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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Just checked my reads count...

Entries: 33 Reads: 282       those can't /all/ be me and h_f. I guess it never seriously occurred to me that anyone would ever flip through this.   ah well. I'll continue as I used to, treating it as a dumping-pit for my vapidity.




introducing myself

i'm not sure i need a new blog but then again i want to follow up on this, because even if i got my first batch of imp ears in the mail yesterday and i have only tried two scents so far, i love it so much already i can feel it's gonna be a long relationship.   i haven't introduced myself yet. i am lizzy and i come from norway. i'm an artist and a grandmother. i am very happily married and we have two cats, one blue point siamese and a black oriental.   but this is supposed to be about the perfume oil. oh man what a perfume it is. they gave me envy for free with my first order and i tried it on right away. it was a little to grassy and light for me but i have a 15 year old niece who has a confirmation coming up and it will be perfect for her. at least that's what i'm thinking.   ENVY Green herbs slithering through mint, lime and lavender.   today i tried brisingamen on and i loved it. i think it's the amber that's so appealing to me. for years now i have stayed away from perfume oil (i used a lot of patchouli back in the day), except for a piece of raw amber i use behind my ears now and then. brisingamen stayed with me for may hours and as time went on it only got better and better. i'm not gonna attempt an analysis like many others do, but i thought it was gorgeous. my heritage is norse so that's why i ordered it. when i smelled the bottle yesterday i thought it smelled a little like pine but today it didn't.   BRISINGAMEN The amber necklace of Freyja, Norse Goddess of Love, Sex, Attraction and Fruitfulness. Her magnificent necklace was bough from four Dwarves [Alfrik, Berling, Dvalin and Grer] at the price of four nights of her passion. When Brisingamen graces your throat, no man can resist your charms. A glittering mantle of rich golden notes: five ambers, soft myrtle and apple blossom, myrtle, and carnation.   i had to move them from my bedroom though, the scent from those little bottles was too heavy to sleep in for me. maybe i'm very sensitive to this stuff. i found an old jar that used to hold facial cream and cleaned it and put them in that one.   oh and i'm posting the descriptions for me to remember for later. i know all the people here are very familiar with this stuff. it's just my own desire to keep it in order.  




Another cheer for Aged Snake Oil

**inhales wrists deeply** aaaaaah.   My gorgeous bottle is now about 10 months old. It smells duh-vine. I cannot wait until it is 3 years old... daaamn.   I'm done now   ---   My perennial worry that my collection is too large has reached its zenith, I think. After the July moon, which is going to be preceded by big purchases for me -- the July Moon, the Cancer astrological blend, Blue Moon (two bottles), Brisingamen, and Tarot: The Hermit -- I'm going to start seriously culling, and swapping for the things I want. The rares I want to collect right nwo are:   Ingenue Unseelie Storyville   and that's about it. Almost anything for those three, but once I'm satisfied that I have enough of those, collecting is going to take a back seat.     Here lies another possible-keepsies list: La Fee Verte Havisham Snake Oil Shub Snow Bunny Ingenue (duh) Dark Delicacies MB: Closet Hope Snow Angel Bruja Vieux Carre June Gloom (if I can collect enough... if not, she gets jettisoned) Unseelie (duh) Storyville (if I can collect enough)




Okay, that was weird.

I had a very strange reaction to something. Whether it was the fact that the stupid pharmacy gave me generic medication even when I wasn't prescribed generics (for those of us who are hypersensitive, yes, it doesmatter!) or something strange that my brain has been sitting on for a while -- yesterday I was terrified. Just generally. Terrified of getting raped walking from the cab to the side door in the dark, terrified that someone would break into the house while I was there all alone, and (curse my active imagination) terrified of SOMETHING being in the dark waiting to get me. I am not a superstitious person, but my imagination managed to conjure up more ghouls lurking in corners or squatting under my bed or peering beneath my door that when I woke up at 4AM and had to pee, I couldn't get back to sleep.   It's hilarious now, but then, it was just -- scarily unlike me. Especially because the rational part of my brain was in overdrive the whole time telling stupid-me to stop being so ridiculous.   Thank God for my kitty. she slept beside me all night -- n ot just on my bed, but pressed up against my leg, a warm comforting presence. after forty minutes of the-house-is-scarily-silent mute unreasonable terror, I finally got back to sleep.   I woke up twice last night. I remember dreaming but don't remember what I dreamed.




fiddledragon 1

got fiddledragon 1 today! Yay!   fiddledragon 1 Bliss - reviewed Crossroads** already reviewed Faustus** Masabakes - reviewed Masquerade** - reviewed Nero** - reviewed Ravenous** - reviewed Salome** - reviewed     woohoo! scents I haven't tried before!




