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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Wow but this sucks

We had some bad news at work today. It makes us sound like dogs...oooh boy we get to be retrained. Nothing is final yet and it sounds like everything is up in the air because they haven't made any decisions, but it sounds like most of our 'redeployment' options are going to be customer-facing jobs. I don't want to do customer-facing. It isn't my cup of tea when it comes to the banking industry. Yeah, let's get a job where we have to push credit cards and accounts at customers. Um, no. I don't do selling.   My Western Diamondback got a work out today. It's my #1 comfort scent and one of 3 roller imps I've got at work. We had the announcement. I took a short break and slathered WDB when I got back to my desk around 11. I refreshed it around 2 and again when we got home tonight.   Yeah, no BPALz for us at this point. No, I'm not out of a job like some of the unfortunate people at other companies who were told today their jobs were going overseas. But it's possibly the same thing if the alternatives are things I don't want to do. I already can't stand my job. This is going to make getting a new one harder, especially since I'd considered changing over to another area which is one of the areas that is affected.   I had already wanted to cut back BPAL (and other) spending because I want to work harder at getting a house and with about $1500 in savings far from enough to be a down for a house. Then I'd really like to get some medical stuff taken care of. I found out one of 2 things I want/need done costs approx $12kNZ. I have no idea on the 2nd thing but I'm guessing it's going to be at least the same, if not more. And beyond the 2 there is another major thing which would probably cost about $50kNZ.   I have a lot of scents I enjoy. So does my wife. I'll sit back and read the updates, do some swaps and maybe order the odd bottle for each of us. But no more big orders.  





So, I've been into this thing for.. well, long enough to amass something like 50 imps with far too many more on the way. It's taking time to get through them all but I love smelling them to pick one to wear, and seeing how they smell.   In any case, I'm finding that no matter what, my body chemistry changes everything to baby powder, or possibly soap, during "that time of the month." Grrrr. It's tough!   I haven't tried enough, but so far only Blood Kiss is any good on me at this time of the month.     The search goes on! I keep noting which ones aren't, at least.




Tiresias, the Androgyne

Tiresias, the Androgyne: Dark, moody, and bittersweet: black currant, patchouli, tobacco, cinnamon leaf, caramel, muguet, and red sandalwood.   In the imp: It smells totally foody, I get A LOT of sweet caramel. No sign of patchouli, tobacco, cinnamon, or sandalwood. Maybe a bit of currant.   On me: OMG it is heavenly!! And it morphs. The throw smells all foody and caramelly. When I put my nose up to my wrist to sniff (which I've been doing very frequently), it's a completely different scent. I get a caramel sweetened black currant with a fair amount of red sandalwood to balance it out and make it non-foody. I LOVE THIS!!! It has very good throw and medium wear time. I wish I would have brought some with me to work to reapply. A bottle of this is definitely needed.




Zarita, the Doll Girl

Zarita, the Doll Girl: Soft, yet sociopathic: white carnation, iris, orange blossom, and sugared cream.   In the imp: A floral-ish cream? Yum!!   On me: a nice sweetened floral blend, but I think I need to wear this again before deciding on whether or not I need a bottle.





Lucretia, Albrecht Dürer: Iris, black amber, sage, Kashmir wood, vanilla musk, mandarin and violet.   In the bottle: There was something funky in here that my nose didn't like, it might have been the Kashmir wood but I'm not sure.   On me: This totally transformed into a delicious spiked violet/sage with a little amber in the background scent. Wow! I sniffed at the test site all night, really enjoying this one. What a change from bottle to skin. This may very well be on its way to becoming a favorite.   Violets: I didn't think violets were my thing, but I think I've been converted into a violet lover between Lucretia and Faith.




