by the whole nature of his life-work, and first gained its acute form more than seventeen years ago, when we were in the third year of our course at the Miskatonic University Medical School in Arkham. While he was with me, the wonder and diabolism of his experiments fascinated me utterly, and I was his closest companion. Now that he is gone and the spell is broken, the actual fear is greater. Memories and possibilities are ever more hideous than realities.   Aftershave, embalming fluid, and splatterings from a panoply of reanimation reagents.   Review:   In the bottle: Indeed, aftershave and citrus (or lemon). It’s definitively for men, but I’m curious enough to try it on.   Wet: Still a good dose of aftershave, lemon, as well as tea and/or something herbal and fresh.   Dry: Not so much aftershave anymore, but a refreshing lemony herbal scent.   Verdict: I don’t doubt this would smell different on a man (my skin chemistry tends to make everything turn sweet); however, whenever a perfume changes during drydown, a part of my brain says “make soap!” This psychological problem aside, I really liked it, the smell is clean and clear, and not as sinister as I thought it would be.   More reviews: Picnic in Arkham: Herbert West




Kennst du das Land wo die Zitronen blühen

... and all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree ... It' s not really a tree, it lives in a pot on a southward balcony, where it's almost too hot even for roses, and in winter it is sheltered indoor because it's too cold. This afternoon the lemon flowers bloomed, and their perfume is wonderful.




Cards swap

I bought the first postcard, it's a landscape and doesn't look touristy - rather it's something peering out among fog ; it's quite similar to a photo I like. As for the second one, I'm looking for a thing I see from home, Bpal related, and with an Italian flag on top if possible. And it's proving quite hard to find




Velvet Nudie

I didn't expect to like VN. I sniffed and lightly tested when I got my decant and thought it was kind of bland and unimpressive. This morning I grabbed the decant as I ran out the door. I'm not sure what she's been up to on her two week vacation, but VN has really 'developed'.     As others have noted, there is a decided citrus vibe and clean musk. I don't get any florals from it, which is a relief. It's summery and light, not at all the dark, heavy, oppressive velvet I'd expect from a velvet blend. Actually, unlike its namesake, VN is sophisticated, polite, demure and dare I say, tasteful.     I'm contemplating a bottle because I could see wearing this often. In a way, it reminds me of Manhattan, Tushnamatay, Van Van and maybe a bit of Zephyr.




Good Judy: Cursed Cameo

Cursed Cameo Category: Curio Shop Quantity: sample   Description: CURSED CAMEO Don’t be fooled by its beauty, by its seemingly delicate nature! Well over one hundred years old, this cameo is a splendid piece of jewelry marred by a fearsome curse. Given to a scorned wife as pacification from her flagrantly cheating husband, the wife was rumored to have dispatched of each of her husband’s affairs with a chilling and cold-blooded fervor, all while wearing the cameo. Now the cameo is cursed to bring torment and discord to its wearer, keeping them forever miserable and alone. Well, yes, I don’t see why you can’t hold it. Only please refrain from putting it around your neck. We are not sure how swift-acting the curse is. Come to think of it, maybe it’s best if you didn’t hold it at all. One can never be too careful! White lily, iris, jasmine, magnolia, grapefruit, peach   Review:   In the bottle: It’s soft and feminine, in a graceful way. I can identify the notes of lily and magnolia.   Wet: Without any surprise, the flowers came out first.   Dry: As it dried, I started to notice something juicy and sweet, which I assume is the peach and grapefruit. It’s funny, because it leaves a little bit of an aftertaste, but maybe that’s the curse?   Verdict: I find it hard to write a review on this one because I’m completely addicted. If you like blends of flowers and fruits, you should try this one.




Good Judy: Lullaby

Lullaby Category: In The Mood Quantity: sample   Description: LULLABY Sleep judy. A quiet and relaxing blend to ease your tension and calm your thoughts. Peaceful sleep nourishes the spirit and soothes the soul. Lullaby does just that, without having to sing a single note. Lavender, chamomile, mandarin, jasmine, ylang ylang, rose.   Review:   In the bottle: Hmm… Chamomile, mandarin, lavender, and some other flowers float toward my nose. There’s something comforting and soothing about it right away, that I can not explain to myself, but it seems to work.   Wet: As soon as I put it on, a bitter smell came out of it, so I was quite worried; but, fortunately, it didn’t last long. It then turned into a soothing blend of flowers. The lavender is soft, which is a good thing because I usually don’t like it much, and the mandarin adds a warm touch to it.   Dry: After drydown, I smell the rose and the jasmine a little bit better. The floral scent is stronger, but the drop of mandarine is still there to complement it.   Verdict: At least this one keeps its promises, it’s very calm and peaceful. It could work, to a certain extent, as a neutral blend, even though the flowers make it a bit feminine. On a personal note, the first time I tried it, I was tired and overloaded with work, so it wasn’t a very good time to try it on, I didn’t work much that day (I guess I could have used a little bit of Jolt). But right now, I’m on vacation, and fully able to appreciate it. Would I wear that often? Probably not, but it was fun to try it and see what it does.




