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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!


Biblical witch, priestess of Astarte, and general troublemaker. A true role model for today's upwardly mobile Modern Woman. A gloriously decadent blend of honey, roses, orange blossom and sandalwood.

I received Jezebel in a rollerball, mixed with jojoba.

Jezebel is SWEET. All orange blossom and honey when I first put it on, almost candy-like in it's intensity. It dries down into a softer orange, almost powdery on my skin but retains the sweetness.

I have to be careful with this one as it can overpower me with a sugar rush.





A scent celebrating Sir Francis Dashwood's Order of the Knights of St. Francis of Wycombe, also known as the Hellfire Club. A swirl of pipe tobacco, hot leather, ambergris, dark musk and the lingering incense smoke from their Black Mass.

Hellfire is the first imp I have ever owned and tried. I received it as a rollerball, mixed with jojoba oil.

The first time I wore Hellfire, I got all the rich smoky tobacco, the leather and smoke that the description promises. I wanted to be in a smoky cigar bar somewhere, listening to jazz and swirling warm brandy in a snifter. That only happened the very first time.

Since then, Hellfire smells very warm and sweet, very creamy on me. I really think that my skin amps sweet scents from the few imps I have tried. I like Hellfire very much as it makes me feel very warm inside.

I do miss that smokiness from my first wearing though ...




My Intro to BPAL

I was introduced to BPAL through another online community that I am an active member in, the LHC. Since first reading about BPAL I have spend countless hours pouring over the boards here, reading recommendations and reviews, reading about the different notes available in the different scents and how they play with one another.   Apparently I have a new addiction! I have a huge list of what I want to try and a very small list of the few imps I have collected. I love the fact that BPAL takes inspiration from so many of the things I love, like HP Lovecraft and astrological signs. It amazes me that the names of the scents really do match the scent itself.   I wanted to have a place that I could list what scents I have tried and what I want to try without having documents on different computers. (I'll admit, I'm bad and sneak minutes at work to read more reviews! ) That's what this blog will be for, a journal detailing my reviews for myself and my wish list.





UPDATES 13/10 [Life//Notes]: Undergoing my first bottle sale as a result of the falling AUD. Breathe. it's okay. You still have 2 bottles of Midway Res. ;~; 25/08 [Life//Notes]: Quick Review guide uploaded. Random first impressions listed for frimps/blends I have received thusfar. Most of these equal the first batch on the waitlist for reviewing. Officially/Legally moving house 30/08/08. Many (4) assignments due one or two days before hand.




- E P H E M E R I S -

(Kän′tent′)   Katalogos (Wishlist)
Collectum (Selections)
Memoria (Past Sellers)
Limited Edition | Bewitching Brews | Ars Mordiendi | Dark Elements | Sin & Salvation | Love Potions | Ars Draconis | Carnaval Diabolique | Diabolus | Excolo | Illyria | Mad Tea Party | Neil Gaiman | Rappacini's Garden | The Salon | Stardust | Wanderlust Chemistry (layering smells)
Notes (Any important recordings)
Credits (Thank yous)





As a general guide-

Forever searching hunt for the perfect scents of:
Strawberries | Cotton Candy (fairy floss) |

I love the following kinds of notes/smells:
Sugared/Sweet Incense | Sugary Florals | Vanilla Bean
| Desserts | Violet | cream accord |
warm and musky Vanilla does especially and exceptionally well on me |
if all else fails, Amber with sguary sweet or creamy notes usually do the trick.

What does not work / i don't care for:
patchouli | red musk | wood | lavender | dark resins |
most BPAL honey| most BPAL sugar| some ginger | clove | lotus |
some sandalwood | piercing citrus | pine |
eucalyptus | orange anything | ozone

Painfully constructed, divulged, extracted and over-analysed to collaborate a list of my utmost favourites.

i had a good name for those and i obviously forgot it

BPAL Top Ten | swap list | current ISO
(i had a good name for those and i obviously forgot it)

What I am most wanting to purchase:
Midnight on the Midway (original)
Fairy Market

I currently most crave:

Butterflies, Flowers, & Jewels Attending
Candy Butcher, The (original)
Strawberry Sufganiyot
MB: Closet
Lump of Coal
Oval Portrait, The

Up and coming
Muddy Puddles
Muse of Fire
Battle Fairy in Training

Arcana- Lost for Words

All strawberry and/or cotton candy scents /blends
(non plastic is a MUST requirement) from other e-tailers.

(picture labels; pristine condition; empty to full acceptable) :
Numbers record /keep track how many full 5mls i've bought to date.

(Empty bottle also good) Closet The Crumpet Rebellion Sugar Cookie 05

LE Australian Copperhead [1] Black Lace [1] [2] [3] Bloody Mary [1] [2] [3] Candy Butcher, The Closet [1] Fruit of Paradise [1] Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge [1] Haloes [1] Love's Philosophy [1] [2] [3] [4] Midway Resurrected [1] [2] [3] Perilous Parlor [1] [2] Peacock Queen 2007 [1] Snow, Glass, Apples [1] [2] [3] Snow White 2007 [1] [2] Sugar Cookie 2005 [1] Rose Red 2007 [1]

Antique Lace Snake Oil (aged) [1]

Partials(would prefer fresh, 'young' partials to older, potentially wrong-smelling/over-aged ones)
Up to 1/2 a bottle is good:) Bottle, as always must be in pristine condition. Ava Muse of Fire Butterflies, Flowers and Jewels Attending

Imps: Any decants from my wanted-bottle list is also welcome.





