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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!


At first it's a very generic perfume smell, with something...else that I can't quite put my finger on.   As it dries it becomes a slightly spicey amber musk with just a hint of citrus tea and something floral.   I think I really like this one and I'm glad I got a bottle. It semlls a bit more sophisticated on me than the other oils I tend to wear, but it's nice having something different. I have a feeling I will use this more during cool weather than in the summer.




my day off!

Well, sort of. Today I got to sleep in late (very late...woohoo!!) and have been traipsing around my apartment doing not much of anything for a few hours. This was much needed since yesterday was the ultimate busy day from hell. Pepper's portable lightweight crate thingie came in the mail today. I am so excited about this because it means we can go stay anywhere and visit my friends in other countries and I don't have to worry about lugging her giant normal crate on the train. (she has anxiety issues and can't be left in anyone's house alone without being in the crate...unless you want your apartment to be completely destroyed ). Anyway, I unpacked it and- she is totally afraid of it! She won't go in it, even if I go in first! I am going to have some serious work to do with this before we leave on March 1st. For now I just put some of her favorite toys and some treats in there. We'll see what happens, I guess.   On my way home from the post office I saw that Inland Empire is playing this week in the movies! I am soooo excited . I thought it would never come over here, and was looking online for downloads to no avail (bad, I know!). But yes, it is here for one week and I am SO going to see it on Friday (and maybe Sunday, too, haha). I think it's a good way to kick off my self imposed David Lynch fest; once again I have decided that it is time to watch all of Twin Peaks from start to finish. I know that part 2 of season 2 isn't out yet, but it will come out in April and by that time I will be up to that point, I think. Yay.   In other news...I have decided this past weekend that I need to join a gym. I found one right around the corner from me that has a student discount. So, for 20 euros a month I can actually get some decent exercise. I haven't exercised in, oh...2 years. I used to go to a gym five days a week. What happened to me? (well I know what happened- more work, music, pieces to learn, groups to play in, etc.) Fortunately I have not gained that much weight (perhaps 15 pounds, which is bad but not catastrophic since I am tall) but I feel like a totally lard ball. All of my muscle is now flab. Ew. Plus, I am tired of not having enough energy during the day. I am going to do a trial 2 month membership and see if I actually make time to go enough for it to be worth it. I think I can, since I don't' have a rigorous class schedule and can make my own hours for practicing and etc. It better work, because I am sick and tired of feeling gross.   Tomorrow is my second concert at the Italian Cultural Center. I am quite excited for this one, since out test run informal concert yesterday went quite well. People said they really enjoyed what I played, which is what I want to hear. I hope they were telling the truth, lol. I really should do laundry cause I am out of my 'nice all black outfits'. whoops. That and Pepper decided it would be a good idea to throw up this morning on my duvet cover. If that isn't an incentive to do laundry I don't know what is!




Switch Witch Ideas and notes.

I saw someone made a list of things that their switch witch might want to know about them. I thought it was a good idea so here I am.   I have blue eyes, and love makeup. I'm not that adventurous with it day to day but I love to play with new colors and lip glosses.   I have only recently started to get into bath things. Bubble baths, fizzes and such. I LOVE the moxie fizzyBOOMS. I wish I had an endless supply of them, actually I love all the ones I have tired.   I have not really tired anything from LUSH. My sister bought a bunch of stuff from them and I used one of her fizzes, it was wonderful. I have been meaning to make a order but haven't as of yet.   I am into tea, and Love SBS teas. All kinds of tea, I'll try anything once. I love honey in my tea also. Flavored honey is the best.   I love books, I have tons and always looking for more.   I love music and mix CD's. So a mix CD of music you love would be awesome.   I LOVE art and pictures, photography is a hobby on mine.   I am a proud aunt and with the above photography hobby I need picture frames. I never have enough.   I love baking, it's kind of a hobby/passion, cooking is good too, but I'm not as good at that.   I am pretty easy, I love crafty things, things made my hand. I'm sure I'll like anything I get, Just getting mail is the best. Anything that isn't bills :-)     I'll add more as I think of it. I hope that helped whoever has my name. :-)




