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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

more bottle testing!

Have opened the shoebox where I am storing some yet-to-be-tried BPAL 5mLs. Am ashamed to say that the first one I've tested has been untested for so long...   Crypt Queen - a dark, fruity, slightly sinister blend. The darkness is tantalising, though I think it's suited to cold weather/night wear. Bit too intense for daytime/summertime. Amazing throw though. This is a finely crafted blend, make no mistake.   Et Lux Fuit - wow, this really is as sunny as they say. It's also a bit creamy, and has a different sunniness to it than, say, Sunflower. I put this on specifically because I need the cheer. Will get a fair bit of wear this summer I think!   Lune Noire - subtle. Upon application, I get the orchid, gardenia and pear. Stays close to the skin, but wow, how adorable this blend is! Not quite as dark as the name implies, quite light actually - in feel and in scent. Love.   Chintamani-Dhupa - heavy and incensish as promised though I swear I get unsweetened cardamom from it too. These blends tend to work well with my skin chemistry (is it because I'm part Indian?). It is indeed sensual.




fun, fun, fun

High drama in the ED tonight, but nothing new. We get homeless and/or destitute people who come in with a minor complaint, then after they are discharged they want to stay here in the waiting room for the rest of the night. It's cold outside and they either don't have anywhere to go, or don't have a way to get there. We do have cab vouchers for people, but the charge nurse is usually particular about giving them. I understand their point of view, because once you start giving them out, people want them all the time, every time they come here. So sometimes, people are told no, you cannot have a cab voucher. But then they want to stay in our waiting area, which they can't do. So security gets involved, and they will give a cab voucher to anyone, going anywhere. Another issue is they are only supposed to go to the address listed in their account (their home address). And some of them don't have a home address. So it becomes like a big puzzle. And I am kind of stuck in the middle of it, getting complained at by all sides. I am okay with whatever they decide, but it's not really up to me, so I just sit here looking kind of dumb.




random boredom post

Wow, I guess it's my turn in the barrel for forum problems tonight. I've had hour-long stretches where I couldn't get anywhere, because the page just kept loading and loading.....eeeeever so slowly. Apparently it has been going around lately.   In other news, fingers are crossed because my requests are in for the last 4 Lupercalia decants that I wanted to try. Still waiting to hear if they're available or not. I had thought about risking a bottle unsniffed again this time, but the choice is just too hard. I want to try them first. As usual, excited as heck about pending decants!   More later if I am still this bored.....




wish list 2009/Jan

[i will periodically copy and past my wish-list, because I edit it pretty often and sometimes like to look at old versions]   Bold type just means I have a particular interest, or higher priority for that scent. I try to update this pretty often....   5ml interests...or partials, I love partials! : ) A Blade Of Grass Baron Samedi Carceri d'Invenzione Carnaval Diabolique Cloister Graveyard In The Snow Great Sword Of War Obatala Satan and Death With Sin Intervening Scales Of Deprivation Theodosius Three Gorgons Wood Phoenix   GC imps that I want (imps/decants would be delightful) Aelopile Baghdad Bensiabel Black Hellebore Brisingamen Bruised Violet Compound The Caterpillar Deep In Earth Frumious Bandersnatch Hanging Gardens Hecate Imp Inferno Intrigue Jersey Devil Kill-Devil Lampades Libertine Love's Torments Lyonesse Mary Read Nero Niflheim No. 93 Engine Nostrum Remedium The Phantom Wooer Port Royal Queen of Sheba Rome Santo Domingo The Sea Foams Blood Serpents With Glittering Eyes And Forky Tongues Strangler Fig Sundew Sybaris Thorns To A Woman Tushnamatay Verdandi The Witch's Garden   'Set Only' imps/unimpables I would like (imps or decants) The Ecstacy of St. Theresa Famine Haloes The House The Ifrit La Vague Lucretia Madonna Parsifal Silence Three Brides Three Gorgons   LE/Trading Post/etc Decants ISO any testable amount 413 U.S. 15/Miller Vs. California The Blood Garden The Bloody Sword Cagliostro The Chapel The Contract Of Theophilus Of Adana The Cracked Bell Damnation Humbug Knucklebones Long Night Moon Moana Pumpkin Patch III (2007) Scattered Gloom Shill Tupapau Uncertain Horror Upa Upa Virgo 2007 Yule   Single Notes dream list (decants) Ambergris, Black Cherry, Black Musk, Black Poppy, Cherry, Licorice Bark, Light Myrrh, Oakmoss, Red Musk, Red Mysore Sandalwood, Redwood, Siberian Musk, Tonka Bean, White Sandalwood




BPAL: Marie

Marie Category: Diabolus Quantity: sample   Description: MARIE A blend of sinuous violet and elegant tea rose: the chosen scent of France's Demigoddess of Debauch: Marie Antoinette.   Review:   In the bottle: Mostly violet, and rose.   Wet: Apparently, my nose identifies the smell of violet very easily, and finds the rose a few minutes later. So far, it’s fresh and elegant, but a little bit soapy.   Dry: The first time I tried this one, in December, I thought it smelled like an old violet and rose potpourri (note: I had a cold and everything smelled the same). However, I can fully appreciate it today, and I have to admit Marie makes a nice transition from a sweet and fresh floral scent to a wicked violet.   Verdict: I’m growing fond of Marie, I might add it to my “maybe” list. It’s sensual, in a naughty way. On the other hand, if you don’t like violet, stay away from this one.   More reviews: Diabolus: Marie




The Winter Of Our Discontent

Hm, odd. The first time I tried this, I got all clove and spices and balsam and a hint of orange punch. Not wicked at all, but certainly yummy. Over the day, it morphed into something woody, and by the end of the day was getting a bit soapy...but it behaved so nicely for the majority of its stay that I was willing to forgive that.   Now that I'm sniffing it again, I get primarily bitter mandarin orange, with some balsam or cypress...something sweet but woody. That's a bit more...wicked, I guess. Perhaps things had settled -- I didn't really bother with rolling the imp or anything, this time around.   In both cases, however, I very much like it. I'll need a bottle.