Valentine of Rome

Valentine of Rome: Ecclesiastical incense, Roman flora, and the fruits of martyrdom: cypress, olive blossom, frankincense, myrrh, and blood accord.   In the bottle: I got incense, but with something harsh in there. Maybe it was vetiver, even though it's not listed? Vetiver and I have a love/hate relationship, but it usually ends up being hate.   On me: The vetiver-ish note toned down some, but there was something ash-like that I really wasn't enjoying. There was incese too, but not enough to overpower the vetiver/ash thing going on.





Chokmah: The Primordial Point of Creation, Mazloth, Being Out of Nothingness, the Origin of Thought and the source of the 32 Ways of Wisdom.   In the bottle: It smelled a bit medicinal, maybe like iodine?   On me: Firstly, it stained my skin just like iodine. And then it deifnitely smelled like iodine on me. After about an hour it softened up a bit to a kind of incensey iodine? Not good.




Bigger Critter

Bigger Critter: A deceptively sweet scent; just like the Critters themselves, the perfume is fluffy, poofy, soft, snuggly, and googly! Five vanillas with Moroccan jasmine, white gardenia, and pink grapefruit. The bottles that accompany the Critters have a grr-specially kyoot label, designed by Jennifer Williamson.   In the bottle: I want to eat this!!! It's vanilla grapefruity yuminess.   On me: It smells like VOMIT. I tried the teeniest swatch on me, and smelling it was making me nauseous. And no matter how hard I scrubbed I couldn't get the scent off. Very very gross.




Kataniya, the Clockwork Woman

Kataniya, the Clockwork Woman: Gentle flowers over hot metal, shocked to life with electricity.   In the imp: a nice, non-overpowering floral.   On me: a sharp almost-metallic floral. Unfortunately it didn't have much throw or wear time. As it faded it lost the sharp metallic smell and became a soft floral. But it did smell VERY good on me while it lasted!




Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo

Category: Bewitching Blends -- The Conjure Bag   In the imp, it had an almost licorice-like quality to it, with lemondrops mixed in.   Wet, it smelled like bubblegum -- fresh, pink, juicy sugary gum.   Oddly enough, as it dried, there was a sort of...flowery note to it...or perhaps an herbal one...rather powdery and faint and intriguing, after that straight-up sacchirine candy goodness...almost as if Aunt Caroline is revealing her true talents behind that candy-coated mask! Unfortunately, as time went on, it turned plasticky. Very disappointing...   Had it stayed in the candy stages, I probably would have liked it a lot more. It does have a soothing quality to it, but quite frankly, *all* the BPAL scents do that for me. If I encounter a bad smell or am having a bad moment, I'll sniff at my wrists and feel better for a bit.





Category: Wanderlust   Initially, I smelled the myrrh and wine, with perhaps the honey thrown in...it had a very sticky, tart, juicy sap-like quality to it.   As it went on, the stickiness of it went away...just becoming myrrh and wine, with perhaps an herbal tint around the edges.   I'm thinking that myrrh is going to be one of those hit-and-miss things with me. This time, it was a miss, and I think it was the wine note that did it...the blend had a sourness to it that did not appeal to me. So, nope, not for me.   I liked Anubis better than this, and I'm guessing it's because of the mixture of herbs that was in it...the wine note couldn't come out and outright trash things like it did in Athens.




Meskhenet, The Vulture Maiden

Meskhenet, The Vulture Maiden: Frankincense, hyssop, hibiscus, river reeds, orris root, palm frond, and olibanum.   In the imp: A sweet floral - definitely liking this!   On me: A deliciously sharp hibiscus with a little something sweet and something else I can't place as I don't know what most of these notes smell like. But this totally works and smells absolutely delicious on me. I definitely need a bottle!




Isaac, The Living Skeleton

Isaac, The Living Skeleton: Bourbon, tobacco, dry bone, bay rum aftershave, and sleazy cologne.   In the imp: a blend of aftershave and cologne, definitely masculine.   On me: I was scared of the tobacco, but thankfully I got NO tobacco at all. I got a touch of bourbon when I first applied it, but that faded away very quickly. And I ended up smelling like masculine incense, which isn't a bad thing. But I smell no bourbon, tobacco, aftershave, OR cologne. Weird. My skin seems to like turning perfume into incense. I would have liked to smell like the imp smelled. Oh well.





