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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!


Category: Ars Amatoria   This is a really elegant and sexy blend. On me, it smelled mainly floral, but in a delicate, almost coy sort of way. I think the musk helps push the blend out and impress it on your senses, but it manages to do so in a pretty subtle way. It also has nice staying power. I don't know if it's bottle-worthy, but it's definitely on my list of favorites for the moment.





Category: Excolo   Oh, Bastet, lithe, supple, fierce goddess, I love you.   She is the pungeant, unashamed sweetness of myrrh, sweetened further by almond, warmed by amber, peppered with spice. She is warm and beautiful and wraps herself around you all day. Comparing her to, say, Anubis, which was beautiful in his own right for the mournful, solemn air he had, she is full of sunlight and life, evoking something that is languid but far from thick or sluggish. While he is down deep in the cool semi-darkness of stone preparing the dead, she is out in the sunlight, basking in life.   I really love this scent, can you tell? It's very warm, sweet, sexy and delicious. Purrrr.   She was like a breath of fresh air...for a long time I'd felt like I was seriously in a jaded slump and unable to like *anything*. I love the way the myrrh mixes with the almond. Makes me wonder what other Egyptian-themed blends will be like, as Anubis and Bastet have been the most evocative and interesting that I've experienced, by far.




Baron Samedi

Category: Excolo   Upon first whiff, it smells very sweet -- deliciously sweet to me, as if I'm smelling a bag of good, pipe-quality tobacco. Then the bay kicks in, giving a strident, not-quite-sour edge to it. Over time, it gives the impression of faint whiffs of booze and tobacco; it combines all the scents you'd expect to find on your long-lost Uncle, the ne'eer-do-well that likes to take long trips to exotic locales and then saunter back into your life to regale you with intriguing yet slightly menacing stories of his travels.   Bay leaf is an interesting thing. Used to flavor a dish, it imparts a very nice, hearty flavor. If you forget to take that leaf out and happen to get a good taste of the thing itself, though -- yowza. Not nearly as pleasant. And, unfortunately, though Baron Samedi has that delicious, evocative air to it, ultimately he is like sucking on a bay leaf -- just too pungeant, too sharp around the edges. Not my thing.   This scent is not for me, yet somehow I think I would like smelling it on someone else. Once you have that degree of seperation, this blend becomes a lot more tolerable; it's a bit like settling into Uncle's chair after he's gone off for more sinister adventures somewhere, revelling in the scent he's left behind, and breathing a sigh of relief that he's gone.




Baobhan Sith

Category: Diabolus   It's definitely a mix of lemon and ginger, a very tart, sour, strident aroma. I'm still not quite sure how I feel about it. They are both notes that I've enjoyed in other blends, but this particular one just does not knock my socks off. Even so, if you are an afficianado of either lemon or ginger, give it a whirl. On me, the lemon came out and was more prominent, with the ginger punctuating it.





Category: Rappacini's Garden   This one is pretty straightforward: juicy, plump berry scent. It lasted a moderate amount of time, though it had definitely faded by the end of the day. Those of you who love all things berry should definitely jump on this one. It's not really my personal cup of tea, however.





Category: Wanderlust   In the imp I could tell that there was some sandlewood there, with maybe a hint of something sweet, like the mandarin.   Once it gets on me, that sandlewood really amps up. At first there is a sharp, woody tone, but it quickly mellows to something that has sweetness around the edges -- bergamot and orange, it seems.   It's a lovely scent, though like all the sandlewood scents before, it doesn't last too long.




Monkey Bite

I just don't fucking learn, now do I?   I got bitten by a monkey.   It was the innocent looking one on the left. See, I had to do a rapid assessment of a high-risk corridor in Northern Ethiopia last week and the husband and I decided to take some time to see Lalibela and Gondar. (You all know Lalibela--it's home to the rock-hewn churches and has been part of the Amazing Race TV show [the season with the professional wrestlers when Joyce and Uchenna won].) At any rate, in Gondar there is a woman who runs a charity which includes: 1. Primary school for 27 children 2. Donkey rescue 3. Cat and dog rescue 4. Veterinary facilities 5. Income generation for people with disabilities 6. Sponsorship for poor children, young adults and the elderly; and 7. Primate rescue.   It's the last one that was a problem. While the donkeys, cats and dogs were relatively docile, the monkeys are mean. I knew this and I went and tried to get my picture with one anyway. The bastard monkey ran up and bit me on the leg. My husband got it on film.   Someday we will look back on this and laugh about the fact that I just don't understand that monkeys are not cute, they are not pets, and they are not friendly. In the meantime we will be calling the center and checking to make sure none of the monkeys exhibit signs of rabies.   No wonder the people who used to own them got rid of them. Damn monkeys.