Visiting The Temple Of Auspicious Fortune Alone On The Winter Solstice

The good news: It smells exactly like it says it's supposed to. One instantly gets an air of fine, misty rain, permeated by the dust on one's sandals, and the incense burning in the sheltering temple atop the mountain. It's beautiful, and it sums up the concept of 'rain' perfectly. In fact, I'd go so far as to say it smells like a purifying, Oregon rain -- the kind you'd feel sweeping in straight off the ocean, as you stand on the beach.   The bad news: It lasts about six seconds on me, then evaporates.   I can see how some reviewers get a 'Sprite' vibe from it. There's definitely a citrus/lime tone to it, probably to preserve that fresh, purifiying aquatic quality of the perfume. I rather liked it.




Sugar Cookie

In the imp: Whoa, butter!   I get a lot of butter when it first goes on...then it calms down into more of a toasted pastry sort of smell. There's still a 'brown' edge to it, as there was with Butter Rum Cookie, but without the out-and-out burned smell...it's more like cookies that have been perfectly, thoroughly baked.   So, if you're looking for something just a touch lighter than Butter Rum Cookie, or *really* like butter (), give this a try.   My verdict is still out on this one. I originally really liked it, but now that I'm giving it another sniff, I'm just sort of 'eh' on it. Then again, I've got like seven scents on this hand, so it may just be an overloaded nose. I'll wash off, give my schnozz a rest for a bit, and try it again before deciding.




On Darkness

Oh...gods, this is beautiful. So pretty, that even this brief sniff that I'm indulging in to reacquaint myself with the scent is bringing tears to my eyes.   The lavender, geranium, and (I believe) the benzoin mingle to create a heady, floral scent that is clarifying, instead of being cloying; it is *almost* medicinal, but without any sort of nasty astringency to it. It's more like a scent you'd expect to find in an old-fashioned sachet. Beneath these, the poppy creates a soft, caressing sweetness; and even though I don't get oodles of the black amber and black incense, there is *something* there that creates a very dark sort of tone; so that even though there are those head-clearing notes atop, there is also a sense that this perfume is bottomless, that you could get drawn into it forever and ever. It is deliciously moody and dark and beautiful.   Definitely worthy of a bottle.




The Magi

When first applied, I get frankincense and a hint of amber -- very lovely. I can see how people get the 'fizzy' feeling, though, because I quickly detected it there, as well. Then the incense morphs quickly to something sweeter; while I didn't get out and out 'grape' scent from the wine, it was vaguely there. After a bit, it just goes generically perfumey. Just not my thing...




Lines Written Among The Eugenean Hills

Oddly enough, this is not 'cold' on me at all. Quite the opposite...I get the 'warm' notes of amber, sandalwood, balsam, and musk. There is a hint of pine/fir, sweetened vaguely by berry. It's pleasant enough, but somehow just doesn't do it for me. Alas!   I will vouch for the fact that cedar at no point comes out and bullies things the way it usually does. So if you are usually very leery of cedar, you may want to give this a shot.




Le Pere Fouettard

Upon first application, it smelled like what I fancy an old-fashioned licorice candy would smell like: vaguely bitter, but with enough sweetness in its scent to lure one in for a tooth-achingly good time. I actually envision a licorice-flavored 'coal' candy with this one.   It is decent staying power and throw, and is pleasantly-sweet throughout; I can definitely pick out the licorice and leather notes. The coal dust makes it just a tad dry or powdery around the edges, without the whole thing crumbling into powderiness. It's very interesting, but an imp is most likely enough for me.




Jacob's Ladder

It smells slightly like generic perfume or cologne, but there is enough amber present to keep it interesting. Unfortunately, it turns very powdery fairly quickly...and while that's not necessarily bad, it's not really what I was looking for from this scent. Not for me.




Butter Rum Cookie

Darn...I really wanted this one to work, since it sounded so delicious. Unfortunately, all I get is toasted pancake syrup. BPAL made me a cookie...but they burneded it.




BPAL: Dana O'Shee

Dana O'Shee Category: Bewitching Brews Quantity: sample   Description: DANA O'SHEE In Irish folklore the Dana O'Shee are a fae, elven people that live in a realm of beauty, their nobility akin to our that own Age of Chivalry, eternally beautiful and eternally young. They surround themselves with the pleasures of the Arts, they live for the hunt, and to this day can be seen riding in procession through the Irish countryside at twilight, led by their King and Queen. However, the Dana O'Shee are not benevolent creatures, despite what their unearthly beauty may imply. They are vengeful and treacherous and possess a streak of mischievous malice, and many have whispered that their true home lies deep in the shadowed groves of the Realm of the Dead. Hearing even a single chord of their otherworldly music leaves one stunned and lost to the mortal realms for ever, finding themselves prey to the Dana O'Shee's hunt or enslaved in their Court as servants or playthings. Offerings of milk, honey and sweet grains were made to placate these creatures, and it is that the basis of the scent created in their name.   Review:   In the bottle: At first, it’s mostly creamy honey, with a sweet cereal scent (oat?). I do smell a cherry or wild berry scent as well; but I wonder if I’m not hallucinating it, because it’s far behind.   Wet: Wow, this is sweet and delicious, with a touch of almond. It smells like it’s almost edible.   Dry: It’s still sweet, and it still smells like honey; but it’s much softer.   Verdict: I love it! I love foody scents, and Dana O’Shee seems perfect for all those occasions when a strong perfume might be overwhelming. I will probably buy a bottle of this one.   More reviews: Bewitching Brews: Dana O'Shee




