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    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

SW Halloweenie '11 Helpful Hints

Read on for my Switch Witch Q&A!   Hi future Witch! I'm so excited to be participating in SW for the first time. Although I may have some super long wishlists, and bottomless ideas for new items to try, it's the thought that counts, so no pressure! Creativity and thoughtfulness always count for so much more than spending $$$.   I'd also like to note that although I love BPAL, I need to steer clear of items with too strong a scent, like candles or most traditional perfumes, and florals are pretty much out! Thanks for stopping by!   Social Media: Check the spreadsheet .   Witchee, do you use a PC or a Mac? Mac. [edit] please tell me what kind of computer you have, what peripherals you own (like the wireless trackpad, wireless vs/wired keyboard and mouse), and whether you're interested in Apple-related items (stickers, keychains, other things with the logo, etc). I have a Macbook. An old one, a Macbook 3, and I'm not sure the size but I think maybe 11-inch. Yeah, I'm kinda dumb about my own computer =p. I don't use any peripherals. I'm not hugely interested in Apple stickers or the like, since I like Macs, but I'm not that into Mac culture. Unless we're talking makeup.       Is there a quote (or lyric or part of a poem) that really resonates with you or is your favorite?   "My car is limping, Dolores Haze, And the last long lap is the hardest, And I shall be dumped where the weed decays, And the rest is rust and stardust." - Nabokov, Lolita   "Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter--tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther.... And one fine morning-- So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." - F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby   "Is that not what you don't want me not to do?" - Jerri Blank   What are you going to be for Halloween? I've thought of doing a Viking costume but it's a challenge to find a plus-size outfit that would be suitable. I also kind of want to go as Rog and Virg, the "Lovahs" from SNL, with my bf, but he seems to think it's too obscure a reference...   How do you feel about nick-knacks? Not too warmly.   Do you like going to the movies? Yes, of course!   Do you like any anime? Cowboy Bebop. I like Cowboy Bebop. A lot.   Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for? No. I have an iPhone 4 but I have a cute cover for it already.   What are your favorite restaurants? Golden Era, Greens, and Papalote, here in SF. I like veggie places. I wish Doomie's Home Cookin' had an SF location. I also have a fixation for Voodoo Donuts in Portland, which is not a restaurant at all, but there you go.   how much do you like jewelry? like, if you were to get a shit ton of it during the round, how excited would you be? A lot, but I have particular taste. Make that gaudy and particular. I am a Leo .   Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? What would you store in said hypothetical box--imps, bottles, supplies, all of the above? I sort of do need a nice little imp box. My collection is miniscule right now so it would be only a few imps and maybe a bottle or two for now.   Muppets: yea or nay? Sure, to an extent. I'm getting excited for OPI's muppet holiday nailpolish collection! and I love Labyrinth.   How would you like to receive some of your Witch's favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants? Sounds interesting, but my kitchen sucks so I don't do a TON of cooking... But I might try some vegan and veggie semi-healthy recipes. And sweets.   Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, and other comic strips? If so, which is your favorite? I do love C&H, and Far Side is funny too, but I don't know if I need to own any more than I do.   Do you play any video games? Not really, though I've become mildly addicted to Angry Birds. I'll play Katamari and We Love Katamari once in a while, and I've been known to play Cooking Mama, Mario Party and Defend Your Castle on wii. I own Epic Mickey but sadly haven't played it yet.   Favorite Mythological Creature? Unicorn? Or narwhal, not that they're mythical. But they are fantastic!   Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers? Yes, I love sparkly things. And I've been looking for a cute faux-flower for retro hairstyles.   If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from? Sephora or LUSH would have to top the list, but I'm open to something more creative!   Are you musical? Do you play an instrument, and if so, what? If not, what do you wish you could play or do? I sing, I love singing jazz, broadway, Sondheim, great american songbook stuff. Also more modern stuff but I don't have as much training with that! I have 2 guitars but have never really learned to play. Both also need restringing.   Does anyone garden? And if you do, what do you grow? If not, would a starter garden kit be something you'd be interested in? Gardening is more a long range dream, but it doesn't really fit my lifestyle right now.   Do you decorate for Halloween? Is your decorating taste elegant, kitschy and fun, or scary? I don't really decorate.   From the 'Weenie Update....What are you most wanting to try? I have decants on the way of pretty much everything I wanted to try, EXCEPT for The Gorobble, which I would actually love to sample.   Who's into nail polish? What colors/brands? I love ZOYA, I love the Zoya Sunshine collection most but I only have Faye. OPI and China Glaze are cool too but I'm kind of a Zoya fangirl. Glitters and shimmer colors all the way for me! Oh, and I don't do crackles.   What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you? I'm not a very traditional girl. Though I like New Years traditions, like eating "lucky" foods like noodles or black eyed peas, drinking champagne, and kissing at midnight.   What are your thoughts on comics? Any you like? Any you have been wanting to try? Favorite characters? I really want to try the Sandman series, it's practically the only Gaiman I've never tried. Most comics don't interest me unless they're really special/unusual.   When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter? Miyazaki movies, Strangers with Candy or another favorite dvd on TV, maybe a hot tea, or hot chocolate or coffee if it's early enough. Waste time looking at makeup blogs/forums. Cuddles with cats help too.   Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you're drawn to? I love traditional fairy tales and folk tales. I've gone through a Greek Myth thing in the past, still find the mythology semi-interesting.   Do you like to burn incense? If so, what are your favorite kinds...sticks? cones? resins? What are your favorite scents? There's only one. Nag Champa, in sticks. I actually shun all other kinds.   Do you like knitted goodies? If so, what would you like and what colors? Can't have too many scarves or gloves in solid bright pink, black or grey. A knitted or crocheted beanie/beret/cap might be nice too...   Dream candle? Scent, color, type (tealight, votive, pillar, jar, etc.), throw.: Let it be known, scented candles are off-limits for my house! Soap is ok though, if it's natural and not too strong.   Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics? Sure, as long as it's veg friendly. Oh, and my list of can'ts: Walnuts, peanuts, olives, kiwis and bananas are not my friends.   Witchee, do you have any symbols or totems that have special meaning for you? I dream of tiny owls, I kind of collect mini owls as well.   Is anyone fond of programs like Adopt a Tree/Highway/Library/Manatee/Acre of Rainforest/etc?: I love BestFriends, and their animal "adoptions" have been a go-to for gifting friends in the past.   Are you interested in anything from the Villainness Bad Apples update? Yes, that all looks amazing!   If you have a pet, would he/she/they like to receive a treat or a toy as a gift? Does your pet have any dietary restrictions or other preferences w.r.t. said treat? I'm sure cat toys of the catnip/ribbon/string variety could be put to good use in these parts! We're all taken care of on the treat end of things, however.   Would you like to receive a mix-CD from your Witch? Yes. I love these!   What are your top three "I want to try them but I think I'll never get to try them" (or, "I've tried them and I want moar moar moar, but I don't think I'll ever get any") scents/bath oils/sprays? Anything Monsterbait-related.   Do you like coffee or tea? Would you be interested in trying some different types? I love tea (in bags)! Numi, Celestial Seasonings and Traditional Medicinals are my current faves. I don't make coffee at home though.   Are there any CDs/Albums you've been wanting but haven't bought yet? What format do you prefer? (i.e. mp3, actual cd, record, etc) Yes, I have a multitudinous Amazon music wishlist. CD or mp3 both suit me fine.   Is there a particular artist and piece that you would like a print of? If so, what is your max size that you could spare on your walls? I like Van Gough's Starry Night, but I'm not desperately in need of wall art.   If you are into beauty and makeup related stuff, what kind of stuff do you like? What is your skintone and hair color? Are there any beauty products you've wanted to try but just never purchase? I have a serious makeup problem. MAC, Urban Decay, Too Faced, Tarte and NARS are favorites that come to mind. I have way too much lip gloss because I am a sparkle addict. For this same reason I also have a lot of mineral eyeshadows and glitters. Medium-fair skintone, warm, with pink undertones. Dark brown hair and eyes. I always think it'd be neat to have a shimmery cream highlighter or multitasking item like NARS The Multiple, but I've never picked one up.   If your witch were going somewhere on a vacation during the round, would you want a little souvenir? Sure, I am all set for keychains though.   Witchee, are you a fan of musicals? If so, which ones? I like this question! I love all Sondheim, though Into the Woods might be my favorite. I'm a huge Bernadette Peters fan. I was a pretty big RENT-head in high school. I loved The Drowsy Chaperone, I like Miss Saigon and Cabaret and Kiss Me Kate, and Little Shop of Horrors and Porgy and Bess and Chicago, and Evita and Gypsy and West Side Story and... oh boy, I better stop now.   I am fond of the thrift. Do you mind lightly used goods? Please be specific! Used books are totally fine, as long as they don't have a mildewy smell (allergies). I am totally down with used DVDs. I love some vintage pieces enough to wear on occasion, but still generally don't do used for clothing items.   Would a gift or a postcard from Disneyland make you squee with delight or puke into your mail box? That could be fun! Not super into disney but I do like Alice in Wonderland, The Sword in the Stone, Sleeping Beauty, Fantasia and Labyrinth.   What are your favorite types of Halloween candy? I like candy corn but it's quite hard to find a vegan version, without gelatin. Fruity/cherry flavor candies like jelly beans are good. I also like caramel, and chocolate mint candies that are gelatin-free.   How do you like your chocolate? For example with nuts, mint, peanut butter, caramel? No thank you to peanut butter and most nuts, yes to caramel and mint, oh my yes to raspberry or cherry. Also I don't care for chocolate that's too much on the dark, bitter side, but I like both milk and dark.   Anyone here like caramels? Sea salted caramels?!?!: I don't care for salt in with my sweet. Call me old-fashioned (or sugar-addicted). I do like a good milk or coconut caramel though!   Do you prefer soap or shower gel? Please give examples of your favorite scents or brands.I usually stick to bar soap, only because it's cheaper. I love Pacifica Brazilian Mango Grapefruit, or almost anything in a citrus scent for soap. I got the "Treat" Goblin Inquisition last Halloween, and the Villainess soap that came with that was quite lovely. In the past, I have enjoyed shower gels from Philosophy and LUSH, in any green/citrus variety.   Beads! Do you use them? Would you want some? What sorts of beads do you like? I don't do any beading so not much use for beads, even though I enjoyed it when I was 12 or so. But not so much now.   This was a question before, but does anyone here like stones? Just pretty polished stones for use in whatever purposes? I don't have any use for these, sadly.   Do you work/study at a desk and enjoy interesting or cute office supplies? I do have a desk at work, but not a very large one, so I have very little extra space to put cute items, except for maybe very mini ones.   Do you enjoy any outdoor activities? Do you have a favorite form of "exercise"? I'm not really the outdoors-y type. I would say I like dance classes, yoga and/or pilates as exercise, but I haven't been able to do much of the sort ever since I broke my foot last year.   Would you be interested in a felted handbag? Do any of these styles appeal to you? http://tinyurl.com/3o2epzl I have lots of handbags and totes, so I wouldn't have any real use for one I'm afraid.   I am a creative writing major with a fair bit of time on my hands, though, and I was just curious as to whether or not there would be any interest in works of writing? Short stories/flash fiction and the such? This could be interesting.   And another question; anyone like anything in particular from Think Geek? nothing I really need. Unless you count this: http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/science/8ed4/   Would you like a hand dyed or hand painted scarf or wrap or other item? If so, what colors/designs/fabrics do you like? sounds nice but I go for warm & fuzzy over painted & silky.   Would you like to receive e-books? And if so, in what format? I can't do these.   Are there are patterns, motifs, etc that you especially like? I like houndstooth. And sometimes stars, or hearts. Oh, and skullz   Witchee, would you be interested in having a special tea cup/coffee mug/glass to drink out of? Sure, I use mugs a lot.   If you're a tea drinker, is there any specific tea you would like to receive, not just the kind/flavor but also the type/packing--i.e., tea bags, loose tea, compressed, etc? bags only for me! I like black and herbal more than white and green.   How did you dress up for your last party or compulsory-formal-dress occasion? For my birthday party last month, I wore a grey tank top with sparkly silver studded designs, black pants, and my grey Oswald the Lucky Rabbit shoes by Melissa. And my teal crystal tarina tarantino cocktail ring. I also wore my MAC Hello Kitty lashes. woot.   How would you feel about kitchen towels and other similar household objects, if they are pretty or a souvenir? Sure, this sounds practical.     What are your views on fudge and brownies? (Also, if you live in a warm place, where the fudge might melt, that'd be helpful to know. Or, if you're diabetic and fudge is death, that'd be useful to know, too.) Just no nuts, and we're talking. Vegan is always good too. Fudge? I've had pumpkin before and it was, dare I say, hella delicious. Oh, and I'd say it doesn't get super hot in norcal.   Also, what about mochi? Love it, hate it, baffled by it? Only like it with ice cream.   Do you enjoy puzzles/riddles? (Cryptograms, Sudoku, Crossword, Jigsaw, etc) Crosswords are ok but not something I spend time doing intentionally. Neither are jigsaws. Sudoku is not my thing. I don't even know what a cryptogram is - some kind of word puzzle?   Can you sum yourself (whether it be personality, life's goals, ethics, whatever) in 10 words or less? Dude.   Does anyone like kimchi? Not so much.   Would you be interested in a sample box(from somewhere like Birchbox or loosebutton)? Sure. Birchbox looks neat.   You have to place a Lab and Trading Post order. Right fuckin' now. No spending limits. What do you buy? Cost is no object huh? Lab: full size bottles of everything on my wishlist - two each of Lemon Scented Sticky Bat and Sprinklecake. Imps of Jersey Devil, Katharina, Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo, Cockaigne and March Hare.   Trading Post: Candied Pumpkin. Yoga pants, Belladonna, XL. Hair Gloss in Snake Oil and White Tea & Sage. Soap in Honey Pumpkin Stout and Sugar Skull. Little squirt of Okiya. Hey, I can dream.   Paintbox Soapworks - anything you're interested in, in general or from the latest update? I've never checked out her stuff before. Looks pretty though.   Do you guys have any sports that you follow obsessively? How about favorite teams and/or athletes No, and def. not obsessively. I'm not much for sports. Though I am somewhat partial to the SF Giants, and wouldn't entirely rule out a comfy Giants sweatshirt or the like for occasional wear, if one came my way.   How do you feel about notebooks/journals/stationery? Anything you need or particularly like? Sure, I think there's some stationary on my amazon wishlist. I tend to like the kawaii/Tokidoki/Hello Kitty style for this type of thing. I actually have a large stash of unused notebooks from the Japanese stationary store, come to think of it, so maybe I don't need any of those.   Does confetti/glitter make you angry or fill you with glee? Glee, but it is hard to clean up! Unless we are talking about makeup (in which case, squee!) and not loose things in a package/envelope. But, as someone else on the board mentioned I, too, would prefer that any decoration-type goodness included in envelopes be biodegradable.   How do you feel about stuffed animals/plushies/general soft, cuddly things? If you like them, what kind of animals would you be interested in? Not something I have much room for. Although I might make an exception for one of these   How about little bottles of booze? Ya wanna? What kind? Not my first choice, but I might not say no either.. Just no spiced rum, please.   Witchee; interested in anything from Lush? I love Lush! I can't use bath stuff. But I like their Vanishing Cream moisturizer, Rehab & I Love Juicy Shampoo, Dark Angels cleanser, and Sexy Peel Soap. I seem to remember their lip balm being nice too.   What do you really not want? -Rum balls, or any sweets that are rum flavored. -Spiced rum. -Red Panda licorice (I like black though!) -Marzipan. -Strong floral scented products. -Bath & Bodyworks brand stuff. -Fur, leather or similar animal-derived items - cruelty-free is my preference! -Also prefer to use paraben-free products. -Mineral oil/petroleum products. -Action figures or toys of that nature - just no use for these. -Candles. I think I covered everything   How interested would you be on somewhat personalized bottle cap labels? No thanks. I only have one bottle.   Would you be interested in a handmade bookmark? Sure, but I already have a lot of these, because I tend to lose them.   What constitutes ultimate luxury to you? (go crazy!) The perfect cup of tea or coffee drink. And somewhere nice and quiet to enjoy it.   Do you blog? Would you like a header for your blog, a layout, etc? No, thanks.   Do you like chex puppy chow or muddie buddies? Doesn't really sound like my thing. I don't like PB.   How would you feel about receiving a Groupon deal for something in your local area? If there is anything you WOULDN'T like, mention that also. Oh, what a clever idea. I may be stealing this. Yes, I like Groupons, especially for restaurants with a lot of veggie options, or places for tea/cocktails/dessert. Facials, haircuts and hair styling are good, I don't really get mani/pedis though, and no waxings either. And I wouldn't want to do something like skydiving, as someone else pointed out. so I guess no extreme sporting type activities. Or plastic surgery deals, like the one I saw yesterday     Witchee: How would you feel about a totally original Gela-skin for your laptop/iPod/phone? Stickers? Decals? Sure, I have a MacBook 3, I think it's an 11 inch? But not totally sure. Also have an iphone 4 but it has a silicone case already...   Witchee: How would you feel about gummies? Like, gummy bears? Gummy werewolves? Gummy vampires? Gummies contain gelatin, so no. Unless you find me vegan gummies that are tasty and delicious, then I will love you forever.     Doctor Who? Yay or nay? (please don't make me cry by saying nay) Yaaaayyy! I am caught up to the end of season 5 I think.   How do people feel about little pocket shrines, maybe something inspirational/motivational to keep in their purses/backpacks/whatever? Hm.. I don't consider myself religious or spiritual, so probably not. Unless it was an extraspecial work of art that one wouldn't need to be "spiritual" to enjoy...   Since this is a Halloween round, what's your Creepy threshold? Are you a cartoon bats and smily pumpkins person or a skulls-and-bones the-dead-are-rising kind of person? Are your fairytales dark or Disney? I do like dark fairytales, but grinning pumpkins are more my speed than swaying corpses, as far as Halloween aesthetics go...   Do you like Star Wars? Original Trilogy? Prequels? Spin-offs? Favorite characters? Eh. The 4th installment was pretty good, I'm not really into it though.   Anyone love Buffy/Angel? Nah.   Also do you like or racier ecards from time to time and do you need to be warned if something may be not safe to open at work. Hee hee. No one can usually really see over my shoulder, but better let me know if it's NSFW just in case!   Are your ears pierced, Witchee? Do you have any other piercings? Would you like to receive any items of jewelry for these piercings? I have a lot of ear piercings and a cartilage piercing (and a retired industrial ), but most earrings give me a bad reaction these days. I have a 14-gauge (center) lip piercing, in case you just happen to come across some awesome lip bling that's not to be missed. I have a stud style in right now, but I've sort of been meaning to put my seamless ring back in. For like, a year, I've been meaning to, but I can't do it at home, so it's kind of a pain to go in and have them change it at a shop. Anyway.   Are you more prone to order out or cook at home? Would you be interested in cookbooks, kitchen utensils, and the like? If so, anything specific? Order out. I have a lot of cookbooks already and a fairly equipped kitchen, but it's also tiny and I don't like spending time there. So I do cook but I prefer to eat out. Am I being helpful, Witch?   How do you feel about maple syrup? I feel good about it.   I have a few things that I do every Switch Witch round, would you find that boring and unoriginal? Well, it's my first time, so I'd never be the wiser!   Do you like beef jerky? I mentioned I'm a veggie, but for the love of Mike, keep it away!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhh! I don't even like soy jerky.   How do you all feel about Whoopie Pies? A vegan version sounds good Not something I'd make myself though.   Are you looking for a certain kind of DVDs to spruce up your collection right now? Woody Allen movies are my obsession. The ones on my Amazon dvd wishlist represent the ones I do not currently own. That whole wishlist has movies pretty much prioritized if you are looking for ideas... I sort of collect dvds but those are more or less what I don't have and want to own someday.     Does anyone like postcards? Is anyone willing to be a Nacho witch for postcards? I would be willing to try!   Do you wear t-shirts? Are there particular things you like on them? Would you like one designed by your Witch? And, if you don't mind saying, what size t-shirt do you wear? I like v-neck t-shirts and I wear a lot of the American Apparel ones. My favorite of these is a grey Whispertown 2000 one. Oh, and I have a Kidrobot owl Dunny tee that's pretty neat and glows in the dark.. But, I would probably wear any v-neck shirt that I got. I usually wear XL, sometimes L.   Witchee, would you like a framed photograph and of what? This is not the top thing on my list, not really sure... think I might prefer posters to photos. Unless it was a super cool unusual photo.   How do you feel about pumpkin scented things? Not perfume related, but soap, candles, etc.... Sure! Just no candles, as you'll have noticed by now, dear witch! If you're still reading, thanks for your time !   SOCK PREFERENCES? I like cute socks, ankle length or lower please, unless it is a plus-size sock. I have the mighty calves of doom I love Betsey Johnson socks, to give you an idea of the colors and patterns I tend to favor, sock-wise.   Is there anyone here who likes toe socks? You know, those socks with a place for each toe? Nah.   Has anyone else heard of or does anyone else love Glamourkin? Never heard of. Maybe I'll look it up and get back to you...   Do you like Star Trek? Original TV series, films, spinoff series, etc? Favorite characters? Meh, TNG is pretty good, and I liked the feature film reboot. I'm not in the "fandom."   Would you like/wear a pair of these? http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/yoga-socks If so, what color? While they don't make me squee with joy, I would consider a pair for dance class someday. Probably in a basic color like black or grey.   How do you feel about franken polish? Are you okay with all chemicals, or would you prefer 3 free? Would you want glitter or holographic glitter? What colors would interest you? I do strongly prefer 3-free formulas. I have seen photos of some amazing silver holo-and glitter- frankens, and I did admire the artistry that went into it! I love all the colors of the rainbow, but warm and neutral shades suit me best. And I am counting silver as neutral =D   If you were turned loose in a basic drug store (CVS, Walgreens - a pharmacy with attached mini-mart, basically!) with a $20 bill, what would you pick up? Only $20.00 to blow huh? Probably a fresh new toothbrush and some new Pronamel Gentle Whitening, as I always need to restock that frequently. Then I might stalk the nailpolish aisle for new and unusual colors, and might pick up a Sally Hansen blue or purple duochrome. With whatever was left, I'd see if that drugstore had any bags of Sour Patch Fruits or Watermelons (totally better than regular Sour Patch Kids). A SmartWater and maybe some mini-Altoids (these are gelatin-free for some reason), tax, and that should about do it!   Would you be interested in getting fountain pen inks or art supplies via JetPens and or DickBlick? Nah, thanks.   How do you feel about getting art supplies in general? (copic markers, watercolor, brushes, paint, sketchbooks etc.) Not really my thing. I am not skilled in the visual arts anywhere beyond stick figures; I'm more into the performing arts side. In fact I'd much rather have some of the sheet music or an acting book from my Amazon wishlist, to that end.   How do you feel about Threadless tshirts? I like them but I wish they did V-necks. I'd love a cool hoodie from there though.   Darling Witchee, would you enjoy farmer's market pickled veggies (green beans, garlic, asparagus, etc) or fresh canned peaches or something of that nature? Sure, just no onions. I keep meaning to sign up for one of those organic produce box delivery services that wasn't too expensive, but who can remember to do that kind of thing...   Do you prefer color or white photographs? Nature or abstract? I'm inclined to say color and nature, but I guess it would depend on the individual photo.   oh WITCHEE (not that i have you yet) would you be interested in something like this? https://lostcrates.com/how-it-works Sounds cool, but pens, notebooks and the like are more my BF's speed than my own.   Dear witchee, how do you feel about lip balm? Favorite style (twist up tube, pot, tube with wand, etc.)? Twist up tube would be at the top of the list. Although wand is fine when gloss is concerned.   Favorite flavors? Mint, lime, vanilla, cherry, coconut Flavors to avoid? Coffee Favorite brand? Badger Balm, the big fat sticks of the cocoa butter variety. Alba makes some nice ones too.   Do you need more right now or are you set? Are you one of those people who could never have enough lip balm even though you have a bowl on your dresser overflowing with them and 10 in your purse and an order for more on the way? Uh, yeah, I think I'm one of those.   Would you like any ecotools makeup brushes? They're kinda one of my favorite things ever, and they're animal-friendly and the handles are bamboo. And to top it all off, they work really well for applying makeup. Sure, eco-friendly is always good. I could use a foundation brush...   Do you like Legos? Especially mini-fig key chains, Lego block keychains, small Lego sets, etc? Eh, not really.   I may be going to the Chiles & Frijoles Festival this weekend. . .Interested? Pass, thanks!   What are some of your favorite paintings? (famous or undiscovered?) Feel free to link to examples! I like Mark Ryden, Magritte, Klimt, Van Gough, Hopper, and Banksy. I'm beginning to like Khalo a lot more, ever since watching Frida this year (sad but true).   Are there any Arcana Weenies that you MUST HAVE? I've never tried Arcana. So, no. lol   Amigurumi, yes or no? Probably not, though I think it's cool people do it.   So what say you? IS an "unexpected" visit/in-person witching OK? Hm. At the risk of possibly getting murdered, that might be ok, with some warning. But I'm not home much, and you might confuse my bf. I haven't actually mentioned SW to him yet...   A question! If you are crafty, what's your personal art style? I'm not talking just about what art you like to look at, but what kind of art do you like creating? Do you have a "process" while you're creating beauty? This question makes me miss acting class and singing lessons.   Is there something that you wish you could do, but you keep putting it off? Buy two new bumpers for the car.   Sooo...Cthulhu: yay or nay? I have no personal connection to lovecraft or cthulu... though the icon is rather cute.   Witchee, have you made (or are you planning to make) any Lab or Trading post orders soon? And if you did (or plan to), you should share what you're getting That's classified information, although if I really love any of my weenie decants I'm considering placing an order for what I can't live without.     Do you like charm bracelets? If you had a bracelet, what sort of charms would you want on it? Favorite hobbies, symbols, whatever? I like the ones over at so-charmed, but they cost one million dollars.   Do you like period or period-styled paraphernalia? Stuff like postcards, notecards, jewelry, office supplies, what-have-you? Sure. I like Art Deco, some Victorian/Art Nouveau, some Mod stuff.. depends on the item really. I also enjoy Mad Men.   If you could choose a Smack, what would it have in it? Harvest Peach sounds great.   What's your favorite horror movie? Something cheesy and campy, like Maximum Overdrive.   Are you scientifically curious and/or process-oriented? Would you like a project-type gift that allowed you do do something like make soap from scratch, take and (nontoxic-ly) develop photographs using a pinhole camera, use plant dyes on yarn or fabric, etc.? I usually prefer to leave it to the pros. Who also have bigger workspaces.     I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like? Probably not, since I would prefer a body butter or scrub from CP if anything. But I like their lighter, fruity smells, the other stuff is usually overpowering and upsets my bf's migrains =(   Is there anything you'd like from the Mütter Museum Store? Haha, probably not. I wouldn't mind visiting it someday though. EDIT: I forgot they sell BPALs duh. Victorian Garden sounds nice but I would only want a sniffie/sample size. Which probably doesn't exist but yeah.   What is your favorite coffee blend at Starbucks? If you don't have one, what is your favorite roast of coffee? I only drink their espresso and tea drinks. I'm not really invested in coffee selections.   So, are there any online gaming witchees who covet purchasable in-game items or other gamer-y stuff? (yup, geek question) No thank ya     What would you think of this (with a matching scarf)? Cute but not something I would wear, honestly.       how do you feel about ethical animal fiber, i.e. wool and the like? I don't think I would have a problem with ethically sourced wool/animal fiber. Thank you for caring, witch!       Would you be interested in region jams, jellies, or other preserves? I love tasty jams and marmalades. Sounds good.       Are there any local museums/attractions you keep never getting around to going to? Great America, SF MOMA and the De Young.   What's 'your' song/your theme song? I originally had trouble answering this question, but I think it might be "Sabotage" by the Beastie Boys. At least that's what I wish it was.   JONES SODA CO has LE soda packs for The Guild, Buffy, D&D, So Cute, etc. Would you be interested in these, Witchee? No thanks on that! I can't really handle drinking Jones'.   Is anyone interested in reading The Night Circus? I just stumbled upon it and I am practically salivating I want it in my hands so badly! It's on my book wishlist!   Umph! I have just been enlightened to THESE. Are these flavors relevant to your interests? Oo, those look.. decadent... Cherry Bourbon and Clove Cigarette are intriguing. I can't stand cigs but yet have always liked the smell of cloves. Coco Noir looks yummy too     What kind of purse do you prefer? Leather, cloth? over the shoulder or crossbody, or something that can do either? Do you like bold bright prints with fun things, or monochrome, solid colours? I have a Kidrobot bag printed with various Dunnys that I really, really love, and have used every day for years. I like unusual bags. Sometimes I daydream about buying a big bright green or metallic pewter faux leather tote/satchel. I like a lot of hardware on bags too.   You get a package in the mail containing 3 things you have really wanted more than anything else you've mentioned so far in this thread. (they are all reasonably priced of course! ~$20 or less apiece). What are they? 1. A gift certificate to TheMiseryLoveCo or Paintbox on etsy 2. Jenny and Johnny merch 3. Hello Kitty barrettes, such as these That's my answer, today anyway...   how do you feel about hemp? jewelry, soap, etc? I have tried hemp lip balm before but didn't like the smell or texture. If it didn't have a smell I would be fine with it as an ingredient in personal care items. Not so into hemp jewelry.   The Possets Halloween update is also live; does anything in the update strike your interest? I haven't tried these, so I should probably pass...   Witchee, would you like anything from this particular Haunt update? I don't know! I tried finding it on the website and never could. I haven't really looked at Haunt before, so..   Do you like reusable grocery bags? If so, do you like the kind that fold up (ie Chico Bags?) I could use something that would fit inside my purse!   Who’s interested in Halloween: Montreal? Sounds fun; I'd try it.   Describe your sense of humor. I like Patton Oswalt a lot.   Do you drink wine? I try to stay away, as red especially does weird things to my skin and tends to give me headaches. I make exceptions for champagne though.   Would you be interested in the #occupywallstreet scent? I absolutely support the cause, but patchouli is my hated note of death   Do Paintbox Soapworks' Goat's Milk Hand and Body Creams sound like something you'd like to try? I wish it came in unscented.   The Brutally Honest Personality Test?   Pollyanna- INFP   33% Extraversion, 53% Intuition, 20% Thinking, 40% Judging   ...You're a good listener and someone who wants to avoid conflict. You genuinely desire to do good.   Of course, these all add up to an incredibly overpowered conscience which makes you feel guilty and responsible when anything goes wrong. Of course, it MUST be your fault EVERYTIME.   yeah...   Reveal? Mayyybeee... I'd like to be friends!           How many boxes are you hoping for? I honestly don't have a number in mind. Whatever works for you. Please don't inconvenience yourself for my sake! Even just one will be very exciting for me. I'm sure I will be equally excited to receive anything you might send me, but I definitely won't be let down if I get one special box at the end of the round. I'm mostly looking forward to seeing if I can figure out your secret identity...         Team Pink Cupcake! Team Sugar Skull!   ==================== Switch Witch Questionnaire   ====================   Basic Info Birthday: August 6, 1983 Pets: 2 cats – Squirrel, and Chairman Meow Children: Nope! Religious orientation: Atheist Jew Favorite Holiday: New Year’s Eve Occupation/Major in school: was a Theatre major, now a Customer Service Mgr. at a nonprofit. Living arrangement: Live with bf of nearly 8 years (anniversary coming up 11/1/11) and 2 cats/bears Livejournal/Blog/Website: http://the-zander.livejournal.com/ Organizations/Causes/Activities (Things you belong to or causes you believe in): Environmental activism, equality, animal rights, Animal Legal Defense Fund, Animals Asia, BestFriends... you get the idea! Also love the arts.   BPAL Favorite BPAL oils: Tweedledee, Tweedledum, Miskatonic Valley Spring Training, Candy Corn Coated Candy Apple, Beaver Moon Favorite notes: Citrus, vanilla, lavender, bergamot, apple, mint Favorite non-BPAL perfumes: Demeter Sanrio collection, Demeter Waffle Cone Least favorite notes: Patchouli, tobacco, aquatic anything, strong florals like gardenia Least favorite non-BPAL perfumes: Most of the commercial synthetic ones, patchouli oil, Estee Lauder Pleasures If Beth made a custom blend for you, what would the notes be, and what would you want the label art to look like? Earl Grey tea - bergamot, lavender, black tea and citrus, with a lavender label with little steam clouds on it or something.   Clothing & Jewelry Hair type: Dark brown, thick, wavy-ish Skin Type: Medium/fair, sensitive Allergies (specifically B&B related): My bf is chemically sensitive, so no heavy synthetic fragrances, I try to aim for fragrance free B&B products when possible Other things to avoid: Animal products Tub, shower or both? Shower! Favorite bath & beauty products: Lip balm, body lotions and scrubs, or anything at all from Pacifica, Lush, Avalon Organics, EO, Philosophy, etc. Clothing Style/Fave garments: Eclectic, different depending on the day. Sometimes a little retro glam, often a little skater/stoner/slacker, sometimes a little trendy depending on the day. I wear hoodies a lot, and Vans most days off. Also love Havaianas and Melissa brand shoes. Favorite clothing colors/colors to wear: Bright blue, turquoise, hot pink, fuchsia, purple, jewel tones, grey, and black. Type(s) of jewelry worn: Tarina Tarantino (my FAVE, collect her pieces), Betsey Johnson, Sorrelli. I have a thing for plastic jewelry but I like some more classic stuff, as long as it’s sparkly. I have a lip piercing too, hee. Ring/wrist/collar size: Ring size: 7.5, medium wrist, average collar Jewelry - gold or silver? Silver! Do you have any allergies to metal? I can’t do most earrings these days. Favorite gemstones: Opal Sock/Shoe Size: 9 1/2   Lifestyle Style/home decoration style: Cramped space, with modern (/IKEA) and vintage touches, I collect books, DVDs and Kidrobot Dunnys, to name a few things. Favorite decorating colors: Blue, grey, brown, silver, red Things you collect: see above. Also makeup. Favorite music: I’m obsessed with all things Jenny Lewis related, I love the Pixies, Elliott Smith, The Beatles, Beck, Bjork, Otis Redding, Cole Porter, Duke Ellington, the list goes on... Least favorite music: R&B, modern country, modern reggae Vegetarian/Vegan?: (Please be as specific as possible to reduce confusion!) Strict vegetarian, wannabe vegan Other food restrictions: Favorite flavors: Chocolate, citrus, strawberry, peach, mint, chai tea Favorite foods/drinks: Veggie Asian and Italian food, cake, vodka tonics, tea, soft serve/frogurt, grapes Favorite authors/genres: Gaiman, Adams, Murakami, Lewis Carroll, magical realism, sci-fi, plays, humor Least favorite authors/genres: Romance, true crime, religious/spiritual Books/authors you'd like to read, but haven't yet: A gazillion - don’t know where to start. I should read more Toni Morrison other than Sula. The Night Circus. A Moveable Feast. Diary of Frida Khalo. How do you feel about receiving gently used books as gifts? great! Favorite stores (including clothing stores): Sephora, LUSH, Nordstrom Favorite online stores (including B&B stores): Etsy, Torrid, B and Lu, Zoya Magazines you subscribe to: none Magazines you like, but don't subscribe to: BUST Favorite movies: Brain Candy, Spirited Away, Ghost World, Lost in Translation, 100 million others Favorite TV show(s): Kids in the Hall, Strangers w/Candy, Arrested Development, Dr. Who, Home Movies, The Office, Cosby Hobbies/crafts done: Not that crafty. I consider reading, singing, theatre, shopping, watching movies and going to shows my hobbies, along with a passion for makeup art.   Wishlists BPAL Wish List (including SW/SF Help): http://the-zander.livejournal.com/334838.html Other website Wish lists (amazon.com, etc): http://www.amazon.com/wishlist/1KEP0ALLMRHGE/ref=cm_wl_rlist_go     Random Questions: Random Questions: - On a scale of 1-5, how organized are you? 2-3 at home, but 4-5 at work.   - Where, outside of the U.S. would you love to visit? (if you're international, this can be anywhere) Prague, Italy, Netherlands, Brazil, Argentina, Scotland, Ireland…   - Do people tell you that you act older, younger, or your age? People don’t comment on it much.   - What animal do you feel like the most? Cat sometimes, other times, bunny.   - Your favorite feature about yourself: Sense of humor   - Do you live in a neighborhood or in the middle of nowhere? I live on (lower) Haight St. in SF, where there’s plenty to entertain me. It’s a nice little ‘hood.   - If you were a tree, what would you be and why? I’d be a pot plant. Because I love pot. There I said it.   -Have you ever thought, "oh, I'm going to get myself one of those one of these days" but then never do? List 1 under $10 and 1 over $10. Under 10: new nail clippers Over 10: Blazer   - Has a stranger ever told you that you did something really well? What was it? Sing   - Do you like garage sales (boot sales)? No.   - I like to slather my food in …: Lime or lemon juice! Especially Thai food... mmmm...   - State fairs or carnivals? Nah.   Notes (Here's where you can add additional information you'd like your Switch Witch to know!):   First timer here! Just wanted to try participating.




September 9 Ketchup!

My dearest Witch, as I said in yesterday’s round of questions, I have an Amazon wish list now (what a black hole that was for my productivity)! Please know that these items are merely to give you an idea of my tastes And my Etsy wishlist is here.   Favorite Mythological Creature? Dragons and fairies! Love em!   How would you like to receive some of your Witch's favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants? Ooh, I love getting recipes! I have a recipe box for this very purpose. And if my Witch has any great recipes for pickled veggies or different ways to cook vegetables, I would absolutely love to know!   Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? Imps, bottles, supplies, all of the above? I am so desperately in need of a box to store my BPALs!!! I have a little cardboard box right now, and I feel bad every time I open it. I have only 3 bottles, and a handful of imps, but I did order quite a few Weenie decants, so I need room to grow.   Muppets: yea or nay? I love the Muppets!!! The nail polish brand OPI has a Muppet collection coming out for Christmas that I am so jazzed over. My favorite Muppet would have to be either Gonzo, Animal, or Fozzie.   Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, and other comic strips? If so, which is your favorite? By far my favorite comic strip is Get Fuzzy. I have a Siamese cat that looks almost exactly like Bucky   Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers? Sadly, I do not. My hair is not only long, but it’s thick and heavy (I easily have enough hair for three people, no joke) and I find that most hair accessories are too wimpy for my industrial strength hair.   Do you like to burn incense? If so, what are your favorite kinds...sticks? cones? resins? What are your favorite scents? No incense for me, please.   Harry Potter - a fan? If so, what house are you? Aaaahhh!!! I love Harry Potter! I’m torn between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, but if I’m being honest, I’m probably a Ravenclaw.   If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from? I love Target, Barnes and Noble, and Sephora.   Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you're drawn to? I love the Persephone story (my avatar is actually a painting of the Persephone myth). I’m also a huge fan of traditional European fairy tales. Not the cleaned up Disney versions, but the scary ones. Sleeping Beauty, Snow White (the one with the dwarves and with Rose Red), Beauty and the Beast. One of my favorite books is “The Uses of Enchantment” by Bruno Bettleheim. He took the original fairy tales and used them as a lens to view the Freudian/psychosexual development of children. The science behind it is super sketchy, but it’s a fascinating read.   If you RP, tabletop, forum, or otherwise... Do you have any original characters you'd like to see art of? If so, please give information! Even if it's a link to a web page or a profile or picture! No RP’ing here, I’m afraid.   If you could see anything, what would it be? Can be a person, an event, a landmark or monument, an object, etc. And it doesn't have to be on this planet, or in this time period, or in this reality! I would love to go to Paris! My grandmother is from Paris, and I’ve always wanted to go and see my “homeland,” as it were   When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter? I work out! Seriously. Bad days are always made better by heavy deadlifts and squats!   Favorite Quotes? This is soooo dorky, but I love this quote. It’s from the Green Lantern universe (huge fan here!), specifically the Blue Lantern corps’ oath: “In fearful day, in raging night, with strong hearts full, our souls ignite. When all seems lost in the war of light, look to the stars—for hope burns bright!” I think that life without hope is not life at all. “The only way I know to finish is to finish first.”   How much do you like jewelry? Like, if you were to get a shit ton of it during the round, how excited would you be? I adore jewelry! My wardrobe is pretty boring (basic jeans and fitted t shirts, black pants, khaki pants, button ups), and jewelry is a good way to spice it up! In particular, I’ve been dying to try a cheap scent locket. I have a few scents that I loooooove, but that don’t love me back (Snake Oil, I’m looking at you!) and I’m thinking maybe a scent locket would work.   What are your thoughts on comics? Any you like? Any you have been wanting to try? Favorite characters? Aaaah!!! I am a HUGE comic book fan!! Traditional superhero favorites include Batman, Green Lantern, Superman, and X-Men. More nontraditional comic favorites include Sandman by Neil Gaiman (I cried so hard at the end of the Kindly Ones!), Fables (my local bookstore closed, and I’ve been trying to find books 14 and up), Y the Last Man, The Swap Thing (Alan Moore’s run), etc. I could go on for days about my love for comics/graphic novels.   Are you musical? Do you play an instrument, and if so, what? If not, what do you wish you could play or do? I played the clarinet for a long time (over 5 years), but haven’t played in an even longer time. I absolutely loved playing though. I moved across country, and couldn’t find a teacher that I meshed with. I’ve always wanted to play the violin or the cello because I absolutely adore classical music that features a lot of strings (Vivaldi’s Four Seasons come to mind immediately).   Does anyone garden? And if you do, what do you grow? If not, would a starter garden kit be something you'd be interested in? I grow roses every summer and love it! I’m eyeing an herb garden next, but chances are good that I’ll be in an apartment next year (grad school FTW!) and will need to grow everything in pots. I’m not sure how to do that, so if my Witch has any experience/ideas with this sort of things I would love to hear it!   Do you decorate for Halloween? Is your decorating taste elegant, kitschy and fun, or scary? I love decorating for Halloween! We live in a neighborhood with tons of small children so we try to keep the scary to a minimum, so it winds up being more of a mix of elegant fall decorations with fun Halloween things mixed in.   Do you have any symbols or totems that are meaningful to you? I really love the infinity symbol (it looks like a sideways 8). I love the idea of things without beginnings or endings, and so it’s always meant a lot to me. In that vein, I love the trinity knot (I have a brother and sister, and we are exceptionally close. For years we’ve been trying to find trinity knot rings for the three of us), and I also love the number 13 (it’s my lucky number!)




