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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

First blog here!

I've blogged for years on LiveJournal, but I thought it would be nice to have a BPAL blog, too. I have a feeling my friends list gets tired of me going on and on about BPAL all the time.   It's rainy and dreary here today. A good day to stay home and try on BPAL and listen to music.   I'm pretty excited, because I'm seeing Opeth live on Thursday with my husband and a friend.   I've now been into BPAL since March officially. It's been really wonderful so far. It's been really exciting to find new and different scents. I never thought I could get this excited over perfume. I also bought a scent locket last week. I'm hoping that will give some staying power to some of the scents that fade quickly, like Morocco. I'll have to take a picture and post it here. This is the locket I bought.




Archetypes and Animal Totems

I have quite a bit of experience with divination, and have found it to be particularly accurate for me. I use cards, stones, or huacas (sacred objects).   Archetypes determined by the method described in Caroline Myss’s Sacred Contracts; assigned to houses through divination; animals determined through divination.   House 1: Ego & Personality Archetype: Shapeshifter Animal: Swan   House 2: Life Values Archetype: Messiah Animal: Wolf   House 3: Self-expression Archetype: Monk Animal: Dog   House 4: Home Archetype: Victim Animal: Hummingbird   House 5: Creativity & Good Fortune Archetype: Hermit Animal: Salmon   House 6: Occupation & Health Archetype: Prostitute Animal : Owl   House 7: Marriage & Relationships Archetype: Saboteur Animal: Turkey   House 8: Other People’s Resources Archetype: Student Animal: Raven   House 9: Spirituality Archetype: Nature Child Animal: Turtle   House 10: Highest Potential Archetype: Knight Animal: Elk   House 11: Relationship to the World Archetype: Judge Animal: Prairie Dog   House 12: The Unconscious Archetype: Scientist Animal: Jaguar   Animal Totems (David Carson method) Determined through divination, borne out in meditation and life experience.   East: guide to one’s greates spiritualchallenge and guardian to one’s path to illumiatnation. Otter (Woman Medicine)   South: protector of the child within; reminder of when to be humble and when to trust; balancer of innocence in one’s personality. Turtle (Mother Earth)   West: leader to one’s personal truth and inner answers and guide to one’s path to one’s goals. Butterfly (Transformation)   North: giver of wise counsel; reminder of when to speak and when to listen; reminder to be grateful for everyday blessings. Raven (Magic)   Above: teacher in how to honor the Great Star Nation; reminder that one came from the stars and to the stars will return; guardian of the dreamtime. Horse (Power)   Below: teacher about the Inner Earth and how to stay grounded and on the Path. Skunk (Reputation)   Within: teacher of finding one’s heart’s joy and being faithful to one’s personal truths; protetor of one’s sacred space. Wolf (Teacher)   Right Side: protector of one’s male side; center of one’s courage and warrior spirit. Crow (Law)   Left Side: protector of one’s female side Dog (Loyalty)   There are, of course, other Power Animals and Omen Animals in my life! Spider, Hawk, and Phoebe come to mind.




Temple Viper

Temple Viper: Snake Oil with sugar cane, frankincense, champaca, opoponax, labdanum, and hyssop.   In the imp: Definitely getting a lot of Snake Oil from it, but it's sweeter and darker. I can't identify individual notes, but I can smell the sugar cake, frankincense, and champaca adding to the blend.   On me: This has to be the sexiest perfume I have ever worn!!! Sex in a bottle. It's Snake Oil, but different. Deeper, darker, definitely getting the sugarcane. The frankincense gives it a touch of incense without making it incensey. The champaca adds more spice to it. The opoponax makes this more vanilla-ey. So this is snake oil, only better and waaaaay sexier! I think I need 2 bottles of this one!!!!




non-bpal review/Czech and Speake No. 88

Czech and Speake No. 88   "No. 88 is the signature fragrance from Czech & Speake. From its Aromatics Collection, No.88 is a blend of woods, bergamot, geranium, rose otto, cassie flower, frangipani, vetiver, and sandalwood. This gorgeous fragrance is worn by both men and women." (description from The Perfumed Court)   I was attracted to this because I read Morrissey wears it (and Elton John, too). I was so glad to find a source for a sample.   This is fabulous! It's a rose scent, but unmistakably gender-neutral, although some may find it masculine. The closest bpal I can think of is Thanatos, but No. 88 is definitely lighter, fresher, and not as powdery (not that I dislike Thanatos). It's definitely woody, but also floral and slightly fruity. It strikes me as a versatile scent.....I could wear this at work (and I did), or out on the town, or for a formal occasion. I would call it almost a studious rose scent, but dark, hinting at naughtiness.   Now I need to try their Cuba scent, because I definitely want a bottle of one or the other. This stuff is pricey and only available from the UK, so it's going to be a treat to splurge and indulge myself. If Cuba is as good as this, it's going to be tough to decide. I could absolutely wear No. 88 on a regular basis.




non-bpal review/Vetiver Guerlain

Vetiver Guerlain   "fresh and outdoorsy, a blend of vetiver, wood, tobacco and spice." (description from Fragrancenet.com   I love vetiver and having read lots of rave reviews, I really wanted to try this. Wet on the skin, for the first 10 or 15 minutes, this is a glorious, almost dizzying swirl of fresh, bright citrus notes, with some green grassiness peeking in and out. I loved it! After a while, all the top notes fade and what's left is simply vetiver single note. It's a light, fresh vetiver, almost reminiscent of sweet hay. Not a bad thing, but I'd love to smell that first stage longer.




non-bpal review/Pascal Morabito Or Black

Pascal Morabito Or Black   I sought this after reading Luca Turin's perfume blog, he seemed to really like it. This review is from one test on the skin (I'll probably wear it again, so I may add to this entry later).   top Note : bergamote, pepper, leather Note de cœur : benzoin, ciste, cyprus Note de fond : vetiver, ylang-ylang, amber, Tonkin Musk, oak moss.   Didn't refresh my memory on the notes first, so I thought it was primarily an incense scent. Wet on the skin, it was exactly that. Slightly reminiscent of Midnight Mass, but murkier, more 'black'. After a few minutes, very shortly, I realized there was a strong note of leather. It reminded me of something from my past, maybe Drakkar Noir. It seems to be a formal, almost stern scent. Heavy and dark. Not for everyday wear, but probably good for special occasions. The leather comes out strong and lasts for a long time.




Dragon Moon '08

Dragon Moon '08: Our Dragon Moon represents the forces of rebirth and the vigor that springtime brings: dragon's blood resin, galbanum, blue sage, lavender, peppermint, sweetgrass, frankincense, moonglow magnolia, bergamot, and green cedar.   In the bottle: A delicious herbal blend of mainly sage, sweetgrass, bergamont, and a bit of cedar. Where is the dragon's blood?   On me: This is deliciously sweet herbal. I'm getting a lot of sage, frankincense, and cedar. The other notes are there, but blended so well that I can't pick them out. I like this very much, and it is very different from all the other BPAL I have.




Australian Copperhead

Australian Copperhead: Snake Oil with acai berry, amber, cardamom, neroli, and smoked vanilla.   In the imp: A deliciously sweeter snake oil.   On me: The Snake Oil is very faint underneath the acai berry, neroli, and smoked vanilla. I didn't get much amber or cardamom out of this, mainly a lot of acai and neroli sweetness. But if I sniff deeply enough, I get the precious snake oil too. Sniffs at different distances also smelled different, so this one is very complex. And it has become my favorote snake. I definitely need a bottle.




Cosmetics Wishlist

Link to Sephora Wishlist   I've got a Favorites list at MAC, but it can't be made public or, apparently, emailed. *shrug*   Victoria's Secret Heidi Collection for Very Sexy Makeup Perfect Lipstick (it's sort of a sparkly clear, if there's more than one color - that name is so long and I still can't tell if it's specific or not!!)





