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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Rose Cross

Category: Sin and Salvation   Auuuugh OMG!!!   Either I have only experienced very well-behaved, domesticated notes of rose before, or I just haven't had rose on my skin before. But this blend HATES me. And I hate it. From the second I opened the imp it was ROOOOOOOOSE, attacking my nostrils and pounding against my temples trying to give me a headache. And, wouldn't you know it, I not only amped it, but it lasted...all...day...long. Oh good Lord.   Near the end, it *did* morph into the sandalwood note, but it was far too little tempering, far too late. Aside from the very interesting morphing process, this blend holds no allure for me.   I will still have to experiment with rose a bit more to see if I just hate all roses, or if it's just certain blends. But I'm scared to.





Category: Illyria   This is a really light, clean, pretty scent -- just like a fresh bouquet of flowers. Usually in scents like this I home in on the stems, the leaves, almost anything but the actual blossoms, but here I don't have so much of a choice; my nose is buried in fragrant petals. That's far from a bad thing, though; they are soft and given with affection, and therefore inutterably beautiful. There is an extra hint of berry-like sweetness, but it's perfectly-balanced and subtle with the rest of the blend. It's very lovely -- definitely go for this if you like fresh scents or florals.





Category: Excolo   For the most part, I don't get any sweetness from this, certainly not in a juicy cherry way like others have mentioned -- it's just spicy and warm. Granted, it's a pungeance that does have a bit of moistness to it, like rosemary oil, or when you crush sage leaves between your fingers...hmm, and I guess I can smell the plum, lurking around in the background there. So I guess there *is* a bit of sweetness there, but overall, to me, it's all herbs and drying fruit and a hint of incense.




House Of Night

Category: Ars Moriendi   At first sniff, it's very green and a bit herbal; I definitely get the funeral boughs, as well as the dried stems of leftover, long-dead bouquets.   As it warms up, it does get a little bit sweeter, and more floral, in a very subtle way.   It has very little throw, and average staying power. If you enjoy piney scents, I'd say to give this a try.




Western Diamondback

In the imp: Uber leathery - that cherry-vanilla leather that I get from Quincey Morris. A touch of Snake Oil underneath.   On wet: Oooh - sweeeet Snake Oil! Extra sweet! Absolutely delicious.   Drydown: Back to mostly leather. It's sweet, though, and both the sandalwood and Snake Oil are apparent - not sure where the sage is, it's usually not very friendly with my chemistry. There's an almost smoky quality to this now, and it's *really* yummy. If the sage stays missing or quiet (whatever it's doing), I'll be extremely happy.   Overall: Lovely. This is dark and sweet and lightly smoked - it's also quite addictive. I can't stop sniffing myself! Totally brings to mind being pinned against the wall of some dark club by a pair of very masculine, leather-clad arms. ::fans self:: Oooh, yeah - I'm thinking I might need a bottle of this one. Freakin' HAWT! 4.5/5




Mouse's Long and Sad Tale

I meant to post this last night, but the epic thunderstorm was epic so I had to disconnect, just in case. Anyway, I made my first BPAL purchase yesterday. I had been thinking about it for awhile, but I had no idea what scents I would like. I knew I'd liked sandalwoods and ambers and vanillas in other stuff but I had no idea if I'd like anything else. Long story short, I never got around to ordering anything because I didn't want to spend money blind. Then yet another person on my LiveJournal flist bought a bunch of imps and I went clicking through the site again. I made a list of scents that sounded interesting thinking I'd buy a set of imps. Then I looked at the list of brick and mortar locations hoping there would be something in or around Boston, MA, where I go to school. There wasn't anything there, but at the bottom of the page was a place in South Burlington, VT of all places. I live a couple towns over and actually had an appointment out that way, anyway. So I told my mom about it and asked if we could stop there on the way home, which we did. We then proceeded to spend about the next hour trying everything that they had in stock, including a few from the want list I'd typed up. Well, I didn't end up liking any of them. I went with "Mouse's Long and Sad Tale," with "Phantom Queen" as a close second. Neither of them were on my list at home, so go figure. I'm hoping to figure out what it was about those two that I liked so I can try some other as well, but I'm not very good at that sort of thing.




Nostrum Remedium

In the imp: An almost candy-like sweetness and tea.   On wet: Fresh, sweet, faintly...lemon and/or anise-y?   Drydown: Wow, I can't get over how much muted lemon (pith?) I'm getting from this! I know tea can have a citrus-y vibe, but this goes far beyond a mere "vibe", my friend. The sweetness present is of the lighter, cooler variety - like white sugar that's been heated into a syrup and then chilled. It's pretty intense. The tea lives underneath that sugar-glazed lemon. It's a weak brew, but distinct when I press my nose against my skin. Not 100% sure what wasabi as a scent component should smell like, but I *am* picking up on a touch of heat where I applied the oil - it's making my skin tingle! No pain, no redness, nothing unpleasant - more like my wrist has been in the sun for a while.   Overall: Interesting blend - wearable, pretty, simple and complex at the same time - but, ultimately, not for me. I have Dorian and Severin to see to all my tea-scent needs. If sugared tea (with a wasabi-tingle!) is *your* thing, though, you will absolutely love this. 3.5/5




New order is here! Hence, reviews.

