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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

To Helen

Electric ozone, opaline notes, moonflower, white amber, beeswax, and three roses.   Reviewed 03/20/2008   In the imp: Is there something in there? I can't smell anything. How weird.   Wet: Powder, but not baby powder. There's something swirling around underneath that is threatening to turn evil on my skin.   Drydown: Powder, but a creamy powder. I'm not getting any floral notes at all. This is pretty, but it's not something I'll wear often at all. I wanted so badly to hoard this one because of the name, but I think I'll just stick with my imp.





Category: Bewitching Brews   In the imp, there is the sweetness of the lavender, spiced around the edges with the prickly sharpness of rosemary.   As it goes on, there's still that very sweet tone with the herbal note throughout...I think I can detect the neroli now.   As it dries, it gets light and peppery...herbs and perhaps frankincense.   While I'm not exactly a huge fan of lavender, it's a nice, soothing, pretty scent, and would make for a great room scent IMHO. Unfortunately it evaporates pretty quickly on me. But if you're a fan of lavender, well, here you go.




The Apothecary

Category: Illyria   In the imp, it smells very strongly of tea and ginger, with some sugar thrown in.   As it goes on, a more herbal sort of tone comes through. As it dries, though, I smell the tea/ginger again.   It's a lovely smell -- I really like the smell of tea. Unfortunately, this scent is so light and fleeting that it will not work for long on me.   I think I actually like this better than Aizen-Myoo. The grapefruit in the other scent isn't necessarily unpleasant, but I rather like the gentleness of the ginger in this one better. Just wish my skin didn't suck up tea so well!




Can it be better now?

Still really down. I'm having a hard time with Freeway not eating much. I worry about him. He ate a bit more tonight because I put it on my finger and encouraged him. I'm exhausted. I'm worried. But it was nice to see him get a little playful when I put the catnip around. He even played a bit in the box with Morgan, a bit with the possum ball.   So it's good to see him play but I think I'll still worry because he just isn't eating much and he's not in a position to loose much more weight. Tonight we did try to feed him first then pill him, in case pilling him was putting him off his food.   Another day, another hill to get over.




The Dodo

Red musk, lemon peel, sugar cane, cassia, white sandalwood, mango, and agarwood.   This was the All-Cassia-Channel on my skin. I like cassia, so that didn't bother me, but I wish I could have gotten some other notes from it. I didn't get to give it a fair trial, though, because I started to get burning, itching welts after only a few minutes. I tested it on the back of my hand, which is one of my least reactive zones, so this is definitely a no-go for me.





The scent of the salty seas, bittersweet wine, palm and tropical ferns.   In the imp: Something about this reminds me of one of those "After The Rain" air fresheners.   Wet: Yep, definitely an air freshener. It's very green and fresh, but something about it comes off artificial and chemical to my nose.   Drydown: Wait, where did it go? This was completely gone after only 35 minutes. I put more on, and it disappeared again. I applied it a third time, very heavily, and again it vanished. Apparently I am not meant to smell this for more than half an hour. How very odd.




Sugar Moon 2008

Sugar cane, blue musk, mahogany, black orchid, black currant, violet, blackberry leaf, teak, strawberry, and dusky rose.   In the bottle: Sugar, tart strawberry and currant, something herbal.   Wet: I get a boozy note mostly, and something under it that smells like...barbecue spices. It's not pleasant.   Drydown: This stays very dark and boozy. Whatever is giving me the barbecue impression sticks around too, with a hint of maple syrup added in. This is not good for me. One bottle will stay in the box to age and retest eventually, but one is definitely going to the swaplist.





