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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

what arrived today

These were purchases from the user stellans - she blasted away 4 entries on my LE wishlist! Fantastic!   Stardust 2005 Diwali 2007 (Yule) Beatrice Michtecacihuatl 2008 (Halloween)   All of these I had the pleasure of testing whilst in convalescence and fell in love with - particularly Diwali 2007. I was naughty and used funds from my super-savings account but when someone offers you 4 wishlist scents you'd be silly to turn it down! At least, that's my story and I'm sticking to it, chuckle.   She gave me a buttload of frimps but I put them in my "need new homes" imp bag before recording their names, whoops!   I have 2 PO slips telling me I've packages to pick up and I think one might be my actual Lab order. Am so excited!





After a break of quite some time, I find myself getting reobsessed with BPAL again.   I thought I might use this blog feature as a way of tracking what I purchase, what I try and such. You might like to read it if you're interested.   I also keep an external blog which houses my non-olfactory obsessions:   Grace Notes @ Snarkattack   It talks about everyday life (surviving chronic illness), poetry and music. Again, may interest you - feel free to nose around.




Switch Witch Winter 2008 Help File

Ok. I have collected some switch withc questions from the last few rounds and added my comments   Are there any rare (or even uber-rare) scents that you'd really like to try? There are so many. Off the top of my head - I Married A Vampire From Planet X, Snake Charmer, Snow Storm Does your forum name have a special significance? Refer to something or someone you admire? Reflect your interests? galahad is the paige of cups in the tarot deck I like to use (paige of cups is my significator) plus the character in Arthurian legend resonates with me What's your favorite texture? super soft or velvetynt to pamper yourself with but haven't yet? Texture is really important to me but I don't think I can pin it down. It either works or it doesn't Do you prefer arm warmers to the wrist, to the base of the fingers, or half fingered? Don't do anything for me Any favorite cartoon characters? I love the Family Guy and Stewie makes me laugh Anyone into physical activities? ...is there anything you do as a sport/hobby in which you might need equipment? No but I should be! Are there any witchy type supplies you're in need of, or would like to try etc.? I like tarot cards and crystals. I like blue quartz but it's not easy to find If you are a fan, who were your favorite Buffy and Angel characters? I love Buffy, the show. Fave characters are Anya, Willow, Glory Do you like Shakespeare? Which plays? I do but haven't really delved deep Question for the Class: Favorite Musical? Evita and The Sound of Music How do you like your chocolate? White, milk, bittersweet, as dark as possible? White or dark. Not too sweet Favorite animals? Least favorite? I like cats but they make a mess of my garden What are 3 places that you'd like to visit, or re-visit? Would love to revisit the US. Would like to visit Thailand, Vietnam, Argentina Literary erotica. Who doesn't love it? I love it Are you planning on buying anything off your BPAL wishlist during the round? Yes. Snake Charmer!! And need to stock up on Snow White which is a new love. Do you read graphic novels/comics? Which ones? No but I am very intersted Which witches would want Bpal boxes? Or imp cases? Always Would you like handmade piece of calligraphy as a gift? I think that would be nice What jewelry are you wearing now? What jewelry do you wear everyday-or do you change jewelry all the time? I have a ring that I relly love - silver with a green stone - that needs to be fixed. Usually it is never off my finger. Houseplants and/or things to put them in: thoughts? Love houseplants but you won;t be able to send them to me! Do you like baskets, jars and other interesting containers? Filled or Empty? Yes Do you like honey? Not really What is the biggest problem or sad thing in your life? Of course, I mean the saddest or worst thing you can confess here. Finding someone to share my life and love me! Sounds simple but my failure causes me great sadness. Do you like to cook? if so, what? Would you like things like spices, cookbooks, recipes, tips? I love to cook bt as i live by myself I don;t go to any great effort Do any of you like puzzle books? I go through phases but they don't overly spin my wheels I love Christmas music even though I'm pagany -- how about you? I love good traditional Christmas music Anyone else have a sudden and unexpected favorite BPAL lately? Snow White. I had heard about it of course but when tried it I was smitten It's cold outside - what are your favorite drinks to keep yourself warm and cozy? Well it's summer here at the moment but when it gets cold I like coffee, tea, hot chocolate Would my potential Witchee be up for some music stuff they'd never heard before if they couldn't understand the words? Absolutely What kind of candy/sweet treat would you like to receive? I am open. Chocolate is always good Would you personally rather get handmade jewelry or the beads to make something? I would prefer pre made. Love the idea of someone making something for me It seems like there are quite a few knitting witches, so I assume they are on the Ravelry forum as well. If so, what are your names on there so I can stalk you? I am a good knitter but I don't knit much anymore. Is there any time during the holidays (or the rest of the round) when you'll be away from home for a significant period and it'd be best not to send anything by mail? I'll be home Hand beaded jewellery, yay or nay? Sure Which witches would like hair accessories? No Anyone else a total nerd like me and would like DnD/Roleplay stuff (Dice, minis, books, corny tees, etc.)? No How do people feel about unusual ornaments? As in, for holidays other than Christmas? I am not much of a knick knacky person. I like uncluttered Question: who would like a pair of handknit socks? Size? Color preference? Cabled, ribbed (for your pleasure), stranded colorwork, etc.? Sure. I wear size 8 1/2 to 9 shoes but I think that may be European sizing? How does everyone feel about steampunk? Love it Since we're talking about warm winter wearables, who likes hats? Mittens? Arm warmers? Scarf maybe. If your witch were to send you cookies, what kind of cookies would you like? Not sure if they would make it through customs Who likes tshirts? What about homemade tshirts? Like with transfers I made myself. Absolutely Would you like to receive ATCs (artist trading cards) or would you prefer something more usable, like bookmarks or something? Not sure what ATC's are but educate me What witch would like a cloak? No If you had to chose one BPAL scent and only ONE to have forever what would it be? Western Diamondback Who here likes Betty Page? Don't know who she is How about original Trek Characters? Not a big trekkie but you can't go past Spock, can you? If you were my witchee, would you like a jar of home made apple butter? Customs again, possibly, may be an issue Speaking of historical fiction, how does everyone feel about Sherlock Holmes? Never read Sherlock Holmes books *blush* Villains you sympathise with, or are interested in boinking? There are so many! Your stance on the all important peanut butter issue: crunchy? creamy? allergic? chocolate? maple? go directly to nuttella, do not pass go? Super crunchy Who here likes to read historical fiction? If you do, what eras/people/countries intrigue you the most? I don't read alot but loved Diana Gabaldon and loved The Virgin Earth by Philippa Gregory About incense: do you like sticks or loose incense? Have you got one of those devices to burn loose incense over a bit of charcoal? Sitcks So how many imps/decants is officially 'you have gone overboard and your Witchee is going to expire from scent overload'? Would never happen Who needs a recipe box? Not me ANYONE ELSE want a home-made cookbook? Sounds great What craft (or crafts) have you been wanting to try but have no idea where to start? Soap making Would you appreciate some tunes in future packages? Absolutely Underpants? Do you like them? What's your style? Size? Yeah. Bit of an undie freak. Anything other than boxers, which I hate. Medium size What tea would you love to try but haven't because of price or difficulty to get? I prefer balck teas. I had a blackcurrant flavoured black tea a while ago which was awesome. BPTP Room Sprays...your thoughts? Would really like to try them If you were my witchee, would you be terribly offended if I sent you a box containing project "experiments" or random miscellaneous pretty bits of brainstorming that I thought you might like/wear? I think that would be cute Do you like art deco/nouveau - style prints? Not really What is one thing that, if you received it in the middle of all the hubbub, would make you smile and take your mind off of all you have to do for a bit? E-cards, emails How do you feel about Hello Kitty? Think it's hideous What makes everyone stand out from the Switch Witch herd? This is my first SW but I think some humour and some thought in the process What is your favorite category of the GC? Ars Amatoris, Bewitching Brews, Wanderlust Ars Moriendi Stance on Joss Whedon and his enterprises? Loved Buffy; loved Angel; loved Firefly so there you go Has anyone tried ice wine before? Do/did they enjoy it? Yes I did What other perfume companies (besides bpal) have you been curious about? Villianess!! CB I Hate Perfume (I can't get them to answer my emails about international shipping but would love to try out some of his scents). I have tried Violette Market and am very impressed Does anyone here do anything with grave rubbings? I don't but I am intrigued Would you enjoy art based on original Graveyard photography? Yes Do you play a musical instrument? No What do you think of Irrelevant Disturbing and Surreal Crawdad Dream? Haven't tried it but I would like to How do you feel about trinkets? You know - tiny toys or doodads that serve no purpose than to be cute, take up space and make us smile. Not much of a trinket person Can melty things be shipped to you, or will they be in puddles by the time you open the package? May be OK but may not be. Summer here at the moment Who likes pirates? Me What are your feelings about Dia De Los Muertos? Not really familiar with it Do you like notes in your soaps or bath stuff that you don't like in your perfumes? No Do you like floral soaps or bath stuff? If so, what florals work and what don't? With caution. Creamy florals are fine What is your favorite thing to do on a cool fall day? Scuff through the leaves, get in the garden, sit in the sun and listen to music. Munsters vs Addams family? Addams family If you could bring back any TV show from cancellation what would it be? Arrested Development. So funny it makes me cry. I wonder if my witchee would like a blanket type thing. Would you? Sure What's your favorite "I know it's bad for me but I can't help myself" treat? Ice cream Do you wear a watch? If so, what kind/style? Yes and I love it. Chunky silver and I paid a small fortune for it on sale How do you feel about having a donation made in your name to something?If you like that idea, what types of organizations/groups would you want the donation to go to? Sounds great. Plant a tree For tea drinkers, do you bag it or prefer loose? Either Does the weather change where you are, as in, does it get cold in the winter? Anyone need homegrown scarves, hats, mittens, etc? Yes, it gets fairly cold in winter. Not to hats, mittens, gloves, arm/leg warmers. Perhaps a scarf Does your cell phone have a place to attach charms? No If you drink coffee (and make it yourself) do you use a French Press, regular filter basket coffee maker, Espresso Machine, Percolator? I tend to drink instant but I really need to replace my stove top percolator so I can use the wonderful range of ground coffees out there. Can't stand filter coffee What movie soundtracks (or scores) do you love? Bladerunner How do you scent yourself? Do you layer soaps, moisturizers, etc. or do you go straight to slathering your bod with BPAL? Tend to go straight to slathering BPAL Do you/how do you scent your world? Candles, oil burner BPAL is such a scent-ual experience. What are your other tactile, aural, or olfactory pleasures? I love music. Love intersting textures (in food as well as in fabrics/materials) Who here is a complete, over the top, Alice In Wonderland fanatic? Not me Do you have phobias? I have a phobia of deep water and of spiders How do you like your mix CDs? Random? Stuff you know you'll like? Either or Band-aids: do you like the fun and funky ones? I do How many of mah fellow witchies play video games? Platform? Do you like used games? Yes. role playing, strategy. PC Platform on Vista What kind of music (genres, please) do you like? Chic rock, atlernative, classical, modern folky/alternative Do you like lip balm? If so, do you like tinted, glossy, sparkly, pearly or just plain lip balm? Yes. untinted and not sparkly What are your two favorite etsy shops? I have only recently discovered Etsy and like the soaps and jewellery stores. some cool staempunk on there Where are a few of your favorite places? Home! The beach on a wild day, walking through a forest on a hot day. Are you a soap addict? Anything you like to avoid in soaps (goat's milk, lye, dyes, etc...) or any particular scents you like or brands you want to try? I so am. would love to try the Silk Road ones as well as many of the others Do you like kilts and would you wear one? I wouldn't wear one but think they are hot on a guy BoiWitches? Question for you both.....Hath any of thou own a Kilt? No but see above What's your favorite book? Oh so many. Fantasy - any of the Robin Hobb books; science fiction - Dune; gay fiction - The Master of Seacliff and Strong Hollow; gay romance/erotica - Without Reservations (JL Langley) Do you read comics? Which ones do you love and which can't you stand? I don't but wouldn't mind getting back into them Symbols that are meaningful to me? Moon, infinity By nature are you a morning lark or a night owl? Night Owl Reserved or Raunchy? Reserved Earth, Wind, Fire or Water? Water Tea or Coffee in the morning? OMG coffee Fruity snacks or chocolate? Chocolate Would you accept art? Of course and even better if you are the artist Antiques or Brand New? Either If you have a garden/planter box, what do you grow? Irises, daffodils, day lilies, alpine plants, cobra lilies, Trilliums, Roscoea, orchids, epiphyllums, Adenium. Do you like horror flicks? Yes but nothing cheesy Tattoos! Do you have em? Do you want em? Whatcha got or getting? I have been agonising over this for ages. Have to find the right piece but am so wanting to Reduce - REUSE - recycle. Do others feel the same? Yes Weigh in...Are you right or left-handed? Right handed




