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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

The Giant Post of SW help!

How do y'all feel about honey and maple? And different flavored honey, not just the standard kind?I'm all for that! I do enjoy honey, we don't have it much though   What is your favorite thing to do on a cool fall day? Sit outside. Sit or walk around outside at a park or near the woods and read, or maybe latch hook or cross stitch, both of which I'm trying to get back into, or play ds or just nap or write.   If you have pets, is there a SPECIFIC toy they like to play with; brand and size? Is there a treat/cookie they eat? What brand and size?Lilith enjoys things with feathers and sparklies that she can bat around, and Franny enjoys taking her toys and running around with them himself. No catnip though... they say it makes cats crazy, and Lilith is already cracked up enough as it is!   What's your ringtone?I have several ringtones for different people Say This Sooner by The Almost is my general one though   Just to throw a silly question out there...Munsters or Addams Family, y'all?Addams family   What think you about receiving tea accessories and/or miscellany (like mugs, cups, saucers, strainers/filters, honey, natural sweeteners [like stevia])? I'm not a tea fan so I don't really have much use for tea accessories...   How do you feel about copies of music or dvd's that your witch might have that you might enjoy? Not just mixes, but whole copies? I'm completely fine with that!   Say, witches, I have a question about birthdays. do you expect/rely on other people to plans birthday outings and activities?We don't really do a whole lot for birthdays... a simple day out with my guy and dinner with friends, nothing big   Tarts? Yes/no? I don't have a burner for them....   I'm wondering if my witchee would like to try these types of things (like the caramel with sea salts or chocolates with chilis/bacon/salt etc.)? I actually don't like caramel at all... Just not pleasing to my taste buds.. no bacon chocolate though   What's your favorite animal? any big cat and dragons and foxes   What one (or two, if you really must) BPAL bottles are you most longing for? I'm actually not dying for anything right now... I would like a back up bottle of Pumpkin IV 08, it's just so delicious, same with Blade of Grass   If you could have dinner/drinks/coffee with any 3 living people that are not your family/friends already, who would they be-?hmmm...that is indeed a toughie... I think I would like to meet Selina Fenech, as I love love love her art... other people... I'm kind of blanking at the moment   If you could bring back any TV show from cancellation what would it be? I'm really not sure... Oh! Sailor Moon! I love that show!   I wonder if my witchee would like a blanket type thing. Would you? I love blankets! There is little better than snuggling up under a nice blanket! I don't like blankets that are too heavy though as I'm one of those that gets hot at the drop of a hat.   What's your favorite "I know it's bad for me but I can't help myself" treat?potato chips! oh gosh I love them! Ranch, Sour Cream and Cheddar! So tasty! But oh so bad for me *sobs*   Very important question: Are you planning on buying anything off your BPAL and/or other wishlists during the round? It's going to be very hard, but no. Everything on my wishlists are safe from me   Do you wear a watch? If so, what kind/style? I used to, many years ago, but the battery died and I never got around to replacing it... I would wear one again.. I don't like the big bulky ones, so it would have to be a slim feminine looking one   What is your favorite art movement and/or style? ie impressionist, surrealist, art nouveau, etc um... I'm pretty sure it's not a movement, but I love photos/paintings/drawings/whatever of nature. And fairy-type creatures of course.   Do you have a case for your mp3 player/digital camera? If you would want one, what size is your digital device? I have cases for both   For tea drinkers, do you bag it or prefer loose Not a tea drinker   Does the weather change where you are, as in, does it get cold in the winter? Anyone need homegrown scarves, hats, mittens, etc? Who are your forum buddies? People you know well enough online or IRL to help your Witch pick out stuff for you? I'm in Texas, so unfortunately it does not get as cold as I would like. However it does get kinda cold. I love homegrown scarves and what not! I hoard them for the day that we will like somewhere where it gets pretty cold! But I do use them here as well. I like all colors!   My questionnaire is chock-a-block with ideas for Witching me on the cheap, and without sending "stuff for stuff's sake". And I just came up with another one--make me a Pandora, Finetune, or Last.fm station you think I might like! What manner of affordable Witchery might you covet? I have a zune and with that comes free unlimited downloads, so I don't use online radio stations too much.. but home made crafts like scarves and what not! I love scarves!   Does your cell phone have a place to attach charms? no, but my phone is old and is on its last leg. Not sure if whatever new phone I'll get will have one though.   If you drink coffee (and make it yourself) do you use a French Press, regular filter basket coffee maker, Espresso Machine, Percolator? not a coffee person, so nope   What movie soundtracks (or scores) do you love? I've never really thought about it..I like a lot of instrumental music, violins and piano especially   How do you scent yourself? Do you layer soaps, moisturizers, etc. or do you go straight to slathering your bod with BPAL? A little bit of everything! It usually depends on where I'm going and how much time I have to get ready.   Do you/how do you scent your world? Candles, incense, diffusers, potpourri? None of the above? Candles are my favorites! I love those black wrought iron gothic looking candle holders! Any kinds! Candles are just so much fun!   BPAL is such a scent-ual experience. What are your other tactile, aural, or olfactory pleasures? Scent is a big one of course. I also love water. I love the sound of water, running streams, brooks, waves crashing... and the scent of water...the salty ocean and just the fresh scent of a lake, and of course rain! I love the smell of the air right before and after a thunderstorm. I also love the the feel of satin. It's so smooth! And also soft fuzzy sweaters! I love cuddling with a nice warm sweater or a scarf!   How do people feel about receiving baked goods/kits to make said goods? Or other cooking items? Would you enjoy oil or vinegar flavored with herbs grown at home? Strange and exotic spices with recipes to try? Cookies made with carnation petals? I love baked goods and kits to make said baked goods! However I am on a diet, so it would have to be rather low fat or healthy. I am dying to try some baked goods with lavender! I've heard some good things and it sounds like something I would like. I'm all for trying something new and yummy!   What are your pet's names, and what are they named for?Our bunny is Franny-Mae. He is so named because at first we thought it was a girl... and then he matured into a strapping young lad and we realized he had balls... the name just kinda stuck though, we just call him Fran for short. Or Mr. Pudgy Bunny. My cat is Lilith. It took me a while to come up with the name for her. I wanted something pretty just like her, but also slightly mischievous and simple. Lilith just seemed to fit. We call her Lilla or Lilla-kitten for short   Who here is a complete, over the top, Alice In Wonderland fanatic? I am actually not an Alice in Wonderland fan... I don't hate it, I just don't love it... *waits to be mobbed*   Are you a Trekkie? If so, which series do you prefer? Do you have a favorite character? Alas, I am not   Do you have phobias? Yes, but nothing I'm anticipating being sent! I'm phobic of needles and to a lesser degree, heights. I also intensely hate worms. No worms please. They make me sick to my stomach.   How do you like your mix CDs? Random? Stuff you know you'll like? Sometimes I like to have cd's of good old favorites, but I also have some random stuff that I'm interested in trying.   Would you rather get food or jewellery?hmm...probably hot chocolate mix I don't wear too much jewelry   Do you like children's toys, such as jacks, those little things you tilt around to get the ball in the right hold (wtf are those called?), the aforementioned caplet dinosaurs, cap guns, etc?: I do find them amusing! Any cap guns or things of that ilk would quickly be taken by my guy though   English candy/tea/marmite or other stuff that you love and can't easily get outside of England? Not really... not that I know of. I'm not a tea fan at all so that's completely out   Fanfic as a gift* - yay or nay? Your fandom? Slash preferences?*well, a virtual gift obviously. You know what I mean. I'm not opposed to fanfic or any other written things such as poems or short stories or anything like that.   Any beaders here? Need beading supplies? Nope,not a beader   Do you like making up your SW packages around a theme, or prefer to mix it all up? I'm not sure... I've never participated before. I'd probably start out with a theme and then throw in a few more things that wouldn't quite match just because!   Band-aids: do you like the fun and funky ones? hells yeah!   What's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you? When my step dad was in the hospital with his heart attacks, and the two car accidents my younger sister was in.   What is everyone's favorite Halloween song?!I have to go with the Monster Mash!   How many of mah fellow witchies play video games? Platform? Do you like used games? I do! I totally love PuzzleQuest for the DS, and hack n slash games such as Baldur's Gate, Devil May Cry, things like that.   What kind of music (genres, please) do you like? Emo, international, nature soundtracks I've always found particularly soothing, stuff I can dance and groove to   Have any of you ever received a book from a Witchy and loved it so much you ended up buying a copy for a later Witchee? No, this is my first time   What kinds of eye shadows do we all like? I use just about every color, but I prefer them sparkly!!   Do you like lip balm? If so, do you like tinted, glossy, sparkly, pearly or just plain lip balm? I do love lip balm! I prefer slightly tinted lip balm, since I don't wear much lip stick. I like the whole "your lips but better" thing   Do you knit/crochet? Do you need any supplies? no.. sadly I don't know how   Who here has an etsy shop? not me   What are your two favorite etsy shops? honestly I'm kind of behind on the etsy train... I love the idea of it, but I'm still kind of exploring, so no favorite stores yet   Are you active on any other boards/forums? If so please specify where and your username there. Nope not really, this is it!   What would you tell yourself 6 months in the past about 2008 so far? Start working out sooner! And be careful with monies!   If you had one minute of fame, what would you do/say in the spotlight? That's a good question. I'd probably try to earn as much money as I could to pay off my bills and my parents bills.   Robots versus zombies: who wins? While I love zombies, I'd have to go with robots. Neither feel pain, but robots could tear a zombie to pieces.   What would zombie say? Well now that depends on several factors! How they died, such as heart attack, head blown off, things like that. What state of decay they are in, how long they have been a zombie... these are all factors that must be considered!   Where are a few of your favorite places? I like the lake up by my grandparents old place in New Hampshire, anywhere that I can chill and relax and watch people   Out of curiosity, all the fall babies who are celebrating their birthdays during the round - who are you, and when is your bday? Unfortunately, I'm not a fall baby, I'm a winter baby!   What is one (only one) object that you collect, that totally goes against your personality or beliefs? I like Hello Kitty and Penguins I don't really collect them though.   Are you a soap addict? Anything you like to avoid in soaps (goat's milk, lye, dyes, etc...) or any particular scents you like or brands you want to try? I do so enjoy soap and bath products in general! I'm interested in trying anything as I've tried very little. I'm not a fan of plain vanilla scents though.   Do you like kilts and would you wear one? I do like kilts, but I doubt I would wear one until I lost some more weight   What's your favorite book? it would be impossible for me to chose just one! I love The Mists of Avalon, and just about anything by Tamora Pierce   What size socks do you wear? How about hat size? 9-10 womens on socks, and hats I don't wear often enough to know   Do you read comics? Which ones do you love and which can't you stand? not really   Symbols that are meaningful to me? Crows, just about anything in nature. I'm a big nature spirit girl   By nature are you a morning lark or a night owl? definitely not a morning person! I get up early when I need to but I actually prefer the evening time   What's your favorite type of music to hear live, rather than recorded? instrumental   What is your favorite autumnal-seasonal drink? I haven't tried too many traditional autumn drinks... I'm not a cider fan though   Crossword puzzles? Other pencil puzzles? Yes please! I love crosswords and word searches   Favorite artist? It changes, right now I'm really loving Selina Fenech   Favorite poet? I don't think I could chose just one!   Halloween. Do you like it kooky or creepy? creepy like original fairy tale creepy! putting jack-o-lanterns out to scare away goblins creepy   Reserved or Raunchy? raunchy   Earth, Wind, Fire or Water? earth   Tea or Coffee in the morning? neither thanks   Fruity snacks or chocolate? oh gosh, while I love me some chocolate I'm really working hard on the lose weight and get healthy kick, so fruity!   Would you accept art? why would I not?   Antiques or Brand New? doesn't matter as long as it's nifty   What keywords do you use when searching for items for yourself on Etsy? I'm not too familiar with etsy... But probably stationary, fairies, things like that   Are there any of y'all who are allergic/sensitive to having natural fibers on your skin? nope, in fact I prefer it   What was your favorite ghost/scary/campfire story growing up? hmm...I'm not really sure...   Bugs? Do you like 'em or not? I am not a buggy person.   i haz no imp storage. do you? Nope But I make do!   If you have a garden/planter box, what do you grow? I don't have one.. it's hard to grow things in an apartment   What incense scents do you prefer? I'm more of a candle person. I like fall scents, leaves, pumpkin pies, baked goodies, evergreens, honeysuckle, berries   Do you decorate for Halloween? What sort of decorations? Dress up for Halloween? We don't decorate a whole lot at all, but I dress up every year!   Bats, cats, skeletons, monsters, vampires, witches or what other ghoulies do you prefer? witches and vampires and all the other unseelie fantastical fey   Do you like horror flicks? I do, however I don't like horror movies that have tons of gore just for the sake of gore.   Who here prefers stylus and ink to ballpoint? Anyone invested time and effort into calligraphy or proper Victorian writing? Oh I love stylus and ink! I'm trying to learn calligraphy!   What about stationery? Need some? What styles do you like? I love stationary! Any kind!   What is one item that you've wanted forever, could have afforded, but have never gotten and why (haven't you gotten it!)? Two things. The Carnaval Diabolique scent locked from the Trading Post, and a cameo locked from here, in either: Once was Innocent, Queen Mab, or Shimmer. And because while I could afford them, the money was just always better spent else where.   What Halloween scent are you most looking forward to? I'm looking forward to trying the Pumpkin Patch, Samhain, Chant d'Automme, Blade of Grass   Tattoos! Do you have em? Do you want em? Whatcha got or getting? I have two, a butterfly with two flowers on my shoulder, and a crescent moon with purple and black stars and accents. I have plans to get more as soon as I have the money.   Reduce - REUSE - recycle. Do others feel the same?   What is your favorite crafting supply? I like to write, so writing supplies   Weigh in...Are you right or left-handed? I'm a righty!   Any period of time that you love? Medieval   What's your favorite part about Fall? Everything! Fall is my all time favorite! I love the colors, the weather, that cool crispness in the air telling you that winter is not far behind, the clothes, the warm sweaters, the pumpkins, the scents of leaves and approaching coldness, just absolutely everything.   Do you like office/school supplies? If so, what is your favorites? I like pens! and journals! And sticky note pads!   What's your favorite Halloween candy? jaw breakers!   Will you be participating NaNoWriMo? If so, is there anything you'd like to have for that? no, not this month   Where does everyone like shop for witching goodness? Where ever I find something nifty!!   What is your favorite pumpkin goodness? I love pumpkin pie, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin bread! Also the scent! It's so delicious




To my witch!

I don't have a tart burner, but I think i'd like one. I do enjoy scented candles and such, and I think that'd be right up my alley.   I am a Nascar fan, my favorite driver is Jimmie Johnson, with Dale Jr as a close second.   As for Amigurumi, right now I just make critters, but i'm going to try my hand at a doll for my sister for her birthday. I've also got a book that has some cute dolls in it, and i was planning on making a set of skeleton bride and groom for my SW. I'm a big fan of Roxycraft (I have all of her patterns) and NeedleNoodle (i just have her book, none of her online patterns)   I am a fan of Celtic music, not so much folk, I like Pink and Nickelback (are they alternative? I'm not sure what category they fall under), I haven't been listening to much Country but i do enjoy it, I'm not so much into classic rock, but i do like older pop music. The stuff that comes out these days that's on the radio seems really repetitive to me and i don't really enjoy it. I like Cowboy Troy, Big and Rich, Pink, Nickelback, Disturbed, Cheetah Girls, Linkin Park, Aqua, Panic at the Disco, ACDC, Queen I'm not a big fan of Def Lepard, Lenard Skynard, stuff like that.   Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions!




