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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

I want my smellies!

I ordered a bunch of imps and a 5ml of Eden 2 weeks ago. I know that the lab has a long turn around time, and that I need to be patient and wait my turn, but I want them now!!!!!   In other news, Yew Trees has suddenly become my favorite scent. It's been a lovely outdoorsy fragrance for these nice spring days. Mantis, on the other hand, has become something sickly and almost alcohol-y. wtf?




Mother's Day

I really don't like Mother's Day since I don't have a mother. My mom passed away on August 8, 2002 from cancer.   Every since then, Mother's Day really makes me sad. This year hasn't bothered me too much until I just read a post about a mom surprising her daughter with a visit. Reading that made me want to cry, because that's something my mom would have done.   I was 25 when I lost my mom, an adult, but barely. She didn't get to come to my wedding (or my sister's), and she won't be here when her grandchildren are born.   My dad remarried last year, and I'm super happy for him. But I barely know his wife, mostly because their entire courtship happen after Todd and I move to NC.   I like Todd's mom okay, but we will never be close because of the distance and because she is really, really opionated, and I don't share her views all of the time (we had several fights about the wedding because she wanted to do things different).   I'm sad because I'm not really close to any of my family. My sister is so self absorbed that she never returns my phone calls when I call, stating that she is always too busy to have a phone conversation. She doesn't reply to emails often either. Todd's brother is married, but his wife is super shy, and even though I try to talk to her when we are together for family get together's, she never really responses.   If anything happened to Todd, I don't know what I would do. I don't really have much of a support system, at least as family is concerned.   Anyway, I'll stop being emo for today




No sleepy, no sniffy

I haven't been wearing much scent lately. I've been pretty sleep-deprived, and when that happens my nose gets extra-sensitive and I don't really want unnecessary odors around. I am getting more rest now, though. I still have two untried scents and several that I want to give a second chance, so I'd better get on that.   I did wear a little scent under my arms yesterday and today to counteract expected sweatiness. Yesterday I rode my bike to work (for the first time!) and wore Jabberwocky. (Jabberwocky = Adventure!) Today I had to move a bajillion books around and wore Delphi. When I put it on this morning, I was struck by how potently green it is straight out of the vial, punch-you-in-the-nose green; it would be too much if it stayed that way. But the drydown is so sweet and mellow.   ALSO. I got annoyed with my shot glasses as imp containers, so I read a sizeable chunk of the mammoth "How do you store your oils?" thread. Then I found a spare wooden box w/lid (about the size of a cigar box), filled it an inch deep with short grain rice, and stuck the imps in upright. It's not very portable, but I'm pleased with it -- the labels aren't getting bent, I can read them easily, and there's no leakage issues. Plus, it looks (and smells) cool. I would post photos if I had a digital camera.   I need a digital camera.




Christmas Presents

Wheeee! I have Christmas presents for seven people on my list already! Next year's roommates' gifts are already wrapped, as are the gifts for my four older-than-me Toronto friends. I have a good idea what I'm getting my mother and my Godmother, and I have a present for Janet, my Spiritual Advisor (in heavy quotation marks). I also know what I'm getting one of my grandmothers, and I have half of the gift for my beloved girlfriend in the hand and the other half planned out. The following are the gifts I still need to organise:   DONE: Allison(vanilla), Kirsten(jasmine), Care(orange), Tory(pink sugar), Janet(gardenia), Haiwen(honeysuckle), Lisa(mint and black tea), Eleanor(vanilla sugar), Mom(sugar pear and earrings), Nanny Greene(apricot freesia), my Godmother(cocoa sandalwood), Amy (she reads this journal so she doesn't get to know yet!) TO FIND: Hannah -- this has to be special Jenny -- ditto Daddy -- will probably be a CD Nanny Rowe -- looking for something in Rome Caitlin -- something small but appropriate and shiny. must be shiny. Isaac W -- almost certainly a book Ian -- not sure if I'm getting him anything. Only if I see something. TO FIND FOR MY MOTHER TO GIVE TO PEOPLE: Brenda, Joan, Mary -- I have gifts in mind for these three, from Tval! Gary -- he's a challenge to buy for, and I'm better at gifts than mother. Jane and Stewart -- if Mom won't find them anything nice I will take it upon myself to correct her rudeness.   Luffluffluff buying presents for people I have 100 Euros for my 10 days in Rome (not nearly enough, but Mom will probably be willing to lend me another 25 or so). I'm looking for a gift for Nanny, with a budget of 35; something small for Caitlin, with a budget of 12; something for Jenny, with a tentative budget of 13 (if I find something she'll love, though, I won't pay any attention to that); and something for Amy, but I've no idea what it will be so I suppose we'll have to see. Ah well.




