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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

On dieting and ATC's

First, before I forget: You all must sign up for SevenSins' Artist Trading Card swap. If you don't know what they are, check out the first post in that thread (it's in the circular swap area) because she has some great links. They're essentially artistic baseball/magic/trading cards. It seems like a fun way to let off some creative steam and I already have some ideas! Inky, I'm looking at you! Not to single anyone out or anything. Ahem.   Moving on: I'm dieting. With chocolate. (That reminds me of the nutrisystem commercial- "Any diet that allows me to eat chocolate every day is a diet for me!" I watch too much TV, heh.) I'm going to fast a couple of days a month with tea and water on those days. The rest of the days, I'm going to eat stuff that's high in fiber, and my meals are going to be primarily cereal, supplimented by vegetables, fruits, and other snacky things. There is NO reason I can't do this. Plus, that Special K cereal with chocolate in it totally works for me. Does that sound like a good plan?   I'm also going to be looking for this awesome yoga/pilates dvd that I borrowed from netflix and can't remember what it was anymore. It wasn't yoga or pilates, but it drew on both, and dance and martial arts and other movement forms, and it really worked for me. It was something like, "Pilates: Target Specific" because it had workouts that would focus on different areas of the body. And! Wal-mart has one of those sit-up roller things for $15 that I'm going to have to splurge on.   Finally, I'm going to start writing affirmations (as per the "creating your own reality" thread) on index cards and keeping them in a box. I don't know if it works, but it can't hurt to try.




Kumari Kandam, The Phantom Islands

At first it is such a sharp ozoney aquatic that I had to hold my wrists down to keep from getting a headache. As it dries though, the sharpness fades quite a bit (though it's still there a bit more on my left wrist) and starts to sweeten and a hint of saltiness comes out. It reminds me of something I can't quite place, but it's comforting. I think it would also smell wonderful on dh.




Slow-motion week

Ugh, it’s only Thursday? I’m dragging this week. We went out with my cousin and his friend last night to watch the Mavs game, and I think I drank too much Guinness. No, I know I drank too much Guinness But it’s so good! It came to the table with a little shamrock on top, like the more talented baristas can put a creamy heart on top of your coffee. Cousin’s Friend had a picture in his cell phone of a coffee he ordered in Santa Barbara with a big smiling cat face on top, which was really impressive.   I’m distracted by online shopping the past couple of days. I placed a Possets order on Tuesday for a few of the new LEs: Kitty Cupidon, Haute Love and Silver Roses. Wednesday was incense and a few perfume samples from feMaledictions, and I finally placed an order to try some Fred Soll incense. I’m also eyeballing the 4 Fat Cats Wax Works update, as I’ve ordered from Holly previously and really liked her tarts -- strongly scented and no dye. Last week I received an order from My Lady’s Chamber for more incense, and I can barely close my incense drawer as it is, so why am I ordering more? Is my house subliminally stinky?   I just love coming home after work and lighting candles and incense, and on Saturdays as I’m doing chores having simmering oil or a tart burning. It must be a nesting thing. I guess I’m making up for lost time too, as the end of 2006 was money-stressy since I didn’t know where/when I would be working. It’s not like any one purchase is terribly expensive, but these buying flurries are obviously something I need to get out of my system. Once I get a few new things in the mail to play with, I should be fine. Yeah





One thing I hardly ever talk about is politics. I'm not the type of person who likes to get involved in endless debates between groups of people who will never agree, and all the name-calling and finger-pointing depresses me a lot. I've learned to keep my mouth shut about these things at family functions because both my family and my husband's are Republican and devoutly Catholic. There are certainly aspects of their views that I respect -- they're not fanatics, and they're not ill-informed. They just have different priorities and principles than I have. They don't preach their views at me, and I give them the same courtesy. I'm pretty comfy in this setup. Live and let live, as it were.   I'm not a demonstrator, a protestor, or an activist. I write letters and emails, and occasionally I give a little bit of money, but in general I stay away from public rallies and things of that nature.   So! Lil' ol' politics-shy filigree_shadow received an email from Barack Obama's exploratory committee a few minutes ago suggesting that I might be interested in attending an event in Springfield, IL, on Saturday morning. They say he will be making an announcement concerning his presidential campaign. I can only guess, judging by the list of locations currently on his tour schedule (Iowa next, and then New Hampshire), that he will, in fact, be announcing that he definitely is going to run.   For the first time in my life, I actually want to go to an event like this. Springfield is about three hours away by car. I have no plans for Saturday. The only thing stopping me from going is possibly inclement weather.   I've never heard Obama speak in public, and I'd like to. Of course, there's also an Obama Rally in Chicago on Sunday afternoon, which is much closer to me, so perhaps I should just go to that.   Still, I'd kinda like to go to the Springfield announcement. It could end up being an historical event.