Not about perfume

I've only been here at work for an hour and a half, and I've already had my fill of these people. I know that supposedly there's no scientific evidence that the full moon affects people's behavior, but I'm here to tell you that it does happen. This current full moon (which was actually last night, I think) has brought out a lot of aggression and anger in many people that I've interacted with. It continues tonight, and I'm just about over it. Scratch that.....I am over it.




Shotgun Switch Witch Gift Swap

***5/12*** What's on your dresser? A truly enormous pile of clothes & a wee corner with a jewellery holders, boxes & makeup Is there anything you would love to have burned to DVD? Older things, for instance? Muppets! Something with John Cusak would also be fun - I just realized I don't have any of his movies What BPAL do you really want but always forget to buy? Shub-Niggurath ***5/10*** Who here is really into Twilight? it's ok - I've only read the first book & liked it well enough but haven't read any more or seen the film what's your favorite time wasting game (computer, phone, or rl)? Diablo was my one true love as far as games go but I can easily read blogs for hours what's the best birthday gift you've ever received, and why? One year I had an awesome birthday where it was sunny & I spent the day at my sister's on the coast. My Mum gave me a lovely oriental rug & my brother had made me a big stained glass piece, both of which I treasure. My DH is usually more into Xmas presents but the year our first son was born right before my b'day & Mother's Day, he got me a nice garnet necklace & a fantastic jewellery box from a local craftsman made of mutiple woods with a heart motif which was awesome. ***5/7*** Is there anything that would shock or offend you if you received it in your mail (or email)? I doubt it! What field of study or corner of trivia gets you all excited and causes you to ramble on at length until you realize everyone else is just staring? I can get really excited about good food I've cooked or eaten & then rave about it. I love my roses & other heirloom plants & fortunately have some like-minded friends who don't mind gardening monologues. I can also go on at great length about books, folklore & mythology. I also know a ridiculous amount about tattoos & tattooing for someone who isn't inked. If you were to design your perfect BPAL, what would it smell like? It doesn't have to exist yet. cinnamon, ginger, orange peel, plum, musk, blackberry & tea with hints of rose, patchouli, sandalwood, lemon vanilla, clove & cardamom. Are there any flavors of coffee/mochas that you like? Or teas? I think I've covered this pretty extensively in my Q & non-BPAL wishlist And what shade/brand of lipstick? MAC Desire & Odyssey are my faves; plum, mauve & burgundy are my shades Do you have any preferences on lip glosses or balms? Shimmery, flavored, etc? Shimmery & with some colour would be nice Do you use Burt's Bees products? Or would you like a scent REALLY heavy on honey? I like honey! If you were to get some hand-painted art, what is something you would like? Flowers, animals, leaves/trees, mythologcal creatures ***5/6*** What e-tailer are you most curious about but haven't tried yet? Cocoa Pink, Gudonya, MoonaLisa, Blooddrops What have you read recently that was so good you want to enable people with it? I really enjoyed Lament by Maggie Stiefvater What TV shows have you wanted to watch, don't own or have on hand, and would you like to get into? What format(s) do you prefer? I'd love to see True Blood, Dexter & Pushing Daisies, dvd preferred. ***5/2*** If I happened to put together a gift basket for you, what is the one thing that absolutely should be included (excluding chocolate, since I think that's a given.) Something smelly, something pretty, something tasty - these are all pleasing! Movies sci-fi, fantasy, period drama with fabulous costumes, kid's stuff like Monsters Inc., Toy Story, Jumanji Favorite Sweets chocolate, licorice, caramels & blackcurrant or floral flavoured (like roses or violets) candy would be really cool since it's kind of hard to find What kind of art styles do you love? Any artists in particular? the Pre-Raphaelites, Art Nouveau, some faery stuff (Rackham, Froud etc.), Ursula Vernon Do you cook? Would you like some 'local' recipes? I do & I totally would! Suncatchers, hanging crystals, mobiles, dangly things? Yay or Nay? Sure!   So, who wants knitting? What especially would you like? Measurements of applicable body parts? Love it! I'm a scarf/shawl wanton & have size 10 feet Who wants handspun/hand-dyed yarn? I don't knit but love looking at pretty yarn on etsy Who wants hand-dipped candles? Oh, yes! Who wants handmade soap? Scented or unscented? Always have room for more preferably scented




my birthday!