Category: Excolo   In the imp, it's pretty light and unobtrusive...but once you lift that wand up and expose it to the air, it reaches out and latches onto your senses. It has a very sweet, almost candy-like scent to it, yet there's also an herbal touch to it.   As it goes on, it morphs rather dramatically again. To be quite honest, my first thought as it touched my skin was, "Oh god...it's mummy parts and wet jackal butt." Not exactly the most charming scent...and yet it seemed so appropriate, somehow, to the theme of this particular god...and don't worry, it gets better.   The scent becomes dry -- still pungeant, but there is a sandy sort of air to it. The incense and herbs are quite fragrant and there is the sweetness of the balsam all around the edges. This scent has a pretty healthy throw -- the first day I wore it I may as well have worn a sign that said "HEY, COME MEET ANUBIS!"   As time passes, the scent retains these same qualities, just with gradually-decreasing strength. The sweet tones are at times reminiscent of sacrificial wine, left in a bowl on an altar all day long.   Now, when I say that those rather unflattering components are appropriate, I mean that it really does conjure up funerary rites, an ancient temple, bandages scented with myrrh and packed with spices. It is *very* evocative.   I'm reluctant to set this scent aside, but ultimately I don't think it's for me. I would highly recommend it to any Egyptophiles, however, or to anyone who likes to conjure up a little sweet, dry decay now and then. And I definitely give it kudos for its strength and longevity.   What I liked: It's an incense scent with throw. And really, if I were to somehow meet this god, this is what he would smell like.   What I didn't like: Something is just off, and I don't know what it is! I'm really conflicted about it...I hate the thought of actually getting rid of it. It's not a bad scent by any means, it's just...not perfect for me, somehow.




Obligatory "X-Files" Post!

Why is this entry called an "obligatory" post? I suppose it's because it my favorite show of all time and I'm sort of surprised I haven't posted properly about it yet. Seriously, I remember watching the premiere of the very fist episode when I was ten, sitting in front of the big TV in my parents living room. I was bored, and fully prepared for the show to be lame. Little did I know, I would continue to watch every week until I finished up my freshman year in college! That still baffles me sometimes.   This entry wouldn't be complete without a for the sequel coming out this summer. So, in anticipation I present to you a list, all in good fun (note: THERE WILL BE SPOILERS FOR THE SERIES!):   Top Three Unintentionally Funny Moments on The X-Files   3. "Scully Performs Science-Magic" in Redux-Okay, so you might be asking yourself "Why this episode? The X-Files has always tried valiantly to at least be scientifically feasible, but it's a sci-fi drama, why knock it?" I blame it all on freshman year biology in college. I had the privilege to be taught by Dr. Anne Simon, who coincedentally was also a science advisor for the show. She called our attention to this episode. Specifically, she mentioned that Agent Scully needed a Southern Blot (a method to check for a DNA sequence) results "by 7pm". "But that's impossible!" says the lab tech, there isn't enough time and they'd need a "blazing hot probe." So Scully does it herself. Cut to the next scene, and sure enough it's done! Science-magic! Dr. Simon kept telling us that she tried to persuade the writers to change it, but of course they didn't. Turns out, at various conferences other scientists wouldn't let her live that one down. And knowing how nitpicky and snarky scientists can be, I can't help but laugh/grimace every time I see this scene. Also: "Blazing hot probe" Heh heh heh.   2. "Mulder Shows Us His Ugly-Cry" in The Field Where I Died-C'mon you know the one. He's going through regression hypnotherapy to find out who he was in a past life, then out of nowhere, BAM! His face scunches up comically and then it's an Ugly-Cry, complete with close-up. Yikes. I don't care if you're super dignified Helen Mirren, if you pull an ugly cry I will giggle uncontrollably (and most of the time, inappropriately!)   1. "Scully Gets Attacked By Puppet Cats" in Teso Dos Bichos-Ah, yes, this one. (In)famous among fans for extremely fake looking cats Scully gets attacked by. Seriously, they looked like hand puppets. Supposedly, Gillian Anderson is allergic to cats, so fake "stunt" cats had to be made but damn, the prop department must've been on vacation that cold week in Vancouver, becuase those weird furry, stiff puppet thing? Not a cat! I submit this piece of evidence for your viewing pleasure (not much in the way of lighting-this is The X-Files after all, but still hilarious):  