sw questions 2011

harry potter fan? huge, huge fan. i like the books more but i watch the movies constantly. i'd probably be a ravenclaw.   If you could see anything, what would it be? Can be a person, an event, a landmark or monument, an object, etc. a real live intelligent extra terrestrial. a full apparition/ghost. atlantis. the pyramids. the lock ness monster.   When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter? buy myself something, a new book or a shirt or something, or watch ghost hunters with a glass of iced tea   Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you’re drawn to? i love cinderella, i think because i have this vague images in my head of a beautifully illustrated copy i had when i was tiny, all victorian-style illustrations with super bright colors and they were awesome. i very seriously requested a hoopskirt for my 3rd or 4rth birthday.   If you RP, tabletop, forum, or otherwise… Do you have any original characters you’d like to see art of? If so, please give information! Even if it’s a link to a web page or a profile or picture! Not really   Do you like to burn incense? If so, what are your favorite kinds…sticks? cones? resins? What are your favorite scents? i dont burn incense, my sinuses don't seem to like it. candles/tarts are fine though. (and liked!)   What are your thoughts on comics? Any you like? Any you have been wanting to try? Favorite characters? i don't really know anything about them.   Expanding on the hair question - does anyone like those flower clips for the hair that are big right now?? i don't know which ones are big right now but i do love hair accessories- headbands/clips/pins are awesome, not so much sticks or combs.   If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from? oh that's hard! modcloth maybe, or sockdreams, or amazon, or marshall's/ross, half price books....     From the Weenie Update….what are you most wanting to try? i ordered decants of incubus leaving, sentimental inititation, nightmare and muse. i'm extremely interested in trying pumpkin princess, ghosts in love, and the new GC le lethe. i'm willing to bet le lethe will be a bottle want.   Who’s into nail polish? What colors/brands? i never paint my nails but i do like to do my toes. i don't really have a favorite color or brand just a few random bottles... i like peachy pinks, reds, light blue, clear sparkly stuff   Is there a quote (or lyric or part of a poem) that really resonates with you or is your favorite? "there is no great beauty that hath not some strangeness about its proportion." i really like it and will probably have it tattooed on me, as well as "does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?" from the abhorsen trilogy.   Dream candle? Scent, color, type (tealight, votive, pillar, jar, etc.), throw… i like a ton of scent to my candles, i've really been looking for a good large jar that will smell up a large living room/kitchen. small candles are also good though for the bedroom and craft room. i love citrus, especially grapefruit and orange, not so much on the berries. 'creamy' anything is probably good, vanilla of course, i'm not crazy about super-foodie/bakery scents. i love skeem's mandarin fig and sweet pea vanilla. i'm really trying to switch to soy candles or at least a soy blend for air quality reasons.   Do you like knitted goodies? If so, what would you like and what colors? i would LOVELOVE LOVE some fingerless gloves for the winter, maybe a bit longish, or even a couple of different pairs. i'm going to be working outside a lot and they will get worn a ton. i am all stocked in the scarf department, but a hat would be totally acceptable   Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics? you cook/bake/assemble it i'll try it   What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying? oh. god! lyonesse! it's so ridiculous that i do not have it. antikythera mechanism as well.   Yo, yarnies! Do you Ravelry? If so, who are you over thar? Nope   Social Media? i'm on facebook, but i'm not like... you know, OMGFACEBOOK.   Do you have wishlists for non-BPAL e-tailers? And if so, could you provide a link or a list? in my signature and questionarre i believe   Witchee, do you use a PC or a Mac? pc   What are your favorite restaurants? good sushi   Do you play any video games? i love final fantasy, fable, zelda, etc   Do you like any anime? not so much, just indifferent   Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for? Not really   how much do you like jewelry? like, if you were to get a shit ton of it during the round, how excited would you be? i would love it. even though i make jewelry i cant have enough, it would be awesome to get some cool stuff totally unlike what i do (i can make enough of that myself)   How would you like to receive some of your Witch’s favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants? Yes! I’d love to try any family recipes (or just any really good recipes). i'm not a fabulous cook but i'm ok with pasta or soup/stewlike things   Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? What would you store in said hypothetical box—imps, bottles, supplies, all of the above? Nope, I’m good   Muppets: yea or nay? the cool kind, like th dark crystal/labyrinth kind   Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, and other comic strips? If so, which is your favorite? Not really   Favorite Mythological Creature?: dryads and nyads. the manticore as well, and the kraken     I am fond of the thrift. Do you mind lightly used goods? Please be specific! i love thrifted stuff! as long as there are nor sweat or other body stains, most things don't gross me out, shoes are weird but if i can put in a new insole it's all good.   Do you have an Etsy shop? Do you know of any Etsy shops that are Switch Witch friendly?not selling on etsy anymore but i have an artfire shop at unoriginalsinner.artfire.com which is happily participating in SW:)   Would a gift or a postcard from Disneyland make you squee with delight or puke into your mail box? meh.   what are your favorite types of Halloween candy? yumyumyum. i love candy corn and 'autumn' type candy, the little reese's pumpkins are amazing... not real big on hard candy or gummy stuff so much but i love chocolate/white choc/nougat/coconut/etc   Do you prefer soap or shower gel? Please give examples of your favorite scents or brands. no gel please, it's a weird textile sensation for me and i don't like it:) i'm big on handmade soap, i love soaps with little inclusions like herbs/nuts/oats. lush is a big big favorite, sultana of soap is the besssssst. i'd love to try honey i shrunk the kids and sexy peel.   Beads! Do you use them? Would you want some? What sorts of beads do you like? YES ALL YOUR BEADS ARE BELONG TO ME. my very favorites are ANYTHING faceted especially faceted glass rounds. czech or swarosvki are big likes but as long as it's decent quality i can use it. i love opaque faceted glass, just starting to get in to gemstones/etc. even plastic is fine if it's unique or pretty. i would LOVE beads!   Anyone here like caramels? Sea salted caramels?!?! i have never had the pleasur of dea salted caramels and i feel like there's a void in my life.   Would you like a hand dyed or hand painted scarf or wrap or other item? scarves are nice! i'm a little picky about them, i don't love anything too 'country' looking if that makes sense- i lean towards thin-to -medium thickness scarves as it's super warm here.     69. Would you like to receive e-books? And if so, in what format? I have no way in which to read them. I much prefer physical books anyhow.   70. If you have kids, would you be interested in getting things for them? And if so, what are they interested and what sizes are the wearing now? no kiddies, hurrah! four furkids, though   71. Would you be interested in a felted handbag? Do any of these styles appeal to you? i really like 1, 8, 10, and 15. but i feel like felt would attract a lot of fur which is a big issue around here... i don't mind brushing it off buti don't want a hair magnet   72. Are there are patterns, motifs, etc that you especially like? i like naturey stuff, vines and leaves, vintage-looking floral designs, i LOVE filigree and lace.   73. Witchee, would you be interested in having a special tea cup/coffee mug/glass to drink out of? i drink a lot of tea at home, that would be lovely:) but i do already have a few special mugs     75. How would you feel about kitchen towels and other similar household objects, if they are pretty or a souvenir? i wouldn't really use kitchen towels   76. How did you dress up for your last party or compulsory-formal-dress occasion? hummm i think i did a high-waisted lace mini, black tank, black boots and a fishtail braid. i like putting outfits together:)   77. Do you enjoy puzzles/riddles? (Cryptograms, Sudoku, Crossword, Jigsaw, etc) sure!     79. How about little bottles of booze? Ya wanna? What kind? sure! i can't drink tequila:) but i like light flavored rums and vodka, and bourbon       84. Would you be interested in a sample box(from somewhere like Birchbox or loosebutton)? sure!   85. You have to place a Lab and Trading Post order. Right fuckin' now. No spending limits. What do you buy?   BPTP: FruitBat FruitBath Bath Oil, Samhain Soap, Snake Oil Hair Gloss, honey hair gloss, eye of newt, tears of the nephilim, exotic bazaar   BPAL: le lethe, antikythera mechanism (to age... i'd rather find an aged bottle!!), 2 bottles of lyonesse , halfling, good, hygeia, pallas athene, tko, bitch, lustration, the butterfly... a lot of the stuff i'm trying to hunt down is LE   86. Paintbox Soapworks - anything you're interested in, in general or from the latest update?   never tried em! bu these sound nice: gingermilk, indian summer, the queen is dead... soap, scrubs or lotions in any of these sound amazing!   87. Do you guys have any sports that you follow obsessively? How about favorite teams and/or athletes? No.   88. How do you feel about notebooks/journals/stationery? Anything you need or particularly like? i like pretty notebooks, but i'm still working on a gigantic sketchbook.   89. Does confetti/glitter make you angry or fill you with glee? no please:/   Team beets: i like them in my jamba juice? never had like a straight up beet   Team brussel sprouts: No!   Team goat cheese: Yes!   Team red licorice: Yes!   Team black licorice: No!   Team mushroom: only if they make me see pretty colors   Team marzipan, toffee, and pink cupcakes: yes to all i think! i'm not actually sure what marzipan tastes like   Team asparagus: Yes!   Team Sugar Skull: sure!   Spinach: yes!   Ginger: yes!   Garlic:yes   Mango: Yes   dairy:yes and no. i can't have real milk or ice cream, but i can handle most cheese. i really, really like cheese, actually. chocolate and things are fine.   Chicken: Yes   Raisins: No.     Pumpkin: Yes   Olives: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO   New question: How do you feel about maple syrup it's cool i guess, i eat waffles occasionally, but its not like a universal condiment for me     I have a few things that I do every Switch Witch round, would you find that boring and unoriginal? i don tmind:)   Do you like Star Wars? Original Trilogy? Prequels? Spin-offs? Favorite characters? the original three, yes. not a huge fan of the newer ones.   Do you like beef jerkey? yes, but i'm picky about it   Anyone love Buffy/Angel? i did! i was just the right age when they were on tv.   Do you like or racier ecards from time to time and do you need to be warned if something may be not safe to open at work? lol sure:) i'm no prudish at all, and i work at home   Doctor Who? Yay or nay? I've never seen it.   Creepy threshhold? high. i like a little creep.   Piercings? 16g nostril, 16g lip, 00g ears, both traguses (tragi?) one rook, one high cartilage, one microdermal. i would love pretty earthings:)   Do you wear t-shirts? Are there particular things you like on them? Would you like one designed by your Witch? And, if you don't mind saying, what size t-shirt do you wear? i LOVE nice soft tshirts. i like arty prints, obscure literary quotations, silly witty nerdy ones. i would absolutely love a witch-designed tee! i can wear anything from an xs to m, just depending- i'm fairly comfortable in a form-fitting shirt but something a little looser is ideal for hot days since, um, i sweat a lot and pit wetness is extremely unsexy. even if it's way too big, i'm handy with a needle and thread and can make it fit me!   How do you feel about pumpkin scented things? Not perfume related, but soap, candles, etc.... Omnomnom! i love pumpkin candles in the fall, as far as body products i have not yet found a pumpkin that i am crazy about. i have haus of gloi pumpkin queen and its ok, a little cloying/thick for me.   Has anyone else heard of or does anyone else love Glamourkin? these are cute!! do they do custom orders? i didn't see one in particular that i couldn't live without but i would be open to the idea:)     Are you looking for a certain kind of DVDs to spruce up your collection right now? i LOVE dvd sets of old tv shows, laverne and shirly, i love lucy, etc. also sets of ghost hunters would be awesome. i do already have a few so maybe check w/ me before buying:) things i would LOVE on dvd- fern gully, shrek, how the grinch stole christmas (the older version, not that looney jim carrey one) harry potter and the chamber of secrets, (wore mine out!) the half-blood prince, both deathly hallows. MY COLLECTION SHALL BE COMPLETE!   Does anyone like postcards? Is anyone willing to be a Nacho witch for postcards? sure! i'd love some arty/cool postcards, especially if they came along with a neat postcard-sized frame. i'm putting together a whole wall of cool frames and pictures in the house. i'm definitely willing to nacho.   Do you like Star Trek? Original TV series, films, spinoff series, etc? Favorite characters? i do like the original show, that movie they came out with a few years ago was pretty decent.   Witchee, would you like a framed photograph and of what? sure! i love weird vintage-style photographs. if you were able to get a hold of some genuine vintage circus/freak show photos i would DIE. i love that kind of stuff. i also love waterscapes, old boat/ship scenes. beachy stuff is nice, but please stay away from anything that looks like it might be hung in a beachside motel 6:) we have a decent little collection of bettie page black and white originals and i love them:)     How do people feel about little pocket shrines, maybe something inspirational/motivational to keep in their purses/backpacks/whatever? (Like these: http://www.art-shrin...cketshrines.htm) the link wasn't working for me, but i feel kind of meh about the idea.     How would you feel about gummies? Like, gummy bears? Gummy werewolves? Gummy vampires? sure! i like them, not batshit crazy about them but doctor boyfriend LOVES them and will be very happy:)   How would you feel about a totally original Gela-skin for your laptop/iPod/phone? Stickers? Decals? i have nothing that would require a case/skin/other high-techie thing... the laptop never leaves the house and my phone is just a phone   Since this is a Halloween round, what's your Creepy threshold? Are you a cartoon bats and smily pumpkins person or a skulls-and-bones the-dead-are-rising kind of person? Are your fairytales dark or Disney? i don't like super gorey stuff, or 'shock value' type stuff- i can't stand watching any of the saw movies or hostel or any of that shit, but i like good old-fashioned creepiness, poltergeist, etc. i love fairytales in any form, disney or the bros. grimm.   Are your ears pierced, Witchee? Do you have any other piercings? Would you like to receive any items of jewelry for these piercings? Yes and yes. im' afraid i've answered some of these questions a few times? oh well. i've got 00g ears and would love some pretty plugs/tunnels- here are some faves for ideas. i would love a pair of rough-cut stone plugs like the third pair, but cheaper! i wouldn't trust myself with expensive plugs. i prefer them to be 10mm, not 9, but 9mm is ok if they have at least one very large flare. http://www.bodyartforms.com/productdetails.asp?ProductID=5286 http://www.bodyartforms.com/productdetails.asp?ProductID=5825 http://www.bodyartforms.com/productdetails.asp?ProductID=6619   How do you all feel about Whoopie Pies? No thank you.       interested in anything from Lush? i do love lush:) pretty much anything along the soap/scrub line, i'm not so much in to their weird toothpaste stuff or deodorant, and i don't take baths so no bath bombs please   Do you blog? Would you like a header for your blog, a layout, etc? i do blog, but atm i'm really in need of a banner/header for my online shop. i have NO access to decent photo programs so i can't make one that doesn't look crappy.   Would you be interested in a handmade bookmark? Sure!   do you like chex puppy chow or muddie buddies (ingredients: semi-sweet chocolate chips, PB, vanilla extract, powdered sugar, chex cereal)? would you want to get some from your witch / nacho witch? that sounds yummy   How would you feel about receiving a Groupon deal for something in your local area? If there is anything you WOULDN'T like, mention that also. i would love this! especially massages/restaurant/bar stuff.     Who here adores meringue? yum.     Dear witchee, how do you feel about lip balm? Favorite style (twist up tube, pot, tube with wand, etc.)? Favorite flavors? Flavors to avoid? Favorite brand? Do you need more right now or are you set? Are you one of those people who could never have enough lip balm even though you have a bowl on your dresser overflowing with them and 10 in your purse and an order for more on the way? i ALWAYS try to have lip balm in my purse and one more at home. i mostly use burts bees because it's the only thing that doesn't have that sort of waxy gummy taste to me? i can't really explain it. i tend to like my lip balms a little oily as opposed to waxy- i had an orange blossom honey tube that i loved but the dogs ate:/ i'm open to new brands/companies and if its a tiny business even better. so yes.   Would you be interested in getting fountain pen inks or art supplies via JetPens and or DickBlick? i've never used fountain pens but i LOVE those super-dark rollerball pens for drawing. i'm pretty set on markers/colored pencils / paint but almost any other kind of supplies would be used.       How do you feel about Threadless tshirts? they are neat! some are a little cheesy- like, very frat boy i guess- but some are really cute   And if I were left to my own devices at Walgreens? hummm. one of those logic puzzle books, some cheap nail polish, a new black eyeliner pencil, and chocolate/candy/snacks thai food? never had it!'   Darling Witchee, would you enjoy farmer's market pickled veggies (green beans, garlic, asparagus, etc) or fresh canned peaches or something of that nature? i'm not sure fresh would be a good idea as i will stay very warm here through october, but canned would be ok!       If your witch was the practical type and wanted to include one or more of your everyday essentials, what would those include? I'm talking about the bath products, lotions, face lotions, teas, food, etc that you really use every day. hummmm i have a glass of iced black tea almost every day, vanilla chai when i can afford it. i NEED to use lotion every day but i havent found one i love yet... so sometimes i skip:( a little kit would be cool for when i'm out and about- you know one of those little boxes people make out of tins and things with girly essentials in.   Jane Austen .. Yay or Nay? yay! i would actually love to receive any of these books, i have started watching all the novel-based movies and they really appeal to my sense of escapism   I put up quotes I love in my office and studio to get me going, They range from goofy to sarcastic to inspirational... Are you interested in a hand painted quote? Do you have one in mind, or a topic in mind? if you were to do one of these for me i would like it to be something kind of whimsical and offbeat, something from alice in wonderland or labyrinth or somesuch.   Do you like period or period-styled paraphernalia? Stuff like postcards, notecards, jewelry, office supplies, what-have-you? yep! i love victorian jewelry and have previously described my style as 'victorian bohemian circus' so yes to all... except office supplies cause i don't office.   If you like manga, comics, and/or graphic novels, what is it about them that you like, in general? The story, the art/style, etc? I'm sorry - I don't really read/look at any of these.   If you could choose a Smack, what would it have in it? Ii've never tried but would love to! witch, feel free to choose flavors for me   What's your favorite horror movie? i actually really like the movie rose red, stephen king cheesiness and all. i dig it.   If you could have a salon scent made, based on any artwork(s) what would it be? bosch's the garden of earthly delights, or dali's woman with flower head (i'm generally NOT a dali fan but i really love this one)     What #1 actor, director, author and/or musician are you obsessed with? actors: meryl streep, leonardo dicaprio, angelica huston, bill murray, emma stone author: garth nix and clive barker tie for first. i have a love/hate relationship with dean koontz. director: wes anderson musician: i want regina spektor to marry andrew bird and i will live in the bushes outside their house and spy on them being adorable   are you interested in anything from the Villainness Bad Apples update? i'm not big on apple, unfortunately, but there's enough other stuff from them i want to try   If you have a pet, would he/she/they like to receive a treat or a toy as a gift? Does your pet have any dietary restrictions or other preferences w.r.t. said treat? they would love this, and have no diet rules, but the dominant one tends to hog toys and treats so it would be better if there were 4 small items so everyone could have one:)   What are your top three "I want to try them but I think I'll never get to try them" (or, "I've tried them and I want moar moar moar, but I don't think I'll ever get any") scents/bath oils/sprays? storyville, love's philosophy, comforting plush companion   Is there a particular artist and piece that you would like a print of? If so, what is your max size that you could spare on your walls? i LOVE jessica grundy, this piece in particular. i'd love a print ofthis photo of secretariat. i have major love for robby davisboth artistically and because, um, we worked the same show once and he is super cute and nice but really, his work is fantastic   If you are in to beauty and makeup related stuff, what kind of stuff do you like? What is your skintone and hair color? i love eyeshadow pigments, especially bronze/golds and sheer pinks (think anything that may have 'egyptian' in the name) i could use a good liquid eyeliner in black that doesn't flake. I have olive skin that tans VERY dark in summer despite my efforts to prevent it. poor tattoos! i'm a natural brunette but lately i've been wearing a dark burgundy red color that i'll probably stick with for a while.       Would you like a photo collage based around your interests/favorite colors/favorite themes? sure if it was well done or very artistic... i don't like the 'high school girl's bedroom' type collage if you know what i mean?   If you're crafty, are you interested in spoonfeather? And if so, what things there delight your eyes? its super cool but i don't need it enough to justify you spending that much on it   Colors! What are your favorite colors and what colors do you not like? Pictures and links, people! i love most shades of golden yellow, deep berry red, seafoam green, bright sky blue... least favorites would be bright/neon orange (actually, any neon) and pastels favorite pantone colors: pms116 pms1807 pms299 pms 302 pms3238 pms353     What is your favorite word? festoon!   What are the feelings on arm warmers? Color, style, texture, length? i like fingerless gloves with some length, so sort of like arm warmers i guess, but with hand coverage. black or gray will get the most wear as it will match everything, but i wouldn't be opposed to a fun accent color like bright blue or a nice green     Is there something that you wish you could do, but you keep putting it off? getting a couch! lol. make a terrarium for the living room   Put your current mp3player (I am the anti-apple, so no ipod ), winamp playlist, what have you, on shuffle, list the first 10 songs: regina spektor: carbon monoxide avett bros: pretty girl from detroit umphrey's mcgee: push the pig ben folds five: lullabye the distillers: revenants regina spektor: happy hooker cursive: hymns for the heathen the shins: pink bullets okkerville river: john allyn smith sails nofx: the brews   Witchee, have you made (or are you planning to make) any Lab or Trading post orders soon? And if you did (or plan to), you should share what you're getting. i bought four or five decants from the pickman scents, but even if i love them i won't be affording bottles- i'll update you on that. i'm DYING for the labyrinth scents to come out, hopefully i'll be able to snag a full set of decants   Do you have any interest in rocks? Not like, polished colorful stones.. but like... rocks. With geologic significance! maybe? i don't think i would like something that just looks like a rock, you know? but geodes are really cool! i love to break them open   If your witch were to knit you a scarf/shawl/cowl, which would you prefer, and what features would you want? Would you prefer something light and drape-y or thick and warm? What kind of colors would you prefer? Do you have any fiber allergies or preferences? i like soft drapey material. i LOVE fringe/lace on a scarf. warmth is not a HUGE concern as i live in austin. i just saw a sort of shawl with an attached hood which was pretty awesome- i NEED for hoods to be large enough to pull down over my head, i hate the hoods they usually put on girl's hoodies that cover like half my head.   Do you like/own/wear/want fairy wings or something of the like? no thanks, i don't really attend anything that would require me to wear them:)   How do you feel about terrariums? LOVE THEM. LOVE.   What's your favorite horror movie? i like old school stuff like poltergeist, and anything that might be featured on mystery science theather     Jane Austen .. Yay or Nay? Yay   I put up quotes I love in my office and studio to get me going, They range from goofy to sarcastic to inspirational... Are you interested in a hand painted quote? Do you have one in mind, or a topic in mind? something kind of quirky would be fun, something from alice in wonderland or lovecraft   Do you like period or period-styled paraphernalia? Stuff like postcards, notecards, jewelry, office supplies, what-have-you? yep! big fan of rococo and victorian-era decor   If you like manga, comics, and/or graphic novels, what is it about them that you like, in general? The story, the art/style, etc? meh   If you could choose a Smack, what would it have in it? harvest peach sounds lovely. a custom one would maybe be coconut milk, incense and vanilla bean. YUM!   Are you scientifically curious and/or process-oriented? Would you like a project-type gift that allowed you do do something like make soap from scratch, take and (nontoxic-ly) develop photographs using a pinhole camera, use plant dyes on yarn or fabric, etc.? sre! i love terrarium kits, always wanted to make candles   What's 'your' song/your theme song? at the moment i have to say okkerville river's 'kicks'   What would be your superpower? invisibility   Do you like homemade snack mixes? I know Puppy Chow was mentioned in a previous question, but what about healthier and more natural type snacks like granola or trail mix? You can put a lot of delicious and fun things into trail mix, yeah? If you say "Sure, I'd love some!" what kinds of things do you like/not like in those kinds of snacks, ie coconut flakes, raisins, certain nuts (allergies??), candy, etc. Give us your list of DO's and DON'Ts! lots of coconut and dried fruit! salty nuts, please no raisins   Do you like charm bracelets? If you had a bracelet, what sort of charms would you want on it? Favorite hobbies, symbols, whatever? probably not, i'm not big on things clanking around my wrists, i prefer a more cufflike bracelet     Is there any kind of international candy you love or would like to try? I'm always up for trying anything, heh.   sure! i had a sweet canada hoodie when i was a teenager that i wore until my mom threw it out.   If you were to go here and create your very own chocolate bar, what might it have in it?   blueberries in white chocolate. dark chocolate and orange peel and coconut.   September 25th   Stuff you've been meaning to do: Too much, get frames for prints/postcards, clean and organize my craft room/come up with creative storage for craft room, look for a new purse:/   Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves? sure, although i don't eat a whole lot of jam/jelly... so maybe a small jar.   Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood? i tell beetle its time for bed (one of our dogs, she loves to cuddle with me at bedtime), usually put on some bastet (or haus of gloi lavender sugar if i'm stressed, or comforting plush companion if i'm in the mood for something special) and put on a movie, something cheerful that won't fuck with my dreams- mary poppins, the earlier harry potters, finding nemo.       Princess Bride? Yay or nay? yay all the way! i severely dislike that wgoldman felt the need to create this whole hoax/hype behind the story with a made up author and whatnot, but i love the story. i prefer the book but i watch the movie all the time too.   September 24th   how do you feel about ethical animal fiber, i.e. wool and the like? Sure   What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel? i'm picky about nicknacks/clutter, but if it's something super special and awesome then yes:)   Look down. What are you wearing, right now? boyfriend's dare shirt and ruffle-butt panties:) i rarely wear pants at home.   Kerchiefs? Not really my style.   hemp? in products is fine, i don't like hemp jewelry




SW Questions Part 2

That other blog got a bit long...   Is anyone fond of programs like Adopt a Tree/Highway/Library/Manatee/Acre of Rainforest/etc? I would love a tree or animal. That would make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and I would totally frame a picture of it and look fondly at it often!   What #1 actor, director, author and/or musician are you obsessed with?   are you interested in anything from the Villainness Bad Apples update? Yes!!!! Discord soap!   If you have a pet, would he/she/they like to receive a treat or a toy as a gift? Does your pet have any dietary restrictions or other preferences w.r.t. said treat? They would love it! My kitties tend to not be too crazy about treats since they get chased away from the dogs! My puppy boys LOVE treats, but only stipulation is they must either be very small (one bite) or large enough so my Moose doesn't choke. (He tends to inhale food, rather than chew) Anything "big dog" friendly is fine.   What are your top three "I want to try them but I think I'll never get to try them" (or, "I've tried them and I want moar moar moar, but I don't think I'll ever get any") scents/bath oils/sprays? Tried and will never get: Black Temple Burlesque Troop, Snake Charmer, Want to try and probably never will: WILF, Spanked Revisited, Storytime at Dark Delicacies   Is there a particular artist and piece that you would like a print of? If so, what is your max size that you could spare on your walls? I already own many prints of most of my favorite artists, I am interested in anything with an Asian or Egyptian feel to it. I've been looking for a good cherry blossom print for a while.     If you are in to beauty and makeup related stuff, what kind of stuff do you like? What is your skintone and hair color? Are there any beauty products you've wanted to try but just never purchase? I really don't do makeup. I have some mascara which I break out on special occasions and that's about it. I'm pale with light freckles and dark brown hair and eyes.   Do you like coffee or tea? Would you be interested in trying some different types? I love coffee and tea, but especially tea! I'm a bit of a tea snob, and prefer whole leaf, but am more than willing to try bags if you think they are yummy!   Are there any CDs/Albums you've been wanting but haven't bought yet? What format do you prefer? (i.e. mp3, actual cd, record, etc) Night of Hunters by Tori Amos     Are you going away for any part of this round? Yup! I'll be in Orlando for a work convention and trip to Animal Kingdom and Harry Potter World from September 23-25. I will be in Chicago for a weekend getaway October 21-23.   If your witch were going somewhere on a vacation during the round, would you want a little souvenir? A postcard or cool little commemorative trinket would be awesome! I also collect picture frames from everywhere we go and a small frame would be awesome in my collection!   Do you enjoy any outdoor activities? Do you have a favorite form of "exercise"? (keep it clean, all!) I love going hiking with my dogs in the wintertime. Summers in Florida don't really allow for much outside time since heatstroke happens so quickly and is so dangerous. When the weather is nice we do a lot walking and jogging with the boys. I also rollerblade with Dante (not with Moose...he tries to attack the rollerblades ) I exercise inside. I do some things with my ball at home. I have a gym membership but rarely go. I do want to start getting into yoga, but I just haven't yet. I did buy a mat though!     Would you like to receive a mix-CD from your Witch? Yes!!!!   Any witchee's with a ravelry account have any favourited patterns that cost money that would be a welcome gift? Heh, probably! I have tons of favorited patterns I there. I really need to learn to crochet faster and start getting though them!     Do you work/study at a desk and enjoy interesting or cute office supplies? Between my candles, medical books, medical models, and random junk, I really don't need anymore clutter on my desk. What I need is some sort of organizer to arrange my shit!     Witchee, are you a fan of musicals? If so, which ones? Les Mis, Wicked, Chicago, Cabaret, are just a few of my favorites. I also love opera.     I am fond of the thrift. Do you mind lightly used goods? Please be specific!I don't mind used goods at all! The used bookstore near me is one of my favorite places!     Would a gift or a postcard from Disneyland make you squee with delight or puke into your mail box? ZOMG YES! I would do ANYTHING for something with Figment on it. I also love anything Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, or Sleeping Beauty (my absolute favs). Really anything Disney = WIN for me! Anything from Finding Nemo would make me *squee* too!   what are your favorite types of Halloween candy? My favorites are Milk Duds, Snickers, and lollipops. I can't have anything with cookies like Twix or anything with malt like Milky Way. Anything else is good really!     Do you prefer soap or shower gel? Please give examples of your favorite scents or brands. I prefer soap. I also love the bubbling scrubs from HoG, so anything similar would be great. The scents I like in bath products are very different than my perfume tastes. I really like Cocoa Pink's Boo Boo Lemon Noel, HoG Milkmaid, Hex, Zazz, Honeysuckle Lemon Curd. I really want to try HoG Haus Amber. I don't like overly sweet, more like hint of sweetness with something countering it. I like dark fruits a lot.     How do you like your chocolate? For example with nuts, mint, peanut butter, caramel? Chocolate is my favorite food group! I especially love it with caramel, peanut butter, or nuts. Mint is not my favorite. My favorite is dark chocolate salted caramels!     Beads! Do you use them? Would you want some? What sorts of beads do you like? I don't actually use them for anything. And another question; anyone like anything in particular from Think Geek? Other than everything? Since I'm an infectious disease person, the plush microbes are adorable! I especially love Chagas Disease (American Trypanosomiasis) and Sleeping Sickness (African Tryanosomiasis) since tryp. are my specialty! (Sleeping sickness is so cute with it's undulating membrane!!!)I'm also totally in love with the Weighted Companion Cube plush! The stuffed Sushi pals are adorable too! I want the Plush Microbe Holiday Ornament Set more than anything though! Sooooo freakin cute! I also am dying for Holiday Vader!!! I also wants the Metal Star Wars Movie Posters. Wow..this question makes me look like an obnoxious little kid! Sorry =(




Switch Witch Questions and Answers

From the Weenie Update....what are you most wanting to try? I will definately buy Autumn Cider and Le Revenant. I would like to try (maybe just a decant) of October 2011, Golden Apple of the Sun, Tree of Life (I may buy this), La Calavera Catrina   Who's into nail polish? What colors/brands? I like it but pretty much have all I need. My nails don't grow well so I am currently going to try out the gel system-Red Carpet Manicure and see if it helps Is there a quote (or lyric or part of a poem) that really resonates with you or is your favorite? not really     Dream candle? Scent, color, type (tealight, votive, pillar, jar, etc.), throw... I like tarts with a strong throw. Foodie, green and grassy, eucalyptus, whatever I like it Do you like knitted goodies? If so, what would you like and what colors? I live in Florida so they would be sadly underused, sorry Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics? Yes, send it, send it all, yum. Of course low fat, low cal preferred Hubby is watching my health   What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying? none that I can think of   Social Media? only facebook Do you have wishlists for non-BPAL e-tailers? And if so, could you provide a link or a list? I have an Etsy wishlist but I have to update it and don't know how to link it, but I am LoriZav there too. I am in love with those little tiny clay bluebirds   Witchee, do you use a PC or a Mac? PC   What is your favorite animal? Cats   What are you going to be for Halloween? Something scary How do you feel about nick-knacks? no space for them in my tiny home, except a bathroom shelf I am thinking about putting little birdies on-jeez when I get something in my head it sticks there   What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you? Going to Temple and then to church with my husband and step daughter. We are a mixed religion/language family Do you like going to the movies? No, my husband doesn't speak much English and I don't really enjoy going that much so we watch stuff at home with subtitles etc   What are your favorite restaurants? Not big on eating out.   Do you play any video games? No, I had a wii fit but we were robbed and they took all that stuff. Haven't had the money to replace it yet.   Do you like any anime? No No No never no way   Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for? No, I like to turn pages   how much do you like jewelry? like, if you were to get a shit ton of it during the round, how excited would you be? I like it but I also make it so I have a ton. If my witch were to make me something though, I would treasure it especially   How would you like to receive some of your Witch's favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants? Nah, I don't really cook from recipies and have a ton of cookbooks   Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? What would you store in said hypothetical box--imps, bottles, supplies, all of the above? No, I am all set   Muppets: yea or nay? No no no again nope   Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, and other comic strips? If so, which is your favorite? Nah, don't like comics either-I am starting to sound cranky Favorite Mythological Creature?: Nope again   Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers Not for me, maybe bows or something for the kid   Do you like to burn incense? If so, what are your favorite kinds...sticks? cones? resins? What are your favorite scents? No, incense makes me feel sick to my stomach, but really I am not cranky - Harry Potter - a fan? If so, what house are you? Nope, maybe I am cranky   - If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from? Sephora, Etsy (do they even have them?) Home Depot, Publix I'm pretty practical   Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you're drawn to? No, I must be cranky and boring




Fall '11 SW Questionnaire

Switch Witch Questionnaire   Basic Info Birthday: 12 July Pets: One orange tabby cat named Spot. If you get the reference, you're awesome. <3 Children: Negatory. Religious orientation: Jewish   Favorite Holiday: Hanukkah and St. Patrick's Day, though I do love Halloween.   Occupation/Major in school: I was a theatre major in college, and afterward I was a professional actor for a while (Shakespeare is my favourite, I'm a huge drama nerd. Actually, I'm a huge nerd full stop.), then got married and settled down, so now I'm going to school again for nursing!   Living arrangement (by yourself, with roommates, etc): I'm married to ow1goddess, so naturally we live together!   Livejournal/Blog/Website: my livejournal is thechildoftime, I'm brbgallifrey on twitter and tumblr, and I'm achildoftime on Facebook. Sadly all these are fairly locked down, as my ex-husband is a major creep and likes to e-stalk.   Organizations/Causes/Activities (Things you belong to or causes you believe in): Animal Rights, Gay Rights (especially Marriage rights), Feminism, Planned Parenthood, Religious Freedom.     BPAL Favorite BPAL oils: Glowing Vulva, Love's Philosophy, Elf v.4, Geek.Goth, Cabaret.Goth, Thirteen (October '06 or August '10), Crowley, Penis Admiration, and In Reilig Oran/Sky City Before. I have been wearing honey/wine scents like they'll never make another one for some reason lately, and therefore I'm chewing through Fairy Wine. I've also been all over Womb Furie '10. Really though, anything similar to any of these = omgyesplz!   Favorite notes: Sugar, Lime, Honey, Red Currant, Black Currant, Wine, Musk, Leather, Spices, Dirt, Vanilla, Chocolate (of any kind). Sugar absolutely loves me, and I am lusting for honey BPAL at the moment.   Favorite non-BPAL perfumes: Burberry Brit is the only spray perfume I've ever loved. I think it's the lime.   Least favorite notes: Amber can be fine on me or it can KILL. It's beautiful in Aglaea, Glowing Vulva, and The Girl, but in other things (I'm lookin' at you, O) it turns into aggressive baby powder, and overpowers any other notes in a blend. Also, hemp tends to amp up and overpower everything when it hits my skin, so I stay away, but somehow it works in Banshee Beat, so who knows?   Least favorite non-BPAL perfumes: Pretty much everything but Brit and Be Delicious.   If Beth made a custom blend for you, what would the notes be, and what would you want the label art to look like? Doctor: an eccentric, enthusiastic, and slightly ridiculous scent! Lime sugar, white wine, black currant, and a drop of honey over warm musk, a leather-bound book, and a cup of tea. Is that a whiff of ozone? Say "Wheeeee!"   Clothing & Jewelry Hair type: long, "kitten-fine" according to my hairdresser, and dark chestnut brown.   Skin Type: super freakin' pale. I'm a MAC NC15. Thank you, Scottishness.   Allergies (specifically B&B related): I'm fine with most B&B stuff as long as it's made with minimal chemicals. I've never had a problem with anything from tartchef or Villainess or LUSH or the Lab/Trading Post, but some drugstore lotion/soap has given me hives.   Other things to avoid:I found out a year ago that I'm allergic to wheat (but NOT gluten-sensitive). So cookies/brownies are going to be more work than normal. It's extra terrible because I love baking, and now all the cookbooks I find start with "make your own flour!" Not really into having to buy and blend flours. I've looked at a few gluten-free blogs, since anything that's gluten-free is also wheat-free, but...yeah. Thank goodness for wheat-free Newman-Os and Fig Newmans.   Tub, shower or both? Both!   Favorite bath & beauty products: Paintbox Soap, Villainess scrubs, MAC/Urban Decay makeup, OPI nail polish.   Clothing Style/Fave garments: Geek chic! Probably a nice pair of jeans and a classic solid top. Three-quarter sleeved shirts are the best. Lately I've been wearing capris and nerdy shirts, or cute knee-length skirts.   Favorite clothing colors/colors to wear: Green!   Type(s) of jewelry worn: Earrings, earrings, earrings! Especially dangly ones on french hooks. I cannot get enough. I don't usually wear rings outside of my wedding and college rings, and I don't have many necklaces, because given the choice I go for earrings. My ears are pierced several times each.   Ring/wrist/collar size: My ring size is tiny (5-6.5), wrist is also small at 6 and 1/4", and my neck is similarly small (13"), so I can wear 16" chains no sweat.   Jewelry--gold or silver? White gold! Also silver.   Do you have any allergies to metal? Nope!   Favorite gemstones: Green garnet, emerald, garnet, ruby, opal, pearl.   Sock/Shoe Size: Socks: this is going to be shocking, but I'm the smaller size of socks. I'm a 7.5 in most shoes, 8 in heels since they tend to run small.   Lifestyle Style/home decoration style: Clean lines and classic, warm contemporary stuff.   Favorite decorating colors: Rich chocolate and spice browns, red, burgundy, wine, green of any variety, especially warm spring greens, and black.   Things you collect: glass paperweights, BPAL (obvs), sock yarn   Favorite music: Dresden Dolls, Indigo Girls, Dar Williams, Aimee Mann, Barenaked Ladies, They Might Be Giants, and most 90s music.   Least favorite music: Rap/Country.   Vegetarian/Vegan?: (Please be as specific as possible to reduce confusion!) I was a vegetarian but gave it up a few years ago. I'm thinking about going back eventually.   Other food restrictions: As I mentioned earlier, I just found out I'm allergic to wheat. I can generally still eat things that say they've been made in the same facility or on shared equipment with wheat without any problem. The key is for the ingredients to be free of wheat. I'm not gluten-intolerant, though, which is lucky, since there are more foods off-limits for gluten-intolerant people. Also, since I'm Jewish I don't eat pork. Not even (gasp!) bacon (turkey bacon, OTOH, is DELICIOUS).   Favorite flavors: Lime, any citrus, any kind of berry (including acai), pomegranate, pineapple, milk chocolate, and anything savory.   Favorite foods/drinks: Fish & Chips (crai, the breading--what will I doooo?), nearly any smoothie from Tropical Smoothie Cafe, Starbucks (only the chai and the soy lattes though) and I also enjoy a good steak (medium rare). I need to find a new source for cheese fries, too, since Outback's apparently are covered in wheat.   Favorite authors/genres: Sci-Fi and Fantasy, especially Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, Steven Brust, David Coe, and of course Tolkein.   Least favorite authors/genres: Christopher Stasheff. I totally caught him recycling pages of text and trying to pass them off as descriptions of new creatures/places/people. Also John Ringo, Robert Jordan (the neverending, agonizing description of irrelevant things!), and anything Romance. Blegh.   Books/authors you'd like to read, but haven't yet: Tiassa, by Steven Brust.   How do you feel about receiving gently used books as gifts? Bring them on!   Favorite stores (including clothing stores): For clothes, New York & Company. Otherwise, The Apple Store, Cocoanut Jewelry (local store that sells work by independent artists--my #1 source for kickass jewelry), LUSH, MAC, Sephora (love me some Urban Decay--I desperately want the 15th Anniversary box!), Crate and Barrel, and Teavana.   Favorite online stores (including B&B stores): Sock Dreams, ThinkGeek, Paintbox Soapworks, Elements and Artifacts, Villainess, The Loopy Ewe.   Magazines you subscribe to: None at the moment.   Magazines you like, but don't subscribe to: Cooking Light, Interweave Knits, Doctor Who Monthly, Makeup Artist   Favorite movies: The Princess Bride, So I Married An Axe Murderer, Galaxy Quest, Lord of the Rings, and Office Space.   Favorite TV show(s): DOCTOR WHO for life! Also, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Babylon 5, Top Gear, and Mad Men.   Hobbies/crafts done: Knitting, BPAL box decorating, baking/cooking, and playing with makeup totally counts here, right?   Wishlists BPAL Wish List (including SW/SF Help): BPAL list: http://tinyurl.com/3ny3gdg, SW/SF help at my blog! Other website Wish lists (amazon.com, etc): Etsy: http://tinyurl.com/3cuavot Amazon: http://tinyurl.com/428j2tb ThinkGeek: http://tinyurl.com/3u8mbr6   Random Questions - On a scale of 1-5, how organized are you? I'd say 3. On my own, I'm a 4. But my dear wife is a walking tornado, and I just can't do it for both of us. I hold us together, though. Like I made BPAL boxes for her, and I make sure her bottles are labeled and her imps are in their own box...mostly.   - Where, outside of the U.S. would you love to visit? I would live in London or Edinburgh in a heartbeat. I'd love to visit Rome or Athens, as I did some graduate work in Classical Philology (languages).   - Do people tell you that you act older, younger, or your age? Used to be older, but now it's my age or younger. Apparently I got stuck at 26 (I'm...gulp...31 now).   - What animal do you feel like the most? KITTEH. This has been discussed and agreed upon. Ow1goddess likes to say that I'm the Cat Whisperer, and that I love cats because I am one.   - Your favorite feature about yourself: I have velvety soft skin, whether or not I exfoliate or moisturize, because I have a genetic collagen defect (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome) that makes it that way! Ow1goddess says she's ruined for normal people, so we can never split up or she'll have to creep EDS groups.   - Do you live in a neighborhood or in the middle of nowhere? Neighborhood here!   - If you were a tree, what would you be and why? I was thinking about saying Olive, since it grows in places that are significant for me, and it has lovely silver leaves, and I do love olives. But I took a quiz that says I'm a Holly, which actually sounds good, too. "Holly people are cautious, capable, steadfast, efficient, supportive and protective. However, Hollies may be prone to perfectionism, loss of direction and possessiveness, especially toward people."   - Have you ever thought, "oh, I'm going to get myself one of those one of these days" but then never do? List 1 under $10 and 1 over $10. These things are legion! Under $10: BPTP Claw Polish! Over $10: BPTP yoga pants. I'm noticing a theme to these things.   - Has a stranger ever told you that you did something really well? What was it? Yes. Acting, fencing, and knitting!   - Do you like garage sales (boot sales)? Sure, but I never end up there--too early in the morning!   - I like to slather my food in: Salt (especially flavoured/seasoned salt) or Mrs. Dash.   - State fairs or carnivals? Either sounds like a great time right now!   Notes (Here's where you can add additional information you'd like your Switch Witch to know!): Ow1goddess is my fabulous, brilliant, and insightful wife, so if you have questions or want an opinion about anything, or want some inside info about what makes me tick, she's the one to ask. Since this is the BPAL board, I might be just the tiniest bit disappointed if I don't get even one sniffie of BPAL/BPTP.   Questions that got dropped from this year's questionnaire: - Have you ever been skinny dipping? Nope. I haven't. Never had the chance, really.   - Do you wear pajamas to places other than at your house? If I'm sleeping over somewhere, yes. Otherwise, no.   - Your least favorite feature about yourself: My saddlebag hips and my extra flab. I lost 60 pounds, which is good, but the loose skin is not so good. And I have 20 to go, and I need to start exercising!   - If you were a shoe, what would you be and why? A fluevog! Probably this one:   - They're making a bio-pic based on your life. Who's portraying you? Gillian Anderson. I was disallowed from making myself look like her in our stage makeup project because it was "too easy".   - Do you like to shop? Love it, as long as I'm shopping online or in one of my favourite shops. Otherwise, get in, get what you need, get out, done!   - Sunrise or sunset? Sunset on Pine Ridge at Camp Kittamaqund. Most beautiful thing in the state.




