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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Sugar-Slathered Candied Apple

Sugar-Slathered Candied Apple -- With a dollop of caramel!   Reviewed 03/05/2008   I can't believe I haven't posted a review of this scent yet because it's one of my favorites!   In the imp: Fresh, juicy apples. Wet: Caramel and apples. This smells like freshly dipped caramel apples, the way you can smell the still-warm caramel and the apple as you take that first bite. Drydown: I'm so happy this doesn't morph on me. I absolutely love it. It smells exactly the same from beginning to end. On my skin it fades pretty quickly, but in my scent locket it lasts and lasts and has a good amount of throw. I only regret not being able to afford a bottle of this at Halloween, because now I'm jealously hoarding my one little imp of it.




The Truth, at Last

I love MSG. I think that people who decry its use are stupid and ill-informed. I worked in a Chinese restaurant throughout high school and college, and bloated customers would saunter in and order entrees with NO MSG and then order fried rice. "But the fried rice has MSG", I'd explain; they didn't care, "a little wouldn't hurt".   To this day, all I can say in Mandarin is "bu no wei jin"--no MSG.   At long last, I AM VINDICATED. Today's NYT has an article about MSG:   March 5, 2008 Yes, MSG, the Secret Behind the Savor By JULIA MOSKIN IN 1968 a Chinese-American physician wrote a rather lighthearted letter to The New England Journal of Medicine. He had experienced numbness, palpitations and weakness after eating in Chinese restaurants in the United States, and wondered whether the monosodium glutamate used by cooks here (and then rarely used by cooks in China) might be to blame.   The consequences for the restaurant business, the food industry and American consumers were immediate and enormous. MSG, a common flavor enhancer and preservative used since the 1950s, was tagged as a toxin, removed from commercial baby food and generally driven underground by a new movement toward natural, whole foods.   Even now, after “Chinese restaurant syndrome” has been thoroughly debunked (virtually all studies since then confirm that monosodium glutamate in normal concentrations has no effect on the overwhelming majority of people), the ingredient has a stigma that will not go away.     Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go boot up for my daily dose of MSG.




De Sade with Lilith

I tried De Sade while at work today and found the scent alluring. It invoked the image of an old west saloon. However, it just was far too manly for me. So I thought I would try putting a scent I know is girly on me over it. The result was fantastic!   There was the sexy undertone of leather, but the candy sweetness that comes out on me with Lilith was sitting pretty on top of it. If I could call this combination one thing, it would be "Gemini." I just think of twins, one sexy and one innocent.   After Lilith dried, the red wine note came out, but not nearly as strong as when used alone, so I didn't smell like a drunk. It is still apparent four hours when I put my nose close to my hand, but the wine is lessened and the rose has peeked out. However, it isn't a really flowery scent, as the leather of De Sade is beneath it.   There is another plant scent just barely there, as well. I almost would call it a tobacco scent, without being the stench of a cigarette.   It is so lovely that I want to get a bottle of De Sade and a bottle of Lilith just to use them together all the time! This may just be my signature scent. It feels so me! There is a sweet and innocent shell, with the power and sexuality of a woman beneath.





Category: Diabolous   In the Imp: The soil and wine are mixed pretty thoroughly in the imp.   I didn't put it on, exactly, rather I poured a few drops in my hand and, after wetting my hair in the shower, rubbed it into the tips.   Wet: Very strong smell of fresh, moist soil. Very rich and smells exactly like I just got out of the garden!     The soil smell was extremely strong. I started to wash and the soap (which is scentless) seemed to explode like flowers. As I started washing with my shampoo, the Nosferatu's red wine note began peaking out, ever so mildly.   My bathroom's scent is currently indistinguishable from a freshly watered garden! My hair is starting to dry and with it the red wine is disappearing, leaving only the soil.   Perhaps, as my hair natrually dries throughout the day, something may change...   So far, I wish I had a soap or shampoo of Nosferatu!





Category: Limited Edition: Lupercalia   In the bottle, this blend is thick and sweet and pungeant. Throughout wearing it, I think that the amber, honey, and currant were predominant, as it was a very thick, sweet scent. When it dries, it gets light and powdery with just the hint of a sweet undertone. It has good throw and staying power -- it's lasted all day on me.   Verdict: This is another bottle that I'm glad I bought! It actually reminds me a lot of Aglaea, only without the slightly cloying air that that other blend had.This is sweet and sexy and mmmm yum.   I like the thick, sweet muskiness of this. To me it actually smells like oranges, but oh well! I like it.