Scents I've tried

A Bachelor's Dog A Countenance Aatis Polemoio Absinthe Absinthe v5 Absinthe v7 Aeronwen Aeval AF18 AF22 AF22 AF24 AF25 Against Idleness and Mischief Agony of Loss Agrat-Bat-Mahlaht Aizen-Myoo Al Azif Alana Patel Alecto (Kindly Ones) Alice Alice's Evidence Alone Al-Shairan Amaterasu v2 Anactoria Anathema And There was a Great Cry in Egypt Andreiphontês Antique Lace Antonino, The Carny Talker Anubis Aperotos Eros Arachnina, The Spider Girl Arcana Ashlultum Asp Viper Athens (fka Old Athens) Aureus Aurora Spaceship Takes a Dive Autumn Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand Aziraphale B.B2 B.B2 B.B3 B340 Baba Yaga Badger Bagdhad Baku Banded Sea Snake Banned in Boston Banshee Beat Baron Samedi Bastet Bathsheba Bauble Bayou Beanman & Beanwoman Prepare to Attack the Vagina Beaver'ersary Belladonna Belle Epoque Belle Vinu Bengal Benisabel Berenice Bette Noir Bewitched Bezoar Bien Loin D'ici Bitch (VIII) Black Butterfly Moon Black Dahlia Black Death Black Forest Black Heart Black Lace Black Lotus Black Moon Black Opal Black Orchid v3 Black Pearl Black Phoenix Black Widow Circus Prototype Bliss Block Buster Blood Blood Amber Blood Countess Blood Kiss Blood Lotus Blood Moon Blood Moon Blood Pearl Blood Rose Bloodlust Blue Moon 2009 (Beth) Blue Moon 2009 (Brian) BlueBeard Boadicea BOBN1 Bohun Upas Bon Vivant Bonfire Night Boo Boomslang BRA11 Bread-and-Butterfly Brimstone Brisingamen Brown Jenkins Bruja Brusque Violet BTCS BTLS1 BTMEM BTOD1 BTOD2 BTPQ BTPQ BTPU1 BTPU1 BTPU2 BTSB BTSL1 Buck Moon Budding Moon Burial But Men Loved Darkness Rather Than Light Butterflies and Plovers Cairo Cake Smash Calliope Candles Moon Candy Phoenix Carceri D'Invenzione Carlin Carnal Carnaval Diabolique Casanova Cat Allingham Cathode CC: Female Cerberus Champagne and Cigars Champagne and Roses Champagne, Chocolate, and Cheap Sex Chant D'Autome Chaos Theory Chaste Moon 2010 Cheshire Cat Chimera Chintanami-Dhupa Chrysanthemum Moon Cicuta Clarimonde Clemence Clytie Cockaigne (The Phantom Islands) Come to Me Comforting Plush Companion Conservatory Tableaux Copper Phoenix Cordelia Cottonmouth Count Dracula Countess Willie Couple Consulting an Enpon Coxcomb Coyote Creature Feature Crib Girls Crossroads Crow Moon Crowley Cthulhu in Love Cthullhu Cykranoshian Catnip Cytherea Czernobog Dana O'Shee Dance of Death Danse Macabre Dark Chocolate, Whiskey, and Cognac Truffle Dark Delicacies Darkness Day of Skulls Death Adder Death and Life Completed (III) Death Cap Death of the Grave Digger Debauchery Decadence Ded Moroz Dee Defututa Delirium Delphi Democratic Party Depraved Desdemona Desire Devil's Claw Devil's Night Devil's Night 2009 Dia Dia De Los Muertos 2009 Diable En Boite Diabolical Offspring Dian's Bud Dionysia Dirty Dirty v3 Djinn Doc Constantine Doodad Door Dorian Dorian v2 Dorian v3 Dove's Heart Dr. John Seward Dracul Dragon Pecker v2 Dragon's Claw Dragon's Eye Dragon's Heart Dragon's Hide Dragon's Milk Dragon's Musk Dragon's Reverie Dreadful Lies Earth Phoenix Eau De Ghoul Echo Eclipse Ecstasy of True Love Eden Edge of Chaos IV Egg Moon Eisheth Zenunim Ekhidna El Amor y La Muerte Elegba Emma Enkhespalos Eos Eris Eros Eshe, A Vision in Life and Death Ether Euphrosyne Evening Cicadas and Red Peppers Evening Star Event Horizon Fairy Market Fairy Wine Faith Faiza, the Black Mamba Fallen Falling Leaf Moon Famine Fascinum Faunalia Faustus Feeding the Dead Fenris Wolf Fire Dancer v9 Fire of Love Fire Phoenix Fledgling Raptor Moon Flower Moon Flowering Chrysanthemums Forbidden Fruit Forbidden Fruit Formula 54 Frau Holle French Creole Frumious Bandersnatch Fuwu Bansaku in Ruined Temple With Black Monster on Umbrella Gacela of the Dark Death Galvanic Goggles Gaueko Geek Gelt Gemini 07 German Expressionist Horror Gholiem Giallo Giant Squid Giant Vulva Glukuprikos Gluttony (SDS) Goblin Gold Phoenix Golden Priapus Gomorrah Gothabilly Gothic Horror Grand Guignol v4 Grandmother of Ghosts Great Grey Witch Great Sword of War (CAS) Greed (SDS) Green Tree Viper Grief Grr (X) Gun Moll Gwyneth Gypsy Gypsy Queen Habu Hades Hand of Glory Hanerot Halalu Harikata Harlot HARLOT V2 Has No Hanna Hastur Haunted Haunted House: The Lurid Library Haunted House: The Twisted Oak Tree Havana Hay Moon Hearth 2004 Heavenly Love and Earthly Love Hecate Hel v6 Hellboy HellFire Hellhound On My Trail Hell's Belle