In the imp: Sweet, sweet pear, and some kind of glaringly bright, almost chemical floral.   On wet: Icky sweet pea (which, for whatever reason, hates me), and something that reminds me of my beloved Sleepy Moon! Unexpected and interesting!   Drydown: There's something powdery in here - it's doing the same itchy-dusty thing to my nose that most orchid scents do. Aside from that...this is a really hard scent for me to pin down! I'm still getting the sickly sweet pea (if a flower could go "off" the way food does, that would be how I'd describe my nose's interpretation of that note), and I think the lilies and honeysuckle have banded together with it to form this gang of icky, overwhelming floral-ness. Can't tell if the heliotrope has jumped into the mix - my nose is being pummeled and robbed as I speak...er, type. I can tell you what I'm *not* smelling, though - white musk and pear! The two notes I was *hoping* to get a good dose of. Ain't that always the way?   Overall: Another "not a good scent for me" blend. The florals are too sharp, too cloying, and none of them seem to like me very much. I was kinda hoping for the lilies, pear, and musk to dominate, but that simply was not to be. I'm not particularly surprised, though - sweet pea is one of my absolute ick notes, and honeysuckle isn't far behind, so I had reservations from the get-go - but the white musk fan in me had to at least give this scent a shot. Which I now have. 2/5





In the imp: Sharp, almost bitter perfume - the kind you'd expect little old church ladies to wear.   On wet: It's sweetened up slightly - I can smell the lilies and the lightest brush of rose...but there's still a sour/bitter edge running underneath.   Drydown: Wow, this is *definitely* not my cup of tea - it reminds me of scented garbage bags. There's this weird burnt-plasticky scent clinging to my skin, and a layer of sharp, generic floral perfume sitting on top of it - the overall result is so sharp, it's almost acrid.   Overall: Traditional, intensely floral blends don't seem to work very well for me, and this one is, unfortunately, no exception. It started out unpleasant, and didn't morph much beyond a cloying floral sheet pulled over hot erasers. Aside from that tiny glimpse of roses and lilies in the wet stage, I wasn't able to pick out distinct flowers at any point. Not a good scent for my chemistry. 2/5




The Parliament of Monsters

The Parliament of Monsters: Dust, incense, wet tobacco, and a curl of opium smoke.   I decided to wear it today for the first time, sniffed and wore it without looking at the notes. This makes the review a bit more amusing.   In the imp: Delicious sweet incense with a touch of opium. Totally a Mia scent.   On me: Wet, I got sweet opium incense. As it started drying though, another note became very prominent. It was familiar but I couldn't figure it out, other than it smelled kind of boozey. As I was driving to work I figured it probably wasn't good that I was going to show up smelling like booze, but it was already too late. The first thing I did when I got in was check the notes - tobacco! I've been smelling tobacco! By this time, I smell like tobacco and that's it: no dust, definitely no incense, no opium. It's a sweet wet tobacco thankfully, and not tobacco smoke....so it doesn't smell bad, but its definitely not something I want to smell like. Especially not when I'm a 3 hour meeting with people who were probably very confused at my scent..... Several hours later the tobacco has thankfully faded away and I now smell incense and opium again.   This is definitely not a scent for me.




Two years

Two years ago today, my mother died.   I guess I'm getting used to her not being here. But I don't know how, or if, I'll ever get over the pain of knowing I can never talk to her again.   Even though our relationship was, at times, bumpy and dysfunctional, she was my mother. She loved me. I will never have another mother. It is a feeling of grief without any cure, without any remedy.