well -- birthday!   i won an auction for gluk for like a bargain of 10 bucks. couldnt pass on that one.   and well...today i hand with the family and grab me a few gifts. WILL BE NICE.   hope your sunday's are all fantastic!   i have successfully --- well, ive tried ---- to stay away from the sales forum. YAY. havent bought anything but a bottle in the past two weeks. HOW AMAZING IS THAT?   <3 fern




things I really like

Favorite Notes: violet pomegranate amber mint dirt leather white musk red musk quite possibly all the other musks, still trying to figure that out vanilla pear tobacco plum carnation myrrh sage magnolia sakura   Least Favorite Notes: honey vetiver ozone rose - like a lot of these, I like the note but tend to amp it terribly, so it's iffy jasmine lily woods alcohols berries   GC: Sudha Segara Ultraviolet Othello Zombi Penny Dreadful Nosferatu Chimera Eclipse Bathsheba Mad Hatter Brisingamen Aeval Queen Alice Embalming Fluid   LE: Madame Moriarty Quincey Morris The Unheavenly City Selkie Snowblind Agape Dia Count Dracula Torture Queen Western Diamondback Cottonmouth Faith Berenice Hod Velvet Nudie Oisin   Non-BPAL: Villainess - any Miss Edith, Dulces En Fuego, Scintillating, Blood products, especially oils or Smooches Possets - Silver Violets CBIHP: Violet Empire Lush: Almond Coconut Smoothie, Sakura anything, Veganese conditioner, Big shampoo (my goal in life is to find a perfume that smells like Big!)

lucy gray

lucy gray


BPAL: Maiden

Maiden Category: Ars Amatoria Quantity: sample   Description: MAIDEN A gentle vision of purity, goodness and virtue: white tea, carnation and Damask Rose.   Review:   In the bottle: This certainly smells soft and feminine! So far, it’s mostly a blend of flowers, but the white tea is a sweet touch.   Wet: Carnation, carnation, and more carnation, with a little bit of rose, and a tiny little bit of white tea.   Dry: It does stabilize during dry down, but it’s still a lot of carnation! There’s still a little bit of rose, and what I believe is a trace of white tea, but it’s very subtle.   Verdict: Overall, Maiden is a nice spring/summer scent, but you really have to love carnation to fully appreciate this one; therefore, it’s just not for me. I know white tea tends to be tasteless, but I expected more of it. But still, it’s a nice floral scent.   More reviews: Ars Amatoria: Maiden




imp reviews, Fri 1/5/09 & Tue 26/5/09

Fri 1/5   Geek - just a sniffie! Very heavy on the leather, then cedar, pine and such as listed. A nice gentlemanly, old-world fragrance. Wasn't I lucky to get to try!   Tue 26/5   Eanach Dhuin - LE decant. A sweet, feminine fragrance - however I do not find it conveys grief, as it's just too cheerful for me. One of the girlier ones I've liked.   The Ides of March 2009 - LE decant. I find this quite mind-clearing and clarifying. I didn't initially think anything of it, but I'm now rather drawn to it. Might take to work with me to help my mind stay focussed on things.




imp reviews, Mon 27/4/09

Been a long time since I had the chance to test fragrances but have a week off and thought I'd get around to trying some BPAL frimps I received.   Drink Me - I can't believe it, but this really does smell of roast meat, cherry tart and pineapple. The cherry's too fake for my nose, and pineapple I'm not generally too fond of. This one is more about appreciating Beth's artistry than something I'd wear personally.   Inferno - I like the BPALs with fewer rather than more notes. Though BPAL almond doesn't work so well on me, the neroli does. I only had enough for one trial in the imp I got; it's pretty nice but I wouldn't go out of my way to get another.   Seance - alas, instant hate. It has that awful fresh rose note that just clashes with my body chemistry and I have to wash this off, can't even wait to see if I eventually get the rosewood. Sigh.   Goblin - the benzoin doesn't seem so sweet, but I like the coconut - is much truer and savoury as the actual meat is in real life. Is quite nice to sample after Seance not liking me so much!   Djinn - more like a fresh, green forest burning than smoke, ashes and flames. Reminds me of winter and logfires burning.   Thorns - oh my, this is a surprise! Dragon's blood definitely but with something like burnt patchouli and maybe benzoin? I can't see myself wearing it but I've put it in the "retest" pile to make sure... It has very strong throw.