Boomslang: Snake Oil with cocoa, teakwood, and rice milk.   In the imp: Strong snake oil presence and some cocoa. Teakwood and rice milk? They are hiding.   On me: HEAVEN! Slather PLEASE! Delicious snake oil with a lot of cocoa yumminess. I think I may sniff a teeny bit of teakwood, but I still don't know where the rice milk is. This smells sooooo good! It's got more throw than Snake Oil, or any of the other snakes I've tried so far. Boomslang is a dark oil, and when it was wet I could see it on my skin. I'm sure if I hadn't rubbed it in it would have stained my skin, so must be careful with that. This is most definitely a bottle need.




SW Summer 08 Q&As

Post #323   Little treats: Not much of a candy person m'self, but I love tiny (pocket-sized or smaller) school supplies and sketchpads! It's so hard to resist buying one whenever I go to the campus store/an art supply store. My favorites have plain brown covers and spines, but spiral bound ones are nice too.   Hair: I once got my hair highlighted with red and violet... It was at a Japanese hair parlor. They had to bleach first because I have blackblack hair... and apparently my hair was traumatized by the experience. From now on the only chemical treatment I'm going to use is permanent straightening...   BPAL storage: I use unfinished wooden boxes from Michael's with simple handmade cardboard partitions. I have three right now, but they're overflowing... But I don't really want any more boxes; they take up too much space. I might instead make second stories inside them.   Checkout eye-catchers: Hmmmmm, iTunes cards maybe...   Characters/theme: I've got a post about this on my BPAL blog Tada! My favorite characters/themes are my own -- a bunch of them are detailed here. I love stuff that relates to them, especially Moon (who sort of represents "soul" or "the child" to me), Uriel (gentle professor/tragic lover figure), Cosimo (spunky but complex nerdy mageboy), and Isaac (himself!). A couple of the "other people's characters" from that post: Zhang Liao (Dynasty Warriors, Romance of the Three Kingdoms), Lezard Valeth (Valkyrie Profile), Crowley (Good Omens), and the Spy (Team Fortress 2.)   Used books, CDs, DvDs: Sure! The only exception would be video games that require (or practically require) you to register online. These are better new for obvious reasons.   What are your favorite flavors? Oily, salty, deep-fried... errrr, you mean for candy and stuff? In ice cream, my favorite flavor is coffee. I like chocolate and French vanilla, too. What few candies I like, I tend to like citrus fruits. In general, I like things that are a little bit sweet, but not super-sweet.   What's your favorite flower? Tree? Flower: Lavender. Tree: Apricot tree, 'cause my dorky Japanese name is 杏.   Sports? Nope -- don't watch or play any.   How do people feel about homemade items? And what about mix CDs? I welcome them!   Pirates or Ninjas? ROBOTS   Are you an indoor person or outdoor person? Totally indoor. I go outside sometimes, but I spend most of my day in my room. Think neurotic nest-guarding Cancer.   Is any witchee opposed to "naughty" gifts? I explain here why naughty's not really my style. I don't mind it, it's just not my thing.   What's your guilty pleasure? Do I have to pick just one? Video games... the guiltiest of the guilty are the horrible pink sparkly otome dating sims. Don't tar and feather me, please!!   What's your favorite color? Brown, lavender, pastelly and grayish tints For wearing? Black, jewel tones, Flaming Fuschia, white For decorating? Uhhhhhh... Do you have a particular decorating style? I think my decorating style is "Gee, I don't have anywhere to put this. I guess I have to store it on the floor!"   Do you have pets and what kind of gifts would be good for them? I have one beautiful, aloof, senile, dog-eating female Shiba at home. I looooove her so much, but she doesn't love me Either that or she's not the type to reveal her true feelings. Anyway, I can't seem to get her interested in toys anymore... She will steal tennis balls and carry them home if she finds them on a walk, but she never plays! Probably the only thing she's interested in any more is food, and she tends to be pretty picky. Not sure my witchee would be able to find something the Empress would deign to participate in, but you're welcome to try. ;;   What sort of crafites do you do and what sort of crafty supplies do you like? I'm more of a digital person than a crafty person, but I do love sewing little felt dolls. The current generation is around 6" and almost totally naked, so I'd love fabric for clothing them. This is my gallery of them on my LJ. Ceri is now owned by a good friend of mine.   Witch remain a secret? I would like to know who my Witch is! But she doesn't have to reveal if she really doesn't want. I hope that won't be the case, though.   LiveJournal: mine is [redacted].   Are they up to being gifted with anime? Sure, I like some anime. I prefer comedy to action, deep angsty stuff, etc. And I'm sure my witchee knows from my questionnaire that I'm a history freak.   #328   For those of you who play video games, what consoles do you own? I've got a massive PC, 2 years old now, that's been able to take everything I've thrown at it -- BioShock, TF2, etc., all look great! I've also got a PS2 and Nintendo DS. I'm permanently borrowing my brother's PSP because he never plays it. Not interested in other consoles... not yet.   #354   How would you describe yourself--do you feel that you're shy or outgoing, laidback, high-strung... and in what ways? I am extremely weird. Not just in the superficial senses (super shy, nerdy gamer, crossdresser, illithid-lover, biggest crush ever on Al Jahiz,) but I feel I relate to people in strange ways and have strange aspirations. My dream is to make a particular story in the shape of a video game, "Moon's Apologia," about... all sorts of stuff. Though I have a tendency to get derailed by a gazillion other game ideas that just get out of control... Currently working on a Harvest Moon-style dog breeding sim set in a fantasy Arabia around 602. Errr... yeah. That alone should tell you a lot about me...   Mailbox situation: At home, our mail gets stuffed in through the mail slot in the door if it's thin enough or left on the steps if it's too big. We've never had problems with people stealing packages, and usually someone's home to answer the door. Not sure what it's going to be like this summer, though, with dad in the hospital.   What’s your favorite genre of books to read? History, biographies of really really really dead people.   What’s a talent you are most proud of? Hard for me to say... probably my ability to come up with new stories? I'll never run out of ideas. Of course, this is also my most hated talent. I'll never finish my ideas!!   Can I send you chocolate and melty treats from Lush, or are they going to wind up being really decadent goo? Texas. They'll be goo. Also, I can't eat most chocolate.   What was your favorite childhood toy? I loved tinker toys, but my favorite "toy"? Construction paper and scissors. I would cut out silhouettes of animals and trees and things and would arrange them in epic outward-spiraling pictographic stories, covering the floors of whole rooms. And my poor parents would pick up after me!   How much do you still enjoy playing with toys? I like soft toys like my felt dolls and plush animals, but more for dressing up/arranging than playing. Nowadays my "toys" are on the computer -- Photoshop, RPG Maker, Excel (srsly), MIDI editors, etc.   What practical goals to you have for the upcoming summer? I'm gonna work on my projects and do at least a little cooking. I'm not going to set any really heavy goals, though, at least until I've got a better idea of how my dad is doing.   How would you describe your sense of humor? I'd like to say I utilize fabulously witty wordplay, but really I'm not that clever. I'm more easily amused; I laugh at a lot of things other people don't seem to find funny. Occasionally I come out with a riposte though, and I gloat for days afterwards.   Things I find offensive? I'm pretty sure none of you are going to send anything actually horribly racist or queer-phobic or similar, so I'm probably safe. Except that I'd like to ask not to receive anything really heavy-handedly religious -- though I often find religious imagery interesting aesthetically, the messages sometimes make me uncomfortable.   But as for phobias! Vomit-phobic Pretty much OK with images of spiders and bugs (don't send me live ones though.) Love snakes.   What goodies do you love that you can't usually get? Pokka canned jasmine green tea. ! But I can get most other things I like at home, since it's a big city. My school is in a teeny tiny teeny town, though, and I have to mail order or mom-order almost everything!   What is the hottest and coldest it gets where you live? At my home (where I will be during this round) it's usually 60F to 105-110F. At school, usually -30F to 80F.   What's your most obscure interest? I'm not even sure I can answer my own question because all my interests are pretty darn obscure... Aforementioned illithids, Silla Korea & pre-Islamic Arabia, Takarazuka Revue are probably some of the stranger ones... and I've never met anyone trying to learn Venetian either.   #404   favorite books as a kid? I'm having trouble remembering. I know my first book was Chicka Chika Boom Boom with which I was omgobsessed, but I don't remember childhood/preteen books very well, other than a few like Trumpet of the Swan, Island of the Blue Dolphins, ... a bit of Jack London when I was slightly older... ... ... nope, amnesia.   But I can tell you about my: Favorite TV shows as a kid. Nature. Nova. And Bill Nye the Science Guy.   ... This may have contributed to the development of my weirdness, watching lions tear apart their prey on TV and all that. And I knew aaaaall about reproduction way before sex ed. I never understood all the hype and giggles... ... ... in fact, I still don't really...   #466   Rice Krispy treats, yes or no? Homemade or prepackaged? No thanks, too sweet for me!   Religious preferences and such: I am an utterly unspiritual atheist, while at the same time I love to read about mythology and like a lot of the imagery, like I mentioned before. Pictures of angels, goddesses, sacred animals, and so forth, they can all be quite beautiful. But I hate being proselytized, don't want to hear about how your god(s) love me (or don't love me,) etc.   Chex Mix or Puppy Chow? Chex Mix I guess; Puppy Chow sounds too sweet for me?   I'm a big soap fan, so which kinds of soaps do YOU like? I am not a big soap fan, but I loves me some Silk Road Trading Company! I love Clear Wind Rice, lovelovelovelove. I like Chogori, too.   #557   What's hanging on your walls? What do you want hanging on your walls? I've got a poster of one of my other deadguycrushes, Zhang Liao! I think I might like to add something by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, but I can't decide on one. Or maybe something by Arthur Rackham ... Raphael... but again, having to pick is hard.   What things (that you can put in a box) make you giggle wildly, catch your breath, and touch you deeply? Tentacles for me, too My Witch from last round, likie, did this for me with the most amazing Dante and Shakespeare cards. Squee! It's hard for me to say, though, since the best things tend to be surprises! Things that are just me, but that I never expected.   #602   Other forms of burned media? I prefer legal things in general, but if it's something rare that only appears on ebay once every 3 years and goes for hundreds of dollars? (There may or may not be such things I want O_O)   #686   Maple syrup? I like it OK, but I can only stand teeny amounts at a time. Sweet!!!!   as for Corset or Cami? ... Um... no. Not for me!   #895   Incense or candles? I wrote about this in my questionnaire; I can't have them in my dorm and I'm too afraid to burn them at home although I use tarts as potpourri-type-stuff sometimes.   Tattoos? Piercings? No tattoos, piercings, or other body modifications here. Washable only for me!   Receiving (NEW AND UNUSED/non-crunchy) cute undies in a SW package: awesome or creepy? ... Crunchy? How... how does underwear get crunchy -- no, don't tell me. No. I guess it depends on what "cute" means here. Nobody's ever going to see my undies but me, so something cute/sexy but uncomfortable's not for me. But cute as in octopus-print boxers? Yes! Yes!   #1157   Anything you really absolutely don't want to get? There are a few things I can imagine... but I don't suspect that my witchee, having read my questionnaire, would send. Giant heavy stuff, cheese, etc. Live animals?   How conventional/weird are you comfortable with? I guess it depends on what "conventional" and "weird" here mean. I often seem to have pretty conventional tastes, but I am also myself pretty weird. I don't really like either hoity-toity or kitschy-flashy, but I like unique, cute, clean, odd...   What kind of socks do you like and wear? I mostly wear black dress socks. I don't wear a lot of knitted things...   Most coveted BPALs at the moment: I'm actually pretty much OK right now... just the usual Gaimans and untried GCs. The only one for which I have an ongoing melancholy longing is Chokmah.   Are you a good witch or a bad witch? I'm a bumbling, good-natured Switch Wizard!   what's everyone's favorite new music find? Not applicable, though I've been searching...   #1191   First concert? I'm... not much of a concert-goer...   Top 10? Here's mine!   #1319   Most obscure vacation? Possibly Kakogawa in Japan. Apparently it's considered "countryside" by our Osaka and Kobe friends. For several years we went in the summer and stayed in a house that belonged to the parents of one of mom's friends. It was really nice... much more comfortable than hotels, for sure!   Who are your favorite Disney characters? I'm not that much of a Disney person anymore, but my parents would take me when I was little. I tended to attach to supporting characters, though, not the heroes or heroines. Like--   ... ... ...   Actually, you guys have just given me a deep revelation about my psychological development. Lumiere. Holy crap.   What's your idea of a great weekend? Waking up late, working on my own projects until late, and going to bed late. There's nothing better in the world.   What about makeup? Not really -- eyebrow pencil for drag, and I own a concealer stick but I almost never bother using it...   Do you play online games? I don't really play browser games, but I play some computer games online (mostly just TF2, occasionally NWN or NWN2.)   #2392   Do you like hair things? Hair's too short for stuff! Plus I usually wear a hat...   Lip Balm? Don't usually do anything fancier than ChapStick types of things...   Nails? It's a good day when I remember to clip them   How do you feel about leather/leather scraps? I am not veggie, but I don't really care for real leather for a variety of reasons. Even though I like the scent in perfume... o.O   Do you prefer one large package, a couple of medium packages or a handful small ones spaced out? I like to get lots of contact, but these could be a bunch of ecards and then 1 package, so... whatever my Witch likes!   Plants? I wish I could say yes but we're too busy/distracted to take proper care of them, I'm afraid...   Stuff for kids? Well, we've got one 19-going-on-20-year-old kid at home here who loves video games...   What insects do you delight in where you come from? Not many... O_O Ladybugs sometimes.   How do people feel about feet. I don't like my own feet for TMI reasons...   What are five simple things that you just can't get through the day without? 1. Proper food and drink; if I have to fast I get super-cranky 2. A word processor or notebook so I can record things 3. The internet or some books so I can learn things 4. Alone time, pretty much as much as possible (ideally I'd interact with other people for only 1-2 hours of the day) 5. Uhhh... not sure. Those four are the most important.   What is your favorite beverage (adult bev. if you are of age)? I am not of age, so: tea (Pokka canned jasmine green tea, Earl Grey, oolong, genmaicha, etc., tea plant tea,) orange juice, apple juice, citrussy fruit juice blends with orange, pineapple, etc. I like these things for their taste. I'm not a tea addict... I don't seem to need it, and I don't notice any effect from it, actually -- juice, with the sugar, seems to wake me up just as much. I don't like coffee or vegetable juice.   Who here reads comics/graphic novels? And Which ones? I used to read a lot of manga but sort of stopped when I got into college because they were a pain to get and really expensive to buy. The last manga I followed all the way to the end was Angel Sanctuary, which I loved even though it wasn't the typical comedy fare I like.   Is it rude to send soap that's been opened to sniff? If it's BPTP soap? I don't have any problem with it!   Gemstones? What's your favorite? And why? (including precious and semi-precious). My favorite decorative thingie is mother of pearl, which is not really a stone, but I love it. I also like pearl, lapis lazuli, opal, etc... I don't like crystally stones (brain fried, not sure what the correct term would be ^^ ; ) like ruby, aquamarine, etc. More opaque, milky-colored things appeal to me. ...Though I don't really wear jewelry...   Earrings? No pierced ears here!   New question! Anyone need scent lockets? I would never refuse one, but I'm not sure how I would wear it, 'cause I'm usually wearing a tie. Maybe scent pocketwatch...?!   Do you like spicy/asian food? Asian food seasoning, anyone? I don't like spicy -- my stomach is pretty delicate and cranky -- but I love the less spicy Asian foods. I like a lot of my mom's Korean food, for example, but we leave off the hot bean paste or whatever.   How adventurous are you when it comes to food/candies? Not terribly adventurous, but I'll try new things.   what websites MUST everyone visit at least daily? My webmail, LiveJournal, bpal.org, and Wikipedia. The other ones switch up depending on the day.   Beloved TV shows? MythBusters! And Nature and NOVA still, depending on program. I love all sorts of programs relating to animal behavior, emotions, intelligence, etc..   Tarot? I don't use tarot, but I love the symbolism and the art is often quite beautiful, so I'm thinking of getting a Shadowscapes tarot when they become available.   Who likes hats, and what styles? I love fedoras! I have only one proper one, a black with a medium-size brim, but I would really like a white-with-black ribbon (or maybe light gray with black, or white with dark gray) especially if I can find a white suit jacket to wear this summer.   How important is BPAL in your Switch Witch packages? Not important -- of course I love it, but I wouldn't mind if I didn't get any.   "Used" BPAL? Ugly BPAL? Empties? Love 'em!   deadly sin? My primary sin is Sloth: Getting myself to do anything (other than work on my insane schemes) is a chore. Eating, exercising, meeting friends? Bleeeeeeh, too hard! Secondary sins are Avarice, Wrath, and Pride. Lust and Envy aren't too troublesome for me, and I need to figure out how to induce Gluttony in myself   What did you sing along to in the shower this morning? "Honor To Us All"   if you could meet anyone living and anyone dead, who would it be? I should totally answer this question but it's too hard!!!! There are so many awesome people!   Webcomics: I used to read Order of the Stick, 9th Elsewhere, and Mind Flayed, but fell behind and ended up stopping last semester.   #3042   How much would everyone want their Witch to be in touch with them? I like lots of little bits of contact, but whatever is most convenient for my Witch is fine! I'm not too needy.   What things make you feel as though you have brought a pleasing sense of order to the world? Organizing my BPAL and related spreadsheets!   How much personal swapping/purchasing do you plan on doing this round, and what if your witch gets you something you've already ordered? As far as BPAL goes, I don't think I'm going to do all that much -- we'll see. But I don't really mind getting duplicates of BPAL.   Do you use scent diffusers? I didn't much because I lived in a double last year (but now, roommate no more!! Squee!!) but now I have the opportunity. We'll see if I do.   what flavored hard candies do you or don't like? and are you willing to try different things like green tea or some other strange flavors? Green tea is a "strange" flavor? Well, I'm willing to try most things once. I prefer to stick to my favorites, though: apple, citrus, coffee, and a couple other things.   what is your favorite time waster? Wikipedia *thud*   Favorite mailable food-items? Hmmmm... Senbei?   Strangest dream you've ever had? Wow... Well... Most of my dreams don't seem that strange to me, but they're apparently all pretty strange. I don't generally dream about things happening to me, but I dream narratives (video games mostly) in which I'm both a character and the author or player. (When I'm the player, I often restart from the last save if things don't turn out right. ; ) Some of the weirder ones have been stuff like a Valkyrie Profile and Pokemon crossover and one dream where I had to dodge bullets made of yogurt...   What is your favorite cuisine/food? Mom's home cooking! After that, probably Japanese.   #3219   Favorite Halloween costume: Not sure. I've sure been having a lot of fun these past few Halloweens, though, 'cause it's a great opportunity to do drag and not be stared at (too much.)   A scent that you adore but have decided that it's impossible to find? I don't have too many of these. Maybe Sugar-Slathered Candied Apple.   Is there a perfume company that you've never tried that you are curious about? I Hate Perfume, maybe. I'm interested in trying mainstream perfumes with the notes I like, too.   If you could design your own perfume oil, which notes would it have? Man... I'd have a hard time choosing between Moon-blend, Uriel-blend, and Isaac-blend. They are: Moon - snow, pear, cucumber, honeydew, blackcurrant, lavender, lychee, bamboo, pine, and myrrh. Uriel - lavender, cocoa, coffee bean, frankincense, myrrh, agarwood, benzoin, tobacco leaf, and rosewood. Isaac - ozone, coffee, vanilla, leather, white musk, and a bit of cocoa.   #3566   As far as Vintage goes, I don't mind it at all -- I've got a few items, like an old kimono, that were worn by untold, unnamed musky men in the previous century...   Scarf: skinny or fat? Medium-fat, I suppose, although I have sooo many now -- don't need any more for a while!   What's your purse preference? I have a black shoulder-bag with lots of pockets. It's reasonably manly and doesn't clash too badly with my outfits.   Pecan brittle? I like brittle OK, but I can only have a bit at a time 'cause it's sweeeet. But I like pecan, sesame, all different kinds!   Salty food? Yes please!   What bpal didn't work on you? Man, a lot of BPALs don't work on me... I have around a 30-40% success rate! Plum and white florals tend to go especially weird on my skin.   Homemade body care products? Sure! Why not?   #3708   What kind of peni... err... pens do I like? Hmm... rollerball pens and those whatchamacallit fine line drawing pens. I like to draw and write with the same pens. I'm not a pen geek though, since I do most of my work on the computer.   #4600   So, bath products. I mentioned in my questionnaire that I am bath-challenged and don't have the slightest clue what to do with most exotic fancy stuff... soap, shampoo, conditioner, that's it for me.   But I can tell you about my favorite textures in soap: I don't like things too exfoliating because my skin is apparently really sensitive to scratching, but just a wee bit of texture is nice. I don't care for gooey.