Hermes Trimegistus v2 Hermia Herr Drosselmeyer 2005 Hetairae Hexennacht 05 Hexennacht 2008 Hi'iaka Himerus Hod 2009 Hony Mone Hope Horreur Sympathetique House of Night How Doth the Little Crocodile HR1 HR2 Huesos de Santo Hunger Hunter Moon 07 Hunter Moon 2004 Hymn to Proserpine I Fell In Love with a Floating Brain Iago Ides of March 2010 Illuminati Cotillion Imp Imperious Tiger-Lily Incantation Incubus Inez Inganok Jewelers Interfector Intrigue Iron Phoenix Isaac the Living Skeleton Ivanuska Jack Jacob's Ladder Jazz Funeral Jezebel Jezirat Al Tennyn (The Phantom Islands) Jingo-Kogo v6 Joyful Moon Judith and Holofernes Kabuki Kali Kathmandu Khajuraho 2007 Khephra Khrysee Khrysopêkês Kill-Devil King Cobra Knucklebones Kubla Kahn Kurukulla Kyoto La Belle Dame Sans Merci La Fee Verte La Petit Mort Labores Solis Lady Una Lambs-Wool Lamia Lamia v3 Lampades Languor Laudanum Le Serpent Qui Danse Lead Phoenix Leanan Sidhe L'ecole des filles Leipreachan Les Anges Dechus Les Bijoux L'Estate L'examen de Minuit L'Heure Verte Libertine Liberty Ligur Lilith Victoria Lilith vs. the Giant Crab Lilium Inter Spinas Lines Written Little Bird Liz Loralei Lot and His Daughters (II) Love and Pain Love in Idleness Love Me Lovers in a Ricefield Lovers with Rutting Cats Love's Philosophy Love's Torments Loviatar Lucifer Lucky's Kiss Lucretia Lucy, Kissed Lulu Luna Lunar Eclipse Lune Noire Luperci 2008 Lurid Lust Lycaon Lyonesse Lysander Mad Sweeney Maenad Mag Mell Magus Maiden Makhanitis Malediction Malice Malkuth Mama-Ji Man with Phallus Head Mandrake Manila March Hare Marcilla Marianne Marotte Marquirse de Merteuil Masabakes Mason & Jenkins Port Jelly 2 Masquerade Mata Hari Mead Moon Medea Medicine Show Melainis Meliai Melisande, The Puppet Mistress Menacing Ionospheric Research Instrument Metal Phoenix Mictecacihuatl Midnight Kiss Midnight Mass 08 Midnight on the Midway Midway 2007 Milk Chocolate, Coconut, Cardamom, Rum and Ginger Truffle Milk Moon 05 Milk Moon 2007 Miller VS CA Minotaur Mircalla, Countess Karnstein Misercordia Miskatonic University Miss Lupescu Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller Mme. Moriarty Mole MonsterBait: Underpants Moon Rose Moonshine and Mist Morgause Morocco Moscow Mourning Moon Moxie (V) Mr. Croup Mr. Ibis Mr. Jaquel Mr. Nancy MVJHL Bake Sale v3 Mysterious Warning Mystery Nahemoth Namaste Nanny Ashtoreth Nanshe (IV) Narkissos Needlework Nefertiti Nemesis Nepthys v2 Nepthys v4 Nero Nes Gadol Haya Sham NFV10 NGAGL5 NGG023 Niflheim Night Thoughts No. 93 Engine Nocnitsa Nocturne Nonae Caprotina Nosferatu Now Winter Nights Enlarge Nuit NVF02 NVL1 NVMA1 NVP1 NVP2 NVPR4 Nyx Nyx O Obatala Obeah Oberon Oblivion Ochosi Odin Ogun Ogygia Okayaki Ol' Roswell Cemetery Old Demons of the First Class Old Scratch Olisbos Omen On Darkness On Darkness 2009 Oneiroi (I) Ophelia Opium Poppy Opuhi Orpheus (I) Osiris Osun Othello Ov5 Ov6 Oya Ozymandias Paduan Killer Swarm Pain Pais de la Canela Panther Moon Pa-Pow Paramatman Paris Parthenope Peach Moon Peitho Pele Penis Admiration Penny Dreadful Penumbra Persephone Perversion Phantom Phantom Queen Phantom Time Hypothesis Philologus Philsopher in Meditation (III) Phobos Phoenix Steamworks Pickled Imp Pink Mood Pink Moon 2005 Playing With a Loaded Gun Playing With Dangerous Toys Playing With Dangerous Toys v2 Plunder Poe Poisoned Apple Poisoned Apple v2 Poisoned Apple v3 Pontarlier Pontia Pool of Tears Port Royal PP416 PPH81 Prague Premature Burial Priala Prosperity of a Country Prunella Prurience PSX54 Psyche Psychological Horror Psychological Horror Prototype Pumpkin Patch 5 2005 Pumpkin Patch I 2009 Pumpkin Patch II 2009 Pumpkin Patch III 2009 Pumpkin Patch IV 2009 Pumpkin Patch V 2009 Purple Phoenix Pyramus Queen Queen of Sheba Quees Mab Quicksilver Phoenix Rakshasa Rapture Raven Moon Ravenous Red Devil Red Lantern Red Phoenix Red Rose Regan Reptoid Dominion Riding the Goat Roadhouse Robin Goodfellow Rocking-Horse-Fly Romanti.Goth Ronin Roses, Pearls, and Diamonds Rumpelstilzchen Sachs Sacred Whore of Babylon Safari (VII) Saint Germain Salome Samhain Samhain 2009 Samhainophobia 2007 Sanctus Santo Domingo Sapphics Sara Pezzini Sarah Satan And Death With Sin Intervening Saturnalia Satyr Saw-Scaled Viper Scarecrow Scattered Gloom Scherezade Schrodinger's Cat Schwarzer Mond SDPU1 Séance Season of the Inundation Sed Non