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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Eight Views Of Actors In Their Dressing Rooms

Right away, I can smell the tart, citrusy scents, the mandarin and lime. They are delicious together...juicy and drinkably sweet and fresh, with just enough bitterness to make them tangy and interesting. As time passes, it becomes a much deeper and muskier scent, very, very sexy...an 'older' scent, to my nose.   To me, this is the perfume of a woman who has been there, done that, knows what she wants, and isn't afraid to rough someone up a bit with her claws while getting it. I'd rename this one to something shorter, like 'Cougar'.




White Chocolate And Strawberry

This is a really lovely candy scent. The white chocolate gives it a very light, airy sugar scent, while the strawberries add just a hint of plump, juicy creaminess. It doesn't give off a whole lot of throw...it's more of a scent to be savored privately throughout the day...much like a coveted box of chocolates.




The Shelby, redux...

Dad had modifications made. The striping done on the car is vinyl, which can be peeled off if he decides he doesn't like it anymore. It was done custom, by the son of a friend of his, after he spent days trying to track down red striping kits through Ford. Turns out they don't have any, the bastards.        




Good Judy: Love Potent

Love Potent Category: In The Mood Quantity: sample   Description: LOVE POTENT Ooh la la! Love is life! Good Judy’s Love Potent is a precursor to the ultimate experience in life. Love for life. Love for yourself. Love for another. Male, female, and everyone in between…however you love, whomever you love… let love shine from the deepest, darkest part of your soul to the infinite far-reaches of the universe. For without love, we have nothing. Rose, spiced musk, bay, violet, gardenia, jasmine, ginger   Review:   In the bottle: Spicy rose and flowers.   Wet: At first, it’s a spicy mix of rose, violet, gardenia, jasmine. Then, I get a faint scent of musk and bay.   Dry: After a while, musk and ginger take over the flowers. I’m still getting a little bit of violet, and maybe another flower, but I don’t know which one.   Verdict: This is sexy, and maybe even empowering; but unfortunately, it doesn’t last very long. The two times I’ve worn this one so far, I kept adding some more on my skin, so the sample is already half-empty. Because of that, I hesitate to buy a bottle. Otherwise, it’s lovely.




BPAL: Lucy's Kiss

Lucy's Kiss Category: Ars Amatoria Quantity: sample   Description: LUCY'S KISS Created to represent the essence of Bram Stoker's tragic heroine, Lucy Westenra. Seductive, wanton and deadly, but underscored with a soft, wistful innocense. The gentle scent of rose and a blend of Victorian spices   Review:   In the bottle: It’s a delicate rose, with a touch of sour spices.   Wet: At first, it’s a bittersweet rose; it’s soft and vulnerable. However, don’t be fooled by it, for it quickly turns into a spicy blend. Interesting…   Dry: Still spicy, with a bitter rose underneath. Hours later, the rose is completely gone, and all that remains is the sour blend of spices. I still can’t figure out which spices are in it though.   Verdict: I have to admit this one is interesting. It respects its concept from beginning to end. However, those spices annoy me after a while, so it’s probably not for me.   More reviews: Ars Amatoria: Lucy's Kiss




Chaos Theory V!

I squeed my pants when I saw this:   "For this series, we decided to try a different type of chaotic experimentation. Each CT:5 scent has a base of one of the following scents, in wildly varying proportions:   Dorian O Penitence Snake Oil"   ....I totally was not expecting a new round of Chaos Theory!! All my bottle purchasing plans just went out the window in favor of CT. I love it so much, because each one is on-of-a-kind. My tentative plans for purchasing this round:   Snake Oil.....will 2 be enough? I dunno, I already bought the whole Snake Pit, how many Snake Oil variants can one person hoard?? I did trade away a few of my Snake Pit scents, though. I'll say 2 of these, for now.   Dorian......at least 2, maybe 3......not because I'm crazy about the scent, really, but I think this one has the most exciting potential to be something great with other notes added (did that make sense? I know I'm rambling now).   Penitence.....at least one, maybe 2.....Penitence itself goes just a bit powdery on me, but I like it enough that I want to try one or two variations, just for the hell of it!   O.....no thank you! I am glad there is one that I can safely skip. I never have tried it, and honey usually is not my thing.   So, screw it, I should just get 1 of each (of the first 3) now, then another one of each (maybe 2 more of Snake Oil) before they go away. Sounds like a plan! I'm already impatient!




