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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

another daycare...

It's my second year in college and nothing has gotten better about it. I feel like a frustrated girl having to put up with being in a huge daycare~ the atmosphere of tons of other young people, loud & puffing away at their cigarettes right outside dorms and classes simply makes me want to hide out in dorm room and never, ever leave. I'm not sure if I just have social anxiety or if I just simply hate being around people my age all the time... Either way, I hate it here and have no idea why I ever thought getting into college was going to solve all my problems.   Sometimes I think I might not be built for it... The whole sitting-down-and-poring-over-textbooks thing. I know exactly what I'd much rather be doing! Fiddling away time with writing letters, postcards, leveling up on World of Warcraft, carousing the internet for treasures, making my life more "green" and just... other things. I want to be close to all my loved ones - so I'm taking the first step by going back home to Charleston, SC. I have been *incrediably* lucky having Justin come to school with me, and both of us being each other's support through the shitty times we've had here at this school... but even with him here, I feel like I'm slowly going both crazy and horribly unproductive. Even now, there's only about a week left of school, and I've got FOUR papers to write!! That's a shit-ton TOO MANY FOR ME! And I just don't understand it either; I used to popped out papers like it was nothing back in high school, and even first semester here... but now I just absolutely refuse to do them... what's happened to me? Literally. What the fug is going on?? My short-term memory is going, my work ethics are blasted, and I can't even do simple, crappy bull-shit papers.   *sigh*   Am I technically going through an early mid-life crisis? If so, does anyone know any remedies? ^^ All I know is, as soon as my ass is back in Chucktown, I'm going to party hard (& I'm not even a party-person! Ha ha ha...!) and I'm going to pray, pray, pray that next semester works out at C of C. If not, I'm shit outta luck.




The Salon

Since it has so many of my favorite scents, I think the Salon is my favorite of all the scent categories in the Lab's general catalogue. In light of that, I went back over the reviews and picked out a few that I want to try again. Some of them I even gave unfavorable reviews.....but still, I dare say that my nose is a little more seasoned now, and I may actually like them more now. And there were a couple that I traded or gave away and now I'm kicking myself....especially since they were the nice Lab labels from the imp packs.   I even considered getting more imp packs!   But I think what I'll do is continue going through my current (huge) stash of imps/decants, pick out the ones I don't want, and try another swapping post. This one will focus on the un-impables on my wish list. I figure since they are slightly harder to come by, it will be more of a challenging hunt.   I also still think I would do well to just get decants from now on, and only get a bottle if something is just screaming at me to love it. With the sheer number of decants I already have, it's absolutely silly to buy more bottles since it would take forever even put a dent in them. For example, I traded for a bottle of Midnight On The Midway, which I hardly ever wear, even though I do love it. It's a scent for very particular moods.....when I'm feeling somewhat confident, sexy maybe, but also classy and refined. I could never wear it to work, it's just too emphatic.   At work I've been wearing F5, Usher (bpal's Usher, not the commercial cologne), and sometimes CB I Hate Perfume scents......although now I can't remember which ones. Accords, I think....Snow and maybe Lava Rock. Tonight I didn't wear any kind of scent to work. I don't want to offend anyone so when I do wear something, it's very lightly applied.




