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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!


The pinnacle of wealth, luxury, self-indulgent pleasure, voluptuousness and sensuality. Bright violet with sweet clove, Mediterranean incense notes and tonka bean.   Reviewed 09/14/2008   In the imp: Violet! This smells a lot like Faith.   Wet: Violet, with a hint of clove underneath.   Drydown: The clove and incense take over and smash down any other note that tries to come out. If I were an incense and clove fan, this would be a favorite.




Love In Idleness

Yet mark'd I where the bolt of Cupid fell: It fell upon a little western flower, Before, milk-white, now purple with love's wound, And maidens call it love-in-idleness.   Reviewed 09/14/2008   In the imp: Creamy fresh, sweet floral.   Wet: Chemical flowers.   Drydown: This smells like flowery toilet bowl cleaner. Thankfully it faded very, very quickly. This definitely does NOT love my skin.




SW questions through 9/8

***9/8*** How do y'all feel about honey and maple? And different flavored honey, not just the standard kind? I’m game!   What is your favorite thing to do on a cool fall day? Go apple picking or out to a pumpkin patch. Take a walk and crunch on leaves. Curl up near a window with a good book and a steaming cup of tea or cider. And actually, I’m not a huge football fan, but I always enjoy bundling up in a sweater, getting a cup of something hot, and heading out to cheer on a local team.     ***9/7*** If you have pets, is there a SPECIFIC toy they like to play with; brand and size? Is there a treat/cookie they eat? What brand and size? The dogs have Kongs (of the big dog variety), and they enjoy killing stuffed animals, but mostly, as I think I mentioned before, they like playing with one another best. No particular treat goes over better than any other, but I personally prefer those that are low on things like preservatives and stuff. I’m not sure what toys the cats would prefer, and only the Professor has any interest in treats – and he’ll eat just about anything.   What's your ringtone? A Russian dance (possibly faux-Russian) type tune. It was the only thing on my phone that I found even remotely tolerable. On my old phone I had “Jungle Boogie,” which was AWESOME.   Just to throw a silly question out there...Munsters or Addams Family, y'all? Addams Family.   What think you about receiving tea accessories and/or miscellany (like mugs, cups, saucers, strainers/filters, honey, natural sweeteners [like stevia])? I don’t NEED any more mugs, but I’ll happily make room for the right one! Every thing else sounds lovely, though I don’t need anymore Stevia (does Stevia go bad? Hmm… I should check on that…)   How do you feel about copies of music or dvd's that your witch might have that you might enjoy? Not just mixes, but whole copies? In a perfect world, we could all afford newly-pressed copies of all the CDs and DVDs we want, but it doesn’t always work out that way. I’d prefer mixes, but if you copy a CD you think I’ll like for me, I’ll appreciate it and enjoy it and odds are good that artist or band will end up getting money from me further on down the road. In short, no worries.   Say, witches, I have a question about birthdays. do you expect/rely on other people to plans birthday outings and activities? Nope. Nothing would happen if I did, and while I’m not a huge celebrator, I like to go out for dinner and/or drinks, so I’m perfectly content to make my own plans.   Tarts? Yes/no? Sure!   I'm wondering if my witchee would like to try these types of things (like the caramel with sea salts or chocolates with chilis/bacon/salt etc.)? I’d prefer to keep my meat products out of my chocolate, but I’m game for anything else!





Stance on Joss Whedon and his enterprises? I'm not sure who that is?   Has anyone tried ice wine before? Do/did they enjoy it? No. I don't drink   What other perfume companies (besides bpal) have you been curious about? I'm not sure. I'd be open to trying the ones I see tossed around on bpal type forums, i.e. possets, cobolt, woobie, nocturne alchemy, cbihp   Does anyone here do anything with grave rubbings? No, but I did my final project in photography on grave stones.   Would you enjoy art based on original Graveyard photography? Yes, I'd be open to that.   What's in your Netflix or Blockbuster queue, do you want any new Netflix/Blockbuster friends, if so how do we find you on there? I don't have netflix or blockbuster because we have most everything on cable, including all of the major movie channels. I'm sure there's lots of stuff out there I'd like to see though. I like suspense, thriller, mystery type movies primarily. I like horror too, but really I prefer a good psychological thriller to one with lots of blood and guts (but I'm not against blood and guts).   Do you play a musical instrument? Nope. My husband plays the drums, his kids play the guitar, trumpet and drums. My husband's band practices here once a week or so. It gets loud.   What do you think of Irrelevant Disturbing and Surreal Crawdad Dream? Love it? Hate it? Kicking yourself for not getting a bottle? I would have been interested to try it, but I have a feeling it may not work for me.   How do you feel about trinkets? You know - tiny toys or doodads that serve no purpose than to be cute, take up space and make us smile. Love them or waste of money? Here's my problem. I like them....but I'm trying to stay away from cluttery type stuff. I guess I would prefer stuff that can be used vs displayed.   Can melty things be shipped to you, or will they be in puddles by the time you open the package? Melty things are fine, it's getting cold.   Who likes pirates? Pirates are ok   What are your feelings about Dia De Los Muertos? I really don't have any feelings about it one way or the other.   What do you think about the Nightmare Before Christmas? I don't really have any feelings about it oen way or the other   If candy is sent, would you prefer small amounts to a Halloween sized bag? It depends on the candy, I guess. But in general smaller amounts would probably be better. I try to not overload on too much sugar and we never have trick or treaters so we have pleanty of leftovers.   Do you like notes in your soaps or bath stuff that you don't like in your perfumes? If so which? I don't think so - I'd say it's probably about the same. I did try a body wash with rose...and that was a mistake. I really don't do well with rose.   Do you like floral soaps or bath stuff? If so, what florals work and what don't? Floral is okay. Again, rose doesn't work for me. I can't really explain, it just really doesn't work. I can't stand when people around me wear rose either. I also don't know how to explain this, but I need lower pitched scents. yes...many florals (i.e. rose) seem to be high pitched to me. That probably sounds weird? If rose were a sound it would be a loud shreek.   How do y'all feel about honey and maple? And different flavored honey, not just the standard kind? I'm into flavored honeys. Please don't send maple though, it is everywhere around here.   What is your favorite thing to do on a cool fall day? How cool? The unfortunate thing is that cool fall day usually = rainy. I'd love to go play outside somewhere with my puppies (as long as it isn't TOO cool).   Do you like Mystery Science Theater 3000? Have you tried out (and if not, would you be interested in doing so) its weird little brother, RiffTrax? I've never seen it, but I guess I'd be open to it.   What is everyone's "luck" item? I don't have one.   How do you feel about Hello Kitty? I'm not a huge crazy fan, but I like Hello Kitty alright.   Legwarmers? Armwarmers? Never worn either. I've never worn them, but I'd be open to the idea.   What is your favorite category of the GC? I seem to have luck with excolo




Hellhound on my Trail

Oh. My.   At first is does start out a bit herbal and a little astringent, but as it dries that fades and out comes a delicious boozy vanilla with just a hint of spice. It ends up though a smokey slightly spicy vanilla that is just...   Both hubby and I tried it and on him it kept a more smokey herbal feel w/a touch of vanilla, where on me it was a rich spicy vanilla with a tiny hint of booze and a very slight smokiness.   I *love* this




Why I'm so crazy about BPAL again

Well yes of course BPAL are amazing so that is reason enough. But the reason why I started my addiction again is - of course - the hottest, cutest, smartest guy on earth. I believe in the power of scents. We all know how strong a memory of a scent can be, and I want to tie this relationship to my boy closely to a scent. I need a signature scent. Something he will associate with me and whenever he smells it will make him think of me (okay there is no relationship - YET! *knocks on wood*).   So, without knowing what he likes, what am I to chose? I think it has to be a GC scent, because if I'm ever going to run out of the scent... that'd be dreadful. I'd love to make Snow White my signature scent (it's SO ME) maybe I'm going to make an exception for her, depending on if she turns up this Yule again or not. My bottle of 2005 is still almost full but I was very reluctant to use it, I guess if I used it daily that would look differently... Bunny Musk and Dragon Moon are out, as are the LEs that are on the way to me.   I can choose from: Dragon's Milk, Antique Lace, Alice, White Rabbit, Persephone and Dana O'Shee, and maybe Snow White. I wore Snow White on our first date, but he didn't say anything to it and I don't know how much of it he got to smell. It does have good throw on me, but still. Still, that's a point for Snow White. Dragon's Milk is the scent my ex-ex-bf chose for me, so that's out. In addition to that, Dragon's Milk stains everything bright red so it's not easy to handle. Antique Lace is nice. But it is also boring. It is a comfort scent and the scent I use whenever I don't really know what to choose. I think Antique Lace is the only scent that ever got me an unsolicited compliment (from a male), but I MIGHT confuse it with Snow White, here. Also, additionally Antique Lace is never described as being sexy. Hmmm. A maybe here. Alice - Alice, oh I love her. At the moment, it's the only scent I need. However, the imp I have is an aged one and I think the fresh Alice smells a bit differently. I also don't quite know how Alice works in the summer, because it is a really warm, snuggly scent. But then - it's roses, so maybe it works in the summer as well. And, again this is not a scent described as sexy. But - I think the scent is very, very me. Another posivte aspect is that if Katrina van Tassel is as beautiful as I hope it will be, and if it is as similar to Alice as I think it will be, I can use Katrina if I want something different and still stay in my scent range. White Rabbit - a very beautiful scent as well. It is similar enough to Alice that I can say that I'm going to choose Alice over the Rabbit. The Rabbit isn't feminine enough. Persephone - hum. I really like her but she is so fruity and fresh and thus best suited to Spring and Summer and not Autumn and Winter. Persephone is described as really sexy, though. Still - I don't think I want to wear her everyday, at least not in Spring and Autumn. Dana O'Shee... Hmm. A very nice scent. But I remember it to be 100% Marzipan. And that's a bit too much for everyday wear. Dragon's Milk, Antique Lace, Alice, White Rabbit, Persephone and Dana O'Shee, Snow White. We haven't talked about scents that are on my "I need to try them" list... because, yeah if I start that I'll get overwhelmed. I'm very partial to Alice at the moment so that might sway my judgment. Now it pays that I'm staying so close in one scent family - let's say I make Alice my signature scent, then I smell like sweet creamy roses. Now, if I wear Persephone, that's a different rose but still a rose. If I wear White Rabbit, I smell like sweet and cream... and so on. So I smell similar, regardless of what I wear. Yeah.   Oh and of course my lone imp of Love Me will get put to good use as well.