Radio silence on channel Kitrona for a while. Too much going on, not enough energy to deal with it and still manage to be tactful.   Saturn return can stop fucking with my life now, plskthx.




silly me

I lose at this blogging thing!   I forgot yesterday that I needed to select "publish" instead of "draft". Anyhow, not much to say today, except a funny little story from Los Angeles...   My friend Lewis played a concert with sound artist Toshi Nakamura. Of course, or so he said, everything went well. As the applause went on after their set, a man stood up in the audience and began to yell. He yelled about how what just happened wasn't music, and that he was disgusted that he had paid money to go to this concert. And that, as Lewis said, was how he knew that he had played a good concert. I must agree with him, although I don't know whether or not I would have enjoyed his performance. Probably. Anyhow, I am really glad to know that there was a concert that happened that garnered such a strong reaction, be it positive or negative. Too often I feel that people go to concerts for the sake of appearances or obligation and really don't pay attention to what is happening. Also, and better still, it could have also been due to the fact that something innovative and interesting happened that people couldn't yet analyze. Often times I have seen this sort of thing cause people to shut down and just call it "bad" or "not music". Anyhow, I hope it was a little bit of both.   On a completely different note, I hope it snows tonight or tomorrow. Snow is much prettier and more manageable that sleet or freezing rain, which is what is has been doing here for, oh, the past week. I say this because I no longer have to drive The snow is pretty and I haven't seen it in so long.




(first post...?)

So...this is my first blog post ever. I am not quite sure what the point of my blog will be, probably just to put my random thoughts, if not for my own personal amusement. Hopefully this blog won't contain a lot of whining, but I can't guarantee anything What I can guarantee is a lot of typos and the occasional (or not so occasional) grammatical error. I am definitely not an eloquent writer, that is for sure!   So, on to some random thoughts...   I am pretty happy with myself as of late. My French is getting much better. as in MUCH better. I don't have to think anymore when I form basic sentences in conversation. I guess taking night classes three days a week has helped. Thank goodness that they gave me a discount on them! So yeah, now I can actually participate in my improv classes without just saying "Tu joues vraiment bien" or something dumb like that.   I'm also happy that I have successfully performed three pieces from memory in a concert without having a total memory lapse. I never thought I could do it, and I am glad I pushed myself these past couple of months so that this is no logner a fear for me. Whew! Now onto the challenge of performing a minimalist work from memory. Hopefully I can create some sort of device for myself to remember the patterns and number of repetitions, etc.   In a nutshell, things are going OK if not better than that. Maybe this evening after my practicing is done I will finally attack the project of stretching my ears (not a lot but I have a few sizes to go before I can wear this lovely pair of wooden claws that I bought). Hm. It's funny that I find that relaxing activity but anyway...   OK that's all for now. My dog is pleading with my to turn off the M.I.A. on my itunes. It just doesn't sit right with her for some reason and she's being quite grumbly. She can tolerate when i play Ministry but not M.I.A.- strange creature indeed. Over and out...  





RIP Berenice (Berry)   February 5, 2007 - February 6, 2007   My husband said true that it never gets any easier.   I love you, Berry, and I'll miss you, even though you were only around for 24 hours. Be safe and happy on the other side with your brother....





At first it's rather sharp, but as it dries it starts to soften, but the sharpness lingers just enough to add something interesting to the scent. Reminds me of when I lived near the beach and there was approaching storm in the distance and the air was charged and salty and a bit sweet.   It's very nice, though I think it might actually smell better on hubby. I'll have to try it on him and then decide about a bottle. I'm also worried that it will end up turning to soap on me, we'll see.....