Hello to my Switch Witch! :)

Just a quick note to say hi to my Witch I hope you will enjoy being matched up to me for this round! I feel like a bad witchee 'cos I'm still not caught up with all the Q's, but on the other hand my questionnaire came out a little on the long side, so maybe it's not too bad. Anyway, I'll try and do my best to keep active on the thread so you'll know I didn't suddenly drop off the planet   Your excited witchee,   Dani x




Switch Witch Questions & my answers: part the 4th

My questionnaire is chock-a-block with ideas for Witching me on the cheap, and without sending "stuff for stuff's sake". And I just came up with another one--make me a Pandora, Finetune, or Last.fm station you think I might like! What manner of affordable Witchery might you covet? Can't access Pandora or Finetune because I'm in the UK. I think I can get Last.fm, but haven't heard of it before so will have to go and see how it works! My affordable covetousness: American candy (if my witch is in the U.S., that's pretty inexpensive); any beading supplies; hair scrunchies; tea; handcrafted thingies, e.g. bookmarks, drawings. I've got more in the list in my sig.   Does your cell phone have a place to attach charms? Haven't the foggiest. Most of the time I don't even know where my phone is, let alone whether I can attach things to it! *is hopeless*   If you drink coffee (and make it yourself) do you use a French Press, regular filter basket coffee maker, Espresso Machine, Percolator? Morning is my stupid time, so that's when the instant crap gets made. When I want a nice coffee rather than an emergency caffeine infusion, I use a French Press at uni or an Espresso Machine at home (if my mother hasn't put it into storage without telling me!)   What movie soundtracks (or scores) do you love? The Blade Runner soundtrack is the only one I can think of. Ooh, and Disney's Fantasia. Um, that second one probably shouldn't count... for the obvious reason.   How do you scent yourself? Do you layer soaps, moisturizers, etc. or do you go straight to slathering your bod with BPAL? I don't layer. This is possibly because I don't know how to layer. What actually is layering? Wow, I'm ignorant tonight!   Do you/how do you scent your world? Candles, incense, diffusers, potpourri? None of the above? I'm not allowed candles/incense at uni, although I do like using them at home. I would use incense for scent and candles only for light. I have an oil burner, and have used it with essential oils. I have an irrational hatred of potpourri. I hate the sound of it, I hate the texture of it (I know you're not really supposed to go about touching it, but I kind of have to if I see it. Weird compulsion.) I hate the colour of it (nasty fake colour dye), and I hate the smell too. I've never met a potpourri I liked the smell of. And I've just realised I hate typing the word 'potpourri'.   BPAL is such a scent-ual experience. What are your other tactile, aural, or olfactory pleasures? Tactile: I like holding smooth pebbles; stroking soft fabric; stroking my cat; touching bubble wrap, tissue paper, leaves, flower petals, trees, wooden things, strangely shaped things; turning pages of books; playing with string; making knots; twisting things, etc. That's just a small list - I have a pretty strong awareness of tactile sensation generally. But although I like touching things, I strongly dislike being touched by other people, unless they are trained physio/massage therapists. I do like aromatherapy massage. Aural: I like classical music, with the exception of Mozart (has an odd effect on me, so I avoid it). I also like Jazz. I almost never listen to music while travelling. I have to be in my own room when I'm listening to music. I don't use a radio. I like listening to music while I'm writing, but not while reading. Olfactory: I like nice-smelling soap, Bpal, baking smells, cut grass, 'outdoorsy' smells. I cannot go around a garden without wanting to touch plants, and I always rub herb leaves and smell them. I love fresh tomato leaf. When I get a chance to burn incense, I love cedar. I strongly suspect I would like other woods and also resins, but haven't tried any yet.   How do people feel about receiving baked goods/kits to make said goods? Or other cooking items? Would you enjoy oil or vinegar flavored with herbs grown at home? Strange and exotic spices with recipes to try? Cookies made with carnation petals? Somehow I don't think even a kit would make it through customs. But I would love to receive vegan-friendly recipes!   What are your pet's names, and what are they named for? My cat's name is Minou, which my mother told me means 'pussy cat' in French. I picked it because it sounds cute and because I wasn't allowed to call him Balthazar. Looking back on it, I'm really quite glad I didn't call him Balthazar. I think he never would have forgiven me!




Switch Witch Halloweenie Q&A

***10/14*** Xmas/holiday ornaments -- Want any? What kinds do you go for? (certain line or color or style) That would be nice. Our tree is very eclectic; we have all sorts of different ornaments, from crafty, homemade stuff to pretty glass confections from Pier One. So I'm not too picky.   Would you like your witch to reveal themselves in the final package, or wait until you've received the package and reveal on the board? Or not reveal at all? I'd like to be notified somehow, so I can say thank you. If he/she reveals on the board, I'd like an email or something so I can go look for it! If my witch really doesn't want to reveal, that's ok, but I would like to know. Switch Witch really seems like a great way to get to know someone and make a new friend.   What do you keep your jewelry in and would you need/want something new? I have various little boxes. It would be nice to have a new one, but it's not a need at the moment.   Do you get excited about nifty socks, and if so, do you have a style or height that you prefer? I love cool sockies! I like the kind that end at the ankle for everyday/tennis shoes wear. I also love knee and thigh-high socks.   Maple - yay or nay? Yay!   Are you still counting on your witchee keeping up with questions at this point, or do you know enough about her already that questions are just kind of a fun bonus now? I pretty much have her reveal package all figured out, although I might throw in something at the last minute, you never know.   Any opinion on Lush products? (And do you take baths at all, or are you strictly a shower gal?) I've never tried Lush, but I'm open to trying practically any new bath & body type stuff. And yes, I do take baths.   Silver/Gold/etc. What is your real preference? I think this question was in the original questionnaire. I generally prefer silver, or at least white metals like titanium.   If you could get a gift for one housekeeping related task, and never have to do that one task, what would it be? Scooping the cat litter. No contest.   ***10/6*** If you had to chose one BPAL scent and only ONE to have forever what would it be? Um, uh... oh gee. Snake Oil. Or maybe Miskatonic University? Or Samhain. Eeek! I don't know!   ***10/4*** Who here likes Betty Page? Me me! I love Betty Page.   How about original Trek Characters? I'm not so into original Trek. I'm a HUGE TNG fan, though.   If you were my witchee, would you like a jar of home made apple butter? This is assuming it turns out good... Yum!   ***10/1*** Are you interested in Tarot cards? And if so, are there particular decks you like (or don't or already have or whatever)? Yes. I've always wanted to get a Tarot deck, but never have, for one reason or another.   What kind of tea (or coffee) puts you in a fall/Halloween mood? And where do you get it? Tea in general puts me in a fall kind of mood, because I usually don't drink tea in the summer. When the weather gets cool enough for me to start drinking tea, I know it's fall.   What really puts me in a fall kind of mood is cider (either hot spiced or hard cider) and pumpkin ales!   Favorite Halloweeen song? Oh, gosh. I don't think I could choose just one.   If you were my witchee, would you like dried honey crisp apple slices or other dried fruit? (We don't add anything to it AFAIK -- no sugar or spices.) Sure. I like dried fruit. I don't like pineapple, though.   ***9/25*** Speaking of historical fiction, how does everyone feel about Sherlock Holmes? Holmes is ok.   Favorite cartoons or animated films? I love anime. I'm absolutely crazy about Vampire Hunter D and pretty much anything by Miyazaki (especially things with cats, like The Cat Returns and My Neighbor Totoro (Hello! Cat bus!). I also love Tim Burton's animated stuff (and pretty much everything else he's done), among other things.   Your take on the election? In other words, would you enjoy campaign related gifts, or prefer to stay neutral? I'm not neutral, but I'm not so into politics that I'd like campaign-related stuff. I think pretty much all politicians are probably corrupt.   Villians you sympathise with, or are interested in boinking? Spike!   Your stance on the all important peanut butter issue: crunchy? creamy? allergic? chocolate? maple? go directly to nuttella, do not pass go? I prefer creamy when I have it, but I'm not too wild about peanut butter. It's ok, but usually not my first choice. And I hate peanut butter & jelly.   Who here likes to read historical fiction? If you do, what eras/people/countries intrigue you the most? I like pretty much all historical fiction (with the exception of romance novels). I find it all pretty interesting (if the book's well written, of course).   ***9/24*** What sort of colors do you currently wear? Do you want to branch outside that? What would you like to try? Mostly black. And jeans. Sometimes a few other colors (purple, green, grey or some shade of red).   ***9/22*** About incense: do you like sticks or lose incense? Have you got one of those devices to burn lose incense over a bit of charcoal? I prefer stick incense. I don't have any way to use loose.   What's everyone's favorite fairytale and what are your favorite versions of it? Red Riding Hood. The darker the better.   So how many imps/decants is officially 'you have gone overboard and your Witchee is going to expire from scent overload'? Oh, I'll get around to them all eventually.   Who needs a recipe box? Not me. I have a book with pages to write in, little sleeve things, etc.   ANYONE ELSE want a home-made cookbook? That would be cool.   ***9/19*** How does everyone feel about really green gifties? I was thinking of giving my witchee some of my handy-dandy "paper" towels (hand-sized, washable muslin squares--kinda like ultra-cheapo cloth napkins) in a kitchen-friendly decorative box, but I didn't want to seem preachy ("Stop using paper towels, you environment destroyer!"). Would y'all use something like that? Sure, that sounds great.   What craft (or crafts) have you been wanting to try but have no idea where to start? Gravestone rubbings. Also, this isn't really a craft, but I could use decanting supplies, or maybe just a list of links to good sites to buy decanting supplies from. And if you know where I can buy some wand caps to replace regular caps with, I'd love it if you told me. I can't seem to find them. Maybe I'm not Googling the right keywords?   Would you appreciate some tunes in future packages? And if so, do you care if you get any CDs or mp3s you might have all ready? Or would you be able to find a way to post a list of things you're (a) looking for, or ( b ) all ready have? Sure. And no, I wouldn't mind; I have way, way too much music to try to post any sort of list anywhere.   Polish goodies! Who wants them? Baked goods, candies, kielbasa, pirogies, magazines, you name it? Sure.   ***9/18*** How do you avoid popping an item for yourself into an order you're placing for your witchee? It's very, very hard...   Underpants? Do you like them? What's your style? Size? That's one of those things I like to buy for myself.   What is your favorite? What tea would you love to try but haven't because of price or difficulty to get? I love tea; couldn't really choose a favorite, and I'm open to trying anything.   BPTP Room Sprays...your thoughts? LOVE them!   Would you like to receive baked goods from your Witch? And if so, are there things you WOULDN'T like? Sure! I don't like things with raisins or dates.   ***9/16*** Your thoughts on the update? Pretty cool. I'm crazy excited about the MVJBA update!   How do you decide what to put in which package for your Witchee or how many packages to send? The fragility of items, whether they include food items, etc.   If you were my witchee, would you be terribly offended if I sent you a box containing project "experiments" or random miscellaneous pretty bits of brainstorming that I thought you might like/wear? No.   ***9/14-9/16*** Do you often drink take away coffe in paper mugs? Nope. I am extremely spoiled when it comes to coffee (I'm friends with a guy who hand roasts fair trade organic coffees, so I get it very fresh and very good), and our local coffee shops aren't very good (at least by comparison).   What would a perfume based on you smell like? Oh, gee. I dunno.   Who here likes Wizard of Oz things? Not really my thing.   ***9/13*** Do you like Mystery Science Theater 3000? Have you tried out (and if not, would you be interested in doing so) its weird little brother, RiffTrax? Yes, and haven't tried it.   ***9/12*** What will you like from Singapore? Candies? Food? Asian crafts/toys? Asian crafts and foodie things (spices, sauces and such; not candy so much).   What is everyone's "luck" item? I don't really have one.   Do you like art deco/nouveau - style prints? Yes.   What is one thing that, if you received it in the middle of all the hubbub, would make you smile and take your mind off of all you have to do for a bit? A hug.   How do you feel about Hello Kitty? I love Chococat.   ***9/11*** Legwarmers? Armwarmers? Pretty cool.   What makes everyone stand out from the Switch Witch herd? This is my first sw, so no idea.   If you are into the original Nintendo system, what 3 games would you want that you don't have? Don't have an original NES anymore.   What is your favorite category of the GC? Oh, gosh, who can decide? Excolo, maybe??   ***9/10*** Stance on Joss Whedon and his enterprises? I teh Joss!!!   Has anyone tried ice wine before? Do/did they enjoy it? Love it.   What other perfume companies (besides bpal) have you been curious about? Arcana, Possets.   Does anyone here do anything with grave rubbings? No, but I'd to learn how.   Would you enjoy art based on original Graveyard photography? Absolutely.   What's in your Netflix or Blockbuster queue, do you want any new Netflix/Blockbuster friends, if so how do we find you on there? My username for the friends & community thing is cammycat.   ***9/9*** Do you play a musical instrument? Nope   What do you think of Irrelevant Disturbing and Surreal Crawdad Dream? Love it? Hate it? Kicking yourself for not getting a bottle? Never tried it.   How do you feel about trinkets? You know - tiny toys or doodads that serve no purpose than to be cute, take up space and make us smile. Love them or waste of money? Trinkets are fun.   Can melty things be shipped to you, or will they be in puddles by the time you open the package? Melty things can be shipped to me, but it's probably a good idea to wait until mid to late October, just to be on the safe side.   Who likes pirates? Me me me!   What are your feelings about Dia De Los Muertos? Very cool.   What do you think about the Nightmare Before Christmas? Love it.   If candy is sent, would you prefer small amounts to a Halloween sized bag? Whatever is fine with me.   Do you like notes in your soaps or bath stuff that you don't like in your perfumes? If so which? I like fruitier scents in my soaps and bath stuffs that I wouldn't actually like in a perfume.   Do you like floral soaps or bath stuff? If so, what florals work and what don't? Not usually.   ***9/8*** How do y'all feel about honey and maple? And different flavored honey, not just the standard kind? I love honey & maple.   What is your favorite thing to do on a cool fall day? Go for a walk or a bike ride.   ***9/7*** If you have pets, is there a SPECIFIC toy they like to play with; brand and size? Is there a treat/cookie they eat? What brand and size? The kitties like those little toy mice. They won't eat any kind of treat that I've ever tried (well, other than the kind that come off my plate!). The doggie likes just about any toy, particularly rope toys and squeaky stuff, in a fairly large size (he's a lab, 185 pounds).   What's your ringtone? Currently, it's Joy Division's "Transmission."   Just to throw a silly question out there...Munsters or Addams Family, y'all? Either.   What think you about receiving tea accessories and/or miscellany (like mugs, cups, saucers, strainers/filters, honey, natural sweeteners [like stevia])? That would be cool.   How do you feel about copies of music or dvd's that your witch might have that you might enjoy? Not just mixes, but whole copies? Sure, fine with me.   Tarts? Yes/no? Tarts are ok.   I'm wondering if my witchee would like to try these types of things (like the caramel with sea salts or chocolates with chilis/bacon/salt etc.)? Cool! I'm very adventurous, food-wise.   ***9/6*** What one (or two, if you really must) BPAL bottles are you most longing for? No. 93 Engine and Queen of Sheba.   If you could have dinner/drinks/coffee with any 3 living people that are not your family/friends already, who would they be-? Neil Gaiman, Warren Ellis, Stephen King.   ***9/5*** Very important question: Are you planning on buying anything off your BPAL and/or other wishlists during the round? Probably not.   Do you wear a watch? If so, what kind/style? Yes. It looks like this.   How do you feel about having a donation made in your name to something?If you like that idea, what types of organizations/groups would you want the donation to go to? I like organizations that help and protect animals and/or the environment, such as the ASPCA, Rescue Ink, Alley Cat Allies, World Wildlife Fund, Defenders of Wildlife, Greenpeace, etc.   ***9/4*** What is your favorite art movement and/or style? ie impressionist, surrealist, art nouveau, etc. It's hard to say! I love contemporary, art nouveau and renaissance art especially, but I also really like impressionist. I'm all over the map.   Do you have a case for your mp3 player/digital camera? If you would want one, what size is your digital device? Yes   For tea drinkers, do you bag it or prefer loose Either is ok with me.   Does the weather change where you are, as in, does it get cold in the winter? Anyone need homegrown scarves, hats, mittens, etc? Yes, we do have real winters here. I love scarves!   Who are your forum buddies? People you know well enough online or IRL to help your Witch pick out stuff for you? Sadly, I haven't been on the forum long enough for anyone to be helpful.   ***9/3*** My questionnaire is chock-a-block with ideas for Witching me on the cheap, and without sending "stuff for stuff's sake". And I just came up with another one--make me a Pandora, Finetune, or Last.fm station you think I might like! What manner of affordable Witchery might you covet? I would love a mix CD or something like that, and by all means, feel free to send second-hand books my way.   Does your cell phone have a place to attach charms? No   If you drink coffee (and make it yourself) do you use a French Press, regular filter basket coffee maker, Espresso Machine, Percolator? We use a regular filter basket, but we have a grinder and prefer whole bean.   What movie soundtracks (or scores) do you love? Dr. Horrible!   How do you scent yourself? Do you layer soaps, moisturizers, etc. or do you go straight to slathering your bod with BPAL? I use Villainess Whipped, sometimes Crushed, sometimes Ennui (unscented), depending on whether I think it might clash with my BPAL of the day.   Do you/how do you scent your world? Candles, incense, diffusers, potpourri? None of the above? Candles and incense. I don't like potpourri, though.   BPAL is such a scent-ual experience. What are your other tactile, aural, or olfactory pleasures? I love soft things -- like a chenille or other super-soft scarf or one of those soft thin tees. Also silk. I wine and food. Good cheese, neat little gourmet snackies, chocolates. I'm a huge foodie. Aurally speaking, I love music (and my tastes are very eclectic).   ***9/2*** How do people feel about receiving baked goods/kits to make said goods? Or other cooking items? Would you enjoy oil or vinegar flavored with herbs grown at home? Strange and exotic spices with recipes to try? Cookies made with carnation petals? I would love all of that!   What are your pet's names, and what are they named for? The Dog: Koto (male, 2yrs), a chocolate lab. My husband made his name up.   The Cats: Zach and Trevor, my oldest boys (9yrs), named for characters from Poppy Z. Brite's novel Drawing Blood. Sybil (female, 8yrs), named for the character played by Sissy Spacek, because she's just a little bit crazy. Amelia (female, 6yrs), named for the Elizabeth Peters character Amelia Peabody (although we just call her Meme). Molly (female, 5yrs), named for a William Gibson character. Luna Lovecat (female, 3yrs), obviously named. Sya (female, 2yrs), my hubby made that one up too. Sheba (female, maybe 2yrs? she was grown when she adopted us so we aren't sure), again pretty obvious. Brightcat (male, almost 1yr), named in the style of Erin Hunter's Warriors series, and for his light tan face and curious mind.   ***9/1*** Who here is a complete, over the top, Alice In Wonderland fanatic? Not me.   Are you a Trekkie? If so, which series do you prefer? Do you have a favorite character? I am mad about The Next Generation, and I love Data and Worf.   Do you have phobias? I can't stand tight spaces or spiders.   How do you like your mix CDs? Random? Stuff you know you'll like? I like to get stuff people think I might like, based on other music I like.   Would you rather get food or jewellery? Probably food.   Do you like children's toys, such as jacks, those little things you tilt around to get the ball in the right hold (wtf are those called?), the aforementioned caplet dinosaurs, cap guns, etc? Not so much.   English candy/tea/marmite or other stuff that you love and can't easily get outside of England? YES!   Fanfic as a gift* - yay or nay? Your fandom? Slash preferences?*well, a virtual gift obviously. You know what I mean. Nay.   Any beaders here? Need beading supplies? Nah.   Do you like making up your SW packages around a theme, or prefer to mix it all up? I don't really have a preference.   Band-aids: do you like the fun and funky ones? Sure.   What's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you?   ***8/31*** What is everyone's favorite Halloween song?!   How many of mah fellow witchies play video games? Platform? Do you like used games? Yes! I have a PS3, PS2 and PC. I like RPGs best.   What kind of music (genres, please) do you like? Punk, alternative, new wave, post-punk, celtic, classic stuff from the 60s/70s (not Led Zeppelin, ew), some folk/americana... my tastes are very eclectic. Some of my favorites: Bad Religion, A.F.I., Social Distortion, Joy Division, Bauhaus, Thrill Kill Kult, Strike Anywhere, Boy Sets Fire, Most Precious Blood, The Cure, The Police, The Ramones, The White Stripes, Gorillaz, Interpol, She Wants Revenge, The Postal Service, The Killers, Nick Cave, Loreena McKinnett, Concrete Blonde, Nine Inch Nails, Indigo Girls, Samiam, The Clash, The Descendents, The Devil is Electric, Tori Amos, R.E.M.   Have any of you ever received a book from a Witchy and loved it so much you ended up buying a copy for a later Witchee? First time.   What kinds of eye shadows do we all like? Mineral, usually shimmery.   Do you like lip balm? If so, do you like tinted, glossy, sparkly, pearly or just plain lip balm? I like balm and gloss of all kinds.   What are some of the SW gifts/finds from past rounds (or you can just name a gift in general that you found for someone if this is your first round!) that you are the most proud of in terms of your sleuthing skills? N/A   And, secondly, what is something you've been searching for but just can't find? Nothing recently.   ***8/30*** Do you knit/crochet? Do you need any supplies? Nope   Who here has an etsy shop? Not me.   What are your two favorite etsy shops? I haven't used etsy enough to have a favorite.   Are you active on any other boards/forums? If so please specify where and your username there. Nope   ***8/29*** What would you tell yourself 6 months in the past about 2008 so far? It's been chilly.   If you had one minute of fame, what would you do/say in the spotlight? The world would be a much better place and we'd all be happier if we just minded our own damn business a little bit more.   Robots versus zombies: who wins? Robots. I love zombies, but eventually they'd have to just rot into nothing.   What would zombie say? *grunt* *shuffle* *chomp*   Where are a few of your favorite places? Tuscany, Floyd VA, the park across the street from my house, Asheville NC, Portland, the woods, the beach   Out of curiosity, all the fall babies who are celebrating their birthdays during the round - who are you, and when is your bday? Not me.   What is one (only one) object that you collect, that totally goes against your personality or beliefs? Those fancy collectible Barbies.   Are you a soap addict? Anything you like to avoid in soaps (goat's milk, lye, dyes, etc...) or any particular scents you like or brands you want to try? I do like the soap. I try to avoid anything harsh; I have really sensitive skin.   Do you like kilts and would you wear one? I'd absolutely wear one! Neato.   BoiWitches? Question for you both.....Hath any of thou own a Kilt? Nope.   What's your favorite book? I couldn't possibly choose just one.   Writers (of books, comics, poetry, etc.) I love: Warren Ellis, Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, J.K. Rowling, Caitlin Kiernan, Poppy Z. Brite, Joan Vinge, Stephen King, Garth Ennis, Nick Bantock, William S. Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Beau Sia, Saul Williams, J.D. Salinger, Patricia McKillip, Steve Dillon, Stephen Chbosky, Weis & Hickman, Tolkein, Michael Chabon, P.D. James, Douglas Adams, Christopher Moore, Rita Mae Brown, Erin Hunter   Specific books and comics (series): Harry Potter, Warriors, The Dark Tower, Vampire Hunter D, Sandman, Transmetropolitan, Hellblazer, Preacher, Desolation Jones, Planetary, Fell, The Last Man   What size socks do you wear? How about hat size? Just the standard one size fits all sizes you get at most stores.   Do you read comics? Which ones do you love and which can't you stand? See list above. I love Neil Gaiman, Warren Ellis, Alan Moore, Garth Ennis, Brian K. Vaughan, Mike Carey.   Symbols that are meaningful to me? Images of Bast/cats in general, lotus symbols   By nature are you a morning lark or a night owl? Night owl   What's your favorite type of music to hear live, rather than recorded? Anything, really.   What is your favorite autumnal-seasonal drink? Red wine and cider   ***8/28*** Crossword puzzles? Other pencil puzzles? Love em! Favorite artist? Charles Vess Favorite poet? Poe Halloween. Do you like it kooky or creepy? Both. I love everything about Halloween. Reserved or Raunchy? Depends on the situation. Earth, Wind, Fire or Water? Fire Tea or Coffee in the morning? Either Fruity snacks or chocolate? Either or both Would you accept art? Yes Antiques or Brand New? Either What keywords do you use when searching for items for yourself on Etsy? I don't use it much. Are there any of y'all who are allergic/sensitive to having natural fibers on your skin? No; I'm allergic to the non-natural ones. What was your favorite ghost/scary/campfire story growing up? Sleepy Hollow Bugs? Do you like 'em or not? I like the non-creepy kind (like praying mantises and dragonflies). i haz no imp storage. do you? Not enough!   ***8/27*** If you have a garden/planter box, what do you grow? Herbs (rosemary, basil, oregano, thyme, dill), peppers (jalapeno, habanero, thai chili, ancho) and tomatoes.   What incense scents do you prefer? Nag champa is the current favorite.   Do you decorate for Halloween? What sort of decorations? Dress up for Halloween? Absolutely. Pumpkins and gourds, foddershocks, Indian corn, the usual fall stuff; we have little gargoyles and a skeleton guy for our door. Would love more. We dress up too.   Bats, cats, skeletons, monsters, vampires, witches or what other ghoulies do you prefer? Bats, cats, vampires, werewolves, zombies, witches, ghosts.   Do you like horror flicks? Yes   Who here prefers stylus and ink to ballpoint? Anyone invested time and effort into calligraphy or proper Victorian writing? Sadly, no.   What about stationery? Need some? What styles do you like? Nothing too flowery.   ***8/26*** What is one item that you've wanted forever, could have afforded, but have never gotten and why (haven't you gotten it!)? Well, it was BPAL...   What Halloween scent are you most looking forward to? Samhain! Or maybe Sugar Skull... or Fearful Pleasure. I can't decide!   Tattoos! Do you have em? Do you want em? Whatcha got or getting? Oh yes. I posted a pic in the tattoos thread.   Reduce - REUSE - recycle. Do others feel the same? Definitely. And think global, buy local.   What is your favorite crafting supply? Jewelry pliers. So useful.   Weigh in...Are you right or left-handed? Right.   Any period of time that you love? Medieval.   ***8/25*** What's your favorite part about Fall? Everything! I love that it finally cools down (I hate summer), I love the smell in the air. I love the beautiful leaves and mums in pretty fall colors. I love Halloween. I'm just crazy about fall in general.   Do you like office/school supplies? If so, what is your favorites? I've got plenty.   What's your favorite Halloween candy? Skittles   Will you be participating NaNoWriMo? If so, is there anything you'd like to have for that? Probably not, though I'd like to. Just don't have the time.   ***8/22*** Where does everyone like shop for witching goodness? Not sure yet.   What is your favorite pumpkin goodness? Pumpkin chili and pumpkin beer.