Juliet's Silk

Juliet's Silk


How 'bout some more questions...

What will you like from Singapore? Candies? Food? Asian crafts/toys? Fabric is good! I love the fabrics that they have over there.   What is everyone's "luck" item? Sounds totally sappy, but, I have two. First, I have my wedding ring. It is my grandmother's diamonds and her white gold, but, restyled for me. It holds 64 years of a very loving marriage and it now holds one year of my very loving marriage. My husband is one of the best and most genuine people I know. I thank the Goddess for him every single day. Even days when he is annoying me. The other one is a medieval heraldic pendant from the 13th century. It was definitely a woman's and you can still see some of the red and gold paint. The style is that of a rampant lion, which I have always seen as a sign of strength. Once I find another thin leather or rubber cord with a good solid clasp, I will wear it again. It makes me feel strong and it always, always reminds me where my true passion lies (even though I am a slave to the corporate man for now) and that I will return to doing what I love.   Do you like art deco/nouveau - style prints? I do!   What is one thing that, if you received it in the middle of all the hubbub, would make you smile and take your mind off of all you have to do for a bit? Pretty much anything. It is nice to know that someone else is thinking of you.   How do you feel about Hello Kitty? She is cute, but, a little too girly and pink for me. I have my girly things, but, she just never struck my fancy.   Joss Whedon? I saw Serenity and I liked it. Never watched Buffy or Firefly. Firefly, I would be interested in. Buffy, not so much (probably because I can't stand Sarah Michelle Gellar). When it comes to sci-fi, I am newish and only certain things seem to appeal. A good costume drama, however, I can't turn away.   How do you avoid popping an item for yourself into an order you're placing for your witchie? I have lots of things directly sent. I have a witching budget and I must stick to it.   Underpants? Do you like them? What's your style? Size? Yes, I like them. The boy short kind are my favorites. My size is medium because I have a big old butt compared to my little old waist (but, it matches my big old boobs!).   What is your favorite? What tea would you love to try but haven't because of price or difficulty to get? I adore Chai and Lady Grey. I have really been getting into flavored green teas. I have one at home now that has lavender in it and I adore it. I've never tried super fancy teas. Well, except from Betty's in York. I discovered their house blend when I took my mom there for a proper English tea. Fantastic! I can't wait to go back and try their other teas. So, witch of mine, if you like tea, come visit and I'll take you! York, itself, is pretty damn magical!   BPTP Room Sprays...your thoughts? Yes, please. Autumn things make me happy.   Would you like to receive baked goods from your Witch? And if so, are there things you WOULDN'T like? Baked goods would be lovely, but, a bit of a customs hassle really. If you could manage to do it, just leave out the hazelnut and we are good.   Your thoughts on the update? Don't need it. The blood note always smells like pee on me.   How do you decide what to put in which package for your Witchee or how many packages to send? Well, some I will directly send. Others, just how the mood strikes me.   If you were my witchee, would you be terribly offended if I sent you a box containing project "experiments" or random miscellaneous pretty bits of brainstorming that I thought you might like/wear? That would be pretty amazing, actually. I like to be a guinea pig.   Do you often drink take away coffe in paper mugs? Not anymore. If I have coffee out, it is a treat, so, I drink it in. I do carry my tea travel mug with me quite a bit though.   What would a perfume based on you smell like? I answered this wrong in the thread. I thought it was what you would want it to smell like. If it would smell like me, it would probably be lavender, warm skin, books, black tea, and herbs. Ha, ha, I just asked my husband and he shrugged and said, very offhandedly, "You would smell like home."   Who here likes Wizard of Oz things? The movie was fun, but, the musical Wicked was fantasic!   Do you like Mystery Science Theater 3000? Have you tried out (and if not, would you be interested in doing so) its weird little brother, RiffTrax? I have seen it a few times and I think I am stupid because I totally didn't get it. I often fell asleep.   How does everyone feel about really green gifties? I was thinking of giving my witchee some of my handy-dandy "paper" towels (hand-sized, washable muslin squares--kinda like ultra-cheapo cloth napkins) in a kitchen-friendly decorative box, but I didn't want to seem preachy ("Stop using paper towels, you environment destroyer!"). Would y'all use something like that? Hell yes, I would. I am such a little tree hugger!   What craft (or crafts) have you been wanting to try but have no idea where to start? Ummm, I want to knit. I tried it once and made a mess of it. Come to think of it, I am probably a lost cause at knitting.   Would you appreciate some tunes in future packages? And if so, do you care if you get any CDs or mp3s you might have all ready? Or would you be able to find a way to post a list of things you're (a) looking for, or ( b ) all ready have? I will always, always, always take music. Always.   Polish goodies! Who wants them? Baked goods, candies, kielbasa, pirogies, magazines, you name it? Sure! No magazines, though. I don't speak or read Polish. Or kielbasa (because that would probably be pretty nasty by the time it got to me. Ha ha!   Favorite fairy tale? Snow White. The original creepy medieval version. Very scary. I can't seem to find it in print, though. Boo!   About incense: do you like sticks or lose incense? Have you got one of those devices to burn lose incense over a bit of charcoal? Incense is good! I love it! My burner broke when I moved though, so, I need to replace that. Otherwise, bring on the incense!   So how many imps/decants is officially 'you have gone overboard and your Witchee is going to expire from scent overload'? 32. This is the number that I received for free in a BPAL order. It took me well over two months to test all of them. I did enjoy the testing, though!   Who needs a recipe box? Nope! I have one!   ANYONE ELSE want a home-made cookbook? OMG, yes! I love cooking and have gotten into a bit of a rut. I don't mind if the recipes are meat-based. I can generally adapt them and I will make meat for my husband (he is not a fan of the fake meat).




And more questions...

Do you like Mystery Science Theater 3000? Have you tried out (and if not, would you be interested in doing so) its weird little brother, RiffTrax? I have no idea whatsoever what this is... I should probably google to find out.   What will you like from Singapore? Candies? Food? Asian crafts/toys? I can't think of anything in particular but sure, I'm always up for trying new candy etc.   What is everyone's "luck" item? My Cheshire cat locket is fast becoming just that. And also my two silver charm bracelet, my mum got me most of the charms.   Do you like art deco/nouveau - style prints? Sure.   What is one thing that, if you received it in the middle of all the hubbub, would make you smile and take your mind off of all you have to do for a bit? Even just a nice ecard! Chocolate. Something nice and completely unexpected.   How do you feel about Hello Kitty? Neutral... It's ok, especially some of the "darker" stuff but I'm not really into HK much.   Legwarmers? Armwarmers? Yes to both, especially arm warmers. I added a pair on to my Etsy wishlist the other day...   What makes everyone stand out from the Switch Witch herd? I thought about this for a long time and couldn't think of anything. It's not hat I'm average, just that all the things that would usually make me stand out are not all that unusual here.