Search for the perfect Aquatic 2007

Some of you may have seen me around the forum, searching like the madwoman I am for the perfect ocean blend. It all started when I received Thalassa (which is amazing!!) and I just became obsessed with aquatics. I pretty much love any aquatic (unless they are heavy because those give me a migraine) probably because I am a water sign. So I thought I'd keep track of all the scents as I try them on my little quest. A huge thank you to all those that have offered suggestions and samples. You all are very awesome!   Thalassa the Galapagos Mermaid - The scent that started it all! This one is actually just a shade to the left of perfect. It has other things going on though and I'm looking for a pure ocean scent. That is actually why I'm looking to other perfumers for this because Beth doesn't do the single note thing anymore. This one gives me my fix in the meantime and I just love it for those days when I'm feeling the spring fever and I can pretend I'm a mermaid....or something.   Mara Fox: Mermaids in Atlantis - Sensing a theme here? This had no aquatic in it whatsoever but it is a lovely, sweet melon! Very nice and cool for summer.   High Priest Not to be Described - I actually knew this wouldn't be a straight aquatic but I thought I'd include it anyway. I really like the way that the Arkham scents really evoke that sense of impending danger I get from Lovecraft stories.   Roux-ga-Roux - This one definitely has that deep, brackish bog water aquatic and I love it but it still isn't quite IT.   Caliban - OMG this is GREAT! It's not exactly the scent I'm looking for but it's very salty and oceanic and probably the closest so far.




Sleeping Paralysis

Am I the only one that this happens to?   Sometimes when I wake up, I can't move. Or I can move imperfectly. I'll be awake and conscious inside my head, screaming at my body to forget getting up, just move my fingers properly, and they just won't. Sometimes I can't move at all, oftentimes I can kind of flop around -- like I'll be able to shift my arm a little bit, but forget fine motor control, and moving anything major is out of the question. Oftentimes I have some degree of control over my head -- I can turn my neck, but occasionally I have imperfect control over parts of my face, so I either can't open my eyes properly or it's a struggle to close my mouth. It doesn't happen often, but although it's been happening since I was about nine it still creeps me out every time. It lasts anywhere from ten or fifteen seconds to, on one memorable occasion, about a minute and a half. Usually what happens is I have to focus on the part of the body I can move, and make it move as much as I can, which will often increase slightly with time -- and then all of a sudden I'll manage to jerk it particularly far, and my control will come flooding back again all at once.   I wonder what this is?




Bandersnatch, Aglaea, Hearth '05

Yesterday I wore Frumious Bandersnatch to work. When it was still fresh on my skin, it smelled really spicy and good up close -- I bet that was the carnation. It had a weird throw though, kind of an odd dry smell (chrysanthemum?). Overall, it was really mild and faded quickly. By the end of the day, the plum note had mixed with my sweat and smelled kind of tomatoey. I'm not so sure about that. I definitely want to try more carnation scents now, though.   In the evening I went to see my cousin's band play a May Day show. I decided to give Aglaea a try. I couldn't remember what was in it, but I knew I liked the description -- "splendor" and something to do with fruit and alcohol, which sounded May Day appropriate. Whew, sex-ay. I love it! I was way off on the notes though -- I guessed pear and vanilla and a flower of some sort, but it was "Three golden ambers, bright musk, peach wine and myrtle." I'm glad to find an amber scent that I like, as I haven't had much luck with it in the past.   I just tried on Hearth, a limited edition from 2005 (not to be confused with the Hearth from 2004, which was apparently COMPLETELY DIFFERENT). I like it. It smells sweet and nutty. There are supposed to be more notes there -- cedar smoke and pine -- and I'm not getting either of those, which disappoints me a little. But it's still a good smell to have on your arms.   Written 5/2/07.




