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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Hah, more slightly more on time Ketchup!~

September 27th   What is something people are always surprised to learn about you?   I used to be an EMT. I must not look like it. /shrug. Or maybe it was because I started when I was 16.   So who else watched Babylon 5?   My fiance did. I did not.   If you had to decide what your stripper name was, what would it be?   Er.   Sooooo Witchees, have you ever taken that particular personality test? If so, are you an Analytical, a Driver, an Expressive or an Amiable?   It said Amiable. I’m not sure I’m completely on board.   Is anyone else afraid of or creepy out by dummies/puppets/Muppets/etc? Other things you're squicked/freaked by that's best left by the wayside?   ^^^^^ Yes. Specifically dolls, dummies, marrionettes, puppets. Not muppets though. I’m okay with that kind of puppetry.   what level of contact were you hoping for?   High to medium. I like chatty cathys.   Your favorite restaurant or type of food to eat out. Would you use a restaurant.com voucher? Groupon?   Sure. And I love almost any kind of food, seriously. Except Ethopian… doesn’t quite work for me. But I LOVE trying new places, and I honestly love all kinds of food, every different origin.   Are there any local museums/attractions you keep never getting around to going to?   Hmmm. I keep thinking I’ll go to Six Flags America (it is quite close!) but never quite do…




Good Judy: Spectral Evidence

Spectral Evidence Category: American Gothic Quantity: sample   Description: SPECTRAL EVIDENCE In the Old Manse, life lingers, quiet and unassuming yet screaming to be heard. Whispered in a whiff of perfume, a lingering scent of flowers wafts where nobody stood. A shimmering shape lends a glimpse of something that once was. Remembered as visions from a dream, the pieces fit together and the story unfolds. Are you listening? Someone’s trying to tell you something. Lilac, violet, peony, shimmering air   Review:   In the bottle: How incredibly soft! It’s light and floral, mostly lilac and peony, with a little bit of sweet violet.   Wet: It smells like a spring day, or a garden of fresh, delicate lilac, violet and peony. It’s adorable!   Dry: As soon as it started to dry, it turned soapy; and then, it disappeared... Too bad.   Verdict: I’m disappointed by the limited throw of this perfume; however, it might still be a good idea for my soap-making hobby.




A Bunch of Ketchup.

If you had to decide what your stripper name was, what would it be? I have no idea. ;_;   Is anyone else afraid of or creepy out by dummies/puppets/Muppets/etc? Other things you're squicked/freaked by that's best left by the wayside? Super creeped out by muppets and dummies. I like string puppets and Folkmanis hand puppets though.   what level of contact were you hoping for? Whatever my witch has time for! I like 2-3 messages a month usually. I also love sneaky witches. :}   Are there any local museums/attractions you keep never getting around to going to? I keep missing the Art Museum in Chicago when we venture up there. I think we may just hit it in December though!     September 26th   Is there any kind of international candy you love or would like to try? I like trying most things. ^,^   Is there any cheesy/non-cheesy Canadian stuff you'd be interested in? Maple syrup or moose stickers. o_O   If you were to go here and create your very own chocolate bar, what might it have in it?   say you stumbled into Camp Half Blood (or whatever the Roman camp ends up being named <bounces in anticipation>), which god claims you? Artemis, though I'm not too familiar with the material.   September 25th   Stuff you've been meaning to do:   Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves? Sure   Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood? I think that's a bit too X-rated for this community. LOL   Are you interested in today's/any recent Tee Fury shirts? Trying not to look... own too many shirts.   Princess Bride? Yay or nay? Meh. A friend kind of ruined it for me with her SUPER OBSESSION.   What's your favorite classic fairytale, witches Little Red Riding Hood, Mr. Fox or Beauty and the Beast.   September 24th   how do you feel about ethical animal fiber, i.e. wool and the like? The only thing I have an issue with is fur. I like felting wool and wearing wool. :}   What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel? Yay! I think I have some examples faved in Etsy.   Look down. What are you wearing, right now? Soft pants, a jacket, a tee from shirt.woot.com   Kerchiefs? Head? Or nose? I wear them in my hair.   It's the weekend, and you find yourself without a single chore or responsibility for a few hours. Right this very moment, what's the one thing you would do if you could do anything? Write or paint.   September 23rd     Is there anything you'd like from the Mütter Museum Store?   I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like? Not familiar with them.   what's your favorite kind of pizza? Anything with white sauce and no mushrooms or sausage.   Are there any food items you're craving/aren't able to find around your area? Cheerwine. I love that stuff!   September 22nd   If you're interested in a handmade pouch/cover for an item you have (phones, tablets, books, keys, kettles...), what would your ideal pouch/cover have? Design, material, additional functionality/features like pockets or lights or secret hidey-holes? Ack, too many options. ;_; I'd like some nice paperback book covers, or a tea cozy. Both would be cotton and quilted I imagine.   Would you like a photo collage based around your interests/favorite colors/favorite themes? Yes. :}   If you're crafty, are you interested in spoonfeather? And if so, what things there delight your eyes? Everything and it's too pricey.     Colors! What are your favorite colors and what colors do you not like? Pictures and links, people! I don't like most yellows, only golden or orangey yellows. Pastels are usually right out unless they're blue. I like jewel tones and natural colors.   What is your favorite word? Defenestrate.   What are the feelings on arm warmers? Color, style, texture, length? I wear fingerless glove style warmers pretty much all winter. Elbow length, soft cotton is good.   Do you like tarts? tealights? jar candles? votives? All of the above.   What's your favorite flavor? Sour, sweet, bitter, salty? Sweet or salty/sweet like sea salt caramel.   So, are there any online gaming witchees who covet purchasable in-game items or other gamer-y stuff? (yup, geek question) Yep! I want a wind-rider mini-pet for WoW right now.   What is your favorite coffee blend at Starbucks? If you don't have one, what is your favorite roast of coffee? I don't actually go to Starbucks for anything other than mochas (Though I do get those pretty often.) My favorite coffees are locally roasted and sold in locally owned shops. My favorite flavored coffee is Highlander Grogg, which can be hard to get locally.




Even More Switch Witch Answers! (Pt 3)

October 30th   I may have found out that my grocery store has expanded their international food stuffs section quite a bit. If there was something different you were wanting to try that you can't seem to find anywhere, what would it be? I dont know!! I feel like we eat a lot fo different kinds of foods around here. but I am seriously down to try anything new that is vegan. Being vegan has allowed me to experience so many new things that I never would have tried before, so I am totally open minded!!   October 26th   What's on your list of formerly fun activities to reclaim, witches?? oh man, I gotta get back into the painting scene, which has ben encouraged largely by you sending me those awesome paints!! I used to read me for fun, too, which I would really be interested in starting again as books have always been a huge thing in my life. and I would like to have the discipline to write everyday again. (and thank you thank you thank you again for the awesome journal!!!! this really encourages me!)   As a Witchee, are you interested in clues to your Witch's identity? Sure! but this isn't really a huge thing to me. I would like to know at the end, though!!!   Is anyone interested in participating in the sketchbook project 2012? is that the thing where you draw a thing everyday for a month? If so I was thinking about that.   October 23rd   would you still want the project if it was a craft fail???? Haha, I like this one. Sure! I mean, at your discretion, but to be honest most of the time we are harder on ourselves than others are. So its might not be as bad as you think!   October 20th   Do you need any winter wear, witchee? I can always use scarves, cowls, mittens (esp the convertable ones), warm socks, etc. I like to be comfy in the cold!!   I've read something about a Event Exclusive called Pumpkin Hard Candy (if someone knows the details, shout it out because I am still searching). Are you interested in this scent? How desperate are you for it? No, I'm not a huge pumpkin fan so please don't worry about this one!!   Going back to the question about winter wear, are there any colors you would prefer not to have? I'm more interested in "cool" tones than "warm tones" and usually veer away from neons. I do appreciate a sprinkle of color when paired with neutrals or as an accent but I'm usually not drawn to a solid orange, red, green (unless its olive or nearing brown), blue (unless its grey) etc. I do like turquoise, blue-green, etc but purple and purple-fuchsia family is a win.   October 14th     So I was at Uwajimaya the other day and saw Earl Grey Tea Chocolate and Cinnamon Chocolate. If you were my Witchee, would you be interested in trying something like that? HELL YES. I love Earl Grey and I am totally down to try new teas as I cannot/will not drink coffee. TEA 4 LYFE.   October 14th   Do you like scary books? What's the best/scariest thing you've ever read? for about 3 years when I was a teen I pretty much only read Stephen King books. His "Skeleton Crew" collection of shorts is his best.   October 13th   Are you interested in anything in the latest round of Lab auctions on eBay? I looked it over before, but it's also N/A at this point...so lets just skip this one!   What favorite song(s) would you think would translate into a cool or unique scent? VENUS IN FURS   Anyone interested in VApothecary's Halloween update? No thanks.   Interested in anything from the Beaver Moon Lunacy update? I thought the blend sounded interesting! I've never bought a lunacy before though I did have a past beaver moon in a swap for a short time.   I sent you with $20 into a drugstore/Walmart (nothing too fancy/imported/expensive, just your average selection), and you are restricted only to the candy aisle. What would you blow it on? some of the "high end" chocolate bars (like the ones that cost $5) are vegan!!! (Most darks are but sometimes they sneak in some butterfat or powdered milk)   October 11th   What is your favorite kind of cookie? Oh man. Shortbread. But they are totally not vegan in their natural habitat. I mean, I like sweets. Basically any cookie rulz if its not oatmeal raisin (I love oatmeal but really don't like raisins. especially cooked raisins)   How many boxes are you hoping for? well, I don't know, but I got one- which was my minimum expectation- so I'm feeling pretty great about it! (and thank you again for that!! We've been loving the incents and tea over here and the other goodies, too of couse!!)   How do you feel about loose leaf tea in baggies? I mean, I have a TON of loose leaf, would it be okay if I send you samples in some zip lock baggies? Or is that something that would squick you out? I'M TOTALLY DOWN. TEA IS AWESOME, send away.   How would you feel about getting a custom poster with your favorite quote on it and some cool graphics? I'm an architecture student and can print posters (provided I make them) at pretty much any size using Adobe Illustrator at a low price. Also if you would be interested in this, what quotes would you like? oh no....i can never think of good ones when I am on the spot like this. I'll have to think about it and come back to this later. (which could definitely be my quote. hahahaa)   October 9th   Is there anything you would want from NYCC, something you'd like your witch to ask me to pick up? oops. missed the boat here. N/A   The best thing I ever ate...: Oh man, I dunno???????? sorry, I just can't recall.   October 6th   Do you like liquorice? If so, hard or soft? Sweet or salt? Normally salted or so salt it pulls your face into a fishy shape? And which shapes do you like? NO THANK YOU PLEASE NO thANK YOU. I really can't stand the smell of licorice even. Any flavor or color, its just never been my cup of tea.   Mac using witchees, what computers do you use? What peripherals/accessories do you have and what would you LIKE to have? What do you use your computer for? i think i answered this one before...   Do you like listening to audiobooks? Would you like to receive one, and if you would, what sort of audiobook would you like--or is there a particular audiobook you've been meaning to get? OH MAN i thought about getting an audible.com account so i could listen to david sedaris read his books to me.   October 5th   Are there any DIY / Crafty / Free / Budget items you'd love to get but haven't noted yet? (Or, maybe you'd just like to emphasize something you may have only noted in passing?) I can always use more brightly colored yarn (I tend to have too many neutrals and not enough colors!), and there are several brands of synthetic/acrylic that are within a budget pricepoint. Jo-ann/Michaels is always having a sale on one brand or another. Also, embroidery floss. I can always use more brights and/or even black/white.   Do you own a DSLR camera? Are you interested in a minky camera strap like these? What about anything from Photojojo? I don't have a camera like that. Thanks anyway!!   Is anybody else into film photography? Interested in receiving film, supplies, etc from Lomography? I am interested in this but I don't even know if I have a regular film camera anywhere anymore. I think I might have given my camera to my sister...   Are you musically inclined? Do you play an instrument or sing? If so, what? yes. I play cello and guitar and have sang in bands before.     October 3rd   Does anyone else like collector Barbies? No, but I like Jem dolls- though i don't have any and wouldnt really expect to get one, plus we dont have room for that. But I think they are neat!!   What small everyday items would you like, that you keep forgetting to get? wait, I think I answered this before, too...   Tarot I have the Londa deck. There's a portland tarot deck around that I'm interested in. I mean, decks are cool!!!   Tell me about something you like, and why you like it. I like metal music because it reminds me of the epicness of opera, which I also like.   If you're the MMU type of Witchee, what Geek Chic Cosmetics tickle your fancy? Oh no, I don't know what this is???   Would any witchees be interested inQuinn Popcorn? HOLY CRAP yes!!! this looks outrageously amazing!!!!   October 2nd   Who likes silly items from Archie McPhee??? oh man, some of their stuff looks funny but I just don't think I can do it. except the chark/octopus mugs are rad.   Nocturne Alchemy's NAlloween Pt. 2 update is live here! (And for a few days, last month's update too.) What do you want? eh, no thanks.     What are you drooling over from the Sock Dreams Halloween stuff? I think I answered this one already, too...but i love socks and i love sock dreams so if you're feelin it I'm totally into this.   Luck charms? I have many. mostly different crystals/gem pendants that are meant to enhance certain properties.   For those of you that like candles, do you like stuff from Yankee Candle? And if you had to choose, tarts or candles? i'm not as familiar with this company, but i do like candies and/or tarts. so really whatever's clever if you like!!   Would you be interested in getting a custom necklace fromhere? dang, i wish i was keeping up with this stuff on forum.   Is there a movie you want so badly that you don’t own now? not super much. we have a lot of movies and netflix/hulu so it's not really urgent.   Is there a song on Itunes that you haven’t downloaded yet? haha yes but i can never remember what it should be.   Is there a rare book you’ve always wanted? probably but i can't think of any (i know- i suck at this game! )   Is there anything you want to buy yourself but have been too embarrassed (R rated or pg)? hah, no not that i can think of.   Have you seen the Lush holiday update? Do you like the look of anything from there? I'm not sure about lush. i think some of the products are cool but i don't like to go in there cuz i think their stores smell bad. i've only ever used their bath bombs, but since we have no bathtub (only shower) i really don't need more of that right now.   if you were my witchee, would you want some of my hot nuts my candied nuts my nuts covered in butter and brown sugar candied walnuts? if they could be made vegan i would be so totally down.       October 1st   Is there anything you either didn't like or had never heard of that you're now curious to try thanks to the discussion in this thread? yeah, paintbox soapworks sounds neat   Reveal? Oh, I plan to and I hope my witch is planning to too!!!   September 26th   Is there any kind of international candy you love or would like to try? I used to think I wanted to try musk sticks, but really I think it was just for the novelty and they might be gross??? I don't know- really anything that is vegan I am down to try it!   What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions? Well, it has been covered and I went back to edit these in but tokyo milk dark lip elixir in dead sexy and also egyptian magic. Again, no obligation as the EM is expensive, but mostly just a reminder to myself. I don't know- I feel like these q's are awfully thorough so I'm having a hard time thinking of anything random that hasn't been covered yet!!   Is there any cheesy/non-cheesy Canadian stuff you'd be interested in? Oh? I guess I'd never thought about it? I mean, who doesn't love canada??   If you were to go here and create your very own chocolate bar, what might it have in it? Oh maaaaaaaan....Lemme try that. I dind't know which one this was referring to so I went to chocomizer. I chose Dark chocolate with hazelnuts, lavender, and sea salt. Yum!   Is there anything you're wanting from LPMP? I don't know what that is so probably not? ha.   say you stumbled into Camp Half Blood (or whatever the Roman camp ends up being named <bounces in anticipation>), which god claims you? Clearly I am not with it cuz I don't really understand what this is? I'm more down with the nordic gods/esses. Freya for lyyyyyfe!!!   September 25th   Stuff you've been meaning to do: I think I answered this one already but I guess there is always new stuff. WORK ON A PROJECT for my witchee! (Yes, I see you lady!) Practice cello more often. get this cello book I need from the music store. clean out the fridge. hm. that seems to be a decent list!   Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves? HECK YES!!!! I'm basically down to try whatever except please no orange marmalade. I'm generally not into citrus peel of any kind in my food. Everyone always loves it but I just never have been able to get with it. I do love jalepeno jelly SO MUCH. and basically any berry jam is golden in our hood.   Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood? I usually take a shower/wash my hair, brush teeth, remove jewelry, wash my face with Thayer's Lavender Witch Hazel, put on some cream (egyptian magic or villainess ennui whipped) and give the dog a hug. Most of the time the cat will come looking for attention once I get into bed so we have our cuddle time (this ritual predates my romantic relationship so sometimes gets a few grumbles from the honey since the cat can be very demanding!) No really major ritual other than those few steps.   Are you interested in today's/any recent Tee Fury shirts? DANG!!! the cthulu shirt from the 26th is cool. Wish I'd known about this site sooner. Haha   Princess Bride? Yay or nay? Yes, I love this movie! Own it on vhs.   What's your favorite classic fairytale, witches oh man, little red riding hood is always up there. I love many of these, but not the disney versions. I really love the old scary grimm's versions. it's actually horrifying!!!   September 24th   how do you feel about ethical animal fiber, i.e. wool and the like? If it is ethical I am more ok with it- the main problem is that I often feel itchy with natural animal fibers.   What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel? sure- I have a few little porcelain fairies, and some other tiny things (like 2-3 in or smalle) on our alter now and I'm sure they would love the company   Look down. What are you wearing, right now? Oh god. Well. I'm on a break at work. I'm a nanny so I've learned not to wear things I actually care about to work...Ughhhh....Here goes: grey slippers, purple and punk diamond over-the-knee socks, slate gray jeggings rolled up, a black scoop neck top with rolled sleeves, and a salt/pepper grey hoodie. although if I would've waited til after work to fill this in the answers would've been much more awesome- Pajamas. Haha.   Kerchiefs? I love antique embroidered ones as they remind me of my grandma, but I'm not super into the ones for the hair. They look funny on me!   It's the weekend, and you find yourself without a single chore or responsibility for a few hours. Right this very moment, what's the one thing you would do if you could do anything? write some letters!!!   September 23rd     Is there anything you'd like from the Mütter Museum Store? Oh jeeez. After we visited there I looked on their store a lot. any of the books, the glitter sticker, 2012 calendar (we have a few outdated ones and have grand ideas of framing a lot fo the photos)   I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like? i've never tried these but I just glanced at the scent list: vanilla mint, bourbon vanilla, and coconut sugar sound awesome- I'm pretty much down to try whatever, though! Fruity ones or butterscotch might not work so well, but yeah!   what's your favorite kind of pizza? Well, when we lived in Mpls we used to order the Rustler with vegan cheese from Pizza Luce (it's alike a vegan bbq chicken with banana peppers, pineapple, and onions) but now I make stuff at home more so we usually buy the raw dough from Trader Joes, Daiya vegan cheese, I either make seitan or we buy fake pepperoni or fake ground beef with a few veggies like olives or something. I usually make a sauce (its a recipe from vegweb with lentils and veggies- SO EFFIN GOOD I CAN'T EVEN DEAL WITH IT)   who are your style/fashion icons? post pics if you want! Young Stevie Nicks!!!!   The Many Incarnations of Helena Bonham Carter. It's like, she just doesn't give a fuck!   Courtney Love in the 90s. Yes, I know she's a monster wearing a Debbie Harry mask these days but I don't care!! I LOVE HER.   I had too many images, but I wanted to add one of the entire cast of My So-Called Life. SERIOUSLY.   Are there any food items you're craving/aren't able to find around your area? No, we try to buy local as much as we can and we are fortunate to live in an area where the foods we like are easily accessed. Although, peanut chews are one thing I can't get here on the West Coast if you are on the East Coast and can find them. Otherwise we are pretty well covered!   September 22nd   If you're interested in a handmade pouch/cover for an item you have (phones, tablets, books, keys, kettles...), what would your ideal pouch/cover have? Design, material, additional functionality/features like pockets or lights or secret hidey-holes? I love stuff like this. I have an htc evo and an ipod classic as well as the larger size of the the Liberty water bottles. Anything that allows them to function while still in the pouch would be awesome. though it isn't completely necessary. an extra pouch would be cool cuz I tend to always have a bunch of crap to carry around.   Would you like a photo collage based around your interests/favorite colors/favorite themes? I think this might be a repeat, but sure!   If you're crafty, are you interested in spoonfeather? And if so, what things there delight your eyes? I couldn't figure out what this was? google didn't show anything that seemed to fit a craft thing     Colors! What are your favorite colors and what colors do you not like? Pictures and links, people! purples are my favorite. I love brights, neutrals, fuchsias, whatever!   had to take out another cool picture of a bunch of flowers I found but heres what I said about it: I also love fall colors and other neutrals. These brights are awesome in a mix like this, but I am not usually a huge fan of orange, red, yellow, green, pastels, etc on their own.   Grays, Purples, Pinks, Turquioses, Blue-greens, black, and white are all good bets if you're looking for a solid color preference.   What is your favorite word? THUNDERRRRRRRRR   What are the feelings on arm warmers? Color, style, texture, length? YES!!!!! I love them. I tend to prefer ones that go over the wrists, too.   Do you like tarts? tealights? jar candles? votives? SURE! I HAVE A TON of plain tea lights (like, nearly 100) so if they are unscented then I am definitely good on those. But I would gladly accept scented ones or any other tarts or candles for sure.   What's your favorite flavor? Sour, sweet, bitter, salty? I like sweet and salty together A LOT. Sour and bitter are OK. Spicy is awesome.   So, are there any online gaming witchees who covet purchasable in-game items or other gamer-y stuff? (yup, geek question) No thanks!   Anyone doing anything cool for Mabon (or the start of fall, if you aren't pagan? I used to go to this awesome thing in Minneapolis every year on Halloween called Bare Bones (its like a play with HUGE puppets and a neat spirit ritual at the end) but we don't have a thing like that here in Portland. I went to see the swifts, though, and that was neat (theyre these little birds that migrate through here for the month of Sept and sleep in chimneys and hollow trees- they go through other reas but we get the largest concentration of them- several thousands- and they funnel into this chimney at night. it's really crazy to see them all going in!)   What is your favorite coffee blend at Starbucks? If you don't have one, what is your favorite roast of coffee? We don't really shop at starbucks. I can't drink coffee cuz it gives me panic attacks, but I love most teas (anything but red tea or roibos!!)     September 30th   Witchee, would you like anything from this particular Haunt update? missed it, i guess but I'm not familiar with this company so no sweat!   Who's interested in Halloween: Montreal? no thanks, but I've DEFINITELY got my eye on #occupywallstreet.   You get a package in the mail containing 3 things you have really wanted more than anything else you've mentioned so far in this thread. (they are all reasonably priced of course! ~$20 or less apiece). What are they?   1. "i live here" anthology 2.craphound zine #'s 4 and 7 3. bill bryson's a short history of nearly everything   how do you feel about hemp? jewelry, soap, etc? I'm pretty much down with any soap that isn't made with milk or tested on animals. not a huge fan of hemp jewelry, though.   September 29th   What kind of purse do you prefer? Leather, cloth? over the shoulder or crossbody, or something that can do either? Do you like bold bright prints with fun things, or monochrome, solid colours? i have one super nice bag and a bunch of high-moderate quality ones- bags are pretty cool! i love a hobo or tote style bag, and having it be versatile as far as the straps go is great! I think bags that are solid on the outside with a fun print on the inside are really great and a heavy canvas would suit me just fine though i would accept leather if it were second hand or faux leather is wonderful as well.   julep maven monthly boxes: no thank you- i don't wear nail polish.   Your favorite restaurant or type of food to eat out. Would you use a restaurant.com voucher? Groupon? thai or vietnamese- sure, we love groupons and the like!   Like commercial socks? i'm not exactly sure what this is referring to....as in 'non handmade'? sure- i like socks- especially k.bell soft and dreamy type. the more fun colors the better. i'm all over it. but please no toe socks or those kinda furry ones....the way they feel kinda grosses me out   What kind of bear is best? this one is tough...I like pandas, polars, and koalas (though i know they are marsupials...)   Is anyone interested in reading The Night Circus? i've never heard of it but i like books so i would give it a try.   Hershey's Pumpkin Spice kisses? no thank you.   I have a not-so-secret love for The Broship of the Rings. Are there any prints from her store you'd like? no thank you.   Who here likes Stephanie Pui-Min Law's artwork? sure!   Do you drink wine? only moscato/spumonte or other sweet sparkling wines.   Is it just me who is nervous at revealing herself to her witchee, and finding out who her witch is?! I am definitely planning on a reveal to my witchee at the end and I also hope my witch is planning to do the same! In both cases I am really hoping they like me although, I'm trying not to have much anxiety or thought about it right now...   Witches, did you lament NOT getting one of the condom case/imp cases that got released with the courtesan series??? I don't know if I was around for that, but I do like little cases for things.   I recently saw candy corn in non-candy corn flavors like CHOCOLATE and CARAMEL APPLE. It's not a fancy brand, I just saw it in the drugstore, but who here would like something like that? if its vegan i am all in   September 28th   JONES SODA CO has LE soda packs for The Guild, Buffy, D&D, So Cute, etc. Would you be interested in these, Witchee? no thank you. while i have enjoyed my share of jones in the past, we no longer drink sodas unless it is for a special occasion.   It'sBanned Books Week! Are there any books on the list you'd be interested in checking out? i'd like to go through and read synopses of some of these but a wrinkle in time and the handmaid's tail are books i've enjoyed reading but no longer own and would ove to get a hold of them to read again.   I have just been enlightened to THESE. Are these flavors relevant to your interests? tokyo milk lip balms are my personal favorite. i have tried a few of these and would love to have the dead sexy flavor! (i have smoked salt and salted carmel)       September 27th   What is something people are always surprised to learn about you? that i'm friendly and nice- a lot of the time people claim that i am intimidating or standoffish at first but its an accident- i had mad social anxiety and i am painfully shy in person but it often translates to people perceiving me as a jerk. its gotten a bit better, but the brain has a mind of its own.   So who else watched Babylon 5? nope   If you had to decide what your stripper name was, what would it be? if its the old formula, mine would be violet zealand- but that sounds more like a news anchor than a stripper. haa   Sooooo Witchees, have you ever taken that particular personality test? If so, are you an Analytical, a Driver, an Expressive or an Amiable? i came out as the driver. i was sort of surprised, but i dont know what else i really expected!   Is anyone else afraid of or creepy out by dummies/puppets/Muppets/etc? Other things you're squicked/freaked by that's best left by the wayside? um...i dont know if creeped out is the feeling...i dont really like watching ventriloquists but i dont mind the dummies. i like porcelain dolls, but the ones with teeth have always bothered me somewhat. and i dont like people on stilts at all.   what level of contact were you hoping for? i am pretty easy going about this- i don't now that i can necessarily say because i've never done SW before and i consider it a pretty awesome gift to be extended this kindness by a stranger. i'm comfortable with any level and i don't think it is appropriate to be picky. i love my witch and i'd like to leave it up to you   Are there any local museums/attractions you keep never getting around to going to? yes, OMSI. I love science museums and i really want to see this one.