oh geez -- it has been so busy.   finally finished my decant circle and well, im proud of myself but im not sure i'll ever do it again! ha. it was work. a lot of thought putting each package together and i just...wow, i cant. so i hope everyone enjoys their packages.   on another note -- my birthday is next week and i soooo want velvet panther so i will be ordering that and a few other velvets. nothing spectacular for my 32nd year of life but i guess thats how it goes right?   oh you can follow me on twitter, www.twitter.com/spanish_bomb --- its seems the only way to get a hold of me anyway.




Current Collection

Man, I finally catalogued and organized all my stuff. I THINK I've got these in the right places. Most are above the top of the label still, too.   LE 13 (02/13/09) 13 (10/13/06) Beaver Moon (res 08) B-Horror Blade of Grass Brides of Dracula, The Candy Phoenix Carnivàle Crimson Christmas Faiza, The Black Mamba Gelt Giallo Gladdener of all Hearts, The Goblin Rider Graveyard Dirt '08 Harvest Moon 2008 Hellhound on my Trail Ides of March '09 Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream Katrina van Tassel Kingsport Lady Luck Blues Lick It One More Time '07 Lilith Victoria Lovers in a Ricefield Lurid Library, The Midway: Resurrected Midwinter's Eve '07 Monster Bait: Bloody Mary Monsterbait: Biggercritters MVJBA: Pancake Breakfast Noche Buena '07 Ol' Roswell Cemetery On Darkness Passionate Shepherd To His Love, The Penumbra Phoenix, The Pickled Imp Pit & The Pendulum, The Schwarzer Mond Siamese Twins, The: Faith Smoky Moon '09 Snow, Glass, Apples Sticky Pillowcase Strawberry Moon '09 Sugar Cookie '08 Tabella Tamamo-no-Mae Temple Viper White Chocolate, Marshmallow, and Coconut   GC 51 Antique Lace Bilquis Bow & Crown of Conquest, The Buggre Alle This Bible, The Eat Me High Priest Not to Be Described, The Lilith Morocco Obatala Philosopher in Meditation Scales of Deprivation, The Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener Sudha Segara Velvet   Imps - GC Absinthe Akuma Alice Al-shairan Amsterdam Anne Bonny Anubis Arcana Arkham Athens Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo Ave Maria Gratia Plena Baghdad Bastet Belle Époque Belle Vinu Bewitched Black Cat Black Rose Black Tower, The Bliss Block Buster Blood Kiss Bloodlust Bon Vivant Brisingamen Caliban Cathedral Catherine Cobra Lilly Croquet Crossroads Czernobog Dance of Death Debauchery Deep Ones, The Desdemona Desire Destroying Angel Dian's Bud Djinn Dodo, The Dragon's Hide Elegba Embalming Fluid Endymion Envy Eos Euphrosyne Euterpe Fallen Fascinum Forbidden Fruit Gluttony Goblin Gomorrah Grand Guignol Grandmother of Ghosts Greed Grog Hades Hairy Toad Lily Harlot Haunted Helena Hellcat Hell's Belle Hemlock Himerus Hunger Hurricane I Died for Beauty Île de la Tortue Jailbait Jester Jezirat al Tennyn Juke Joint Juliet Kathmandu King of Hearts Kubla Khan La Belle Dame Sans Merci Lady Macbeth Lady of Shalott, The Lampades Languor Lightning London Loup Garou Loviatar Lucy's Kiss Lyonesse Lysander Madrid Magus Maiden Malice Marie Medea Morgause Moscow Mouse's Long and Sad Tale Music of Erich Zahn, The Namaste Nanshe Nosferatu Nuit Nyx O Obatala Osun Othello Oya Ozymandias Pannychis Peitho Penitence Perversion Phantasm Phantom Queen Plunder Port-au-prince Prunella Psyche Queen Gertrude Queen Mab Queen Of Hearts, The Rapture Raven, The Rome Rosalind Rose Cross Salomé Santa Eulària Des Riu Santa Muerte Santo Domingo Scarecrow Shadow Witch Orchid Shoggoth Slippery Poppy Tincture Sri Lanka Sundew Swank Tavern of Hell Tempest Tenochtitlan Thanatopsis Thanatos The Temptation Titana Tombstone Troll Tweedledee Twilight Ultraviolet Urd Vechernyaya Velvet Versailles Vice Vicomte De Valmont Viola Whitechapel Windward Passage Yemaya Yerevan Yggdrasil Y'ha-nthlei Zephyr Zorya   Decants - LE/Unimpable Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil, The Bakeneko Bat of Good Death Bat of Health Bat of Longevity Bat of Virtue Bat of Wealth Candy Butcher, The Cytherea Daiyu Dia Diary of a Lovestruck Teenage Cannibal Gwyneth Hellion Hessian of the Hollow Illustrated Woman, The Kataniya, The Clockwork Woman Lines Written Among the Euganean Hills Lump of Coal Lurid Library, The Marianne Marshmallow Poof Midnight Mass '08 Midway: Original Monster Bait: Underpants MVJBA: Dog Days of Summer Parliament of Monsters Parthenope Pickled Imp Reindeer Poop Rose Red '08 Splatter Comedy Sugar Skull '08 Tell-Tale Heart, The Usher Velvet Clown Velvet Cthulhu Velvet Nudie Velvet Panther Velvet Pink Kitty Velvet Unicorn   Sniffies/Empty Imps: Serpents with Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues Agape Lady Lilith Two, Five, Seven   Pending in swaps/purchase/decant circles: The Antikythera Mechanism (5ml) - purchased Banana Peel in a Graveyard (5ml) - purchased Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (5ml) - purchased