Switch Witch 2011 Help

Seeing a few people pop up with these, figure I'd might as well get mine in, since perhaps some questions weren't answered! Also, sorry witchee lots of stuff on my wishlists are expensive, I'm just trying to get my TASTE across.     Again, sorry for not updating, I'm usually on the computer for about 30 mins. I feel terrible for not answering questions, specifically if you meant some just for me.. But, just wanted to tell you that I LOVE AMERICAN GODS. I'm about 3/4ths of the way through, and would've never found this book without you. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. AND did that really happen to Wednesday? HE REALLY GOT SHOT? WHAT THE HELL MAN. Maybe not, have a bit more to go but damnit he can't die that way!   Dear witch, I AM TERRIBLY SORRY I HAVEN'T HAD A CHANCE TO UPDATE THIS. PLEASE email me any specific questions, I'm dealing with some MAJOR problems right now. Thank you so much for the gifts I've already gotten, they've helped brighten my day!   ETA: witch, I have found the coolest scarf ever. Someone on the forums referred me to it, and said the cup has since passed but the scarf seems to still be available. Heres the link: http://www.blackphoenixtradingpost.com/underworldcup2010.html Scarf is at the bottom of the page. OR HOLY SHIT I FINALLY FOUND A DEVIN TOWNSEND WOMENS SHIRT: http://www.bandstores.co.uk/shop/devintownsend/proddetail.php?prod=omerch_dtp_pussySK SIZE SMALL AHHHH. idk if they ship to the US, I'm in the process of scraping the money together myself. BUT AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I boughts it. Also, I know the question was asked previously, but I'd be interested in Halloween: Montreal, decant is fine. Perhaps even tester. The Gorobble sounds pretty damn intriguing as well. But candyyyyy   Also, found a new love for Sprinklecake so if you can manage any decants of this as well. I have a bottle, just nice to have a few lil buggers lying around.     From the Weenie Update....what are you most wanting to try?   Trick question. ugh. Um.. Pumpkin Latte,Samhain 2011,Glittering Apple of the Stars,The Green Apple of Venus, Halloween: Las Vegas. Ordered a batch just this week for the other ones I want. This is just what I can't afford lol.   Who's into nail polish? What colors/brands? Not me. Sorry!     Is there a quote (or lyric or part of a poem) that really resonates with you or is your favorite? Blind Melon - No Rain. Best lyrics ever, yet very simple.     Dream candle? Scent, color, type (tealight, votive, pillar, jar, etc.), throw... Not huge on candles, although at yankee candle I did find one love. Witches Brew! Don't care what kind I'll find a way to burn it. Strong throw preferred.     Do you like knitted goodies? If so, what would you like and what colors? LOVE. I like handmade items more so, the love behind it makes it worth wearing! I would like to find someone who could knit me the scarf I mentioned but I'm game for anything I have a bright red jacket so something that could go with that as well.     Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics? Uh.. sourdough bread? Other than that it's all sweets for me lol..     What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying? All Night Long, but I have future future plans of buying it..er I have a GC wishlist to try though. Perhaps Golden Priapus is a close second.     Do you have wishlists for non-BPAL e-tailers? And if so, could you provide a link or a list? Nope. BPAL is the only one for me.     Witchee, do you use a PC or a Mac? PC.     What is your favorite animal? Wolves, I used to have a dog that was 90% wolf, and I miss him dearly..   What are you going to be for Halloween? Visiting my fiancee, hopefully at his Basic Training Graduation..Sad I'm missing out on the festivities but, he will make up for that   If you could have a piece of oil painting jewelry (pendant, pair of earrings, or ring) with absolutely anything painted on it, what would it be? (If you prefer wall art instead, same question as above.) Fangorn Forest from Lord Of The Rings Odins Sacrifice! That would be fucking amazing. Preferably from one foot, but would be happy with either. Starry sky, Autumn landscape, Moon, Anything to do with ANY gods or goddess (I appreciate ALL mythology!)     How do you feel about nick-knacks? Not a terrible amount of space for them. I'd prefer not.   What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you? Halloween DUH. My family was never one for traditions though..   Do you like going to the movies? I do, I rarely get out but movies are the few times I do go.   What are your favorite restaurants? Well I'm classy so I'll say Denny's lol. I prefer Arby's more than restaurants though, this is central WI.   Do you play any video games? Oblivion, and Mario with my fiancees mom!   Do you like any anime? Only one did I really get into..Shigofumi I believe?   Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for? Nope.   how much do you like jewelry? Not at all.   How would you like to receive some of your Witch's favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants? I'd love that! It's all about trying new things. I'm open to a lot, just not terribly crazy about nuts. Although, those toasted almonds...     Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? What would you store in said hypothetical box--imps, bottles, supplies, all of the above? I don't need anymore boxes. Just got the most amazing one ever. Its a fake hocus pocus book that talks whenever you open the lid. It's a nice precursor to my perfume ritual.       Muppets: yea or nay? Animal!! I think he was the drummer, right? That's about it. O man, and Rizzo the rat from their movies.     Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, and other comic strips? If so, which is your favorite? Pearls before Swine,Cyanide and Happiness, and Get Fuzzy. C&H isn't bad just haven't invested a lot of time reading it.     Favorite Mythological Creature? Are you fricking serious. Unicorns, Dragons, Chimera, Hellhounds, Werewolves, Just...it's fair to say ALL.     Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers ... I do, but nothing gawdy. Also, headbands that aren't terribly tight, because most give me a headache.     Do you like to burn incense? If so, what are your favorite kinds...sticks? cones? resins? What are your favorite scents? I do I do I dooooo. Sticks thus far, it's a field I'm slowly getting into. I prefer ocean themed scents for the time being,since my beloved is near the ocean. Once he gets back I won't have such a desire for it, but welcome to plenty of fall like scents as well.     Harry Potter - a fan? If so, what house are you? I am but not FANATIC. I would say I'd be in Ravenclaw. I took the sorting hat quiz lol.     If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from? Somewhere with sexy stuff the boy would enjoy lol.   Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you're drawn to? The Pleaides and Odin. side note:if you could find a book that tells stories about the constellations Oh my..I mean the legends and folklore behind them.     If you RP, tabletop, forum, or otherwise... Do you have any original characters you'd like to see art of? If so, please give information! Even if it's a link to a web page or a profile or picture! Used to play WoW but computer can't handle it now.     If you could see anything, what would it be? Can be a person, an event, a landmark or monument, an object, etc. And it doesn't have to be on this planet, or in this time period, or in this reality! I'd like to watch a star be born     When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter? Drink. Mikes Harder Lemonade is a lifesaver.   What are your thoughts on comics? Any you like? Any you have been wanting to try? Favorite characters? Dabble in it, barely. Spawn and the Sandman are the only ones holding interest right now.     Are you musical? Do you play an instrument, and if so, what? If not, what do you wish you could play or do? Not musical. Would love to learn how to play violin or cello, but that's beyond me.     Does anyone garden? And if you do, what do you grow? If not, would a starter garden kit be something you'd be interested in? Vegetable garden, peas are my favorite. This year was complete failure. And the huge pumpkins. Those are doing good but can never have too many giant pumpkins!   Do you decorate for Halloween? Is your decorating taste elegant, kitschy and fun, or scary? I do try to! Its more kitschy and fun, but try to be scary lol. Next year when the man and I have our own place.   Witchee, do you have any symbols or totems that have special meaning for you? The jewelry that I wear. I mentioned that in the questionnaire as well : )       Is anyone fond of programs like Adopt a Tree/Highway/Library/Manatee/Acre of Rainforest/etc?: I would like something like that although haven't done it myself.       What #1 actor, director, author and/or musician are you obsessed with? Maynard James Keenan and Devin Townsend and Burzum (Varg) Michael Pitt and Vincent D'onofrio     are you interested in anything from the Villainness Bad Apples update? Nope.     If you have a pet, would he/she/they like to receive a treat or a toy as a gift? Does your pet have any dietary restrictions or other preferences w.r.t. said treat? Yes my kittie, he goes through toys like no tomorrow. He's severely A.D.D.     What are your top three "I want to try them but I think I'll never get to try them" (or, "I've tried them and I want moar moar moar, but I don't think I'll ever get any") scents/bath oils/sprays? Crowley. It's getting depressing not finding it. Just need a decant to test with. Sugar-Slathered Candied Apple Tiki Princess Pink Plastic Flamingos TKO Gluttony I know thats a bit more than 3 lol. Just wanted to try all those and can never seem to find em.   Is there a particular artist and piece that you would like a print of? If so, what is your max size that you could spare on your walls? Not particularly, but go as big as you want, I've got the wall space.     If you are in to beauty and makeup related stuff, what kind of stuff do you like? What is your skintone and hair color? Are there any beauty products you've wanted to try but just never purchase? Not terribly into makeup, unless it was a primer or something. It usually melts off pretty fast so all I use is mascara and eyeliner. I'm fairly pale and blonde/brown hair.     Do you like coffee or tea? Would you be interested in trying some different types? Hazelnut coffee with caramel syrup. yum.   Are there any CDs/Albums you've been wanting but haven't bought yet? What format do you prefer? (i.e. mp3, actual cd, record, etc) Would you like to receive a mix-CD from your Witch? No I'm good I usually download my crap.Mix cds are always welcome! and ENCOURAGED.     Are you going away for any part of this round? Halloween or Nov 2-ish..I'll post when I know for sure.   If your witch were going somewhere on a vacation during the round, would you want a little souvenir? I sure would!     Do you enjoy any outdoor activities? Do you have a favorite form of "exercise"? (keep it clean, all!) Love camping, star gazing, swimming, geo caching, walking lol.     Do you work/study at a desk and enjoy interesting or cute office supplies? Nope.     Witchee, are you a fan of musicals? If so, which ones? Haven't ever been to one.   Do you mind lightly used goods? Please be specific! Not at all, I'm game for anything. Just no used undies! But don't really see someone sending that..   Do you have an Etsy shop? Do you know of any Etsy shops that are Switch Witch friendly? No I do not.   Would a gift or a postcard from Disneyland make you squee with delight or puke into your mail box Not huge with Disney but a postcard with the Haunted Mansion. If thats the case, please pick me up a blank one as well, so I can send it to my fiancee, he loves that place.   what are your favorite types of Halloween candy? Pure sugar items lol..Cotton candy, nerds, chewy shockers, pixie sticks, the carmel with vanilla, fun dip.   Do you prefer soap or shower gel? Rather shower gel since the bars of soap sit in the shower and melt away without being used, though the bars smell much prettier, just cant figure out how to keep em when I take them out of the shower. I has a tiny shower and live at home with 4 other people.   How do you like your chocolate? For example with nuts, mint, peanut butter, caramel? Buttercream filled. I think they make those only for Valentines Day though lol.   Beads! Do you use them? Would you want some? What sorts of beads do you like? No thank you. Slowly learning how to make my own!   Anyone here like caramels? Sea salted caramels?!?! Never had. I'd give it a go. Just one or two pieces though.   anyone like anything in particular from Think Geek? I'd have to google that and find out what it is.. My god.. http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/science/e85f/ http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/science/e90c/ http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/games/e6ed/ http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/games/dbb9/ (The man and I have naked lightsaber fights at a lake, these would be perfect and probably wouldn't hurt as much ) http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/lights/7226/ Coolest thing ever made, and now saving up for it.   Would you like a hand dyed or hand painted scarf or wrap or other item? If so, what colors/designs/fabrics do you like? I would love that! Anything fantasy related, not sure about fabric. Would prefer it NOT be a ocean colors, desert theme/colors, or Red/White/Blue color schemes.   This was a question before, but does anyone here like stones? Just pretty polished stones for use in whatever purposes? If you could make a keychain sure, a holey stone. (norse mythology related)   Pinterest, do you have boards you want to share or are you following anyone with great boards you want to share? No sorry!   What are your views on fudge and brownies? Mackinac Island has the only fudge I LOVE. And crunchy brownies are great, too.   Also, what about mochi? Never had it, but won't knock it. Looks like it could be good Just don't really know what the fillings are..scratch that. Just googled and I'm not fond of bean paste   Mini booze? Yus please. I'd prefer something that I could mix and NOT TASTE THE ALCOHOL as I gag like a little girl, but oo I love my drinks But I dislike wine, beer, and Jager, though the man wouldn't mind the Jager   Yourself in 10 words or less? Addictive, Graceful, Autumn, Wind, Mythology, Pleiades,Escapee of reality. er. These are just things I love, that make me, me.   Would you like to receive e-books? And if so, in what format? No thanks, I prefer the real deal with books.   If you have kids, would you be interested in getting things for them? And if so, what are they interested and what sizes are the wearing now? No children, but when I do have one someday, I found the best sweatshirt ever. Its a picture of a dinosaur, and on the elbows is a little mouth. So when they 'hug' themselves, they can make the mouth chomp!   Would you be interested in a felted handbag? Do any of these styles appeal to you? http://tinyurl.com/3o2epzl (there's at least one guy-friendly style, too!) I actually have a few bags like this, and do not need anymore as I hardly use the ones I have. Those are quite beautiful though!   Are there are patterns, motifs, etc that you especially like? pumpkins, stars, moons, leaves   Witchee, would you be interested in having a special tea cup/coffee mug/glass to drink out of? No as my mom would probably take it.   If you're a tea drinker, is there any specific tea you would like to receive, not just the kind/flavor but also the type/packing--i.e., tea bags, loose tea, compressed, etc? No tea, sorry!   How did you dress up for your last party or compulsory-formal-dress occasion? I just wore a simple bohemian styled dress. I prefer a sleek dress with the right cuts though, with a sexy neckline but not having the twins spill out, and having my ass hang out of it..   Do you enjoy puzzles/riddles? (Cryptograms, Sudoku, Crossword, Jigsaw, etc) I do enjoy puzzles and riddles! Not much for Sudoku or Crossword, and only do a few Jigsaw puzzles. Like I mentioned earlier, I prefer the little find an item puzzles (like I-spy but grownup version. hell I dont even need grown up version, but don't want it INSANELY EASY)   Does anyone like kimchi? Nooope.   Would you be interested in a sample box(from somewhere like Birchbox or loosebutton)? No thank you, I'd rather not find something I love and then not be able to afford it. Bpal does that enough. One day when I've got the money..   You have to place a Lab and Trading Post order. Right fuckin' now. No spending limits. What do you buy? All of the stuff I listed below under my BPTP wants, and all previous bottles mentioned. I'm not too greedy lol.   Do you guys have any sports that you follow obsessively? How about favorite teams and/or athletes Not really. I have love for the Green Bay Packers, and the Badgers but, I follow music more.   How do you feel about notebooks/journals/stationery? Anything you need or particularly like? Not fond of writing, I use any paper that's lying around. Though there are some very pretty things out there!   Does confetti/glitter make you angry or fill you with glee? GLEE. But not on clothing of any sorts.     Fabulous witches and witchees, perhaps you all could note of you've received MeiLin's goodies? Or if you want? Sure I'd give them a go   How do you feel about stuffed animals/plushies/general soft, cuddly things? If you like them, what kind of animals would you be interested in? I've plenty, though I still squee at certain things.   how interested would you be on somewhat personalized bottle cap labels? Like these that I did? Those are very cute! I'll try to set up my bottle list if necessary, other wise send me an ecard and we will go from there.     Do you blog? Would you like a header for your blog, a layout, etc? I don't blog, hardly use the internets.   I DO NOT want any licorice, beets, and the such either. No raisins or nuts in baked good either! Thanks. Take that back. If you can find WATERMELON licorice, that..I will eat. It's cheap too, like $3 a bag. I also LOVE Asparagus.   Would you be interested in a handmade bookmark? Yes, it'd be much better than the plastic tie I use now, ha.   do you like chex puppy chow or muddie buddies (ingredients: semi-sweet chocolate chips, PB, vanilla extract, powdered sugar, chex cereal)? would you want to get some from your witch / nacho witch? As mentioned below, hell yus.     How would you feel about receiving a Groupon deal for something in your local area? If there is anything you WOULDN'T like, mention that also. Not really, unless it's like an ebay deal or something. Other than that, I don't get to venture much.   When you're miserably sick (*sniffle, cough!*) what are the things that comfort you the most? Honey tea, and a warm thick blankieeee. Perhaps jello, too lol.     What constitutes ultimate luxury to you? (go crazy!) Spending $100 dollars on just myself. lol, ya that'll never happen.   What do you really NOT want? I mentioned most things I wouldn't like. I'm open to a lot of things though, theres plenty of creative ideas, and I appreciate all the though that goes into it       Are you more prone to order out or cook at home? Would you be interested in cookbooks, kitchen utensils, and the like? If so, anything specific? Im good on most of the stuff for now..next years switch witch might be different though..     How do people feel about little pocket shrines, maybe something inspirational/motivational to keep in their purses/backpacks/whatever? Very cute, not sure how much use it'd be put to though.   Are you looking for a certain kind of DVDs to spruce up your collection right now? Legend, perhaps? Or Ghost Adventures season 3.     Does anyone like postcards? Is anyone willing to be a Nacho witch for postcards? Yes I think thats a very cute way to say you're thinking of someone, while being extremely budget friendly. I have a few cards I bought just for this! So I'd be willing to be a nacho witch.   Anyone going to see any good concerts this fall? Winter is more like it, for our 'honeymoon' we want to see Devin Townsend (again), but I fear he's not playing. At least no posted dates.   Do you like Star Trek? Original TV series, films, spinoff series, etc? Favorite characters? I do not. Star Wars all the way babbbbby.   How do you feel about maple syrup? I lurv it.     Do you like Star Wars? Original Trilogy? Prequels? Spin-offs? Favorite characters? I may get some hate for this but I personally preferred the prequels, but that could be because I grew up with those. Obviously the original is MIND FUCKING BLOWING, but sticking to my guns. Favorite character..Anakin   Do you like beef jerkey, I know some may be vegatarian, but where I live beef is a staple and beef jerkey abounds. If so do you it really thin, hard and crunchy or thicker and softer. I'm not fond of it, but everyone in my family likes it, so feel free. Be assured it will be eaten.     Also do you like or racier ecards from time to time and do you need to be warned if something may be not safe to open at work. Bring em on! I open them by myself. I also have some racy postcards to send, so it's good this question was asked lol..   Doctor Who? Yay or nay? I am the only person alive left that hasn't seen this show..   I have a couple spare Doctor Who stickers. If my witchee is a fan, would they like a couple Doctor Who stickers in their package? No thank you, pass them along to someone who is an uber fan!   Anyone love Buffy/Angel? Never really watched this either. My lack of tv is troubling lol..   How would you feel about gummies? Like, gummy bears? Gummy werewolves? Gummy vampires? Omnomnomnom thats what I say. Yus.   How would you feel about a totally original Gela-skin for your laptop/iPod/phone? Stickers? Decals? That would be pretty badass. Only have a laptop right now though. Well I have a cellphone but..it's a no go for those.   Since this is a Halloween round, what's your Creepy threshold? Are you a cartoon bats and smily pumpkins person or a skulls-and-bones the-dead-are-rising kind of person? Are your fairytales dark or Disney? I'm all of those, because I AM SO GODDAMNED FOND OF HALLOWEEN. My tales are dark muwhahahha.   Are your ears pierced, Witchee? Do you have any other piercings? Would you like to receive any items of jewelry for these piercings? Yes, just my ears now. I had a few others but meh. I'd like to maybe re-gauge my ears. Had em to a 4, then lost the damn earring. Now they closed back up so have to start fresh at 16. Just the tapers are fine, I don't need the plugs. Tapers open the hole and act as an earring as well!     How do you all feel about Whoopie Pies? I've been seeing these everywhere! I would like to try one. Is there a Vanilla option? I'm more partial to it.   do you like real sugar skulls? Things with sugar skull designs? I've never had a chance to eat, but I would definitely just love it for the decoration.   Who here adores meringue? It's alright..     Witchee, would you like a framed photograph and of what? Hm. depends on size. I don't really like small pictures, but if bigger (that'd be way expensive though with a frame) is what I'd like. There's a lot of beautiful art and photography out there that I can't really decide on something.   Team beets: nope Team brussel sprouts: nope Team goat cheese: nope Team red licorice: nope Team black licorice: No Team mushroom: nope Team marzipan, toffee, and pink cupcakes: toffee and cupcakes. Team asparagus: yess. Team Sugar Skull: I've never had one so, maybe Team Ginger: sometimes. Team Boobies: ya damn right. Team Mango: yes Team Garlic: yes Team Dairy: yes, only like ice cream and cheese tho. o and the whip cream. Team Chicken: yes Team Raisins: nope Team Pie: sometimes. Team Pumpkin: yes. Team Avocado: nope Team Olives: nope Team Tofu: nope Team Mead: nope Team SeaSalt Caramels: yes Team Coffee:hazelnut. Team Tea: no. Team Cake: ice cream cake is best nomnom but yea to others. Team Candy: yesss Team Food: yup Team Sugar: YES Team Cheesecake: eh.no. Team Peanut Butter: yes. Team Honey: yes Team Gummies: yes, both sour and regular. sour with sugar, the GOOD KIND. fuck trollie worms and the generic stuff. Team Ice Cream: yes Team Waffle: yes, much better than pancakes. Team Donut: mhm. Team Bacon: Yes Team Cilantro: eh. Team Basil, dill and oregano: no, yes, yes. Team Mac n Cheese: yes, not kraft tho kthx.   How would you feel about kitchen towels and other similar household objects, if they are pretty or a souvenir? I have someone who makes me such things thanks though. But I wouldn't mind a pillow case.   Interest in works of writing? Kinda..   Dear Witchees, are you interested in sample boxes such as The Little Black Box or Sweet Diva boxes? That actually looks awesome. As long as I don't have to sign up.   How do you feel about pumpkin scented things? Not perfume related, but soap, candles, etc... Yum!   Do you wear t-shirts? Are there particular things you like on them? Would you like one designed by your Witch? And, if you don't mind saying, what size t-shirt do you wear? I wear V-necks to show off the tatas. I wear size xs/s, I have a few ideas like that on my etsy list Would love something Halloween related as well. OR an A Perfect Circle or Devin Townsend or Burzum shirt. o fuck that'd be so awesome, since its hard to find flattering girls shirts with them.   Would you like/wear a pair of these? http://www.ravelry.c...rary/yoga-socks If so, what color? No thank you, they are adorable but not in my fashion sense.     Has anyone else heard of or does anyone else love Glamourkin? What is this?   Is there anyone here who likes toe socks? You know, those socks with a place for each toe? I have my share, though wouldn't be opposed to a thigh high sock (black, grey, olive green, dark blue, dark purple), or some stockings? (black, maybe red)   Strange collections/wants: Shadow lantern. Though these are near impossible to find. http://img.alibaba.com/wsphoto/v0/450996941/Wholesale-Sleep-Star-Light-Star-Master-Star-Beauty-Throws-the-shadow-lantern-Holiday-Gifts-Fast-Delivery.jpg   http://www.stylehive.com/bookmark/shadow-light-mysterious-garden-in-silver-color-by-likedeco-on-etsy-796036     Something to project lasers/constellations/celestial things on walls and ceiling: like here   http://www.amazon.com/Cloud-Twilight-Constellation-Night-Turtle/dp/B000BNQC58/ref=sr_1_13?ie=UTF8&qid=1316408576&sr=8-13   http://www.amazon.com/HPI-5105-Laser-Star/dp/B000VBNIP2/ref=pd_sbs_t16   this is pretty awesome as well: http://www.amazon.com/Mathmos-Spinning-Graphic-Skeleton-Carousel/dp/B002BL86AC/ref=sr_1_23?ie=UTF8&qid=1316409021&sr=8-23   Things relating to ancient times as well.   Someone else said this, but it's a great answer. Belly dancing hip scarves!   How do you feel about franken polish? Are you okay with all chemicals, or would you prefer 3 free? Would you want glitter or holographic glitter? What colors would interest you? No =/   Dear witchee, how do you feel about lip balm? Favorite style (twist up tube, pot, tube with wand, etc.)? Favorite flavors? Flavors to avoid? Favorite brand? Do you need more right now or are you set? Are you one of those people who could never have enough lip balm even though you have a bowl on your dresser overflowing with them and 10 in your purse and an order for more on the way? I'm just the regular stick of chapstick kind of gal. No colors please. But flavors are welcome   Would you be interested in getting fountain pen inks or art supplies via JetPens and or DickBlick? (I know I have a wishlist on JetPens and just love using fountain pens in my artwork) If my handwriting was legible then I'd say yes, but alas..     -For those interested in watercolors, how would you feel about getting a palette filled with paint from my watercolor tubes but not getting the paint tube itself? (kind of like this but without the covers for the compartments and bigger http://www.flickr.co.../in/photostream) You know, I'm not all that talented.   How do you feel about getting art supplies in general? (copic markers, watercolor, brushes, paint, sketchbooks etc.) I could make use of some of that stuff, perhaps some markers or SOME paints, I'd like to swap envelopes and the such, and make packages pretty, so things that help do that.   How do you feel about Threadless tshirts? Must google. Okay, is its not TERRIBLY cheesy, yes. I prefer something with an important design or whimsical.   If you were turned loose in a basic drug store (CVS, Walgreens - a pharmacy with attached mini-mart, basically!) with a $20 bill, what would you pick up? Prolly some shampoo and candy.   Darling Witchee, would you enjoy farmer's market pickled veggies (green beans, garlic, asparagus, etc) or fresh canned peaches or something of that nature? I have ALL of that already thanks to a huge garden.   Do you prefer color or white photographs? Nature or abstract? Both, but probably color more-so. Nature is preferred since that's what makes me happiest. But if it makes me think then power to ya.   would you be interested in something like this? https://lostcrates.com/how-it-works Very cute but not sure how much use it would be put to..   Amigurumi, yes or no? The cat may eat it.     I have a question! What are some of your favorite paintings? (famous or undiscovered?) Feel free to link to examples! Eh. etsy gives examples of what I like..     If you could have an image painted for you - sky is the limit - what would it be? Odins Sacrifice   Name your 3 favorite scents for candles I love evergreen but have yet to find a decent candle for such. Pumpkins good, and Midsummers Night from Yankee Candle.   Name your 3 favorite types/flavors of tea Honey Honey Honey.     Do you like Legos? Especially mini-fig key chains, Lego block keychains, small Lego sets, etc? A keychain would be cute. Not entirely obsessed tho.   Are there any Arcana Weenies that you MUST HAVE? Haven't tried any of their stuff. BUT Sleepy Hollow Perfume sounds great. So does Comfort Me With Apples.     If you are crafty, what's your personal art style? I'm not talking just about what art you like to look at, but what kind of art do you like creating? Do you have a "process" while you're creating beauty? I try to be crafty..Haven't found anything I do extremely well. Something with darker undertones I suppose though.   So what say you? IS an "unexpected" visit/in-person witching OK? Good luck trying to find me. Mapquest can't even calculate the right directions.   Sooo...Cthulhu: yay or nay? Depends on what he's on.   Is there something that you wish you could do, but you keep putting it off? Er. Quit smoking, and learn a decent skilled trade? idk, im indecisive.     Witchee, have you made (or are you planning to make) any Lab or Trading post orders soon? And if you did (or plan to), you should share what you're getting I have,got a bottle of Sprinklecake, Pumpkin Princess, and Sonnet D'Autumn (yea I can't remember the exact name sorry, busy day)   Do you have any interest in rocks? Not like, polished colorful stones.. but like... rocks. With geologic significance! I do but I don't. If you find a cool one sure but don't buy it.     If your witch were to knit you a scarf/shawl/cowl, which would you prefer, and what features would you want? Would you prefer something light and drape-y or thick and warm? What kind of colors would you prefer? Do you have any fiber allergies or preferences? Thick and warm, its chilly up here. Darker coolers, and no allergies   Witches - speak to me of shower gels! What companies/scents do you recommend/prefer? Arg. No idea. I use kids shampoo because it smells like a freakin cherry pie, so idk just something that smell delicioussssss and im game.   How do you feel about terrariums? They can definitely be cute, will be put to more use next year though. Small spaces and kittie don't mix well.   If your witch was the practical type and wanted to include one or more of your everyday essentials, what would those include? I'm talking about the bath products, lotions, face lotions, teas, food, etc that you really use every day. Hm. Disposible razors are much needed, saw this episode of 1000 ways to die and someone died because they used an old razor and yick. Flesh eatting bacteria? no thx. I prefer naturally made and organic, paraben free items. My skin is bleh, but trying to better it. Also, any good hair care products you know of would be appreciated! Found this, it may work for me idk : http://www.thesoapboxco.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=51_101&products_id=1054   Jane Austen .. Yay or Nay? Nay.   I put up quotes I love in my office and studio to get me going, They range from goofy to sarcastic to inspirational... Are you interested in a hand painted quote? Do you have one in mind, or a topic in mind? I have a few, if it has a personal meaning then I'd be interested in getting one.     Do you like period or period-styled paraphernalia? Stuff like postcards, notecards, jewelry, office supplies, what-have-you? For sure. I love vintage, mostly any period.   If you like manga, comics, and/or graphic novels, what is it about them that you like, in general? The story, the art/style, etc? Comics, a good story line with some BADASS art. Sandman style, or if you've ever seen the Cannibal Corpse comic..ya, thats pretty damn awesome.   Do you like/own/wear/want fairy wings or something of the like? FAIRY wings? I'd definitely want some   What's your favorite horror movie? I'm one of those people who always go 'THAT COULD NEVER HAPPEN' so it's hard to scare me. I watched Freddy Kruger with my dad when I was 4, so I got immuned fast.   If you could choose a Smack, what would it have in it? No idea what this is either Huzzah! I have checked. Thus far, Bonfire Days, Single notes of: Candy Floss, and Espresso (not together. I can't pick a decent combo lol).       Are you scientifically curious and/or process-oriented? Would you like a project-type gift that allowed you do do something like make soap from scratch, take and (nontoxic-ly) develop photographs using a pinhole camera, use plant dyes on yarn or fabric, etc.? Making soap and making incense. O and bath salts perhaps (but not for me to use, no tub), I really like science-y and hands on stuff. Would love the photography as well, not sure how well I'd do with that though.     What's 'your' song/your theme song? Candyman by Aqua. LOL fuck I love that song..     What would be your superpower? To fly. I could accomplish a looooot and sneak in on people.   New Question: Witchee, would you like a gently used BPAL tshirt? Sure     Do you like charm bracelets? If you had a bracelet, what sort of charms would you want on it? Favorite hobbies, symbols, whatever? They are very cute. Not sure how much I'd wear it..perhaps an anklet? Charm wise, Stars and moon, maybe a little halloween bat or pumpkin, and a unicorn somewhere thrown in there.       Witchee, would you like anything from this particular Haunt update? Not sure who Haunt is. Will look further into that!   Who's interested in Halloween: Montreal? Wasn't aware of this either, haven't had time lately   You get a package in the mail containing 3 things you have really wanted more than anything else you've mentioned so far in this thread. (they are all reasonably priced of course! ~$20 or less apiece). What are they? Some yoga pants? Idk. Star wars yoga pants would be amazing but they sold out on the etsy shop A giftcard from 13moons, or a bunch of the postcards from then, as well as some posters they have. Don't think I can set up a wishlist on there otherwise I'd show you specifically. And this, for my brother, WHO IS GOING THROUGH THE TOUGHEST TIME RIGHT NOW, http://www.bonanza.com/listings/PRINCE-OF-PERSIA-TRILOGY-PS3/41550305 (little more than $20, sorry, but would be happy with just this gift)     how do you feel about hemp? jewelry, soap, etc? Soap perhaps. Not jewelry.   What kind of purse do you prefer? Leather, cloth? over the shoulder or crossbody, or something that can do either? Do you like bold bright prints with fun things, or monochrome, solid colours? Leather, either crossbody or shoulder are fine. I prefer neutrals as it goes with every outfit. BUT would never say no to a bright colored purse either, sometimes it adds a nice pop.   julep maven monthly boxes: Whats this?   Your favorite restaurant or type of food to eat out. Would you use a restaurant.com voucher? Groupon? Not huge on eatting out, there isn't a lot here. But Nov 4-6, when I head down to Georgia to see my fiance perhaps golden corral? He's bonkers about that place.   Like commercial socks? Everyone likes socks!   What kind of bear is best? Bear or beer? Bear is hard, theyre all so beautiful! And beer I'm not huge on, mostly malt liqours is what I go for. Slowly drinking myself into oblivion ha.   Is anyone interested in reading The Night Circus? Never heard of. I'm very deprived witch lol.   Hershey's Pumpkin Spice kisses? Interesting..Not hugeee with chocolate but that may work.   I have a not-so-secret love for The Broship of the Rings. Are there any prints from her store you'd like? I will check her out since it sounds like she has lord of the rings type stuff.   Who here likes Stephanie Pui-Min Law's artwork? Witch, Imma need to google everything.   Do you drink wine? Nope.   Is it just me who is nervous at revealing herself to her witchee, and finding out who her witch is?! Not nervous, excited! Can't wait to find out who you are, you deserve the biggest thank you of all. I know everyone says their witch is the best, but no. YOU TAKE THE CAKE MY LOVE. As far as my witchee goes, I think she already knows who I am since I don't have a ton of time to be secret about it. But oh well, as long as she enjoys the gifts!   Witches, did you lament NOT getting one of the condom case/imp cases that got released with the courtesan series??? Wasn't aware of this Would like an imp case or box, but I suffice and throw imps in my wallet for the time being. It smells wonderful ha.   I recently saw candy corn in non-candy corn flavors like CHOCOLATE and CARAMEL APPLE. It's not a fancy brand, I just saw it in the drugstore, but who here would like something like that? I've stocked up on candy corn already, thank you though   JONES SODA CO has LE soda packs for The Guild, Buffy, D&D, So Cute, etc. Would you be interested in these, Witchee? Do not drink soda, mostly a water gal.   It'sBanned Books Week! Are there any books on the list you'd be interested in checking out? I'm just happy with the fairy tale book you sent me, I've lots of catching up to do on reading, so aside from the fairy tale books, No. I just keep the fairy tale books to pass along to my future children and or future nieces and nephews.   I have just been enlightened to THESE. Are these flavors relevant to your interests? Not much of a lip person. Just use chapstick.   What is something people are always surprised to learn about you? That I'm a fuck up, but present myself very well.   So who else watched Babylon 5? Not I.   If you had to decide what your stripper name was, what would it be? Bleh, sad to say I've already done this but Disastress was my name.   Sooooo Witchees, have you ever taken that particular personality test? If so, are you an Analytical, a Driver, an Expressive or an Amiable? Haven't taken the test.   Is anyone else afraid of or creepy out by dummies/puppets/Muppets/etc? Other things you're squicked/freaked by that's best left by the wayside? Porcelain dolls. yick.   what level of contact were you hoping for? I was pleasantly surprised with how much I've been getting. You're doing an awesome job witch, couldn't possibly ask for more.   Are there any local museums/attractions you keep never getting around to going to? There is but I have no means of being able to get to such places.   Is there any kind of international candy you love or would like to try? Not sure what's out there. I'm sure whatever you pick would be awesome though.   What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions? Er. Nothing now.   Is there any cheesy/non-cheesy Canadian stuff you'd be interested in? I've tons of love for Canada, but know nothing of what they have.   If you were to go here and create your very own chocolate bar, what might it have in it? Nadda. Not huge with the chocolate.   Is there anything you're wanting from LPMP? What is this? IM SORRY WITCH, I DON'T KNOW CRAP.   say you stumbled into Camp Half Blood (or whatever the Roman camp ends up being named <bounces in anticipation>), which god claims you? Artemis, although she says I can't be with a boy and have to be a virgin. If we could work around that...   Stuff you've been meaning to do: Not go insane?   Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves? Make my own jelly, thanks though!   Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood? Get drunk so I can sleep. Light an incense from time to time to remind me of my fiance, and watch family feud with my mother. Also spray some pretty smelling stuff on my pillow when I remember, though the smell fades pretty quickly. Damn cheap yankee candle!   Are you interested in today's/any recent Tee Fury shirts? Perhaps, I'd have to look. They have some cool designs though.   Princess Bride? Yay or nay? Yay, all the WAY.   What's your favorite classic fairytale, witches The Tin Soldier. Tis what my fiance refers to himself as <3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Steadfast_Tin_Soldier   how do you feel about ethical animal fiber, i.e. wool and the like? Not sure what you mean,but I do love animals, but I do wear leather, wool, etc.   What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel? I've no space right now   Look down. What are you wearing, right now? Metal Mulisha shirt and pj pants.   Kerchiefs? No thank you.   It's the weekend, and you find yourself without a single chore or responsibility for a few hours. Right this very moment, what's the one thing you would do if you could do anything? Write my fiance a 329403904 page letter, although I never have much to say. I do write him every night though.   Is there anything you'd like from the Mütter Museum Store? Er..google.   I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like? Again, google..   what's your favorite kind of pizza? Pepperoni or Margarita.   who are your style/fashion icons? post pics if you want! I'm sooo not fashionable. I just wear what I like.   Are there any food items you're craving/aren't able to find around your area? Just the pumpkin fudge you sent! That was delicious and went fast. My daddy helped me eat it up, and he is the fussiest of eatters.     If you're interested in a handmade pouch/cover for an item you have (phones, tablets, books, keys, kettles...), what would your ideal pouch/cover have? Design, material, additional functionality/features like pockets or lights or secret hidey-holes? Well, got into some trouble and my cellphone and computer are gone ( I did something bad, and now facing consequences. Don't worry didn't effect anyone elses life though, I'm a good person I swear!) but simply saying, no.   Would you like a photo collage based around your interests/favorite colors/favorite themes? Sure that'd be very cute.   If you're crafty, are you interested in spoonfeather? And if so, what things there delight your eyes? No idea what this is..   Colors! What are your favorite colors and what colors do you not like? Pictures and links, people! Favs are grey, black, purple, green, pink. I don't really have any hate for colors, though.   What is your favorite word? Love.   What are the feelings on arm warmers? Color, style, texture, length? Don't really wear em. But I'm sure if you made me some I would figure out an outfit to go with it.   Do you like tarts? tealights? jar candles? votives? Jar candles for now.   What's your favorite flavor? Sour, sweet, bitter, salty? Sweet and sour.   So, are there any online gaming witchees who covet purchasable in-game items or other gamer-y stuff? (yup, geek question) No, as not having a computer dampers this.   Anyone doing anything cool for Mabon (or the start of fall, if you aren't pagan? Just apple picking, hayrides, corn mazes, haunted houses, jumping in leaves, and pumpkins. Nothing fancy though, not much to do here..   What is your favorite coffee blend at Starbucks? If you don't have one, what is your favorite roast of coffee? Hazelnut coffee.                           Etsy wishlist: is here Deviant art wishlist: is here     Food: Puppy chow ( chex, chocolate, peanut butter, powdered sugarrr). THANK YOU WITCH FOR GETTING ME THIS. IT WENT FAST. Hazelnut Coffee. White chocolate covered bendy pretzels not sticks, I'd be happy with any of those!   BPTP WANTS: Obsess much? perhaps. TKO MASSAGE OIL Erebos Atmosphere spray Exotic Bazaar Atmosphere spray Notepad The Lovers or The Magician -babydoll size small Freakin hair gloss! Even just a tiny sample of: Fig and White Sandalwood or Snake oil Harvest festival Atmosphere spray http://www.blackphoenixtradingpost.com/ypzoom-arsmoriendi.html Size Small Do I love yoga pants? yus, yus I do.




SW Halloween 2011

social media: LJ-syrenemyst (mostly for decant circles and BPAL sales) FB: go here deviantart: syrenemyst etsy: cyrenemyst.etsy.com   From the Weenie Update....what are you most wanting to try?SONNET D'AUTOMNE HALLOWEEN: LAS VEGAS, POST-MORTEM LAUREATUS   Who's into nail polish? What colors/brands? none for me   Is there a quote (or lyric or part of a poem) that really resonates with you or is your favorite? "It's a big enough umbrella , but it's always me that ends up getting wet."   Dream candle? Scent, color, type (tealight, votive, pillar, jar, etc.), throw...   Do you like knitted goodies? If so, what would you like and what colors? I do, but I can't think of anything I really need. However, if my witch wanted to make me something , it would be loved, used and cherished.   Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics? I'd have to think about this one.   What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying? none that I can think of   So, got an etsy wishlist started?   Witchee, do you use a PC or a Mac? PC   What is your favorite animal? groundhogs, dogs, cats   What are you going to be for Halloween? me   How do you feel about nick-knacks?   What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you? Just Christmas, lots of decorating and spending time together   Do you like going to the movies? my husband and I love going to our local drive in over the summer, but not to the regular theater   What are your favorite restaurants? our local chinese joint   Do you play any video games? yes, we have Wii, Xbox and a few NS systems. We have things ,like Mario, Assassins Creed and Professor Layton. We have a pretty varied collection   Do you like any anime? not really   Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for? no   If you could have a piece of oil painting jewelry (pendant, pair of earrings, or ring) with absolutely anything painted on it, what would it be? I think I would prefer wall art, but I love celtic knots and symbols and think that would make a beautiful piece.   how much do you like jewelry? I don't wear very much anymore, but I love making it!!   How would you like to receive some of your Witch's favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants? no specific wants but that would be neat. I am always at a loss for things to make for meals   Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? no I am not in need of one now, but I would be willing to barter to make one for someone else's witch   Muppets: yea or nay? yea, especially Fozzie Bear   Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, ? If so, which is your favorite? Yes , Bloom County, Calvin and Hobbes and The Far Side   Favorite Mythological Creature? Dragons, Unicorns   Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers? yes I love love love scrunchies!!   Do you like to burn incense? only the sandalwood scent   - Harry Potter - a fan? yes, but no house affliation   - If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from? Amazon, definitely   Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you're drawn to? none that i can think of   If you could see anything, what would it be? Definitely Stonehenge. I would love to watch the sunrise and feel the awakening of the power from the earth, sun and the formation. I think it would be an awesome experience.   When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter? I like to take a nap in the sun. I feel rested and a bit energized afterwards.   What are your thoughts on comics? none for me   Are you musical? Do you play an instrument, and if so, what? If not, what do you wish you could play or do? I'd like to think so. I trained for several years as a classical singer, but don't have time to perform, except now around the house with my kid. I never pursued any other instrument.   Does anyone garden?no, I always seem to kill plants nomatter what I do.   Do you decorate for Halloween? sometimes. it depends on our mood   Do you have an Etsy shop? Do you know of any Etsy shops that are Switch Witch friendly? yes Various and Sundry, one of a kind pieces made in the steampunk style. I can do custom pieces as well as custom decoupaged boxes. (box examples)   Do you mind lightly used goods? books, cd's, dvd's, knickknacks are all good. no clothes or used bath products. (decants ar ok though)   Are there are patterns, motifs, etc that you especially like? I really love celtic patterns.   Do you enjoy puzzles/riddles? I like crosswords and words search types. I also love jumbles.   How do you feel about stuffed animals/plushies/general soft, cuddly things? I love all kinds of plush things. I usually get them for my daugher so I have an excuse to hug and squeeze them too.   Would you like to receive e-books? And if so, in what format? Sure, I would have to have a format I could read on my PC   Fabulous witches and witchees, perhaps you all could note of you've received MeiLin's goodies? Or if you want? I would love both of MeiLin's cookbooks!   Does confetti/glitter make you angry or fill you with glee? I don't really get along with huge amounts of either.