Yvaine: The high, crystalline scent of a star-filled night with blue lavender and lush magnolia.   In the imp: Not sure about this, it doesn't smell very appealing and I get some sort of citrus?   On me: This totally blossoms, and the weirdness goes away. The lavender is sweetened up by something in there, and the magnolia peeks out but doesn't make the blend overly flora. It really does embody Yvaine, to my Stardust-loving-self. This is very yummy and a bottle is needed.




Scents Are Good For You!

I love incense and especially frankencence. I can't burn them here much, it sets off Caro's allergies or something (her chest gets tight and she gets coughy from the smoke). I think that is why I fell for Troll. I love the resins, the incense, the frankencense.   Lately with everything going on I've been finding a lot of joy and peace in my BPAL. It's really weird and I feel like a bit of a dolt for it. But it's true so there.   Now I know why.   http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/...80520110415.htm   Hooray! Frankencense has anti-depression value. I guess that means I do need a full bottle of Troll after all!




Snake Oil goodness

I've got my first SO bottle on the Lab order that we got the CnS for on the way. I've put a bid on a forumite's SO on Ebay. And I've managed to snag a bottle of 9 mth aged SO from someone in the UK who it doesn't work on. So even if I loose out on Ebay I've got one ot age and one already aging.   It isn't much but it's one of the few good things that's happened in a long time.




