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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

The Hessian Of The Hollow

Category: Limited Editions -- Samhain 2008 -- Sleepy Hollow Series   Initially, it's a very dry, smokey scent; it doesn't have the sharp tang of cordite that I was expecting -- it's more like the last traces of smoke after a flame has been snuffed or blown out, sans the wax.   This is very fleeting, however; after that, I swear that it smells like Axe Body Spray. LOL Not really my thing.   This does strike me as a very masculine scent, and I'd recommend it, along with Brom Bones, for anyone seeking out a late 'Weenie purchase for their male companions.




Day Of The Skulls

Category: Limited Editions -- Samhain 2008   This didn't strike me as a 'rosey' scent when I initially tested it, but now that I am re-sniffing it to jog my memory as I write this, I can smell the rose. It's definitely a very sweet floral scent...any incense is just peripheral, but I can detect the undercurrent of cocoa lurking at the very, very bottom of it all.   I think I'd agree with another reviewer above, and say that this is a smokier, foodier version of Mictecacihuatl. I don't think one needs to be afraid of the rose note...so if you like a hint of cocoa in your perfume, I think you could safely give this a shot.   I'm almost regretting not having gotten a bottle...





Ta-da! My lovely wishlist! Well, at least the beginnings of one. There is so much to choose from!   These are scents I have never tried before, so I would definitely rather try imps of these than bottles first (for the most part).   This Wishlist is being Updated! Always a work in progress.   ALL YOUR ELF V4 ARE BELONG TO ME!   Current Needs 10 ml of Sin, Snake Oil, Bow and Crown of Conquest (does it exist?), and Loviatar would be HEAVENLY!
Lurid Library
Perilous Parlor
Wretched Rose Window
Ghost House
Mischief (tester)
Third Charm
  My ALL TIME Favorites!
CC: Female
Original Hod
Bow and Crown of Conquest
Glowing Vulva
Elf v4
Mme Moriarty
Joyful Moon
Pallas Athene
Body: Remember
Joyful Moon
A Wonderful Light

      GC   Labyrinth!   RPG   Evil   Last Unicorn The Last Unicorn The Midnight Carnival Mommy Fortuna   Bewitching Brews Blood Amber Blood Pearl Meliai Tushnamatay   Ars Moriendi Sheol   Sin and Salvation Gluttony Oblivion   Excolo   Ars Amatoria Debauchery Defututa Les Bijoux Maiden Salomé   Diabolus Goblin   Mad Tea Party Against Idleness and Mischief Alice's Evidence   Wanderlust   American Gods Mama-Ji   Anansi Boys Spider   Good Omens Famine Pepper   Stardust Tristran   Steamworks   Marchen The White Rider Baba Yaga   The Salon Silence The Cup of Death Cupid Complaining to Venus Fox Fires on New Year's Eve at the Garment Nettle Tree at Oji Schlafende Baigneuse   Rapacini's Garden     A Picnic in Arkham The High Priest Not To Be Described   Panacea Seduction   TAL White Light Milk and Honey   Carnival Diabolique Anaconda Doc Constantine (bottle!) Knucklebones Tabula Smaragdina The Parliament of Monsters   Retail Exclusives   Tarot The Devil The Hierophant Judgement King of Spades (anything!) The Lovers The Sun The World   Single Notes Egyptian Amber!! Vanilla (any kind)   LE (decants or testers to try unless otherwise specified) Blood Moon Bonfire Night Brom Bones Buck Moon Chokmah Donna con Ventaglio The Fairies Geburah Ii No Hayata Kills the Nue at the Imperial Palace Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream Le Pere Fouettard! Anything! Leo 2007 Pa-Pow Quincey Morris bottle or decant for the SO Red Lantern Red Moon Red Phoenix Schwarzer Mond Storyville a tester would be awesome! The Death of Autumn Theotokos Velvet Bandito   any interesting SN's/testers would be fun!




Our 2nd batch of BPALs!