Graveyard Dirt & some frimp reviews

GRAVEYARD DIRT (2008)A tribute to a somewhat nefarious and truly notorious ingredient in New Orleans spellcrafting. It is employed in hoodoo rootwork for various reasons, primarily in spells of protection, "tricking" your enemies, binding, and even love magick. The graves are chosen based on the type of working, and are determined by the type of spirit that lies there and the manner of their demise. Payment is always required in the form of offerings to the deceased. This is the scent of pure graveyard dust, spattered with grave loam and dusted lightly with tombstone moss. Yep, this smells like dirt all right. It's a crazy rich, complex scent unlike anything else I've sniffed... aside from dirt. Wow. I like it.   HORREUR SYMPATHIQUEFrom livid skies that, without end, As stormy as your future roll, What thoughts into your empty soul (Answer me, libertine!) descend?   — Insatiable yet for all That turns on darkness, doom, or dice, I'll not, like Ovid, mourn my fall, Chased from the Latin paradise.   Skies, torn like seacoasts by the storm! In you I see my pride take form, And the huge clouds that rush in streams   Are the black hearses of my dreams, And your red rays reflect the hell, In which my heart is pleased to dwell.   The perfume of a hellbound soul, gleefully lost to iniquity: blood musk, golden honey, thick black wine, champagne grapes, tobacco flower, plum blossom, tonka bean, oakmoss, carnation, benzoin, opoponax, and sugar cane. In the bottle, I get musk, honey, wine, carnation, plum and sugar cane. It's crazy and interesting. On wet, it's mostly the same, although the musk is deepier, dirtier. Dry, this goes sickly-sweet and too floral for my taste.   HAUNTEDA mournful, poignant scent, thick with foreboding. Soft golden amber darkened with a touch of murky black musk. In the bottle, this has a sharp scent overlying the softness of the amber and musk. On wet, it still has that sharpness, although the musk deepens. Sadly, once dry, the sharpness disappears and it goes straight to powder.   JEZIRAT AL TENNYNThe Dragon’s Isle: smoke and fire, earth and wind. The rage of the elements blasting over a primordial paradise. In the bottle, I can smell charcoal, dirt and air. On wet, I get those, plus a hint of musk. Once dry, this is a very herbal scent. A bit of rosemary, dill, maybe chives? It's a lot of herbs. It's not bad, but I don't think it's something I'd reach for often.   NUITShe is the Goddess of the Sky, one of the Ennead, daughter of the air [shu] and water [Tefnut], lover of Geb and Hadit, the Eternal Mother, and the Receiver, Reviver and Protector of the Dead, whose loving, divine embrace shields our souls from annihilation. She is love, rapture, splendor, continuous and eternal birth and rebirth, infinite space, and the “the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night”. Nuit is Earth’s guardian, and shields her lover and her mortal children from the primeval chaos that threatens Existence. Her perfume is starry and crystalline, a jewel-clad and glittering paean to night: dazzling white musks, white rose and night-blooming jasmine with the soft moss of moonlit meadows, a waft of Egyptian incense, and a gentle breath of moonflower. In the bottle, this is way too floral for my taste, strongly rose, jasmine and moonflower. On wet, it's pretty much the same. Once dry, it turns into floral soap. Not one for me.   KURUKULLAThe Tibetan goddess of love and wealth. Her scent is a harmonious, sweet, enchanting blend of three lotus blooms and three roses. In the bottle, the florals are very sweet. Definitely lotus and rose. On wet, it's the same, although I get a slightly alcoholic note. It smells like sweet cocktails. Once dry, this is actually kind of nice, but it's just a little too sweet for my taste.   DRAGON'S EYEA piercing, radiant perfume: dragon's blood resin, lily of the valley, lilac and galbanum. In the bottle, I can smell dragon's blood and lilac. On wet, I get dragon's blood, lilac and a bit of warm musk. It's pretty nice. Unfortunately, once it dries, it goes straight to powder.   XIUHTECUHTLIPatron of the Aztec pantheon, he is the personification of light within darkness, warmth in the cold, and life in, and after, death. He is a creative and destructive God of Fire and Light, and is appeased only by sacrifice, trial, and the slaughter of his people's enemies. Copal, plumeria and sweet orange and the smoke of South American incense and crushed jungle blooms. In the bottle, I get oranges, plumeria and a hint of incense. On wet, I can smell those scents, plus a hint of smoke, and the resiny copal begins to come out. It's not bad, but once dry, it's a bit too orangey and too floral for me.   QUEEN GERTRUDEImperial violet softened by wisteria and chrysanthemum, but edged with the regal iciness of delphinium. This is way too floral for me. In the bottle, I get violets and wisteria. It smells pretty. On me, however, violet just doesn't work. It's way too heavy and cloying.   THE KNAVE OF HEARTS'Herald, read the accusation!' said the King.   On this the White Rabbit blew three blasts on the trumpet, and then unrolled the parchment scroll, and read as follows:--   'The Queen of Hearts, she made some tarts, All on a summer day: The Knave of Hearts, he stole those tarts, And took them quite away!'   Crushed roses and blackcurrant tarts. In the bottle, I get a lovely pie scent. Dark berries and sweet, warm crust. On wet, it's much the same, with a hint of rose and some added spiciness. Once dry, it's not bad. The rose is a bit stronger than I'd like, but the warm, spicy-berry pie scent is great.   OMENDeep, mysterious, and full of dark portents: oakmoss, juniper berry, myrrh and patchouli. In the bottle, it's much as described: juniper, myrrh and patchouli. On wet, the juniper is very strong. Once dry, this is nice. A lovely, smoky scent comes through. The juniper softens, and it's well integrated with the myrrh and patchouli. Not bad at all. Definitely one of the outdoorsy scents that I can actually wear.   NOCNITSAAlso known as Krisky, Plaksy and Gorska Makua, she is a nightmare spirit, the Night Hag of the Woods, who haunts Polish, Russian, Bulgarian and Slovak children during the darkest hours. The only protection against her torments is a circle drawn around a child’s cradle with a knife, or an axe or protective poppet hidden under the floorboards beneath where a child sleeps. Her scent is that of a lightless fir wood, nighttime air, wet forest mosses and upturned earth. In the bottle, I get fir trees, cold air and damp earth, with a hint of sweetness. On wet, the pine softens. It's more earthy, but clean, and the nice sweet scent remains. Sadly, this goes a bit too soapy on the drydown.   Y'HA-NTHLEIWe shall swim out to that brooding reef in the sea and dive down through black abysses to Cyclopean and many-columned Y'ha-nthlei, and in that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory for ever.   A great undersea metropolis located below Devil's Reef. A swirling, lightless, effervescent scent: the deepest marine notes with bergamot, eucalyptus and foamy ambergris. This is way too oceany for my taste, and I'm not wild about eucalyptus as something to wear. Doesn't quite work.   MOSCOWA rich, bold blend of imperial rose, carnation, lush jasmine, lily of the valley, dark musk, amber, bergamot and gilded tangerine. Way too many florals and too much tangerine (another scent I'm not crazy about wearing). The musk and amber just aren't enough to balance it. Not for me.   WANTONFeminine sexuality in it's rawest form. Palmarosa, red sandalwood, attar of rose, patchouli. Way, waaaaay too much rose. On me, it's completely overpowering.   ZEPHYRA gentle white scent, breezes laced with the scent of springtime blooms and citrus. Lemon, lemon verbena, neroli, white musk, white florals, white sandalwood, China musk, bergamot and a drop of vanilla. The florals in this are too heavy, and the citrus is too sweaty-smelling on me. Not for me.   ETERNALThough they go mad they shall be sane, Though they sink through the sea they shall rise again; Though lovers be lost love shall not; And death shall have no dominion.   Stephanotis, cyclamen, heliotrope, white rose and gardenia. In the bottle, I get light, pretty florals. It might work for me. Sadly, it has gardenia, which almost never works for me. On, it's heavy and funereal.   ULTRAVIOLETElectrifying, mechanized and chilly -- the scent of crushed blooms strewn on cold metal. Lush violet and neroli spiked hard with eucalyptus and a sliver of mint. Oh, dear lord. This is so awful on me. In the bottle, it's violet and mint. Once on, it goes wild. It's heavy menthol, like Vick's with flowers. Not a winner for me.   TO A WOMANThy fatal shafts unerring move, I bow before thine altar, Love. I feel thy soft resistless flame Glide swift through all my vital frame.   For while I gaze my bosom glows, My blood in tides impetuous flows; Hope, fear, and joy alternate roll, And floods of transports whelm my soul.   My faltering tongue attempts in vain In soothing murmurs to complain; My tongue some secret magic ties, My murmurs sink in broken sighs.   Condemned to nurse eternal care, And ever drop the silent tear, Unheard I mourn, unknown I sigh, Unfriended live, unpitied die.   Benzoin, cassis bud, patchouli, rose otto, and petitgrain. Ugh. To me, this smells weird, bitter and vaguely medicinal. On, it's pretty terrible. Is it the petitgrain? The cassis bud? I don't think I've tried anything with either of those notes before, and there's definitely something in this that doesn't work for me at all.   LA BELLA DONNA DELLA MIA MENTEMy limbs are wasted with a flame, My feet are sore with traveling, For, calling on my Lady's name, My lips have now forgot to sing.   O Linnet in the wild-rose brake Strain for my Love thy melody, O Lark sing louder for love's sake, My gentle Lady passeth by.   She is too fair for any man To see or hold his heart's delight, Fairer than Queen or courtesan Or moonlit water in the night.   Her hair is bound with myrtle leaves, (Green leaves upon her golden hair!) Green grasses through the yellow sheaves Of autumn corn are not more fair.   Her little lips, more made to kiss Than to cry bitterly for pain, Are tremulous as brook-water is, Or roses after evening rain.   Her neck is like white melilote Flushing for pleasure of the sun, The throbbing of the linnet's throat Is not so sweet to look upon.   As a pomegranate, cut in twain, White-seeded, is her crimson mouth, Her cheeks are as the fading stain Where the peach reddens to the south.   O twining hands! O delicate White body made for love and pain! O House of love! O desolate Pale flower beaten by the rain!   Soft, lush myrtle and dry, sweet melilot with wild rose, pomegranate juice and peach blossom against a background of deep aquatic notes and a twirl of melancholy autumn breezes. In the bottle, this is so pretty. Peaches, pomegranate and autumn leaves. On my skin, unfortunately, it turns immediately into soapy florals. Sigh.




