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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Diary of a Lovestruck Teenage Cannibal

The NIGHTMARE TERROR of TEENAGE love gone GRISLY! She's HELL-BENT on romance, THRILL-CRAZED, and HUNGRY! There's NO ESCAPE from her clutches!   A deranged darling, sweet and sociopathic! Clotted vanilla cream, pink pepper, grapefruit, blood lily, red ginger, English pear, and lemon-squeezed candyfloss!   Reviewed 02/09/2008   In the bottle: Vanilla cake, a hint of something cherry-ish. Very foody.   Wet: Again, something cherry-ish, but that fades quickly. The grapefruit and lemon are in the forefront, with creamy vanilla swirling underneath.   Drydown: Sparkling, happy citrus. There is a bit of spice to keep it from going into the cleaning product smell. The cream seems to have blended in so well that I can't pick it out as a separate note but there is still a creamy feel. There's a short time when the pear note gives it a hint of play-doh, but thankfully it doesn't stay very long.   The pear in this gave me pause, but I still ordered two bottles unsniffed. I'm glad that I did, because it's fabulous. This is definitely screaming "Hoard me!"




One of Every Shunga?

I did it. I broke down and ordered at least one decant of every Shunga Salon. At least one. I have 2 of Ebisu Making Love as Two Octopuses Look On, Glowing Vulva & Spell of Amorous Love. That's so I have a couple to give to Aunt Sher & Kelly. I'm putting an order in for this weekend (hey, I can do that tonight!) and will be putting Men Ringing Bells With Penises from the Shunga & Lunar Eclipse from the Lunar on this order for me, Her Voice from the Lupercalia & Cheshire Moon from the Lunar for her. The Lunars are gone after the 22nd. I should chuck a Lupercalia for each of us on this one too maybe since I'll be doing the Shungas more next time. I'll think about it. We've already got 12 bottles since Symone wants 3. Next order I might just do Carol and I and ask Elizabeth if she wants anything.   *thinking*   Editted for thought: I've got a ton of decants coming, maybe I should toss a Lupercalia for each of us on this one 'cause when Carol sees all the bits and bobs I've got on order she might have a small coronary & I'll be under orders to freeze my Paypal





Category: Excolo   In the imp: Very herbal and 'green'.   Wet: Very strident and medicinal in tone. As time passed, it morphed into a really musty, sour odor; perhaps that's the vetiver? I've never worn anything with vetiver in it before, so I'm hesitant to pass judgement right away, but whichever component was at fault, it was not a very nice smell.   Dry: I was definitely throwing something sour and nasty. Which is a shame, because if I sniffed up close to my skin, I could smell the leafy components of it perfectly, as if I were bending low into a garden and letting the leaves brush my cheeks. If it *all* had ended up smelling like that, I would have liked it a *lot* more, as that particular feeling was lovely.   Verdict: I'm going to have to pass on this one.   What I liked: That leafy scent; I'll try to keep an eye out for scents with olive leaf and see if that evokes a similiar feeling.   What I didn't like: That musty nastiness. I'll have to keep an eye out for vetiver, as well, and see if that was the culprit.




Bad day

Not a good day. Feel like poo because I didn't do something yesterday and I got a bit of shit for it. I'm tired and down. Of all days not a good day for something like that, I feel worse for it. And I've been feeling nostalgic, missing my step mom. At least E called to say Happy Birthday.   We got an order today, it was mostly for everyone else. There was a bottle of Rose Red for her & an imp of Coyote for me. That was nice. I expected it to smell a bit different but it's still nice.   Going to bed now. end to a day




Title goes here

I've been having weird dreams. Dreams of betrayal, mostly, like the one where the company of soldiers I was counting on to help me win the battle were asleep when I went to give them the order to move out. Turned out they were enemy soldiers, posing as our side to give us false confidence and think we had a company that the enemy didn't know about.   And I acknowledged my health issues in one of the dreams. I think the two are related. I think I'm feeling betrayed by my body far more than I realize, and moreso as I come to accept that I will never go another day without feeling pain for the majority of it. I will never again be able to push myself and have the consequential achiness and whatnot be proportional to how much I pushed; it will always be twice that.   I will never be who I was, the girl who, despite being out of shape and overweight, could still pull physical exertion out when needed. I will always be the one who needs taking care of, always be the one who needs instead of the one who's needed.   I always thought that I'd have that freedom. I mourn it now.




Well, that was fun while it lasted...