Spooky Virtual Swap Fall 2011 Questionnaire

Questionnaire:   Forum Name:   Full Name:   Email Address:   ----   Basic Info:   Birthday:   Pets:   Children:   Religious orientation:   Favorite Holiday:   Occupation/Major in school:   Living arrangement (by yourself, with roommates, etc):   Livejournal/Blog/Website:   Social Networking:   Organizations/Causes/Activities (Things you belong to or causes you believe in):   BPAL Favorite BPAL oils:   Favorite notes:   Favorite non-BPAL perfumes:   Least favorite notes:   Least favorite non-BPAL perfumes:   If Beth made a custom blend for you, what would the notes be, and what would you want the label art to look like?   Lifestyle Favorite colors:   Things you collect:   Favorite music:   Least favorite music:   Favorite authors/genres:   Least favorite authors/genres:   Books/authors you'd like to read, but haven't yet:   Favorite movies:   Favorite TV show(s):   Hobbies/crafts done:   Do you like to color? If so, what:   Can you read ebooks?:   Can you listen to mp3s?:     Random Questions: Where would you like to travel?   Which of the seven deadly sins is most likely to be your undoing?   Do you have any symbols that you consider to be personally significant or talismanic?   What's autumn like in your neck of the woods? What do you love and/or hate about it?   What's something you're really looking forward to in the semi-near future?   This is how the world ends... zombie apocalypse, robot uprising, alien invasion, return of the elder gods... which doomsday scenario do you prefer (or make your own!)?   ---- Notes (Here's where you can add additional information you'd like your BrokeWitch to know!):   Forum Information (Everything written below this line is removed before questionnaires are forwarded, and is only meant to help out the Ringleaders.) Date you Joined the Forum:   If you joined under 2 months ago, do you have a history/feedback under Ebay, MUA, etc (please list):   Have you participated in a circular swap before?:   If yes, who did you send to/receive from:   Sent to: Received from:




weenie witch '11 questions

re-answer on the anime question, there are actually specific things i like that had slipped my mind! The original Record of Lodoss War. Love this, have it on vhs that's falling apart, so i'd love to pick up a (used) dvd. I liked Heroic Legend of Arislan, I've seen like the first few episodes of Martian Successor Nadeisico and I really wanted to actualy see what happened, lol. Also movies like Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, etc. I generally prefer fantasy over sci-fi, though there are exceptions.   September 23rd   Is there anything you'd like from the Mütter Museum Store? never looked   I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like? i have no knowledge of this place   what's your favorite kind of pizza?homemade with garlic, olive oil, cheese, fresh tomato, olives, maybe other veggies if i felt like it. for eating out pizza, a good handtossed crust, a tart, not overly herbed marinara, cheese, pepperoni, black olives.   who are your style/fashion icons? post pics if you want! that's pretty funny where i'm concerned   Are there any food items you're craving/aren't able to find around your area? milk and honees candy, a particular rice cracker mix, think it was called nooshi? had a lot of dark coated pieces in it, vienna fruit sticks.   September 22nd If you're interested in a handmade pouch/cover for an item you have (phones, tablets, books, keys, kettles...), what would your ideal pouch/cover have? Design, material, additional functionality/features like pockets or lights or secret hidey-holes? i have nothing of this nature, but pockets on anything are generally win   Would you like a photo collage based around your interests/favorite colors/favorite themes? if it's something my witch likes to do, sure   If you're crafty, are you interested in spoonfeather? And if so, what things there delight your eyes? very cool but way too spendy to be bothered with   Colors! What are your favorite colors and what colors do you not like? Pictures and links, people! all shades of green with a preference toward darks, same with blues, i love earthtones, deep jewel tones. i love color. pastels are my nemesis.   What is your favorite word? pick one? pfft. my favorite swaer/substitute swear of late is 'monkeys!' no, i have no idea why What are the feelings on arm warmers? Color, style, texture, length?i tend to prefer the ones that go a few inches past my wrist. i usually wear long sleeves so i'd rather not fight with sleeves vs arm warmers, but my hands are always cold so i love fingerless glove type things Do you like tarts? tealights? jar candles? votives? vatives can be kind of messy, but anything else is fine   What's your favorite flavor? Sour, sweet, bitter, salty? bitter is not my favorite, but any of the rest are win   So, are there any online gaming witchees who covet purchasable in-game items or other gamer-y stuff? (yup, geek question) i love the pets in WoW, so i'd get a huge kick out of one of the purchasable pets (the only one i have is the moonkin hatchling)   Anyone doing anything cool for Mabon (or the start of fall, if you aren't pagan?I got a fresh bread ciabatta baked with hatch green chilies (a local harvest thing) for lunch, then sat outside with a pumpkin cider and my Kali in my garden, feeling blessed and peaceful.   What is your favorite coffee blend at Starbucks? If you don't have one, what is your favorite roast of coffee? i don't care for starbuck's coffee, i used to occasionally get espresso drinks but now i avoid milk mostly. years ago atlanta bread company had paul de lima's seattle roast coffee and that was heavenly, but honestly i'm content drinking yuban. <grin> after 30 years i guess you get used to the way something tastes.   September 21st Cthulhu: yay or nay? yay in an amused but mostly ignorant fashion   Is there something that you wish you could do, but you keep putting it off?thinking on this   Witchee, have you made (or are you planning to make) any Lab or Trading post orders soon? And if you did (or plan to), you should share what you're gettingonly hypothetically.   Do you have any interest in rocks? Not like, polished colorful stones.. but like... rocks. With geologic significance! yes!   If your witch were to knit you a scarf/shawl/cowl, which would you prefer, and what features would you want? Would you prefer something light and drape-y or thick and warm? What kind of colors would you prefer? Do you have any fiber allergies or preferences?not scratchy, not pastel, other than that i would love any and all.   Do you like/own/wear/want fairy wings or something of the like? i made a set for a halloween costume once, honestly wouldn't have much use for them...some kind of faerylike hairpiece or something i could rock though How do you feel about terrariums? love What's your favorite horror movie? i just don't do horror as a genre, so if i had to pick something considered a horror (ok, honestly, it's camp comedy at this point) something like the original gremlins or army of darkness   If your witch was the practical type and wanted to include one or more of your everyday essentials, what would those include? I'm talking about the bath products, lotions, face lotions, teas, food, etc that you really use every day. I drink tea multiple times a day in cooler months, i could use a good natural face moisturizer because i go through that like crazy once the weather gets cold (we have like just-above-desert humidity here), i use chapstick all the freaking time (just no mint or petroleum types please)   Jane Austen .. Yay or Nay? negative   I put up quotes I love in my office and studio to get me going, They range from goofy to sarcastic to inspirational... Are you interested in a hand painted quote? Do you have one in mind, or a topic in mind? i'm a calligrapher, so i write down quotes all the time, i love this idea, and would love to get a witch's favorite creative or uplifting quote.   Do you like period or period-styled paraphernalia? Stuff like postcards, notecards, jewelry, office supplies, what-have-you? i have a thing for antique office supplies--i have a purple remington of all things, i like oldfashioned or eccentric jewelry and such things.   If you like manga, comics, and/or graphic novels, what is it about them that you like, in general? The story, the art/style, etc? I like a lot of the artwork, and i like the uniqueness of the storytelling format.   If you could choose a Smack, what would it have in it? ooo, decisions...actually that harvest peach sounds amazing... as far as custom, i've toyed with a Mojito-limeade x2, bluegrass, mint medley, maybe an earthy one with spice trade, redwoods, bonfire and either unearthed or incense, and then maybe a light citrus one like limeade, georgia peach, and a couple scoops of fresh squeezed citrus. (yes, i've played the smack forumalation game.   if you could have a salon scent made, based on any artwork(s) what would it be? In the thread I posted a nude angel by Jerry Uelsmann.   Are you scientifically curious and/or process-oriented? Would you like a project-type gift that allowed you do do something like make soap from scratch, take and (nontoxic-ly) develop photographs using a pinhole camera, use plant dyes on yarn or fabric, etc.? i do the photography thing, so that's a little redundant, but anything else, hell yes. anything from soapmaking to yarn dyes, to basic spinning info to grown your own crystals kits.   What's 'your' song/your theme song? In the thread I went with Annie Lennox 'A thousand beautiful things' or AWOLNATION's 'jump on my shoulders'   What would be your superpower? I played a character once that was a projective empath, and I was somewhat envious of her.   Witchee, would you like a gently used BPAL tshirt? sure, i love the lab's babydoll t's, think the ones i have are xl's, the only bpal shirts i have are resurrection and carnaval diabolique   Do you like homemade snack mixes? I know Puppy Chow was mentioned in a previous question, but what about healthier and more natural type snacks like granola or trail mix? You can put a lot of delicious and fun things into trail mix, yeah? If you say "Sure, I'd love some!" what kinds of things do you like/not like in those kinds of snacks, ie coconut flakes, raisins, certain nuts (allergies??), candy, etc. Give us your list of DO's and DON'Ts! I'm slightly sensitive to sulfur, so minimal amounts of things preserved thusly. no nut allergies, love dried fruit, fan of salty/sweet combo things   Do you like charm bracelets? If you had a bracelet, what sort of charms would you want on it? Favorite hobbies, symbols, whatever? i actually used to have a tattoo design i was fiddling with as a charm anklet. the things that ended up on it were pieces of nature and things that represented my family, loved ones, and things that were important to me.   September 20th Would you like any ecotools makeup brushes? They're kinda one of my favorite things ever, and they're animal-friendly and the handles are bamboo. And to top it all off, they work really well for applying makeup. I actually got the basic 5 piece bamboo set of these and love them. I could use a kabuki or powder brush for applying powder foundation though, mine's about seen the end of days.   Do you like Legos? Especially mini-fig key chains, Lego block keychains, small Lego sets, etc? i do, and haven't played with legos in probably 20 years at least.   Since the previous question about "what would you buy from the Lab if you had unlimited funds, etc" left WAY too much to the imagination with no limitations (my answer was pretty much BUY ALL THE THINGS!), what would you do if you found a $50 bill on the ground and a nagging voice in the back of your mind told you that you HAD to spend it on BPAL or else face Death. Also, say they had free shipping (LOL) so don't factor that in. What would you get? And spend it all! Or as close to $50 as you can get. Sentimental Initiation, Embalming Fluid (it's what hooked me on bpal and I've never actually gotten a bottle), imps of Hollywood Babylon, Jack, Jersey Devil...and i think I just spent $49.50   Are there any characters that you love or identify with? character i love: first that comes to mind is Aerin from Robin McKinley's Hero and the Crown, which was my first fantasy book (it pretty much has no spine left at this point), character i both love and relate to: Hermione   A question! If you are crafty, what's your personal art style? I'm not talking just about what art you like to look at, but what kind of art do you like creating? Do you have a "process" while you're creating beauty? I plan things out in my head a lot first, and then usually what i end up with is not what i saw. my drawing style is very kind of loose and fluid, even my Illustrator projects tend to look more like charcoal than computer illustrations.   Are there any Arcana Weenies that you MUST HAVE?Hobbedy's Lantern sounds lovely, maybe Comfort me with apples, or Sleepy Hollow, but i've never tried their perfumes and have no idea if they'd behave or not.The soaps would probably be nice though. =) I'm actually tremendously tempted by Puppy Kisses that I saw on soapboxco's site. I had a sample of the huntress soap at one point, and that was really pretty. Sunflower's lament and vimpire's garden sound interesting too. Bah, these are not weenies, whatever. =)   So what say you? IS an "unexpected" visit/in-person witching OK? I'd love to meet my witch, meeting somewhere would probably be better due to house disaster, crotchety dog, etc. As kaki mentioned, there are some awesome breweries here, plus coffeeshops and other fun stuff.   September 19th What strange misc. items would you love to receive that you just haven't gotten for yourself?: lemme ponder this   How do you feel about franken polish? Are you okay with all chemicals, or would you prefer 3 free? Would you want glitter or holographic glitter? What colors would interest you? this sounds really cool, and i'm not as concerned with what's in it as i am about getting it off my nails later. i love frost/glittery stuff, and basically anything but pink.   Dear witchee, how do you feel about lip balm? Favorite style (twist up tube, pot, tube with wand, etc.)? Favorite flavors? Flavors to avoid? Favorite brand? Do you need more right now or are you set? Are you one of those people who could never have enough lip balm even though you have a bowl on your dresser overflowing with them and 10 in your purse and an order for more on the way? I live in the land of no humidity, therefore I have at least 5 in rotation at once, so I always have one on me. Tubes are best, but I'll use anything. I'm not a big fan of mint since it sticks with you FOREVER, and I think I'd prefer to stay away from any of the weird savory flavors I've seen on websites (cheese pizza lipbalm? srsly?), but otherwise I'm pretty open. I think currently I have citrus, coconut, cherry vanilla, and cappucino lip balms in circulation.   September 18th Do you wear t-shirts? Are there particular things you like on them? Would you like one designed by your Witch? And, if you don't mind saying, what size t-shirt do you wear? I wear a lot of t-shirts, I would love a witch-designed shirt, and I do everything from plain t-shirts to barely appropriate commentary shirts and whatever interesting graphics. I think the only things I wouldn't care for on a shirt are political or christian themes, which i can't see being an issue in SW anyway. Oh, yeah, I tend to wear babydoll tees mostly, L or XL depending on the stretchiness of the fabric.   How do you feel about pumpkin scented things? Not perfume related, but soap, candles, etc.... *thumbs up*   Has anyone else heard of or does anyone else love Glamourkin?I do love them. Some of my favorites they have up currently are 'dance the sacred path' 'she blessed the moon' 'wishes sprout in faery ground' 'she learned a shining language' 'i am a sea pilgrim'   If you had an international witch, is there anything you would like from the UK? (Or Australia, Belgium, France any other country we have witches from. I love just getting random stuff from faraway places. I've been really fortunate to get bits of things from Europe and Australia in other swaps, and mimosa sent me a lovely assortment of things from the British Isles in the getaway swap. I can't think of anything specific, just love getting bits of the rest of the world since I don't get to travel much.     SOCK PREFERENCES?   Would you like/wear a pair of these? http://www.ravelry.c...rary/yoga-socks If so, what color? definitely, and anything not pastel. =)   Is there anyone here who likes toe socks? You know, those socks with a place for each toe?   September 17th   Are you looking for a certain kind of DVDs to spruce up your collection right now? Honestly? I would love to pick up a bit of bollywood. I'm totally hooked on the music and we've watched some clips with my belly dance troupe, and it's a hoot.   Does anyone like postcards? Is anyone willing to be a Nacho witch for postcards? Love to get, happy to send out.   Anyone going to see any good concerts this fall? I just got to see a flamenco show last weekend, that's probably the extent of it though.   Do you like Star Trek? Original TV series, films, spinoff series, etc? Favorite characters? yes! fave series were TNG and DS9, and I loved the newer 'classic' movie. Favorite characters...that's tough. Picard and Data(TNG), Garak (DS9), Scottie (both the original and Simon Pegg's version), Spock   Witchee, would you like a framed photograph and of what? Or a not-framed and I can frame it if you're worried about glass. =) I love photography, black and white holds a special place in my heart. I love nature stuff and macro work especially, but photos in general are win.     September 16th   Are you more prone to order out or cook at home? Would you be interested in cookbooks, kitchen utensils, and the like? If so, anything specific? I love to cook, and although I can't think of anything specific, my witch's favorite recipes (if s/he cooks) would be brilliant.   New question: How do you feel about maple syrup? i'm in the 'like' crowd   How do people feel about little pocket shrines, maybe something inspirational/motivational to keep in their purses/backpacks/whatever? (Like these: http://www.art-shrin...cketshrines.htm) i love this idea   Do you like Star Wars? Original Trilogy? Prequels? Spin-offs? Favorite characters? I can cheerfully forget that episodes 1-3 exist, but I did like the originals, and I think my brother and I wore out the tape of the first Ewok movie. I like the Ewoks, darn it. And R2 =)   Do you like beef jerkey, I know some may be vegatarian, but where I live beef is a staple and beef jerkey abounds. If so do you it really thin, hard and crunchy or thicker and softer. (OK that borders on obscene)- I like jerky, and both styles. I'm just not a huge fan of the coated-in-pepper stuff.   Also do you like or racier ecards from time to time and do you need to be warned if something may be not safe to open at work. I am far from a prude, and I don't check email at school or work, so it's all good.   Doctor Who? Yay or nay? (please don't make me cry by saying nay) Yea, though I have not watched nearly as much of it as I'd like.   I have a couple spare Doctor Who stickers. If my witchee is a fan, would they like a couple Doctor Who stickers in their package? I never actually use stickers because I never know what to stick them on that I'll have for a long time that will stay nice. *sheepish*   Anyone love Buffy/Angel?Not me, thanks.   How would you feel about gummies? Like, gummy bears? Gummy werewolves? Gummy vampires? I adore gummie candies of all kinds. Haribo gold bears are my standard WoW raiding snack of choice.   How would you feel about a totally original Gela-skin for your laptop/iPod/phone? Stickers? Decals? I don't actually know what this is...I has no laptop, no iPod, no iPhone...I do have a slide-out-keyboard monstrosity of a phone, but since I'm constantly dropping it/dinging it up, anything pretty on it seems kind of pointless.   Since this is a Halloween round, what's your Creepy threshold? Are you a cartoon bats and smily pumpkins person or a skulls-and-bones the-dead-are-rising kind of person? Are your fairytales dark or Disney? I like dark, but not gorefest kind of stuff. Haunting.   Are your ears pierced, Witchee? Do you have any other piercings? Would you like to receive any items of jewelry for these piercings? My ears are pierced, 2 holes left, 1 right, just normal sized holes, no gauges. I wear studs or chained ear cuffs (pierced earring connected by a chain to an ear cuff, in some cases abounding with extra chains and sparklies) in the odd piercing, and generally fishhooks and dangly earrings in the other two. Big, attention grabbing earrings are also total win for dance costuming. I love sparkly chandelier type things.   How do you all feel about Whoopie Pies? Like them, made them once which was a hilarious mess but they were quite tasty. Especially the vanilla-cardomom filling ones.   September 15th   interested in anything from Lush? I am a lush noob, I'll have to look and edit this.   Do you blog? Would you like a header for your blog, a layout, etc? I don't blog yet, and I'm in school for graphic design and web development so I think I'm ok on this one. =)   Would you be interested in a handmade bookmark? Sure, or flag tag type page markers.   do you like chex puppy chow or muddie buddies (ingredients: semi-sweet chocolate chips, PB, vanilla extract, powdered sugar, chex cereal)? would you want to get some from your witch / nacho witch? yup.   How would you feel about receiving a Groupon deal for something in your local area? If there is anything you WOULDN'T like, mention that also. I wouldn't know what goes on in Fort Collins that I'd do...restaurants and stuff maybe. (I mostly see groupons come in for the cleaners where I work, lol) Probably best to ask if you have something specific in mind.   do you like real sugar skulls? Things with sugar skull designs?As my birthday is El Dia de los Muertos, it would be silly for me not to like sugar skulls. *grin* I'm not fanatical about collecting them, but I do like the theme.   Who here adores meringue? the crunchy type ones i like.   September 14th Oh! Random stuff:   Things like Cuervo's possibly including a book of her poetry would be loved, or anything my witch has done, whether a book, an art print, anything like that.   Also, finally an answer to the over/under $10 thing, and actually it works for either. Bindis! I've been belly dancing for 2 years and I do not have any such beasties.   Can you sum yourself (whether it be personality, life's goals, ethics, whatever) in 10 words or less? not even remotely. How about little bottles of booze? Ya wanna? What kind? could do! my favorites are irish whiskey and butterscotch schnapps (not together), but basically anything but tequila and plain vodka would be enjoyed.   What are your views on fudge and brownies? (Also, if you live in a warm place, where the fudge might melt, that'd be helpful to know. Or, if you're diabetic and fudge is death, that'd be useful to know, too.) my views can be summed up as YESPLZ =)   Also, what about mochi? Love it, hate it, baffled by it? love it. i haven't tried all that many, but of what i have, black sesame is my favorite. and green tea icecream mochi, but i can't image those would apply to SW   Anything from the update ya'll are liking? BPTP UPDATE the atmo sprays sound interesting, the Samhain and Steuobsweise (howevertheheck it's spelled) both sound lovely, Fruitbat bath oil, Crypt King, and the bath brews crack me up--howlet's wing, eye of newt, lemurian seaweed, and tears all sound interesting--nothing i'll actually buy this time 'round, but i wouldn't mind getting to sniff a sample. =)   Does anyone like kimchi? the one time i had it, i did like it pretty well.   Would you be interested in a sample box(from somewhere like Birchbox or loosebutton)? neat idea, but given how wonky my skin is, probably not the best idea for me. if my witch were to put together something with samples of some of her favorite products, or if there's a natural stuff version of this somewhere, that would be a better option.   You have to place a Lab and Trading Post order. Right fuckin' now. No spending limits. What do you buy? about half the trading post weenies, the skellie t-shirt and probably the generic lunacy t, maybe the weenie t...Ugh massage oil, the RPG atmo sprays. From the Lab, backups of Aureus and The Butterfly, Prince Lir, the few weenies that sounded like they'd work, the rpg line (I have and love elf, ranger, half elf, and have imps of rogue, neutral, good, chaotic, lawful, so i'm dreadfully nosy about the rest), curious about avenger and harlequin from Grendel...probably half my wishlist just to try things.   Paintbox Soapworks - anything you're interested in, in general or from the latest update? <3 her stuff. the moundshroud strikes my interest, and this incarnation of indian summer. in general i just love her stuff (i am hoping that Yuletide Mariner makes a reappearance this year)   Do you guys have any sports that you follow obsessively? How about favorite teams and/or athletes No sports, but I'm always interested in good dance videos. Find some neat tribal bellydance stuff somewhere on the interwebs? Pass it on, I will be ecstatic. =)   How do you feel about notebooks/journals/stationery? Anything you need or particularly like? I adore writing stuff-my only particular preference is for unlined or narrow-ruled paper.   Does confetti/glitter make you angry or fill you with glee? dismayed glee? i don't mind trailing glitter behind me. *grin*   Fabulous witches and witchees, perhaps you all could note of you've received MeiLin's goodies? Or if you want? I have a hardbound copy of Lovers and Beloveds and have read the short story. That, sadly, is all I have.   How do you feel about stuffed animals/plushies/general soft, cuddly things? If you like them, what kind of animals would you be interested in? I actually do love stuffed animals, and any animal would be cherished. i have everything from standard bears to a plush scorpion, so anything goes as long as it's soft and pet-able.   how interested would you be on somewhat personalized bottle cap labels? Like these that I did? i love the idea     September 13th   How would you feel about kitchen towels and other similar household objects, if they are pretty or a souvenir? i like the idea, but kitchen towels and suchlike wouldn't really see much use, we tend to use the plain beat-up-and-don't-feel-bad type of household stuff   How did you dress up for your last party or compulsory-formal-dress occasion? since this was last week, i actually have an answer! (grownup clothes! yay!) Knee-length cap sleeve black dress, closed-toed black shoes, a lovely handmade lace shawl from a good friend of mine, some pretty bits of jewelry.   Do you enjoy puzzles/riddles? (Cryptograms, Sudoku, Crossword, Jigsaw, etc) i love problemsolving, so yeah   Witchee, would you be interested in having a special tea cup/coffee mug/glass to drink out of? absolutely!       September 12th   Would you like to receive e-books? And if so, in what format? not a big ebook person since i don't have a reader and spend too much time in front of a computer as is. books (esp used books) are awesome though.   If you have kids, would you be interested in getting things for them? And if so, what are they interested and what sizes are the wearing now? no kiddos here   Would you be interested in a felted handbag? Do any of these styles appeal to you? http://tinyurl.com/3o2epzl (there's at least one guy-friendly style, too!) I'm not so much a handbag person. I occasionally carry a purse if I have to, but it's such a rare thing I can't say I need one. What I could use is a good-sized dance bag if anyone has such a thing or is a crafty sewing person with some scrap fabric around--I'm currently lugging my dance gear in a backpack that's crammed to the gills.   Are there are patterns, motifs, etc that you especially like? I've been really drawn to floral stuff lately, especially leaves, trees, vines, nothing particularly ornate. spirals and knotwork are also loves.     If you're a tea drinker, is there any specific tea you would like to receive, not just the kind/flavor but also the type/packing--i.e., tea bags, loose tea, compressed, etc? I use both loose and bagged (never had compressed). As far as flavor, I drink a bit of everything, probably lean toward good black tea more than anything, but i also drink green (and genmaicha!), and herbal teas.   September 11th   I am fond of the thrift. Do you mind lightly used goods? Please be specific! For instance, I'm a little squicked by used clothing, but I don't mind any other used goods (i.e. books, glassware, games, DVDs, whatever.) bring it on! undergarmenty clothes and shoes would be the only things i'd steer away from.   Do you have an Etsy shop? Do you know of any Etsy shops that are Switch Witch friendly? i don't yet--it's on my to-do list. i think the only shops i know of are ones that have already been mentioned...stardust, joystreet, paintbox...   Would a gift or a postcard from Disneyland make you squee with delight or puke into your mail box? I am mostly neutral on this I think. There are disney things I adore, and others that are just meh.   what are your favorite types of Halloween candy? those caramel apple pops that i think it was stellans who enabled us all with last year. i have a sweet tooth, so i will tend to graze whatever candy though.   Do you prefer soap or shower gel? Please give examples of your favorite scents or brands. soap. largely because i'm sensitive to both sulfates and a lot of perfumy stuff,. i used to use the occasional shower gel (bamboo birch was the scent, think from giovanni?), most of my soap lately has been paintbox (i stay away from purely florals and foodies, but love everything else she makes), villainess (so far my favorites have been frostbite from last winter, byzantium, and maybe asphyxiate?), and chagrin valley (none of her stuff is that heavily scented, but i do adore the fragrance of the cafe moreno hair bar)   How do you like your chocolate? For example with nuts, mint, peanut butter, caramel? not a huge fan of mint, otherwise i'm not picky =)   Beads! Do you use them? Would you want some? What sorts of beads do you like? i love beads, generally stone, glass, ceramic, interesting wood beads, etc. i'll find something to do with about anything.   Anyone here like caramels? Sea salted caramels?!?! *flailing muppet arms* caramel is hands down my favorite sweet. i always look at places like fusionsweets and make hypothetical orders.     Would you like a hand dyed or hand painted scarf or wrap or other item? If so, what colors/designs/fabrics do you like? bold colors, earthtones, greens, blues...basically just no pastels and i'm thrilled, fabric--anything that's soft and preferably machine or hand washable.   This was a question before, but does anyone here like stones? Just pretty polished stones for use in whatever purposes? yes!   And another question; anyone like anything in particular from Think Geek?     September 10th   What #1 actor, director, author and/or musician are you obsessed with? I don't think I'm particularly obsessed with anything. The closest I come is with books. I have every one of Nalini Singh's psy-changeling and guild hunter books to date, I'm bouncing up and down waiting for the next Olympians book from Rick Riordan...yeah, that's really about as far as my obsessing goes.   are you interested in anything from the Villainness Bad Apples update? they all actually sound gorgeous   If you have a pet, would he/she/they like to receive a treat or a toy as a gift? Does your pet have any dietary restrictions or other preferences w.r.t. said treat? Kali has weird allergy issues (including poultry of all kinds) so treats are iffy, she does however adore stuffed toys to play with, and if they make noise she's even happier.   What are your top three "I want to try them but I think I'll never get to try them" (or, "I've tried them and I want moar moar moar, but I don't think I'll ever get any") scents/bath oils/sprays? *pondering*   Is there a particular artist and piece that you would like a print of? If so, what is your max size that you could spare on your walls? at the moment subject matter is eluding me, but probably no bigger than 16x20-ish.   If you are in to beauty and makeup related stuff, what kind of stuff do you like? What is your skintone and hair color? Are there any beauty products you've wanted to try but just never purchase? very fair with tawny undertone (yellow/gold rather than pink), hair is naturally brown/grey, henna'd dark auburn. because my skin's so wonky i stick to mineral makeup and suchlike. i'm still looking for the perfect moisturizer.   Do you like coffee or tea? Would you be interested in trying some different types? I enjoy both, always open to trying different things.   Are there any CDs/Albums you've been wanting but haven't bought yet? What format do you prefer? (i.e. mp3, actual cd, record, etc) i have some stuff running around on my amazon wishlist (think it's under graphicsting at gmail), mp3 or cd is fine.   Are you going away for any part of this round?Not for more than a day trip.   Would you like to receive a mix-CD from your Witch? yep!   If your witch were going somewhere on a vacation during the round, would you want a little souvenir? sure! i love travel-y things   Do you enjoy any outdoor activities? Do you have a favorite form of "exercise"? I like walking and hiking, messing in my garden, charging around with a camera. My favorite exercise is dance, hands down.   Any witchee's with a ravelry account have any favourited patterns that cost money that would be a welcome gift? i have a few lace shawls that i would love to get eventually--the garden path shawl, gathering leaves, wings of the valkyrie, the midsummer's dream cami is on my to-do list too. or anything my witch thinks i would like to crochet, surprises are always fun!   Do you work/study at a desk and enjoy interesting or cute office supplies? I am basically chained to my desk currently. I'd love a good book/page holder-upper if anyone knows of one. I love office supplies in general, but I like practical, or quirky or animal cute--I'm not very girly-cute oriented.   Witchee, are you a fan of musicals? If so, which ones?The only ones I've really heard/seen are Phantom of the Opera, most of which I can still sing by heart, Les Mis, Rent (have soundtracks to all of the above). I can't say I'm really familiar with any newer theatre.     September 9th   Do you like to burn incense? If so, what are your favorite kinds...sticks? cones? resins? What are your favorite scents? I do like to, just don't do it very often. I like earthy/spice/resin scents more than florals I think, though I'm open to trying stuff. Never had the incense, but I had a nag champa fragrance oil that I was fond of.   - Harry Potter - a fan? If so, what house are you? Not as rabid as some people, but I adore the books. House-wise I'm kind of straddling the line between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff   - If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from? Any online shop I frequent, something like Hobby Lobby or Michael's would be gleefully used.   Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you're drawn to? As a collection, I've always been a Greek mythology nerd. Past that I'd have to contemplate.   September 8th From the Weenie Update....what are you most wanting to try? Autumn Cider, Elegy, La Calavera, Mictecacihuatl, October, Samhain, Silver Apple, Golden Apple   Who's into nail polish? What colors/brands? love it, my nails are usually painted, and i think i have almost every color of that Sinful Colors stuff that Walgreens carries, along with a few others (frosts>creams). I'm not sure what I'd be looking for, maybe a nice warm-ish earthtone.   Is there a quote (or lyric or part of a poem) that really resonates with you or is your favorite? I have pages of notable quotes that i keep both just to read and to use for calligraphy pieces. i'd much rather get someone else's favorites to add to my collection. =) Dream candle? Scent, color, type (tealight, votive, pillar, jar, etc.), throw... This varies seasonally. My favorite candle scents tend to be foodie or fruit. Or the ones that smell like real christmas trees (yankee's mistletoe and woodwick's mistletoe magic I think it's called are a couple of great ones just for anyone's reference). jars and tarts are my favorite candle formats, and i do have a fondness for woodwicks because i love that crackling fire noise.   Do you like knitted goodies? If so, what would you like and what colors? BWAHAHAHAHAHA. erm, yes. and other than undergarments, anything would be welcome. as for colors, pastels bad, anything else wonderful. Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics? Non-sweets works! I dunno about specifics...snack-type things that I can keep on my desk to munch while I'm working would be cool.   What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying? I'll have to ponder this. Last spring prior to a state of broke, I picked up a bunch of bottle wishes. Yo, yarnies! Do you Ravelry? If so, who are you over thar? I'm firechild on rav. I suck at keeping up with my gallery, but I like to browse patterns and be nosy about what other people are making. Social Media? Facebook is about where I draw the line. I think all my details are turned private so your best bet to find me is the GUSP group.   Do you have wishlists for non-BPAL e-tailers? And if so, could you provide a link or a list? I have loads of stuff favorited on etsy if anyone wants a crafty reference, I have kind of an anemic and mostly music related wishlist on amazon.   Witchee, do you use a PC or a Mac? PC. Also, I have a Creative mp3 player. I have to use a Mac at school since that's what's in the graphics lab, and I tolerate it, but anywhere I have control of my computing schtuff, DO NOT WANT. I am the anti-mac, and I despise the iEverything nonsense. If other people want to go that route, fine, bless you, I'm not going to computer evangelize, I just want no part of it. What is your favorite animal? It varies pretty significantly. Foxes, hummingbirds, frogs, wolves, big cats, chipmunks...so maybe the answer is just yes. =P   What are you going to be for Halloween? Probably not a whole lot of anything. I think I work and have school that day, so I'll possibly just snag the more durable parts of my costuming and do something a bit gypsy/belly dancer.   If you could have a piece of oil painting jewelry (pendant, pair of earrings, or ring) with absolutely anything painted on it, what would it be? (If you prefer wall art instead, same question as above.) I'm in a flora mode currently. Plants, trees, flowers, etc. Any of these would make me a happy camper.   How do you feel about nick-knacks? Packrat, thy name is skye... What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you? A lot of my family's traditions belong to the christmas season. I have to have a living tree of some kind, and the food traditions are something I get really twitchy about. Christmas Eve and New Years Eve are always fancy finger food stuff, and Christmas dinner is always standing rib roast with horseradish sauce and yorkshire pudding. I think part of that is because it was always tradition when I was growing up, but also because cooking those meals was what my Dad did, so I really feel like keeping that keeps him a part of things.   Other than that, my family's pretty tradition-light honestly. Hmm.   Do you like going to the movies? Don't go very often, but I do enjoy it as a treat out for special occasions or movies that really lend themselves to big screen viewing. Haven't been to the theater since June, actually. What are your favorite restaurants? I don't get to eat out much these days. My favorite place out here hands down is a place called Chili House, which is kind of pan-asian. We also have a good Mexican restaurant, and just discovered a wonderful little Mediterrean cafe last night. Yay for gyros and baklava! Do you play any video games? yup! I am a Wow geek. I've also been known to play other rpgs, I loved the old school final fantasy games (up through about 10, I think) and other console rpgs, things like Heroes3, Dragon Age (haven't finished it, don't have the second). I never did get to play The Longest Journey, hoepfully some day I get to do that. Oh, my mom and I also play old school Nintendo and Super Nintendo games like Tetris II and Bubble Bobble. Do you like any anime? honestly i haven't seen any in years. i adored record of lodoss war, which i guess would fall under that category, but i'm so far out of that loop. Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for? newp.   how much do you like jewelry? like, if you were to get a shit ton of it during the round, how excited would you be? *wild cackle* bring it.   How would you like to receive some of your Witch's favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants? LOVE recipes. No particular dietary restrictions, but I'd love to collect more vegetarian/vegan recipes.     Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? What would you store in said hypothetical box--imps, bottles, supplies, all of the above? storage is always welcome. if I don't need it for smellies, I'm sur eI have something else that needs a home.   Muppets: yea or nay? yea. i watch the muppet version of bohemian rhapsody every time i need to laugh   Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, and other comic strips? If so, which is your favorite? calvin and hobbes was always a favorite, i think i have most if not all of the compilation books   Favorite Mythological Creature?: judging by the number that inhabit my house, i'd have to say dragons. i have an odd fascination with winged things in general though--gargoyles, angels, my winged spirit wolf in my bedroom...   Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers:   Expanding on the hair question - does anyone like those flower clips for the hair that are big right now?? barrettes, flowers, hair ties are all complete win. i like the big embellishments since even if i can't use them on a daily basis, they're awesome for dance.




Fall 2011 SW Questions!

Answered some of these in-thread, but I thought I'd move the rest here.   Do you like to burn incense? If so, what are your favorite kinds...sticks? cones? resins? What are your favorite scents? I don't usually do incense.   Harry Potter - a fan? If so, what house are you? Yes! Gryffindor, usually.   If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from? Barnes & Noble, Sockdreams, pretty much anywhere.   Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you're drawn to? "The Seven Swans" was a favorite fairytale. I love ghost stories; Ruth Ann Musick's collection Coffin Hollow remains one of my favorite books.   Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics? Nuts are great! I'm not sure what other things would ship well, but anyway . . . Yes!   What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying? This has already happened to me. Antique Lace has always been one of my top scents--seriously, I've worn it to weddings, even funerals. Hesperides and Nuit were also favorites. I have some saved away, but I never got to buy a bottle of Dublin, which was serious love. DeSade, meanwhile, was one of my favorite layering notes. And then they discontinued The Unicorn . . . AAAGH! Right now I'd be sad if they discontinued Bewitched, even though I have a bottle, as it's the first BPAL I ever tried and a special favorite. I'd also miss Dorian, as it smells divine on my boyfriend. I'm hoping Ashlultum comes back, and I may kick myself if I don't get a bottle of Vasilissa.   Do you have wishlists for non-BPAL e-tailers? And if so, could you provide a link or a list? Mine should be in my regular Wishlist.   Witchee, do you use a PC or a Mac? Mac all the way!   What is your favorite animal? My dog. And horses.   What are you going to be for Halloween? I loved bloodysore's answer to this: "A drunk girl." I'm also working on a Professor McGonagall costume.   If you could have a piece of oil painting jewelry (pendant, pair of earrings, or ring) with absolutely anything painted on it, what would it be? (If you prefer wall art instead, same question as above.) Something Gothic, maybe? My Edgar Allan Poe necklace is one of my favorite things!   How do you feel about nick-knacks? Really depends . . . I don't have a lot of room for them, but I love them anyway. Especially things that are literature-themed, superhero-themed . . . Etc.   What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you? Spending time with my family on holidays. Playing in my dad's Fantasy Football league. Driving the Blue Ridge Parkway in the spring and fall. Having a big Halloween party. That kind of thing!   Do you like going to the movies? Yes. Closest cineplex is a Marquee, although I love to go to the small downtown theaters and the local drive-in when I can.   What are your favorite restaurants? Local places, mostly. As far as chains go, I like Carabba's, Sonic (diet limeade FTW!).   Do you play any video games? No time. I almost beat Champions: Return to Arms this summer, then someone saved over my game. :facepalm:   Do you like any anime? Don't really follow it, but I'd be open to a good story.   Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for? I have a MacBook that looks as if it's been through a small war. I'd love to have a case I could fit inside my messenger bag, so I wouldn't have to carry a separate case for it. I don't have a case for my iPod Nano, either.   how much do you like jewelry? like, if you were to get a shit ton of it during the round, how excited would you be? I would make high-pitched shrieks of joy that would seriously alarm the dog.   How would you like to receive some of your Witch's favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants? Absolutely!   Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? What would you store in said hypothetical box--imps, bottles, supplies, all of the above? I'm good on bottle boxes, and I have a rack for roller bottles. I'd love a better imp storage box. I like having them flat so I can see the labels, but the cigar box I use is showing a lot of wear and I need something bigger. I'm open to ideas.   Muppets: yea or nay?   Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, and other comic strips? If so, which is your favorite? All of the above! I like Get Fuzzy and Pearls Before Swine too.   Favorite Mythological Creature?: Always loved unicorns as a kid.   Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers Yes, I do, although my hair is pretty heavy and thick; fragile hair clips won't survive! I especially love Celtic-themed ones.   Expanding on the hair question - does anyone like those flower clips for the hair that are big right now?? Flower clips are big right now?




Switch Witch Help (as in, HELP!)

Hi! Thanks for being my Witch! Just so you know: I'm pretty low maintenance, and will be happy with just about everything I get (exceptions: campaign materials for Rick Perry, Sarah Palin et al.; Dick Cheney's Memoir, anything trying to covert me to Christianity -- you get the idea). So don't worry, if you were!   I'm pretty new to BPAL and totally new to Switch Witch, so I have The Fear. Anyway, I thought I'd put the answers to the questions (the ones not on the questionnaire, I mean), in one handy dandy place. So here you are:   September 8 and 9 Questions:   Do you like to burn incense? If so, what are your favorite kinds...sticks? cones? resins? What are your favorite scents? I'm actually not a huge fan of incense, although I do like burning oils. I have an oil burner for that purpose, in fact, that I got from The Body Shop. My favorite is Sweet Maple, I think it's called, and I also love lavender anything.   - Harry Potter - a fan? If so, what house are you? I read all the books and enjoyed the series, but I wouldn't call myself a fan, really. But I do know my house would be Ravensclaw.   - If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from? Sephora! And also Ulta, The Container Store, iTunes, Amazon.com, Powells.com, and Bed Bath and Beyond.   Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you're drawn to? No particular one, but I love all the Greek myths, especially any stories about Athena.   From the Weenie Update....what are you most wanting to try? Boo 2011, Pumpkin Princess, A Nocturnal Reverie, Ghosts in Love, and Autumn Cider.   Who's into nail polish? What colors/brands? Love nail polish SO MUCH. My favorites are OPI and Butter London, and I like Essie, Sally Hansen, and Zoya too. Colors: anything red or blue, and some dark greens.   Is there a quote (or lyric or part of a poem) that really resonates with you or is your favorite? She waited for the train to pass. Then she said, "I sometimes think that people’s hearts are like deep wells. Nobody knows what’s at the bottom. All you can do is imagine by what comes floating to the surface every once in a while." — Haruki Murakami, Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman. I also love the Yusef Komunyakaa poem "Anodyne," found here, especially the last three lines.   Dream candle? Scent, color, type (tealight, votive, pillar, jar, etc.), throw... I like some scented candles, but DELIVER ME from the horror that is Yankee Candle. Right now, my favorite is an opoponax candle from Diptyche.   Do you like knitted goodies? If so, what would you like and what colors? I do! I love scarves and knitted (or crocheted) animals. My favorite colors are pink and red.   Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics? Sure, absolutely! As long as no mushroom, which I'm allergic to. Oh, and this is very very weird, but: I have a weird phobia about soup. Don't ask.   What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying? Aizen-Myoo. Speaking of which, I have to get around to it.   Yo, yarnies! Do you Ravelry? If so, who are you over thar? Yes, I do! I'm holborne there, too.   Social Media? Yep -- Twitter (holborne), Facebook (my real name), and Google+ (my real name). Also Tumblr (www.frothyparadise.com)   Do you have wishlists for non-BPAL e-tailers? And if so, could you provide a link or a list? I do have an amazon wishlist: here. and an etsy wishlist here.   Witchee, do you use a PC or a Mac? Mac at home.   What is your favorite animal? Dogs, foxes, wombats. Yes, I love wombats!   What are you going to be for Halloween? I suppose this will make people look at me funny but: I hate dressing up in costumes. So I'm going as a lawyer, ha ha.   If you could have a piece of oil painting jewelry (pendant, pair of earrings, or ring) with absolutely anything painted on it, what would it be? (If you prefer wall art instead, same question as above.) I don't have anything specific I'd like to see, really.   How do you feel about knick-knacks? In principle I don't mind them, but my house is v cluttered, so limiting them is a good thing for me. And while we're on the subject, I know this will probably not be a popular statement, but: I LOATHE steampunk. Sorry, but I do.   What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you? I love Thanksgiving; we have a big one with a ton of people both in and out of the family. I'm also fond of breaking the fast on Yom Kippur. Gee, notice a food theme?   Do you like going to the movies? I do!   What are your favorite restaurants? Hoo boy, too many to name. I'll just go by cuisine: my favorites are Thai, pizza, any Italian, Indian, Chinese, Mediterranean, and Korean BBQ. I'm also fond of Olive Garden. Truly.   Do you play any video games? Do we count iPhone apps? If yes, then I play Angry Birds and Cut the Rope.   Do you like any anime? I like some of Hiyao Miyazaki's stuff, but that's about it.   Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for? I have a Nook, but believe it or not, I don't care for any cases I've used for it, and prefer just throwing it in my knitting bag.   how much do you like jewelry? like, if you were to get a shit ton of it during the round, how excited would you be? LOVE, and VERY EXCITED.   How would you like to receive some of your Witch's favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants? Sure, sounds great!   Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? What would you store in said hypothetical box--imps, bottles, supplies, all of the above? Yes, I totally need boxes, and was just noting yesterday that I have only one decent one! I would store bottles; imps I tend to just keep wrapped in bubble wrap in a tin or something.   Muppets: yea or nay? Not really -- a little too sunny for my taste. I like some of the Sesame Street Muppets of the days of yore, but please keep Elmo away from me, and I never liked The Muppet Show.   Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, and other comic strips? If so, which is your favorite? Love Peanuts SO MUCH. Also, Bloom County, though I'm dating myself there.   Favorite Mythological Creature?: Io as a heifer.   Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers. No, I don't really use them, as I just like to wear my hair loose.   Expanding on the hair question - does anyone like those flower clips for the hair that are big right now?? I didn't even know about them!   If you RP, tabletop, forum, or otherwise... Do you have any original characters you'd like to see art of? If so, please give information! Even if it's a link to a web page or a profile or picture! Haven't RPed for many many years.   If you could see anything, what would it be? Can be a person, an event, a landmark or monument, an object, etc. And it doesn't have to be on this planet, or in this time period, or in this reality! Hoo boy, that's a pretty hard question. I think I'd love to see a Shakespeare play performed at the Globe Theater during Shakespeare's lifetime. But I'm sure I could think of other things too.   When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter? First, take a shower. Then, I like to lie on the bed and read a true crime book. Really. Go figure.   What are your thoughts on comics? Any you like? Any you have been wanting to try? Favorite characters? I used to be a big indie comics fan, but I've had less and less time for them as life went on. I have an original drawing of Milk and Cheese on my wall, and I love Evan Dorkin in general. I also used to be kind of obsessed with Roberta Gregory's Naughty Bits and Peter Bagge's Hate.   Are you musical? Do you play an instrument, and if so, what? If not, what do you wish you could play or do? I actually studied to be an opera singer a million years ago, and was accepted to Boston University School of Music but decided not to go. I've sung in various choruses over the years, including at NYC's Mostly Mozart Festival a couple of times. I play piano very poorly, and wish I could take it up again.   Does anyone garden? And if you do, what do you grow? If not, would a starter garden kit be something you'd be interested in? My thumb is um shall we say not green. I can deal with a few houseplants, but that's it.   Do you decorate for Halloween? Is your decorating taste elegant, kitschy and fun, or scary? I don't really decorate for Halloween, unless you count a zillion bags of fun-sized Snickers and their wrappers all over my desk as decoration.   Witchee, do you have any symbols or totems that have special meaning for you? Not so much, although my friends know that I love sheep and lambs.   Is anyone fond of programs like Adopt a Tree/Highway/Library/Manatee/Acre of Rainforest/etc?: I love Heifer International.