Coral Snake

Coral Snake: Snake Oil with blood orange, red apple, lemon peel, plumeria, and gardenia.   In the imp: Is there really snake oil in this? And where's the plumeria and gardenia? This smells very apple-y to me. Reminds me a bit of Bath and Body Works apple body splash.   On me: Wet was ALL apples. As it dried, the florals peeked out and it was a delicious blend of snake oil with fruits and florals. And then it dried down and the florals went away, leaving apple. After a bit, the plumeria decided to come out to keep the apple company. The snake oil is hanging out faintly underneath the apple and plumeria. This is definitely a complex scent. Verdict: It smells good, I alternate between smelling BBW Plumeria and Apple body splashes, and sometimes get straight up snake oil. It smells good, but it's not really my kind of scent.





Cottonmouth: Snake Oil with linden blossom, calla lily, passion flower, and narcissus.   In the imp: A floral snake oil! But not even close to floral overkill, the snake oil balances out the florals to make this a very well rounded scent.   On me: A very sexy slightly floral scent with snake oil undertones just underneath. The perfect blend of vanilla, spices, and mainly passion flower. I couldn't stop smelling myself all night. This is definitely a must buy bottle.





Habu: Snake Oil with ho wood, teak, black musk, and bamboo.   In the imp: Sweet snake oil! I think it is the bamboo making it sweet. Something a little woodsy, but no musk to be sniffed.   On me: This blended so well onto my skin. It was subtle, but very good smelling. Again, the snake oil is there, but as a bottom layer. On top of it was delicious sweet bamboo, a tiny bit of ho wood, and a bit of musk. This worked really well on me.




Western Diamondback

Western Diamondback: Oil with leather, tonka bean, red sandalwood, and sage.   In the imp: Snake oil with sweetened leather, a bit of sandalwood and sage peeking out.   On me: I was afraid of the leather, as it usually goes wrong on me, but this one went right. I smelled the snake oil underneath, but got a nice blend of leather and sage in there too. No sign of the sandalwood, and maybe a peek at the tonka. This is a great blend. This will be turning into a bottle!