Arachnina, the Spider Girl

Arachnina, the Spider Girl: A swirling, hypnotic perfume of black currant, poppy, red and black musk, lilies, nicotiana, and patchouli.   In the bottle: Black currand and poppy sweetness. Nice!!   On me: This one is toying with me, big time. At first it smelled like a very nice blend of incense, which I do not mind at all as I loooove incense. Though I don't think I need any more incensey BPAL as I've got lots. And then....about 20 minutes later or so, it changes for the worse. I smell ash mixed with incense, cigarette ashes. Yuck! And I was already in the car heading to work so I couldn't shower it off. About 30 minutes later I got to work and sniffed again, thankfully the ash has toned down and now I get incense with a little ash mixed in. This one is definitely a negative.




Eshe, A Vision of Life-In-Death

Eshe, A Vision of Life-In-Death: The perfume of life-in-death: embalming herbs, black myrrh, white sandalwood, black orchid, paperwhites, tomb dust, and Moroccan jasmine.   In the bottle: A sweet deep floral.   On me: This is a very elegant, dress-up kind of scent. It's almost too perfumey, but the sandalwood seems to balance it out. The black orchid and jasmine stand out the most on me, and there is mutual love between us. The sandalwood seems to round out the scent so that it isn't floral overkill. This has amazing throw and lasts all day, always good. Plus the boy loved it, which says a lot because he is usually neutral about my perfume. This is definitely something to wear when you're dressed up. I felt very mismatched wearing it with my Wicked baseball t-shirt.




All Night Long

Category: Bewitching Brews -- The Conjure Bag   In the imp, it smelled warm and spicy, like cinnamon and other spices, with a sugary hint to it...as if someone sexy were baking something sweet in my kitchen! (Hey, one of the many ways to my heart is through my stomach...)   If only it had remained like that. As it went on, it immediately smelled like red-hots, or Big Red gum. Not really my idea of sexy, now.   An hour later, it's gone. Not even a remote trace of it left to sniff.   So, no...not for me.





Hope: Hope is sugared rose   I'll start off with: I don't like rose. I have never liked rose-scented anything. It always always smelled like cheap $2 perfume to me. No rose in creams, sprays, anything scented. So, yes, I avoid rose. But, I gave this a shot and got a decant.   In the bottle: I like rose? What? It was very sweet, which changed what I don't like about the rose smell into something yummy. I could like it!   On me: I am so very confused. It's still rose, but that sweet rose that was awesome in the imp. It's much sweeter than regular rose, which makes me like it. I'm trying to tell my brain that not all rose is bad, and that this is good. Because it is good. But right now the nose and brain are at odds. I might have to wear this a few times before deciding on a bottle. But I really really liked Faith in the imp so if it's good on me.....   ETA: I've since worn this several times and it is a beautiful rose scent that I *do* enjoy! I have to be in the mood for it, but when I am it is lovely. Bottle - oh yes.





Oya: Oya’s ofrenda is a Nigerian potion of love and war, sweetened by darkest plum. Oya winiwini!   In the bottle: Sweet plum and a little woodsy undertone?   On me: Wet it was a sweet plummy incense. When it began to dry down a bit it lost its sweetness and turned into a very dry woody scent that I couldn't place, which was disappointing. Then 10-15 minutes later the plummy sweetness came back to mix with the woody scent and I have a very sweet incense. I am loving the plum in this. And the way it morphs on my skin, which is loving it. This is a very purple scent (I'll have to resesarch Oya and see if purple is one of her colors).





Fae: A brilliant, ethereal scent: white musk, bergamot, heliotrope, peach and oakmoss.   In the imp: sweet and peachy.   On me: The white musk and peach have blended beautifully on my skin!! In the background I smell a floral green, which I think is the heliotrope and oakmoss. It smells very meadowy and I can almost see the fairies. On me, it reminds me of Ebisu Making Love as Two Octopuses Look on. This is a great thing because I opted not to buy it, and instead got Dream of the Fisherman's Wife. Now that there's a GC scent that smells like it, I'm going to be all over it!! And it's $15 vs $27.50 - pretty big difference.


