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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Neutral warnings / rules reminders

I really am not sure if this should go in Guidelines or Forum Mods, because it's both.   One of the cool things that IP.Board 2.2 did was create "user notes". Now, these "user notes", as originally implemented, could only be added to the warning log through the Admin Control Panel (or ACP), which is all and good but useless if we want our moderators to use them.   So, I wrote a fairly small modification to the warning system (and language and skin caches) so that our moderators could add them through the warning system without actually changing a user's warning level. (Unrelated, while I was there, I also added something so people will always get a notification when a warning is added or removed or a new reminder is added - we'll always be on the same page).   This will impact how things are done around here in several ways, and we're still working out what exactly will happen.   Right now, it looks like what may happen is this: for most things (duplicate topics, swapping outside the swap area, etc), instead of getting a PM or a warning, the first time will get you a reminder. A second offense will get you a warning. We may or may not take time into consideration (but, of course, will let you know how it ends up), so it could be that if it's been a long time, that second offense will just get a reminder as well. There will still be things that go straight to warning - but these are major offenses like trolling or abusive behavior.




Snot and waiting for spring

My Jan 3 order finally arrived a couple of days ago. No love at first sniff this time, but I will try them all out again. My nose is really congested right now because of a stubborn cold that won't give up the fight against my immune system. But there's lots of snot making it's way out of my nose today and this usually means me and my immune system is about to win the fight.   Due to a misunderstanding with my order I had Faiza herself instead of Saw-Scaled Viper (I had written: "Faiza's companions: Saw Scaled Viper" instead of just Saw Scaled Viper. Stupid me.) I will try Faiza again - and if the jasmine doesn't ruin the whole thing she might actually be a keeper. Smut was much boozier than I expected. My sister and I both agreed on this description of Smut: "Sexy girl that likes to have a lot of fun on her way home in the wee hours after a night of just a little to much fun."   Now I'm waiting for Groundhog and Oborot. The postal service seems to be working veerrry slow these days. Since both my pending orders arrived/was sent I was allowed to make another one, so I've ordered Gennivre, Theodosius, 5 ml of Bengal and Saw-Scaled Viper (again! )   I've been so tired for the last couple of weeks. Some sunshine would cheer me up, we haven't seen the sun here for a week now - just clouds and mushy, slushy snow. Winter is long and dark up here, but I'm looking for some fresh, green, spring-time scents to include with my next order. Hopefully spring will be here soon.





Finished the multiple pieces of the first little gift last night, with the result that the scissors now desperately need degunking. Tonight will be episode 3 of "Mr. Scissors, meet Mr. Nail Polish Remover."   Had to pick up a package at the PO today. It was DH's birthday present, arriving with a little time to spare. For a minute I was hoping it was something I ordered for my SwitchWitchee, but then I lifted it... uh, no, not at that poundage. Now I have to get it into the house, wrapped, and hidden, so DH doesn't guess what it is just from the size and shape.




Coffee or tea for me?

There has been quite a bit of discussion on coffee and tea on the Switch Witch thread, so I thought I should mention that I thoroughly hate coffee. I don't even like the smell of the stuff.   I would however like to acquire a taste for tea. So dear witchy, if tea is your thing, I would be quite pleased to get a sample or two of your favorite. If you do send tea though, please include detailed instructions. I suspect that I may not love it because I've been making it wrong. Too strong maybe?   Cocoa is really my thing, but I have plenty to last the rest of the winter. The husband was able to track down my hard-to-find favorite and stocked me up as one of my Christmas gifts.   For warm weather drinks, if you have any really good smoothie recipes, I'd love it if you shared. I'm a big berry person.




