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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Body Makover

Body Makeover – Day 1 Monday January 30, 2012   Preparing and making the food for my diet is a pain in the ass!! It took me an hour last night to make food for today (but I also prepared Rexford’s bag for school – and for the rest of the week, and made regular dinner for everyone.) The BIG test is going to be trying to figure out how to prepare my food for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights because of my second job. I know I’ll have to wake up earlier in the morning, probably around 6 which will be tough, but I know I can do this!!   I tried eating my breakfast at home at 7am this morning but no dice, it’s just too early for my body, considering I usually skip breakfast and eat lunch at 11am! So I waited till I got to work and I ate it at my desk, it was ok. The first few bites were tough but halfway through I was starting to enjoy it … kind of.   Breakfast:   3 oatmeal and egg white pancakes (with cinnamon and vanilla) 2 table spoons chopped strawberries 1 cup black coffee It wasn’t the most appetizing breakfast but I must admit I feel good, nice and full! The diet also requires me to drink 100 oz of water a day. I’ll admit I am not a big water drinker at all, I really don’t enjoy it so rather than make myself sick by doing the 100oz right away, I’m just going to play it by ear and aim for 60oz a day and take it from there, if I can manage more great, if not it’s better than nothing right?   Ugh drinking the water is hard because it’s so cold in the office today! Brrrrr! I’m down almost 33oz and it’s only mid-morning. I can do this! And I have to pee every 5 seconds now!!   Taking pictures, weighing and measuring myself was a real eye-opener for me last night. The measuring and weighing was no problem, seeing the pictures was very difficult! I told DH my fears last night. It boils down to this statement:   “What happens if I get to my goal weight and stick to the diet and exercise plan but I look in the mirror and I still don’t like what I see?”   This is my biggest fear.   Part of the problem is I have one leg longer than the other so when I stand my one hip is lower than the other and this makes a crease down my back/side/hip, it looks terrible. I’m hoping that when I loose some of the fat around my thigh/hip area and when I tone the muscles it’ll make it less noticeable.   Snack time! 11.30am couldn’t have come soon enough I was hungry! Here is what I had:   Mid-morning Snack:   2oz Grilled Chicken Breast Some Grilled Snow peas ½ cup strawberries   After I ate this I was still STARVING so I consulting my food plan and read that for my plan I can have unlimited salad/veggies so I went and got a salad from Publix.   Lettuce, tom, peppers, cucumber, carrots and spring onion. I topped it with Red Wine Vinaigrette, ground pepper and salt free spicy seasoning. It hit the spot. I am now full!   But I was a little too enthusiastic with the seasoning and it was very very spicy! When I got back to my desk I drank some water and had a piece of gum. I’m not sure if gum is allowed but it doesn’t have sugar so I think it’s okay.   The mid-morning snack is hard for me because I generally have my HUGE lunch meal at 11am so I have to train my body to have smaller portions earlier on and then a slightly larger lunch at around 2pm. The salad really helped and I don’t feel guilty because it’s “free food”. I am craving something sweet, will have to see what desserts I’m allowed.   EPIC FAIL at lunch time. I had made tuna, onion and oat cakes and I thought I was going to throw up. I managed 1 ½ of them with the carrots and tomato but I couldn’t eat anymore. Not a good start considering it’s my first day. I’m trying to remind myself that it’ll take a couple of days to get acclimated and I’ve already learnt that I can have endless amounts of vegetables (like lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms ect.) to fill me up as tuna is not a good idea for me   After you finish a small meal even though you’re body isn’t starving or deprived of food, it’s used to eating more so it sends a message to your brain reminding or rather telling you to eat more, the more you eat smaller meals the sooner your body will adjust!   I’m excited I did some research on the Diets forum pages and found a great dessert/evening snack recipe – Meringue Cookies (which I will be trying tonight) and a great breakfast or afternoon snack – Almond Rice Cupcakes (which I’ll make tonight for my snack tomorrow!)   I just had my afternoon snack which was really good!   Mid-afternoon Snack:   2oz Grilled Pork Steak ½ cup grilled snow peas and squash   I got home and making dinner was so-so, it was hard with the boys crawling/running around and Brice trying to do the taxes all at the same time.   Dinner: “Cottage Pie”   2oz Ground Beef with onions and mushrooms ½ cup “mashed” potato 1 cup peas and brussel sprouts   1 glass of ice water with lemon   It wasn’t a very nice meal unfortunately, very bland and when I added crushed garlic to the mash I used too much and it made it very sour/bitter. I found a recipe for home-made tomato sauce from the diet forum and will try and make that sometime to try and add some flavor and “wetness” I find a lot of the meals very dry.   After we bathed and put the boys to bed I cleaned the kitchen and got my food ready for tomorrow – took about 50min but I kept distracting myself trying to do too many things at once!   I made the meringue cookies too, they turned out okay. I used almond essence which I probably won’t again; it can also have a very odd taste. Next time I think some vanilla will be nicer. I want to try actual meringues this weekend maybe.     Body Makeover – Day 2 Tuesday January 31, 2012 Woke up at 6.30am this morning to pack lunches and make breakfast and coffee. I made Brice fried eggs on toast that he shared with Paxton. Made myself black coffee but only had 2 sips and forgot it on the counter.   Brought my breakfast to work, I still can’t stomach anything before 8:30am. Have a slight headache today but I’m sure it’s caused from all the withdrawals (sugar, salt, dairy, flour ect.) it’s not too bad, after my black coffee at work and water it’s eased considerably!   Breakfast:   2oz ground beef (from last night) 2oz scrambled egg whites ½ c mashed potato   I fried them all up with some pepper, parsley and garlic powder so it was like an egg skillet. It wasn’t bad. The first mouthful was very dry but I added some red wine vinaigrette and extra pepper and ate it with my coffee and it was better.   My snack time at 11am came quickly and it was delicious!   Mid-morning Snack:   2 ½oz (x3 slices) of low-sodium smoked Turkey 1 small tomato Half a grape fruit   Unlike yesterday, this filled me up nicely and when I had to eat lunch at 2pm I wasn’t starving. Lunch was okay, a bit bland, I still have to figure out how to make the food taste better. I really need to make some of the tomato sauce/ketcup or some kind of gravy. I also want to see about making a soup in the crockpot, think that would be really nice. Must peruse the diet forum cookbook sometime!   Lunch:   2-3oz grilled pork and chicken ½ cup rice 1 cup peas and brussel sprouts Small mixed salad (sprouts, lettuce, cucumber, peppers, carrots and spring onion)   Had a cup of tea mid-afternoon, because it’s still hard for me to stomach all the water I have to drink, it’s going well though, I’m almost done with my second bottle of water and if I can manage another one then that’ll almost be the full 100oz!   I’m a bit nervous about dinner tonight, fish …. Not sure how to cook it without batter.   Just came back from my mid-afternoon snack and all I can say is YUMMO!   Mid-afternoon Snack:   2 ½oz (x3 slices) of low-sodium smoked Turkey 1 small tomato 1 small sweet potato 3 baby carrots