No. 93 ENGINEBeeswax candles reflect flickering light onto a brass-coated boiler engraved with the words "Solve Et Coagula". The gargantuan boiler sends torrents of steam into rigid pipes that exert force onto innumerable pistons and turbine blades. The motion is harnessed to propel energy into gargantuan cogs and gears that move liquid metals, herbs, and resins into a series of alembics.   Balm of Gilead, benzoin, frankincense, balsam of peru, beeswax, saffron, galbanum, calamus, hyssop, mastic, lemon balm, and white sage. I was really looking forward to this one, based on recommendations from some helpful forumites, and it did not disappoint. In the bottle, the beeswax is prominent, and other scents are a bit hard to distinguish. On, other notes make themselves known. Benzoin, saffron, maybe a little lemon balm. This scent is complex and lovely. I can see why it was so highly recommended.   DEEJohn Dee: master of science, alchemy and magic, Hermetic philosopher in the schools of Rosicrucian Christian Mysticism and Platonic-Pythagorean doctrine, and Queen Elizabeth’s astrologer, advisor, cryptologist and spy. With Edward Kelly, he created a field of study and work in Angelic Evocation, and isolated the Angelic language: Enochian. His scent is soft English leather, rosewood and tonka with a hint of incense, parchment and soft woods. The tonka and leather are the strongest notes in the bottle. On, as it dries, I get more of the incense and parchment, and very subtle rosewood. This is awesome. Another winner recommended by CaffeinatedAngel (thanks!). This is going to be great on the hubby, too. We may need a bottle.   THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISMBronze gears spin inside a polished wooden case, and an entire universe dances within.   Teakwood, oak, black vanilla, and tobacco. This sounds right up my alley, but there's a note here — the teakwood? — that smells like the vet's office. I'm not sure if it's a particular medicine, or a pet shampoo vets use, or what, but it definitely smells subtly of vet's office. Otherwise, it's nice. The black vanilla and tobacco are great. I can't get past that, unfortunately.   Edit: I went home and fed my cats, and realized immediately what it is. There's a note in there that smells like Iams (which would explain the vet's office thing).   OThe scent of sexual obsession, slavery to sensual pleasure, and the undercurrent of innocence defiled utterly. Amber and honey with a touch of vanilla. Amber, honey and vanilla? Sign me up. This is very sexy indeed.   MME. MORIARTY, MISFORTUNE TELLERA colorless woman bursts from an elaborate gold and ruby tent and faints dead at your feet. Soft laughter emits from the dark entrance to the tent, and the scent of musk, black fruits and incense touches your senses. Looking up, you see that the sign hovering above the unconscious woman is adorned with images of the Major Arcana's Tower and reads: "Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller. No fate too grim, no future too bleak." A tiny woman with floor-length black dreadlocks walks out of the tent, stepping over the prone body. She is clothed in deep red wrappings, and is bedecked in golden ornaments bearing alchemical symbols and charms representing eternity, chance, and wisdom. She pauses, looks you over slowly, and then flicks a tarot card at your feet. Red musk, vanilla bean, pomegranate, patchouli leaf and wild plum. Another scent I was really looking forward to trying, and she doesn't disappoint. In the bottle, I get musk, vanilla, a hint of patchouli maybe, and pomegranate. On wet, the musk and vanilla are most prominent, with a stronger patchouli presence and a subtle smokiness. As it dries, the pomegranate returns, the patchouli softens, and it's a lovely, complex blend. Very nice indeed.   CROWLEYNothing about him looked particularly demonic, at least by classical standards. No horns, no wings. Admittedly he was listening to a Best of Queen tape, but no conclusions should be drawn from this because all tapes left in a car for more than a fortnights metamorphose into Best of Queen albums. No particularly demonic thoughts were going through his head. In fact, he was wondering vaguely who Moey and Chandon were. Crowley had dark hair, and good cheekbones, and he was wearing snakeskin shoes, or at least presumably he was wearing shoes, and he could do really weird things with his tongue. And, whenever he forgot himself, he had a tendency to hiss. Infernal musk, red patchouli, lilac cologne, mahogany, lemon rind, oakmoss, leather, and vanilla husk. In the bottle, this is a really nice combination. It's mostly musk and lilac, with a hint of lemon rind and leather. On wet, the tobacco begins to come through, on top of the musk and lilac. As it dries, it becomes more complex as more of the subtler scents come out. I really like this one. Works great on both me and my hubby (although, admittedly, a wee bit better on him).   PERVERSIONThe perfect scent to wear to your next bondage ball, dungeon adventure or sojourn to your favorite pleasure dome. Smoky rum and black tobacco with a whisper of steamy leather with a splash of crystalline chardonnay, layered over a sensual, sweet, and deceptively magnetic base of tonka. In the bottle, I get a lovely, sweet scent. Rum and tonka, with a tiny bit of leather and chardonnay. On wet, the tobacco begins to come through. Dry, it's very nice. Mostly rum and tonka, with those nice hints of tobacco and chardonnay.   LOVIATARThe Finnish Goddess of Agony, Torment and the joy found in inflicting pain on others. The Mistress of Torture, she has transformed in the modern era into the patron Goddess of Dominatrixes. The slap of slick, hot leather punctuates the warm, sensual embrace of black amber, red musk and dark, lascivious myrrh. Myrrh strikes again. In the bottle, this smells really nice. Leather and amber, with a bit of musk, mostly. When I first put it on, it's leathery with a touch of roses. Then the myrrh kicks in and it's just awful on me. I've got to learn to avoid it.   BLACK PHOENIXOur signature oil. A dark, languid scent. Promotes hedonistic tendencies and extreme self-love. You won't stop kissing mirrors for a month. This is really interesting and complex. In the bottle, I get a bit of green, pine-iness, but not in a Pine Sol sort of way. It's something dark and green and foresty. There's also a sweet, fruity scent that neither the hubby nor I can quite identify. On wet, it goes a bit soapy at first. As it dries, however, it returns to this dark, complex green-and-fruit scent. This is going to take some time to wear and think about.   SEVERINLeopold von Sacher-Masoch, the Father of Masochism and sexual surrender, had planned on writing six volumes of erotic literature entitled The Heritage of Cain. Only the first two volumes were completed, the more famous of the two being the notorious Venus in Furs. This novel tells the tale of a man, Severin, that enters into a relationship of slavery and increasingly debauched degradation with his mistress, Wanda. Dry black teas, Earl Gray, and leather. In the bottle, this has a lovely tea scent (I can definitely get the Earl Grey) with just a touch of leather. On both the hubby and me, it's mostly tea and lemon. It's a very nice scent, but not necessarily something either of us would wear. I like it, though. May keep it and use it to make scented candle tart things.   SUDHA SEGARANamed after the primordial ocean of milk where Lord Vishnu reclines upon the thousand-headed Naga. Sweet milk and warm, healing ginger with a touch of golden honey and our blend of Ambrosia. In the bottle, this definitely gives me milk and honey, with some lovely ginger. On, it's pretty much exactly the same. Very true to bottle scent. It's quite pretty, but not really stunning. I tend to prefer more complex scents.   AZATHOTHThe Daemon Sultan, Seething Nuclear Chaos ...that last amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the centre of all infinity — the boundless daemon-sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily in inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond time amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin, monotonous whine of accursed flutes; to which detestable pounding and piping dance slowly, awkwardly, and absurdly the gigantic ultimate gods, the blind, voiceless, tenebrous, mindless Other Gods whose soul and messenger is the crawling chaos Nyarlathotep. Azathoth is the blind, idiot god who sits on a black throne at the center of Chaos. His scent is high-pitched and screeching, both impenetrably dark and searingly bright with the clarity of madness: tangerine, saffron, vetiver, black amber and cedarwood. In the bottle, this smells really interesting. It's an intriguing combination of notes. On, it just doesn't work for me. I think it's something about the combination of tangerine and saffron, or tangerine and cedar, that just doesn't work for me at all.   FRENCH LOVEA warm, soft, sexual blend. Sweet and alluring. Used to entice new lovers and add an aura of temptation and carnal sin to your environment. In the bottle, this seems like a sweet, nice scent. Unfortunately, on me it turns straight to powder. Headache-inducing powder.   And on that note, I stop testing for today. *goes to scrub off French Love and put on something non-headachey*





In the imp and on my fingers it's a very pretty, musky vanilla.   Wet on my wrists: Holy cow, LILAC! Wow, where did my wonderful vanilla and musk go? Where's my COCONUT???   Drying: Ah, thank you lilac for quieting down. You know, you really don't have to scream to be heard. And there is my coconut barely whispering to me and my vanilla and musk are coming out of hiding.   Dry: It's beautiful. Really. Everything has blended nicely and keeps slightly shifting. Very sexy and feminine, without being girly, trashy, or too sophisticated. I'm getting a bottle.




aug 16th will call

Finally picked up sturgeon moon. I also got Agrat-bat-mahlat (sp?) and a pack of imps. I've updated my "I have/like" & "wish" lists accordingly.   I tried on some of the halloween/autumn stuff & most of the grindhouse agiain. I finally decided there were only 2 grindhouse ladies that worked for me. And only one i loved. So, I got Agrat. I met up with Stephanie & we exchanged imps. She's such a sweetie.