Switch Witch Questionnaire   Forum Name: Dominique
Full Name: REDACTED - I'm very sorry, but I have a couple of unwelcome internet stalkers, and I try to keep my real name separate from my pseudonym.
Email Address: Dominique_del_Mer@Yahoo.com
Mailing Address:  
====================   Basic Info
Birthday: September 30, 1987
Pets: N/A (Does my boyfriend count?)
Children: Nope
Religious orientation: Protestant, with strong Pagan leanings.
Favorite Holiday: Chinese New Year and Halloween
Occupation/Major in school: Majored in Technical Writing and Applied Psychology, currently working as a technical writer.
Living arrangement: I have a little one-bedroom apartment that I share with my boyfriend.
Livejournal/Blog/Website: http://www.bpal.org/blog/889-dominiques-blog/
Organizations/Causes/Activities: I’m a part of the Society for Creative Anachronism, which is to say I spend time making medieval clothing and camping in the middle of nowhere.   I also support the Heifer Project  
Favorite BPAL oils: Agrat-Bat-Mahlaht, Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand, Carnal, Giant Vulva, Harimise, June Gloom, Lady Una, Pumpkin Latte, Pumpkin Patch V 2009, Tamamo-No-Mae, Gluttony, Kill Devil, Kumiho, Wanda, Baobhan Sith, Gingerbread Poppet
Favorite notes: Sweet, foody things. The notes below are ones I’m fond of, but if it smells like dessert, chances are good that I’ll like it.
Foody/sweet notes: Honey, quince, vanilla, caramel, sugar, fig, rice, rain, peach, espresso, pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg, chocolate, coffee bean, buttercream, caramel, tea, ginger, chai.
Citrus notes: Mandarin, grapefruit.
Sexy notes: Cream accord, apple blossom, skin musk, pinot noir, sandalwood, merlot, leather, orange blossom, ylang ylang, myrrh.
Favorite non-BPAL perfumes:
Pumpkin Chai, by Violette Market (Notes: Ripe harvest pumpkin, sweet black tea, clove bud, vanilla bean, cardamom, warming Masala spices, and sweet vanilla cream.)
White Tea and Ginger, by the Bath and Body Works
Love Spell, by Victoria's Secret
Least favorite notes: Vetiver , powder, patchouli (I don’t find it offensive, but my skin amps it to the exclusion of everything else), pepper, candy-hot style cinnamon, vetiver, dirt, bitter almond. Oh, and vetiver.
Least favorite non-BPAL perfumes:I only keep a list of the ones I like.   If Beth made a custom blend for you, what would the notes be, and what would you want the label art to look like?
Morning After – Apple blossoms, skin musk and cream accord, overlaid with last night’s pinot noir.
Label art   Hummingbird – Bright, sharp and just a little bit crazy. Ginger, tangerine, grapefruit, fig and peach, with a whiff of vanilla and a double handful of sugar.
Label art       The smell of cordite and a smoking gun barrel overlaying skin musk, too much coffee and a lot of ginger, all hiding a core of caramel and wine-soaked peach.   I'd like the label art to look like this or this.   Clothing & Jewelry
Hair type: Long red hair, wavy with a tendency towards dryness at the tips and oiliness at the roots.
Skin Type: Normal skin
Allergies (specifically B&B related): I'm allergic to eating pomegranate, but haven't had any issues with pomegranate skin products.
Other things to avoid: N/A
Tub, shower or both? Usually, shower. Sometimes a tub.
Favorite bath & beauty products: Glittery lotions, flavored lip gloss and hair conditioner. (No, really. My hair is hip-length and I go through conditioner like you wouldn't believe.) Dr. Bronner’s soap is amazing.
Clothing Style/Fave garments: For work, I tend to wear jeans, t-shirts and jackets. For parties, corsets, long skirts and tight shirts. I'm typically somewhere between geek casual/fetish goth. I like long sleeves, and fitted shirts.
Favorite clothing colors/colors to wear: Black goes with everything. So do deep jewel tones - maroon, blood red, forest green, royal purple. Pastels make me break out in hives. -.-
Type(s) of jewelry worn: Necklaces primarily, though I also wear rings and bracelets. I have 13 ear piercings. The ones along the outer edge of my ear I leave alone, and don’t really swap out the captive bead rings. The piercings in my ear lobes are gauged slightly.
Ring/wrist/collar size: I . . . have no idea.
Jewelry - gold or silver? Silver, rose gold or copper.
Do you have any allergies to metal? Nope.
Favorite gemstones: Precious gemstones, um, ruby and opal. Semi-precious, lapis lazuli, malachite, obsidian and amethyst. Also, mystic topaz, London blue topaz and labradorite. Mmmm, labradorite.
Sock/Shoe Size: I wear an 8, 8 1/2 shoe size, in American sizing. I can provide other sizes, if need be.   Lifestyle
Style/home decoration style: : ‘Eclectic’ is the word, I believe. That, or ‘Moroccan-inspired’. There aren’t any chairs in my apartment, or full sized tables. I have cushions and pillows everywhere, as well as a truly enormous beanbag. There are collages on the walls, using posters, commissioned art, bumperstickers and pictures cut from National Geographic. I have some pictures from http://shadowscapes.com/ and am very fond of her art. The goal is vivid color, but open floor space for dancing. The bedroom is decorated with painted silk tapestries and Morrocan lanterns, with a dragon and phoenix motif. Also, foxes. Foxes, butterflies and hummingbirds also show up regularly.
Favorite decorating colors: Black, royal blue and bright red.
Things you collect: Other than BPAL? I like socks, art of Asian dragons and phoenixes and DragonsandBeasties sculptures
Favorite music: New Age/Celtic music (Enya, Loreena McKennitt), techno, instrumental flute and violin music, as well as bouncy bubblebum pop.
Least favorite music: R&B, hip hop, punk rock, metal rock of all varieties, and dubstep.
Vegetarian/Vegan?: I am an omnivore who attempts to eat healthy.
Other food restrictions: I am allergic to pomegranates, and that’s about it.
Favorite flavors: Pumpkin, ginger, mushroom, chai, chocolate, warm spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cloves), mandarin oranges.
Favorite foods/drinks: Vegetarian lasagna, udon soup, sweet fruity tea, Jamba Juice smoothies, noodles, snickerdoodles. I'm attempting to lose weight, so if you want to send sweets (and yay for sweets!), small quantities would be appreciated.
Favorite authors/genres: Fantasy, military fiction, non-fiction history, Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, Jim Butcher (and similar authors. Urban fantasy is a fun genre.) Also, cook books! I'm trying to learn about Asian history, pre-1900. Steven King, Sharon Shinn,
Least favorite authors/genres: Biographies, sports related stuff, Stephanie Meyer, anything relating to huggable vampires. (The horrifying kind are fun, though.)
Books/authors you'd like to read, but haven't yet: I've picked up The Time Traveller's Guide to Medieval England: A Handbook for Visitors to the Fourteenth Century a couple of times, but haven't read it yet. Oh! And the Dragonbreath series by Ursula Vernon - I have the first one, but none of the others.
How do you feel about receiving gently used books as gifts? Used books are love in solid state. I'd be delighted to receive used books.
Favorite stores (including clothing stores): Um . . . REI, Barnes and Noble, Sephora, MAC Cosmetics. Honestly, I do most of my clothes shopping from thrift stores, or online.
Favorite online stores (including B&B stores): http://www.sockdreams.com/_pages/index.php - Socks! Stripey and knee high or higher.
http://www.nutsonline.com/ - I like dried fruit very, very much.
http://www.twistedfiberart.com/default.asp - yarn. Brightly colored, silk yarn.
http://shadowscapes.com - Lovely art.
http://www.etsy.com/ - Because of aaaaaall the shiny stuff.
http://www.jinx.com/shop/ - I like their t-shirts
http://www.thinkgeek.com/index.shtml - I also like their t-shirts.
Magazines you subscribe to: No active subscriptions at the moment.
Magazines you like, but don't subscribe to: Old school Reader's Digest, National Geographic, Life
Favorite movies: Underworld, Spirited Away, True Grit, Iron Man, Pitch Black, The Expendables, Kiss of the Dragon
Favorite TV show(s): Spartacus, Dirty Jobs, Sons of Anarchy, damn near anything with Gordon Ramsey
Hobbies/crafts done: I knit, manically. I also sew, braid, make kumihimo and do a whole lot of baking. Much in the same way that I can't have enough BPAL, I can't have enough yarn. For, for some reason, yarn sounds like a good idea, I like vivid colors and very soft textures. (Yay for silk and micro-fiber!)   Wishlists
BPAL Wish List (including SW/SF Help): My wishlist is here.   Other website Wish lists (amazon.com, etc):
My Etsy
My Amazon  
Random Questions:
Random Questions:
- On a scale of 1-5, how organized are you?
I’d give it a 3.5 to a 4. My closet is usually kind of messy, but it’s very important to me that the apartment is tidy when I have guests over, and I get stressed when it’s not.  
- Where, outside of the U.S. would you love to visit? (if you're international, this can be anywhere)
Ireland, to see some of the old castles, or Japan, to see the Fushimi Inari Shrine.   - Do people tell you that you act older, younger, or your age?
Act older, and look younger.   -If I gave you a toy gun with flashing lights, would you hide and start shooting people from around corners OR would you thank me on the IGI thread and then quietly donate it (a niece, Oxfam, Goodwill, wherever)? (there are no wrong answers for this, so don't be afraid to answer honestly)
I’d be so jazzed. My boyfriend collects and modifies Nerf guns, so having an armory on hand to return fire is important.  
- What animal do you feel like the most?
I don’t really identify with animals. I like foxes, as they’re associated with one of my role-playing characters, and I like phoenix symbology.   - Your favorite feature about yourself:
I like my hair. It’s blonde-red, very long and quite eye-catching.   - Do you live in a neighborhood or in the middle of nowhere?
I live in the middle of an enormous suburb.   -Have you ever thought, "oh, I'm going to get myself one of those one of these days" but then never do? List 1 under $10 and 1 over $10.
Um . . . I like really, really *deep* red nail polish. (Blue-based red. Soul-sucking red.) That should be less than $10.   A small pot for growing herbs in my window box, or the seeds themselves – I have a bag of potting soil, but I haven’t worked up the nerve to try growing something.   - How do you feel about boi witches?
I like boi witches!   - Do you like garage sales (boot sales)?
Yep! I’m usually too tired to haul myself out of bed early Saturday morning, but I do like the garage sales.   - I like to slather my food in …:
Barbecue sauce or hummus. A local Chinese place has this great dumpling sauce, but I have no idea what's in it, other than soy sauce and chili seeds.   - State fairs or carnivals?
Both! I typically go to the State Fair, as it’s reasonably close by, and enormous.   - You throw caution to the wind and runaway to join a traveling circus. What job would you want ( a main performer, a side show, a behind the scenes spot, etc) and why?
Oh, I’d want to be an acrobat. Great costumes, lots of attention and it’s the closest I’ll get to actually flying.   - What mythical or fantastic race of creatures (dragons, unicorns, griffins, elves, dwarves, faeries, etc.) do you most identify with?
Kitsune! They’re Japanese fox spirits most known for carrying messages for Inari, and for getting into trouble. (And seducing people – good times, all around.)   - Imagine that you're given a shoebox-sized time capsule, and you are asked to put any number of items in the box that symbolize who you are. The items can be may be anything you can imagine, and money is no object, but they must fit within the box. What do you choose?
That is a really hard question. I'd put in my Obrimos necklace, a handful of d10s, a picture of my boyfriend and myself, and probably a folder of papers, containing recipes I've worked on, and stories I've written.   - Do you need storage boxes?
I do. I have overrun my BPAL boxes and am searching for more.   - The world has given you the day off. You hear that, no chores, responsibilities, or budget you have to follow. What would you do in those 24 hours?
I’d probably start prepping the night before – I’d want a day bag packed, and to shower, so that I and my boyfriend could get up early and hop a plan to Ashland, Oregon. We’d get breakfast at one of the cafes, rent bikes, and spend the day biking around town, visiting the little shops and the farms/artist’s markets. I’d hole up in one of the used bookstores, reading everything in sight, then go over to the yarn stores and the wooden toy stores, and fiddle with *everything*. We’d have dinner at the tiny Italian café on Main Street, then watch one of the Shakespeare plays. Good times.   - Do you like steampunk & if so what kind of steampunk item would you most like to receive?
I do! God, uh – I could use a blinged out Nerf gun, a hat, or a pair of goggles. Or a lady’s satchel.   - Do you have an etsy shop?
I do not.   - Would you like to receive baked goods, if so what kind?
Eeee! I totally would! Bread, or cookies, or brownies, or even non-baked goods, such as fruit preserves would outstanding.   - What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions?
My apartment is kinda small. Objects that are beautiful and useful (or, y’know, edible) are always appreciated.  
Notes (Here's where you can add additional information you'd like your Switch Witch to know!):
I play a lot of table-top role-playing games. Dice would be very welcome! Um, I like hair ornaments, particularly hair sticks, fuzzy arm warmers and boxes to store my BPAL collection.   I use a tea chest to hold my BPAL, but there is exactly one slot left. A box or some way to hold the perfume would be awesome.




Switch Witch: Halloween 2011!

Dear beloved Witch, From now on, I only will be answering a selected part from all those questions. There are so many, and so many that aren't relevant for me, so I will be only posting those that I think are interesting. Hope you don't mind! I also figured that I need to highlight anything new in my blog, because I edit previous questions sometimes! The Wishing * BPAL, Moona Lisa, Villainess & Haus of Gloi on ScentBase! * All different stuff on Etsy! * Books on The Book Depository!   Random things I'd Something to put some imps in when I travel, things that are shaped as a leaf or a feather, make-up and brush organising things, photo frames, a pretty cigarette case. The Questions From the Weenie Update....what are you most wanting to try? The ones I would like to try but didn't order are: Boo, Elegy IX: The Autumnal, Expressive Head, Mictecacihuatl, Pumpkin Latte, Samhain, Samhainophobia, Sentimental Initiation, The Green Apple of Venus & The Triumph of Death.   Who's into nail polish? What colors/brands? I really cannot paint my nails, I suck at it, lol.   Is there a quote (or lyric or part of a poem) that really resonates with you or is your favorite? "If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies." Dream candle? Scent, color, type (tealight, votive, pillar, jar, etc.), throw... My dream candle would smell like a moist cake fresh from the oven, with whipped cream. It would be green with beige swirls, in a weckpot with multiple wicks, and it would have a great throw. Do you like knitted goodies? If so, what would you like and what colors? I'd love them! I've allways wanted a slouchy hat, but I also would love legwarmers or earmitts. I'd love them in black, red, purple, blue, green.. but more dark tones, not too bright. I also really like very long scarves. Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics? Allways! I'd love something to eat on my bread.. What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying? Miskatonic University (not mortal terror... but I would be very sad)! Social media? Facebook & Twitter!   Yo, yarnies! Do you Ravelry? If so, who are you over thar? Nopes..   Do you have wishlists for non-BPAL e-tailers? And if so, could you provide a link or a list? See the wishes on the top of this entry. Witchee, do you use a PC or a Mac? An Acer laptop. What is your favorite animal? A kitten, butterfly. What are you going to be for Halloween? Unfortunately, we don't really do Halloween here in Holland as in the States, though I should think of celebrating anyway. I'd probably just go for some weird, alien/horror/fantasy make-up. If you could have a piece of oil painting jewelry (pendant, pair of earrings, or ring) with absolutely anything painted on it, what would it be? A gorgeous butterfly with many colours (or Escher or Dali, but that seems impossible). Totally love the iridescence in them. How do you feel about nick-knacks? No, thank you, I have way too much stuff standing around allready. What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you? Christmas. Do you like going to the movies? Yes I do! What are your favorite restaurants? Indian food, McDonalds & Subway. Do you play any video games? Yes, for example Dragon Age, Diablo II, Mass Effect, Scared, Fable, Halo, Borderlands and so on. We own a pc, a laptop, Gamecube and Xbox360. Do you like any anime? I like it, but I am not really into it, so I wouldn't know any title I am afraid. Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for? My Ipod. How much do you like jewelry? I like some jewelery, but don't wear it a lot.. I love really fine and delicate dangling jewelery, with iridescent colours or nice stones. How would you like to receive some of your Witch's favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants? I would love that, especially for candy or cookies! Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? What would you store in said hypothetical box--imps, bottles, supplies, all of the above? I'd love to have a pretty box for my top 5 most precious bottles. Muppets: yea or nay? Yea! Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, and other comic strips? If so, which is your favorite? Nopes, but I don't dislike them either. Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers ... I love them! Do you like to burn incense? If so, what are your favorite kinds...sticks? cones? resins? What are your favorite scents? I like allmost any kind of incence. Harry Potter - a fan? If so, what house are you? Read the books and watched the movies (except for the last one), but 'fan' is a big word... If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from? BPAL, Haus of Gloi, Sockfeetz, MAC, Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics, Amazon, Zalando. Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you're drawn to? I love Egyptian and Greec myths. If you RP, tabletop, forum, or otherwise... Do you have any original characters you'd like to see art of? If so, please give information! Even if it's a link to a web page or a profile or picture! Nope. If you could see anything, what would it be? Can be a person, an event, a landmark or monument, an object, etc. And it doesn't have to be on this planet, or in this time period, or in this reality! I would see huge mountains or the Amazonian rainforest. When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter? Have a facemask, hairmask, scrub and bodybutter, perfume myself with BPAL, wrap in a soft robe, crash on the couch with a big cup of hot chocolate and watch Blush. What are your thoughts on comics? Any you like? Any you have been wanting to try? Favorite characters? I haven't read comics in a really long time, but I would be interested in trying some if I'd bump into them. Are you musical? Do you play an instrument, and if so, what? If not, what do you wish you could play or do? I am not musical at all, but if I could learn to play one instrument it would be the violin. Does anyone garden? And if you do, what do you grow? If not, would a starter garden kit be something you'd be interested in? I don't have a garden, but I'd love something you can grow (like herbs) behind the window! Do you decorate for Halloween? Is your decorating taste elegant, kitschy and fun, or scary? Halloween isn't really celebrated over here in The Netherlands, but I am playing with the thought of decorating. I would make it cozy with things like pumpkin-shaped candleholders and such things. Witchee, do you have any symbols or totems that have special meaning for you? Yes, I have a little heart necklace my boyfriend bought me with out first Christmas that means the world to me, and also a necklace with a tiger eye stone on it that belonged to my mother. Is anyone fond of programs like Adopt a Tree/Highway/Library/Manatee/Acre of Rainforest/etc? I like the idea, but I wouldn't do it myself, I'd rather pick something I could visit and see for myself. What #1 actor, director, author and/or musician are you obsessed with? I totally love Jason Statham.. *drool* Oeh and Alan Rickman! Are you interested in anything from the Villainness Bad Apples update? Oeh yes I am! I would go crazy over any of the Burns! If you have a pet, would he/she/they like to receive a treat or a toy as a gift? Does your pet have any dietary restrictions or other preferences w.r.t. said treat? Sadly, I don't have any pets, but I am planning to get a kitten, so anything for him/her would be greatly appreciated! What are your top three "I want to try them but I think I'll never get to try them" (or, "I've tried them and I want moar moar moar, but I don't think I'll ever get any") scents/bath oils/sprays? Cake Smash v6, Marshmellow Poof & Pinched with Four Aces. Is there a particular artist and piece that you would like a print of? If so, what is your max size that you could spare on your walls? Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bumblebee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening by Salvador Dali, it's gorgeous! I have some large spaces available up to 2 square metres, but I think a smaller one would also be lovely! If you are in to beauty and makeup related stuff, what kind of stuff do you like? What is your skintone and hair color? Are there any beauty products you've wanted to try but just never purchase? I am in love with whipped soaps, and really like things for on the go.. I've allways wanted to try those blotting papers to carry around in your bag, they seem so handy! Some brands I totally love are MAC, NARS, Haus of Gloi, BPTP, Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics.. I am pretty fair and yellow-based (MAC NC15/NC20), and I have medium warm brown hair. Do you like coffee or tea? Would you be interested in trying some different types? I like both, but don't have a coffee machine. I'd love to try various flavours!   Are there any CDs/Albums you've been wanting but haven't bought yet? What format do you prefer? (i.e. mp3, actual cd, record, etc) Pink Friday by Nicki Minaj. I could both use MP3 and CD. Would you like to receive a mix-CD from your Witch? Yes I would! If your witch were going somewhere on a vacation during the round, would you want a little souvenir? That would be nice. Do you enjoy any outdoor activities? Do you have a favorite form of "exercise"? (keep it clean, all!) I love taking a walk in the nature, or having a picknick. About exercise.. the only I get is the half an hour walk to the train station every day for work, if that counts, lol. Do you work/study at a desk and enjoy interesting or cute office supplies? Yes, I have my own desk at a call center and I love special office supplies! My spot at the desk is really boring and grey right now. Witchee, are you a fan of musicals? If so, which ones? I bet I will love them, I've allways wanted to go to one, but somehow it just never happens..   I am fond of the thrift. Do you mind lightly used goods? Please be specific! I am also fond of the thrift, so I wouldn't mind lightly used goods, as long as they are clean of course. The only thing I wouldn't like used are undies.   Do you have an Etsy shop? Do you know of any Etsy shops that are Switch Witch friendly? I don't have one, but I suppose LaBellaCandela, miwoodcrafts, RitualBath, sweetsnthings, jewelofthelion, Hortons Farm and guyincognito would be nice!   Would a gift or a postcard from Disneyland make you squee with delight or puke into your mail box? Yes I'd love that!   What are your favorite types of Halloween candy? I am not really that familiar with Halloween candy, but I love marshmellows and candy corn! Oeh and I spicy stuff! Or sour candy!   Do you prefer soap or shower gel? Please give examples of your favorite scents or brands. I do not really like solid soap most of the times (they dry me out, although I have heard that Moona Lisa's must be really good), but I do like things like whipped soaps. I also like showergels and the like. My favorite brands for these are Haus of Gloi and 100% Pure. I adore fruity scents and foody scents for under the shower, but also nutty scents or spicy ones. The only scent family I don't like for this are florals.   How do you like your chocolate? For example with nuts, mint, peanut butter, caramel? I do not like peanut butter, but I do like the rest listed. I also love weird ingredients like pink pepper and such.   Beads! Do you use them? Would you want some? What sorts of beads do you like? I don't currently use beads, but I could think of something to make if I got my hands on some pretty small glass ones in warm colors! Are you going away for any part of this round? Nopes.   Anyone here like caramels? Sea salted caramels?!?! I've never had a chance to try them but I'd love to give them a go.   Anyone like anything in particular from Think Geek? I do not know Think Geek. Oh wait. Just checked out their page, and it seems like fun stuff, especially the edibles/drinkables. Hihi!   Would you like a hand dyed or hand painted scarf or wrap or other item? If so, what colors/designs/fabrics do you like? Yes! I love silk, wool, cashmere.. I like a lot of colours, such as red, green, purple, orange.. I love warm, earthy colors mostly. I am not really fond of flower designs though, although I like roses, but more with a modern touch. I also like leafs.   Does anyone here like stones? Just pretty polished stones for use in whatever purposes? I love them!   Would you like to receive e-books? And if so, in what format? I am not really into e-books, more into the real ones.   If you have kids, would you be interested in getting things for them? And if so, what are they interested and what sizes are the wearing now? I do not have kids.   Would you be interested in a felted handbag? Do any of these styles appeal to you? Yes I'd like one! The styles 5, 10 and 13 appeal to me.   Are there are patterns, motifs, etc that you especially like? Roses, butterflies, blossom, curly patterns, leafs.   Witchee, would you be interested in having a special tea cup/coffee mug/glass to drink out of? Yes!   If you're a tea drinker, is there any specific tea you would like to receive, not just the kind/flavor but also the type/packing--i.e., tea bags, loose tea, compressed, etc? I like green/light coloured teas, like camomille, mint, herbal mixes.. I could use tea bags as well as loose tea (I would actually prefer the loose one).   How would you feel about kitchen towels and other similar household objects, if they are pretty or a souvenir? Allways welcomed!   How did you dress up for your last party or compulsory-formal-dress occasion? Dark skinny jeans, heeled boots, red long-sleeved shirt with poofy sleeves and a red/orange scarf.   Do you enjoy puzzles/riddles? (Cryptograms, Sudoku, Crossword, Jigsaw, etc) Yes, I like jigsaw ones and crossword ones. Oh and I allso like Tangrams!   Can you sum yourself (whether it be personality, life's goals, ethics, whatever) in 10 words or less? Live life to the fullest & be yourself!   How about little bottles of booze? Ya wanna? What kind? Yes I love those small bottles! I like strong stuff, especially candy or fruity flavoured.   What are your views on fudge and brownies? (And I do not live in a warm place.)   Also, what about mochi? Love it, hate it, baffled by it? I don't know it, but I looked up some Google pics and it looks delicious!   Anything from the BPTP update ya'll are liking? I like a lot of the new releases, but especially Marshmellow Pumpkin bath oil, Candied Pumpkin perfume oil and any Hair Gloss! And I am really eager to try any candles of the Post!   Does anyone like kimchi? I really wouldn't know, but I think not.   Would you be interested in a sample box(from somewhere like Birchbox or loosebutton)? Yes, I love to try new stuff!   You have to place a Lab and Trading Post order. Right fuckin' now. No spending limits. What do you buy? Ehm... a lot? Like, I feel bad to post the whole list, lol. Because I have allways a very low spending limit, I'd like.. spend A LOT. LOL. But from the Lab, I would order: (I wouldn't order many of the new update because I've ordered some decants, so I'd want to sniff those first) Boo, Elegy IX: The Autumnal, The Green Apple of Venus, La Mano Del Destino, El Nuevo Puritano, Pallas Athene, Tree of Life, Expressive Head, The Triumph of Death, O, Perversion, Snake Oil, Bliss, Jack, Velvet, Horn of Plenty, Obatala, Drink Me, Miskatonic University, Strangler Fig, Tobacco Honey, Halfling, The Antikythera Mechanism, Cockaigne, TKO, Ugh, The Buggre Alle This Bible, Schmendrick, Molly Grue and The King's Daughter. If would order right now at the Post, I would order: Halloween Babydoll Scoop Neck Tissue Tee in M, Harvest Festival atmo spray, Fruitbat Fruitbath bath oil, Honey Pumpkin Stout bath oil, Marshmellow Pumpkin bath oil, Spun Sugar Spectre bath oil, The Queens Croquet Ground atmo spray, Saloon #10 atmo spray, Exotic Bazaar atmo spray, Morocco bath oil, Snake Oil bath oil, Gula bath oil, Luxuria bath oil, Castitas bath oil, Humanitas bath oil, all the massage oils, all the hair glosses, Clocket, Seven Deadly Sins imp case and some shot glasses. OMG.. I feel really greedy right now...   Paintbox Soapworks - anything you're interested in, in general or from the latest update? I do not really like soaps (in solid form), but I am interested in: Guy Fawkes Sorbetto, Avast Sorbetto, Avast Slip, Indian Summer Sorbetto, Smiling Jack Sorbetto, Indian Summer Slip, Guy Fawkes Slip, Gingermilk Slip, The Queen is Dead Slip, The Queen is Dead Sorbetto, Gold Frankinsence and Myrrh Slip, Pick-a-Duck Slip, Pick-a-Duck Sorbetto, The Englishman Slip and The Englishman Sorbetto. Do you guys have any sports that you follow obsessively? Nopes.   How do you feel about notebooks/journals/stationery? Anything you need or particularly like? I would like to have a new notebook, something sturdy and cute, to carry around and write a lot of different stuff in!   Does confetti/glitter make you angry or fill you with glee? Glee!   How do you feel about stuffed animals/plushies/general soft, cuddly things? If you like them, what kind of animals would you be interested in? Although I am 20 years old, I love them, especially kitties or a cute seal. I really love the style of the WWF plushies, for example.   How interested would you be on somewhat personalized bottle cap labels? It's a bit of a tic, but I'd like everything in my box labelled the same way it is now: handwritten on the caps with a silver marker. So I gotta pass for this one.   When you're miserably sick (*sniffle, cough!*) what are the things that comfort you the most? I love a (I don't know what's it called in English, but it's a rubber thing that you can put hot water in and use it for your tummy)! And also some hot tea and a fluffy blanket, and a foody waxmelt in my burner.   What constitutes ultimate luxury to you? A bath. Like seriously. I only have a tiny half-broken shower, and I have a lot of aches in my back and tummy, and then, a bath is the ultimate! I would even rent a room somewhere for a night just because it has a great bath. I have never bathed in a BPTP bath, and I am dieying to do that.. a very hot hot bath, with Snake Oil bath oil for example, and a lot of candles!   What do you really NOT want? Non-perfume oils, so the ones with alcohol in it (I even smell it in Dior or Chanel, I cannot stand those alcoholic perfumes anymore).   Interested in anything from Lush? The only thing (because, actually, I am just done with Lush) I would be interested in, is trying their new dry shampoo.   Do you blog? Would you like a header for your blog, a layout, etc? I do not blog.   Would you be interested in a handmade bookmark? Yes!! I like reading, and allways use a receipt or anything like that as one.. so.. I could use one that's pretty!   Do you like chex puppy chow or muddie buddies? would you want to get some from your witch / nacho witch? I have never tried them, but I would love to give them a try!   How would you feel about receiving a Groupon deal for something in your local area? I heard so many bad things about Groupon, that I'd rather stay away from it.   Do you like real sugar skulls? Things with sugar skull designs? I haven't tried real sugar skulls, but I want to! I do not like them as a design, however.   Who here adores meringue? Me!   Are you more prone to order out or cook at home? Would you be interested in cookbooks, kitchen utensils, and the like? If so, anything specific? I love ordering out too much I am afraid, haha. But I'd love to cook more, and get more equipment or spices. I'd love more things to make cookies or cupcakes with (or decoration stuff for cupcakes, that would be lovely).   How do you feel about maple syrup?   How do people feel about little pocket shrines, maybe something inspirational/motivational to keep in their purses/backpacks/whatever? Sounds like something nice, I could be interested in one!   Do you like Star Wars? Original Trilogy? Prequels? Spin-offs? Favorite characters? I am forced to like it by my boyfriend, lol. I like to watch it sometimes, but I am not really into it. Although I think Darth Vader is pretty cool, and R2D2 is cute!   Do you like beef jerky? I am a bit sentimental about beef jerky.. I only tried it once, I was a little kid, I don't know exactly how old, maybe 8 or so, and my mom had a friend in the States who sent packages every now and then. They allways were a true feast to open, and once, I got to try beef jerky. It was delicious. It was the hard crispy kind, so I'd love to eat it again, 12 years later!   Also do you like or racier ecards from time to time and do you need to be warned if something may be not safe to open at work? Yes, and please warn me if it's NSFW, since I work at an office.   Doctor Who? Yay or nay? Nay...   Anyone love Buffy/Angel? I don't really know Angel, but Buffy seems o.k.   How would you feel about gummies? Like, gummy bears? Gummy werewolves? Gummy vampires? I feel 50/50 about them: I feel that they taste too chemical most of the times, but some, I do like (especially sour ones).   How would you feel about a totally original Gela-skin for your laptop/iPod/phone? Stickers? Decals? I'd love anything to pimp my old laptop!   Since this is a Halloween round, what's your Creepy threshold? Are you a cartoon bats and smily pumpkins person or a skulls-and-bones the-dead-are-rising kind of person? Are your fairytales dark or Disney? I am more on the dark and sinister side, when it comes to Halloween.   Are your ears pierced, Witchee? Do you have any other piercings? Would you like to receive any items of jewelry for these piercings? I have two holes in each ear (just on the bottom, no top ones), and jewelery for these is very welcome.   How do you all feel about Whoopie Pies? I have never tried them, but they look delicious on the Google pics!   Are you looking for a certain kind of DVDs to spruce up your collection right now? You can allways make me happy with Disney classics or a good horror movie, and oh, I also like post-apocalyptic movies/nature disaster ones. My collection is really tiny, so I'd love a DVD!   Does anyone like postcards? Is anyone willing to be a Nacho witch for postcards? I like postcards, but I am not willing to be a Nacho at this moment (first time SW is enough for me now).   Anyone going to see any good concerts this fall? I would love to, but I haven't planned anything yet.   Do you like Star Trek? Original TV series, films, spinoff series, etc? Favorite characters? Star Trek is a huge no-no for me, I am afraid.   Witchee, would you like a framed photograph and of what? Yes, I would like one, for example of kittens, a nature scene, something fantasy, etc.   Do you wear t-shirts? Are there particular things you like on them? Would you like one designed by your Witch? And, if you don't mind saying, what size t-shirt do you wear? Yes, I like t-shirts. I like sayings on them, or something like the Tree of Life, for example. A size M in a BPTP Weeping Branches Moon burn-out tee, it fits me perfectly.   How do you feel about pumpkin scented things? Not perfume related, but soap, candles, etc.... When I say: SQUUUUEEE, is that enough?   Has anyone else heard of or does anyone else love Glamourkin? Just checked it out, and I totally love the concept!   If you had an international witch, is there anything you would like from the UK? I love foreign things! When I think about the UK, I think Coleman's Mustard (the one in powder form)! Yum! But I would love random stuff, like a specific kind of candy or anything that is well known in your area, or other local stuff! Would you like/wear a pair of these? http://www.ravelry.c...rary/yoga-socks If so, what color? I think I like full socks better, because my toes get very cold really easily. Is there anyone here who likes toe socks? You know, those socks with a place for each toe? They are not really my thing. Sock preferences? Cute socks, girly, over-the-knees, lace, bows, black, white, pink, fluffy homesocks...   What strange misc. items would you love to receive that you just haven't gotten for yourself? The only thing I can think of now that is somewhat strange is a Myrabelle mascara shield.   How do you feel about franken polish? I don't really wear nail polish.   Dear witchee, how do you feel about lip balm? I love lipbalm, I can't live without. Especially in fall/winter, my lips tend to go really dry and cracked if I don't care for them the way I should. I like the twist-up ones the best, the pots not so much (because I get dirty fingers, and I hate that). I like fruity or foody flavours, I wouldn't like one with banana, but for the rest I think anything goes! Currently, I am really loving my Haus of Gloi lipbalm in Honeyed Peach. I'd definately want more from those! And I guess an extra lipbalm never hurts! I am using 2 lipbalms at the moment, but I think using about 4 or 5 wouldn't be that bad.   Would you be interested in getting fountain pen inks or art supplies via JetPens and or DickBlick? Oh I'd love a fountain pen! I don't have one at the moment, but I really like them. *goes at Googles for JetPens & DickBlick* These sites look cool, I'd definately like some beautiful fountain pen! I also want to tell about an old hobby of mine. I used to craft Pergamano things about 5 years ago. If you don't know it, please look it up, you can do beautiful things with it! It's all about making cards and boxes from perkament paper, writing and drawing on it with inks, punching holes and all that stuff. I was really creative with it at that time and had quite a lot of inks and pens and other stuff for it. But then, due to life circumstances, I lost my creativity and sold all my stuff. And how, every time I see a crafting store, I have to think about it, how much fun it was, and how I'd love to pick it up again. Point is, you really need several inks and tools to make it work, so I'd need to collect them one by one. I've really been hating myself for selling it, lol.   For those interested in watercolors, how would you feel about getting a palette filled with paint from my watercolor tubes but not getting the paint tube itself? I am not into watercolors.   How do you feel about getting art supplies in general? I would love some! Also see the part about Pergamano and mandala's. Copic markers seem beautiful for those!   How do you feel about Threadless tshirts? I feel a n00b having to look up a lot that comes through in these questions that I've never heard of! *goes and looks for website* Ah, now I understand the concept! To give an idea of my style: I'd for instance love the designs 'Architecture of a Dream', 'Exclamation!', 'Psychedelic Garden' and 'Field Study 01'. Oh and I love the more bodyconsious designs, loose fit is not a problem, as long as it's true to size. I am not into men's tees. If you were turned loose in a basic drug store (CVS, Walgreens - a pharmacy with attached mini-mart, basically!) with a $20 bill, what would you pick up? I'd probably go for some hair dye, in a warm brown color. I am not that into drugstore make-up brands. Oeh, or hair accesoires. Believe it or not, but I haven't even got a single bobby pin. Really need to get those. Darling Witchee, would you enjoy farmer's market pickled veggies (green beans, garlic, asparagus, etc) or fresh canned peaches or something of that nature? I am really not into green beans, garlic or asparagus, but freshly canned fruits? Yes please! I use to sometimes tear a can of peaches open and eat them out of the can, lol. Do you prefer color or white photographs? Nature or abstract? I love both color and black & white. I tend to go for nature, but also like abstract as long as you can still see what it is. Would you be interested in something like Lost Crates? Yes, I love to try new things! Amigurumi, yes or no? They are a-do-ra-ble!!! What are some of your favorite paintings? Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bumblebee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening by Salvador Dali, and also the painting underneath by Dali. I don't know the title, but CaudaPavonis painted in on my BPAL box ! If you could have an image painted for you - sky is the limit - what would it be? That's a really hard question, but I would love a huge long-stretched painting with butterflies, and their wings would be covered with iridescent foil, so that it would catch the light really beautifully. Name your 3 favorite scents for candles. Something with cinnamon, something cookie and a woody/nutty one. Name your 3 favorite types/flavors of tea. Evening blend (with cinnamon, apple, herbs, all the good stuff), Moroccan mint, and some blend called Starry Mix (which is very relaxing). Oh and I really enjoy a good forest berry tea, but that is 4 flavours then, hihi. Would you like any ecotools makeup brushes? I haven't tried anything from them, but I'd love to! I heard so many good things! The bamboo powder brush seems very appealing. Oeh and they have moisture gloves, too! Would love to try those as well. Do you like Legos? Gently said, I don't like them. What would you do if you found a $50 bill on the ground and a nagging voice in the back of your mind told you that you HAD to spend it on BPAL or else face Death? A bottle of Halloween: Las Vegas, Miskatonic University, animp of Molly Grue and one of Halfling, and some wandcaps. Are there any characters that you love or identify with? Not really. If you are crafty, what's your personal art style? As mentioned before, my creativity died a bit, but I am still being creative on my face . Mostly, I pick a certain product (an eyeshadow or lipproduct) that I want to build the look around. Or I see something at Youtube or in a magazine that inspires me. I create many looks, from just going to work and keeping it simple, to a very glittery eye, or just random colours all over my face. It is kinda therapeutic. Are there any Arcana Weenies that you MUST HAVE? I don't really plan to dive in another company for perfumes, because the Lab and the Post are really enough for me, haha. So I have no clue what they brought out for Halloween. So what say you? IS an "unexpected" visit/in-person witching OK? It would be great, but I suppose at least a tiny bit of planning would be required. Cthulhu: yay or nay? Nay. Is there something that you wish you could do, but you keep putting it off? Getting our home ready to move out. Don't be scared dear Witch, we didn't even find a house yet (and that sucks), so there will not be an adress change in this SW round. But we have a lot of stuff, a lot of unsorted stuff especially, that we need to get through and throw away and pack in boxes, but it's a hell lot of work and we are really busy with other things, or too tired from doing those other things. I bet finding a house would give some motivation! Put your current mp3player, winamp playlist, what you have, on shuffle, list the first 10 songs: 1. Drones - Fear Factory 2. Hashish - 1200 micrograms 3. Life and Death - Iced Earth 4. Piano Sonata in D Minor - Marie-Luise Hinrichs 5. Just Friends - Amy Winehouse 6. Pervert Inc. - Tamtrum 7. Spirit Voices - Paul Simon 8. Unwritten - Natasha Beddingfield 9. DMT - 1200 Micrograms 10. In the End - Linkin Park So as you can see, I am very widely oriëntated when it comes to music. Witchee, have you made (or are you planning to make) any Lab or Trading post orders soon? Didn't make an order jet, just signed up for decant circles. I think I will be ordering my big Weenie order before everything goes down, when there are more reviews to read and I have sniffed my decants. Do you have any interest in rocks? Even rough ones, that aren't unpolished can be beautifully shaped by nature. If your witch were to knit you a scarf/shawl/cowl, which would you prefer, and what features would you want? Would you prefer something light and drape-y or thick and warm? What kind of colors would you prefer? Do you have any fiber allergies or preferences? I do not prefer the one over the other, really. I'd both love thinner scarfs and thicker ones. The thinner ones, I could wear in the office (super airco over there) and the thick ones outside. I allso like those really big chunky scarves, but also the really thin drape-y ones. I'd love warm, earthy tones, like deep orange-red or moss green. I do not have any fiber allergies. Do you like/own/wear/want fairy wings or something of the like? Don't own them, would like some for Halloween, but that's about it, so I wouldn't end up buying some. How do you feel about terrariums? I like them, but I feel they are too small looking most of the times. What's your favorite horror movie? I liked Itchi the Killer and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. If your witch was the practical type and wanted to include one or more of your everyday essentials, what would those include? Haus of Gloi's whipped soaps, MAC Cleanse-Off Oil Tranquil, cotton pads, MAC Studio Moisture Fix Moisturiser, mint tea. Jane Austen .. Yay or Nay? Nay. I put up quotes I love in my office and studio to get me going, They range from goofy to sarcastic to inspirational... Are you interested in a hand painted quote? Do you have one in mind, or a topic in mind? Yes, I'd love one! Maybe something with butterflies, cats and like.. below the clouds the sun shines, kinda thing? Do you like period or period-styled paraphernalia? Stuff like postcards, notecards, jewelry, office supplies, what-have-you? I like the Victorian period. If you could choose a Smack, what would it have in it? Berry Patch, Buttercream Cupcake, Honey Nut & Marshmellow or Spice Trade, Vanilla Bean, Bonfire & Suede. If you could have a salon scent made, based on any artwork(s) what would it be? Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bumblebee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening by Salvador Dali! I mentioned it before but I truely love this one. It would have pomegranate (the pomegranate), honey (the bumblebee) and marshmellow (the dream) in it, along with some other stuff that Beth is better at thinking of then I am! Are you scientifically curious and/or process-oriented? Would you like a project-type gift that allowed you do do something like make soap from scratch, take and (nontoxic-ly) develop photographs using a pinhole camera, use plant dyes on yarn or fabric, etc? Yes I am! When I was a kid, I had a little set that I could grow my own crystals from. It was really fun. I remember it so well! I would love a little project like that! What's 'your' song/your theme song? Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehm.... I think.. Paul Simon's Graceland. And, together with my boyfriend, Chris Isaac's Wicked Game. What would be your superpower? To fly! I allways dreamt of it when I was a kid. And my boyfriend is afraid of flying, so sometimes I am afraid that I never will fly, LOL. Witchee, would you like a gently used BPAL tshirt? If the design is cute, I'd L.O.V.E. a BPAL shirt! Used or not, it's fine by me! Do you like homemade snack mixes? I know Puppy Chow was mentioned in a previous question, but what about healthier and more natural type snacks like granola or trail mix? You can put a lot of delicious and fun things into trail mix, yeah? If you say "Sure, I'd love some!" what kinds of things do you like/not like in those kinds of snacks, ie coconut flakes, raisins, certain nuts (allergies??), candy, etc. Give us your list of DO's and DON'Ts! Yes I love them! I don't have really any don'ts I can think of right now. I'd even love some dried banana (because I hate banana normally). I love raisins, ginger, macadamia's... but really, try me on allmost anything! Do you like charm bracelets? No, they are not really my thing. If you're interested in a handmade pouch/cover for an item you have (phones, tablets, books, keys, kettles...), what would your ideal pouch/cover have? Design, material, additional functionality/features like pockets or lights or secret hidey-holes? Yes! I'd love one for my Ipod or phone (I have an old Nokia). I'd love some curly design on the fabric. I totally love organza (on top of another stronger fabric) or felt. I also like roses, or nature-things like trees and birds. Would you like a photo collage based around your interests/favorite colors/favorite themes? Sure! If you're crafty, are you interested in spoonfeather? I haven't got a clue what spoonfeather is, and neither does Google. Colors! What are your favorite colors and what colors do you not like? It really depends on what it's for. I really don't hate any colour, but my favorites at the moment are autumn colours, like red, orange (but no neon, more a natural orange), green, purple, gold... An inspirational picture here... What is your favorite word? Don't really have one, but flabbergasted comes to mind. What are the feelings on arm warmers? Color, style, texture, length? Yes! Colours as in the colour question, or black. I'd both like elegant sleek ones or scrunchy edgy wooly ones. I am also really flexible in style as well, as long as it's not a rainbow. I'd love to be able to wear it at work, but we are quite flexible what to wear there. Just don't want people staring at me, haha *wink*! Do you like tarts? Tealights? Jar candles? Votives? Yes, yes, yes and yes! What's your favorite flavor? Sour, sweet, bitter, salty? Oh, as in, pick one? I'd pick sour! So, are there any online gaming witchees who covet purchasable in-game items or other gamer-y stuff? I am a gamer, but I think purchaseble in-game items are a bit of a rip-off. But that's just personal. Anyone doing anything cool for Mabon/the start of fall? Not really, except really enjoying all the beautiful colours around me, and enjoying autumn things like hot tea and wearing my Sockfeetz! What is your favorite roast of coffee? I am really not familiar with roasts at all, allthough I drink coffee sometimes. But I rarely do, sometimes I take a ristretto. I love strong, powerful blends. Is there anything you'd like from the Mütter Museum Store? Those plushies are really cute! I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like? Normally I wouldn't want other perfumes than BPAL, but I had some perfumes and they were great. But the scent list is sooooo long! I'd love something foody! What's your favorite kind of pizza? I don't eat pizza. Who is your style/fashion icon? Dita Von Teese is the only one I can think of right now. Are there any food items you're craving/aren't able to find around your area? There are many of them, but I am especially bummed that I am not able to get very hot food over here. I love to make Indian curry's, for example, and I eat chutney and sometimes pickles with it. I am in total love with the pickles: the lemon variantion. And I allways eat the mango chutney from Patak's, but I wish there would be hotter variations to try where I live. The supermarket only has 2 variations or so, and we don't have a lot of toko's over here. How do you feel about ethical animal fiber, i.e. wool and the like? What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel? Sound cute! Look down. What are you wearing, right now? Eh, not much. A blanket, if that counts! And some pink undies and black over-the-knee-socks. Kerchiefs? Why not? It's the weekend, and you find yourself without a single chore or responsibility for a few hours. Right this very moment, what's the one thing you would do if you could do anything? Take the most decadent luxurious arrangement at a beauty spa! Stuff you've been meaning to do: Calling my old teacher to do after my certificate, preparing the house for moving, place a Haus of Gloi order, making some whoopie pies! Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves? Yes, yes and yes! Do you have any bedtime rituals? Often, I drink a large mug of tea, I take my pill, take off my make-up, brush my teeth, brush my hair, kiss my boyfriend goodnight and set my alarm. I don't wear anything special, just a pair of knickers mostly (yes, also in winter, but otherwise I feel like I am being strangled or something). Are you interested in today's/any recent Tee Fury shirts? I am not familiar with these. Princess Bride? Yay or nay? No opinion (I don't know it). What's your favorite classic fairytale? Snow White and the seven dwarves. Is there any kind of international candy you love or would like to try? Jelly Beans! Is there any cheesy/non-cheesy Canadian stuff you'd be interested in? Not really anything I could think of. Oh wait, is maple syrup Canadian? I love maple syrup. If you were to go here and create your very own chocolate bar, what might it have in it? Milk chocolate, macadamia nuts, pecan nuts, 23 karat gold flakes, diced ginger and caramel pieces. Oh drool! Sooooo Witchees, have you ever taken that particular personality test? If so, are you an Analytical, a Driver, an Expressive or an Amiable? I am an Expressive. Do you drink wine? Yes. I only drink red wine when I eat out and have something like a steak, though. I recently saw candy corn in non-candy corn flavors like CHOCOLATE and CARAMEL APPLE. It's not a fancy brand, I just saw it in the drugstore, but who here would like something like that? Me! Would you be interested in the #occupywallstreet scent? Hell, yes! What are you drooling over from the Sock Dreams Halloween stuff? The Candy Corn Stripes, Opaque Diamond Tights, Wide Stripe Thigh Highs and Lycra Sheer Woven Hearts Stockings with Satin Bows. Revealing? I would like my Witch to reveal him/herself, because I would love to thank him/her for everything. But it's up to you, dear! Would you like anything from Tookies by Tookies on Etsy? OMG YES! How cute is that! There are a lot of things I would like, but cake in a jar is just genius (and safe to ship, too)! Oeh and marshmellows! For those of you that like candles, do you like stuff from Yankee Candle? And if you had to choose, tarts or candles? Yes, I like Yankee Candle, and I'd choose candles (but I like both). Any interest in WhimsyBeading, the Etsy shop? Yes I am interested in some items, I added them to my Etsy favorites. How do you feel about hemp? jewelry, soap, etc? Yes I could be. Do you like reusable grocery bags? If so, do you like the kind that fold up (ie Chico Bags?) Yes I have only one bag, and it's plump and ugly and boring. And I also like Chico Bags, but they are too small for my regular grocery shopping. Who's interested in Halloween: Montreal? I am, but only in testing it first. Any thoughts on the new Villainess update? Yay! Candles! Witches, did you lament NOT getting one of the condom case/imp cases that got released with the courtesan series? Yes, I did a bit. Still need something to take some imps in on the go, but they were too expensive for me at that time. Is it just me who is nervous at revealing herself to her witchee, and finding out who her witch is?! I am very excited about both! Is there anything you want to buy yourself but have been too embarrassed (R rated or pg)? No, I am not ebarrassed quickly. Have you seen the Lush holiday update? Do you like the look of anything from there? I could like Chili Tingle, Pow Wow, Buche de Noel and Celebrate Lip Tint. But, who here would LOVE to get Hershey's Pumpkin Spice kisses, and who would rather not?? Yes I would love some! I'm about to make an order from Sephora (nothing off of my wishlist, witch, so don't worry about that). Is there anything for you that you would like to accompany my order, if you're my witchee? It's kind of hard to not put a huge list here, haha! But there are some things I have been eyeing lately. I would love a BeautyBlender! I have also been wanting to try something from Illamasqua, but I wouldn't know where to start. I also would love to buy a Tweezerman pair of tweezers someday, with a cute design on them. Oh, and one of the most useless, but beautiful and amazing items I have seen: Tarina Tarantino Sparklicity Dust. Especially the gold or silver one, gorgeous for the holidays! And those Violent Lips tattoos seem very fun to play around with! The best thing I ever ate: hot spicy indian food. What is your favorite kind of cookie? I allmost like all cookies. But I do love Oreo's, and just those with a thick layer of frosting on them. How do you feel about loose leaf tea in baggies? I mean, I have a TON of loose leaf, would it be okay if I send you samples in some zip lock baggies? Or is that something that would squick you out? As long as the ziplocks are clean, I wouldn't mind. Are you interested in anything in the latest round of Lab auctions on eBay? Red Lantern, White Chocolate & Strawberry, Ghoulish, Monsterbait: Bloody Mary, Earth Ox, Milk Chocolate Buttercream, White Chocolate Marshmellow & Coconut, Midway, Fire Eater, Romanti.Goth. But, to make a top three, that would be Midway, Red Lantern and Ghoulish. Interested in anything from the Beaver Moon Lunacy update? The tissue tee in small, Batty, I would like a tester of Loi Krathong and a decant of Halloween: Montreal. Damn, I wished the BPTP candles would show up, I REALLY want those! *drools* I sent you with $20 into a drugstore/Walmart (nothing too fancy/imported/expensive, just your average selection), and you are restricted only to the candy aisle. What would you blow it on? White KinderBueno, Oreo's, Cote D'or and Rafaello. Do you like scary books? What's the best/scariest thing you've ever read? Well, I don't read any at the moment, but I would love some of the Dark Delicacies titled books (or Stephen King, but I mentioned that before I think)! The scariest I ever read was about 10 years ago, about some crazy experiment.. well, it was scary back then, haha (I was 10)!




