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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!


Category: Picnic In Arkham   At the very beginning, as I first drew breath to sniff it fresh from the imp, I could detect a faintly-sweet, fruity note.   And then...the cedarwood came.   The cedar completely dominates this one for me; I cannot smell anything else. And, oddly enough, the sweetly-earthy note that usually defines cedar for me takes on a sharp, high pitch early on in this blend; it reminds me more of pine trees.   So, nope...this one just didn't work.   (Just between you and me...I found myself thinking, 'This is what Azathoth uses to spray the bathroom with after he uses it'. It's *that* pine-like.)




Ave Maria Gratia Plena

Category: Ars Amatoria   In the imp I could smell musk and a hint of lemon. It was a very elegant mix.   As it joined with my body chemistry, the lemon grew a little bit stronger. Unfortunately, it grew faint and wore off really quickly. Just not for me.





Category: Bewitching Brews   I smelled mostly cedar and patchouli in this one, with some other vague incense smokiness going on around the edges.   Aureus is golden in the way that a chunk of amber is golden; you get that lovely deep aura of radiant wood and patchouli, dark red-gold and bright orange-gold; and then there are those dark swirls and flecks of smoke and leftover incense embers caught up within it. If you are blessed with skin chemistry that highlights incense and smokiness, I suspect that your senses would be going over and over it, like polishing a smooth stone in your palm.   I, alas, am not one of those people. As seems to be the norm with incense, this faded quickly on me, though the cedar stuck around for a bit.




Ghetto Oven

I'm a klutz. It's one of those days/nights. Everything I touch goes kablooey! So I was trying to bake a cake for my fiance and I'm using this incredibly ghetto oven that's come with my apartment. First, it only goes up to 200 F. Then, once it reaches 200, you have to turn on the stove to "re-ignite" it or something. Then, 7 times out of 10, the temperature keeps going to 450. No matter what you set it to. 450. I don't know why. So, of course, I stupidly decide to bake this cake and at the slightest smell of cooking sets off my fire alarm. WTF. I freak out and attempt to turn it off (can you turn off fire alarms?) or take it down, and blissfully, and before I can get my hands on it it stops.   (In case of actual fire, I'm pleased to discover that the alarm is REALLY FUCKING LOUD and REALLY FUCKING ANNOYING)   But, I decide i need to take it down anyways in case it goes off again while I'm cooking. I balance precariously on a barstool. I think you can see where this is going. I fall, hard. I think I make an embarassing sound like, "whoommoop!!" while I am going down.   If BPAL made a scent called Ghetto Oven it would smell of burnt cake, burnt chicken, and despair (lightly burnt).   I've opened all the windows in the apartment to air it out (it *still* smells like burnt cake), and now I'm going to sleep.





I am Shinkirou. I am writing...i guess just to write and shed the melancholy wrapped around my insides like a thick, damp fog. In my time, i haven't seen many wonders, but enough to marvel at considering the length of my exsistance. My friends are few. I have two that i trust. Amber and Amanda. I've had them both for about three years. My only other true friend i've had was killed in a car accident last year; I'd known Tiffany Shaffer since i was 6 years old. Thoughts of the past enshroud my mind, but all of them are painful...you could say i have a negative outlook, and it isn't good for my karma, but nothing good has happened to me for the past 5 years... I call myself Shinkirou, because that is how i feel. Like a mirage. Every time i look in the mirror, i see a face, but no identity. I'm trying to reshape that indentity, to make myself anew. I look out the window and see an overcast sky, and watch the wind shake the trees. I guees now is the appropriate time to reshape myself. Spring is the time of renewal, when pups and kits are born and the trees gain new leaves. Though it will soon storm outside, i know that the storms i have had in my life have wiped alot away, they haven't cleansed or redeemed me in any way. I intend on continuing, though, considering how much the winds and rains have numbed me, it will be fairly easy to mold a new identity. I'm hopefully moving to the same area as my friend Amber. It should be nice. Starting off as a freshman in a new school may seem intimidating to some, but to me it doesn't cause me to flalter a bit. I hope that maybe someday, I'll find someone to hold my heart and appreciate who and what i am, but that doesn't mean I'm looking for someone either. Anyways...that's my first entry. I've only scratched the surface of who i am, but more will come in time. Farewell for now, reader. ~Shinkirou, The Wanderer