Satiata Sekhemet v5 Seraglio Seraphim Serpent's Kiss Set Shadow Witch Orchid Shadowless Like Silence Shadwell Shanghai (fka Old Shanghai) Shango Shirafuji Genta With a Kappa Shub-Niggurath Signior Dildo Silenti Silk Road Silver Phoenix Sin Siren Sitting up with a Sick Friend Skuld (Norns) Skytyping with Chemtrails Sleepy Hollow: Brom Bones Sleepy Moon Sloth (SDS) Smoky Moon 2009: Tristesses de la Lune Smut Snake Charmer Snake Oil Snap-Dragon-Fly Snow White Snow-Flakes 2009 Somnus (V) Soothing System v1 Sophia Spanked Spare Change Spellbound Spider Spooky 2009 Squirting Cucumber Sri Lanka St. John's Eve Staged Moon Landing Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener Stinky Storyville (C12) Strangler Fig Succubus Sudha Segara Sugar Skull 08 Summer's Last Will and Testament Sunbird Sundew Suspiro Svadhinaopatika Sybaris Tabella Tabula Smargdina TAL: Aunt Caroline's Money Draw TAL: Caliph's Beloved Tamamo-No-Mae Tamora Tanin'iver Tattie Bogle Tavern of Hell Tcotchkie Teatime in Roswell Temple of Dreams (III) Temple Viper Tezcatlipoca Thanatopsis The Antikythera Mechanism The Apothecary The Apple of Sodom The Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil The Black Rider The Black Temple Burlesque Troupe The Black Tower The Blood Garden The Bow & Crown of Conquest The Brides of Dracula The Buggre Alle This Bible The Caterpillar The Clod and the Pebble The Coil The Committee of 300: Meeting Minutes The Darkling Thrush The Death of Autumn The Deserted Village The Dormouse The Ecstasy of Passion The Emathides The Feast for the Greatly Revered Ones The First Soft Snow The Forest Reverie The Gibbous Moon The Girl The Gladdener of all Hearts The Grave-Pig The Great He-Goat The Grindhouse The Harlot's House The Harp of Cnoc l'Chosagair The Haunted Palace The Head of Holofernes The Hell-Gate of Ireland The High Priest Not to be Described The Ifrit The Illustrated Woman The King of Hearts The Lady on The Grey The Lantern Ghost of Oiwa (II) The Light of Men's Lives The Lion The Little Sparrow The Little Wooden Doll The Living Flame The Lotus Tree The Marquis de Carabas The Masque The Miller's Daughter The Mock Turtles Lesson The Montauk Project The Music of Erich Zahn The Norn's Farmhouse The Old Goblin The Organ Grinder The Parliament of Monsters The Peacock Queen 2009 The Penitent Magdalen (I) The Perfumed Garden The Phantom Wooer The Phoenix The Piper at the Gates of Dawn The Potter's Field The Priestess The Queen's Salon The Rat Speakers The Raven The Reaper and the Flowers The Red Queen The Robotic Scarab The Rose The Sailor's Den (II) The Scales of Deprivation The Sea Foams Blood The Sea Rat The Sluggard The Smiling Spider The Tell-Tale Heart The Torture Queen The Traveller The Two-Headed Goat The Unicorn The Velvets The White Rider The Wild Men of Jezirat al Tennyn The Winter of our Discontent The Witch Queen The Witch's Garden The Wrestler Onogawa Kisaburo Blowing Smoke at a One-Eyed Monster Theodosius, the Legerdemain Thirteen (13): March 2009 Thirteen (13): November 2009 Thirteen (2/09) Thisbe Three Brides (I) Three Witches Tin Foil Hat Tin Phoenix Tintagel Tiresias, the Androgyne Tisiphone (Kindly Ones) Tissue Titus Andronicus TKO TKO v3 To A Woman Tobacco Honey Tombeur Tombstone Traipsing Through the Crop Circles Transeo Trevor Bruttenhelm Trick # 1 Trick or Treat 2009 Trinket Troll Tushnamatay Tweedledee Tweedledum Twilight Two Loves Two Monsters Tzadikim Nistarim U Mutter Museum Umbra Uncertain Horror Under the Harvest Moon Undertow Unseelie Unveiled Upa Upa Urd Valentine of Rome Vampire Tarot: The Fool Vampire Tears Van Van Vasakasajja Vasilissa Vechernyaya (Zorya) Velvet Velvet Bandito Velvet Cthulhu Velvet Dogs Playing Poker Velvet Nudie Velvet Panther Velvet Tiger Veritas Very Slightly Haunted Dollhouse Vespillo VILF Violens Virgo 2007 Visiting the Temple Vixen Voodoo Voodoo Lily Voodoo Queen Voyeurs Among the Cherry Blossoms Wanda Wanton War Water of Notre Dame Water Phoenix Werepuppy Western Diamondback Wezwanie / Hold When the Winter Chrysanthemums Go White Phoenix White Rabbit White Rose Whoso List to Hunt Wicked Wilde Wilhelmina Murray Wings of Azazel Wolf's Heart Wolfsbane Womb Furie Wood Phoenix Wrath Wulric, the Wolfman XCDL13 XCDW5 Xiuhtecuhtli YAR7 Yellow Jessamine Honey Yew-Trees Yggdrasil Yorick Yvaine Zenobia Zombie Apocalypse 4