Owned BPAL Bottles & Imps

Bottles:   Blue Pumpkin Floss 2010 Chaos Theory IV Edge of Chaos (fruity) Cockaigne Cupid Complaining To Venus Eat Me Eden El Dia De Reyes 2007 Fearful Pleasure 2006 Kuang Shi March Hare Midwinter's Eve 2007 Night Gaunt Phoenix Steamworks Pink Phoenix Pumpkin 1 2008 Pumpkin Patch 3 Samhain 2007 Shango Sticky Pillowcase 2008 Sugar Skull 2008 The Candy Butcher (Carnival Diabolique) The Ghost The Last Evening of the Year (the Little Match Girl) Trick or Treat 2009   Imps/Decants:   Alice Antique Lace Baba Yaga Bedbug Bliss x2 Blood Rose Bon Vivant Bordello Calico Jack Chaos Theory (Vanilla) #157 2010 Cheshire Moon Creepy 2009 Dana O'Shee Danse Macabre Dark Chocolate, Whiskey, & Cognac Truffle Defututi Delirium x2 Dia de los Muertos 2004 Dragon's Milk Drink Me Eris Feeding The Dead Gingerbread Poppet 2007 Hanami Huesos de Santo 2008 Kyoto Ladon x2 Libra Machu Picchu Maiden Marquise de Merteuil x2 Maya Milk Chocolate Buttecream Miskatonic University Muse Nostrum Remedium Obatala Phantasm x2 Pumpkin I 2008 Pumpkin V 2008 Pumpkin Queen Rosalind Seraphim Shanghai Shoggoth Shub-Niggurath Sticky Pillowcase 2008 Swank The Hesperides The Red Queen The Temptation The Zieba Tree Tweedledee x2 Vampire Tears Venice




