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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Analysis of 2008 Reading

First off, hot damn, did I ever meet my goal of 100 books for 2008.   I did a couple of things differently this year - first, because my son is now super into having me read him chapter books - which have ranged from classics like The Wizard of Oz to insipid Transformers tie-ins, I started tracking those separately, instead of counting substantive classics that I might actually choose to read on my own as part of my own count (as I did with things like Roald Dahl last year. The second is that I gave myself permission to not read things that I wasn't enjoying. Which means that rather than having my "couldn't finish" list consist of one book that actively revolted me, if a book didn't engage me and I didn't care about picking it up again, I just didn't. It was kind of a lovely feeling, and I actually wonder if it contributed to my longer reading list, since I wasn't forcing myself back to things that didn't capture my attention. The third change was how I listed - going in order of reading, as opposed to alphabetically by author. I like all of these changes and plan to keep them for 2009.   Anyway, my totals: 117 books read entirely in 2008 2 started in 2007, finished on 2008 62 books read with the boy 6 books in progress (one of which I finished just this morning) 2 books in progress with R 9 books kicked to the curb   An interesting thing about those last 9, too - 5 of them were by authors that I've read before and liked and of those, I read and enjoyed books by 4 of them just this year. Three were books in series were I thoroughly enjoyed the first book, but just couldn't get into the second. Three of the 9 were books in well regarded YA series. Another was a television tie in for a show I enjoy.   Of the books in progress, one I've already finished, two are books of short stories or essays that I fully expect to finish in 2009. I suppose I should make finishing the other three part of my reading resolutions for this year, in addition to reading another 100 books in their entirety.   The reading with my son doesn't really take too long to look at - most were series books, most were at least mildly educational, either by design or by virtue of being classics.   Now, the meat. Breaking down the 117 that I read entirely in 2008: * 108 were new to me, 9 were re-reads (if you count the fact that I had already read the text of Stardust) * 20 were children's/ya books (I didn't count some things are are sometimes shelved as YA in the library, such as some of the manga/graphic novels which were not specifically aimed at these age groups, S. Myers "The Host" or the Juliet Marillier books, which while certainly appropriate to a YA audience don't struck me as being marketed as YA - so, this could potentially be about 10 higher) * 22 were graphic novels, 1 of which was a GN version of a book I've read several times, another of which was related to a book series) * 2 were non-fiction (1 book of essays, 1 true crime) * 10 were books of short fiction * 83 were installments of various series, of which 13 were YA, 17 were graphic novels, * I read 13 new authors, accounting for 37 of books read * there are 47 unique authors represented   I am rediculously pleased that I read way more than my 100 book goal - I want to read more of substance next year, though.




More Questions - 12/31

Who is your favorite villain of all-time?   Everyone else mentioned such good ones - I guess the #1 would have to be Snape.   Does anyone like Valerie Anands books?Or her Psuedonym Fiona Buckley...?   Nope, never heard of them.   If you could subscribe to every magazine you wanted, money no object, what would your list of magazines that would decorate your coffee table be?   I'm not really into magazines. But I suppose I'd take most of the knitting / spinning ones if money wasn't an object.   What plans does everyone have for NYE?   Not much, I have my Martinelli's and I'm having a quiet evening at home.   Who is interested in the room sprays? esp. from the inquisition?   I know nothing about them, but I like my rooms to smell yummy too, so sure.   Who's a Disney fan? Cartoons, theme parks, or just general stuff?   I'm not a big Disney fan, although I do like some of their older movies. Sleeping Beauty is my fave with The Little Mermaid as a close second.   Do you like mythical/fantastical creatures? Which ones?   I like most mythical horse-type creatures, fairies, and mermaids... though mermaids have gotten a bit old since The Little Mermaid.   What's on your key chain?   I have a few store cards and some keys (of course!) on a ring with a little dragonfly key-hangy thing. You can hang it over the pocket on a purse or something so you can find the keys. I had a keychain from Scotland but it broke. My dragonfly is getting chipped too, so I'm definitely in the market for new sturdy keychains.   Do you like caramels like coconut lime? Salted?   Yum! I adore caramels, with nuts and chocolate are my fave, but coconut lime sounds nummy and salted does too.   Do you speak any languages besides English? How fluent are you? Would you be interested in literature in a foreign laguage - phrase books, fiction, childrens stories?   I speak Norwegian pretty well - I majored in it in college, but I haven't had many chances to practice since so I'm a little rusty. I would be interested in books - fiction at the young adult reading level is probably about where I am, and I have my handy dictionary to look up anything I don't understand. I also speak a little bit of French... I took 3 1/2 years in high school but now when I try Norwegian comes out, but I can still understand it a bit.   What's your favorite animal?   OK, I swear I answered this but I guess I didn't. I like horses, cats, and fish. Porcupine puffers especially.   I'd like to know wrist size, circumference just below the elbow, and most importantly; what kind of fiber can you tolerate/not tolerate. Please be more specific than non-itchy wool. Alpaca, merino sheep's wool, silk, acrylic, stainless steel, you name it.   wrist: 6" below elbow: 10"   I can tolerate all fibers, though I avoid silk for vegetarian reasons.   Question to all the knitters out there, what size knitting needles do you use the most?   I almost always knit socks, and 2.25mm (size 1) needles are the ones I use most.