Switch Witch Help.

Okay, so I decided I'd try to cover all bases, by grabbing as many random questions about myself as I could from SW Rounds gone by, so here we go!   If you had to chose one BPAL scent and only ONE to have forever what would it be? Marguerite. It smells divine on me, which is a lovely coincidence! I adore it!   How about original Trek Characters? Not a *huge* fan, but I know a little useless information about the series' and movies!   Are you interested in Tarot cards? And if so, are there particular decks you like (or don't or already have or whatever)? I adore them, and am open to all sorts...I've never actually owned any nice decks- they've all been simple ones!   Favorite cartoons or animated films? I love the Smurfs, Astroboy, Inspector Gadget, Battle of the Planets-super old one!,Futurama, Over the Hedge (film), Robots, Hoodwink'd.   Villians you sympathise with, or are interested in boinking? Hmmm...Villians...not really...   Your stance on the all important peanut butter issue: crunchy? creamy? allergic? chocolate? maple? go directly to nuttella, do not pass go? Nutella all the way, or Crunchy Peanut Butter!   Who here likes to read historical fiction? If you do, what eras/people/countries intrigue you the most? I love historical fiction, love Middle Eastern history, Egyptian History, Viking History...so any fiction based in these eras is cool with me!   What sort of colors do you currently wear? Do you want to branch outside that? What would you like to try? I wear Purple, Red, Green, Black...Not a big orange fan!   About incense: do you like sticks or lose incense? Much prefer sticks!   What's everyone's favorite fairytale and what are your favorite versions of it? I love Alice in Wonderland, Robin Hood,   Who needs a recipe box? Sounds like a lovely idea!! I have thousands of recipes!   ANYONE ELSE want a home-made cookbook? Oooohhh! If all the recipes are TnT (Tried n True) by the author- then absolutely!! I'd love some recipes from the Middle Ages if there are any other SCA nuts!   What craft (or crafts) have you been wanting to try but have no idea where to start? I'd love to try making my own pewter coins...   BPTP Room Sprays...your thoughts? I'd love to try them! They sound divine!   Would you like to receive baked goods from your Witch? And if so, are there things you WOULDN'T like? I'd love them if they'd make the trip!   If you were my witchee, would you be terribly offended if I sent you a box containing project "experiments" or random miscellaneous pretty bits of brainstorming that I thought you might like/wear? Heck no! I'd love it!!   Do you often drink take away coffee in paper mugs? No...usually drink cappucino's in a cup!   What would a perfume based on you smell like? BPAL made it. Marguerite is totally me.   What is one thing that, if you received it in the middle of all the hubbub, would make you smile and take your mind off of all you have to do for a bit? Anything that showed me my SW had been paying attention, and sought out the things that seem to make me happy.   How do you feel about Hello Kitty? I like Hello Kitty, but my 11 yr old daughter is hello kitty MAD!!!! (She has the tv, a dvd player, bed spread...clock..!! She adores her!)   Legwarmers? Armwarmers? Legwarmers no, Armwarmers yes!   What is your favorite category of the GC?   Stance on Joss Whedon and his enterprises? I love Angel! *drool*   Has anyone tried ice wine before? Do/did they enjoy it? Not a wine drinker, haven't tried it.   What other perfume companies (besides bpal) have you been curious about? Not that I can think of.   Does anyone here do anything with grave rubbings? I've never done any myself, but I think they can be awesome!   Would you enjoy art based on original Graveyard photography? Absolutely!! I think Graveyards are beautiful places...especially the old ones in places like New Orleans, and the like.   Do you play a musical instrument? Sort of! I can play a few rhythms on zills (finger cymbals) and a tabla (drum)! I'm not super good, but I give it a good go!   What do you think of Irrelevant Disturbing and Surreal Crawdad Dream? Love it? Hate it? Kicking yourself for not getting a bottle? Not smelled it...might have to add it to my list I think!!   Can melty things be shipped to you, or will they be in puddles by the time you open the package? More than likely puddles...Aussie weather isn't too kind to melty things!   Who likes pirates? ME ME ME ME!!!! Can't stress this enough!   What are your feelings about Dia De Los Muertos? Love it, love it love it! I have a weird obsession with creating Sugar Skulls! I bought a pile of moulds, and love to make them in all sorts of mediums! I love the history, the tradition, and the reverence created by the beautiful holidays.   What do you think about the Nightmare Before Christmas? I liked the movie- not really my cup of tea.   If candy is sent, would you prefer small amounts to a Halloween sized bag? Oh...I'd love any...especially Reeces Pieces- OMG...Peanut buttery goodness!!   Do you like floral bath soaps, shower gels, etc? If so, what florals work on you and what don't? Lavender mostly- most other florals smell odd or overpowering on me, I tend to amp them majorly!   What is your favorite thing to do on a Winters day?   What's your ringtone? P!nk- 'So What'...my text tone is Lady Gaga 'Just Dance'.   Just to throw a silly question out there...Munsters or Addams Family, y'all? Addams Family, absolutely! I always wanted to be Morticia when I grew up, and I used to get nicknamed Wednesday!   How do you feel about copies of music or dvd's that your witch might have that you might enjoy? I'm always up for new music!   Tarts? Yes/no? Maybe? Yes...I'm assuming you're meaning the ones you heat that smell lovely? *grin*   What's your favorite animal? Cats. Lions particularly...I'm a Leo! Lions and Ravens.   What one (or two, if you really must) BPAL bottles are you most longing for? Hmmm...I'd love a bottle of Sticky Pillowcase! And maybe Marie.   If you could have dinner/drinks/coffee with any 3 living people that are not your family/friends already, who would they be-? Billy Connolly, Dwayne Johnson (the Rock) and Pink. Easy! I love Billy coz he makes me laugh, and he's a survivor of sexual abuse, Dwayne because he's gorgeous and funny, and could teach me some rockin' wrestling moves...and Pink...wow- she's amazing, talented, beautiful!   If you could bring back any TV show from cancellation what would it be? The Goodies!! Love those three nutters!   I wonder if my witchee would like a blanket type thing. Would you? Absolutely! I love things I can snuggle up in! A blanket would be divine!   What's your favorite "I know it's bad for me but I can't help myself" treat? KFC. So wrong...but Oooohh So Right!   Very important question: Are you planning on buying anything off your BPAL and/or other wishlists during the round? Possibly, but I will be sure to post a note to my SW letting her know what I've bought...I don't have a lot on my BPAL wishlist- which needs to be updated too soon!   Do you wear a watch? No I don't. In all honesty, I'd rather a medieval/Period (600AD to 1600AD) pocketwatch than a wristwatch. Something I can hang from my belt, or pin onto my bodice would be awesome!   How do you feel about having a donation made in your name to something?If you like that idea, what types of organizations/groups would you want the donation to go to? Any childrens charities, or animal charities.   What is your favorite art movement and/or style? I love 'Goddess' Art...Ruben for example- artwork with beautiful women.   Does the weather change where you are, as in, does it get cold in the winter? Anyone need homegrown scarves, hats, mittens, etc? No, winter isn't excessively cold here, but scarves, and beanies are always welcome! I feel the cold in my hands, feet and head mostly- so in winter I've usually got a beanie or a fuzzy woollen hat on!   Who are your forum buddies? People you know well enough online or IRL to help your Witch pick out stuff for you? As a relative newbie, I don't really have any who know me unfortunately!   My questionnaire is chock-a-block with ideas for Witching me on the cheap, and without sending "stuff for stuff's sake". And I just came up with another one--make me a Pandora, Finetune, or Last.fm station you think I might like! What manner of affordable Witchery might you covet? Pandora isn't available down here in Australia- I've not tried any of the others!   Does your cell phone have a place to attach charms? No, it doesn't   What movie soundtracks (or scores) do you love? The first two Pirates of the Caribbean soundtracks are kinda cool, I don't really have any others! Romeo and Juliet has some decent stuff on it, I'd love soundtracks to 'dance' movies...Dirty Dancing, Honey, Save the Last Dance kinda thing...   How do you scent yourself? Do you layer soaps, moisturizers, etc. or do you go straight to slathering your bod with BPAL? I use a deodorant, and wear a little dab of my BPAL on my wrists, and I wear my necklace with my scent around my neck in a beautiful little filigree heart necklace I found in a local shop!   Do you/how do you scent your world? Candles, incense, diffusers, potpourri? None of the above? Dragons Blood Incense, Nag Champa Incense. Sometimes Candles, but I prefer chocolate, coffee type smells, florals set off my hayfever!   BPAL is such a scent-ual experience. What are your other tactile, aural, or olfactory pleasures? I love to smell spices cooking, I love to touch beautiful fabrics, soft grass...and I love to listen to music...music I can sing with (I love to sing- I'm told I can sing beautifully!)   How do people feel about receiving baked goods/kits to make said goods? Or other cooking items? Would you enjoy oil or vinegar flavored with herbs grown at home? Strange and exotic spices with recipes to try? Cookies made with carnation petals? So long as customs will let it in, I'll try anything!   Who here is a complete, over the top, Alice In Wonderland fanatic? I'm not over the top, but I adore the story, and love its oddness! I do adore the White Rabbit BPTP locket too!!   Are you a Trekkie? If so, which series do you prefer? Do you have a favorite character? Star Trek Next Gen, I had a HUGE crush on Deanna Troi!   Do you have phobias? Not really, get a bit freaked out if I'm restrained against my will.   How do you like your mix CDs? Random? Stuff you know you'll like? I'll listen to anything except heavy metal!   Would you rather get food or jewellery? Hmmm...if I say jewellery does that sound greedy?   Do you like children's toys, such as jacks, those little things you tilt around to get the ball in the right hold (wtf are those called?), the aforementioned caplet dinosaurs, cap guns, etc?: I'd love some carved wooden shapes, like animals (they were popular in Viking times).   English candy/tea/marmite or other stuff that you love and can't easily get outside of England? DOLLY MIX!!!! And ROCK! Love me some Blackpool Rock!   Any beaders here? Need beading supplies? Always! I love to play with beads!!   Do you like making up your SW packages around a theme, or prefer to mix it all up? I'm not sure yet...I might make each package themed. Just coz I can!   Band-aids: do you like the fun and funky ones? Absolutely! My daughter (who's 11) thinks they're cool too!   What's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you? WAY too many to list. All are painful and bring me to tears.   How many of mah fellow witchies play video games? Platform? Do you like used games? I have a PS2, and love platform games, I also play Guild Wars online.   What kind of music (genres, please) do you like? I will listen to anything except heavy metal! I love world music (Middle Eastern/Balkan is my preference) anything that might make interesting bellydance music!!   What kinds of eye shadows do we all like? I use generic brands, because I use Eye Kandy Glitter! I'm a distributor, so I have an unlimited supply!   Do you like lip balm? If so, do you like tinted, glossy, sparkly, pearly or just plain lip balm? I don't have any! I'd love to try some glittery or pearly!   What are some of the SW gifts/finds from past rounds (or you can just name a gift in general that you found for someone if this is your first round!) that you are the most proud of in terms of your sleuthing skills? A friend had been looking for a book for a long long time, and I unbeknownst to her located it, and bought it for her for her birthday, and she burst into tears!   And, secondly, what is something you've been searching for but just can't find?   Do you knit/crochet? Do you need any supplies? Knitting and Crocheting are two crafts besides drawing that I can't do!   Who here has an etsy shop? I don't have one yet, but I do plan to have one eventually!   What are your two favorite etsy shops? Creations By Angelia(she's awesome- she made me some costuming that I'm paying off!) I sell Bindi's made by Lena 'Big Ass Bindis' but I adore her feather clips! I love things from Trollforge as well...oooo...so many pretties! I also love Ahna's things HERE too!   What would you tell yourself 6 months in the past about 2008 so far? Don't waste your money- get a place to live as soon as you land back home.   If you had one minute of fame, what would you do/say in the spotlight? I would make sure my daughter knew her mama loves her more than anything.   Robots versus zombies: who wins? Hmmm...Logically I'd say Robots, because they'd probably have something like lasers, but the odd part of me wants to say Zombies!   Where are a few of your favorite places? Wrapped in my daughters arms having a big squishy cuddle! A lighthouse that has a beautiful sea view in Wollongong, New South Wales. The entire of Western Australia.   What is one (only one) object that you collect, that totally goes against your personality or beliefs? I have a cross. A beautiful gold cross that I love.   Are you a soap addict? Anything you like to avoid in soaps (goat's milk, lye, dyes, etc...) or any particular scents you like or brands you want to try? I love natural soaps, oatmeal, goat kind of thing....so luxurious!   Do you like kilts and would you wear one? Love kilts, and I'd wear one, but I've never seen one in my size!   What's your favorite book? I don't have one favourite! But if I had to, it would be 'Rome' by Luke Devenish.   What size socks do you wear? How about hat size? I have weird duck feet, flat, fat feet so its hard to say what size- I usually wear small mens because its easier to get to fit!   Do you read comics? Which ones do you love and which can't you stand? I don't read them...can't say I wouldn't, but I'm not a real comic kinda girl. Unless its Betty Boop!!   Symbols that are meaningful to me? The Pentacle, Ravens, Lions...   By nature are you a morning lark or a night owl? Night Owl completely!! It can be a curse, but its been this way forever for me, so its just who I am now!   What's your favorite type of music to hear live, rather than recorded? Ska! I've just kinda discovered it, and adore a group called 'Bomba' (named after their lead singer- Nicky Bomba) They're awesome live- and got me hooked!   Crossword puzzles? Other pencil puzzles? Find a words!! I love the brain stimulation!   Favorite artist? I don't know that I have one. I love art by Tempest She's a famous bellydancer, and I adore her!   Favorite poet? Shakespeare! I love Shakespeare! Oh, and Chaucer!   Reserved or Raunchy? Raunchy!   Earth, Wind, Fire or Water? Fire, Wind. Up until recently, where I saw a man drown, I would have said water, but since then, I can't think about the beach without the images of that day in my mind.   Tea or Coffee in the morning? A lovely tea in the morning. Usually I'd drink coffee, but I love a nice sweet tea in the morning.   Fruity snacks or chocolate? Can I say both? mmm..chocolate coated fruit!   Would you accept art? Mad about art! I am lucky enough to have one of the beautiful pieces of art from one of the gorgeous forum members- and it is stunning! I love goddesses, strong women art!   Antiques or Brand New? It depends on what it is! I love both! I love antique furniture!   What keywords do you use when searching for items for yourself on Etsy? Goth, Steampunk, Hairstick, Celtic. Just to name a few!   Are there any of y'all who are allergic/sensitive to having natural fibers on your skin? No allergies- although some wools make me a little itchy.   What was your favorite ghost/scary/campfire story growing up? Didn't really do that whole thing when I was growing up!   Bugs? Do you like 'em or not? Not really! Unless its something like a mosquito encapsulated in amber or something cool like that! Reptiles on the other hand....Love 'em!   i haz no imp storage. do you? Nope...got no bottle storage either! They're in a postpak bag!   What incense scents do you prefer? Nag Champa and Dragons Blood.   Bats, cats, skeletons, monsters, vampires, witches or what other ghoulies do you prefer? Vampires, Cats, Witches and Werewolves in that order   Do you like horror flicks? To watch and be amused by? Heck no! I get attached to movie characters too easily- I'm somewhat of an empath- I can't handle all the scary stuff and people I like dying!   Who here prefers stylus and ink to ballpoint? Anyone invested time and effort into calligraphy or proper Victorian writing? I would like to try! I always wanted my own wax stamp! Like a Fleur De Lis or an 'M'...something cool..or maybe a Skull n Crossbones! That would ROCK!   What about stationery? Need some? What styles do you like? I'd love some, I love to write! If I can write on it, I will! I'm not fussy!   Tattoos! Do you have em? Do you want em? Whatcha got or getting? I have tattoos, I have two geckos, one small tribal one, one large-cartoonish one. I have the chinese symbols for Eternity, and 'Rabbit' on my neck and shoulder. And a beautiful frangipani and tribal design on my right foot/lower leg. I want more! I'm planning a Sugar Skull tattoo soon.   What is your favorite crafting supply? Beads, fabric and findings!   Weigh in...Are you right or left-handed? I'm right handed!   Any period of time that you love? The Middle Ages!! Absolutely! (Did I mention my SCA addiction yet?)   I'll add more answers as I locate their questions!