SW Help... maybe

First of all, my wishlist! thethingsiwant - the password is "Ethan"   And here's a list of my favorite things, so perhaps you can get an idea of what new things I might like   My favorite things...   Favorite webcomic: 9th Elsewhere http://www.9thelsewhere.com/ and others I like: Inverloch http://inverloch.seraph-inn.com/ , Mind Flayed http://www.mindflayedcomic.com/ , Order of the Stick and Erfworld http://www.giantitp.com/ , Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic http://yafgc.shipsinker.com/   Favorite video games: Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth & Silmeria, Suikoden II, Shadow of the Colossus, ICO, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Angelique Etoile, Team Fortress 2 other games I enjoyed, roughly in the order that I played them: Final Fantasy VII, the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask, Final Fantasy Tactics, Pokemon Blue-Silver-Crystal, Dynasty Warriors 3-5, Final Fantasy IX, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy V, Neverwinter Nights, .hack//GAME, the Sims 2, Suikoden III, Suikoden I, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Xenogears, Katamari Damacy, Radiata Stories, Final Fantasy III DS, Neverwinter Nights 2, Pokemon Pearl, Bioshock   Favorite anime/manga: Angel Sanctuary (the manga, vol 4 or so on), Slayers NEXT, Ouran High School Host Club I also liked: .hack//SIGN, Fruits Basket, Excel Saga, Magic Knight Rayearth   Favorite books: Universities of the Italian Renaissance (Paul F. Grendler), la Vita Nuova (Dante), the Divine Comedy (Dante), Good Omens (Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett), the Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Luo Guanzhong), the Importance of Being Earnest (Oscar Wilde) Favorite Shakespeare: Merchant of Venice (for how it maps onto my Italian characters...) Favorite sci-fi/fantasy: Harry Potter (J.K. Rowling)   Favorite old dead guys: Cao Cao, Zhang Liao, al-Jahiz, Dante, John Dee I also like: Seondeok Yeowang, Giovanni Boccaccio, Leonardo, Galileo, Francis Bacon, Isaac Newton, and probably a lot of others I've forgotten.   Favorite time periods to study: Almost anything before 1700, including Three Kingdoms in China, Three Kingdoms in Korea, Golden Age of Islam, European Renaissance. And some European Victorian/Edwardian stuff, and the Scientific Revolution. I do like some steampunk in my fantasies, but Apologia is more "magepunk".   Favorite characters from other people's work: Zhang Liao (Dynasty Warriors, Romance of the Three Kingdoms), Lezard Valeth (Valkyrie Profile) Other characters I love: Pesmerga and Yuber (Suikoden), Gremio (Suikoden) Martin (TES4: Oblivion), Luva (Angelique), Vincent (FF7), Vivi and the Black Waltzes (FF9), Citan (Xenogears), Yoshimitsu (Soul Calibur 2), Genius Weissheit (Radiata Stories), Arc (FF3 DS), Sand (NWN2), Zelgadis and Xellos (Slayers NEXT), Uriel and Zaphkiel (Angel Sanctuary), Lina and Zelgadis (Slayers), Haruhi and Nekozawa (Ouran HS Host Club), Akito and Shigure (Fruits Basket), Snape (Harry Potter), Eiji (9th Elsewhere), Elan (Order of the Stick), Claude Frollo (Notre-Dame de Paris), Crowley (Good Omens), the Spy (Team Fortress 2) ... and Abra and its evolutions in Pokemon, and black mages in Final Fantasy I prefer to play mages in video games. Favorite class in D&D video games is sorcerer.   Favorite living artists: Kristina Gehrmann: http://www.mondhase.de/ Stephanie Pui-Mun Law: http://wwww.shadowscapes.com/ Linda Bergkvist: http://www.furiae.com/ and other I like: Natascha Roeoesli http://www.tascha.ch/ , Linda Tso http://www.stickydoodle.com/ , Jason Chan http://www.jasonchanart.com/ , 北原 http://mmy.parfe.jp/lg/ , Eloisa Scichilone, Yoshitaka Amano, Amy Sol   Favorite long-dead artists: Painters: Raphael, Michelangelo, Leonardo, Caravaggio Illustrators: Edmund Dulac, Warwick Goble, Arthur Rackham, Charles Robinson, Anne Anderson, Aubrey Beardsley, Harry Clarke   Favorite music from my iTunes: "Song For Bassanio" and "Bassanio's Palazzo (Tarantella)" from the Merchant of Venice 2005 soundtrack by Jocelyn Pook, "La Serenissima" from the Book of Secrets by Loreena McKennitt, and "Revived Power" from the Shadow of the Colossus soundtrack some favorites of other genres: "Evolution" by Hamasaki Ayumi (J-Pop), "Black Is the Color" by Cara Dillon (Folk), "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again" by Andrew Lloyd Webber (Musical Soundtrack), "番場の忠太郎" by Hikawa Kiyoshi (Enka) other favorites from special playlists: "Up Is Down" from the Pirates of the Caribbean III soundtrack (Cosimo's playlist), "How Wicked Ruler" from the Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria soundtrack (Eschaton's playlist), "Suteki da ne" from Final Fantasy X soundtrack (Uriel's playlist)   Favorite smells: lavender, bergamot, eucalyptus (in essential oil form) Crowley, Dee, Talvikuu, Vicomte de Valmont, Hunger Moon, House of Night, Casanova, Bow & Crown of Conquest, Theodosius, Villain, Herr Drosselmeyer, Sloth, De Sade, Incubus, Herbert West (BPAL) Eucalyptus Spearmint, Black Currant Vanilla, Lavender Vanilla, Cool Citrus Basil (Bath & Body Works)   Favorite colors: browns, grays, lavender, desaturated violet, desaturated blue, mint green, white, soft peach (in general and for art) black, white, dark jewel tone red (for clothes)   Favorite tea: Foojoy Monkey-Picked Ti Kuan Yin (oolong), Yamamotoyama oolong, Yamamotoyama jasmine green tea, Twinings Earl Grey, genmaicha   What I like in... Movies: Sheer beauty -- an incredibly beautiful scene, or a scene of really intense emotion, will reduce me to tears. I generally to prefer cleaner, Romantic-type beauty to abject-beauty, but there are exceptions. Examples of scenes that moved me - from Whale Rider, Pai's speech, and the shot of the longboat after the fade from white; from V for Vendetta, the last fight scene; from the Lord of the Rings, the aerial shots of the massive battles and the wedding; the statue-carrying sequence from Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring; the last parts of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind; and, like, ALL of Hero. I like decent plot and acting, but beauty is the most important. Music: Similar to movies, intense emotional charge and eerie beauty (good examples from "favorite music" above would be "Revived Power" and "How Wicked Ruler".) I don't like lyricy music; I focus on the sound. Anime, manga, and (fiction) books: Intriguing, deep, and pitiful characters with an intellectually stimulating (but not pompous) plot -- AND I like very silly humor. Video games: The qualities of BOTH my favorite movies and books -- beauty, good characters, good plot -- with some degree of "moral freedom". I really hate being forced to take a certain moral position (especially when I find it WRONG) or to take only one interpretation of the plot. Freedom in general is also good, but I can love a one-storyline RPG if it gives me the freedom to interpret. And the game should also be fun to play -- fun and engaging in general, easy controls, leisurely and sensible level of challenge or ability to customize difficulty levels, etc. I'm a "casual" gamer. Imaginary boyfriends: Gentleness, intellectual orientation, compassion, honesty, loyalty, but some serious, pitiful weaknesses -- personality weaknesses or physical weaknesses (I am rather attracted to physical weaknesses ) that can be healed or transformed with help. See the "favorite concepts" section.   Favorite concepts/the conceptual side of Apologia as all my favorite concepts are a part of Apologia. I really like a particular... "narrative"? "emotional trajectory" in fiction? of healing that begins with a pitiful wounded one who then has a sublime and mind-opening experience and emerges from it majestically. He is aided by another character for whom the reader/player (hopefully) feels empathy; she changes from pitying the wounded one, to merging emotionally with him at the sublime moment and sharing his pain and happiness, and finally to a sense of awe and peace at seeing how he has grown beyond her. Healing and growth founded on a loving relationship. The ultimate noble character in my stories is someone who is weak but chooses, not out of duty but free will, to suffer grievously in order to lessen the suffering of others. This self-sacrifice can be melodramatic, or much smaller and simpler -- it's most commonly an awakening to the suffering of another and a small act to help him, which is shortly followed by someone else sacrificing to help the helper, and so on and so forth, the formation of a chain of compassion and helping. Most of my stories focus on the desires, emotions, and interactions of characters (rather than "plot.") The interconnectedness of characters is very important. Some of the biggest concepts probed in Moon's Apologia: the formation of meaning, knowledge, morality, and identity; existence, relationships and relativism; the nature of thoughts and emotions. The theme of "Am I human?" comes up a lot... there are a lot of androids, demihumans, and imaginary half-beings running about in the story. I'm generally interested in delicate and ephemeral things. The emotions I'm most interested in are pity, tenderness, sadness, empathetic suffering, love, affection, eudaimonia, and sublime ecstasy.   The main characters from Apologia, who are extremely important to me. An example of how they could apply to Switch Witching: I'm generally not interested in trying perfume from other companies than BPAL (I already have so many more GCs to try!) BUT if there's a scent that perfectly matches one of my characters, I want to try it!! Moon - A half-Dream gynoid, an ethereal magical construct. Extremely gentle, subtle and nearly invisible, shaped by those who care about her. Uriel - An intelligent, gentle, dignified professor and alchemist-perfumer. Outwardly cynical, inwardly romantic. Cosimo - A selfish, energetic, nerdy young intellectual, a magical and mathematical genius. Outwardly aggressive, inwardly shy and jealous. Isaac - An android (bioroid) on a quest for justice. Outwardly coolheaded and suave, inwardly anxious and sensitive. And others... Light and her Incubus, Jin, Seondeok, Tenran, Eschaton, the Bard, Izumi/Reisen/Setsushi, Ante, Yshayya, Arazari, Seri, and so many others Go here for pictures and descriptions of them, and what they would smell like!   That's all for now...whew!