I just noticed this forum has a blog function, so I decided use it to record my BPAL purchases and other activities   My man and I just received our second package from BPAL yesterday! Shipping was swift and the items arrived safely.   I got two 5ml bottles--Wanda and Kali--and a set of imps: Phantom Queen, Perversion, Seraglio, Scherezade, Sacred Whore of Babylon and Nefertiti.   The man got a set of imps too: Dragon's Tears, Nyarlathotep, Highwayman, Tezcatlipoca, Black Forest and Plunder.   We also got a whole load of frimps! Machu Picchu, Anubis, The Ghost, Incubus, Brown Jenkins, Uruk, Kali and Siren! I think they threw in so many frimps because there was a bit of a miscommunication about our first order, but then again it could be because the BPAL staff are just really nice Can't wait to try all of them!   P/S: I'd gotten Siren on my first order, but it didn't go well with my skin chemistry; I'm hoping that this new frimp would be better... wish me luck!





Imp #19: Aeval   "A raven-haired Fairy Queen of Ireland. One of her eternal duties dictates that she must hold a midnight court every season and hear the pleas of married Irishwomen. The court serves only to determine whether or not husbands are adequately serving their wife's sexual needs. A judicious yet powerfully sensual blend, a mingling of justice and sexuality: sage, sweet pea, bold pale musk and warm tonka."   Note: Late cycle. Imp from littleone101701's sales.   In the bottle: A sweet floral with a warm, more sophisticated base.   On me: Sweet and floral with musk in the background. Possibly tonka. I don't smell the sage.   1 hour+ later: A bit less floral and more musky. A very feminine and floral sort of sensual, but a watery floral. I could see this being very good when I am going '20s glam.





Imp #17: Ouija   "Lush parlor rooms draped in thick velvets and gilded in gold, unearthly whispering in the distance, fleeting flashes of wraith-like figures rushing just outside your vision, the chill of a phantom presence brushing by your cheek, the inscrutable knowledge that disembodied eyes are peering at you from darkened corners… this is the essence of Victorian-era spiritualism: rosewood, oak and teak notes with wispy blue lilac, tea rose, dried white rose and ethereal osmanthus."   Note: Late cycle. Imp from fruitycake's sales.   In the bottle: I definitely get the rose and maybe something woody.   On me: Lilac comes to the front. I get the feel of an old library full of hard bound books with thick rag-paper pages. A home library in some Victorian, where there are built in shelves along the walls, rather than stacks of books piled close. There is a table in the middle of the room with a centerpiece of dried flowers. A velvety chaise sits in the corner with a Tiffany floor lamp to read by.   1 hour+ later: As time passes, the rosewood and teak emerge. This room is definitely paneled and the table in the center has been polished. Now, the velvet curtains are pulled shut, and it is warm and dark in the evening. Later the blend is mainly lilac with the other notes in the background making it more sophisticated than a simple floral. The old book smell is also kind of an incense smell as well.





Imp #18: Eclipse   "All the glory, warmth and majesty of the sun -- darkened. A delicious blend of bitter almond, vanilla, frankincense and heliotrope, with a drop of cinnamon."   Note: Late cycle. Imp from fruitycake's sales.   In the bottle: Red KoolAid in the package before you add the sugar. I'm sorry, but that's what I got from the first hit. I smell something fruity and I can smell the cinnamon. I'm not sure I can identify the other scents.   On me: The cinnamon steps back and the vanilla and almond step forward. This has a spicy almond cookie scent. It is definitely foody on me.   1 hour+ later: Bitter almond and vanilla have a strong staying power. They were still there after many hours, but the spices eventually faded. I smell like a Madelaine cookie.




Possets KITTEHS!

Gabby - The Sweetling Ghost
Like a ghost drifting into your consciousness. Very smooth, very suave, very insinuating. Gabby is the perfect Halloween kitty who has you loving her sweet soft ways. Two ambers twine suggestively like a cat's tail around a center of pure milk and a shot of sugar, or better than sugar! Very nice stuff.
Oh, yeah. This isn't one of those ambers that goes all wonky/powdery/old lady on me. This is pure heaven. Soft and sweet and fabulous.

Libby - The Classic Halloween Black Cat!
Just plain old fun at Halloween. Just about all the things that you can revel in once a year and a few more. Coconut lovers rejoice, licorice lovers rejoice, A big glob of Blood Orange and a shot of plain old sugar candy, and goodness knows what else. This one does a wild cat dance.
In the bottle, the blood orange is pretty strong, which had me a little worried. Citrus doesn't always work on me. No problem! The coconut and licorice keep it under control, and it's just a fun, fabulous fall scent. I definitely get a candy scent from this, but it's not too sweet thanks to the coconut. Also very nice.