Moar Questions!

Is there any kind of international candy you love or would like to try? Hmm…I really enjoy German chocolate…especially if it’s dark and chock full of hazelnuts…   What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions? Jeeze…hm…   Is there any cheesy/non-cheesy Canadian stuff you'd be interested in? Cheese as in…cheese? Or corny? I’m not big on cheese and I’m not sure what else I’d want I mean, I like maple syrup!   If you were to go here and create your very own chocolate bar, what might it have in it? Oh mah god. EAT ALL THE THINGS! I would love dark chocolate with hazelnuts, almonds, dried cherries, dried cranberries, coconut…that sort of deal. Milk chocolate with ginger and cardamom would also be good amirite?   Is there anything you're wanting from LPMP? Say what now?   say you stumbled into Camp Half Blood (or whatever the Roman camp ends up being named <bounces in anticipation>), which god claims you? Ditto. Say what now?!?   September 25th   Stuff you've been meaning to do: Update my drivers license address…paint the living room, mow the lawn?   Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves? Why yes! Just nothing too spicy as far as jam. Spicy salsa—yes please.   Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood? I generally read for 30 minutes before bed and then I pray. I always slather on lotion on my elbows and knees and feet and hands before bed and love lavender scented bedtime stuff.   Are you interested in today's/any recent Tee Fury shirts? …huh?   Princess Bride? Yay or nay? NAY. Ugh. I hate it!   What's your favorite classic fairytale, witches I like mythology more than fairytales…but I’d have to say Snow White?   September 24th   how do you feel about ethical animal fiber, i.e. wool and the like? Fine. I’m not opposed to fibers of most kinds.   What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel? Creatures as in cats or little carvings would be fine. Creepy critters? Not so much!   Look down. What are you wearing, right now? Gray work slacks, a white tank top with a teal, gathered jersey cardigan over it.   Kerchiefs? I want to love them, but my hair might be too fine for it to stay in place.   It's the weekend, and you find yourself without a single chore or responsibility for a few hours. Right this very moment, what's the one thing you would do if you could do anything? I’d be playing Plants Vs. Zombies or Fallout: New Vegas.




Switch Witch catch-up questions September 20-

September 20th   Would you like any ecotools makeup brushes? They're kinda one of my favorite things ever, and they're animal-friendly and the handles are bamboo. And to top it all off, they work really well for applying makeup. Maybe a nice eyeshadow brush. Other than that, I really don’t do any makeup that would require a fancy brush.   Do you like Legos? Especially mini-fig key chains, Lego block keychains, small Lego sets, etc? I like Legos as much as the next person, but I’m already more than set for keychains, and I’m currently storing a large plastic tub of my brother’s Lego sets in my basement, so unless it’s the absolute coolest Lego set in the world, I probably wouldn’t be interested.   Since the previous question about "what would you buy from the Lab if you had unlimited funds, etc" left WAY too much to the imagination with no limitations (my answer was pretty much BUY ALL THE THINGS!), what would you do if you found a $50 bill on the ground and a nagging voice in the back of your mind told you that you HAD to spend it on BPAL or else face Death. Also, say they had free shipping (LOL) so don't factor that in. What would you get? And spend it all! Or as close to $50 as you can get. Sprinklecake; Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat; and a random imp from my wishlist, I suppose, since I don't have any one in particular that springs to mind at the moment.   Are there any characters that you love or identify with? None come to mind at the moment.   A question! If you are crafty, what's your personal art style? I'm not talking just about what art you like to look at, but what kind of art do you like creating? Do you have a "process" while you're creating beauty? I make cards occasionally, but it takes me forever because I want to be sure that every thing is perfect – every stamped image is even in color, every colored portion is within the lines, all the glitter is exactly where it should be, etc. If I’m painting something, I usually use stencils to make sure the image looks how it’s “supposed” to look. I like simple graphics or patterns – I can’t do abstract or surreal. I’m trying to get back into cross-stitch, and again, I like that there’s a set pattern to it that I can follow so that it turns out exactly as I expect.   Are there any Arcana Weenies that you MUST HAVE? I’d really like to get Hobbedy’s Lantern, the perfume and the soap. Reign in Hell and Serve in Heaven sound nice, but there’s a note or two in each that stop them from being absolute MUST HAVES. I wouldn’t take a chance on tobacco and pumpkin in a perfume, but the Ghost Pumpkin soap sounds pretty good.     So what say you? IS an "unexpected" visit/in-person witching OK? I’m not very good at meeting new people one-on-one, because I get really shy and nervous. Give me sufficient warning and a chance to rope in a friend to accompany me (believe me, I suck at small talk, so we’d need someone who could break the ice and smooth over the awkward silences), and I’d be happy to meet for coffee or drinks or ice cream or even a meal.   Witches - speak to me of shower gels! What companies/scents do you recommend/prefer? I don’t use shower gels all that much; I prefer bar soap or scrubs/Smooches.   Is there something that you wish you could do, but you keep putting it off? So many things! I want to take a class to re-learn German and another to learn Japanese. I want to learn how to use the lathe I have in my basement. I want to finish the cross-stitch I’ve been working on since college (at least). I want to spend more time at the shooting range and get better at target shooting, and also get my own handgun. I want to learn how to make chain maille. I want to learn how to crochet so I can make my own amigurumi. I want to go to Japan, Germany, and Romania, and back to Halifax and Minneapolis.   QUESTION: Do you like/own/wear/want fairy wings or something of the like? I have friends that would love them, but fairy wings aren’t really my thing.   Have I ever tried the coffee spoons, which are flavored chocolates on a spoon that you use to flavor your coffee? No, because I never drink coffee.   Ever tried a soap from Paintbox Soapworks? Nope.   How do you feel about terrariums? Nothing against them, but there’s no room left on my plant table for anything else.   Sooo...Cthulhu: yay or nay? Yay! So very much yay!   Do you have any interest in rocks? Not like, polished colorful stones.. but like... rocks. With geologic significance! Maybe if they had a fossil in them or something, but other than that, I’ve got more rocks than I know what to do with just from picking them up here and there on vacations. I’ve really got to stop doing that…. They always look prettier on the beach than they do in my house.   If your witch were to knit you a scarf/shawl/cowl, which would you prefer, and what features would you want? Would you prefer something light and drape-y or thick and warm? What kind of colors would you prefer? Do you have any fiber allergies or preferences?     If your witch was the practical type and wanted to include one or more of your everyday essentials, what would those include? I'm talking about the bath products, lotions, face lotions, teas, food, etc that you really use every day. Hmmm, I’m pretty set on most of my everyday essentials, because I tend to stockpile. The one thing I’m always running out of is bar soap, I suppose, because I use that all the time. I like the cold processed soaps, not so much the glycerin or melt-and-pour stuff.   Jane Austen .. Yay or Nay? Nay.   I put up quotes I love in my office and studio to get me going, They range from goofy to sarcastic to inspirational... Are you interested in a hand painted quote? Do you have one in mind, or a topic in mind? Not really.   Do you like period or period-styled paraphernalia? Stuff like postcards, notecards, jewelry, office supplies, what-have-you? I don’t have any particular interest in any particular period style. I like vintage Halloween graphics, but beyond that, I really couldn’t say. I don’t have much of a sense of history, so I might see something I really like the look of, but I probably wouldn’t know what era it was from, just that it was old.   If you like manga, comics, and/or graphic novels, what is it about them that you like, in general? The story, the art/style, etc? Both the story and the art/style. There are some manga I will read for the story even though the art isn’t what I’d like (Kimi ni Todoke, for instance) and some I will follow more for the art than the story (Gentleman’s Alliance), but ideally, both elements should be there. I’ll read pretty much any Punisher comic or graphic novel, but my favourites are the ones written by Garth Ennis and illustrated by Steve Dillon. That was the perfect combo for me. I’m always disappointed when the illustrations in a graphic novel don’t live up to the story, or even detract from it.   If you could choose a Smack, what would it have in it? I’ve got about one shower’s worth left of my current Smack, which is a mix of Spice Trade x2, Incense, and Vanilla Bean, and I’d definitely re-order that one again. I’d maybe substitute Red Woods for one of the Spice Trades next time, or maybe not. I’d also be interested in trying various combinations of Buttercream Cupcake, Candy Floss, Fresh Squeezed Citrus, Lemon Meringue, Limeade, Marshmallow, and Mint Medley, because those all sound good. Maybe a mojito Smack with Limeade and Mint Medley?   SockDreams y/n/already own most of the catalog? I try not to look so that I won’t be tempted! There’s some cute stuff there, but what I really want most are some pairs of bamboo crew socks in black, and they don’t have any of those, sadly.   Art prints/cards y/n/depends? Sure, why not?   if you could have a salon scent made, based on any artwork(s) what would it be? Sorry, I'm just not very good with the artwork-focused questions. I don't have any particular favorites - I'll see a painting and I might enjoy it while I'm looking at it, but my appreciation doesn't run much deeper than that.   Are you scientifically curious and/or process-oriented? Would you like a project-type gift that allowed you to do something like make soap from scratch, take and (nontoxic-ly) develop photographs using a pinhole camera, use plant dyes on yarn or fabric, etc.? Those sorts of things sound cool, but I doubt I’d actually take the time to follow through and do them, when I already have so many other unfinished projects sitting around waiting for me to work on them.   What's 'your' song/your theme song? I don’t think I have one. I kind of pick and choose favourite lyrics from a bunch of different songs, I guess.   What would be your superpower? People already mentioned a lot of great superpowers – I especially like teleportation, invisibility and mind reading – but I think I’d have to go with the ability to understand/read/speak any language.   Witchee, would you like a gently used BPAL tshirt? I think I’ve purchased most of the BPAL tshirts I wanted, but if I do some searching and find one I want and don’t have, I’ll update!   Question: Do you like homemade snack mixes? I know Puppy Chow was mentioned in a previous question, but what about healthier and more natural type snacks like granola or trail mix? You can put a lot of delicious and fun things into trail mix, yeah? If you say "Sure, I'd love some!" what kinds of things do you like/not like in those kinds of snacks, ie coconut flakes, raisins, certain nuts (allergies??), candy, etc. Give us your list of DO's and DON'Ts! No raisins or walnuts, and I’m not particularly fond of dried fruit of any kind. Peanuts are good, as are chocolate chips and butterscotch chips, and maybe some cashews.   Do you like charm bracelets? If you had a bracelet, what sort of charms would you want on it? Favorite hobbies, symbols, whatever? Charm bracelets are cute, but I’m not sure what charms I’d put on it. Maybe a Halloween-themed one with bats, ravens, skulls, pumpkins, witch’s hats, etc., just to be sure I had enough charms to fill out the bracelet? holborne mentioned in her post a bookworm charm – that would probably be cool! And iletaitunefois’ origami jewelry sounds brilliant!   September 22nd   If you're interested in a handmade pouch/cover for an item you have (phones, tablets, books, keys, kettles...), what would your ideal pouch/cover have? Design, material, additional functionality/features like pockets or lights or secret hidey-holes? I don’t really have anything that needs a cover.   Would you like a photo collage based around your interests/favorite colors/favorite themes? No thank you; I’m not really into collages.   If you're crafty, are you interested in spoonfeather? And if so, what things there delight your eyes? I don't work a lot with fabrics.   Colors! What are your favorite colors and what colors do you not like? Pictures and links, people! Red, black, lime/acid green, magenta/fuschia. I don't particularly like neutrals or blues, and yellows are kind of iffy for me.   What is your favorite word? Brilliant! Runner-up is phantasmagorical.   What are the feelings on arm warmers? Color, style, texture, length? I’d rather have fingerless gloves that go just past the wrist, so I can wear them with long sleeves. My current DIY fingerless gloves don’t quite cover my wrists, so a pair that do would be fabulous.   Do you like tarts? tealights? jar candles? votives? Votives > tealights > jar candles > tarts. I like jar candles, but I prefer votives and tealights because I can use them all up and not have to deal with finding a new use for an empty glass jar.   What's your favorite flavor? Sour, sweet, bitter, salty? Probably sweet, although a little bit of sour is good in a candy. Sweet and salty is good, too – I like chocolate covered pretzels a lot.   So, are there any online gaming witchees who covet purchasable in-game items or other gamer-y stuff? (yup, geek question) I’m not an online gamer.   Anyone doing anything cool for Mabon (or the start of fall, if you aren't pagan?) Going to the Motion City Soundtrack concert! That was more an accident of the date rather than a plan to celebrate Mabon, but that’s what I did on Mabon. Now that fall is here, I’ll start putting out the Halloween stuff soon, probably the first week of October.   What is your favorite coffee blend at Starbucks? If you don't have one, what is your favorite roast of coffee? I don’t drink coffee. When I’m at Starbucks with a friend, I generally get a hot chocolate (I like the salted caramel hot chocolate a lot) or sometimes an iced tea with lemonade.