SW Winter 08... more questions!

12/14   Anyone a fan of Goddess art? I love images of women, in beautiful poses, strong women, powerful women (No- Not Hilary ROFL) I like dark, vampire types too, not *too* dark- okay for general consumption type art too.   I like lady art in general.   Anyone else a Luis Royo fan? My dad is! I'm not really.   What are your favorite websites (i.e., the ones you visit every day, or almost every day)?   BPAL, nytimes.com, livejournal, and a couple of misc video game news sites and web comics.   How do you feel about Lush? Anything you want to try?   There's stuff I want to try on my kaboodle wishlist. I don't buy much Lush for myself these days, though... it's kinda moved out of my price range. :/   How do you feel about home made lip balm, salt or sugar scrubs, soap, bath salts, etc?   EXTREMELY POSITIVE   if you were to receive a hand-knitted item, what color(s) would you prefer AND are there any types of yarn that you just cannot handle (e.g. wool, llama, etc.)   I'm not really hot for animal fibers, and I prefer good ol' cotton over acrylic. Red's my favorite color, but really, I'm not choosy.   12/13 What is one REALLY expensive, completely outrageous thing you would LOVE to get but totally don't expect to ever get from anyone?   A nice custom corset. I have almost bought myself one on several occasions but these things cost money and I balk at spending money on myself.   Do you like coffee mugs? Travel or stay at home? How big? Do you like ones from Starbucks?   Mugs are nice, but I have a lot already. I'm way set on travel mugs, but wouldn't say no to more stay at home ones... especially big ones. Oh, I also don't really like plastic mugs.   If you drink coffee, do you like whole bean coffee or prefer ground? What grind? What roast (mild, medium, bold, extra bold)? Do you like flavored coffee?   Alas, I never drink coffee at home.   Do you like tea? What kinds of tea (green, red, white, black, decaf, herbal infusions)? Feel free to get specific on brands and tea types. Loose or bagged? Do you need any kind of tea accessories? Pots/cozys/presses/strainers?   I might have mentioned this in my questionnaire... I love tea, but can't have too much in the way of caffeine these days. (It interacts badly with medication I take.) But luckily, I love herbal teas as well as others. No specific brands to mention really... I LOVE everything I've tried from TeaNoir on Etsy, though.   What is your favorite hot chocolate or drinking chocolate? Do you need Vegan or no?   Yes to the vegan question. I usually just make my own at home out of baking cocoa and almond milk.   Do you need any decanting supplies? Pipettes? Vials? How about any wand caps? Roller bottles? Some spray bottles (for oils mixed with alcohol?)   I'd love some wand caps. Other than that, I am set on supplies.   12/12   I wanted to ask a question: are there any rare (or even uber-rare) scents that you'd really like to try?   I was really lucky and got to try a bunch of rare sniffies via a contest dpoulsen21 had over the summer. I think that hit most of the ones I really wanted to try.   Other than that, I'd really like to sniff the Champagne scents. And I'd like to smell Snow Maiden. And... well... I'd like to smell La Primavera and L'Estate too.   Does your forum name have a special significance? Refer to something or someone you admire? Reflect your interests? Come on, spill!   Mine's obvious. I am ALWAYS cold or sleepy and usually both.... hence, coldandsleepy.   12/11   What's your favorite texture?   SOFT! Soft is the best texture. Not fuzzy necessarily... just soft. Cashmere is the best feeling thing on earth, I think.... which's sad, because I don't do cashmere anymore.   What's one luxury item you want to pamper yourself with but haven't yet?   I am really intrigued by the... what is it called... body gloss? I think? By Haunt that's on the Soap Box Company website. All of them sound amazing... allll of them. But they're like $10 a bottle and I'm not sure I'd use them and and... still. Sounds soooo good.   Do you prefer arm warmers to the wrist, to the base of the fingers, or half fingered?   Half fingered!   Any favorite cartoon characters? Disney, Sanrio, etc?   Oddly nothing comes to mind.   Have you (or maybe the younguns in your family) been exposed to the Webkinz craze?   Heh. My five year old niece LOOOOVES them.   Who's your favorite playwright?   Probably August Strindberg.   Anyone into physical activities? For instance- I'm training to become a Combat Archer in the SCA, and something I would use would be an Archers glove...is there anything you do as a sport/hobby in which you might need equipment?   Nothing in particular right now.   Are there any witchy type supplies you're in need of, or would like to try etc.? Herbs, smudge sticks, resins, tarot/oracle cards, incense burners, pretty tools, stuff like that?   Not really.   Do you like Shakespeare? Which plays?   YES! I love a great deal of them... but my favorite will probably always be A Midsummer's Night Dream... closely followed by Much Ado about Nothing.   12/10   Question for the Class: Favorite Musical?   Ha! I am a secret musical nerd. I LOVE musicals... watching them, being in them, listening to their soundtracks. My favorite might be Fiddler on the Rooftop... no matter how many times I see it, I always enjoy it and come away thinking about something new.   How do you like your chocolate? White, milk, bittersweet, as dark as possible? Plain, with flavoring, with chunks of stuff in? Fairly traditional, or weird and experimental?   Vegan and weird. Mmmm.... weird flavors.   Favorite animals? Least favorite?   I am physically repulsed by insects. Other than that, I like most animals. My top two are probably tree kangaroos (google them!) and guinea pigs.   How do you feel about Heifer International? Or do you have other favorite charities not mentioned in your application?   I have a list of favorites in one of my blog posts from last round. While I respect what Heifer International does, I feel really ambivalent about what they do, so I'd prefer donations made in my name to be to something else.   So for all witches of the shimmying types- would you like tassel belts/jingle belts/ ect and if so, how big are your hips?   Hee. I don't really shimmy, but I like this question.