Ebisu Making Love as Two Octopuses Look On

In the bottle: Sweet, fresh, water-dappled NECTARINES!   On wet: Ohhh...so good. *huffs wrist* Nectarine, oakmoss, skin musk - each note is coming through loud and clear - and they're *wonderful*!   Drydown: Wow, this is fantastic stuff. Such a clean, fresh scent - like fruit juice -infused raindrops. And the musk is so unobtrusive, clinging to my skin, letting that wonderful fruit-water take center stage like a hovering cloud of pure deliciousness. Long-lasting and nothing but gorgeous.   Overall: I've been searching for a really good nectarine blend, but they're few and far between - most are too perfumey, or the other notes smother the delicate fruity goodness. Ebisu is what I've been looking for, and it's also one of the most *perfect* summer scents I've ever come across, too. Lightly sweet, SO incredibly fresh, both airy *and* watery, and just enough musk to ground everything. Perfection. 5/5




Cheshire Moon

In the imp: Buttery cake note (similar to Eat Me), and a touch of grapefruit.   On wet: Sweet, tangy grapefruit and...is that what guava smells like? Yum!   Drydown: If pink and yellow were scents, that's what I'd be smelling right now. Cherry blossom's edged out the fruit and taken over as the big star, all soft and pink and sweet like sugar water. There's a touch of something on the sidelines, though - just the barest hint of what I'm thinking is the grapefruit. It's muted - more like what I'd imagine the pith to smell like - less intense, softer, but retaining that grapefruity sharpness/bitterness.   Overall: Definitely a fun, girly scent that could be worn for any occasion. The original cake vibe never manifested on me (thankfully!), so a straight-up blend of sunny pinkness (sweet fruit and even sweeter cherry blossom) was what wafted around me most of the afternoon. Delightful! 4/5