More SW Questions

Candles? Yes! I also love tarts that I can melt in my Scentsy burner.     Do you like knitted goodies? If so, what would you like and what colors? Yes! I'm totally open - as a knitter, I love to see what kinds of beautiful things others make. Not picky about color, either.   Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics? Yes! Whatever you'd like to make is great! I love spicy things, like salsa and jalapeno jelly.   What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying? Morocco and Amsterdam. I have imps of both and I'm not sure why I haven't bought a bottle.   Yo Yarnies, do you Ravelry, and if so who are you over there? Yes, I am on Rav with the same user name.   Do you have wishlists for non-BPAL e-tailers? And if so, could you provide a link or a list? Amazon (with my email), Etsy (same user name).   Witch, do you use a PC or a Mac? Mac.   What is your favorite animal? Monkeys. Or old kitty cats.   What are you going to be for Halloween? The mom with the best candy. We just moved to an area with lots of kids (where we lived before had very few), so I'm looking forward to sitting on the driveway with treats!   If you could have a piece of oil painting jewelry (pendant, pair of earrings, or ring) with absolutely anything painted on it, what would it be? Water/ocean.   How do you feel about nick-knacks? Meh. Our house is pretty minimalist. I do, however, love framed photos - we have tons of empty wall space right now.   What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you? We eat dinner every night (okay, like 28/30) together at the dining room table. Love this.   Do you like going to the movies? Yes, very much.   What are your favorite restaurants? A local sushi place, Boston's Pizza, Starbucks (does that count?)   Do you play any video games? I play Sims3 sometimes on my computer and we like Little Big Planet (disappointed by LBP2, though....)   Do you like any anime? No.   Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for? I have an iPhone and a Kindle. Either would love a case.   How would you like to receive some of your Witch's favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants? This would be great!   Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? What would you store in said hypothetical box--imps, bottles, supplies, all of the above? I only have imps and bottles and right now they're all contained in a cigar box, so my collection is fairly self-limiting (if the box won't close, it's time for some sales). A new one would be great, though, as the hinges and latches are broken.   Muppets: yea or nay? They're okay.   Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, and other comic strips? If so, which is your favorite? Love Far Side.   Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers... Yes.   Do you like to burn incense? If so, what are your favorite kinds...sticks? cones? resins? What are your favorite scents? No - it makes me sneeze.   Harry Potter - a fan? If so, what house are you? Fan doesn't begin to describe it. I took a sorting quiz and got Ravenclaw. I would have said that or Gryffindor.   If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from? Amazon, Starbucks, knitpicks.com




Switch Witch Halloweenie 2011 Q&A

October 14th   Do you like scary books? What's the best/scariest thing you've ever read? I love them. It would be hard to pick a favorite.     October 13th   Are you interested in anything in the latest round of Lab auctions on eBay? I suspect I've already missed the boat here, but I don't think there was anything I was crazy to have.   What favorite song(s) would you think would translate into a cool or unique scent? She-Wolf (yes, I admit it, I love it).   Anyone interested in VApothecary's Halloween update? Sure!   Interested in anything from the Beaver Moon Lunacy update? I love the tee, although the lavender-y Beaver Moon doesn't sound like something I'd love.   I sent you with $20 into a drugstore/Walmart (nothing too fancy/imported/expensive, just your average selection), and you are restricted only to the candy aisle. What would you blow it on? Ghirardelli chocolates, Hari-Bo gummy bears, and maybe sour Skittles if they have them.     October 11th   What is your favorite kind of cookie? I make this: chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, white chocolate chips, and walnuts.   How many boxes are you hoping for? I don't really look at it that way. Whatever and however my witch wants to send it is ok with me.   How do you feel about loose leaf tea in baggies? I mean, I have a TON of loose leaf, would it be okay if I send you samples in some zip lock baggies? Or is that something that would squick you out? Sure, that would be fine.   How would you feel about getting a custom poster with your favorite quote on it and some cool graphics? I'm an architecture student and can print posters (provided I make them) at pretty much any size using Adobe Illustrator at a low price. Also if you would be interested in this, what quotes would you like? That would be fantastic. Will have to think about the favorite quotes.     October 9th   Is there anything you would want from NYCC, something you'd like your witch to ask me to pick up? Anything cool from the lab would be great, or something signed if any of my favorite authors or artists are there.   The best thing I ever ate...: Wow, that's really hard to decide. I've eaten a lot of really, really good things. Possibly the lamb hubby and I had in Italy. Or one of the things we've had at this restaurant, which is divine.       October 6th   Do you like liquorice? If so, hard or soft? Sweet or salt? Normally salted or so salt it pulls your face into a fishy shape? And which shapes do you like? Nope, not a fan.   Mac using witchees, what computers do you use? What peripherals/accessories do you have and what would you LIKE to have? What do you use your computer for? I have a MacBook Pro 17", an iPhone 4, an iPad 2, an iPod nano (purple) that I take to the gym, and an 80GB regular iPod (older model) that basically stays connected to our stereo.   Do you like listening to audiobooks? Would you like to receive one, and if you would, what sort of audiobook would you like--or is there a particular audiobook you've been meaning to get? I love love love love love audiobooks, and listen to them all them time. They've become particularly important since I started the new job, because I have to commute 45 minutes to and from work every day (total of an hour and a half). A friend of mine recently recommended the audiobook for a book called Southern Gods, so I've been meaning to check that out. I have an Audible account, and listen to most audiobooks on the Audible app (because it saves your place and has bookmarks and stuff, an generally rocks). I think you can gift credits.       October 5th   Are there any DIY / Crafty / Free / Budget items you'd love to get but haven't noted yet? (Or, maybe you'd just like to emphasize something you may have only noted in passing?) I love handmade stuff. If my witch is a crafty witch, anything she might want to send is fine.   Do you own a DSLR camera? Are you interested in a minky camera strap like these? What about anything from Photojojo? Yes! And I would LOVE a cool camera strap. Photojojo... oh boy. I wouldn't ask my witch for anything that pricey. But *drool*!   Is anybody else into film photography? Interested in receiving film, supplies, etc from Lomography? I'm digital only, but love the lomo-style stuff.   Are you musically inclined? Do you play an instrument or sing? If so, what? No. Just an enthusiastic listener.       October 3rd   Does anyone else like collector Barbies? I do, although right now I'm crazy for more Monster High dolls.   What small everyday items would you like, that you keep forgetting to get? Nothing I can think of.   Tarot? LOVE! I currently have these decks: Pagan Cats, Cleopatra, Revelations, Legacy and The Vertigo Tarot   If you're the MMU type of Witchee, what Geek Chic Cosmetics tickle your fancy? I love eyeliner in interesting colors.   Would any witchees be interested in Quinn Popcorn? Oooh, that sounds yummy.       October 2nd   Who likes silly items from Archie McPhee??? Not my thing.   Nocturne Alchemy's NAlloween Pt. 2 update is live here! (And for a few days, last month's update too.) What do you want?   I got everything I wanted from September (NA is like crack to me). From the new stuff, Bastet X (of course), Mummy Curse Lane, Bastet's Witching Hour, and Sekhmet's Sorcery look fantastic.   What are you drooling over from the Sock Dreams Halloween stuff? I love the kittehs!   Luck charms? Absolutely. I would especially like safe travel/luck charms for our cars.   For those of you that like candles, do you like stuff from Yankee Candle? And if you had to choose, tarts or candles? I do. And candles.   Would you be interested in getting a custom necklace from here? That would be neat.   Is there a movie you want so badly that you don’t own now? The Princess Bride   Is there a song on iTunes that you haven’t downloaded yet? Not that I can think of.   Is there a rare book you’ve always wanted? Not that I can think of.   Is there anything you want to buy yourself but have been too embarrassed (R rated or pg)? Not that I can think of.   Have you seen the Lush holiday update? Do you like the look of anything from there? Bath bombs! And pumpkin soap!   if you were my witchee, would you want some of my hot nuts my candied nuts my nuts covered in butter and brown sugar candied walnuts? Oh lord yes.       October 1st   Is there anything you either didn't like or had never heard of that you're now curious to try thanks to the discussion in this thread? Not that I can think of.   Reveal? Please please please!   Would you be interested in the #occupywallstreet scent? I have ordered it.   Do Paintbox Soapworks' Goat's Milk Hand and Body Creams sound like something you'd like to try? Yes       September 30th   Witchee, would you like anything from this particular Haunt update? I'm sure I would, but I missed it so don't know what was available. And I LOVE Haunt too. /sad   Who's interested in Halloween: Montreal? Not me.   You get a package in the mail containing 3 things you have really wanted more than anything else you've mentioned so far in this thread. (they are all reasonably priced of course! ~$20 or less apiece). What are they? I have no idea.   how do you feel about hemp? jewelry, soap, etc? At one time, I had this wonderful smelling Marrakesh Oil for my hair. It was hemp and argan oils, and it rocked.   Describe your sense of humour. Irreverent.   Do you like reusable grocery bags? If so, do you like the kind that fold up (ie Chico Bags?) I love them!   I'm about to make an order from Sephora (nothing off of my wishlist, witch, so don't worry about that). Is there anything for you that you would like to accompany my order, if you're my witchee? Any cute little tokidoki or Hello Kitty thing.       September 29th   What kind of purse do you prefer? Leather, cloth? over the shoulder or crossbody, or something that can do either? Do you like bold bright prints with fun things, or monochrome, solid colours? I am obsessed with Tokidoki bags.   julep maven monthly boxes: Looks pretty cool.   Like commercial socks? I am crazy about Sock Dreams, and drooling over their Halloween update.   What kind of bear is best? Bear? I am confused by this question... The ones not outside my door ready to eat me, I guess.   Is anyone interested in reading The Night Circus? Me!   Hershey's Pumpkin Spice kisses? Yum   I have a not-so-secret love for The Broship of the Rings. Are there any prints from her store you'd like? That is so cute! Sure, I'd love a print.   Who here likes Stephanie Pui-Min Law's artwork? Beautiful!   Do you drink wine? Do I ever! It is one of my absolute favorite things (and a huge impediment to my weight loss goals, truth be told). I LUUUURVE it!   Witches, did you lament NOT getting one of the condom case/imp cases that got released with the courtesan series??? I got Kitty. So glad I did!   I recently saw candy corn in non-candy corn flavors like CHOCOLATE and CARAMEL APPLE. It's not a fancy brand, I just saw it in the drugstore, but who here would like something like that? No thanks.     September 28th   JONES SODA CO has LE soda packs for The Guild, Buffy, D&D, So Cute, etc. Would you be interested in these, Witchee? Ooh! I would love a D&D or Buffy soda pack.   It's Banned Books Week! Are there any books on the list you'd be interested in checking out? Any of them.   I have just been enlightened to THESE. Are these flavors relevant to your interests? Ooh! Absinthe, Clove Cigarette, Salted Caramel or Smoked Salt     September 27th   What is something people are always surprised to learn about you? I can't think of anything off the top of my head.   So who else watched Babylon 5? Not me. Just never watched it.   If you had to decide what your stripper name was, what would it be? I have no idea.   Sooooo Witchees, have you ever taken that particular personality test? If so, are you an Analytical, a Driver, an Expressive or an Amiable? I got expressive.   Is anyone else afraid of or creepy out by dummies/puppets/Muppets/etc? Other things you're squicked/freaked by that's best left by the wayside? Puppets are kind of creepy. And clowns.   Your favorite restaurant or type of food to eat out. Would you use a restaurant.com voucher? Groupon? I'm a foodie; I'm always open to trying new things. I doubt there are any restaurant.com vouchers for my area, except maybe for chain restaurants, which I usually avoid. Groupons for Asheville, NC (where I visit often) would work tho.   Are there any local museums/attractions you keep never getting around to going to? Not really. I take advantage of what we have around here.     September 26th   Is there any kind of international candy you love or would like to try? I love Italian chocolates.   If you were to go here and create your very own chocolate bar, what might it have in it? I think I answered this one for my witch already.   Is there anything you're wanting from LPMP? I'm not sure what that is...   say you stumbled into Camp Half Blood (or whatever the Roman camp ends up being named <bounces in anticipation>), which god claims you? I'm also not sure what the heck this is about. But Bast is my patron goddess (of course).     September 25th   Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves? Sure   Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood? Not really. I just sort of fall into bed when I'm too tired to do anything else.   Are you interested in today's/any recent Tee Fury shirts? Sure   Princess Bride? Yay or nay? Yay!   What's your favorite classic fairytale, witches? Little Red Riding Hood     September 24th   how do you feel about ethical animal fiber, i.e. wool and the like? It's great.   Look down. What are you wearing, right now? Jeans, black knit boatneck top with little buttons on the shoulders, leopard print ballet flats. (This outfit is extremely typical for me.)   Kerchiefs? Sure   It's the weekend, and you find yourself without a single chore or responsibility for a few hours. Right this very moment, what's the one thing you would do if you could do anything? Read. Preferably with a glass of wine to hand.     September 23rd   What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel, like this? That's so freaking adorable. Yes, I love such things.   Is there anything you'd like from the Mütter Museum Store? I love the Madame Talbot poster, the String Doll Gang keychains, and I could always use a backup of U (I am too lazy to try to type the umlauts, forgive me, witch).   I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like? I wouldn't mind to try some. I haven't tried much Cocoa Pink, so whatever my witch thinks i might enjoy.   September 22nd   If you're interested in a handmade pouch/cover for an item you have (phones, tablets, books, keys, kettles...), what would your ideal pouch/cover have? Design, material, additional functionality/features like pockets or lights or secret hidey-holes? The only thing I could really use would be a little pouch for my iPhone that I could clip to my purse (right now it's in an outer pocket with my keys, and I'm afraid it's going to get scratched).   Would you like a photo collage based around your interests/favorite colors/favorite themes? Sure, that would be neat.   If you're crafty, are you interested in spoonfeather? And if so, what things there delight your eyes? I haven't the foggiest notion what that is.   Colors! What are your favorite colors and what colors do you not like? Pictures and links, people! I think my faves are in my questionnaire.   What is your favorite word? Serendipity   What are the feelings on arm warmers? Color, style, texture, length? Love. I am especially fond of wrist-length warmers.   Do you like tarts? tealights? jar candles? votives? I am more fond of actual candles than tarts. I like big scented candles that are long lasting, and unscented chime-size candles in lots of colors.   What's your favorite flavor? Sour, sweet, bitter, salty? I love them all. Umame is a particular fave.   So, are there any online gaming witchees who covet purchasable in-game items or other gamer-y stuff? I've got most of the in-game WoW stuff I would want, but I can always use Frontierville horseshoes.   Anyone doing anything cool for Mabon (or the start of fall, if you aren't pagan? Sigh. No. Things have been so hectic the past two weeks, we haven't done anything special for Mabon, and I feel bad about it.   What is your favorite coffee blend at Starbucks? If you don't have one, what is your favorite roast of coffee? I'm not fond of Starbucks coffee (I mostly like the fancier drinks there). I love fresh-roasted whole bean coffees. Malabar and Yirgacheffe are faves, but really, I just like a good, fresh roast.   September 21st   Cthulhu: yay or nay? Yay!   Is there something that you wish you could do, but you keep putting it off? Nothing my witch could help with, at least that I can think of.   Witchee, have you made (or are you planning to make) any Lab or Trading post orders soon? And if you did (or plan to), you should share what you're getting? I think I posted this as an answer to a previous question. If not, witchy, please poke me.   Do you have any interest in rocks? Not like, polished colorful stones.. but like... rocks. With geologic significance! Sure   If your witch were to knit you a scarf/shawl/cowl, which would you prefer, and what features would you want? Would you prefer something light and drape-y or thick and warm? What kind of colors would you prefer? Do you have any fiber allergies or preferences? I love all three. I prefer natural fibers in my favorite colors, and either light and drape-y or thick and warm is fine.   If you have a pet, could you please post a photo of it? I really need to see what your pet, if you have one, looks like. I suspect my witch may have already ferreted out pet pics (not hard with me!) but here's a link to my Google+ photos (which has my Picasa photos). I think all my pics of my furbabies are public. If not, poke me! https://plus.google.com/110820439719751410927/photos   Do you like/own/wear/want fairy wings or something of the like? I would wear something like that.   How do you feel about terrariums? They're neat.   What's your favorite horror movie? Ooh, tough call. Will come back to this one.   If your witch was the practical type and wanted to include one or more of your everyday essentials, what would those include? I'm talking about the bath products, lotions, face lotions, teas, food, etc that you really use every day. Clinique 7 Day Scrub or Moisture Surge. These are my top two can't-live-without products.   Jane Austen .. Yay or Nay? Yay   I put up quotes I love in my office and studio to get me going, They range from goofy to sarcastic to inspirational... Are you interested in a hand painted quote? Do you have one in mind, or a topic in mind? Sure, that would be neat. Would have to think about what, but am open to suggestion.   Do you like period or period-styled paraphernalia? Stuff like postcards, notecards, jewelry, office supplies, what-have-you? Sure   If you like manga, comics, and/or graphic novels, what is it about them that you like, in general? The story, the art/style, etc? I think I answered another question about this earlier.   If you could choose a Smack, what would it have in it? Bonfire, Vanilla Bean, Suede, and either Incense or Spice Trade.   If you could have a salon scent made, based on any artwork(s) what would it be? I would love a Salon scent based on something by Botticelli. Probably The Birth of Venus or La Primavera.   Are you scientifically curious and/or process-oriented? Would you like a project-type gift that allowed you do do something like make soap from scratch, take and (nontoxic-ly) develop photographs using a pinhole camera, use plant dyes on yarn or fabric, etc.? Sure, that would be fun.   What's 'your' song/your theme song? Oh, gee. It's hard to pick just one. Maybe AFI's "Malleus Maleficarum."   What would be your superpower? No idea.   Witchee, would you like a gently used BPAL tshirt? Definitely.   Do you like homemade snack mixes? I know Puppy Chow was mentioned in a previous question, but what about healthier and more natural type snacks like granola or trail mix? You can put a lot of delicious and fun things into trail mix, yeah? If you say "Sure, I'd love some!" what kinds of things do you like/not like in those kinds of snacks, ie coconut flakes, raisins, certain nuts (allergies??), candy, etc. Give us your list of DO's and DON'Ts! Yes, that would rock. Typical snack mix stuff that I don't like much: raisins, coconut flakes (I like coconut -- I love the scent! -- but I'm particular about it when it comes to food), cashews (again, particular). Things I love: jerky, granola, dried berries, other nuts. I love sweet/salty mixes.   Do you like charm bracelets? If you had a bracelet, what sort of charms would you want on it? Favorite hobbies, symbols, whatever? I like them, but because I spend all day typing, I probably wouldn't wear one very often (the jangly-ness would drive me crazy).     September 20th   Would you like any ecotools makeup brushes? They're kinda one of my favorite things ever, and they're animal-friendly and the handles are bamboo. And to top it all off, they work really well for applying makeup. I can always use more makeup brushes.   Do you like Legos? Especially mini-fig key chains, Lego block keychains, small Lego sets, etc? Nope.   Since the previous question about "what would you buy from the Lab if you had unlimited funds, etc" left WAY too much to the imagination with no limitations (my answer was pretty much BUY ALL THE THINGS!), what would you do if you found a $50 bill on the ground and a nagging voice in the back of your mind told you that you HAD to spend it on BPAL or else face Death. Also, say they had free shipping (LOL) so don't factor that in. What would you get? And spend it all! Or as close to $50 as you can get. Hair gloss!   Are there any characters that you love or identify with? Hm. Will think and come back to this.   A question! If you are crafty, what's your personal art style? I'm not talking just about what art you like to look at, but what kind of art do you like creating? Do you have a "process" while you're creating beauty? Jewelry   Are there any Arcana Weenies that you MUST HAVE? ZOMG SLEEPY HOLLOW IS BACK! It's my favorite. I love love love it. Ghost Pumpkin and Comfort Me With Apples sound good too.   So what say you? IS an "unexpected" visit/in-person witching OK? That would be wonderful!       September 19th   What strange misc. items would you love to receive that you just haven't gotten for yourself? Can't think of anything off the top of my head.   How do you feel about franken polish? Are you okay with all chemicals, or would you prefer 3 free? Would you want glitter or holographic glitter? What colors would interest you? I like polish. Just got a couple more of the OPI for Sephora Garden of Good and Evil ones.   Dear witchee, how do you feel about lip balm? Favorite style (twist up tube, pot, tube with wand, etc.)? Favorite flavors? Flavors to avoid? Favorite brand? Do you need more right now or are you set? Are you one of those people who could never have enough lip balm even though you have a bowl on your dresser overflowing with them and 10 in your purse and an order for more on the way? I am one of those people. I love lip balms and glosses. I tend to use pots less, but if it rocks, I'll use it.   Would you be interested in getting fountain pen inks or art supplies via JetPens and or DickBlick? (I know I have a wishlist on JetPens and just love using fountain pens in my artwork) Sure   For those interested in watercolors, how would you feel about getting a palette filled with paint from my watercolor tubes but not getting the paint tube itself? (kind of like this but without the covers for the compartments and bigger http://www.flickr.co.../in/photostream) I'm not a painter.   How do you feel about getting art supplies in general? (copic markers, watercolor, brushes, paint, sketchbooks etc.) I have all I need right now.   How do you feel about Threadless tshirts? They're great.   If you were turned loose in a basic drug store (CVS, Walgreens - a pharmacy with attached mini-mart, basically!) with a $20 bill, what would you pick up? Haribo gummy bears, probably some sort of hair thingo, and maybe a lip balm or two.   Darling Witchee, would you enjoy farmer's market pickled veggies (green beans, garlic, asparagus, etc) or fresh canned peaches or something of that nature? Fresh canned peaches or some sorts of preserves/jellies/jams would be cool. Not too crazy about the pickled stuff.   Do you prefer color or white photographs? Nature or abstract? Either. Nature.   would you be interested in something like this? https://lostcrates.com/how-it-works Sure, sounds neat.   Amigurumi, yes or no? Cute!   I have a question! What are some of your favorite paintings? (famous or undiscovered?) Feel free to link to examples! Will come back to this one.   If you could have an image painted for you - sky is the limit - what would it be? Bast   Name your 3 favorite scents for candles Pumpkin-y things, cider-y things, other fall type scents.   Name your 3 favorite types/flavors of tea Oolong, Black, white teas with fruit flavors     September 18th   Do you wear t-shirts? Are there particular things you like on them? Would you like one designed by your Witch? And, if you don't mind saying, what size t-shirt do you wear? I do, and size L currently (sadly; working on that). I would LOVE one designed by my witch! I like all sorts of things on them.   How do you feel about pumpkin scented things? Not perfume related, but soap, candles, etc.... Bring it! Pumpkin is one of my favorite scents.   Has anyone else heard of or does anyone else love Glamourkin? I haven't heard of it yet. Enable me!   If you had an international witch, is there anything you would like from the UK? (Or Australia, Belgium, France any other country we have witches from.) Hm. Whatever my witch thought was a can't-miss sort of item.   Dear witchee, if you answered 'Mac' to the Mac/PC question previously issued by another participant, please tell me what kind of computer you have, what peripherals you own (like the wireless trackpad, wireless vs/wired keyboard and mouse), and whether you're interested in Apple-related items (stickers, keychains, other things with the logo, etc). I have a MacBook Pro 17" with a wireless mouse (a Logitech, not the Magic Mouse, which I tried and hated).       September 17th   Are you looking for a certain kind of DVDs to spruce up your collection right now? Nothing in particular (maybe see wish list?), although I prefer blu-rays.   Does anyone like postcards? Is anyone willing to be a Nacho witch for postcards? I like postcards!   Anyone going to see any good concerts this fall? Hm. Nothing on my calendar yet, but probably I'll see something.   Do you like Star Trek? Original TV series, films, spinoff series, etc? Favorite characters? ZOMG, do I love some Star Trek! I'm not fond of the original series (not a Shatner fan) but I love love love The Next Generation, and the series after that are cool as well.   Witchee, would you like a framed photograph and of what? I would, and of anything my witch thinks is cool/my sorta thing. A really pretty cemetery maybe? Something beautiful in nature? Not spiders (*shudder*).     September 16th   Are you more prone to order out or cook at home? Would you be interested in cookbooks, kitchen utensils, and the like? If so, anything specific? I order out if it's left up to me. My hubby is the chef in our house. I think right now we have all the cookbooks we really need.   How do you feel about maple syrup? I like it, but currently have all I need (we don't eat pancakes too often).   How do people feel about little pocket shrines, maybe something inspirational/motivational to keep in their purses/backpacks/whatever? That would be lovely! I would love something Bast-related for my desk at my new office.   Do you like Star Wars? Original Trilogy? Prequels? Spin-offs? Favorite characters? I like the original trilogy.   Do you like beef jerkey, I know some may be vegatarian, but where I live beef is a staple and beef jerkey abounds. If so do you it really thin, hard and crunchy or thicker and softer. (OK that borders on obscene)- I love jerky! I like it any way, and am open to varieties other than beef (bison, venison, whatever).   Also do you like or racier ecards from time to time and do you need to be warned if something may be not safe to open at work? I do like racy ecards, but should probably be warned. I've just started this new job thing, and since I was used to being the person in charge, I'm not used to having to think about that kind of thing yet. A warning would be helpful.   Doctor Who? Yay or nay? Yay! Yay yay yay yay yay yay! Doctor Who goodies? ZOMG, yes!   I have a couple spare Doctor Who stickers. If my witchee is a fan, would they like a couple Doctor Who stickers in their package? Only if you want me to love you forever.   Anyone love Buffy/Angel? Yet again, me me me!   How would you feel about gummies? Like, gummy bears? Gummy werewolves? Gummy vampires? Let me tell you about some gummies. Haribo gummy bears are the absolute best! They are my and my hubby's favorite candy; we always snag some at Walgreens and sneak them into the movies.   How would you feel about a totally original Gela-skin for your laptop/iPod/phone? Stickers? Decals? I love Gelaskins... to the point that all my devices are already covered, so I don't need any. I can find surfaces for stickers, though.   Since this is a Halloween round, what's your Creepy threshold? Are you a cartoon bats and smily pumpkins person or a skulls-and-bones the-dead-are-rising kind of person? Are your fairytales dark or Disney? My creepy threshold is pretty high, and I like my fairytales dark.   Are your ears pierced, Witchee? Do you have any other piercings? Would you like to receive any items of jewelry for these piercings? I have 00 gauge piercings in each ear, plus two regular piercings, and my nipples are pierced. I would love jewelry for these.   How do you all feel about Whoopie Pies? Um... not sure what that is.       September 15th   interested in anything from Lush? Sure! I love Lush.   Do you blog? Would you like a header for your blog, a layout, etc? Nah. I'm a designer, so no need.   Would you be interested in a handmade bookmark? I would love one.   do you like chex puppy chow or muddie buddies (ingredients: semi-sweet chocolate chips, PB, vanilla extract, powdered sugar, chex cereal)? would you want to get some from your witch / nacho witch? I've never had that, but would try it. Sounds pretty tasty.   How would you feel about receiving a Groupon deal for something in your local area? If there is anything you WOULDN'T like, mention that also. That would be cool. Asheville, NC is my closest Groupon area, and I visit there often.   do you like real sugar skulls? Things with sugar skull designs? Yes and yes!   Who here adores meringue? I wouldn't quite say adore, but I certainly like meringue.       September 14th   Can you sum yourself (whether it be personality, life's goals, ethics, whatever) in 10 words or less? Probably not, but I'll try. Techno witchy locavore animal lover wine nerd liberal geek chick?   How about little bottles of booze? Ya wanna? What kind? Some faves: Bailey's (or other Irish cream), Godiva liqueurs, Frangelico, Chambourd, Vodka, Scotch. I don't like rum that much (tastes fine, but gives me a headache).   What are your views on fudge and brownies? (Also, if you live in a warm place, where the fudge might melt, that'd be helpful to know. Or, if you're diabetic and fudge is death, that'd be useful to know, too.) I like brownies more than fudge (except for peanut butter fudge, which is ). I live in a fairly warm climate, so if my witch wants to send that, it would be best to wait until October or November.   Also, what about mochi? Love it, hate it, baffled by it? The few times I've had it, I liked it.   Anything from the update ya'll are liking? BPTP UPDATE Yes. The stuff I like that I didn't already buy: Harvest Festival spray, Honey Pumpkin Stout or Spun Sugar bath oils, Crypt King (haha, I know, but maybe a teeny half-decant?), any of the bath brews except Tears of the Seraphim, Fig and White Sandalwood, Frankincense Clove, or White Tea and Sage hair glosses.   Does anyone like kimchi? Yum.   Would you be interested in a sample box(from somewhere like Birchbox or loosebutton)? Sure, that would be fun.   You have to place a Lab and Trading Post order. Right fuckin' now. No spending limits. What do you buy? Everything on my wish list.   Paintbox Soapworks - anything you're interested in, in general or from the latest update? Smiling Jack sorbetto scrub, anything Moundshroud. I am always happy to have anything Avast!   Do you guys have any sports that you follow obsessively? How about favorite teams and/or athletes? I wouldn't say I follow anything obsessively, but I like college football. I'm a Georgia Bulldog.   How do you feel about notebooks/journals/stationery? Anything you need or particularly like? I have plenty right now, thanks.   Does confetti/glitter make you angry or fill you with glee? I like both just fine. I've seen some really neat Halloweenie confetti (tiny pumpkins, bats, etc.) in past rounds.   Fabulous witches and witchees, perhaps you all could note of you've received MeiLin's goodies? Or if you want? I have Scryer's Gulch 1 - 20 (I think) and Lovers and Beloveds. I've pre-ordered the next book too. MeiLin!   How do you feel about stuffed animals/plushies/general soft, cuddly things? If you like them, what kind of animals would you be interested in? I do like them. I love to get wild animal ones. If I happen to get a witch from Florida, I LOVE Florida panthers, and when I was at the Tallahassee Museum last fall, they were sold out of stuffed ones. I was sad.   how interested would you be on somewhat personalized bottle cap labels? Like these that I did? That would be cool!       September 13th   How would you feel about kitchen towels and other similar household objects, if they are pretty or a souvenir? I tend not to use stuff like that.   How did you dress up for your last party or compulsory-formal-dress occasion? Just a little black dress.   Do you enjoy puzzles/riddles? (Cryptograms, Sudoku, Crossword, Jigsaw, etc) Love them (except crypotgrams). I am especially fond of logic puzzles. Ooh, and Words With Friends (aka Scrabble)!   Witchee, would you be interested in having a special tea cup/coffee mug/glass to drink out of? I would. As my witch will learn from my posts, I just started a new job, and I could use a special mug for my office.       September 12th   Would you like to receive e-books? And if so, in what format? I primarily use the Kindle app on my iPad (or my Kindle for reading outside 'cause it doesn't glare), so either that or any format that works with the iBooks app (like PDF) works great.   Would you be interested in a felted handbag? Do any of these styles appeal to you? http://tinyurl.com/3o2epzl (there's at least one guy-friendly style, too!) I like the last one pretty well. Basically, I just like to have a bag large enough to carry my iPad in.   Are there are patterns, motifs, etc that you especially like? Cats (obviously), Celtic knotwork, leaves and vines, ravens.   If you're a tea drinker, is there any specific tea you would like to receive, not just the kind/flavor but also the type/packing--i.e., tea bags, loose tea, compressed, etc? I'm pretty open type/flavor wise. I prefer loose leaf.       September 11th   I am fond of the thrift. Do you mind lightly used goods? Please be specific! For instance, I'm a little squicked by used clothing, but I don't mind any other used goods (i.e. books, glassware, games, DVDs, whatever.) That's pretty much the same for me. Not crazy about used clothing, but other stuff is fine, especially if it's funky and cool. Or a book.   Do you have an Etsy shop? Do you know of any Etsy shops that are Switch Witch friendly? I have an Etsy with nothing in it atm. I'm so far behind, I suspect everyone else has already answered the second question.   Would a gift or a postcard from Disneyland make you squee with delight or puke into your mail box? I love the Aristocats.   what are your favorite types of Halloween candy? I like those peanut butter chew thingos, and anything pumpkin-y. I tend to go for the same types of candy I usually like, but with pretty fall-colored outsides or wrappers. Vosges and Godiva always have neato Halloween offerings too.   Do you prefer soap or shower gel? Please give examples of your favorite scents or brands. I like the feel of shower gel, but I seem to be able to find far better scents in bar soap. Favorite brands: Paintbox Soapworks, Villainess (including the BPTP soaps), Arcana. Ooh, Villainess' new apple scents look fantastic. Arcana Sleepy Hollow is one of my all-time faves (and not always available).   How do you like your chocolate? For example with nuts, mint, peanut butter, caramel? I love crazy chocolate flavors (see: Vosges bars). Really, I like my chocolate any way I can get it. Also, I really, really, really love salted caramels.   Beads! Do you use them? Would you want some? What sorts of beads do you like? I would love some! Any cool stone ones my witch would like to send.   Anyone here like caramels? Sea salted caramels?!?! Me me me me me!   Would you like a hand dyed or hand painted scarf or wrap or other item? If so, what colors/designs/fabrics do you like? That would be lovely. (See above question re: motifs, and my questionnaire for fave colors.)   This was a question before, but does anyone here like stones? Just pretty polished stones for use in whatever purposes? Love them   And another question; anyone like anything in particular from Think Geek? I lost my Blade Runner umbrella and would love to have another one. That's the only specific thing I can think of, but in general, I love stuff from Think Geek and would be happy to have anything my witch thinks is cool.       September 10th   What #1 actor, director, author and/or musician are you obsessed with? I couldn't really narrow it down to just one.   are you interested in anything from the Villainness Bad Apples update? Yes! Anything. Apple is one of my favorite notes.   If you have a pet, would he/she/they like to receive a treat or a toy as a gift? Does your pet have any dietary restrictions or other preferences w.r.t. said treat? Sure, and no, they don't have any particular dietary restrictions.   What are your top three "I want to try them but I think I'll never get to try them" (or, "I've tried them and I want moar moar moar, but I don't think I'll ever get any") scents/bath oils/sprays? I need Monsterbait: Underpants. Need need need. Also, I dropped my bottle of Snake Charmer a couple weeks ago, and despair of finding more. I would love to try Storyville.   Is there a particular artist and piece that you would like a print of? If so, what is your max size that you could spare on your walls? Nothing in particular (I have a ton of art on the walls, and not much space left.)   If you are in to beauty and makeup related stuff, what kind of stuff do you like? What is your skintone and hair color? Are there any beauty products you've wanted to try but just never purchase? I love Urban Decay. They're my favorite makeup company. I have red hair, and the fair and freckledy skin to go with, and green/hazel eyes. I usually wear shades of purple/pink or green.   Do you like coffee or tea? Would you be interested in trying some different types? Both, and yes.   Are there any CDs/Albums you've been wanting but haven't bought yet? What format do you prefer? (i.e. mp3, actual cd, record, etc) No. I tend to just buy that kind of thing.   Are you going away for any part of this round? No   Would you like to receive a mix-CD from your Witch? Yes! The lovely yewberry assisted my witch in putting together a mix CD for me last round, and I loved it.   If your witch were going somewhere on a vacation during the round, would you want a little souvenir? Sure! I would love that sort of thing.   Do you enjoy any outdoor activities? Do you have a favorite form of "exercise"? I enjoy the outdoors, but I'm not hardcore. Walks in the woods, biking (on a gentle/easy trail), that sort of thing. Exercise-wise, I love lifting weights. I'm finally getting back to the gym, and hope to get back in shape soon.   Any witchee's with a ravelry account have any favourited patterns that cost money that would be a welcome gift? I'm still learning to knit, so just working on easy/free stuff.   Do you work/study at a desk and enjoy interesting or cute office supplies? Yes please! I have a new office; I need this sort of thing.   Witchee, are you a fan of musicals? If so, which ones? Nope.       September 9th   Do you like to burn incense? If so, what are your favorite kinds...sticks? cones? resins? What are your favorite scents? I love it. I prefer loose incense (and can always use charcoals). I like all sorts of different scents.   Harry Potter - a fan? If so, what house are you? Yes. If I'd ever get my Pottermore owl, I might get sorted. /grumble   If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from? Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Vosges, The Soapbox Co. Ooh, and Sock Dreams! It's just about sock time...   Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you're drawn to? Bast is my patron goddess.   If you RP, tabletop, forum, or otherwise... Do you have any original characters you'd like to see art of? If so, please give information! Even if it's a link to a web page or a profile or picture! I don't have anything like that (though I wish I had a local D&D group).   If you could see anything, what would it be? Can be a person, an event, a landmark or monument, an object, etc. And it doesn't have to be on this planet, or in this time period, or in this reality! I'd like to see my dad again. I miss him.   When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter? A glass of wine and a good book.   What are your thoughts on comics? Any you like? Any you have been wanting to try? Favorite characters? Love them. I'm a big fan of Hellblazer (and various other Vertigo titles past and present). A past witch introduced me to Lenore, which I love, but I only have the first book. I would love recommendations if my witch likes comics too.   Are you musical? Do you play an instrument, and if so, what? If not, what do you wish you could play or do? No.   Does anyone garden? And if you do, what do you grow? If not, would a starter garden kit be something you'd be interested in? We grow herbs and tomatoes in the summer.   Do you decorate for Halloween? Is your decorating taste elegant, kitschy and fun, or scary? I love decorating for Halloween! We tend to go with traditional stuff like pumpkins, hay bales, that sort of thing. And witchy stuff. Typically fun.   Witchee, do you have any symbols or totems that have special meaning for you? Cats, wolves. Bast and Anubis.   Is anyone fond of programs like Adopt a Tree/Highway/Library/Manatee/Acre of Rainforest/etc? I love adopt-an-animal type things.       September 8th   From the Weenie Update....what are you most wanting to try? I want to try just about everything. Here is what I've ordered: Autumn Cider, John Barleycorn 2011, La Calavera Catrina, Pumpkin Princess, The Black Apple of Saturn, The Gorobble.   Who's into nail polish? What colors/brands? I love OPI. I just bought the new fall OPI for Sephora color What's Your Poison and love it.   Is there a quote (or lyric or part of a poem) that really resonates with you or is your favorite? Hmm. Will have to think about this one. If my witch needs to know this, she should prod me a bit and I'll give it more thought. (I have no idea who asked, so you won't give yourself away.)   Dream candle? Scent, color, type (tealight, votive, pillar, jar, etc.), throw... Something with some of my favorite scents. Vanilla, tobacco, leather, that kind of thing.   Do you like knitted goodies? If so, what would you like and what colors? I love scarves and wrist warmers especially much. Just something in my favorite colors (see questionnaire).   Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics? Sure. I love jerky, but really, anything my witch thinks I would like would be great.   What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying? The one I felt that way about (DeSade) was already discontinued (sniffle).   Yo, yarnies! Do you Ravelry? If so, who are you over thar? I'm cammycat, although I don't check in there much. Still a knitting noob, but I'm trying.   Social Media? Facebook: http://facebook.com/cammycat Twitter: http://twitter.com/cammycat Google+: https://profiles.google.com/110820439719751410927   Do you have wishlists for non-BPAL e-tailers? And if so, could you provide a link or a list? My Amazon wish list is in my questionnaire. Here's a link to my Etsy faves: http://www.etsy.com/people/cammycat79/favorites   Witchee, do you use a PC or a Mac? Mac all the way! (Also iPhone and iPad.)   What is your favorite animal? Cats, of any shape or kind.   What are you going to be for Halloween? I'm not sure yet.   If you could have a piece of oil painting jewelry (pendant, pair of earrings, or ring) with absolutely anything painted on it, what would it be? Bast   How do you feel about nick-knacks? I like them just fine. Especially cat things and witchy things.   What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you? Samhain is probably our most important holiday. DH and I are also big into the equinoxes and solstices. We also celebrate important occasions like "Saturday" (the anniversary of the day we hooked up, when we started by hanging out as friends and it turned into much more; like a date movie) and our wedding anniversary (October 13). For Thanksgiving, our tradition is to order takeout Indian food.   Do you like going to the movies? Yes, but I usually wait and go when it won't be busy, because people can be so rude (talking, answering their phones, etc.) and that kind of spoils it.   What are your favorite restaurants? Most of them are local to me, and my witch wouldn't be familiar with them.   Do you play any video games? Oh yeah! Favorite series: Final Fantasy, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Torchlight, World of Warcraft   Do you like any anime? I love it! If my witch wants to send me anime, that would be awesome.   Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for? I have an iPad, but I have a great case for it. However, it would be neat to have a small iPhone case that I could clip onto the outside of my purse, so I could access it more quickly (and protect it from scratches; I keep my keys in the outside zip pocket of my bag, so it's not safe).   how much do you like jewelry? like, if you were to get a shit ton of it during the round, how excited would you be? I would be really excited. Love it.   How would you like to receive some of your Witch's favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants? Any way my witch wants to send them would be lovely.   Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? What would you store in said hypothetical box--imps, bottles, supplies, all of the above? I always love pretty boxes; if I don't store smellies in them, I can always use them for herbs, jewelry, etc.   Muppets: yea or nay? Muppets are ok. I am more fond of Labyrinth muppets.   Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, and other comic strips? If so, which is your favorite? I <3 Garfield and the Far Side.   Favorite Mythological Creature? Cat Sidhe and Kitsune. Also, of course, dragons.   Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers? You know what I really love? Hair feathers. They are my new obsession.