19, 156

Today I tried an old Chanel scent (19) -- it was the last of the sample vials that I wanted to try one last time before getting rid of them. I wish I knew how much of the weird alcohol scent is due to the original composition of the perfume and how much is due to its age. But it definitely smelled weird to me. I liked some of the notes, but I can't get over that sickly alcohol-y scent -- not like alcohol you'd drink, the other kind. The only Chanel perfume I have that I really like is Gardenia, which still doesn't have that tang for some reason.   Yesterday I tried on a Chaos Theory scent (CT II, CLVI). "Each bottle of Chaos Theory is truly unique, a fragrant fractal, and exercise in the joy of chance and uncertainty! Each is a one-of-a-kind, utterly random combination of scents, the composition of which is based on whim, mood and gut instinct." Which is a cool idea, but the downside of it is that there's no way to confirm what I'm smelling, and I am still too ignorant to guess. With a list of notes, I can say, oh, obviously that's musk and eucalyptus and, I dunno, burnt toast. Without one, I'm just making stabs in the dark -- and I want to LEARN from what I'm wearing! My stab in the dark for this one is that it's spicy and musky. A little strong for me.   Written 4/30/07.




I Love Quotes...

...I actually collect them. Lately I've been trying to keep them in this little book I got but I'm way too disorganized. Anyhoo, in honor of the new icon I made, here are some of my favorite Henry Rollins quotes:     "“Somewhere someone is thinking of you. Someone is calling you an angel. This person is using celestial colors to paint your image. Someone is making you into a vision so beautiful that it can only live in the mind. Someone is thinking of the way your breath escapes your lips when you are touched. How your eyes close and your jaw tightens with concentration as you give pleasure a home. These thoughts are saving a life somewhere right now. In some airless apartment on a dark, urine stained, whore lined street, someone is calling out to you silently and you are answering without even being there. So crystalline. So pure. Such life saving power when you smile. You will never know how you have cauterized my wounds. So sad that we will never touch. How it hurts me to know that I will never be able to give you everything I have."”   “It is no surprise to me that hardly anyone tells the truth about how they feel. The smart ones keep themselves to themselves for good reason. Why would you want to tell anyone anything that's dear to you? Even when you like them and want nothing more than to be closer than close to them? It's so painful to be next to someone you feel strongly about and know you can't say the things you want to.”   “Half of life is fucking up the other half is dealing with it.”   “When was the last time you wanted to say it all to the right person? To have it all come out right, to surprise yourself at how together you could be. When was the last time you ever met someone who made you want to give it all to them? I mean give yourself to them. Where you couldn't express yourself enough - like you wanted to cut off one of your arms to be understood. That's it - you would cut your head off to have someone understand you. You know how pointless that one is. You know how many times you've smashed yourself to bits on the rocks.”   I think about the meaning of pain. Pain is personal. It really belongs to the one feeling it. Probably the only thing that is your own. I like mine.”     “Why do you think the old stories tell of men who set out on great journeys to impress the gods? Because trying to impress people just isn't worth the time and effort.”   “There are so many hammocks to catch you if you fall, so many laws to keep you from experience. All these cities I have been in the last few weeks make me fully understand the cozy, stifling state in which most people pass through life. I don't want to pass through life like a smooth plane ride. All you do is get to breathe and copulate and finally die. I don't want to go with the smooth skin and the calm brow. I hope I end up a blithering idiot cursing the sun - hallucinating, screaming, giving obscene and inane lectures on street corners and public parks. People will walk by and say, "Look at that drooling idiot. What a basket case." I will turn and say to them "It is you who are the basket case. For every moment you hated your job, cursed your wife and sold yourself to a dream that you didn't even conceive. For the times your soul screamed yes and you said no. For all of that. For your self-torture, I see the glowing eyes of the sun! The air talks to me! I am at all times!" And maybe, the passers by will drop a coin into my cup   -Henry Rollins