Gorillas, Genocide Part I

I never really thought about Rwanda before. I mean, I saw the movie and considered the genocide but I never really thought about the country, especially not as a place where I would vacation; but here I was, last Friday, on an Ethiopian flight with my husband and SMP to Kigali.   I had no hand in planning this; my husband got obsessed with the idea of gorilla trekking after some guy from the US Embassy told him about it. I just half-assedly agreed to the trip and SMP decided to join us even though she had seen gorillas in Uganda before. After landing, clearing passport (no visa required for US citizens) and getting our bags, we were out in Kigali. The city is clean (plastic bags having been banned years ago) and spread out. We went to the genocide museum (more on that soon) and after a car breakdown we were on our way to Musazana to the extremely overpriced lodge from which the next day we would set off.   After nearly dying from exhaust being piped into the vehicle and frozen from cold wind blowing in through the window, we arrived about 9pm. The lodge being the only site on the main power grid, I could not see a damn thing and had no idea what was around. After a terrible meal and a much-deserved hot shower we got into bed to be prepared for the next day. By 6:45am we had eaten our terrible, overpriced breakfast and arrived at the Volcanoes National Park office with the 70 other white folk who were going to see golden monkeys, gorillas and (strangely) Dian Fossey’s grave. Our lack of planning and forethought was clearly evident in how we were dressed: although the other tourists were decked out in GoreTex, gators and Patagonia, I was wearing jeans and a gabardine pea coat, my husband had his fleece and SMP had on her trademark plunge neckline and hoop earrings.   As luck would have it, the husband, SMP and I were the only three of the 70 said white folk interested in gorilla trekking that day. We decided to go and see the largest group, which was also the farthest away. We loaded up with our guide for a 30-minute exhaust-filled ride to a small village near one of the volcanoes. We got out at the ranger base, got our armed guards and walking sticks and set off.   Contrary to what you might think about a place like Rwanda, it is really a beautiful country. As we began our walk up the terraced hills where villagers were planting potatoes and chrysanthemum (as mosquito repellant), we started to see the green, rolling landscape and low clouds. After about two hours of climbing at a 75 degree slope and having children run out and scream “ferangu” at us, we reached a big pile of rocks. This, the ranger/guide told us, was the national forest. After this point there could be no eating, no smoking (which we weren’t), no loud talking, and no defecating without first digging a 30 centimeter hole. One of the soldiers hacked down the wall and we went in. Now, I ain’t never been in a rainforest before and the brush was thick; before I could even enter I was besieged with spiders and insects. The guides had to hack their way through the vines and bamboo to make a path for us while radioing the trackers who spend all day with the gorilla pods. We trudged on for about another hour, all the while getting smacked in the face with wet tree limbs, getting hung on vines, having rain trickle down on us, freezing in the cold. It seemed like we were walking in circles, but then we saw it: gorilla poo.   Before long, we stopped and the guide told us to put down our bags and walking sticks. We were here and the gorillas were close. We did as we were told and I stepped around a tree and there they were. A member of the Susa Group   It was like they were waiting for us, all 21 of them. I saw Poppy (a gorilla researched by Dian Fossey) and her baby first. The rest were stretched out in a clearing, relaxing. It was literally a scene out of the best-staged documentary: the mist rolled in, the younger members of the group played with each other and ran towards us. It was simply amazing. We were able to spend an hour with the gorillas, during which time they were mainly eating, yawning, sleeping, scratching themselves and farting. They are extremely sedate creatures (or at least this group was too familiar with humans after years of being researched). There were three silverbacks we could see and the one closest to us had a cold and spent the time we were there picking his nose and eating it. One of the 1-year-old twins ran towards us, turned around, peed in our direction, and then began to make kissing noises and shake her head back and forth with her mouth wide open. The younger gorillas climbed up the trees while the mothers nursed their babies. It’s hard to believe that I actually got to be that close to them—less than four feet from a booger eating silverback!   One of the babies.   We took tons of photos (which I swear I will post) and it was not long before we had to leave. We set off back through the forest and it was a full-on rain by the time we got back to the rock fence boundary. Walking back down, I fell once while SMP fell a record four times down the muddy sides of the hills. When we got back to the car and received our certificates, we were beat, covered in mud, cold and completely wet. Although it took a long hike through the rain and a few thousand dollars, it was worth it.   This morning, while getting ready for work, I saw last night's Nightline program, concidentally about the same trip. You can read about it here.





I put some of my Banded Sea Snake decant on today. I kept getting whiffs of myself through the day. I like how I smell! Yumm, I'm glad I've got a bottle coming from a swap. I had to reapply when I got home, didn't want to stop smelling so damn hot! Well, ok, I think I smell so damn hot! And I never thought I'd say that about myself.   I've decided that while I don't have a TON of BPAL I do have a lot and that gently applying small drops here and there just isn't gonna do it! I've decided I should judiciously slather. Not only do I want the glorious scent to last teh whole day and share it with everyone around me, I want to be sure to use my Preciouses so I can justify buying more   Stretching my ear piercings seems to be going well. I have the 12ga black snakes in. I want to stretch further, I'm not sure how far but maybe up to 8ga or 6ga? I think the 12ga definitely look too "femme" on me, although one of my coworkers today said they didn't. Still, I'd like to go up some more. Only problem now is with the job on the possible chopping block, with the offshoring and all that, chances are that I may need to reapply for jobs (internally or externally). Body mod isn't the image most bank staff are supposed to sport. And sadly, nothing that pays decent will allow for it either. So am I going to have pull them out once I get up to whatever gauge I want?   I'm getting excited about getting my Three Witches from our partial swap. Really looking forward to getting it!!




April Fool 2008

The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year. - Mark Twain   The Fool is many things, but rarely is he foolish. He is the inscrutable zero, he is innocence perfected, and he is the nothing from which all things are created. It is the Fool that reveals truth and brings wisdom to King Lear, and it is the Fool that finally finds the Holy Grail.   Huckleberry, white rose, tangerine, nicotiana, lemon blossom, and Fool's Parsley.   Reviewed 04/27/2008   Wet: Wow, that's a sharp herbal. Yikes.   Drydown: I'm getting the rose now, a hint of citrus, and a sweetness I'm guessing is the huckleberry. It's still grounded by a green herbal I'm assuming is the parsley, but it's lost that knife-sharp edge that I was getting before. This is definitely not what I was expecting, but it's very pretty and it lasts a really long time.