Bottles arrived, and general update

Got my first bottle order - on Valentine's day! I ordered a 5ml of Bakeneko (love it) and Svadhinaopatika (up for trade). Frimps were Baku, Burial, Utrennyaya, and Black Lily.   Sent off some imps to my friend Vashti: Dragon's Bone, Languor, The Lion, Eclipse, and Depraved.   Currently up for trade:   5ml:   Svadhinaopatika   Imps:   Sudha Segara Eden Moon Rose Burial Harlot Hurricane Veil LE: Winter of Discontent Sniffie: Sugar Skull 05




Stuff I would buy if I were DRFSR

(that's Dirty, Rotten, Filthy, Stinking Rich for those who aren't Warrant fans)   a bright yellow Bug for me (or a hybrid -- the tree hugger in me might win out over the part that says, "Omg those Bugs are cute!"   a red Mustang convertible for the husband   a different house -- maybe earth-sheltered or solar or something -- ELSEWHERE!   of course, oceans of BPAL   organic, fair trade everything   bunches and bunches of hand-made, one-of-a-kind jewelry   original art. probably mostly from local artists and any artist forumites there might be   a trip to Ireland   (and a quick jaunt to Paris to visit Jim's grave)   And I'm sure I'll think of more later.   tons of music from Isotank   eliminate buying mass produced stuff as much as possible -- it has no soul




Moving forward

At long last, things seem to be looking up.   DH and I had a nice evening out to celebrate Valentine's Day. On Saturday, we hired a baby-sitter and made reservations for dinner at the Melting Pot. I don't know about you, but I looove fondue. I think it's a fun dining experience, and there really is no yummier way to end a meal than dipping fruit and cake into melted chocolate. Fondue meals take a long time -- we were at the restaurant for about 2.5 hours -- so that gave us plenty of time for conversation. Sometimes during the week we're so busy with the kids, we don't really have time or energy to connect with each other. It's good to feel that we're back on the same page, that we want the same things and we have goals to strive for.   I posted a while ago about DH being out of work. Yes, my Kevin Federline-ish spouse has been unemployed since November 2005. He's done some freelance work in the interim, but it definitely doesn't pay the bills; I've had to make a huge dent in our savings. It appears his ship has finally arrived -- he has two job offers. The only problem is, they're both out of state. There is a local company interested in him; they've interviewed him twice and had him in to do freelance work. If he gets an offer from this company, we can stay where we are, which is our preference. Please send all your positive vibes and thoughts for him to get an offer from the local company.   I'm still employed at the newspaper, still part-time (they wouldn't let me switch to full-time work) but taking on more responsibility. It's not the most dazzling career but I'm realizing how fortunate I am to be employed in the field of my choice, especially given how many publishing companies are laying people off right now.   There are a few situations in my life that still need improvement:   1. I'm a lousy wife. I am not good at cooking and cleaning. I cook maybe one or two nights a week; the rest of the time, it's fast food or Lean Cuisine. I realize this is bad, but I'm just too freakin' tired to cook after working all day, taking care of the kids after work (it's amazing how draining it is to pick up young children from daycare and do the whole dinner, bath, bedtime routine every night -- I just collapse afterwards!), and trying to keep the house somewhat tidy. But despite my efforts, the house always seems to be cluttered or in need of a clean-up; it's a Sisyphean task.   2. I tend not to pay my bills on time, which isn't a good thing. It's not that I don't have the money. I'm just too lazy to sit down and pay them. I've asked DH to take over this task but he's even worse at it than I am.   3. My mom's been dead for nearly a year, but I still miss her so much. So often, a thought crosses my mind that I want to share with her ... then I remember, "Oh, can't call her. She's dead." And it's like a punch in the gut. Nobody ever told me it would be this painful to lose a parent. I've still got this tremendous emptiness in my life where she used to be, and there doesn't seem to be a way to resolve it.   4. I'm spending too much money on "stuff," probably to try to fill this weird emptiness I have. I'm buying books, skincare, magazines, haircare, tea, and all kinds of crap. Never mind that I've been wearing the same four bras for the past 10 years, or that I don't have a pair of decent winter boots -- I'm buying stuff I don't really need, like trial kits of skincare, makeup, etc. I find those purchases more fun than clothing or shoes.   5. I'm eating too much candy and other sugary stuff. I've gained seven pounds in one month. True, I'm pregnant. But there's no reason for me to be eating sour gummy worms like a crazy woman at 11:30 p.m. every night, or scarfing Dunkin Donuts every weekend.   6. I need to be a better friend. I haven't been returning calls or sending birthday cards. It's not that I don't care about these people, who are an important part of my life; I just feel too lazy and lethargic to make calls, set up plans, etc. I'd like to even add some new friends to my life, so why am I doing such a lousy job with the ones I have?   This is what life is all about, though -- there are always problems, always things that need improvement. I'm not going to stress over these things; I'm going to work on being grateful for what I have and making positive changes. Spring seems like a good time of year for this.