Notes and Me

Notes that tend to work well   Amber Beeswax Black Amber Black Musk Black Orchid Black Patchouli Cardamom Carnation Cognac Clove Earth Ebony Ginger Honey Indonesian Patchouli Incense Lavender Lilac Mahogany Moss Myrrh Nutmeg Orchid Red Musk Sandalwood Skin Musk Smoke Spice Teak Tobacco Tonka Vanilla   Notes that depend on other notes in the blend   Ambergris Ambrette Apple Blossom Benzoin Bergamot Black Narcissus Blue Musk Cassia Cedar Cider Cinnamon Cocoa Fig Galbanum Gardenia Honeysuckle Iris Lily Neroli Night-blooming Jasmine Oak Oakmoss Opium Opoponax Orange Blossom Nag Champa Pine Poppy Red Ginger Red Patchouli Rose Otto Rosewood Sandalwood Star Jasmine Vetiver White Musk Whiskey Wisteria   Notes that tend not to work (But have in one or two blends)   Almond Anise Apple Aquatics Bay Caramel Civet Champaca Cherry Coffee Copal Cream Eucalyptus Frankincense Gardenia Grapefruit Jasmine Lemon Lemongrass Lime Lotus Mandarin Milk Mint Orange Ozone Paperwhites Plumeria Pomegranate Pumpkin Red Sandalwood Red Rose Rose Attar Rosemary Sweet Pea Sugar Tea Rose Thyme Verbena Violet White Rose Wine Wisteria Ylang Ylang   I tend to gravitate towards the sweet musk and resins, and shy away from florals and anything overly foody. My skin will make most wine scents go "juicy" and I can turn almost ANY fruit blend to generic children's vitamins in a hot minute.




BPAL: Lolita

Lolita Category: Ars Amatoria Quantity: sample   Description: LOLITA Bright, sweet and youthful, but swelling with a poisonous sexuality. Glittering heliotrope, honeysuckle, orange blossom and lemon verbena.   Review:   In the bottle: It smells like lemony soap. It’s quite sweet actually.   Wet: I don’t know… Flowers and herbs bathing in lemon juice? On me, it’s a bitter-sweet poison, with a soapy scent underneath.   Dry: Probably my strangest association so far: do you remember the nasty old neighbour of your childhood, who used to burst open every ball that had the unfortunate luck of falling on her yard? Well, it smells like her.   Verdict: Poor Lolita… She fell into the claws of a pedophile and must have started to hate the world afterwards, or at least that’s what her perfume suggests. Honestly, if I get another sample of this one for free, I’ll throw it down the drain. (Note: I hate to waste, so I'll try to turn the sample I have into soap, or something like that.)     More reviews: Ars Amatoria: Lolita




my BPAL new year resolutions

When I first started trying BPAL at the end of 2005, I told myself I would try to test all of the (now) Ars Amatoria category. So this year, I'm going to keep trying to achieve that, and add another category - Mad Tea Party.   I've done pretty well to try all of the Carnaval Diabolique thus far, Salons 1 & 3.   The GC really is fantastic but I seem to get sucked into the LEs, which I must say is annoying. I'm going to be much more picky about what LEs I order and test more of the GCs.




some rogue Salons

I managed to test a whole bunch of Salon fragrances while I was in hospital, but there are still a few I've not had the pleasure to try. So thought I'd get them out of the way.   Cloister Graveyard in the Snow - this is the BPAL 'chill' or winter note to a tee. I don't get so much of the ozone or musks, just mint, really.   Death of the Grave Digger - the BPAL chill note, dirt, then opoponax and myrrh. I like the opoponax and myrrh, and this is an artful blend but not something I'd wear as a personal fragrance.   Silence - a clean floral scent. I've tested a few Salons & LEs that remind me of this already. It's quite a typical perfumey scent in a way.   Three Brides - Moroccan rose is nice, and sweet. The sandalwood in this is earthier and deeper than the one in Silence, I quite like this fragrance. Suits my body chemistry a bit better because it's not so 'clean'. A warmer version of Silence, I think.   The Fox Woman Kuzonoha Leaving Her Child - thought this would be nicer on me, but has little throw. I can smell mainly white tea and wisteria. Don't think I'll be keeping my imp.




for the boys!