Forgiving Cats

It was Mr Way's fluid night and it didn't go so well to start. My first attempt at sticking & he let out a little meow & hunkered down to try to get away from the needle. It was only half way in so I pulled it out, thinking I'd maybe gone in wrong. I pulled it out and tried again, same response. I decided to push it in all the way, start the fluids & see how it goes, knowing I could get them started and we could stop them if he seemed like he was in pain too much. He did well, settled down and purred while I scratched his chin. He got anxious towards the last 20 or 30 mls but he did well. As soon as he was done I took him in and gave him some jellymeat (wet food). Usually I give him some dry food but this time I thought he deserved something better (he does like the dry food). He ate. He came and settled on my lap, purred for a bit and was sooky.   It's nice that he's come and settled. It helps me feel better. He was resting his head on my arm as I reached around him to type.   PO this weekend. I got my Ebay Bed of Nails last weekend, the Etsy cases for Carol and Kelly and a couple decants (Smiling Spider & Spirit of the Komachi Cherry Tree). Smiling Spider did not like me and I was expecting something different. It's put me a bit in fear of the Mort De Cesar lunacy I bought, hopefully it's not quite that...strong. I really liked Bed of Nails. It is similar to Mechanical Phoenix but not quite as 'harsh' or metally. It's nice. I had that on today. And Ted went way out with the frimps, it was great! I really appreciated it all. I've got some goodies to send but want to get some mroe things.




Anne Bonney

Category: Bewitching Brews   In the imp: Patchouli and incense.   Wet: I'm thinking I detect mostly sandlewood -- it has a much lighter air to it than I thought it would. This scent never gets heavy or thick, like I'd thought that it would. The other notes are there on the edges and the overall fragrance is very nice.   Dry: As it dries, I would swear that it gets a bit of a gritty, smokey tone to it, like gunpowder. It's not bad by any means, though...it rather intrigues me. The scent is never overpowering, but it's pretty tenacious; I could smell it faintly on myself all day.   Verdict: I don't really need a bottle of it, but I'm also quite reluctant to get rid of my imp...so I'll hang onto it for a bit. This is another popular scent that I can admire, but not necessarily claim for my own. I'm intensely thankful that the patchouli behaved itself, as I figured if any blend was going to go all militant, obnoxious patchouli on me, this would be it.   What I liked: That cordite smell. Was kinda cool. Also, I'm slowly building trust for patchouli again.   Nothing that I didn't like, especially.




the two of us, dearly departed [possibly triggering]

So yesterday was the second anniversary of my mother's death.   I do not want this date to be one of the things I remember about my mother. I want to remember her in her birthday, in Christmas, in gardening and crafting and the boys' birthdays, because she would always make a big deal of them, the day off work, the day off school. I'd rather remember her in the things she did for people. I don't want to remember that unspeakably cruel day.   I was almost successful yesterday, until the dream that picked me up and shook me awake.   I don't want to remember the color of her skin, the blankness of her eyes, the pain that we had to beg and demand to be eased enough for her not to cry, big gulping sobs and the incomprehension of a child. Don't want to remember her increasing confusion, talking to people who weren't there. Her fear, that I had nothing to offer to quiet. I tried. Dear God, I tried. I told her, when they came and got her for that last trip to the hospital, that they were taking her there to make her more comfortable and manage her pain better. Both were lies. As helpless and inadequate as we felt at home, the hospital was worse, having to tell people again and again "no, she has pathologic fractures, don't touch her that way, don't lift her that way." Not once, but over and over. The brisk and somehow indecent cheerfulness of the staff that I think was meant to be reassuring. The repeated sticks with needles because nobody would LISTEN when we said 'call for the tech, she's hard to put lines in' and of course, they ended up doing it anyway but not until there'd been several unnecessary attempts.   I told her, when she was afraid, that they were going to help her manage her pain better than we could. Later, she was talking about "liar," and a word that Dad thought sounded like "puppy" but I think it was me, that she was angry and asking me why they'd taken her from home to the hospital only to hurt her. That something was in her head of her father's last hours in the hospital and the treatment that had ended up torture, not cure.   I didn't know. Mom, I'm sorry, I didn't know. We thought they could help. By the time we knew they weren't going to it was too late. Maybe it wouldn't have been any easier at home and I'd have the feeling every time I walked into the house that you'd suffered without needing to. But I can't know that.   I love you. I miss you. I keep thinking about how much you would have liked to see me doing Art-A-Whirl, the suggestions and the people you would have dragged there, the questions, the suggestions.   I wish I could have believed in myself enough to do it when you could be there.   I wish when I dreamed you, it was when you were happy, and not that pain and anger and fear and grief of those last couple of months. of that last day.   I wish something I had done would have helped. Anything.