Moar questions

September 26th   Is there any kind of international candy you love or would like to try? I love international candies! And local food!   What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions? we're pretty thorough around here!   Is there any cheesy/non-cheesy Canadian stuff you'd be interested in? Sure! I have loved Mounties since forever - I used to want to be one. I had this book, as a little girl, about a girl who grew up and joined the RCMP, so it stuck.   If you were to go here and create your very own chocolate bar, what might it have in it? I answered this in thread but dark chox and: rose, cinnamon, cardamom or caramel, hazelnut, salt. or bacon and chipotle. or anything, really   Is there anything you're wanting from LPMP? I am a Lab purist, honestly   say you stumbled into Camp Half Blood (or whatever the Roman camp ends up being named <bounces in anticipation>), which god claims you? Well, if we look at Gallo-Roman, maybe Epona. Maybe Poseidon.   September 25th   Stuff you've been meaning to do: Learn to sew   Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves? Oh, heck yeah!   Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood? Nah. I take my pills, i drinks my sleepy bedtime tea, and I go the fuck to sleep.   Are you interested in today's/any recent Tee Fury shirts? Not really. I don't usually care for colored tees.   Princess Bride? Yay or nay? Yay!   What's your favorite classic fairytale, witches The real Little Mermaid, where she turns into foam, and some of the crazy Russian ones I read as a kid - anything with Baba Yaga   September 24th   how do you feel about ethical animal fiber, i.e. wool and the like? I love all fiber. I love Patons new Bamboo Silk, and Lion's new stainless/wool blends too!   What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel? Judging by the fate of the amigurumi who live on my speaker, they'd likely get carted off by an evil cat. Those are cute though   Look down. What are you wearing, right now Running clothes - black wicking tank/bra combo, black wicking loose capri, white ankle socks, pink bandana   Kerchiefs?   It's the weekend, and you find yourself without a single chore or responsibility for a few hours. Right this very moment, what's the one thing you would do if you could do anything? I would find a stable and go riding   September 23rd     Is there anything you'd like from the Mütter Museum Store? Anything! I miss living near there!   I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like? Not so much.   what's your favorite kind of pizza? The kind I make. The last one we made was FANTASTIC - thin sliced spicy sausage, mushrooms, and peppers sauteed together, then put on top of my spicy sauce and lots of cheese. So good! I would've put olives, but the boy doesn't care for them   who are your style/fashion icons? post pics if you want! Siouxsie Sioux, Dita von Teese, Lydia from Beetlejuice   Are there any food items you're craving/aren't able to find around your area? Tastykakes. Peanutbutter Kandykakes, specifically.




Other SW Questions

Imma start sticking your questions in here just in case they get lost in the forums. Plus some things I just don't want to air to the whole thread.   So anyways, I dunno, pampering... I've never really thought about it, so I tried to put some real, extra thought in it today. I would say the things that would make me feel best, feel queenly, are things that make me -look- it. I know it may be conceited to say, but appearance actually means a lot, not just to me, and that's only a recent thing, but to other people. How you look is the first thing people notice.   And I've noticed in the past recent few days that if I -look- good, I feel better about myself. I feel maybe a little more confident, a little more sexy, a little more motivated. And maybe those little things will add up, give me that boost I need to go out and kick some ass. People are nicer to pretty people. Pretty people have better chances at getting jobs and other things. It's really sad, but it's true, that's what society pushes on us.   I guess that's why I've gotten this real sudden interest in things that would help me be pretty. I would kill for a day of shopping with a couple of my gal pals from high school, then hitting up some clubs and just forgetting the world and dancing and having fun, and then of course post some pics on FB of all that so W. can see and be jealous of how amazing I look and how much fun I can have without him! And I know that's totally mean and petty, and most of me would never want to stoop to that kind of revenge, but the hurt part of me wants to hurt back. But I always said I would never do anything to hurt him on purpose, so, sigh... But I guess there's nothing wrong with that plan, maybe just without the rubbing it in his face part.   I just want him to see me and think "WOW!" like you said, make him see what he might be missing out on. If I can project that image to my outward appearance, then maybe I can feel it on the inside too. I just need a huge boost of confidence and bravery. Does any of that help at all? Cuz I'm not really sure what "items" would do it. Nice clothes, shoes, sparkly, pretty, shiny things?   He notices -everything- too, I think that's a military thing, that annoying attention to detail. Though that attention to detail might have saved his life at one point so I can't be too annoyed at that. But he pointed out once that he saw 7 people in one day wearing the shoes I always wear. I'm like, yeah, they were 10 bucks at Target, I'm sure everyone has them. He notices clothes, all sorts of things like that and I swear he's more of a girl than I am when it comes to clothes and fashion. Granted, I'm not hugely up to date on that sort of stuff. I tend to stay basic and comfortable, but try and look good at the same time, which I guess is where I fail.   Have I mentioned that he's absolutely gorgeous? When we first met irl 6 year ago, I had no idea what he looked like, we never exchanged pictures and it just never occurred to me to ask, cuz I already loved him from everything else I knew about him. He was incredibly cute back then, but omg, now... But yeah.   I want to make him drool! To have naughty dreams about me! To beg for my attention and company!   ---   According to the parental unit, my birth time was 6:52 am. April 15th 1983. I assume still in Cincinnati, since that was where I grew up. Do you need anything else?




9/26/11 Ketchup

Per your request Dear Witch September 26th   Is there any kind of international candy you love or would like to try? Sure, I just don't know what is available.   What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions? I want to know what my cat is thinking   Is there any cheesy/non-cheesy Canadian stuff you'd be interested in? maybe maple sugar candy, not much just a taste-soooo sweet   If you were to go here and create your very own chocolate bar, what might it have in it? Where? what site? I don't see the link BUT it sounds like a really cool site pretty much anything dark chocolate with blueberry, raspberry, acai   September 25th   Stuff you've been meaning to do: Finish cleaning out and getting stuff ready for the garage sale and EBAY   Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves?   YUM     Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood? Taking a bath, Drinking tea and reading   Are you interested in today's/any recent Tee Fury shirts? I don't know what they are. I am so old   Princess Bride? Yay or nay? Again,never heard of it,so so very old am I   What's your favorite classic fairytale, witches The Little Match Girl   September 24th   how do you feel about ethical animal fiber, i.e. wool and the like? Sure   What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel? Really cute but WOW expensive, I'll skip it   Look down. What are you wearing, right now? Pajamas, as usual   Kerchiefs? No thanks   It's the weekend, and you find yourself without a single chore or responsibility for a few hours. Right this very moment, what's the one thing you would do if you could do anything? SLEEP




SW Questions - Fall 2011 Pt. 2

== September 25th Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves? Sure!   Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood? Not really?   Princess Bride? Yay or nay? I like the movie and I've watched it several times.   == September 24th   how do you feel about ethical animal fiber, i.e. wool and the like? All good, just no wool. Ethical or no, it still gives me hives.   What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel? I don't have a fireplace, and my desk is always a disaster.. and I have cats. So no.   Look down. What are you wearing, right now? I uh.. just took off my ponytail holder and I'm about to go downstairs to get clean undies?   Kerchiefs? Not something I wear.   It's the weekend, and you find yourself without a single chore or responsibility for a few hours. Right this very moment, what's the one thing you would do if you could do anything? This is kinda my life right now with me being unemployed. I have chores and stuff, but it doesn't keep me occupied 24/7.   == September 23rd   I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like? I think most of CP's stuff is too foody for me.   what's your favorite kind of pizza? I love any non-chain pizza - it's really all about the crust! With the sauce (if there is any) next - but I also love pizzas that are more foccacia like with just olive oil and potatoes on it. In terms of chain pizzas, I prefer Pizza Hut or Little Ceasar's, and in grocery store pizza, Safeway has some really tasty options in their frozen house brand line.   who are your style/fashion icons? post pics if you want! I don't know that I have a fashion icon.   Are there any food items you're craving/aren't able to find around your area? NY style bagels, from a place that makes them themselves. I've found some decent ones here, but nothing quite like home.   == September 22nd   If you're interested in a handmade pouch/cover for an item you have (phones, tablets, books, keys, kettles...), what would your ideal pouch/cover have? Design, material, additional functionality/features like pockets or lights or secret hidey-holes? My ideal Nook case would be something that maybe zips around three sides so it's fully protected but still has a cover flap so if I get up to do something and put my Nook down I don't have to worry about my cats dancing on/bouncing off the screen, with somewhere to stash my Lyra light that's not blocky or in the way.   What are the feelings on arm warmers? Color, style, texture, length? I don't think I'd wear them.   Do you like tarts? tealights? jar candles? votives? I am technically full up on tarts but I won't say no to more. I don't need anymore things with wicks until I burn all the ones I have, and I currently have lots.   What's your favorite flavor? Sour, sweet, bitter, salty? Probably sweet followed closely by salty.   So, are there any online gaming witchees who covet purchasable in-game items or other gamer-y stuff? (yup, geek question) I don't know if it's possible to send anything like that in Guild Wars (and the only thing I really need/want would be Xunlai panels, and they're not really worth $10)..   What is your favorite coffee blend at Starbucks? If you don't have one, what is your favorite roast of coffee? I don't have a favorite blend, and I like medium to dark roasts - but also? I have a ton of coffee and really don't need more until I've made a big dent in my stash (which is hard, because I managed to lose my my-k-cup on myself, arg!) == September 21st   Cthulhu: yay or nay? Not into Lovecraft.   Is there something that you wish you could do, but you keep putting it off? I'd love to go to school and get background in something that will get me a job that moves, but I have no idea what I'd want to do.   Put your current mp3player (I am the anti-apple, so no ipod ), winamp playlist, what have you, on shuffle, list the first 10 songs: I'm currently using spotify and I'm bouncing between playlists alot and don't really want to make one gigantic one of everything.   Witchee, have you made (or are you planning to make) any Lab or Trading post orders soon? And if you did (or plan to), you should share what you're getting No plans. Haven't ordered from the lab in well over a year.   Do you have any interest in rocks? Not like, polished colorful stones.. but like... rocks. With geologic significance! Love rocks. comes with the geology degree.   If your witch were to knit you a scarf/shawl/cowl, which would you prefer, and what features would you want? Would you prefer something light and drape-y or thick and warm? What kind of colors would you prefer? Do you have any fiber allergies or preferences? I feel like I've answered this before? Recently? I'm allergic to wool, any of the colors listed as likes in my questionnaire are fine, and I'm pretty sure I'd never wear a shawl or cowl.   Do you like/own/wear/want fairy wings or something of the like? I've thought about making myself a pair for the odd rennaissance festival I go to, but it's not a priority.   How do you feel about terrariums? Something else for me to kill? I'm not the best with indoor plants.   What's your favorite horror movie? Not a fan of horror.   If your witch was the practical type and wanted to include one or more of your everyday essentials, what would those include? I'm talking about the bath products, lotions, face lotions, teas, food, etc that you really use every day. Currently I'm stash-busting, so I'm using body wash and shampoo and conditioner that I've accumulated (and then hopefully once I'm through all of them I'll have a job again so I can afford the better quality shampoos that work better). Things I like to use are SLS-free shampoos, nice smelling body washes, sugar scrubs, Villainess Slick, mud masks (currently working through a Villainess Mud Sampler that I'll probably replace with another sampler when I actually manage to finish it off - the variety is nice).   Jane Austen .. Yay or Nay? Not one of my favorites.   If you could choose a Smack, what would it have in it? I find smacks too drying.   if you could have a salon scent made, based on any artwork(s) what would it be? Anything that I'd pick would be guaranteed to have notes that hate me in it. I'd love to see any of Monet's waterlily paintings, but most florals don't work on my skin.   Are you scientifically curious and/or process-oriented? Would you like a project-type gift that allowed you do do something like make soap from scratch, take and (nontoxic-ly) develop photographs using a pinhole camera, use plant dyes on yarn or fabric, etc.? Space is an issue. I don't really have any messy-craft safe spaces in my house, and things that need to be done outside have a limited time before winter is here.   Do you like homemade snack mixes? I know Puppy Chow was mentioned in a previous question, but what about healthier and more natural type snacks like granola or trail mix? You can put a lot of delicious and fun things into trail mix, yeah? If you say "Sure, I'd love some!" what kinds of things do you like/not like in those kinds of snacks, ie coconut flakes, raisins, certain nuts (allergies??), candy, etc. Give us your list of DO's and DON'Ts! Not the biggest fan of raisins, unless they're yogurt covered. Otherwise I'm game for most anything. Do you like charm bracelets? If you had a bracelet, what sort of charms would you want on it? Favorite hobbies, symbols, whatever? I don't mind charms incorporated into more regular jewelry, but I'm not into charm bracelets.