Switch Witch Help Questions

Questions   Are You An Indoor Person Or Outdoor Person? Indoor, mostly. I'm trying to get back to being a bit more outdoor.   Are You Up To Being Gifted With Anime? Sure.   Cami Or Corset? Both.   Candles Or Incense? Both.   Coffee/Tea/Hot Beverages? I love tea, hot chocolate, and coffee if it's in some frozen form mixed with other stuff.   Do You Have A Particular Decorating Style? Not really.   Do You Have Pets And What Kind Of Gifts Would Be Good For Them? Two cats. They love toys that can be thrown, stuff they can chase, and they both have serious catnip habits to the point where dad and I have begun saying they're like Cheech and Chong without the smoke.   Do You Like Homemade Gifts? Like Foodstuffs Or Crafts? Love them.   Do You Still Read Any Children's Books? I still have my two books of fairy tales from when I was a wee little thing.   Favorite Books As A Kid? See above about the fairy tale books.   Feelings On Used Books (& Cds And DVDS For That Matter)? Don't mind them at all.   For Those Of You Who Play Video Games, What Consoles Do You Own? PS2, GameCube, my computer, GBA, 8-bit Nintendo, Sega Genesis. I don't know if it still works, but at least one of the 8-bit Nintendos does.   Haircolor Experimentation? My hair has been so many colors, I've lost count. Right now, my bangs are blood red, while the rest of my hair is black, which is my natural color.   How About Burned Cds? Is Everyone Okay With Those? Do Y'all Even Listen To Cds Anymore, Or Is It Straight To The Ipod? I listen to cds in the car, so burned ones are fine.   How Much Do You Still Enjoy Playing With Toys? I still do on occasion. Not much, though. I keep eyeballing buying myself Lego sets, but haven't yet.   How Would You Describe Your Sense Of Humor? Sarcastic. It drifts between stuff like how House is, and wanders off toward Monty Python breed absurdity every so often.   How Would You Describe Yourself? Quiet. I've been known to get up during conversations without people even noticing I've left.   I Want To Know What Little Treats My Witchee Likes To Be Spoiled (Or Spoil Herself) With? I love chocolate. That's one thing I will very rarely pass up. Beyond that, tea, bath stuff, socks...   If Handmade Stuff Is Okay, And It All Goes Horribly Wrong, Would You Want It Anyway? Yep. Fine even if it looks not quite like it should.   Lip Balm? I'm not too particular about it, except for one thing. Lush lip stuff doesn't work well on me. Burns a bit. I'm figuring that's the borax in it, but I could be wrong.   Livejournal? Handle over there is heartbreakangel. It's friends locked, though.   Mailbox Situation, I.E. Can I Send You Chocolate And Melty Treats From Lush, Or Are They Going To Wind Up Being Really Decadent Goo? If it ends up really decadent goo, it'll become a really decadent solid again in the fridge. No worries.   Makeup? Don't wear it often, but I do like it.   Online Games? Guild Wars. I spend way too much time with it.   Phobias? Spiders.   Religious Preferences And Patron Saints/Goddesses/Spiritual Mentors? Thor, Odin, Anubis. Weird combo, I know. Don't ask how it happened, because I'm still not sure myself.   Rice Krispy Treats, Yes Or No? Homemade Or Prepackaged? Yes. Homemade. The prepackaged ones taste odd.   Secret Crush? Gah. I have one I'll likely never see again. Sad panda, I am.   Socks? Love 'em. Knee highs, mostly.   Sports? Hockey and wrestling.   Switch Witch Remain A Secret Or Reveal Herself? I'm good with either, leaning toward reveal.   Tattoos/Piercings? Ears are pierced twice, navel's pierced, and I have two tattoos with plans to get more.   Things I Find Offensive? Bigotry.   What Goodies Do You Love That You Can't Usually Get? TimTams.   What Is The Hottest And Coldest It Gets Where You Live? Hottest is usually up around 100. Coldest depends on the winter, sadly. Sometimes it won't go below 20, sometimes it goes down to -30.   What Practical Goals To You Have For The Upcoming Summer? Get back in shape.   What Sort Of Crafites Do You Do And What Sort Of Crafty Supplies Do You Like? I paint, I knit with looms, I'm attempting to learn to crochet, occasionally there's some drawing going on, and I'd like to eventually start mucking around with making jewelery. I see beads all the time that I get grabby handed over, but I don't know what to do with them.   What's Hanging On Your Walls? What Do You Want Hanging On Your Walls? Two wrestling posters, glow in the dark starts, and some random fabric I was given years ago. I've also got shelves hung up that are covered in all sorts of stuff, from books to action figures.   What's Your Favorite Color? For Wearing? And For Decorating? For wearing? Black. For decorating? Uhm. Don't really have one.   What's Your Favorite Flower? Tree? I'm big on roses, and I like willow trees.   What's Your Most Obscure Interest? Oh, this is easy. I don't know many people that are interested in OSHA regulations.   Which Kinds Of Soaps Do YOU Like? Arcana? BPTP? Lush? Super Bad? I don't use soap often. It dries my skin out something fierce.   Who Are Your Favorite Disney Characters? Eeyore.   Gemstones I like and why: Amethyst, hematite, onyx, there's more but they're not coming to me off the top of my head. It's been one of those weeks.   If I had no dress code: I don't really have one. Work is at home. Unless I have to go out to a meeting, or a job site, I'm in whatever's comfortable, even if it means I'm just stomping around in a sarong and a sports bra.   Wants from the update: Too much stuff to mention. Yeesh. Let's see...Stormclouds Over The Midway, The Chapel, The Torture Queen, pretty well everything from The Wunderkammer.   What kind of pens do you like? Bic Round Stic Grips in fine point with black ink.   BPAL signature scent: Dragon's Heart   Chips: Absolutely love Lay's Dill Pickle ones.




Another hit

The year really can't get any worse. It got so bad tonight that I've slathered not only Western Diamondback but also Banded Sea Snake. Work. Relationship. Stress. Gender. I won't go into it. I won't do an emotional vomit here.   And while I didn't know him, we've lost another guy to suicide. He's the second NZ transguy this year. I didn't really know him well, had read his posts on the board. It brings all my own transangst/issues/Darkness close.   Debating between Western Diamondback tomorrow or Alone. Both are comforting. I've got a roller bottle of WDB at work so if I go with Alone I can still slather in the afternoon.   I pinged a friend on Gmail. She's in Colorado so was getting ready to go to bed but took a few minutes to chat and I really appreciate it. I re-read my pm from Beth here saying she knew things were tough & to keep my head up. Both those things helped.   It's late. I'm exhausted after the day & night I've had. And I woke up suddenly at 3:30, was up for about 15 minutes trying to get back to sleep.   I'll look back on all this one day and see how far I've come.