Really Down

(Copied from my post in All Things Pet).   Feeling really low. The picts have helped me not completely loose it, thank y'all for sharing.   We took Freeway to the vet for his blood tests. He's a Chronic Renal Failure kitty. We haven't had the results yet (preliminaries tomorrow) but I've been worried about him. This will be the second set of tests since he was diagnosed. He's down to 4.35 kilos (just over 9 pounds), has lost 325 grams since Jan. He's cut down on his food, went off the Renal stuff and we are trying Fancy Feast to tempt him. I worry about him and it's starting to affect me at work and my sleep. I've been lurking over on a Yahoo CRF kitty group, reading stuff over there and trying to learn more.   Up until now my BPAL has helped me stay up, feel better but tonight it's not. I don't know, maybe it's a couple of potentially lost packages (one from a forum person and a Possets package as well as no CnS/recent word on my 10/2 order although I thought Bill had said they were working on it when I emailed last week Edited to add that not even 5 minutes after I posted this I've had the CnS. Thank you Labbies. You are psychic and sent this exactly when I needed it) as well as Kitty, work and home stuff all getting to me.   I've got my 'comfort scent' on now, Western Diamondback. Tomorrow is Friday. I have an appointment with my counsellor on Saturday and hold out hope that the MIA packages will be at the PO Saturday morning along with a couple of expected decants.




Moon of Ice 2008

The Moon of Ice shines its pale white light on snow-blanketed hills and barren fields. Icicles dangle from skeletal branches, and the desperate howl of starving men and beasts echo through the darkness. Frost-crusted winter flowers, white pine, eucalyptus, and traditional lunar oils.   Reviewed 03/12/2008   In the bottle: I can't pinpoint what I'm smelling, but it smells like something I used to use to mop my floors. Very cleaning-fluidish.   Wet: This is so sharp and cold it almost hurts! I can definitely pinpoint the eucalyptus and something else herbal.   Drydown: After a few minutes this settles into something that reminds me of Jabberwocky. It's citrus, almost creamy, with a hint of flowers lingering in the background and a tang of eucalyptus giving it all an edge. It's got a light throw, but it lasts a long time. 12 hours and multiple hand-washings after I put this on I could still get whiffs of it if I lifted my hand to my nose.   I really didn't expect to like this, but I *really* do. I wish I'd gotten more than one bottle while it was up.




International Women's Day

March 8 was International Women’s Day, although few Americans knew it. All over the world, women were dressing up in their best clothes, receiving chocolates and flowers from men, and drinking themselves silly.   In Ethiopia, the day passed with little fanfare—a rally in Meskel Square against gender-based violence, some isolated gatherings celebrating women as “mothers, sisters, daughters” and the usual claptrap which accompanies the day. The events only started to scratch the surface on the hardships women in Ethiopia face. The statistics are alarming and disheartening:   71% of Ethiopian women have, at some point in their lives, experienced sexual or physical violence at the hands of a family member or intimate partner. (Demographic and Health Survey, 2005)   About 80% of Ethiopian women have had their genitals mutilated. Some of the girls are as young as seven days when they have their inner labia and clitoris cut off and sewn shut; some are as old as 15. As a result of this practice, girls experience psychological problems, difficulty giving birth (resulting in fistula), and increased susceptibility to HIV infection. (Demographic and Health Survey, 2000)   Female Genital Mutilation is practiced throughout Africa, and in some parts of Asia and the Middle East.   69% of marriages in Ethiopia are the result of abduction. In parts of Ethiopia, 46% of girls are married under the age of 15; for the country as a whole the average stands at around 31%. (UNICEF/NCTPE 2004).   Ethiopia’s fertility rate is the highest in the world at 5.9 children per woman. (World Bank, 2007)   The maternal mortality rate is 871 for every 100,000 live births; more than one-fifth of all deaths of women aged 15-49 are pregnancy related. (Demographic and Health Survey, 2005)       But aside from the statistics, I can’t tell you how horrible it is to be driving down the road and seeing a woman bent over under the weight of fuel wood; how devastating it is to see women begging while breastfeeding their children, sitting on the side of the road; and how awful I feel when I hear that just last week a four-year-old girl was raped by the guard at her expensive, international preschool.   So although International Women’s Day has passed for another year, be thankful for the women who came before and made all of your freedoms (and my freedoms) possible. Understand there is still a need for feminism in this world, no matter what the media or the Republicans try to tell you. There is still need for action and advocacy and agitation. We have not arrived.           “Enabling Communities Abandon Harmful Traditional Practices”. UNICEF/Ethiopia and the National Committee on Harmful Traditional Practices, 2004.   World Bank, Ethiopia: Accelerating Equitable Growth Country Economic Memorandum, Washington DC, June 2007, pp. 5-6.   Central Statistical Agency [Ethiopia] and ORC Macro, 2006 and Ethiopia Demographic and Health Survey, Addis Ababa, 2005