Need to test

WORK IN PROGRESS   Here are the blends I either need to test or re-test. Most of these I've had in hand and even tested on my skin, but swapped or frimped away before I could form a good opinion. I really need to take better notes. The ones that are actually on my active wishlist are starred.   Bewitching Brews Belle Epoque Bess Black Forest Blood Amber Brimstone Cathode Calico Jack Chimera The Coiled Serpent Delirium Epherma Event Horizon Fae Grand Guignol Grog Hamydryad (looking for non-wintergreen kind) I Died for Beauty Intrigue Kubla Khan La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente La Bella Dame Sans Merci Leanan Sidhe Lightning Lurid Mary Read Morgause Ode on Melancholy Omen Ozymandias Penny Dreadful Phantasm Poisoned Apple The Raven Schrodinger's Cat Seance Shattered Tempest Ulalume Ultraviolet Veil Wilde Yggdrasil Zephyr   Ars Moriendi Danse Macabre Darkness Epitaph Eternal The Ghost Haunted House of Night Les Fleurs du Mal Midnight Nocturne The Phantom Wooer The Reaper and the Flowers Sheol Shroud Thanatopsis Twilight Wings of Azrael   Dark Elements Burial Hurricane   Sin and Salvation Envy Greed Lust Sloth Death on a Pale Horse Anathema Black Dahlia Dorian Fallen Faustus Hymn Languor Les Infortunes de la Vertu Magdalene Nero Oblivion Penitence Roadhouse Rose Cross Seraphim Tzadikim Nistarim   Love Potions Ave Maria Gratia Plena Bathsheba Bien Loin D'ici Brisingamen Debauchery Depraved Desire Forbidden Fruit Golden Priapus Jezebel La Belle Au Bois Dormant La Petite Mort The Lady of Shalott Le Serpent Qui Danse Libertine Lilium Inter Spinas Loralei Maiden Muse Nefertiti O (This was one of the first BPAL scents I tried, and it failed horribly. I'm curious to re-test it.) Psyche Rapture Ravenous Saturnalia Satyr Sed Non Satiata Siren Succubus The Temptation Suspiro Vicomte de Valmont Wanda Wanton Whip   Diabolis A Countenance Forboding Evil Baobhan Sith Black Annis Blood Countess Bloodlust Bluebeard Catherine Dracul Goblin Hell's Belle Horreur Sympathique Incubus Kitsune-Tsuki Loup Garou Maenad Malice Marquise de Merteuil Masabakes Medea Nephilim Nocnitsa Nosferatu Pain Phantom Phantom Queen Phobos Rage Serpent's Kiss Szepasszony Troll Wicked   Neil Gaiman/The Carousel Spider*   Mad Tea Party The Caterpillar Cheshire Cat Croquet The Dodo The Dormouse Drink Me Jabberwocky The King of Hearts The Knave of Hearts The Lion The Mock Turtle's Lessons Mouse's Long and Sad Tale The Pool of Tears Queen Alice The Queen of Hearts Tiger Lily Two, Five & Seven The Unicorn White Rabbit   Illyria Antony The Apothecary Caliban Cordelia Goneril Helena Hermia Juliet Katharina Lear Lysander Oberon Ophelia Othello Regan Robin Goodfellow Rosalind Titania Titus Andronicus Viola   Wanderlust Île de la Tortue Windward Passage   Ars Draconis Dragon's Reverie Ladon   Rappaccini's Garden Asphodel Belladonna Black Hellebore Black Lotus Black Rose Blood Lotus Blood Rose Cobra Lily Death Cap Dian's Bud Devil's Claw Hairy Toad Lily Hemlock Love-in-Idleness Love-Lies-Bleeding Moon Rose Opium Poppy Shadow Witch Orchid Slobbering Pine Squirting Cucumber Strangler Fig Sundew Voodoo Lily Wolfsbane Yew-Trees




Isle of Eden: Enthusiasms and Reservations

So I placed my first order with Isle of Eden today. I've been wanting to try their stuff for some time, particularly their shampoo/conditioner since theirs get really good reviews. I signed onto the forum and had a good look through some of the review threads and the photos, and while I'm certainly excited about a lot, I'm not sure their stuff will become a staple for me.   Little things are important. I appreciate when people pay attention to detail; it shows pride in one's own work, and respect for one's clients. IoE's scrubs are coloured, and in the photos on the website the colour is always bright and pretty and appealing. After a peek through peoples' photos, a lot of scrubs seem to have colour that's really poorly-blended, marbled, or just not very true at all. Also, the same item will be packaged several different ways -- sometimes even in the same order! Three 8oz bottles of shampoo will come in three different containers.   But it's the content that counts, right? Well, as far as the colour is concerned, if you're not bothered enough about it to do it right and the content is all that matters anyway, why add colour in the first place? Either blend it well, so that it looks appealing (that's the only purpose the stuff serves after all) or don't put any in at all. And as for the different containers, I just don't get why you wouldn't buy one sort of container and stick to it. If you're changing how you package your product, tell your customers -- it affects how your products are used, especially for slippery hands in the shower. Stuff like this does matter.   Compare this to the way the Lab does business -- or even to Villainess soaps. If there's a packaging change, or the thing-to-be-shipped doesn't look like the thing-in-the-picture, Brooke lets us know. If a formula is experimental and subject to change, Brooke lets us know. Everything in your order looks and feels like what you were expecting it to look and feel like.   IoE's stuff may work just as well as I'd like it to. But the care that goes into BPAL or Villainess isn't apparent, at least from what I've seen. So I'll enjoy what's coming in the mail, but that's about it.