The beginning

For tea drinkers, do you bag it or prefer loose: Either is fine for me.   Does the weather change where you are, as in, does it get cold in the winter? Oh yes...it gets FREEZING. I wear long underwear to work in the winter (even though it's supposedly 70-72 degrees in the building)   Who are your forum buddies? People you know well enough online or IRL to help your Witch pick out stuff for you? I'm still pretty new, I don't really have any.   Does your cell phone have a place to attach charms? I don't think so.   If you drink coffee [...] I don't. My husband uses a keurig machine   How do you scent yourself? Do you layer soaps, moisturizers, etc. or do you go straight to slathering your bod with BPAL? I use scented soaps, but unscented moisturizers. I pretty much just use bpal.   Do you/how do you scent your world? Candles, incense, diffusers, potpourri? None of the above? My husband is into incense. I use candles sometimes.   How do people feel about receiving baked goods/kits to make said goods? Or other cooking items? Would you enjoy oil or vinegar flavored with herbs grown at home? Strange and exotic spices with recipes to try? Cookies made with carnation petals? I'm cool with food, baked goods, etc. as long as they include an ingredients list. I'm always up for recipes to try but keep in mind that I don't eat meat and I don't like peppers!   What are your pet's names, and what are they named for? Kitty - 4yo chihuahua - she came when I was calling the cat so we started calling her Kitty. Turns out she didn't think her name was Kitty, she's just an attention hog. (registered name: H'reKittyKitty) Moo - 4yo chihuahua - she is black & white spotted like a cow. Grover - cat - I have no idea, he belonged to my husband. Amber - cat - I had a hard time coming up with a name. Her eyes are amber-ish so my mom suggested it. Ginger - cat - she needed to fit with the "-er" naming pattern.   Who here is a complete, over the top, Alice In Wonderland fanatic? Are you a Trekkie? If so, which series do you prefer? Do you have a favorite character? I'm not really fanatic about anything. So far?   Do you have phobias? Not really. I get kind of creeped out around birds, but that's about it. BUT - that's just real birds, I'm cool with toys/photos/etc.   How do you like your mix CDs? Random? Stuff you know you'll like? I like them any way. I haven't made any in awhile but I usually did them based on some random theme and grouped stuff that fit with that theme. I'm open to new music.   Would you rather get food or jewellery? Food.   Do you like children's toys, such as jacks, those little things you tilt around to get the ball in the right hold (wtf are those called?), the aforementioned caplet dinosaurs, cap guns, etc?: Not a huge toy fan I guess.   English candy/tea/marmite or other stuff that you love and can't easily get outside of England? I'm not familar with English stuff so I don't know.   Do you like making up your SW packages around a theme, or prefer to mix it all up? This is only my second round but the ones I sent and received were just mixed up.   Band-aids: do you like the fun and funky ones? Those are the only ones that I buy (except for the ones that are designed to fit on either your fingertip or on the joints). Right now I have Hello Kitty in my desk at work for the occasional papercut.   What's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you? It didn't exactly happen to me, but I thought I was going to lose my mom in January 2007 when she had an aneurysm that bled into her brain. The first few weeks after were really scarey.   Do you like lip balm? If so, do you like tinted, glossy, sparkly, pearly or just plain lip balm? I usually use plain stuff because I tend to end up with it all over my face and not just my mouth...needless to say I look pretty silly if it is tinted or sparkly.   And, secondly, what is something you've been searching for but just can't find? A CD: Mono & Nikitaman: Für immer, or more specifically the song Tausend. No, I don't speak German, I just really like how it sounds.   What are your two favorite etsy shops? I'm new to etsy (too). Here's my wishlist to give ideas of the types of things I like: http://www.etsy.com/favorite_listings_publ...user_id=5428356 if that doesn't work, my username is kelism   Are you active on any other boards/forums? If so please specify where and your username there. I'm on LJ probably a little more than here. I also am on a LOT of yahoogroups, specifically groups about dogs.   Robots versus zombies: who wins? ZOMBIES@   Are you a soap addict? Anything you like to avoid in soaps (goat's milk, lye, dyes, etc...) or any particular scents you like or brands you want to try? I like soap and I'm open to whatever. I don't know of anything I actively avoid. I don't like anything rose scented.   What's your favorite book? I don't know. I recently read The Night Listener and really liked it. I also really hated the movie.   What size socks do you wear? How about hat size? I wear small socks. My shoes are 36/5.5, so it can be a challenge. I don't know what size hat I wear, but I think my head is fairly average.   By nature are you a morning lark or a night owl? I'm NOT a morning person. I tend to be more of a night owl.   What is your favorite autumnal-seasonal drink? Hot cider!   Crossword puzzles? Other pencil puzzles? I prefer sudoku   Halloween. Do you like it kooky or creepy? Either?   Reserved or Raunchy? Either?   Tea or Coffee in the morning? Neither. I don't drink coffee, but I drink tea in the afternoon.   Fruity snacks or chocolate? Yes please. I like both, but can't have huge amounts of chocolate (migraines).   Would you accept art? Sure. I don't have much room at home, but stuff that would be appropriate to display at work would be good.   Antiques or Brand New? It depends on the item!   Bugs? Do you like 'em or not? Not particularly. I like ladybugs and the image of ants (just not actual ants)   Do you like horror flicks? Yes, I prefer horror movies! I like zombies! Most movies I watch are either horror-ish or mystery/suspense.   Who here prefers stylus and ink to ballpoint? Anyone invested time and effort into calligraphy or proper Victorian writing? I have no skill, but I really love a nice pen that rolls well.   Weigh in...Are you right or left-handed? Right-handed.   What's your favorite part about Fall? Ummm...I don't terribly like fall. It's just a reminder that it is going to get cold. It's only a matter of time before I move somewhere warmer.   Do you like office/school supplies? If so, what is your favorites? Yes - pens and sticky-notes are my favorite   What is your favorite pumpkin goodness? I like most pumpkin things - those pumpkin/cream cheese roll thingies, pumpkin pie, pumpkin cheesecake, pumpkin...what else is made with pumpkin? I'm not really sure about pumpkin scents though. I haven't smelled them and I'm a little afraid to.





the serotonin-slathered scent of pure milk chocolate.

In Bottle: BROWNIES! Sweet Jesus this smells delicious! It's like a slightly lighter version of Lump of Coal to me (but LoC is much much richer imo).

Wet: Brownies, still yummy brownies.

Dry: Brownies, but there's something slightly bitter about it. I think it may just be because of that time of the month because normally it's 100% rich fudgey brownies all the time.

Later On: My skin really just sucks Bliss up so it doesn't last very long (a few hours max) before I feel like I need to re-apply. The bitterness is gone and it's a very faint brownie smell. Like your neighbor is baking rather then the IN YOUR FACE brownieness it was in the bottle.