Moar Katchupz

OMG, These questions are so old!   I wanted to ask a question: are there any rare (or even uber-rare) scents that you'd really like to try? I've gotten a teensy sniffy of Storyville once, but it wasn't enough for me to get a feel for it (though what I could smell was pretty nice). Other than that, though, I would love to have a decant of Gothabilly to call my own.   If you drink coffee, do you like whole bean coffee or prefer ground? What grind? What roast (mild, medium, bold, extra bold)? Do you like flavored coffee? I do drink coffee, but the worst thing about coffee is how bitter it can be. I've actually been wanting to try white coffee for the same reason. Barring that, I like flavorful mild to medium roasts, ground please.   Do you like tea? What kinds of tea (green, red, white, black, decaf, herbal infusions)? Feel free to get specific on brands and tea types. Loose or bagged? Do you need any kind of tea accessories? Pots/cozys/presses/strainers? I've only recently started to drink anything other than herbal tea -- still, in general I prefer my fruity teas. Adagio's Berry Blast is by far one of the best berry blends around, it's delicious! I also have some Orange Chamomile from a local teashop that's been getting a lot of mileage, and Teavana's White Ayuervedic Chai is absolutely TDF (if you have any rec's on white chais from other companies, please let me know! Teavana's is too expensive for my blood). So, in general I prefer tisanes to teas, and I prefer fruity and spicy to other flavors. When it comes to actual teas, I love really-fragrant jasmine oolongs. The more jasmine, the better!   What is your favorite hot chocolate or drinking chocolate? Do you need Vegan or no? You know, Starbucks new Signature Hot Chocolate (particularly with the salted caramel topping!) is AMAZING. It's the perfect balance of sweetness and complexity that makes it awesome. Sadly, I can't drink Starbucks very often because it's WICKED fattening. For at home, any good no-sugar-added cocoa mix would be excellent.   Do you need any decanting supplies? Pipettes? Vials? How about any wand caps? Roller bottles? Some spray bottles (for oils mixed with alcohol?) Decanting supplies would be excellent! I have no pipettes and I'm running out of vials and wand caps. So any of those would be most welcome!   How do you feel about Lush? Anything you want to try?I do like LUSH, but there's not a single one anywhere close to me (I still can't figure out why there's no Nashville store?? ) *Ahem.* Because of this, I usually only allow myself a splurge every now and again (usually when there's free shipping). I am a sucker for bath bombs, and unfortunately theirs are the best. I was dying to try the Chocolate Santa and Twinkle bath bombs, but of course they were sold out when I made my last order.   Favorite Websites: ICHC, Overheard Everywhere, Cute Overload, Etsy, Facebook, Temptalia; plus about a dozen other blogs about nails, makeup, sweets, and wedding stuffs.




Winter Switch Witch Questions #5

Anyone a fan of Goddess art? I love images of women, in beautiful poses, strong women, powerful women (No- Not Hilary ROFL) I like dark, vampire types too, not *too* dark- okay for general consumption type art too.   There is some that I really love and some that I go 'it's okay' and some that I don't like at all. So it really depends on the individual piece.   Anyone else a Luis Royo fan?   I'm starting to sound like I'm a broken record, but ... some, yes, some not so much. It depends.   What are your favorite websites (i.e., the ones you visit every day, or almost every day)?   www.neopets.com (embarrassing, but there you have it) bpal.org, like that's a surprise livejournal.com gmail.com (hey, it's my webmail!) myembarq.com (ditto on web-based email) The website for the school I work at. www.kingdomofloathing.com (I'm so addicted) wgal.com -- local news/weather www.bigfishgames.com I know I'm missing some, but that's 'cause I use the magic of bookmarks and I'm at school, not at home.   How do you feel about Lush? Anything you want to try?   Eh. There are probably some things I'd enjoy and I've liked the things I have tried, but in general, I'd rather see the money go to the smaller etailers, most of whom have better products, anyway, IMO.   How do you feel about home made lip balm, salt or sugar scrubs, soap, bath salts, etc?   I make my own lip balm, but since I go through the stuff like crazy, especially in the winter, I'd probably use more. I don't use bath salts or most scrubs/soaps because they dry my skin out too much. Those I DO use are uber-moisturizing and pretty much melt when they have contact with water.   if you were to receive a hand-knitted item, what color(s) would you prefer AND are there any types of yarn that you just cannot handle (e.g. wool, llama, etc.)   I claim to be allergic to wool because it's easier than explaining, but I can handle some wools. Mostly the general rule is that the more expensive it is, the more likely it is that I can handle it, though there are exceptions. Acrylic tends to be safer all around since it's easier to care for and with all the pets I have, easier to keep the animal fur off and wash when Queenie decides that the mitten is her new best friend and carries it around in her mouth. Color-wise, I mostly tend toward fun things like varigated yarn and brighter colors, though I also like jewel tones and muted colors. White is a no-no, because it won't ever be white again.   What is one REALLY expensive, completely outrageous thing you would LOVE to get but totally don't expect to ever get from anyone?   A new harp, since my then-husband gave mine away to one of his other girlfriends.   I know that this isn't one, but there's also a specific quilting frame that I've been lusting over for years.   Oh, and a bass flute. And an oboe.   Do you like coffee mugs? Travel or stay at home? How big? Do you like ones from Starbucks?   I want a big, huge, giant travel mug that will sit safely in the cupholder of my car. Huge. Like, say, 32 ounces. 32 ounces would be good. Since I don't actually drink coffee and can honestly say I've never been in a Starbucks, I don't know if I'd like the ones from Starbucks.   If you drink coffee, do you like whole bean coffee or prefer ground? What grind? What roast (mild, medium, bold, extra bold)? Do you like flavored coffee?   *giggles* I love the smell of really dark, rich coffee. But I can't stand the taste.   Do you like tea? What kinds of tea (green, red, white, black, decaf, herbal infusions)? Feel free to get specific on brands and tea types. Loose or bagged? Do you need any kind of tea accessories? Pots/cozys/presses/strainers?   I'm not too picky on teas -- I like iced tea and hot tea, herbal tea and straight up black/green tea. Ditto on liking loose and bagged. I'm pretty set on accessories, though I occasionally look thoughtfully at glass teapots/mugs, and the blooming teas, but I can't convince myself that it's worth the expense, since I can get a lot of Stash Chai Tea for that amount of money. And, yes, I ADORE Stash Chai and other chai.   What is your favorite hot chocolate or drinking chocolate? Do you need Vegan or no?   Chocolate and hot! Dark, dark, dark chocolate. Vegan isn't necessary.   Do you need any decanting supplies? Pipettes? Vials? How about any wand caps? Roller bottles? Some spray bottles (for oils mixed with alcohol?)   I'm pretty set, though I'd never turn down disposable pipettes since I run more circles than is sane. I'd love to get reducer caps onto all my bottles and I'm slowly working on that as the lab sends me extras sometimes with orders.   I wanted to ask a question: are there any rare (or even uber-rare) scents that you'd really like to try?   Try, no. Hoard, yes. Honey Moon. More Honey Moon, please. I don't know what I was thinking when I didn't order a dozen and a half bottles of this (oh, right, I didn't have any money at the time). I half about half a bottle and I'm very stingy with it, but this is close to my Holy Grail, or as close as someone as fickle as I am can get.   I also have hoarding tendencies toward Cracked Bell, which is another of those scents that I didn't have enough money to hoard properly when it was available.   Oh, and Crypt Queen because by the time I realized that I adored it more than was sane, it wasn't available any more.   Does your forum name have a special significance? Refer to something or someone you admire? Reflect your interests? Come on, spill!   Sure.         Oh, wait. You actually wanted the answer, didn't you? *giggles*   I've been obsessed with the Arthurian legend for as long as I can remember. Pretty much literally! When I was in high school, there were 8 other people with my first name in my graduating class (not even counting those in the other classes) and out of self-defense, we all adopted nicknames. Because of the obsession, I became Gwen and then Gwyn, since Gwen still sounded a lot like 'Jen' and didn't help with the confusion.   What's your favorite texture?   Soft? I don't think I have one -- I like textures in general. Even sandpaper!   What's one luxury item you want to pamper yourself with but haven't yet?   I think I covered this with the expensive item that I'd like to get ahold of. Maybe.   Do you prefer arm warmers to the wrist, to the base of the fingers, or half fingered?   All of the above, though mostly to the fingers and half-fingered. I even like the ones with the little thumb-cuffs.   Any favorite cartoon characters? Disney, Sanrio, etc?   Fairly Oddparents? Kim Possible?   Have you (or maybe the younguns in your family) been exposed to the Webkinz craze?   I hate to admit it, but, erm. Yes. Because I had to have the crocodile, because he looks like an alligator and since I had the code, I entered it and, well, yeah. I wasted a good bit of the summer playing with the alligator. I'm tempted by a couple of the others, but I'm resisting temptation like a good girl. Because I'm 36 and really a little too old to play with Webkinz. Really.   Who's your favorite playwright?   I don't have one.   Anyone into physical activities? For instance- I'm training to become a Combat Archer in the SCA, and something I would use would be an Archers glove...is there anything you do as a sport/hobby in which you might need equipment?   I do Dance Dance Revolution. Badly, but nearly every day. Does that count? I've thought about upgrading the floorpad, but I have yet to do so. Mostly because I can't decide which one would work best when I'm shopping online and nowhere has them for me to physically inspect. I think that's pretty much it at this point in my life.