Review of some BPTP frimps

Just reviewing some of the frimps included with my yoga pants/locket order.   Queen of ShebaA woman of exquisite, unearthly beauty, profound intelligence, wit, and exceeding wealth, the Queen of Sheba — called Bilquis by the Muslims and Makeda by the ancient Abyssinians — traveled by caravan to Solomon's realm seeking proof of the king's reputed wisdom. Bearing gifts of exotic spices, a veritable mountain of gold, hearty camels and precious stones, she presented herself to the king and, bearing her heart to him, asked him a series of challenging questions, and was ultimately convinced of the truth of his wisdom, knowledge and judiciousness. In the end, the great king and queen conquered each other's hearts and fell breathlessly in love: the perfect marriage of equals. Her scent is a bounty of golden honeyed almonds and a whisper of African and Middle Eastern spices. Wow. In the bottle, this smells exactly as described: honeyed almonds and spices. On, it's fabulous! Honeyed almonds, saffron, cadamom, maybe a touch of cumin and more. Pure awesome.   Dragon's TearsBittersweet yet powerful: salty aquatic notes and bursting with dragon's blood. In the bottle, it reminds me strongly of Sturgeon Moon, with some dragon's blood thrown in. On me, it smells like this at first, with a little stronger dragon's blood, but then it kinda goes weird. On my hubby Ben, though, it's great. The scent stays very true. Really nice.   MasqueradeA festive, dazzling blend, layered in mystery and intrigue. Patchouli, ambergris, carnation and orange blossom. In the bottle, this smells like patchouli and orange blossom. On wet, the scents are the same, but the patchouli is much softer and the orange scent really comes through. As it dries, though, it takes on a smokiness that just doesn't work for me in combination with the patchouli and orange.   ThanatosOne of the horrible, painful, cruel, brooding, mocking and malignant children of Nyx, he is Death Incarnate, and is seen as a willowy young man, accompanied by a butterfly, bearing an inverted torch and funeral wreath in his hands. In modern thought, thanks to Sigmund Freud, it is the Death Instinct: love of death, destruction and decay, and the desire to embrace the quiescence, silence and peace of the grave. Dry white sandalwood and soft Siamese benzoin over a lugubrious blend of myrrh, Moroccan rose, mastic, tomb moss and a thin whiff of Greek incense. In the bottle, I get the sandalwood and benzoin. There's also a sweet, vaguely floral scent. It's just a little funereal. On, it almost disappears. Not much throw. But as it dries, the floral amps and it's definitely more funereal. Not a favorite.   Cheshire CatGrapefruit, red currant, dark musk, Roman chamomile, delphinium, and lavender. In the bottle, I get lots of grapefruit, chamomile, and maybe a touch of lavender. On wet, it's pretty much the same. As it dries, it softens and blends very nicely. The lavender is stronger, but it's not bad, as lavender tends to be. It's very smooth. Not my personal taste (I don't like grapefruit much as a scent to wear), but I may get this for Mom for Christmas. Right up her alley, I think.   BluebeardA scent swirling with dark rage, unbridled jealousy, and murderous intent. Violet, lavender, white musk and vetiver. In the bottle, the violet is strong! Maybe a touch of lavender and vetiver. On, this is pretty nice, actually. The lavender doesn't really come through. It's a nice violet scent, with maybe a little musk and vetiver.




What BPAL I Have!

