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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!


In the imp: Sweet fruit - like apricot (or in this case, nectarine) syrup.   On wet: Citrus. Lovely, fresh, lightly sugared citrus.   Drydown: Kinda perfumey. The citrus and nectarine sweetness have sort of merged into the other notes, none of which are very distinct to my nose. And I'm picking up on something "off" - like powdery carpet cleaner underneath everything else. Not sure, but I'm betting it's the sage (it doesn't like me usually). If I really inhale and mash my nose to my wrist, I get really delicious whiffs of musk and patchouli - too bad neither are very prominent.   Overall: Not quite what I was looking for - more delectable nectarine, that is. Croquet starts off promising, but the perfumey drydown - complete with sage hate (or whatever that dusty cleaner vibe was) isn't really my thing. I'll stick with my Ebisu, thanks. 2.5.5





Spider: White ginger, artemesia, vetiver, nutmeg, King mandarin, bergamot, and lime.   In the imp: sweet masculine goodness. Indistinct notes, but it smells wonderful.   On me: First, I "blind" tested, as I grabbed the imp without looking at the notes. This has vetiver and it doesn't smell like rotted spinach!! Yay!! On me: A very beautiful masculine sexy scent, and it smells wonderful on me. The ginger and bergamot work beautifully together, and I believe I'm getting some King mandarin too. No lime in sight, but that's good because citrus usually goes weird on me. This one is a major shock - it's got vetiver AND lime and it still smells freaking awesome on me!!! I think me needs a bottle of this. There is something femininely sexy to me about wearing awesome smelling masculine scents.




Mr. Nancy

Mr. Nancy: Sugar cookies with bay rum, tobacco, and lime.   In the imp: Sweet cookie yumminess!!!   On me: Where did the cookie go? I smell like bread dough with a whole ton of cinnamon in it. No cinnamon in the notes, could it be the bay rum? Only bay rum usually doesn't smell like cinnamon to me though. Very strange. This will be a pass.




A surprising development

So. I started out with BPAL the same way I think of all perfumes: foods. Fruits. Nummy. It's the way I've always been with perfumes- I hate florals, I hate musky stuff. I'd rather smell like a meal then smell like perfume. So when I began collecting, I started with the same things. I picked up anything that I thought had a dominant fruit note, and avoided anything else like the plague.   Here's the weird thing though: I've been finding (through frimps. Hooray frimps!) that there is stuff that is NOT a foody scent predominantly that I love. Like La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente. Myrtle? Rose? WTF, I HATE rose! And yet I love this scent. It's fabulous. Or Blood Countess. Yeah, it's got plum and berries, but there's opium! and rose! and lilac! Crap, I thought I hated florals?   Also, there's foody scents that I've discovered I don't like. Wow. Like 13. I've got a bottle of it, but it's so bitter and yuk - like a bar of chocolate that sat out on the counter for a month and is now all dessicated and gross. Every single ingredient in there sounded delicious, and I just can't wear it. What a shame. And then there's Ventriloquist's Dummy - there's supposed to be apricot in there, but I can't even stand the smell in the bottle enough to try it out on me.   But then, there's the obvious: I LOVE Titania. Love. and I love Yemaya, and Fruit Moon....   It's just neat to see the other notes in there that I could have sworn I hated.





Category: Discontinued Scents   Initially, there was a very strong lemon smell. Then the thyme and verbena and lavender insinuated themselves into the yellow haze of scent, giving it a peppery kick now and then. Mint and bergamot were faint, but there; they sort of phased in and out throughout the day. Overall, though...it was just...too...lemony! I really wanted to like this, but it just didn't work out completely.





Category: Bewitching Brews   At first I wasn't sure about this one, because the sweet berry note was throwing me off quite a bit. As much as I like sweet things, the berry notes usually feel too thick and sappy for my liking. For instance, Baneberry was just too in-your-face with the berry, and Akuma was sickeningly candy-sweet. Fortunately, later on Bewitched became more balanced by the herbal elements, and smelled like someone who's been working in their herb garden, with just a hint of otherworldly sweetness thrown in for good measure. It was much more pleasant, then! I would nudge people who don't usually like strong berry scents toward this one, as I feel the herbs and musk really help to ground it well.





