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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

The "long list" of GCs, or wishlist for swaps

Please nothing with cinnamon, I am seriously allergic to bpal cinnamon -- it burns me and leaves welts, and besides makes me cry cuz it smells so good but I cannot has. http://www.bpal.org/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/icon_smile.gif   DISO: Cafe Mille et Une Nuits, Templum Dei   I will always purchase or swap for Gypsy Queen, Minotaur, OISIN, or LA FEE VERTE   I tend to neglect GCs for some reason. I should not. I am interested in the following:   Bottles: LADON TOMBSTONE Morocco The Chicken-Legged Hut BURIAL Crossroads Blood Kiss Athens Pretty much anything from the Dragons series is a possibility       To try decants/imps: Alecto Blood Libertine To a Woman Mandrake Ouija Malice Sundew Hemlock DEATH CAP VAN VAN Al Azif Kumari Kandam Elixir: Bitch, Safari, Succor, Quietude Nanshe, Baku




Sadness Day

I'm watching the live feed of Sir Edmund Hillary's funeral. I'm feeling emotional, melancholy already from it. We also took my oldest cat to the vet today. He was diagnosed last month with the beginnings of renal failure and hyperthyroid. We have been feeding him special food and have been giving him meds for the kidneys but he's been loosing weight. They are doing blood work today and we're going to have to do bloods every 2 weeks for awhile to see if we can get him stabilized.   He's my boy. We have 4 but he's the one I got after spending 8 months in Nepal. He's the one I brought over from the US because I couldn't bear to leave him behind.   I'll have to cut down our BPAL orders. We'll be paying for 2 different meds, the special food (which is expensive), blood work every 2 weeks and we'll also be doing sub cutaneous fluids daily. It's a lot of expense and it will start to pinch. I'd like to get an order or 2 in before it pinches too much. Maybe I can find a scent that is comforting for me through this time.




Centzon Totochtin

The Four Hundred divine rabbits of the Aztec pantheon that preside over parties and drunkenness. Bittersweet Mexican cocoa with rum, red wine, and a scent redolent of sacrificial blood.   Reviewed: 01/21/2008   In the imp: COFFEE!   Wet: COFFEE! It's screaming. I'm picturing someone hyped up on 15 espresso shots chanting coffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffee. It's nothing but coffee. If I liked coffee it would be wonderful, but I don't drink it and I'm not a big fan.   Drydown: This is still screaming COFFEE! at me. It's very in-your-face. Every now and then a swirl of booziness will bubble up, like someone trying to sober up after a long night, but only rarely. This would be perfect for the teacher my kid had last year who adored coffee and was a wine connoisseur, and I think I may pass this on to her for her birthday. It's very well done, it has a good throw and it lasts a long time, but it's just not for me.   Edited to fix spelling. Apparently, I need some of the caffeine from the coffee in this perfume. *L*




Waiting for the precious...

I don't think I have ever wanted anything so hard in all my life. Not getting into theatre companies, or shows, or this course at uni. Not even my six-inch heeled goth boots.   I am waiting on *deep breath*   Imps of: Cheshire Cat Alice Fae La Belle Dame Sans Merci Crossroads Bordello Harlot La Petite Mort The Lady of Shallot Lolita Muse Salomé Succubus Whip Dragon’s Musk Ladon Ophelia Viola Bastet Erato Frumious Bandersnatch The Queen of Hearts Shub-Niggurath Black Phoenix   5mls of: Agnes Nutter Yvaine War Lady Una Zarita, the doll girl   First order, and I'm wanting to try as many things as possible. Next month is the gentleman's order, where my poor boyfriend will be inundated with scents, bless him. He's not quite as keen as I am. So yeah, I had to type everything out firstly so I remember what I've ordered (I need a spreadsheet as soon as I get my own computer back) and also out of a whimpering sort of desire to share my antici - pation with the rest of the world. My friends are already sick of checking the post with me. It's going to be a long wait.




Midway Resurrected

A bombardment of edible carnival indulgences. Funnel cake, caramel apple, cotton candy, salt water taffy and sugar tart.   Reviewed 01/21/2008   In the bottle I get mostly sugar, a touch of something tangy, and a hint of coconut suntan lotion.   Wet: It's hovering on the edge of that plastic, playdoh scent Beaver Moon '05 gave me. NOOOOOO!   Dry: My skin eats every other note and leaves funnel cake, dusted generously with powdered sugar. NOMNOMNOM is the perfect description for this. I don't get any apple at all, which is a shame, because I love caramel apple and was hoping for some of that to come out. It doesn't have much throw, and fades out quickly, but it's worth the repeated slathering. I'm glad I nabbed two bottles of this while it was up, and I'm sure I'll be on the hunt for more.