The LE mindset

It can be frustrating, especially for someone coming into the bpal world right now. I think there's over 1,000 blends that they've made in about 4 years.   So what do you concentrate on? The stuff that always avalible? Or chase the moon(s)? It's LUNACY I tell you   Ok enough with the dumb jokes. I flip-flop on this so much.   The hardest thing about LE's is that once you fall in love, you're in a competition with a hundred other people who are ALSO in love. But I'm not a competitive person.   I like the security of knowing that Amsterdam will always (hopefully) be there for me whenever I run low. But that doesn't mean that I'm not going to be called when the LE's show up.   But I want to try EVERYTHING! I've a collectors mentality...got to catch(try) em all. I have to know what I'm missing.   But then I end up spending 2x a regular bottle's worth for a half a bottle of Ides of March...and thinking I got a good deal!   Oh the smelly problems we have. Try the LE's and risk falling in love? or stay with the steady that you know will always be there.     This question will never be answered I'm sure. Oh my poor poor poor wallet.




Woobie Ratings

Woobie is my second favorite perfume and #1 for bath and body stuff. She has a LOT of the fruity/foodie blends that I absolutly love. *means I already have a 1/2 oz bottle. She's also got an Autoship feature on her site where you send her a wishlist, then someone can just select a dollar amount and she'll send a surprise package! How fun is that? A LOT! I've already submitted my wishlist to her, just put my name & email address in the comment section.     5/5 *Winterfruit Seduction Fruitcake *Wicked Witch Strawberry Mango Strawberry Kiwi *Reindeer Turds Dehydrated Peaches   4/5 Basics Champagne Dreidal Holiday Coma Rugalach Bite Me Deckthehallphobia Hazelnut Cream Cranberry Chutney Commercialized Insanity Clause Fruit Loopy Sufganiyot Twitters Disaproval Egg Nog Gelt Elf Farts Grumpy Mall Santa Violets Snickerdoodles   3/5 Sugar Fairy Marmalade Bah Humbuger Lump O Coal Plum Pudding Frankensince Dramatized Nes Gadol Haya Sham Stuffed Stockings Shopping Brawl Sunny Side Up   2/5 North Star Sugar Cloud Aloha holiday 3 Kings Menora Voodoo Yellow Snow Exotic Coconut Lavender Rose   1/5 Socks & Underwear Christmas Trees Frosty Wine & Roses Magic Heaven - Gabe says it smells like socks. I guess it's Chumley's heaven then Tinman Spirit Surreal Blitzed




Misc Other B&B etailers

These are some of the other B&B etailers that I'm starting to systematically stalk. I want to try ALL of their scents (and branch out to their other products).   Woobie Possetts Dropplets Arcana Villiness Propaganda   (I'm sure there's a LOT more I just can't think of any others right now)