i'm tiered. i had to stay up real late last night just working on a stupid world geos project. it wasn't even due today!!! grrr i'm so mad. but oh well i'm almost done with it, so oh well. i just wish that the stupid school compys didn't have SO MANY FREAKING BLOCKS ON THEM!!!! RAWR!!! i can't even get to my personal website!!!! i'm so angry. i haven't updated it for days. my poor readers are probably thinking iv'e died.... T_T




aged Snake Oil

Today I broke out my first bottle of Snake Oil, since it's officially a year old now. What I noticed most is an increased sweetness. Also it smelled different on one forearm than on the other, like I didn't roll the bottle enough or something. It reminded me a lot of frankincense, which I don't think I've ever noticed about Snake Oil. But basically.....it just smelled really good!





hmm i suposse that i will list the BPALs i want.... seems like a time-killing thing to do.....   UNDERTOW The Dark Side of Water: clean and purifying, yet menacing -- lotus and juniper with a hint of mint. A scent dragged up from the depths to the Stygian shore.   THE GHOST A thin, sinuous, creeping chill, the scent of glee-filled undeath: white iris, osmanthus, Calla lily, tomb-crawling ivy and a coffin spray of gladiolus, lisianthus and delphinium.     TWILIGHT An enigmatic, otherworldly scent, brimming with power and mystery. Lavender and jasmine, with a touch of glowing honeysuckle.     MELISANDE, THE PUPPET MISTRESS Jasmine sambac, dark musk, violet water, vanilla bean and mimosa.     LES FLEURS du MAL The scents of the blossoms of darkness, condensed into one perfume. Features a rose base, softened with lilac and wisteria.     ZOMBI Dried roses, rose leaf, Spanish moss, oak moss and deep brown earth.     CARNAVAL DIABOLIQUE <- FAVORITE!!!!! Opium smoke, lemon flower, heliotrope, tuberose, black musk, vanilla, coconut, apricot flower.   MIDNIGHT ON THE MIDWAY: Sugared incense and night-blooming flowers.   ESHE, A VISION OF LIFE-IN-DEATH The perfume of life-in-death: embalming herbs, black myrrh, white sandalwood, black orchid, paper whites, tomb dust, and Moroccan jasmine.   THALASSA, THE GALAPAGOS MERMAID Seaweed, kelp, salty ocean spray, bitter almond, night-blooming jasmine, frankincense, and benzoin.   PRIALA, THE HUMAN PHOENIX Three deep, dark myrrhs, smoke, and cinnamon bark.   Ars Draconis DRAGON'S BLOOD Powerful, commanding, blazing with strength.   DRAGON'S BONE The dry, thin scent of a draconic ossuary. Dragon's blood resin with white sandalwood, dusty orris and crisp blondewood.   DRAGON'S CLAW Smooth, polished and lethally sharp: dragon’s blood resin and three sandalwoods.   DRAGON'S EYE A piercing, radiant perfume: dragon's blood resin, lily of the valley, lilac and galbanum.   DRAGON'S HEART A scent pulsing with vitality, warmth and insurmountable strength: dragon's blood resin, red and black musks, a throb of fig and a sliver of black currant.   DRAGON'S HIDE Flame-kissed, warm, smooth, and highly protective. Dragon’s blood, leather and a hint of smoke.   DRAGON'S MILK A truly fae nectar! Dragon's blood resin and honeyed vanilla.   DRAGON'S MUSK Dominant, passionate, devastating. Dragon’s blood and five deep musks.   DRAGON'S REVERIE Opium-laced dreams of flame, plunder, power and fury: dragon’s blood resin, poppy, amber and ylang ylang.   DRAGON'S TEARS Bittersweet yet powerful: salty aquatic notes and bursting with dragon's blood.   LADON The hundred-headed dragon that guards the garden of the Hesperides: dragon’s blood resin, golden apple, apple blossom, white musk and hyacinth.   TANIN'IVER Lilith’s monstrous dragon steed: dragon’s blood resin, patchouli, pomegranate, myrrh, mimosa, cassia, blood musk and smoke.       THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS ENVY Green herbs slithering through mint, lime and lavender.   GLUTTONY Thick, sugared and bloated with sweetness. Dark chocolate, vanilla, buttercream, and hops with pralines, hazelnut, toffee and caramel.   GREED Base and earthy, yet glittering with golden notes: patchouli, heliotrope, copal and oakmoss.   LUST Uncontrollable passion and insatiable sexual desire: red musk, patchouli, ylang ylang and myrrh.   PRIDE Vanity in extremis. The scent of rabid hauteur: Moroccan rose and narcissus.   SLOTH Thick, dark, sluggish and heavy with indolence: vetiver over black myrrh.   WRATH A scent aflame with rage, swirling in the red haze of hatred: dragon's blood spiked with black pepper, clove, and cinnamon.   LOUP GAROU The wild, untamed essence of lycanthropy. Primeval in its raw power and insatiable hunger: juniper, cypress and galangal with the barest touch of eucalyptus.   Ya ya i know, that's alot. but oh well. i loves them!!! hmm once i find some more i want, i'll just put them on here, i suppose... hmm... im going back on tarot.com....





I'm in world geos now and my guy friend won't stop touching my leg. i'm preparing to slap him.... but oh well i just keep kicking him so that works too. i'm glad it's friday... that means i get to go to town tomorrow and go christmas shopping!!! ^^ I have to get like 5 or 6 great presents on about 60 bucks... my god.. hope grandma has more saved up for me than that. ah well i hope she does....... that will make my life easier. i'm supposed to be working right now, but i really really don't want to. so i'll just put this crapomola on my flashy and work on it at home. it's not that hard, even though it's worth like 300 points.... heh... ^^




When Monkeys Attack (like, for real, though)

It always starts innocently enough.   Last Sunday my husband, cat and I were enjoying a sunny day in the yard. I was slightly hungover from the five gin and tonics I had consumed during the course of our Thanksgiving dinner and subsequent Thanksgiving trip to the Platinum nightclub the night before and thought that lying around in the hammock would be a good way to recover. We had only been outside for about ten minutes when my husband yelled, “sweetie, look!” and I turned around to see this on the wall behind me:                 Alright, it was actually more like this:     Who knows how long the evil primate had been surveilling us. It had something furry and long-dead in its hand, which it threw down on the ground and came after us, its teeth bared. We sprung up and ran towards the porch and the front door. (A girl I went to high school with died from monkey poo--I shit you not and no pun intended.) Thinking quickly, my husband grabbed Snega (our cat) and threw it at the rabid monkey, but it was not deterred. It came closer and my husband picked one a metal chair over his head ready to knock the living monkey shit out of it. It scampered up one of the porch columns to a monkey friend waiting on the roof (a coordinated attack).   After the narrow escape we went over to examine the dead furry thing. It was a baby monkey. Abush, our guard, picked the carcass up with a stick and flung it at the monkey who then jumped over the neighbors’ fence.   So, what was learned from this experience? 1. Monkeys will rip your face off without notice or provocation; 2. Monkeys are sneaky little bastards and surprisingly quiet; 3. Chucking white cats at monkeys will not save you (however, cats of other colors have not been field tested and may prove effective); 4. If you are hungover from drinking too much gin the night before you are better off staying in bed.   Ah, the excitement of living in Africa…




My patience is shot...