While I Were Out

I took 4 small vials with me for my 5 months crewing a tall ship: Jabberwocky and Delphi for being brave and tough, and Coyote and Aglaea for being sexy and feminine. I never wore the second two -- there just weren't a lot of occasions where I wanted to feel girly. (I also never wore the one set of dress-up clothes I took.) I only wore scent on really hot days and on my days off, both to mask the smell of my own sweat (Delphi does this really well for me) and to add an extra "yay!" to my day. Both hot days and days off were few and far between, so I didn't go through a lot of oils.When we went to Tacoma, C. came down to the boat to visit, and she brought the BPAL samples she'd ordered. The only one she wasn't delighted with was Laudanum, which she described thus: "it reminds me of foul bandages (taken off a bloody cut after a week of being blood and water soaked)! and it has a moldy eucalyptus tinge. bleuck...!" So of course I was terribly curious about it. Turns out Laudanum smells great on me -- no blood or mold, just warm spicy goodness. Even C. admitted it was nice on my skin. She gave it to me, and it became the scent I wore most often on my days off.Here are our notes on a couple of other scents she let me try:Rose Cross: purest rose with sacred frankincense.C: the scent is like dried roses left on stone (a grave?)...not an overbearing rose smell but light and mossy. lovely!L: very rosy, perhaps a little too reminiscent of cheap incense sticksDesire: bittersweet neroli, black patchouli and black musk, gilded by apple, bergamot, blood red rose, teak, and vanilla.C: it is very woodsy but not pine...like ferns and bark and sunshine. yummy.L: absolutely gorgeous.Oh yeah, I also took my bottle of TKO aboard, for which I was glad many, many times. Sometimes a reassuring smell is just what a body needs to relax.When I settled in back at home, I opened up my BPAL box and basked in the smell. Now I leave it open all the time so I can catch a whiff as I pass by. I haven't bought anything new (yet), but I revisited some scents I've had for a while:Nephilim: I love how it starts out with a lot of fig and patchouli, very complex and delicious; but as that fades, the church-incense smell gets stronger until it's just... whoa. Nostril-jabbing. I think that's frankincense I'm smelling, in which case my take on Wise Man gifts is that myrrh smells awesome, frankincense stinks, and gold is shiny.Osun: I rated this as "not too bad" on first try-on, but it's not too good either. I think I only like it when it's really, really faint; the late-phase honey smell I liked on first test seems sickly-sweet in any significant quantity. To be fair, since I got the sample used, there's always a possibility that it may have been contaminated and that's not what it's supposed to smell like at all.Wrath: makes me feel like I could kick some ass, but I need to remember to go easy on the application -- this is a strong scent in more senses than one.





Category: Unreleased   Perhaps I should preface this with that I'm really not that familiar with fruitcake, my only exposure to it having been a nasty, cold concoction that had all the charm of fossilized Jolly Ranchers buried in road tar. I don't recall it having a scent, and the experience left me with no desire to ever make any of my own, so I've never smelled a freshly-made, *good* fruitcake.   That being said...   In the imp: It reminded me of a sort of bread...a dark, moist, spicy bread with a definite sweetness to it.   Wet: A candy-like scent came out, like gumdrops; it also made me think of brown sugar, and molasses, and, yes, booze...perhaps rum. Definitely something sweet.   Dry: It settles down to a more reserved version of those ingredients...sometimes a more spicy element pokes out, but there's always that sweet tone, as well.   Verdict: I like *this* fruitcake. It's a very evocative scent. I can't see wearing it a lot, but now that I've used the imp I think I'll justify hanging onto it. It's really cute and I'm glad I've gotten to experience it.   What I liked: It's sweet and comforting. I love the mental pictures it gives, even if I do get a vague craving for something moist, sweet, and chewy.   What I didn't like: Hm, nothing really...except perhaps that it makes me fear that no real fruitcake could ever compare to this.




On LEs, GCs, and hoarding.