Category: Illyria   In the imp I can detect incense with a great deal of sweetness to it...the sweet herbs and grasses, perhaps. As it goes on, it gets more of a woodsy tone to it -- the frankencense, perhaps? Over time, as it dries, it turns spicy (and most stereotypically manly) to me.   Overall, it's a nice scent...while it does not scream 'HI I'M A DUDE' to me, that's fine with me, as most of the 'mainstream' male scents have a nasty overspiced air to them, while this is a lot more mellow and subtle...and besides, I like wearing it. I'm half-tempted to smear some on the BF and see what effect it might have.   What I liked: It's nice and mellow.   What I didn't like: Nothing in it really seems to stand out for me. Like the vast majority of these scents, it's nice, but not a must-have. Then again, isn't half the fun having something new to experiment with all the time? So I guess I shouldn't feel so bad about not going OMG MUST HAVE BOTTLE for more of these guys.




The Smell of Steampunk

My bottle of Kataniya, the Clockwork Woman arrived with an imp of Mechanical Phoenix. I was so excited to see these two in the packette together! I tried Kataniya first, of course, but was saddened by the immense perfumey scent on me. Today I added Mechanical Phoenix to the mix, and together they form a blend that is trully the scent of steampunk. Were there parchment in the mix, it would so completely Victorian! It is powdery and light, flowery and soft, but with an undertone of metal against metal. I must hunt myself a bottle of Mechanical Phoenix!




Cheshire Moon 2008

A lunatic's blend of lunar herbs and blossoms, with lemongrass, guava, pink grapefruit, banyan fruit, hibiscus, and cherry blossom.   Reviewed 03/08/2008   In the bottle: Creamy fruits.   Wet: Heavy on the guava and the grapefruit. It's very crisp and clear.   Drydown: The longer this sits on my skin the more the floral notes come out. The florals come forward and ground the fruit, while the fruits keep this from becoming too floral. It's a relatively non-foody fruit scent, IMO. It 'feels' very cool and it's appropriate for the coming spring season. I like this a lot.




Milk Moon 2005

May marks the apex of the year's fertility, expresses the reawakening of the sexuality of the Earth and her inhabitants, and May's full moon celebrates both the fecundity of the creatures and flora of this world and the vibrancy, rejuvenation and life-affirming energy of Spring. Milk Moon is Flower Moon's warmer, gentler cousin; it is a scent that emulates the closeness of child and mother. In it, cream and warm honey soften our traditional blend of lunar oils.   Reviewed 03/08/2008   In the bottle: It smells like a certain milk candy I used to eat when I was young.   Wet: Milk, but it's barely there. It reminds me a bit of Chaste Moon. I put on quite a bit, just this short of slathering, and I still have to put my wrist all the way to my nose to smell anything.   Drydown: It gets a bit minty, and then suddenly it turns into sour milk and cat pee. Oh skin chemistry, you have failed me once again. *sigh*




Treat #1

A super-sweet, glittering mountain of crushed hard candy: watermelon, pink lime, lemon, strawberry and piles upon piles of crystalline sugar.   Reviewed 03/08/2008   This is absolute silliness in a bottle, and I adore it. A mountain of hard candy is the perfect description for this. I don't get much watermelon, but there's tons of lemon and lime with a dash of strawberry thrown in, with a few pounds of sugar piled on top. It smells like rock candy. I think what I love most about this scent is that it's impossible to sniff it without smiling, you just can't be sad if you're wearing it.




