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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Devil's Claw

Category: Rappacini's Garden   Like many of the Garden scents, I find this one a very green, viney sort of scent. Up close on my skin, there's a more pungeant, earthy scent -- I can see where some people were getting the 'burnt tires' vibe! This doesn't have very much throw; it hugs my skin throughout the day. I actually sort of wanted to like this simply because so many people seem not to. It's decent, but not awesome enough for me to need to keep.





Category: Ars Amatoria   At first, it gives off a very floral hue...sweet, but not overly sweet like jasmine. The other flowers seem to be tempering it. As time passes, the spiciness comes out more. It has modest throw and decent longevity. I think I'll continue to enjoy my imp.




Dana O'Shee

Category: Bewitching Brews   This is a sweet, creamy scent that does smell a bit like almond -- I suspect that's the part that's inspired by 'sweet grains'. It's very nice, but doesn't last very long or throw very much on me.





Want to Try: Coyote Defututa Elf Eternal Fruminous Bandersnatch Half-Elf Santa Muerte Vasilissa Veritas The Reaper and the Flowers The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil The White Rider     Need 5mls: Alice the Reaper of Cruelty Black Forest Caterpillar Fairy Wine Fallen Imperious Tiger-lily Lady Una Somnus The Witch's Garden War   The Ones that Got Away: Who List to Hunt OLLA: Eve The Laughter of Loki  




General Switch Witch Questionnaire

Personal/Basic Information Birthday: May 7th, 1992 Location: Oregon Pets: I have 3 kitties Children: No, but my 2 year old old nephew lives with me and he loves to get new things! Religious orientation: Agnostic Favorite Holiday: Christmas Occupation/Major in school: I just started college and haven't picked a major yet. Maybe something in foreign languages. I love anything Japanese! Living arrangement (by yourself, with roommates, etc): With my mother, father, little brother, older sister and her baby.         BPAL Favorite BPAL oils: Nosferatu, The City in the Sea, Snow Bunny, Snow White, Mars, Rose Red, Budding Moon, Favorite notes: Patchouli, ocean or fresh water, all wood scents, light florals, rose, lemon, ozone, sandalwood Least favorite notes: narcissus, foody scents, sugary things, chocolate, caramel, strawberry     Beauty Hair type: About shoulder length, dark brown, dry Skin Type: I'm very fair and have somewhat combination skin Allergies (specifically B&B related): none Tub, shower or both? : both Favorite bath & beauty products: Scrubs, body butter Clothing Style/Fave garments: I like babydoll tops, lightweight cotton graphic/screen tees. Size XL T-shirt size and preference (standard, babydoll, tank, cami, etc): babydolls size XL Type(s) of jewelry worn: earrings, belly rings! Ring/wrist/collar size: not a big ring or necklace fan usually. I like my bracelets to be about 8 inches. Jewelry - gold or silver? silver Do you have any allergies to metal? nope Favorite gemstones: emerald, opal, blue tourmaline, lolite, moonstone, quartz, kunzite, tsavorite garnet, paraiba tourmaline Pierced ears, stretched ears, neither? I have each lobe pierced twice, not stretched, and my left cartilage. Belly button as well, love getting new rings for that.   Lifestyle Favorite colors: purple, medium to light blue shades, lighter greens, rainbow Style/home decoration style: Victorian Things you collect: books, cute socks, bpal bottles Favorite music: modern pop/rock Least favorite music: rap, hip-hop, classical, country Vegetarian/Vegan?: nope Other food restrictions: none Favorite flavors: chocolate, cherry, hazelnut, almond, orange Favorite foods/drinks: Tim-tams, bubble tea, black teas, chocolate chip cookies, fudge, dark chocolate with anything added Favorite authors/genres: I love vampire books of basically every kind Least favorite authors/genres: classics, poetry Books/authors you'd like to read, but haven't yet: Good Omens by Neil Gaimen, The Maze Runner by James Dashner, Nevermore by Kelly Creagh, Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick How do you feel about receiving gently used books as gifts? I love getting used books, I like to see books that have been loved. Favorite stores (including clothing stores): Hot Topic, The Body Shop, Barnes and Noble, Sephora Favorite online stores (including B&B stores): Sockdreams Magazines you subscribe to: none Magazines you like, but don't subscribe to: Shojo Beat, Seventeen Favorite movies: Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, Hannibal Rising, Memoirs of A Geisha Favorite TV show(s): House, Buffy, Glee, Bones, Dollhouse, Angel, Grey's Anatomy Hobbies/crafts done: I knit...okay I cheater knit with a knitting loom...lol   Wishlists BPAL Wish List (including SW/SF Help): BPAL Other website Wish lists (amazon.com, etc):   And now for something completely different:   - Let's say you're "Lost" on an island: what two people and which three things would you want with you? I would want my best friend Emma and my dad   - If you could have a superpower, what would it be? telepathy   - What things do you consider a necessary part of your "comfort" ritual? bubble bath, candles, tea and a good book   - If you were a household appliance, what would you be and why? I would be a toaster because it scares half-awake people every morning.   - What are the last 3 CDs you've had in your CD player, or played all the way through on your MP3 player? A Fever You Can't Sweat Out by Panic! At the Disco, Season of Poison by Shiny Toy Guns, Day and Age by The Killers   - What are the last 2 movies you watched all the way through? Into The Wild and Jackass 3D   Notes (Here's where you can add additional information you'd like your Switch Witch to know!):   Random Questions If you have children, would you want something included for them? I don't have children, but my toddler nephew Charlie would love to get some things! What are your travel imps? Don't have any set travel imps What is the most unexpected but thoroughly loved SW gift you've received? I've never done SW If you have a pet, do they like to play with toys? hmm not really, they're pretty sedentary lol Do you like audio books? Not really, I prefer to read How do you feel about bands you may not have heard before? Or, how do you feel about mixed cds of classic stuff that you probably have heard? Hmm, I'm kinda picky about what I like.... Most obscure interest: Japanese dramas (no, not anime) What goodies do you love that you can't usually get? Tim-tams, cute hair accessories, bottles of BPAL What was your favorite childhood toy? I had a red bat that blew bubbles How would you describe yourself--do you feel that you're shy or outgoing, laidback, high-strung... and in what ways? I'm very extroverted and outgoing, I love people. I'm also a very high stress, tightly wound person....yet I'm very open and chill. What’s a talent you are most proud of? I read very quickly Religious preferences and patron saints/goddesses/spiritual mentors: none What's your favorite flower? Tree? Carnations, roses, banzai trees Do you like homemade gifts? Like foodstuffs or crafts? Yes! What's your guilty pleasure? I love to read supernatural romance novels If handmade stuff is okay, and it all goes horribly wrong, would you want it anyway? That's totally fine! Are you an indoor person or outdoor person? indoor What's your favorite color? ---For wearing? blue, green ---For decorating? purple How would you describe your sense of humor? witty Anything you really absolutely don't want to get? Like, something you could imagine would be seen as a good gift idea but is, in fact, not? Hm...not really. I'm not picky! Lip gloss, yay or nay? YAY!! 5 things that get you through the day: Tea, books, cute clothes, bath stuff, cute ballet flat shoes Favorite Halloween Costume? Mermaid