2012 Reading

Books read/started/finished/etc. in 2012.   Read Entirely in 2012 1. Artimis Fowl - Eoin Cofer (S)(YA)(F) (Technically I started this in 2011, but I reread what I'd already read, so I'm counting it for 2012.) 2. Eternals - Neil Gaiman (GN) (S) 3. Land of Laughs - Johnathan Carroll 4. Yseult: A Tale of Love in the Age of King Arthur - Ruth Nestvold (F) 5. The Wright 3 - Blue Balliett (YA)(M) 6. Chalice - Robyn McKinley (F)(R ) 7. Black Wine - Candas Jane Dorsey (F) 8. The Gypsy Morph - Terry Brooks (F)(S)(SF) 9. Lord John and the Scottish Prisoner - Diana Gabaldon (S) 10. The Hangman's Daughter - Oliver Pötzsch 11. Magic Bites - Ilona Andrews (F)(V)(S) 12. Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception - Maggie Stiefvater (YA)(F) 13. The Eyre Affair - Jasper Fforde (S)(F)(SF) 14. The Righteous - Michael Wallace (S)(M) 15. We Need to Talk About Kevin - Lionel Shriver 16. The Invisible Man (Illustrated Classics) - HG Wells (GN) 17. Snuff - Terry Pratchett (S)(SF) 18. Old Man's War - John Scalzi (SF) (S) 19. The Selkie Spell - Sophie Moss (F)(S) 20. The Ghost Brigades - John Scalzi (SF)(S) 21. Mighty and Strong - Michael Wallace (S)(M) 22. Mummy (Ramses the Damned) - Anne Rice (F)(V) 23. Naamah's Blessing - Jacqueline Carey (F)(S) 24. Circle of Magic: Tris's Book - Tamora Price (S)(F)(YA) 25. The Android's Dream - John Scalzi (SF) 26. Pegasus - Robin McKinley (F)(YA) 27. Fuzzy Nation - John Scalzi (SF) 28. Something Wicked This Way Comes, the Authorized GN - Ray Bradbury, Ron Wimberly (GN)(F)(R- for text) 29. American Gods 10th Anniversary Edition - Neil Gaiman (F)(R- for all but the preferred text bit) 30. Wicked - Michael Wallace (S)(M) 31. Green Shadows, White Whale - Ray Bradbury 32. The Grimm Curse: Once Upon A Time Is Now - Stephen Carpenter(?) (S)(F)(YAish) 33. Shadow Show: All-New Stories in Celebration of Ray Bradbury - Mort Castle,Sam Weller, eds. (SW) (F)(SF) 34. Beautiful Creatures - Kami Garcia, Margaret Stohl (F) (YA) (S) 35. Ghost of a Chance - Simon Green (S)(F) 36. The Grimm Curse: Girl in the Red Hoodie - Stephen Carpenter(?) (S)(F)(YAish) 37. The Red Tree - Caitlin R. Kiernan (M)(H)(F) 38. The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making - Cathrynne Valente (YA)(F)(S) 39. Cry Wolf - Patricia Briggs (S)(V) 40. Alpha & Omega - Patricia Briggs (S)(SW)(V) 41. EDGE - Various (GN)(SW) 42. Taliesin - Stephen R. Lawhead (F)(S) 43. Hunting Ground - Patricia Briggs (S)(V) 44. Fifty Shades of Gray - E.L. James (S) 45. Fair Game - Patricia Briggs (S)(V) 46. Season of the Harvest - Michael R. Hicks (S) (SFish) 47. Deadlocked - Charlene Harris (S)(V) 48. Echo - Jack McDevitt (S)(SF) 49. Seer of Sevenwaters - Juliet Marillier (S)(F) 50. Kraken - China Mieville (F) 51. Cthulhu Tales Omnibus: Delirium (GN) (SW) 52. The Eyes of the Killer Robot - John Bellairs (S)(M)(YA) 53. Why Have Kids? - Jessica Valente (NF) 54. Talon of the Unnamed Goddess, a Fantasy Adventure - C. R. Daems and J. R. Tomlin (F) 55. The Last Colony - John Scalzi (S)(SF) 56. Tommyknockers - Stephen King (H) 57. The Casual Vacancy - JK Rowling 58. Katwalk - Karen Kijewski (M)(S) 59. Flush - Carl Hiassen (YA) 60. Skin Tight - Carl Hiassen 61. Irish Moon - Amber Scott (S)(F) 62. Scrooge and Marley - Karl F. Hollenbach (S sort of) 63. The Christmas Tree - Charles Dickens (NF sort of)(SW) 64. Hogfather - Terry Pratchett ®(S)(F) 65. A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens ® 66. Old Christmas - Washington Irving (NF sort of)(SW) 67. A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows: An Outlander Novella - Diana Gabeldon (S)(SW) 68. Dodger - Terry Pratchett (YA) 69. Uncle Montague’s Tales of Terror - Priestley, Chris (YA)   Chapter books read with Son 1. Dogs in the Dead of Night (MTH 46) 2. Half Moon Investigations - Eoin Coifer Supernaturals-Eoin Coifer 3. The Wright 3 - Blue Balliett 4. Throne of Fire - Richard Riordon 5. Abe Lincoln at Last (MTH 47) 6. Charlie Bone 1 7. The Phantom Tollbooth 8. Hoot - Carl Hiassen 9. Chasing Vermeer - Blue Balliet (s) 10. Scat - Carl Hiassen 11. Chomp - Carl Hiassen 12. The Neverending Story - ®(F)   Started in 2011 or before, finished in 2012 Dances With Dragons - George R.R. Martin (S)(F) Halloween - Paula Guran (SW) (F) (2011) Who Let the Dogs In - Molly Ivins (2008) (SW) (NF)   In progress (if not started in 2012, starting year in parens) Ulysses - James Joyce (started 2005, completely restarted in 2011) Everything You Know About God is Wrong - Russ Kick (NF) (SW) (2010)     Island of the Could Not Finish Barry Trotter and the Unauthorized Parody   Some coding:(AOC) = Author of Color/(F) = Fantasy/(GN) = Graphic Novel/(H) = Horror/(M) = Mystery/(NF) = Non-fiction/(R ) = Reread/(S) = Series/(SF) = Science Fiction/(SW) = Short Works/(V) = Vampires, werewolves, and witches, oh my!/(YA) = Young Adult