Rating: Normally it's 10/5 but today because of the weird bitterness moment I'm giving it 4/5




SW Fall 08 questions

Thanks to scotchgrrl for collecting these! I'll be answering them periodically as time permits!   ***9/3*** My questionnaire is chock-a-block with ideas for Witching me on the cheap, and without sending "stuff for stuff's sake". And I just came up with another one--make me a Pandora, Finetune, or Last.fm station you think I might like! What manner of affordable Witchery might you covet? Cheapy used paperbacks are ALWAYS welcome in my life, as are mix cds. I'd be touched if someone made me a MuxTape or something similar. (It's worth noting here that I use a Mac, so any sort of streaming media that will only go through Windows Media Player or RealPlayer may be impossible or at least annoying for me to get to.)   Does your cell phone have a place to attach charms? I'm not sure... aaand my phone's been lost since early June. Well, sorta lost. I know where it is, I just haven't gotten a chance to go pick it up yet.   If you drink coffee (and make it yourself) do you use a French Press, regular filter basket coffee maker, Espresso Machine, Percolator? At this point, I mostly avoid caffeine, and I swear that decaf coffee just doesn't taste the same. When I do have coffee, I just use a normal ol' coffee pot.   What movie soundtracks (or scores) do you love? The Juno soundtrack! The Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack! Basically any musical soundtrack ever... I am secretly a huge, huge, huge musical nerd. Lost in Translation has a lovely soundtrack as well. There's probably more, but I'm not great at remember what music is tied to what movie.   How do you scent yourself? Do you layer soaps, moisturizers, etc. or do you go straight to slathering your bod with BPAL? Soap smells rarely last on my skin. I only moisturize occasionally, and between being vegan and being allergic to aloe (damn you, aloe!), I can't use very many commercial moisturizers, so I usually just slap plain ol' coconut oil on. I've made BPAL scented lotion bars with great success in the past. Mmmm. Uh, where was I? Oh yeah. Anyway, soap doesn't last on me and I rarely use scented moisturizers, so yeah, I generally just go straight to BPAL. I'm not opposed to the idea of scent layering, though!   Do you/how do you scent your world? Candles, incense, diffusers, potpourri? None of the above? My lease forbids burny stuff, so no candles or incense here. Even aside from that, I'm allergic to stuff in a lot of commercial scents and I share a living space with my dude who is easily overwhelmed by heavy scents. So, mostly I don't scent the house at all. Lately I've been fortunate enough to try two of the Lab's atmospheric sprays (Down the Rabbit Hole, via a delightful goblin squirt from my last lovely witch, and L'Inverno)... those don't seem to bother my nose at all, so I've been spraying my clothing drawers and bathroom and the inside of my laptop bag with them. Down the Rabbit Hole smells SO good inside my laptop bag, and one little squirt has lasted forever. Um, I digress.   BPAL is such a scent-ual experience. What are your other tactile, aural, or olfactory pleasures? Back in high school, I had a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful teacher for gifted english. She's probably one of the best teachers I've ever met at any level of education. She's really keenly interested in the process of learning and how it varies from person to person, and how teachers can help facilitate these differences. She had us take a series of little tests to figure out what kind of learners we are, and I came up as tactile. Tactile?! All my friends were getting like, linguistic or interpersonal or spatial or or... I was a little miffed at first, until the teacher made me read about what tactile learners are. We're the people who can't buy clothing on the internet because we can't TOUCH it first. If our t-shirts have tags at the neck that are itchy, there is NO way for us to possibly sit still and learn something. We do best with hands on learning. So on and so forth. It's weird, because prior to this conversation, I had never really realized this about myself, but it makes SO. MUCH. SENSE.   Anyway, point being, I am ALL ABOUT physical sensations. My very favorite thing is food. I like the process of eating-- the feeling of chewing, the feeling of food as it goes down one's throat, the feeling of fullness as it hits one's stomach. And of course, I love flavor. Unfortunately, I have blood sugar problems that keep me from eating a lot of the food I like these days. Did I mention this in my questionnaire? What I have is called reactive hypoglycemia, and it's kinda like the opposite of diabetes in that eating food with high sugar content makes me release too MUCH insulin, such that my blood sugar DROPS. It's pretty irritating, and means that I have to eat basically the same way as a diabetic person, though not usually to the same extreme. I've had it to some extent since I was 12 or 13 and it's gotten better and worse since then... for some reason, it took a turn for the WAY worse this winter/spring and basically made me pretty miserable. This is actually a big part of why I got into BPAL-- I needed some other sort of instant gratification thing to occupy and titillate my senses.   Other than eating and smelling, I love listening to things, love touching soft things, love looking at nice things... I'm really pretty much a sensory ho.   Jeez, I'm wordy, too.   ***9/2*** How do people feel about receiving baked goods/kits to make said goods? Baked goods - oh yes! Kits - if you put it together yourself, I'd try it! I feel somewhat guilty admitting that despite the fact that several of my relatives give me baked good kits (like, boxes of fancy muffin mixes, etcetera), I NEVER use them. It just doesn't occur to me. It's probably because I like baking from scratch so much.   Or other cooking items? In general, I give a big thumbs up to any sort of cooking items!   Would you enjoy oil or vinegar flavored with herbs grown at home? Strange and exotic spices with recipes to try? Cookies made with carnation petals? Oh, good heavens. YES, YES, and YES! These are all insanely wonderful things.   What are your pet's names, and what are they named for?   Pingpong - he's a guinea pig. When my dude agreed that we would get piggies, I decided instantly that mine would be named Pingpong. I had this idea in my head of what a Pingpong would be like... he'd be white and orange with splotches, and he'd be an energetic little bundle of fluff, and he ABSOLUTELY WOULD NOT HAVE RED EYES. I could give up the white and orange splotches, I thought, but the eyes... red eyes are scary, I could never do that. ... And then when we went to get the piggies, there was one there that was the perfect Pingpong... but with red eyes. I didn't care, he was too loveable. We brought him home, and he really has been the perfect Pingpong ever since. He's a neurotic, twitchy, hyper little man, and a wonderful ball of fluff and love.   Mister B - my dude named Mister B. Originally, he was called Bashful, because for like the first ten minutes he was in our house, he seemed really pretty shy. He's ended up being the least fearful, most bossy guinea pig either of us have ever met. So, he became Mister B instead of Mister Bashful. We sometimes make up new things for the B to stand for, like Bitey, Bossy, Beautiful... and so on.   Mister Fish - he is a betta fish that our former somewhat batshit insane neighbors left with us when they moved out in a hurry/were evicted. He had another name prior to meeting us, but Mister Fish seemed much more appropriate.   ***9/1*** Who here is a complete, over the top, Alice In Wonderland fanatic? I do love me some Alice in Wonderland, but after going to Burning Man and seeing Alice themed rave camps and dance parties, I know I'm nothing compared to many other people out there.   Are you a Trekkie? If so, which series do you prefer? Do you have a favorite character? Oh, dude. I grew up watching TNG in a bad way. I'm probably the only person on earth who genuinely liked Wesley Crusher... I related to him in a big way. (Wil Wheaton is STILL a totally awesome dude, by the way.) I also watched and loved the original movies, though we don't talk about the modern films. McCoy was one of my first celebrity crushes, when I was like... 8. Yes, really. I haven't actually seen the original series and would kinda like to, though I understand there's a lot of SF cheez whizzery to be had in there.   Do you have phobias? BUGS. (Spiders count as bugs.) Also heights to some extent. I had huge social phobia problems when I was younger, but I've learned to mostly work around them, so... not really phobia level anymore.   How do you like your mix CDs? Random? Stuff you know you'll like? Random! I'd rather get a mix CD of interesting stuff I've never heard before than one of stuff I already have.   Would you rather get food or jewellery? Oh, sheesh. This is a hard one! Probably food, but it's close... I mean, I'm just going to eat food and then it'll be gone. On the other hand, I don't wear jewelry all that often, so I'd probably just drape it on my dresser and coo lovingly over it in the morning. (This is what I do with most of the jewelry I own right now.) Which's not to say that I wouldn't enjoy it... because I would!   Do you like children's toys, such as jacks, those little things you tilt around to get the ball in the right hold (wtf are those called?), the aforementioned caplet dinosaurs, cap guns, etc? Sorta. At this point, there are SO MANY tiny toys in my house (my mother-in-law and husband both love these things, so she sends us them all the time) that they basically just form clutter. So... while I don't mind receiving them, they're probably not the best gift in the world for me.   English candy/tea/marmite or other stuff that you love and can't easily get outside of England? Having never been to England, I couldn't say for sure. I'm a vegan, too, so that kinda cuts it down.   Fanfic as a gift* - yay or nay? Your fandom? Slash preferences?*well, a virtual gift obviously. You know what I mean. Alas, I've never been able to get into fanfic.   Any beaders here? Need beading supplies? Not a beader, though I'm interested in trying.   Do you like making up your SW packages around a theme, or prefer to mix it all up? This is only my second round of SW, so I'm not sure yet! Last time I managed to do one theme package and a couple of random ones. The theme package was fun to do, but I don't think it was a totally integral part of my experience.   Band-aids: do you like the fun and funky ones? Of course!   What's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you? Jeez. There're so many to choose from. What's really weird is that things have happened to me that I objectively KNOW should be higher on the scary-o-meter-- things that were vaguely life threatening, etc. But you know what the thing that always jumps into my mind is? (Spoilering this because it could be triggery for some.)     ***8/31*** What is everyone's favorite Halloween song?! Wait, there are Halloween songs? Am I... am I just blanking on this or do I really not know any? I do like the Danse Macabre.   How many of mah fellow witchies play video games? Platform? Do you like used games? Oh hell ya. I have access to, uh, most non-current gen consoles and to a lovely xbox360, as well as a contemporary PC that is still new enough to play just about anything and an Intel Mac that will play... uh... Mac stuff. I do like used games!   What kind of music (genres, please) do you like? I will listen to basically anything other than modern country music (is it pop? is it country? either way, it's shitty!), teenage girl pop/boy bands (gag me with a spoon), and gangsta rap (I just can't relate to putting caps in people's asses, sorry). Seriously, beyond that, you're welcome to try me. I'm not terribly into electronic music, but I'm trying to get better.   Have any of you ever received a book from a Witchy and loved it so much you ended up buying a copy for a later Witchee? No books, but there're some presents from my last witch that I'd be thrilled to find copies of for my witchee.   What kinds of eye shadows do we all like? Absolutely NO powder eyeshadow-- I have insanely sensitive eyes, and even the littlest bit of eyeshadow near them will cause my eyes to itch and weep and goo up for days. I wish I was joking, because I love glam eyeshadow and would love to be able to pull it off every now and again... but powder eyeshadow just doesn't work for me. Some cream shadows are fine... it kinda depends on whether or not they dry into a powdery mess or not. Honestly, the thing I've had the most success with is using a little bit of lipstick/lip gloss on my lids. I know, I'm a classy lady.   Do you like lip balm? If so, do you like tinted, glossy, sparkly, pearly or just plain lip balm? Yes to all of the above. I will put basically anything on my lips that isn't made out of animals or full of aloe. (Note: I AM open to beeswax. This is a huge source of debate among vegans, and I'm not really decided on it one way or another.)   What are some of the SW gifts/finds from past rounds (or you can just name a gift in general that you found for someone if this is your first round!) that you are the most proud of in terms of your sleuthing skills? SW - I was really insanely happy with the second necklace I got for my witchee, edenssixthday, last round. I had felt nervous about sending her a second necklace and wasn't sure if I should send it... but when it arrived at my house, I was just taken aback by how beautiful it was and knew it would be perfect for her. She seems to have really liked it, so I count that as a good thing! Said necklace was made by a friend of mine, so that's an additional bonus.   Non-SW - many years ago, before I went from vegetarian to vegan, my husband (then boyfriend) mentioned that he was really interested in learning how to make cheese. This was circa July or August that he mentioned this. He did a little research on the internet but was daunted by the cost of it and was like siiiigh I'll never get to do this... so he just forgot about it in a couple of weeks. Me, I remembered about it until Christmas and bought him a cheese making kit. I've never managed to top that one, I think-- he was really touched that I'd remembered and facilitated his desire to learn how to do this thing. Also, I got to eat lots of excellent cheese because of it.   And, secondly, what is something you've been searching for but just can't find? Hum. I don't know. I'm generally a pretty content little person. The only thing I've been trying to obtain and failing at lately is, uh, a baby, and I don't think you all can probably help me with that.   ***8/30*** Do you knit/crochet? Do you need any supplies? Not anymore... I have carpal tunnel and knitting used to make it flare up in a HUGE way. I've considered trying again lately, because I haven't done it in a few years and my wrist problems are generally much better now that I use a touchpad instead of a mouse (really!).   Who here has an etsy shop? Not me, says the flea!   What are your two favorite etsy shops? Lush Beads - that's the friend of mine who made my last witchee's necklaces. I really love her stuff, though I don't think she's listing many of her new things on Etsy right now. (She's in the middle of moving both her store and her home, which is as big of a pain as you can imagine.) Zygopsyche - picking a second place store is just this side of impossible for me, so I'll pick one that's fresh in my mind. Zygopsyche is a lady who makes stuffed piggies and bunnies. My lovely witch from the summer round, cuervosueno, bought me one of her guinea pigs and it is the most beauuuutiful thing ever. I'm thinking about getting one for my mother in law for Christmas.   Are you active on any other boards/forums? If so please specify where and your username there. I'm on again off again active over at the Post Punk Kitchen (ppk) forums! My username is the same as here. Other than that, I don't do many forums anymore.   ***8/29*** What would you tell yourself 6 months in the past about 2008 so far? You're going to face a lot of disappointment re: the baby thing. It's harder to conceive than health class would have you believe. You're going to finally make two great local friends whose first names both start, incidentally, with A. This will help with the loneliness a lot, so just hang in there. You're going to learn how to ride a bike all over again! Isn't that exciting? Your strange little plan to try one imp pack of BPAL every month for a year is somehow going to turn into you trying something like 400 scents in seven months. Good luck!   If you had one minute of fame, what would you do/say in the spotlight? I dunno. I don't really like being in the spotlight a lot, which is funny because I love acting and public speaking and stuff. I guess I'd just say thanks.   Robots versus zombies: who wins? Robots.   What would zombie say? Braaaaaaaaains.   Where are a few of your favorite places? Bed, Burning Man, the local arboretum, Oregon, the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, the Mercer Museum in Doylestown, PA, the Exploratorium in San Francisco, Santa Cruz, San Francisco, and Scotland (though I haven't been there yet).   Out of curiosity, all the fall babies who are celebrating their birthdays during the round - who are you, and when is your bday? I'z not a fall baby.   What is one (only one) object that you collect, that totally goes against your personality or beliefs? Uh, perfume. Every time I tell anyone about the perfume thing for the first time, they're like, WHUT. I'm about the least frilly person you'll ever meet, and I'm freaking cheap too, so BPAL seems pretty at odds with the rest of me.   Are you a soap addict? Anything you like to avoid in soaps (goat's milk, lye, dyes, etc...) or any particular scents you like or brands you want to try? Yes, I'z a soap addict. I don't do animal products, even in soaps. This means all milk soaps are out for me. I'm also allergic to aloe, so aloe's right out there. Right now I'm really hot for Arcana soaps, and also for Magic Hands... and, well, Villainess, of course... and I'd like to try more BPTP soaps... yeah, I'm in to soap.   Do you like kilts and would you wear one? Of course I'd wear one! I'd kill a man for a Utilikilt.   What's your favorite book? Isn't this on the questionnaire? If it is, I probably said I can't really say for sure, which's true. Ender's Game is up there, as is Last Call by Tim Powers. There are so many other wonderful books though that I just can't really pin it down.   What size socks do you wear? How about hat size? I am only barely aware of the fact that socks and hats come in sizes, so uh, go from there. I have medium feet for a lady... I wear 7 or 7.5 shoes. My head seems to be normal head sized.   Do you read comics? Which ones do you love and which can't you stand? YES! In terms of print comics, I love most things by Warren Ellis (provided that they don't turn into people shooting people and nothing else... damn you, Warren). Also big into Fables... loved Promethea... loved Y: The Last Man until I eventually got bored of it and just wanted it to end... love all things by Jeffrey Brown... Owly... and uh, I read Shojo Beat every month basically cover to cover, even though I can't stand some of the series therein. On the manga track, I'm big into Skip Beat, which I'm trying to read in Japanese because I like stabbing myself in the eyes it's a learning experience.   Online comics: Anders Loves Maria is probably my most favorite online comic, followed shortly thereafter by Questionable Content. I read some others off and on, but those're the two I'm really into.   Comics I don't like: X-men other than the original X-men (which I love)... anything superhero-y... many web comics.   Symbols that are meaningful to me? Hum. Nothing's springing to mind other than the Burning Man symbol, which's fresh in my mind after a week on the playa.   By nature are you a morning lark or a night owl? Kinda both. I would say I'm more of a morning lark right now, but as a life long insomniac, I often see both ends of the evening.   What's your favorite type of music to hear live, rather than recorded? My favorite person to see live is John Vanderslice, followed by the Mountain Goats. I've seen each of these gentlemen something like twice a year every year for the past four or five years. So... I guess we're going to have to go with indie rock.   What is your favorite autumnal-seasonal drink? HOT cider. It has to be hot. Cold cider is sort of an abomination.   Hot cider is best if you drink it outside in the freezing effing cold out of a paper cup, but being that I live in California now, my chances to do this are few and far between.   ***8/28*** Crossword puzzles? Other pencil puzzles? I am mildly addicted to crossword puzzles. When I have the time, I do about five daily puzzles, though if I don't have as much time I'll just do the New York Times and maybe the (vastly inferior) Washington Post. I love to do crosswords in the bath, especially Sunday sized ones. The Wall Street Journal has my favorite Sunday puzzle.   I like other wordy sorta pencil puzzles okay, but I'm not really interested at all in Sudoku-- too easy to do if you know the basic method and have time to crunch numbers out.   Favorite artist? Like art artist? That's hard. I've always had a soft spot for Van Gogh-- I like that you can almost see him going insane throughout the course of his painting career. There are a really insane amount of contemporary artists whose work I love, but I never remember names.   Favorite poet? Hard to say. Maybe e.e. cummings, because the stuff of his that I like I really love... though admittedly, I can't stand about fifty percent of what he does.   Halloween. Do you like it kooky or creepy? Either!   Reserved or Raunchy? Halloween can be raunchy? I had no idea.   Earth, Wind, Fire or Water? Water or Earth.   Tea or Coffee in the morning? Neither, lately. Tea more often, though.   Fruity snacks or chocolate? Chocolate. Mmm.   Would you accept art? Of course!   Antiques or Brand New? Antiques!   What keywords do you use when searching for items for yourself on Etsy? Vegan - annoying because a lot of times non-vegan things are labeled as vegan. Recycled - I like recycled art and jewelry a lot.   Are there any of y'all who are allergic/sensitive to having natural fibers on your skin? Not me, though I don't do wool for personal reasons.   What was your favorite ghost/scary/campfire story growing up? I'm blanking.   Bugs? Do you like 'em or not? n-o!   i haz no imp storage. do you? I have four 100 imp ammo boxes, of which about two and a half are full. I'm open to more.   ***8/27*** If you have a garden/planter box, what do you grow? I tried to grow lilies this summer but after thriving for weeks, they SUDDENLY DIED. The same thing happened to my rosemary, though it took longer. Sigh.   What incense scents do you prefer? I don't do incense (see higher up).   Do you decorate for Halloween? What sort of decorations? Dress up for Halloween? I dress up, but have never actually decorated. I wouldn't mind having like a light up cat to put on my porch, though. Or some sorta flag.   Bats, cats, skeletons, monsters, vampires, witches or what other ghoulies do you prefer? I have known and adored a great many black cats in my life, so I love black cat decorations. Monsters are fun, especially if they're kinda cute, too. I like little cute ghosts and skeletons. I... I guess I'm a cutesy Halloween person. Hadn't realized that before.   Do you like horror flicks? Yes, though they do tend to genuinely scare me.   Who here prefers stylus and ink to ballpoint? Anyone invested time and effort into calligraphy or proper Victorian writing? I WANT to very much, but I've never had a chance to try.   What about stationery? Need some? What styles do you like? I always need more stationary. Basically, if it's anything other than plain white printer paper, I'm interested. I especially like little tear-off notebook pads-- like little hand sized ones. I use them to write notes on.   ***8/26*** What is one item that you've wanted forever, could have afforded, but have never gotten and why (haven't you gotten it!)? Hmm. I don't know. I'm bad at buying stuff for myself, but I also don't tend to want stuff very much. I guess one thing I've always really wanted is to leave the country, even to go to Canada or Mexico. There have been plenty of times where I could've afforded it (though it would've been a scrimp at some point... it always is) but I've just worried too much about spending the money. Travel in general is something I love to do but rarely treat myself to.   What Halloween scent are you most looking forward to? Oh, sheesh, I'm not sure. I broke down and bought a bottle of Huesos de Santo this morning while picking up the Lilith scents (yay! baby! yay! baby scents!), so it's probably that. Basically all of the Sleepy Hollow scents are also screaming my name.   Tattoos! Do you have em? Do you want em? Whatcha got or getting? None yet. I'd like to have one, but I've never been sure what exactly I want. Ursula Vernon has a picture of a riding guinea pig that I love that I might see if someone could put on me at some point.   Reduce - REUSE - recycle. Do others feel the same? Yes'm.   What is your favorite crafting supply? Watercolor paper. Paper in general.   Weigh in...Are you right or left-handed? Righty.   Any period of time that you love? Oh, lots. I even kinda like now.   ***8/25*** What's your favorite part about Fall? Rain!   It used to be jumping into leaf piles (and overall, the turning of the leaves) but we don't really have that over on this heathen coast.   Do you like office/school supplies? If so, what is your favorites? Yes! New pens and lead for my mechanical pencil.   What's your favorite Halloween candy? Alas, there is little left that I can still eat in the way of Halloween candy. I DO like candy corn, despite the havoc it wreaks on my blood sugar.   Will you be participating NaNoWriMo? If so, is there anything you'd like to have for that? I don't know if I'll do it this year or not... maybe. I've done it successfully before and really enjoyed it. If I do it again, I'll want a good notebook and a special pen to write it with... I found I had much more luck in just getting it done if I wrote it out by hand first and then typed it up.   ***8/22*** Where does everyone like shop for witching goodness? I'm about fifty fifty internet and local brick and mortar stores.   What is your favorite pumpkin goodness? PIE   Phew. I'm fiiiiiiiiinally done!