Diana #1 - all rev & sending to filigree_shadow

Picked this up at the PO on Wednesday.   Diana #1 Iago** - reviewed Delirium** - reviewed Empyreal Mist - already reviewed 9-5-05 Blood** - reviewed Burial** - reviewed Kumhio** - reviewed   so I've either got these or already tried them. It's ready to go to spacekitty or the next person on the list.   ETA: ok, I've got these all reviewed and sending this to filigree_shadow




Coming soon: close your own swaps!

This is a forum mod that's related to a forum update!   When we come back from our software upgrade, around the 26th, there will be a super cool new feature in the Swap forum, in the form of a little button.   This button'll only show up in the Swapping forums, and only in topics that you've started. Clicking it will do three things: Close the topic, so no more entries can be added to it,
Archive the topic to the Dead Swaps Cemetery, so it'll no longer be in swaps, and
Award you one point for the trouble of closing your swap topic.
Once the forum update occurs, you'll no longer need to click the "Report" button and wait for a moderator to archive your topic - you can do it yourself!





Cash: $15 Cdn CIBC Debit: $25-35 Cdn (?)   Citizens' Debit: $90 USD PayPal: $47.75 USD   OWING -$40.75 USD -- Ebay seller -$10.55 USD -- decants -$22 USD -- Fee -$17 USD -- Hunter Moon etc. =Citizens' Debit: ~$50   -$40 Cdn -- April rave tickets (Daniel) CIBC Debit: $0-$10   I can do this. Not easily, but I can do this   ____ MAY Citizens' Debit: $50 USD   CIBC Debit: $80 Cdn   Rave Tickets -$5 Cdn -- Cheap and Fun -$20 Cdn -- We're Old Skool -$20 (?) Cdn -- Funky Fresh -$20 (?) Cdn -- The Massacre =CIBC Debit: $15 Cdn     ...and I'll still need to sell off some stuff in time for June/July :S




Another (bad) dream...

although this one was more strange than bad.   This one was a bit hard to wake up from. I thought it was real for at least ten seconds after awakening, which is unlike me. I was me, and I still had a single mother -- but she wasn't like my mother at all. She was more like Isaac Meister's mother if Isaac's Mom was kind of vampy. My mother was five-foot-nine-and-a-half, had gorgeous feathery long brown hair, wore lipstick every day, always looked put-together, and hit on my boyfriend. SHe still had the same control issues though. In my dream, I was still dating Amy, and she still lived in MIchigan; but I was kind of seeing this fellow Dave (who doesn't seem to have a real-life analogue) who liked me but was also obviously attracted to my mother, who encouraged his attentions. I was worried that Dave was going to get the wrong idea, that he'd think we could date and have a relationship and all those things when according to Amy-rules, all I'm allowed to do is kiss him when she's not in the province (groping or clothing-removal counting as cheating -- these are the actual rules, by the way. so far I haven't exercised the privilege). In my dream, Dave and I had dinner plans for tonight, but because of Amy-stuff I was thinking about cancelling so Dave didn't get the wrong idea... and I coudl tell that my Mother was thinking of replacing me at hte dinner table...   it was /very/ strange. :/





decants of the Ladies and a half of 13 (shipped to Canada) -- $10.55 decant of Fee -- $22 shipping for H&EE -- $11.45 ___ $44.00   And I have $97 --> $52 remaining for the rest of the month. To be used to buy rave tickets only!




13 Update!

A mini-update, ain’t that great? I'm a poet; you bet I know it.   13 (new version) -- A base of cocoa absolute and white chocolate with thirteen baneful and beneficial bits: cardamom, fig meat, grains of paradise, rice flower, chamomile, sandalwood, catnip, clove, and a bundle of five blessed blossoms and herbs. -- by my count, this is the third version of 13. I bought the first one (May 2005) and liked it but didn’t love it. Off it went to swaps. It was revised in October 2006 and I still have a bottle of that; it’s more sophisticated and “perfumey” than the original 13. This latest revision sounds nice (with catnip! Hee!) but the cardamom is scary -- that’s what made Enraged Groundhog go totally cinnamon on me. I’ll pass.   Bad Luck Woman Blues -- Spanish moss, black pepper, mullein, sweet sage, vandal root, cypress, cigar tobacco, and a puff of goofer dust cloaked by a swarthy cologne of vetiver, lime, dark musk, caramel accord, and lilac. -- While I am intrigued by “goofer dust” (la cocaina, maybe? ) the rest sounds too masculine.   Lady Luck Blues -- Honeyed Bulgarian rose, vanilla flower, benzoin, tonka, black plum, peony, and iris. -- this one sounds great! Honey and roses, yum.   In conclusion: while I was hoping to save funds for the next update (Rose Moon! More Snakes!) I’m getting a bottle of Lady Luck Blues