Switch Witch Help Page!

Switch Witch Info/Past Questions   Would you like to receive ATCs (artist trading cards) or would you prefer something more usable, like bookmarks or something? It's all good! I love artsy things that I can put up on my walls. Don't really use bookmarks though. I lose them too easily.   What witch would like a cloak? Yes please!! I have one that I already made myself, but it is a 3 layer cloak (very heavy) for when things get really cold. I wouldn't mind a more lightweight one.   If your witch were to send you cookies, what kind of cookies would you like? Snickerdoodles!! Chocolate chip is good too. I don't like nuts or mint though.   Since we're talking about warm winter wearables, who likes hats? Mittens? Arm warmers? Hats are awesome! Arm warmers too! I don't think I would wear mittens though.   How does everyone feel about steampunk? Awesome! Only learned about it recently, but I can't wait to find out more and make a costume and all.   Question: who (of course excluding Schackjj ) would like a pair of handknit socks? Size? Color preference? Cabled, ribbed (for your pleasure), stranded colorwork, etc.? I like socks!! stripes are good, but I have no color preferences or style preferences. Oh, I do like socks that go up to my knee...   how do people feel about unusual ornaments? As in, for holidays other than Christmas? Awesome!! I haven't gotten to decorate a tree yet. Better get started soon...   On a similar note, who likes yarn? What kinds/colors/weights/fibers? Handspun? Glitter? Funky art yarn made from shredded jeans, fake flowers, lace, sequins, and the tattered souls of your enemies? Other craft supplies you desperately want more of and can't live without? I can't knit to save my life!! I used to do jewlery making and wouldn't mind some kind of pendants to put on a necklace and decorate...   Which witches would like hair accessories: clips, scrunchies, hairsticks, headscarves, etc? I don't really like clips or scrunchies. I used to adore hairsticks though. Hand beaded jewellery, yay or nay?   To make up for the fact that I probably won't be able to send my witchee homebaked goodies, will Tim Tams in any number of varieties be an acceptable replacement? TIM TAMS!! I had an Aussie friend at camp who would receive them in the mail. She would always share. Mmmmmmmmmm! Love!   Is there any time during the holidays (or the rest of the round) when you'll be away from home for a significant period and it'd be best not to send anything by mail? I am going to be gone from the address that I gave on the questionaire from Dec. 13th to Jan. 5th or so... Yay for heading home for Christmas! There will still be someone at my place though to pick up the mail. The only problem is that she has a hard time actually getting me my mail...   Speaking of which, how many Browncoat witches do we have?? And if you are, would you be interested in getting a Kaylee parasol? If not, would you be interested in getting a paper parasol hand painted with your favorite colors? Oh, oh!! Pick me!! I Kaylee!! I love anything Firefly/Joss Whedon.   http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5451132 Oh, my. Is that heaven? That must be what heaven looks like...   What kind of candy/sweet treat would you like to receive? I love chocolate, truffles, gummy candy, cookies, jelly bellies.... you name it!   Would you personally rather get handmade jewelry or the beads to make something yourself? I don't really have the time to make jewelry anymore... I would probably prefer handmade at this time.   Music in other languages? Yes please!! Italian is my fav at the moment... After all, anything Italian has to be awesome!   It's cold outside - what are your favorite drinks to keep yourself warm and cozy? Hot Chocolate, warm sweet goodness from Starbucks, tea... I think I spend half of my life at Starbucks.   Question: do you like to cook? if so, what? Would you like things like spices, cookbooks, recipes, tips? I love baking more than cooking. I wouldn't mind some good recipe cards for sweet things to make. Cookies, cakes, pound cakes, bars.... I love making sweet things!   What Winter Holiday do celebrate? Christmas!!   Do any of you like puzzle books? I do sudoku a lot at work, but I usually do it online instead of on paper.   Are there any other forums that you frequent? Nope. Except for the BPAL forums of course!   What is the biggest problem or sad thing in your life? Of course, I mean the saddest or worst thing you can confess here. Nothing really sad. I just feel really stressed right now. I am in my last year of college and it feels like there is still so much I have to complete. I really need some destressor stuff! It is kind of hard to remember how it feels to do something other than work. I do fun things every once in awhile, but the memory of those fun times are being drowned in the monotony of work and school work. I need more breaks....   Boxes, baskets, etc.? Oh, my!! I have such a box fetish!! Hee hee! I love big boxes and small boxes and weird shaped boxes and wood boxes and colorful boxes...... It's just always a mystery what's inside! I feel happy all over again every time I find something in one of my boxes. I guess that might sound kinda silly... Baskets are pretty awesome as well, but I have found that they break pretty easily in my possession.   Are you planning on buying anything off your BPAL wishlist during the round?   Which reminds me... I have to go update my wishlist.... Noooo! The horror! Nope, I am not planning on buying anything off my wishlist. In fact, I usually purchase things off my wishlist just on a whim. And anything off the Love It list in my blog I already have, but definitely wouldn't mind more of.   