Replaced by new entry Dec 2013; keeping this one for hyperlinks to reviews. Please also seemy ScentBase Profile   Click a bolded name to see my review Ranking system: 1 don't like; 2 like; 3 love *denotes bottle sn denotes sniffie only   #20 Love Oil, 13(Oct 2006) (*LE;3)   Abhisarika (LE;3) Absinthe (1), Aelopile, Aeval, Agape, The Agony of Longing (snLE;3)The Agony of Loss (*LE), Ahathoor (*3), Aizen-Myoo (1), Ajna, Al-Azif, Alecto, Alice, All Night Long, All Saints 2006 (*LE;2), All Souls 06 (LE;1), Allison Gross (LE), Amsterdam, Anactoria (LE), Anahata, Annabel Lee (*LE;3), Anne Bonny (3), Antique Lace (3), Antonio The Carny Barker (LE;3), Antony, Anubis (3), Arachne, Ariadne Brunell (LE), Aries 07 (*LE), Arkham, Arkham Revisited (*LE;3), The Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil (3), Asp Viper (*LE;3), Asphodel (3), Athens (*3), The Atrocious Attic (LE), Aunt Caroline’s Joy Mojo, Aureus, Australian Copperhead (LE;1), Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand (LE;3), Ave Maria Gratia Plena   Bad Luck Woman Blues (*LE;1), Baghdad, Banded Sea Snake (*LE;3), Baobhan Sith, Baron Samedi, Bastet (1), Bat's Blood res(LE;3), Bathsheba, Bayou, Beanman and Beanwoman Prepare to Attack the Vagina (*LE;2), Beatrice (LE), Beaver Moon 07 (*LE;3), La Bella Donna Mia Mente, Belladonna (2), La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente, La Belle Dame Sans Merci, Belle Époque, Belle Vinu, Bengal (2), Bensiabel, Bess, Bewitched, biggerCritter (*;3), Bien Loin d'Ici, Les Bijoux, Elixir VIII: Bitch (*3), Bitter Moon (LE), Black Annis (2), Black Butterfly Moon (LE), Black Cat, Black Forest, Black Heart (LE;3), Black Hellebore, Black Lace (*;3), Black Lily (*3), Black Moon (*LE;3), Black Opal, Black Pearl, Black Phoenix (2), Black Rose, Black Temple Burlesque Troupe (LE), Bliss, Block Buster, Blood (2), Blood Amber, Blood Countess (2), Blood Kiss, Blood Moon 05 (LE;2), Blood Moon 08 (*LE), Blood Pearl, Blood Phoenix(*LE;3), Blood Rose, Bloodlust, The Bloody Sword (*LE;3), Bluebeard, Blue Fire (LE), Blue Moon May07 (*LE;3), Blue Moon 09 (Beth’s) (*LE), Blue Moon 09 (Brian’s) (LE), Boo Bam (LE), Boomslang (LE;1), Bon Vivant, The Bow & Crown of Conquest, The Brides of Dracula (*LE;3), Brimstone, Brisingamen (1), Brown Jenkins, Budding Moon (LE), But Men Loved Darkness Rather Than Light (LE), Butterflies & Plovers (LE)   Cairo, Calico Jack, Carfax Abbey (*LE;3), Carnal, Carnaval Diabolique (LE;2), The Caterpillar, Cathedral, Chaos Theory V2:The O Series (*LE), Cheshire Cat, The Chilling Cellar (LE), Chimera, Chintamani-Dhupa (LE;2), Chiroptera (*LE;3), Chuparosa (3), The Churchyard (LE), Clarimonde (LE), Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Those Condemned to Death, Clio (LE), The Clod and the Pebble (*LE;3), The Coil, Come To Me, Copper Phoenix (*LE), Cordelia, Coral Snake (LE;2), Cottonmouth (LE;1), Count Dracula (*LE;2), A Countenance Forboding Evil, Countess Dolingen of Gratz (LE), Coxcomb (*LE), Coyote (3), Cristina (LE), Crossroads, Croquet, Crow Moon(*LE;3), Crypt Queen (*LE;3)   Dana O’Shee, Dance of Death (3), Danse Macabre, Danube, Dark Delicacies (*), The Darkling Thrush (*LE;2), Darkness, Daya (LE;3), Death Adder (LE;1), Death On A Pale Horse, Debauchery, Ded Moroz (LE), Dee, The Deep Ones (1), Defutita, Delight, Delirium, Delousing Powder (LE), Delphi (3), Depraved, Desdemona, Desire, Despair (*;3), Destroying Angel, Devil’s Claw, Devil's Night 05 (LE;1), Dia (*LE;3), Diable en Boîte (LE), Dirty, Djinn (2), Doc Buzzard (LE;3), Doc Constantine (LE), Dolce Stil Nuovo (LE;2), Dorian, The Dormouse (2), Dove’s Heart, Dragon Moon06 (LE;3), Dragon Moon 08 (*LE;2), Dragon's Blood (2), Dragon's Bone (3), Dragon's Claw (2), Dragon's Heart (*3), Dragon's Hide (1), Dragon's Milk (*3), Dragon's Musk, Dragon's Reverie (3), Dragon's Tears (2), Dreamland (LE), Drink Me (1), Dublin (2)   Eat Me (1), Eclipse (3), The Ecstasy of Infatuation (LE), The Ecstasy of Passion (*LE), Embalming Fluid (3), The Emathides (LE); Enraged Orangutan Musk (LE;3), Envy, Eos, Erato, Eris, Eshe (*LE;3), Et Lux Fuit (LE;3), Euphrosyne, Euterpe, Eve, Event Horizon   Fallen, A Farewell to False Love (LE), Fascinum (2), Faunalia (LE), Faustus, Fenris Wolf (3), Feu Follet res (*LE;3), Fire for Thy Stepmother's Daughter, Fire of Love, Fire Pig (*LE;2), Les Fleurs du Mal, Florence (3), Flower Moon (*LE), The Flower Song (LE), Follow Me Boy, Forbidden Fruit, The Forbidding Foyer (LE), Frederic (LE), French Love, The Fruit of Paradise (LE), Fuwu Bansaku in Ruined Temple (*LE)   Galvanic Goggles, Gaueko, The Ghastly Garden (LE), The Ghost (2), Giant Squid (*LE), Giant Vulva (*LE;3), The Gibbous Moon (LE), The Girl (LE), Glasgow, Glasya res (*LE;3), Glitter res (LE;2), Gluttony, The Goblin Rider (*LE), Gold Phoenix (*LE), Golden Priapus, Golden Wave (LE), Gomorrah (2), Goneril, GOP (LE), Grandmother of Ghosts, Graveyard Dirt 08 (*LE), Great Grey Witch (*LE), The Great Sword of War (1), Green Party (LE), Green Tree Viper (LE;1), Grog (1), GRR: Elixir X (*3), Gypsy (*LE)   Habu (LE;2), Hamadryad, The Hanging Gardens, Harikata (*LE;3), Harlot, Has No Hanna, Haunted (*3), Havana, Hecate, Helena, Helios (*LE;3), Hellcat, Hell’s Belle, Herbert West, Hermia, Her Voice (LE), Herr Droselmeyer 05 (LE), The Hesperides, Hetairae, High John the Conqueror, The Highwayman, Hi’iaka, Hod (LE), Hollywood Babylon, Hony Mone (*LE;3), The Horn of Amalthea (LE;3), Horn of Plenty, House of Mirrors (*LE;1), House of Night, Hungry Ghost Moon (LE;3), Hurricane, Hymn (3), Hymn to Proserpine   I Died For Beauty, Iambe (*3), Imp, In Winter In My Room (LE), Incantation, Inferno, Les Infortunes de la Vertu, Intergalactic (*LE;2), Intrigue, Iron Phoenix (LE;1), Irrelevant and Disturbing Crawdad Dream (*LE;2), Ivanuskha   Jabberwocky, Jacob's Ladder 05 (*LE;3), Jacob's Ladder 06 (*LE;3), Jailbait (1), Jazz Funeral, The Jersey Devil, Jester, Jezierat Al Tennyn, Jolly Roger, Juke Joint, Julia Stone (LE), Juliet   Kabuki (3), Kalahantarika (LE;2), Kanishta (LE;3), Katharina, Kathmandu, Kelly Pool (LE), Khajuraj[h]o 05 (*LE;3), Khajuraho 07 (LE;3), Khandita (LE;3), Khepra (*3), Kill-Devil,Kindly Moon (*LE;3), King Cobra (LE;2), The King of Hearts, Kitsune-Tsuki, Kostnice (3), Kuang Shi, Kumiho   Labores Solis (*LE), Ladon, Lady Lilith (LE), Lady Luck Blues (*LE;3), The Lady of Shalott (3), The Last Squished Jellybean (LE), Laudanum, Lear, Leo 07 (*LE;3), Libertine, Libra 07 (*LE;3), Lightning, Ligur, Lilith and the Jarocho (*LE), Lilith vs. the Giant Crab (*LE), Lilium Inter Spinas, The Lion (*3), Litha (LE),The Little Sparrow, The Living Flame (*LE;3), London, Long Night Moon (LE), Longing (LE), Loralei, Lord Ruthven (LE), Lotus Moon 06 (*LE;2), Love Lies Bleeding, Love Me, Love’s Philosophy (LE), Love's Torments, Lucy Westenra (*LE;3), Lucy's Kiss, Luna (*LE), Lunar Eclipse (*LE), Lune Noire (*LE), Luperci 07 (LE;3), The Lurid Library (LE), Lust (3), Lycaon (*LE;3), Lyonesse (*3)   Macchu Pichu (allergic), Mad Hatter, Madame Tracy, Madonna, Mlle. Lilith, Fortune Teller (*LE), Mme. Moriarty (*LE;3), Madrid, Magus, Magdalene, The Magician, Magus, Maiden (2), Malediction, Malice (3), Man With Phallus Head (*LE;3), Manhattan, Manila (2), Manipura, Mantis, Marae (LE), Marie, Marotte, Mary Read, Masabakes (3), The Masque (LE;3), Masquerade, Mata Hari (2), Medea, Melisande (*LE;3), Meskehnet (*LE;3), Mictecacihuatl (*LE;3), Mi-Go Brain Cannister (*LE;3), Midnight Kiss, Midnight Mass 06 (LE), Midnight on the Midway (*LE;3), The Miller’s Daughter, Minotaur (*LE), Mircalla, Countess Karnstein (LE), Miskatonic University, Mr. Ibis, Moai (LE), Moana (LE), Monarch (*LE;3), Moon Rose, Morgause, Morocco, Moscow, Motley (*LE), Mouse's Long and Sad Tale (*;3), Moxie:Elixir V, Mr. Ibis, Muladhara, A Murder of Crows (LE;3), Muse (3), The Music of Erich Zahn   Namaste (3), Nanshe, Nefertiti, Nephilim, Nes Gadol Haya Sham (LE), Niflheim, Night-Gaunt, Night Thoughts (LE), Night's Pavilion 06 (LE;2), Night's Pavilion 07 (LE;2), Noche Buena, Nocnitsa, Nonae Caprotina (*LE;3), Nosferatu, Nuit, Nuclear Winter (*LE;3), Numb (snLE), Nyalarthotep, Nyx   O, The Oblation (LE;3), Oblivion, Oborot (*LE;3), Ochosi, Ode On Melancholy (2), Odin, Old Man Ackerman’s Intstructional Toys (LE), Old Scratch (1), On Darkness (LE), Oneiroi, Opuhi (LE), Osun, Othello, Ouija, The Oval Portrait (DD;3), Ozymandias   Pain, Pannychis, Panther Moon (*LE), Paper Kite (*LE), Parentalia (LE), The Parliament of Foules (LE), The Passionate Shepherd to His Love (LE), The Peacock Queen 05 (LE;3), Peacock Queen 07 (*LE;3), Peitho, Penis Admiration (LE;3), Penitence, Penny Dreadful, Penthus, Peony Moon (*LE;3), The Perilous Parlour (LE), The Perfumed Garden 06 (LE), The Perfumed Garden 07 (LE;3), Perle von Mauren (LE), Pet Magah Bird (LE), Le Petit Mort, Phantom (3), The Phantom Calliope (*LE;2), Phantom Queen, The Phantom Wooer, Phobos, The Phoenix (*LE), Phoenix Steamworks (3), Pink Mood (LE;3), Pink Moon 05 (*LE;3), Pink Moon 07 (*LE;3), Pink Phoenix (LE;2), Pink Snowballs (LE;3), Pirate Moon (*LE;3), The Pit and the Pendulum (LE), Poisson d'Avril (LE), Poisoned Apple, Polyhymnia, Pontarlier, Port-Au-Prince, Port Royal (2), Prague, The Premature Burial (*LE;3), The Presence of Love (LE), Priala (*LE;2), Proshitapathika (LE;2), Psyche, Purple Phoenix (*LE;2)   Queen, Queen Gertrude (*2), Queen Mab, The Queen of Hearts, Quicksilver Phoenix (LE)   R.M.Renfield (LE), Ra (3), Rage, Rakshasa, The Ragged Wood (LE), Rangoon Riptide (LE), The Raven (3), Ravenous, Red Devil, Red Lantern 07 (LE;1), Red Moon 07 (*LE;3), The Red Queen (3), Red Rose (*LE;3), Regan, Reindeer Poop (LE), Ressurection of the Flesh (*3), Roadhouse, The Robotic Scarab, Rome (*3), Rosalind (1), Rose Cross, Rose Moon (*LE;3), Rose Red 07 (*LE;3), Rosy Maple (*LE;3), Roux-ga-roux (*LE)   Sahasrara, Sachs, Sacred Whore of Babylon, Saint Foutin de Varailles (*LE;3), Salamander (LE;2), Salomé, Santa Eularia Des Riu, Santa Muerte, Santo Domingo, Sapphics (LE), Sarah (LE), Satan and Death with Sin Intervening, Saturnalia (1), Satyr, Saw-Scaled Viper (LE;1), Scherezade (3), The School-House (*LE), Schwartzer Mond (*LE;3), Scorpio 07 (*LE;3), Screeching Parrot (LE), The Sea Foams Blood, Sea of Glass, Séance, The Season of Ghosts (LE), Sed Non Satiata, Seraglio, Seraphim, Le Serpent Qui Danse(3), Serpent's Kiss, Shadow Witch Orchid,Shanghai, Shango, Sheol, Shoggoth, Shroud, Shub-Niggurath (1), Silentium Amoris res (*LE;3), Silk Road (1), Silver Phoenix (LE), Sin, Siren, Skuld (3), Sleipnir (LE;3), Sloth, Smoky Moon (*LE), Smut 06 (*LE;3), Smut 07 (*LE;3), Snake Charmer (*LE;3), Snake Charmer res (*LE;2), Snake Oil (*3), The Snow Maiden (*LE;2), Sol Invictus res (*LE;3), Spellbound, The Sportive Sun (*LE;3), Squirting Cucumber, Sri Lanka (3), The Star (3), Stardust 06(*LE;3), Strangler Fig, Stimulating Sassafrass Strengthener (3), Strangler Fig (3), Succubus, Sudha Segara, Sugar Moon (*LE;2), Sunbird (*LE;3), Sundew, Suspiro, Svadhinaopatika (*LE;3), Swadhisthana, Swank (1), Symmakhia (*LE;3), Szepasszony   Tabula Smaragdina (*LE), Tamora, Tann'iver, Te Po (LE), Temple of Dreams Temple Viper (LE;3), Tenochtitlan (3), Terpsichore, Tezcatlipoca, Thalassa (LE), Thaleia, Thanatos, Three Brides, Three Gorgons, Tiki King (LE), Tiki Queen (LE), Tin Phoenix (LE), Tisiphone, Titania, Titus Andronicus (2), To Helen (*LE;3), Tombstone, Treat:Sugar-Slathered Candy (LE;1), Trick #1 (LE;2), Tum (*3), Tupapau (LE), Tushnamatay, Tweedledee (1), Tweedledum (1), Twenty-One, Twilight, The Twisted Oak Tree (LE), Two Five and Seven (3), Typhon res (LE)   Umbra (3), The Unicorn, Upa Upa (LE), Urania, Urd, Uruk (3), Utrennyaya   Valentine of Rome (*LE;1), Vampire Tears (1), Van Van, Verchernyaya (allergic), Vasakasajja (*LE;3), Veil (3), Velvet, Velvet Bandito (LE), Velvet Clown (LE), Velvet Cthulu (LE), Velvet Dogs Playing Poker (LE), Velvet Nudie (LE), Velvet Panther (LE), Velvet Pink Kitty (LE), Velvet Tiger (LE), Velvet Unicorn (LE), Venice, Verdandi, Versailles, Vicomte de Valmont, VILF (LE;3), Villain, Viola, Violens, Violet Ray, Vipralabda (LE;3), Virahotkantita (LE;2), Viola, Vishuddha, La Vita Nuovo (LE), Vixen (3), Voodoo, Voodoo Lily, The Vortex   Wanda, Wanton, Water of Notre Dame, Western Diamondback (LE;2), When the Winter Chrysanthemums Go (LE), Whip, White Moon (LE), White Rose (*LE;3), Whitechapel, Wicked (2), Wilde, Wiley’s Swamp (LE), Wilhelmina Murray, Wings of Azrael, The Witching Time of Night (LE), Wolf Moon 04 (*LE;3), Wolf Moon 07 (*LE;3), Wolf's Heart (*3), Wolfsbane, Womb Furie (*LE;3), Worm Moon (*LE;3), Wrath   Yerevan, Yew Trees, Yggdrasil, Yuki-Onna res (*LE;2)   Zombi (2), Zorya   Had But No Longer Have Alone (LE;1), Black Dahlia (3), Black Hellebore (2), Dragon's Eye (allergic), Hunter Moon (LE;2), Khryseê (*LE;1), Scorpio 07 (*LE), Strawberry Moon 09 (2), Vechernyaya (2), Voodoo Queen (LE;2)