Bpal 1/5

These either caused an adverse reaction or I just can't stand them.   A Little Lunacy Hunger Moon - Ozone, white sandalwood, crystallized white amber, verbena, oakmoss, clary sage, and a hint of white citrus rind. It bites me and leaves marks. Strawberry Moon - strawberries and cream with light, dry lotus and soft ylang ylang and a touch of green tea and sage It turns to astroglide on me. Bakeneko - Warm amber musk, Satsuma tangerine, black tea leaf, cardamom, cherry blossom and cinnamon Agony of Heartache - Agony of Loss - Kalahantarika - Khandita - Cathode - Scherezade Séance Shattered Sudha Segara Tavern of Hell Tempest Twenty-one Ultraviolet Umbra Veil Yggdrasil Phantom Calliope, The Antonino, the Carny Talker Doc Constantine Organ Grinder, The Pulcinella & Teresina Theodosius, the Legerdemain Arachnina, The Spider Girl Eshe, A Vision of Life-in-Death Isaac, The Living Skeleton Kataniya, The Clockwork Woman Meskhenet, The Vulture Maiden Parliament of Monsters Priala, The Human Phoenix Tiresias, The Androgyne Zarita, The Doll Girl Anaconda Asp Viper Australian Copperhead Banded Sea Snake Boomslang Coral Snake Cottonmouth Death Adder Green Tree Viper Habu King Cobra Saw-Scaled Viper Temple Viper Western Diamondback Djinn Rage Clio Czernobog Eris Euterpe Gaueko Hades Iambe Liber Resh Vel Helios Ahathoor Liber Resh Vel Helios Khephra Liber Resh Vel Helios Ra Liber Resh Vel Helios Tum Lilith Loviatar Nuit Odin Old Scratch Oya Pele Queen Mab Sacred Whore Of Babylon Sophia Terpsichore Thanatos Tisiphone Zorya Dance of Death Danse Macabre Darkness Jazz Funereal Les Fleurs Du Mal Twilight Wings Of Azrael Antony Juliet Lady Macbeth Lear Oberon Ophelia Queen Gertrude Rosalind Titus Andronicus Ave Maria Gratia Plena Casanova Delight Depraved Desire Forbidden Fruit Harlot Hetairae Hunger Kabuki Le Serpent Qui Danse Libertine Loralei Muse Perversion Psyche Satyr Seraglio Siren Spellbound Succubus Vixen Wanda Whip Dolce Stil Nuovo Kanishta Khajuraho Luperci Smut Dormouse, The Drink Me Eat Me Mad Hatter Pool of Tears, The Red Queen, The Tiger Lily Carfax Abbey Belladonna Blood Lotus Destroying Angel Hemlock Love-Lies-Bleeding Mandrake Moon Rose Strangler Fig Sundew Wolfsbane Yew Trees Black Dahlia Bow & Crown of Conquest, The Fallen Faustus Great Sword of War, The Hymn Languor Magdalene Malediction Nero Oblivion Rose Cross Scales of Deprivation, The Seraphim Sloth Baku Nanshe Somnus Temple of Dreams Sahasrara The Crown And There Was a Great Cry In Egypt Bat-Woman Carceri D'invenzione Death of Sardanapal, The Isle of the Dead, The Lucretia Orpheus Two Monsters Athens Baghdad Bayou Delphi Florence Gommorah Jezirat al Tennyn Kathmandu Kyoto Madrid Sybaris The Isle of Demons Tintagel Venice




Bpal 2/5

I don't immediatly wash these off...but I don't like them either   Schwarzer Mond Brian's Creation Cthulhu High Priest Not to Be Described, The Shub-Niggurath Agony of Longing Ecstasy of Infatuation Ecstasy of Passion Svadhinaopatika Vasakasajja Vipralabda Absinthe Aeval Anne Bonny Arachne Aureus Belle Époque Bess Bewitched Black Forest Black Pearl Blood Kiss Brimstone Dee Ephemera Fae Hamadryad Highwayman I Died for Beauty Intrigue Jolly Roger Juke Joint Lampades Masquerade Morgause Namaste Ouija Zephyr Black Phoenix Bluebeard Catherine Fenris Wolf Loup Garou Maenad Malice Marie Marquise de Merteuil Nephilim Nocnitsa Pain Villain Al-shairan Mi-go Brain Canister Wrath Dove's Heart Fire Of Love Follow Me Boy Has No Hanna Paris Port-au-prince Rome Silk Road Sri Lanka




Bpal 3/5

I can take em or leave them.   Hungry Ghost Moon Ecstasy of True Love Baobhan Sith Snake Oil Chintamani-Dhupa Night's Pavilion Perfumed Garden, The The Oblation Tweedledum Jailbait Clove, Sweet Red Devil Crossroads Morocco