Earth Rat

A new year's blessing! Peony, China's national flower, with bamboo for flexibility, plum blossom for perseverance, courage, and hope, tangerine for wealth, lychee for strong family relationships and peace in the home, orange for happiness, pine resin for constancy, golden kumquat and quince for prosperity, narcissus and King mandarin for good fortune, coconut for longevity, and candied melon for good health, with a splash of blazing red of dragon's blood... to help you scare away the rampaging Nian.   Reviewed 03/08/2008   In the imp: This smells sharp, but not citrus sharp. It makes my nose twitch.   Wet: Why hello there melon! Wow, that's strong. I can't make out any of the other notes through the melon.   Drydown: None of the citrus notes came out for me, sadly. The melon calmed down a lot and blended with the other notes to create a beautiful fruity-floral scent with a hint of something sharp cutting through all sweetness. I'm glad I didn't amp the dragon's blood in this, because it doesn't do well on me. The throw is low, but it lasts a really long time even on my skin, which drinks up oils like a Hummer guzzles down gas. I'm not sure how often I will wear this, but I definitely want a bottle of this before it goes down.





Unreleased scent, no description   Reviewed 03/08/2008   I really wanted this to work on me because I love the concept. I don't know what my skin chemistry is doing, but it turned into cinnamon-spiced celery! What the heck?




Bad BPAL Week.

My BPAL week hasn't gone great. Maybe some planet is in retrograde or some Fate has been tempted?   I lost out on 2 of the Lab's Ebay scents, one of them seconds before it closed.   Ok, I can take that. Wasn't meant to be.   Saw Three Witches for sale on the forum. ZOMG! I got an empty sniffie of this from Wren08 and it was lovely, now I want some. I PM'd but managed to miss it. Darn. Another one gone. Maybe it isn't meant that I buy BPAL this week.   See a post on LJ about from someone with a CRF kitty, a sales post to raise funds. I see Alone! Maybe it is meant to be?? (see below for my spills, copied/pasted from the spills thread). Maybe I wasn't meant to buy the other things because I can get another Alone bottle and help a fellow CRF kitty owner. I've PM'd but no answer yet. Another one missed?   Just when I think it can't get worse I got the CnS of d0000m. CnS's are usually "YAY" posts. But this one said it was going to Australia. Not that I don't mind enabling and sharing but a 9-bottle/2 imp pack order to Aussie? Nah, I'd rather it come here. I forwarded it to the Lab and Bill was able to track it down before it left the building. It's on it's way to me now. Whew. But it was a tense evening/day while I waited for an answer 'cause 2 of the 3 backordered bottles are on that one.   Checked the PO today. Yay I got 2 of my decant packages, but none of the big Shunga/Lupercalias yet. And the one Ocicat mailed on 7/2 (imps) hasn't shown up. And the Possets I ordered for a coworker (with a bottle of Cadmium Orange) is late getting here. Hopefully it's due to bad weather in the US when it was sent.   And the spills. Oh, the spills. The horror. Copy/pasted so if you've read this from the Spills thread you can ignore the below.     Laugh. Please. Because I'm trying to....   Tuesday: In the Bathroom. Alone. And with Alone, my new favorite. Apply. Apply. Apply. Decide I need a bit more on my fingers so I can run it through my hair a bit more (my baseball caps smell nice!). I hold the bottle and run my fingers down the glass wand. When I set the bottle down and pulled my hand back the bottle stuck to a finger and dropped off, dumping Alone on the bathroom counter. I ran into the bedroom and grabbed a pipette (advice to Newbies: Invest in pipettes even if you don't plan to decant!!). I got most of it up. Bathroom = Alone.   Thursday: In the livingroom, at the kitchen table (we don't have a dining room, tiny place). November. Not a favorite of mine or my wife. I was getting some imps together to send to a friend in the US to enable her. I decanted into a rollerbottle and thought "hmmm, maybe a bit more". Picked up the bottle, sucked up a bit more of November's flowers and leaves. Went to set bottle down. Same thing: bottle stuck to a finger and when I pulled my hand back I ended up with about 1/2 and imp's worth of November on the table. Sigh At least I had the pipette in my hand. I got most of it up, wiped the majority of it with a napkin and cleaned the rest with a Cancer Society bear. Carol remarked that as late as yesterday the table still smelled nice.   This morning: (you can start laughing now, really....) Decided to decant some Satyr for same friend I'm enabling. She said she'd be interested in trying it. We were on a chat at the time so I asked her if she'd prefer a rollerbottle or regular imp. She said regular imp, she's a bit of a clutz. I laughed and told her I am too. Decanted Satyr into the rollerbottle and as I was pushing the rollertop bit on the bottle shattered into about 4 big pieces and some tiny bits. (Really, laugh now). It was 8am, I hadn't had a full cup of coffee. I know I'm a bit strong but really, not that strong! I sucked up a little bit of the oil but was worried about glass so didn't really suck up a lot. Wiped up the spill. Picked up the second rollerbottle. Sucked up more Satyr. As I was pushing the second roller top bit into the bottle base I hear a light crack and see a line run down the bottle. I gently pried the top bit out, a bit of the bottle broke but I was able to pour it into rollerbottle #3. Which mercifully didn't crack. Or shatter. Or do anything but sit and hold the oil. I've used these rollerbottles about a dozen times, this was the first incident.   The table now smells like November and Satyr (not in the same places).   Alone has faded from the bathroom.   Laugh, really, go ahead.