Switch Witch Fall 2011 Help Part 1

From the Weenie Update....what are you most wanting to try? Hallowe'en: Las Vegas - have a decant coming! I've gone a little decant crazy for this one - 19!!!   Who's into nail polish? What colors/brands? Not me. I'm a somewhat reformed nail biter   Is there a quote (or lyric or part of a poem) that really resonates with you or is your favorite? I wish there were but an age between sixteen and three and twenty, or that youth would sleep out the rest. For there is nothing in the between but getting wenches with child, wronging the ancientry, stealing, fighting. -not sure who wrote it originally but it is from my favourite book (which I've lost ) Tamlin by Pamela Dean   Dream candle? Scent, color, type (tealight, votive, pillar, jar, etc.), throw... I love all candles equally - well size anyway. For scents I love patchouli, vanilla, coconut, amber, lavender, apple (really just nothing floral, watery, or too melony)   Do you like knitted goodies? If so, what would you like and what colors? I love all sorts of knitted items! I'm a fan of jewel tones and blacks and greys. Nothing too pale since I'm already there naturally I need something to protect my noggin and neck this year, as well as arms. I was thinking about getting something like this for the colder months: http://www.etsy.com/listing/62273732/cozy-cowl-in-cinnamon   Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics? Love homemade foods. I'm a big canner and pickler so I appreciate all the work that happens in the kitchen. I just don't enjoy nuts or dried fruit in things.   What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying? Snake Oil and The Red Queen. I have imps so I just keep putting off buying bottles.   Yo, yarnies! Do you Ravelry? If so, who are you over thar? Not yet, though my cousin tells me I have to get with it lol   Social Media? I have a facebook page and a twitter account. It's either under my full name or kyrsed   Do you have wishlists for non-BPAL e-tailers? And if so, could you provide a link or a list? http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/3RT2M67EKCHZ5 this has a lot of items I love. I really love photos that people take of nature and cemeteries (I love anything a little dark, crumbling and gothic) http://www.etsy.com/people/Kyrsed this one should have access to all my favourites on Etsy - you may find some you love as well!!   Witchee, do you use a PC or a Mac? Mac laptop   What is your favorite animal? Snake   What are you going to be for Halloween? Don't get dressed up. I will be hanging with my DH to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary that day!!!!   If you could have a piece of oil painting jewelry (pendant, pair of earrings, or ring) with absolutely anything painted on it, what would it be? (If you prefer wall art instead, same question as above.) It would be a pendant or wall art and I would love something mythical and dark like a dragon   How do you feel about nick-knacks? My house would tell you that I love them. particularly dragons, gargoyles and the like   What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you? We always spend all major holidays with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Our Christmas is a 3-4 day blowout that involves 3 dinners and a curling tournament (none of us are actual curlers - it just seemed Canadian to do it so we do) as well as a board game day. Everything important happens with these people for me, we even travel together (all 23 of us!)   Do you like going to the movies? Sometimes, I'm mostly a homebody and snuggle in with DH   What are your favorite restaurants? I love all things mexican - not a lot of chains in our area. My favourite is a small place called Bella Jacks. I also enjoy Kelseys and Jack Astors. Also shawarmas are a major weakness for me.   Do you play any video games? Not much right now. I used to play a lot of WOW, but I've been off it for about 8 months.   Do you like any anime? Fushigi Yugi was something I used to watch years ago!   Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for? I do have a kindle, but I have an amazing case for it already   how much do you like jewelry? like, if you were to get a shit ton of it during the round, how excited would you be? I enjoy jewelry, I just don't wear much. At work I'm not allowed to wear anything with colour - only metal like silver or gold (and I only wear silver).   How would you like to receive some of your Witch's favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants? I love love love recipes. Particularly baking though I do cook as well. I don't do very complicated recipes mostly because DH is kind of picky. Neither of us are into anything with dried fruit or nuts in it. I think almost anything else goes. (I also don't do tomato sauce) I'm on a big kick to make everything from scratch.   Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? What would you store in said hypothetical box--imps, bottles, supplies, all of the above? I have a medicine cabinet where everything goes right now (awesomeness), but I could always used something for the unloved imps I have.   Muppets: yea or nay? Love Henson and the Muppets. I also quite enjoy Fraggle Rock and his Storyteller series.   Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, and other comic strips? If so, which is your favorite? Love Calvin and Hobbes (don't own any), For Better Or For Worse, and Retail.   Favorite Mythological Creature?: I'm a hardcore western dragon fan(ie. Dungeons and Dragons type dragon - I'm not a fan of the Chinese dragon). I actually have 3 dragon tattoos including a huge one on my arm.   Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers Not so much. I have really short hair and I don't suit "girly" looks - wish I did but flowers and many headbands look horrible on me. scarves and bandanas on the other hand look great.   Do you like to burn incense? If so, what are your favorite kinds...sticks? cones? resins? What are your favorite scents? I wish. Sadly the smoke of it doesn't agree with me. I've always wanted to but I just need to stick with candles.   - Harry Potter - a fan? If so, what house are you? I am a fan. I've never been sorted but I would imagine I would be in Ravenclaw (though I have leanings towards Slytherin and Hufflepuff believe it or not!)   - If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from? I love love love gift cards from bookstores so Amazon for the States (I have a kindle) or Chapters/Indigo from here in Canada. I think many online retailers would be awesome too.   Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you're drawn to? I've always enjoyed Greek Mythology and loved Perseus.   If you RP, tabletop, forum, or otherwise... Do you have any original characters you'd like to see art of? If so, please give information! Even if it's a link to a web page or a profile or picture! I do game. My favourite character was Tayrin Marr. She was a class created from my husband's world (he writes fantasy - though he still needs to get off his duff and try to get published) - kind of a sorcerer/fighter/bard type. Her sword was a little like a tuning fork (two pronged). She's tall (5'10") and has some tone to her and about 150 lbs. She has long thick black hair and bright blue eyes. In appearance she has a 19 charisma and I always though she was a mix of Jordana Brewster and Sarah McLaughlin. She also has a familiar/mount that is a faerie dragon (he grows to horse size). He is also magical in that he can become a full tattoo covering her back. Clothingwise she tends towards pants and tunics - she doesn't wear armour. wow, that's a lot of info hehehe   If you could see anything, what would it be? Can be a person, an event, a landmark or monument, an object, etc. And it doesn't have to be on this planet, or in this time period, or in this reality! I would love to see my husband's world. It's our joke that when we die we will be reincarnated into his world full of magic and heroics.   When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter? Chocolate and a trashy regency romance novel. something about indulging in chocolate and smut can really make me happier.   What are your thoughts on comics? Any you like? Any you have been wanting to try? Favorite characters? I love comics. We have a lot here though I haven't actively collected in about 3 years (moved to a place without comic book stores - though there are a few in the next town I often don't have the time to get to them). I loved x-men (as long as there was some Rogue or Gambit goodness), lots of indie stuff like Gloom Cookie, Nightmares & Fairytales, Ted Naifeh (Courtney Crumrin, Death Jr), Roman Dirge (Lenore etc), Jhonen Vasquez (Squee, JTHM, Fillerbunny), Tommy Kovac (Stitch), Fsc, Bunnywith, Crab Scrambly, I used to love all the CrossGen stuff till they went under (have tons of it in boxes). The art is very important to me - check out the artists on the books I've already mentioned to get an idea of what I love, it's amazing stuff. Now excuse me while I dig out all of that greatness   Are you musical? Do you play an instrument, and if so, what? If not, what do you wish you could play or do? Sadly I have no musical abilities. If I could play anything it would be the drums.   Does anyone garden? And if you do, what do you grow? If not, would a starter garden kit be something you'd be interested in? I'm hoping to start container gardening next year - mostly food and spices, though I would love to start some lavender as well. I would love anything that would help me towards that.   Do you decorate for Halloween? Is your decorating taste elegant, kitschy and fun, or scary? I don't decorate for any holidays - mostly out of laziness. Hallowe'en stuff would be up all year long with the decor I have in my house. I have a few skulls laying around as well as several witches.   Witchee, do you have any symbols or totems that have special meaning for you? I don't really.   Is anyone fond of programs like Adopt a Tree/Highway/Library/Manatee/Acre of Rainforest/etc?: Nope, though I think they are awesome. In the past my family has bought as a gift for my grandparents cows and chickens and such for families in the third world (they have always been involved with Foster Parents Plan).   What #1 actor, director, author and/or musician are you obsessed with? I love Felicia Day (We once twittered each other about WOW) - she's so great and real! I do love Duran Duran - going to see then 2x in October As a general rule I don't think I obsess too much about any "celebrity". I pretty much appreciate what they do but I would never want to meet them in real life for fear of ruining the illusion. There are a few out there that I respect though.   are you interested in anything from the Villainness Bad Apples update? sadly no - always one note that messes the whole thing for me I love their soaps but discovered this year that cinnamon in a soup does not my body like - perfume on the other hand isn't so bad)   If you have a pet, would he/she/they like to receive a treat or a toy as a gift? Does your pet have any dietary restrictions or other preferences w.r.t. said treat? Our cat does play with mouses and the like. She loves catnip and is easily stoned.   What are your top three "I want to try them but I think I'll never get to try them" (or, "I've tried them and I want moar moar moar, but I don't think I'll ever get any") scents/bath oils/sprays? Such a tough call! The 3 I think about the most are ones that I was here to get and never got around to it. VILF, Cake Smash, and Black Lace. Of long ago ones I look at any of the Monsterbait series and the Foodie Velvets (Clown, Nudie, Pink Kitty, Tiki, and Unicorn). There are others, but I should stop somewhere   Is there a particular artist and piece that you would like a print of? If so, what is your max size that you could spare on your walls? Honestly, check out my amazon wishlist and my etsy favourites page. I enjoy Paulina Cassidy as well as many of the artists in my favourites. I am always on the lookout for framable Brian Froud art - I have a blank wall itching for more of his art - the busier the better, and any size works!) I think I've already mentioned I love gothic type pictures (ie old crumbling cemeteries), and wild nature pictures. I don't often like people in the pictures unless you can't see them clearly. Also I love love love SHAG. He is collaborating with Walt Disney World right now for their 40th anniversary and I am going apeshit wanting some of it.   If you are in to beauty and makeup related stuff, what kind of stuff do you like? What is your skintone and hair color? Are there any beauty products you've wanted to try but just never purchase? I enjoy beauty and makeup (I work for MAC). I tend towards all natural stuff when off duty. I have a number of etsy shops that I find interesting. When it comes to colours I am pale pale pale (nc15/nw15 in MAC foundations sometimes - they can go dark on me), my undertone is more pink then golden. When it comes to the colours I wear I will do anything but neutrals (browns). I mostly play with my eyes - the brighter the better (love reds, pinks, oranges and yellows on the eyes best). I mostly wear lip conditioners on my mouth though wouldn't mind trying lip stains. Josie Marin and Tarte are two companies that I'm interested in. I would love to find a non-pencil natural eyeliner in black but haven't had the time to look into it.   Do you like coffee or tea? Would you be interested in trying some different types? I don't drink hot beverages, though I'm starting to wonder if they aren't some good teas out there for sweet iced tea (the only kind we really drink in Canada).   Are there any CDs/Albums you've been wanting but haven't bought yet? What format do you prefer? (i.e. mp3, actual cd, record, etc) I do collect old records to rock out to sometimes. Mostly I put anything I get right onto my laptop so cd's or mp3's are perfect. I'm interested in checking out Adele (I just know that one song of hers that gets lots of airplay). I love old stuff - classic rock , psychedelic trippy music from the 60's and 70's, 80's hair metal, 80's pop. I would love to hear more of todays gothic or orchestra metal. The bands I know are Lacuna Coil (I have the Comalies album as well as the Enjoy The Silence ep), and Entwine (I have DieVersity, and Fatal Design).   Would you like to receive a mix-CD from your Witch? Would love it. Some of my favourite artists were ones I was introduced to on mixed tapes/cds.   If your witch were going somewhere on a vacation during the round, would you want a little souvenir? That would be amazing - nothing like knowing that someone was thinking about you when they were away!   Do you enjoy any outdoor activities? Do you have a favorite form of "exercise"? I would love going for walks in the woods (if there were any nearby). Sadly I am on my feet all day so exercise is never on my mind.   Any witchee's with a ravelry account have any favourited patterns that cost money that would be a welcome gift? nope - though I love cross-stiching anything with dragons, faeries, wizards and the like. also these are fun http://www.etsy.com/shop/weelittlestitches   Do you work/study at a desk and enjoy interesting or cute office supplies? No desk, but I do have a craft table and a make up table! craft supplies are always awesome (I paper craft a bit and do my fabric crafts a bit)   Witchee, are you a fan of musicals? If so, which ones? I am! I love love love Hair. I also enjoy Les Miz, Jesus Christ Superstar (the movie is awesome in all its hippy-dippiness), West Side Story, and the music of Phantom.   I am fond of the thrift. Do you mind lightly used goods? Please be specific! I love thrift, though honestly I'm more into shopping in them because I'm always on the lookout for specific things. I'm more into used books as gifts.   Do you have an Etsy shop? Do you know of any Etsy shops that are Switch Witch friendly? I don't have an etsy shop but I do have a huge number of favourites.   Would a gift or a postcard from Disneyland make you squee with delight or puke into your mail box? I would definitely squee. I'm a Disney junkie and try to hit WDW once every year or two. I've never been to Disneyland though.   What are your favorite types of Halloween candy? I love chocolate and caramels. Don't generally like hard candy like suckers, and dislike jellybeans. I also have a real soft spot for vanilla salt water taffy. Gummy is also good.   Do you prefer soap or shower gel? Please give examples of your favorite scents or brands. I'm more of a soap girl. Right now I have Snow White in the shower. I enjoy Villainess, and have tried their Decadance scent. Any soaps with my favourite scents would be awesome (patchouli, vanilla, coconut, lavender, red musk).   How do you like your chocolate? For example with nuts, mint, peanut butter, caramel? I love chocolate like Turtles and chocolate covered almonds. I love chocolate and mint when it's a really smooth mint. I enjoy chocolate and peanut butter together, and I adore chocolate and caramel. I also love things like chocolate covered banana chips. About the only thing I don't mix chocolate with is fruit. I have always been intrigued by the chocolate covered bugs - weird but true. The only chocolate I really hate is white chocolate (and really really cheap sawdust chocolate - like some of the solid bunnies you get at Easter)   Beads! Do you use them? Would you want some? What sorts of beads do you like? I never have - but it doesn't mean I wouldn't. I love the look of beads - particularly glass ones.   Anyone here like caramels? Sea salted caramels?!?! Love them. I'm obsessed with an Etsy shop LeBellaCaramella - particularly their chocolate covered salted caramels. I've been craving them for a while but she hasn't put anything up in a few months (busy with wedding favours and such I believe).   Would you like a hand dyed or hand painted scarf or wrap or other item? If so, what colors/designs/fabrics do you like? I love hand dyed items. Fabric wise I am a bit of a freak. I only like cottons and the like. Anything too soft freaks me out (I can't touch velvet, velour, corduroy, terry cloth - unless I'm wet, silk, felt, or suede). I have serious textile issues Colour-wise I love all colours - as long as they are a medium tone or darker (too pale and it washes me out). Any design would be awesome!   This was a question before, but does anyone here like stones? Just pretty polished stones for use in whatever purposes? I love pretty stones. I grew up near the beach so I was always looking for nice smooth stones.   And another question; anyone like anything in particular from Think Geek? I love Think Geek - nothing in particular I'm jonesing for. Just please nothing bacon flavoured.   Pinterest, do you have boards you want to share or are you following anyone with great boards you want to share? I've just gotten into this - so I'm plugging away at filling my boards.   How would you feel about kitchen towels and other similar household objects, if they are pretty or a souvenir? I love souvenir towels and such. I'm also a sucker for homemade facecloths.   How did you dress up for your last party or compulsory-formal-dress occasion? It was a wedding and I wore black dress pants and a dressy dark green t-shirt ( I just came from work and didn't have much time to get ready)   Would you like to receive e-books? And if so, in what format? No thank you.   If you have kids, would you be interested in getting things for them? And if so, what are they interested and what sizes are the wearing now? No kids here.   Would you be interested in a felted handbag? Do any of these styles appeal to you? http://tinyurl.com/3o2epzl (there's at least one guy-friendly style, too!) The bags are beautiful but sadly I can't handle the feel of felt   Are there any patterns, motifs, etc that you especially like? If it's for the house I'm more interested it it being certain colours and not too girly or kitschy (I stick to blues/greys/purples). I do love skulls though.   Witchee, would you be interested in having a special tea cup/coffee mug/glass to drink out of? I could definitely handle that. I don't drink hot beverages - but I love cold ones.   If you're a tea drinker, is there any specific tea you would like to receive, not just the kind/flavor but also the type/packing--i.e., tea bags, loose tea, compressed, etc? Sadly not a tea drinker.   Do you enjoy puzzles/riddles? (Cryptograms, Sudoku, Crossword, Jigsaw, etc) I enjoy all puzzles (often doing crosswords and such in front of the tv)   Can you sum yourself (whether it be personality, life's goals, ethics, whatever) in 10 words or less? Organized, empathetic, optimistic, funny, liberal, smart, friendly, honest, trouble-shooter, dependable.   How about little bottles of booze? Ya wanna? What kind? Not a drinker   What are your views on fudge and brownies? (Also, if you live in a warm place, where the fudge might melt, that'd be helpful to know. Or, if you're diabetic and fudge is death, that'd be useful to know, too.) Big fan of fudge and brownies. I enjoy a softer fudge (either maple or chocolate). No nuts in either please (not allergic, just don't think that nuts belong in baked goods). I live in Ontario so weather isn't always an issue here - it's already cooling down.   Also, what about mochi? Love it, hate it, baffled by it? Never had it. I'm always interested in trying new things (just nothing fruit flavoured - I like my fruit right off the tree/bush)   Does anyone like kimchi? Never tried it before. It looks interesting!   Would you be interested in a sample box (from somewhere like Birchbox or loosebutton)? Quandry. The beauty junkie in me would go apeshit crazy over these, but the eco-girl I'm becoming would probably not use much of it. I love love love samples of stuff so I suppose if there was someplace like this that focused on homemade/earth-friendly stuff I would curl into a ball and weep for joy   You have to place a Lab and Trading Post order. Right fuckin' now. No spending limits. What do you buy? For the Lab I would get all the bottles on my wishlist, Boo, Sprinklecakes, a 4th WILF bottle (cause I loves it so) Lemon-Scented Sticky Bat, Heroine, Sachs, Violens, Liz, Hellboy, Tombeur, and La Mano Del Destino. My Post order would be much larger - here goes... I would love Tees of Hallowe'en, The District, Explorers Society, Blasphemies, and Resurrection. I would love yoga pants of Belladonna and Hemlock - and another pair of the Ars Moriendi (I wore mine through!). Atmo sprays in all the rpg scents, Mahogany Hall, and Cathouse. I'd get all the Vampire Tarot Tee's and scents, I'd grab all the new Bath Brews. I'd buy Bath Oils of Spun Sugar Spectre, Snake Oil, Gula, Luxuria, Ira, Castitas, and Hedonsim. Shub soap and lots of Snake Oil soap. A Salome locket, Snake Oil hair gloss, Triple Dagger imp case, and lots of the little notepads. I really need to win the lottery or something!   Paintbox Soapworks - anything you're interested in, in general or from the latest update? The Beet It scent looks amazing, as does Moundshroud, Blackbird, Lavender Truffle, The Man In The Moon, Gold Frankinscense and Myrrh, and Sweet Cheeks. I got a lovely sample of Lavender Truffle once with a decant circle I was in. The soap was wonderful.   Do you guys have any sports that you follow obsessively? How about favorite teams and/or athletes We live in a sport-free household.   How do you feel about notebooks/journals/stationery? Anything you need or particularly like? I can be obsessive with notebooks and the like. I spend way too much time in stationary sections of stores. Check out the artists I mention in the comic section. I love that sort of art for any kind of stationary and such.   Does confetti/glitter make you angry or fill you with glee? I have no prejudices with regards to it.   How do you feel about stuffed animals/plushies/general soft, cuddly things? If you like them, what kind of animals would you be interested in? I love homemade monstery plushes. The weirder they are the better.   how interested would you be on somewhat personalized bottle cap labels? That would be cool. I label mine now but never thought of the colour coding - pure awesomesauce.   When you're miserably sick (*sniffle, cough!*) what are the things that comfort you the most? My hubby - he brings me a yummy heating pillow of sorts and tucks me in front of the tv to watch lots of movies. I'm particularly found of watching old MASH episodes. I'm also usually snuggled up to a trashy romance novel.   What constitutes ultimate luxury to you? (go crazy!) Taking the train to Disney World (I hate flying) and staying for a month at Port Orleans French Quarter there. It's where we stayed on our honeymoon and I want to be back there. Also never having to work again would be awesome.   What do you really NOT want? To be honest, anything that someone takes the time to send me will be loved. It will be exciting to find out how someone else sees me!   Interested in anything from Lush? I'm really interested in their new toothy tabs - all but their Atomic and Ultrablast flavours. I use their Angels on Bare Skin in the shower and love it. I'm also interested in their toner tabs (not the tea tree one). I have used their Figs and Leaves soap and loved it. My other love from them is Ceridwen's Cauldron.   Do you blog? Would you like a header for your blog, a layout, etc? This is the only blog I have - and it is just to assist in the SW.   Would you be interested in a handmade bookmark? I love reading and am always looking for bookmarks - I usually just grab a scrap paper.   How would you feel about receiving a Groupon deal for something in your local area? If there is anything you WOULDN'T like, mention that also Not really interested. I'm a homebody that doesn't do much but hang with her honey.   do you like chex puppy chow or muddie buddies (ingredients: semi-sweet chocolate chips, PB, vanilla extract, powdered sugar, chex cereal)? would you want to get some from your witch / nacho witch? Would love it!   Are you more prone to order out or cook at home? Would you be interested in cookbooks, kitchen utensils, and the like? If so, anything specific? I work in a mall so I eat fast food more than I would like too. I try to cook as much as possible though. I love cookbooks, particularly baking ones. Check out my Amazon wishlist for ideas. As for utensils, I think I'm pretty set for now (though I could really use a jam bag).   How do people feel about little pocket shrines, maybe something inspirational/motivational to keep in their purses/backpacks/whatever? I think those are very cool. I think something soothing would be awesome.   How do you feel about maple syrup? I enjoy and want to try to make my own this winter!   Do you like Star Wars? Original Trilogy? Prequels? Spin-offs? Favorite characters? I did love the original trilogy. I've seen the prequels (actually my uncle did computer animation on the second prequel - he used to work for ILM!) but didn't love them. I've only seen clips of Clone Wars and have never read the books. My favourite characters were Wedge and the other rebel dude in the first movie that said "Stay on target" - cracks me up every time.   Do you like beef jerkey, I know some may be vegatarian, but where I live beef is a staple and beef jerkey abounds. If so do you it really thin, hard and crunchy or thicker and softer. (OK that borders on obscene) I do love beef. I love it soft and thick lol.   Also do you like or racier ecards from time to time and do you need to be warned if something may be not safe to open at work I only read stuff at home - though the girls at work would get a kick out of anything dirty and wouldn't be surprised that it was a card for me (I myself am mighty racy!)   Doctor Who? Yay or nay? (please don't make me cry by saying nay) I am a fan. Loved David Tennent (on my list of doable guys my DH can't get pissed about) and enjoyed Chris Eccelston. I'll admit I haven't seen much of Matt Smith yet though DH and I are planning on a few marathons for me to catch up. I came late to the show and have only seen the episodes with Rose as the companion - so the first two seasons when it began again. DH also loves Tom Baker - though he agrees that Tennant is the best so far.   Anyone love Buffy/Angel? Adore Buffy and liked some of Angel (the puppet episode was hilarious). I still remember when it started and making fun of it cause I hated the movie. The first episode I watched on tv was the one with Amy and her mom. I never looked back after that. It's one of my desert island tv shows (along with MASH, Gilmore Girls, Sons of Anarchy, and Roseanne)   How would you feel about a totally original Gela-skin for your laptop/iPod/phone? Stickers? Decals? I think those are pretty darn cool. I have a 2nd gen touch and a 3rd gen kindle. check out my art likes in the comics section and in my etsy wishlist for ideas.   How would you feel about gummies? Like, gummy bears? Gummy werewolves? Gummy vampires? I like gummies - my cousin got me this HUGE freaking gummy worm for christmas. At first I thought it was a 2-headed dildo!!! I wondered why I had to open it in from of my entire family lol. It was good but way too much to eat alone - it was about the length of my gorilla arm!!   Since this is a Halloween round, what's your Creepy threshold? Are you a cartoon bats and smily pumpkins person or a skulls-and-bones the-dead-are-rising kind of person? Are your fairytales dark or Disney? I don't do cutesy at all. I love skulls and creepy decor but I also have a way too active imagination and am VERY prone to nightmares (even if DH just talks about what happens in a scary movie I will dream about it). I don't watch horror or thriller movies at all - I believe there is something that lives under my bed and that if I don't rush into the room and jump on the bed it will get me (yes I am 36 years old lol). The only thing that saves me in our house is that it is old so I would know if things were creeping around at night - I'm a very light sleeper. That being said I would love this is my backyard http://www.thinkgeek.com/homeoffice/gear/e557/   Are your ears pierced, Witchee? Do you have any other piercings? Would you like to receive any items of jewelry for these piercings? My ears are pierced but I don't wear anything in them - allergies to metals. I do have one stainless steel hoop in my upper cartilage that I haven't removed in about 10 years.   How do you all feel about Whoopie Pies? I enjoy them - my husband loves them. I made them once, talk about a lot of work. Didn't love the recipe so I'm still trying to find one that isn't so heavy. The cream part was way too sweet (something like 4 cups of icing sugar!!!)   Are you looking for a certain kind of DVDs to spruce up your collection right now? The one I'm really hunting is Me Without You (Michelle Williams and Anna Friel). It's one of my favourites and I have it on vhs.   Does anyone like postcards? I love postcards - especially cheesy ones!   Do you like Star Trek? Original TV series, films, spinoff series, etc? Favorite characters? I love TNG the best though I watched quite a bit of Voyager, DS9, and Enterprise. I always loved Barkley (particularly the Voyager episode where he's the main character trying to get in touch with them). I also enjoyed Troi.   Anyone going to see any good concerts this fall? I'm going to see Duran Duran 2x in one week next month! Once on Simon's birthday and the other time I will be 10th row centre - cannot wait!   Witchee, would you like a framed photograph and of what? I love photos - you can check out my Etsy favourites. However I also realize that it could be tough to send a framed pic through the mail.   Dear Witchees, are you interested in sample boxes such as The Little Black Box or Sweet Diva boxes? They look pretty cool actually.   Do you wear t-shirts? Are there particular things you like on them? Would you like one designed by your Witch? And, if you don't mind saying, what size t-shirt do you wear? I love t-shirts (anything but white) - and I wear an xl (I don't like anything to tight or short - I love the TP tissue tees)   How do you feel about pumpkin scented things? Not perfume related, but soap, candles, etc.... I like the spiciness of fall scents like pumpkin - though there are other scents I like better.   Has anyone else heard of or does anyone else love Glamourkin? This is new to me - very cool.   If you had an international witch, is there anything you would like from the UK? (Or Australia, Belgium, France any other country we have witches from. I honestly can't think of anything. Postcards would be my big thing I think.   Would you like/wear a pair of these? http://www.ravelry.c...rary/yoga-socks If so, what color? those are very cool - and no need for toes either! i love colour - any colour!   Is there anyone here who likes toe socks? You know, those socks with a place for each toe? Yes, yes, yes. These are the only socks I wear though those yoga socks are cool for around the house. I also like them to be knee high if possible.   What strange misc. items would you love to receive that you just haven't gotten for yourself? This is a weird one. Our rooms upstairs are a medium blue grey but I haven't gotten around to decorating switch covers for the outlets and light switches. My furniture is black or white and I love glitter and such. There are 2 light switches and 6 outlet covers. I would be so excited with these. I decorated one once when we live somewhere else. I painted it black and dumped blue glitter all over it lol!   How do you feel about franken polish? Are you okay with all chemicals, or would you prefer 3 free? Would you want glitter or holographic glitter? What colors would interest you? Not enough nail to polish.   Dear witchee, how do you feel about lip balm? Favorite style (twist up tube, pot, tube with wand, etc.)? Favorite flavors? Flavors to avoid? Favorite brand? Do you need more right now or are you set? Are you one of those people who could never have enough lip balm even though you have a bowl on your dresser overflowing with them and 10 in your purse and an order for more on the way I love twist up lip balm. All flavours but cherry and mint. I can never have enough either.   How do you feel about getting art supplies in general? Sadly I'm not very artistic except with makeup.   How do you feel about Threadless tshirts? I have several of their styles. I take an xxl in their shirts or a medium guys shirt (I like a little room)   If you were turned loose in a basic drug store (CVS, Walgreens - a pharmacy with attached mini-mart, basically!) with a $20 bill, what would you pick up? I'd either stick to food or look at skincare - particularly anything natural.   Darling Witchee, would you enjoy farmer's market pickled veggies (green beans, garlic, asparagus, etc) or fresh canned peaches or something of that nature? I wouldn't say no. I do a lot of pickling and canning myself so I always appreciate the work that goes into it.   Do you prefer color or white photographs? Nature or abstract? Mostly black and white but as you can see from my etsy favourites I can do a punch of colour here and there - or washed out colour. I generally like nature shots the best.   oh WITCHEE would you be interested in something like this? https://lostcrates.com/how-it-works It looks cool, but no thanks - I love stationary, I just don't think I need that much.   Amigurumi, yes or no? they are made of awesome - don't have any yet and am not yet so gifted in my yarnwork to make them. I do have the Creepy Cute Crochet book.   I have a question! What are some of your favorite paintings? (famous or undiscovered?) Feel free to link to examples! Nothing jumps to mind actually.   If you could have an image painted for you - sky is the limit - what would it be? My hubby and I as Codex and Fawkes in season 4 of The Guild. Ok, kind of a joke but not really. More fantasy and less bodice-ripper.   Since the previous question about "what would you buy from the Lab if you had unlimited funds, etc" left WAY too much to the imagination with no limitations (my answer was pretty much BUY ALL THE THINGS!), what would you do if you found a $50 bill on the ground and a nagging voice in the back of your mind told you that you HAD to spend it on BPAL or else face Death. Also, say they had free shipping (LOL) so don't factor that in. What would you get? And spend it all! Or as close to $50 as you can get I would pick up the xxl babydoll lovers vampire tarot shirt from the post and I would go slightly over by buying a 5ml Snake Oil from the Lab.   Are there any characters that you love or identify with? I loved Sandra Bullock's character in Practical Magic (I really want that spellbook for all my recipes and home stuff), and I identify a little with Angela Chase   A question! If you are crafty, what's your personal art style? I'm not talking just about what art you like to look at, but what kind of art do you like creating? Do you have a "process" while you're creating beauty? I mostly focus on fantasy type stuff. I'm definitely not into abstract (with my own creations) and I don't do "cutesy". I'm an organized person so I prefer following directions, my imagination doesn't include me doing art willy-nilly. That being said I have some rough ideas for making tops for myself that I've just thought of, though I haven't tried to execute them.   Are there any Arcana Weenies that you MUST HAVE? They look interesting, but none on my must have list.   Do you like Legos? I always loved the old legos that were just squares and rectangles. None of these newfangled sets.   So what say you? IS an "unexpected" visit/in-person witching OK? It would be better to witch me at work since I am in a mall and get visitors once in a while. My schedule is so over the place that I never know when I am home.   Sooo...Cthulhu: yay or nay? I've started reading all of his fiction. It's creepy as hell so I have to read it during the day and then watch funny stuff after so that I can limit my chance of nightmares. I need to read it all though lol. I do have a My Little Cthulhu figure which I love.   Is there something that you wish you could do, but you keep putting it off? Move our kitchen from the basement to the main level of our house. It will involve knocking a wall down and tramatizing our cat so we haven't started it yet. The other thing is to take a class on making cold-process soap. There is a place near me that offer one but it's $150 (you get to take home 17 bars of soap as well). Once I learn how to do it safely I'm gonna do this at home for gifts and such.   Put your current mp3player (I am the anti-apple, so no ipod ), winamp playlist, what have you, on shuffle, list the first 10 songs: 1)Screaming Trees - All I Know 2)Queen - Who Wants To Live Forever 3)Gowan - Lost Brotherhood 4)The Beatles - Slow Down 5)The Ronettes - Be My Baby 6)The Tragically Hip - Giftshop 7)Jackson Browne - The Pretender 8)Mandy Moore - Only Hope 9)Meatloaf - Rock And Roll Dreams Come True 10)Rheostatics - Connecting Flights   Witchee, have you made (or are you planning to make) any Lab or Trading post orders soon? And if you did (or plan to), you should share what you're getting For the lab I'm thinking Sprinklecakes, Boo (it ages sooo well!), La Mano De Destino, and an imp of Gnome. I would also get about a dozen wand caps. For the post I want goblin squirts of all the rpg room scents, the Blasphemy t-shirt in xxl female, the belladonna yoga pants, the Hallowe'en tissue t in an xxl, and the Spun Sugar Spectre Bath Oil. With the post I always need to make sure it is worth my while for the shipping.   Do you have any interest in rocks? Not like, polished colorful stones.. but like... rocks. With geologic significance! No thanks, I wouldn't know what to do with them.   If your witch were to knit you a scarf/shawl/cowl, which would you prefer, and what features would you want? Would you prefer something light and drape-y or thick and warm? What kind of colors would you prefer? Do you have any fiber allergies or preferences? I would love a cowl that was fairly loose - but with warmth. I don't mind a soft but bulky yarn. All my winter outerwear is black or grey, so I don't mind some colour - preferably jewel tones.   Witches - speak to me of shower gels! What companies/scents do you recommend/prefer? I mostly use bar soap in the shower though I do have Dr. Bronner's lavender 18-in-1 castille soap, and I have it in almond as well.   On another note I have a question: If you have a pet, could you please post a photo of it? Bette is not much for photos. She is a beautiful scaredy black cat with a foot fetish.   How do you feel about terrariums? Love the look of them. I saw some on Etsy but sadly they can't be shipped into Canada from the states.   Do you like/own/wear/want fairy wings or something of the like? I own a lovely pair of black wings.   What's your favorite horror movie? Can't do them sadly. When I was 13 a friend had a bunch of us over for a Hallowe'en sleepover and they had rented Witchboard, Dolls, Friday the 13th part 4 maybe, and Hallowe'en. I spent most of the time in another room with her little sister. Sadly when the sister went to be I was stuck with my friends and the horror movies - they made me sleep closest to the door in the living room. I still shudder when I think about it!   If your witch was the practical type and wanted to include one or more of your everyday essentials, what would those include? I'm talking about the bath products, lotions, face lotions, teas, food, etc that you really use every day. Hmmm. Right now I use MAC's Cleanse Off Oil to remove all of my makeup (As I work for them please don't send me any of this lol), The Soapworks Aloe and Vit. E bar on my face to clean, a homemade face mist to tone, and Avalon Organics Lavender Ultimate Moisture Cream. I also use a shampoo bar from The Soapworks right now. On my body it is soap from the Post - presently Snow White, and I use the Bath Oils as a moisturizer (also Snow White right now). I just started using a Weleda spray deodorant in sage and I'm loving it. I've been getting into wanting to make my own stuff so at some point I want this to all be natural and homemade. Food and drinkwise every day is different. I am in the process of making everything I eat at home from scratch (I want to be a pioneer woman). I'm not so good at that outside of the house. I work in a mall so sadly if I don't have time to make my lunch it is food court food.   Jane Austen .. Yay or Nay? Definitely a Yay!!! All but Emma actually - meddlesome bitch. Pride and Prejudice and Mansfield Park are my two favourites. I do enjoy some Darcy.   I put up quotes I love in my office and studio to get me going, They range from goofy to sarcastic to inspirational... Are you interested in a hand painted quote? Do you have one in mind, or a topic in mind? I enjoy quotes in the house. Anything fantasy or fairytale inspired. Something from Peter Pan would be very cool. I have quotes in my living room from The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth. The Neverending Story would be cool. Anything along those lines.   Do you like period or period-styled paraphernalia? Stuff like postcards, notecards, jewelry, office supplies, what-have-you? I enjoy it quite a bit. I think Victorian stuff is cool. Every once in a while I look around for funeral art that includes hair made into things like flowers. Pictures are also lovely, jewelry not so much. I love the look of it, I just dont wear it.   If you like manga, comics, and/or graphic novels, what is it about them that you like, in general? The story, the art/style, etc? I'm a big fan of the art. I don't care how amazing the story is, if the art isn't good I would read it. Check out my comic question up near the top for examples of great art.   If you could choose a Smack, what would it have in it? Coconut milk, unearthed, vanilla bean, and mint medley. In that order I think.   if you could have a salon scent made, based on any artwork(s) what would it be? The Faery Who Was Kissed by the Pixies. Brian Froud rocks and I love his work.   Are you scientifically curious and/or process-oriented? Would you like a project-type gift that allowed you do do something like make soap from scratch, take and (nontoxic-ly) develop photographs using a pinhole camera, use plant dyes on yarn or fabric, etc.? I love learning how to do stuff.   What's 'your' song/your theme song? I always tell my hubby it's "Because I'm Awesome" by The Dollyrots. I tend to make up songs about myself actually. I sometimes add dances to it too (lots of butt wiggling)   What would be your superpower? Bampfing. Teleporting to those of you unfamiliar with Nightcrawler.   Witchee, would you like a gently used BPAL tshirt? As long as it's my size sure.   Do you like homemade snack mixes? I know Puppy Chow was mentioned in a previous question, but what about healthier and more natural type snacks like granola or trail mix? You can put a lot of delicious and fun things into trail mix, yeah? If you say "Sure, I'd love some!" what kinds of things do you like/not like in those kinds of snacks, ie coconut flakes, raisins, certain nuts (allergies??), candy, etc. Give us your list of DO's and DON'Ts! I will say no cause I make a killer granola bar.   Do you like charm bracelets? If you had a bracelet, what sort of charms would you want on it? Favorite hobbies, symbols, whatever? I do, though I haven't worn one in many years. It would have to be all silver, and anything fantasy on it would be awesome.   If you're interested in a handmade pouch/cover for an item you have (phones, tablets, books, keys, kettles...), what would your ideal pouch/cover have? Design, material, additional functionality/features like pockets or lights or secret hidey-holes? I can always use an ipod touch cover. I like the idea of something knit and simple. No need for any extra pockets but perhaps something to tie down my earphones would be cool.   Would you like a photo collage based around your interests/favorite colors/favorite themes? That would be amazing. I love artwork like that.   If you're crafty, are you interested in spoonfeather? And if so, what things there delight your eyes? I'm enjoying this site right now, but am a little overwhelmed with choices   Colors! What are your favorite colors and what colors do you not like? Pictures and links, people! For my house it is as I mentioned earlier - greys/blues/purples (all washed out - nothing too bright). I don't mind a little fire colour thrown in for a splash of colour.   What is your favorite word? for the sound of it aloud I will have to say ejaculate. Sadly true lol.   What are the feelings on arm warmers? Color, style, texture, length? I love the idea of theses. I'd love long ones, I think any style, and black if possible (so I can wear them at work)   Do you like tarts? tealights? jar candles? votives? I use all actually. I love them equally.   What's your favorite flavor? Sour, sweet, bitter, salty? I love sweet and don't mind sour. I am not much of a salty fan - though I do love chips. I pick all the salt off of pretzels.   So, are there any online gaming witchees who covet purchasable in-game items or other gamer-y stuff? (yup, geek question) No thanks   Anyone doing anything cool for Mabon (or the start of fall, if you aren't pagan? Nope - busy with family stuff.   Is there anything you'd like from the Mütter Museum Store? http://www.muttermus....com/merchant2/ I alway love Madam Talbot's art and I like anything "freakshow". Someday I will have to find my way there.   I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like? I'm interested. Here are ones I might like - Bendel Vanilla Bean Type, Black Marshmallow, Black Noel, Black Sugar Cake, Black Vanilla, Black Velvet, Black Voodoo, Bourbon Vanilla, Coconut Cream Pie, Coconut Rum Cake, Goblin, Mint Eyelet, Pink Patchouli, and Vanilla Mint.   what's your favorite kind of pizza? Don't eat it - hate tomato sauce and have just never bothered trying anything without.   who are your style/fashion icons? post pics if you want! I love Stevie Nicks. Also Dharma from Dharma and Greg, and all the people in the movie Hair.   Are there any food items you're craving/aren't able to find around your area? I'm always on the lookout for a good soft maple fudge with no nuts. That and vanilla salt water taffy.   What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel, like this? No thanks. They are cute but I'm not into mice or felt.   Is there anything you like or would like to try from Bath & Body Works? No thank you.   What would you think of a hair kerchief (with a matching scarf) ? Love it. Any colour would be awesome, but if it's black I could wear it to work.   Look down. What are you wearing, right now? Nothing but my wedding ring. I'm in bed with my laptop.   how do you feel about ethical animal fiber, i.e. wool and the like? I have no problems with it.   It's the weekend, and you find yourself without a single chore or responsibility for a few hours. Right this very moment, what's the one thing you would do if you could do anything? Stay in bed and cuddle with the husband.   Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves? Yes indeed I would.   Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood? After I crawl into bed I always pull out my ipod touch and play a few games of solitaire until I am tired enough to fall asleep. We also sleep with a sound machine so that I can listen to crickets.   Are you interested in today's/any recent Tee Fury shirts? I get a kick out of the It one, and the magic missiles one. Pretty well any DnD shirt works with me.   Princess Bride? Yay or nay? A big old yay!   What's your favorite classic fairytale, witches? Mother Hulda. I had to actually look up the name cause I couldn't remember it.   Is there any kind of international candy you love or would like to try? I love Red Band wine gums (from Holland I think). Honestly, I am a candy junkie so as long as it meets my upper criteria of no fruit etc.   Is there any cheesy/non-cheesy Canadian stuff you'd be interested in? I love maple sugar candy.   If you were to go here and create your very own chocolate bar, what might it have in it? As interesting as that is, there are much cheaper yummy chocolate options.   Is there anything you're wanting from LPMP? To be honest I am a little overwhelmed by all of their scents. If there are ones you love and think I would like according to my scent loves then please feel free to share. I'm so fond of BPAL that I have never ventured into other scent makers.   say you stumbled into Camp Half Blood (or whatever the Roman camp ends up being named <bounces in anticipation>), which god claims you? I think I would probably be Athena's progeny. I like to think I'm pretty wise, and I am definitely a problem-solver.   Do you like lavender as a flavor as well as a scent? Yes I do. Lavender honey is my favourite flavour of honey. I've tried a few other lavender items like bread. There is a lavender farm not to far away from me where I get my honey.   What is something people are always surprised to learn about you? I'm not sure there is anything. I'm one of those people that will share anything with strangers and friends. I'm known as a bit of an open book. Don't tell me secrets cause I won't keep them. I'm a very bad liar and I tend to over share.   So who else watched Babylon 5? Never tried it.   If you had to decide what your stripper name was, what would it be? Maharhette (also a name I will give a daughter if I ever have one - middle name though, not first)   Sooooo Witchees, have you ever taken that particular personality test? If so, are you an Analytical, a Driver, an Expressive or an Amiable? I've done these tests for work. If I remember I was expressive with quite a bit of analytical.   Is anyone else afraid of or creepy out by dummies/puppets/Muppets/etc? Other things you're squicked/freaked by that's best left by the wayside? I don't mind creepy dolls etc - heck I collect living dead dolls. My husband's teddy bear has tried to kill me a few times so he now sleeps in a drawer. I have no fear of most insects and reptiles. I don't like centipedes a whole lot - they move too fast. Spiders are ok in my book (my hubby hates them). Weirdly enough, what I am most freaked out about are tools like axes and saws. Knives are also not my friend (neither are cans - about 6 years ago I cut my thumb opening a can of peaches and got 16 stitches for my trouble).   What level of contact were you hoping for from your witch? I didn't specify actually. Anything my witch is able to do is wonderful to me. As long as I know s/he is out there it is all good. My witch has been beyond amazing so far. I've had a great first experience. Hi witch if you are reading this you have been brightening up my weeks.   Your favorite restaurant or type of food to eat out. Would you use a restaurant.com voucher? Groupon? Mexican is key. Shawarma is also awesome. I love diners and chains. Just a reminder though that many of the restaurants in the States aren't up here. The only places I'm not really into are Italian (do not love East Side Marios - to many bad experiences)   Are there any local museums/attractions you keep never getting around to going to? None I can think of. I would be happy going to any special places like these.   It's Banned Books Week! Are there any books on the list you'd be interested in checking out? I'm not against trying any of them. I know some are already on my Kindle as samples   JONES SODA CO has LE soda packs for The Guild, Buffy, D&D, So Cute, etc. Would you be interested in these, Witchee? No thanks. I love The Guild, Buffy and D&D, but I don't need any pop.   I have a not-so-secret love for The Broship of the Rings. Are there any prints from her store you'd like? No thanks.   Who here likes Stephanie Pui-Min Law's artwork? Her art is lovely. I have a soft spot for the fae.   I have a question- What kind of purse do you prefer? Leather, cloth? over the shoulder or crossbody, or something that can do either? Do you like bold bright prints with fun things, or monochrome, solid colours? Texturewise I don't do suede or felt. I prefer across the body. I've always loved the fringed bags but hate that they're suede. I'm definitely more into monochromatic unless there are skulls.   Witches, did you lament NOT getting one of the condom case/imp cases that got released with the courtesan series??? I loved them, but don't feel like I missed out.   I recently saw candy corn in non-candy corn flavors like CHOCOLATE and CARAMEL APPLE. It's not a fancy brand, I just saw it in the drugstore, but who here would like something like that? I would try most any candy once.   Witchee, would you like anything from this particular Haunt update? I've added anything I'm interested in to my Amazon wishlist. There were only a few that I really liked the idea of.   The Possets Halloween update is also live; does anything in the update strike your interest? Bad Catholics is the only one that seems to appeal.   Who's interested in Halloween: Montreal? It sounds interesting but not a must have.   You get a package in the mail containing 3 things you have really wanted more than anything else you've mentioned so far in this thread. (they are all reasonably priced of course! ~$20 or less apiece). What are they? Things I want right now - Disney's The Black Cauldron on DVD, The Beales of Grey Gardens on DVD, Tam Lin by Pamela Dean - I kinda mentioned it because I lost it and really want another copy.   how do you feel about hemp? jewelry, soap, etc? Hemp is my friend.   Is there a magazine that you DON'T read because you can't find it near you, but wish you could? Boho. I've found a couple of copies in the past but it's tough.   Describe your sense of humour. I have a fairly sarcastic sense of humour, though I also really appreciate the likes of Monty Python. I am not at all into slapstick humour or bathroom humour. TV I love that's funny: Community, The Big Bang Theory, MASH, Roseanne, Venture Brothers, Archer. I find these movies funny: Accepted, Easy A, Grandma's Boy, The Wedding Singer, Mallrats, Clerks 2, MP Holy Grail, MP Meaning of Life, Office Space, Revenge of the Nerds, Police Academy.   Do you like reusable grocery bags? If so, do you like the kind that fold up (ie Chico Bags?) I love reusable grocery bags.   Would you be interested in the #occupywallstreet scent? Grabby hands *wants*   Do Paintbox Soapworks' Goat's Milk Hand and Body Creams sound like something you'd like to try? Don't love the look of any of the scents.   The big reveal? I will be revealing to my witchee. I like to know who to thank but that ultimately comes down to my Witch.   Who likes silly items from Archie McPhee??? I appreciate silly things, but tend to gift them more then get them.   Nocturne Alchemy's NAlloween Pt. 2 update is live here! (And for a few days, last month's update too.) What do you want? Nothing thanks.   What are you drooling over from the Sock Dreams Halloween stuff? Sadly, they don't have any Hallowe'en toe socks.   Luck charms? Don't have any right now. My first ever pair of toe socks were considered lucky. I kicked a lot of butt fencing in highschool with them.   Is there a movie you want so badly that you don’t own now? Just added it to my Amazon wishlist. The History Boys. I had a copy of it but gave it to my cousin because I thought she would appreciate it. Me Without You is also on the list.   Is there a song on Itunes that you haven’t downloaded yet? None I can think of.