I think I'm finally at the point where if one more stupid thing happens with wedding stuff, health issues, or things involving specific people in my life, I'm going to just start screaming a string of obscenities while throttling the first person I come across.   The wedding? Oh God. We can't pick a date, now. At all. Until C. hears back from her doctor, or the surgeon she's supposed to speak to, over what's going on with her back at the moment? Pffft. We're basically in a state of engagement stasis.   She's got a bone chip on the fused spot of her spine, where the biggest, nastiest curve from her scoliosis is. I still am not certain I understand why they decided to fuse vertebrae together after the curve bent titanium rods, but there you go. So now everyone is shocked that there's a bone chip drifting around, which has been there for at least two years, giving her all kinds of issues. Nobody saw it on an x-ray until October, when a doctor down in Toronto peeked at it and went "How did people miss this?!". Ugh. This same doctor has also stated that he feels the curve is reasserting itself after years of not doing anything at all. Which is bad. Which is actually so bad he felt the need to tell her that if she doesn't get this looked in on, it's likely going to be a fatal health complication due to compression of internal organs.   This would, I'd think, label it as an urgent situation. It's now almost December, and she can't get her own doctor to take it seriously enough that he'll get off his ass and do anything. His answer to the bone chip was to suggest physical therapy. The surgeon? Bleh. Nobody ever answers the phone at his office, so it's either finding the voicemail totally full, or listening to the phone ring and ring until a message gets left, that never gets returned. The doctor in Toronto hasn't been in his office for the past week, so she can't even get ahold of him to let him know what's going on.   So, with this in mind, we're both eyeballing things and thinking it might be a good idea to continue to hassle the doctors every damn day, so we can find out when she'll at least get her consult with the surgeon, even if it pisses everyone off. If it's just the bone chip and nothing else that needs to be dealt with? Great, we can schedule the wedding, it won't be a big deal. If anything is happening with the curvature, as it still hasn't been totally confirmed, and this thing requires more extensive surgery? We're dicked until we know when the surgery itself is going to take place.   Then there's the issue that swung around earlier this afternoon. Because someone has to come out to take a look at the thermostat in the cabin, and refill the propane tank, her mom made this gigantic issue about getting the cabin cleaned. At 10am. While we were on the phone. And complained that C. was not doing anything to try to help, beyond get in the way. At the same time as stating she "didn't have the time for this". I sat here and choked down my urge to ask to have the phone passed over, so I could inform her mother that it's nice to knock and see what's going on before blowing a door to a different living space open to rush in and clean, especially given the fact that the propane guy is not going to give a flying fornication about whether or not there's a half empty bag of chips sitting on a desk as opposed to in a cabinet when he comes in there tomorrow. Boundaries, much? It's called privacy. Considering C. pays them rent, I'd like to think she can get some of this every so often OMG.   This also makes me wonder if we'll have her mother trying to come over once or twice a week to clean our apartment and complain that it isn't up to her personal standards. That ought to be fun. Two people with Fibro and other assorted ailments, in the same house, while one has to work a full time job to float most of the bills? Yeah, it's going to be a little messy. No, it's not going to ruin anyone to see some dust and cat hair drifting around. As long as stuff gets done, fine, whatever, it can happen on the weekends or in little spurts over the course of the week. A living area should not have to look like a museum anyway.   I think I'm also a little more pissy over the interruptions than I otherwise would be, since C. and I were starting to have a conversation that was veering quickly toward a potential round of phone sex. If there's ever a way to wreck a mood, it's having a parent walk into your dwelling space unannounced.   Everything else is pretty much standard. School is school, my health is still up and down as usual, etc. This contact dermatitis thing can hurry up and leave whenever it wants. Holy God, it itches. The only time it felt completely okay was while I was soaking in a hot bath before bed.





hmm.. well.. first post.... ah well not a big flippin' deal. but oh well, still trying to figure out how this site works........ *yawn* i'll get it some day. but now i have a question: does anyone here play runescape or gaia?     Runescape: Lieana212003       Gaia: Iylea Lieana of Hyrule




Philosophy of love

I feel sick to my stomach. My mind is knawing away at its own devices out of complete frustration with the opposite sex. I have this animal urge to obtain something that is mine and only mine, love if you will. But that alone negates the purpose of being wonderfully entangled with someone, if you want them for you and only you. No such thing exists and to want to obtain that is to desire the domination of a free trandscending body, which I don't want. I don't want to dominate someone and capture them into liking me, I'm just tired of watching romantic comedies about how these two people miraculously fall in love though some random encounter and then live happily blah blah. Good lord, Garden State was such a great movie and I love it, yet at the same time I never want to see it again! I got the soundtrack though, its dank. Anywho, I have some faith left that two people could intersubjectively (philosophically speaking) come together as one and be in love without domination or jealously or without the attempt to control one another. They could just exist as two Daseins in the blanket, under the blanket, cuddled up. Man I'm a cheeseball deluxe, but i don't care. I am madly infatuated with my Philosophy teacher and its a stupid thing on my part. A) because its distracting, the cute little things he does and the way he talks and his funny sense of humor and amazing taste in music, etc etc. because he is my teacher and teacher/student relations are a big fat no no. C) because I am almost positive he has a kid (barf) and who knows, perhaps he is attached as well. I know I have control with how nose over tail I can get, but at the same time I feel as though I'm completely helpless to his sexiness permeating and fogging my brain. Argh Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to really get what I want. I mean REALLY. Like to have him approach me one day and ask me on some casual date and then all of sudden push comes to shove and we're doin' the no pants dance in his giant bed. I really wonder what that would be like. I have to heed to the old saying that once you get what you want you never want it again, but hey, who said logic has to apply to a teacher student fling? Lord help me.