Switch Witch Help Post

Hi! *cheery wave*   Personal/Basic Information Birthday: April 11 Location: Florida Pets: 1 12-year-old cat who LURVES catnip. We lost Scathach, (Lugh's sister) in May 2009. Children: 2: boy 9 (geek) and girl (7) tomboyprettyprincess Religious orientation: disoriented! I'm pagan-ish with Celtic leanings and a serious love of goddesses and witches. I believe in "godness" -- that god is in everything and, ultimately, doesn't matter/shouldn't direct one's morality. Favorite Holiday: Halloween, Christmas and Lughnasadh Occupation/Major in school: 10th grade Reading Teacher. Pity me. I'm also the 10th grade team leader, 10th grade sponsor and drama/poetry club sponsor. Living arrangement (by yourself, with roommates, etc): with hub, 2 kids and 1 cat . And sometimes the neighbor's kids. Livejournal/Blog/Website: http://theal8r.livejournal.com/ (must be friended to view) http://www.new.facebook.com/home.php?ref=h...amp;ref=profile and a myspace I rarely use. Organizations/Causes/Activities (Things you belong to or causes you believe in) ACLU, Amnesty International, NEA, credit unions (heh), International Reading Association (I don't think it really is called the IRA... that would amuse me...), Slam Poetry (interest, I don't belong to anything...)     BPAL Favorite BPAL oils: Death Cap, Boomslang, Velvet, Bliss, Doc Con, Strangler Fig, Banded Sea Snake, Mama-Ji, Black Opal, Antique Lace, Mme. Moriarty, Pumpkin Smash, Love's Philosophy, Windward Passage, Depraved, Goblin, Glowing Vulva, Shub. My boy wears Knucklebones, which I lurve. Favorite notes: vanillas, leather, smoke, chocolates, cinnamon (but I have to use this in my locket as it burrrrns oh, it burns!), creams, dirt, ambers Favorite non-BPAL perfumes: Black Chocolate, and Sunkissed Clouds by Cocoa Pink, Quick or Dead, Grundy and Antihero by Villainess, Fireflies by Possetts DYING to try Girls Love Vanilla! Least favorite BPAL oils: Almost anything mint, most aquatics except Hurricane, Banded Sea Snake and Windward Passage, EVERYTHING ROSE Least favorite notes: mint! ozone, aquatics, florals of most sort, metallics ROSE HATES ME! Last favorite non-BPAL perfumes: can't think of anything specific right off hand.   Beauty Hair type: growing out of a "Kara Thrace pixie" into a chin-length sassoon bob, fine, thick, dyed, fairly straight. (as in, it gets body in humidity... but not good body and there is a metric ASSLOAD of it. I have to get my hair thinned when I get it cut)   Skin Type: finicky combination   Allergies (specifically B&B related): tomato, most florals   Other things to avoid: alligators? OH! beauty related! silly me! I'm finicky about soap -- most villainess soaps, for example, dry my skin out like mad   Tub, shower or both? Yes! I love them! If I had more tub stuff I would luxuriate in my tub more. Even if I had to leave teh interwebs behind.   Favorite bath & beauty products: Villainess smooches, cocoa pink Squeaky, shower buttah and body butter, Aromaleigh eyeshadows, mineral powder and blush, Bare Escentuals lip gloss, Fresh lip gloss, Silk Road Trading company soaps.   Clothing Style/Fave garments: My work wear is mostly Coldwater Creek/J.Crew on the cheap, with touches of steam punk tossed in -- I like the classic kind of Hepburn-y look. My at-home gear is super floppy casual (think fleecy pants/shorts, camis and t's) or a mish mash of hippy, punky, '20's feel. I'd love to dress steam punk, but I'm lazy. hippy skirts make me smile, but I am starting to worry that maybe I need to start dressing my age... nah!   T-shirt size and preference (standard, babydoll, tank, cami, etc): I prefer babydoll medium t's, medium cami's and small standard t's. Unless sizes run to smaller, then go up a size.   Type(s) of jewelry worn: I do not change my earrings or my necklaces unless something truly spectacular comes along (it just requires too much thought at 6am). I tend to wear simple jewelry, silver-toned. I like natural-looking things. I am also a big fan of jewelryarte.com. (she's my aunt, fair warning) I am searching for some simple, elegant post celtic knot earrings. I am lusting after silver rings (size 5 - 9) Things on my wrist bug me for the most part. I love ankle jewelry   Ring/wrist/collar size: ring: 5 - 9 wrist - no thank you collar -- 11"   Jewelry - gold or silver? mainly silver   Do you have any allergies to metal? no   Favorite gemstones: sapphire, star sapphire, aquamarine, garnet, opal, emerald, carnelian, tiger's eye, hematite, amber, especially green amber, non-pink rubies.   Pierced ears, stretched ears, neither? ears (5) and nose   Lifestyle Favorite colors: jewel tones for accents, earth tones for the base. Blues, browns, blacks, burgundy, greens   Style/home decoration style: Ikea meets thrift shop. i think it can, generously, be called shabby chic. Very generously. I do not like cutsey country unless it is kitchy. I want an Andy Warhol cookie jar (or replica) -- the kind he used to collect. I also am a HUGE Frank Lloyd Wright fan.   Things you collect: spirals, goddess imagery (not frou-frou), buddhas, glass, rocks, antique crates, cypress knees (I have a cool one that sort of looks like the Virgin Mary which amuses me to no end), plants, candles, books, music   Favorite music: alt country, Ani DiFranco, punk, old country (real old), blues, bluegrass, 80's, grunge, indie, brit pop, 60's, celtic (SUPER picky about this), pagany stuff (ala Loreena McKEnnit), alt rock, some metal, syruppy Christmas music and "swing/hipster" Christmas (y'know Mel Torme and the like)... uhm... eclectic? Least favorite music: pop country (although Trace Adkins amuses me, I don't know why), Christian anything (with very few exceptions, I told, I'm eclectic), rap and most hip hop -- bubble-gummy American Idol stuff.   Vegetarian/Vegan?: nopers. I'm an omnivore, although we do tend to eat heavy on fruits and veggies, with meats being a seasoning rather than the main point.   Other food restrictions: not so much   Favorite flavors: salty, savory, sour   Favorite foods/drinks: Foods: salsas, tortilla chips, popcorn, pickles, olives (Kalamata, blue cheese stuffed, green, black), cheese (havarti, cheddars, moz, gorgonzola, bleu, gloucester, feta, port wine stilton BUT NOT GOAT CHEESE!), dark chocolate (especially Dove and Bliss), granola, Ben and Jerry's ice cream & frozen yogurt (Cherry Garcia, Cookie Dough, Phish Food, Everything But The, Chubby Hubby, Whirrled Peace). I like spice, but can’t take much and my family won’t eat it at all, Oreos of all flavors (except coffee, yeach). Crab chips (thanks, coldie), garlicy, wasabi nuts, oniony, nutty tastes (but not thai food -- peanuts = yeach), remoulades and tapanades. I prefer savory flavors to sweet, in general.   Drinks: Beer (India Pale Ale, Guinness, Honey Brown, Blue Moon, Newcastle, Beck's Dark, Shock Top and craft or microbrews), hard ciders, Coffee (Ethiopian Yrgecheffe, Nicaraguan, mild "morning" blends, Jamaican Blue Mountain), Tea (Republic of Tea {especially Vanilla Black}, Harney and sons, Tazo Passion flavor, Lipton Quickbrew iced). I’m open to others. Reisling is the only wine I like (and I loves it), but my husband is a big Cabernet Sauv. fan. Huge. Tom Collins, Rum Punch, Kahlua, Irish Cream. I don't drink pop (soda... whatever) except the odd Squirt (does that sound dirty...? icon_redface.gif ) . Mostly I drink water, coffee and beer. A drink treat would be fancy lemonades. I also like to experiment with bartending. I don't get along with tequila -- it gives me heartburn and hangovers.   Favorite authors/genres: sci-fi/fantasy, speculative fiction, period romances (that avoid the whole rape-scene bit yeahk), thrillers, steampunk, comic books, Neil Gaiman, George RR Martin, Guy Gavriel Kay, Jacqueline Carey, Margaret Atwood, Carol Berg, CJ Cherryh, Robin Hobb, Greg Iles, Greg Keyes, William Gibson, CS Friedman, John Irving, Sylvia Plath, Ted Hughes, Stephen Dunn, Nikki Giovanni, a whole host of poets... cookbooks, old dead russians   Least favorite authors/genres: Harlequin Romance. Bodice Rippers, Westerns, most "action" books, Deepak Choprah or almost anything self-helpy   Books/authors you'd like to read, but haven't yet: Ursala LeGuin, Octavia Paz (is that her name?), Tanith Lee... How do you feel about receiveing gently used books as gifts? LOVE IT.     Favorite stores (including clothing stores): Used book stores, thrift stores, Pier One, World Market, Target, Beall's, Coldwater Creek, J.Crew, Land's End, Old Navy, Banana Republic, Hot Topic (for the kitch)   Favorite online stores (including B&B stores): Cocoa Pink, Bpal (duh!), Villainess, Lush, Flameworks, Silk Road Trading, Savor, does etsy count? Jewelryarte. Magazines you subscribe to: Real Simple, Bust, Reading Teacher Magazines you like, but don't subscribe to: Bitch, Vanity Fair, Mother Jones, Ode, The Nation   Favorite movies: Period/Costume Dramas, Superhero movies, ironic comedies, The Long Kiss Goodnight, The Hunger, Serenity, Life is Beautiful, Rent, Iron Man, Juno, Napolean Dynamite, A Christmas Carol, A Christmas Story, Its a Wonderful Life, Bringing up Baby, Dead Poet's Society, Amadeus, Pan's Labyrinth, Wizard of Oz, the Harry Potters, LOTR, Mindwalk, Henry and June, Lady Jane, Go Fish, Elizabeth (and Elizabeth, the Golden Years), Shakespeare in Love, Pirates of the Carribbean, 2008 Hulk, The Dark Knight, Ocean's 11, Oscar.   Favorite TV show(s) Dr. Who, Torchwood, Weeds, Firefly, House, Dexter, Heroes (if they ever stop being stupid), Life, Eureka, Burn Notice, NCIS, Moonlight (come back o' vampires of hotness!), Arrested Development, Rachel Maddow Show, Countdown, Hardball, The Ed Show, Monk, Psyche, Scrubs, 6 feet under, Carnival, ER, Rome, 30 Rock   Hobbies/crafts done: decoupage, photography, reading Daily Kos, stained glass (but I lack space lately), writing poetry and fiction, gardening (I’m learning to container garden) books, tips, tools would be welcome). I lack the patience and math for stitchery of any kind. I've tried. I am made of fail. Seriously -- fail. Faily doom.   