Wet, a sweet aquatic with a hint of florals Not sharp like Tempest, this reminds me more of growing up in Fla. when we would get sun showers and the sweetness of the flowers would emerge. The air is fresh and moist and everything is damp and clean and all you want is to close your eyes and feel the light rain on your face. I was actually expected something a bit darker or sharper, but I'm happy with how it turned out. I can't wait to try it on myself as I think it would be better suited on me and the Tempest I tried is more for dh.




Exhausting day yesterday...

Exciting day yesterday.   I would've posted earlier, but I was completely exhausted. Cleo had to go to the vet and get a c-section. Ack, brb... tell you the story after I give her her meds.   There, done. So Cleo had Baxter on Saturday, but she was still lumpy. Still, she wasn't acting too funny, so we figured she was just taking a while to get the other(s) out. Well, she was, but the problem was that one of the kittens was too big. Woke up yesterday to bloody discharge from her, so we ran her to the vet, where they x-rayed her and found the large kitten. She needed a c-section, obviously, so they did it (and spayed her at the same time). But wait! There were TWO kittens still in there! And they managed to save one!   Unfortunately, the little boy was the one that couldn't be saved. I've named him George, since for the little bit of time he was fighting for life I loved him. Stupid as it may sound, I've cried for him.   The others are, um, both girls. Yes, even Baxter, who has been renamed Beatrix, but still Bax for short. The other is Berenice, Berry for short. Bax looks like Cleo, same markings and everything, and Berry looks like Keon. Sounds like him, too... they both got major lung power!   Pictures? Why, yes, I do have pictures! http://pics.livejournal.com/stabbitydeath/gallery/0000cse8   Today I got my first ultrasound done. I'm 8 weeks, 5 months according to the measurements... and according to the due date calculator. How odd.   Here's the ultrasound. http://pics.livejournal.com/stabbitydeath/pic/000122wd   Oh, I also turned in my application for the pool locker room attendant. Easy job, decent pay (really good pay for what I'll do, actually), and it's while Alex is in school. I put I want about 25 hours a week, which I think is acceptable... I don't want to work when Mar's off if I can avoid it. So I hope I get it. Yay, BPAL money!   And now I have a kitten in my cleavage. Berry gets cold... I think she's more fragile than Bax, understandably, and every time Cleo leaves, despite the fact that they're by the heater, Berry cries.





I hope my review of Pan's Labyrinth wasn't offensive to anybody! I still had a fantastic time, and I'm incredibly glad to have seen it on the big screen. I was just pointing out things I didn't enjoy about it, s'all.   I'm kind of pissed right now. I got my LotR essay back today, and the grade was considerably lower than I was expecting. I didn't fail, but I got a 4.0 out of english 101, and this is a LIT class (sort of), so I have a certain amount of expectations for my grades when it comes to writing, and I was pretty confident with what I had written.   Also, I love you guys. That's all for now! Must do homework, so I can then play Baldur's Gate 2! And then.... American Idol!





Oh, wow, this stuff is potent! Caught be by surprise how strong it is.   Bayou is a very interesting aquatic. It's not a fresh clean aquatic nor is it a deep dark one. This one is definately murkier like a swamp. It reminds me summertime in Fla, canoeing under a canpoy of trees, hot and humid, somewhat dank, with a touch of swamp flowers and moss and wet vegetation. I think I really like this, though it does make me feel a bit homesick. Doubt I would buy a bottle, but I'm glad I got the imp.   ETA: Sadly, it ended up smelling like old, stale, really rank cheap drugstore perfume. Off to swap pile!