Category: Limited Edition: Yule   In the bottle: It's hard to describe...I'm wanting to say it's an 'herbal' smell at first, because the light, fluffy notes that I would normally associate with florals aren't there. It's a very down-to-earth scent, instead, though as I huff deeper and longer, that sweet note does rise to the surface; I'm assuming that's the gardenia.   Wet: This scent has warm tones to it; it speaks to me of a candlelit ritual or gathering, one that centers around radiance and joy, where wreaths of olive leaves and pure white flowers adorn everything. It is verdant without being excessively flowery; all of those thicker, heavier notes blend together and come to me; while I can't pick out olive blossom, honey, lemongrass or patchouli exclusively, I can definitely tell that they're *there*, based on the 'texture' that the scent gives off. I'm afraid this really isn't doing a very good job of saying what it *smells* like, other than that it's warm and earthy and OMG so nice.   Dry: Unfortunately, after a while it wears off and gets very faint, with just a hint of sweet floral remaining. I'm sort of surprised that I couldn't detect the citrus notes at all, but that's okay.   Verdict: This scent is divine! I'm so glad that I got a bottle of it; the very down-to-earth quality of it is what makes it beautiful to me. This is another one that I would recommend for people who do not like traditional 'sweet' florals, who like a bit of solidity to their scent.   What I liked: I'm definitely a fan of scents that have 'body' to them, which this one does. To me, it's a nice mix of sweet flowers and warm, crisp herbs; it completely makes up for the disappointment that was Alecto. I'm also pleased that the patchouli behaved itself; years of being around people who over-apply patchouli has made me wary of it, so I'm absolutely happy that it's worked out in this blend.   What I didn't like: Though it would have been nice to have smelled the nectarines and oranges, it probably would have made it a completely different scent. I'm happy with this as it is, really.




The Flower Song

THE FLOWER SONG Unknown, Written during Egypt's New Kingdom To hear your voice is pomegranate wine to me: I draw life from hearing it. Could I see you with every glance, It would be better for me Than to eat or to drink.   Pomegranate wine, lotus root, river reeds, hyssop, and barley.   Reviewed 02/25/2008   Imp: Very sweet, sugary. A touch of something fruity, but very little.   Wet: Sugar and pomegranate. There's no wine or booze note at all. There's an undercurrent of something spicy, like Juicy Fruit gum, as my skin amps the lotus.   Drydown: Lotus sometimes has a tendency to turn to cat pee on me, but this doesn't. I never get any wine notes at all, nothing aquatic or herbal that suggest the river reeds or hyssop, nothing earthy or grainy for the barley. This is all lotus and pomegranate, all the time, and the combination of the two is beautiful. It clings close to my skin but lasts forever; ten hours after I applied the first test patch I could still smell it if I sniffed the back of my hand. I can't wait to try this in my scent locket; this is definitely going to be a multi-bottle purchase for me.