Switch Witch Questions part 6

how do you feel about ethical animal fiber, i.e. wool and the like? I prefer it for crocheting and things. I would love to be able to buy clothes made out of ethical or sustainable materials, but I live in no-mans-land and that isn't an option yet. I especially like bamboo yarns. Incredibly stuff.     What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel?Definitely!!! If I get into PA school, I will need one or two for my desk at school!   Look down. What are you wearing, right now?Victoria's secret panties and a sports bra   Kerchiefs?I bought some in Japan and they are still in wrappers since I really don't know what to do with them!   It's the weekend, and you find yourself without a single chore or responsibility for a few hours. Right this very moment, what's the one thing you would do if you could do anything?Cuddle up in bed with Dante and read. I'm actually going to do that shortly...I have an hour to myself!   Stuff you've been meaning to do:Laundry, clean kitchen, donate all the mismatched, older plates/cups/etc that I have and don't use, do a major spring cleaning and donate everything I haven't looked at in 6 months, get the VW detailed, trim Dante's nails, get an oil change in the Santa Fe, finish AIDS Institute documents, clean my desk at work, place a Haus of Gloi order, this could go on forever...   Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves? HELL TO THE YES!!     Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood?I snuggle Dante.   Are you interested in today's/any recent Tee Fury shirts?I think I'm going to order it!   Princess Bride? Yay or nay?I think my stance on this is pretty clear!   What's your favorite classic fairytale, witchesMy favorite "witch" is Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty. She is such a baddass. "I too shall bestow a gift on the child. Listen well, all of you. The princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty, beloved by all who know her....but...Before the sunsets on her sixteenth birthday she shall prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and die! Stand back you fools!!!" *maniacal laughter* Seriously, cursing a newborn is pretty hardcore. Then she turns into a freakin DRAGON. She's awesome!   Is there any kind of international candy you love or would like to try?Any candy is fine by me! What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions?This headache sucks.   Is there any cheesy/non-cheesy Canadian stuff you'd be interested in?I don't really know of anything Canadian.   If you were to go here and create your very own chocolate bar, what might it have in it? Gold. I would have Caramel, Toffee, Peanut Butter, and almonds somehow all separated but together!       Is there anything you're wanting from LPMP? I don't know what this is asking me....I haz a dumb.     say you stumbled into Camp Half Blood (or whatever the Roman camp ends up being named <bounces in anticipation>), which god claims you? I'm only 25, but these questions are making me feel old...I have zero touch with pop culture apparently.     What is something people are always surprised to learn about you? I am NOT Christian! In my podunk redneck town that is seriously "weird". Finding out I identify most with Buddhism gets some serious odd looks, awkward silences, and often blessings to save my soul. It also suprises people that I was a vegan for over 14 years and converted to vegetarianism for another 3. I gave it up shortly after my Celiac's diagnoses since I live in the middle of nowhere and don't have many food choices. (I hate that I eat meat and get seriously worked up about it every now and again). People are surprised to know that I have a Masters degree and more so surprised that I have a Classical History degree in addition to all my sciency-stuff. I love European Symphonic Metal and could not name one Lady Gaga song. That really freaks people out! I also eat rice and miso soup for breakfast. I am, all in all, a strange girl by the accepted societal norms of my location.     So who else watched Babylon 5? I didn't. I should...     If you had to decide what your stripper name was, what would it be? Satan 16th by the rules...I would rather go by Lacey Ponts.     Sooooo Witchees, have you ever taken that particular personality test? If so, are you an Analytical, a Driver, an Expressive or an Amiable? I'm a driver based on the test. I don't agree though. I believe that majority of us have many sides to our personalities that show depending on situations. I'm a different person in a school based setting than I am at home. (For one, I wear pants at school! ) My personality is far to unique and multidimensional to fit into a predetermined box, as far as I'm concerned.     Is anyone else afraid of or creepy out by dummies/puppets/Muppets/etc? Other things you're squicked/freaked by that's best left by the wayside? I'm not a fan of dummies, but I got over my fear years ago.     what level of contact were you hoping for? I'm happy with whatever my witch is comfortable with! I love hearing from her! She rocks my socks!     Your favorite restaurant or type of food to eat out. Would you use a restaurant.com voucher? Groupon? dangerous for me with my disease, so I pass.   Are there any local museums/attractions you keep never getting around to going to? HAHAAH! Maybe a trip up to "The Walmart". :lol: Yeah, no. I do want to really go to Animal Kingdom at Disney (about 35 minutes away). I was there last weekend but the park was closed and we were confined to the rides area. I wanna see the animals!     JONES SODA CO has LE soda packs for The Guild, Buffy, D&D, So Cute, etc. Would you be interested in these, Witchee? I don't really drink soda. Cute idea though.     It'sBanned Books Week! Are there any books on the list you'd be interested in checking out? Brave New World is one of my all time favorites!! I have yet to read Hunger Games. I refuse to touch Twilight. Poor writing makes me angry.   I have just been enlightened to THESE. Are these flavors relevant to your interests? I've never tried Tokyo Milk, but I'm in love!     What kind of purse do you prefer? Leather, cloth? over the shoulder or crossbody, or something that can do either? Do you like bold bright prints with fun things, or monochrome, solid colours?   julep maven monthly boxes:No thanks. I can't figure out nail polish.   Like commercial socks?Yup!     What kind of bear is best?Root Beer!     Is anyone interested in reading The Night Circus?Yes   Hershey's Pumpkin Spice kisses?No thanks. I have a not-so-secret love for The Broship of the Rings. Are there any prints from her store you'd like?No thanks. Who here likes Stephanie Pui-Min Law's artwork?will look it up later.   Do you drink wine?Not really. I prefer cider.   Is it just me who is nervous at revealing herself to her witchee, and finding out who her witch is?!Not at all! I'm excited!   Witches, did you lament NOT getting one of the condom case/imp cases that got released with the courtesan series???Nope   I recently saw candy corn in non-candy corn flavors like CHOCOLATE and CARAMEL APPLE. It's not a fancy brand, I just saw it in the drugstore, but who here would like something like that? Ugh, no thanks.




More Pet pictures

Since there is a blog limit... here are the rest.   MrCheeto- Ruler of the house. His companion Chloe looks just like him, only smaller. My other "pets" Emily- Zoey- Collin (and Cheeto)-




Ketchup and pet pictures.

September 26th   Is there any kind of international candy you love or would like to try? Anything! I love unusual and new candy   What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions? I play World of Warcraft and collect in-game minipets.   Is there any cheesy/non-cheesy Canadian stuff you'd be interested in? maple syrup   If you were to go here and create your very own chocolate bar, what might it have in it? Dark chocolate, lavender and sea salt   September 25th   Stuff you've been meaning to do: make a scrap book, clean the house, fold laundry, organize my pictures, get my garden ready for fall Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves? YES. Any and all.   Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood? Not for me, but for my kids- they get a bubble bath and story time.   Are you interested in today's/any recent Tee Fury shirts? I really love the Dire Brew Tee from 9/7/11 kicking myself for not getting it.   Princess Bride? Yay or nay? meh   What's your favorite classic fairytale, witches I always like the non-disney Little Mermaid   September 24th   how do you feel about ethical animal fiber, i.e. wool and the like? Love wool What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel? It would probably by hijacked by my toddlers.   Look down. What are you wearing, right now? Blue jeans, beige cotton v-neck, pink cardi embroidered with funky flowers, black flip flops. It's my typical "funky librarian" look Kerchiefs? Sure. I prefer vintage or vintage-looking It's the weekend, and you find yourself without a single chore or responsibility for a few hours. Right this very moment, what's the one thing you would do if you could do anything? Go to the beach   September 23rd     Is there anything you'd like from the Mütter Museum Store? Either of the BPALs (never tried them), a magnet (I collect magnets)   I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like? never tried their stuff before. what's your favorite kind of pizza? CHEESE. like tons of ooey gooey cheese.   who are your style/fashion icons? post pics if you want! no one. I have zero sense of fashion... Are there any food items you're craving/aren't able to find around your area? Cheese curds (possibly fried), candied/dried hibiscus from Trader Joes   September 22nd   If you're interested in a handmade pouch/cover for an item you have (phones, tablets, books, keys, kettles...), what would your ideal pouch/cover have? Design, material, additional functionality/features like pockets or lights or secret hidey-holes? No thanks. I have a toddler-proof Otterbox for my iphone now. Would you like a photo collage based around your interests/favorite colors/favorite themes? Probably not If you're crafty, are you interested in spoonfeather? And if so, what things there delight your eyes? A what?   Colors! What are your favorite colors and what colors do you not like? Pictures and links, people! Think fiestaware colors...   What is your favorite word? Succulent.   What are the feelings on arm warmers? Color, style, texture, length? Sure. Grey, soft, 12+ inches   Do you like tarts? tealights? jar candles? votives? Maybe jar candles. I don't burn candles very ofter with small kids running around   What's your favorite flavor? Sour, sweet, bitter, salty? Sweet, slightly salty.   So, are there any online gaming witchees who covet purchasable in-game items or other gamer-y stuff? (yup, geek question) I'm a total WoW geek and already have most of the purchasable in-game items except a few that cost a small fortune on ebay or are impossible to find. You can see my collection here: http://www.warcraftpets.com/account/profile.asp?user=feffers#col   Anyone doing anything cool for Mabon (or the start of fall, if you aren't pagan?) nope   What is your favorite coffee blend at Starbucks? If you don't have one, what is your favorite roast of coffee? rarely go to Starbucks. I prefer dark roast coffees   If you have a pet, could you please post a photo of it? I really need to see what your pet, if you have one, looks like. Sarah- Archie- Monte and Ziggy (aka Da Pug)- My Chickens- Tullulah, Miss Buttercup and Wednesday (named by my kids)- Wednesday ended up being a Rooster had had to be rehomed to a place outside the city. We miss him but we don't miss his 5am wake up calls.




Yet more condiments. Sorry for being so slow witch!

September 26th   Is there any kind of international candy you love or would like to try?   I love ALL kinds. I would kill for stroopwaffles (esp the chocolate covered ones), and delicious stuffs like that.   What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions?   Gloves and earmuffs for this upcoming winter. Soft is nice :3 Warm is better!   Is there any cheesy/non-cheesy Canadian stuff you'd be interested in?   Warm accessories from Canada. Maple stuff? (Is that popular up there?)   If you were to go here and create your very own chocolate bar, what might it have in it?   Hazelnuts, Macadamia Nuts, maybe caramel pieces. And it’d be milk chocolate. Or maybe white chocolate macadamia nut caramel for the boy.   September 25th   Stuff you've been meaning to do.   Uhhhh. I think I answered this already. Clean, finishing wedding crap. Clean more. Cook some.   Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves? Oh yes!   Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood?   No, not really. Kinda wish there was, but I’m not sure how that’d work.   Are you interested in today's/any recent Tee Fury shirts?   The Cthulhu one RIGHT NOW. (Cthulhu love?). The Dr. Horrible Sing Along shirt. Actually any of the dr. horrible shirts. Mudder’s Milk shirt. Zombie Warning! Too Late.   Princess Bride? Yay or nay?   Yesh. Oh childhoodishness.   What's your favorite classic fairytale, witches.   12 Dancing Princesses. Or the original Swan Princess. Neither ends very well…   September 24th   how do you feel about ethical animal fiber, i.e. wool and the like?   Sure! Though the wool has to be non-itchy, I have terribly sensitive skin.   What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel?   Sure. Well maybe. It’d have to be real cute to justify the clutter.   Look down. What are you wearing, right now?   Blue blouse with rosettes. Black slacks. Black flats.   Kerchiefs?   Maybe.   It's the weekend, and you find yourself without a single chore or responsibility for a few hours. Right this very moment, what's the one thing you would do if you could do anything?   Read. Read and drink caramel cider. Or tea. Or wine (I love this new wine infused w/ chocolate I picked up.)   September 23rd     Is there anything you'd like from the Mütter Museum Store?   >_> Maybe the plush microbes. Honestly I didn’t look much but it looks like it might squick me out.   I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like?   I have never tried cocoa pink. I’m much more interested in their hair stuff than their perfume.   what's your favorite kind of pizza?   Ny style cheese, or other crap with pepperoni and pineapple.   who are your style/fashion icons? post pics if you want!   I have neither style nor fashion.   Are there any food items you're craving/aren't able to find around your area?   In and Out Burger    September 22nd   If you're interested in a handmade pouch/cover for an item you have (phones, tablets, books, keys, kettles...), what would your ideal pouch/cover have? Design, material, additional functionality/features like pockets or lights or secret hidey-holes?   Soft fabric, non-irritating to sensitive skin. I like things with all of the above!   Would you like a photo collage based around your interests/favorite colors/favorite themes?   That could be neat, sure.   If you're crafty, are you interested in spoonfeather? And if so, what things there delight your eyes?   What?   Colors! What are your favorite colors and what colors do you not like? Pictures and links, people!   I love: Bright, brilliant jewel tones or dark rich colors. Wine/Burgundy, Royal Purple, Emerald Green, Navy or Cerulean Blue, Ruby/Garnet Red, Turquoise, etc. I despise pastels and neon colors.   What is your favorite word?   No favorite word, just phrase. “Just sayin’”   What are the feelings on arm warmers? Color, style, texture, length?   Sure. Warm. Soft. Dark/deep colors. Any length.   Do you like tarts? tealights? jar candles? votives?   Can’t have them in my apartment    What's your favorite flavor? Sour, sweet, bitter, salty?   Sweet, then salty.   So, are there any online gaming witchees who covet purchasable in-game items or other gamer-y stuff? (yup, geek question)   >_> I still need a number of WoW pets. I think I have the cenarion hippogryph and the little lich king and that’s it. I really covet the little grphyon and wingrider.   Anyone doing anything cool for Mabon (or the start of fall, if you aren't pagan?   Not really…   What is your favorite coffee blend at Starbucks? If you don't have one, what is your favorite roast of coffee?   No coffee, I love the smell and even the taste, but the caffeine makes me quite sick.




September 26, 2011

September 26th   Is there any kind of international candy you love or would like to try? I don’t know of any! But I would love to try new things!   What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions? I am a big fan of chicken in a biscuit crackers! Ahhaha!   Is there any cheesy/non-cheesy Canadian stuff you'd be interested in? Maple syrup? I don’t know what really counts as Canadian???   If you were to go here and create your very own chocolate bar, what might it have in it? ooooooo! I would make: dark chocolate, lavender, mini marshmallows! Or milk chocolate, peanut butter drops, and cookie dough!   September 25th   Stuff you've been meaning to do: make a quilt! Buy fabric to make quilt… organize my closet… organize my BPAL into an actual box or semblance of a proper space and not all shoved into a clear plastic bag! Haha!   Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves? yes‼ very much so!   Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood? Sometimes I like to put on this patchouli sandalwood perfume. It’s so heavy that it makes me sleepy. I wouldn’t wear that type of perfume during the day! Sometimes I put lotion on my scalp because it’s all dry and peely    Are you interested in today's/any recent Tee Fury shirts? I don’t think so!   Princess Bride? Yay or nay? yay! What's your favorite classic fairytale, witches I like snow white!   September 24th   how do you feel about ethical animal fiber, i.e. wool and the like? Wool makes me sort of itchy, but I have no moral issues with stuff like that, if that is what you are asking. I would hate for the poor little creatures to be hot all summer!   What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel? Sure!   Look down. What are you wearing, right now? Well I have to have some pictures taken in my choir outfit later… so that is impacting my wardrobe. I have on a long black wrap skirt, a black tank top, and a light yellow ¾ sleeve top. And pearls. My choir outfit is the same except a black ¾ sleeve instead of the yellow… I didn’t want to wear all black to work!   Kerchiefs? Yes please!   It's the weekend, and you find yourself without a single chore or responsibility for a few hours. Right this very moment, what's the one thing you would do if you could do anything? I’d probably play World of Warcraft… or bake some sweets…   September 23rd     Is there anything you'd like from the Mütter Museum Store? I’m going to have to say…… probably not. The plush things are cute! But the medical skeletons and things are a bit too much for me    I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like? Woah! That’s a long list of scents! I think the pumpkin ones would probably work on me. The only things I really DON’T like are really heavy scents (musk, patchouli, really rich foody smells).   what's your favorite kind of pizza? I like Hawaiian pizza! And pepperoni! And supreme! And veggie (although I recently got a case of food poisoning from some veggie pizza so I might not be able to eat it for a while!)   who are your style/fashion icons? post pics if you want! I have always kind of dressed in my own way. I just pick things I like from catalogs and hope that everything goes together and doesn’t make me look like I’ve gained 22309483 pounds! Oooooooo but I loooooove all the costumes/clothes from Boardwalk Empire   Are there any food items you're craving/aren't able to find around your area? canned pumpkin! Why isnt it out yet?!?   September 22nd   If you're interested in a handmade pouch/cover for an item you have (phones, tablets, books, keys, kettles...), what would your ideal pouch/cover have? Design, material, additional functionality/features like pockets or lights or secret hidey-holes? maybe a cover for my kindle? It would have no pockets or anything because I’m not sure what I would keep in said pockets. It would be a durable material, but a feminine classy print on it. Any color would work!   Would you like a photo collage based around your interests/favorite colors/favorite themes? Sure!   If you're crafty, are you interested in spoonfeather? And if so, what things there delight your eyes? I do not know what that is! I tried googling it but I only found a band??   Colors! What are your favorite colors and what colors do you not like? Pictures and links, people! My favorite color is sage green: http://www.katyelliott.com/beta/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/sage-green-rooms-from-martha-stewart.jpg I also really like canary yellow: http://cn1.kaboodle.com/hi/img/2/0/0/df/7/AAAAAngr6ZUAAAAAAN9wEw.jpg?v=1205640012000 I do not like dark yellow: http://creativehomeidea.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/The-room-comes-with-dark-yellow-color-inside.gif     What is your favorite word? hello‼‼‼!   What are the feelings on arm warmers? Color, style, texture, length? I’ve never put any on! Would they have gloves attached to them! I would definitely give them a shot!   Do you like tarts? tealights? jar candles? votives? I have two Scentsy warmers and I love them! I also love all other type of candles. I like oil warmers but I do not own one of those!   What's your favorite flavor? Sour, sweet, bitter, salty? I love sweet and I love salty. I love them together and I love them separately!   So, are there any online gaming witchees who covet purchasable in-game items or other gamer-y stuff? (yup, geek question) hmmm I would like in-game WoW pets but I’m not addicted to them like some other players    Anyone doing anything cool for Mabon (or the start of fall, if you aren't pagan? Maybe going to the harvest festival at a local farm. I’ll probably be trying to take the boat out a few last times with the boyfriend before it starts raining though… (it rains all winter in California)   What is your favorite coffee blend at Starbucks? If you don't have one, what is your favorite roast of coffee? I tried the iced coffee blend and I really liked it! It made great iced coffee! I always get an iced white mocha when I go there! Oooooo and pumpkin spice lattes make me happy.




Switch Witch

September 26th   Is there any kind of international candy you love or would like to try?: I'd like to try just about anything. I tried chocolate from Germany once when I was in Army boot camp.   What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions? : Sounds silly, but even a small amount of paid time for my live journal account would make me happy.   Is there any cheesy/non-cheesy Canadian stuff you'd be interested in? : Anything to be honest. Post cards or anything to put on my memo boards.   If you were to go here and create your very own chocolate bar, what might it have in it? : Mango, papaya, almonds, coconut, and sea salt.   September 25th   Stuff you've been meaning to do: Add paid time to my LJ, finish cleaning up the bedroom, buy a copy of The Sims2 Free Time, add more skulls to my collection, get some stuff to put on my memo boards.   Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves? : Not really my thing   Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood?: No set ritual   Are you interested in today's/any recent Tee Fury shirts?: Never been to the site.   Princess Bride? Yay or nay? : Yay, I love the movie   What's your favorite classic fairytale, witches: Snow White, a few friends jokingly call me Snow White in combat boots.   September 24th   how do you feel about ethical animal fiber, i.e. wool and the like?: Don't really have any thoughts on it   What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel?: I need more room for something like that.   Look down. What are you wearing, right now? : When I answered on the forum, it was a towel. Right now, it's a green Old Navy shirt and a pair of Tony Stewart pajama pants.   Kerchiefs? : I'm a baseball cap girl   It's the weekend, and you find yourself without a single chore or responsibility for a few hours. Right this very moment, what's the one thing you would do if you could do anything?: Trackside and Truck Racing on Friday, Nationwide Racing on Saturday, Race Day, Sprint Cup Racing, and Victory Lane on Sunday.