Bpal 4/5

These are the I'll buy them when I've got some money, but there's no HUGE rush.   Miskatonic University Night-Gaunt R'lyeh Dragon's Blood Dragon's Bone Dragon's Claw Dragon's Eye Dragon's Heart Dragon's Hide Dragon's Tears Abhisarika Virahotkantita Antique Lace Black Opal Grand Guignol Hymn to Proserpine Jack Jersey Devil, The La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente Leanan Sidhe Ozymandias Raven, The Faiza, The Black Mamba Hope & Faith, The Siamese Twins Thalassa, The Galapagos Mermaid The Wild Men of Jezirat Al Tennyn Wulric, The Wolf Man Undertow Hellcat Kuang Shi Kumiho Medea Nosferatu Szepasszony Aglaea Aizen-myoo Alecto Anubis Bastet Elegba Grandmother of Ghosts Hecate Kali Mania Ogun Osun Polyhymnia Santa Muerte Skuld Tezcatlipoca Thalia Embalming Fluid Eternal Ghost, The House of Night Midnight Goneril Jester Regan Tamora Viola Bathsheba Bordello Carnal Endymion Golden Priapus Lady of Shalott, The Maiden O Rapture Severin Suspiro The Temptation Red Lantern Cheshire Cat King of Hearts Lion, The Mock Turtle's Lessons, The Mouse's Long and Sad Tale Queen Of Hearts, The White Rabbit Queen of Clubs Black Hellebore Black Lotus Blood Rose Cobra Lilly Death Cap Devil's Claw Opium Poppy Dirty Gluttony Tzadikim Nistarim Resurrection of the Flesh Satan and Death with Sin Intervening #20 Love Oil All Night Long Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo Black Cat Block Buster Come To Me Water Of Notre Dame Wolf's Heart Cairo Hanging Gardens, The Hollywood Babylon Kostnice Manhattan Moscow New Orleans Pontarlier Prague Santo Domingo Shanghai Tenochtitlan Tombstone Vinland Whitechapel Yerevan




Bpal 5/5's

These oils are on the "I don't care how much I have, I'll still horde as much as I can" list. Yes, I'm a dragon/crow. *means I've got at least 1 5ml right now.   ~NEW~ Phobos (omg MUST HAVE) *Wolf Moon ('06) *Lycaon *Proshitapathika Chimera Velvet *Xanthe, the Weeping Clown *Hope & Faith, The Siamese Twins Hell's Belle *Euphrosyne Apothecary, The *Katharina Brisingamen March Hare Tweedledee *Unicorn, The *Death on a Pale Horse Dorian Roadhouse Love Me Amsterdam Danube Hamptons, The Machu Picchu Mag Mell Santa Eulària Des Riu




Plots and Plans

I'm having a lot of fun making A Little Something for my Switch Witchee. It involves scissors as the secondary tool -- I'm just saying, hint, hint.   My plan is to send 3 boxes, but whether that actually happens or not may be affected by the Mercury retrograde we're in right now....   I remembered to add another thing that I like -- origami. I've never mastered the crane, but I do a mean butterfly.





Here are some of the things I like at etsy:   MINT LUSTRE glass and swarovski earrings. I really love the mint green color!     Bohemian Hammered Copper Earrings I'm a big fan of hammered copper, and these earrings are stunning!     black, gold and pearl necklace This necklace is gorgeous!     SALE-Delicate Heart Necklace I really love this gold filled heart locket.     Goldstone w/ mini-heart 3/4 inch earrings. Oooh, these look super sparkly and pretty!     Golden labradorite and citrine, herringbone weave 14K goldfill earrings. Wow, these are gorgeous! I love the vintage feel.     Yasmeen I absolutely love these hoops, although they are way out of my price range.     Verdigris Swaying Leaves I love leaves!     brilliant tree pendant I love trees too.     Luminous Egyptian Pyramids VINTAGE CZECH GLASS EARRINGS I love emeralds (even fake ones!)!     Don't feel confined by this list! These are just some examples of the type of thing I like. If you make jewelry/knit/paint/make pottery/take photographs/etc., I'd love to have it!