Anaconda V. Sugar Skull '04

I sampled Anaconda, posted my review and then went back and read the other reviews that had been posted as well as the comments in "Anyone Tried It?"   I realize that noses and skin chemistry can be vastly different but I was surprised to see so many comparisons to Sugar Skull, but I didn't find the two scents to be similar beyond their both being sweet scents.   I decided to do a side by side to see if my nose was playing tricks on me. I applied the Anaconda to my left wrist and the same amount of SS'04 to my right.   Wet on skin~ Anaconda is a rich, smoky brown sugar bruleé scent.   SS'04 is screamingly sweet but a very bright sweetness like sticking one's nose into a newly opened bag of white granulated sugar. Dry down~ Anaconda begins to sweeten up even more, brown sugar bubbling away in a hot sauté pan and then adding Snake Oil to the molten sweet mixture. This scent stays close to the body and the longer it's on my skin, some musky earthiness starts to develop.   SS'04 also intensifies in sweetness but on a bright, white scale. Also I can start to smell the candied fruits lending a lovely purple hue to this stunner. This baby has tons of throw and seems to be gaining power the longer it dries on my skin. This scent doesn't morph much from the wet stage as it dries down. A few hours later~ Anaconda morphed into a sweet tobacco scent mingling with hints of the original Snake Oil. Much of the sweetness has gone leaving a soft smoky, almost musky scent. Still deep, still sexy.   SS'04 is still throwing tons of white sweetness and candied fruits but now there is the slightest burnt edge peeking out. But this is white sugar bruleé. This morning~ I can still smell the Sugar Skull's faint fruity sweetness with a touch of the burnt sugar edge. Anaconda was just a lovely memory even by bedtime. Analysis of experiment~ Even though I got a touch of the burnt sugar edge in Sugar Skull after the long dry down, these scents are still completely different to my nose. The tobacco, brown sugar and Snake Oil components vs. the white sugar and fruits make these scents on the opposite ends of the scent-spectrum. One being bright white and then turning into an almost glowing purple scent, the other being rich golden brown with burnt black edges.   I would say that the brown sugar aspect of Anaconda is much more similar to the brown sugar goodness in Monster Bait: Underpants.   I enjoyed this experiment. If you have both scents available to you, try it out, I'd love to hear your thoughts.  

Ina Garten Davita

Ina Garten Davita


To believe, or not to believe.

So, after freaking out the other day I remember why I always ought to pay attention to my feelings. My friend was in a car wreck. She's going to be fine, thankfully, but the timing was just odd.   My timing seems to be consistently odd. I don't know if I truly believe in ESP and other psychic things, but I do know that I have a lifelong pattern of knowing when something bad is going to or has happened. There are almost daily moments of knowing little things, but these are the main ones:   1) right before my mom got phone calls telling her of my grandfather and uncle's deaths, i told her not to pick up the phone because it was going to be bad. we were living in Japan and neither of them had been sick before they died. 2) i dreamed of my grandfather's death the night before he died. not just of him dying, but the exact manner of his death. 3) i did the pre-phone call thing when my grandmother had the final stroke that put her in hospice care. i answered my phone and said "it's grandma, isn't it?" before my mother said a word. i'd actually been anxious and worried for a few days before, starting the day that she had her first stroke. 4) the morning of 9/11, i had a feeling that i needed to take the train into penn station instead of the WTC. i'd never gone into school that way before.   I think I need to stop dismissing these feelings.




Life go 'splodey...

This weekend (and I'm including Friday for the sake of clarity) has not been the most fun.   Getting locked out of the Cafe's WiFi security wall on Friday, for nearly the entire day, was annoying enough. Since then: my middle sister, the MD and Navy officer, found out that she might be deployed
a friend of my chosen sister took it upon himself to inform her abusive ex-fiance that she has moved back to that town
the Grad Student and I have been on the telephone with one another three times, hand-holding one another through assorted emotional crises
I tried to smash a bone in my finger to kindling while trying to hammer a ring shank into shape
and some information has left me a little worried about my future ability to do my Friday shows at the Cafe.
I can't do anything about the possibility that Alex might be deployed, and the idea has haunted my nightmares ever since Shrubya declared Son of the Sandbox ("My daddy got a war, an' I want one too!"). I can't do anything about (possible) new ownership at the Cafe, even though the official owner has reassured me that nothing is changing. I can't bolt to Minneapolis -- I already have an airline reservation that's only 11 days away -- and I can't drop everything and camp out on Sioux's doorstep with a broadsword, much as I want to.   I have decided that I need to have the income of a Lady of Leisure, only without the attitude that usually accompanies it. I want to be able to throw money at the problems of family and friends until they go away; I want to be able to drop everything and fly to wherever I'm needed on a moment's notice. I want to provide boltholes and margaritas, storage and critter-sitting, tea and sympathy, and not have to worry about who is going to have to pay for all of it. I want to be a punk-rock, ElderGoth Auntie Mame to friends and family, and direct emotional and logistical support to D. I want it all, and right this second; but it's not happening on my current budget.   Mostly, I just want to make a difference that amounts to more than "I'm here, and thinking of you."