2011 Reading Analysis

Wow. So this was one my my less stellar years in terms of reading. Ironically, I think that getting a Kindle actually worked against me, as it made it so much easier to be a magpie, play little word games, etc. So time I might otherwise have spent reading got sucked into playing strange logic puzzles. I also think I might have lost a couple of quick reads between October and November.   The Kindle did make it easier to make progress on some of my long-term reading projects, like Ulysses. While I'm still a long way from done, having it with me wherever I have the Kindle means I plugged away more than I would have if the book just stayed by my bed. Also, my copy was lovely in its way, but it is old, has some cover damage and the 60s era cover had to be taped on, so having it in a sleak electronic format is a more friendly reading experience (note that doesn't mean I'm getting rid of the hardcopy :-).   Along those lines, I had hoped to make 2011 the year I finished everything on my previously started list, which clearly didn't happen. I did read at least part of every single book still outstanding and I think it's realistic to think at least 4 of those will be cleared out this year (I've already finished ADWD and just started up with AF again, so that's one down, one probably finished by the end of the month). There's not much left of the Molly Ivins - it's sort of a crime that I've not completed that one, to be honest, and Halloween will be resurrected come fall. So there.   I did discover a ton of new authors this year, reading more than one book (and in a couple of cases, entire series) by Suzanne Collins, , Charles DeLint, Terry Brooks, Lee Carroll, and Daniel Suarez, and one offs by Jacqueline West, Cyril Pedrosa, Tamora Pierce and Daniel Kraus. I also discovered a lot of new possibilities via the Steampunk anthology (which contains a story by one of my dearest friends) and the Halloween anthology (which I shall finish next fall, natch).   Normally, this is where I go through a detailed accounting of new vs. old, genre, etc. But I kind of don't really care. I like knowing what I read and so long as I liked it, I'm not sure it matters that much one way or another.




my current stash

Ars Amatoria Brisingamen   Ars Amatoria O   Ars Amatoria Perversion   Ars Amatoria Snake Oil   Ars Amatoria Whip   Ars Draconis Dragon's Milk   Ars Moriendi Midnight DC   Bewitching Brews Bewitched   Bewitching Brews Blood Kiss   Bewitching Brews The Coiled Serpent   Bewitching Brews Yggdrasil   Excolo Ehecatl swap pile   Excolo Kali   Excolo Urania   Illyria Queen Gertrude   Illyria Titania   Mad Tea Party High-Strung Daisies swap pile   RPG Gnome   RPG Mage   RPG Paladin   Sin & Salvation Dirty   Sin & Salvation The Bow & Crown of Conquest   Sin & Salvation Vice swap pile   Wanderlust Dublin DC   Wanderlust Manhattan   Wanderlust Morocco




BPAL: L'École Des Filles

L'École Des Filles Category: Ars Amatoria Quantity: sample   Description: L’ÉCOLE DES FILLES We sang till almost night, and drank my good store of wine; and then they parted and I to my chamber, where I did read through L'Ecole des Filles; a lewd book, but what doth me no wrong to read for imagination's sake… and after I had done it, I burned it, that it might not be among my books to my shame.   Published around 1655, this is considered to be the origin of modern pornography in France. It is a discourse between two young ladies, the elder instructing the younger in the ways of passion.   This is a libertine's celebration of decadence, debauchery, and sexual freedom: orange blossom, ambergris, orris root, white rose, lemon balm, jonquil, carrot seed, and benzoin.   Review:   In the bottle: It’s hard to identify exactly what it is... It’s lemony and floral, bitter and sweet.   Wet: I smell orange blossom, lemon, benzoin, and florals (jonquil?). It’s relatively strong and masculine-neutral.   Dry: It gets softer after a while. It becomes floral, sweet and feminine.   Verdict: Honnestly, I wasn’t sure I would like this one at first, but I do! It turns into something so soft and delicate. I still hesitate to buy a bottle, I think it might make an ideal scent for my soap making hobby.   More reviews: Ars Amatoria: L'École Des Filles




BPAL: Love Me

Love Me Category: Bewitching Brews Quantity: sample   Description: LOVE ME A commanding, dominant oil that increases sexual magnetism, creates an intense and irresistible air of attraction, and amplifies potency.   Review:   In the bottle: I smell patchouli, citrus, something floral (maybe jasmine); overall, it reminds me of Faustus.   Wet: Spicy cinnamon and bright orange. It’s fragrant and warm.   Dry: Now, it’s just patchouli, sweetened by oranges...   Verdict: It’s not bad, but it didn’t work for me. I should try it again someday over another soap, it might change my perception of it.   More reviews: Bewitching Brews: Love Me




Bottles Stash.