SW Fall 2011 questions from 9/23-9/26

September 26th   Is there any kind of international candy you love or would like to try?   Um, yes. See: if it's vegan, I'll eat it. I love all things foreign and I love candy, so it's pretty much a safe bet to send me international candy.   I used to really really love White Rabbit Candies... my mom would buy them for me at the Chinese market when I was a kid and though they're often stale, hard to chew, absolutely deadly to your fillings etc... I loved them. They're milky though. I would love to find a vegan equivalent but just haven't yet...   Ditto on the ever famous Pocky. I would kill a man for vegan Pocky.   I love Chinese New Year style crystallized ginger... can eat way too much of that stuff.   What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions?   Nothing just popped into my head! Aaaaaah!   I am really looking for something good to wash my toddler's hair with. He has a super super dry flaky scalp, and it SMELLS. He has never been a good smelling baby to start with* but lately his head really reeks by the end of the day. I've tried washing him with my tea tree shampoo but it's liquid so it often runs into his eyes, which he obviously does not care for. Do you know of a shampoo bar that works well for that kinda scalp maybe? (Not Lush's one, Sink or Float or whatever. Can't handle the scent of it.)   Solving his stinky-head would be an immense present to me.   *I have grown very skeptical of people who say their babies smell like cream and sugar or anything like that; my son has smelled like wet dog from day 1. When he primarily nursed, he also had constant yogurt breath. I like him a lot, but I would not say he smells _good_.   Is there any cheesy/non-cheesy Canadian stuff you'd be interested in?   Hm... I can't think of anything in particular that I want from Canada? I have heard that maple sugar is kind of amazing but am not sure what I'd do with it.   If you were to go here and create your very own chocolate bar, what might it have in it?   Hmm... dark chocolate with lavender & orange peel. Or dark chocolate with ground coffee & hazelnuts. Dark chocolate, basil, lemon peel, ooh.   --------------------------------------------------------- September 25th   Stuff you've been meaning to do:   You're kidding, right? Heh. I have a toddler, the list of stuff I've been meaning to do but haven't gotten around to in the past 2-3 years is longer by far than the list of things I've actually accomplished.   I've been meaning to: - get my hair cut (had it done in February but the stuff just keeps growing!) - organize my cookbooks - call my mom/sister/brother/other brother/dad/other relatives who I don't talk to often enough - match all the unmatched socks in my house, a feat that would take days I'm sure - go to the dentist to have a filling repaired & have a cleaning - have my cholesterol checked (expect it's normal/low after 5 years as a vegan, and 13 before that as a vegetarian, but high cholesterol runs in my family so you never know) - write thank you cards for presents people sent on the birth of my son, um, two years ago - update my BPAL wishlist...   I can go on like this pretty much forever.   Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves?   Oh yes! I have been in a bit of an open-faced PB&J for breakfast rut lately, and I am just burning through the jam. Not a huge fan of grape jellies generally, but other than that, I'm easy to please. Especially fond of cherries & blackberries in jams.   Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood?   I am currently between pairs of flannel pajama pants. I tend to have 2-3 pairs I really love at a time and I wear the hell out of them. The last pair, like so many before it, literally fell apart after several years hard wear. It's been weeks now and I've been trying everything else... wearing sweatpants, wearing a pair of shorts, just wearing a long nightshirt... and I don't like it. Need more flannel jammie pants.   As far as ritual goes, these days, I generally sit on the couch leaning on my husband and watch an episode of something British (often QI, because I can never have enough Stephen Fry in my life) and fall asleep on him halfway through. Then I rouse myself enough to brush my teeth, complain about having to move out of my nice warm sleepy spot, and move into bed.   Are you interested in today's/any recent Tee Fury shirts?   Not familiar with the site. Today's looks like a nice drawing of HP Lovecraft about to be eaten (or perhaps hugged?) by Cthulhu. I like the design, but as before, I don't really wear t-shirts often.   Princess Bride? Yay or nay?   Yay! Yay yay! One of my all-time favorites, both in book and movie form.   What's your favorite classic fairytale, witches   I really love Hans Christian Anderson's Little Claus and Big Claus. It is really quite dreadful. Yet hilarious. Yet horrible.   Very fond of HCA's version of the Little Mermaid too. And Hansel and Gretel in any form has always delighted me. --------------------------------------------------------- September 24th   how do you feel about ethical animal fiber, i.e. wool and the like?   Think I've mentioned before that I'm generally not bothered by wool (have not been sufficiently convinced that it is unethical/exploitative of sheep). I feel the same about other non-sheep animals who give up their fiber through shearing.   So called "peace" silk or tussah does not bother me. I've also seen some really lovely yarns made out of recycled silk, and that I'm fine with.   What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel?   While I think this unfortunately mostly falls under the knick-knack category for me, I wouldn't mind a small something for my desk at work.   Look down. What are you wearing, right now?   A pair of black corduroy pants which are just passably formal enough for work (which is good, as they are one of my only 3 pairs of maternity pants), a black tank top, an eggplant colored v-neck shirt with empire waist (not maternity but it works; was too big for me to start with), sneakers, and black socks with bands of thin red-yellow-blue-black-white stripes.   If you'd caught me five minutes ago, I'd have also been wearing a white lab coat with my name stitched onto it, which is absolutely one of the best parts of this job. A lab coat!   Kerchiefs?   I wear them sometimes!   It's the weekend, and you find yourself without a single chore or responsibility for a few hours. Right this very moment, what's the one thing you would do if you could do anything?   Take a bath, by myself, followed by leisurely self-grooming. Facial moisturizer AND body lotion! Flossing! Possibly TWICE! Maybe I'd even blow-dry my hair! Oh, the options are limitless... --------------------------------------------------------- September 23rd   I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like?   I do like foodie scents... I'd be interested in smelling Black Chocolate Pumpkin, plain ol' Black, Cake on Mondays (or Pumpkin Cake on Mondays), Lime Sugar, Naughty Gingerbread... lots of them sound good, hard to weed out which ones sound best.   Their ordering page for the atomizers is confusing to me, I can't tell if they're saying that their atomizers have alcohol in them (which makes it a no go for me, boo allergies) or not.   what's your favorite kind of pizza?   This is boring as hell, I realize, but I love a good old fashioned pizza margherita. Hard to get a good vegan one since a key element is the cheese.   More generally, I like a thinner (but not out and out crispy) crust, little to no red sauce (olive oil-garlic sauces are great), and not too many toppings cluttering up the slice. Kalamata olives are always welcome. Mmm. Kalamatas.   who are your style/fashion icons? post pics if you want!   Bwahahahaha hahaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, oh jeez, let me catch my breath. I don't have fashion icons. If I did, I wouldn't post their names, because I'd be afraid they'd sue me for defamation.   Are there any food items you're craving/aren't able to find around your area?   Can't think of anything in particular this moment but as I know you know by now... food: I'm down with it.




More Autumn SW.

Dear Witch,   I've had the worst headcold for the past few days, so if something in here sounds totally rubbish and doesn't make sense at all, um, let me know and I'll do cold-to-common translations.   October 3rd   Does anyone else like collector Barbies?   Nope. Sorry.   What small everyday items would you like, that you keep forgetting to get?   I think I've answered along these lines before so I'll skip it for now (but may come back to it later).   Tarot   No?   Tell me about something you like, and why you like it.   Haven't I been doing that for the past gizzillion questions? (I would have more patience for this question if I wasn't still pretty sick -- but nowhere near the epic disaster that was yesterday re: being sick)   If you're the MMU type of Witchee, what Geek Chic Cosmetics tickle your fancy?   Uh?   Would any witchees be interested inQuinn Popcorn?   No, but I love spicing my own popcorn, so popcorn flavors are always welcome.   October 2nd   Who likes silly items from Archie McPhee???   I'm sure I would, but I'd probably never use them except in swaps.   Nocturne Alchemy's NAlloween Pt. 2 update is live here! (And for a few days, last month's update too.) What do you want?   I try to stick to BPAL. To keep the obsession under control.   What are you drooling over from the Sock Dreams Halloween stuff?   Sold out on the stuff I like, so...   Luck charms?   Not really   Does anyone want anything from... here...?   No.   For those of you that like candles, do you like stuff from Yankee Candle? And if you had to choose, tarts or candles?   Not particularly. Candles.   Would you be interested in getting a custom necklace fromhere?   It would be beautiful, I'm sure. But unless you are making it, not really.   Is there a movie you want so badly that you don’t own now?   Not really, no.   Is there a song on Itunes that you haven’t downloaded yet?   I'm sure there are, but generally when I think of them, I download them.   Is there a rare book you’ve always wanted?   Nope.   Is there anything you want to buy yourself but have been too embarrassed (R rated or pg)?   Not so much, no.   Have you seen the Lush holiday update? Do you like the look of anything from there?   I have not.   if you were my witchee, would you want some of my hot nuts my candied nuts my nuts covered in butter and brown sugar candied walnuts?   Ha, no. Thank you though.     October 1st   Is there anything you either didn't like or had never heard of that you're now curious to try thanks to the discussion in this thread?   Not really, no.   Reveal?   Yes, please!   Would you be interested in the #occupywallstreet scent?   Yes, please!   Do Paintbox Soapworks' Goat's Milk Hand and Body Creams sound like something you'd like to try?   Yes, please! (If you follow me on Twitter, you'll know more about this.)   September 30th   Witchee, would you like anything from this particular Haunt update?   Ha, missed the boat on this one.   Who's interested in Halloween: Montreal?   Not me.   You get a package in the mail containing 3 things you have really wanted more than anything else you've mentioned so far in this thread. (they are all reasonably priced of course! ~$20 or less apiece). What are they?   #occupywallstreet,   how do you feel about hemp? jewelry, soap, etc?   I'm not big on it, but my fiance would probably love hemp soap. The only BPAL he really goes out of his way to compliment is Banshee Beat.   Is there a magazine that you DON'T read because you can't find it near you, but wish you could?   If and only if you are in Australia, then Delicious is the most amazing magazine. They did a trial thing here with a pocket sized version and I LOVED it. And no one else did. And they discontinued it.   Describe your sense of humour.   Odd. I should find and take that test for you.   Do you like reusable grocery bags? If so, do you like the kind that fold up (ie Chico Bags?)   I have pleeeeeenty.   I'm about to make an order from Sephora (nothing off of my wishlist, witch, so don't worry about that). Is there anything for you that you would like to accompany my order, if you're my witchee?   Well, I've said my bit about makeup.   September 29th   What kind of purse do you prefer? Leather, cloth? over the shoulder or crossbody, or something that can do either? Do you like bold bright prints with fun things, or monochrome, solid colours?   Crossbody. Solid with a screen print would be lovely. Leather is also a favorite. But always crossbody.   julep maven monthly boxes: Maybe?   Your favorite restaurant or type of food to eat out. Would you use a restaurant.com voucher? Groupon?   I would if it was a place we'd go to anyway. I wouldn't go out of my way to do so.   Like commercial socks?   I like sock dreams. Does that count?   What kind of bear is best?   Our cat. We tell him to "be a bear" when we give him treats and he gets up on his hind legs like a bear!   Is anyone interested in reading The Night Circus?   If you send me a book, I will read it. That said, Night Circus sounds intriguing.   Hershey's Pumpkin Spice kisses?   Dear god in heaven, no.   I have a not-so-secret love for The Broship of the Rings. Are there any prints from her store you'd like?   No, sorry?   Who here likes Stephanie Pui-Min Law's artwork?   Very pretty.   Do you drink wine?   OH HEAVENS YES.   Is it just me who is nervous at revealing herself to her witchee, and finding out who her witch is?!   I'm not at all nervous about it and you should not be either! I will want to know who you were, so I know who to thank! You have taken such excellent care of me thus far. If you don't reveal, though, I'd really appreciate some sort of "this is the end" declaration or card or something. Just so I know.   Witches, did you lament NOT getting one of the condom case/imp cases that got released with the courtesan series???   It's one of those things I'd love as a gift but would never want to spend the money on.   I recently saw candy corn in non-candy corn flavors like CHOCOLATE and CARAMEL APPLE. It's not a fancy brand, I just saw it in the drugstore, but who here would like something like that?   No. Just. No. I like candy corn, but I think we got candy corned out this weekend.   September 28th   JONES SODA CO has LE soda packs for The Guild, Buffy, D&D, So Cute, etc. Would you be interested in these, Witchee?   No. I mean, yes, but no because the sodas are so hit and miss with me and I would want to drink them which I think sometimes ruins the whatever.   It'sBanned Books Week! Are there any books on the list you'd be interested in checking out?   No? I love BBW, though. And libraries.   I have just been enlightened to THESE. Are these flavors relevant to your interests?   Yes.       September 27th   What is something people are always surprised to learn about you?   Well, people in real life are surprised to learn that I spin yarn. And often then go on a tangent about how they realized it had to be made somehow but never really thought of it in terms of being something PEOPLE could make, etc etc.   Um, online, I'm liberal and hippish, so the whole MBA thing is usually a surprise.   So who else watched Babylon 5?   I should.   If you had to decide what your stripper name was, what would it be?   Boobs McGee.   Sooooo Witchees, have you ever taken that particular personality test? If so, are you an Analytical, a Driver, an Expressive or an Amiable?   No just no.   Is anyone else afraid of or creepy out by dummies/puppets/Muppets/etc? Other things you're squicked/freaked by that's best left by the wayside?   I LOVE MUPPETS.   what level of contact were you hoping for?   I agree that this should totes be in what we get as witches. Um. I am cool with whatever level of contact you have the time to give me.   Your favorite restaurant or type of food to eat out. Would you use a restaurant.com voucher? Groupon?   I answered this. I did!   Are there any local museums/attractions you keep never getting around to going to?   Museum of Surgical Equipment. Also the Jellies at the Aquarium.   September 26th   Is there any kind of international candy you love or would like to try?   I think I answered this at length in thread, but Studentska bars are my favorite thing in the world. (Milk chocolate with fruit.)   What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions?       Is there any cheesy/non-cheesy Canadian stuff you'd be interested in?   Not so much. That I can think of.   If you were to go here and create your very own chocolate bar, what might it have in it?   I'd do my level best to recreate a studentska bar. Obsessed? No.   September 25th   Stuff you've been meaning to do:   Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves?   Yes!   Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood?   Nope   Are you interested in today's/any recent Tee Fury shirts?   Not really   Princess Bride? Yay or nay?   Yay, but not as yay as I used to be about it. And I do like the book better. Still a big fan though. Savor's Dread Pirate Roberts is one of my favoritest things (I have it in soap, cream, body spray, and linen spray form them... and shaving soap!).   What's your favorite classic fairytale, witches   All of them. Seriously, I love classic fairytales. Um, I'm not so hot on, like, the little match girl or any about the virgin mary, but the magicky wondery ones are awesome. Also, 1,001 Arabian Tales are awesome. Also, myths and legends. If you find a myth or a tale that I don't know, I'm sure to love it.   September 24th   how do you feel about ethical animal fiber, i.e. wool and the like?   I love it? I spin things so I'd love it to spin. I also knit things, so I'd love it to knit. I also live in a cold climate, so I'd love it to wear.   What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel?   Sure. Cute.   Look down. What are you wearing, right now?   Jeans. T-shirt. Hoodie.   Kerchiefs?   Yes, please!   It's the weekend, and you find yourself without a single chore or responsibility for a few hours. Right this very moment, what's the one thing you would do if you could do anything?   Well, we went apple picking this weekend which I enjoyed very, very much.   September 23rd     Is there anything you'd like from the Mütter Museum Store?   I'm sure there is, figure it out. I trust you.   I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like?   Not really. I do my level best to stick to BPAL in terms of all things smelly. Obviously it doesn't always work, but I try.   what's your favorite kind of pizza?   BBQ chicken with smoked gouda, bacon, and jalepeno peppers. Thin crust.   who are your style/fashion icons? post pics if you want!   I don't really have any... which could explain a lot. Haha.   Are there any food items you're craving/aren't able to find around your area?   I'm sure there are, but I cannot think of them at the moment.   September 22nd   If you're interested in a handmade pouch/cover for an item you have (phones, tablets, books, keys, kettles...), what would your ideal pouch/cover have? Design, material, additional functionality/features like pockets or lights or secret hidey-holes?   Pockets! Secret hidey holes! These are things I love!   Would you like a photo collage based around your interests/favorite colors/favorite themes?   A photo? Yes. A collage? Not so much.   If you're crafty, are you interested in spoonfeather? And if so, what things there delight your eyes?   I agree with others that those look... very expensive. But if you designed a fabric and sent it to me, I'd use it and love it.   Colors! What are your favorite colors and what colors do you not like? Pictures and links, people!   I covered this already.   What is your favorite word?   Well, it's been discussed at length in thread, but my three favorites are: petrichor, sinople, and superannuated.   What are the feelings on arm warmers? Color, style, texture, length?   If you want to knit me some, I'd love them, but my last witch made me some really lovely wrist warmers so I would hope for something that just does arm warming. But seriously, some sleeves that I could add to my many t-shirts and suddenly have long sleeves would rock. I just don't want to have to choose between Witch #1's knit gear and Witch A's knit gear. You know?   Do you like tarts? tealights? jar candles? votives?   Yeah. I like candles. And tarts. And what not. I think I like candles better than tarts, though. I really love the soft light they give off.   What's your favorite flavor? Sour, sweet, bitter, salty?   Pickled.   So, are there any online gaming witchees who covet purchasable in-game items or other gamer-y stuff? (yup, geek question)   Nope.   Anyone doing anything cool for Mabon (or the start of fall, if you aren't pagan?   Nope. Well, we went apple picking.   What is your favorite coffee blend at Starbucks? If you don't have one, what is your favorite roast of coffee?   Medium.   September 21st   Cthulhu: yay or nay?   Sure, but not yayayayayayay.   Is there something that you wish you could do, but you keep putting it off?   Not really.   Put your current mp3player (I am the anti-apple, so no ipod ), winamp playlist, what have you, on shuffle, list the first 10 songs:   Sorry, no.   Witchee, have you made (or are you planning to make) any Lab or Trading post orders soon? And if you did (or plan to), you should share what you're getting   No. I listen.   Do you have any interest in rocks? Not like, polished colorful stones.. but like... rocks. With geologic significance!   Sure. But you have to explain why they are cool.   If your witch were to knit you a scarf/shawl/cowl, which would you prefer, and what features would you want? Would you prefer something light and drape-y or thick and warm? What kind of colors would you prefer? Do you have any fiber allergies or preferences?   No allergies. Um... a hooded scarf or shawl would be amazing.   If you have a pet, could you please post a photo of it? I really need to see what your pet, if you have one, looks like.   He's fat and orange and a cat. He's on a diet, so he's been losing weight lately. We're trying to make him less of an obeast.   Do you like/own/wear/want fairy wings or something of the like?   Ha, sure!   How do you feel about terrariums?   Awesome!   What's your favorite horror movie?   Wait, what? No. I get nightmares. I'm a big ol' scaredy cat.   If your witch was the practical type and wanted to include one or more of your everyday essentials, what would those include? I'm talking about the bath products, lotions, face lotions, teas, food, etc that you really use every day.   A good quality earl grey tea. Dread Pirate Roberts crema from Savor. Frank, Gold, & Myrrh sorbetto from Paintbox Soapworks A good quality medium roast coffee. A nice wine bottle opener (we can't find ours right now but are stubbornly refusing to buy one because we know it is here somewhere). (nice to me = classic waiter tool corkscrew) An incredibly moisturizing, but light feeling lotion (I use the crema, but something better is always a good thing). It is VERY dry in the winter here.     Jane Austen .. Yay or Nay?   Yay! Way more yay than cthulu.   I put up quotes I love in my office and studio to get me going, They range from goofy to sarcastic to inspirational... Are you interested in a hand painted quote? Do you have one in mind, or a topic in mind?   Sure. No. and snarky or sarcastic is probably best. No religion. Unless it is kind of anti-religion. My fiance is an evangelical atheist.   Do you like period or period-styled paraphernalia? Stuff like postcards, notecards, jewelry, office supplies, what-have-you?   Yes. YES. YESSSSS. Victorian era. (I've always loved the Victorian era -- like, always always. My fifth grade history project was an indepth look at Victorian clothing. And I've always been into fantasy and sci-fi. So I'm also really into Steampunk because HELLO TWO OF MY FAVORITE THINGS.)   If you like manga, comics, and/or graphic novels, what is it about them that you like, in general? The story, the art/style, etc?   Story usually. Art/style is less exciting to me. In a pre-Harry Potter world, it was a lot harder to find a good urban fantasy story without looking to comics. Of course, I do like the artwork, and some of it is simply stunning beyond belief, but story first.   If you could choose a Smack, what would it have in it?   I just don't know. I'm sure if you wanted to get me one, you'd be great at figuring it out.   if you could have a salon scent made, based on any artwork(s) what would it be?   Mucha, probably.   Are you scientifically curious and/or process-oriented? Would you like a project-type gift that allowed you do do something like make soap from scratch, take and (nontoxic-ly) develop photographs using a pinhole camera, use plant dyes on yarn or fabric, etc.?   YES. YES. YES. YES. YES. Soap would be awesomesauce. I can already do photography and dyes.   What's 'your' song/your theme song?   The song that gets stuck in my head most often is California Dreamin by the Mamas and the Papas. But Guns, Gold, Girls by Metric and Trouble is a Friend on the Easy A soundtrack are the two things I listen to the most, I think.   What would be your superpower?   The store would always have what I needed or wanted when I went. It might sound lame now, but Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other times when it's just kind of annoying... it would be awesome.   Witchee, would you like a gently used BPAL tshirt?   Heck, yeah. Actually I'm in the process of making a quilt from a lot of my old t-shirts, so if you have one gently used to send my way I'd totally wear it, but if you have one that is funky-nasty-tore-up and you are about to bin it, as long as the main image is intact, I'd take it and cut it up for my quilt.   Do you like homemade snack mixes? I know Puppy Chow was mentioned in a previous question, but what about healthier and more natural type snacks like granola or trail mix? You can put a lot of delicious and fun things into trail mix, yeah? If you say "Sure, I'd love some!" what kinds of things do you like/not like in those kinds of snacks, ie coconut flakes, raisins, certain nuts (allergies??), candy, etc. Give us your list of DO's and DON'Ts!   No allergies.   Do you like charm bracelets? If you had a bracelet, what sort of charms would you want on it? Favorite hobbies, symbols, whatever?   I think... I would only want one from Switch Witch if, like, you sent it last and the charms were themed to correspond to emails or ecards or things I said or things you sent or somehow themed to this round of Switch Witch and BPAL. Does that make sense? Like, if you put effort into something like that, I want it to really remind me of you.   September 20th   Would you like any ecotools makeup brushes? They're kinda one of my favorite things ever, and they're animal-friendly and the handles are bamboo. And to top it all off, they work really well for applying makeup.   Cool. Cool, cool, cool.   Do you like Legos? Especially mini-fig key chains, Lego block keychains, small Lego sets, etc?   Yes.   Since the previous question about "what would you buy from the Lab if you had unlimited funds, etc" left WAY too much to the imagination with no limitations (my answer was pretty much BUY ALL THE THINGS!), what would you do if you found a $50 bill on the ground and a nagging voice in the back of your mind told you that you HAD to spend it on BPAL or else face Death. Also, say they had free shipping (LOL) so don't factor that in. What would you get? And spend it all! Or as close to $50 as you can get.   Robotic Scarab claw polish, Smokestack claw polish, Exotic Bazaar, and a t-shirt.   Are there any characters that you love or identify with?   Blunt, curious women who are smart and socially awkward.   A question! If you are crafty, what's your personal art style? I'm not talking just about what art you like to look at, but what kind of art do you like creating? Do you have a "process" while you're creating beauty?   Uh. Uh. Uh. No.   Are there any Arcana Weenies that you MUST HAVE?   No. No. No. Will not look. Stick to the BPAL. No new obsessions! Illegal!   So what say you? IS an "unexpected" visit/in-person witching OK?   That would be awesome. But. You gotta let me know someone is coming over or I might not be here or have time or what not. But, like, a lunch date (I'll be happy to make lunch) or whatever, just... fair warning.