Will call april 20

Darn site issues wiped my last entry & updates.       I went to the willcall for BPAL with J. The Theme was Miskatonic Valley Baseball.   My nose broke a few times from too many fragrances. I had to go outside more than a few times. It was nice to have an objective nose there with me. J talked me out of Violet Ray (turned too "baby powder." Must be the lilac in it, as violets work nicely on me) & April Fool (turned to soap). I would have bought them for their in bottle scent & then not been able to wear them. We also discovered we have completely different body chemistry. Some things were strong on one- faded to nothing on the other. Also, she interprets musk as dirty. I interpret the lighter musks as sexy & the darker as sweat. Oh, and J smelled my boobs, as I couldn't get close enough to smell them. Teehee!   Anyway, I bought Swank for J (it is magic on her skin). I got Moana (a surprise like! It smells gorgeous on me after drydown) & MVJBA (the guppies shirt & pennant as well). And I got a box of Cracker Jack!   I renewed my love for Mock Turtle & Bruised Violet Compound. I also reevaluated my dislike for Eat Me & Drink Me. I remain confused about Drink Me, as it turns to kettle corn on me. But Eat Me turned to chocolate. And I like the name for rude reasons. So, I have new options for later orders.   I have learned I *must* have an objective nose & test for drydown before buying from now on. I'm going to go through my current supply of precious & weed out stuff that doesn't work after drydown & offends the noses of others.





I'm about to update my list. I got a bunch of imps in swap. One of which is Alice. I had formerly thought Alice smelled "off." But, as I got it in a swap. I figured I ought to try it. It smells light & lovely on me. Very much like the tea I used to drink as a kid. Both floral & food. Yum!   I'm currently wear a bit of the Seraglio imp I got. I'm not sure on this one. It doesn't smell bad. It just is a neutral "perfumey" scent on me. No notes really stand out after it reaches dry down. Kinda sad, as it smells nifty in the imp.   To try: Lady Macbeth Ophelia Veil Endymion   Funny note: My boyfriend (now ex) has my imps of Eos & Fenris Wolf (not ex for the theft! ). I don't mind the fenris being gone. But the Eos? He calls it his "sleepytime" perfume vial. I guess it helps him sleep. LOL




Will Call

I went to the will call as soon as i got out of overtime at work. I made it at about 9:30. The people there were sooo nice in helping me & not laughing at my sniffing my arms & asking for help with the TAL oils (to help get through work issues).   I tried: March Hare (It smelled so sweet & spicey at first. But then it turned to pure clove, which I haven't been able to stand since I stopped smoking cloves) Bruised violet compound (a prototype, I love this scent. It's violets, but not powdery or extremely girlie... If violet took off the lace gloves, put on wraps, and went to krav maga) Persephone (I can't stand it in the bottle. But I tried it on. It gets better & better as it dries down on me. fruity & rosey in just the right balance) Yvaine (it's so awesome wet. Then it turns to plain ol' magnolia- which I don't like. Then it turns to soap) Tiki queen (this turned into Malibu rum on me after 15 minutes) Screeching Parrot (this hit me like a brick of tropical fruit & nauseated me) Sugar Moon (sweet & light & lovely) Lunar Eclipse (this smelled like dust... then faded to nothing)   I bought: Sugar Moon (one for me, one for Mom) Persephone White Light (TAL) Fiery Wall of Protection (TAL)   Sooner or later I'll start writing reviews. But, for now, the above works.




Sunrise With Sea-Monsters

Sunrise With Sea-Monsters: Ocean mist, kelp, ambergris, amber, white pear, osmanthus, freesia, and seafoam accord.     In the imp: Lots of delicious ocean mist, a bit of kelp, and the seafoam. Not detecting any freesia, pear, or amber in this.   On me: I definitely feel the humor in this, I can visualize funny looking sea-monsters splashing around. This is wonderfully blended, as I can't pick out any notes in particular. It definitely reminds me of the ocean.