** = incoming

Blood Lotus
Centzon Totochtin
The Lights of Men's Lives

And There Was A Great Cry in Egypt
Cloister Graveyard in the Snow
Death of the Grave Digger
Heavenly Love and Earthly Love
Philosopher in Meditation
The Great He-Goat
The Isle of the Dead
The Lantern Ghost of Oiwa

Abhisarika (Faces of the Heroine 2007)
A Demonstration of Affectionate Excitement (Shungas 2014)
Ambergris Accord SN
Bakeneko (Lunacy)
Blossoms in Springtime (Shungas 2012)
Blood Moon 2008 (Lunacy)
Body, Remember (Love Poems 2012)
Butterscotch Balls and Black Beetles
Chaos Theory: Vanilla #537 (Chaos Theory VI)
Ceanothus Silkmoth (Metamorphosis 2012) (x2)
Destructive Vagina of the Fox Spirit (Shungas 2014)
Dyan Moon (Lunacy)
Eight Petaled Lotus SN
Entangled (Shungas 2012)
Epomophorus Monstrosus (Bat's Day 2012)
Faiza, the Black Mamba (Carnaval Diabolique)
Faunalia 2009 (Yule) (60%)
Faunalia 2015 (Yule)
Frau Holle (Yule 2015)
Gold Phoenix
Haloa 2011 (Yule)
In the Forest
Ivanushka (Lunacy) (x5)
Ketkrokur (Yule 2015)
King Cobra
Liaison (Lupers '12)
Little Metalmark (Metamorphosis 2014)
Lovers with Rutting Cats (Shungas 2009)
Luperci 2014 (Luper)
Mabon 2010
Midnight Kiss
Nepthys v11
Nuit (x2)
Orgy with Nine Women (Shungas 2014)
Osiris v4 (x2)
Panther Moon (Lunacy)
Paysage (Yule 2015)
Playful Wooden Mallets (Shungas 2012)
Pteropus Leucopterus (Bat's Day 2012)
Rose Red 2007 (Yule)
Sekhmet v5
Set v3
Shamisen (Shungas 2014)
Siberian Musk SN
Singing Moon 2012 (Luncacy)
Sjöfn (Lupers 2014)
Smoky Moon 2012 (Lunacy) (x3)
Smut 2007 (Lupercalia)
Snake Charmer Ressurected (Carnaval Noir)
The Arabian Dance (Yule '10) (x2)
The Black Temple Burlesque Troupe (Yule '09)
The Maltese Cross
The Snow at Midnight (Yule 2015)
Tlazolteotl (Lupers 2014)
Touched Twice (x2)
Variety of Pleasing Amusements (Shungas 2012)
Velvet Panther (Velvet Paintings) (x3)
Velvet Tiger (Velvet Paintings)
Vespertilio Proterus (Bat's Day 2012)
Visions of Autumn III (Halloween 2014)
Winter Heavens (Yule 2011)
Yucca Giant-Skipper (Metamorphosis 2014)
Yule Cat (Yule)

L'Essence de la Passion (Inquisition 2012)
Sylvia The She-Wolf

Twilight Alchemy Lab
Bastet's Laughter
Crown of Success
Fiery Wall of Protection
French Creole
Leo Stellium
Mantle of Venus
Perpetuum Bonum
Queen of the Nile
Senelion 2011
Temple: Egyptian
Temple: Norse
Temple of the Mother
White Light

Beaver Moon 2007
Dia De Los Muertos (testable empty)
L'Essence du Chagrin (Inquisition 2012)
Luperci 2006
Milk Moon 2007 (Lunacy)
Selkie (Lunacy)
The Elephantine Colossus (Event Exclusive 10/10)
The Sea Foams Blood
Queen of Sheba my mom's <3
Heavenly Love and Earthly Love
Goblin Cider
White Peacock (Metamorphosis 2012)
Coxcomb (Le Mat 2009)

Alia Kaitan

Alia Kaitan


Book Swap Q&A

Here's a little help for my book swap buddy   Top books I am looking to read 1. Hunger Games Book 2- Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins   2. Hunger Games Book 3-Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins   3. Look beyond the Scars by Connie Hanagan   Used books strongly preferred as I do not collect, I read and then pass them along to be read by someone else.