What are 3 places that you'd like to visit, or re-visit?   Siena, Italy! The Palio is awesome!! I was in the porcupine contrada (neighborhood). Anything having to do with the Palio is excellent! And of course the whole horse race thing is just so suspenseful.   Raglan, Wales! The Castle is pretty. I spent a few days here at a medieval festival. Beautiful place with the greenest grass you would ever see.   And I would love to visit Venice again. I was there for two days, but that was definitely not enough time to explore and see the city fully.   Chocolate? White chocolate isn't one of my favorites, but in the right recipe, it is awesome!! I LOVE milk chocolate and dark chocolate pretty equally. Oooooh, especially chocolates filled with caramel or peanut butter... Mmmmmmmm!   On nut intolerance - does it include things like almond/coconut oil bases and essential oils in perfume oils, skincare products, scented candles and the like? I don't have an allergy to nuts, but I don't really like them at all. Especially coconut and almonds.   If you are a fan, who were your favorite Buffy and Angel characters? SPIKE!! He is so my favorite! In the Buffy Musical I loved his song "Rest in Peace". He was also pretty awesome when he switched over to Angel's series as a ghost...   Do you like Shakespeare? Which plays? I like "A Midsummer's Night Dream". Not really familiar with too many of his plays.   Question for the Class: Favorite Musical? Wow! That is way too hard to decide. I love "Rent", "Wicked", and "Phantom of the Opera" the most though.   Are there any rare (or even uber-rare) scents that you'd really like to try? I want to know everyone's BPAL holy grail! As for my BPAL holy grails... that would have to be HOD, Jingo-Kogo, Osiris v4, Count Dracula, and Antique Lace!! The rarest scents that I love.   How do you feel about Lush? Anything you want to try? I have never tried anything from them, but it sounds good...   Do you want to try the Will Call only Champagne scents? I signed up for a sniffie circle with the Champagne scents, so I am sure it will only make me want them more.... darn. Oh, and I would like to second the praise for apple/apple blossom scents from BPAL. Mmmmmmmmm! Ho, ho, ho sounds so awesome!   Do you play on-line games? Which one and which server? Do you need any funds/equipment/help adventuring? Nope, no online games at the moment. I am already on BPAL wayyyy too often!   Do you have traditional holiday movies you like to watch? Elf, Miracle on 34th Street, Nightmare Before Christmas (hee hee!), Christmas Story,   What are your "guilty pleasures" type movies? That you really secretly like but don't like to admit to it? Being a film major, I love all types of movies! Anyways, I hate to admit it to my fellow film majors at school that I love many of the action/adventure blockbusters. Iron Man, Indiana Jones, James Bond (especially James Bond!)... lots of things blow up and of course, excellent soundtracks!!   SCA? I am from the Kingdom of Caid *sings* Caid, the Kingdom of Caid, C-A-I-D, Caaaaaaaiiiidd! Woo hoo!   This is kind of a getting-to-know-you-type-thingie, but I always find it illuminating--what's on your computer desktop? Images? Color scheme? That is actually a very good question, and slightly funny... On my new desktop, I have a lightsaber duel scene my friend's little brother made for me. It is a lightsaber duel between my friend and I with a black yoshi type character in the background. The desktop picture for my laptop is a scene from lfgcomic.com where Richard (the best character ever!!) says, "This isn't where I parked my horse!" when he and his companions are facing a huge army of trolls (I think they were trolls...). Hee hee!   Anyone a fan of Goddess art? I love images of women, in beautiful poses, strong women, powerful women (No- Not Hilary ROFL) I like dark, vampire types too, not *too* dark- okay for general consumption type art too. So, I have held off on answering this one, but now I am ready! So, my witch sent me an ecard with a picture painted by Alfons Mucha. I guess I would consider this Goddess art and it is very lovely!! I always wondered where the beautiful paintings that make up a few icons here on bpal had come from. The dancer one was beautiful and probably my favorite so far. Anyways, I love posters and pretty things that can go on my walls! Decoration makes any place lovely!   How do you feel about Lush? Anything you want to try? I have heard about LUSH so much here on bpal, but I have still never checked it out. I would love to try anything from them!   How do you feel about home made lip balm, salt or sugar scrubs, soap, bath salts, etc? Love them!!   If you were to receive a hand-knitted item, what color(s) would you prefer AND are there any types of yarn that you just cannot handle (e.g. wool, llama, etc.) I can handle all types of yarn as far as I know. I love burgundy and black together. Oh, green and black as well! Like the Wicked Witch!!   Do you speak any languages besides English? How fluent are you? Would you be interested in literature in a foreign laguage - phrase books, fiction, childrens stories? I am passably good at Italian. I lived in Italy for only three months, so I had to learn out of necessity. I also know some arabic (I can read and speak it equally well, which is to say I can carry on a conversation about work, the weather, food, and a few other little things) and a tiny bit of spanish. Best at Italian though (and I love Italian everything!) Though arabic is such a pretty written language.   *stopped at page 83*