Weekend Ketchup!

Oh Witch of mine, I apologize for falling behind in the questions, but this weekend was indeed bananas Without further ado, more of the rambling!     Colors! What are your favorite colors and what colors do you not like? Pictures and links, people! I love butter yellows, bright yellows, all purples from the palest lavender all the way to deep almost black purple, all blues, true reds, blue reds (no orange reds for me, thanks), all pinks, and mint green and kelly green. I don’t like brown or camel colored.   Would you like a photo collage based around your interests/favorite colors/favorite themes? No thank you. Space is kind of lacking here.   If you're crafty, are you interested in spoonfeather? And if so, what things there delight your eyes? This is such a cool idea, but I am not crafty at all.   What is your favorite word? Strumpet, splendiferous, copacetic.   What are the feelings on arm warmers? Color, style, texture, length? No thank you!   Do you like tarts? tealights? jar candles? votives? Jar candles only please.   What's your favorite flavor? Sour, sweet, bitter, salty? Salty and sour please! I love sweet things but am on a low carb diet so they’re out.   What is your favorite coffee blend at Starbucks? If you don't have one, what is your favorite roast of coffee? Not a coffee drinker, but I love all types of chai!   I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like? I’m not even looking at other online perfumers as my BPAL addiction is almost more than I can keep up with, lol!   What’s your favorite kind of pizza? Again, low carb living doesn’t lend itself to pizza. But I love Mediterranean style pizzas, and just plain mushrooms and black olives with extra cheese   Who are your style/fashion icons? post pics if you want! I’m afraid that I’m going to get laughed out of the forum for this, but I really love the way that Kate Middleton dresses now. I work in a fairly conservative hospital environment, and need to dress nicely. I live in jeans and t-shirts, but need to start dressing like a grown up, and getting fashion tips from Kate Middleton seems like a good place to start! For example, nude pumps. After seeing them on her, I figured they might be a good summer piece rather than my plain boring black heels, and sure enough they kicked me out of my work fashion rut. No hose, though!   Are there any food items you're craving/aren't able to find around your area? Witch dear, if you could find me caciocavallo cheese of any type, I would love you forever and ever and ever and ever and a day. Seriously. When I lived in Oklahoma there was a little mom and pop grocery store run by a couple that had left Italy in the early 1950s and they made their own caciocavallo. I could eat that stuff three times a day for the rest of my life and be deliriously happy.   What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel, like this? No thank you. The cats will claim it as theirs probably before it’s even out of the box.   Is there anything you like or would like to try from Bath & Body Works? No thank you.   Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood? I make sure that my lunch for the next day is packed, that I have clothes laid out for the next day (I’m really not a morning person), and that all of my stuff is ready to go. If the next morning is a workout morning (so early! 5:30 am is when my alarm goes off!), I go to bed in my workout gear. Again, not a morning person, so the less I have to do to get my but out the door in the morning, the better And if I’m having trouble sleeping or am feeling particularly anxious, I’ll dot my chakras with TAL’s White Light and say a quick prayer and do a breathing exercise. It’s kind of scary how well this works to put me to sleep.   Princess Bride? Yay or nay? It is INCONCEIVABLE! that I wouldn’t like Princess Bride.   Meanwhile, I am asking all of you (and especially my witchee) what would you think of this (with a matching scarf) ? Kitxchey kerchief No thank you.   Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves? OH YES!   What's your favorite classic fairytale, witches? I really love the Twelve Dancing Princesses and Cat-skin.




2011 Switch Witch Ketchup 4

September 23rd     Is there anything you'd like from the Mütter Museum Store? I would love to visit the museum, but I don’t think I need anything from the store.   I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like? Yay: Spiriteuse Double Vanille, The Un-Red, Pumpkin Pie Stout, Naughty Pumpkin, White Pumpkin, Pink Patchouli…   what's your favorite kind of pizza? Italian sausage, green pepper, black olives, roasted red peppers, and jalapenos.   who are your style/fashion icons? post pics if you want! Sadly… I can’t really think of any!   Are there any food items you're craving/aren't able to find around your area? I’m drawing a blank here too…   September 22nd   If you're interested in a handmade pouch/cover for an item you have (phones, tablets, books, keys, kettles...), what would your ideal pouch/cover have? Design, material, additional functionality/features like pockets or lights or secret hidey-holes? I don’t think I have any need for any covers?   Would you like a photo collage based around your interests/favorite colors/favorite themes? This might be nice! I don’t know what color I would choose, but something based on my interests would be interesting.   If you're crafty, are you interested in spoonfeather? And if so, what things there delight your eyes? I don’t know what this is…   Colors! What are your favorite colors and what colors do you not like? Pictures and links, people! This is kind of a lame answer, but I like so many different colors in different contexts!!! I love the colors in a sunset or in a fall forest. I like the blue of a tropical sea and a spring sky. I love so many of the shades found in flowers, and the shades of green in spring of new leaves. I like the warmth of black and the color of sun-bleached corn stalks before harvest.   What is your favorite word? Cromulent   What are the feelings on arm warmers? Color, style, texture, length? I don’t think I need one.   Do you like tarts? tealights? jar candles? votives? I love candles of all kinds, especially jar or pillar candles   What's your favorite flavor? Sour, sweet, bitter, salty? I like them all; probably sweet and salty tied for first.   So, are there any online gaming witchees who covet purchasable in-game items or other gamer-y stuff? (yup, geek question) I’m not a gamer.   Anyone doing anything cool for Mabon (or the start of fall, if you aren't pagan? Hopefully making apple cider.   What is your favorite coffee blend at Starbucks? If you don't have one, what is your favorite roast of coffee? I’m more of a tea drinker.   September 21st   Cthulhu: yay or nay? Appreciative, but not really a “fan”.   Is there something that you wish you could do, but you keep putting it off? Yes, refinishing some furniture, but I need a good block of time with good weather to do it.   Put your current mp3player (I am the anti-apple, so no ipod ), winamp playlist, what have you, on shuffle, list the first 10 songs:   1. Stop Watching Your Enemies: Koko Taylor 2. Blue Monday: New Order 3. Rodney Balulalow: Anonymous 4 4. I Don’t Live Today: Jimi Hendrix 5. Fire in the Hole: The BoDeans 6. Drivin’ Wheel: Junior Parker 7. Friends Forever: Old ‘97s 8. Many a New Day Ballet: Oklahoma soundtrack 9. Fernando: ABBA 10. Francaix Wind Quintet #1, Andante Quintillo: Galliard Ensemble     Witchee, have you made (or are you planning to make) any Lab or Trading post orders soon? And if you did (or plan to), you should share what you're getting Yes, I have! Several orders of doom!!   Halloween: Las Vegas Blood Moon 2011 La Calavera Catarina Autumn Cider Pumpkin Princess   Halloween Bath Oil: Honey Pumpkin Stout Room and Linen Spray: Harvest Soap: Honey Pumpkin Stout Perfume Oil: Candied Pumpkin Bath Brews: Tears of the Seraphim Halloween Tee - Babydoll Scoop Neck Tissue Tee   Do you have any interest in rocks? Not like, polished colorful stones.. but like... rocks. With geologic significance! I do like rocks.   If your witch were to knit you a scarf/shawl/cowl, which would you prefer, and what features would you want? Would you prefer something light and drape-y or thick and warm? What kind of colors would you prefer? Do you have any fiber allergies or preferences? Thick and warm. I have a winter coat that is kind of a rose/mauve color, so something that would go with that. No allergies, but nothing scratchy.   If you have a pet, could you please post a photo of it? I really need to see what your pet, if you have one, looks like. I do have 2 dogs and a cat; Angus, Jamie, and Buddy. http://www.flickr.com/photos/52064888@N05/   Do you like/own/wear/want fairy wings or something of the like? No.   How do you feel about terrariums? Not really interested.   What's your favorite horror movie? The original Halloween.   If your witch was the practical type and wanted to include one or more of your everyday essentials, what would those include? I'm talking about the bath products, lotions, face lotions, teas, food, etc that you really use every day. Dove unscented soap, DHC olive oil cleanser, Yorkshire Blend tea, blueberry Cliff bars, lightly salted almonds   Jane Austen .. Yay or Nay? Yay!!!   I put up quotes I love in my office and studio to get me going, They range from goofy to sarcastic to inspirational... Are you interested in a hand painted quote? Do you have one in mind, or a topic in mind? Maybe? I don’t know about a topic, although I have some quotes on my FB page that I Like.   Do you like period or period-styled paraphernalia? Stuff like postcards, notecards, jewelry, office supplies, what-have-you? Not sure?   If you like manga, comics, and/or graphic novels, what is it about them that you like, in general? The story, the art/style, etc? Not really interested   If you could choose a Smack, what would it have in it? Fall-based scents   if you could have a salon scent made, based on any artwork(s) what would it be? How about this one: Grant Wood’s Stone City, Iowa. Or Andrew Wyeth’s Evening at Kuerners.   Are you scientifically curious and/or process-oriented? Would you like a project-type gift that allowed you do do something like make soap from scratch, take and (nontoxic-ly) develop photographs using a pinhole camera, use plant dyes on yarn or fabric, etc.? Yes! Especially making soap or plant-based dyes.   What's 'your' song/your theme song? Not sure I have one?   What would be your superpower? Needing no sleep   Witchee, would you like a gently used BPAL tshirt? Probably not… I have several already.   Do you like homemade snack mixes? I know Puppy Chow was mentioned in a previous question, but what about healthier and more natural type snacks like granola or trail mix? You can put a lot of delicious and fun things into trail mix, yeah? If you say "Sure, I'd love some!" what kinds of things do you like/not like in those kinds of snacks, ie coconut flakes, raisins, certain nuts (allergies??), candy, etc. Give us your list of DO's and DON'Ts! Something healthy would be good (I’m not a fan of puppy chow). I like most nuts and dried fruits.   Do you like charm bracelets? If you had a bracelet, what sort of charms would you want on it? Favorite hobbies, symbols, whatever? I have one already!   September 20th   Would you like any ecotools makeup brushes? They're kinda one of my favorite things ever, and they're animal-friendly and the handles are bamboo. And to top it all off, they work really well for applying makeup. Honestly, I probably would not use them.   Do you like Legos? Especially mini-fig key chains, Lego block keychains, small Lego sets, etc? Probably not.   Since the previous question about "what would you buy from the Lab if you had unlimited funds, etc" left WAY too much to the imagination with no limitations (my answer was pretty much BUY ALL THE THINGS!), what would you do if you found a $50 bill on the ground and a nagging voice in the back of your mind told you that you HAD to spend it on BPAL or else face Death. Also, say they had free shipping (LOL) so don't factor that in. What would you get? And spend it all! Or as close to $50 as you can get. Samhain 2011 and Chimera. Or Devil’s Night 2011.   Are there any characters that you love or identify with? Not really? I do like Bridget Jones and Ugly Betty though. And Margie in Fargo. And Marge Simpson.   A question! If you are crafty, what's your personal art style? I'm not talking just about what art you like to look at, but what kind of art do you like creating? Do you have a "process" while you're creating beauty? I just like to be in a happy zone with no pressure.   Are there any Arcana Weenies that you MUST HAVE? Edict of Worms, Ghost Pumpkin, Kincardine Maiden, Comfort Me with Apples   So what say you? IS an "unexpected" visit/in-person witching OK? I think so? With a little advance notice ☺       September 19th   What strange misc. items would you love to receive that you just haven't gotten for yourself? A wine glass holder. A really good vegetable peeler.   How do you feel about franken polish? Are you okay with all chemicals, or would you prefer 3 free? Would you want glitter or holographic glitter? What colors would interest you? Not sure what this is, but probably would not ever use.   Dear witchee, how do you feel about lip balm? Favorite style (twist up tube, pot, tube with wand, etc.)? Favorite flavors? Flavors to avoid? Favorite brand? Do you need more right now or are you set? Are you one of those people who could never have enough lip balm even though you have a bowl on your dresser overflowing with them and 10 in your purse and an order for more on the way? I do like twist up tube lip balms, and like the colored ones.   Would you be interested in getting fountain pen inks or art supplies via JetPens and or DickBlick? (I know I have a wishlist on JetPens and just love using fountain pens in my artwork) They are nice, but no thank you.   -For those interested in watercolors, how would you feel about getting a palette filled with paint from my watercolor tubes but not getting the paint tube itself? (kind of like this but without the covers for the compartments and bigger http://www.flickr.co.../in/photostream) I’m not really interested…   -How do you feel about getting art supplies in general? (copic markers, watercolor, brushes, paint, sketchbooks etc.) I would probably not use.   -How do you feel about Threadless tshirts? I have too many t-shirts as it is!   If you were turned loose in a basic drug store (CVS, Walgreens - a pharmacy with attached mini-mart, basically!) with a $20 bill, what would you pick up? Almonds, some good hair conditioner, a Sudoku puzzle book, and something Halloween-ish   Darling Witchee, would you enjoy farmer's market pickled veggies (green beans, garlic, asparagus, etc) or fresh canned peaches or something of that nature? Would love! Maybe not the garlic, but everything else.   Do you prefer color or white photographs? Nature or abstract? Nature, color   would you be interested in something like this? https://lostcrates.com/how-it-works Probably not…   Amigurumi, yes or no? No? I don’t know what it is.     I have a question! What are some of your favorite paintings? (famous or undiscovered?) Feel free to link to examples! I think I answered this before.   If you could have an image painted for you - sky is the limit - what would it be? A Wisconsin-style barn   Name your 3 favorite scents for candles Vanilla, Apple/Cinnamon, Pumpkin. But I love many other scents too!   Name your 3 favorite types/flavors of tea: East Frisian black tea, apricot black tea, and mixed all fruit melanges   September 18th   If you had an international witch, is there anything you would like from the UK? (Or Australia, Belgium, France any other country we have witches from. Rhubarb candy or chocolate covered HobNobs. Or other things we cannot get in the US.   Dear witchee, if you answered 'Mac' to the Mac/PC question previously issued by another participant, please tell me what kind of computer you have, what peripherals you own (like the wireless trackpad, wireless vs/wired keyboard and mouse), and whether you're interested in Apple-related items (stickers, keychains, other things with the logo, etc). I think I am set with computer stuff.   SOCK PREFERENCES?   Would you like/wear a pair of these? http://www.ravelry.c...rary/yoga-socks If so, what color? I do like socks, but wasn’t able to get the link to work. I like basic socks that I can wear with jeans. I could use more maroon/plum colored socks, navy blue socks, black socks, and socks with cute designs.   Is there anyone here who likes toe socks? You know, those socks with a place for each toe? No, I am fairly sure I would hate these!!! Sorry!