Rinse Repeat

How do you feel about Lush? Anything you want to try? Never tried any. The buttercreams seem interesting.   How do you feel about home made lip balm, salt or sugar scrubs, soap, bath salts, etc? Anything but the bath salts.   If you were to receive a hand-knitted item, what color(s) would you prefer AND are there any types of yarn that you just cannot handle (e.g. wool, llama, etc.) Any colors are fine and any yarn that isn't scratchy.   What is one REALLY expensive, completely outrageous thing you would LOVE to get but totally don't expect to ever get from anyone? Nothing I can think of.   Do you like coffee mugs? Travel or stay at home? How big? Do you like ones from Starbucks? I have one travel mug that I have yet to use. I use the ceramic ones frequently. I have a Harry Potter one, two Nanowrimo, and enjoy other cool ones like that.   If you drink coffee, do you like whole bean coffee or prefer ground? What grind? What roast (mild, medium, bold, extra bold)? Do you like flavored coffee? Unless it is Starbucks I drink instant because I am way too lazy.   Do you like tea? What kinds of tea (green, red, white, black, decaf, herbal infusions)? Feel free to get specific on brands and tea types. Loose or bagged? Do you need any kind of tea accessories? Pots/cozys/presses/strainers? I keep trying tea and I keep not liking it.   What is your favorite hot chocolate or drinking chocolate? Do you need Vegan or no? No need for vegan and I love hot chocolate. Flavored hot chocolate is wonderful.   Do you need any decanting supplies? Pipettes? Vials? How about any wand caps? Roller bottles? Some spray bottles (for oils mixed with alcohol?) I just bought some.   Do you want to try the Will Call only Champagne scents? The Champagne, Chocolate and cheap sex was the only one mildly interesting to me but the cocoa could be iffy so not really. Egg Nog Latte and Ho ho ho however seem really great, but I'm not stressing in the least.   Would you please share your favorite e-card site? I use whatever one perks my interest at the time, no real favorite.   Do you play on-line games? Which one and which serever? Do you need any funds/equipment/help adventuring? Not really.   Do you have traditional holiday movies you like to watch? Muppet Christmas Carol, It's a Wonderful Life, I'm watching Elf right now, Charlie Brown Christmas, The animated Grinch, Love Actually, Miracle on 34th Street (either version).   What are your "guilty pleasures" type movies? That you really secretly like but don't like to admit to it? I'm pretty open about my taste in movies. Ones that I secretly enjoy? I can't really think of any right now. If I do, I'll be back.




SW questions through 12/9

12/6 I love Christmas music even though I'm pagany -- how about you? I do like Christmas/holiday music, but I'm fairly particular about it. I love the old (Renaissance/Medieval-ish) carols, e.g. Good King Wenceslas, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, and more obscure stuff. Loreena McKennit and Anonymous 4 and chamber groups are right up my alley. I like the Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack. I like quirky stuff (Oi to the World) and good strong rock (Bruce Springsteen's Santa Claus is Coming to Town).   Of course, what am I usually exposed to? What do I have to listen to while at work? Pop garbage! Last Christmas and All I Want for Christmas Is You and entirely-too-earnest versions of Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas and so on. (I was going to link to the radio station my coworker listens to but it froze up Firefox for me so nevermind!)   Anyone else have a sudden and unexpected favorite BPAL lately? Inez! I think I'm going to have to buy a bottle. Or add it to my wishlist, I guess... which I really need to update, come to think of it...   It's cold outside - what are your favorite drinks to keep yourself warm and cozy?   Would my potential Witchee be up for some music stuff they'd never heard before if they couldn't understand the words? Absolutely!     12/8 Who are your forum friends, person or people your witch can contact for ideas? cuervosueno is a dear friend IRL. angelfish323 and strangemodegirl are new(-ish) friends online. Past witches melusine and meshuganah.   What cartoons did you grow up watching? Any animated shows you still watch? Hmm... the first cartoon I can remember watching was He-Man. And after that, well, I've always been a TV addict, so I watched pretty much everything from the Smurfs and the Snorks to Scooby Doo to whatever was on Nickelodeon when I was a kid. These days I still enjoy the Simpsons (even though it's really not good anymore), Futurama, and Adult Swim (favorite being Robot Chicken), as well as some animes (Ranma 1/2 and Escaflowne are past favorites). Oh, and Animaniacs!   Do you like honey? Will you like to try creamy honey with black sesame or with cinnamon powder? Yes, I like honey, and I would happily try either or both of those varieties!   What is the biggest problem or sad thing in your life? Of course, I mean the saddest or worst thing you can confess here. Oh, I'd rather not. You can poke around here for some of it, or try my LJ.   What fashion item or style do you like, but never wear? Shoes! I love cute mary jane heels, especially, but I just can't talk myself into buying them.   Do you like to cook? if so, what? Would you like things like spices, cookbooks, recipes, tips? I don't cook as often as I ought to, but all of these sound good! I'm especially looking for quick/easy and relatively healthy meals for after work right now.   Do any of you like puzzle books? Sure -- and I've been feeling especially crossword-y lately...     12/9 What are 3 places that you'd like to visit, or re-visit? Oh lawsy, I have to narrow it down to three?? France (I've been to Paris and loved it; would like to go back there as well as see the rest of the country), Australia, and Tibet (if I could somehow visit there but somehow make sure my tourist dollars were staying with the locals).   Literary erotica. Who doesn't love it? Um, unless we're talking the so-bad-it's-wonderful, not-to-mention-funny type that ends up winning purple prose awards, I don't know that it would really be my thing.   Are you planning on buying anything off your BPAL wishlist during the round? If I don't get the Yulies or Anniversaries I'm lusting after before they go down, I'm buying them myself (unless instructed otherwise! ). Similarly, if we receive word that the Carnaval is leaving town before the round ends, then I'm snatching up my snake and Grindhouse ladies.   Do you read graphic novels/comics? Which ones? Sandman is my absolute favorite. I read Promethea and liked it. I read the first trade of Powers and liked it as well. I've read some Sin City; I don't think I'm really Frank Miller's ideal reader, if you will. I'm curious about Fables. Would love to read Black Orchid. Need to read Watchmen, as well as V for Vendetta (though we have a copy of the latter already).   Which witches would want Bpal boxes? Or imp cases? Meshuganah made me a kick-ass bottle box, but I would love an imp case! Something big-ish for home or small for travel would be faboo!   How about a short - or longer - piece of fanfic? Maybe if it's silly and funny, but probably not.   What is the weirdest and/or most practical thing you are not buying for yourself right now? The thing that you probably should be buying, but have been putting off in lieu of something else? Socks. It's partly because I know a lot of them would turn up if I folded the big piles of clean clothes on top of the washer and dryer, and then washed the piles of clothes on my bedroom floor, but it's also because I just rarely think to buy them for myself.   Would you like handmade piece of calligraphy as a gift? That'd be neat!   What jewelry are you wearing now? What jewelry do you wear everyday-or do you change jewelry all the time? Not wearing any jewelry at the moment 'cause I'm still in my jammies. But I generally wear three or four particular silver rings, silver hoop earrings plus two silver studs in the two extra holes in my left ear, and (sometimes) one of my various necklaces. Often I'll just wear the rings to work, though, since I'm too brain dead in the morning to do more (sometimes I even forget to put on BPAL -- the horror!!).   Boxes, baskets, etc.? Sure!   Chia Pet, do you need one? Awesome and kitchy but oh god please no.   Houseplants and/or things to put them in: thoughts? I want an aloe plant, ideally one that was a baby of the aloe plant of someone I know. An African violet for my violet pot (though I don't think a violet would be very easy to ship). Otherwise, I'm not so good with plants, so probably not.   Do you like baskets, jars and other interesting containers? Filled or Empty? Yes, and filled would be ideal but empty would still be okay.




SW questions

Finals are over, questions are answered. How do you like your chocolate? White, milk, bittersweet, as dark as possible? Dark dark dark. Dagoba eclipse = love. Plain, with flavoring, with chunks of stuff in? Fairly traditional, or weird and experimental? Yes ☺ Favorite animals? I love cats, but can have any due to allergies. Least favorite? I’m not fond of horses, my parents ran a stable as I was growing up, and I view horses as work, How do you feel about Heifer International? Or do you have other favorite charities not mentioned in your application? Is cool! So for all witches of the shimmying types- would you like tassel belts/jingle belts/ ect and if so, how big are your hips? My question ☺ What are 3 places that you'd like to visit, or re-visit? The smokey mountians. I think we will road trip there next summer- yay! Europe. Boulder CO. If I could live anywhere in the world, it would be Boulder. I would just need to figure out how to afford to live there. Literary erotica. Who doesn't love it? I love it. Are you planning on buying anything off your BPAL wishlist during the round? I doubt it- money is tight, as I try to pay off a summer of living on CCs. Do you read graphic novels/comics? Which ones? Nope Which witches would want Bpal boxes? Or imp cases? Me! Right now my imps are stored in a box from the hardware store ment for holding nuts and bolts. How about a short - or longer - piece of fanfic? I like HP. What is the weirdest and/or most practical thing you are not buying for yourself right now? The thing that you probably should be buying, but have been putting off in lieu of something else? Paying a housekeeper ? ☺ Ummmm…. I’m pretty bad about buying the things I want- which is why I have the credit card debt listed above. Would you like handmade piece of calligraphy as a gift? Ooooo- yes What jewelry are you wearing now? What jewelry do you wear everyday-or do you change jewelry all the time? Right now I’m wearing a silver agfagni necklace- I typically wear tribal looking heavy peives. Boxes, baskets, etc.? Sure- always looking to contain clutter. Chia Pet, do you need one? Nope Houseplants and/or things to put them in: thoughts? Probably not. Who are your forum friends, person or people your witch can contact for ideas? What cartoons did you grow up watching? Any animated shows you still watch? Does Dora and Diego count? (My son is 4) Do you like honey? Will you like to try creamy honey with black sesame or with cinnamon powder? Yes! What is the biggest problem or sad thing in your life? Of course, I mean the saddest or worst thing you can confess here. I may not have passed my class this sememster Boo! What fashion item or style do you like, but never wear? Long skirts Do you like to cook? if so, what? Would you like things like spices, cookbooks, recipes, tips? Yes! I love cooking Do any of you like puzzle books? Yes yes yes! Do you like baskets, jars and other interesting containers? Filled or Empty? Yep! I love Christmas music even though I'm pagany -- how about you? It’s my favorite holiday. Anyone else have a sudden and unexpected favorite BPAL lately? Shanghi! Had it in the to test frimps pile- yum! It's cold outside - what are your favorite drinks to keep yourself warm and cozy? Coffee, chai, hot cocca Would my potential Witchee be up for some music stuff they'd never heard before if they couldn't understand the words? Sure! Would you personally rather get handmade jewelry or the beads to make something yourself? Jewelry To make up for the fact that I probably won't be able to send my witchee homebaked goodies, will Tim Tams in any number of varieties be an acceptable replacement? Sure! Hand beaded jewellery, yay or nay? YAY! Which witches would like hair accessories: clips, scrunchies, hairsticks, headscarves, etc? No clips- my hair is too thick. On a similar note, who likes yarn? What kinds/colors/weights/fibers? Anyone else a total nerd like me and would like DnD/Roleplay stuff (Dice, minis, books, corny tees, etc.)? I love dnd but just moved and don’t have a group anymore. So sad. How do people feel about unusual ornaments? As in, for holidays other than Christmas? Sure! Question: who would like a pair of handknit socks? Size? Color preference? Sixe 8 US women’s shoes. The louder the better Would you like to receive ATCs (artist trading cards) or would you prefer something more usable, like bookmarks or something? I’m trying despereately to cut down on clutter ☹




More questions!