My BPAL Maybes

These scents are “Maybes”. I’m intrigued by them, haven’t ruled them out, but for one reason or another, they haven’t made it onto the Must-Try list. I've combined GC and LE/discontinued; hope that's not too confusing. Updated June 2010!   Area 51 The Aurora Spaceship Takes A Dive, Menacing Ionospheric Research Instrument, The Montauk Project, Phantom Time Hypothesis, Reptoid Dominion   Ars Amatoria Belle Au Bois Dormant, Bordello, L’Ecole des Filles, To A Woman   Bards of Ireland The Deserted Village, The Host of the Air, Little Bird   Bewitching Brews The Black Tower, Cathode, Ephemera, The Forest Reverie, The Harlot's House, Kubla Khan, Lurid, Ulalume, Ultraviolet   BPALiversary Green Phoenix, Mechanical Phoenix, White Phoenix   BPTP Perfume Oils: The Anti-Saloon League, Boneshaking Antique Velocipede, Dreadful Lies, Gun Moll, Isabella I, Monsieur Petitbled's Frivolous Wheeled Footwear, Semiramis, Tomoe Gozen, Pyramus and Thisbe   Atmosphere Sprays: Citadel of Awesome, Erebos, The Fainting Room, Lair of Nefarious Misdeeds, Lucy's Boudoir, Lucy In Darkness   Bath Oils: Jingu, Semiramis, Tomoe Gozen   Carnaval Diabolique Agrat-Bat-Mahlaht, Arachnina, The Chapel, Faiza, The Illustrated Woman, Licwiglunga, Sir Hugh Ockram’s Winding Sheet, The Two-Headed Goat   Dark Elements Burial   Diabolus Catherine, Marquise de Merteuil   The District Countess Willie, Flora, Josie, Lulu   Excolo Aglaea, Czernobog, Hades, Kurukulla, Lilith, Loviatar, Nemesis, Obatala, Persephone, Sophia, Thalia, Xiuhtecuhtli   Four Horrid Novels Clermont, Horrid Mysteries, Mysterious Warning   Forum Only The Gladdener of All Hearts, Lilith Victoria   Gaimans The Buggere Alle This Bible, The East, Fairy Market, Fairy Wine, Famine, The Floating Market, Hastur, Jasmine Cottage, Lady Una, Mr. Croup, Night's Bridge, The Norns’ Farmhouse, Pollution, The Stormhold, The Witch Queen, Yvaine   Halloweenie Carlin, The Death of Autumn, Dia De Los Muertos, Hessian of the Hollow   Iteru Season of the Emergence   Hellboy Kroenen, Liz   Illyria Lysander, Oberon, Robin Goodfellow   Irredeemable Kaidan, Mr. Qubit, Yurei   Lunacy Bony Moon, Candles Moon, Cheshire Moon, Dyan Moon, Falling Leaf Moon, Hunter Moon 07, Mead Moon, Moon of Small Spirits, Penumbra, Sea of Tranquility, Selkie, Sturgeon Moon, Swan Maiden, Tamamo-No-Mae, Tanuki, Thunder Moon, Whirling Wind Moon   Lunar New Year Really want them all on principle – but with the notes being the same, I wonder how different they really are? Earth Ox, Earth Rat, Metal Tiger   Lupercalia Luperci (any year), Signior Dildo   Mad Tea Party Brusque Violet, Croquet, The Knave of Hearts   Marchen Grief, Prunella, Rapunzel, Thorns, The Witch's Garden, Rumpelstiltzchen, Roses Pearls and Diamonds   Misc. LEs and Discontinueds 13 (green, navy, Nov09, pink, purple), Beltane 08, Hanami, The Ides of March 10, Ostara, Shadowless Like Silence, St. John’s Eve, Summer’s Last Will and Testament, Under the Harvest Moon   MonsterBait Bloody Mary, Tokyo Stomp   Novel Ideas for Secret Amusements Couple Consulting an Enpon, The Dream of the Fisherman’s Wife, Ebisu Making Love as Two Octopuses Look On, Eight Views of Actors in Their Dressing Rooms, Flowering Chrysanthemums, Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge, Harimise, Kiss Amongst Discarded Tissues, Lovers’ Parodies of Sumo Holds, Lovers in a Carp Streamer, Lovers in a Ricefield, Manners Among Men and Women in the Red Light, Men Ringing Bells With Penises, Needlework, Octopus and Abalone Diver, Okayaki, Proseperity of a Country, Ronin, The Spell of Amorous Love, Voyeurs Among the Cherry Blossoms   Ode to Aphrodite / Ares Aatos Polemoio, Brotoloigos, Enyalios, Glukuprikos, Khalkokorustês, Khrysopêlêx, Makhantis, Melainis, Morphô, Philommeidês, Pontia, Psithyristês, Thouros   Paduan Killer Bees Durian Fruit Infused Honey with Brandy, Jerusalem Cherry Infused Honey, Paduan Killer Swarm, Yewberry Infused Honey   Panaceas Quietude (Elixir IV), Succor (Elixir II)   Pharmacopeia Nostrum Remedium, Slippery Poppy Tincture   A Picnic In Arkham The High Priest Not To Be Described   Poe The House, Madeline, Prospero, Spirits of the Dead, The Tell-Tale Heart   Rappaccini’s Garden The Apple of Sodom, Blood Lotus, Bohun Upas, Cobra Lily, Death Cap, Dian’s Bud, Love-In-Idleness, The Zieba Tree   Retail Only Black Death, Gothic Horror, Banshee Beat   Sakura-con Shirafuji Genta with a Kappa, Wrestler Onogawa Kisaburo Blowing Smoke at a One-Eyed Monster   Salon I Carceri d’Invenzione, Silence   Salon II The Great He-Goat, Itasô Kansei Nenkan Jorô No Fûzoku, Judith Victorious, The Lantern Ghost of Oiwa, Lot and His Daughters, La Mort Qui Danse   Salon III Fox Fires on New Year’s Eve at the Garment Nettle Tree at Oji, Mad Meg, The Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree   Salon: Dogs Playing Poker Riding the Goat   Sin & Salvation Tzadikim Nistarim   Tarot The Heirophant, The Hermit, Strength, The Sun, The Wheel of Fortune   Wanderlust Île de la Tortue, The Isles of Demons, Kumari Kandam, Mag Mell, Prague   Witch Blade The Curator, Sara Pezzini   Yule Angeronalia, Archangel Winter, Chanukkiyah, Christmas Rose, Joulumuori