Two Orders

Two Orders BLUE MOON -- in Early June   2x5mL Blue Moon $40 1x10mL Tarot: The Hermit $26.50 [$66.50] 1x5mL Brisingamen $15 [$81.50] s/h $7 [$88.50]   JULY -- in Early June   1x5mL Cancer $20 1x5mL /July Moon/ $20 [$40] 1x5mL Boomslang $18 [$58] 1x5mL Moxie $26.50 [$84.50] s/h $9 [$93.50]     I have some saving to do




Well, my imp box is getting full...

so I guess it's a good thing that I'm not crazy about this update. While I'm eager to /try/ all three, and am prepared for the possibility that I might like any of them, none of them are scents I can't live without. Although admittedly I have a good feeling about this version of 13. I don't know why, because it has The Dreaded White Chocolate in it... but I've just got a feeling.   there are only three spaces left in my "A" imp box, or will be when all of my scents arrive. My two Queen of Diamonds decants will be moved to their bottle and King of Diamonds will probably be swapped, filling up space that will be swiftly occupied by my shortie of Havisham. My "B" box is for blends to sell or swap, and my "C" box is intent blends. I need to start consolidating my collection... unfortunately, i'm emotionally attached to rather a lot of it. Which is absurd, given how many scents I have and how slowly I go through them.   And I still need to buy 5mL's of Tarot: The Hermit and Brisingamen! Tarot: The Hermit especially is one I see using a lot of next year, for quiet study and reflection.   On the up side, Snow Moon is lovely. I swapped my 5mL of Bitter Moon for it (as lovely as Bitter Moon is, the imp will suffice, I think -- I just wasn't wearing it that much :/) and I don't regret it. snow Moon is like all the parts I liked about Snow White, minus the parts that I didn't -- the watery coconut sweetness that drove me into headaches if I wore it for too long. Snow Moon is also a less-musky dead ringer for Ice Queen, which is good because I can wear it without feeling guilty about the cost of today's parfoom   I have decided to keep Snake Charmer. I have so many snowy icy scents that as nice as Snow White 2004 is, I'm only a little sorry to see my 5mL go, and I /like/ Snake Charmer. It stays.




Geeky Love!

My favorite episode of The X-Files is on Sci-Fi right now! Of course, I have it on DVD but there's something to be said for coming across it randomly. Yay, "Bad Blood"!   "I'm in this as deep as you are and I'm not even the one that overreacted! I didn't do the--::makes stabby motions::-- with the thing!"   and of course:   "Shaft-He's a bad mother-shut your mouth!"




Harvest Moon 2006

My Harvest Moon 2006 arrived in the mail yesterday. At first sniff, I was convinced that it was my mystery Harvest Moon. They smell identical wet. However, once on, I can detect a subtle difference. The mystery moon is a tiny bit sweeter, and a tiny bit more apple. I will do another comparison to be sure, since it is soclose, but it looks like the mystery imp may be Harvest Moon 2005. Or not. I might be hallucinating the difference -- it's that subtle.   (oh, and my frimps were hilariously appropriate: rage (which was about right for my mood yesterday, what with finding out I am being evicted), black cat (which I had just been looking at wistfully) and a non-BPAL called brown sugar snaps that just smells divine)




Things I would kill to have rezzed

INGENUE -- I'd buy three or four bottles of the stuff, and all of them Unseelie -- everything I've heard suggests that it's shockingly beautiful. It sounds like my kind of wispy, ethereal floral-with-character. Hopehopehope...




Nightmares. Again.