My Bottles

Agape Antique Lace (partial) Arcana Devilish Black Temple Burlesque Troop Black Opal Cake Smash Cake Smashv6 Chaste Moon 2010 Dorian Female CC Gothabilly The Girl Halloween: Las Vegas Joyful Moon Left His Nurse While in a Crowd L'Essence L'Engougement Love's Philosophy Midway Resurrected Monsterbait: Underpants Morocco Perilous Parlour Pink Moon 07 Violens Harigata II x2 Haloes x2




My beloved imps

A Little Lunacy Beaver Moon 2005 (80%) Beaver Moon 2005 (full) Raven Moon (20%)   Proto's Cake Smash v6 (35%) Cake Smash v6 (full) IXHV4 (85%)   Yules Egg Nog 2010 (60%) Pink Snowballs (2 ml, 50%) The Hag (20%) Snow White 2007 (25%)   Halloweenies Pumpkin IV 2009 (80%) Pupkin Latte 2010 (full) Pumpkin Patch III 2005 (25%) Pumpkin Princess (full) Samhain 2005 (20%) The Changeling (full) The Golden Apple of the Sun The Seekim (90%) Trick or Treat (50%)   Lupercalia White Chocolate, Black Raspberry & Apricot Cordial Truffle (75%) Womb Furie 2010 (50%) Womb Furie 2010 (65%)   Black Phoenix Trading Post Candied Pumpkin (full) Licorice Bats (30%) Marshmellow Poof (50%) Marshmellow Pumpkin (50%)   Others Anne Beany (20%) Chaos Theory V Snake Oil (85%) Chaos Theory VI Vanilla 652 (80%) La Mano Del Destino (full) Lawn Gnome (25%) Halloween: Las Vegas (full) MVJBA Pancake Breakfast (60%) Snake Charmer original (15%) Stinky (2 ml, 50%) Velvet Clown (55)   General Catalogue Al-Azif (20%) Bathsheba (60%) Bohun Upas (85%) Casanova (full) Chimera (80%) Cockaigne (50%) Drink Me (50%) Drink Me (full) Endymion (full) Imperious Tiger-Lily (full) Jack (full) Loralei (80%) Manila (50%) Miskatonic University (full) Morocco (60%) Mr. Ibis (75%) New Orleans (full) Obatala (30%) Othello (20%) Perversion (full) Phantasm (full) Ravenous (50%) Rumpelstizchen (full) Robin Goodfellow (85%) Shattered (30%) Strangler Fig (30%) Sudha Segara (full) Sybaris (50%) The Antikythera Mechanism (85%) The Zieba Tree (60%) TKO (25%) Tombeur (15%) Velvet (full)




Bottle List

5ml Bottles I haz, Still a noob but my collection she be growing!   Pink =I Loves It!       General Catalog Drink Me (Mad Tea Party) Embalming Fluid (Ars Moriendi) Suspiro (Ars Amatoria) {Discontinued}     Limited Edition Agape Aphrogenes (Ode to Aphrodite) Changing the Shadows (Yule: A Christmas Carol) Ghoulish (Halloweenie 2010) Hony Mone (Yule 2007) Parlement of Foules (Lupercalia 2011)x2 Pink Mood (The Salon: Novel Ideas for Secret Amusements III) Punkie Night (Halloweenie 2010) Sol Invictus (Yule 2006) Sticky Pillowcase (Halloweenie 2008) Strawberry Moon (A Little Lunacy 2009) Sugar Moon (A Little Lunacy 2011) Enlightenment of Courtesan Jigkudyu (The Salon: Yoshitoshi: Holding Back the Night, 2011) The Malignant dreams of Cuthuluhu in Love (Think Geek Exclusive) The Pheonix In Spring Tiki Princess(2010)x2 Velvet Tiki (2009) Woods in Winter (Yule 2010)   Non B-PAL Black Mouse (Possets) Yuri (Good Judy) Quim (Arcana Soaps)




Hall Of Shame

Notes/Oils... also of DOOM The ones that just don't work.   Notes   Jasmine Ceder Pine TEAK (Note to self, no matter how much you like all the other notes, NO TEAK.) Smoke/Vetiver Civet Tobacco Metals Mint Chocolate Cherry Meat (big surprise) Pumpkin   Scents   Grog Mata Hari Night Raven Pumpkin III 2007 Hellcat Bliss Queen of Sheba Snap Dragon Fly