SW 2011 part 2

I don't want to push the other blog too much further, so here's the next batch of answers:   September 23rd     Is there anything you'd like from the Mütter Museum Store?   I'd love to try both perfumes, actually. Other than that, there's a few books that look like they might be to my brother's taste, but I wouldn't ask you to get those for me.   I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like?   Nay. Once the alcohol gets introduced, it tends to be what I smell most, and then I get a headache.   what's your favorite kind of pizza?   Homemade and loaded with veggies. I love artichokes, mushrooms, spinach and whole roasted garlic cloves on my pizza, and I like chewy crusts. I've also had eggplant, summer squash, green and red peppers, and cooked onions on my pizza, and loved all of them. I don't tend to do meat pizzas much.   Commercial chains I like: Dewey's at the higher end, Papa John's at the lower end.   who are your style/fashion icons? post pics if you want!   I think I've mentioned that my style tends toward librarian chic rather than any particular fashion star. I like a lot of Diana Agron's pretty dresses, but Anthropologie and Modcloth are both on the expensive side for me, and I can make the dresses cheaper and fitted better to my bust-waist ratios.   Are there any food items you're craving/aren't able to find around your area?   Apple butter/Pumpkin butter. It's getting towards that time of year. I live near a Trader Joes, but seldom get things for myself there.   <b>September 22nd</b>   If you're interested in a handmade pouch/cover for an item you have (phones, tablets, books, keys, kettles...), what would your ideal pouch/cover have? Design, material, additional functionality/features like pockets or lights or secret hidey-holes?   Hmm. None of those actually sound like anything I need. I'm considering making my mother a tea cosy for her birthday, but that's about it.   Would you like a photo collage based around your interests/favorite colors/favorite themes?   Maybe? I'd prefer either a straight out poster or art work, I think.   If you're crafty, are you interested in spoonfeather? And if so, what things there delight your eyes?   *looks, raises an eyebrow* Not for that price! I can find a lot of pretty cotton prints at a fabric store for a lot cheaper.   Colors! What are your favorite colors and what colors do you not like? Pictures and links, people!   Blues, almost any shade thereof. Pale pinks, greens with more of a blue tone than a yellow tone. Grey. Purple, cream/white, brown.   What is your favorite word?   I don't have any favorite words. I don't separate them out like that. (I'm very much a whole to part, not part to whole person.) Ask me for my favorite quotations/book passages instead, I might be able to answer that.   What are the feelings on arm warmers? Color, style, texture, length?   I've been meaning to make some for myself, but I never get around to it. Prefer soft fibers, elbow length, and you've seen my favorite colors above.   Do you like tarts? tealights? jar candles? votives?   Anything but tarts, as I don't have a tart burner. I enjoy candles a lot. Jar candles are great, but I do have votive and tealight holders if you send those instead.   What's your favorite flavor? Sour, sweet, bitter, salty?   Probably sweet.   So, are there any online gaming witchees who covet purchasable in-game items or other gamer-y stuff? (yup, geek question)   I don't do online gaming like that.   Anyone doing anything cool for Mabon (or the start of fall, if you aren't pagan?   Not pagan, and not doing anything special for the start of fall specifically. I am going to the Ohio Renfaire tomorrow.   What is your favorite coffee blend at Starbucks? If you don't have one, what is your favorite roast of coffee?   Maybe a mocha? I don't go out for coffee often. I've tried and enjoyed their pumpkin spice latte once. In general, I like my coffee light and sweet.   September 21st   Cthulhu: yay or nay?   Never read Lovecraft, enjoyed the cameo of Cthulhu in an online fic Jo Graham wrote, but in general, Cthulhu is one that I nod at in general recognition and then walk away from.   Is there something that you wish you could do, but you keep putting it off?   Travel to Great Britain. It's on my "maybe someday" plans, but I lack the money to just go right now.   Put your current mp3player (I am the anti-apple, so no ipod ), winamp playlist, what have you, on shuffle, list the first 10 songs:   I did one version of this in the SW thread, so now I'm going to post the first ten of the ones on my 5-star list, so you can see what I actually listen to over and over again.   1. Heart of the Ocean, Gaelic Storm 2. Born in the USA, Bruce Springsteen 3. Landslide, Glee Cast version 4. Tarantella, Arlo Guthry 5. Paint the Sky with Stars, Enya 6. Coal Red Sky, Carrie Newcomer 7. Be True, Carrie Newcomer 8. Something to Sing about, Buffy the Musical 9. Symphony no 3 in E-flat Major, Opus 55 Beethoven 10. Leaves Don't Drop, Carrie Newcomer   (I would not have been surprised to see Carrie Newcomer take up over half of this list, really. All time favorite, there.)   Witchee, have you made (or are you planning to make) any Lab or Trading post orders soon? And if you did (or plan to), you should share what you're getting   I had been planning on getting La Calavera Catrina, but finances are tight and I don't have the job I thought I was getting. I'd also been contemplating getting the Klimpt Tree of Life LE, but I could only justify getting maybe one of those two right now, and Tree of Life is expensive.   And I don't need anything at the Post.   Do you have any interest in rocks? Not like, polished colorful stones.. but like... rocks. With geologic significance!   I like rocks, but my father is a geologist. We have tons of rocks that followed him home. So unless you find something that strikes you as extremely significant, don't worry about rocks.   If your witch were to knit you a scarf/shawl/cowl, which would you prefer, and what features would you want? Would you prefer something light and drape-y or thick and warm? What kind of colors would you prefer? Do you have any fiber allergies or preferences?   Light and drapy, please. You've seen my color preference twenty times by now, and I don't have any real fiber aversions, though I prefer something with a soft hand.   If you have a pet, could you please post a photo of it? I really need to see what your pet, if you have one, looks like.   I finally got kitty pictures!     This is Eurydice, also called Dicy. These were taken last winter, and I should say that she's grown considerably, and isn't done growing yet. She's a street rescue kitty, and we don't know her exact pedigree, but she has a ton of Maine Coon in her. So she's long, has very long/thick fur, is intelligent, and is mouthy as all get out, hence the name. We tried to rescue her brother, Euclid, but he died of kidney failure three days after we brought him in. Dicy is very glommed onto me.   And this is Shroedinger, or Schroedie. She's also a rescue kitty, and this photo is several years old. Schroedie is really my brother's cat, and prefers him above all others.   Do you like/own/wear/want fairy wings or something of the like?   I don't think I'd wear them enough to make it worth it.   How do you feel about terrariums?   Not enough room in my life for one right now.   What's your favorite horror movie?   Eek. I'm not a horror person in general.   If your witch was the practical type and wanted to include one or more of your everyday essentials, what would those include? I'm talking about the bath products, lotions, face lotions, teas, food, etc that you really use every day.   Tea! On a daily basis, I drink a lot of Vanilla Caramel flavored bagged black tea. I'd love a good Earl Grey or rose flavored tea as well. If I have time/space, I like making loose-leaf teas. As far as bath products and lotions, I love Paintbox, and would really love the Lavender Truffle, the Gingermilk, or Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. I'd use any combo of bar soap, scrub, or lotion from her. Other things I use a lot of are hair things, like hairties and hairsticks. I tend to use the conditioner-only method for washing my hair, and I love Suave for that. I'd like to try the Rosemary-Mint conditioner sometime.   Jane Austen .. Yay or Nay?   Yay. My favorites are probably Northanger Abbey and Mansfield Park, though I enjoy all of her work.   I put up quotes I love in my office and studio to get me going, They range from goofy to sarcastic to inspirational... Are you interested in a hand painted quote? Do you have one in mind, or a topic in mind?   There's a list of quotes on the side of my livejournal, and all of them are significant to me. But my favorite quote comes from The Little Prince:   "People have forgotten this truth," the fox said. "But you mustn't forget it. You become responsible forever for what you've tamed. You're responsible for your rose..."   Do you like period or period-styled paraphernalia? Stuff like postcards, notecards, jewelry, office supplies, what-have-you?   Sure! My favorite periods are Medieval and Victorian.   If you like manga, comics, and/or graphic novels, what is it about them that you like, in general? The story, the art/style, etc?   Not a huge manga fan. I loved Sailor Moon because here was this manga/anime that showed all different kinds of strong female characters and let them all be heroes, even the silly, klutzy cry-baby who just wants everyone around her to be happy.   If you could choose a Smack, what would it have in it?   Equal parts Chocolate Moose and Sugared Roses   or   Vanilla Bean, Marshmellow and two Mint Medleys   or   Sugared Rose, Red Woods, Vanilla, and Spice Trade   or   Chocolate Moose, Espresso, Vanilla, and Mint Medley.   I need to stop now, I think.   if you could have a salon scent made, based on any artwork(s) what would it be?   Posted the pics in the SW thread, but either Ophelia by Waterhouse, or White Cat by Franz Marc   Are you scientifically curious and/or process-oriented? Would you like a project-type gift that allowed you do do something like make soap from scratch, take and (nontoxic-ly) develop photographs using a pinhole camera, use plant dyes on yarn or fabric, etc.?   That would be fun. I was experimenting with making Ricotta cheese from scratch this summer (it worked), and I'd love to try some more along that line. Or, you know, soaps and candles, either would be a lot of fun.   What's 'your' song/your theme song?   Ordinary Day by Great Big Sea .  What would be your superpower? Healing/Empathy   Witchee, would you like a gently used BPAL tshirt?   Sure, if you think the design would appeal to me. I'd prefer the tissue tees/babydolls to wear out and about, but I'd also enjoy a regular one as a nightshirt   Do you like homemade snack mixes? I know Puppy Chow was mentioned in a previous question, but what about healthier and more natural type snacks like granola or trail mix? You can put a lot of delicious and fun things into trail mix, yeah? If you say "Sure, I'd love some!" what kinds of things do you like/not like in those kinds of snacks, ie coconut flakes, raisins, certain nuts (allergies??), candy, etc. Give us your list of DO's and DON'Ts!   My family makes our own snack mix, but I'd love a good granola, especially if it had a lot of dried berries in it.   Do you like charm bracelets? If you had a bracelet, what sort of charms would you want on it? Favorite hobbies, symbols, whatever?     Like the idea of it, but I probably wouldn't wear it often. My wrists/hands are small and hard to fit, and most bracelets feel like they'll just fall off of me.   September 27th   What is something people are always surprised to learn about you?   Oh dear, I don't know. Maybe that I nearly failed 8th grade because I refused to do busywork homework? Or for a more positive thing, the fact that I once gave a backrub to a Nobel Peace Prize winner. (Archbishop Desmond Tutu, he was in town for a conference and attended my church. I didn't know who he was, but he looked like he needed a backrub, so I gave him one. He kissed my hand in thanks. I was in second/third grade, I think.)   So who else watched Babylon 5?   Watched it, loved it. Ivonova is God. Marcus is a unicorn magnet. Delenn is simultaneously awesome and scary when she wants to be.   If you had to decide what your stripper name was, what would it be?   Pet name and street would be Ginger Epworth. I'd probably keep Ginger, and throw in some euphemism.   Sooooo Witchees, have you ever taken that particular personality test? If so, are you an Analytical, a Driver, an Expressive or an Amiable?   Answered this in the thread, but I'm an Amiable. I'm also an INFJ, an Eneagram 2, and Hufflepuff.   Is anyone else afraid of or creepy out by dummies/puppets/Muppets/etc? Other things you're squicked/freaked by that's best left by the wayside?   The main things that freak me out are hard to stick in boxes. So I trust you won't be sending me aggressive barking dogs or large crowds of people in too small of a space.   what level of contact were you hoping for?   I asked for medium to high contact, and you've been doing wonderfully, dear witch of mine.   Your favorite restaurant or type of food to eat out. Would you use a restaurant.com voucher? Groupon?   I'm sure I've mentioned Dewey's pizza before. I'd also use things for Panera. I'm not sure where else, I don't eat out a lot.   Are there any local museums/attractions you keep never getting around to going to?   Most of the ones I'm thinking about are actually down in Cincinnati. Newport Aquarium, for one, and it's been years since I last went to the zoo.   September 26th   Is there any kind of international candy you love or would like to try?   I like pocky, would love to try Cadbury's, and in general, would at least be interested in trying anything international you'd like to send. I have had Aussie friends send me Tim-Tams, and I do love them.   What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions?   I really can't think of anything.   Is there any cheesy/non-cheesy Canadian stuff you'd be interested in?   Maple syrup? Or maple sugar candies.   If you were to go here and create your very own chocolate bar, what might it have in it?   I answered this in the thread as well. But milk chocolate as a base, and then either blueberries, cranberries, orange and lemon peel, and ginger slices   Or lavender, orange peel, and rose petals.   Is there anything you're wanting from LPMP?   No.   say you stumbled into Camp Half Blood (or whatever the Roman camp ends up being named <bounces in anticipation>), which god claims you?   Okay, so I went and looked it up. I think I'd either be a daughter of Demeter or Hebe.   September 25th   Stuff you've been meaning to do:   Erm. Not sure right now.   Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves?   Yes, please. If you have something that you love from your area, I'd like to try it.   Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood?   Mostly I read until I get sleepy, set up a sleepy-time playlist on my laptop, and roll over and go to sleep. Sometimes I put on TKO or another lavender-heavy blend from BPAL or Possets.   Are you interested in today's/any recent Tee Fury shirts?   Not a huge t-shirt person.   Princess Bride? Yay or nay?   Yay!   What's your favorite classic fairytale, witches   I love The Twelve Dancing Princesses, The Steadfast Tin Soldier, The Snow Queen, and Beauty and the Beast. I also really like the original Little Mermaid story.   September 24th   how do you feel about ethical animal fiber, i.e. wool and the like?   As long as it isn't super-scratchy, sure!   What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel?   Cute, but I'm still in an anti-clutter mode.   Look down. What are you wearing, right now?   Right now, I'm wearing a teal/green scoop-necked sweater, a long grey skirt, and socks. My hair is loose, for once, and I'm wearing a blue topaz heart necklace.   Kerchiefs?   Cute, but probably not so much for me wearing it on a regular basis.   It's the weekend, and you find yourself without a single chore or responsibility for a few hours. Right this very moment, what's the one thing you would do if you could do anything?   Take a walk if the weather is pleasant, otherwise I'd read a book or bake something. Or waste a few hours online.




switch witch (partial)