Will alphabeticise later. (And include unlinked listings of scents i wish to try)
Maybe even bold the separaters.
Anything I've actually sniffed, will be linked here for review.
A list of my collection will be available after reviews are properly linked that i can start removing them from here
Reviews will remain through link on the (Kän′tent′) page.
Limited Edition All Souls 2007 | The Attrocious Attic | Beaver moon 2007 | Black Lace | The Fruit of Paradise | Monster Bait: Bloody Mary | Gingerbread Poppet 2007 | Midway: Resurrection | Peacock Queen 2007 | The Perilous Parlor | Pumpkin Patch I 2007 | Pumpkin Patch III 2007 | Rose Red 2007 | Snow White 2007 | Sugar Cookie 2005 | Sugar Skull 2007 |   Bewitching Brews Bewitched | Blood | Chimera | Grand Guignol | Hesperides, The | Sudha Segara |   Ars Mordiendi Midnight |   Dark Elements   Sin & Salvation Gluttony | Rose Cross | Fallen |   Ars Amatoria Brisingamen | Forbidden Fruit | Hetairae | Jezebel | Seraglio | Siren | Snake Oil | Spellbound | Whip |   Diabolus Black Phoenix | Blood Countess | Maenad | Marie   Neil Gaiman   Good Omens   Stardust Fairy Market | Mad Tea Party Knave of Hearts |   Illyria Jester | Lady Macbeth | Titania |   Wanderlust Amsterdamn | Bayou | Glasgow | The Hanging Gardens | Hollywood Babylon | Machu Picchu | Port-Au Prince   Ars Draconis Dragon's Tears | Rappacini's Garden Belladonna | Blood Rose |   A Picnic in Arkham   Excolo Bastet | Skuld | Urd   Voodoo Blends (Currently in Bewitching Brews...will move when they properly update) Horn of Plenty |   The Salon Cupid Complaining To Venus | Panacea   Somnium Dream Formula III: Temple Of Dreams | The Chakras   Carnaval Diabolique Australian Copperhead | The Candy Butcher | Hope (The Siamese Twins) | Madame moriarity, Misfortune Teller | Xanthe, the weeping clown |   (44)





Really busy, but i figured this was one of the more important aspects. Thanking the wonderful sellers whose items i have already received.   Spendature to date: $xx.xx   (Unbolded names indicate last transaction not yet received / accounted / paid for.) (duranorak and beazlebabe) to be included...computer not letting me edit the layout as usual. Will do tonight. burning_bryght (LJ) List of imps/bottles/scents received
Fruit of Paradise, Rose Red 2007, Gingerbread Poppet 2007, Fallen
The Candy Butcher; Hope: The Siamese Twins; Xanthe, The Weeping Clown
Chatrient (Bpal forum)
Bastet, Gluttony, Hetairae, Horn of Plenty, Knave of Heart, Madame Moriarity, Misfortune Teller, Rose Cross, Snake Oil (aged), Spellbound, Whip
Black Lace 5ml
Midway Resurrected 5ml; Midway Resurrected 5ml; Fruit of Paradise 5ml
claudiag (LJ)MB: Closet, MB: Underbed, Egg Nog 2007 empty 5ml -paid
Darkling (Bpal forums)Bloody Mary 5ml
engragedbunny (LJ)Black Lace 5ml
fullcircleagain (LJ)Beaver Moon 2007, Sugar Skull 2007, Rose Red 2007, Snow White 2007, Gingerbread Poppet 2007
habiliments / bookandbroom (LJ)Haloes empty 5ml -paid
Cheshire moon, Love's Philosophy -paid
halcyon_flight (LJ)Midway Resurrected empty 5ml
hayet (LJ)Australian Copperhead 5ml, Danube, Temple of Dreams
la_colere (LJ)Midway: Resurrected 5ml; Rose Red 2007 5ml
Mystery213 (Bpal forum)Lady Macbeth, The Hanging Gardens, Bloody Mary, Xanthe, the Weeping Clown, Blood, Titania, Dragon Tears, The Attrocious Attic
Opernimalus (Bpal forum)Amsterdam, Blood Rose, Brisingamen, Forbidden Fruit, The Hesperides, Jester, Jezebel, Port Au Prince, Seraglio, Siren, Skuld, Sudha Segara, Urd
Perosha (LJ)Crown of Success, Foundation of Fortune, French Creole, White light
Pugmom (Bpal forum)The Perilous Parlor 5ml
Voleuse (LJ)Black Lace 5ml
wylddancer (LJ)Beaver Moon 2007 empty 5ml; Hony Mone empty 5ml
xiangshui (Bpal forum)MB: Closet, Grand Guignol, Marie, Bayou, Midnight





LIMITED (too small to separate them into categories yet X3)   I don't read reviews to 'match' while writing. I might one day…just to make sure I don't say I smell berries when It's really Egyptian musk But for now… I deal you deal? ;_;   Will also be condensing these reviews and leaving big ones to link off the main categories. So i can fit more in! ... just a little bit addicted ;o; 2004

2005 Midwinter's Eve 2005 | Sugar Cookie 2005 ♥ |

2006 Bloody Mary ♥ |

2007 Attrocious Attic, The | Beaver Moon 2007 | Black Lace ♥ | Fruit of Paradise, The ♥ | Gingerbread Poppet 2007 ♥ | Midway: Resurrected | Perilous Parlour, The | Rose Red 2007 ♥ | Snow White 2007 | Sugar Skull 2007