Good Judy: Forbidden Desire

Forbidden Desire Category: American Gothic Quantity: sample   Description: FORBIDDEN DESIRE Desire is a powerful creature, shape-shifting yet solid as the imp who visits you during the night. The urge grabs a hold of you. Your every impulse demands action. Consequences be damned, as damned as the doer of the deed. Lust takes control. Your thirst must be quenched. How sweet the taste of forbidden desire on your lips. Right or wrong, desire has won. White chocolate, vanilla bean, sugared musk   Review:   In the bottle: Chocolate, and maybe a little bit of spiced vanilla.   Wet: It’s a lot of chocolate… It smells like cake, probably because of the little note of vanilla.   Dry: Chocolate and sugar overload!   Verdict: I’ve tried to wear this one a few times, and every time I did, I found myself with an uncontrollable need to eat a chocolate bar, or a piece of chocolate cake. This can’t be good for my health! I understand why it’s called “forbidden desire”… This foody scent is just too foody for me, but I can imagine very easily why someone else would love it.




video games

So here I am, blogging about video games on a perfume discussion forum. Ten years ago I would have had no idea what that even meant. But I already have the last post in the video game discussion thread, and I don't want to double post.   I'm still playing Dragon Quest VIII, but I got Final Fantasy IX this past weekend, and I may be switching over to that for a while.   In DQVIII, I got all the way up to the big God Bird, but haven't been able to beat it. So I'm back-tracking, trying to alchemize better weapons, level up, and also buy better equipment. I will beat that damn bird!   Switching over to FFIX was a little jarring. The graphics are so different, and the battle system is a little different since it's Active. I like being able to sit and think about my next move, and you can't really do that here. But I'm determined to find another RPG that I love, so on I go.   The great news is, after my class tomorrow, I'll have no real obligations for the rest of the day, and all the next day. So I can play to my heart's content. : )




Good Judy: Gosurori

Gosurori Category: Anime & Manga Quantity: sample   Description: GOSURORI GothLoli’s depict a demure, well-bred yet stylized blend of dark, brooding Gothic and cute, childlike Lolita…a throw-back to the genteel, prim and proper eras. Whether wearing Victorian, Rococo, or Edwardian, knee-length dresses, petticoats and crinolines, ribbons and lace, over-knee stockings, boots or Mary Janes, top hats and parasols, Gothic Lolita’s are in perfect style! Anime/Manga include Bizenghast , Rozen Maiden , and DOLL . Earl Grey, sugared rose petals, vanilla cream   Review:   In the bottle: Sweetened Earl Grey tea and rose. Or what you would get if you dropped a rose in your grand-father’s favourite tea… It smells good, actually.   Wet: It smells a bit more like rose once on skin, with a sweet creamy note (vanilla?).   Dry: Tea, rose, sugar, cream, and vanilla cupcakes… I think it’s got all the ingredients for a successful loli tea party!   Verdict: I had mixed feelings toward this one at first, because I’m not a fan of anime or manga, and yet I was curious enough to try it. It’s like an old woman’s perfume with added sugar, and it’s very elegant. I will certainly try some more from the Anime & Manga collection.