Mighty Delphi

Yesterday I got to wear baggy jeans and a t-shirt and Tevas to work. I had to move hundreds of videotapes from a storage area in the basement of a dorm into the library (2nd story, no elevator). Also, the storage area was full of horrible black mold. It was the day after finals so I felt sort of free, that end-of-the-semester who-cares glee... caught from the students, I think. So I was ready to get my hands dirty and not care what anybody else thought.   Anyway I decided to wear Delphi, even though it smells like alcohol (i.e. mead). It seemed right for the day -- I don't know how I knew this at 9 a.m., but it was. This is the first time I've worn it since I got it, so I wasn't quite sure what I was in for, just remembered that I liked it at first whiff.   It's so good. I think it's my new second-favorite (after Jabberwocky). It smells like greenery and mead -- the sweet, smooth kind, not the kind that tastes like pickles! I felt like Michaelangelo's Delphica (http://www.verbeat.org/blogs/miltonribeiro/Delphica.jpg), beautiful and muscular and wise and slightly mad. I loved it so much I put on more, instead of a different scent, before I went out that evening. This isn't a sissy-girl perfume, and it's not formal. It's MIGHTY.   And today (commencement) was a Glasgow day. Glasgow is my go-to scent for social occasions when I'm on my best behavior. It's so friendly and sweet.   I haven't had the chance to try any of the new imps yet, though, and it's really getting to me!   Written 4/28/07.




Top Ten - 2007

GC -=-=-=- Bewitched Blood Countess Black Lily Dragon's Heart Dragon's Milk Frumious Bandersnatch Kitsuni-Tsuki Lampades Queen Mab Shadow Witch Orchid     LE =-=-=-= Ace of Hearts Black Moon Dragon Moon Harvest Moon Hungry Ghost Moon The Living Flame Schwarzer Mond Snake Charmer Sugar Skull Venom




Old Vinland, New Siren

Oh no. Oh yes. I got a second package of smellies today... Miskatonic University (completing the three-scent gift for the friend I mentioned), and five others that sounded interesting and were a buck or two apiece. About these, you will hear more soon.   Wore Vinland (one I've had for months) to work today. Just needed something that smelled nice but wouldn't affect my mood in any particular way. Vinland is almost disappointingly low-key (used to have a harsh chemical note, which disappeared as it "aged" into a mild fruity floral) but it doesn't have a lot of "throw", so it's good for a day when you don't want your perfume bugging your nose every minute.   I just put on Siren (from the last order): "Bewitching, tantalizing and dangerously seductive. A thrilling, exotic blend -- deceptively sweet, but spiked with malice. White ginger, jasmine, and a touch of vanilla." On me, it is GROSS. Smells like mothballs. I'm serious. Just BAD. I've smelled other BPAL scents that I hated, but in a "somebody else should wear this" kind of way. This smells like something nobody should wear.   BUT. Your chemistry is supposed to be "off" right before you start your period, so I will give it another chance some other week.   Whew. I keep sniffing my arms out of sheer incredulity that it could smell so bad.   Written 4/25/07.




Green Tree Viper, I ____ you.

Forgot to put on perfume before work again. Wore Green Tree Viper to [evening work-related] banquet. Mmm, snakey. Actually I didn't love it tonight. My opinion changed from moment to moment. Sometimes I think it smells too much like my mom's going-out perfume.   From an e-mail written 4/24/07.




Tval: new bath and body obsession

Tval. Go now, to the nicey smelly body stuff and drool.   Based out of St. John's Newfoundland (which is where I am right now) they also sell through www.thesoapboxco.com -- another place I drop huge wads of cash. I am trying to rein in my body product obsession and restrict myself to a few favourites, and so far it's working, but the Tval tub treats are really too templting to resist -- and at $3 apiece, are much less expensive than Lush's monstrosities. They also don't smell as strongly, which may be a negative for some but in my view is a plus as I do not like things clashing with my perfume (this is why I don't buy Lush hair products anymore -- apart from being stupidly expensive, they also smell to the high heavens. /Days/ after washing my hair and I still can't get rid of the smell of American Cream.) I just had a bath with a Frosty Pop treat, and my skin is soooo soooooft, and with just the barest you-really-have-to-look-for-it sniff of vanilla pine. Yumm.   They also make a line of products scented like Green Tea Ice Cream. Luff at first delicately-scented sniff.   My Staples Villainess Scintillating Smooch Villainess Scintillating Soap Tval Green Tea Ice Cream Skin Smoothie Tval Green Tea Ice Cream Soap for summer -- Heaven and Earth Essentials Voodoo Punani Whipped Body Souffle for summer -- Heaven and Earth Essentials Voodoo Punani Bath Bombs   Almost every girl on my Xmas list is getting /some/thing from Tval this year. You have been warned.




R'lyeh: Sexy Vegetable?