Speaking as an unabashed foody whore, I have to say that Chimera is a fabulous example of the perfumer's art. In the imp it smells of wonderful fresh baked sweet pastries. On the skin it blooms into an even sweeter, faintly floral and very warm cinnamon extravaganza. To my nose, it is much more reminiscent of 'true' cinnamon than the stronger, darker, cassia cinnamon that is commonly referred to and sold as cinnamon (at least in the US).   Someone above compared it to the lovely, gingery Shub-Niggurath and I think that's a very apt comparison - they both have a similar sweet and soft tone. Actually, they may be the Yin & Yang of spicy foody scents. Shub has a decidedly cinnamon component to me, but ultimately I'd describe it as GINGER-dark chocolate-cinnamon, dark, sensual and slow Yin. Chimera is more like CINNAMON-vanilla-floral, bright, perky Yang.   I ask you, who the hell gives this much thought to perfume? Oh yeah, you do. Dear reader, I'm drunk on cinnamon, forgive me. Chimera, I love you man, I really, really love you. You know I love you, right??   Too often, cinnamon comes across as Cracker Barrel gift store candle ---> Tintagel , but this is really, really wearable as a perfume. It's by far the most cinnamony of the 20+ blends I've tried that contain cinnamon.   I applied it to my neck and was rewarded with stinging red welts. You might want to test on thicker skin, in your hair or in a locket, but you must try it.




Good Judy: Splintered Love

Splintered Love Category: American Gothic Quantity: sample   Description: SPLINTERED LOVE Secrets grow like thorns around the hearts of lovers. Desperate to hide the truth, the spiny garden grows larger, depleting love. Love fails to germinate, to grow. The sewn fruits are bitter. The heart fractures. The splinters cut deep. Rose, pink pepper, spikenard, pomegranate     Review:   In the bottle: At first sniff, I smell rose, with pepper, and a little pomegranate. I don’t know what spikenard is (I’ve heard of its historical uses, but I’ve never smelled it), so I guess it’s the fourth ingredient I can’t quite replace.   Wet: At first, Splintered Love is all sweet. It’s a nice blend of rose and fruity, juicy pomegranate.   Dry: After a while, it turns bittersweet and spicy; I suspect pepper to have something to do with this metamorphosis. Hours later, all that remains is bitter pomegranate leftovers.   Verdict: Oh, I love it! The concept behind it is interesting, and it smells awesome, could I ask for more? Splintered Love goes in my “to buy” list.