I'm no longer getting married. My relationship with C. as far as that stuff is concerned ended yesterday morning.   After getting her to finally stop pulling the excuse train around, as well as obscuring things to make it seem like she was making an effort, she admitted she hasn't been doing anything like she swore she was to get her back looked at. When I asked why, and chipped away at it until she was straight with me, she said she's so afraid she's going to hear that there's nothing they can do that she'd rather not do anything at all.   Considering this was presented as a problem, as I've said before, that can either lead to her possibly being paralyzed or kill her if it gets worse and nothing is done about it, I wasn't particularly happy with this course of action. I asked why she didn't take my feelings into consideration with it, and got the standard "I guess I didn't think" answer I've come to know so well since I started dating her.   I just...can't do this when I'm staring down an oncoming train of this nature. I explained all of this to her, and let her know that as I'm the one uprooting everything to move to her, I have certain expectations regarding how she handles her ongoing health problems, so that stuff is actually getting done, as opposed to...well...this. It was also made known that I don't think it's so cool that I can't push things off with my health without her getting upset with me, but I'm not supposed to be ruffled when she does it. That's crap.   Then she brought up something her mother said regarding the mere idea of her getting hot stone massage therapy to try to loosen some of the muscles in her back that have been tensed up and causing other problems for her as of late. Something to the tunes of how she's certain C. will never like the massage, and how she knows that it won't do anything to help. I finally came completely unglued and said some things about that woman that I'd never said before, and would have to keep consistently bottled up were I to move up there, due to seeing her on a weekly basis. I can only imagine what she's going to say about me once she gets drunk after finding out we split up for keeps. Should be a fun time when C. regales me with it over the phone at some point. I'll mostly just sit here laughing over it, since it shows a remarkable lack of intestinal fortitude to only sling the insults while drunk, let alone behind my back. Thank God she won't be my mother in law.   So, that's where it stands. I have no idea what I'm going to do with the rings. I haven't taken the engagement one off yet, as I don't have a particularly safe place to keep it at the moment. Worst case scenario, if dad doesn't want me to sell it back to the jeweler we got it from, I'll go up there, have it sized to fit the ring finger on my right hand, and just turn it into basic every day bling. It's too pretty to just stuff in a box somewhere.





I thought I'd get my feet wet and put in for some Ebay BPAL from the Lab. LOL, I was outbid within minutes on Nuclear Winter (I was ready to go up to $20, it's almost $38 now). I've got a bid on Trick: Tp'd Tree. I'll see if I get it but it's close already. It would be nice but I don't HAVE to have it.   I do see Bed of Nails which sounds intriguing. It's under my threshold right now but would it stay that way? And I feel bad, 'sneaking in' and putting a bid in to take it away from someone else. How bad is that? Did I just say that I don't want to outbid someone?? That's half the fun, the chess game that is bidding and getting something. But BPAL is different. I don't feel like I'm taking it from some anonymous individual, I feel like I'm taking it away from my best friend. I don't know, maybe I'd feel different if I really wanted a scent, maybe then I'd be more cut throat. Or maybe not.   I am amazed at how high the prototypes have gotten, althought I shouldn't be. I've seen discontinued LEs go for close to $100 so non-released one of a kind prototypes bringing in $180 and $190 is nothing. But it's interesting, 4 prototypes and 2 are going for $50/$60 and 2 for $180/$190. Why? Is it the notes? The name? Or what? Makes me wonder.





She "told" me who she was by sending 40 Twix bars! Nice reveal!   And thanks to her I have Ivanushka AND a bottle of Great Sword of War, and decants of the two phoenixes I had coveted, and impies, and Lush bubble bar, and a bunch of Villainess.... and books, and a tarot deck, and socks....just...   For anyone who is wondering, FORTYTRICKS is awesome and she spoiled me stooopid.





I'm pretty sure I caught C. greatly bending and twisting the truth around about health stuff again, and her ability to get ahold of her physician as of last night's before bed conversation.   This vexes me. She's gone right back to old habits she swore she'd broken, etc.   I also had a friend IM me out of the blue tonight to wish me an early happy birthday, and express a lot of concern about what's been going on with all of this. I've known this guy for nine years, and we're both quite alike in a lot of ways with how we handle certain things with relationships. Both of us tend to become blind to certain stuff, until it gets to be completely overwhelming. He's trying his damnedest to make sure I don't wind up in the same spot he's in right now.   Considering my dad came at me with the same stuff, and another friend came at me with similar concerns, and I'm speaking to yet another one right now that thinks all of this is bullshit I shouldn't have to deal with, I'm sort of eyeballing things like .   I needed to hear it, though. I really did. I'm pissed that things are being obscured and jerked around, while I'm having lines fed to me about how stuff's getting better. Nothing is.   Something tells me that this engagement isn't long for the world anymore.




