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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

an imp swap!

I don't really swap for imps often because it costs us Australians quite a lot to post out internationally. However I did swap recently with the lovely member Apple and acquired:   Les Anges Dechus Buck Moon F5   Am chuffed!   Also received a massive order from the Lab recently. More details to follow.   Have also started photographing my bottles in order to capture, and share the beauty of the labels. Haven't quite finished yet but will give the link to the appropriate album soon. Sadly the board won't let me upload them because it's been a bit temperamental of late.




Mme Moriarty

So after reading all the hype I finally broke down and tracked down an aged decant.   I can't tell if I like it or not. At times I think....not so much, at other times it's interesting. It actually seems a bit more masculine to me, but not manly. I really think I would love this if it wasn't for the red musk as all the other notes are lovely (even the pomegranate, which I more often than not don't like). Also, I seem to like this more from a distance than up close. I have it in my locket right now since I wasn't sure how I feel about it on my skin, and I keep catching a wonderful sceent now and then. But when I sniff it up close....eh.     So the verdict is...I still have no idea. I'll keep trying it and might end up with a bottle, but won't need more than that, esp. since I have Snake Charmer.




Witching on a Budget: Focal Pieces

You've stalked well, you've made contact, you've bartered and shopped and crafted and baked your way to a (series of) fun-filled packages, you've gathered all the supplies to make a stunning impact, and as you're putting together your ultimate package, you realize...   This is kind of disjointed. And there's no big beautiful wonderful focal piece that shouts "I LOVED WITCHING YOU!"   Now, it's hard to pull something perfect out of your hat this late in the game, but it's possible. It's better if you plan ahead sometimes, but other times you only get your stroke of inspiration on this when your witchee makes a chance comment (ie, "I've really always wanted to speak German," "I've always wanted to learn to knit," "I wish I knew how to keep my tomato plants alive and thriving through to harvest," "I wish I had more inspiration cooking dinner for my brood," "I wish I could get this website done so I can finally open my product line up to the world," etc) 3/4 of the way through the round.   I've found that the things that I and other witches have done that made the best centerpieces, by and large were acts of love rather than objects. Some, like beautiful BPAL storage boxes and The Perfect knitted item or jewelry piece, are physical objects that symbolize this love. Others, like lifetime darning services, language/crafting/etc lessons, and graphics design for eir etail business, are intangible. By and large, they are all obtainable with fairly little monetary output, if you're willing to put in the effort, love, and networking.   Say there's an object, like a box or a necklace, that you have the skills but not the materials to make. Second-hand shops, yard sales, and barter are your friends!   Say there's an object that you can't make, but you know other witches who do. Barter barter barter! Services are good for bartering, too. I'll bet there's a jewelry maker or a knitter or a woodcrafter out there who would make your witchee a gift in exchange for a nice big box of salted caramels or vegan cupcakes or... you get the idea.   Traditionally understood crafting skills aren't the only ones that are good for this. I took my prior knowledge of Etsy and the help-for-Etsy-startup information I'd gathered when I'd been designing my own Etsy store, added some basic graphics manipulation skills (seriously, very basic - I just used some pictures of her products, an image from her web page, a white background, and the Paint program that comes with Windows), a bit more research, and some of my time setting the whole thing up, and made Coldie her Etsy store (and a primer for getting up and running with it), which she'd been wanting to start up for some time. She already had the business, making jewelry for people and advertising by word-of-mouth. I supplied the Round Tuit, and now she's got an Etsy store, which expanded her earning potential quite a lot. Total monetary output: $0. Impact on my witchee and her life: Priceless.   Also, let's say you speak a language or are good at a skill your witchee would like to better emself with. Even long-distance, lessons in these things are possible. Got a digicam with a video function? Make videos of yourself saying basic things in the language, or demonstrating techniques for the skill. Make a modular primer, burn it to CD, draw some pictures, scare up some materials from your stash. Offer to correspond via email/video/audio (on CD if necessary) with your witchee to help em through the learning curve. Total monetary output: low. Impact on your witchee's life: Priceless.   Or, make a cookbook on CD that your witchee can print out, or use water-resistent cardstock and a sewing needle to make a lay-flat hard-wearing print version.   Believe me. With health problems, insomnia, four kids, couple's therapy, home reconstruction, and a demanding career, I know about being busy. But there are ways to turn a few minutes here and there and that beautifully burgeoning heart of yours into an incredible, low-cost, high-personal-value focal piece, and really do your witchee justice. Think hard about your skills, ask around, watch your witchee's posts, and you can find the inspiration and resources you need.   Happy witching!