A Night of Dreams

Last night, I finally had a nice and restful night of sleep. Of course, with restful sleep comes lots of dreams. Most of the dreams were very simplistic (characteristic of n-REM sleep which is the deepest sleep) and had to deal with icing - making icing, coloring icing, decorating with icing - lots and lots of icing! However, I did have two "real" dreams. One was almost nightmarish. The only reason I'm not calling it a nightmare is because I don't remember the bad part. The dream as I can remember it started after I had been kidnapped and tormented in a strange sci-fi type prison. It was the aftermath of hysterical crying and others plotting to bring revenge down on my captures. I would try to explain it more, but it was very weird.   However, the highlight of my night of sleep was the last dream I had. It started off as a fairly standard dream. I woke up and got dressed. I walked outside and into this beautiful green meadow. As I walked through it past some other people I suddenly realized I was naked. But instead of freaking out, I stopped and thought about. I distinctly remembered putting on clothes and not to mention that I even remembered going to bed clothed. This meant that I was dreaming. Usually, I then create some clothes for myself, STAT, but for some reason, last night I didn't care. I just ran full speed at the leering guys standing around a old truck and jumped up into the air. It was time to have fun flying. I swooshed and spun, dove and looped, and had great time.   This time though, instead of just being happy doing that, I climbed way up and up and up and into space. I stopped hovering over Earth, looking around at space, the stars, the moon, the rest of the planets, and the sun. At first, it was an oddly serene feeling - disconnected from everything, but then I started to get an uneasy feeling about being up in space - ya know - naked and exposed to cosmic radiation and the whole lack of atmosphere, but I put that aside, held my arms out to either side, and let myself just fall backwards towards the earth, flipping over at the last moment to swoop back up into the air. I was consciously suspending real physic and opting for funner Dream physics - as otherwise I would have been killed many times over in this dream. It was much more fun to simply realize it was a dream and enjoy flying. I remember at one point flying over to Australia in a matter of seconds. But as I went to land, I woke up.   I love lucid dream. I learned how to back in middle school. I used it mostly to put an end to reoccurring nightmares. It wasn't until the end of high school/college time that it occurred to me to use to go flying. Since then it is what I always do whenever I become conscious of the fact that I'm dreaming. The key is to concentrate on triggers that tell you that your dreaming - I have recently added the suddenly naked dream to that list, and so far it has been easy recognize and take control over.





This is SO frustrating. I am having anxiety about going to school tomorrow. WHY? Other than my Lord of the Rings class, there's not a lot of stress there- and even that class is turning into something with potential to be enjoyable... but I digress. And it's late, and I should be asleep.... Guh.