All the glory, warmth and majesty of the sun -- darkened. A delicious blend of bitter almond, vanilla, frankincense and heliotrope, with a drop of cinnamon.   Reviewed: 03/08/2008   In the imp: Almond, and it's strong.   Wet: Almond, a bit of sweetness from the vanilla. I'm not getting any cinnamon, and so far no skin reaction from it either.   Drydown: The cinnamon never came forward, and this wound up turning into slightly almondy baby powder. Not unpleasant, but not what I was looking for or expecting. I think it would make a nice room scent, and it might work in a scent locket, but this isn't something I'll be reaching for to wear.




Moon Rose

A crisp, pale, almost translucent rose dusted by moonflower and midnight dew.   Reviewed 03/07/2008   IIn the imp: This reminds me of an Avon perfume my great-grandmother drenched herself in. It's making me really hesitant to try this, but here goes...   Wet: Subtle floral, something fresh and green. Not nearly as strong as I thought it would be, thankfully.   Drydown: Very pretty and feminine. I scanned some of the previous reviews and saw a lot of people describing this as a pink rose, but in my mind it's pure white, a rosebud just beginning to unfurl. It was on the verge of soapy for a while, but it never quite went over. It smells very fresh and clean, very cool, and it's not overpowering at all. In fact, it's very very light and fades away quickly.




Antique Lace

Category: Bewitching Brews   This blend went through an interesting transformation during the period of time that I wore it. The first day, it had this horrible fake vanilla smell. It was awful. But on the days after that, it somehow transformed from that sharp, vile scent to a sweeter, creamier vanilla. As it dries, it gets a powdery air to it. I'm glad I was persistant with it.   Vanilla is predominantly what I smell in this. Any florals that are in it are very, very light and dusty.   This is such a pretty scent. It seems like something my mom would like, as she likes vanilla, but often ends up with candles and lotions that have that nasty plastic smell to it. So I'll probably keep this imp around just for her. She doesn't wear perfume, but perhaps I could incorporate it into some lotion or something for her.