My Sad Birthday

Well, yesterday was my 38th birthday and it was the saddest birthday I've ever had. Let me explain....   My beloved best friend, my golden retriever Max, my boy, passed away 4 weeks ago on 19th April, aged 3 years old. Although we don't know for certain what happened, the vet suspects that it was either a massive heart attack, an aneurism or a huge epileptic fit (although he had never suffered any heart problems or epilepsy prior to his passing). It all happened so suddenly. One minute we were playing outside, the next he went inside, I followed and within 20 - 30 seconds he was gone. Just like that. Although I gave him heart massage and mouth to mouth, the poor soul passed away very quickly and it has haunted me since.   You see, my boy wasn't just a dog to me. I have no desire to have children, so he was my child, my best friend, my confidante. I didn't just love him, I was in love with him (although not in any seedy kind of way, I just loved him to bits). His passing has left me confused, crushed and completely and utterly heartbroken. The world seems totally different and everything appears to be flat and two dimensional. In an instant, the world changed for me.   So you'll understand why my birthday was the saddest I've ever had. Usually my boyfriend and mum humour me by writing a card from Max and from my bunnies, but yesterday the card was only from my bunnies.   I am currently waiting for the patter of tiny paws from a mating of Max's dad and aunt, but no puppy will ever replace my boy. He was the most special, loving, loyal, gentle, kind and handsome boy anyone could ever ask for and his mummy was, and still is, so proud of him.   I hope my baby is at peace now and knows that I love and miss him more than any number of words could ever express. Although I have cried for him every day since his passing, should I cry every day until I die no amount of tears could ever be enough for such a wonderful boy.   Sorry for this depressing and sad blog, but it's how I'm feeling.   Max 30-11-2004 to 19-04-2008




Antonino, The Carny Talker

Antonino, The Carny Talker: White musk, wild plum, vetiver, black coconut, verbena, fig, and lavender.   In the imp: I was expecting this to be dark, and was scared of the vetiver (usually my nemesis). Instead, I got this beautiful feminine scent of plum, verbena, and fig. Couldn't find the coconut, and thankfully not the vetiver.   On me: A beautiful blend of precious. The vetiver hid, and I'm ever sooooo thankful!! The musk helped the plum and fig bloom without being fruity. The verbena gave it a teeny bit of citrus so change things up, and the lavender really rounded this scent out beautifully. The coconut helped make this scent sweet, but I can't detect any coconut on me. I think Antonino was really "Antonina" because this is a very feminine scent. I'm in love, and must get a bottle of this before CD comes down.




The Organ Grinder

The Organ Grinder: Almond milk, sarsaparilla, tobacco smoke, black patchouli and white pine bark.   In the imp: A delicous almondy scent, though not as strong of an almond as those with almond oil. I also get some sarsaparilla and pine bark, but this is so well blended I can't pick out the other notes.   On me: Better than in the imp! A beautiful almond/woodsy scent. For about half an hour/45 minutes that is. It then decided to turn into disgusting SOURED MILK! About as bad as Milk Moon 07 - ick. Thankfully the throw still smells pretty good, and I only get strong soured milk upon sniffing my wrists, but it's awful. And I can't seem to wash it off, so I'm stuck with it. And I can't smell too closely because it makes me nauseous. So far it seems determined to last on my skin all freaking day. This is not nice.