I've gone through my whole life without nightmares. Why now?   Tonight's were strange. That I can remember... there was one where I was in the company of a young boy whom I thought was a serial killer, and I had to get away without making himsuspicious, and it was in the middle of nowhere and Sophia wasn't pickin gup her phone. There was a part where someone shut a girl's face in a waffle iron - a blistering-hot, plugged in waffle iron. There had been steam coming out of the device before, but as it covered her face and she struggled to get it off the steam turned red... it sounds comical now, but it was really horrible. I wanted to wake up.   The earlier one, that I remember less, was one where the world had gone strange... I remember that /I/ had been in another world, a through-the-looking-glass type of experience, and as frightening as that world was I had to go back there, it was my job to fix something. (And for me, th way that I could get back into the world was to drink a cup of tea -- Green tea, said the man with the fingers, was the easy way. Black tea was the respected way. Red tea wasn't spoken about, but it was clear that there were three options, so red tea must have been the third) I rode the bus (yes, there was a bus) from the other world into this one, intending not to stay long. I wasn't supposed to stay long, but then I thought, what if I got some supplies? Flashlights, batteries, stuff I could use. And I had to get back, but I think I decided to get some supplies. The world-that-is-this-world was strange, it was dark... and I was walking through an aboveground tunnel, made of brick I remember, and I was a little scared because it was after dark and the tunnel was small and I'd never really liked them anyway. There were people around me -- not many, there were two people ahead of me and some people behind. And I remember I was a little scared as a young girl, of the man ahead of me.. but then, the young couple behind me just sat down. They just sat down cross-legged in the tunnel, as though they couldn't go any farther. And after a few steps, so did the man in front of me -- this tough guy in a leather jacket -- just sat down too, like he'd given up. I went a few metres farther, out of their sight and round a curve, an then I sat down too, more because I was tired than anything, and some people from university (Leo and Elyssa and I think Boyce) came through the tunnels. They were talking about someone, someone dangerous -- a practical joker gone too far. I asked them what was going on, and the said that all of a sudden the world had gone strange, dark and dangerous. I asked them why everyone was just sittin down, and Elyssa said, "They've givenup -- they don't know how to deal with this world. The tunnels are full of them." And I asked what the current danger was, who they were running from, and Elyssa and Leo exchanged a look, and Elyssa said "Well -- it's cats."   And then I woke up.




Why I've been less than interactive lately...

Some people may have noticed that I haven't been precisely chatty of late. Gabriel's death, coming a week before the first anniversary of my Granddad's death, hit me pretty hard. That isn't the only reason, though.   D, my darling Grad Student, got another blow not quite two weeks ago. The research assistant position that he had been hoping to get for the summer isn't going to exist. U of M's School of Animal Health is in as bad a financial shape as the School of Public Health, and for the same reason: NIH grants that were slashed by Shrubya and Co.   There are obvious downsides to this, most notably being that the RA position was worth about $5000 that he's not going to have. This means running up the credit cards more than he would like in order to save money for the move back here. However, his father is on a couple of mailing lists for programming positions, and offered to keep an eye out for a temporary contract offer. While D. doesn't miss programming by any means, he's not going to turn down perfectly good money if someone should wave it in his face. First, though, his dad has to come across a temporary contract that allows remote work.   However, there are a couple good points to the news as well: first off, he is planning on coming back down for a couple of weeks in June to start the Great House Hunt. He wants to go with the realtor who handled the sale of his condo, and I am in agreement; both of us like the guy. While the realtor in question is decidedly metrosexual, he's also personable and professional, and he already knows what kinds of houses that D. and I would gravitate towards. He won't waste our time by showing us places that we won't like.   Perhaps more important, though, is that not working over the summer (assuming that D's dad doesn't find anything) will give D a much-needed chance to do something that he hasn't been able to do in far too long -- namely, relax. D. is incredibly smart and hard-working, and the fact that he enjoys learning in addition to the previous qualities has led to some of our friends to assume that academic pursuits are easy for him. That's hardly the case I know better, having witnessed just how hard he studies in pursuit of his GPA. When he starts comparing semesters and academic years to, say, Ypres, or The Somme ...well, let's just say that WWI metaphors have been a standard part of our mutual vocabulary for the past couple of years. He desperately needs the down-time before plunging back in to the academic grind.   So, here starts the planning for the next round of cross-country travel. I looked at gas prices and decided that flying would probably be a better bet, even with the addition of an extra suitcase and a rental car. First leg is Denver to Minneapolis in mid-May for D's graduation. From there, I fly into Orlando, pick up the rental car, and drive down to Bradenton for my chosen sister's museum exhibit opening. We'll reprise our piratical finery at a convention in Orlando that same weekend, then back to Bradenton for a few days. I drive back to Orlando and spend a few days with Mom, her husband, and my youngest sister, then back to Minneapolis, and then back to Denver.   D. comes down in June; in early July, I'll be flying back up for CONvergence and the start of packing. Somewhere in there, we might close on a house (under D's name for the moment), and I'll try and work in some more outside shows. Plus, I'd like to try and work sleep somewhere into all of this.   It's a lot of work. But I truly believe that the payoff will be more than worth the effort.