I just majorly destashed. I am keeping bottles of:   Blue Moon (x2), Minotaur, Death of Autumn (x2), Gypsy Queen, Tarot:Hierophant, Morocco*, Black Lace, Angeronalia, Thunder Moon, Centzon Tetotchtin, Velvet, Smut, Three Brides, Oisin. Also keeping my Holy Terror from Arcana, it is amazing how it smells like a roaring fireplace. (this does not include TAL of course, most of that is decant tho.)   I sold my backup bottles of all but my most favorites. I even sold my partial of Oisin, but at a waaaaay low cost $20 incl ship for 60%) to share the rare love. I am trying to enjoy what I have and not be so GRABHANDS!!!! about it all. I'm also trying to remember that I love a good number of scents, and if I run out and it was an LE there will be another love that comes along.   Perfume should not be stressful. Also, I am selling or swapping to get the funds for the new scents, that is how I do updates as I don't have a huge 'me spending' budget.   It occurs to me: I need to learn to love GCs more. I probably wear Morocco most of all.   Ordered Lupercalia scents, but only three and only one is actual Lupercalia -- Harikata (from the new Salon wing), Valentine of Rome, and the new GC Deep in Earth. I think I need to remember that I really some tried and tested GCs -- I never end up ordering bottles because I always gamble on an LE after raising paypal with a sale. I would wear the heck out of Dracul, Tombstone, or Great Sword, yet I don't have bottles. Silly!       *this is rapidly becoming one of my favorite scents, it is one of my top four easily and is often my go-to scent...




One Of Those Days

Title: Rubicon Artist: VNV Nation Album: Empires   Praying for myself. These thoughts I try to hide. I have faith in me and hope this will survive. But it's tearing me apart. I can't hear the words by which I guide. So I must ask again who will carry me.   I will not deny that nothing can defend from the helplessness that's cutting deep inside, and I cannot prevent the thought that nothing's real. Seems I've waited years for this day to end.   The strength I need to feel, the pride inside of me, Are not there behind the face staring back at me. The anger and the pain of knowing where I am. I have come so far and I cannot return.   Nothing I can do that I have not done. No words I can say. No truth left that I can see. So must I let this end so everything falls apart. Before I live the life as I have always done.   Tell me what to do so I do nothing wrong. Something I can hope for. Something real that I can see. So nothing falls apart. So that it does not end. I cannot return. I can't start again.




Books read of 2008

I am going to keep a list of the books I read this year, in hopes of reaching my goal of reading 100 to 150 books this year. Later I will add a list of books I would like to read and a list of books I have read in the past that I absolutely love.   1. Native Speaker Chang-Rae Lee 2. Day Watch Sergei Lukyanenko 3. Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger




I Can Has CnS Pleze?

I've been eagerly waiting for my CnS for our 7/1 order. I know the lab is busy and I'm not worried, just anxious I didn't know how long it was taking to process an average order. But on the CnS chatter topic it looks like some of the people who have ordered 7/1 and are getting their CnS's today. Since ours was a 7 bottler I expect it will take a bit longer. Like I said, I'm not worried, just eager.




:( RIP Hone Tuwhare

Following after the death of Sir Ed Hillary, NZ has lost another good man. Hone Tuware has died. I don't know a lot about him but have read some of his poetry and have a cd with some NZ artists speaking/singing his poetry.   Here's one of his poems. I hadn't read it before but it seems appropriate. Haere Ra Hone. May your ancestors greet you in the Afterlife singing Haera Mae Haere Mae Haere Mae.   Toroa ~ Albatross - Hone Tuwhare   Day and night endlessly you have flown effortless of wing over chest-expanding oceans far from land. Do you switch on an automatic pilot, close your eyes in sleep, Toroa?   On your way to your homeground at Otakou Heads you tried to rest briefly on the Wai-te-mata but were shot at by ignorant people. Crippled. You found a resting place at Whanga-nui-a-Tara; found space at last to recompose yourself.   Now, without skin and flesh to hold you together the division of your aerodynamic parts lies whitening, licked clean by sun and air and water. Children will discover narrow corridors of airiness between, the suddenness of bulk. Naked, laugh in the gush and ripple — the play of light on water.   You are not alone, Toroa. A taniwha once tried to break out of the harbour for the open sea. He failed. He is lonely. From the top of the mountain nearby he calls to you: Haeremai, haeremai, welcome home, traveller.   Your head tilts, your eyes open to the world.