It's Been A Long Time Friend

Wow, a lot has happened in the last few months. Work is still uncertain for us. There's been a second set of restructures and Carol kept her job in those. I find out in March whether I have a job and what that job will look like. I've been avoiding the boards as much as possible. I've got a lot of wonderful scents and with things being uncertain I need to not tempt myself. I've put a couple orders in the last 2 months though after a hiatus so I"m pleased at the possibility of new things to come as well as the new things arrived.   I wore Snake Charmer (res) today. I had problems trying to decide what an appropriate "first day of 2009" scent would be. I decided something new would be good. I think I've worn it once before (got it in my last order that came earlier this month) so that was perfect for today.   I haven't done any swaps and was realising as I was putting my order together today that I haven't talked to Carol about her smellies lately. She's got a ton more than I do and I think she's happy with her myriads of imps and screeds of bottles. I need to peek in her boxes and see if she's getting low on any of her favorites, just so I have something on the list. I try to usually order a bottle for each of us but have ordered far more for her overall so she's got more than I. And since she doesn't look at the site, but relies on me to pick stuff for her, doesn't have the same kind of ongoing wish list that I have.   No real 'resolutions' for me for the new year. I'll try to be a better person, try to not procrastinate bills as much, try to appreciate life each day and try to work on my online shops. Other than that, keep going. One foot in front of the other. We'll see where this path leads me.




Black Lily

Category -- Rappaccini's Garden   Oh God, this is gorgeous. Beautiful, sweet lily, smooth and velvety. It has a cool darkness without being damp, more an essence of the shaded light that surrounds the flower, rather than the earth it springs from.   If only it projected. It hugs my skin and really does not throw much, and this is disappointing.   (And, unfortunately, the only day that it really seems to amp -- is the day right before my period. I can't really justify wanting a bottle of something with such a...limited window of usefulness. )




Black Hellebore

Category -- Rappacini's Garden   As many others have noted, this is a 'green' scent, very evocative of a garden full of blooming plants late on a damp afternoon. I think I detect more peony than rose -- the floral components seem high and sweet without being too cloyingly so. It is a very inoffensive scent -- a modest amount of throw, and a pretty quick fade.




Black Forest

Category -- Bewitching Brews   It's definitely a PINE scent -- but that's not to imply that it's offensive. Rather, it's a very green, fresh, 'pure' sort of pine -- the sort you'd get straight from the tree, rather than seeming like a cleaning product. Underneath is a faintly sweet, almost creamy sort of aroma -- the ambergris, perhaps, and/or the juniper.   Soon after application, I can also detect a cedary scent -- that must be the cypress. After a long moment of piney goodness, it turns into a more subdued, generally-woody scent.   It's really lovely, and perfect for wintertime, of course -- and though I don't need a bottle, I will definitely keep the imp for a day in summer when I am longing for some Christmas in July.   Unfortunately, Karl immediately said 'You smell like a car freshener!', so a bottle is definitely not in my future. But *I* like it!!!




Black Dahlia

Category -- Sin and Salvation   The magnolia and jasmine blend really nicely, creating a sweet floral effect. There is a hint of rose there, as well. I don't get any amber at all...nothing but florals, here. For me, it falls in along the lines of Bathsheba, and Sacred Whore of Babylon...so if you like those scents, give this one a try, too.




Black Annis

Category -- Diabolus   The licorice/anise component stands out the most for me -- which is great, because I love that scent! It is framed subtley by faintly-woody tones...so I can sort of see how one could get that 'witch in the woods' imagery. As time passes, it turns extremely creamy -- as if I had put on some anise-scented lotion. Which would be great, if I actually had lotion that smelled like this...but is sort of disappointing from just the oil.   I would have loved for this to have more throw. It has very decent staying power -- I could still smell it, on my wrist, at night when I went to bed -- but it is too subdued for me to really desire a bottle of it.




BPAL: London

London Category: Wanderlust Quantity: sample Description: LONDON Venerable Victorian Tea Rose… twisted, blackened and emboldened with wickedness.   Review: In the bottle: Roses, yet dried, sour, bitter and intoxicated. Wet: A sweet and elegant rose, but still dark and bitter. Dry: Same, with subtlety. It blends well with my skin and becomes quite sweet. However, it doesn’t last very long (at least on me). Verdict: It’s very elegant and womanly, with an interesting wicked twist. Unfortunately, this perfume smells older than I am. It’s something I’ll want to try again in a few years.   More reviews: Wanderlust: London