Winter Swap #2 questions

Are you into mix CDs? sure   What are your favorite colors? dusty rose, forest green.   What is your favorite animal? I love groundhogs, dogs, cats, big cats, llamas   What is your favorite tree/flower/herb? I never really thought about it!   What types of books do you like to read?romance, vampire type horror, some thrillers, some YA stuff, on occassion   Do you have any children or pets? 1 daughter 99), two dogs, two cats and 1 husband.   Dark, milk, or white chocolate? Milk!   Are there any past or present Yules you are currently interested in?   Would you be interested in soap? I'm pretty set with bar soaps. I do love whipped soaps.   Do you watch tv? If yes what kinds of shows/programs do you like? (Titles of shows is okay too) -Castle, Glee, Bones, Supernatural, House MD, True Blood, Grimm, Once upon a Time, Sanctuary, Warehouse 13, The Vampire Diaries, Fringe, White Collar, Suits, Royal Pains, Project Runway, Top Chef.... the list just goes on   past shows: Buffy, Angel,X-Files, Lost, Firefly, Dresden Files, Lie to Me, Human Target   Astrological sign (purely for convenience)? Leo   Favorite genre(s) of music? I love most everything except some Country and some rap.   Do you wear or like makeup? no, not really   Do you like any other scenties/brands? (Example: LUSH, Possets, etc). I love Lush stuff. I have a bunch of things in my wishlist




El Dia De Los Reyes Magos Swap questions

Would you be ok with an early reveal or one closer to the end of the round? Either's fine!   What are your favorite animals? Dogs, cats, groundhogs   Do you have any pets? 2 dogs, 2 cats, a nine year old, heck and a husband.. lol   What is your favorite holiday? I love Christmas   What is your favorite hobby? that's a toss up. I love reading, making jewelry, and photography




For Winter Swap Snow Fox, entry #2

Hello again   I love the polar bears! <3   To answer your most recent questions, anything snuggly sounds nice ^^ I can't particularly think of something specific, but maybe a scarf or blanket or something? Yep, my ears are pierced, and as for books I don't prefer... I guess "chick-lit" and "romance" genre fiction. And yes, most definitely love medieval and Renaissance anything! <3<3<3   A couple more things I thought about are I LOVE World of Warcraft and like the WoW TCG Loot cards I also love Xena, if that helps, haha.   <3




Satyr and Yggdrasil

My testing today consists of Satyr and Yggdrasil. This morning I did Satyr and although it is a heavy almost oppressive resin scent I LOVED it. The first half hour were difficult and I did think, at the hour mark, that a headache was lurking about waiting to pounce. I am thinking of wearing it to bed because I am just that much of a weirdo. The implacability of it makes me feel safe. NOTE: in the vial it emits this weird soapy vibe and for the first half hour I would catch hints of pee probably due to the civet. However, as I said above, half an hour and solid and comforting  
Shower Time  
Put on Yggdrasil and it is not at all what I expected. I read the reviews and it seems that people got pine sol from it. It is very light... maybe because it follows Satyr. I keep getting hints of lemon from my wrists. On my inner elbows and décolletage I am getting a bit of toilet bowl cleaner smell but I am not sure... it isn't in your face cleaner smelling but just that vibe. Mind you I use a nicely scented toilet bowl cleaner from Method that is supposed to be mint and eucalyptus. Either way I did not expect lemon. I usually avoid herbal green forest scents but I can imagine this in the summertime..... it is very light and refreshing. Will update before I go to bed




Winter Swap Partner hint entry! ;D

Helloooo out there!!! *waves*   Thank you for the sweet card!!! Yes, bearded dragons most definitely rock and are SOOO ADORABLE! <3   In lieu of your questions, my wish lists are:   http://www.etsy.com/people/Alarm/favorites?ref=si_fav   http://www.amazon.com/registry/wishlist/24DBMFOVVAASC/ref=cm_wl_act_vv?_encoding=UTF8&visitor-view=1&reveal=     I mostly read literary fiction and young adult! And I most definitely can and will eat sweets of all sorts!!! <3   Thanks again and take care!!! <3 *glomps*




ebay :(

I am not sure this is kosher..... Well as I mentioned in my last post I really enjoyed inputting all of my smells into the My Stash Feature. It would be a huge bonus if they you know let us delete a scent once we added it. After all people wear the stuff and the bottles do get empty sooner or later. I actually have emptied bottles! Shocker I know especially when you factor in that I had around 200 distinct smells. I know there are some that didn't get added. Fire Eater for example... I did not see my bottle of it when I was listing them all but I know I have one. I decided that the idea of trying on all my smells and doing reviews and narrowing down scents was kinda insane. It would take me almost a year to work through what I have as it is. Plus I realized that some of my imps were for things that had been discontinued or that I had bottles of and there was no reason to try them, fall in love with them, then knock myself out trying to find a spare bottle. I put them up for auction on ebay. I hope I didn't break any rules. I started my auction at $1/bottle which I know is ridiculously low judging from the price cap guidelines but I figured that way somebody who is interested in trying a lot of different smells and has the time and energy to invest in finding discontinued stuff would have a chance to check them out. I obviously have so many that there is little impetus to stalk the boards for long gone scents. Ummm   hello inez and hello mum moon. For you two I think I will haunt the boards. But why add to the list of stuff I have a hard time getting? I mean every fall I dab on my pumpkin patches from '05 and I love them in the autumn. So warm and soothing.... yummy. Oh! I never knew I did foodie smells before BPAL~ I always went for spicy oriental resins but now food has snuck in. Le Sigh. But once my PP are gone am I to kill myself looking for them? Maybe. and given my attachment to the handful of scents I do wear--Why add something that I never even wore before just because I foolishly tried the imp and decided it was lurv?