My scent personality

I can't find an area where I can type my scent personality... so it goes in here, as does everything else.   I know people who know me probably won't describe me the way I am going to describe me now. I have a very different outward appearance from the way I really am. People who know my "online personality" will recognize what I'm going to write here much more easily as this is where I show my "true face". If I could choose who to be, I'd be a wood fairy-elf with long, wild flowing hair hopping from flower to flower, and then falling asleep on the grass looking into the stary sky and sending a smile to the full silver moon, while pondering deep and important questions.   Thus I like the feminine, even girly scents, sweet, light, playful. I like comforting, close-hugging scents. My deepest love is Alice, I absolutely love carnation, and its creamy sweetness mixed with a bit of rose is just heaven for me. I also adore White Rabbit - I really like the scent of clean linen, the sweetness, tea... I like Antique Lace, although I feel it is a bit "boring". I adore Snow White. I know I loved Dana O'Shee but since my last meet with it was years ago, I won't say anything finite until I receive my bottle.   I really like roses - my mother always grew roses in our garden and they smelled sooo good. Same goes for lilac. And lavender. Good memories. I don't like florals too much but that can be a phase - maybe in a couple of months, I come back to liking florals again. What I really don't like is lemon or anything citrussy (maybe that's why I never ordered White Rabbit before - I can vaguely remember it has a citrussy note that is completely gone in my aged imp) - fresh is good, but not citrussy. I also don't like overly sweet things or foody scents. I mean, I really like to smell them but I don't want to smell LIKE them. My skin does strange things to musk and amps it quite a lot, and in fresh Snake Oil there is a note that becomes extremely medicinical to me (in Queen of Sheba is the same). That note vanishes with aging, fortunately. My skin is quite dry so many scents don't have much staying power or throw on me. Dragon's Blood is good, as is musk (see above). Problem with Dragon's Blood is the staining... Honey - uh, oh. I just noticed with dread that my skin obviously can't do the Lab's honey note as well. Just today when reading through reviews of some honey scent I thought "hey - I'm lucky that I can do the honey!". But - I can't. It's why I hate Eden and Eve, it turns bitter and disgusting on me. Ugh. I have like a bazillion scents with honey coming right now?   What my collection still needs is a dirt scent (because I love the smell of wet earth so much) - not for wearing, just for sniffing - and a bedtime scent. Somnus is a candidate for that - rose is so soothing...

Juliet's Silk

Juliet's Silk


the first

Okay I spent most of today trying to do two things, BPAL related. FIND my Imp of Snow, Glass, Apples. It had disappeared from where i had thought it was. THe other things was get the Final THREE packages from the dear yoakenokami from last round. I didn't get it done yet again. *hangs head* the most awesome present and they STILL can't get photographed.   Anyway I started this because i have lost my wish list. Lost it somewhere in that thread of doom. If you dear witchee have found it please send me an anonymous hint where it can be found. Actually my lsit of BPAL wants is small at the moment. I am waiting on 4 decants from the halloween but I was without internet when it went up and i had to do it by someone reading them to me and i missed two i would like. Sooo heres my latest want list.   Autumn coolness MICTECACIHUATL   and I know this is crazy and i wouldn't expect it But I am so wanting more Snow, Glass, Apples. One imp of this is never going to be enough.   Also if anyone wants to get to me but not have to talk to me. *pouty face* Then you can always ask my dear mentor for this round Ahania, who is holding my hand rather well so far.




Halloween Switch Witch Random Questions - Part V

***9/11*** Legwarmers? Armwarmers? I would love to wear legwarmers. However, I don't think I could pull them off. Armwarmers... hmm, I've never really worn them but they could be useful.   What makes everyone stand out from the Switch Witch herd? Must I stand out? I like being part of this herd. This herd is a good herd.   If you are into the original Nintendo system, what 3 games would you want that you don't have? Nope. Not that into Nintendo actually.   What is your favorite category of the GC? Ooh, how to pick? I really like the idea of the Steamworks... though I've only enjoyed two scents from there so far: Antikythera Mechanism and Obsidian Widow. A lot of my favourites seem to come from Ars Amatoria.   ***9/10*** Stance on Joss Whedon and his enterprises? I'm a fan of Joss Whedon. However, I'm a little glad that Firefly didn't continue. I'm sure it would have suffered the same fate as Buffy (declining terribly towards the end).   Has anyone tried ice wine before? Do/did they enjoy it? I love ice wine. We had a bottle just last week when, in the midst of all the SWing excitement, I forgot my boyfriend's birthday. I bought him a bottle to celebrate (and apologize). It was lovely.   What other perfume companies (besides bpal) have you been curious about? Possets, I suppose? I've generally avoided most other companies since coming to BPAL. However, SW has introduced me to a great many other etailers. I'd be curious to try anything that smells good!   Does anyone here do anything with grave rubbings? I don't.   Would you enjoy art based on original Graveyard photography? I find graveyard photography quite serene and beautiful... but I don't know. I gravitate more towards the quirky these days.




Halloween Switch Witch Random Questions -- Part IV (Partial)

***9/9*** Do you play a musical instrument? I've played the piano since the age of four. Sadly, when I moved away we sold my piano and I haven't played anything besides Guitar Hero/Rock Band guitars since. One day when I have a bigger house I will buy a piano again.   What do you think of Irrelevant Disturbing and Surreal Crawdad Dream? Love it? Hate it? Kicking yourself for not getting a bottle? I have a bottle of Crawdad Dream. The first time I tried it it was far too sweet on me. I will probably test it again soon but I think I am just going to let my bottle go to someone who will love it more.   How do you feel about trinkets? You know - tiny toys or doodads that serve no purpose than to be cute, take up space and make us smile. Love them or waste of money? I like them, however I find it difficult to purchase them for myself because I tend to go, "Well, do I really need this?" and if my answer is no, I will generally not buy the item.   Can melty things be shipped to you, or will they be in puddles by the time you open the package? Probably will be melty since it may sit outside my house in the sun for hours before I get home. Though I guess it is getting colder now...   Who likes pirates? Yarrrr.   What are your feelings about Dia De Los Muertos? Don't have any feelings about it. I Wikipedia'd (Wikipedia knows everything!) it and it seems interesting but I don't think I'll ever celebrate it.   What do you think about the Nightmare Before Christmas?   If candy is sent, would you prefer small amounts to a Halloween sized bag? I like candy. A lot. However I know it's probably really bad for me. Halloween sized bag of candy will probably come to work with me and be shared with people.   Do you like notes in your soaps or bath stuff that you don't like in your perfumes? If so which? I like citrus and really bright sharp lemon notes. Also aquatic and salty things. For example I really liked Lush's Ocean Salt cleanser and their Bohemian soap. Clean lemony goodness! Not really anything I'd wear as a perfume though. Too clean.   Do you like floral soaps or bath stuff? If so, what florals work and what don't? Not sure.   ***9/7*** If you have pets, is there a SPECIFIC toy they like to play with; brand and size? Is there a treat/cookie they eat? What brand and size? What's your ringtone? Nyxie loves laser pointers and things she can chase. Russell prefers large fuzzy objects he can wrestle. He's not much for the chasing--it involves getting up.   Just to throw a silly question out there...Munsters or Addams Family, y'all? Um...   What think you about receiving tea accessories and/or miscellany (like mugs, cups, saucers, strainers/filters, honey, natural sweeteners [like stevia])? Yay!   How do you feel about copies of music or dvd's that your witch might have that you might enjoy? Not just mixes, but whole copies? Copies? Errrrrmm... I'm not too comfortable with that. Comes a little too close to piracy for me.   Say, witches, I have a question about birthdays. do you expect/rely on other people to plans birthday outings and activities? Usually.   Tarts? Yes/no? Yes?   I'm wondering if my witchee would like to try these types of things (like the caramel with sea salts or chocolates with chilis/bacon/salt etc.)? Those sound neat!   ***9/6*** What's your favorite animal? I have to pick one? Erm. I like cats a lot. And dogs. Snakes too.   What one (or two, if you really must) BPAL bottles are you most longing for? Hay Moon and Mead Moon. I didn't order during that lunacy because I already had a pending order and I've told myself that I will not make a new order until my pending order has shipped. And then after it passes I think about it more and realize that I probably would have loved both.   If you could have dinner/drinks/coffee with any 3 living people that are not your family/friends already, who would they be-?   ***9/5*** If you could bring back any TV show from cancellation what would it be? Firefly, probably. But, you know... it's kinda nice that it ended before it got terrible and jumped the shark, like so many other TV shows.   I wonder if my witchee would like a blanket type thing. Would you? Mmm, snuggly blanket.   What's your favorite "I know it's bad for me but I can't help myself" treat? POUTINE. It's a Canadian thing. I used to hate fries till I found poutine. Fries, slathered in gravy and covered in cheese curds. It's like a heart attack on a plate, but soooooo goooood.   Very important question: Are you planning on buying anything off your BPAL and/or other wishlists during the round? I don't think I'm going to buy anything off my wishlists. I'm waiting for a pending Halloween order and after that I will probably make a new order. Also I have to wait for my Halloweenie decants to come in, maybe I'll stock up on some of those I like as well as buy some things for my witchee.   Do you wear a watch? If so, what kind/style? Sadly, I don't wear my watch very often because I don't want to stain the strap with my BPAL and ruin it. It's a beautiful watch my bf got for me on my birthday when we were in Florence.   How do you feel about having a donation made in your name to something?If you like that idea, what types of organizations/groups would you want the donation to go to? I think any good cause will make me happy, so I'll leave it up to my witchy if she wants to do that. I only ask that a donation not be made in my name to any Christian missionary efforts. I'm sorry if that is mildly offensive but even when I was a Christian I was quite put off by the "we have to save the savages from the clutches of Satan" attitude I saw in many people at my church and staunchly refused to give any money to to aid in missionary efforts. I know missionaries do a lot of good work, but they always seem to have an ulterior motive, and it does not feel right to support the "my religion is better than yours nyah nyah nyah" types.   ***9/4*** What is your favorite art movement and/or style? ie impressionist, surrealist, art nouveau, etc. Have to say art nouveau and pre-raphaelite.   Do you have a case for your mp3 player/digital camera? If you would want one, what size is your digital device? I do have cases.   For tea drinkers, do you bag it or prefer loose I prefer to bag it. Much more convenient. Loose is so much prettier though...   Does the weather change where you are, as in, does it get cold in the winter? Anyone need homegrown scarves, hats, mittens, etc? Oh goodness, does it get cold! *shiver* It's already starting to get cold. Last winter we had -40 degree temperatures (with wind chill). I would love to get something homegrown. I make my own knitted stuff but I've never received handmade stuff myself and would love to.   Who are your forum buddies? People you know well enough online or IRL to help your Witch pick out stuff for you? Hehe. I don't have any yet. I hope to get some out of this SW experience.