Lots and lots and lots of question catch-up

Sorry about the delay! It's been kind of crazy.   Unfiltered wishlists help witches get a taste of what you like regardless of price-point. I always put disclaimers on my questionnaire to that effect, basically saying that I included EVERYTHING on there, from $3 to $30,000, but only was expecting things in the $3 league. I feel I should perhaps note here that I'm answering questions pretty much just as I wouldn't without the switch witch framework, so plenty of the stuff listed is stuff I would never in a million years expect as a gift, from anyone, much less from a gift exchange like this. It's just a glimpse into my crazy mind, really.   So for all witches of the shimmying types - would you like tassel belts/jingle belts/ ect and if so, how big are your hips? I would indeed; I wear size 16/18 currently.   How do you like your chocolate? White, milk, bittersweet, as dark as possible? Plain, with flavoring, with chunks of stuff in? Fairly traditional, or weird and experimental? To a great extent, I like pretty much all decent-to-high quality chocolate. But my preference tends to be for as dark as possible, though I do like to have white, milk, and bittersweet sometimes, too, for variety. If it's plain, it probably wants to be very high quality (though I still have a bit of soft spot for Hershey's Special Dark from my childhood), and hopefully interesting in some way (single origin, etc). I like flavoring, and I like chunks of things. I <i>love</i> nuts (especially almonds, but also hazelnuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts, peanuts, cashews, etc). I like fruits. I like other stuff (sea salt, toffee, etc). Traditional can be good (my favorite milk chocolate is Cadbury's fruit and nut bar, hard to get more traditional than that), but I am definitely attracted to the weird and experimental. And yes, I've had the Vosges bar with bacon in it. I've had the enchanted mushroom one, too. They were both pretty good, but I still prefer the Barcelona.   What is the weirdest and/or most practical thing you are not buying for yourself right now? [Addendum] Actually! I just realized the true answer to this question: small hand weights. I used to have a set of nice comfy rubber-coated ones, but I left them behind a couple of moves ago.   Question for the Class: Favorite Musical? On stage or on film? Comedy or drama? Hmmmm. Probably Into the Woods for stage, with Chicago as the runner-up. And Guys and Dolls for film (young Marlon Brando, yum), probably 1776 as the runner up. But I like a ton of musicals, really. I will try not to give in to the temptation to list them all.   On the same note...do you like Shakespeare? Which plays? Hells yes. I tend to be a comedy girl -- Much Ado About Nothing, The Tempest, A Midsummer's Night's Dream, The Merchant of Venice, oh, most of them, really. For the dramas, I do like Hamlet and Macbeth a lot; Romeo and Juliet strictly as the play tends to annoy me, though I did like the Baz Luhrman version and I just always have a soft spot for Mercutio.   Though, at least as much as Shakespeare itself, I like Shakespeare redone. The Kurosawas (Ran = King Lear, Throne of Blood = Macbeth), 10 Things I Hate About You, updated versions, etc.   Anyone into physical activities? For instance- I'm training to become a Combat Archer in the SCA, and something I would use would be an Archers glove...is there anything you do as a sport/hobby in which you might need equipment? I've been meaning to get back into yoga and pilates, though I don't think I'm wanting for yoga equipment. Maybe pilates. I also dance some, so dance shoes of various types are always fun; right now I'm especially in the market for ones that feel almost like dancing barefoot, but protect the ball of the foot. And I do some taichi -- a taichi sword or fan or other prop would be awesome, or shoes or silks or anything along those lines, really.   Who's your favorite playwright? Play? I'm not sure I have a favorite playwright. Maybe Tom Stoppard. Or Aristophanes. Favorite play: Samuel Beckett's <i>En attendant Godot</i>.   Have you (or maybe the younguns in your family) been exposed to the Webkinz craze? Nope   Are you particularly lusting after any specific BPAL, hard to find treat, book, or music at the moment? Ahahaha, always. Champagne and Roses and Egg Nog Latte were both calling to me, and Ho Ho Ho and Champagne, Chocolate, and Cheap Sex both sound yummy, too. And I'm still kicking myself for not putting in Inquisitions for Bah and Humbug. Hard to find treat: chrysanthemum tea with rock sugar, the way restaurants serve it in China. Book: The Absolute Sandman volumes. Music: Heart and Soul, the Joy Division box set.   Alright witches, who is ordering the Moon of the Terrible oil? Me!   Any favorite cartoon characters? Disney, Sanrio, etc? Er. I like the flat panda, I have no idea what it's called. I'm pretty fond of Hello Kitty and other Sanrio characters. I think Maleficent is pretty cool, Disney-wise. I like Pixar stuff, in general. I like Winnie the Pooh (Eeyore is my favorite) and Care Bears (Grumpy especially!). Oh, and some nostalgia for Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake,   What's your favorite texture? Wood polished to a silky sheen.   If you are a fan, who were your favorite Buffy and Angel characters? Not the hugest fan (I haven't seen tons of the eps), but I enjoyed them. Tara, Oz, Giles, and Spike on Buffy; Lindsey, Wesley... and Angel and Cordelia, oddly enough.   