Wish List

Want:   LE CARNAVAL DIABOLIQUE - Straight from the twisted alleys of Dis, by way of the City of Angels: opium smoke, lemon flower, heliotrope, tuberose, black musk, vanilla, coconut, apricot flower. TIRESIAS, THE ANDROGYNE - Dark, moody, and bittersweet: black currant, patchouli, tobacco, cinnamon leaf, caramel, muguet, and red sandalwood. [*]GC DEFUTATA - Olive blossom, honey, smoky vanilla, cinnamon, jasmine, sandalwood, and champaca flower FASCINUM - Golden amber, golden musk, litsea cubeba, cedar, and saffron. THE DODO - Red musk, lemon peel, sugar cane, cassia, white sandalwood, mango, and agarwood. KABUKI - Compelling, complex, and utterly enigmatic: a luxuriant, exotic blend of cherry, red musk, and star anise. KALI - Kali, the Black One, is the fearless Goddess of Destruction, Creation, Energy [in her Shakti aspect] and Dissolution. Also named Kaliratri [black Night] and Kalikamata [black Earth-Mother], she is the fiercest aspect of Devi, the supreme mother goddess. Kali is a protector Goddess, the destroyer of evil spirits and guardian of the faithful. She, along with her consort Shiva, represent the unending cycle of death and birth, sexual union, creation and destruction. Kali annihilates ignorance, maintains the natural order of the world, and blesses those who strive for spiritual awareness and knowledge of true holiness with infinite tenderness and motherly love. The constant, unending Work of Creation is called the "The Play of Kali". This perfume is a blend of the sacred blooms of cassia, hibiscus, musk rose, Himalayan wild tulip, lotus and osmanthus swirled with offertory dark chocolate, red wine, tobacco, balsam and honey. OBATALA - Obatala's ofrenda is soft, white and pure: milk, coconut meat, shea butter and cool, refreshing water. SHANGO - The Master of Lightning's ofrenda contains red apples, banana, chili pepper, coconut, pineapple, pomegranate and sugar cane. SHATTERED - A scent as sharp as glass shards, and as brittle as a broken heart. The formula came to me - quite literally - in a dream, and is named after, and created in memory of, the last poem that I ever wrote… almost ten years ago to the day. A blend of white champagne notes, grapefruit, lotus, slivered mint and crystalline aquatic blooms. SHUB-NIGGURATH - The lust incense of a corrupted Astarte. A blend of ritual herbs and dark resins, shot through with three gingers and aphrodisiacal spices. TO A WOMAN - Benzoin, cassis bud, patchouli, rose otto, and petitgrain. TWEEDLE DEE & TWEEDLE DUM [*]Empties! N/A Discontinued N/A
  Curious: None right now




On being sick

For the sake of keeping track, I've read Twilight thus far in 2008. 60lbs-4lbs=56lbs to go!   Anyway. I think being sick is good for my diet. I don't know that I've ever been this sick without also being depressed and had utterly no appetite. My husband has resorted to trying to retrieve me all manner of sweet things to try and get me to eat, but nothing tastes good, and I have no inclination toward any of it. I've lost 4 lbs since my last weigh in, which I've noted above. I think I may have lost most of it in the last four or five days. But the not eating thing probably explains the no energy thing.   Hopefully tomorrow will arrive and I'll be doing much better. If nothing else, I'll be able to go to school. (I've missed this entire week!)




Lupercalia Update Notes

Anactoria: honey, amber, musk--yes currant takes it to maybe Khajuraho 2008 -- eh, never too thrilled with this Luperci 2008 -- patchouli, beeswax, juniper, honey, musk? yes Parlement of Foules 2008 -- white rose, resin -- maybe Red Lantern 2008 -- black coconut and currant say no Smut 2008 -- hell yes Valentine of Rome -- nothing stands out A Farewell to False Loves -- lavender, violet, balsam of Peru, narcissus -- yes The Clod and the Pebble -- rose otto, clove, patchouli, sandalwood, nutmeg, cedar -- YES The Flower Song -- wine, lotus root, reeds,hyssop, barley -- wait for reviews Her Voice -- vanilla amber, beeswax, honeysuckle, and carnation say yes -- wait for reviews La Vita Nuova -- champagne grape -- nope Longing -- wait for reviews Love's Philosophy -- vanilla, saffron, and cream -- yes Night Thoughts -- lilac, musk, cedar, neroli say yes, ozone says no The Passionate Shepherd to His -- maybe, if carnation is strong The Presence of Love -- maybe, love musk and amber, wary of grapefruit and jasmine Sapphics -- yes The Ragged Wood -- maybe, if the pine isn't overwhelmed by the florals To Helen -- ozone and opaline notes? No Butterflies and Plovers -- no Dream of the Fisherman's Wife -- honey and mint say yes, but unsure of ambergris Ebisu Making Love as Two Octopuses Look On -- nah Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge -- maybe Harikata -- no Lover's Parodies of Sumo Holds -- no Men Ringing Bell with Penises -- yes The Spell of Amorous love -- no