Bullet point mania!

I organize thoughts with bullet points. I'm sorry. I spent 12 years writing technical manuals, and this is a habit I cannot break. Again, my apologies. On with the blog!   - This is bordering on TMI, but: One of my dogs (or maybe both, I'm not sure) has been tooting all night. We had to evacuate the room twice. It's driving me crazy. As far as I know they've eaten nothing except kibble and their usual treats today, so I'm worried about what they've gotten into that I don't know about yet.   - When we got our tax forms back I looked at my income from last year and started to wonder how much I'd be getting back. My husband said, "You mean WE'll be getting back." He reminded me that we split my income 50/50. I sputtered, "But, but... that was MY money, that I made, and I'm broke..." (I haven't worked since April.) He was right though, we did agree two years ago that my income was used as our discretionary money and it was split 50/50. I haven't worked in so long that I forgot. I was mad and stomped around and behaved like a jerk. I finally said I was REALLY looking forward to that extra $20 I'd be getting in the tax refund, in the most sarcastic voice I could muster. He said he expected my half of the refund would be much larger than that, considering that we split HIS income tax refund 50/50 as well. Whoops! I forgot about that agreement too. Here I was being all pissy that he was taking half of my paltry refund when he was also giving me half of his much larger one. I slinked off silently feeling like a toad.   - I've been watching Father Ted on DVD for the past couple of days, and today I found this: www.doogle.org. This will make no sense to you unless you've seen Father Ted, but I think it's hilarious.




Your going to be fine one day

my emotions are hard to make sense of. I'm hurt but wanting to heal and forgive and just alot of things. I want to be happy. And I keep listening to this song over and over. So I'm posting the lyrics. It is a song by KT Tunstall.   It isn't very difficult to see why You are the way you are Doesn't take a genius to realise That sometimes life is hard It's gonna take time But you'll just have to wait You're gonna be fine But in the meantime   Come over here lady Let me wipe your tears away Come a little nearer baby Coz you'll heal over Heal over Heal over someday   And I don't wanna hear you tell yourself That these feelings are in the past You know it doesn't mean they're off the shelf Because pain's built to last Everybody sails alone But we can travel side by side Even if you fail You know that no one really minds Come over here lady   Don't hold on but don't let go I know it's so hard You've got to try to trust yourself I know it's so hard, so hard   Come over here lady Let me wipe your tears away Come a little nearer baby Coz you'll heal over, heal over, heal over someday




Open Letter to the People Who Applied for My Job

Dear Applicant,   Thank you for submitting your resume for the Gender Officer position in Afghanistan. There were several moderately qualified candidates and therefore, the selection was slightly difficult. I regret to inform you that you were not selected for the position due to one, or a combination of, the following:   1. You mentioned your “mental state” on your CV as “rural, urban, cosmopolitan”; 2. You sent me a long email after the phone interview explaining what you really meant to say during the interview, but just couldn’t; 3. Your writing sample included the phrase: “poverty has a women face” and/or “empowering the powerless through concretization”; 4. Your references told me how you “did not dress appropriately” when you worked in Kabul two years ago; 5. Your writing sample was 32 pages long, written in 2002, had eight annexes (including an ORGANOGRAM) and was over 1.5 MB; 6. Your writing sample had several misspellings and grammatical mistakes; 7. During the interview, you described your management style as “authoritative”.   Due to some, or all, of these reasons, we cannot extend an offer of employment to you at this time. Thank you for your interest.   Sincerely,   Confection