What's one luxury item you want to pamper yourself with but haven't yet? A good digital SLR camera. Or a spa weekend sort of thing.   Do you prefer arm warmers to the wrist, to the base of the fingers, or half fingered? Base of fingers is safest, half-fingered if it's thin enough. Though I just got some for Christmas! They're thick ones, though -- thinner ones would still be quite useful.   Does your forum name have a special significance? Refer to something or someone you admire? Reflect your interests? Come on, spill! Jen = the first part of my given name. Callisto is from Greek mythology. Quoting from my lj profile: "an arcadian girl changed into a bear and placed in the heavens as ursa major." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Callisto_(mythology)   are there any rare (or even uber-rare) scents that you'd really like to try? I want to know everyone's BPAL holy grail! I haven't been around long enough to develop a true holy grail, I don't think. Off the top of my head, I'd say maybe Black Lace or Storyville?   What would your reaction be to receiving something like this? A Batsirani doll. Seems pretty neat.   www.jewelryarte.com If you want to see pieces I especially covet, see my LJ or facebook. So, in the spirit of such things, what is one REALLY expensive, completely outrageous thing you would LOVE to get but totally don't expect to ever get from anyone? [Ooh, the summer tears and summer sails earrings on that site are especially gorgeous.] A custom corset, the kind so well-made and well-fitted that one can sing opera while wearing one -- http://www.other-woman.com/ Or, well. A year of really amazing globetrotting vacation.   Do you like coffee mugs? Travel or stay at home? How big? Do you like ones from Starbucks? Sure? Stay at home, mostly, though either is fine. Big! I guess? Actually, really big stay at home ones would be kind of awesome.   If you drink coffee, do you like whole bean coffee or prefer ground? What grind? What roast (mild, medium, bold, extra bold)? Do you like flavored coffee? I don't make much at home myself, though I might aim to change that soon. I tend to like dark french roasts, but also medium roasts sometimes, depending on my mood. I... sometimes like flavored coffee. But I tend to prefer espresso drinks flavored with shots of syrup to pre-flavored coffee.   Do you like tea? What kinds of tea (green, red, white, black, decaf, herbal infusions)? Feel free to get specific on brands and tea types. Loose or bagged? Do you need any kind of tea accessories? Pots/cozys/presses/strainers? Yes! All kinds! And I could use any and all of those tea accessories, actually. I prefer loose, though bagged can be convenient. Stuff I particularly like: chrysanthemum tea with rock sugar (I know, I know, I'm repeating myself... but I really love this stuff and I've never found it properly made in the States), earl grey and variations on it, chai of all different types (I like to experiment), thai iced tea, mint tea, genmai cha, pu-er with condensed milk, eight treasures. There's a chocolate mint rooibus tea I get from Infusions of Tea that's delicious. I'm fond of Tealuxe's chais and earl grey variations and their echinacea and throat tender teas. I also just generally like jasmine, oolong, white tea, green tea, rose, lavender, milk tea, bubble tea (of various kinds -- lavender is especially yummy -- and especially with lychee jellies instead of bubbles). Stuff I don't like in tea: stuff that's too strongly anise? I guess I'm not a huge fan of the citrus variations in general (not including bergamot, obviously), though there are exceptions.   Do you need any decanting supplies? Pipettes? Vials? How about any wand caps? Roller bottles? Some spray bottles (for oils mixed with alcohol?) I would be psyched for any of those (though the spray bottles a little less), especially the wand caps and roller bottles, but I'm interested in starting decanting, too, so a starter kit for that would be completely awesome.   What is your favorite hot chocolate or drinking chocolate? Do you need Vegan or no? [omg http://www.kakawachocolates.com looks _amazing_, I want to try them all!] I don't need vegan. My standard favorite hot chocolate is Chuao Chocolatier Spicy Maya hot chocolate, though I like their Winter spice one, too. I am also super-fond of L.A. Burdick's dark hot chocolate. For stuff that's not so ungodly expensive, I'm actually pretty fond of Ibarra. Oh, and I have a soft spot for the Swiss Miss with those little mini-marshmallows, ideally mixed with mediocre coffee.   How do you feel about home made lip balm, salt or sugar scrubs, soap, bath salts, etc? What kind of flavors and notes do you like? Good! All of those sound pretty good, though I don't get to talk baths as much as I'd like so maybe hold off on the bath salts. Fruit flavors, mint, or cinnamon, probably for the lip balm, though I'm happy to try anything. For the rest... I like most fruity and foody scents. Florals are a little iffy, though roses are most likely to agree with me.   Sooooo.....if you were to receive a hand-knitted item, what color(s) would you prefer AND are there any types of yarn that you just cannot handle (e.g. wool, llama, etc.) Colors: blue! black, red, deep violet, dark grey, dark green, maybe olive... Whatever's fine for the yarn, I think.   