I want to dress like a girl!

In Michigan I found this beautiful frilly pink dress. It's foofy and lacy and has puffed sleeves, and looks like it was made for a five-year-old and then scaled up with room for a bosom. I love it. I pranced around the store for a good fifteen minutes, trying on shoes and wasting time because I didn't want to get out of the pretty dress. I love looking like a girl.   But I wear jeans all the time. I don't mind jeans, there's nothing wrong with them. But I have lots of gorgeous skirts and dresses. I wear jeans all the time because to dress like a girl is to attract notice, and I don't want to attract notice.   Tomorrow I am going to dress like a girl. I will be uncomfortable, because even if people aren't looking at me, I'll feel like people are looking at me. I will feel weird. And I will make myself do this every day until either I get acclimated or I don't secretly want to do it anymore, as uncomfortable as it sometimes makes me.   I am also going to learn to do my hair! Because given the price of my dye jobs, putting it in a ponytail just doesn't cut it!




I was in a Snake Charmer mood today

They don't come often, when I feel like SC. It's a powerful blend, and I don't wear it much at all -- it's not my usual sort of smell, so I have to be in the mood. Although SC is a very ladylike, /very/ sexy scent, because it's also a dark and a heady scent it also seems a bit rebellious to me -- for wear on days when I feel like not being my usual blonde self, when I feel like schlumping around in dark jeans and my rhinestone tiger hoodie, burying myself in a book, and generally absenting myself from the normal interacting world. If Shub is my comfort scent -- like a soft cashmere blanket on a cold day -- Snake Charmer is my push-off scent, something that means I've decided to step outside the world of normal human interaction, whether by being vampy or aggressive or sulky or bookish.   today was definately a Snake Charmer day.




Notes on what I've tried so far

AL-SHAIRAN (clove, peach and orange with cinnamon, patchouli and dark incense notes). Turns into a spicey perfume scent. Nothing special. 2   ALECTO (Olive leaf, raspberry leaf, vetiver and cedarwood). Nice, bit green, but nothing special once dry. 3   AEVAL (A judicious yet powerfully sensual blend, a mingling of justice and sexuality: sage, sweet pea, bold pale musk and warm tonka). Hated this out of the bottle, but not bad, once dry. a warm perfumey smell, but nothing special. 2.5   BEWITCHED (blackberry, sage, green tea, wild berries and dark musk). Starts as sharp berries (irritated my nose, but maybe that was just my allergies?), then mellows into something quite pleasant (the essence of raspberry green tea). 4(?)   BURIAL (deep, brooding forest scents, including juniper and patchouli. The scent of upturned cemetary loam mingling with floral offerings to the dead). This turned into a fragrance that I can only describe as that of the floral soap found in the bathrooms of upper class elderly women. Or at least, that was the precise mental image that it evoked for me, after I wore it for more than 30 minutes. 1   EDEN (fig leaf, fig fruit, honeyed almond milk, toasted coconut and sandalwood). This fragrance is pure love -- delicious and foody and sexy. not the best staying power, but not the worst, either. 5   HARVEST MOON (unknown year, and thus unknown notes) I love this fragrance to bits and pieces, and have thus instituted a thorough plan to try every year of Harvest Moon thus made, in an epic quest to find it again. 5   HARVEST MOON 2004 (The autumnal blooms of clematis, chrysanthemum, narcissus, sunflower, sage and lily twined with Dionysus’ sacred grapes and ivy, a bounty of apple, pumpkin, and ripe berries, and the amaranth and lingum aloes of Janus, all touched by a gentle breath of festival woodsmoke and sweet wine.). This is not as ohmygodwonderful as the unknown imp, but it's still quite nice. The first time I put it on if had an unpleasant medicinal undertone for the first hour or so, but subsequent applications have not suffered that problem, so I think it's a keeper (which is good, since I have a 5ml bottle of it!) 4.5   PSYCHE (Bulgar rose, Chinese white musk, lavender, orchid and frankincense) This is a pleasant, deep, if somewhat forgettable perfume. It faded fairly quickly. It might be worth a second try, but I'm not sure. 3   PUMPKIN PATCH 5. This was too sweet out of the bottle, but fades to something pleasant -- not too foody, interesting. 3.5-4   TEMPEST (A crisp ozone-tinged breeze. The scent of the first gentle rain before the storm). It smells exactly like the description. No real change from the imp to my skin, either, even after several hours. Well, it faded a bit (obviously), but the scent is still the same, just not as strong. 4