Faith: Sugared Violets   In the imp: A very sweet sharp violet softened by delicious sugar   On me: True to the imp, smells much like it did in the imp. Soft and sweet, yet still sharp and deliciously violet. I definitely need to get Hope & Faith bottles!




Phoenix Steamworks

Glowing liquid passes through the fogged retorts of ancient alembics, sparks fly from behind a massive workbench, and a cloud of thick incense smoke hangs low, all casting strange and surreal flashes of light and shadow on tall bolted-steel walls. The chug and hum of gargantuan machines echo through the chamber.   Burnished gold and oiled bronze notes with Abramelin incense and sage.   Reviewed 04/21/2008   I can't remember exactly what I wrote last night, since it got lost in the forum burp. But I do remember that this smelled exactly like a perfume I had as a child called Topaz. It came in a bottle shaped like a lamb, and I'm not sure who made it. I probably won't ever wear this, but I'll sniff it every once in a while to go back to that innocent time in my life.




Spring Training 2008

Since 1928, Mother Shub and her brood have been providing the snack shacks of the Miskatonic Valley with a bevy of otherworldly sweets and baked treats. This year, Mother Shub has created a promotional perfume oil that embodies the scent of her famous Peanut Brittle Caramel Popcorn. Iä! Shub-Niggurath! Thank you for an eon of community support!   Reviewed 4/22/2008   In the bottle: Hot, dripping-with-butter popcorn.   Wet: Buttery popcorn, and a hint of sweetness coming out.   Drydown: The popcorn settles down and sweet caramel comes forward. I'm not getting anything peanut-y at all. The caramel note is amazingly real, and combined with the lingering butter it reminds me of fresh, homemade caramels being pressed into a buttered pan. Fairly low throw, but decent wear length; I couldn't wait to get home and slathered some on right there in the post office after I picked up the package. That was about three hours ago, and it hasn't faded much at all despite the fact that my skin drinks oils for breakfast. I can't wait to try this in my scent locket tomorrow!





Two things:   One: Blood Kiss was just tainted by the Loviatar under it - it does NOT turn to baby powder! YAY! Mmmm.   Two: Random post told me to put it on my collar bone, and jawline, and now I'm feeling sooooo good.   I LOVE YOU GUYS.   and BPAL.   and this place.   and everything but the snow outside. grr.




The Flower Song

The Flower Song: Pomegranate wine, lotus root, river reeds, hyssop, and barley.   In the bottle: Not floral, as the title would suggest. I get sweet pomegranite and lotus, with something else I can't identify (I don't know what hyssop and barley smell like).   On me: Oh this scent was made for me! The predominant notes are pomegranate and plum (no plum listed, but it smells like plum to me), with deliciously sweet lotus root and river reeds right behind them. I'm sure the hyssop and barley are there, I just don't know how to find them. This is exquisitely blended, and works wonderfully on me. This was a last minute, unsniffed add on a whim even though most of the Lupercalias didn't do much for me. I'm so glad this fell into my shopping cart!