Wedding Stuff and Cake Decorating

Now that the initial - Holy Cow I'm Actually Engaged - it wearing off. There is actual stuff that needs to be done. Mr Man and I have decided to go check out possible reception sites next Sunday. Between now and then, I need to research options. We are checking out Clearwater Recreational Center. It's supposed to be a nice site and a good "blank canvas" to work with and fairly cheap. Other than that - I'm not sure where else to look. Of course if I'm going to compare it to a hotel - I need to figure out catering prices too as most hotels include catering. Ya gotta compare apples to apples, ya know? This also means that Mr Man and I need to nail down an exact date.   On a plus side, I picked up Tampa Bay's Premier Bride Magazine at my salon last week. I didn't have much hope as it was free, but I gotta say it has a lot of good info. In fact, I think its advertising to info ratio is actually higher than the $10 bridal magazines at the store. In addition, all the advertising is for local businesses and not just outlandish dresses and rings. So far I'm liking it and getting some good ideas. It is definitely worth is free price tag .   I still need a wedding planner book. I picked one up last weekend, but I'm having second thoughts and am starting to wonder if I should keep it or not. I'm just not sure what would be best to help me get though this.   I have cake decorating again tonight. I still have to make the icing when I get home from work. I had all plans of taking care of it last night; however, those plans were changed when I went quickly around the corner of our kitchen to head off Mika (and give Brutus a little break from her) and slipped on a big puddle of Brutus's piss. That damn dog. He was doing so well with potty training, but the past week or so he has backtracked some. I'm mostly ok from it, I just bruised up my ankle pretty bad. I had to hobble around for the rest of the night and try to rest it as much as possible. Which meant - no icing making. Thankfully, I had just taken the cake out of the oven when it happened. Unfortunately since Mr Man was sickly, I couldn’t just lie on the couch and get waited on - instead I had to do the waiting on.





A journal for extra Switch Witch info sounded like such a good idea when I read it on Freya's post. Now I'm not sure what to say. The questionaire was easy because I had prompts.   Let's start with some ideas for the Switch Witch on a budget. Here are some cheap or free ways to brighten my day:   *mix cd's of music you think I would like   *e-cards of course   *links to particularly odd "news of the weird" type stories (as long as they don't involve an animal being injured or killed -- the husband has to prescreen all animal movies before I'm allowed to watch them. This weekend I was reading the new Lyndsay Sands book, and toward the end I got to a scene that looked potentially Duckie-unfriendly. The dog was bounding down the stairs to protect the heroine from the bad guys. I handed the book to the husband and said, "Please read the next few pages and make sure Julius is okay." Yet I have no problem whatsoever with movies that have a high human body count. Go figure.   *I love getting postcards (memo to me: sign up for the March Purple Ink Postcard exchange. I miss doing that.)   *links to yummy sounding beans and rice recipes from different cultures   I'll add more as I think of them.   *a link to a beginner-friendly, active board on natural/alternative healing topics would be wonderful   *If my Switch Witch happens to be handy with those awesome icon stickers, I would love stickers for imps of any of the scents I listed as favorites.   *Handy with photo software? I'd love a collage of Johnny Depp pics to use as a background for my laptop.   (I'm trying to guess talents that a Switch Witch might possibly have, so don't feel bad if you don't know how to do this stuff -- I don't either or it wouldn't be on my list, lol.)   *stickers. I particularly like Lisa Frank and am on the lookout for something similar but "darkly inclined"





mmmm....lemon verbena with just a hint of jasmine and neroli. As it dried the green tea come out, but not overpowering. A very nice summer scent. I will definately be keeping the imp, but probably not a bottle.   ETA: As it dried down further, it reminds me of maybe bathroom cleaning products? Or something, not quite sure. But I don't like it.





At first, all honey. Then the orange starts to come out and I think, wow I really like this. Only the slightest hint of rose, luckily.   But the all of a sudden, BAM! Baby powder.   Off to swaps.





This is an interesting one. At first it's all woods, but as it dries the fig comes out and sweetens it. Not getting any of the cocoa.   I do like it, though I doubt I'll get a bottle. I am glad I got to try the imp.




Worried for my kitty...and a mad idea.