Wishlists BPAL Wish List (including SW/SF Help): http://theal8r.livejournal.com/532872.html Other website Wish lists (amazon.com, etc): Kaboodle: http://www.kaboodle.com/coffeegrrl I'm coffeegrrl there Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/favorite_listings.php I'm coffeegrrl there, too SW Help: http://www.bpal.org/index.php?automodule=b...id=283&st=0     And now for something completely different: - Let's say you're "Lost" on an island: what two people and which three things would you want with you? Uh….. a lighter, a HUGE net and a cast-iron skillet   My husband, and someone good at survival things…? I'd also worry incessantly about my kids.   - If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Psionics Ala Jean Grey. In fact, could I just *be* Jean Gray. But with Wolverine... or Gambit... or both... It would be cool to be Wonder Woman, too. I want a grown-up wonder woman costume....   Is the wicked witch a superhero?   - What things do you consider a necessary part of your "comfort" ritual? soothing beverage of choice, mindless entertainment (book, tv, music, video game, internets), possibly a bath, comfy clothes, rocking in my rocking chair or swinging on my porch swing (pillows, sgwidgy blanket, comfie socks). Cuddling with someone.   I'm trying to get away from comforting myself with food, but potato chips/doritos + sour cream, tricuits + avocado + lemon juice or triscuits + havarti or salsa + tortillas are also very soothing to me. (or, even worse, salsa + sour cream + cheese + tortillas.)   - If you were a household appliance, what would you be and why? I’d be a convection toaster over with a wonky heating element because I probably was supposed to be pretty useful at one point, but there is definitely something not right about me!   - What are the last 3 CDs you've had in your CD player, or played all the way through on your MP3 player? I really don't listen to whole cd's -- I like shuffle on my ipod/itunes.   - What are the last 2 movies you watched all the way through? Star Trek (the new one), Ocean's 13   Notes (Here's where you can add additional information you'd like your Switch Witch to know!):   Random Questions (Just a sample snagged from Scotchgrrl's round-up. Feel free to add more or make up your own!) I like handmade goodies, incense and tarts -- especially Alternative Breeding Tarts. I like silly and frivolous things: duckies, pirates, hippy shit… Second hand things are great by me, although pre-used cosmetics are a bit squick-worthy (and underwear… just sayin’). I’m “on a diet” which really just means keeping track of my calories and nutrients while consciously trying to change my eating patterns on DailyPlate.com. I don't like the idea of "diet", but I want to be healthy, increase my metabolism and immune system. My secret goal is to be able to arm wrestle my students into submission.... *heh*   Little indulgences: colored pilot G-2 pens (especially purple), Sharpie markers in all colors, moleskine notepads, Dove dark chocolate or Bliss dark chocolate. Funny buttons (pins) and stickers, rocks and wood pieces (especially interesting ones from interesting places). Incense, candles, note cards, poetry chapbooks. Temporary tattos are fun, too.   If you have children, would you want something included for them? as my witch may wish. I know shopping for kids can be fun. They especially like Legos, puzzles and crafty things. The girl adores smellies, soaps and lotions (current faves of hers are Milk Moon and Snow White, so think along those lines.)   What are your travel imps? Miskatonic U, Hurricane, Bliss, Shub, Goblin, Depraved, Banded Sea Snake and Baku.   What is the most unexpected but thoroughly loved SW gift you've received? Handmade bottle/imp box with 20's inspired and bellydance inspired images.   If you have a pet, do they like to play with toys? He doesn't really -- unless they sneak up on him...   Do you like audio books? Probably not -- it could be really dangerous for me to drive and try to listen.   How do you feel about bands you may not have heard before? Or, how do you feel about mixed cds of classic stuff that you probably have heard? YUS!   Most obscure interest:have a hard time thinking of anything I do as obscure. I just don't see myself as that un-normal, but people tell me I am not normal. *shrug* Poetry...? Russian Literature and history? OLD books? rustic furniture (not oak logs -- beat to hell old shit)... croquet? hillbilly horseshoes?   What goodies do you love that you can't usually get? crab chips! Bell's Beer (from Michigan, but available in various places), ginger apple chews (Canada?) Bubulaars (Netherlands)   What was your favorite childhood toy? my bike and swing sets, the dollhouse my great-grandfather made (that is now renovated and in my daughter's possession).   How would you describe yourself--do you feel that you're shy or outgoing, laidback, high-strung... and in what ways? I pass pretty well for normal unless I talk to you for an extended time. I'm given to rambling off into space and mumbling when I realize I'm babbling. People are surprised to learn that I suffer from depression, but not from ADHD *heh* I'm shyly outgoing, lazily high-strung, an optimistic pessimist and contrary. I'm pretty easy-going, but I think I come off as pretty uptight and reserved. I guess I *am* reserved (sez hub). Oh, and I talk too much. Did I mention that? I probably should...   What’s a talent you are most proud of? My writing and my teaching.   Religious preferences and patron saints/goddesses/spiritual mentors: I have an affinity for Celtic-y goddesses and Uma/Parvati/Kali. I like triple goddesses most of all. I am fascinated by mother mary, but don't collect anything that is about her. I love Tree of Life things.   What's your favorite flower? Tree? Willow trees, scrubby, gnarled-looking trees. Flower -- I like daisies, lilacs, violets, and unusual-looking flowers.   Do you like homemade gifts? Like foodstuffs or crafts? YUS!   What's your guilty pleasure? Long nights of drinking and playing darts or "sailing the porch", potato chips and sour cream, Doritos and sour cream, Moonlight (or other blatantly value-less tv), stupid humor, "cleaning" shows, Girly magazines, pin up art, SHOES!   If handmade stuff is okay, and it all goes horribly wrong, would you want it anyway? YUS!   Are you an indoor person or outdoor person? I like the outdoors as long as it doesn't fight back!   What's your favorite color? ---For wearing? blues, greens, purples, browns, reds ---For decorating? pretty much the same   How would you describe your sense of humor?Goofy, silly, playful, sarcastic, esoteric... I like wordplay a lot. Geeky-dork?   Anything you really absolutely don't want to get? Like, something you could imagine would be seen as a good gift idea but is, in fact, not? Well, used undies would be a bad idea -- most christian artifacts... pink things... fat jokes?   Lip balm, yay or nay? sure I have an impressive lipshit collection!   5 things that get you through the day: coffee, music, hugs, laughter, my rocking chair/porch swing   Favorite Halloween Costume? I don't really have one.     Checkout eye-catchers: chocolate covered altoids, orbit gum (especially sweet mint and pomegranate), itunes gift cards, cottage/home/cooking magazines, things in tins, hickory-smoked beef jerky, temporary tatoos, dove chocolate. BPAL storage: no, as I have a beautiful one handmade by strangemodegirl! but I need a cute storage space for my make up and beauty care products. They've eaten my bathroom counter!   Theme/Characters: Not really? I have a lot of circles and spirals... Maybe a kind of gothy/modern/earthgoddess.... oh nevermind *lol* I am mightily amused by pop images of witches and LOVE pinup art/1950's ads.   Flavors: Vanilla, salty, coffee, CHEESE, non-spicy cinnamon, dark chocolate, cherry (but not sweet, syrupy cherry), raspberry, savory, garlicy, oniony, nutty...   Puppy chow or Chex mix: PUPPY CHOW! I hates chex mix! Except the nuts. I pick all the nuts out. and eats them.   Flowers: Uhm... they're nice... I guess...mostly? Daisies, lilac, violet (but not to smell in perfume, apparently), I prefer impressionism or highly stylized flowers.   Trees: weeping willow, pussy willow, big, trunky, branchy gnarled monstrosities   Mailbox situation: Stuff sits in the box until about 5pm unless it is big enough the mail person has to take it up to the porch. usually it is left under the roof...   How much do you still enjoy playing with toys?Do coloring books and crayons count? I like funny little "desk" toys, but usually get frustrated with the clutter. I do LOVE my Eddie Poe bobblehead doll and want other author bobbleheads. Are those toys?   Things I find offensive? Attempted Forced Conversion, racism, non-ironic sexism (of any flavor)... I guess it depends on the context a lot of times.   phobias I ... am afriad of heights... and the dark... I'm not thrilled with bugs and snakes and spiders in real life, but we have a "pet" spider who spins on our front porch (he's cool!) and don't mind them in non-living, not-in-my-house form.... I can't deal with being spit on....   What is the hottest and coldest it gets where you live? They tell us the range is 100 - 32 F. I have experienced 110(heat index) - 25 F. (the coldest when the sun was up was 45F).   Priates or Ninjas? Yes, please! Can I haz pinjas? Nirates? I do love the pirate thing, but ninjas are soooo freakin' cool!   Indoor or outdoor person? It's all about context. I do not like to be too hot or too cold. I do not like being attacked by nature (bugs, itchy things... etc). I do so love to walk in the woods and stare at lakes. I long to see Mountains...   Is any witchee opposed to "naughty" gifts? Warn me first so I can chase my very curious children out of the room.   Witch remain a secret? I would feel like I had been a terrible witchee if my witch didn't reveal. Just sayin' I like to play with my witch, clues are fun.   Anime? The huge eyes creep me out a little, but I do love Howl's Moving Castle.   