Added an Etsy Wish List

This still seems rather greedy to me, but I've added an Etsy wish list. I had been putting Etsy stuff on my Kaboodle list, but I thought I'd do this too. Not that I expect anything from Etsy, but it'll you more insight into my tastes. I'm on there as tdgnika.




Autumn 2008 Questions!

What manner of affordable Witchery might you covet? handmade stuff is awesome, mix cds, make me an avatar or something fun like that, pretty much any variety of hard candies for keeping at my desk at work (I had a bag of Jolly Ranchers in my drawer and it was nice to have a little post-lunch treat every afternoon!) - I'm definitely not into "stuff for stuff's sake"! Does your cell phone have a place to attach charms? had to check - yeah it does! If you drink coffee (and make it yourself) do you use a French Press, regular filter basket coffee maker, Espresso Machine, Percolator? I keep a french press at work, but mostly use it for Teeccino, a coffee subsitute. The chocolate mint flavor is awesome. Mmmm. At home we use a regular filter basket one, and we grind the coffee ourselves. I don't drink coffee very often, because it makes me pretty jittery. What movie soundtracks (or scores) do you love? Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, why can't I think of anything else right now?! How do you scent yourself? Do you layer soaps, moisturizers, etc. or do you go straight to slathering your bod with BPAL? Sometimes I mix a little bit of BPAL with unscented lotion (Moisturizing Creme from Trader Joes FTW), sometimes I'll use scented stuff like Villainess stuff. Sometimes I'll use a sugar scrub in my evening shower and just let that be my scent - Dulces En Fuego from Villainess is mmmmmmm. Do you/how do you scent your world? Candles, incense, diffusers, potpourri? None of the above? Incense and oil diffusers for the most scent, candles too. Usually candles end up being just for atmosphere, but I have a few spiced cider scented ones that pack a delicious-smelling punch! BPAL is such a scent-ual experience. What are your other tactile, aural, or olfactory pleasures? I am a bigtime scent-oriented person. More than any other sense, smells bring memories back, evoking past times and places. I love it, but sometimes I end up feeling overly nostalgic. I love the smell of leaves in the fall, I love the smell before and after a summer rain. I love the feeling of leaves crunching underfoot, but the feeling of snow doing the same mostly makes my skin crawl. I used to do a lot of costume design, and still sew - I have great interest in different textures. ***9/2*** How do people feel about receiving baked goods/kits to make said goods? Or other cooking items? Would you enjoy oil or vinegar flavored with herbs grown at home? Strange and exotic spices with recipes to try? Cookies made with carnation petals? Homemade stuff is awesome. I love cooking, so getting spices would be super neat. What are your pet's names, and what are they named for? Sgt. Grumbles (cat): named for this. Bartleby (cat): sort of Melville, sort of stupid rat creature from the comic series Bone. Arthur (dog): named for the album by the Kinks. ***9/1*** Who here is a complete, over the top, Alice In Wonderland fanatic? Enjoy AiW, but not a freak for it or anything. Are you a Trekkie? If so, which series do you prefer? Do you have a favorite character? Nope! Do you have phobias? I can't walk too close to edges of stuff, like at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, because I have the irrational fear that I would go momentarily crazy and jump. I'm not afraid I'm going to fall, but am afraid that I'll just leap off. How do you like your mix CDs? Random? Stuff you know you'll like? I am always up for being introduced to new music! Would you rather get food or jewellery? no preference Do you like children's toys, such as jacks, those little things you tilt around to get the ball in the right hold (wtf are those called?), the aforementioned caplet dinosaurs, cap guns, etc?: not particularly. I mean, I'm sure I'd find them interesting for a little while, but as I said above, not really into stuff for stuff's sake. Colorforms and Shrinky Dinks, however, are another story. English candy/tea/marmite or other stuff that you love and can't easily get outside of England? Can't think of anything, but always like new taste experiences! Fanfic as a gift* - yay or nay? Your fandom? Slash preferences?*well, a virtual gift obviously. You know what I mean. Not really a fanfic person, but I certainly won't complain about any creative endeavor undertaken by my Witch Any beaders here? Need beading supplies? I have a whole bunch of beads already being neglected, so I think any more would be crazy. Haha. Do you like making up your SW packages around a theme, or prefer to mix it all up? I've not yet done a theme package but am toying with some ideas for one this time. Band-aids: do you like the fun and funky ones? Yeah! Luckily I haven't had need for one in a while. I have bacon and egg band-aids! What's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you? ***8/31*** What is everyone's favorite Halloween song?! Hmmm I'm not sure I have one. Oh how about "Werewolf Bar Mitzvah" from 30 Rock? How many of mah fellow witchies play video games? Platform? Do you like used games? I do! I'm generally pretty bad at action games, and go on and off with playing in general. A few years back, I had to take Civilization III off my computer because I was staying up until 3 or 4 am playing. I go on and off with Animal Crossing on the DS (just recently went back on after a loooooong off period, but haven't picked it up in about a month, so all the work I did weeding the town is probably undone by now). I've been playing Folklore on the PS3 but can't get past this one boss guy and have been bugging my husband to sweep in and kill it! I have Wii, Nintendo DS, PS3, Sega Genesis, and oldschool Nintendo. The last 2 aren't hooked up and I am wavering on getting rid of them. What kind of music (genres, please) do you like? Oh, man, lots of stuff! I think I answered this already though! Have any of you ever received a book from a Witchy and loved it so much you ended up buying a copy for a later Witchee? not yet, only my 3rd round! What kinds of eye shadows do we all like? I really like Urban Decay ( my 10th anniversary palette), though the ones that are really glittery tend to make my cheeks glittery as well, which is annoying. I like Fyrinnae, but only really use her stuff for burlesque shows because using the loose pigments is often just too much for me when scrambling to get ready for work in the morning. I like all colors of eyeshadow. Sometimes I go for neutral, sometimes just eyeliner (I love eyeliner), sometimes bright. Do you like lip balm? If so, do you like tinted, glossy, sparkly, pearly or just plain lip balm? YES to all! What are some of the SW gifts/finds from past rounds (or you can just name a gift in general that you found for someone if this is your first round!) that you are the most proud of in terms of your sleuthing skills? I found out that cordia, my last witchee, is really into collecting old photographs, so I hunted some down for her. They seemed to make her really happy, so I was proud of that. And, secondly, what is something you've been searching for but just can't find? Hmmm nothing I can think of ***8/30*** Do you knit/crochet? Do you need any supplies? I do both, and have a stash to work through before I allow myself anything new. I'm sure I could use some different sized needles/hooks but I don't remember what I already have at the moment! Who here has an etsy shop? Hopefully will in the near future. What are your two favorite etsy shops? I've got them in my Etsy favorites Are you active on any other boards/forums? If so please specify where and your username there. Nope. I joined ravelry, but haven't really gotten into much past browsing. Hope to change that soon. ***8/29*** What would you tell yourself 6 months in the past about 2008 so far? You're going to miss having a summer vacation, but it's worth it. Oh, and you're getting a dog! Get ready for that! If you had one minute of fame, what would you do/say in the spotlight? Probably sing and hope it led to more! Robots versus zombies: who wins? Robots cause it's not like the zombies can eat them or anything. What would zombie say? aaeeeeeeeeeegh (does that look like a groan?) Where are a few of your favorite places? the beach, my back deck, places I loved visiting but might not go again cause there are more places to see - Iceland, Copenhagen. Out of curiosity, all the fall babies who are celebrating their birthdays during the round - who are you, and when is your bday? April 22nd! What is one (only one) object that you collect, that totally goes against your personality or beliefs? nothing like this Are you a soap addict? Anything you like to avoid in soaps (goat's milk, lye, dyes, etc...) or any particular scents you like or brands you want to try? I don't really do soaps as much as I do shower gels, but I have loved stuff from Arcana. Do you like kilts and would you wear one? Used to, totally would again! What's your favorite book? The Little Prince What size socks do you wear? How about hat size? hmmm regular sized socks. I have a big head, I think. Do you read comics? Which ones do you love and which can't you stand? Yep! Love Sandman and other Gaiman stuff, Watchmen, Blankets, Y: The Last Man, dark stuff, funny stuff. Not really into straight-up superheroish stuff. Symbols that are meaningful to me? birds, the Little Prince, ladybugs By nature are you a morning lark or a night owl? night owl What's your favorite type of music to hear live, rather than recorded? Hmm...I think I would listen to a wider variety of music live, like things I don't normall listen to, because it is live and there is that energy going on. What is your favorite autumnal-seasonal drink? Mulled wine, spiced cider, hot chocolate ***8/28*** Crossword puzzles? Other pencil puzzles? I don't do them regularly, but do enjoy them when I do. Sudoku is fun, I play that on Brain Age on the DS sometimes. Favorite poet? William Carlos Williams, Seamus Heaney, Sylvia Plath, W.H. Auden, E. E. Cummings, Naomi Shihab Nye Halloween. Do you like it kooky or creepy? Not too creepy as I am a wuss. I get way too freaked out at those haunted house things. I always get this feeling that the people are going to go crazy and really hurt me. I just realized how insane I sound, that coupled with the whole "jumping off the edge" thing from above. Maybe I have trust issues or something. Reserved or Raunchy? either! Earth, Wind, Fire or Water? Hmm I think I have elements of all four going on. But I guess everyone does, really. Tea or Coffee in the morning? Usually tea or yerba mate Fruity snacks or chocolate? depends on my mood. I like chocolate but never eat a lot at one time Would you accept art? YES Antiques or Brand New? both! What keywords do you use when searching for items for yourself on Etsy? Off the top of my head: burlesque, pasties, bird(s), swallow(s), little prince, letterpress, owl, octopus, wings, honey Are there any of y'all who are allergic/sensitive to having natural fibers on your skin? Wool sometimes makes me itch if it's right up against my skin What was your favorite ghost/scary/campfire story growing up? Nothing I can think of! Bugs? Do you like 'em or not? Not generally. I make exceptions for ladybugs, butterflies, and interesting looking moths, those I prefer those from afar i haz no imp storage. do you? Sort of - they're all crammed in a small box, but it is tall enough that they stand up, but not too tall. Starting to get really crowded in there! ***8/27*** If you have a garden/planter box, what do you grow? Tomatoes, watermelon, winter squash, zucchini, pumpkin, broccoli rabe, oregano, dill, rosemary, mint, basil. Cucumbers, strawberries, cilantro, and beans were a failure, still holding out for the broccoli to produce. Artichoke plant still tiny - will hopefully produce next season. What incense scents do you prefer? I haven't come across any that I haven't liked Do you decorate for Halloween? What sort of decorations? Dress up for Halloween? I have Halloween candle holders that throw ghost, pumpkin, and bat shadows. That's about the extent of decorating. I do dress up, though! Bats, cats, skeletons, monsters, vampires, witches or what other ghoulies do you prefer? I like them all! Do you like horror flicks? Really depends. I don't like "torture porn." I love cheesy horror. I like psychological stuff. I will admit that I sometimes hide my eyes at really scary stuff. Who here prefers stylus and ink to ballpoint? Anyone invested time and effort into calligraphy or proper Victorian writing? I tried to learn calligraphy. I have tried too many things, and drop interest. So my studio/craft room is full of a bunch of stuff I hardly touch anymore! What about stationery? Need some? What styles do you like? I have a ton right now! Need penpals, then we can talk about more stationery! ***8/26*** What is one item that you've wanted forever, could have afforded, but have never gotten and why (haven't you gotten it!)? I usually end up buying something if I've wanted it long enough What Halloween scent are you most looking forward to? toooooo many - see wishlist! Tattoos! Do you have em? Do you want em? Whatcha got or getting? One on right shoulder - the Little Prince - posted a picture on the SW thread. Looking to get another. Maybe something bird-oriented, like a classic swallow, but also toying with the idea of a peacock feather curling around my left hip. Reduce - REUSE - recycle. Do others feel the same? YES What is your favorite crafting supply? at the moment I've been focused on burlesque costuming, so anything for that! Weigh in...Are you right or left-handed? left Any period of time that you love? I take a lot of joy in many different periods, from a costume design perspective. I was once told my body was made for the Empire period. I love the look of the 40s, and a bit of the 50s. Love the 20s look, but too curvy for a flapper!