Today I was totally going to wear Green Tree Viper to work, but then I got distracted by food and forgot. When I got home I tried R'lyeh, "A hellishly dark aquatic scent, evocative of fathomless oceanic deeps, the mysteries of madness buried under crushing black waters, and the brooding eternal evil that lies beneath the waves." It smelled brown and green to me, like spicy incense and something vegetable in nature. If celery had a sexy, wicked older sister, that might be the second smell. After reading some reviews, I think the "green" part was actually grapefruit rind. Interesting. It could possibly grow on me, but I got it for a friend, so I don't really have to decide whether I want to wear it or not.   Written 4/23/07.




Deconstructing cologney-alism: Sea of Glass, Theodosius

Today I tried to wear Sea of Glass (an older order) again. I mean I succeeded in wearing it... but not in liking it. It's not a heavy floral, but it's still too floral for me. The funny thing is that on me it starts out smelling like a clean white floral, but ends up smelling a little bit cologne-y (i.e. masculine) -- spanning the gender gap. Wish I knew enough to say what both smells are. The description only says, "A scent of inimitable purity, crystalline grace, and limitless light." WHAT EVER Anyway it's nice, just not me.   And tonight I put on a dab of "Theodosius, the Legerdemain" from a sniffy vial. It's definitely masculine, but in elegant ways. I smelled two main notes when I put it on, a sweet note and a cologney note. The first smell reminded me of something I smelled at a meet-and-sniff, and I was guessing it as tobacco. The second note, a little aftershave-y, I thought might be musk or patchouli but I had temporarily forgotten what either smelled like, exactly.   So it turned out that the sweet note was vanilla (duh!) and the harsher one was musk. Also possibly something called fougere, though I haven't yet found out quite what that means. Anyway, nice, though not a scent I desire to own and wear.   Written 4/22/07.




A life in pain

As some of you know, I live my life in pain. I have pain every second of every day, and it's been like this for nearly 4 years now.   I've been called a faker, a whiner, that I bring people down, etc, etc - both on the internet and real life.   My former friends thought I was pretending to have headaches to get attention, and my dad has thought I was pretending to skip out of work, and doctors who thought I was crazy and chemically depressed.   I'm actually a pretty happy person. I'm married to a wonderful man, got a great job, great friends (online and off), and live in one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.   This doesn't change the fact that I'm in constant pain, and it does to a degree rule my life.   I did decide, after a very bad incident involves the Hard Rock Cafe in Detroit and the smell of raw onions (one of my headache triggers), that I wasn't going to let the headaches totally rule my life. After the aformentioned incident, my doctor told me that I shouldn't go out to eat, or to concerts, sport events or any place loud. I was all of 26 at the time.   My doctor pissed me off so bad that I came to two conclusions:   1) Trusting doctors is a bad thing for anything more than the flu or a cold - all they did was push drugs on me (that didn't work) and tell me I'm depressed (which if you were in as much pain as I get, you'd have bouts of depression too) and push more drugs on me for that.   2) I can't let the headaches totally rule my life   So, I found things that work for me - cold packs, and lots of sleep. I also kept a journal to figure out what my triggers are.   Though some days there is nothing I can do to prevent the onset of a really bad migraine. Like today - weather is a trigger and we have been having thunderstorms since this afternoon.   I really don't want sympathy (except if your name is Todd and you are married to me ) just understanding. Sometimes the pain is really bad, and I need someone to talk/vent to, and venting online does help.   I'm not a down person - I'm actually a pretty up person. I can have a horrible headache, but still have a smile on my face.




Jabberwocky: Conference-friendly?

I liked Hungry Ghost Moon only when I first put it on and when it was almost gone. It was another one that lasted overnight.   Yesterday I went to a conference. So I didn't want to wear anything weird. Jabberwocky was a safe bet -- zingy but friendly. I love pine so much.   Today I'm in my hometown and my sister's birthday party is tonight! I brought some imps that I already know and love. I'm not sure if I'll put anything on until I'm out of the house though. Mom's sniffer is so sensitive.   Written 4/21/07.




TALs arrived!

While the forum was being updated, my TALs arrived! I got White Light and Road Opener. The latter was supposed to help me find an apartment, but we had already done that by the time it arrived, so I will have to wait to officially test it. However, I can say that it smells like mint chocolate. White Light, on the other hand, I have used a few times already. It has a pleasant enough smell in the bottle, but turns to soap on me. Not an unpleasant sort of soap, but soap nonetheless. However, it works! It's not a magical cure, but it does help me to shed some of the thick layer of dreck that has been accumulating through the semester.