Game Geek: I do video game some: computer and Wii. Also terribly addicted to Mayfair Games (especially Catan). I tend to prefer computer games like the Civ games and simple time-wasters. I don't tend to have the patience or coordination for the Epic Story Games.   Undies: I wouldn't mind, so long as they were not pre-used *ew*. I prefer boy-short varieties that have soft, non-itchy lace on them. I am on the quest for the perfect bra.   Socks: I love socks! But Florida is really hot, except maybe 3 weeks out of the year. I would love thin knee-highs, stripey socks, and any of the varieties from the sock dreams I have Kaboodled. I think cuban heels and back seams are super sexy, too (and mah boy would love you forever).   Most Coveted BPAL: Pumpkin Smash. *whoa*   Top 10 BPAL:   LE Love's Philo Mme. Moriarty Doc Constantine Pumpkin Smash Banded Sea Snake Glowing Vulva Alone Boomslang Samhain   GC Bliss Strangler Fig Hurricane Death Cap Mama-Ji Black Opal Anne Bonny Brimstone Windward Passage Vixen   What kinds of eye shadows? I use white, natural shades (browns, grays) and dark, dark blue for eyeliner.   Do you like lip balm? I am uber picky. I like Fresh (in pin up) and BE. Most other things are too waxy/sticky. Tinted rox my sox.   What are some of the SW gifts/finds from past rounds (or you can just name a gift in general that you found for someone if this is your first round!) that you are the most proud of in terms of your sleuthing skills? I was pleased with my vegan cooking endeavors, once I realized what the hell vegan margarine was... (and now we eat it all the time!)   Do you knit/crochet? Do you need any supplies? No. I'm teh dumb.   What are your two favorite etsy shops? Only 2?! Savor, jewelryarte.... there are more than 2.   Are you active on any other boards/forums? If so please specify where and your username there. just here really =) LJ = theal8r, myspace, too.   If you had one minute of fame, what would you do/say in the spotlight? I'd probably fall over something and embarrass myself...   Robots versus zombies: who wins? 'Bots! Cybermen, specifically. Unless they are the Clockwork Zombie Robot things.   Where are a few of your favorite places? My front porch, my bed, my bath tub, the porch of the Plantation CoffeeHouse in Key West, the dock in Bear Lake, Fourth Coast Cafe.   What is one (only one) object that you collect, that totally goes against your personality or beliefs? Odd bits of mythology, pin up art?   Are you a soap addict? Anything you like to avoid in soaps (goat's milk, lye, dyes, etc...) or any particular scents you like or brands you want to try? SILK ROAD TRADING COMPANY! and I ADORE villainess' Antihero.   Do you like kilts and would you wear one? I can haz utility kilt?   What's your favorite book? The Handmaid's Tale   What size socks do you wear? How about hat size? socks have size? I have size 7 (US) feets, but NARROW heels. I haz a head. I don't do hats much -- Florida is hot, but i do headbands and scarves.   Do you read comics? Which ones do you love and which can't you stand? I don't really, but am interested in Gaiman's Sandman, and I used to LOVE X-men and Poison Elves and Death.   Symbols that are meaningful to me? spirals, trees, ankhs... apples (but not stupid oh-i-iz-teeechar apples).   By nature are you a morning lark or a night owl? night owl by preference, morning bird by necessity (and to be contrary).   What's your favorite type of music to hear live, rather than recorded? my kids' singing. I prefer small venues in terms of concerts.   What is your favorite autumnal-seasonal drink? Cider!   Crossword puzzles? Other pencil puzzles? I do, but sporadically. Sudoku is fun, although I have been known to chuck pencils.   Favorite artist? Mucha, Van Gogh, Monet, Klimt, Munsch (I don't spell...), the impressionists.   Favorite poet? Eliot, Dickenson, Stephen Dunn, Ted Hughes, Plath, Sexton, Phillip Levine, Niki Giovanni, Tupac, Patricia Smith, most slammers, especially Dawn Saylor, Gabrielle Boulaine, Sou MacMillan, Buddy Wakefield, Tony Brown, karrie Waarla (whose name I can't spell to save my life)   Halloween. Do you like it kooky or creepy? the creepy side of kooky   Reserved or Raunchy? Secretly, I'm raunchy, but I put up a reserved front.   Earth, Wind, Fire or Water? Earth, Water, Fire then wind.   Tea or Coffee in the morning? COFFEE! Coffee coffee coffee coffee!   Fruity snacks or chocolate? Kashi chewy Trail Mix bars, Cascadia Farms chewy dark chocolate almond granola bars.   Would you accept art? Abso-frickin-lutely! Original art is the whipshit.   Antiques or Brand New? Antiques or antique-looking.   What keywords do you use when searching for items for yourself on Etsy? Steampunk, retro, earthy   Are there any of y'all who are allergic/sensitive to having natural fibers on your skin? I like wool, but tend to not get along with it for long.   What was your favorite ghost/scary/campfire story growing up? Monkey Paw   Bugs? Do you like 'em or not? Meh. They stay outside. They don't bite. Then we get along.     If you have a garden/planter box, what do you grow? container gardening. tomatoes, green peppers, basil, succulents (flowers), aloe, rosemary, geranium I'd also like insstructions because I think I'm doing it rong.   What incense scents do you prefer? sandalwood, patchouli, vanilla   Do you decorate for Halloween? What sort of decorations? Dress up for Halloween? Pumpkins, the kids dress up.   Bats, cats, skeletons, monsters, vampires, witches or what other ghoulies do you prefer? Ghosts, cats, witches   Do you like horror flicks? I want to, but I tend to hold visual memory very strongly and then can't sleep. For DAYS.   What about stationery? Need some? What styles do you like? I adore stationary. I like retro-y images, simple and clean lines. Or straight up humor.   What is one item that you've wanted forever, could have afforded, but have never gotten and why (haven't you gotten it!)? a purple ring from jewelryarte.com I haven't gotten it because I keep putting it off.   Tattoos! Do you have em? Do you want em? Whatcha got or getting? I want a small star or spiral on my right ankle (inside), a whimsical, stylized (but small) tree of life just to the left of my spine at my collar-line, and a swirly pattern across my chest at the top of my breasts but low enough to be covered by a modest neck-line. I'd also love a pattern of 9 dots in 3 cirlces on my left wrist.   Reduce - REUSE - recycle. Do others feel the same? Yes. I carry canvas bags to the store and re-use glass containers whenever possible. I try to limit the plastic we use in general.\   What is your favorite crafting supply? I like painting on bits of wood -- and decoupaging things.   Weigh in...Are you right or left-handed? right   Any period of time that you love? I love early, foggy morning (although i rarely get up that early willingly) and deep, dead of night (but not if I'm the only person awake).   What's your favorite part about Fall? In the Midwest: colors, smells, slant of light. In Florida, the light.   Do you like office/school supplies? If so, what is your favorites? l am an office supply junky.   What's your favorite Halloween candy? Those grody taffy-like things wrapped in black and orange paper.   Where does everyone like shop for witching goodness? Target, etsy, jumble shops   What is your favorite pumpkin goodness? pumpkin and cider doughnuts, pumpkin muffins.   ***9/5*** If you could bring back any TV show from cancellation what would it be? Firefly, Dead Like Me, Carnival, Moonlight   I wonder if my witchee would like a blanket type thing. Would you? I lurves blankets.   What's your favorite "I know it's bad for me but I can't help myself" treat? potato chips and sour creamw/garlic   Do you wear a watch? If so, what kind/style? No, they stop working usually within a month or less.   How do you feel about having a donation made in your name to something?If you like that idea, what types of organizations/groups would you want the donation to go to? That would be super cool! Southern Poverty Law Center, Amnesty International, NOW     For tea drinkers, do you bag it or prefer loose? Bags, because I'm too lazy to futz around with it.   Does the weather change where you are, as in, does it get cold in the winter? Anyone need homegrown scarves, hats, mittens, etc? It goes from unbearably hot and humid to pleasant summer weather. Although it does get DAMN cold at night. I love scarves and shawl-y-type things.   Who are your forum buddies? People you know well enough online or IRL to help your Witch pick out stuff for you? kakiphony and juniperus know me in the really real world. I'm not sure I've gotten close close to other forumites, although I do have a lot of folks that I think of as "online friends"   ***9/3*** Does your cell phone have a place to attach charms? nopers.   If you drink coffee (and make it yourself) do you use a French Press, regular filter basket coffee maker, Espresso Machine, Percolator? I have a filter basket at home and at school, but lust for a french press.   What movie soundtracks (or scores) do you love? Rent (we listen to it a lot), Chicago (it is on heavy rotation), Moulin Rouge (disc 2 seems to be missing)   How do you scent yourself? Do you layer soaps, moisturizers, etc. or do you go straight to slathering your bod with BPAL? Smooch/soap, lotion, BPAL, scent locket.   Do you/how do you scent your world? Candles, incense, diffusers, potpourri? None of the above? tarts, room sprays (dungeon and down the rabbit hole, omg) and candles.   BPAL is such a scent-ual experience. What are your other tactile, aural, or olfactory pleasures? I am a music junky -- there is always music. Even in my classroom, I have an ambient/classical pandora station set up so I don't go mad. I love "feelie" things -- soft, fuzzy, silky... I can't handle skritchy fabrics or that material some kids' pj's are made out of that sort of snags your skin. *shudders*   ***9/2*** How do people feel about receiving baked goods/kits to make said goods? Or other cooking items? Would you enjoy oil or vinegar flavored with herbs grown at home? Strange and exotic spices with recipes to try? Cookies made with carnation petals? I adore cookbooks and cooking.