I'm really worried about my kitty Tingle now. She's not been eating or drinking and she's worryingly thin and frail. I went to the animal hospital and she was given a checkup and put on a drip because she just won't eat. The vets think it may be a kidney infection, I hope it's curable (and not too expensive) but I'm just worried it may be something worse. I just don't need my only other kitty passing away at this time, not when I'm already bogged down with study stress and loads of coursework. I'm actually a little scared for her-I know she's old but I don't want her to leave me now.   Anyway, my idea. I'm toying with the idea of writing an article for the uni newspaper about BPAL, I'm sure there are many people at my uni who'd be interested (and I'm getting bored of the stink of Lynx spray and Eau de Chav that I often smell round my campus). I'm also a little nervous about having an article and having it published since I've never been involved with the uni paper at all, and I'm also a little scared about being 'a little bit famous', and having people at uni-even friends-suddenly come up to me and ask about the article...I know that sounds really stupid but I am terribly shy with subjects that I don't normally talk about outside the internet (my talk about BPAL is strictly online, with the exception of meet-n-sniffs) I think one idea would be to wear BPAL to uni and note any compliments/comments, I'd take that as interest, and maybe I could get writing. I also need something else...lots and lots of TIME. Which I have none at the moment, with coursework and all.




Spring Fling Switch Witch!

The deadline for getting your questionnaire to the switch witch account is February 24 at 6:00 PM EST. They're going to try to have assignments out by March 1, and the end of the round will be May 10, with no grace period- essentially, the grace period is included, I'd think. Here's the link to the actual post!




some kntting thoughts....

but i am now halfway through the ribbed scarf. i cannot wait for this to be finished, but i think i might be looking at another whole month....damn me having a full-time (and then some) job!   i read somewhere of a woman whose job is designing and hand knitting a range of clothes. if i had to live on what i made from knitting i'd need to charge £10,000 per item!   i think i might have finally understood knitting in the round - not that i've tried it yet....'walking before i can run' etc etc ad nauseum.....   i am starting to realise how expensive knitting is. i wanted to make a bath mat from a pattern and worked out that it would cost me $212 (without shipping to UK) for the yarn. if i can't afford to buy a bath mat then i most certainly can't afford to make one!




Beaver Moon update!

Duck Mountain contacted me today, with the intention of clearing everything up and resuming activity on the forum. I do believe she intends to complete the swap and I am ecstatic about that. I am also quite impressed, because it takes guts to own up to something like that, and not everyone would do it. So! As soon as I have Beaver Moon in my hands, I will update the swap feedback, notify the mods, and post here to let you all know. Plus, we get a forumite back! Like I told her, it just didn't seem like something she would really do, so it's a relief to know I wasn't wrong.   I just thought I should pass along the information, in case anybody sees her about.   Welcome back, DM!




Psychology of Retail Therapy

I'm really enjoying my psychology class. It's Psych 110, just the basics. I resist the temptation to play amateur psychologist armed with only half a quarter of 100-level knowledge (because it ANNOYS THE HELL OUT OF ME when college kids think they're an expert on a subject after taking one semester of it), but my professor has a PhD in cognitive psych from the University of Chicago and she's a damn smart woman to boot, so I trust what she says.   Last night we were talking about motivation and emotion. She was discussing the various reasons why people are motivated for certain behaviors, and she briefly touched on compulsive shopping and hoarding. Her explanation was that people use this behavior to fill the void in their lives that is usually caused by depression. If someone experiences a sadness mood, they are motivated to change circumstances in their lives. Some people misdirect this motivation into changing material things in their lives (selling a bunch of their own crap on eBay and then buying a bunch of other stuff) rather than changing the things that SHOULD be changed (i.e. their partner, their job, whatever). Ultimately this makes the person more depressed because they've just racked up a bunch of new bills and the new material things didn't make a difference to their depression.   I was all set to get defensive and huffy about this because I hoard perfumes and bath/body stuff, and I also sell stuff I don't want and buy things that other people didn't want. I don't think it has anything to do with trying to fill a void that's caused by depression -- I actually LIKE swapping and hoarding. I feel very pleased and happy when I look at all my BPAL bottles. They're little bottles of beauty, and I'm glad that they're in my life.   If I feel particularly sad one day and I try to soothe myself by buying a BPAL bottle from somebody's swap post, I don't think I should feel bad about it from someone telling me that I'm screwed up psychologically for doing this. Dammit that perfume DOES make me feel better, and I love the anticipation of waiting for some lovely BPAL to show up in my mailbox.   So as I was feeling all defensive and ready to raise my hand and tell the professor "You're WRONG, I indulge in retail therapy on occasion and it's not due to depression it's because I LIKE IT."   And then she said, "People who exhibit this behavior will buy 40 sweaters in one day and never even take them out of the bags, they'll stash the bags in hiding places around the house so that their significant others won't see them. They get no pleasure from actually having the things they bought, they just feel a compulsive need to buy something. Then they'll have no money when it's time to pay the rent or the electric bill or the car payment, so their depression becomes even worse."   Oh. THAT kind of compulsive shopping. Um, yeah. That's not the kind that I do.