My Wishlist!

Whew. This is a LOT.   Italics: What I really really want. *: In bottle form   LEs: All Saints' (any year) Allison Gross Aperotos Eros Berry Moon '09 Buck Moon The Candy Butcher * (have a decant. <3 decant) Dissipation (discontinued: 10/27/04) Door 13 - (would like to try decant; ozone sort of scares me) Hungry Ghost Moon (Want to try to see what the fuss is about!) I Married a Vampire from Planet X Lawn Gnome * Labores Solis Maelstrom: The Masque Season of the Inundation Sluggard, The Snowblind (Original or Resurrected) Stinky Storm Moon Sugar Skull (any year) Underpants (HA HA HA) Usher * Yerevan (have an imp; LOVE the imp)   GCs: Absinthe All in the Golden Afternoon Amsterdam Bliss * Buggre Alle This Bible (decants for my bottle!) Crowley * Cthulhu Dirty Dorian Dream Formula V: Somnus Embalming Fluid * Ether Gluttony Hairy Toad Lily * Hollywood Babylon How Doth the Little Crocodile The Illustrated Woman * Imperious Tiger Lily Jailbait * Midnight on the Midway Miskatonic University * Mr. Ibis * Namaste * O * The Parliment of Monsters * Peitho * Penny Dreadful The Phantom Calliope Phobos Priala, The Human Phoenix Snake Oil * Tamora Versailles * Villain Whitechapel Wilde Wulric, The Wolf Man Zarita, The Doll Girl Zephyr   PENDING: The Antikythera Mechanism * Banana Peel in a Graveyard *




Everything it's budding now

It has been quite a cold spring up to now, so everything it's budding at the same time. I walked in a wood last weekend, paths were so muddy sometimes I had to make my wa trough the shrubs. I saw (and picked as well, even if I don't usually, I feel flowers belong where they are) violets, primroses, windflowers, periwinkles, jonquils (what a wonderful perfume!) and tulips. There were also many peony plants, their buds were still closed but plumpy and some began to show the red parts inside. I hope in a few sunny days they'll bloom as well. Very happy, and not so bruised and mud covered as I expected.   Written a long time ago, and published today, because I forgot to when I posted it..




Mud, scratches (and wild boar den)

Peony tour today. Last week it rained heavily, so it was really muddy, and I was very proud of myself when I reached the spots where peonies grow. I almost felt ready for a survival camp! We took a side trail among peonies, far from the main one, then I saw something - big an brown - not that far away. I couldn't make out what it was exactly. Maybe a deer, but usually they're shy and flee before you realize they're there. I should have known better, the trail was covered with two-fingered paws prints, while normally there are only some of them. Quickly back to the main trail: not that ready for survival camp, after all.. No further incidents, picnic among peonies, the water music of many trickles - never seen that many before. Later on, we heard a noise in a thicket, and I saw a deer springing out of it (but judging from the noises, there were two of them); we were heard before. Perfect day, crowned by the first "balcony tea" (I love having tea outside) of the year     Photos I've shot today