Extra Switch Witch Questions -- Winter 2007 round

Secondhand goodies? Absolutely, provided that they are hygenic   How do you prefer your brownies? nuts are fine, prefer them in small pieces on top. Chips are a bit gooey for me. Frosting makes them too sweet.   Appliance? (Sure, it's on the questionnaire, but we all want to know what you put anyways.) A blender, because that's what my brain feels like most of the time.   Saliva issues? I will share beverages with the husband, the furkid, and one friend. My mom won't even let my baby have the last couple of bites of my lunch unless I transfer it to a paper plate. Close friends and I nibble freely off each other's plates in restaurants. In particular, my husband's best friend and I share similar taste in food, so often it's "You order this, and I'll order that, and then we can taste both of them."   Band names you've always wished were used? Dionysian Debauchery   Allergies to fibers/dyes? General preferences? Wool makes me itch. Preferences -- the softer the better. My friend laughs at me when we go shopping because I have to touch everything that looks soft. If it looks soft and then isn't, I feel a bit ripped off.   Can you/do you burn candles/tarts/incense? Yes, yes, and yes. I use mostly unscented candles, but I do like sandalwood and a really good strong cinnamon when I can find it. Just developed the tart habit thanks to forumites, but don't have many yet. Burn headshoppy incense like a maniac. One of my goals in life is to get my house to smell like a pagan shop.   How do you unwind after a terrible day? Depends on what flavor terrible it was. If I'm angry, I clean until I exhaust myself. If my feelings are hurt, a bath and a good cry. If it was a hamster-wheel day, zone in front of a movie I've seen a thousand times.   Package rating? Knowing the girls here, I'm a little hesitant to say "any" but I shall be brave. Any.   Ornaments? yesh, although my tree was skinnier than the package led me to believe. Small is good.   Favorite candy? Pixy Stix and Lindt white chocolate truffles. In my closest group of IRL friends, the truffles are known as "candy bones" -- friend's dogs (my niece the poodle and my nephew the rat terrier) had these little bone shaped treats that they loved so much we joked that they must taste like candy. Hence they became candy bones. When we discovered the truffles, we liked them just that much, so they also became candy bones.   BPAL in your SW box? either way is fine. I haven't thoroughly perused the last few updates, but if you think I'll like it (whether it's on my wishlist or not), I'll happily test it. Oops, I don't think I've crossed off stuff from Autumn round and a couple of recent forum purchases. Must do that. No worries if you dupe something though.   Other B&B products you haven't tried yet (do you like being enabled)? I'd love to be enabled to most anything that will have positive effect on my Sahara skin and hair. The sugar scrub I got last round has been quite a success, but for some reason I hesitate to use it frequently enough. I should look the company up online. Once I assure myself that there is more, I'll probably loosen up about it. Links to good sites with easy DIY bath stuff recipes are equally welcome. Searching for a conditioner that will keep my ends from getting crunchy without making the roots greasy. Would also love something moisturizing that goes in the tub. I like my water a bit hotter than I really should, so it would help to even things out a bit.   Gift ratings? again, I'm hesitating a bit here, but I'm gonna go with any.   How did you find & fall in love with BPAL? Kind of an interesting story actually. Summer 2006, my best friend ran away from home for five days, went home for one night, and then lived with us for a month. This month has become known as Hairfest 2006 because we bought a bunch of hairband video dvd's and watched them all the time. This was kind of an "oh shit, this is what happens when you bury important parts of yourself for too long" for me. (The running away, not the dvd's) So one weekend the three of us were wandering around Hastings and happened on a copy of Gothic Beauty. They insisted that I buy it. There was an article about the lab and it sounded fantabulous. It took me a few more months to actually check it out, but when I did I found the forum and that was pretty much it. Gothic Beauty and BPAL have been big parts of my year of "more like me, less like you"   Favorite holiday movie/TV specials? the Grinch! (animated of course!) The Rudolph with the island of misfit toys, most of them really, but Nestor the long eared donkey scarred me for life. Don't like that you'll shoot your eye out movie at all, have seen the one about the suicidal guy and the angel once. Love, love, love Miracle on 34th Street (any of them).   Unusual (or not!) things you collect? I'm most actively pursuing the rebuilding of my gargoyle collection. (You said you're fairly new to witching, so I'm guessing you don't know me. Therefore, by way of explanation, a few years ago our lives took a huge left turn at Albuquerque. Details aren't relevant, but it resulted in about 2 1/2ish - 3 years in a church. I now refer to it as my Momentary Lapse of Reason. And because I was trying to be a Good Girl and do and believe what I was told, I got rid of a lot of my paganish schtuff. (a nice portion of my jewelry escaped by hiding, hee hee hee, and I found it during a Mercury retro. I was beyond excited.) Eventually of course, my inner Goth, inner pagan, and inner feminist banded together, kicked Miss Repressed's ass, and locked her in the attic for a change. And now I want my gargoyles and dragons back, dammit.   Favorite comedian/comedy troupe? Um, I'm not so much into comedy. There was this guy that I saw on was it Showtime? years ago who was hilarious, but I've long forgotten his name. He had Korean parents, but grew up in Texas. So just the Texas accent coming from the Korean body was funny enough, but he had this routine about guys using flowers to get out of trouble and there was a conversion chart -- this offense equals this many flowers.   Organic? Indifferent? I go organic when I can, but I live far enough from civilization that not everything is available or affordable. I'm wanting to make contact with the local Weston-Price (?)folk; I hear that quite a bit of good schtuff is available from individuals.   Homemade? certainly not required or even expected, but much appreciated if it shows up in a box.   Anything you can't ask for IRL? art supplies. No one would have a clue what to get me. Spicyelenore sparked an interest in painting and decoupage, and I'd love to give ATCs a shot. So those little packies of glueables would be lovely, as would ATC blanks. If you saw the Halloween issue of Somerset Studio you'll have a good idea of my taste.   Stones/gems/etc? um, yes? I listed a few favorites on the questionnaire.   Socks? The wilder the better. I especially like bright pink.   Doctor Who? Haven't seen it in years. Loved Tom Baker.   D&D? no The only people I knew in college who played were quite into illegal recreational substances, so hanging with them wasn't so much of an option really.   Favorite artist, both contemporary and classic? Victoria Frances, eep, I'm so gonna have to come back to this one. My brain is blank.   Any tips for SW virgins? Stalk, squee, use lots of bubblewrap, get delivery confirmation. Most important -- Have. Fun.