UPDATED: 02/13/11   Blue - Ones I'd especially like to try.   :: Will always take more :: Snake Charmer Morocco Antique Lace   :: Imps ::   Alice's Evidence Arabian Dance, The Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil, The Black Pearl Black Temple Burlesque Troupe Cake Smash Cerberus Chaste Moon Cupcake Spatter Pattern Analysis Detestable Putrescence Dia de los Muertos Doodad Ecstasy of Passion, The Egg'd Mailbox Freak Show Glowing Vulva Gluhwein Herr Drosselmeyer Hispaniola Infernal Lover, The Invasion of the Flesh-Eating Reindeer from Uranus Liz Lump of Coal ... ( a girl can dream, can't she? ) Marshmallow Poof Mitzvah Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp Monster Bait: Underpants Monster Bait: Ventriloquist Dummy Opuhi Paper Kite Plunder Red Lace Sachs Sara Pezzini Shadwell Shill Silk Road Smut Snowblind Snow White Spooky Stinky Story Time at Dark Delicacies Storyville ... (I know, I know..) Sue's Great Old Puppet Show Tezcatlipoca Tiki Princess Thirteen (13): June '08 (Green Label) Three Witches Tombstone Treat #2 Uruk Witch's Repast, The   ....why does this list keep growing?!   Basically, anything that's sweet, foody, and/or spicy (especially vanilla, chocolate, and cakey/bakery scents). I'm also into sweet, yet earthier, unisex scents like Wulric the Wolfman. Not into blatantly floral or fruity scents, though.




Good Judy: Fruit Judy

Fruit Judy Category: Limited Edition Quantity: bottle (2ml)   Description: FRUIT JUDY   Fruit Judy is the companion blend to Flower Judy. All together, there are 21 notes, all fruit. A sweet and tangy mix of berries, citrus, and tropical delights!   This limited edition does not have a time limit, but rather a quantity limit. There are 50 2ml amber bottles (with screw-cap lids) available. These are not "shorties", but rather the tall thinner bottles for easier use. There is no formal recipe so this blend will never be recreated. Once they are gone, they're gone!     Review:   In the bottle: It’s a tutti-frutti! It’s not easy to identify the 21 fruit notes, but so far, I’m guessing apple, grape, banana, berries (strawberries, raspberries, etc.), and a few more I’m not so sure about.   Wet: Again, I’m guessing apple, berries, pear, banana, mango, pineapple… It’s sweet!   Dry: It turned a bit tangier, orange and citrus must have found their way through.   Verdict: What can I say… It’s a fruit salad! What’s interesting in this case is that those 21 fruit notes, once blended together, create something new. Everyone can tell it’s fruity, but no one can pinpoint a precise fruit note without hesitation. Personally, I can’t wait to wear this one next summer, although the bugs might fall in love with me…




Astrological Chart Part II: Electric Boogaloo!

The bolded is again, so true. I enjoy learning new things, travel etc. And I always crave for things to be beautiful and pretty. I’ve been known to be insulted when things aren’t when they could be. This baffles my very practical Taurus boy, haha.   It’s funny you should mention teaching, as I'm kind of afraid of it! I’m not very good with public speaking. I hope this will manifest itself in other ways, though!     Oh, so that’s why I love browsing Tarot card art! I’ve always wanted to get back into art. I used to draw a lot when I was younger, I stopped when I went to college.       Once again, you’ve hit the nail on the head. I am totally a dork for this but one of my favorite things to do is to drift off into my own fantasy land before bed, while doing repetitive tasks, er…during class… which is why I always have to curb that, lol!   Once while studying I looked out the window started drifting away and before I knew it, it was 20 minutes later haha.     Since you wrote this for me (a little more than 2 years years ago!! ), I’ve gotten engaged! We’re getting married in November. At the time of this writing the challenge with friends came while trying to keep in touch properly while I was away at grad school and they all had jobs themselves. So it was a little tough.   Again jarvenpa, thanks so much for doing this! You are awesome And if you do something similar for me in the future, I promise not to take years to respond (is there something in my chart about epically procrastinating?)




Astrological Chart Part I!