Category: Bewitching Brews   Definitely mint and lemon...those two scents predominated. Also a very faint hint of orange, and the rosemary gave it a peppery kick. Unfortunately, as strong as these elements sound, it really did not linger long at all. I can't say that this one did much for me. I would recommend it to mint-lovers.





Category: Wanderlust   I could definitely smell the cinnamon in this one. Oddly enough, there was also a strong chocolate smell as well. I constantly had images of a cup of dark hot chocolate spiked with cinnamon...either that, or a cinnamon-colored, chocolate-striped tiger. It's not bad! Must have been the way the clove and honey were mingling together, with perhaps the ginger as well...it fooled me. All in all, I like it.




Lady Una

Lady Una:Honey musk, green tea leaf, blackberry leaf, vanilla bean, and fae spices.   In the imp: Deliciously honey musky blackberry. Yummy!! What are fae spices?   On me: I am getting a lot of honey musk and peach, even though peach isn't listed in the notes. Everything else ran and hid - I'm thinking I smell the fae spices but I can't pinpoint that. It's very faint, not a lot of throw or staying power. It smells good, but it's not my kind of scent. I was hoping for a honey-berry-vanilla scent, and this was definitely not that.




Philosopher in Meditation

Philosopher in Meditation: Smoldering woodfire embers, Galen’s Kyphi, and Abramelin incense.   In the imp: Hot - fire hot and incense smoking. I'm not familiar with Galen's Kyphi so I'm not sure what I'm smelling.   On me: Incense!!! Deep, dark, delicous incense!! It is sweetened up by something that I can't quite figure out, and smells so very lovely. If I smell like incense, I am happy, and this is no exception. It's a unique incense, different from the other incenses that I've tried. Methinks a bottle is needed.




Mad Tea Party

I have almost completed the collection and I am so glad I started with this one. I love just about every scent so far and am eagerly awaiting the final few scents I don't have already. Yay!





There has been much swapping. I need to update my lists & write more reviews.   Random: I went to Das Bunker last night. It was kinda like late 90s industrial/raver night. I was SO f-ing happy. I traded a drink for 2 glowsticks and had at it. OMG, joy. & I hadn't been to a club in 2 years. I'm sore, tired, and full of bliss. Thus, today I wear Bliss.





Lucretia: Iris, black amber, sage, Kashmir wood, vanilla musk, mandarin and violet.   In the bottle: Yuck - pure iris! I almost didn't even test it, but thankfully I did.   On me: A sharp violet! The iris hides, thankfully. The violet blooms and definitely takes the forefront, its beauty is accentuated by the amber, sage, and vanilla musk. They blend beautifully to de-floralize the violet while still keeping a strong violet presence (confusing, but I don't know how else to describe it). This is a gorgeous scent.




I've started testing some salons....Exhibit III...

I think this is going to be one of my favorite categories!!   Madonna: Hyssop, pomegranate, Angel’s Trumpet, Indonesian patchouli, iris, white orchid, and frankincense.   OMFG I need buckets of this!!!!!! The white orchid dominates, but is balanced out by the pomegranite to make this a very sweet beautiful orchid. The hyssop (I think) sweetens it up nicely, and the frankincense makes it resiney enough to give a bit of an incense feel. This is heaven!!!! Bottle - yes, must have bottle.   Love and Pain: Lavender, Balkan tobacco, black musk, dark vanilla, and golden copaifera.   This is the most beautiuful lavender blend!!! The tobacco keeps it from getting overly floral, but didn't stand out on its own (thankfully, because I amp it like crazy). The dark vanilla and black musk work beautifully to turn the lavender into a very dark purple type of scent, very sensual. Bottle is definitely needed!!   Death and Life Completed: Grey amber, carnation, lemon balm, hydrangea, Chinese peony, white sandalwood, cypress, juniper, cedar, hibiscus, and African daisy.   Peony!! This is what I wanted peony moon to smell like. For me it's mostly peopny and hibiscus, no amber anywhere unfortunately. The sandalwood and cedar complement the florals very niceley and give it a bit of a woodsey feel.   Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Those Condemned to Death: Accords of peach kernel, hemlock, aconite, and belladonna, with bitter almond, saffron, honey, myrrh, hyssop, frankincense, and palm.   It's hard to tell what I'm smelling specifically, but the honey in this is amped A LOT! I think it's the honey/almond combination. This is so well blended that I can't pick out the notes. It smells very good, but it's not "me" so I'll probably pass on this one.