More change!

So I have done it. I turned in my two-week notice at Borders yesterday. In two weeks I will begin my new job at a bankruptcy firm, assembling packets of some kind. Goodbye $0.17 raise, hello more dollars!   I feel guilty about leaving the store when the cafe is already critically short-staffed, but I won't miss spending all my time in the cafe (I like the books!), and I definitely won't miss the part where Seattle's Best grades you on making conversation with the customers. (Can't I just be distantly friendly & make their coffee quickly?) And I'll never have to train anyone on Borders procedure again. Still ... even after only two months at the new store, there are a couple of people I will miss a lot. And of course my discount ... perhaps at some point I can work part-time on weekends. But for now, Borders will very soon be me-less, which is disorienting after so long (six and 2/3 years!). But I am adaptable, and I will prevail.   I find it deeply ironic that after listening to Jason complain so much about my unpredictable retail schedule & never having weekends off & my not making enough money & etc etc, I am leaving the retail world when it is too late to help out that relationship & will in fact now have to spend all those free evenings & weekends finding ways to stay away from the house while he & Jamie are in it. But moving time is very soon now, & then I'll be free. And my new officey hours will benefit me because I'll never have to worry about how late the last bus goes by again. And on holidays, I'll do ... whatever non-retail people do on holidays ...




DPP arrival and how this blog is another way I can procrastinate.

My research paper is due at noon today and I'm almost done.   My Dogs arrived yesterday. I've only gotten a chance to wear Kelly Pool, but I sniffed at all of them in the bottles. Kelly Pool, in the bottle, is the weakest, in my opinion. That's why I wore it to dinner tonight, because I can hardly smell anything in the bottle and I wanted to see what it did on. I think that it's next to undetectable even though I marinated myself in it. It got a little stonger as the night went on, but by the end of dinner, I decided it was not a keeper despite the fact that I rather like the sparkle it has going for it--I passed it off as simply too subtle for me, a scent that would better suit somebody with a more meek personality, perhaps? Though "meek" is certainly not a word I'd use to describe the painting.   But then, as we were walking out of the restaurant, John told me I smelled good. He had put his arm around me so his face was kind of close to my hair. Kelly Pool will need further testing, and I want to see if it gets a bit more pungent with a little aging. I'll set it aside for a few weeks.   *runs off to rescue her footnotes for her research paper*   Mood: Wearing now: Kelly Pool




Tweedledum! Hungry Ghost Moon! Subjectivity!

So today I wore Tweedledum, which turned out to be a fruity, sweet patchouli. I liked it, but it was really faint -- have to try more on next time. It had some crustiness on the edge, so I wonder if it might have got diluted somehow.   Tonight I'm wearing Hungry Ghost Moon, another discontinued "sniffie." It's a bit strong for me. Smoky musky sandalwoody. I feel like it should be worn by someone with a stronger personality. Or maybe just different skin chemistry.   It really makes a difference when a friend smells something on me and said, "mm, I like that." I mean a difference in how I perceive the smell. So in order to give everything a proper chance, I'm trying to pretend somebody whose opinion I respect just told me they really like it on me. It's not working for Hungry Ghost, though.   Written 4/19/07.




Milk Moon 2007

I'm posting this here until the board and/or my computer stops being weird and lets me post in the Review threads.   A fertile scent, generous, life-affirming, and swelling with a sense of triumph, warmth, and abundance: sweet milk, golden honey, fig fruit, pomegranate, dates, and white grape.   In the bottle: spoiled milk, bitter grapes and some kind of “earthy” smell, the figs? No honey, pomegranates or dates. This is not looking up, folks.   Wet on skin: OMG, getitoff, getitoff, getitoff!!!   Dry 5 minutes later (I attempted to stick with it): Baby vomit, ie: spoiled milk and spoiled fruit. And the figs. Apparently figs hate me and Milk Moon does too This blend actually made me quite queasy and gave me a headache. No, thank you. Man, I had such high hopes for this one too.   I also did a quick sniff of Tokyo Stomp (quick because I was still feeling nauseated from the Milk Moon) and it smells like yummy vanilla-mint frosting! Yay, something I ordered might work on me! I've found that the In The Bottle scent is a pretty good indicator of how it will smell on me.