Dragon Moon update - thoughts

THE BUGGRE ALLE THIS BIBLE: Crumbling paper and ancient cracked leather with a touch of tobacco leaf and incense. As much as I love the concept (and that part of GO), this isn't gonna work for me.   JASMINE COTTAGE: Camellia, jasmine, heather, orange blossom, osmanthus, wisteria, thyme, angelica, freesia, granny’s nightcap, and English wildflowers. Floral death. Nope.   NANNY ASHTORETH: Middle Eastern flowers, amber, honey, blood red-berries, whip leather, and polished paddle wood. Torn. 4/6 notes are great, but flowers are iffy, and leather has yet to work for me.   PEPPER: Wild English roses, French gardenia, vanilla, honey, golden ginger, blood orange, tuberose, bergamot, and geranium. I tried a prototype of this at ECWC at Thanksgiving, and I really liked it. I have no idea what the relation between that and this is; the notes list is frighteningly floral.   WENSLEYDALE: An immaculately clean scent: well-scrubbed soapy skin and fresh cotton. I also tried a prototype of this. I thought it was horribly floral.   ++ AMERICAN GODS   THE IFRIT: Desert sand, red musk, blackened ginger, dragon’s blood resin, black pepper, cinnamon, and tobacco. I want to like this. Tobacco is not my friend, however. If the good notes overwhelm the tobacco, it could be awesome.   THE NORNS’ FARMHOUSE: Dusty, ancient wood, horehound, and sage, with viper’s bugloss, mugwort, chamomile, nettle, apple blossom, chervil, and ashes. Dust? Ashes? Pass.   ++ STARDUST   THE EAST: The scent of the winds beyond the wall: bluebonnet, passion flower, freesia, jasmine tea, mint, thyme, and redcurrant. Too much floral.   THE STORMHOLD: Creeping moss, slick granite, murky vetiver, lightning-charged ozone, and icy rain. Tried a prototype of this, too. Ick. It gets all those images from the passage, but ... so very not for me.   ++ DOC CONSTANTINE'S PHARMACOPOEIA   BRUISED VIOLET COMPOUND: Crushed violets, red currant, patchouli root, and Spanish moss. Violets = no. Moss isn't very good for me, either.   NOSTRUM REMEDIUM: Black tea leaf, invigorating wasabi extract, sweetened by honey. Intriguing. This could be a tea scent that smells like tea on me...   SLIPPERY POPPY TINCTURE: Poppy flowers, acai berry, and honey. Pass? No idea what poppy flowers smell like.   STIMULATING SASSAFRAS STRENGTHENER: Sassafras, vanilla extract, oak leaf, CO2 butter extract, and onycha. Sniffed a prototype of this. Liked. Would try again.   ++ PHOENIX STEAMWORKS AND RESEARCH FACILITY   PHOENIX STEAMWORKS: Burnished gold and oiled bronze notes with Abramelin incense and sage. Not a big fan of metallic scents, and I've got Philosopher in Meditation for my Abramelin needs.   AELOPILE: Glowing amber and citrus, labdanum, verbena, cedar, and oud. ? I like amber, citrus, verbena, and cedar, not sure for labdanum & oud.   THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM: Teakwood, oak, black vanilla, and tobacco. Again with the tobacco...   THE COIL: Ozone, eucalyptus and mint with purple orchid, passionflower, white ginger, and purple lotus. No - ozone, mint.   ETHER: Translucent blooms, ethereal white resins, and davana. Doubtful. Sounds like a headache in a bottle.   GALVANIC GOGGLES: Metallic notes with Indian musk, tobacco flower, and African balsam. Tobacco flower is different than tobacco, but metallic? Meh.   NO. 93 ENGINE: Balm of Gilead, benzoin, frankincense, balsam of peru, beeswax, saffron, galbanum, calamus, hyssop, mastic, lemon balm, and white sage. Balm of Gilead might be eucalyptus. Frankincense is iffy. Benzoin is nice. Hard to say...   THE OBSIDIAN WIDOW: Pinot noir, dark myrrh, red sandalwood, black patchouli, night-blooming jasmine, and attar of rose. Jasmine + rose = hell no.   THE ROBOTIC SCARAB: Polished metallic notes, glossy leather, frankincense, star anise, and thin lubricating oils. Again with the metals...   SMOKESTACK: Creosote, coal, and industrial waste. I'm sure there's someone who finds this idea appealing, but that person is not me.   VIOLET RAY: White mint, purple musk, violet, lilac, ylang ylang, lavender moss, and sandalwood. Intriguing, but no.




Beltane 08

Beltane 08: Mugwort, French rose, Lily of the Valley, broom, frankincense, myrrh, benzoin, foxglove, woodruff, rowan wood, ivy, sandalwood, spring mint, thyme, iris, copal, and night blooming jasmine.   In the bottle: Green!! This is a deliciously green Spring scent. I definitely get mint, but it blends in really well with the herbs and greens I'm smellling. I don't get any flowers out of this, but I'm sure they're hiding there somewhere.   On me: It was deliciously minty for about 10 seconds, and then the mint lost its sweetness and turned bitter. And then I began smelling like some sort of scented cleaning product. NOT good. No mint, no herbs, no flowers, only cleaning product. Hours later, it faded into a very faint floral but that's it.   Unfortunately, this totally bombed on me. And it smelled soooo good in the bottle.