Thanks to my awesome witch, SeaMonkey, who sent me these!




Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream

In the bottle: Blueberries!   On wet: Blueberries instantly give way to tea and the currant - no problem, I love them, too!   Drydown: Powdery lemon? Where is this coming from? This odd stage lasts for several long minutes, then the blueberries return with the tea in tow. Ginger lingers on the sidelines, as does the vanilla and currant. The musk is developing slowly - darkly sweet, vaguely leathery, working (surprisingly!) well with the berries/tea combo. Not picking up the benzoin (good - not a favourite), or the squash blossom/coriander.   Overall: Another good fruit-tea-musk combo for me! I'm not even very interested in blueberry as a scent to wear, but it's really nice with the supporting notes in this blend - and it's incredibly fresh/realistic! A unique addition to my BPAL box, and a nice change of pace from what I usually wear. 4/5




The Gladdener of All Hearts

In the bottle: Mmm...sweet n' lightly creamy. The colour "pink" instantly popped into my head while I sniffed this - that, and thought that this would be the *best* bubble bath/bath oil scent evah!   On wet: Sweeet! Powdery! Candy-like! YUM!   Drydown: Still mostly sweet, candy-licious powder, though I'm detecting something almost spicy underneath - peppery carnations finally making an appearance, if I'm not mistaken. Then there's the honey and frankincense adding this insanely edible, golden depth to balance out the sugary, milky florals - SOOOO GOOOOD! Freaking *gorgeous* stuff, seriously.   Overall: Honestly, I wasn't expecting much from this blend - I mean, honeyed milk and baby powder? For reals? - but I figured I'd give it a try since I love carnations and creamy florals like Alice. Am I ever glad I did! This is absolutely WONDERFUL - easily my favourite baby blend of the bunch. Well done, Beth!! 5/5




Lady Lilith

In the bottle: Light tea and gorgeous mandarin.   On wet: Sugared mandarin and both musks - they all smell fantastic together!   Drydown: Lovely tea, rose and mandarin, vanilla, musk, poppy, even the violets! All of the notes have hit my radar at one point or another (except the opoponax, which I think is grounding everything and isn't as noticeable - fine by me since I'm not a huge fan), and they've since combined into this light, sophisticated melange of gentle, sweet, fruity-floral-musky goodness.   Overall: High end yet wearable. Appropriate for any occasion. Perfect for those who've been craving a good fruity-tea scent - like me! Absolutely delicious, and an easy 4/5.




Lilith Victoria

In the bottle: Dorian peeks out first, followed by the darker, sweeter Snake Oil. Lavender clings to both. Lovely.   On wet: Sweet, powdery, slightly herbal. Bit of a jumble that's trying to settle down, but still lovely.   Drydown: Dorian's wearing a sprig of fennel-wrapped lavender pinned to the lapel of his vanilla-cream suit. Snake Oil swirls like a slinky, syrupy river of lightly spiced warmth beneath him. Picking up all the extra notes except the lily of the valley - I think it's adding to the creamy sweetness, just not as obviously as the other toss-ins. As I expected, this is good, *good* stuff. YUM.   Overall: Much love for this blend which has brought together two of my fave BPAL scents of all time. The lavender, fennel, and vanilla flower tweak them up to the next notch of awesomeness - adding just enough variance so that LV stands as a unique fragrance in its own right. It's a 4/5 right now, but I'm thinking that a little age will push this puppy into the 5/5 realm.