Thu 2/1/09 imp testing. Well, mainly the first two imps, but the rest are ones I think the male persuasion could wear very easily.   Dorian - bliss. I must have a bottle. Why is this so damn good!   Wilde - what a lovely, refined olde-world blend. Not something I'd wear, but I do very much like it. Would love to try it on a lad.   The Dormouse - this is very light on my skin. Takes a while for it to become truly fragrant and can smell green and lemon teas. Gets floral when it's dry. Definitely keeping my imp.   Tezcatlipoca - cocoa, then patchouli, leather, incense and something floral. After that's all faded, left with something quite fecal in a pungent jasmine sort of way.   Tweedledum - sweet at first with the fig then freshens up because of the green, unripe mango and green tea. Becomes musty on drydown with the patchouli. I prefer this upon initial application.   Tweedledee - quite feminine, and strangely, almost foody. I love kumquats as I grew up drinking a drink based on them, and white tea, white pepper and orange blossom are all so subtle! A refreshing scent.   Bloodlust - dragon's blood loves me a lot more since I changed meds. This smells amazing, musky and floral, oddly enough.   Lust - dark, manly. Strong and a lot less sweeter than Bloodlust.




imp testing, Thu 1/1/09

And the first imp tested for the new year is...   Brisingamen - lovely, dreamy ambers and a hint of floral. Something doesn't sit quite right on my skin, sadly. This is odd, given that usually ambers love me.   Casanova - dismissed it at first because the lavender was too strong, but I actually really like it now that it's warmed up on me a little.