More Switch Witch Qs (Autumn'08)

***10/6*** If you had to chose one BPAL scent and only ONE to have forever what would it be? EVIL question! I'd probably choose Dorian for its versatility - I always like it (often wear at bedtime) & it can be worn anywhere without feeling inappropriate, but Mme Moriarty, Clemence, Lady Una & Montresor would be in the running, also. ***10/4*** Who here likes Betty Page? I like her but don't need any likenesses How about original Trek Characters? Spock! If you were my witchee, would you like a jar of home made apple butter? This is assuming it turns out good... Sure! I'm not sure if I've ever had it ***10/1***   ***9/25*** Speaking of historical fiction, how does everyone feel about Sherlock Holmes? I'm quite fond of Sherlock Holmes & the Mary Russell books (I think the author Laurie R King is great) Favorite cartoons or animated films?Loony Tunes, Warner Bros, Nightmare before Christmas (& Tim Burton's Vincent short) & Charlie Brown are all I can think of right now Your take on the election? In other words, would you enjoy campaign related gifts, or prefer to stay neutral? I'm Canadian, so, no thanks. We have Federal & Provincial elections coming up next month, too, so I have more than enough campaigning to deal with now Villains you sympathise with, or are interested in boinking?I'm also in the Spike camp & think Jason Isaacs is drool-worthy as Lucius Malfoy & the horrible fellow he played in the Patriot (no sympathy, just think he's hot). I like Snape because I adore Alan Rickman. Your stance on the all important peanut butter issue: crunchy? creamy? allergic? chocolate? maple? go directly to nuttella, do not pass go? I prefer crunchy & though I try to make healthy choices usually, I hate mixing the natural kind together & always end up throwing it out, so I go with my childhood brand, Kraft. I've never come across maple, but it sounds tasty. I like Nutella, too, but rarely buy it because the kidlet doesn't like it & the DH would probably eat it all with a spoon in one sitting. Who here likes to read historical fiction? If you do, what eras/people/countries intrigue you the most? Sure! Medieval, Regency & Victorian are usually enjoyable ***9/24*** What sort of colors do you currently wear? Do you want to branch outside that? What would you like to try? Was this an eyeshadow question? If so, I usually wear peachy, golden shades, but would like to try some blues, greens & purples. MAC virgin? My favorite lipstick brand (I live in Desire & Odyssey) but I've never tried any of the other products for some reason 9/22*** About incense: do you like sticks or loose incense? Have you got one of those devices to burn loose incense over a bit of charcoal? Prefer sticks -though I like the idea of loose incense & nuggets of resin, it wouldn't work well in my household right now What's everyone's favorite fairytale and what are your favorite versions of it? Of the traditional fairy tales, as a kid I really liked Frau Holle (a variant of Toads & Diamonds), the Snow Queen as well as the Seven Ravens, the one where the girl cuts off her little finger & uses it as a key (yeah, I was a bit morbid). So how many imps/decants is officially 'you have gone overboard and your Witchee is going to expire from scent overload'? no such thing Who needs a recipe box? Perhaps - but then I'd have to organize & print out my recipes instead of reaching into a drawer of crumpled paper I've been meaning to get a binder & clear sleeves for all my copied recipes ANYONE ELSE want a home-made cookbook? oh yes! ***9/19*** How does everyone feel about really green gifties? I was thinking of giving my witchee some of my handy-dandy "paper" towels (hand-sized, washable muslin squares--kinda like ultra-cheapo cloth napkins) good idea! What craft (or crafts) have you been wanting to try but have no idea where to start? blown glass would be so cool & I have failed to learn to knit at least three times Would you appreciate some tunes in future packages? yes, to any tunes! Polish goodies! Who wants them? Baked goods, candies, kielbasa, pirogies, magazines, you name it? candies or baked goods nom nom ***9/18*** How do you avoid popping an item for yourself into an order you're placing for your witchie? with great difficulty unless I have them shipped directly Underpants? Do you like them? What's your style? Size? I'm pretty picky & prefer to buy my own What is your favorite? What tea would you love to try but haven't because of price or difficulty to get? I like mostly like black teas & herbals (I just happened to update my wishlist this weekend) BPTP Room Sprays...your thoughts? love to try any of them Would you like to receive baked goods from your Witch? And if so, are there things you WOULDN'T like?sure! not a huge fan of raisins ***9/16*** How do you decide what to put in which package for your Witchee or how many packages to send? I just group things together as seems appropriate & send til I'm done If you were my witchee, would you be terribly offended if I sent you a box containing project "experiments" or random miscellaneous pretty bits of brainstorming that I thought you might like/wear? it would be fun to receive such things   ***9/14*** Update - I liked the last Blood Moon but didn't love it & don't look that good in white so I can safely skip that part. I quite like the Moonbeast shirt but don't need it at the moment. I'm getting decants of the two breakfast scents but couldn't find any offered of the fan pack scent (hint, hint)   Perfume: cinnamon, ginger, orange peel, plum, musk, blackberry & tea with hints of rose, patchouli, sandalwood, lemon vanilla, clove & cardamom. In real life, I probably smell like baby spit-up, coffee & cinnamon apple crisp with the faintest hint of cat pee   Wizard of Oz - I like the movie but am not that much of a fan   Paper coffee cups: on occasion   ***9/13*** Do you like Mystery Science Theater 3000? Have you tried out (and if not, would you be interested in doing so) its weird little brother, RiffTrax? haven't seen it though it looks entertaining ***9/12*** What will you like from Singapore? Candies? Food? Asian crafts/toys? anything - I'm not very familiar with Singapore's culture or products What is everyone's "luck" item? don't really have anything - I feel "off" if I go out without my jewellery however Do you like art deco/nouveau - style prints? yes, slight preference to Art Nouveau - I especially like photos of AN architectural details What is one thing that, if you received it in the middle of all the hubbub, would make you smile and take your mind off of all you have to do for a bit? emails, e-cards, mail & packages all thrill me How do you feel about Hello Kitty? 'tis okay in small doses   9/11*** Legwarmers? Armwarmers? no thanks - I lie! Sock Dreams has some with a cherry blossom pattern that are beautiful. What makes everyone stand out from the Switch Witch herd? not sure... I identify with most of the folks, maybe I'm a bit more timid than some... how about that I was a punk rocker as a teen but now no one would ever guess If you are into the original Nintendo system, what 3 games would you want that you don't have? not into What is your favorite category of the GC? Ars Amatoris, Bewitching Brews, Wanderlust ***9/10*** Stance on Joss Whedon and his enterprises? Like quite a bit but not blind to the flaws Has anyone tried ice wine before? Do/did they enjoy it? It's a tad sweet but tasty nonetheless What other perfume companies (besides bpal) have you been curious about? CB:IHP, Arcana, Mythos Does anyone here do anything with grave rubbings? never have Would you enjoy art based on original Graveyard photography? Yes! What's in your Netflix or Blockbuster queue, do you want any new Netflix/Blockbuster friends, if so how do we find you on there? don't have either ***9/9*** Do you play a musical instrument? no What do you think of Irrelevant Disturbing and Surreal Crawdad Dream? Love it? Hate it? Kicking yourself for not getting a bottle? Like it but am ok with just one bottle How do you feel about trinkets? You know - tiny toys or doodads that serve no purpose than to be cute, take up space and make us smile. Love them or waste of money? quite fond of them - remember I described my decor as cluttered in the questionnaire Can melty things be shipped to you, or will they be in puddles by the time you open the package? should be okay Who likes pirates? Yes - Arrgh! What are your feelings about Dia De Los Muertos? don't celebrate it but love the idea & think the figurines are charming What do you think about the Nightmare Before Christmas? very fond of it If candy is sent, would you prefer small amounts to a Halloween sized bag? happy with either Do you like notes in your soaps or bath stuff that you don't like in your perfumes? If so which? can stand a bit more floral in soap form - don't mind lavender & lily of the valley/muguet in soap but not as perfume, also quite like using chocolate and coffee products but not wearing them Do you like floral soaps or bath stuff? If so, what florals work and what don't? like roses & violet the most, not crazy about gardenia & other white florals but jasmine is ok ***9/8*** How do y'all feel about honey and maple? And different flavored honey, not just the standard kind? nom nom, especially love to try unusual honey What is your favorite thing to do on a cool fall day? walk in the crunchy leaves, collect some chestnuts for the cat who loves to play with them, do some baking, plant bulbs & muck about in the garden




Even more ketchup!