Holidays and Holy Days

Since someone (can't of course remember who at the moment) so helpfully posted a list of all the holidays during this round, I thought I should mention which ones I observe/acknowledge/celebrate.   The definites:   3/1 -- my wedding anniversary (17 years this year. Wow. That means we've been together for 21 years. Our relationship is old enough to order its own rum and Coke to celebrate.)   3/17 -- St. Patrick's Day (About half of my ancestry is Irish. The other half is German) Unfortunately, the holiday isn't big in this area. I'll put a bit of decor up in my office anywho.   4/22 -- Earth Day (There is normally some sort of local celebration, and I may go this year. I'll definitely plant something.)   The maybes:   I wasn't previously aware of International Women's Day. I'll have to google that one.




salon decants

Bat-Woman: out of the vial, it's a light, fresh, clean scent. slightly perfumey, but very pretty and soft. Reminds me of very expensive french-milled soap. drydown: moonflower, soft floral. very pretty! not something i would typically wear, but i wouldn't turn my nose up at a bottle!   Isle of the Dead: sharp fir-tree notes, like a pile of stickey pine needles. drydown: very faint pine notes, deep heartnote of something sticky and slightly bitter. interesting, but surprisingly soft. it's very classy... i wish it were a bit stronger, though.   Death of Sardanpal: spicy! cassia-type notes over something sweeter, almost like a faint citrusy note, probably the lemongrass. drydown: vascilates between spicy & sweet (honey/wine), and slightly citrusy, almost like citronella. there's also a note in there that's a bit dry and sweet, like tobacco. it sounds odd, but it is very elegant and sophisticated.   And there was a great cry in Egypt: already reviewed.   Carceri D'Invenzione: a pretty sweetness that smells a lot like the honeysuckle bush that used to grow in the back yard of the house where i grew up. something a little more substantial, powdery, but sweet. drydown: i want to bathe in this. it is so sweet and soft, slightly tropical. it reminds me a bit of the scent they pipe into the lobby of Treasure Island in las vegas. total winner.




Switch Witch Help

I promise I will update my wishlist by the weekend, I promise!   I have super dry skin, so I always need lotion. I also love candles and tarts (I'd love some more Dark Candles and some more Fat Cats tarts). Foody / Fruity scents work the best.   I love villianess soaps, but am always willing to try out new bath products.   I love writing, and do sometimes at work when things get slow/boring. I usually keep a small blank notebook in my purse for this purpose. I can always use more small blank notebooks because I fill mine up really fast.   I think that's all for now!




My kitty has passed away.

My gorgeous little kitty cat has just gone to the other side now.   She had to leave today-I just got a call that she was so weak today that she couldn't eat, sleep or move much. A neighbour had to take her to the vet where the only option was to put her down. Now the house where she lived is so empty. I'll never hear those odd clicks and 'rrrrr' noises she used to make instead of meows. I'll miss her purrs and her soft fur and those bright white whiskers against a black face, her flashing green eyes, her elegant mannerisms-she was so expressive and intelligent, and so gentle-she'd never hurt a soul. Now without any feline presence in my life, I feel so lonely. The death of a pet is unbelievably harrowing to go through. It's the second time I've had this now. At least I still have her memories and I know she's still there, albeit in a place that I cannot reach for now-it almost feels like my departed loved ones are on the other side of a plane of existence, another dimension or universe that feels so close that I could touch it, and yet is physically inaccessible. But they are not gone completely.   RIP my beautiful furry friend. You're with your sister now, in a happier place.   eta: I just heard from my mum's friend who was looking after kitty as she slipped away. She mentioned seeing a pink glow in the conservatory where the cat used to sleep. It was probably a sunset reflection but I think it was more than that...I think she was saying goodbye as she followed the sunset, to join her sister among the stars. I think she's truly happy now.   I am wearing BPAL Bastet in her honour, as she was always a true divine feline to me.




Pictures, Pictures, and More Pictures!