How do you feel about Lush? Anything you want to try? I have access to many things. I am fond of Lush. I miss the Arabian Bright hair treatment desperately. I've been eying their henna for years (I'd want to add a little red highlighting to dark hair). I'm not so keen on their hair products and moisturizers, but I like the bath bombs a lot. I seriously adore their deodorant bars, but I currently have huge amounts of both of the ones I use and they last forever, so I'm probably set on that front for a couple of years.   Do you want to try the Will Call only Champagne scents? Yes! Especially champagne and roses, but also champagne, chocolate, and cheap sex. Egg Nog Latte is high on my list too, and Ho Ho Ho sounds worth trying, definitely. It would be cool to try champagne and cigars once, but it's less likely to work for me than the others, I believe.   Would you please share your favorite e-card site? I... don't have one. I am not an eCard sort of person, really. In fact, I think the first one I've ever sent was just a couple of weeks ago, to my witchee.   Do you play on-line games? Which one and which serever? Do you need any funds/equipment/help adventuring? Nope, sadly, too busy to play computer games even though I enjoy them. And Monkey Island's more my speed, anyway.   Do you have traditional holiday movies you like to watch? Not that I can think of offhand. I guess I do like The Muppets Christmas Carol. And I have vaguely fond memories of the Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer TV special.   What are your "guilty pleasures" type movies? That you really secretly like but don't like to admit to it? Ahahaha, I don't have much sense of guilt. 10 Things I Hate About You is probably the movie that I love most that I could see causing other people to facepalm. And is probably indicative of the genre that likely counts most as guilty pleasure - romantic comedies. I have a soft spot, okay? But I prefer them clever and/or British and always a little alternative in some way. Or, well, really really kooky or maybe even ridiculous. Or both! I also love a good action flick (current favorites: Iron Man, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, Live Free or Die Hard, Banlieue 13, and always, always Aliens).   Hmm, guilty pleasure movies... I guess I would have to say I am more of Guilty Pleasure TV series person. I mostly feel even less guilty about my TV watching (on DVD). It was a little weird (but cool) that year that I watched Project Runway and The Amazing Race with my housemates. Reality TV, who woulda thunk. But mostly I watch stuff like Supernatural, Friday Night Lights, Heroes (season 1 only), Veronica Mars, Bones, House, Psych, Burn Notice, Chuck, Entourage, Firefly, Buffy, Angel, Sports Night, West Wing, Studio 60... I guess Dark Angel could count as a guilty pleasure?   What are your favorite websites (i.e., the ones you visit every day, or almost every day)? yahoo mail gmail livejournal 1 livejournal 2 bpal google   Anyone else a Luis Royo fan? I wouldn't say fan, though I do like the art.   Anyone a fan of Goddess art? I love images of women, in beautiful poses, strong women, powerful women (No- Not Hilary ROFL) I like dark, vampire types too, not *too* dark- okay for general consumption type art too. Girl In Denial made a gorgeous artwork for me for the Paying it Forward- it is simply stunning- I adore it. Its the most exquisite painting I've seen for a long long time...and it is *so* me!It is up there as one of my prized posessions! Again, I wouldn't say fan, though I definitely like some art with such themes.   Do you collect anything...BESIDES BPALs. Ahahahaha, yes. Books, mostly. Also cds, and favorite foods and restaurants. For a while I was collecting hedgehog things. And Death-related things (er, the personage(s)/deities of Death rather than just anything related to death). Oh, and pretty postcards/art/magnets/souvenirs/etc.   What bath products can you not live without? What are your favorite etailers? Are there any etailers you haven't tried but would like to? Clearasil. Everything else I tend to switch up. Current favorite hair products (besides the late, great Lush: Arabian Bright): Redken Clear Moisture shampoo and conditioner, Asience shampoo and conditioner, Giovanni Smooth as Silk shampoo and conditioner, Aveda madder root conditioner. I like nifty-smelling bar soaps, in general. And I'm in the market for a really good oil-free moisturizer for combination skin.   Hey! I know a bunch of people on here have mentioned being gamers -- has anybody played the Wasabi! game? My gaming group tried it out last night, and it was a hoot! I haven't, though I'd love to try it. Also, who likes Munchkin? What flavor? Yup yup. I don't own any of the sets but many of my friends do, and I've enjoyed it quite a bit when I've played it in the past. I think Munckin Fu might be my favorite, though Bites, Impossible, and Cthulhu also appeal. And Munchkin Blender, definitely.   This is kind of a getting-to-know-you-type-thingie, but I always find it illuminating--what's on your computer desktop? Images? Color scheme? Earth (with a big swirly cloud on the surface) from space, but close enough in that the Earth is taking up maybe 60% of the screen, the horizon cutting diagonally across. It's one of the included desktops. Also a half-dozen folders, one in the upper left corner, the rest against the right side. Taskbar at the bottom, very small, with the magnifying glass set fairly high. My color schemes tend to be blues and greys.   Would you be interested in some knitted wire jewelry, like this? Definitely!   If you were to attend Hogwarts, into which House would you be sorted? Ravenclaw. By my own choice, and by the results of every single quiz on the subject I have ever taken (and that's a lot!).   