What is your favorite category of the GC? Hmmmm...Diabolus I think. My favourite category is technically the CD, but for GCs I think yeah, Diabolus   Stance on Joss Whedon and his enterprises? I adore him. He has yet to disappoint me...well except for the killing Tara thing, but otherwise, he rocks.   Has anyone tried ice wine before? Yep. I quite like it.   What other perfume companies (besides bpal) have you been curious about? I own a squijillion Possets ( I do website maintenance for Fabienne), and I own most things in Arcana that I like too. CB:IHP is also pretty cool - I like the accords tho there are others I'd love to try (and Wild Hunt is teh sex on my hubby) I guess for companies I'd like to try I'd have to say right now it would be Cobalt, Nocturne Alchemy and Violette Market. Although Loreto on Etsy would be cool I think. I'd rather not have any Conjure Oils - not really fussy on the mess that went down on the forum. Also not fussy on HAEE.   Does anyone here do anything with grave rubbings? I have a couple from a cemetery in Salem that a friend did for me, they're cool.   Would you enjoy art based on original Graveyard photography? I think they can be really beautiful. And eerie and spooky. I love grave yards. And heck, weeping angel graves - also awesome (see icon).   ***9/9*** Do you play a musical instrument? I played trombone, bass trombone and euphonium for a long time. Haven't picked it up in years tho - kinda sad really.   What do you think of Irrelevant Disturbing and Surreal Crawdad Dream? Love it? Hate it? Kicking yourself for not getting a bottle? I wouldn't mind sniffing it - there were notes I was iffy on so I didn't get any.   How do you feel about trinkets? You know - tiny toys or doodads that serve no purpose than to be cute, take up space and make us smile. Love them or waste of money? I enjoy trinkets as long as they are not the kind that require a great deal of dusting. I suck at dusting.   Can melty things be shipped to you, or will they be in puddles by the time you open the package? I'm in Nova Scotia. It's only gonna get colder from here on out.   If candy is sent, would you prefer small amounts to a Halloween sized bag? I enjoy chocolate but it's best in smaller doses so I don't eat it all!   Do you like notes in your soaps or bath stuff that you don't like in your perfumes? If so which? Hm. I do like my soap a little earthier than my BPALs - sometimes. I also love foody soap too. My favourites are mostly from Villainess - Scintillating, Ginger Snapped, Discord, Grampa Joe - and I also quite like Silk Road Trading Company's Cafe Gaeleach. Oh and Arcana's Devilish (which I don't love in the perfume oil).   Do you like floral soaps or bath stuff? If so, what florals work and what don't? Honestly - it's safest to avoid flowers for me. The white flowers in Snow White are ok. And lavender can be fine. And vanilla orchid. Other than that, it's risky.   ***9/8*** How do y'all feel about honey and maple? Am Canadian. I think it's against the law to dislike maple. Honey in all sorts of flavors and varieties is good too.   What is your favorite thing to do on a cool fall day? yard work honestly - or go for a walk.




And a couple more SW questions...

I'm still feeling hugely under the weather today and all I want to do is sleeeeeeep. But I've discovered something amiss with my financial aid package for this year to the tune of, uh, $15000 dollars. As in, they're supposed to pay me this money as part of my fellowship, but it's not showing up on my financial aid record at all. I've emailed the financial aid people about it and hopefully it'll be sorted out soon.... but it's left me too nervous to nap. Ugh. But I'm still so tired and woozy that I'm useless at anything else. So I'm here babbling on about SW questions. Hooray!   ***9/11*** If you are into the original Nintendo system, what 3 games would you want that you don't have? Hmm. I don't own any NES games anymore, because I gave my NES away before I moved to California. (At least I think I did. Hmmm.) There are lots of NES games I still like to play from time to time in emulation, though. One I really like that I have been unable to get my hands on is Hillsfar. Also Pool of Radiance. And Yo Noid!, my favorite pizza related game of all time.   There was also a Mickey Mouse game that I can never remember the name of that I really liked and wouldn't mind playing again. But... I can't remember the name.   What is your favorite category of the GC?   I've had the most success with Mad Tea Party and am pretty close to through that entire category, which was one of my big goals when I got into BPAL. Wanderlust may be my favorite idea out of all of them, but of course, the category is so huge that I haven't really even made a dent in it. Aside from Dragon's Reverie, which I was sure would work for me and didn't, I've loved everything from the Ars Draconis category. (And actually, I'd really like to get another imp of Dragon's Reverie to give it a second try.)   ***9/10*** Stance on Joss Whedon and his enterprises? I've seen about 1.5 episodes of Buffy ever and wasn't super impressed by it. That's my entire knowledge of the Whedonverse.   What other perfume companies (besides bpal) have you been curious about? Hum. I'm not really interested in other perfumes, because I still have SO MUCH BPAL that I want to try. I've had great success with Arcana's soaps, though, so maybe someday when I've got less BPAL at my finger tips, I'll give Arcana's scents a try.   Does anyone here do anything with grave rubbings? Not specifically grave rubbings, but I like to do rubbings in general. I don't think I've made any in awhile, though.   What's in your Netflix or Blockbuster queue, do you want any new Netflix/Blockbuster friends, if so how do we find you on there? So many things are in my queue! I have noooo Netflix friends currently but am not opposed to the idea. If I understand it correctly, you can add me via this link: http://www.netflix.com/BeMyFriend/P7iROVJJgAOG24ZLwlFC   ***9/9*** Do you play a musical instrument? No! I'd really like to, but I don't.   What do you think of Irrelevant Disturbing and Surreal Crawdad Dream? Love it? Hate it? Kicking yourself for not getting a bottle? It's a fabulous concept. It doesn't smell great on me-- something somewhere goes a bit weird. But I love it in the bottle, and I'm keeping it around for the time being.




Poisoned Apple

I love love love this. I never thought I would like apple scents until I discovered bpal's apple. But not all their apples. Certain ones (Ladon, I'm looking at you) end up smelling like apple scented hair shampoo (?). But I fell in love with Snow Glass Apples and I loved Coral Snake.   This I might actually like more. (did I say that???)   It smells like a true, fresh apple. More of the peel than the fruit, but nice and tart with just the right amount of sweetness. But lurking behind the apple is something dark with an evil bite. I'm so happy this doesn't go funky on my skin.   In my locket it is definitely more apple, but the darkness is still there and it's a interesting mix of freshness, playfulness, and sensual evil.   I have a feeling all my other bottles will be very lonely for a while. This will certainly be more than a dirty fling.





I placed my order on Saturday (9/6):   The Gladdener of Hearts Lilith Victoria Persephone Alice Dana O'Shee White Rabbit   Can't wait until it arrives!   But of course I noticed that I HAVE to place a second order to get Katrina van Tassel. I HAVE to. It's a LE! And because I found my spreadsheet again, I notice how many scents I need to get too. Katrina of course needs someone to accompany her. Maybe a bottle of Snake Oil to age? 2 years ago I wrote in my spreadsheet how much I freaking love Scherezade. I can't find my imp anymore, though. I don't know if I should buy a bottle based on something I wrote two years ago? According to that spreadsheet I didn't care for Persephone either but wrote "rose. I don't do rose". Eh. Okay...?

Juliet's Silk

Juliet's Silk


Stupid title requirement.