Eek! Stuff

My triple dagger yoga pants and brimstone locket came in the mail today.   This is my first BPTP order, and I am in love. The yoga pants are perfect, soft cotton with exactly the right amount of stretch. Can't wait to wear them to class on Tuesday.   And the locket! The locket! ZOMG, it's even better than I imagined. I'm so happy.   Puddin included a bunch of frimps too, including two I've been dying to try, Queen of Sheba and Dragon Tears.   Also, I bought the L'Autunno set from Maidenhell on eBay, and that came today too! Again, I am in love. I may have a new favorite scent. My hubby and I both are crazy about it. We love fall (we got married last October, the date chosen because it's our favorite season). Maidenhell also included a sample of Villainess Autumn Gala soap. I've been dying to try Villainess, and it smells wonderful, so I can't wait to take a shower.   All in all, a fabulous day. Anyway, now I'm off to the weekly wine tasting at our local wine shop.





This started off very pretty, though rather perfumey on my skin. Then my skin started amping the amber and something else not too pleasant. As it dries, the sandalwood and myrrh slightly come out with a hint of vanilla. At first I thought "It's very pretty, though a bit perfumey and sophisticated for my taste." but as it's drying down even more, it's actually very nice. The vanilla has amped more, but not too much. I really think hubby will like this one as he loves vanilla. Can't wait for him to get home and sniff me.   hmmmm.....will have to try a couple more ties before deciding on a bottle. I'm so glad I was gifted a decant though.   ETA: mmmmmm.....it's mostly vanilla, myrrh, sandalwood, with a bit of amber and just a hint of carnation and at moments, cedar. It's very nice, but I think a decant will be enough for now. I could see it being a "dress perfume", which I don't need all that often.




Halloweenie update

Harvest Moon: balsam fir, cedar, juniper berry, clove, saffron, damson plum, sage, black cherry, and fennel with the crushed wine grapes of Dionysus and Janus' lingum aloes. - intriguing! But it probably won't work on me.   HELLHOUND ON MY TRAIL: nope. Sorry.   A BLADE OF GRASS: Autumn leaves scattered among blades of grass. Not really.   AUTUMN COOLNESS: The scent of wisteria, Cymbidium, lotus blossom, and cassia buds drifting on a breeze through gently swaying bamboo reeds. Probably not.   JOHN BARLEYCORN: Barley, beer, blood, and whiskey. NO.   CHANT D'AUTOMNE:The scent of the year's fall and the setting sun, ominous and foreboding: dried leaves, charred wood, blood musk, amber, khus, and Nicotiana tabacum. NO.   DAY OF THE SKULLS: White sandalwood, beeswax, and frankincense crowned by hydrangea, rose, and kantuta blossoms, dressed with tobacco, cocoa leaves and flowers from the sacred Cactus of the Four Winds. No.   GRAVEYARD DIRT 2008: NONONO.   HUESOS DE SANTO: Orange-glazed cake, dotted with anise seed, and filled with custard, set beside a bouquet of celebratory funeral flowers. You know, I'm a foody, but this doesn't sound good to me at all.   MEDITATION IN AUTUMN: A desolate scent, dusty, bleak, and withered: old wood, burnt brown sandalwood, and twisted vines. Maybe. Decant?   MICTECACIHUATL: Copal, precious woods, South American spices, agave nectar, cigar tobacco, and roses. Nope.   Samhain 2008: I love 2007. Will I love 2008? Probably.   STICKY PILLOWCASE: Smushed candy corn, rock candy dust, marshmallow gunk, strawberry goo, spun blue sugar, globs of salt water taffy, and lint. See Huesos.   SUGAR SKULL 2008: Vibrant with the joy and sweetness of life in death! A blend of five sugars, lightly dusted with candied fruits. Sugar doesn't work so well on me.   TO AUTUMN: Mist and mellow fruitfulness: mist-swirled, moss-covered bark and dry red leaves, apple pulp and knotty galangal, with poppy juice and nutmeat. I want to like this, but I don't think I will. Decant?   PUMPKIN I: Pumpkin with mango, persimmon, coconut, and myrrh. No?   PUMPKIN II: Pumpkin with black musk, leather accord, tonka, teak, orange wood, and opoponax. No leather   PUMPKIN III: Pumpkin with pink grapefruit, lemon verbena, yuzu, lime, parsley, and mint. Sounds weird.   PUMPKIN IV: Pumpkin with white sage, cherry tobacco, honey, smoky vanilla, cedar, and pine. Tobacco is a no-go   PUMPKIN V: Pumpkin with cranberry, strawberry, red musk, red rose, rosehip, frankincense, fig, jasmine, and carnation. Probably not.   BROM BONES: The butchest, manliest of musks covered in well-worn leather. NO.   THE CHURCHYARD: Overgrown dark green bullrush, midnight roses, dwarf St. John's Wort, frankincense, blackberry leaf, and moss-covered, half-buried tree bark. Not really.   ICHABOD CRANE: Dusty black wool, tea with cream, black pepper, muguet, and beeswax candle drippings. Interesting. Decant.   FEARFUL PLEASURE: Dried orange peels floating in simmering cider, roasted apples, smoldering firewood, chimney smoke, sassafras beer, warm hawthorn wood, and oakmoss. Decant? Too many iffies in there.   THE GOBLIN RIDER: The scent of fear, and terrifying pursuit: wind-whipped, chilly night air, oppressive black pine, globs of dark opopponax, and bleak cedar, and distant, unreachable church incense. Not really.   GUNPOWDER: Carrot peelings, hay, chaff, molasses, maple oats, red apples, stable wood, and musk. Maybe. Decant.   THE HESSIAN OF THE HOLLOW: Grave moss and bone-white sandalwood, with vetiver, gunpowder, artillery shrapnel, and blood. NO.   THE SCHOOL-HOUSE: Dandelion, white clover, balsam fir logs, and birchwood switches. Meh.   THE SHATTERED PUMPKIN: Soil-covered crushed pumpkin, water-weeds, saddle-leather, and pine pitch. No.   KATRINA VAN TASSEL: White rose and honeyed cream. Definitely not.   WILEY'S SWAMP: Water-logged and rotting wood, fallen chestnuts, oak leaf, bog laurel, and Virginia creeper. No.   THE WITCHING TIME OF NIGHT: Moonflower, night-blooming cereus, white hellebore, English ivy, monkshood, angel's trumpet, oleander, and eastern hemlock. No.