Forum-only scent   I get lots of fresh, green apple from this, with just a hint of carnation. It's pretty, but just a wee bit too fruity for my taste. It faded pretty quickly.





It starts out with a bit of a sour kick, like wine gone musty...I'd have to assume that it's the pear and grape acting out, there. From a distance, it gives off a creamy vanilla vibe with some fruity overtones, while up close there's more of a tart pear smell. It's really interesting. Of all the Odes, this one had the most throw and lingered the longest. I'm actually sad now that I didn't buy a bottle.





I've decided to put a wishlist or a to-try list here. It's for those times I read a review and think I may want to try something. I can also list notes that agree with me.   ***March 15 2008***   The Scales of Deprivation Glowing Vulva Tweedledum Tweedledee Golden Priapus Smut Spider Mr Nancy 51 Port Royal Calico Jack Anti. Mechanism Belle Venu Apple of Sodom     Always love more 51, Perversion, Bow and Crown of Conquest, Mouse's Long and Sad Tale, and Port Royal   More to come....  





Pretty much as advertised...very strong, dry lavender, with a faint bit of bergamot underneath. It reminds me lots of Baku, only without the sweet addition of anise. Fades away to nothing pretty rapidly. I thought I'd like this a lot more than I actually did.





A light, bright, cheerful peach scent. It actually reminded me a bit of Aglaia, only without the deep musk and amber notes that made it a little overpowering and cloying. This scent hugs the skin, doesn't give much throw, and seems to wear off fairly quickly, which is diappointing, but it's definitely a charming scent while it lasts.





This is a gorgeous floral blend -- like a big bouquet of freshly-cut flowers, all mingling together. I like my florals on the fresh, light, 'green' side, and would recommend this to others who are of the same mind.





On me it's a really resinous, dirty-hippy sort of scent, all teak and musk and patchouli. Then it gets a high, sweet-sour scent, almost like furniture polish...I suppose that's the star anise trying to work its magic. Its best phase is when it's completely dried; then it is a dark yet gleaming scent, like an intricately-carved teak chest, glistening with polish and the adoring care of generations of hands.   As aggressive as all of the notes sound, this one doesn't throw at *all*. Really strange. It's not for me, yet if I were to smell it on someone else, I think I'd really like it and be coming in for lots of close, intimate sniffings.





This is mostly white musk for me. There's a hint of coconut, but it's very light and fleeting. There's also an astringent, almost alcoholic quality to it that I've never detected in a BPAL blend before. Not sure what's to blame for that.   This scent wears very close to the skin. It seemed to fade pretty quickly.




Man With Phallus Head

On me it smells like musky sandalwood, with a bit of spiciness from the honey. Not really an 'in your face' scent, but it's got some pretty decent staying power.   ...which, you know, is kind of nice to have in a phallus. Scent. Phallus scent! Yes.




Lovers With Rutting Cats

Vanilla with sweet palm date, with the oakmoss and ginger giving it sort of a warm undercurrent. If this would have had any throw at all, it would totally have been on my MUST BUY NAO list. However, it is really, really lovely, and those who prefer to keep their perfumey pleasures all to themselves, to be sniffed discreetly from their wrist throughout the day, are really in for a treat with this one.




Giant Vulva

This is a very light, clean scent, without ever turning soapy. The skin musk is predominant, but as it settles in on my skin I can detect the light sweetness of the vanilla flower, with perhaps a hint of honey and beeswax giving it a bit of a warm glow. This is another scent that tends to hug close, with occasional whiffs throughout the day....but it is *very* durable.   Basically, it smells like fresh, slightly damp skin, straight out of the shower. Very nice and clean. I haven't tried Glowing Vulva, so I couldn't compare this at all, but in its own right I think it's rather nice. If you like discreet, deceptively simple aromas, then this is worth acquiring.




Flowering Chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemum, marigold, vanilla, and amber all mingle together to create a spicy, warm sort of vanilla-floral on my skin. It's a durable scent that treats me to delicious wafts of dry warmth. This is like the scent of pressed, dried flowers, given by a lover from long ago. Out of all of the Shungas, and indeed all the Lupercalia scents, this was definitely my favorite.