Books for 2009

Books read/started/finished/etc. in 2009.   Read Entirely in 2009 1. Heat Lightning - John Sandford (S) (M) 2. The Discworld Graphic Novels (The Color of Magic and The Light Fantastic)- Terry Pratchett (GN) (SF) (S) 3. Brisingr - Christopher Paolini (YA) (S) (F) 4. Stolen - Kelly Armstrong (S) (V) 5. MacBeth (original text graphic novel) (GN) 6. Blood Lite (anthology) (SW) (V) 7. Buried Onions - Gary Soto (AOC) (YA) 8. The Tattooed Potato and Other Clues - Ellen Raskin (YA) (R ) (M) 9. The Westing Game - Ellen Raskin (YA) (R ) (M) 10. The God of Small Things - Arundhati Roy (AOC) 11. City of Ember - Jeanne DuPrau (YA) (SF) (S) (F) 12. Fables: Sons of Empire - Bill Willingham (GN) (S) 13. Wild Ducks Flying Backwards - Tom Robbins (SW) 14. Blue Light - Walter Mosley (AOC) (SF) 15. Snow White and Rose Red - Patricia Wrede (F) 16. Coraline - Neil Gaiman (R ) (YA) 17. Fledgling - Octavia Butler (AOC) (V) 18. Dawn - Octavia Butler (AOC) (S) (SF) 19. American Gods - Neil Gaiman (F) (R ) 20. All the Colors of Darkness - Peter Robinson (M)(S) 21. White Witch, Black Curse - Kim Harrison (S) (V) 22. Blood Bound - Patricia Briggs (S) (V) 23. Chalice - Robin McKinley (F) (read a second time in December) 24. Beauty - Robin McKinley (F) 25. Dinosaur Tales - Ray Bradbury (R of most stories) (SF) (SW) 26. Wolfskin - Juliet Marillier (S) (F) 27. The Beast Under the Wizard's Bridge - John Bellairs/Brad Strickland (M) (S) (YA) 28. Wolf Tower - Tanith Lee (S) (F) (YA) 29. Superior Saturday - Garth Nix (F) (S) (SF) (YA) 30. Dime Store Magic - Kelly Armstrong (S) (V) 31. Industrial Magic - Kelly Armstrong (S) (V) 32. Four is a Crowd - Emily Chase (S) (YA) 33. Dead Girls are Easy - Terry Gerey (S) (V) 34. Lessons from the Fat-O-Sphere - Kate Harding & Marianne Kirby (NF) 35. Taste of Night - Vicki Pettersson (S)(V) 36. Mists of Avalon - Marion Zimmer Bradley (S) (SF) 37. Iron Kissed - Patricia Briggs (S) (V) 38. Tithe - Holly Black (S) (F) (YA) 39. Uglies - Scott Westerfeld (S) (SF) (YA) 40. A Match Made in Hell - Terry Garey (S) (V) 41. Pretties - Scott Westerfeld (S) (SF) (YA) 42. Dead and Gone - Charlaine Harris (S)(V) 43. Nation - Terry Pratchett (YA)(SF) 44. Damage Control - J.A. Jance (S)(M) 45. Haunted - Kelly Armstrong (S) (V) 46. Specials - Scott Westerfeld (S) (SF) (YA) 47. Broken - Kelly Armstrong (S) (V) 48. Hatter M - Frank Beddor, et al (S)(GN)(F) 49. A Child Across the Sky - Jonathan Carroll (F) 50. Stormy Weather - Carl Hiassen 51. Foxmask - Juliet Marillier (S) (F) 52. Jenny of the Tetons - Kristiana Gregory (YA) 53. Appointment with Death - Agatha Christie (M) 54. Adulthood Rites - Octavia Butler (AOC) (S) (SF) 55. Lucky You - Carl Hiassen 56. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (R ) (S) (F) (YA) 57. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (F) (R ) (S) (TA) 58. Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451: The Authorized Adaptation - Ray Bradbury, Tim Hamilton (R for text) (GN) (SF) 59. Wicked Prey - John Sanford (M) (S) 60. Naamah's Kiss - Jacqueline Carey (S) (F) 61. 8th Confession - James Patterson (M) (S) 62. Extras - Scott Westerfeld (S) (SF) (YA) 63. The Forest House - Marion Zimmer Bradley (S) (F) 64. Heir to Sevenwaters - Juliet Marillier (S) (F) 65. Bone Crossed - Patricia Briggs (S) (V) 66. Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes - Neil Gaiman (GN) (R ) (S) (F) 67. Rose Daughter - Robin McKinley (F) 68. White Apples - Jonathan Carroll (F) 69. Making Money - Terry Pratchett (S) (SF) 70. The Dark Mirror - Juliet Marillier (S) (F) 71. Fables: The Good Prince - Bill Willingham (GN) (S) 72. Embroideries - Marjane Satrapi (AOC) (GN) (S) 73. The Blade of Fortiu - Juliet Marillier (S) (F) 74. Sandman: The Doll's House - Neil Gaiman (GN) (R ) (S) (F) 75. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (v.1) - Alan Moore (GN) (S) (SF) 76. Coraline: The Graphic Novel - Neil Gaiman (GN) (R ) (F) (YA) 77. Succubus Blues - Rachelle Mead (S) (V) 78. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (v.2) - Alan Moore (GN) (S) (SF) 79. Skin Tight - Laurel K. Hamilton (S)(V) 80. Palimpsest - Catherynne M. Valente (F) 81. A Wizard of Earthsea - Ursula K. LeGuin (F) (S) 82. A People's History of the American Empire - Howard Zinn, et al (GN) (NF) 83. The Sharing Knife: Beguilement - Lois McMaster Bujold (F) (S) 84. The Gates of Sleep - Mercedes Lackey (S) (F) 85. Sandman: Dream Country - Neil Gaiman (GN) (R ) (S) (F) 86. Wildwood Dancing - Juliet Marillier (S) (F) (YA) 87. Skinny Dip - Carl Hiassan 88. Bread and Butter Journey - Anne Culver (YA) (S) (R ) 89. Cry Wolf - Patricia Briggs (S) (V) 90. No Humans Involved - Kelley Armstrong (S) (V) 91. Double Whammy - Carl Hiassan 92. The Wooden Sea - Jonathan Carroll (F) 93. Lady of Avalon - Marion Zimmer Bradley (S) (F) 94. The House Where Nobody Lived - Brad Strikland (YA) (M) (S) 95. City of Bones - Cassandra Clare (S)(YA) (V) 96. Touch of Twilight - Vicki Pettersson (S)(V) 97. The Halloween Tree - Ray Bradbury (R ) (YA) (SF) 98. The Time Traveler's Wife - Audrey Niffenegger 99. Sandman: Season of Mists - Neil Gaiman (GN) (R ) (S) (F) 100. Real Food for Mother and Baby - Nina Planck (NF) (S) 101. The Austure Academy - Lemony Snickett (YA) (S) 102. The Ersatz Elevator - Lemony Snickett (YA) (S) 103. The Vile Village - Lemony Snickett (YA) (S) 104. The Hostile Hospital - Lemony Snickett (YA) (S) 105. The Carniverous Carnival - Lemony Snickett (YA) (S) 106. The Slippery Slope - Lemony Snickett (YA) (S) 107. The Grim Grotto - Lemony Snickett (YA) (S) 108. The Pentultimate Peril - Lemony Snickett (YA) (S) 109. The End - Lemony Snickett (YA) (S) 110. Quicker than the Eye - Ray Bradbury (SW) (SF) 111. Feminist Theory from Margin to Center - bell hooks (NF) (AOC) 112. The Ghostway - Tony Hillerman (S) (M) 113. The Sharing Knife: Legacy - Lois McMaster Bujold (F) (S) 114. Sandman: Game of You - Neil Gaiman (GN) (R ) (S) (F) 115. The Sharing Knife: Passage - Lois McMaster Bujold (F) (S) 116. City of Ashes - Cassandra Clare (S)(YA) (V) 117. Kissing the Witch - Emma Donoghue (YA) (SW) (F) 118. The Sharing Knife: Horizon - Lois McMaster Bujold (F) (S) 119. A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens (R ) 120. Odd and the Frost Giants - Neil Gaiman (YA) (F)   Chapter books read with Son 1-7 The Magic School Bus Chapter Books (v. 5, 14, 16-20) 8-11. Captain Underpants (v. 1, 3-5) Dinosaurs - Magic Treehouse Reference Book Teddy Roosevelt and the Treasure of Ursa Major - Ron Kidd Chasing George Washington - Ron Kidd Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone - JK Rowling (R for me) (S)   Started in 2008 or before, finished in 2009 1. Shakespeare's Christmas - Charlaine Harris (2008) (S) 2. Divine Horsemen, The Living Gods of Haiti - Myra Deren (2006) (NF)   In progress (if not started in 2009, starting year in parens) Ulysses - James Joyce (2005) Jambalaya - L. Tisch (2007) (AOC) (NF) Who Let the Dogs In - Molly Ivins (2008) (SW) (NF) 13 1/2 - Nevada Barr (M) Lover Avenged - J.R. Ward (S) (V)     Island of the Could Not Finish Guilty Pleasures v 2 - Laurel K. Hamilton (GN) (S) (V) One for the Money - Janet Evanovich (S)(M) Tag Against Time - Helen Hughes Vick (YA) (S) (SF) Un Lun Dun - China Mieville (YA) (F) No Defense - Kate Wilhelm (S)(M)   Some coding: (AOC) = Author of Color (F) = Fantasy (GN) = Graphic Novel (M) = Mystery (NF) = Non-fiction (R ) = Reread (S) = Series (SF) = Science Fiction (SW) = Short Works (V) = Vampires, werewolves, and witches, oh my! (YA) = Young Adult