Category: Sin & Salvation   In the imp: A very heavy, dark scent reminiscent of incense.   Wet: It honestly smells like a really, thick, resin-based incense to me, with a floral sweetness around the edges. I'm not familiar at all with opium, but perhaps this is what's producting that? Very interesting.   Dry: It softens down pretty drastically to a leftover sort of flower scent. I'm wanting to associate that with the honeysuckle.   Verdict: This scent intrigues me even more now because I could have sworn that this was an 'incense' scent...but no, it's florals. Which is amusing because I was comparing it to other incense scents I've worn, and thinking that I'd found my happy medium there. My only criticism of this scent is that it didn't have the throw that I desired. It tends to last a while, though, and it's just lovely all-around as far as I'm concerned, even if it doesn't quite justify a bottle.   What I liked: It combined sweetness with the smoky quality that I love about incense, and yet had a nice, thick, sticky body to it, as well.   What I didn't like: I want to reek, dammit! In the good way! I'm strange.   I'm scratching my head about the vetiver. Maybe that wasn't the problem with Alecto, then? Because I didn't detect anything sour about this, at all. I'm just not sure. It's really a shame about Alecto, because I really liked the leafy quality that it had...but it made me smell like I was on my period or something. Ick.   I'm tending to ramble today, apparently.




Lump of Coal

Ok, fine. It isn't really a lump of coal, but brownies and coal are vaguely similar in color! -- and you know you could never be naughty enough for us to really toss a coal at you! After all, we specialize in sin at Black Phoenix. This is the truly sinful scent of a sticky, thick, dark and rich fudge brownie.   Reviewed 02/22/2008   I'll cut to the chase with this one: there is no morph, no difference between imp and wet and drydown, it is pure chocolate decadence. It is spot-on in capturing the scent of a pan of brownies, fresh out of the oven, with the edges a bit crispy and the middle still gooey and sticky. YUM.




Relay for Life

I'm doing the Relay for Life again this year. It's today and the weather absolutely sucks. It wouldn't be a big deal but the stadium is an outdoors stadium. We have a marquis-style tent thingie to shelter in but the 2 green couches they took from work are going to get soaked so we may not have them after all. Bummer They are soooo nice when you've been walking for 1/2 an hour or more.   I'm taking Satyr in my 1 ml rollerbottle. The scent isn't going to give people headaches in the tight confines and I'll still smell good. The spice might keep me awake a bit more, although I do pretty well with that on my own, I'm a night owl!   We are going to the PO in a bit I'm expecting packages!! My Ebay should be here, maybe some of my decants and a Snacksters package too. I havent' heard from the LJ/forum person about the sale I paid for on 23/1. I've tried emailing and commenting on the original post. I tried to PM but her inbox is full. I really don't want to just leave negative feedback but I'm going to have to. If the imps aren't in the post today I'll try one more email, leave it a week and then leave negative feedback. I think I can amend the feedback if things change later but the fact that she hasn't even replied to any of my comments or my email isn't a good sign. It's frustrating.





Category: Wanderlust   In the imp: It's like sinking your nose into a bouquet of tulips, literally -- that light scent, with an almost peppery air to it, like pollen, all dappled with drops of water.   Wet: The light tulip scent is predominant, though the scary pollen edge to it is gone. It's very evocative of lush green grass in the morning hours, laden with dew. I don't get a 'crisp' note so much as a 'juicy' one: plump tulip heads, thick blades of grass, fat drops of dew sliding down the sides of them all.   Dry: It's as if the sun has come out and dried the grass; now it has a sort of moist, healthy air to it, the tulip scent almost ethereal, with a more traditional 'perfumey' note to it..perhaps that's the peony.   Verdict: Oh, if only this had more throw, and lasted longer! It's beautiful! Once again I am in awe of the perfumist's art of being able to capture such imagery in a bottle. I would highly recommend this to people who like unadulterated (non-perfumey) florals, nature scents, and possibly to those who like aquatic scents. I hate to discard it anytime soon, so I will probably hang onto the imp for a while at least.   What I liked: The light floral scent, and the fact that it smells like a grassy yard in springtime. Mmmmm.   What I didn't like: That it's so shy! It just sort of pokes its head out to show me that it's pretty, and then evaporates. Wahhh!!




Midwinter's Eve 2005

A melancholy, deep scent, poignant and brimming with nostalgia. The perfume of sugared plums over a breeze of winter flowers.   Reviewed 02/18/2008   In the bottle: Mmm, berries.   Wet: Luscious, juicy berries. I don't know plum well enough to know if it's plum specifically, but it's wonderful.   Drydown: Still very juicy. The berries are on top, but there is something underneath that makes it feel cold to my nose. It's an actual sensation; the insides of my nostrils feel cold if I bring my hand to my nose and sniff closely. I really love this. It did make me itch for a short time, but it didn't last and didn't make the skin red at all. It's got a good wear time, but the throw isn't as strong as I'd like.