Wow I'm exhausted tonight. I'm going to answer a couple questions so I don't get too far behind, then crash. Some of these are reposted from the forum just to keep them all in one place.   What's your ringtone? My phone is always on vibrate.   Just to throw a silly question out there...Munsters or Addams Family, y'all? Either? Both?   What think you about receiving tea accessories and/or miscellany (like mugs, cups, saucers, strainers/filters, honey, natural sweeteners [like stevia])? Sounds good, though I don't sweeten my tea! Cups and saucers, strainers/filters or such would be good though!   How do you feel about copies of music or dvd's that your witch might have that you might enjoy? Not just mixes, but whole copies Sure   About birthdays. do you expect/rely on other people to plans birthday outings and activities? In an ideal world my family and/or boyfriend would take care of it, but that generally ends up being a let down (I hope he doesn't read this! ) though he really does try ...   Tarts? Yes/no? Sure, we like our apartment to smell good!   How do y'all feel about honey and maple? And different flavored honey, not just the standard kind? Sure! Sounds great! I love honey and maple seems up my alley as well.   I'm wondering if my witchee would like to try these types of things (like the caramel with sea salts or chocolates with chilis/bacon/salt etc.)? I'm not a big caramel fan, and I definitely wouldn't want any sort of sweet with any sort of meat in it. But chocolate and chilies or salt or lavender or whatnot? Sure!   If you have pets, is there a SPECIFIC toy they like to play with; brand and size? Is there a treat/cookie they eat? What brand and size? Anything with catnip they'll love. Murphy likes furry mice, Liam likes those um ... (how to describe!) well krinkle balls. The ones that look like they are made out of shiny plastic foil stuff. Aiofe seems to love anything with feathers, but she likes to eat them too. Really, she's still partly kitten and will play with anything! Treats? They like the feline greenies. They go CRAZY when they hear the package.   What is your favorite thing to do on a cool fall day: A walk through the woods, a drive through wineyards ... bonfires and marshmallows! Pumpkin patches!   Do you play a musical instrument? Well I played the flute and piccolo through high school then at my first University. I miss it. I also studied voice for awhile but I have seriously terrible stage fright and no confidence in my abilities. I would like to take it up again, though, I love it! Oh and I took piano lessons for the short time that I was a voice major (long story lol). I *might* be able to plunk out a melody   What do you think of Irrelevant Disturbing and Surreal Crawdad Dream? Love it? Hate it? Kicking yourself for not getting a bottle? I have one bottle and that's enough for me!   How do you feel about trinkets? You know - tiny toys or doodads that serve no purpose than to be cute, take up space and make us smile. Love them or waste of money? It has to be pretty damn cool for me to keep something without a purpose. Either that or be used decorating somewhere. I don't like to throw things away, so I tend not to buy things that I know will get tossed for sure.   Can melty things be shipped to you, or will they be in puddles by the time you open the package? It should be fine unless you happen to send something and we happen to have another couple 85+ degree days here in the city (but the chances of the package arriving then is slim I would think)   Who likes pirates? ME!!! Well, not actual pirates of course, but ... mmmm Johnny Depp   What are your feelings about Dia De Los Muertos? I think it's a cool holiday, but I've never celebrated it.   What do you think about the Nightmare Before Christmas? Love it! Need to buy it since it's back out on dvd!   If candy is sent, would you prefer small amounts to a Halloween sized bag? Small amounts! I like variety   Do you like notes in your soaps or bath stuff that you don't like in your perfumes? If so which? I still hate anise and fennel *gag* Almond? Hmm that would probably be ok if it wasn't too sweet.   Do you like floral soaps or bath stuff? If so, what florals work and what don't? Sure, but nothing too overwhelming and please keep in mind that my skin in sensitive (what I would give to have normal skin .... ). Soaps are generally ok (they wash off) but lotions can be touch and go   Ok maybe I'll just finish this up since the next set of questions are easy and then I don't have to worry about them later.   Stance on Joss Whedon and his enterprises? Eh?   Has anyone tried ice wine before? Do/did they enjoy it? Yes and yes!   What other perfume companies (besides bpal) have you been curious about? Midsummer's Muse/Violette Market, but I really can't even keep up with the bpal. I don't know if I'll be able to try the Lilith scents or not   Does anyone here do anything with grave rubbings? No   Would you enjoy art based on original Graveyard photography? Probably, but I don't know what I'd do with it. I would like the artsy and really old looking ones though.   What's in your Netflix or Blockbuster queue, do you want any new Netflix/Blockbuster friends, if so how do we find you on there? Uh, don't have this.     Good night!! ZzzZZZZzzzzz




More questions!

And then I must do work!   Has anyone tried ice wine before? Do/did they enjoy it? Never tried it! What other perfume companies (besides bpal) have you been curious about? Arcana, Possets, CB: I Hate Perfume Does anyone here do anything with grave rubbings? Nope, never have! Would you enjoy art based on original Graveyard photography? Oh yes. I would enjoy art of any kind. And old graveyards are so interesting to me. What's in your Netflix or Blockbuster queue, do you want any new Netflix/Blockbuster friends, if so how do we find you on there? Oh man, tons of stuff in my queue. Looks like some of the Community features aren't working on Netflix.com at the moment, so I can't link you! ***9/9*** Do you play a musical instrument? a little piano, trying to learn guitar. I'm best with my voice. What do you think of Irrelevant Disturbing and Surreal Crawdad Dream? Love it? Hate it? Kicking yourself for not getting a bottle? Haven't tried it! How do you feel about trinkets? You know - tiny toys or doodads that serve no purpose than to be cute, take up space and make us smile. Love them or waste of money? Not really into them, unless it's something really super cool. Then it would go on my desk at work! Can melty things be shipped to you, or will they be in puddles by the time you open the package? Should be fine now Who likes pirates? Pirates are cool What are your feelings about Dia De Los Muertos? I think it's a fascinating and beautiful holiday. Never celebrated it, but I love the intention behind it. What do you think about the Nightmare Before Christmas? I like it! If candy is sent, would you prefer small amounts to a Halloween sized bag? Probably best, yeah! Do you like notes in your soaps or bath stuff that you don't like in your perfumes? If so which? Usually I like the same things in both Do you like floral soaps or bath stuff? If so, what florals work and what don't? I don't do a lot of florals, generally speaking. Definitely not rose. ***9/8*** How do y'all feel about honey and maple? And different flavored honey, not just the standard kind? YES




Samhain '08

I wondered about the myrrh too, because I swear I catch a bit of that in here. At first it's a strange mix of sweetness, woods, and something slightly sharp. As it dries I begin to catch a bit of the patchouli and the spice begins to come out more, along with just enough smokiness. Sadly, I'm not getting much of the apple. It's very nice though, but one bottle should be enough.   In my locket it's quite a bit different. It is sweeter and has a strangely aquatic feel to it. Like fall when I used to live near the beach. This was a great scent to try today since it's cool and rainy and I am very much ready for autumn.




SW Halloween Questions Part 2

***9/10*** Has anyone tried ice wine before? Do/did they enjoy it? never tried it, but am now curious What other perfume companies (besides bpal) have you been curious about? BPAL is just about all i can handle Does anyone here do anything with grave rubbings? oooh perrty Would you enjoy art based on original Graveyard photography? sure, why not? What's in your Netflix or Blockbuster queue, do you want any new Netflix/Blockbuster friends, if so how do we find you on there? i haz no netflix or BBOnline ***9/9*** Do you play a musical instrument? flute, alto sax, tenor sax, and i sing soprano What do you think of Irrelevant Disturbing and Surreal Crawdad Dream? Love it? Hate it? Kicking yourself for not getting a bottle? i haz a bottle! How do you feel about trinkets? You know - tiny toys or doodads that serve no purpose than to be cute, take up space and make us smile. Love them or waste of money? ooohhh shiny! Can melty things be shipped to you, or will they be in puddles by the time you open the package? melty=fine Who likes pirates? aaaarrrrrrr What are your feelings about Dia De Los Muertos? i don't really know. i like the stuff though What do you think about the Nightmare Before Christmas? <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 If candy is sent, would you prefer small amounts to a Halloween sized bag? something easily hidden from my mother and the dogs Do you like notes in your soaps or bath stuff that you don't like in your perfumes? If so which? i don't actually know Do you like floral soaps or bath stuff? If so, what florals work and what don't? rose hates me ***9/8*** How do y'all feel about honey and maple? And different flavored honey, not just the standard kind? i've never tried it What is your favorite thing to do on a cool fall day? play in the leaves! ***9/7*** If you have pets, is there a SPECIFIC toy they like to play with; brand and size? Is there a treat/cookie they eat? What brand and size? i usually get them stuff from colossal canines. they're big doggies and they like fluffy squeaky toys What's your ringtone? verizon ringtone number #8 Just to throw a silly question out there...Munsters or Addams Family, y'all? addams family all the way! What think you about receiving tea accessories and/or miscellany (like mugs, cups, saucers, strainers/filters, honey, natural sweeteners [like stevia])? i don't really drink tea How do you feel about copies of music or dvd's that your witch might have that you might enjoy? Not just mixes, but whole copies? i'm kind of a movie whore Say, witches, I have a question about birthdays. do you expect/rely on other people to plans birthday outings and activities? not really Tarts? Yes/no? i don't know I'm wondering if my witchee would like to try these types of things (like the caramel with sea salts or chocolates with chilis/bacon/salt etc.)? not gonna lie, i'm kind of a sissy ***9/6*** What's your favorite animal? doggies! What one (or two, if you really must) BPAL bottles are you most longing for? pickled imp If you could have dinner/drinks/coffee with any 3 living people that are not your family/friends already, who would they be-? John Hannah, Alton Brown, Madeline Kahn ***9/5*** If you could bring back any TV show from cancellation what would it be? Farscape, Dead Like Me, My So Called Life I wonder if my witchee would like a blanket type thing. Would you? I love blankets, I'm always cold What's your favorite "I know it's bad for me but I can't help myself" treat? Peanut Butter Cups, Cheetos Very important question: Are you planning on buying anything off your BPAL and/or other wishlists during the round? Just Lilith Victoria and Lady Lilith at this point. If I get anything else, I'll post it. Do you wear a watch? If so, what kind/style? Left handed one How do you feel about having a donation made in your name to something?If you like that idea, what types of organizations/groups would you want the donation to go to? Like the idea, but have no particular cause ***9/4*** What is your favorite art movement and/or style? ie impressionist, surrealist, art nouveau, etc. I like bright colors and stuff that makes sense Do you have a case for your mp3 player/digital camera? If you would want one, what size is your digital device? I have no digital devices For tea drinkers, do you bag it or prefer loose Not a tea drinker Does the weather change where you are, as in, does it get cold in the winter? Anyone need homegrown scarves, hats, mittens, etc? We do have many seasons here in good ole' PA Who are your forum buddies? People you know well enough online or IRL to help your Witch pick out stuff for you? Closest I have are probably Shelldoo and Vampkat ***9/3*** My questionnaire is chock-a-block with ideas for Witching me on the cheap, and without sending "stuff for stuff's sake". And I just came up with another one--make me a Pandora, Finetune, or Last.fm station you think I might like! What manner of affordable Witchery might you covet? all manner of cheap. I'm easy like that Does your cell phone have a place to attach charms? not that i know of