Uh oh...

I'd mentioned in the How Are You Feeling? thread that I had a long talk with dad over dinner. It was rather...enlightening. In not so good ways, really.   The woman I'm marrying has a host of health problems. Kyphoscoliosis, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, some problem where her stomach doesn't empty at the right rate so she throws up a ton (it's partly controlled by pills, though not very well), unmedicated an likely improperly diagnosed ADD, post concussion syndrome, memory problems because of the PCS, a potential case of arthritis, migraines, etc.   Mine? Ugh. Migraines, TMJ, Fibromyalgia, undiagnosed and thus unspecified arthritis, bad knees, allergies, asthma, chronic sinusitis, and a few other piddly things that only come around every so often.   Now, back in October, C. was told in no uncertain terms that she needed to get her back looked at, because the bottom curve in her spine, which has a few fused vertebra in it in what was a failed attempt to straighten it out, is reasserting itself. She was advised to see a back surgeon for an assessment ASAP, since the curve reasserting could break the fusion site, and lead to her being paralyzed, as well as causing organ compressions in ways that could kill her.   Yes, she could DIE from this.   She hasn't gotten ahold of anyone. She keeps telling me that she's trying, every day, to get through to her doctor and get this dealt with. Now, I've dealt with her doctor. I know he's a blazing moron. I know he drops the ball a lot. However, I also know it is not this damned hard to get things accomplished if you actually hold his office to what they say, and keep on them. Were she doing this every day like she swears she is, I'd like to think she'd have an appointment with the back surgeon by now. Even if he is down in Toronto, and waiting lists are involved, since she's in Canada.   Dad's of the opinion that C's fallen back into her old pattern of waiting for someone else to get these things done, because it's difficult to do alone, and it's easier to let someone like her parents handle. Or me. Thing is, I'm not up there. And he's stated he's not sending me up there to do it, because he knows how I am when people start throwing boneheaded, illogical excuses at me, much like her doctor tends to. He doesn't want to have to figure out bail money while I'm in a different country, and I can understand that. Nor do I really want to go up there to straighten this crap out. It isn't my job. It's her responsibility. SHE needs to do this. Not me.   But she's not. As always.   The longer the conversation went on, the more I realized that I'm going to be the one doing everything when I move up there after we get married. Cleaning the apartment? That'll be me, because she's always too sick and sore to do much but lay around watching TV all day. Cooking meals? Me. Hoofing laundry to and from the laundry facilities/laundromat? Me. Working to make sure we can cover bills and rent and stuff, as she's on disability and gets maybe $1000 a month? Me. Paying the bills responsibly and on time? Me. Grocery shopping? Me.   I'm sure folks can see where this is going. I'll be doing everything. Th'hell is going to happen if something goes on, I'm in the middle of a flare, and I cannot get out of bed? Nothing will get done. And God forbid an emergency with her goes on if I'm in such a state.   I just...this bothers me. This bothers me a lot. Way more than I thought it would.   She's coming down to visit once her passport application is processed, and she's got it in hand. If dad and I cannot convince her to deal with her own shit like she needs to do, I've got the bad feeling that'll be a permanent nail in the coffin to us getting married. It makes my spine crawl to know that even after repeated conversations and attempts to make her do stuff, it always falls back on me. It shouldn't. I can't live like that. I'm her fiancee, not her frigging mother.