Master List

Hi everyone! I saw some others creating a "Master List" and thought I'd do the same. I have only a few bottles...the rest are decants and imps of various fullnesses.   Top Five: 1. Black Lace (one imp, one bottle) 2. Theodosius, the Legerdemain (1/3 bottle, one backup bottle) 3. Antique Lace (one bottle) 4. Symmakhia (one bottle) 5. Lovers with Rutting Cats (one bottle)     I also love: Khryseê (one bottle) Kuang Shi (four imps, one bottle) The Lady on the Grey (2/3 bottle) London (one imp, one bottle) Manhattan (one bottle) Mouse's Long and Sad Tale (one bottle) Western Diamondback (one bottle) Doc Constantine (for the DH) Perversion (for the DH) (two imps, 2/3 bottle)   I like: Queen Mab Dorian   Undecided: Chaos Theory IV: LXXXV Mr. Nancy Tamora Wilde Zephyr   I own & have yet to try: Envy Euphrosyne Harikata Juke Joint Man with Phallus Head Manners Among Men and Women in the Red Light District Monster Bait: Biggercritter Order of the Dragon: Brides of Dracula Order of the Dragon: The Castle Schwarzer Mond Shango Siren Svadhinaopatika Tell-Tale Heart, The (sniffie) Tissue Tombstone Voyeurs Among the Cherry Blossoms Vasakasajja Zorya Possettes: The Clockwork Kumqat - Oregon
Nocturne Alchemy: Aphophis
Conjure Oils: Scorpio
Violette Market: Swoon
Vintage Beekeeper
The White Swan
Heaven and Earth: White Cat
Wylde Ivy misc. Amber Chai
Blackberry Cotton Candy
Celestial Sun
Dirty Chocolate
Ice Princess
Sheer Musk
Simple Love
Such a Flirt!
Sweet Serendipity
Wylde Vanilla
Tried: 413 U.S.15 / Miller vs. California Baobhan Sith Couple Consulting an Enpon Dormouse, The Eight Views of Actors in their Dressing Rooms Flowering Chrysanthemums Giant Vulva Glukuprikos Kumiho Kyoto L'Estate Lilium Inter Spinas Lovers in a Ricefield Mata Hari Prague Tamamo-no-mae Venice Voodoo Lily Cobalt Blends: Daylight Savings
Arrivals Pending: none at this time   Not right for me (and therefore up for swap): Aeronwen Agrat-Bat-Mahlaht Aizen-myoo (sniffie) All they had seen, and All they had lost Antony Ave Maria Gratia Plena Bilquis Brom Bones Calico Jack Dee Gennivre, L'artiste Du Diable Harlot High John the Conqueror Intrigue Jacob's Ladder 2008 Jezebel La Befana Lady Macbeth Lear Libertine Loup Garou Mad Sweeney Mag Mell Miskatonic University Mr. Ibis Nero O Opuhi Plunder Sugar Skull, 2007 Vampire Tears Velvet Vicomte de Valmont Villain Whitechapel White Rabbit   Gone to new & better homes: Aeval Apothecary, The Arkham Beaverversary Belle Vinu Boomslang De Sade Dodo, The Dracul Dragon's Bone Dragon's Heart Earth Phoenix Fallen Fire Phoenix Gelt Golden Priapus Green Phoenix Head of Holofernes, The Hungry Ghost Moon Inez Lady of Shalott Lady Una Leanan Sidhe Lines Written Among the Euganean Hills Little Sparrow, The Macabray, The Mama Ji Metal Phoenix Moon of Small Spirits Mouse's Long and Sad Tale Mr. Jaquel Nosferatu Nowhere in Particular Phantom Queen Potter's Field, The Scorpio '07 Seraphim Serpents with Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues Shanghai Snake Charmer: Resurrected Snake Oil Snow, Glass, Apples Snow White 2008 Spider Water Phoenix Wood Phoenix   Tested @ retail location: Antikythera Mechanism (not right for me) Embalming Fluid (not right for me) Haloes (not right for me) Morocco (not right for me)     For info on the notes I love and the notes I love to hate, go here.




Temple of Dreams

Imp #16: Temple of Dreams   "For use when working with the many Gods of Sleep, Dreams, and Nightmares."   Note: Mid cycle. Imp from fruitycake's sales.   In the bottle: Lavender & some savory spice that gives it an herbal tinge. Unlike others, I don't really think it smells like rosemary.   On me: The lavender receeds and the blend becomes less sharp and astringent. It smells cool. On drydown, as my body warms it up, the smell warms. I smell like sitting in a dry cedar paneled sauna; the soft smell of dry wood and faint smoke. This is very warm and relaxing.   1 hour+ later: I went to sleep pretty quickly, but upon waking I smelled faintly the same as upon initial drydown.   Impact on sleep and dreaming: I used this the night before election day, hoping for better sleep. Despite sleeping for only 5 hours, I was quite rested and I felt that I remembered more dreams throughout the night. The thing that struck me the most was that when I woke up, the covers were pristine, whereas I normally toss and turn quite a bit.   ETA: The main herb may be sage, given that others have noticed it and I associate it with sweat lodges, etc.