SW Halloween Questions Part 1

***9/3*** If you drink coffee (and make it yourself) do you use a French Press, regular filter basket coffee maker, Espresso Machine, Percolator? None of the above. I drink it, but don’t make my own. How do you scent yourself? Do you layer soaps, moisturizers, etc. or do you go straight to slathering your bod with BPAL? Straight BPAL Do you/how do you scent your world? Candles, incense, diffusers, potpourri? None of the above? None of the above. BPAL is such a scent-ual experience. What are your other tactile, aural, or olfactory pleasures? I like soft fuzzy things, music, petting my puppies and kitties, and sniffing BPAL ***9/2*** How do people feel about receiving baked goods/kits to make said goods? Or other cooking items? Would you enjoy oil or vinegar flavored with herbs grown at home? Strange and exotic spices with recipes to try? Cookies made with carnation petals? As long as it’s not overly spicy, I’m game. What are your pet's names, and what are they named for? Giant Baby the St. Bernard is named so because when we got him he was 6 mos old and already tall enough to drink out of the bathroom sink. Yodel the St. Bernard is named so because he’s very vocal. Kitty the Russian Blue cat is named so because that’s what people started calling her. I vetoed Whore of Babylon. And Mrs. P the tubby tabby came with that name. ***9/1*** Who here is a complete, over the top, Alice In Wonderland fanatic? Oooh! Meeee! Meeee! I am!! Are you a Trekkie? If so, which series do you prefer? Do you have a favorite character? I <3 TNG. Data and Wesley Crusher are my favorites. Wesley was my first celebrity crush. Do you have phobias? Bugs (specifically spiders) and horses. How do you like your mix CDs? Random? Stuff you know you'll like? I prefer classic rock but I’d be happy with anything. Possible exception: a CD made up of rap, country, and worship music. ::shudder:: Would you rather get food or jewellery? Yes please Do you like children's toys, such as jacks, those little things you tilt around to get the ball in the right hold (wtf are those called?), the aforementioned caplet dinosaurs, cap guns, etc?: Why yes, I am five. How did you know? English candy/tea/marmite or other stuff that you love and can't easily get outside of England? I don’t know ): Fanfic as a gift* - yay or nay? Your fandom? Slash preferences?*well, a virtual gift obviously. You know what I mean. I don’t know ): Any beaders here? Need beading supplies? I’m trying to teach myself how to make chain mail. I could always use more and pretty jump rings Do you like making up your SW packages around a theme, or prefer to mix it all up? I’ve only done one round before but it was kind of random and mixed up Band-aids: do you like the fun and funky ones? Pretty ones (: What's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you? When I almost died falling off my bike ***8/31*** What is everyone's favorite Halloween song?! I like monster mash and elvira How many of mah fellow witchies play video games? Platform? Do you like used games? I have a sega genesis from the 90’s. used games are all that you can get for it now What kind of music (genres, please) do you like? Classic rock Have any of you ever received a book from a Witchy and loved it so much you ended up buying a copy for a later Witchee? nope What kinds of eye shadows do we all like? All kinds and bright colors! Do you like lip balm? If so, do you like tinted, glossy, sparkly, pearly or just plain lip balm? NO! nonononono my lips are nudists. What are some of the SW gifts/finds from past rounds (or you can just name a gift in general that you found for someone if this is your first round!) that you are the most proud of in terms of your sleuthing skills? A really pretty book? My favorite gift from last round (and my witchees favorite) was one I made for her. And, secondly, what is something you've been searching for but just can't find? Ummm… I got nothing ): ***8/30*** Do you knit/crochet? Do you need any supplies? Nope, I don’t have the skillz Who here has an etsy shop? not me, but if I get good at chain mail I might sell it What are your two favorite etsy shops? I haven’t known about etsy long enough to have a favorite Are you active on any other boards/forums? If so please specify where and your username there. nope ***8/29*** What would you tell yourself 6 months in the past about 2008 so far? DAUPHIN ONLY!! If you had one minute of fame, what would you do/say in the spotlight? LEFT HANDERS WILL ONE DAY RULE THE WOOOORLD! No seriously, I have no idea Robots versus zombies: who wins? Pirates! What would zombie say? Braaaains nomnomnom Where are a few of your favorite places? My bed, a good field, wherever I am when I’m camping Out of curiosity, all the fall babies who are celebrating their birthdays during the round - who are you, and when is your bday? I’s a spring baby What is one (only one) object that you collect, that totally goes against your personality or beliefs? Bpal. I’m not really girly like that. Are you a soap addict? Anything you like to avoid in soaps (goat's milk, lye, dyes, etc...) or any particular scents you like or brands you want to try? I’m not a big fan of lotion. I don’t like how it makes my hands feel. Do you like kilts and would you wear one? Sure! BoiWitches? Question for you both.....Hath any of thou own a Kilt? I’z not a boiwitch What's your favorite book? Oh goodness I have too many to name. What size socks do you wear? How about hat size? Both normal I guess. I look good in hats. Do you read comics? Which ones do you love and which can't you stand? I read a webcomic called Head Trip. That’s about it Symbols that are meaningful to me? 7 pointed star, pentacle. By nature are you a morning lark or a night owl? Night owl by far What's your favorite type of music to hear live, rather than recorded? I like my music both ways What is your favorite autumnal-seasonal drink? Mmmm apple cider ***8/28*** Crossword puzzles? Other pencil puzzles? <3 <3 <3 <3 Favorite artist? I don’t know Favorite poet? Ummmm I don’t know that one either Halloween. Do you like it kooky or creepy? A little of both Reserved or Raunchy? Lecherous broad! Earth, Wind, Fire or Water? Fire by sign, water by favorite Tea or Coffee in the morning? Orange juice Fruity snacks or chocolate? Chewy fruity Would you accept art? Yes I would! Antiques or Brand New? Either or What keywords do you use when searching for items for yourself on Etsy? It depends on my mood at the time Are there any of y'all who are allergic/sensitive to having natural fibers on your skin? Not that I’m aware of, but wool makes me itch What was your favorite ghost/scary/campfire story growing up? I don’t remember Bugs? Do you like 'em or not? Not so much. I’m afeard of bugs i haz no imp storage. do you? This was my question (: ***8/27*** If you have a garden/planter box, what do you grow? I haz no plants What incense scents do you prefer? I haven’t used incense in a long time. But I wouldn’t be opposed to it Do you decorate for Halloween? What sort of decorations? Dress up for Halloween? I live with my mom so I can’t decorate, but I do dress up! Bats, cats, skeletons, monsters, vampires, witches or what other ghoulies do you prefer? Yes please! All of the above! Do you like horror flicks? Oh yes yes yes Who here prefers stylus and ink to ballpoint? Anyone invested time and effort into calligraphy or proper Victorian writing? I want to learn soooo bad. And I’ve always been kind of queer for pens What about stationery? Need some? What styles do you like? I don’t really have a preference ***8/26*** What is one item that you've wanted forever, could have afforded, but have never gotten and why (haven't you gotten it!)? wiiiiii didn’t get it because I bought bpal and liquor instead What Halloween scent are you most looking forward to? I really want sticky pillowcase Tattoos! Do you have em? Do you want em? Whatcha got or getting? I have three two on my back (musical symbols and the faerie of inspiration) and one on my ankle (hearts) I want an Alice one too Reduce - REUSE - recycle. Do others feel the same? Indeed What is your favorite crafting supply? Jump rings and wire Weigh in...Are you right or left-handed? Lefty all the way!! Any period of time that you love? victorian ***8/25*** What's your favorite part about Fall? Leaves, cooler weather, sweaters, smells Do you like office/school supplies? If so, what is your favorites? Oh goodness yes. I’ve always had a thing for pens What's your favorite Halloween candy? Peanut butter cup pumpkins, all forms of candy corn Will you be participating NaNoWriMo? If so, is there anything you'd like to have for that? I am no kind of writer ***8/22*** Where does everyone like shop for witching goodness? Borders, a.c. moore, and michaels What is your favorite pumpkin goodness? pie