I'm going to split this up into two posts. Turns out I'm very wordy, haha.     Huh. That is very interesting especially considering I myself haven’t felt very Aquarian at times. And in school I have the feeling people would describe me dependable, quiet or shy. Not very Aquarian. As for the mommy thing, I do seem to do pretty well with the kids of friends to my shock (I am an only child).     Awww, bring it on! I *love* little bunny rabbits and stray dogs and cats! In fact, since you’ve written this, I’ve moved and five (!) stray cats have found me. I feed them and give them ear scritchins then they go on their way. I’m hoping to get an appointment to get them neutered/spayed soon :crosses fingers:     Well, I am beyond glad the universe/stars/something has a plan for me as I have no idea what I’m supposed to be doing!   I love the woods and crisp autumn air. One of my favorite things to do is to read under the shade of a tree.     Oh, wow. I totally agree with the bolded!     I earned a master’s degree in biology and I really, really hope I can get a job (in research!) very soon. And I absolutely love to travel, seeing new things, exploring a new city. When my fiancé told me we couldn’t feasibly visit Europe in the next few years do to his job, I wanted to cry =(     Very interesting! I feel more dorky and less mysterious or charismatic, though. But this is very good to know !       The bolded part is what really caught my eye the first time I was reading this. I cannot watch, hear, or read about cruelty to animals or violence against women. I will change the channel or leave the room. Otherwise, I tend to dwell on it and get very depressed.     I really don’t like confrontation, as you wrote. You’re right on about that, lol.   And I will try to not focus about money right now, but admittedly it is *so* hard! I’m jobless right now and I always check what each employer is paying.




BPAL: Alice

Alice Category: Mad Tea Party Quantity: sample   Description: ALICE Curiouser and curiouser. Milk and honey with rose, carnation and bergamot.   Review:   In the bottle: It’s sweet and flowery. What I smell the most is a mix of milk and honey.   Wet: Initially, Alice is sweetened milk and flowers. I do smell a bit of carnation and bergamot, but not so much rose.   Dry: It’s still sweet and creamy flowers, but a tiny bit spicy (now that’s curious!). There is a little bit of rose hidden underneath the carnation, but it’s really not as strong as I thought it would be from the description.   Verdict: Alice is young and fresh, with a nice feminine touch. Because it reminds me of something edible (tea and cakes, how appropriate…), it’s tempting to describe it as the cousin of Dana O’Shee; or Katrina Van Tassel made better, thanks to carnation and bergamot. Either way, I like it, it will be perfect for spring.   More reviews: Mad Tea Party: Alice




Scent locket

I don't have a scent locket. I've thought about buying one, and I bought one for my sister, but I've never bought one for myself. I always think, "I have so many different scents that I can hardly decide what to wear on any given day. A scent locket is just going to make that decision more complex and difficult. It's like adding another layer to the whole business when what I really want to do is simplify".   However, every once in a while I come across a scent that is really nice, but seems that it would be better suited for a scent locket. So now I'm going to start making note of that here. Tamamo-No-Mae is such a scent. It is very, very lovely, but somewhat fleeting. When I first put it on, it has these delicate, sparkly top notes, something almost minty, that could be from the tea or maybe ginger, or who knows what. Anyway, I love that part of the scent, but on my skin it lasts all of 5 minutes! It's still a great scent after that, just very subtle and kind of like skin-incense, the powder stuff (although I've never tried that). Kind of fruity and smokey-sweet at the same time.   So, as a note to myself, or a reminder, when I do eventually get a scent locket, Tamamo-No-Mae would be a great scent for it. I think that sparkly note in the beginning might last longer, and the scent as a whole might be a little stronger in a locket. If I find more scents that seem tailor-made for a locket, I'll continue to make note of it here.





I'm normally a little hesitant with amber. When it's good, it's goooood, but when it's bad it's just awful. And unfortunately, amber many times goes a bit pungent on me, or powdery.   This one doesn't do either (well, maybe just a touch powdery, but in a soft, pretty way). It's beautiful amber (strikes me as a darker amber blends perhaps) with a touch of creamy florals and a hint of spice. Very pretty!   I am definitely keeping my imp, but could actually see getting a bottle down the road.




Rice Field

I wore Lovers In A Rice Field again today, and I like it more and more. The plum blossom was much more apparent, and overall it smells like some kind of fabulous plum/cream dessert, but still not totally foody. It's rather on the femme side for a bearded guy like me but that doesn't hasn't stopped me from wearing it, and in some situations it would be just great. Possible bottle? Or maybe just another decant would suffice. Still have to test my other decants which are still pending, and there may be another favorite among those.