Serena Attacked

This is a big deal.   Like the UN getting blown up in Baghdad, this incident portends much worse for Afghanistan. Thank Allah (most merciful) I am not living there anymore.   The only question remaining is: how can someone who works for Save the Children afford gym membership at a 5-star hotel?




Al Azif

Category: Picnic in Arkham   In the imp: HELLO I WILL BE YOUR CARAMEL SMELL FOR THE DAY   Wet: Still very strongly of caramel, mixed with chocolate...it was almost too overpowering, making me feel as if I had glutted myself on forbidden Halloween candy and eaten myself sick.   Dry: It morphs from the crazy 'wtf?'-inducing candy smell to something...else. I'm wanting to say 'musky', but I don't think that's the right word. Yet it doesn't smell like straight incense, or straight florals. To accurately describe it eludes me...but this is not to say that it is unpleasant, now. In fact, it's a really lovely odor.   Personally, I realized that the candy-like smell actually smelt a lot like the very dregs of burnt-out incense...I am wanting to say myrrh, simply because that's what I've burnt in my house before, and the 'memory' of smell that I have is from that. (And wouldn't myrrh be appropriate, in this case?) Once I realized this, I saw the perfume from an entirely different perspective -- that of smelling an area where a ritual took place, long after the fact, with just enough sweet, seductive malevolence to draw one's attention and keep it.   Verdict: It's a very interesting scent, which I find works on several different levels (especially since the obnoxious caramelness has toned down quite a bit in subsequent days of testing). I don't know if it demands bottle status in my collection, but the imp is definitely worth hanging on to.   What I liked: The caramel was okay, once it calmed the hell down. I like the ultimate end result. It seemed to have a little more throw than what I've been wearing lately, which was nice.   What I didn't like: Getting to that beautiful end result is a bit uncomfortable.   I will simply have to compare this to other 'incense' scents to see if I like anything better. It's not bad by any means, it just may be one of those scents that I'd only wear once in a while.





I have been awake for over an hour, but the boyflame is fast asleep, and my pet bird, Zephyr, who is usually crying to be let out of his cage at this time of day, was silent this afternoon. I lifted his cage cover and after long minutes of being mostly unresponsive to me he tried to bite me through the cage. Grumpy. So, since he is so sleepy and obviously miffed at having his cover removed (even though it's 3pm here), I recovered him, turned out the lights, and am now restlessly shifting in my computer chair. I don't like being silent and stuck in one place at the beginning of the day. I'm hungry, but making food would wake the bird again. My apartment is a mess, but I cannot clean it yet with the boyflame asleep. And no, the mess is not his. He was neat and organized before I met him. Now 99% of the clutter and mess in the apartment is my doing, so I don't think it unfair for me to be the one who cleans the apartment. I generally don't touch his stuff. We do our own loads of laundry as well.   You would think me sleeping in until 2pm would alleviate the worry of waking anyone. But we're all night owls here, except my job keeps me from being able to completely live the night lifestyle, since at least half my shifts necessitate me waking up at 8am, which, yes, is early for me.   My muscles are sore and my head is foggy. I have to get up early for work tomorrow, so already I feel like my day is half gone and I haven't even had a sip of water yet or accomplished anything other than reading the Winternet news headlines and catching up on my BPAL. I feel dehydrated but what I want most is a mug of tea, and that will only dehydrate me more.   Why do I feel like dren? My ears are plugged, my sinuses blocked, and my breathing labored due to this frelling cold I can't shake. I have now had these symptoms (congestion of sinuses, ears, and lungs) for over a year. I have only been able to afford visiting a doctor once, who said it was an ear infection and gave me a prescription strength decongestant and a bottle of antibiotics that did absolutely NOTHING. I have never had to deal with any kind of physical weakness for so long and it seems to be putting my life on hold.