Video Game Systems Owned (mostly courtesy of the boyfriend):   Nintendo Super Nintendo Nintendo 64 GameCube Wii Playstation 2 Playstation 3 Gameboy Advance Nintendo DS     Video Games I Play/Have Played and Enjoy:   Brain Age Clubhouse Games Final Fantasy I, IV, VI, VII, and VIII Guitar Hero Karaoke Revolution 1, 3, and Party Katamari Damacy and We Love Katamari Mario Party 4 and 6 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Justice For All, and Trials & Tribulations PixelJunk Monsters Puyo Pop Fever Rock Band Super Monkey Ball 1 and 2     Computer Games I Play/Have Played and Enjoy (on a Mac or iPad):   Battle for Wesnoth Civilization Drop 7 King's Bounty Lemmings Mah Jong Medley Plants vs. Zombies RollerCoaster Tycoon The Secret of Monkey Island Shadow Era SimAnt SimCity Solforge Warlords Words With Friends Zoo Tycoon     Board & Card Games I Like   Apples to Apples Carcassone Cockroach Poker Euchre Magic: The Gathering Scrabble Skip-bo Uno




Movies & TV Shows

I like to watch.   Movies I Like (* means particular favorite; all anime and foreign films best subbed over dubbed):   The Adventures of Baron Munchausen All About Eve Amelie Annie Hall Back to the Future Battle Royale* Being John Malkovich* Blade Runner Brazil Brick* Broken Flowers Cold Comfort Farm* Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Dawn of the Dead* Die Hard Dogma* Donnie Darko* Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind* Fargo Ferris Bueller's Day Off* Fight Club The Frighteners Ghostbusters* Ghost In The Shell Ghost World The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly The Graduate Groundhog Day* Heathers Hedwig and the Angry Inch Hot Shots How The Grinch Stole Christmas The Hudsucker Proxy* Inglorious Basterds Jaws* Joe Vs. The Volcano Labyrinth The Last Unicorn Legend Lord Of The Rings (all three) The Matrix Memento Men In Black Monty Python And The Holy Grail* Monty Python And The Meaning of Life Mulholland Drive The Never-Ending Story* The Nightmare Before Christmas Perfect Blue The Player Pulp Fiction* Punch Drunk Love The Purple Rose of Cairo The Princess Bride* Princess Mononoke The Royal Tenenbaums Rushmore* Say Anything The Secret of Nimh Space Balls Stand By Me The Star Wars Trilogy (the original one)* Stranger Than Fiction Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the original live action one) The Terminator Terminator 2* This is Spinal Tap Time Bandits The Truman Show 12 Monkeys* Unbreakable* Wait Until Dark Wall-E Wayne's World* Watership Down* When Harry Met Sally Whisper of the Heart* Willow*     TV Shows I Like (* means particular favorite; all anime best subbed over dubbed):   Alias America's Next Top Model The Big Bang Theory Breaking Bad Buffy The Vampire Slayer (mostly just the first three seasons)* Castle Cowboy Bebop* Dead Like Me (mostly the first season) Degrassi Jr High (the original) Dexter (mostly just the first two seasons)* Elementary Homeland House Hustle Jeeves and Wooster Justified* Mad Men* Misfits (UK) Monty Python's Flying Circus* Mr. Show My So-Called Life* Nurse Jackie The Office (UK) Princess Tutu* Roswell Seinfeld* Serial Experiments Lain Sherlock (UK) The Simpsons (mostly the earlier stuff) Skins (UK)* The Sopranos* Star Trek: The Next Generation* 30 Rock Trigun True Blood Twin Peaks* Veronica Mars (mostly the first season)* The Vision of Escaflowne* The West Wing The X Files (the first few seasons)




Turkey Day

Turkey day wasn't awful. My aunt wouldn't change my family's meeting n eat time because my lazy ass cousin "couldn't wait that long" so we just went to DH's. I went to my gramma's at like 9:30 last night because she stays up til 3am just like me. I found out that my asshole cousin didn't even show up so I'm even more pissed at him. Jerk's on welfare, won't pay my gramma rent ($100 a month for a 2 story house with at least 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom), won't work, but has money for beer and cigarettes. Sometimes, I hate my family.   DH's wasn't too bad but I played with the nephew and pretty much ignored everyone else. I made a point of say that the best part of JJ(nephew) was that he has a return policy. DH's mom wasn't amused. He's getting cuter and is trying to talk now. He won't say yes when you ask him a question; he'll smile REALLY big and giggle. If you ask him to say yes, he'll shake his head no. I assumed he wouldn't say Jess either because it's so similar to yes but he tried. I am now "jah" and DH is "uncah". Pretty cute, I must say. I forced DH to hold him muahahaha!   I'm annoyed with them all over again because they wanted Toys R Us giftcards or money for today so JJ's mom could go and buy what they need/want for Christmas instead of telling everyone something. Okay, that's cool if that's what they wanna do. I was under the impression that they were going to wrap it all and let the little nerd open them at DH's parents' place on xmas but nope! So now I have no idea what our money is going to and wtf is the fun of having an 18 month old at xmas if you can't see him tear into stuff and giggle a lot? Jerks.   How was your Thanksgiving?