A Way to Help

Here's a way to provide educational opportunities to girls in Africa.   (I am not affiliated with this organization. The founder is a former student of a colleague of mine.)     Malawi is the "Warm Heart of Africa." Won't you warm someone's heart this   Valentine's Day?   The Advancement of Girls' Education Scholarship Fund (AGE) is offering a different way to show your love to someone this February 14th.   Purchase a small gift box for $20 or more and support a girl's education in Malawi. A beautiful gift box will be sent to the recipient of your choice with information about AGE, a photo of an AGE Scholar, and a small, sweet surprise inside.   Give a gift with meaning...empower a girl through education.     All orders and payments must be received by 5:00PM EST on February 8, 2008 to ensure delivery within the US by February 14th. Please complete the attached order form and e-mail it to Katrina Sison at Katrina.Sison@tufts.edu. All payments must be completed on the AGE website (http://www.ageafrica.org/contact) through PayPal. Because of the short turn around, we are unable to accept checks for this Valentine's Day campaign.     1 box: Minimum donation of $20 2 boxes: Minimum donation of $35 3 boxes: Minimum donation of $50     (All pricing includes shipping and handling for deliveries within the US.)   PURCHASED BY: Name: Email: Address Phone:   Total Number Gift Boxes Ordered   Total Contributions Submitted via Paypal $   Date of PayPal Transaction     (PROVIDE SHIPPING INFORMATION ON PAGE 2)     SHIPPING INFORMATION   Box #1 Recipient Name: Email: Address: Phone: Personal Message:   Box #2 Recipient Name: Email: Address: Phone: Personal Message:     Box #3 Recipient Name: Email: Address: Phone: Personal Message:       Zikomo! (Thank you!)




Pink Phoenix

Silliness in the extreme. Vanilla bean, honeycomb, sugared pear, sweet pea and a dribble of strawberry.   Reviewed 01/30/2008   This seems to be very iffy on me. Sometimes it's very sweet, a sugar overload with hints of strawberry, vanilla, and flowers floating in the background. Other times, the pear note that hates me comes forward and it becomes sugary play-doh. Very very strange, since it doesn't seem to be a skin chemistry issue because it can happen all in the same day. I adore the way it smells when the play-doh stays away, so I'll keep wearing it and hoping for the good application. *L*




Reflections so far

Out of the nine scents I've tried so far, there have only been two that I didn't like: Akuma and Tushnamatay. The rest I would love to keep around, though I don't need bottles of all of them. In order of preference, I would rank them: Wrath Absinthe Aglaea Aeval Aizen Myoo Al Azif Fruitcake   So far, I seem to like citrusy/fruity scents, florals, and just sweetness in general. I despise raspberry. It amuses me that I seem to amp musk and clove (or whatever that sweet scent in Wrath was). The verdict is still out on incense and foodie scents; I liked Al Azif and Fruitcake, but need to experiment more in that regard.   My second order has arrived and is waiting patiently for me to experience it. Awaiting me are Alecto, Alice, Al-Shairan, Amsterdam, Anathema, Anne Bonney, Asphodel, Clio, Erato, and Urania. I also have a bottle of Angeronalia! I'm looking forward to discovering more lovely scents.





Category: Sin & Salvation   In the imp: There's cinnamon, but in a sweet, sugary, Red Hots candy sort of way.   Wet: Sweetness predominates. I'm assuming this must be the clove, though I had never expected it to smell like that. It is mainly a floral sort of sweetness, with just a hint of sugar running through it; thankfully, the candy-like scent has gone away. Every now and then I can detect a brief spike of cinnamon or pepper, but the scent is predominantly sweet.   Dry: Finally when it had dried and died down (this would be *hours* later), I could detect a resinous incense scent on my skin -- dragon's blood.   Verdict: Even though it's not behaving the way I'd have thought from the description, I LOVE this scent! It is my favorite so far. Every time I would catch a whiff of myself I would feel quite happy...and this would happen quite often, as even with moderate application the scent is very strong and throws very well. Yum! A full bottle of this is a must-have.   What I liked: The sweet scent -- flowery and sugary, without crossing over into being obnoxious. The strength -- this throws *so* well, and I love being able to smell it on me without having to slather it on and risk being too stinky for people around me. And, the lasting power -- I put this on in the morning and can still smell it -- albeit faintly -- twelve hours later.   What I didn't like: Nothing! Wrath makes me happy!   I thought Absinthe and Aglaea were good, but this tops them, absolutely.




We Got Our Order Yesterday

Yay! Our 7/1 order was here at the PO yesterday. 7 bottles and 14 frimps, wow, Thank You Lab!!! Some of the frimps weren't quite our style but that's ok because I can use them as frimps/swaps/sales. I will need to pass frimpage onto my coworker who ordered one of the bottles.   But in ack-ness, I'm getting sick. My nose is trying to congest & my throat hurts. I'm tired. Not sleeping doesn't help the tired bit. I hope I am ok for the Relay for Life.   Mr Way, my CRF kitty, is asleep on my lap. I'm stretched around him in an awkward angle and he's got his head resting on my arm. He's a sweet boy. The fluids seem to be helping a bit. It isn't anything too obvious, he wasn't acting really sick before, but he's grooming himself more now. His coat is a lot softer tonight too. Yes, we give him brushes before and after his fluids but it's his whole coat nad it wouldn't make that much of a difference.   I still haven't found the right "stick your cat with needles" scent yet. Maybe in the next order or one of the private sales I've got coming in. I've got the scent for doing my injections every 2 weeks. Hmm, I wonder if Western Diamondback would be appropriate for Mr Way's stickings? I'll have to try that.   Going to finish watching the CSI Miniature Killer repeat. I don't remember seeing the end when it first aired. I'm exhausted but want to see the end.