Oh, and I actually did think of a couple of answers to the 'things you would like but never buy for yourself' question from earlier. I think the thing currently topping this list is silk sheets. But in general the answer is stuff that I don't realize I should want yet (in other words, rec me stuff!).   Do you have a personal 'Good Luck' charm? Maybe you have a goddess figure to remind you of your Inner Goddess, or maybe you have a beautiful Cross to represent your faith...Or maybe you wear a Hand of Fatimah for protection....That kind of thing. Not really. I tend to be most confident when my hair is in a good mood. Oh, and my brass rat (MIT class ring) might sort of count.   Question for the class: How do you feel about winter-themed but not really holiday type decorations? Things like snowflakes and fake icicles and the like? I love (love love love) snowflakes, and I like winter in general a lot.   would you please do your Witches a favor and write down some specific measurements and yarn likes/dislikes in a post. I have some orders in for "schtuffs" but your witches can't exactly ask you point blank since it would ruin the surprise. I'd like to know wrist size, circumference just below the elbow, and most importantly; what kind of fiber can you tolerate/not tolerate. Please be more specific than non-itchy wool. Alpaca, merino sheep's wool, silk, acrylic, stainless steel, you name it. I can wear almost anything without it itching, but others can't. wrist ~7" (on the 6.5" side, but I probably would want something that doesn't fit quite that closely), circumference just below the elbow ~10.5-11 inches. I'm not super-sensitive to fabric, but definitely some are too scratchy for me -- unfortunately, I don't know enough about fabrics to be able to name them in detail! I suspect staying away from regular/coarse wool and acrylics would be preferable, though softer wools (cashmere, alpaca, merino) and synthetics could well be fine. Silks are adored.   burnables? candles, tarts, incense? Yes or no? Sure. Not something I use regularly, but I do like them.   what's on your keyring? More importantly, is it something that might be accented by some cool beads and/or charms, and would you, could you, just maybe like a Keyring Of Excessive Jingle, (a/k/a KOEJ) with said beads and charms and jewelry-liike goodness? Cool beads and/or charms could be good, though mostly I tend towards streamlined and functional. Right now it's very workaday, just some red lego blocks, a house key, a mailbox key, and two office keys for school.   Do you speak any languages besides English? How fluent are you? Would you be interested in literature in a foreign laguage - phrase books, fiction, childrens stories? Yup, Chinese and French. My Chinese is maybe semi-fluent -- not even close to native speaker level fluent, but fairly advanced if not to the highest level. My French was 4 years of high school and has been mostly neglected since then; I'll be brushing up on it in the next few months. Children's books and fiction (and plays and poems) in both, phrase books perhaps in French, and not so much in Chinese unless the focus is specifically the more advanced types of things like idiomatic expressions. I am especially fond of editions that have the one language on one side and the other on the facing page.   Do you like mythical/fantastical creatures? Which ones? I do. Many of them, really. Dragons, phoenixes, gryphons, gargoyles, satyrs, phouka, most fae... I do like the Pegasus (preferably a Greek mythology version, more intimidating than cute and fluffy), and I seems to have progressed far enough from my childhood that suddenly rainbows and unicorns have a certain ironic appeal. Though, my heart belongs to deadly beautiful more than cute, overall. I am interested in most unique or named mythical creatures to one extent or another. Some of the darker ones are also rather fascinating (banshees, death's pale horse, sirens, etc). And I'm very fond of the Chinese Classic of Mountains and Seas, which has a selection of them.   Who would enjoy receiving travel guides (like Fodors and Zagat)? For which destinations? I adore travel guides, I'm totally addicted to them. I have way too many for Beijing, and I'm probably all set on Shanghai and Tokyo, but I wouldn't mind other cities in China and Japan, and I would _love_ stuff about Taiwan. I'd also be interested in Paris, London, Vancouver... actually, pretty much anywhere. I especially like Rough Guide and Lonely Planet, though others are also read and loved, and I do use Zagat for food sometimes.   Who's a Disney fan? Cartoons, theme parks, or just general stuff? I like Disney, though I wouldn't say fan, exactly. I like plenty of the classics (Maleficent ftw! And I liked some of the wacky live-action films like The Parent Trap and That Darn Cat), but I have the biggest soft spot for the Menken-Ashman trifecta, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin, plus Newsies and Mulan. Epcot is by far my favorite theme park section.   Do you like caramels like coconut lime? Salted? I've never had coconut lime caramels, but I'd probably like them. I _love_ salted caramel and salted chocolate.   New question: So we've talked about cartoons, but what other kid shows did you watch? Mine: Sesame Street, Mr. Rogers, 3-2-1 Contact, Where in the World is Carmen San Diego (with Rockapella!), Bill Nye the Science Guy. I like the Muppets and Fraggle Rock, too, though I mostly watched those a bit later.