Order madness

I'm kind of relieved......I think I'm all caught up on my ordering, at least until I get to try my Yule decants (then the madness starts all over again). I am resisting the urge to order a bottle of Meditation In Autumn. I wore it again today, and I realized it smells like November, only greener, with less snow. It does have a bit of icy bite, somehow. But the resemblance to November is close enough that I don't think I really need a whole bottle after all. If, however, someone were to offer a swap, I certainly would take it.   I am excited to try the Yule blends, still have to track down a decant of Mole, but other than that, I'm all caught up on decants I want to try.   I absolutely can't wait for my bottle of Fearful Pleasure to arrive, but it looks like I still have over a week, at least. Hurryhurryhurry!





Imp #15: Florence   "The pearl of the Italian Renaissance. Elegant iris, bright berries, gilded amber and velvety spices."   Note: Mid cycle. Imp from fruitycake's sales.   In the bottle: Sweet berries take the front, but I can smell the amber and I think iris, with a hint of spices.   On me: My left wrist is very iris while my right wrist is stronger on the spicy amber. How odd. It is thankfully not as sweet on me. Not a very strong throw.   1 hour+ later: Very faint iris & amber with a hint of vanilla.




Penny Dreadful

Imp #14: Penny Dreadful "Also called Gallows Literature. A dime novel rife with melodrama, horror, madness and cruelty; a ten cent analogy of vice and virtue in conflict. Soft perfume evocative of noir heroines over rich red grave loam."   Note: Late in cycle. Imp from littleone101701.   In the bottle: Slightly sweet and also woody, like leaf mold. Damp earth in an old cemetery with drifts of decayed leaves and dried crumbling rotten branches.   On me: Sandalwood and cinnamon. Amber? Spicy and autumnal. Hot tea with a stick of cinnamon. Not at all like in the bottle.   1 hour+ later: quality potpourri





This was a surprise hit for me. I normally can't do florals. Jasmine initially does it's overwhelming thing. But then there's a while of sweet, gorgeous honeysuckle. The best part for me is the drydown, which is a wonderful skin musk just barely tinged with floral.





Category: Limited Editions -- Halloween 2008   The rose note made me super-leery, but the other notes sounded so appealing that I had to at least try a decant. As anticipated, the rose amps hugely on me. However, it never really gets all that obnoxious. There's a fresh, wet side to it, and that may be the agave nobly leaping in and keeping the rose from ruining my day. I don't smell the copal too much, alas, but it is there, lurking in the background along with the woods. It's really lovely, and after Karl complimented me on it, I'm convinced that I need a full bottle.   If rose doesn't normally work for you, don't be afraid...this could be one of those pleasant exceptions, for you.




John Barleycorn

Category: Limited Editions -- Halloween 2008   Admittedly, this is less-than-pleasant upon first application; you get all of the beery, boozy qualities of it, that stale, sour leftover-whiskey smell that lingers on your breath the morning after. Not nice.   However! It calms down and behaves itself really quickly. It is like a burly, scruffy man with booze on his breath, who completely surprises you by reciting a lovely poem from memory. The harsh booziness goes away, and you are left with a sweet, malty sort of aroma, like you're leaning over a freshly-drained cask of whiskey and inhaling that slightly-toasted, caramely smell that's still soaked into the wood. Once it's morphed to that stage, it stays there. I really liked this one.   If it weren't for the unpleasantness at the beginning, I would spring for a full-priced bottle. (If I had unlimted funds, I still would.) I managed to wrangle a partial bottle, and I certainly wouldn't mind buying up other people's unloved imps and adding them to it from time to time. It's inspiring borderline hoarding behavior.




Ichabod Crane

Category: Limited Editions -- Halloween 2008 -- Sleepy Hollow   The prevailing note here is beeswax...it's a very warm, homey scent. It is complemented nicely by the tea, cream, and, yes, wool. Over time, it fades into a golden, perfumey amalgam that is classy and very, very pleasant. I really like this, and need to remember to get me a bottle.





Category: Limited Editions -- Halloween 2008 -- Sleepy Hollow   I get a LOT of maple and oats out of this, with little side-hints of carrot. It's a delicious, pleasant, warm, comforting scent, but unfortunately the throw is minimal -- if there's musk, I really can't detect any -- and staying power is so-so. I will treasure what's left of my imp, but I don't feel that I need any more than that.