The Master of Lightning's ofrenda contains red apples, banana, chili pepper, coconut, pineapple, pomegranate and sugar cane.   Reviewed 01/26/2008   I got this as a lab frimp. It's been on my "things I might want to try, but has a scary note so there are other things I want more at the moment" list for a few months now, so I was glad for a chance to try it out.   Wet: OMGFRUIT. Banana, coconut, pineapple, apples, I can pick out each one. I adore really juicy fruit scents, the kind that make you thirsty for some fresh juice when you sniff them, and this seems to be one of those.   Drydown: This isn't something I can stick my nose in and inhale, the chili pepper makes sure of that (if I try, my nose starts to twitch, heh). It's got a good throw, though, so I don't have to. I was nervous about the chili, but it didn't irritate the skin on my wrist at all. It did burn my face where I accidentally touched the test spot to my cheek, so I think it's a wrist-only scent for me. It only lasted a few hours, but I know that my skin drinks oils up and very few last longer than that. I will definitely be nabbing a bottle of this in the future.





Category: Bewitching Brews   It was hard to review this one, simply because I'm not sure how to describe what I was smelling. Ah well, here goes.   In the imp: I am wanting to say it was more floral than anything else, though there was a certain...solidity to it. An edge. A razor-thin one, however, as the scent was not strident in any way.   Wet: Still floral, getting a lighter quality to it. It's hard to really, truly catch a whiff of it...it's as if the scent rises just short of my nose, and then darts off to parts unknown, leaving only a ghost of itself for me. I told you this review was hard!   Dry: It gets very faint, fairly quickly -- a couple of hours after application, it's barely detectable. It did leave behind a faint, woody scent, almost like cedar.   Verdict: I'm afraid this doesn't do anything for me; I'll keep an eye out for a loving home for it.   What I liked: It was a pretty scent, if a mystifying one.   What I didn't like: It had no throw, no lasting power...I want to reek of smelly goodness, gosh darn it! I have no idea what notes might have been in it, so I couldn't tell you anything else specific.




Our CnS, We Has IT!

I was really hoping to get this today, really needed to get it after a bad day. Just about ready to go to bed and thought "I'll just refresh my inbox". Desperate times call for desperate measures, yes??? Didn't expect it with it being 11pm here, 1am in Calif. But We gots it My Precious!!!   This will be our 3rd order from the Lab, mostly stuff for coworkers. I tacked an imp onto someone's 5-imp pack so they could get the reduced cost & I could get one of the many imps on my list, and we got Carol a bottle of Rose Red before it was pulled from the site.   Look *proud*     This ship notification is being sent to you by the U.S. Postal Service at the request of SHIPPING DEPARTMENT. If the "Shipped To" address information is not correct, please contact the Shipper.   A package with a Click-N-Ship label created on usps.com containing the following information is scheduled to be shipped on 01/25/2008. From: Shipped to: SHIPPING DEPARTMENT BLACK PHOENIX ALCHEMY LAB 12120 SHERMAN WAY N HOLLYWOOD CA 91605-5501     Our 7/1 order should be at the PO tomorrow (fingers crossed). I've got several private sales going, mostly decants so I can make our minds up about some of the stuff coming down from the Lupercalia & Lunacy updates. I have some decant supplies coming too, hoping to decant into 1ml rollerballs and stash a scent or two at work for the really stressful days when I need a boost and my scent is wearing thin. Also would be nice to decant some of the coworkers bottles into the 1ml rollerballs for the same reason. Also looking at picking up some wand caps for the same reason. Just nice little gifts for them this time around.   Bedie bye time. I've got our 3-legged right next to me purring, the deaf white one crashed out next to him and Freeway, our CRF kitty curled on his pillow on the coffee table. Eyeball (the one-eyed) is crashed out in a heap on the scratch post. Adorable little monsters.




blog entry title

*sniff* i'm sick. sore throat and something with my stomach. T_T i'll get over it. i'm going shopping with my bestest buddy EVER tonight!!! eep eep eep i'm so excited. i really shouldn't be goofing off but the project is'nt due until 1/25 so i can just really goof off until tomorrow. *sigh* back to work. *cough cough* god damit go away cold!