Switch Witch questions

I updated these older question lists in Summer of 2013 for the new switch witch round. My list of questions from the 2011 H'ween round is here. My list of questions asking specifically in the Summer 2013 round is here.   Halloweenie 09 questions:   Families of SMA or the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation are my charities of choice, in honor of my niece Nora, which I mentioned in my questionnaire as well.   I think the following questions are pretty much everything I haven't answered in the forum or in previous SWs   PandaBite nickname? Cute idea but no. It just doesn't seem useful to me.   Dark Candles? Yes, any of their scents that are spicy, vanilla, not floral or foodie. Pretty much the same as my BPAL oil preferences, though I might like chocolate in a candle even though I don't like it on me. And I like "clean scents" in candles though I don't like them on me.   When you receive your sw packages...do you like receiving things that are individually wrapped inside? or unwrapped? or both? Either one is just fine.   Of course, we're all going to be grateful no matter what our witches give us, but for the record, what is your anti-present? Tell us something that you think your future witch might give you that you absolutely, unequivocally DO. NOT. WANT. Coffee. I hate coffee. Though my boyfriend likes French Roast coffee A LOT (only the unflavored stuff - the stuff with extra flavors like raspberry or hazelnut, he hates), so I would just give coffee to him and he'd probably be thrilled.   Do sounds make you happy? What ambient noises make you smile? The sound of skateboard wheels over the seams in the sidewalk. Birds and chipmunks chattering. Someone humming quietly to themselves, unselfconsciously.   If I send you whole spices or coffee beans, would you be able to grind them or would you prefer them preground for your convenience? Pre-ground, I don't have a grinder for spices.   For the tea and coffee drinkers: Opinion on tea- and/or coffee-related accessories/etc? I have several tea balls and a fabulous tea strainer. Two teapots. A couple trivets. More mugs are always welcome or some tea accessory I have not listed here.   what's your favorite pain-relief remedy or ritual? Excedrin and a nap. Or a guided meditation, imagining myself lying suspended in a babbling brook, perfectly warm water rushing over me, imagining all my stress and tension washing away in the brook.   Any cooks? Could you use anything cooking related? Aprons? Cookbooks? Measuring Cups? Recipes? Herb/Spice containers? Fancy Spices? Dish Towels? Cocktail napkins? Amazing Beaded Pot Holders? (like from our very own Pottersville! ) Something else? I've really gotten into cooking and baking heavily lately, in a big push over the last few months to make more of my own food, etc. So, I'm open to nearly anything. We're got a red devil kitchen, so if you're looking for color inspiration, that would be it.   What's your favorite candy to stock up on at Halloween? Reese's peanut butter cups in any variety   Are you an avid reader? What's your favorite book/series? Very, very avid reader. Voracious even. The Gunslinger series by Stephen King. Or the Titan / Wizard / Demon trilogy by John Varley. Illusions by Richard Bach. The Hyperion series by Dan Simmons. Anything by Sheri Tepper. Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson.   What is your favourite flower (or plant)? Lily of the Valley. Pretty much any lilies.   An anonymous benefactor gives you $500 (or an equivalent amount of money in your currency of choice) with the following stipulations. You must spend all of it within a week: any money left unspent must be returned. You must spend at least half of the money on yourself. You may not use it to pay off debts or bills of any kind. What do you do with the money? Wow, this is hard, since I'm really pushing on paying off bills. I might buy some clothes. Probably some boots. Plants for my yard.   This is how the world ends... zombie apocalypse, robot uprising, alien invasion, return of the elder gods... which doomsday scenario do you prefer (or make your own!)? Road Warrior. Or Six String Samurai. (both movies) Or an EMP pulse - I read a book about that recently and it messed with my head badly.   Do you believe in magic (or magick, if you prefer)? What does it mean to you? Absolutely. This is a very involved question for me. If you want to know more, I'd be glad to tell you - just ask via email.   What is your favourite historical period? Egyptian pharoahs. Or the 1920s.   i know we're all scent sensitive here. what are your favorite non-perfume smells? day in the life stuff? Fallen leaves. Smoke (in the distance, not in my face). Cigars. Baking bread. Nuts roasting in the oven. Sawdust. Barnyards (yes, really - I like the earthy smell)   Yule SW questions:   Question to all the knitters out there, what size knitting needles do you use the most? I'm have tried learning how to crochet and have a variety of needles, but I really don't like it much.   How do you feel about winter-themed but not really holiday type decorations? Things like snowflakes and fake icicles and the like? Sure, that sounds nice.   What do you collect...besides BPAL? Gargoyles. Tea. I'm not much into the clutter of collections, but I like useful things.   Anyone a fan of Goddess art? I love images of women, in beautiful poses, strong women, powerful women (No- Not Hilary ROFL) Yes, I really like goddess art. I have several Susan Seddon Boulet pieces hung up. I've been moving away from the more fantasy style of her stuff, though, into pin-up art and more graphic styles. Anyone else a Luis Royo fan? I looked him up, and I like it, but don't love it. I like stuff that's darker, more disturbing than that. What are your favorite websites (i.e., the ones you visit every day, or almost every day)? facebook.com, cuteoverload.com, Wil Wheaton's blog, gizmodo.com, lifehacker.com. Not many, since I work on the internet, I tend to avoid it as a leisure activity. How do you feel about Lush? Anything you want to try? All of it. How do you feel about home made lip balm, salt or sugar scrubs, soap, bath salts, etc? Hooray!   What is one REALLY expensive, completely outrageous thing you would LOVE to get but totally don't expect to ever get from anyone? Hmmm...dunno. A fence for my yard? An electric car - haha! Do you like coffee mugs? Travel or stay at home? How big? Do you like ones from Starbucks? If you mean tea mugs, yes, the bigger the better.   Do you like tea? What kinds of tea (green, red, white, black, decaf, herbal infusions)? Feel free to get specific on brands and tea types. Loose or bagged? Do you need any kind of tea accessories? Pots/cozys/presses/strainers? I love tea, especially chai and black tea. I'm not a big fan of green and I haven't tried red or white. And decaf? What's the point? Though I do like herbal teas. I really like Republic of Tea. I'm good with strainers and pots.   What is your favorite hot chocolate or drinking chocolate? Do you need Vegan or no? I don't have a particular favorite but I really like hot chocolate. The kind you have to mix milk with is kind of a pain, but often tastes better. What's your favorite texture? Hard question - no pun intended. I think I'd have to say microfleece or flannel. Love that stuff.   Do you prefer arm warmers to the wrist, to the base of the fingers, or half fingered? Onto the palm with the thumb hole. I don't think I'd like the ones with half fingers, but I could be wrong.   Any favorite cartoon characters? Disney, Sanrio, etc? Tasmanian Devil. Animal from the Muppets. Every single character from the Dark Crystal   Have you (or maybe the younguns in your family) been exposed to the Webkinz craze? I have no idea what Webkinz are.   Are there any witchy type supplies you're in need of, or would like to try etc.? Herbs, smudge sticks, resins, tarot/oracle cards, incense burners, pretty tools, stuff like that? I'm always up for witchy-type supplies. The only thing I don't care for is smudge sticks because they tend to give me a headache. Other than that, bring it on. I've specifically been looking for a new/different Tarot deck - something more basic than the ones I have, though I don't like the Rider-Waite. I could also really use a new wand, but that seems...greedy.   On nut intolerance - does it include things like almond/coconut oil bases and essential oils in perfume oils, skincare products, scented candles and the like? I have absolutely no problem with nuts of any kind. I really like nuts.   If you are a fan, who were your favorite Buffy and Angel characters? Haven't watched much Buffy, but I think I'd have to say Giles. And Spike, before the whole Buffy angsty love affair crap.   Do you like Shakespeare? Which plays? I like Shakespeare. Can't think of particular favorites. There are several I haven't read that I should - like Macbeth. I like some of his sonnets too.   How do you like your chocolate? White, milk, bittersweet, as dark as possible? Plain, with flavoring, with chunks of stuff in? I like milk, bittersweet and dark (though I had 70% cacao once, and that was a bit much). Chunks are okay, but dates squick me out, and I'd never want bacon and chocolate together. And this new thing of putting hot peppers in there - no thank you.   Favorite animals? Least favorite? My favorite animal is a pelican - because they look clumsy and graceful, depending on what they're doing. My least favorite animal. Um...roaches and centipedes.   How do you feel about Heifer International? Or do you have other favorite charities not mentioned in your application? I don't know what Heifer International is. Having worked for an animal shelter in the past, I think charities are great. My current charities of choices are Families of SMA and the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation.   So for all witches of the shimmying types- would you like tassel belts/jingle belts/ ect and if so, how big are your hips? I don't shimmy much, but would like to. I'm too shy to have a belt that makes noise, though. My hips are in the low 40 inches.   What are 3 places that you'd like to visit, or re-visit? Re-visit Ireland. I'd love to visit France & Italy & Egypt.   Literary erotica. Who doesn't love it? I'm not crazy about it. Are you planning on buying anything off your BPAL wishlist during the round? Nope, this gal is broke. Do you read graphic novels/comics? Which ones? Nope, not really. I don't really like comics and animated things. Which witches would want Bpal boxes? Or imp cases? This witch right heyeh! How about a short - or longer - piece of fanfic? I've never read fanfic before. I'm not sure how I feel about it.   Would you like handmade piece of calligraphy as a gift? Sure! What jewelry are you wearing now? What jewelry do you wear everyday-or do you change jewelry all the time? I wear the same rings all the time: 9 of them. And a turquoise and silver bracelet that clamps tightly to my wrist...not sure how to describe it. I change out my necklaces every day. Chia Pet, do you need one? I'd be afraid it would get moldy. Houseplants and/or things to put them in: thoughts? I have some houseplants already, and would like a couple more for the new place. I'm not great with houseplants but would really like to get better at them and/or growing herbs inside. Do you like baskets, jars and other interesting containers? Filled or Empty? As long as they're big enough to be useful, you betcha. Filled or empty is fine! What cartoons did you grow up watching? Any animated shows you still watch? I really liked Bugs Bunny, and still appreciate it. I don't really like most animated things though.   Do you like honey? Will you like to try creamy honey with black sesame or with cinnamon powder? I do like honey. I don't think I'd like it with black sesame, but cinnamon powder sounds interesting.   What is the biggest problem or sad thing in your life? Of course, I mean the saddest or worst thing you can confess here. My niece and her struggle with SMA (spinal muscular atrophy) - and how little I get to see her because of how unpleasant my brother has become since she was diagnosed.   Do any of you like puzzle books? Yes, I like them. Pretty much all kinds. I love Christmas music even though I'm pagany -- how about you? The standard caroling fare and pop versions of same grates on my nerves, but really old stuff or, for instance, swing-inspired or minor-key dirge stuff as was mentioned on the forum sounds nice. My favorite old carol is The Holly and the Ivy.   It's cold outside - what are your favorite drinks to keep yourself warm and cozy? Tea, of course, except for green tea (it tastes like dirt to me). Cocoa and cider are also both wonderful. But chai tea trumps them all FTW.   Would my potential Witchee be up for some stuff they'd never heard before if they couldn't understand the words? I'd be okay with French lyrics, since I understand bits of French, but much of the joy of music for me is the lyrics and singing along. So, languages other than English in music mostly just irritate me. And, close-minded though this may be, I find most Asian pop really grating. Though I find most pop really grating. That said, I do like listening to people chant or vocalize without words (i.e. Bulgarian State Radio & Television Female Choir). I'm amending this to add that I think it's just Japanese and Chinese pop that I don't like, because I'm currently listening to Luaka Bop's 10th anniversary, which is mostly hispanic-inspired music, and I really like it.   What kind of candy/sweet treat would you like to receive? I like dark chocolate, cookies, chocolate & peanut butter, cookies, nuts, cookies, caramel, cookies, coconut, those cookies they only sell at Christmas called Mexican wedding cakes, and cookies. Pretty much anything as long as its not licorice, mint & chocolate together, white chocolate, malted milk, has dates in it, those icky candies with the mysterious pastel colored paste in the center, or spicy (jalapenos=bad spicy, ginger and cloves=good spicy).   Would you personally rather get handmade jewelry or the beads to make something yourself? I'd prefer handmade jewelry. I'm never happy with stuff I make myself.   To my Yule witch! I forgot to answer the last 3 CDs played thru and last 2 movies watched on my questionnaire, so they are: John Lee Hooker's Boom Boom Soundtrack to Gangs of New York INXS' Kick   Boondock Saints Blood Simple   Following are the Fall 08 Switch Witch questions & answers   Miniature things? Please no miniature things. One of my cats is very clumsy and likes to plow into things. And my other cat sneezes on everything. The sum of these items is not good.   Favorite fairytale. Good question. I think I'd have to say The Twelve Dancing Princesses. Overall, as a former anthropology major, like Apple said on the forum, I find the symbolism particularly interesting. ETA, also: East of the Sun and West of the Moon and Where the Wild Things Are Who likes pirates? I like pirates. I like dark and conflicted superheroes. And anti-heroes.   What do you think about the Nightmare Before Christmas? I like it. Not insane crazy about it, but I like it.   Can melty things be shipped to you, or will they be in puddles by the time you open the package? Depends on the season. Wisconsin does get pretty warm in the summer.   Trinkets? I tend to prefer things that have a use. If you could have dinner/drinks/coffee with any 3 living people that are not your family/friends already, who would they be? Moby, preferably at his Teany restaurant. He just seems so interesting. Stephen King, because he's the root of much of my literary explorations. Preferably over beer and cheeseburgers, listening to the Ramones. Susan Sarandon because I really like her outspoken nature.   ]Do you wear a watch? If so, what kind/style? Every once in a while, though I tend to use my cell phone. I have two watches right now that I wear when the mood strikes. Once is a wide leather cuff/band from Fossil, though the batteries have died AGAIN, and it's tough to change. The other is a green beaded band with a small face.   How do you feel about having a donation made in your name to something? If you like that idea, what types of organizations/groups would you want the donation to go to? Families of SMA or the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation Does the weather change where you are, as in, does it get cold in the winter? Anyone need homegrown scarves, hats, mittens, etc? Yes, the weather changes here. I've got 3 scarves I really like - one black and two in the orange family. I'm not much of a knit hat person - my hair is frizzy/poofy enough.   What is your favorite art movement and/or style? Definitely art nouveau, surrealist, and whatever style those Rosie the Riveter and Bolshevik posters were.   For tea drinkers, do you bag it or prefer loose? Tea bags, please. Loose tea is okay, and I use the leftover bits to put in my house plants as fertilizer. But, I'm kind of a klutz and it's messy.   Who are your forum buddies? People you know well enough online or IRL to help your Witch pick out stuff for you? Apple, Yewberry   My questionnaire is chock-a-block with ideas for Witching me on the cheap, and without sending "stuff for stuff's sake". And I just came up with another one--make me a Pandora, Finetune, or Last.fm station you think I might like! What manner of affordable Witchery might you covet? Loves the Pandora and Spotify, though I work for their competition (murfie.com). Umm...information on eating locally, ideas for sustainable living, info on keeping houseplants alive. Does your cell phone have a place to attach charms? Nope, 'fraid not. I seldom carry a purse either... Though, I have several buttons and stickers on my laptop bag (it's a messenger bag).   If you drink coffee (and make it yourself) do you use a French Press, regular filter basket coffee maker, Espresso Machine, Percolator? Eeew, coffee. I don't like coffee. The boyfriend does, and he uses a reusable Keurig cup.   What movie soundtracks (or scores) do you love? Reservoir Dogs, The Full Monty, Harold & Maude, Ocean's Eleven, Shawshank Redemption, 300   How do you scent yourself? Do you layer soaps, moisturizers, etc. or do you go straight to slathering your bod with BPAL? I don't do a lot of layers of scenting because strong scents give me a headache. I do like subtly scented body lotion, particularly vanilla-related scents. And I'm slowly growing my BPAL 'library'   Do you/how do you scent your world? Candles, incense, diffusers, potpourri? None of the above? Incense, mostly. Occasionally candles. I don't use things that require an open flame to disperse smell (other than candles) because, though I love how incense smells, I can't be in the house when it's actually burning because it gives me a headache and I can taste the incense. Leaving open flame in a diffuser alone + cats = bad.   BPAL is such a scent-ual experience. What are your other tactile, aural, or olfactory pleasures? The sound of skateboard wheels over the cracks in the sidewalk. The sound of birds and wind in the trees. The smell of baking bread, warm cookies. Tactile would be soft fleece or 'microfleece' blankets and jackets. I've been known to stick my face into fleece blankets at the store.   How do people feel about receiving baked goods/kits to make said goods? Or other cooking items? Would you enjoy oil or vinegar flavored with herbs grown at home? Strange and exotic spices with recipes to try? Cookies made with carnation petals? Yes, yes, yes! I love baking, trying new herbs, unusual ingredients, etc. My only restriction is that I'm a complete wimp when it comes to spicy/hot things. Mild salsa is my limit before uncontrollable coughing sets in. I also don't care for fennel and anise. But, I do love to bake and cook A LOT.   What are your pet's names, and what are they named for? Lucy, my 10 year old gray, part Russian blue cat had that name when I adopted her. She is very klutzy and unintentionally naughty, just like Lucy on I Love Lucy. (Though I have always hated that show) Odin, my 12 year old black cat, also had that name when I got him from a friend. He smites things a lot, like the litterbox, so it suits him. He's also fond of biting and purrs a lot when he's biting, which seems fitting. Vera, my 3 year old 4-lb. chihuahua, is named for Jayne's gun in Firefly. She may only weigh 4 pounds, but she is mighty. And very excitable. And a petite flower. Ruby is my 3 year old 5-lb. chihuahua. We originally picked it as a name that sounded in the same genre as Vera. But, she's just a Ruby-Doo. It just suits her. Oscar is my 6 year old 9-lb. chihuahua. We wanted another "old person" type name, but he looks a bit like a bear, and Oscar is similar to Osso.   Who here is a complete, over the top, Alice In Wonderland fanatic? I REALLY like Alice in Wonderland, and like the dark McGee (sp?) Alice game as well. Esp. the cheshire cat. And White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane.   Are you a Trekkie? If so, which series do you prefer? Do you have a favorite character? TNG, though I don't consider myself a trekkie. Picard and Wesley are probably my favorites. Actually, Wesley was rather a dork, but I like Wil Wheaton. I really liked the sometimes character Vash.   Do you have phobias? Yes, clowns, especially the Disney characters. And bodies of water that I can't see the bottom of. The unseen sight of large things....shiver...   How do you like your mix CDs? Random? Stuff you know you'll like? Either one, as long as it's not country or rap or sugary pop.   Would you rather get food or jewellery? Yes, both? Really, either would be fantabulous.   Do you like children's toys, such as jacks, those little things you tilt around to get the ball in the right hold (wtf are those called?), the aforementioned caplet dinosaurs, cap guns, etc?: I love toys. Lego's especially. Things to play with while code is deploying at work.   English candy/tea/marmite or other stuff that you love and can't easily get outside of England? I don't live in England and have no clue what marmite is. Though I had 'digestive biscuits' when I was in Ireland and I love the carmelized ones and haven't found them here.   Fanfic as a gift* - yay or nay? Your fandom? Slash preferences?*well, a virtual gift obviously. You know what I mean. I don't really know what fanfic is. My fandoms are Firefly, Supernatural, X-Files, Fringe, Hannibal, Tales from the Crypt, Dollhouse, Carnivale.   Any beaders here? Need beading supplies? I did some beading and have some beads. I'm not all that good at regular beading, but I like doing hemp work. Hemp work requires that the beads have much larger holes than standard beads. And, of course, hemp. I'd also like to try wire-wrapping.   Band-aids: do you like the fun and funky ones? I do! I bought my ex-husband pirate and cowboy band-aids and I was the only one that used them.   What's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you? A car accident, I think. I fell asleep and rolled my friend's car doing 80 mph with three friends in the car. Happily, no one was hurt.   What kind of music (genres, please) do you like? Old blues, jazz, singer/songwriter, punk rock, 'coffee shop' vocalists, folk, trance (as long as it's not too rave-y repetitive), ambient, classical, some classic rock, funk, ska, swing, gypsy   What kinds of eye shadows do we all like? I like natural colors, mostly browns and tints of brown. I don't have a particular brand, as long as they're not greasy. I use them so seldom.   Do you like lip balm? If so, do you like tinted, glossy, sparkly, pearly or just plain lip balm? Ummm...I'm kind of low-key, so tinted and sparkly stuff seems a little too diva for me. But, I LOVE Burts' Bees and swear by it endlessly. I'm also starting to use a burnt orange lip pencil.   Are you a soap addict? Anything you like to avoid in soaps (goat's milk, lye, dyes, etc...) or any particular scents you like or brands you want to try? I would like to be one and I'm totally open to suggestion and enabling. With soaps I've used in the past, I tend to like the more masculine scents - bay rum, sandalwood, etc.   By nature are you a morning lark or a night owl? It has shifted over my life. Currently...I think I'm a morning person, but I think I feel a shift to night owl coming on.   Where does everyone like shop for witching goodness? Cost Plus World Market, the natural foods co-op, farmer's market, thrift stores.