Gorillas, Genocide Part II

On our last day in Rwanda, here I was, sitting by the pool at the Milles des Collines, or Hotel Rwanda. SMP had to have a Coke before she passed out and we sat at the bar and talked about the movie where people taking refuge from the genocide were taking water out of this same pool because the supply had been cut off. It seemed impossible that this could have happened a mere 14 years ago.   Two days before, we had been taken to the genocide museum by our guide, Patrick. I am not sure why I have a penchant for sites of mass murder—Dachau, SI-21, gulags—but these in these places I am always overwhelmed with guilt and a sense of responsibility.   By way of a little background—I am not sure if anyone really remembers how it all happened but I will try to provide a recap so that this whole entry is contextualized (forgive me for historical inaccuracies):   Apparently Hutus and Tutsis have been ethnic groups in the area now known as Rwanda for a long time. In the 1930s, Belgian colonists issued identification cards marking the ethnicity of the two groups which had not been an issue before. (I am a little fuzzy on this point; the museum exhibit reported the demarcation of Hutu or Tutsi to be based on assets [Tutsis had more than 10 cattle and Hutus fewer]. The internets say that these ethnic divisions have been around for centuries, while others have said it was based on facial characteristics and skin tone.) For a long time prior to the issuance of these cards, Tutsis had been the ruling minority; with the Belgian control of the country, Tutsis again were given privilege over their Hutu country(wo)men. For the next few decades, Tutsis were given government jobs and allowed educational opportunities denied Hutus. As the colonists moved out, the problems started.   In the 1960s and 1970s there were isolated “trial runs” for the genocide with Hutus murdering Tutsi villages and Tutsis seeking revenge. As time went on, animosity between the groups grew. In early 1994, a UN informant told the organization that weapons were being stockpiled for genocide and that groups were being trained “to kill 1,000 people every 20 minutes”. In fact, there was a militia of over 30,000 trained when the killing started. The French government had supplied the Hutus with $12 million worth of weapons “on loan”.   No action was taken on the news provided by the informant.   Long story short, the Rwandan President’s plane was shot down on April 6, also killing the Hutu president of Burundi. The Prime Minister was set to give a speech to the country the next day, but she and ten Belgian soldiers protecting her were murdered before she could speak (this is one of the reasons the UN failed to act—for fear that they would also be targeted). The genocide started almost immediately, fueled by radio broadcasts.   One million people were killed in 100 days. At the museum I looked at a chain used to chain two people together and bury them alive. I saw the skulls and the clothes of the victims. I watched videos of churches where people had sought refuge and their pastors had betrayed them—literally hundreds of bodies in the church and the surrounding compound. I read about women raped by HIV positive men. I saw video of five-year-old children with gashes in their heads from machetes. I read about how people would have their Achilles tendons cut so they could not run while they were forced to watch their families bludgeoned to death while they waited their turn to die. I learned that live people were thrown down latrines—dozens of them—and buried alive. I watched the testimony of a woman who, venturing out after her family was killed, witnessed a baby breastfeeding on its dead mother.   The two parts that were the most difficult for me were the sections on the children and the part about Hutus who risked their lives to save their Tutsi neighbors and friends. In the section on children, there were large photos of the victims—babies and small children—with information posted below like:   Name: Jean Phillipe Age: 5 years Favorite food: rice with sauce Best Friend: Daddy How killed: Shot in the head Last words: Mommy, where do I run?   In the part on the heroes of the genocide, the Hutus who helped the Tutsis, I read about an old woman who was suspected of being a sorceress who scared the militia away by threatening to curse them. I read about a man who hid several dozen Tutsis in a trench in his yard which he disguised by planting pumpkins on top of the thatched cover. I read about a woman whose house was filled to capacity with all of the Tutsis she could hide, but refused to turn away her neighbor. I think this section moved me the most because these were ordinary people risking their lives to save others. So many people either took part or failed to act but these people took a stand. It was heartening.   After the museum we went outside to look at the mass graves. These victims had no families to claim their bodies and no one knows who these people are since whole families and neighborhoods were wiped out. This was not just one small patch of land; at least seven large concrete slabs (probably 20 feet long by 15 feet wide) containing hundreds of bodies. Each village has its own mass grave.   On the way out of town we saw trucks with men in pink uniforms on the back. These were the men who committed the genocide being transported to another jail.   Everyone wonders how shit like this can go down without anyone taking action. Guess what? THIS SHIT IS HAPPENING NOW. Genocide is happening right now in Darfur and no one is doing anything. When are we going to become the regular people who take a stand? When are we going to become informed about what is happening in the world and stop the rape and murder?