The Wild Men of Jezirat al Tennyn

At first I thought that this was going to end up being too masculine for me and that once again another oil was going to huby.   But then I was pleasantly surprised! The vanilla and amber came out and sweetened it. I wish it stayed spicier longer, but it could be that I'm trying it on the top of my arm instead of my wrists. Now I'm going to go wash off the scent I tried before and I'm going to reapply it on my wrists. Either way though, it's quite nice and I'm glad I picked up a bottle.   (yes, that was the most useless review ever LOL)





Wow, something with rose in it that doesn't immediately go old lady on me.   At first it's mostly warm gardenias but as it dries, I catch a hint of the tea and perhaps amber? I'm not getting much of the patchouli or rose (thank god).   This is a very warm seductive floral. I think I really like it and I will definately be keeping my imps of it. Not sure on a bottle yet.




oh the conflict...

Sometimes I love it here, sometimes I hate it. I really wish I could make up my mind. I talked to Mario today (he actually had a free minute, what a surprise) about how I was disappointed in the lack of lessons I was getting, and also about the problems with my other teacher being such a royal bitch to me for no reason (that I know of...). I have to say, just talking about it to him made me feel a lot better. It was a lot better than holding my thoughts inside for one more week. He actually said it was ridiculous that I had the in tandem lesson slot and that next quarter I will switch to him full time. I hope he actually means it. Sometimes he is too busy and forgets his promises.   That being said, my lesson went quite well today. We actually talked about what I have wanted to talk about all along- artistry. No technique, no stupid requirements, just the philosophy behind the pieces I am working on. Perhaps that is because I had really busted my ass to learn all of the notes and etc. so that we would have no choice but to work on what I wanted. note to self: do this more often Actually I think it was because I just tend to play low flutes better, they fit with me naturally, I suppose. He has so many amazing thoughts on artistry and musical philosophy, it is a shame that many of my earlier lessons were wasted with us arguing whether or not it is valid and beneficial to perform from memory. Or whether or not I should play Paganini violin music on the flute. ew.   I got asked to sub for the "most in demand" flute player in Strasbourg. I am pretty excited. I am going to play a Xenakis piece for flute and three guitars, and I adore his music! I feel so lucky to have gotten asked to do this, it makes me feel so guilty for being in a bad mood and wanting to leave just yesterday. But I guess that is the rollercoaster that is my feelings and/or life.   Ok enough about my work! I spent the good old V-day drinking beer by myself and watching the L Word on You Tube. Go me. I have such an Alice fixation, it's not even funny. And you know, that was fine for me, I never liked to make a big deal out of VDay anyway (although I read Ah Xia's post somewhere in the forums about the carnations and totally had a sad moment remembering that I too had to deal with the "no carnations for you" thing on VDay in high school. ick. I so wanted to forget about that memory...).   This evening was also good. More beer drinking and pizza eating with friends. A good way to finish off an improvement of a day, in my opinion. Although, my ever expanding waistline did not consider this an improvement. Although I better go to sleep and gear up for a weekend of crap, prelude to giant week of crap that is about to smack me in the face quite soon. At least it will be followed by vacation and the much anticipated trip to Paris with a good old friend from my undergrad (who is conveniently on a fulbright in Germany quite close by). I can't wait...                  





For my birthday, the boy came up to spend the weekend. He came bearing gifts Yay!   I recieved- A live recording of the last Pixies show in DC from 2004. This was one of our first dates   Audiobook of The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, read by the author. I've been looking for this for months and months.   A box of yummy chocolate from Schakolad. The box itself? Chocolate   The chocolates!     The boy (+ chocolate)   Me!