Halloweenies! (and more)

ZOMG! My first BPAL Halloween, and everything is so awesome! I'm so happy about the Sleepy Hollow scents. It's always been a favorite story of mine. I've already placed an order....   Ok, I went a little crazy here, but managed to hold off a *tiny* bit.   Harvest Moon Hellhound on My Trail Chant d'Automne Huesos de Santo Samhain 2008 Sugar Skull 2008 Brom Bones Fearful Pleasure Gunpowder Ichabod Crane The Hessian of the Hollow The Witching Time of Night   I really want the Pumpkin Patch, and a few others too, but I'm hoping I can pick those up sometime between now and November. My wallet's already crying here.   I can't wait to try these!   Also, looks like I should be getting the CnS for an order I placed on 8/4 soon too, to wit:   5mls Mme. Moriarty Dracul Crowley   Imps Queen of Sheba O Perversion Dee Sudha Segara No. 93 Engine The Antikythera Mechanism Severin Black Phoenix Loviatar Cockaigne Cthulu   *Cough* So um, yeah. Bad Cam. Think I'll be holding off on the Pumpkin Patch, etc. (or anything else) until October or so... unless the Gaiman lockets go live between now and then...




Machu Pichu

Wet, it's a very hot, humid, tropical floral scent with something very earthy mixed in. As it dries down, my skin really begins to amp the amber. It becomes less tropical and takes on a more perfumey scent and ah yes, there is the powder making an appearance. My wonkychemistry strikes again.   I think this would be lovely in my locket, so I'll try that before deciding whether or not I need a bottle. It's doubtful because I can really see reaching for my Caliban or Manila before this when I need something hot and summery, but we'll see.




Mr. Nancy

I've had this for a long time now. (I believe I got it when it was first released) I never really tried it (I don't think) because not long after I got it I got pregnant and omg, the morning sickness kicked in. So I kept going back recently, sniffing the bottle and thinking, ewww...this is going to be way too sweet, why did I keep it?   I am so glad I did!   Wet: A fizzy, sweet lime drink. Oh wow, this is yummy though I'm not sure I want to smell like this for long.   Drying down: mmmm.....it calms down. The lime goes into the background and out comes this sweet spicy slightly boozey cookie scent. I'm not a foodie person but this smells awesome.   Dried: It's a spiced sugar with just the barest hint of tobacco.   I love this and I'm sooooo happy I never got rid of the bottle. I have a feeling this will get worn a lot once the cooler weather rolls in.   ETA: As it dries down further a bit more of the tobacco comes out, but in a good way. It really balances out the sugar to keep it from becoming to sweet.





In the imp: Lightly sweet, herbal greens.   On wet: Lilac, green things touched with mint, a smidge of sugar   Drydown: Hmm...the lilac (or the rose?) has gone a bit powdery. The floral contingent is quite strong, and more prominent than the fresh, green base (which is slowly disappearing the longer I sniff), the lavender, or the currant (it's finally decided to make an appearance - yay!). After about 10 minutes, it's become this really interesting, multi-layered scent - it's still pretty floral around the edges, but almost warm and lightly spiced at the center. Reminds me of a complex, high-end perfume now - but a really, really nice one.   Overall: Not a usual scent for me - it's a bit too classy/perfumey for my taste - but it's lovely all the same. 3/5




The Grindhouse

In the imp: Sweet - almost creamy - wood. How odd!   On wet: Nothing beyond an indistinct, vaguely perfumey sweetness - weirder and weirder...   Drydown: Okay, I'm getting red musk, the richness of the vanilla - perhaps even a bit of the magnolia, which often registers as a creamy, vanillic floral my nose - and a hint (and I mean *hint*) of clove adding a touch of spiced heat to mix. Not sure if it's the mimosa or the iris (which I usually love), but something in here is *incredibly* sweet - like, painfully so. It seems to burn off a bit after a while, but wow, is it ever potent! When my wrist is safe to smell again, I'm left with clove-studded, vanilla-tinged, still-fairly-sweet red musk. It's really quite sexy! (The rose never made an appearance, in case you were wondering.)   Overall: Clove rarely plays nice on my skin, so it was kinda surprising to find it behaving in this blend. I'm thinking that it was the mimosa that went uber saccharine (I had a similar reaction to the mimosa-laced Marianne), so I'll likely be avoiding (or at least wary of) scents that contain it in the future. If it wasn't for the sweetness, I'd likely be going for a bottle of this one with the next update (I don't have anything with clove in it, so it'd be nice to finally get something that does), but as it stands now, I'm going to stick with my decant a bit longer, test it again, and see if it improves or my chemistry is more welcoming over the next couple of weeks. Currently, a 3.5/5.





Just got the CnS for my first order from Black Phoenix Trading Post:   Triple Dagger Yoga Pants Brimstone Locket   Eeek!   Got the CnS last night, so it should be here by Friday or Saturday I think.




Chaos Theory IV - 467

CDLXVII - 467   In the bottle: Light caramel, possibly some kind of wood, a fruit - maybe apple - underneath.   On wet: Caramel-dipped fruits! (Plum? Apple?)   Drydown: PLUM! Lightly glazed with the most delectable caramel-tinged syrup. There's still a hint of incense/wood underneath, some musk (red?) - maybe even the tiniest smidge of patchouli. I smell incredible right now, and I can't *wait* to see how this scent ages!   Overall: I'm not a foody person *at all*, so I was a little scared when I opened this (extremely full!) bottle, and got a whiff of caramel. Thankfully, it's not only the lightest caramel I've ever smelled, but the plum/musk/woods are strong enough to keep this blend firmly out of the foody category. An amazingly warm, sweet, *sexy* scent - another winner!