September 23rd     Is there anything you'd like from the Mütter Museum Store? don't know   I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like?   what's your favorite kind of pizza? hawaiin   who are your style/fashion icons? post pics if you want! ecclectic is the kindest discription   Are there any food items you're craving/aren't able to find around your area? nope September 22nd   If you're interested in a handmade pouch/cover for an item you have (phones, tablets, books, keys, kettles...), what would your ideal pouch/cover have? Design, material, additional functionality/features like pockets or lights or secret hidey-holes?   Would you like a photo collage based around your interests/favorite colors/favorite themes? this would be very cool. nature; fuzzy animals; faries (or fuzzy animal faries in their natural setting)   If you're crafty, are you interested in spoonfeather? And if so, what things there delight your eyes? never heard of it     Colors! What are your favorite colors and what colors do you not like? Pictures and links, people! i don't like yellow for clothes (not good on me)., but otherwise it depends on the item (did i tell you i'm difficult?)   What is your favorite word? grace   What are the feelings on arm warmers? coolColor, style, texture, length? any color,smooth texture, above elbow length   Do you like tarts? tealights? jar candles? votives?   What's your favorite flavor? Sour, sweet, bitter, salty? sweet. i don't like sour at all   So, are there any online gaming witchees who covet purchasable in-game items or other gamer-y stuff? (yup, geek question)   Anyone doing anything cool for Mabon (or the start of fall, if you aren't pagan? i always get so busy decorating my house for halloween i forget everything else till the end of the year   What is your favorite coffee blend at Starbucks? If you don't have one, what is your favorite roast of coffee?   September 21st   Cthulhu: yay or nay?   Is there something that you wish you could do, but you keep putting it off? learn to make jewlery   Put your current mp3player (I am the anti-apple, so no ipod ), winamp playlist, what have you, on shuffle, list the first 10 songs:brian borus march- chieftans hoochie woman- tori amos and halloween music this time of year (my favorite is the theme from exorcist   Witchee, have you made (or are you planning to make) any Lab or Trading post orders soon? And if you did (or plan to), you should share what you're getting   Do you have any interest in rocks? Not like, polished colorful stones.. but like... rocks. With geologic significance! yes   If your witch were to knit you a scarf/shawl/cowl, which would you prefer, and what features would you want? Would you prefer something light and drape-y or thick and warm? What kind of colors would you prefer? Do you have any fiber allergies or preferences? light, soft, drapey. wool makes me itch, tho   If you have a pet, could you please post a photo of it? I really need to see what your pet, if you have one, looks like. i can't get my dog to hold still for a picture (she keeps trying to lick the camera!!!)   Do you like/own/wear/want fairy wings or something of the like? i'd like   How do you feel about terrariums?   What's your favorite horror movie? psycho (original-of course)   If your witch was the practical type and wanted to include one or more of your everyday essentials, what would those include? I'm talking about the bath products, lotions, face lotions, teas, food, etc that you really use every day.no laughing- lipton ice tea mix   Jane Austen .. Yay or Nay? yay   I put up quotes I love in my office and studio to get me going, They range from goofy to sarcastic to inspirational... Are you interested in a hand painted quote? Do you have one in mind, or a topic in mind?   Do you like period or period-styled paraphernalia? Stuff like postcards, notecards, jewelry, office supplies, what-have-you? yes-either victorian, or mid century modern (i think i have a split personality )   If you like manga, comics, and/or graphic novels, what is it about them that you like, in general? The story, the art/style, etc? art   If you could choose a Smack, what would it have in it?   if you could have a salon scent made, based on any artwork(s) what would it be?   Are you scientifically curious and/or process-oriented? Would you like a project-type gift that allowed you do do something like make soap from scratch, take and (nontoxic-ly) develop photographs using a pinhole camera, use plant dyes on yarn or fabric, etc.? yes, yes, yes to any of the above   What's 'your' song/your theme song?   What would be your superpower?   Witchee, would you like a gently used BPAL tshirt?   Do you like homemade snack mixes? I know Puppy Chow was mentioned in a previous question, but what about healthier and more natural type snacks like granola or trail mix? You can put a lot of delicious and fun things into trail mix, yeah? If you say "Sure, I'd love some!" what kinds of things do you like/not like in those kinds of snacks, ie coconut flakes, raisins, certain nuts (allergies??), candy, etc. Give us your list of DO's and DON'Ts!   Do you like charm bracelets? If you had a bracelet, what sort of charms would you want on it? Favorite hobbies, symbols, whatever?   September 20th   Would you like any ecotools makeup brushes? They're kinda one of my favorite things ever, and they're animal-friendly and the handles are bamboo. And to top it all off, they work really well for applying makeup.   Do you like Legos? Especially mini-fig key chains, Lego block keychains, small Lego sets, etc?   Since the previous question about "what would you buy from the Lab if you had unlimited funds, etc" left WAY too much to the imagination with no limitations (my answer was pretty much BUY ALL THE THINGS!), what would you do if you found a $50 bill on the ground and a nagging voice in the back of your mind told you that you HAD to spend it on BPAL or else face Death. Also, say they had free shipping (LOL) so don't factor that in. What would you get? And spend it all! Or as close to $50 as you can get.   Are there any characters that you love or identify with?   A question! If you are crafty, what's your personal art style? I'm not talking just about what art you like to look at, but what kind of art do you like creating? Do you have a "process" while you're creating beauty?   Are there any Arcana Weenies that you MUST HAVE?   So what say you? IS an "unexpected" visit/in-person witching OK?       September 19th   What strange misc. items would you love to receive that you just haven't gotten for yourself?:   How do you feel about franken polish? Are you okay with all chemicals, or would you prefer 3 free? Would you want glitter or holographic glitter? What colors would interest you?   Dear witchee, how do you feel about lip balm? Favorite style (twist up tube, pot, tube with wand, etc.)? Favorite flavors? Flavors to avoid? Favorite brand? Do you need more right now or are you set? Are you one of those people who could never have enough lip balm even though you have a bowl on your dresser overflowing with them and 10 in your purse and an order for more on the way?   Would you be interested in getting fountain pen inks or art supplies via JetPens and or DickBlick? (I know I have a wishlist on JetPens and just love using fountain pens in my artwork)   -For those interested in watercolors, how would you feel about getting a palette filled with paint from my watercolor tubes but not getting the paint tube itself? (kind of like this but without the covers for the compartments and bigger http://www.flickr.co.../in/photostream)   -How do you feel about getting art supplies in general? (copic markers, watercolor, brushes, paint, sketchbooks etc.)   -How do you feel about Threadless tshirts?   If you were turned loose in a basic drug store (CVS, Walgreens - a pharmacy with attached mini-mart, basically!) with a $20 bill, what would you pick up?   Darling Witchee, would you enjoy farmer's market pickled veggies (green beans, garlic, asparagus, etc) or fresh canned peaches or something of that nature?   Do you prefer color or white photographs? Nature or abstract?   would you be interested in something like this? https://lostcrates.com/how-it-works   Amigurumi, yes or no?     I have a question! What are some of your favorite paintings? (famous or undiscovered?) Feel free to link to examples!   If you could have an image painted for you - sky is the limit - what would it be?   Name your 3 favorite scents for candles   Name your 3 favorite types/flavors of tea   September 18th   Do you wear t-shirts? Are there particular things you like on them? Would you like one designed by your Witch? And, if you don't mind saying, what size t-shirt do you wear?   How do you feel about pumpkin scented things? Not perfume related, but soap, candles, etc....   Has anyone else heard of or does anyone else love Glamourkin?   If you had an international witch, is there anything you would like from the UK? (Or Australia, Belgium, France any other country we have witches from.   Dear witchee, if you answered 'Mac' to the Mac/PC question previously issued by another participant, please tell me what kind of computer you have, what peripherals you own (like the wireless trackpad, wireless vs/wired keyboard and mouse), and whether you're interested in Apple-related items (stickers, keychains, other things with the logo, etc).   SOCK PREFERENCES?   Would you like/wear a pair of these? http://www.ravelry.c...rary/yoga-socks If so, what color?   Is there anyone here who likes toe socks? You know, those socks with a place for each toe?   September 17th   Are you looking for a certain kind of DVDs to spruce up your collection right now?   Does anyone like postcards? Is anyone willing to be a Nacho witch for postcards?   Anyone going to see any good concerts this fall?   Do you like Star Trek? Original TV series, films, spinoff series, etc? Favorite characters?   Witchee, would you like a framed photograph and of what?     September 16th   Are you more prone to order out or cook at home? Would you be interested in cookbooks, kitchen utensils, and the like? If so, anything specific?   New question: How do you feel about maple syrup?   How do people feel about little pocket shrines, maybe something inspirational/motivational to keep in their purses/backpacks/whatever? (Like these: http://www.art-shrin...cketshrines.htm)   Do you like Star Wars? Original Trilogy? Prequels? Spin-offs? Favorite characters?   Do you like beef jerkey, I know some may be vegatarian, but where I live beef is a staple and beef jerkey abounds. If so do you it really thin, hard and crunchy or thicker and softer. (OK that borders on obscene)-   Also do you like or racier ecards from time to time and do you need to be warned if something may be not safe to open at work.   Doctor Who? Yay or nay? (please don't make me cry by saying nay)   I have a couple spare Doctor Who stickers. If my witchee is a fan, would they like a couple Doctor Who stickers in their package?   Anyone love Buffy/Angel?   How would you feel about gummies? Like, gummy bears? Gummy werewolves? Gummy vampires?   How would you feel about a totally original Gela-skin for your laptop/iPod/phone? Stickers? Decals?   Since this is a Halloween round, what's your Creepy threshold? Are you a cartoon bats and smily pumpkins person or a skulls-and-bones the-dead-are-rising kind of person? Are your fairytales dark or Disney?   Are your ears pierced, Witchee? Do you have any other piercings? Would you like to receive any items of jewelry for these piercings?   How do you all feel about Whoopie Pies?     September 15th   interested in anything from Lush?   Do you blog? Would you like a header for your blog, a layout, etc?   Would you be interested in a handmade bookmark?   do you like chex puppy chow or muddie buddies (ingredients: semi-sweet chocolate chips, PB, vanilla extract, powdered sugar, chex cereal)? would you want to get some from your witch / nacho witch?   How would you feel about receiving a Groupon deal for something in your local area? If there is anything you WOULDN'T like, mention that also.   do you like real sugar skulls? Things with sugar skull designs?   Who here adores meringue?   September 14th   Can you sum yourself (whether it be personality, life's goals, ethics, whatever) in 10 words or less?   How about little bottles of booze? Ya wanna? What kind?   What are your views on fudge and brownies? (Also, if you live in a warm place, where the fudge might melt, that'd be helpful to know. Or, if you're diabetic and fudge is death, that'd be useful to know, too.)   Also, what about mochi? Love it, hate it, baffled by it?   Anything from the update ya'll are liking? BPTP UPDATE   Does anyone like kimchi?   Would you be interested in a sample box(from somewhere like Birchbox or loosebutton)?   You have to place a Lab and Trading Post order. Right fuckin' now. No spending limits. What do you buy?   Paintbox Soapworks - anything you're interested in, in general or from the latest update?   Do you guys have any sports that you follow obsessively? How about favorite teams and/or athletes   How do you feel about notebooks/journals/stationery? Anything you need or particularly like?   Does confetti/glitter make you angry or fill you with glee?   Fabulous witches and witchees, perhaps you all could note of you've received MeiLin's goodies? Or if you want?   How do you feel about stuffed animals/plushies/general soft, cuddly things? If you like them, what kind of animals would you be interested in?   how interested would you be on somewhat personalized bottle cap labels? Like these that I did?   When you're miserably sick (*sniffle, cough!*) what are the things that comfort you the most?   What constitutes ultimate luxury to you? (go crazy!)   What do you really NOT want?     September 13th   How would you feel about kitchen towels and other similar household objects, if they are pretty or a souvenir?   How did you dress up for your last party or compulsory-formal-dress occasion?   Do you enjoy puzzles/riddles? (Cryptograms, Sudoku, Crossword, Jigsaw, etc)   Witchee, would you be interested in having a special tea cup/coffee mug/glass to drink out of?       September 12th   Would you like to receive e-books? And if so, in what format?   If you have kids, would you be interested in getting things for them? And if so, what are they interested and what sizes are the wearing now?   Would you be interested in a felted handbag? Do any of these styles appeal to you? http://tinyurl.com/3o2epzl (there's at least one guy-friendly style, too!)   Are there are patterns, motifs, etc that you especially like?   Witchee, would you be interested in having a special tea cup/coffee mug/glass to drink out of?   If you're a tea drinker, is there any specific tea you would like to receive, not just the kind/flavor but also the type/packing--i.e., tea bags, loose tea, compressed, etc?   September 11th   I am fond of the thrift. Do you mind lightly used goods? Please be specific! For instance, I'm a little squicked by used clothing, but I don't mind any other used goods (i.e. books, glassware, games, DVDs, whatever.)   Do you have an Etsy shop? Do you know of any Etsy shops that are Switch Witch friendly?   Would a gift or a postcard from Disneyland make you squee with delight or puke into your mail box?   what are your favorite types of Halloween candy?   Do you prefer soap or shower gel? Please give examples of your favorite scents or brands.   How do you like your chocolate? For example with nuts, mint, peanut butter, caramel?   Beads! Do you use them? Would you want some? What sorts of beads do you like?   Anyone here like caramels? Sea salted caramels?!?!     Would you like a hand dyed or hand painted scarf or wrap or other item? If so, what colors/designs/fabrics do you like?   This was a question before, but does anyone here like stones? Just pretty polished stones for use in whatever purposes?   And another question; anyone like anything in particular from Think Geek?   Pinterest, do you have boards you want to share or are you following anyone with great boards you want to share?           September 10th   What #1 actor, director, author and/or musician are you obsessed with?   are you interested in anything from the Villainness Bad Apples update?   If you have a pet, would he/she/they like to receive a treat or a toy as a gift? Does your pet have any dietary restrictions or other preferences w.r.t. said treat?   What are your top three "I want to try them but I think I'll never get to try them" (or, "I've tried them and I want moar moar moar, but I don't think I'll ever get any") scents/bath oils/sprays?   Is there a particular artist and piece that you would like a print of? If so, what is your max size that you could spare on your walls?   If you are in to beauty and makeup related stuff, what kind of stuff do you like? What is your skintone and hair color? Are there any beauty products you've wanted to try but just never purchase?   Do you like coffee or tea? Would you be interested in trying some different types?   Are there any CDs/Albums you've been wanting but haven't bought yet? What format do you prefer? (i.e. mp3, actual cd, record, etc)   Are you going away for any part of this round?   Would you like to receive a mix-CD from your Witch?   If your witch were going somewhere on a vacation during the round, would you want a little souvenir?   Do you enjoy any outdoor activities? Do you have a favorite form of "exercise"?   Any witchee's with a ravelry account have any favourited patterns that cost money that would be a welcome gift?   Do you work/study at a desk and enjoy interesting or cute office supplies?   Witchee, are you a fan of musicals? If so, which ones?     September 9th   Do you like to burn incense? If so, what are your favorite kinds...sticks? cones? resins? What are your favorite scents?   - Harry Potter - a fan? If so, what house are you?   - If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from?   Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you're drawn to?   If you RP, tabletop, forum, or otherwise... Do you have any original characters you'd like to see art of? If so, please give information! Even if it's a link to a web page or a profile or picture!   If you could see anything, what would it be? Can be a person, an event, a landmark or monument, an object, etc. And it doesn't have to be on this planet, or in this time period, or in this reality!   When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter?   What are your thoughts on comics? Any you like? Any you have been wanting to try? Favorite characters?   Are you musical? Do you play an instrument, and if so, what? If not, what do you wish you could play or do?   Does anyone garden? And if you do, what do you grow? If not, would a starter garden kit be something you'd be interested in?   Do you decorate for Halloween? Is your decorating taste elegant, kitschy and fun, or scary?   Witchee, do you have any symbols or totems that have special meaning for you?   Is anyone fond of programs like Adopt a Tree/Highway/Library/Manatee/Acre of Rainforest/etc?:       September 8th   From the Weenie Update....what are you most wanting to try?   Who's into nail polish? What colors/brands?   Is there a quote (or lyric or part of a poem) that really resonates with you or is your favorite?   Dream candle? Scent, color, type (tealight, votive, pillar, jar, etc.), throw...   Do you like knitted goodies? If so, what would you like and what colors?   Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics?   What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying?   Yo, yarnies! Do you Ravelry? If so, who are you over thar?   Social Media?   Do you have wishlists for non-BPAL e-tailers? And if so, could you provide a link or a list?   Witchee, do you use a PC or a Mac?   What is your favorite animal?   What are you going to be for Halloween?   If you could have a piece of oil painting jewelry (pendant, pair of earrings, or ring) with absolutely anything painted on it, what would it be? (If you prefer wall art instead, same question as above.)   How do you feel about nick-knacks?   What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you?   Do you like going to the movies?   What are your favorite restaurants?   Do you play any video games?   Do you like any anime?   Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for?   how much do you like jewelry? like, if you were to get a shit ton of it during the round, how excited would you be?   How would you like to receive some of your Witch's favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants?   Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? What would you store in said hypothetical box--imps, bottles, supplies, all of the above?   Muppets: yea or nay?   Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, and other comic strips? If so, which is your favorite?   Favorite Mythological Creature?:   Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers   Expanding on the hair question - does anyone like those flower clips for the hair that are big right now??




More Questions

Hi Witch- I am proud of myself and how caught up I am-WOW, but really just answering for fun, I am sure you have plenty of ideas already   Is there anything you'd like from the Mütter Museum Store? Nah, I am too lazy to look   I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like? Can't start a new addiction. I must stick to what I am already addicted to.   what's your favorite kind of pizza? Well, not that you're going to send me any, I love the cheese pizza at Costco   who are your style/fashion icons? post pics if you want! nobody   Are there any food items you're craving/aren't able to find around your area? Used to be things from up north, but I have been in FL for 20 years so I guess I have adapted. Before my mother passed away though, she used to send me some pretty fall leaves. I miss her and the changing of seasons   September 22nd   If you're interested in a handmade pouch/cover for an item you have (phones, tablets, books, keys, kettles...), what would your ideal pouch/cover have? Design, material, additional functionality/features like pockets or lights or secret hidey-holes? no thanks   Would you like a photo collage based around your interests/favorite colors/favorite themes? not so much   If you're crafty, are you interested in spoonfeather? And if so, what things there delight your eyes? I know not of this spoonfeather, maybe I should stay away he he     Colors! What are your favorite colors and what colors do you not like? Pictures and links, people! My favorite color is GREEN but all colors have their place and i like them all   What is your favorite word? Do people have favorite words? I like them all equally   What are the feelings on arm warmers? Color, style, texture, length?Nah, I live in FL   Do you like tarts? tealights? jar candles? votives? yes, I love tarts especially   What's your favorite flavor? Sour, sweet, bitter, salty? swet and salty mixed   So, are there any online gaming witchees who covet purchasable in-game items or other gamer-y stuff? (yup, geek question) Not a gaming witch   Anyone doing anything cool for Mabon (or the start of fall, if you aren't pagan? I put on a fall table cloth, thats about as cool as I get   What is your favorite coffee blend at Starbucks? If you don't have one, what is your favorite roast of coffee? Don't do starbucks, too expensive September 21st   Cthulhu: yay or nay? The scent YAY the creature Meh   Is there something that you wish you could do, but you keep putting it off? Retire   Put your current mp3player (I am the anti-apple, so no ipod ), winamp playlist, what have you, on shuffle, list the first 10 songs: My IPOD was stolen when we were robbed in May, so you would have to ask whoever has it now     If your witch were to knit you a scarf/shawl/cowl, which would you prefer, and what features would you want? Would you prefer something light and drape-y or thick and warm? What kind of colors would you prefer? Do you have any fiber allergies or preferences? Not so usefule in FL     Do you like/own/wear/want fairy wings or something of the like? No, but I saw some at the dollar store the other day and got a laugh   How do you feel about terrariums? Ok this is my rant. I love terrariums, not with animals or creepy crawlies, just the little moss and rock ones. I keep trying to swap for one on etsy through the tradeaholics forum and keep getting turned down. I will just learn how to make one     I put up quotes I love in my office and studio to get me going, They range from goofy to sarcastic to inspirational... Are you interested in a hand painted quote? Do you have one in mind, or a topic in mind? I have one in my office that says You don't have to be crazy to work here, we will train you   Do you like period or period-styled paraphernalia? Stuff like postcards, notecards, jewelry, office supplies, what-have-you? I like Victorian or steampunk type stuff   If you like manga, comics, and/or graphic novels, what is it about them that you like, in general? The story, the art/style, etc? NO nO NO   If you could choose a Smack, what would it have in it? What's a smack   if you could have a salon scent made, based on any artwork(s) what would it be? Something based on "The scream" or a Dali painting   Are you scientifically curious and/or process-oriented? Would you like a project-type gift that allowed you do do something like make soap from scratch, take and (nontoxic-ly) develop photographs using a pinhole camera, use plant dyes on yarn or fabric, etc.? Yeah, cool   What's 'your' song/your theme song? I feel so inadequate, I have no theme song   What would be your superpower? Flying. I want to fly not like superman, but at least be able to float around   Witchee, would you like a gently used BPAL tshirt? Sure if it is XXL or like the biggest they have   Do you like homemade snack mixes? I know Puppy Chow was mentioned in a previous question, but what about healthier and more natural type snacks like granola or trail mix? You can put a lot of delicious and fun things into trail mix, yeah? If you say "Sure, I'd love some!" what kinds of things do you like/not like in those kinds of snacks, ie coconut flakes, raisins, certain nuts (allergies??), candy, etc. Give us your list of DO's and DON'Ts! Yum, put it all in   Do you like charm bracelets? If you had a bracelet, what sort of charms would you want on it? Favorite hobbies, symbols, whatever? I have a pandora style bracelet (but not pandora brand) and it would be sweet to have a charm from my witch That is all for now