Buy a book, help Oxfam

I just ordered a cookbook from this company: Good Books. Yes, the site & company is based in NZ but they ship globally (I emailed and checked). Delivery is included in the price you see, which is a bonus. And you help Oxfam out because 100% of the profits go to Oxfam. How cool is that? Buy a book, help a non-profit! "....delivery worldwide is completely free, and with over two million titles in stock our range is one of the largest you will find."   My love of reading + my desire to Make A Difference = PRICELESS   They've got some music too, but the search function doesn't seem to work with music and they don't have a lot right now.   Check them out. Setting up an account & ordering is easy. They use secure encryption. And like I said, delivery is included in the price you see. So unlike Amazon.com you don't have to tack on a hefty (for us) fee to get your package delivered by Slow Boat. Lovely.   They are still growing, they may not have everything but check their selection first.   Go on, ya know you want to. Grab a book for the beach (for those of you going into Summer) or grab one to curl up in front of the heater with (for those of us going into Winter).




Speed sniff-testing, mostly Excolo

Lust! Oh yes. And I usually don’t like patchouli. Do I smell coconut in here? I believe I do.   Jailbait - I like it, but it smells like Materva (soda) with a little bubblegum! This might be a Cuban/South Florida thing.   Lilith - I can’t pick out anything but I LIKE!   Blood Countess - Fruity and Floral? But I likes!   Obatala - a coconut that works!!! Oh this is delicious!! It's everything I wanted the Tikis to be.   Dirty Viking (HAEE)- Mint or eucalyptus? This will be good for hangovers.   Voodoo Punani (HAEE) - holy crap! More, now, please.   Skuld - OMFG my nose had an orgasm! This is up there in all time favorites. I must have buckets of this, and I’m so happy this is GC!!!!!   Golden Priapus - Amber, juniper and vanilla all in one? And pine that doesn’t smell like cleaning fluid? yay! The pine reminds me of Christmas, this will be a great holidays scent.   13 - I want to eat myself!!





I got decants of the Tikis that didn't appeal to me too much, and bottles of those that did. The verdict? Most of them didn't work at all on me.   Tiki Queen: Smelled like Bubbleicious Bubblegum on me. I guess that's not bad, but it wasn't what I wanted to smell like.   Tiki King: OMG coconut heaven in the bottle!!! And on me, it turned into a very weird lemony coconut, but the sweet turned to bitter and wasn't all that great. Damn.   Te Po: Smelled like the cherry syrup they put into Cherry Coke. And then upon drydown it was a combination of artificial cherry syrup and red hots. This might be great if I was 12, but it wasn't for me.   Marae: I had high hopes!!! But alas, it smelled like very faint baby cologne on me. Bah.   Boo Bam: Meh   Blue Fire: artificial blueberry explosion??? I'm keeping it to give it a second shot because I really wanted to like it!!!   Moai: Nasty ashes, ick.   Rangoon Riptide: Meh   Tupapau: Meh   The few that worked:   Screeching Parrot: Delicious apricots and pineapple, and some pomegranite too. Yay!   Upa Upa: Oh yes! Coconut and vanilla, and they don't go all weird. Heaven!!   Moana: It's very ocean-y clean.   Opuhi: Delicious!




King Cobra

King Cobra: Snake Oil with orris, frankincense, and copal.   In the imp: A very resiney Snake Oil   On me: Snake Oil with incese!!! A dryer incense, not like Temple Viper at all but still very good. After several hours it smells mostly just like snake oil, but that's what reapplying is for. Verdict: Yum! I wouldn't mind swapping for a bottle of this too.