One Buzzard that's slipped my grasp

I haven't seen anything on the Lab's Ebay listings in awhile that really got me excited but today's Doc Buzzard lifted my droopy wings. I had a suspicion that when I read one review that said she's paid $120 for it on Ebay that I would be in trouble. I took the plunge and put a bid in for about $30. And was outbid. Put another in for about $36. And was outbid. Put one more in for $41. And am outbid again.   Is it worth it? Is a bottle of something unsniffed and I don't know if I like (but sounds good from the reviews) worth it?? I could get another 2 bottles for that, almost 3.   And the scary thing? I'm debating upping that bid to $50 just to see if it will stick. Not because I absolutely must have it/think I'll love it but because it's a vulture. Funny, I"m not drawn to trying the Mesehknet the Human Vulture on the Carnival just yet but Doc Buzzard is a go for me. Maybe the gender thing??     But Puddin has just put Ebay up and they have another 4 days to run. The other scents sound ok, Blood Moon is peaking my interest. I might put a tester bid in just to see if it's likely. It sounds rather nice too.




Belle Epoque

Category: Bewitching Brews   In the imp, it's vanilla and mandarin; once on me, the florals start coming out, but there is always a continual theme of vanilla to it. In fact, the vanilla amps and throws the most in this one. There is a slight powdery quality to it. If you like vanilla, go ahead and give this one a try.   Probably not bottle-worthy for me, though it is enjoyable. It reminds me a bit of Antique Lace.




Singing Moon

In the imp: A damp basement full of beets and wet herbals.   On wet: Wet, mineral-y, a touch of something sweet, and a dry grass/vaguely spicy note. So very complex!   Drydown: The dampness has faded, the beets have been shipped to market, and the spicy, honeyed herbals have risen up. Mmm...wow, so much better. *huff-sniff-snort* Mmm! I'm also picking up on the slightest hint of warm fruit! Delicious!   Overall: This is utterly fantastic on the drydown. I wasn't expecting much from this after the initial sniffy test (beets!!!), but WOW, does it ever morph into something glorious. I already have the shirt (the design blew me away), and now I might just have to hunt down a bottle. Such a pleasant surprise, and an easy 4/5.




Moon of Ice

In the imp: Effervescent - like Sprite! Immediately puts me in mind of Talvikuu.   On wet: That fizzy soda yum is still prominent, though there's something almost creamy underneath.   Drydown: Pine-Sprite Creamsicle - and I'm getting the faintest, *faintest* whiff of something sour every now and then. Not sure where that's coming from...   Overall: Not a bad blend (aside from that weird mystery sourness), but when it comes to snowy/piney/slushy scents, my nose belongs to Talvikuu and The Snow Storm. 2.5/5




Long Night Moon

In the imp: Something fruity sweet, a smidge of mint, and watery pine.   On wet: Sweet pine and frosty mint!   Drydown: It's gone totally floral with a musk base. The moonflower is prominent, along with something high-pitched and creamy sweet - I'm thinking it's the cereus (which I have no experience with *at all*), though if I had to guess, I'd have said it was jasmine. The blue musk is sparkly and effervescent. The mint and frost/pine notes are MIA, and I haven't sniffed any thyme yet, either.   Overall: Classy and floral-sweet, very upscale and pretty. It's not a scent I see myself reaching for very often, but if I had somewhere elegant to go - a wedding, a fancy evening out with my husband, the theatre, etc. - LNM would be a great choice. Lovely! 3/5





Category: Rappacini's Garden   This one is definitely very 'green', earthy, and has a medicinal snap to it, though it's not overwhelming or obnoxious. More or less, it feels like standing knee-deep in a clump of thin, tiny green vines -- you can smell the tartness of the plants themselves, with a hint of the earth beneath it all, and a tantalizing sweetness throughout, as if from hidden blooms amid all the twining tangle. It's really nice. I'm still not decided as to whether I need a bottle of it, but, for the time being at least, it's a fond favorite. And the green color of the oil itself is pretty cool.





Category: Wanderlust   This blend is very floral and very wet -- like being near a pond laden with blooming water lilies. It strikes me as very feminine. I would recommend it to those who like aquatic notes and/or florals -- it succeeds really nicely on both of those levels.   As much as I enjoyed this blend, I still think that of the lush plant scents, Amsterdam still conquers all.