Rainy night in Chicago....

I love the rain, especially at nighttime. There's something so comforting about relaxing in bed with a good book, a cup of hot tea, and listening to the sound of rain falling on the roof. It feels like all is right with the world.   I still can't get over this warm winter weather. It feels more like October than January. I'm not complaining, though.   I'm in a better mood today because I just found out -- I can wear contacts again! Yay! I saw the doctor earlier today. My eyes aren't 100% improved but they're better; good enough to put a lens on. So he ordered me some trials of a new type of lens that's supposed to help retain moisture in the eye (that's just what I need, since my eyes are so dry) and they should be in next week.   DH just got home with Chipotle, so I'm signing off for now. I'm still kinda tweaked at him; I never knew I was such a grudge-holder!




BPAL Dreams

Yes, I has them.   Regularly too.   Since we've gotten our first BPAL order in Dec I've had dreams about the scents, the names, the bottles. Sometimes the whole dream is about BPAL, sometimes it's just a component. It makes for interesting and far more pleasant dreams than usual since they aren't work-related or about family or anything.   Last night's was cool, I dreamt that I'd woken up and gone onto the Lab's page to look at some of the scents (since I still haven't read about all of them yet) & instead of the Krampus image there was a grayscale image. I can't remember what it was, maybe a grayscale fluffy bunny or something like that, but done in a Victorian/Goth kind of way. The whole site hadn't been updated, only some of it. I can't remember the names of the scents, I think they were vaguely baby-related.   Yes, I am offically a BPAL adict!




Order #3?! & Random Thoughts

I've confirmed with everyone at work so now I need to sit and organise myself and order their smellies. I was excited, looking forward to this but the news of Sir Ed's passing has taken that excitement away and has left a sadness in it's place. Not much to say.   We weren't originally going to put anything in on this order, but Rose Red sounded like something that would be nice for Carol. I told her about the description, read her some of the reviews and she decided she might like to try it. Since we can't do an imp of it I've put a bottle order in for her too. So that makes 3 Rose Reds, the Vampire Tears, Phobos, and an imp pack. I'd originally planned on puttiong an imp for Carol on Sharon's request for 5. Since we are getting her a bottle I figured I'd get an imp of Coyote for me. So yeah, another big order, 4 days after the last one! I had expected it to be only 2 or 3 bottles at the most. 5 bottles and an imp pack later..... And this after a 7 bottle order on the 7th. Wow, that's us for the year!       I walked home from the train station today. I realised that BPAL has re-introduced me to my nose. I was breathing deeply, I could say to experience the smells of summer but really it was puffing from being a bit out of breath from the hill. I was enjoying the occassion whiff of Satyr mixed with the different trees and plants; the cypress, the oak, the ?. It was really neat.     So what BPAL do you wear for something like Sir Ed's death? I have Namaste on my wishlist, that would be perfect. But going off my current list I guess it would be something like Mechanical Phoenix (for when he used the tractors at the South Pole)? Or Titus Andronicus because he was a classical guy, but then Titus was a bloody play and Sir Ed was a man of peace so maybe not. Just some thoughts.




Rest In Peace Sir Ed

Rest in peace Sir Edmund Hillary. May the mountains be just high enough for you and the days sunny and warm for climbing.   He wasn't just a man who climbed a mountain. He was someone who had a dream and followed it, when everyone at the time said that it couldn't be done. He was well-known in Nepal for his generosity. He didn't just go and climb their mountain, he tried to give back to the country that made him famous.




Getting Ready for Another Big Order

Tomorrow I need to finalise the order for the people at work. It's going to be a big one. And we've got a BPALer in Hamilton (hi Elizabeth!) and I've offered to put her Rose Red onto our order to help save her money on shipping. It makes it a bit lighter on the pocket.   Exhausted.   Had a bit of a grumbly bit at work. Won't go into it all but basically had 2 people kind of getting on me about a difference of opinion/difference of doing our work. I started feeling upset. Took a moment to put some Green Day on the headset and sniffed my Dragon Bone. It reminded me there is something bigger out there, that work doesn't matter. BPAL does!   Bed time.