updated: April 15....   My wishlist is by no means comprehensive or complete. I am not a fan of foody, floral, or aquatic scents for the most part, nor do I like overly “perfumey” scents. I’m not a fan of dirt, but one of my best friends is, so I’m interested in some.. I adore smoke, incense, blood, dust, wood, amber, apple, tobacco, citrus, blueberry, leather... I am always willing to try new things, so if it’s not on here and you think I’d like it – ASK.   I’m also really interested in LEs that came out before I found BPAL.. so pre-2008. Even just small amounts would make me happy.   I would sell my soul for the Blue Phoenix and Orange Phoenix prototypes – if you have them, and want to share the love (just an imp is all I need!), I will bribe you with any BPAL I own, or some kind of pretty jewelry thing (I’m a Jewelry/Metals major at school)… my fat dog? … anything. srsly. WANT:   5ml: Blood Kiss Al-Azif Famine Chaos Theory V: Dorian The Host of the Air     imps/decants: Blue Phoenix - ANY Orange Phoenix - ANY Chaos Theory V: Dorian Devil’s Night Antique Lace Hastur The Phoenix Numb Treat #1 Ecstasy – Infatuation Freakshow (Carnival Noir) Fire Eater (Carnival Noir) Carnivale Medicine Show (Carnival Noir) The Ghost Order of the Dragon: - Count Dracula - The Carpathian Mountains - The Bloody Sword - Lucy Westerna - Quincy Morris - Wilhelmina Murray[/b] Shoggoth – imp Fruit Moon 2005 Harvest Moon 2004 Harvest Moon 2005 Harvest Moon 2006 Desire Les Bijoux Delirium Poisoned Apple Coral Snake Bilquis Samhain Miskatonic University Arkham (discontinued) The Apple of Sodom Bohun Upas The Lotus Tree The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil Ya-Te-Vo The Zieba Tree The Ides of March   Great Duets: - Erik - Mr. Edward Hyde - Maud Ruthyn - Silas Ruthyn   B-Movies: - Mutant Hot-Rodders from Hell High - Spawn of the She-Demon - That! The Terror from Over There! - Crimson Christmas   Salon decants: - Death of the Gravedigger - The Fox-woman Kuzonoha Leaving her Child - Lucretia - Satan and Sin with Death Intervening - Silence - The Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil - The Cup of Death - The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed With the Sun - Les Anges Dechus - Melancholia - Three Gorgons - Bat - Death and Life Completed - Fox Fires on New Year's Eve at the Garment Nettle Tree at Oji - Kiyohime Changes from a serpent - Love and Pain - Schlafende Baigneuse - Sunrise with Sea Monsters   Bling: - The Goldfish Pool and Other Stories - A Study in Emerald





I really like 5 am. And on Youtube here. (Edited to add: check out the "LOVE" section at the top of their webpage, the first link)   I got turned onto them when I worked at an outdoor store in Sonoma County, one of the women I worked with did the backing vocals and was dating one of the members. She married him eventually and I think had a baby. I don't know if he's still in the band (I'm shocking with names and that was 10 years ago). I'm a bit behind in getting their albums, I need to get their latest, Raise the Sun, as well as their previous, This Morphine Life. Maybe for Christmas.   "Lost and Found is a song off the last cd I bought of theirs. The song really hits home for me.   Lost and Found   Here among the lost and found, I lie and wait For someone to return relieved to find me here Like a twisted pair of sunglasses, like a torn faded cap I lie among the forgotten battered but still intact   If only I could see you again, move around in your heart, feel the touch of your skin If only I could see you again   Here among the lost and found you’ll be surprised who you’ll find Everyone’s got their story and I guess that I’ve got mine I never meant to lose my way, I just wandered a little at a time No one seemed to notice that I was left behind   If only I could see you again, move around in your heart, feel the touch of your skin If only I could see you again My friend, my friend I don’t belong here   Here among the lost and found, I’ve got nothing left but my name I’ve got the scars from where I’ve been I’ve just forgotten where they came Sometimes you take so many hits you drift further away You find yourself in the darkness and there you’ll stay   The last lines are the ones that have been hitting home the most lately.




Hallmark card holidays

Does Mother's Day qualify for "Hallmark Card Holiday" status with you? I'm beginning to think it does, for me.   A "Hallmark Card" holiday, in my book, is a holiday that's not good for much else other than raising people's expectations of receiving a card and/or gift. Valentine's Day and Sweetest Day are examples of other such holidays.   Ever since my mother died, I really, really hate Mother's Day. I know I no longer have a mother...I don't need a special day on the calendar to underscore it. *sigh*