Wood Phoenix

Fig, walnut, and bamboo mingle together to evoke images of freshly-peeled bark, twigs, sticks, tendrils of curling greenery, and underneath it all, the moist, sheltering earth of a burrow. It's warm and sweet, like a little brown rabbit curling up somewhere safe. As if that lovely imagery wasn't enough, there is a teensy bit of caramel that gives it a chocolatey sort of feel...like a chocolate bunny, almost! (I was born in the year of the Wood Hare, so that must be where all the rabbity imagery is coming from). I really liked it, a lot! And I will probably rue the day that I decided to pass up on getting a full bottle of it.   I really loved all the Phoenixes. They are so very evocative in their own respective ways; I haven't had this much mental imagery from scents in quite a while. I really enjoyed my experiences with the Anniversary scents, and am grateful to have been able to sample them.




Water Phoenix

Someone else compared this to a 'high-end soap', and I totally agree! Not that it's soapy in a bad way; it's just really, really fresh and clean-smelling. It's almost minty, in a way. There is a definite air of teal-blue; brisk, cleansing water sudsed with sea-foam. Like nearly all the Phoenixes, it tended to hug very close to my skin, but was quite strong should I come nodding back for a sniff. I'd say it had about average staying power, say five or six hours.




Snake Charmer (Resurrected)

I can see right away why this one is popular. It's dark and resinous, redolent with patchouli and spices and musk. I personally get a hell of a lot more 'incense' than 'vanilla' with this one, though I can also sense the vanilla; it wafts up every now and then in teasing little strokes, like a beckoning finger.   I'm probably going to really really really really really hate myself for not getting a bottle, because I have a feeling it's going to age REALLY well. Honestly cannot decide if I want to trade it or keep it. Swaps only, probably, if I get rid of it.




Metal Phoenix

I was really leery of this one, but like all the Phoenixes, it was really nice. Believe it or not, but I really can 'smell' the 'gleaming white metal' in the description; it's like what the mirror-sheen on a stainless-steel table would smell like, if it had an odor. I think the honeysuckle is what makes it so palatable for me.   It's super-light, and seemed to fade really fast. This one won't be so hard to let go of.




Fire Phoenix

Fresh on, it's very strong and strident with an air of cinnamon to it, as well as sweet florals. Like a spark, it flares up, and then settles down to the grim business of burning. It smolders all day long, and hugs my skin like the ember-flames of a fire licking at wood.   It was really pretty, so I think I will hang onto the imp for a little while, at least.




Earth Phoenix

Of all the anniversary Phoenixes, this one was my favorite. There is a strong, sort of astringent note right at the beginning, almost like the sharp tang of *very* fresh barkmulch. Thankfully, this lasts but a moment, and soon there is just a lush blooming of green plantlife. 'Earthy' is an easy word to apply here, but it's very apt; they are just deep, green-brown, earthy notes. I get cypress, maybe some tobacco leaf, and just a teensy hint of cherry lurking underneath there. It lasts all day and as just enough throw to keep constantly reminding me of how lovely it is. Very nice!




Candy Phoenix

This is, indeed, silly and playful and effervescent. It is grape soda and chewy, juicy fruit candies, so many fruity varieties that they just sort of mingle together in a wet, bubbly mauve haze. It has little throw, and tends to fade fairly fast.   Just like candy, this is a scent that would be nice to indulge in once in a while, but a constant olfactory diet of it would be unhealthy. But I'm thankful for the sweet treat, all the same!