Category: Excolo   In the imp: Cinnamon, patchouli, and orange...very, very warm and spicy.   Wet: It starts out spicy, peppery, a scent with bite; the patchouli attacks your nose with the spiky texture of its scent. Then it seems to dissolve and turn smokey, like a newly-lit stick of incense. There's definitely a strong note of both patchouli and orange, mixed with the darker notes of the other incense. It smells exactly like a little clothing shop that I used to go to...it's a gorgeous scent, and very 'incensey' without becoming obnoxious.   Dry: Unfortunately, it grows faint pretty quickly. The airy quality of it takes on a more woody sort of tone, and reaches a strange juxtaposition in that it's earthy and 'grounded', while the faintness of it makes it ethereal.   Verdict: I really like it, I just wish that it stuck around longer...Come back, dammit, I like youuuuu!!   What I liked: Orange FTW!!!!! Also the cinnamon. I was afraid of the patchouli, but it behaved itself quite nicely.   What I didn't like: Its throw diminished pretty quickly, and its staying power is pretty minimal.   This is interesting to compare with Al Azif; where Azif is sweeter and more candylike to me, Shairan is very much a stereotypical incense scent to me. I'm thinking if I can find a happy medium, that has decent throw and lasts throughout the day, that I'd be really happy.




Diva-licious musings (TMI ahead)

Adventures in environmentally sound bearded clam husbandry follow. If you're easily squicked by "woman things," you will probably want to bail out now. If, however, you're interested in a user review of the Diva Cup, then by all means, read on!      





Category: Mad Tea Party   In the imp: Honey, with a very warm tone to it.   Wet: Thick, sweet, honeyed cream, with a bit of spiciness to it.   Dry: The floral scents come out to me as it dries, and it 'cools off' as in the honey note becomes more subdued, though it never quite disappears...more like it coats the petals of the flowers (and I'm wanting to say that I smell more carnation than rose). And yet, there's a powdery note to it, as well...I'm wanting to call it 'baby powder' only because it's a very light, feminine, innocent sort of tone...not soapy or strident at all.   Verdict: I can see why this is a popular scent; it's *really* lovely, and very feminine, very elegant in an innocent sort of way. Unfortunately, it has *no* throw or lasting power on me at all, which makes me very sad. I'm reluctant to get rid of it because it's so pretty, so hopefully I'll be able to find another use for it.   What I liked: The honey and the floral scent.   What I didn't like: It's too weak! Sadness.   I have to wonder what sort of lotion this would make.




Update and my stash!

I got bogged down and couldn’t update my BPAL blog, but have continued to purchase. Since the last entry I’ve purchased bottles of:   Minotaur Temple Viper (these two were purchased from a forum buddy, both smell amazing) Black Lace Prospero (these two were my “normal” purchase one month from Dark Delicacies instead of the Lab. Both are really nice) Hony Mone Blood Phoenix Chanukkiyah (I was underwhelmed by these 3, but hopefully aging will help) Numb Peacock Queen 2005 (these two recently purchased from another forumite) I Married a Vampire from Planet X Diary of a Lovestruck Teenage Cannibal (Vampire is a bit too masculine, but Teenage Cannibal is nice) Anactoria Lunar Eclipse (recent update)   Regarding Numb: it’s gotten a bad rap and I don’t know why. I bought Numb brand-new from the Lab when it was offered in July 2005. I liked it well enough, it was like frozen sugared violets, but unfortunately I broke out in a rash the few times I wore it. I gave it to my mom, and when we went to visit for Christmas I was looking at her stash (I’ve also given her Harvest Moon 2004 and Taurus 2007) and noticed that Numb was almost empty. She loves it! It’s her favorite and she asked if I could get her another bottle for her birthday.   I finally took recent pictures of my collection. I enjoy reading about other collections and what people love. I’ve been buying directly from the Lab for over 3 years and have over 100 bottles of favorites. Here’s the main box, it’s a tin from a men’s cologne set that DH had received. I was so excited when the shipments started arriving with special BPAL orange shipping tape, *dork alert* I would carefully peel it off to stick on the tin.   Here’s a picture of the inside, it’s totally full and I’ve started a second box. The bottles are in order based on when they were received, which makes less and less sense. If I’m looking for a bottle I can make a good guess where it will be, but it’s hard to browse if I’m trying to decide what to wear out of the blue.     My special imp tin: these are imps or decants that I want to keep. There’s my one tarted imp (Alice); even though I have a bottle I’ll never get rid of the imp just because it’s the way imps aren’t done anymore. I also have some single note decants, Tomato Leaf is peeking out. The labels have the She-Devil forum skin logo, there are a few others floating around in there. These were won in the forum fundraising raffle in April 2006.     My backup box contains Arcana and Possets bottles, new BPAL bottles arriving and tested imps that I don’t care to keep. I’d love to have a nice display rack of some kind, because the labels are kick-ass and I could see everything. But how is that possible? I’d need a wall at this point.  