Halloween Switch Witch Random Questions - Part III

Halloween Switch Witch Random Questions - Part III ***9/3*** My questionnaire is chock-a-block with ideas for Witching me on the cheap, and without sending "stuff for stuff's sake". And I just came up with another one--make me a Pandora, Finetune, or Last.fm station you think I might like! What manner of affordable Witchery might you covet? I don't know if I can listen to Pandora anymore. For a while there they didn't let people in Canada listen to it... oh, yup, still not allowed to listen to Pandora. I've used Last.fm a bit but not Finetune. Anyway, I do love music, whether it's an online radio station recommendation, or a list of songs you think I'd like that I can search for on YouTube or whatever. I'd love a mix CD. I'd also greatly enjoy stories about your pets, and links to cute and funny videos. Ooh, and recipes that you really like that I should try out, tips on making stuff... ideas for things that I can do with my boyfriend on weekends! We tend to get really stressed out during the week at work and sometimes on weekend I feel like we need to do "something" but I never know what that something is so we just sit at home.   Does your cell phone have a place to attach charms? I just checked, and yes.   If you drink coffee (and make it yourself) do you use a French Press, regular filter basket coffee maker, Espresso Machine, Percolator? I use Starbucks! Hehe... I don't drink coffee very often. Occasionally I'll use the Espresso Machine at work but I don't really like the coffee from there.   What movie soundtracks (or scores) do you love? Lord of the Rings. The Hours. Err... I'm sure there's a whole lot more that I like but it's totally not coming to me right now.   How do you scent yourself? Do you layer soaps, moisturizers, etc. or do you go straight to slathering your bod with BPAL? I tend to only scent myself with BPAL these days. I've actually started getting into fragrance-free moisturizers because I want to use my BPAL and I'm afraid the scents will mix. I'm just such a slatherer of BPAL recently. I sometimes mix BPAL in unscented lotion. I can go through something like a fifth of a bottle if I'm doing that to slather in a lotion. If I'm not doing it in a lotion I use a bit less, but still quite a bit. Well, I guess it depends on the blend. If I know it's strong, I tend to slather less.   Do you/how do you scent your world? Candles, incense, diffusers, potpourri? None of the above? I use those ceramic aromatherapy thing with the tealight and the dish. The name is completely escaping me at the moment. Are those diffusers? I like room sprays and linen sprays but I always hold back from buying them for some reason. I also like those things with the bamboo sticks stuck in oils that somehow draw the scent up and into the room. Maybe those are the diffusers? Hehe. My brain is totally broken today. I don't use candles very much because most candles seem to have a waxy smell that I don't really like. And a lot of the scented candles I've sniffed are plasticky-sweet and artificial smelling. Maybe I've just not smelled really good ones.   BPAL is such a scent-ual experience. What are your other tactile, aural, or olfactory pleasures? I love knitting with very textured yarns. In the beginning I used to love the sooooooft yarns like Malabrigo and silk and stuff like that but over the course of the past year or so I've come to love yarns that seem less processed and are more "rustic", I guess. People seems to hate vegetable matter in stuff like Noro or Peace Fleece but I love it. I don't know why. I like picking stuff out of my sweater. Maybe I'm just fidgety. And I like imperfections in my yarn--bizarre place of thick and thinness, things like that. It just makes the knitting more interesting. And they feel nice on my fingers. I recently made something out of Sea Silk which is really smooth and soft and flowy and it felt weird, like there was nothing there. It was a little disconcerting.   And then there's music. I enjoy music so much. I can't get through a day without listening to something. It actually helps me work better if I can have music and not hear other people.   Sniffing. I sniff everything. My tea, my spices, my boyfriend, my yarn. MY YARN. Mmm, sniffing yarn. I sniff my cats too. It doesn't work out so well with Russell because he's very sheddy and I end up with a nosefull of kitty-fur. Nyxie's a lot better with the not-shedding so she's much nicer to sniff (though less patient so she's more likely to walk off). I also love cooking because of the smells.




Halloween Switch Witch Questions - Part II

Halloween Switch Witch Questions - Part II ***9/2*** How do people feel about receiving baked goods/kits to make said goods? Or other cooking items? Would you enjoy oil or vinegar flavored with herbs grown at home? Strange and exotic spices with recipes to try? Cookies made with carnation petals? I have to admit I'm a little wary of freshly baked food items sent in the mail. I'm afraid it will sit in the post office for weeks and weeks and I'll end up with a squished cake or moldy cookies or something. But cookies made with carnation petals? Wow, I'm really curious. Kits are great. Spices (exotic or otherwise)--woot! And I love oils.   What are your pet's names, and what are they named for? Nyxie and Russell. Nyxie's the first cat I've ever had. I've had her from the time she was a kitten. She's named after the black dragon Onyxia (40-man raid boss) in World of Warcraft. Onyxia --> Nyxie. Russell I got a year later, and he was an adult when I got him. He was found wandering the neighbourhood of someone from work, begging for food from people and looking longingly at the interiors of their houses when the doors were open. They think he was abandoned, though they couldn't find his original family. The people that found him already had three cats and a whole bunch of kids (they babysat for people) and they couldn't take him in. I had a spare room so I could keep him indoors and seperated from evil dragon kitty, Nyxie. We all agreed that he didn't look like he could fend for himself very well and he was wandering really close to a busy road and no one wanted him out near that. It was also late autumn and it was starting to get cold. So we took him in and he stayed in my spare room for a while. I posted stuff on the internet saying he was found but no one ever claimed him. Took him to the vet and got him checked out and eventually he became mine. We were originally thinking of calling him Gandalf (or Odin), because he's grey, but we settled on Russell--after the philosopher Betrand Russell--because he looked more like a Russell than a Odin (or Gandalf).   ***9/1*** Who here is a complete, over the top, Alice In Wonderland fanatic? Not really. I do like the Jabberwocky poem though. It just sounds great when you read it.   Are you a Trekkie? If so, which series do you prefer? Do you have a favorite character? Not a trekkie.   Do you have phobias? I hate worms and other squirmy things. Hate maggots, they make me want to run away and hide. There are places in World of Warcraft where you encounter squirmy grub-like creatures and the first time I saw them my boyfriend and I ended up dead because I was too busy going "Argh! OMG OMG!" and hyperventilating to kill them. That was at level 20. At level 50-ish, you encounter the same creature but twice as big in another area. *shudder*   How do you like your mix CDs? Random? Stuff you know you'll like? Random!   Would you rather get food or jewellery? Well, depends on the food, and whether it ships well. I have to say I do eat more often than I wear jewellery. I do like pretty things though.   Do you like children's toys, such as jacks, those little things you tilt around to get the ball in the right hold (wtf are those called?), the aforementioned caplet dinosaurs, cap guns, etc?: I have a few My Little Ponies at my desk at work... apart from that I'm not big on toys.   English candy/tea/marmite or other stuff that you love and can't easily get outside of England? Tea! Mmm... tea. English candy? Toffee! I like toffee.   Fanfic as a gift* - yay or nay? Your fandom? Slash preferences?*well, a virtual gift obviously. You know what I mean. Must be crackfic! And funny! Totally crazy weird stuff. Crossovers! I once wrote a Harry Potter meets Lara Croft fanfic. I didn't finish it though. Hee. Prefer weird to romantic.   Any beaders here? Need beading supplies? I like beads. Not a beader though I'm sure I'd find some way to work it into knitting.   Do you like making up your SW packages around a theme, or prefer to mix it all up? Don't know, never done it. I probably won't stick to a theme though. I'm a fairly random person.   Band-aids: do you like the fun and funky ones? I'd wear fun and funky band-aids.   What's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you? Nothing coming to mind at the moment...   ***8/31*** What is everyone's favorite Halloween song?! There are Halloween songs?   How many of mah fellow witchies play video games? Platform? Do you like used games? Video games? All. The. Time. I tend to prefer RPGs and Action/Adventure type games. I will play shooters if the story/setting interest me, but I don't gravitate towards them because the first person view gives me motion sickness. I play on the PC and X-box, mainly. I'm still playing World of Warcraft after almost three years, and I'm working my way through Grand Theft Auto IV on the X-box. I have a Wii because the boyfriend wanted one. I played Super Smash Bros. for about a week and he played some other game for about a week and now the Wii is just sitting there unused. I find I don't really enjoy Wii games. They have some good party games but a lot of the Nintendo stuff is not really my cup of tea. The games tend to have well-designed, fun gameplay but there really isn't anything that really draws me in. The stories and plot tend to be rather flimsy. If a game is multi-platform I tend to buy it for the PC or the X-box for better graphics. Oh, and I'm perfectly fine with used.   What kind of music (genres, please) do you like? Rock, alternative, indie, mash-up, folk.   Have any of you ever received a book from a Witchy and loved it so much you ended up buying a copy for a later Witchee? Never been witched.   What kinds of eye shadows do we all like? I barely wear eye shadow, though I do like it. I wish I could pull off the really bright, highly saturated, heavily pigmented eyeshadows (like red and turquoise and stuff) but I don't have the eyes for it. If I'm wearing it I tend to go for subdued colours and play up lips rather than eyes.   Do you like lip balm? If so, do you like tinted, glossy, sparkly, pearly or just plain lip balm? I love all lip balm! However very pale and pearly stuff tends to make me look a little weird because then my lips end up looking paler than my skin and I start looking like some kind of weird robot-person.   What are some of the SW gifts/finds from past rounds (or you can just name a gift in general that you found for someone if this is your first round!) that you are the most proud of in terms of your sleuthing skills? Well... I didn't find a gift for someone but I made my friend a knit hat with kitty ears that she really liked, and she always wanted one but was too shy to ask for one and was really happy when she got one at the start of winter last year.   And, secondly, what is something you've been searching for but just can't find? I have been trying to find Hercules: The Legendary Journeys for my boyfriend because he has fond memories of that show. It seems to be out of print now or something.   ***8/30*** Do you knit/crochet? Do you need any supplies? I knit! I've got most of the supplies I need though I lack stitch markers. I've been meaning to get them, especially the cute ones with dangly things. My yarn store carries them but I always forget to get them. I end up using little loops of cotton to mark my stitches.   What are your two favorite etsy shops? Don't have a favourite. I know, what kind of crafter am I, not having an etsy favourite? I've never bought anything from etsy. I like browsing it though. I'm not sure why I've never bought. I think it's because I was afraid of Paypal for a while. But then I found BPAL and had to get over that fear. So I expect I will be shopping at etsy soon. Possibly this SW round will cause me to loose my virginity.   Are you active on any other boards/forums? If so please specify where and your username there. Ravelry. I'm nonsequitur on there.   ***8/29*** What would you tell yourself 6 months in the past about 2008 so far? "I know you're pretty stressed out from stuff right now, but it's going to get worse." Hee.   If you had one minute of fame, what would you do/say in the spotlight? "Hi... er, gotta go." I really hate being in the spotlight. Stage fright and all.   Robots versus zombies: who wins? Robots.   What would zombie say? Braaaaainz?   Where are a few of your favorite places? On the couch with the xbox controller in my hand, cat on my lap and a beer on the coffee table. Or tea. I also really love the Rocky Mountains. I actually prefer it in winter when everything's white and covered in sparkly icicles, but I hate driving in winter so I never go. Also, it gets really cold. Walking around the sea wall in Vancouver. And Singapore, because I grew up there.   Out of curiosity, all the fall babies who are celebrating their birthdays during the round - who are you, and when is your bday? I'm a Spring/Summer baby,   What is one (only one) object that you collect, that totally goes against your personality or beliefs? Can't think of anything. I'm not much of a collector in the first place.   Are you a soap addict? Anything you like to avoid in soaps (goat's milk, lye, dyes, etc...) or any particular scents you like or brands you want to try? I love soaps. Being clean is good and all. I tend to use very basic store-bought soaps. I can't justify the expense of buying special soaps for everyday use. But I do like them.   Do you like kilts and would you wear one? I've never worn a kilt. I don't know if I'd wear one. I've worn many a plaid skirt but a real kilt? Hmmm. I think it might look like I was trying too hard to be scottish.