I have bunches of pictures for you today. Maybe later I will write a real entry.   Mika and Brutus Playing   They are getting much better about playing and look how much Brutus has grown! Before: http://korshka.googlepages.com/IMG_1246-2.JPG Now: http://korshka.googlepages.com/Closing-the-Size-Gap.JPG   Other Pics: http://korshka.googlepages.com/Clash-of-th...uite-titans.JPG http://korshka.googlepages.com/PinDown.JPG http://korshka.googlepages.com/Playing1.JPG http://korshka.googlepages.com/Mine.JPG   My New Bling Bling I finally broke down and bought a scent locket from BPTP. I used my smellie money and a little from my tax return to pay for it. I was worried it would be too big, and it is fairly large, but I think it works. I love, love, love the design. It is very beautiful. Inside is an oval piece of black felt with Dragon's Milk. I thought when I first put it on, that Dragon's Milk is too soft a perfume for this, but it has gotten a little stronger. Now I get soft wisps of sweet, creamy dragon's blood. So nice - and no going all powdery like it does on my skin. Yay! Now I need to remember all the ones that smelt awesome in the bottle and did horrid things on my skin. http://korshka.googlepages.com/Locket.JPG




Switch Witch Spring 2007

Got my assignment, squeeee!   We don't have much in common, so I'm jumping on the stuff that matches my experience. I figure since I know I can get close with that, I'll start there before trying riskier things.   I wish she had included her size, but given everything else about her, I'm going to guess she's a Small.




School woes

School Woes: Good news-The apartment complex I'm living is fixing things up, renovating, adding hardwood floors, washers/dryers, modern kitchens. including high speed internet and electricity to the monthly rent, etc. to the units.   Bad news-everyone who is currently living here are expected to leave and not come back till Spring '08 once their lease is up. So I'm pretty much out of a place to live once May comes up.   WTF. Seriously. I expected that once I had signed on to live here I wouldn't have to move again, but now I do? If I had known that this was going to be the situation, I wouldn't have lived here in the first place. It's just not worth it, to go through the hassle of packing all of my crap up, placing it into storage and bring it out again once I find another place. And moving back in '08 wouldn't be worth it either since I'm a grad student, and I'd be leaving soon after. This is a college town so housing is rough. Every place has a waiting list, or doesn't rent to students at all. One place near this university has a waiting list that goes back to 2005(!) Ugh. It's just really annoying. Also, I had planned to do summer independent research up here, but because of the lease thing, I have to place to live, I can't. People who wanted a place to stay during summer looked a while ago, and again, I didn't want to have to move my furniture. This on top of other school things.   I had spent hours and hours researching papers and sent a bunch of them to my professor so he could approve them or suggest which one I go for. Instead the first line of the e-mail I get back from him is "Sorry, I'm not excited for any of these" and later "Try looking for so-and-so, I might have a copy lying my office". I hate it when a professor has a paper in mind for you to do a presentation on, and not only doesn't tell you what it is, but wants you to attempt to download it from the internet. Where exactly? "Oh, just google it". This last part is a problem because I do not subscribe to any journals, and I sure as hell am not going to drop $32 for one 12 page paper. And, my school's library does not have this particular journal. Grr. I think he should've just lent me that copy so I could photocopy it or whatever intstead of playing e-mail tag for 3-4 days when I could be doing work He has given copies of articles to other students before, and when I asked him about this one the last week, he just told me to e-mail him. Ugh. I'm really frustrated. I hate hate hate doing presentations and I like to be as prepared as possible, and it looks like I'm not going to be as prepared as I want. Arrggghghhg




First post - yay!

Hey all -   I'm mainly on LJ, instead of here, but I kind of felt like I should post something since I'm participating in the Switch Witch for Spring 2007.   I'm a total geek and dork - I love computers, roleplaying games, crafts, and pets. I have three cats, and I hope to get a dog soon. I love the community here - it really impresses me, how kind everyone can be, despite the occasional bad apple. I'm high strung and nervous a lot of the time, but I like to relax, too.   I plan to fill out some of those quizes in the Switch Witch thread, but I haven't really had a chance yet!