Review: Devil's Claw

Scent Devil's Claw Source BPAL URL http://www.blackphoenixalchemylab.com/garden.html Description A yellow-bright and smoky brown-black scent, horned, pronged and strange. Amount imp Date 12.28.08 In the Bottle sharp, minor floral, nuts, sandlewood, musk? Wet on Skin creamy nut, smoke, cedar?, lemon Dry on Skin Evoced Color mean yellow blended with drk green Evoced Mood uneasy alertness Others Elements oriental (woody), woody (woods, dry), fresh (citrus), herbal




Review: Satyr

Scent Satyr Source BPAL URL http://www.blackphoenixalchemylab.com/lp.html Description Unleash the bawdy, unrestrained passion of the satyr! A ferociously masculine scent: sexual, vigorous, and truly wild. Amount imp Date 12.28.08 In the Bottle musky, spicey, waarm sexy, minor spices/florals Wet on Skin As bottle, with a little more cinnamony warm Dry on Skin Settles into something smoother and softer later though still strongly sexy Evoced Color brown red Evoced Mood sex, heat Others Panda really liked and could not keep his paws off, apparently has civet cat musk Elements oriental (soft, oriental), woody (dry)




Review: Anubis

Scent Anubis Source BPAL URL http://www.blackphoenixalchemylab.com/excolo.html Description He Who Counts the Hearts, Jackal Ruler of the Bows, He Who Is In the Place of Embalming. Jackal-headed guardian, protector and psychopomp of Egypt’s dead, he guides souls to the underworld and holds steady the scales upon which the deceased’s heart is weighed against Ma’at’s Feather of Truth. He is the creator and master of funereal rites, He Who Opens the Mouth of the Dead, and is the sentinel that watches over the sanctity of tombs and the virtue and privacy of his charges. His scent is a blend of holy myrrh, storax, balsam, and embalming herbs. Amount imp Date 12.28.08 In the Bottle a little spice, a lot of herb, maybe a hint of medicinal, amber, cinnamons? Wet on Skin lots of floral all of a sudden, very exotic - tint of baby powder Dry on Skinas above, settling towards a warm ambery spice and myrrh Evoced Color green, blue - turquoise and lapis Evoced Mood calm, patience Others roomies didn't care for this one at all - the myrrh probably. Lasts. For. Ever. Elements floral (oriental), oriental (oriental, woody), herbal




Review: Paris

Scent Paris Source BPAL URL http://www.blackphoenixalchemylab.com/wanderlust.html Description Sensual, decadent, and enigmatic. Lavender, softly underscored by lotus and spice. Amount imp Date 12.28.08 In the Bottle strong herbal, floral, - lavender/ medical, backwash of somethign else floral, lily? not smelling much spice here Wet on Skin as in bottle, a little warmer for the other backscent, and NOW a little cinnamon shows up Dry on Skin settling towards cloves- ok - This is a little better ... and hours later *back* to lavender and that funky other floral? Evoced Color yellow green Evoced Mood anxious, restless Others Not sure i like this one at all really, really sort of restless twitchy feeling to it, which is odd as i like cinnamon, cloves and lavender - it might be the lotus or the combination Elements floral (floral, oriental), herbal




order, Mon 29/12/08

I just realised that I got an extra bottle of Snow White because the decanter I bought Yule decants from sent me it instead of Snow Bunny!   So, I had an excuse for another order...   Water of Notre Dame Dove's Heart Bezoar Snow Bunny Beaverversary Earth Phoenix   Yep, all 5mLs.   I need more 5mLs like I need a shot in the head...sheesh *grin*.




imp testing Sun 28/12/08

Flower Moon - just got enough to test this, and wow, it's gorgeous. Quite girlie. I think I love tulips and daffodils (actually, have always loved daffodils from an early age - reminds me of my childhood in England). Would definitely try to get a bottle.   Cordelia - these Asiatic blends tend to suit me - except the lemon! Drat. I love all of the notes, but that seems to be a tad too strong on me. I'll retest one day in the hope that it's died down a bit.   Miskatonic University - Irish coffee incarnate. I don't like it...yeah, I know, not a popular view, but I don't tend to like foody, sweet scents generally speaking. Can't believe how true this is though.




5mL testing! 28/12/08

Schwarzer Mond - the resurrected one. Wow. This is punchy! Dark, and sexy too. Am so glad I got this in 5mL form! It just gets better and better on my skin, and smells magnificent from afar (ie. when my nose is not glued to my wrist!)   The Gaoler's Daughter - wet, peach! As it dries down, the gardenia becomes more prominent. Such a girlie, flirty scent, am surprised there aren't more reviews for it. It's a very innocent yet cheeky blend. Not sure if it worth a bottle.   Pickled Imp - Very strong of cloves, then cinnamon and pine come out. Doesn't seem so vanilla-ish, but will let it age a bit or stand and this should improve it. I initially got this confused with Bezoar, which I may actually prefer.   Belle Epoque - fresh bottle, needs ageing, as imp had much more vanilla. It'll be a bedtime scent for me. It is gorgeous, and subtle and timeless.     That's it for now, or I risk sensory overload!