Do you like coffee mugs? Travel or stay at home? How big? Do you like ones from Starbucks? I drink tea! I would love a cute mug for work.   Do you like tea? What kinds of tea (green, red, white, black, decaf, herbal infusions)? Feel free to get specific on brands and tea types. Loose or bagged? Do you need any kind of tea accessories? Pots/cozys/presses/strainers? I only drink orange pekoe. Boring I know, but I have to put milk and sugar in it!   What is your favorite hot chocolate or drinking chocolate? Do you need Vegan or no? Not a hot chocolate snob; I'll try anything!   Do you need any decanting supplies? Pipettes? Vials? How about any wand caps? Roller bottles? Some spray bottles (for oils mixed with alcohol?) I'm not much of a decanter but I'd love a few more wand caps.   How do you feel about home made lip balm, salt or sugar scrubs, soap, bath salts, etc? What kind of flavors and notes do you like? Sounds good to me. My favorite scents for B&B stuff is coconut, vanilla, chocolate...   Sooooo.....if you were to receive a hand-knitted item, what color(s) would you prefer AND are there any types of yarn that you just cannot handle (e.g. wool, llama, etc.) Nothing too itchy! My favorite colors are purple, pink, blue, but a neutral color would probably work better with my winter coat.




SW Questions Part 3:

What is one REALLY expensive, completely outrageous thing you would LOVE to get but totally don't expect to ever get from anyone?   An antique (or new, new is fine!) circular sock knitting machine. Like these. I've been rather obsessed with them for a while now, but I can't bring myself to drop upwards of $1000 on one since - as my friends say - "But you *are* a sock knitting machine!"   Do you like coffee mugs? Travel or stay at home? How big? Do you like ones from Starbucks?   I do like mugs. I have quite a few travel ones, and actually I rarely travel with beverages. As for home mugs, I have a favorite mug with dragonflies on it that is one of the tall variety that tapers towards the bottom and I'd love another one in that size/shape. Probably 16oz or so. Starbucks has one that's like a cup (the green + white, not the Christmas one) that has the little rectangles on the side to write in your drink order... I think that's cute.   If you drink coffee, do you like whole bean coffee or prefer ground? What grind? What roast (mild, medium, bold, extra bold)? Do you like flavored coffee?   I don't drink coffee at home.   Do you like tea? What kinds of tea (green, red, white, black, decaf, herbal infusions)? Feel free to get specific on brands and tea types. Loose or bagged? Do you need any kind of tea accessories? Pots/cozys/presses/strainers?   I love tea! Loose or bagged is fine, I have a cute little mesh strainer. My favorite is chai - I like trying all types and I have a small collection. I'm not a huge fan of plain black tea, and I really don't like Earl Grey, but black flavored teas are pretty good. I have ginger peach, ginger pear, and vanilla ones that are all good. I'm also a fan of herbal tea - mint is a favorite.   What is your favorite hot chocolate or drinking chocolate? Do you need Vegan or no?   I don't really have a favorite, but I'm a big fan of peppermint hot chocolate. I'm not vegan, but I am vegetarian so marshmallows are usually a no-go. Also I can't eat most artificial sweeteners so stuff with sugar is most appreciated.   Do you need any decanting supplies? Pipettes? Vials? How about any wand caps? Roller bottles? Some spray bottles (for oils mixed with alcohol?)   I'd love wand caps (I only have one) or roller bottles (I have none). I haven't ever mixed oils with alcohol, but it sounds interesting. Probably not happening soon though. And a few vials and pipettes would be appreciated, I might like to make travel sizes of my fave bottles. I'm a newbie to this stuff.   I wanted to ask a question: are there any rare (or even uber-rare) scents that you'd really like to try?   I'm actually not sure what exactly is rare, although I am interested in trying Snow White and Sugar Skull, which I think are on the rare side. In general I'm just interested in trying pretty much anything - so far my BPAL experience has been fairly limited.   Does your forum name have a special significance? Refer to something or someone you admire? Reflect your interests? Come on, spill!   I've been obsessed with stars for a long time, and in high school I was lamenting my lack of a nickname. A girl I knew made up stariel since it combines "star" and "Ariel", which is my name. I guess you could say it stuck since now my mom even calls me Stariel occasionally!   What's your favorite texture?   I don't know that I have a favorite texture, although soft and fuzzy is always nice.   What's one luxury item you want to pamper yourself with but haven't yet?   I can't really think of anything. Oh, Malabrigo sock yarn, but I don't know that I'd be able to resist buying some if I saw it.   Do you prefer arm warmers to the wrist, to the base of the fingers, or half fingered?   I don't really wear armwarmers, but if I did I think I'd like them to have a little thumb hole and go to the base of the fingers.   Any favorite cartoon characters? Disney, Sanrio, etc?   Well, Ariel from The Little Mermaid is sort of a default favorite since we share the same name, people give me stuff sometimes... bookmarks and such. As a kid Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty was my favorite.   Have you (or maybe the younguns in your family) been exposed to the Webkinz craze?   Nope!   Who's your favorite playwright?   I don't know that I have one. I do like plays, though.   Anyone into physical activities? ...is there anything you do as a sport/hobby in which you might need equipment?   Nothing that needs equipment.   Are there any witchy type supplies you're in need of, or would like to try etc.? Herbs, smudge sticks, resins, tarot/oracle cards, incense burners, pretty tools, stuff like that?   Nope!   On nut intolerance - does it include things like almond/coconut oil bases and essential oils in perfume oils, skincare products, scented candles and the like? N/A - I love nuts   If you are a fan, who were your favorite Buffy and Angel characters?   I am a fan, but that's a hard question! I think I am most like Willow, or perhaps Fred. But my favorites have to be Angel and Spike - a tie.   Do you like Shakespeare? Which plays?   I do, I've read quite a few of them and enjoyed it, but I'd have to say A Midsummer Night's Dream is probably my favorite.   Question for the Class: Favorite Musical?   I don't have one of those either.





This day has sucked. This WEEK has sucked. I'm too tired and drained to even write about it, so I'll just say, it sucks when spouse units aren't getting along.




SW questions!