Category -- Bewitching Brews   This is pretty much the sweetness of dragon's blood. Early on, the cherry and clove make for a tart note that can be detected close to my skin, but the dragon's blood pretty much takes everything over and is the most easily-smelled. It's a durable scent with a nice amount of throw. It reminds me a lot of my first love, Wrath. I think that a side-by-side comparison of both Blood and Wrath are in order.




BPTP roses & chocolate boxes

I decided to test the BPTP roses first, because traditionally, BPAL rose doesn't like me...   White Rose - I cannot believe how heavenly this is. I can barely smell the rose, more the vanilla tea (yum!) and I think the orris. There is a hint of something fruity but it's not listed in the notes. If I had enough money, I'd be chasing down a bottle of this.   Red Rose - smoky goodness. The clove, Indian musk, tonka and tobacco make this just...wow. I can't believe how suited it is to my body chemistry! This is more of a nighttime blend as compared to the one above, which was more innocent. This is refined, more elegant. Am won over.   Earth Ox - smells like lychee sweets, and I happen to personally dislike lychees. I realise I am mad... It does smell a little like plum blossoms later on, but I shan't be keeping my decant.   Bony Moon - beautiful, and unisex too. I'm coming to appreciate these lunar oil based blends more with time. The cedar is not too much in this, and it's pretty easy for that note to overpower a blend. The white sandalwood is just gorgeous, nice and subtle.   Milk Chocolate Buttercream - more buttery version of Bliss to my nose. I'm not particularly fond of milk chocolate BPALs but this seems a little nicer than Bliss, which didn't like my body chemistry.   White Chocolate & Strawberry - the strawberry smells fake, as does the white chocolate, which is by its nature a very fake chocolate! I don't like strawberry flavouring in chocolate so it's not surprising that I don't like this.   White Chocolate & Sugared Violets - strangely enough this was stronger on the violets, but they didn't smell as sugared to me as in, say, Faith. I like sugared violets and much prefer Faith to this, where I could hardly smell the chocolate and sugariness.   White Chocolate, Marshmallow & Coconut - I can't smell the marshmallow and coconut in this at all...it smells a little alcoholic and not as yummy as the name suggested, sadly.   Dark Chocolate & Cherry - the cherry note is too artificial but I do like the dark chocolate in this. I wish the latter were stronger, to be honest.   Dark Chocolate & Pepper-Smoked Caramel - this is just fantastic, and wish it were permanent. It reminds me a bit of Arcana's Frilly Underpinnings. Pepper-smoked caramel is just a wonderful idea. It smells delicious and so complex! I may try to get a bottle of this! Easily my favourite out of the Chocolate Box scents!





Category -- Bewitching Brews   Straight out of the imp, it's chocolate brownies! Moist, fresh brownies with chunks of chocolate chip melted in them...oh man, I really want to bake some, now.   As it dries, it turns to more of a dry cocoa powder...the sticky sort of smell you'd get on your hands if you've been nomming on a bag of chocolate candies for far too long.   I can see this being great layered with other scents...just by itself, it's not quite to my taste, but it could be fun to experiment with!




Black Tower

Category -- Bewitching Brews   Wow.   This is unlike anything I've smelled in quite some time...   There is supple, well-worn leather, and ivy -- more like the dried tendrils of ivy still clinging to the grass-choked stone of a tower that has long since crumbled away to piles of rubble. Every now and then, the wind stirs up scents from the lives of those who used to dwell there -- their warm spiced wine, the wood stacked up in piles for their fire, their very spirit and essence, all wafting in in a ghostly way. It really is a very sad, wistful, evocative scent...a great sensory experience.   This is not quite for me. But if I were to come across it on a man, I think I would follow him almost anywhere.   Highly recommended for those looking for masculine scents.




Black Rose

Category -- Rappacini's Garden   In the first stages, this scent is dominated by a dark, lust, full-petaled rose, with the musk and amber lending a peppery sort of undertone to it. As it dries, the other notes come forward, so that by the end of the day a delicious warm aura of musk and amber is left on my skin. A very sexy, seductive scent that hugs the skin and just gives faint wisps of sultry lust throughout the day.