I blog, therefore I am

I am a word etymology geek, and of course, any sort of "where did that world come from?" question sends me off in search of its origins. In this case:   Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English- Main Entry: blog Part of Speech: n Definition: an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page; also called [Weblog], [Web log] Example: Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author. Etymology: shortened form of Weblog Usage: blog, blogged, blogging v, blogger n   ______________________________   I admit, I was really down on blogging a couple of years ago, if only because the few blogs I'd run across were the most self-aggrandizing, nauseating pieces of crap I'd ever read. I realize now that the source I'd used to come across them led me to some very unsatisfying blogs. (A much different forum, I won't get into that right now, that's another entry in itself!)   Then I started reading political blogs, especially after watching a discussion on C-SPAN where a number of print media journalists were lamenting the demise of the newspaper as a source of true investigative journalism. The reason they most often cited for that demise was the proliferation of chain newspapers that functioned to reflect the views of the corporate ownership. One of the panelists was the woman who started the political humor-commentary blog Wonkette. Some of the more traditional print journalism panelists were dissing blogers because they lack the editorial control of journalistic ethics, and she retorted that when traditional journalism simply wouldn't look at the hard topics, investigate issues or print the controversial stories, blogs were stepping in to fill that void. And indeed, more and more serious journalists are running their own blogs these days, to the point that they're e-zines. I appreciate that a lot.   Since Wonkette is essentially a political humor blog, I started reading a few more general humor and commentary blogs, just because some of those people make me laugh like crazy. And my local newspaper makes me laugh, but only inadvertantly, and only because they are so hick and pathetic. Good blogs takes things to a higher denominator, and I feel like I'm actually a part of the world again.   So this brings me to writing in my own blog space, which I started mainly for the jollies of it. I saw it as writing practice, if nothing else -- I had no idea what I'd write about. But really, I tend to have a lot of stories. I see my life as an endless series of odd stories and observations, and I share the better ones. (Well, not all of them, but at least some of them.) Sometimes I get a little Zen or a little angsty, but that's human nature. And often, issues and problems take on a greater shape and clarity when one writes about them; the mere act of writing can help end the spinning-in-the-head that too often occurs if we just mull over things without setting them to print.   I think reading each other's stories gives perspective to our own stories. I have friends who know me well, who see me a lot, who have certain expectations of me, and who sometimes do not look at me with fresh eyes. (Not in that "fresh" way, for any of you perverts out there! Oh, oops, hold it...I'm the pervert! ) So many of you give me a fresh perspective, either from your own entries, or through comments on my blogs. Sometimes you are a realilty check that I just can't get from my friends. Hopefully now and then (when I'm not carrying on about underwear, high heels, BPAL or dreams of George Clooney), I give you a different perspective that might also serve as a reality check.   I think our reasons for blogging are as varied and nuanced as we are, and it only adds to the tapestry of our lives. All of you make my life so much more interesting, and for that I am most thankful.




Lady Macbeth

I was really looking forward to trying this, but unfortunately it *really* didn't work on me. Nice sweet berries but mixed with something really sharp smelling. I ended up with a bad headache and had to wash it off. I'm thinking maybe currants don't like me?




What's in a blog?

Andrabell's recent blog entry made me think about why I like to write blogs -- I started replying to her blog and then I realized that was WAY too much for a comment so I'm transferring it over here.   ----------------------------------------------------   Here's why I write personal stuff in blogs and LJ: I'm extremely indecisive and I like to talk through things with other people, in case they have ideas or points that I just haven't thought of. Or maybe they can see possible outcomes of decisions that I haven't considered. Or maybe sometimes I just want to hear "Yeah, you're on the right track."   The thing is, I just don't have very many real friends. Except for my three sisters and my husband, I have a total of three friends. One of them is a male drinking-buddy type that I see once every few months, one of them is a super-busy role model type (also male) that I talk to about my plans and ambitions, and the other one is so wrapped up in her own self and her own problems that mainly our friendship consists of her calling me and me listening to her. As far as "girlfriends" go, I am extremely lacking. I haven't chatted on the phone or in person with anyone about my own problems/issues in months. Literally.   In real life it's hard for me to make friends. I don't seem to have much in common with most women I meet, and men usually have wives or girlfriends who disapprove of them hanging out with me. I'm extremely introverted, and I'm a housewife who leaves the house twice a week to go to class (plus running errands and stuff like that). Even if I did make friends easily, I don't have much opportunity to meet anyone. The women I've met through the forums and LJ have pretty much become my "real life" friends.   I was watching the movie Tombstone yesterday, and in it a guy asks Doc Holliday why he puts his life on the line for Wyatt Earp. Doc says it's because Wyatt is his friend. The guy says "Hell, I've got lots of friends." Doc says: "I don't."   I guess most people have a network of friends they can call up and talk to whenever they want. I don't.