Beaver'Versary (Beaver Moon Resurrected)

This is a moist, white, freshly-made cupcake with a thick layer of cream-cheese frosting, adorned with a juicy dollop of strawberry pulp. And, as if that wasn't delicious enough, every now and then there is a redolant little whiff of spices...like nutmeg and cinnamon. Did I order a bottle? Are bears Catholic? YUM.




I was bad...

...and ordered Agape and Dorian.   Also, recently arrived: Viranhotkantita & Peacocks. I've had those on my wishlist for quite some time and was lucky enough to acquire both. I've had some very good luck with my wishlist of late!   Reviews/testing to follow!




Wish I may...a list!

contemporary sniffly whims- (*= fireworks of happiness) sweet dreams~ agnes nutter baku bakeneko bastet bensiabel bezoar black pearl* black rider blade of grass blood bordello brisingamen carceri d'invenzione chicken legged hut dirty dragon's bone drink me enraged groundhog musk enraged bunny musk fox fires on new year's eve at the garment nettle tree at oji grog hand of glory hellcat hellfire iago* ile de la tortue incantation intrigue jabberwocky kill devil kroenen lampades lilith liz lucy, kissed lucy's kiss mama-ji moscow night gaunt oblivion plunder poisoned apple pulcinella and teresina pumpkin III 08 raven moon red rider roadhouse satyr saw-scaled viper scherezade sed non sedentia seraglio strangler fig tanuki tiki king the apple of sodom the catepillar the light of men's lives the fox woman kuzunoha leaving her child the school house the unicorn santa domingo velvet wensleydale windward passage white rider witch's repast   Can I have S'more Please~ centzon totochtin* de sade huesos del santo sudha segara   BPTP- cathouse castitas doc constantine's medicine show down the rabbit hole incendia l' autunno lupanar okiya saloon #10   x marks the spot(in the treasure trove already)~ agape berry moon dorian (partial) frederic lilith and the jorocho ichabod crane miss lupescu (partial) pink flamingo (sniffie) pumpkin w/ tobacco and leather strawberry moon tissue (partial) velvet clown (decant) velvet chuthulu (decant) white rabbit 13 feb




Books I've read in 2009

Beedle the Bard Ender in Exile The Persian Girl All the Twilight crappy crap Not in Kansas Anymore - Wicker The Theory of Everything In Cold Blood Leaves of Grass Catch-22 The Beach The Stress Cure The Stainless Steel Rat Gets Drafted Bloodhound Seven Experiments That Could Change the World




Questions I Want Answers To

Do Vegans wear pearls?   What's the best way to get rid of fruit flies without killing them?   How do you stay clutter-free without adequate storage for your belongings?   Why do I continue to read the Twilight series?   Where can I find advice on modern day social etiquette for weird girls (such as myself)?   Can squirrels be domesticated?   Which is better? Laptop or Desktop?   How do you politely, but firmly call someone on it when they use the term 'gay' as a negative adjective?




The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn

Man...what a flippin' cocktease.   I get a brief, teasing whiff of orange, and then a pine branch smacks me in the noggin. But I like the orange...so I keep coming back to sniff again...and keep getting pine needles shoved up my nose. And then amber and incense come around afterward to douse my wounds in a medicinal bath, and prep me for round 7,531 of this endless cycle.   It's an exercise in sadomasochism for me.




Nowhere In Particular

It's not floral, and only a bit fruity -- it's mostly a smell that could be termed 'foilage'...various leaves and branches and twigs, gently stirred by a night breeze. The fruit note does smell like apple, so I agree with the 'apple orchard at night' images that others have noted. It's actually pretty impressive, because it comes off as cool and airy without being an aquatic scent, and on the dry side without being dusty. Even though it doesn't suit me, personally, I'm impressed with it, as these qualities really stand out as being unique to me.