questions answered! Will be added to as more come in.     How do you feel about winter-themed but not really holiday type decorations? Things like snowflakes and fake icicles and the like? sure   Do you have a personal 'Good Luck' charm? Maybe you have a goddess figure to remind you of your Inner Goddess, or maybe you have a beautiful Cross to represent your faith...Or maybe you wear a Hand of Fatimah for protection....That kind of thing. nope   If you were to attend Hogwarts, into which House would you be sorted? no clue   Would you be interested in some knitted wire jewelry, like this? yes   This is kind of a getting-to-know-you-type-thingie, but I always find it illuminating--what's on your computer desktop? Images? Color scheme? right now, an awesome picture of my hubby and my son. Before that, twas a b&w picture of my daughter.   What do you collect...besides BPAL?lighthouses, rocks, and dragons.   Anyone a fan of Goddess art? I love images of women, in beautiful poses, strong women, powerful women (No- Not Hilary ROFL) I like dark, vampire types too, not *too* dark- okay for general consumption type art too. nah...thanks anyway.   Anyone else a Luis Royo fan? who?   What are your favorite websites (i.e., the ones you visit every day, or almost every day)?too many to mention! but here, and facebook, come to mind the most.   How do you feel about Lush? Anything you want to try? -shrug-   How do you feel about home made lip balm, salt or sugar scrubs, soap, bath salts, etc? that would be awesome!   if you were to receive a hand-knitted item, what color(s) would you prefer AND are there any types of yarn that you just cannot handle (e.g. wool, llama, etc.) never experience llama wool, but sheep wool tends to be too itchy. Black is good.     What is one REALLY expensive, completely outrageous thing you would LOVE to get but totally don't expect to ever get from anyone? The full and complete version of photoshop. Or a corset.     Do you like coffee mugs? Travel or stay at home? How big? Do you like ones from Starbucks?mugs are awesome! I like nice big ones so I can do a BIG cup of hot chocolate.   If you drink coffee, do you like whole bean coffee or prefer ground? What grind? What roast (mild, medium, bold, extra bold)? Do you like flavored coffee?don't like kawfee.     Do you need any kind of tea accessories? Pots/cozys/presses/strainers? no likey tea either. What is your favorite hot chocolate or drinking chocolate? Do you need Vegan or no? I really really love Ghirardelli hot chocolate, but what I can't get over here is the swiss miss pick me up chocolate. They had it at our store ONCE and I picked up 4 boxes, but I'm running out. Do you need any decanting supplies? Pipettes? Vials? How about any wand caps? Roller bottles? Some spray bottles (for oils mixed with alcohol?) I've never decanted, so, yes? 12/12 I wanted to ask a question: are there any rare (or even uber-rare) scents that you'd really like to try? I dunno! There might be, but I have my imp of SGA, so...really don't know. Does your forum name have a special significance? Refer to something or someone you admire? Reflect your interests? Come on, spill!not really. M'name's Katie and I'm a mom, so, motherkat. 12/11 What's your favorite texture?soft soft cotton! soooooooft. flooooowy. silk or rayon works for soft and flowy too. What's one luxury item you want to pamper yourself with but haven't yet? bath oils/salts. Never have. Do you prefer arm warmers to the wrist, to the base of the fingers, or half fingered?half fingered tend to stay put best. Base of the fingers works too. Any favorite cartoon characters? Disney, Sanrio, etc? not really. Have you (or maybe the younguns in your family) been exposed to the Webkinz craze?eh? Who's your favorite playwright? Anyone into physical activities? For instance- I'm training to become a Combat Archer in the SCA, and something I would use would be an Archers glove...is there anything you do as a sport/hobby in which you might need equipment?I don't really have anything...I'd love to shoot, either guns or bows. -wistful sigh- Are there any witchy type supplies you're in need of, or would like to try etc.? Herbs, smudge sticks, resins, tarot/oracle cards, incense burners, pretty tools, stuff like that?no. On nut intolerance - does it include things like almond/coconut oil bases and essential oils in perfume oils, skincare products, scented candles and the like?not nut intolerant. If you are a fan, who were your favorite Buffy and Angel characters?Buffy! I always liked Willow. Do you like Shakespeare? Which plays? eh.. 12/10 Question for the Class: Favorite Musical? Phantom of the Opera, I think. I like lots of musicals, though. How do you like your chocolate? White, milk, bittersweet, as dark as possible? Plain, with flavoring, with chunks of stuff in? Fairly traditional, or weird and experimental?NO white chocolate. Blech. Milk or dark as possible, or anything in between...I like chocolate. Favorite animals? Least favorite?I like dogs and cats, but I don't like yippy dogs at all. How do you feel about Heifer International? Or do you have other favorite charities not mentioned in your application?eh? So for all witches of the shimmying types- would you like tassel belts/jingle belts/ ect and if so, how big are your hips?I need a shimmy something or other! Hips..um..I wear a size US 8 pants. 12/9 What are 3 places that you'd like to visit, or re-visit?Ischia (Italy) is a revisit. I'd love to go anywhere I can ski, cuz I've never been, annnnd...I dunno. Niagara falls. Literary erotica. Who doesn't love it?I'll take it! Are you planning on buying anything off your BPAL wishlist during the round?nope Do you read graphic novels/comics? Which ones?yotsuba! Which witches would want Bpal boxes? Or imp cases? yes. heh. How about a short - or longer - piece of fanfic?sure? Not a huge fan of much of anything though. What is the weirdest and/or most practical thing you are not buying for yourself right now? The thing that you probably should be buying, but have been putting off in lieu of something else?a mixer that actually works. Putting it off for...everything else. Would you like handmade piece of calligraphy as a gift?Yes! calligraphy is beautiful. What jewelry are you wearing now? What jewelry do you wear everyday-or do you change jewelry all the time? I'll wear a piece of jewelry for a month at a time, and then change it. Earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets...necklaces tend to stay on the longest. Boxes, baskets, etc.?yes. I seriously need something for my imps; I have nothin'. Chia Pet, do you need one? nope, I'd kill it. Houseplants and/or things to put them in: thoughts? Do you like baskets, jars and other interesting containers? Filled or Empty?yes! And either filled or empty, makes no difference to me. 12/8 Who are your forum friends, person or people your witch can contact for ideas?hmm.. my mom. margtheis swirly thing aol circle thing com. What cartoons did you grow up watching? Any animated shows you still watch?looney toons, and all sorts of cartoon shows. Always liked anime. I don't have TV right now, but I'd still watch (some) anime. Do you like honey? Will you like to try creamy honey with black sesame or with cinnamon powder?Yes, and sure! What is the biggest problem or sad thing in your life? Of course, I mean the saddest or worst thing you can confess here.I'd have to think about that, or make a seperate blog post, or something. What fashion item or style do you like, but never wear? corsets and really long skirts. Do you like to cook? if so, what? Would you like things like spices, cookbooks, recipes, tips?yes and yes. Do any of you like puzzle books?sudoku and word search books are great. 12/6 I love Christmas music even though I'm pagany -- how about you? love it. Anyone else have a sudden and unexpected favorite BPAL lately?not really.. It's cold outside - what are your favorite drinks to keep yourself warm and cozy?hot chocolate and apple cider. Would my potential Witchee be up for some music stuff they'd never heard before if they couldn't understand the words?yes! Especially tribal/bellydance music. 12/5 What kind of candy/sweet treat would you like to receive? british mars bars, if that's possible. Any cheap chocolate is good; I'm not a big fan of fancy chocolate. Would you personally rather get handmade jewelry or the beads to make something yourself?the jewelry. My kids would eat/lose/throw away the beads. 12/4 It seems like there are quite a few knitting witches, so I assume they are on the Ravelry forum as well. If so, what are your names on there so I can stalk you? I don't knit, but I'd love to learn how. A good instruction book would not be unloved. Speaking of which, how many Browncoat witches do we have?? And if you are, would you be interested in getting a Kaylee parasol? If not, would you be interested in getting a paper parasol hand painted with your favorite colors?Not a browncoat, but parasols are made of win. Is there any time during the holidays (or the rest of the round) when you'll be away from home for a significant period and it'd be best not to send anything by mail?nope! To make up for the fact that I probably won't be able to send my witchee homebaked goodies, will Tim Tams in any number of varieties be an acceptable replacement?Sure! Always up for something new. Hand beaded jewellery, yay or nay?yay! Which witches would like hair accessories: clips, scrunchies, hairsticks, headscarves, etc? would love clips! I have short hair, but I like to pin it back. Headbands or scarves would be lovely as well. On a similar note, who likes yarn? What kinds/colors/weights/fibers? Handspun? Glitter? Funky art yarn made from shredded jeans, fake flowers, lace, sequins, and the tattered souls of your enemies? Other craft supplies you desperately want more of and can't live without? I don't knit.. Anyone else a total nerd like me and would like DnD/Roleplay stuff (Dice, minis, books, corny tees, etc.)?eh..no thanks. How do people feel about unusual ornaments? As in, for holidays other than Christmas? sure! my house is in serious need of more decor. Question: who would like a pair of handknit socks? Size? Color preference? Cabled, ribbed (for your pleasure), stranded colorwork, etc.? socks are great! Umm, I need brown or black ones, but I'd be happy with any color. I like pretty patterned socks. How does everyone feel about steampunk? not really interested. Since we're talking about warm winter wearables, who likes hats? Mittens? Arm warmers? yes! Arm warmers or fingerless gloves, especially. Scarves are nice too. If your witch were to send you cookies, what kind of cookies would you like? probably chocolate chip or peanut butter. Who likes tshirts? What about homemade tshirts? Like with transfers I made myself.... sure! those are always fun and nice to have. 12/3 Would you like to receive ATCs (artist trading cards) or would you prefer something more usable, like bookmarks or something? yes 12/2 What witch would like a cloak? mememememe!




Quick Q&A Because I am tired.

I wanted to ask a question: are there any rare (or even uber-rare) scents that you'd really like to try? I didn't put any uber-rares on my wishlist because there didn't seem to be much point. I'm not going to expressely search for them because there a ton of scents that are easier to get a hold of that I want to try. However, Underpants, Mitzvah, Corazon, Mabon and Unseelie are all on my secret if-the-chance-ever-comes-try-it-list.   Does your forum name have a special significance? Refer to something or someone you admire? Reflect your interests? Come on, spill! It's my name and Batman's sidekick. Works on two whole levels.   What's your favorite texture? Hmmm, fabric wise it would be flannel. Non-fabric-wise I love the feeling of bare feet in lush green grass and the super soft feel of petting my cats. I dislike velour and can only deal with velvet in small doses. Soft wool is good, scratchy wool makes me scratch.   What's one luxury item you want to pamper yourself with but haven't yet? Uh, an HDTV and a blueray player but I figure I should keep saving for the downpayment and then buy the things for the house.   Do you prefer arm warmers to the wrist, to the base of the fingers, or half fingered? Any of the above.   Any favorite cartoon characters? Disney, Sanrio, etc? Any from the DC animated universe with my favorites from there being Batman, Terry McGinnis Batman, The Flash and Vigilante. Other Cartoons, I used to love Buttercup from the Power Puff Girls while I was in college, Wakko Warner as well but in High School. Disney-wise I enjoy Dory from Nemo, Scar from the Lion King and Robin from Robin Hood. There are others but my brain is kinda bleh right now.   Have you (or maybe the younguns in your family) been exposed to the Webkinz craze? You know, I've seen them around in stores but never had the interest to figure what they were all about. I suppose it is like the beanie baby thing. I just don't understand the desire or the purpose.





Have:   Agape Aglaea (10 mL) Al-Shairan Antique Lace Baghdad Bengal Berry Moon 2009 Black Lace Block Buster Carnivale Cerberus Clemence Coil, The Cupid Complaining to Venus Eden Embalming Fluid Envy Ether Euterpe Fearful Pleasures Fire Pig Gluhwein Green Tree Viper Haloes Hod (10 mL) Hungry Ghost Moon Inez Judith and Holofernes Judith Victorious KKuang Shi La Vague Leo 2007 Les Bijoux Lick It Again Love Me Maiden Mead Moon Mictecacihuatl Miller vs. California Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp Moon of the Terrible Mourning Moon Nuclear Winter 2008 Ogun Perilous Parlor 2007 Pink Moon 2007 Priala, the Human Phoenix Psyche Pumpkin Queen Punkie Night Queen Alice Red Devil Sachs Samhain 2007 Snake Oil Snow Bunny 2008 Snow-Flakes Snow, Glass, Apples Sol Invictus 2008 Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener Strawberry Moon 2009 Tabella Tamano-No-Mae Tamora That! The Terror From Over There! That! The Terror From Over There! prototype TKO Tulzscha (x3) Tweedledee Velvet Velvet Bandito Velvet Cthulu Xanthe, the Weeping Clown Wood Phoenix     Swapped/Sold/Gifted:   13 (June 2008) 13 (October 2006) Agape Blood Countess Cerberus Chanukiyah Dr. John Seward (x3) Eat Me Enraged Groundhog Musk Euterpe Freak Show Gelt Gladdener of All Hearts, The Green Phoenix Khajuraho 2006 Laudanum (x2) Leo 2007 Monster Bait: BiggerCritters (GC) Pink Phoenix Pumpkin Patch 4 (2005) Purple Phoenix Red Lantern 2006 Shoggoth Smut 2006 Snake Charmer Snow Moon Sundew Temple Viper TKO Vasakasajja White Moon Yuki-Onna 2006 Zarita the Doll Girl     Want:   Nothing at this time     Pending





I've been slacking off on updating my blog with questions; I've been posting them in the thread instead, but I'll try to post more here, too!   Thank you for the e-card, Witch! It's very nice to meet you!~




More Winter Q&A!

What's your favorite texture? To touch, eat, wear, or moisturize with? Respective answers: Soft plush or crushed velvet, melt in your mouth chocolate, merino wool or satin (depending on temperature etc), and Villainess Whipped.   What's one luxury item you want to pamper yourself with but haven't yet? A damn good book? I badly want to read a decent horror or a supernatural crime novel with a good plot, preferably including slashy elements and definitely with plenty of snarky dialogue. And a morally questionable male protagonist. My problem is that maybe I have weird taste in fiction (or maybe all the bookshops I frequent are just crap), but I cannot seem to find anything matching that description If I had time, I'd bloody well write one myself.   Do you prefer arm warmers to the wrist, to the base of the fingers, or half fingered? Not sure, since I've never had armwarmers! If they're more for decorative purposes or layering with gloves, then I'll say to the wrist. If for warmth, then I'd prefer them longer. But let me put it like this: I cannot envisage any way in which you could possibly go wrong with arm warmers Unless you were to send me neon pink ones, in which case I would probably hate you!   Any favorite cartoon characters? Disney, Sanrio, etc? Nope. I'm not a cartoon fan.   Have you (or maybe the younguns in your family) been exposed to the Webkinz craze? Never heard of it.   Who's your favorite playwright? Shakespeare. I also admire Oscar Wilde, Jean-Paul Sarte, and Luigi Pirandello.   Anyone into physical activities? For instance- I'm training to become a Combat Archer in the SCA, and something I would use would be an Archers glove...is there anything you do as a sport/hobby in which you might need equipment? The only physical activity I'm planning on doing is indoor climbing, and the sports centre provides all the equipment for that. The BPTP yoga pants sound like they'd be perfect for climbing in (snug enough fit, while allowing good flexibility), but they are firmly on the list of things I expect to be buying for myself.   Are there any witchy type supplies you're in need of, or would like to try etc.? Herbs, smudge sticks, resins, tarot/oracle cards, incense burners, pretty tools, stuff like that? Not for me, thanks   On nut intolerance - does it include things like almond/coconut oil bases and essential oils in perfume oils, skincare products, scented candles and the like? No nut intolerance here!   If you are a fan, who were your favorite Buffy and Angel characters? Spike!   Do you like Shakespeare? Which plays? HAMLET!!! And Macbeth, Othello, Julius Caesar (OMG the 1953 version! Brando! Gielgud! ), Merchant, Much Ado, Midsummer, Titus (Anthony Hopkins!). I'm sure I would like Lear, if I could manage to see a competent performance   Question for the Class: Favorite Musical? Really not a fan of musicals - people spontaneously bursting into song is just disturbing! If I had to pick, I'd say phantom of the opera is least offensive.