BPAL and Cat-Related Things

Feeling pretty low & needing a BPAL lift. I'm hoping our 7/1 order that I got the CnS for is at the post on Sat. I've got some decants and imps coming but I don't think they'll be here quite yet. Maybe SH's Vampire Tears but that's all. She's so excited about it.   3rd night of my Baby's sub cutaneous fluids. He meowed tonight when Carol put the needle in. She didn't want to hurt him & couldn't do it so we switched out. He meowed when I put it in too. He was ok through most of it, struggled a bit at the end. He didn't want anything to eat after but I gave him some brushes & he seemed to appreciate that.   I've been going over our BPAL wishlist on my Excel spreadsheet & refreshing the decant circle forum & watching the LJ swaps page. Not only do I want to pick up some LE decants from our wishlist instead of ordering because of our new expenses for Freeway, but I know I'm trying to help myself feel better, trying to find That Perfect Scent or Those Perfect Scents that will bring me some comfort while I go through this.   I sent an email out to my enabled coworkers, the ones who ordered the last time, and gave them the links to the updates. I let them know I'll be putting an order in early to mid-Feb and that I won't be able to do any big orders for awhile after that. At the end of the day, SB came up and asked if I had my 'samples' (my imps). I told her no but that we were hoping for an order this weekend and if so I'd bring some in. She's got 5 imps on the 11/1 order.   I'm also looking forward to some decant supplies I ordered off an LJ person. They are 1ml rollerballs and some pipettes. I figured I can either give a rollerball/pipette to each person who ordered a bottle or decant 1 ml for them to have/carry around if they want (SH I think said that she wasn't comfortable doing it herself so I offered). I think they'll all appreciate that, they can then safely carry their imps and not loose their bottles.   Down. Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday but it's going to be a busy day for me. I'll have to just get through and I have a 3 day weekend. Tomorrow might be another Western Diamondback day.




The Fruit of Paradise

While Persephone visited the realm of Hades, she tasted one single pomegranate seed, an act which compelled her to remain connected to the Land of the Dead for all eternity. Demeter's grief over her beloved daughter's absence that brings on the bleakness and barrenness of the winter months.   The Fruit of Paradise, the Nectar of Death: bittersweet pomegranate.   Reviewed 01/22/2008   I was a bit nervous when I first put this on. I got a hint of the Vicks-ish note that makes Crypt Queen awful on me, but thankfully it faded after a few moments. It became a gorgeous, juicy fruit scent, just tart enough to make things interesting. I'm so in love. I wish it had more throw, and it fades out very very quickly, but it's so beautiful that it's worth hoarding so that I can slather myself in it repeatedly without guilt.




The Red Queen

Deep mahogany and rich, velvety woods lacquered with sweet, black-red cherries and currant.   Reviewed 01/22/2008   In the imp: Cherries! Is this finally the so-juicy-it-makes-me-thirsty scent I've been dying to find? Wet: Yummy, juicy, ripe to bursting cherries. Oh yes! Drydown: Wait, what is this? I smell like...sawdust? Freshly cut wood and sawdust. It's very interesting, and quite well blended, but sawdust isn't really on my top ten lists of things to smell like.




El Dia de Reyes

The Day of Kings, the Celebration of the Magi. In Mexico, on January 6th, children place their shoes by their windows. If they have been good during the previous year, the Wise Men tuck gifts into their shoes during the night.   Hot cocoa with cinnamon, coffee, and brown sugar.   Reviewed 01/22/2008   In the bottle: Chocolate, lots and lots of it.   Wet: This smells just like hot chocolate. Not the powder stuff that gets mixed with water, but the real stuff. YUM. It's incredibly rich, decadent, and lifelike.   Drydown: Now I'm getting hints of cinnamon teasing me through the chocolate. There is no coffee, just sweet, thick chocolate and swirls of cinnamon. I am enthralled by this perfume, it's absolutely gorgeous. It's definitely a winter scent, I can't even imagine wearing something this warm and thick during the summer months. Like Midway, this is best described as NOMNOMNOM. The absolute best, most true-to-life chocolate scent I've ever tried.