The Music List

Musicians/Bands I Love:   Tori Amos (Scarlet's Walk and earlier) Bjork Ani Difranco Lisa Germano Yoko Kanno Metric (and Emily Haines' solo work) Beth Orton (first three albums) Liz Phair (first three albums) Radiohead R.E.M. ('90s and earlier) The Smashing Pumpkins Tangerine Dream Throwing Muses Amon Tobin U2 (mostly the '80s and early '90s stuff) Vangelis Suzanne Vega Faye Wong     Musicians/Bands I Like:   AFI The Antlers Fiona Apple David Arkenstone Badly Drawn Boy Sara Bareilles Barenaked Ladies (the first two albums) The Beatles Beck Belly Bloc Party Boards of Canada Bright Eyes The Brilliant Green Kate Bush Catatonia Neneh Cherry Counting Crows The Cranberries (first two albums) Julee Cruise The Cure Dead Can Dance Lana Del Rey Dessa Dido The Dresden Dolls Duran Duran Enya Esthero Evanescence A Fine Frenzy Florence + the Machine Matthew Good P.J. Harvey Sophie B. Hawkins Imogen Heap Kristin Hersh Veda Hille Hole Hum Michael Jackson ('80s stuff) Jimmy Eat World The Juliana Theory Ladytron La Roux Letters To Cleo Love Psychedelico Madonna Aimee Mann Sarah McLachlan (first three albums) Mediaeval Baebes Moby Moist The Mountain Goats Moxy Fruvous Muse My Chemical Romance Joanna Newsom Nirvana Nine Inch Nails (some) Heather Nova Sinead O'Connor Babatunde Olatunji OneRepublic Paramore Pet Shop Boys Pink Portishead Elvis Presley Pulp Rasputina Damien Rice Rihanna Santigold The Shins Sloan Snow Patrol Regina Spektor Supertramp The Tragically Hip ('90s and earlier) Weezer Kanye West (some) The White Stripes Amy Winehouse     Musicians/Bands I Can Take or Leave:   Bryan Adams (some of his early songs are all right; don't like the newer stuff) Aerosmith (like a few of their hits) The Beach Boys Christina Aguilera The Cardigans Collective Soul Crowded House (love a couple songs, not so keen on the rest) Delerium Depeche Mode Garbage Goo Goo Dolls Green Day Heart Whitney Houston Led Zeppelin Lisa Loeb Matchbox Twenty Alanis Morissette No Doubt Oasis Our Lady Peace Pearl Jam Poe Red Hot Chili Peppers Maaya Sakamoto (mostly just like the stuff Yoko Kanno composed for her) Skunk Anansie Soundgarden TLC     Musicians/Bands I Dislike:   Backstreet Boys Toni Braxton Coldplay Celine Dion Avril Lavigne Limp Bizkit Nickelback N Sync The Offspring Rammstein Britney Spears Spice Girls Sum 41 System of a Down Shania Twain     Musicians/Bands I've Liked A Song or Two By, But Haven't Pursued Further Yet:   A Fine Frenzy The All American Rejects Aqualung Azure Ray Bif Naked The Birthday Massacre Bloc Party Butterfly Boucher The Colour Death Cab For Cutie Fall Out Boy Alana Grace Gary Jules Lifehouse Modest Mouse Morcheeba Placebo Remy Zero Tool Yellowcard Veruca Salt     Classical Composers I Like (my exposure is admittedly limited):   Bach Chopin Mozart




Review: Lick It, Lick It Again, Lick It One More Time

Lick It: What else could possibly be more lickable at Yuletide? This is a candy cane perfume, minty, sweet and sugared.   Lick It Again: Every holiday season should be full of lewd suggestions and filthy double entendres, right? This is a new take on last year's Lick It -- a peppermint candy cane with an extra jolt of sugar.   Lick It One More Time: Every holiday season should be full of lewd suggestions and filthy double entendres, right? This is a new take on Lick It and Lick It Again -- a peppermint candy cane with a flash of vanilla and an extra jolt of sugar.   Reviewed 11/23/2007   I realized that I have never reviewed any of the Lick It line when my bottles of One More Time came. So what else was there to do but put all three on and do some comparisons?   Bottle: The original '05 Lick It is a very sharp, intense peppermint in the bottle, with just a hint of something sweet underneath. The '06 version is much more mellow to my nose, but '07 is very close to the '05 version.   Wet: On application, all three go on very strong. '05 is immediately very sweet while still maintaining the sharpness of the mint. '06 softens as soon as it touches my skin, with the vanilla and sugar pushing the mint into the background. '07 reminds me of the original again, the peppermint staying strong as the sweetness swirls up, just like smelling a real candy cane.   Drydown: The best wear comes from '05. It mellows considerably and has very little throw, but it lasts for hours if I bring my wrist to my nose. Smelling it is like licking your lips an hour after you've eaten a candy cane, a minty memory on your tongue. '06 has very little throw as well. The mint tends to fade out after a few hours, but the soft vanilla sugar lingers on my skin for much longer. There's something seductive about it, and it reminds me a bit of Snowblind. My skin drinks '07 like water. After less than an hour it is completely gone, with only a faint dusty smell left like I've been carrying around old books. Even the vanilla, which my skin normally holds on to for dear life, disappears without a trace. It's the closest to '05 in scent...while it's there. I love it enough to keep it and just slather it on every hour, but I'm wondering if the aging of the original is a factor in how well it stays so I'll be tucking a bottle away in a dark corner to see if it helps. If not, there's always a scent locket, right?




Serenifly Tree

Kaylee: She is a mechanic and an engineer who loves strawberries, so a wrench, hammer, grease can, strawberry, or toolbox ornament would suit her.   Jayne: He is a mercenary, so a gun, a holster, a jayne hat, boots, or something like that would be good.   Book: He is a preacher. Well, books. Or prayer bead garlands, or a cigar (he likes cigars)   Inara: She is a Companion, so anything fancy or Indian or Eastern would be good. A lipstick, a necklace, a lute ( I think she plays)   Wash: He is a pilot and a goof. Hawaiian shirts and toy dinosaurs!   River: She is childlike and ethereal and strange. A rag doll, or anything weird... ooo a mind-bent spoon   Zoe: She is hardcore. A gun, A mustache (fan joke)   Mal: He is the captain. A gun, boots, a spaceship   Simon: A doctor's stethoscope (sp?), glasses, etc   General: Christmas balls that look like planets, western-themed stuff like little tin cups, or leather saddles, ornaments in red, yellow, and orange (the Serenity logo's colors), and Chinese-themed ornaments.




Current obsessions, wishes, yucks

I hoard/utterly LOVE and have in 5ml (but if you want to swap with me, I'll likely take more!):   DEATH of AUTUMN, Spirits of the Dead, Minotaur, Oisin, Gypsy Queen   GC loves: Morocco, Dracul*, Great Sword of War*, Black Forest   I am fascinated by in theory but have not yet tried:   Brown Jenkins, Hunter Moon, Voodoo Queen, Plunder, Great Whore of Babylon, Two Monsters, Eshe, Gennivre, Wezawine/Hold, El Amor et La Muerte, Green Phoenix, Mechanical Phoenix, Ivanushka, Shivering Boy, Christmas Rose* (for sentimental reasons want bottle even unsniffed)   I *DETESTED*:   Storyville (earwax!), Corazon (bile), Kingsport (underside of a dock), Monsterbait: Closet (cough syrup and metal), MB: Bloody Mary (cough syrup and feet), Zarita the Doll Girl (burning Barbie doll)     *eventually to be a bottle buy