question answers for the moment

What's your favorite texture? I love silky smooth stuff. If it runs over your hand like water i am going to like it.   What's one luxury item you want to pamper yourself with but haven't yet? Hummm, I love GOOD lotions and haven't bought myself any since i was pregnant   Do you prefer arm warmers to the wrist, to the base of the fingers, or half fingered? I still don't see the point of these   Any favorite cartoon characters? Disney, Sanrio, etc? Did i mention my Otakuness? My favorite Anime characters are legion. But i guess if you are going american disney I would have to say Ursula from little mermaid and Maleficent from sleeping beauty.   Have you (or maybe the younguns in your family) been exposed to the Webkinz craze? Not so far   Who's your favorite playwright? Oh man i have no idea   Anyone into physical activities? For instance- I'm training to become a Combat Archer in the SCA, and something I would use would be an Archers glove...is there anything you do as a sport/hobby in which you might need equipment? Not for me   Are there any witchy type supplies you're in need of, or would like to try etc.? Herbs, smudge sticks, resins, tarot/oracle cards, incense burners, pretty tools, stuff like that? I am looking for a easy to use oil burner that i can use BPAL in. the one i have is a pain.   On nut intolerance - does it include things like almond/coconut oil bases and essential oils in perfume oils, skin care products, scented candles and the like? Nope   If you are a fan, who were your favorite Buffy and Angel characters? Not much of a fan and i well i like to watch the guy that played Angel   Do you like Shakespeare? Which plays? I like some. Much ado and Macbeth being the two i will willing watch for fun   Question for the Class: Favorite Musical? i love Suessical and My fair lady   How do you like your chocolate? White, milk, bittersweet, as dark as possible? Plain, with flavoring, with chunks of stuff in? Fairly traditional, or weird and experimental? I prefer milk but the stuff with sea salt is really really good   Favorite animals? Least favorite? My favorite animals are dogs and horses   How do you feel about Heifer International? Or do you have other favorite charities not mentioned in your application? Have no idea what this is   So for all witches of the shimmying types- would you like tassel belts/jingle belts/ ect and if so, how big are your hips? Oh man I would LOVE it. I wear a 20 jean I have No idea how big that makes them, Large is a good bet   What are 3 places that you'd like to visit, or re-visit? I want to go to the Amazon, ireland and Yellowestone some time before i die   Literary erotica. Who doesn't love it? I re Fanfiction you would have to run by me where your going before i am goign near anythign citrusy   Are you planning on buying anything off your BPAL wishlist during the round? Nope (well unless someone offeres me a bottle of Hellhound and well i wouldn't be able to resist)   Do you read graphic novels/comics? Which ones? yes, the antia blake ones. I am tryign to get my gruby paws on the Mercedes thomson ones that are coming out.   Which witches would want Bpal boxes? Or imp cases? Gimme I lvoe these   How about a short - or longer - piece of fanfic? Oh man I would roll on it and print it and roll some more   What is the weirdest and/or most practical thing you are not buying for yourself right now? The thing that you probably should be buying, but have been putting off in lieu of something else? I need to buysome gloves, But I like leather ones and well i hate shopping this time of year   Would you like handmade piece of calligraphy as a gift? Oh yes, and if its some thign i can frame and put up it would be special   What jewelry are you wearing now? What jewelry do you wear everyday-or do you change jewelry all the time? I am wearing my wedding set and one ear ring beause i keep loosing the ones out of my left ear. I am on my i kid you not forth set of gold balls this year in that ear.   Boxes, baskets, etc.? I like both, but i like well made if its flimsy the terrors will tear it up to fast otherwise   Chia Pet, do you need one? No   Houseplants and/or things to put them in: thoughts? if has to be pet and child safe and almsot self care to survive in this house   Do you like baskets, jars and other interesting containers? Filled or Empty? I like these things   Who are your forum friends, person or people your witch can contact for ideas? Humm, I would say My hubby would be your best shot or some of my Lj friends. Not sure how to tell you to get in touch though   What cartoons did you grow up watching? Any animated shows you still watch?I love everything from he-man to transformers and Duck tails as a kid. I am watchign Kyo Kara Maou! and Skip Beat right now.   Do you like honey? Will you like to try creamy honey with black sesame or with cinnamon powder? I liek honey it dosn't like me. I have enough for a decade or two a the moment so this is a pass.   What is the biggest problem or sad thing in your life? Of course, I mean the saddest or worst thing you can confess here.   What fashion item or style do you like, but never wear? I love flowing clothes, skirts and so on. But on me they just make me look that much chubbier   Do you like to cook? if so, what? Would you like things like spices, cookbooks, recipes, tips? I love to exeripent , I would love spices and tips   Do any of you like puzzle books? no not for me   I think that gets me up to date!




What is this? More Questions and Answers?

Who's your favorite playwright? I can't decide. We'll go with Oscar Wilde for the sheer fun of The Importance of Being Ernest.   Anyone into physical activities? For instance- I'm training to become a Combat Archer in the SCA, and something I would use would be an Archers glove...is there anything you do as a sport/hobby in which you might need equipment? I need to get more physical, but I'm not really in need of anything.   Are there any witchy type supplies you're in need of, or would like to try etc.? Herbs, smudge sticks, resins, tarot/oracle cards, incense burners, pretty tools, stuff like that? nope.   On nut intolerance - does it include things like almond/coconut oil bases and essential oils in perfume oils, skincare products, scented candles and the like? I'm not allergic to nuts, but if the almond oil is too strong it makes me ill. I love to eat almonds but really hate the smell.   If you are a fan, who were your favorite Buffy and Angel characters? Buffy, Giles, Wes, Angel. I liked early Willow and late series Xander, disliked them most of the time though. Spike was always fun and I really enjoyed Connor in Angel season 5.   Do you like Shakespeare? Which plays? I love Shakespeare. Love. Much Ado About Nothing, Macbeth, Twelfth Night, Othello and the sonnets.   Question for the Class: Favorite Musical? This is like the pick your favorite book/movie questions. I can't do just one. Wicked is made of awesome. Newsies, Phantom of the Opera, Into the Woods, Sound of Music, Rent, Singing in the Rain and so many more.   How do you like your chocolate? White, milk, bittersweet, as dark as possible? Plain, with flavoring, with chunks of stuff in? Fairly traditional, or weird and experimental? I like milk chocolate, fairly traditional, sometimes filled with things or with stuff in. I'm not a big chocolate person, but I do enjoy it. Chocolate covered pretzels I could eat all day.   Favorite animals? Least favorite? I like cats, have a low tolerance for dogs. The rabbits we have in the yard are cute, so are the chipmunks but they are cute in the see 'em for a second and then they run away way.   How do you feel about Heifer International? Or do you have other favorite charities not mentioned in your application? I've heard of Heifer International and it seems really interesting.   So for all witches of the shimmying types- would you like tassel belts/jingle belts/ ect and if so, how big are your hips? I took classes for a year almost five years ago. Don't remember a damn thing.




SW questions through 12/5

12/2 What witch would like a cloak? Oooh, that'd be NEAT.     12/3 Would you like to receive ATCs (artist trading cards) or would you prefer something more usable, like bookmarks or something? Oooh, that'd be NEAT. More seriously, I would be happy either way. I never use proper bookmarks, so that might be handy, but I rather like the idea of ATCs, too.     12/4 It seems like there are quite a few knitting witches, so I assume they are on the Ravelry forum as well. If so, what are your names on there so I can stalk you? I'm LizardQueen over there as well.   Speaking of which, how many Browncoat witches do we have?? And if you are, would you be interested in getting a Kaylee parasol? If not, would you be interested in getting a paper parasol hand painted with your favorite colors? Ooh yes, all of the above!   Is there any time during the holidays (or the rest of the round) when you'll be away from home for a significant period and it'd be best not to send anything by mail? I'll likely be out of town from 12/28 through 1/2, so that wouldn't be an ideal time to send me stuff, but we will have the Boy's sister housesitting, so at least things won't be left freezing on the porch if it comes to that.   To make up for the fact that I probably won't be able to send my witchee homebaked goodies, will Tim Tams in any number of varieties be an acceptable replacement? This probably makes me a crazy person, but Tim Tams sound a little bit like overkill to me, but I'll generally try anything once.   Hand beaded jewellery, yay or nay? Oh, yay!   Which witches would like hair accessories: clips, scrunchies, hairsticks, headscarves, etc? Answered in thread   On a similar note, who likes yarn? What kinds/colors/weights/fibers? Handspun? Glitter? Funky art yarn made from shredded jeans, fake flowers, lace, sequins, and the tattered souls of your enemies? Other craft supplies you desperately want more of and can't live without? I like yarn! Love love love Manos del Uruguay (just as an example -- hand-spun and hand-painted is love), but am happy to play with a wide variety of types and textures. If my witch wanted to send me stuff for making more soy candles, that'd be nifty, too.   Anyone else a total nerd like me and would like DnD/Roleplay stuff (Dice, minis, books, corny tees, etc.)? Yeah, I'm a total nerd like that, but I don't really have any needs in that department at present.   How do people feel about unusual ornaments? As in, for holidays other than Christmas? That'd be fun.   Question: who would like a pair of handknit socks? Size? Color preference? Cabled, ribbed (for your pleasure), stranded colorwork, etc.? My feets are US 6.5 Women's (37 Euro) and they would LOOOOOVE to be enveloped in handknit socks of any variety!   How does everyone feel about steampunk? Definitely a neat aesthetic, though I'm not entirely certain it's me. Let's say the jury's still out on that point.   Since we're talking about warm winter wearables, who likes hats? Mittens? Arm warmers? Yes, yes, yes!   If your witch were to send you cookies, what kind of cookies would you like? Om nom nom! Snickerdoodles are perhaps my current favorite, but as a general rule as long as you stay away from raisins (and even probably dried cranberries, though I like those a little better), I'll be happy!   Who likes tshirts? What about homemade tshirts? Like with transfers I made myself.... That'd be fanTAStic!     12/5 What kind of candy/sweet treat would you like to receive? I like a pretty wide variety, from chocolate to sour to gummy...   Would you personally rather get handmade jewelry or the beads to make something yourself? As neat as I find beads, I wouldn't at all know what to do with them, so definitely the handmade jewelry!





I love all things MAMEGOMA!   http://www.san-x.co.jp/mamegoma/ http://cupped-expressions.net/mamegoma/ http://www.shopkawaii.com/category_s/41.htm   Things I collect: - Notepads/memos - Stickers - Pencilcases/pouches  