Review: Kathmandu

Scent Kathmandu Source BPAL URL http://www.blackphoenixalchemylab.com/wanderlust.html Description The scent of sacred incense swirling up the steep slopes to Swayambhunath Stupa. Saffron, blessed sandalwood, Himalayan cedar and the miraculous lotus of the Buddha with chiuri bark and Nepalese spices. Amount imp Date 12.28.08 In the Bottle amber, crisp, peppermint or cedar? Wet on Skin spearmint, spice, mint-is that what eucalyptus smells like? floral,clean/crisp, amber? Dry on Skin cedar, amber, sandlewood Evoced Color white blue Evoced Mood focus, concentration Others this one fades Very fast Elements oriental ( woody), woody (woods), fresh (green), herbal




Review: De Sade

Scent De Sade Source BPAL URL http://www.blackphoenixalchemylab.com/sin.html Description The essence of pleasure heightened by pain: the raw scent of leather. Amount imp Date 12.28.08 In the Bottle Strauight up leather, no skin tones to it Wet on Skin Totally Leather, very strong like walking into Wilson's Leather store Dry on Skin Still leather, steady and long lasting Evoced Color Brown, black Evoced Mood Outdoorsy leathery goodness Others Elements woody (dry)




Review: Ozymandias

Scent Ozymandias Source BPAL URL http://www.blackphoenixalchemylab.com/bb.html Description I met a traveler from an antique landWho said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read, Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed, And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings: Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.   Desolation. The remnants of an empire, shivering with forgotten glories, a monument to megalomania, sundered power, and colossal loss. Dry desert air, dry and hot, passing over crumbling stone megaliths and plundered golden monuments, bearing a hint of the incense of lost Gods on its winds. Amount imp Date 12.28.08 In the Bottle very minor florals, amber, sandlewood, minor spice Wet on Skin as above Dry on Skin settles into a complex warmth, still an impression of strength - dryness Evoced Color red-orange Evoced Mood desert setting sun, strength, male Others Elements floral (soft), oriental (soft, woody)




Review: Elegba

Scent Elegba Source BPAL URL Description The Spirit of the Divine Messenger, the Lord of the Crossroads, He Who Owns All Doors and Roads in this World. He is the intermediary between the Orishas and mankind, and stands at the intersection of humanity and the Divine. He opens all paths of communication, both mundane and Heavenly. His ofrenda contains coconut, tobacco and sweet, sugared rum. Amount imp Date12.28.08 In the Bottle coconut and hazelnut Wet on Skin hazelnut, sweet some underspices Dry on Skin caramel, pipe tobacco, sweet Evoced Color orange Evoced Moodrelaxed, beach and coffee Others Panda says it smells like caramel Elements woody (dry), fresh (fruity)





Well, now that I have found my new obsessions I wanted to set up something of a scent database here. So to train my nose and my vocabulary on how to describe the scents I like, so I can recognize the scents later on. To that end I've set up some tools to be of use to me. The first is a standard review format:     The second is to make use of the formal scent wheel - courtesy of wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fragrance_wheel As follows:  




Yule 2008 testing, part 1

It's the Yules! Am writing more detailed notes in my imp journal, but here are some of my thoughts in summary about the Yules. I got a set of decants of all of them.   Le Pere Fouettard - I had to look up what 'gaufrette' was - a thin, fan shaped waffle wafer. Nice, not too foody at first, then whip leather makes an appearance, and gradually takes over the foodiness. When leather is at its strongest, the liquorice becomes known to my nose. An artful blend, but not something I would wear. There's A Certain Slant of Light - ozonic, barely there. Very little staying power on my skin, which is fine really, am not too fond of these sorts of blends, as they tend to smell very male-colognesque on me. It smells minty in the vial. Visiting the Temple of Auspicious Fortune Alone On the Winter Solstice - definitely get the rain at first! Wow! Then it gets musty, rather than dusty, and has an Eastern/Oriental feel. Much later it starts to get incense-ish. Again, not one I'd wear, or scent my environs with.   Lines Written Among the Euganean Hills - a more complex version of The Snow Maiden - sleety, chilly and berryish, but then it gets rather minty to my nose.   The Magi - I don't think I appreciate the complexity of this blend. I get the frankincense but it's too hard to tell what the other things are.   Perchta - has the characteristic BPAL chilly note, which is lovely. A hint of something spicy, then all the florals come out. Am keeping my imp. The Head of Holofernes - wine and pomegranate are evident at first. This is actually quite lovely, and will be keeping my imp. Don't so much detect other notes, and had to look up what onycha was! Butter Rum Cookie - just as the name says! Has almond, which is behaving on me (BPAL almond does not like me so much) but does get a little cloying after a while. It is yummy, though.   Gelt - wow, smells exactly like the coins. I love cocoa, and am surprised that the amber is quite muted in this blend. Will end up retesting.   Midnight Mass 2008 - am surprised it doesn't have more throw, but is really true to its name: smells exactly like mass incense. Be a nice blend to wear at nighttime. I actually got a bottle of this straight-off rather than just a decant.   Snow White 2008 - got 2 bottles by accident! No matter, it means I don't have to use sparingly, and will be my actual fragrance on Christmas Day.   Bottle-worthy: The Head of Holofernes, Midnight Mass 2008 (got bottle), Snow White 2008 (got 2 bottles). Keeping imps: Perchta, Butter Rum Cookie, Gelt.