bitch, bitch, bitch.....

I usually keep this about scent but I have to rant and rave for a minute.   I am so annoyed by people who write useless reviews on this forum! I realize their review might be useful to someone else. But it makes me feel like I wasted time clicking on the post to read it. I'm talking about when someone floods the reviews forum with very short reviews which basically reiterate the description of the scent (the Lab's description), and nothing more. And the very worst are when the person says "Oh, I couldn't even try this on my skin!". In my opinion, if you haven't tested it on your skin, you shouldn't review it!   If you're reading this and you have written this type of review, don't take it personally. I am just in a ranting mood and it's a small pet peeve I have. I totally understand the value of writing a review as a form of 'note to self', which is actually one of the reasons I write reviews. Otherwise I can forget that I've already tried a scent and don't need to try it again. So in other words, don't change your writing habits just because of me! : )   /rant




2 ~5/02/08~

*sigh* What a nice day. I'm sitting, listening to music, sipping a green Monster ( which I'm kind'a living off of. I hope i don't have a heart attack ) , and sifting through the variuos BPAL scents for sale. Hmmm...The scents i'm tempted to eventually buy are: The Ifrit, Blood Kiss The Coiled Serpent, Namaste, Phantasm, Veil, Black Cat, Wolf's Heart, Rose Cross, Hell Cat, Loup Garou, War, Lady Una, Nyx, Dream Formula V: Somnus, and Faiza, Tha Black Mamba. Awwwwwww...sorry for those of you who don't like naruto, but this is adorable: I wish i had a mate that cute and sensitive. (I'm talking about Sasuke.) The description of The Ifrit is so...i dun't know how to describe it...mysterious. ~The taxi driver comes out of the shower, wet, with a towel wrapped around his midsection. He is not wearing his sunglasses, and in the dim room his eyes burn with scarlet flames.Salim blinks back tears. "I wish you could see what I see," he says. "I do not grant wishes," whispers the ifrit, dropping his towel and pushing Salim gently, but irresistibly, down onto the bed.~ Adorable, but heart-achingly so... Someday, that would sound nice. (No, not Salim or the ifrit, a mate.) ...but not now... Shinkirou, The Wanderer




The Atomic Luau Lounge, The Bar: Blue Fire

Papaya, blueberry, lemongrass, and gin.   Reviewed 05/02/2008   In the bottle: Sugary sweet fruit, lots of gin.   Wet: A hint of sharpness from the gin, but mostly this is syrupy, over-sweet blueberries.   Drydown: I'm all about the sweet foody scents, but this was overkill while it was wet. Thankfully it calmed down as it dried, becoming lighter and less cloying. It's like a blue raspberry slushy, with a dash of gin, some fizzy club soda, and a twist of lemon. This scent is very summery and so much fun, and I got more compliments wearing it today than any other I've tried. It's got great throw, and it lasted all day long without needing to be reapplied.





Category: Bewitching Brews   Oddly enough, the main scent I got from this was...licorice. Weird! I'm trying to think what would make that strange combination to my nose...perhaps the bergamot mixed with the heliotrope, or the oakmoss.   All things considered, however, I did enjoy it; it was soft and delicate on me and had a beguiling femininity to it. It evokes an impish fae quite well in that regard.   It helped that I like bergamot, I think.





Category: Discontinued Scents   Straight out from the imp, it smelled like soap. So, at least I smelled clean, albeit with a sharp touch of lye. And that's the way it stayed, the first few days that I wore it.   Today, though, it smelled differently...it actually smelled *good*, and of flowers. (Yes, I tend to persist with scents, even if they don't work right away.) I couldn't really detect any myrrh; I think in the imp I'm mostly smelling ylang ylang and sweet pea. As I put it on, the flowery notes gained a bit of strength, but weren't overpowering in soapiness as they had been before.   Dry, I smell sweet pea, and perhaps rose. There *is* a faint bit of soapiness and powder to it, which keeps it from being perfect...but it's definitely an improvement.   So, hm, something's definitely going on with my body chemistry. The only notes I've previously experienced have been sweet pea and myrrh, so I'm not sure who the culprit is for the strange, intriguing acrobatics that I'm noticing here.   In the end, unfortunately, there was just too much soapiness present to make this one a keeper.