Pagany Ideas (things I like/need)

an Ash Tree wand anything with the Tree of Life on it Kitchen Witch themed items any cool item to serve as an offering dish (could be used, old, antique, new, whatever) chalice more Tarot Cards (I collect them and each set from a new Witch is a treasured gift) stones Hindu Statues Norse items (anything ... I've had a hard time finding things) feathers




Switch Witch wishlists and links updated 9.03.08

Things I like, love, and want to try from places other than BPAL...   Villainess tried and love: Ennui (soap and whipped) Pryromania (soap and smooch) Trauma (soap,smooch, and whipped) Quick or Dead (soap, smooch, and whipped) Datura Slick! Grundy Mud Friction (soap) Ginger Snapped (soap, smooch, and whipped) Embargo (soap)   would like to try: Embargo (smooch and whipped) Jai Mahal (soap, smooch, and whipped) Scintillating (soap, smooch, and whipped) Pearl Diver Mud Scintillating Mud   Lush things I have tried and love: ultimate shine solid shampoo soak and float solid shampoo veganese conditioner retread conditioner alkmaar soap mud flats soap   would like to try: rehab shampoo ice blue shampoo the blonde solid shampoo jumping juniper shampoo bar h'suan wen hua hair treatment marilyn hair treatment hair moisturizer lip service lip balm demon in the dark soap figs and leaves soap miranda soap harvey bath bomb     etsy favourites of MoonstoneMama




Halloween Switch Witch Questions - Part I

Halloween Switch Witch Questions - Part I ***8/29*** What's your favorite book? I don't know if I can pick. Off the top of my head I really like Susanna Clarke's Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell and Neil Gaiman's American Gods.   What size socks do you wear? How about hat size? I wear size seven shoes. I think my feet at pretty average. Same goes for my head.   Do you read comics? Which ones do you love and which can't you stand? I love the Sandman graphic novels. Recently I bought a couple of trade paperbacks of Buffy Season Eight. They were okay. Not great. When I was a teenager I was a huge X-men fan. I've been told Watchmen is pretty awesome but I haven't read those books yet. As for comic books I can't stand... "can't stand" might be too strong a phrase, but I don't have very much appreciation for anime-style art.   Symbols that are meaningful to me? I don't know. I might have to think about this for a while.   By nature are you a morning lark or a night owl? Night owl. Definitely. Have to get up early for work these days and I seldom ever get to do the up-till-dawn gaming sessions anymore, but oh well.   What's your favorite type of music to hear live, rather than recorded? Most music sounds better live, I think.   What is your favorite autumnal-seasonal drink? Cider? Does cider count?   ***8/28*** Crossword puzzles? Other pencil puzzles? I'm not much of a puzzle person. I'm a little too impatient and I'll probably just toss them at the boyfriend and get him to solve them for me. He likes puzzles.   Favorite artist? Alfons Mucha   Favorite poet? Tennysson, e.e. cummings.   Halloween. Do you like it kooky or creepy? I think I'd have to say kooky, since I like everything kooky.   Reserved or Raunchy? Are we talking about Halloween? Probably reserved. Probably not going to see me in a sexy latex nun outfit anytime soon.   Earth, Wind, Fire or Water? Earth.   Tea or Coffee in the morning? Tea.   Fruity snacks or chocolate? Chocolate.   Would you accept art? Of course.   Antiques or Brand New? Both.   What keywords do you use when searching for items for yourself on Etsy? Videogame, warcraft, RPG, geek, knitting, jewellery, art   Are there any of y'all who are allergic/sensitive to having natural fibers on your skin? I don't have any fabric allergies that I know of. I love natural fibres, especially the texture of more rustic wools like Peace Fleece. It may itch a little bit but I don't care. However, I dislike the feel of synthetic fabrics made out of acrylic and things like that. I can't stand touching them.   What was your favorite ghost/scary/campfire story growing up? None that I can recall.   Bugs? Do you like 'em or not? I love bugs! I grew up as a kid running around in my grandma's garden looking for beetles and spiders. I was also kind of a loner kid and would spend recess catching bugs to play with. I'm a little weirded out by wormy things though. Not big on the worms.   i haz no imp storage. do you? I haz imp storage, yes.   ***8/27*** If you have a garden/planter box, what do you grow? I once had a little planter box full of herbs. They died because I'm terrible with plants. Next summer I will get one of those huge barrel things and plant a barrel-full of "wildflowers". I've seen the seeds sold in the stores. They would be happy-surprise flowers! If they don't die.   What incense scents do you prefer? Patchouli! And spicy stuff. But I don't burn incense very much these days.   Do you decorate for Halloween? What sort of decorations? Dress up for Halloween? I aim to have a jack 'o lantern this year. But I think that will be pretty much it. And I plan to dress up, but I don't know what I'm going to be yet.   Bats, cats, skeletons, monsters, vampires, witches or what other ghoulies do you prefer? Cats, vampires and witches. I like faeries too. I don't suppose they count as ghoulies though.   Do you like horror flicks? No. I'm too easily frightened.   Who here prefers stylus and ink to ballpoint? Anyone invested time and effort into calligraphy or proper Victorian writing? ... what is this writing of which you speak? I press buttons and words appear on screen.   What about stationery? Need some? What styles do you like? I tend to communicate electronically.   ***8/26*** What is one item that you've wanted forever, could have afforded, but have never gotten and why (haven't you gotten it!)? I've been meaning to try some Possets, but there have been too many awesome BPAL scents that I've put it off.   What Halloween scent are you most looking forward to? A Blade of Grass!   Tattoos! Do you have em? Do you want em? Whatcha got or getting? I have two. I have a rosebud on my hip and a stylized skull on back.   Reduce - REUSE - recycle. Do others feel the same? I try my best.   What is your favorite crafting supply? Yarn. Wool.   Weigh in...Are you right or left-handed? Left.   Any period of time that you love? Victorian? Perhaps the Renaissance.   ***8/25*** What's your favorite part about Fall? The leaves turning.   Do you like office/school supplies? If so, what is your favorites? I like things I can stick on my fridge for shopping lists. Maybe that doesn't count as office supplies.   What's your favorite Halloween candy? I don't like candy corn... I don't know if I have a favourite. Something sour, perhaps?   Will you be participating NaNoWriMo? If so, is there anything you'd like to have for that? I haven't done NaNoWriMo in years! I probably won't be doing it this year either. Probably will be too busy at work.   ***8/22*** Where does everyone like shop for witching goodness? No clue yet, since I'm a newbie. I'm sure I'll figure something out. Etsy seems to have potential.   What is your favorite pumpkin goodness? I like roasted pumpkin.




More Extra Questions

***8/27*** If you have a garden/planter box, what do you grow? Neither. I keep trying to do the herbs on the kitchen window thing, but have been made of complete FAIL so far.   What incense scents do you prefer? I think I may have mentioned on my Q that one of my goals in life is to get my house to smell like a head shop. I burn lots of frankincense, myrhh, sandalwood, patchouli, nag champa, etc. My favorite brand (from what I've tried so far) is Incense from India, but I'm up for being enabled to other brands.   Do you decorate for Halloween? What sort of decorations? Dress up for Halloween? Oh hell's bells yes. Kinda cute but creepily kooky. No gore please.   Bats, cats, skeletons, monsters, vampires, witches or what other ghoulies do you prefer? All of the above. No green warty ugly witches please.   Do you like horror flicks? I like the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, but others, not so much really.   Who here prefers stylus and ink to ballpoint? Anyone invested time and effort into calligraphy or proper Victorian writing? Not I said the dog. Not I said the cat.   What about stationery? Need some? What styles do you like? Currently overstocked. I really need to get back to the mail thread and use a bunch up!   ***8/28*** Crossword puzzles? Other pencil puzzles? no   Favorite artist? Victoria Frances   Favorite poet? Majored in lit. Can't possibly pick one.   Halloween. Do you like it kooky or creepy? Tim Burtonish   Reserved or Raunchy? Depends on the situation. I prefer the Switch Witch thread a bit raunchy.   Earth, Wind, Fire or Water? I'm a very airy Aquarius.   Tea or Coffee in the morning? Mountain Dew, please and thank you.   Fruity snacks or chocolate? Both, but not together.   Would you accept art? Of course I haven't gotten time to redo my Etsy wishlist yet, but a browse through my favorites would yield ideas about my taste, as would the Halloween Somerset Studios.   Antiques or Brand New? either   What keywords do you use when searching for items for yourself on Etsy? Hmmm... haven't had much browsing time lately, but usually either "goth" or "black" and then a noun   Are there any of y'all who are allergic/sensitive to having natural fibers on your skin? Wool makes me itch like crazy, and I assume that other fibers that commonly make others itch would be bad news as well.   What was your favorite ghost/scary/campfire story growing up? ???   Bugs? Do you like 'em or not? I like butterflies and dragonflies. I will allow ladybugs to crawl on me. Otherwise --   i haz no imp storage. do you? I think instead of getting more imp storage, I need to weed out the imps.




Some more from today...

My questionnaire is chock-a-block with ideas for Witching me on the cheap, and without sending "stuff for stuff's sake". And I just came up with another one--make me a Pandora, Finetune, or Last.fm station you think I might like! What manner of affordable Witchery might you covet? I'm not doing this for the expensive gifties - I have to keep my witching at a reasonable cost and I would hope that who ever gets me feels the same. Hand made stuff rocks. The food ideas rock. Gently used stuff like books, smellies, bath stuff etc (anything that I'd feel cool about swapping for example) is excellent. Just don't break the bank because you feel like you're supposed to - that's not why we're here - it really is the thought that counts!   Oh and as an aside - Canadians (and I suspect other internationals) can't use Pandora. Not sure about Finetune. Last.fm is fine.   Does your cell phone have a place to attach charms? I don't think my phone has the thingie to hang the charm from. Base model and all that




Halloweenie SW Questions

Questions from the Halloweenie 2008 SW Round:   How do you feel about copies of music or dvd's that your witch might have that you might enjoy? Not just mixes, but whole copies? I am completely fine with it. If I like something I try to buy it (we own tons of CDs and DVDs), but I love hearing new music or finding new things to watch.   Say, witches, I have a question about birthdays. do you expect/rely on other people to plans birthday outings and activities? I would like to rely on other people, but usually I have to do the planning otherwise things don't happen.   Tarts? Yes/no? I do love tarts, although I don't burn them as much as I should (I actually have an electric burner and a ton of tarts to use though, so I don't need more)- I always have trouble getting the old tart out too. I do love scented candles though.   I'm wondering if my witchee would like to try these types of things (like the caramel with sea salts or chocolates with chilis/bacon/salt etc.)? Well, I have caramels so infrequently (since they have to be specially made with no milk- BTW- whoever posted that caramel recipe with coconut milk is amazing- I've had them with rice or soy milk, but I'm thinking they'd be way better with coconut milk- no aftertaste) that I think I'd just prefer the normal kind. Weird chocolate? Meh. Weird candy sounds cool though.   And finally, I have a question to throw into the general question bank (hopefully my Witchee answers!): What think you about receiving tea accessories and/or miscellany (like mugs, cups, saucers, strainers/filters, honey, natural sweeteners [like stevia])?   Well, I have lots of honey and stevia and whatnot, so I don't need any of that, although I wouldn't mind a strainer (a friend of mine has one that just fits inside the cup (the strainer is mug shaped) and then you can just take it out. I have a lot of loose tea that I don't drink that often because it's a hassle (and tea balls are kind of annoying to me). What one (or two, if you really must) BPAL bottles are you most longing for? Well, Pumpkin King (stop laughing!), and then I'd have to say MB: Underpants (which I actually had a bottle of when it first came out but it went kind of plastic on me so I got rid of it- now that it's aged it's wonderful. I have a couple imps but I'd love to get an actual bottle of it again), and finally L'Autumno.   Ringtones? My default one is an instrumental clip from Past and Future Secret by Blind Guardian, but I have all sorts of different ringtones for the people in my phone, so I know who's calling.   Addams Family vs. Munsters? Adams Family   I wonder if my witchee would like a blanket type thing. Would you? I certainly wouldn't mind one. I don't know why I haven't gone out and bought one. We have two- one is from my idiot brother with some NASCAR guy on it (because my husband is into cars, although not NASCAR- I've used it as a picnic blanket for reading in the forest preserve and I always feel like people are going to judge me because of my trashy NASCAR blanket- no offense to anyone who likes NASCAR- we actually have a sweet friend who is originally from the south who is obsessed with it. NASCAR just has a trashy connotation for me). The other is one with snowmen on it (another gift) that has spilled candle wax all over it. So, I guess I could use one.   What is your favorite thing to do on a cool fall day? I'd say going for a walk in the forest to lament summer's passing. I do love fall, but I hate winter (I mean, I like for a little while, but a couple weeks after Christmas I can't wait for spring. I hate not being able to go outside without freezing to death. ugh).   If you drink coffee (and make it yourself) do you use a French Press, regular filter basket coffee maker, Espresso Machine, Percolator? We use a French press ever since our coffee maker broke. I do love the way coffee tastes with it, although I do miss drinking a whole pot in the morning. What movie soundtracks (or scores) do you love? I think the one I listen to the most is the Garden State soundtrack.   How do you scent yourself? Do you layer soaps, moisturizers, etc. or do you go straight to slathering your bod with BPAL? I do like scented soaps/moisturizers, but BPAL is my mainstay.   Do you/how do you scent your world? Candles, incense, diffusers, potpourri? Candles and incense the most.   Would you enjoy oil or vinegar flavored with herbs grown at home? Strange and exotic spices with recipes to try? Cookies made with carnation petals? Cookies with carnation petals sound interesting! What are your pet's names, and what are they named for? Romana for the second regeneration of Romana in old (Tom Baker) Doctor Who.   Who here is a complete, over the top, Alice In Wonderland fanatic? I like Alice in Wonderland, although I’m not obsessed.   Are you a Trekkie? If so, which series do you prefer? Do you have a favorite character? I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a “Trekkie”, although I have watched all the Star Trek incarnations with the exception of the original series (which I’ve watched some of, although I’m not overly crazy about it). I guess my favorites are TNG and Voyager. Captain Picard is probably my favorite character.   Do you have phobias? Spiders *shivers*   How do you like your mix CDs? Random? Stuff you know you'll like? I like them in mp3 format the most, and like all kinds (expect country and rap- ugh). Would you rather get food or jewelry? jewelry Do you like children's toys, such as jacks, those little things you tilt around to get the ball in the right hold (wtf are those called?), the aforementioned caplet dinosaurs, cap guns, etc?: Yes, but I have too much crap in my house. English candy/tea/marmite or other stuff that you love and can't easily get outside of England? Sure! I love things from other countries! Do you like making up your SW packages around a theme, or prefer to mix it all up? I haven’t done a theme (yet).   What's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you? Well, I almost died in a car accident when I was 17, so I’d have to say that.   What is everyone's favorite Halloween song?! I don’t think I have one.   How many of mah fellow witchies play video games? Platform? Do you like used games? No video games for me.   What kind of music (genres, please) do you like? Female singer/songwriters, piano driven music, trip hop. Have any of you ever received a book from a Witchy and loved it so much you ended up buying a copy for a later Witchee? I have gotten books I’ve loved and may gift them in the future…   What kinds of eye shadows do we all like? I don’t wear much, although I’m not against it. Do you like lip balm? If so, do you like tinted, glossy, sparkly, pearly or just plain lip balm? I like every kind of lip balm. Are you active on any other boards/forums? If so please specify where and your username there. I’ve recently joined The Long Hair Community, and am Arylkin there and everywhere. I’m the only Arylkin too, so if you google Arylkin and a million things come up, they’re all me.   Robots versus zombies: who wins? I would think Robots, since the Zombie’s couldn’t really hurt them or eat their brains. Where are a few of your favorite places? Forests and lakes in Wisconsin that we go to on vacation and Marco Island, where we had our honeymoon.   Are you a soap addict? Anything you like to avoid in soaps (goat's milk, lye, dyes, etc...) or any particular scents you like or brands you want to try? I am a soap addict, but avoid goat’s milk.   Do you like kilts and would you wear one? I like them, but I don’t know if I’d wear one.   What's your favorite book? I have so many I love. Including The Anne of Green Gables Books by LM Montgomery (especially Rilla of Ingleside, but you have to read all the others first), These Is My Words by Nancy Turner, The Doomsday Book by Connie Willis, Afton of Margate Castle by Angela Hunt, The Blue Castle by LM Montgomery Gracelin O'Malley by Ann Moore, Perelandra by CS Lewis, Summers at Castle Auburn by Sharon Shinn, Stardust by Neil Gaiman, the Narnia Books, and many others. What size socks do you wear? How about hat size? Socks- average? I don’t know what my hat size is. Do you read comics? Which ones do you love and which can't you stand? I don’t, although I’ve been meaning to try and read some- not anime though.   By nature are you a morning lark or a night owl? I’d say more of a night owl. I do like early morning, but I hate getting up.   What's your favorite type of music to hear live, rather than recorded? Classical probably.   What is your favorite autumnal-seasonal drink? Hot cider. Crossword puzzles? Other pencil puzzles? No   Favorite artist? I do like John William Waterhouse and Mucha, and many others.   Favorite poet? I’m not sure I have one Halloween. Do you like it kooky or creepy? Probably kooky   Reserved or Raunchy? More reserved than raunchy   Earth, Wind, Fire or Water? Water   Tea or Coffee in the morning? Usually coffee in the morning, tea at night.   Fruity snacks or chocolate? Fruity   Would you accept art? Yes   Antiques or Brand New? Both- I do love interesting antiques though What keywords do you use when searching for items for yourself on Etsy? Labradorite, silver, vintage   Are there any of y'all who are allergic/sensitive to having natural fibers on your skin? I don’t like wool   What was your favorite ghost/scary/campfire story growing up? The girl with the green ribbon who’s head rolled off. Bugs? Do you like 'em or not? I like them, as long as they have 6 legs rather than 8 i haz no imp storage. do you? I do   What incense scents do you prefer? I like an assortment. I have been wanting to find that “Catholic Church Incense” smell though. Do you decorate for Halloween? What sort of decorations? Dress up for Halloween? No   Bats, cats, skeletons, monsters, vampires, witches or what other ghoulies do you prefer? Bats and monsters   Do you like horror flicks? NO   Weigh in...Are you right or left-handed? Right   Any period of time that you love? Maybe the 20’s or before WWI. I also like the Middle Ages   What's your favorite part about Fall? The changing of the leaves What's your favorite Halloween candy? Candy Corn- no question Will you be participating NaNoWriMo? If so, is there anything you'd like to have for that? No