Pink Moon 2005

The name of this moon refers to the color of wild ground phlox, a primary component of this Lunacy Blend, which is one of the most widespread floral signposts of springtime in North America. This Lunar blend is soft with phlox, tulip, daffodil, dogwood and muscari, dusted with pink sugar and honey, and a touch of the first strawberries of the season.   Reviewed 02/11/2008   Pink Moon 2007 didn't work on me at all, so I was nervous about trying the earlier version. Needlessly worried, I discovered. This is beautiful!   In the imp: Sweet and floral, but not overpowering Avon-ish floral.   Wet: Sugared flowers, the kind you see used to decorate cakes.   Drydown: Flowers and a sweetness that might be sugar or honey or even a hint of strawberry. It's very delicate and feminine. It sings Spring to me, and I need that at this time of year. I want to slather this all over the next time the temperature dips below freezing so I can daydream about little pink flowers and budding greenery. It has a surprisingly good weartime for such a delicate scent.




Trick or Treat

The sticky sweet scent of candy corn!   Reviewed 02/11/2008   In the bottle: Buttered corn. Not candy corn, real corn.   Wet: Creamed corn. Eek!   Drydown: Butter and sugar, maybe nutmeg and cinnamon? The spicy part smells like a bottle of pumpkin pie spice. Thank *goodness* the real corn scent faded! It doesn't really smell like candy corn on me, but it does smell good. It has a very definite fall feel to it. I don't get any of the booziness that some reviews have mentioned, and that makes me happy as most of the Lab's booze notes don't work well on me. This is foody but not overly so; it doesn't scream "Eat me!" in your face the way something like El Dia de Reyes does. I think it would be wearable even for people who don't tend to like foody scents.




Pending Sales

I've counted and we have 10 pending sales plus the lab Ebay sale I won which is already on it's way thanks to the illustrious Ted.   Plus I'm getting ready to put in our combined order. I wanted to put it in by tonight but haven't heard from Symone yet to confirm hers are all bottles and not imps given the price (approx $65NZ). I might just put the order in if I haven't heard from her by tomorrow 'cause I'm pretty sure that's what she wants and I know she doesn't check her mail/internet regularly.   I vascillate, wanting to put more Lupercalias & Shungas on this order and telling myself I can wait until March.   Just for us on this order I've got Her Voice Muse CHESHIRE MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE MEN RINGING BELL WITH PENISES Western Diamondback   I am also debating slipping a couple imps on. One of our coworkers has 3 imps I'm debating adding 3. Hmm, Maybe I can chuck on a Snake Oil (to see what all the fuss is about/start aging), an Embalming Fluid for Carol, maybe Wolf Heart for both of us and/or a Defutata for me. Yummmm cinnamon notes..... Ok, that is more than 3. I will either need to narrow it down or to-hell-with-it-order-more-than-6. I can hold off on the Lupercalia/Shungas I guess because I do have imps coming of those. Maybe we can get a few imps each order or a pack each order. Since we've got 3 imps already on it's only natural to put another 3 on to make a full pack....     On non-order related BPAL stuffs: I put Western Diamondback on tonight. I'm depressed. Things are getting to me, just personal stuff I don't want to get into it all here. I like the smell of the WDb. It's comforting. Is it the subtle vanilla? I don't know why but it is. I love it and it is definitely staying on the order!   Meh, gonna finish watching Pushing Daisies. Maybe some light humour would be good.