Dear Witch, :)

(it helps to actually post things, instead of saving them to draft) Hi!   First off, I apologize for not being on the ball and posting very often the past couple of weeks.   You are fabulous and awesome, and have absolutely made my last several weeks with your attention and lovely gifts. I've loved receiving all of your e cards and all the carefully chosen goodies.   I love the hairthings(and so do a lot of people who comment on how cute they are), and the gummie bears are going to get me through forever. I love how the seller on etsy you gave me a gift certificate to is not only an amazing craftswoman, but a working mother trying to pursue her passions with a small, home-based business. I still haven't found a frame that truly suits your art, but I'm not giving up. Right now, she sits in a bookcase, so I can still see her. Everything you have said and done for me is just so personal-- at times I wonder if you have some sort of magic key to my thoughts, because you've managed to catch things that I didn't even know I had mentioned anywhere.   I googled the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee, and you are right. It's so cute! And what they are doing is amazing. I think I'll be reading there more often now. Thanks!   So, just a quick thank you for being the most amazing Witch. I hope that you are having a lovely end of the week, and that only good things are taking up your time. I'm kind of that you still have more goodness in store, but I'm very excited for the reveal. Have a wonderful weekend!




More info for fox

Pink? I am not a huge fan of pink especially girly pinks and hot pinks   Lemon? I am not a huge fan of any fruit flavored stuff, I do like lemon in candles sometimes.   Fingerless mittens, here, please. Or gloves. I could really use a pair of leather gloves. Or a NyanCat or Fourth Doctor scarf. I could use anything from any Doctor love them all. The Nyancat scarf was adorable as well. I would love a pair of fingerless gloves. Do you like artisan oils and vinegars? Yes more oil then vinegar, but either is fantastic   What are your opinions on traditional holiday cookie flavorings? I'm thinking anise and cardamom in particular. Cardamom is cool, anise is not my fave, but that being said I am up for anything different or new.   Any crafty pursuits you’ve been dying to experiment with? Would you like a little kit of something you’ve never tried? Do you need any particular items for your new or existing stash? There are 100’s of crafts I start, but never finish. I would love the stuff to decoupage (sp) a bpal box I have the pasty stuff mod podge I think just nothing else. See like I said I get great ideas and never complete.   Bunny, could you use a 2012 calendar, and, if so, do you like big monthly ones or the page-a-day type? I really do not use calenders   Milk or dark chocolate: I like both but prefer dark, just not super dark.   Sooo. Yules. Those just happened. What are you interested in, Bunny? I did not order any decants this year to broke and xmas is coming, but many of the Frankenstein and Little Match Girl sound devine as long as they do not have an abundance of rose or strong floral. COLDER AND COLDER, Midnight Mass, and anything with oak, frankincense,or vanilla sounds good. Coin purses: I don't really use that much, except for the time I've been in Japan, because at least half of their currency is in coins, and cash is more prevalent than plastic. So, if I ever go back, I'd love to have one!   If your fox were to knit something for you, would it be a lacy shawl or a pair of socks? A Shawl would be lovely, then again my feet are always cold surprise me   Would anyone else be interested in a soap dish or something like that? I have no place to sit one my sink is blah and just sticks out of the wall and bathtub corners are to narrow.   Are you a Harry Potter fan? If so, which house do you identify with, and why? Would you want knitted things/replicas/accessories in your house colours? Hufflepuff or Slytherin.     Are there any Yules from *PAST* years that you're interested in trying? Including past winter inquisitions? I am not sure I love The Girl but no it is impossible, so any that are something you think I might like.     Let's talk about fruit! Do you like dried fruit or h ate it? Like some but not others? Not into fruit   How do you feel about cherries? Prefer the sweet or tart versions? Dried? Jam? Salsa? Hot sauce? BBQ sauce? I am not a cherry fan though the salsa, hot sauce and bbq sauce sound interesting.   Bunnies! What is your general philosophy about patterns for accessories such as socks, scarves, and tights? Do you like solids? Stripes? Polka dots? Weird patterns like harlequin-type stuff? Any of the above? I love stripes and harlequin, polka dots not so much.   Bunny, are you interested in anything from Geek Chic Cosmetics?   I am not much of a makeup wearer   Chile, yay or nay? I live in New Mexico so chili is something we already have a ton of.   Would you rather have an early reveal, or would you prefer one close to the end of the round? That is up to you.   Stuffed microbes from Think Geek I am sorry though they are adorable I am not sure what I would do with one and since I suffer from anxiety issues and OCD both leaning towards freaking out on medical issues I may not be the best candidate for one.