It's got a very 'cologney' type vibe to it...not that that's a bad thing, at all. It starts off on the masculine end of the spectrum, maintaining a very deep, earthy atmosphere, but you can smell the sweeter notes lying underneath, and as time passes, those come up and give it a nice, more feminine elegance. So, I would agree with another reviewer who called it a unisex scent. I think if it would have projected more, I would have really been aching for a bottle of this; it's nice, but doesn't quite cut it for me.




Western Diamondback

WESTERN DIAMONDBACK: Oil with leather, tonka bean, red sandalwood, and sage.   I've had this for about a month now.   What strikes me about the scent isn't the notes as much as the mercurial nature of the oil:   On myself, the odor is very much like I would imagine lounging about on a hot rock on a warm summer day, assuming I was a reptile. It's very mellow, even homey and comfortable after it dries down. It's feminine without smelling like a little girl or a dowager. Every once in a while, I catch a whiff of something like water or something seriously metallic. I'm guessing it's the leather. It's not unpleasant, just a gentle reminder that this might not be as cuddly as originally thought.   On the DBF, it's something vicious. Very masculine and biting. A really pissed off snake that is about to introduce itself, business end of the fangs first. The smell on his skin varies between sniffs: inviting, stay away!, come closer..., ...this is your last warning...   I like it. He doesn't care for it as much, although I like it on him.   Rating: 4/5 (fresh).




The Gaoler's Daughter

Peachy flowers. While the peach note is really pretty, on me the notes just all meld together into a very generic sort of sweet-fruity-floral scent. It's a bit like a girl who is very pretty and sweet and demure, but also very vapid, and easily-forgotten. I'm sure the character this is based on is *nothing* like that, but it's the personality that seems to be put forth by this blend, to me at least.




About this blog

I'm a college student in a mountain town, although I'm originally from and have lived in two relatively large and urban areas.   I am a hockey-loving, rugby-playing, former fencer tomboy with a love for animals and Jack Kerouac's Bodhidharma.   I am not the "typical" BPAL buyer in the sense that other people imagine the customership of the company to be.   I do, however, have a scent problem. I've come across two things in my life that genuinely smell good on me: Oceanus (Body Shop) and Charlie White. Other mass-produced scents smell the same as they do on everyone else or they're absolutely acrid. In my quest to make my mother feel better about me before she gets old and decrepit, I've taken on the task of expanding my scent collection in an attempt to give her hope that maybe one day she'll have grandchildren. If I look like a girl and I smell like a girl, maybe I'll be less frightening to settle down with...or so her logic goes.   I ran across BPAL a few years ago when I was looking for something vampy for Halloween in a LiveJournal goth community. The lady that did such excellent work on my choker suggested I try BPAL for an appropriate smell. Until the recent past, I've been much too chicken to try anything.   Those days are over.   In lieu of some sort of quarter-life crisis with far-reaching consequences, I've begun my quest to smell like a million bucks. The dear boyfriend (hereafter known as DBF) is my guinea pig and 2nd opinion. My mom-by-proxy (MBP) is my third and by far has a better sniffer than I do.   By the end of this, I hope to have found scents that are good on me and trained my nose to work better for me.   Howdy!





There's definitely lots of cedar...it's a wet sort of smell, very definitely like freshly-upturned earth and roots, and it's very fascinating in that regard.   It has little throw, and clings very close to the skin. While appropriate, it lessens the enjoyment somewhat for me, personally. And it seems to wear off pretty fast. Not for me.




Villainess testing - a spot o' non-BPAL, blasphemy!

There has been lots of BPAL comings and goings in my life but recently I did diverge from the BPAL-scented path to test out some Villainess decants.   Not all of them are tested just yet, but if you do fancy reading what my thoughts are about the Villainess fragrance oils, you are directed to:   Villainess decant reviews   Some are missing, and I actually forgot to review the ones I got bottles of (Datura, Villainess, Retrograde) but when I get the decants that are missing, I'll add reviews of those too.