SW Fall 2011: questions from 9/8

September 8th   From the Weenie Update....what are you most wanting to try?   Oh sheesh. There are so many I'm interested in this time around. I already ordered decants of the ones I most most want to try, but am still longing for but probably not ordering decants of:   Nocturnal Reverie Devil's Night Elegy IX Ghosts in Love Le Revenant Mictecacihuatl (the original is one of my all time favorites) Pumpkin Princess Samhain 2011 Sonnet d'Automne Vampire Bride Nymphae Avernales Silver Apple of the Moon Black Apple of Saturn The Changeling The Ta Ta   The scent I'm most, most excited about is Apple Cider. I have a decant (an extra from a circle I ran) of Fearful Pleasure from a million years ago. Originally I thought I'd swap it on-- wasn't really to my taste-- but about a year later I stumbled upon it and realized I'm totally in love with it. I'm a dabber and almost never run out of any scent, but I'm down to my last couple of dribbles of Fearful Pleasure, which seems more amazing every time I put it on.   Who's into nail polish? What colors/brands?   Not me! I was never a big nail polish wearer, but now I can't wear it to work (really! they'll make me take it off!) so it has no place in my life.   Is there a quote (or lyric or part of a poem) that really resonates with you or is your favorite?   I'm a huge words person, so there are so, so many lyrics/quotes/parts of poems/etc that resonate with me! There's no way to pick one...   Right now I'm revisiting a favorite album (both musically and lyrically) from many years ago. The whole thing basically resonates with me from start to finish... lyrics here: Full Force Galesburg.   Dream candle? Scent, color, type (tealight, votive, pillar, jar, etc.), throw...   My two year old's favorite activity, hands down, is running through the house at full bore, back and forth and back and forth. You will not be surprised to hear how infrequently I burn candles.   Do you like knitted goodies? If so, what would you like and what colors?   I love them, but living in California kind of limits which ones are useful for me. A hat could be great, and I'm sort of in the market for arm warmers/fingerless gloves. Oh, and socks. Always socks.   Colors: blues, greens, purples, greys, blacks, reds (especially darker reds), browns... if it's not white (in which case I'll be terrified to wear it because I'll just stain it instantly) or bright pink, it'll work for me!   Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics?   Yes! Can you make pickles? Pickled ANYTHING? If so, do you want to be best friends?   What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying?   Oh, that's a hard one. I think... Veil or Voodoo Lily. Those are two of my very, very favorites (and interestingly, very firsts) but I've never moved past the imp with them.   I always forget how much I love Dragon's Heart and never even think about buying a bottle. That would probably so sad to see go.   Yo, yarnies! Do you Ravelry? If so, who are you over thar?   No! I don't even know what this means!   Social Media?   I have a facebook account that I use sporadically. I don't know how you would add me without outing yourself, but if you can figure out a way, you can find me by searching under either my email or my name, both should turn me up.   That's about it! I also have a defunct Twitter account and will probably at some point start a G+ account but ugh so lazy.   Do you have wishlists for non-BPAL e-tailers? And if so, could you provide a link or a list?   Not really. My kaboodle wishlist is YEARS outdated now. (I should probably take it out of my sig.) I could start one though!   Witchee, do you use a PC or a Mac?   Oh jeez. I have fewer computers right now than I have in a long long time, and um, I still have a PC AND a Mac. I prefer my Mac by far though!   What is your favorite animal?   The noble tree kangaroo!     And then guinea pigs.   What are you going to be for Halloween?   Not sure if I'll dress up this year or not-- my rapidly expanding uterus is making it hard to dress up as anything other than a pregnant lady.   I'm thinking of dressing up my kid as a hobbit, though, so maybe something in keeping with that.   If you could have a piece of oil painting jewelry (pendant, pair of earrings, or ring) with absolutely anything painted on it, what would it be? (If you prefer wall art instead, same question as above.)   What an interesting question! Maybe a ring... with a... wren on it? I can't explain at all, that's the first thing that popped into my head.   How do you feel about nick-knacks?   Nick-knacks are the bane of my existence. I've never been much of a stuff person. My husband is a bit of a pack rat. In the past 8 years of living with him, my nick knack tolerance has utterly plummeted.   What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you?   Hm. I like to be with family on holidays. It's weird, I'm not religious, and holidays don't tend to be particularly significant to me... but if I'm not with some family... ANY family, my blood relatives or my in-laws... then I'm utterly morose.   On a more daily ritual sort of level, it's important to me to eat dinner with my family, and to read my kid a book before bed. Can't explain why either thing is so important, but they are.   Do you like going to the movies?   YES. I freaking adore going to the movies. I almost never do it these days. (See: ownership of two year old.)   What are your favorite restaurants?   Just keeping it down to ones on the same coast as me...   Millennium in San Francisco Back to Eden Bakery in Portland The Bagelry in Santa Cruz Dharma's in Capitola 99 Bottles of Beer in Santa Cruz (and I admit that this is more about the beer than the food, but shut up, I love and miss beer so much right now that it's making it onto the list) Green Cafe in um, Milipitas (I think) Malabar in Santa Cruz Source in San Francisco (jeez I would like an excuse to go there again) Cafe Delmarette in Santa Cruz   Do you play any video games?   I used to be an avid gamer but I rarely have time these days. The only thing I've really played in the past year is Plants vs Zombies, because my kid likes to watch it and because it's awesome.   Do you like any anime?   Yes! Not as much as I did when I was younger (and VERY into anime), but still happy to watch most things.   Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for?   Just an iphone.   how much do you like jewelry? like, if you were to get a shit ton of it during the round, how excited would you be?   So I think I mentioned this in my questionnaire... I own almost no jewelry. This is not because I dislike jewelry. Actually, I like it a lot. I am just one of those people who has a hard time buying nice things for herself. I would be delighted to receive jewelry (a shit ton or other quantity) in SW.   How would you like to receive some of your Witch's favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants?   Sure! I collect cookbooks (one of the only things I have a hard time getting rid of) and am always looking for new recipes.   Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? What would you store in said hypothetical box--imps, bottles, supplies, all of the above?   Hmmm... I currently store my bottles in a jewelry box, which is nice, except I have to put them on their sides which makes me nervous. I wouldn't say no to a box that I could stand them upright in.   Muppets: yea or nay?   Not a big muppet fan these days, but I don't dislike them either.   Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, and other comic strips? If so, which is your favorite?   I kinda love the strip Apartment 3-G just because it's so... bad.   Favorite Mythological Creature?:   Hoo, a favorite... that's hard. Maybe... Baba Yaga?   Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers   If they're smallish... things that are too big/exciting looking make me feel self-conscioius. I have more hair than a hair farmer, though.




Autumn swap help! (links!)

Ok my dear mystery swappers, I thought I'd start with a post that has some details about things I like so I can give help to my (future) witch, and my "protect your neck" crafter too!   I believe this links are also in my "sw help" link, but in case anyone comes over here looking for them, they're here too! etsy profile (under same name, cuervosueno. This will get you to my wishlist) For the scarf swap, I just included a whole lot of things I like the style of. They may not necessarily be in my favorite colors or materials. For SW, these are just things I like, and I mark them for myself, so understand I don't expect anyone to get me this stuff, but it will give you an idea of my tastes! Amazon wishlist This one is probably totally useless for the "protect your neck" swap, but a SW might find it more useful, though it is mostly books, and still somewhat random. SW Help This one is the same link that is in my sig, just placed here to have everything in one place. It lists things I like, simply to give my future witch ideas. Note for my scarf swapper Looking at scarves on etsy gave me a better idea of what I like. I like cowls and moebius scaves quite a bit, though I also love simply plain old scarves too. I am attracted to texture: I like varying textures quite a bit. I tended to go for the chunkier styles and less delicate, though some of the delicate ones were attractive as well. I really don't like acrylic, though (I've just never found away for it not to be horribly staticky!) I do like natural fibers. Wool can be iffy, though, as I'm a bit sensitive to it unless it is very soft, and if it's itchy I'll be less likely to wear it. I know I can wear cashmere and alpaca and mohair and some merino, but I also know that stuff is way too expensive. I'm sorry if this makes it difficult! I do like cotton, and rayon and linen and bamboo and silk and even polyester fleece, which is not as bad on the static front. I like soft things! Colors I like include purple and jewel tones as I said in the questionnaire, but as I was looking at things, I realized in knit or crocheted things, I was also very attracted to soft greys and browns, and soft, moss greens. I also liked autumn colors, and an autumn palette could even make orange or yellow work, if it is simply part of a brown, autumnal mix. I loved scarves that had varigated colors, mixs of blues or blues with purples, or blues and greens, or purples and pinks, etc. I enjoy rich, deep reds as well. For nonknitted things, I love "pashmina" style wraps--long and wide to wind around the body. I'd be delighted with something like that, hand dyed or painted, something sarong like to wrap around my shoulders. I also was intrigued by some of the t-shirt material cowls if it was something creative and fun. There are a lot of kind prints I would find appealing for non knitted things: animals, abstract florals, leaves (oh, I love things with leaves and especially ginko leaves!), skulls/skeletons and other "goth" inspired patterns, birds, abstract designs, etc. In silk scarves especially, I'd be much more open to brighter colors than I am in knitted things: there is something about the way silk takes dye and paint that makes me wiling to branch out into brighter colors. I'm also happy to have shorter scarves in this type of scarf. I'll try to find more examples of dyed/painted/printed scarves to include on my wishlist as examples. And again, remember, I'll love anything you come up with!




Switch Witch!

Greetings to my lovely Witch! -hugs you- This is my first Switch Witch and I am sooo excited to participate! Please please let me know somehow if I don't give you enough information or if you have questions. I am on and off throughout the day so you should get a speedy reply.   9-18-2011: Thank you for the BEEEEAUUUUTIFUL card Witch! I will work on an Amazon list tomorrow, I promise! No, I haven't had my chart done, but I have no idea what my birth time is. I'll pester the family and see if someone can't find out.   Amazon   Questions that are popping up:   Social Media? >>Facebook<< Just mention you are from BPAL and I'll accept, cuz my stuffs all private and sooper sekrit! >>DeviantArt<<   From the Weenie Update....what are you most wanting to try? Err, I already ordered 3 bottles and a bunch of decants. Ones I didn't get but wouldn't mind trying are Boo 2011, Devil's Night, Elegy IX: The Autumnal, Ghosts In Love, October 2011, Samhainophobia 2011, Sonnet D'Automne, The Vampire Bride, The Green Apple of Venus, The Changeling, The Seekim, The Wiley Grasser and The Zoom. Devil and Boo most especially.   Who's into nail polish? What colors/brands? I painting my nails, I redo them every two days! I've always gotten cheap stuff from Walmart or Target but would love to try anything different and new! I like all colors, but my preferences tend to match the season, so warm colors, dark colors, I love black! And I'm not afraid to try weird shades of uncommon colors either!   Is there a quote (or lyric or part of a poem) that really resonates with you or is your favorite? Oh lots... But it doesn't matter what I do, what I choose. I'm what's wrong - This is fate. -Dexter   For long you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be. -Pink Floyd   Dreams die hard and you hold them in your hands long after they've turned to dust. -Bowen, from Dragonheart   Dream candle? Scent, color, type (tealight, votive, pillar, jar, etc.) I also candles! I'm so easy, I love everything! Any colors, they will just go in the room appropriate, hehe. Any scents, though I do avoid heavy flowery scents, and those that claim to smell like waterfalls and breezes, cuz they normally don't.   Do you like knitted goodies? If so, what would you like and what colors? I don't own a single knitted thing! No one I know does that, and I never learned sadly. I've always wanted one of those cool hats with the animal ears on top and the flaps over the ears with the soft dangley strings coming from them. They always ended in poofy balls. If those have a specific name, I have no idea, but I see them at anime conventions sometimes. Neutral colors are great cuz they will go with everything, blacks, greys, browns. I love purples and deep reds too. Ooh, I saw someone mention fingerless gloves and that would be really awesome too! In black! The long elbow length kind! I like soft, cuddly materials.   Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics? Omg, yes. I will eat just about ANYTHING!! What do you do best?? ^_~   What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying? Hmm... I only have a handful of scents and all but one are imps. So I'd have to say any of my favorites, Dorian, Love Me or Dragons Milk. Ones that I'd be afraid of that happening before getting to try, Snake Oil (I always hear such good things!) and Tintagel. Maybe The Last Unicorn?   Yo, yarnies! Do you Ravelry? If so, who are you over thar? Nopers...   Do you have wishlists for non-BPAL e-tailers? And if so, could you provide a link or a list? >>TAL<< I've been dying to try a couple of the Love oils, most especially Blinding Glory of Love. I think The Boy sometimes needs a little encouragement, hehe. And maybe one to make me braver, or luckier, or more successful.   >>BPTP<< Claaaaw polish! I've heard so many nice things about the qualities and colors! I-drool- over the glow in the dark one. Also some stuff from the update, Orchards of Hell room spray (yay asphodels!!). The Honey Pumpkin Stout and Sugar Skull soaps. Any of the bath stuff and I'm curious about the hair gloss, I would love a sample of any of them.   >>Two Timing Tart<< I've been wanting to try some tarts after hearing so many good things, I just haven't been able to pick up a tart burner thing yet. Insomniac, Self-Indulence, Silk Sheets and Tease stand out to me, along with Satin Sheets, Teatime and Parasol.   >>Squishables<< The dragon is by far the best!   >>Villainess<< I would probably love just about anything from here! I'm especially looking at the lotions, Whipped! Crushed, Decadence, Jai Mahal, Krakatoa and Paradise Misplaced all stand out. Many of the sampler things look nice too!     I'll add to this if I think of more. I don't really have specific Artfire or Etsy stores I like, I usually just type in keywords and go from there for those sorts of places.   Which do you use, a PC or a Mac? PC.   What is your favorite animal? Does it have to be real? Dragons if not, Wolf or Penguin if so!   What are you going to be for Halloween? Most likely a witch!!   If you could have a piece of oil painting jewelry (pendant, pair of earrings, or ring) with absolutely anything painted on it, what would it be? (If you prefer wall art instead, same question as above.) I'm gonna sound like a broken record here, but dragons, stars, moons, skulls... Fantasy creatures. And palm trees.   How do you feel about nick-knacks? I love them if it's something really cool looking and heavy enough that it doesn't fall off the shelf.   What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you? Nothing really, we didn't have many traditions and I live across the country from the rest of the family. I'm more looking forward to someday starting my own traditions, if I ever get to that point... /dramatic sigh   Do you like going to the movies? Yes, yes, YES! I loooove movies! It's one of my favorite things to do and offers such nice, quality cuddle time.   What are your favorite restaurants? BJ's has become a favorite, Red Lobster is good cuz I like seafood, and I really love sushi though I haven't been to any here since I moved, so dunno where is good. Cafe Medi, Sweet Basil, a lot of other local places.   Do you play any video games? Yeah, used to play DDR and Kingdom Hearts a lot, those are still prolly two of my fav games, play Rock Band and Guitar Hero if I can find someone to play with me! Drums are my favorites, hehe. I used to play WoW and Neopets, though not so much anymore. Sometimes goof around with Facebook games, but I really try to limit myself since I was heavily addicted to Warcraft for a long time. I don't want to be so addicted to something again.   Do you like any anime? I used to be big into it, went to conventions and everything. Not so much now. I'm still fond of Cardcaptor Sakura, that was the first anime series I ever saw. I like Miyazaki's movies and have Spirited Away and a few others.   Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for? I have a Nook, does that count? I just have a plain black case for it. My phone isn't fancy enough for cases.   How much do you like jewelry? Like, if you were to get a shit ton of it during the round, how excited would you be? I looooove it and would be so flipping excited!   How would you like to receive some of your Witch's favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants? That would be pretty neat, I love to bake and am always searching out for unique recipes online. I'm a fan of cupcakes and cookies especially! No restrictions!!   Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? What would you store in said hypothetical box--imps, bottles, supplies, all of the above? Haha, yes, my 18 or so imps and 1 bottle currently reside in a cardboard tea box cut down to size. Imps and bottles, I have a few more bottles on the way from my Weenie order.   Muppets: yea or nay? Like Jim Henson? I dunno... No opinion.   Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, and other comic strips? If so, which is your favorite? I used to always read Peanuts, but funnily enough, no super great liking for anything in particular.   Favorite Mythological Creature? DRAGONS!   Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers... I love cute little hair clippies. I don't wear headbands a lot, but scrunchies are cool. I either braid my hair in pigtails or leave it down and hold the sides back with clippies. I have a lot of cutesy, bright colored ones, I would actually really love to find some darker ones with like, skulls or hearts or something neat like that.   Do you like to burn incense? If so, what are your favorite kinds...sticks? cones? resins? What are your favorite scents? OMG, yes! If I'm not burning candles, I'm burning incense, something is always going! I prefer sticks, I just can't seem to get the cones to work for me. I don't have a preference with brands yet, I used to just get random sticks when I found them til I went to this place called Enchanted Forest, and they have sooo much! I got $10 worth (which is a ton of sticks!) and am experimenting with them to see what I like. Err, so far I like them all! I'm open to try new kinds though, (do -you- have any favorites??) I recall seeing a thread on it and people recommending things, I just can't remember if any stood out. I think a lot of people mentioned stuff from India?   Harry Potter - a fan? If so, what house are you? I LOOOOOVE Harry Potter! (Okay, are you getting this, she-must-love-everything vibe yet?) I've been a huge fan for about 10-11 years, I read the first two books the Christmas of my last year of high school and have just been hooked. IMO, I'm a Slytherin. I can be pretty selfish sometimes and manipulative when I want something done, but I think I can be clever at times and determined to be the best I can be and get someplace in life. The Boy though, he insists I'm not "evil" enough for Slytherin, but then again, he's only seen a few of the movies and doesn't really get all the qualities of each of the Houses. He just sees Slytherins as the "bad guys". According to him, I'd prolly be in Hufflepuff. I suppose there is some truth, I value friendship a lot since I have so very few real life friends any more. I can be pretty loyal to those friends despite sometimes being walked over (yeah, these are two completely opposite and contradictory Houses...). But I guess I'd say those two fit me best. I'm not near brave enough for Gryffindor, though some of their other qualities I might have but to me, their bravery stands out by far. And I don't think I'm smart enough for Ravenclaw because their riddles to get into the common room probably would have left me sleeping outside on the floor!   If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from? Any of these online places that people are mentioning, Lush, Villainess, etc.   When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter? My first choice would always be to see or chat with The Boy, but he is sometimes the cause of said rough days. Unknowingly, it gets rough when I don't see him for a few days, but he's busy with school, running his siblings around, etc. So it's more lonely than rough, in which case I like to sit on the couch on the back porch at night and either read or listen to music. Usually something loud and angry like In Flames or Soilwork to keep my mind from thinking. I also just like to light incense or candles and sit quietly and -try- to meditate, but my mind always wanders. -needs practice-   Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you're drawn to? Oh gosh, like, everything? I love legends and fables and stories, there are just too many! I do love Egyptian mythology especially. Greek/Roman ones stand out as well. I love the Lost City of Atlantis. I love tales from England/Scotland/Ireland. I absolutely LOVE Merlin and all the stories surrounding him and Arthur.   If you RP, tabletop, forum, or otherwise... Do you have any original characters you'd like to see art of? If so, please give information! Even if it's a link to a web page or a profile or picture! YES! Asphydel is my Mage from WoW, I played her as my main the entire 6 years I played the game and she stuck. Through our adventures she just sorta took on her own personality and story and became kinda my online persona-type thing. There are lots of pics in my DA gallery, but these are some of my favs: Asphy 1 Asphy 2 Asphy 3 Asphy 4   If you could see anything, what would it be? Can be a person, an event, a landmark or monument, an object, etc. And it doesn't have to be on this planet, or in this time period, or in this reality! For something real, I'd kill to see Stonehenge. I'd love to go there and sit in the middle and watch the sun set, then just lay back and look at the stars and absorb the awesomeness that it is. If I could meet any person, it would be Merlin. Or Thrall. It'd be awesome to walk through Orgrimmar, climb in his lap, and cuddle with him (I miss mah former War Chief!)   What are your thoughts on comics? Any you like? Any you have been wanting to try? Favorite characters? Hmm, well I've seen most of the movies that are based on comics, but I've never really read them. I'm not for the big, muscle-y super-hero types, but I'd be very open to suggestions for good fantasy comics. My roomie from college, her bf and his friend, and me and my ex all used to run our own webcomics, so I read a lot of -those-, but I don't keep up with any of them anymore. The only one still going is my friends bf's comic, No Need For Bushido. Actually, come to think of it, I think there are some WoW comics, or manga or something floating around, I wouldn't mind reading but have no idea where they actually start. I don't play anymore but I do love keeping up with the storylines.   Are you musical? Do you play an instrument, and if so, what? If not, what do you wish you could play or do? Not at all and I really wish I was... I'd love if I could actually sing. I sing along to songs when it's up really loud, but only when it's just me here. Cuz I'm terrible. I'd really like to learn the drums, I can pick out the beat pretty easily most times and I love goofing around with them on Rock Band, I can do better on those than the guitar. Bagpipes would also be awesome. Bagpipes are way sexy.   Does anyone garden? And if you do, what do you grow? If not, would a starter garden kit be something you'd be interested in? Sadly I do not have a green thumb and have killed everything that I've tried to grow. Not intentionally, of course! A small inside herb garden would be pretty neat though.   Do you decorate for Halloween? Is your decorating taste elegant, kitschy and fun, or scary? I mostly like this stuff for my room, I have this spooky, gothic kinda theme going in there. My walls are black with silver sponge texture stuff. I have a few decorations for outside and I'd love to be able to add more, but there aren't a lot of Trick or Treaters in this neighborhood anyways, so not many people would get to see and enjoy it.   Witchee, do you have any symbols or totems that have special meaning for you? I'm drawn to stars. I love jewelry with them, and would love to have some clothing or accessories with more stars. After this question, I did a little research on totems. I have noticed snakes popping up in my dreams a lot lately, but not sure if that would count. Sometimes they are there in a bad way, like chasing me or biting me. Other times, I'm trying to round them up, or last night, my corn snake was sorta following me around, keeping me company. It's another one of those signs I'm just not sure how to read yet, I suck at reading signs unless they jump out and say LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME! I've always had a thing for wolves too.   Is anyone fond of programs like Adopt a Tree/Highway/Library/Manatee/Acre of Rainforest/etc? Never really looked into anything like that.   What #1 actor, director, author and/or musician are you obsessed with? Too many authors and musicians, but I LOVE Tim Burton! (I haven't seen anyone else put him as of me writing this, so sad!)   Are you interested in anything from the Villainness Bad Apples update? I've never seen that place but briefly browsed around and I think it's safe to say I would love anything from there! I love you guys and all the cool places you find! I mentioned candles and incense a lot, but I never knew of a good place for bath stuff, so this is perfect. When I get more time, I'll try and find some scents that I may like.   If you have a pet, would he/she/they like to receive a treat or a toy as a gift? Does your pet have any dietary restrictions or other preferences w.r.t. said treat? Both dogs are weird, I would say pass. One doesn't take treats well and doesn't play with toys, the other inhales treats like air and destroys all the toys.   What are your top three "I want to try them but I think I'll never get to try them" (or, "I've tried them and I want moar moar moar, but I don't think I'll ever get any") scents/bath oils/sprays? Tarot: The Star. That's my biggest want-to-try scent. Then Dorian and Love Me are the ones I have that I always wear and just love, but sadly only have an imp of each, and both those are less than half full now!   Is there a particular artist and piece that you would like a print of? If so, what is your max size that you could spare on your walls? Mmm, not sure... I have some print wishies on my DeviantArt, not sure how updated those are though. No size restrictions, my walls are pretty naked. Dragons, gothic-y, fantasy type things are great. I also like Disney movies like Lilo and Stitch, the Black Cauldron, a few others. And of course, Nightmare Before Christmas, things like that.   If you are in to beauty and makeup related stuff, what kind of stuff do you like? What is your skintone and hair color? Are there any beauty products you've wanted to try but just never purchase? I'm clueless when it comes to makeup and such, I know that is really pathetic, but I just never got into it when I was in high school. Now that I want to experiment, I have no girly friends who live in the state to help me. I'd love to try new things though. I guess my skin in normal, not fair, not dark. My hair is long and curly, medium-light brown right now. It tends to poof out and frizz and I haven't been able to find anything that can tame the frizziness!   Do you like coffee or tea? Would you be interested in trying some different types? Yes to all of the above!   Are there any CDs/Albums you've been wanting but haven't bought yet? What format do you prefer? I uhh, usually just download stuff... But I'm open to hearing new bands and music, so if you have any favs you want to mix up...   Would you like to receive a mix-CD from your Witch? Haha, yes!   If your witch were going somewhere on a vacation during the round, would you want a little souvenir? That would be amazing!   Do you enjoy any outdoor activities? Do you have a favorite form of "exercise"? I like amusement parks and zoos and concerts and stuff but I'm not fond of things like camping or hiking. I've been getting into yoga lately. And of course, well... hehehe... -nawtee thoughts- Feel free to not keep it clean!   Any witchees with a ravelry account have any favourited patterns that cost money that would be a welcome gift? No account.   Do you work/study at a desk and enjoy interesting or cute office supplies? Yes, omg, I am such a pen freak, I love pens in weird colors. Anything to decorate my desk, artsy supplies like markers or colored pencils, anything like that. I actually could use some post it notes, oddly enough I don't have any. Or small pads of paper to make lists and stuff on, always losing or running out of those.   Witchee, are you a fan of musicals? If so, which ones? Ooh, I love Wicked! I went to see that in Chicago after reading the book. I've also seen Avenue Q and Spamalot.   Are you going away for any part of this round? Doubtfully, but if I do I will be sure to let you know!   Do you mind lightly used goods? Please be specific! Not at all, one persons junk is another persons treasure!   Do you have an Etsy shop? Do you know of any Etsy shops that are Switch Witch friendly? I'm FaerieStories over on Etsy, but nothing in my shop.   Would a gift or a postcard from Disneyland make you squee with delight or puke into your mail box? I love Disney! It's what most inspired me to go into animation and illustration! I'd kill for a Prince John beanie plush. My fav Disney movies are Stitch, Black Cauldron, Sword in the Stone, Robin Hood, Alice, Lion King, Great Mouse Detective... really any of the older ones. My fav characters are Stitch, Robin and Prince John, Cheshire Cat, Merlin, Darkwing Duck, Jafar... I also like Brer Rabbit and company.   How do you like your chocolate? For example with nuts, mint, peanut butter, caramel? You can't go wrong with any kind of chocolate. Hello, I'm Asphy and I'm a chocoholic! I'll add the salted caramel in here too, and yes, I love those!   What are your favorite types of Halloween candy? Anything cute or spooky, especially if it comes in a neat container or bottle. I'm a sucker for awesome packaging. Halloween time only candies are great.   Do you prefer soap or shower gel? Please give examples of your favorite scents or brands. I normally just use various shower gels from Kroger or Walmart, I don't get fancy for everyday use. I would love to try some of the soaps that people have been mentioning though. Fruity and minty scents would be great, I'd also love to try stuff that might smell more musky or incense-y. Light flower-y scents are okay but my nose gets itchy if the flowers are too strong.   Beads! Do you use them? Would you want some? What sorts of beads do you like? I am also a beadoholic. I recently learned to make those beaded hemp bracelets. I would love to learn how to do more of the fancy wire necklaces and stuff but don't really know where to start on those. But yes, I love beads, my box is overflowing with them! I look for all sorts, bright colorful ones, dark mysterious ones, ones that look really old, glass beads, plastic beads, pretty much anything. I wouldn't mind getting some autumn/Halloween colored/themed ones. My tastes tend to flow with the seasons.   Anyone like anything in particular from Think Geek? Probably, I get their catalogs all the time, I'll have to look around and see what catches my eye.   This was a question before, but does anyone here like stones? Just pretty polished stones for use in whatever purposes? Another thing I don't know much about yet. I'd like to have something that might aid in anything magickal, enhancing abilites or maybe especially to enhance concentration or meditation. Ones that bring luck in love couldn't hurt either.   Would you like a hand dyed or hand painted scarf or wrap or other item? If so, what colors/designs/fabrics do you like? It doesn't get cold enough here for scarves, but if it was one of those thin, kinda silky ones that I could use as a belt, that would be really cool, I need moar belts! Blacks and reds, or something earthy to go with all my green and brown and yellow shirts.   Would you like to receive e-books? And if so, in what format? .epub, but I usually just download the books I want.   If you have kids, would you be interested in getting things for them? And if so, what are they interested and what sizes are the wearing now? No kids.   Would you be interested in a felted handbag? Do any of these styles appeal to you? http://tinyurl.com/3o2epzl (there's at least one guy-friendly style, too!) There's a few I think are cute, but I have a Dumbledore's Army bag that's great for carrying all the junk I need, including my sketchbooks, haha!   Are there are patterns, motifs, etc that you especially like? Moons, stars, skulls...   Witchee, would you be interested in having a special tea cup/coffee mug/glass to drink out of? Absolutely!   If you're a tea drinker, is there any specific tea you would like to receive, not just the kind/flavor but also the type/packing--i.e., tea bags, loose tea, compressed, etc? I've only had teabags, but wouldn't object to trying a different form.   How would you feel about kitchen towels and other similar household objects, if they are pretty or a souvenir? No opinion, I'm open minded if you have a good idea!   How did you dress up for your last party or compulsory-formal-dress occasion? I can't even remember... I love to dress up, just have no place to go as an excuse to. I dress nice when I'm going out with The Boy though, if that counts.   Do you enjoy puzzles/riddles? (Cryptograms, Sudoku, Crossword, Jigsaw, etc) Sometimes! I love jigsaw puzzles and would love to finish one, glue it together and hang it on the wall, hehe. Night scenes, magical ones, dragons, fantasy would all be great for my bedroom. Starry things would be nice for the living room, and tropical things and palm trees would be great in the bathroom! I do have this addiction to Sudoku too...   How about little bottles of booze? Ya wanna? What kind? Fuck yeah! My experience with alcohol is limited, I keep vodka and rum/coconut rum around. The Boy introduced me to wine not too long ago. I'd love love LOVE to try new things!   What are your views on fudge and brownies? (Also, if you live in a warm place, where the fudge might melt, that'd be helpful to know. Or, if you're diabetic and fudge is death, that'd be useful to know, too.) I love fudge, omg... -drools- And brownies. But especially fudge, all sorts of weird flavors, but you can't really beat chocolate peanut butter. I live in Texas. It's still over 100 degrees daily here. But I work at home, so I'm nearly always here, with the exception of the day or two I'm out with The Boy.   Also, what about mochi? Love it, hate it, baffled by it? Baffled I guess, never heard of it.   How do you feel about notebooks/journals/stationery? Anything you need or particularly like? I really like that stuff, I'm all about pens and fancy papers and the like. And nifty journal would be cool, I always write when I'm upset or angry, and my current spiral notebook is nearly full.   Does confetti/glitter make you angry or fill you with glee? I like nail polish and makeup type stuff with glitter. And paints, I have some glitter paints that I like to play around with.   Do you guys have any sports that you follow obsessively? How about favorite teams and/or athletes? No. Yuck!   How do you feel about stuffed animals/plushies/general soft, cuddly things? If you like them, what kind of animals would you be interested in? I adore plushies, I had this dream recently where I was in the hospital and The Boy brought me a giant stuffed red dragon, it was so soft and cuddley. And I wants it for realz! I love the Squishables, especially the dragon. I also collect penguins and I sometimes pick up cute beanie babies. I tend to get the dragons, wolves, polar bears, penguins... and I have one panther, my first ever. I've always wanted a plushie of one of the Shadow Heartless from Kingdom Hearts.   How interested would you be on somewhat personalized bottle cap labels? Nah, I will have to pass simply because I only have one bottle, hehe.   When you're miserably sick (*sniffle, cough!*) what are the things that comfort you the most? Funny, I am very sick as of writing this... -whimper- I pretty much stay in bed, love homemade soup and want liquids constantly brought to me. When I can focus, I love to read fun, familiar books. I just re-started Harry Potter yesterday in fact. Something soft to cuddle.   What constitutes ultimate luxury to you? (go crazy!) A spa day. I've always wanted to try, I've never had any kind of massage, mani/pedi, facial, etc. Never. Though I bite my nails when I'm upset or nervous, so prolly no mani.   What do you really NOT want? Err...?   BPTP Update? Soaps, bath oils, room sprays... Any of it!   Paintbox Soapworks - anything you're interested in, in general or from the latest update? I'm open to trying new things, that's a lot to go through right now, but I'll leave it to your judgement.   Can you sum yourself (whether it be personality, life's goals, ethics, whatever) in 10 words or less? Always hopelessly hopeful...   Does anyone like kimchi? Don't know if I ever had it.   Would you be interested in a sample box(from somewhere like Birchbox or loosebutton)? Sure, if they come with directions, I'm new at the whole makeup thing.   You have to place a Lab and Trading Post order. Right fuckin' now. No spending limits. What do you buy? Fuck. One of everything? Okay, I'm going through and picking out a few from each section I want to try, that I haven't listed yet... Bordello, Debauchery, O, Snake Oil, Spellbound, Dragons Blood, Dragons Heart, Darkness, The Ghost, Absinthe, Grog, Magus, Masquerade, Morgause, Namaste, Schrodingers Cat, Yggdrassil, #20 Love Oil, All Night Long, Come To Me, Follow Me Boy, Wolfs Heart, Black Phoenix, Goblin, Nosferatu, Anubis, Bastet, Ehecatl, Hades, Hecate, Pele, Thanatos, Alice, Drink Me, Eat Me, Jaberwocky, Twinkle Twinkle Little Bat, Al Azif, Cthulhu, Miskatonic U, Shoggoth, Rogue, Chaotic, Good, Evil, Phoenix Steamworks, Bengal, Cairo, Crossroads, The Hamptons, Kathmandu, London, Tintagel, Fairy Wine, Banana Peel in a Graveyard, The Last Unicorn.   Witchee; interested in anything from Lush? Yes, I would love some fancy shampoos! On first glance, I like Dr. Peppermint shampoo, American Cream and Coolaulin conditioners. I would love to try one of the hair treatments, just not sure which one. I had dyed my hair black last year in a fit of depression. I had to recently strip that all out to get back to a more natural light brown, and now it's kind of dry... If anything would help with that, I would be soooo happy, cuz The Boy always comments on how dry and frizzy my poor hair is. -rolls eyes- The bath bombs and bubbles sound amazing! And zomg! Coconut deodorant!   Do you blog? Would you like a header for your blog, a layout, etc? Nah, don't blog. However, I need my website coded! It's smallish, for my portfolio so I can stop sending potential employers to DeviantArt. The layout is all done, I just have no idea of anything when it comes to coding.   Would you be interested in a handmade bookmark? Yes! I'm always losing mine, I've been using WoW TCG cards.   Do you like chex puppy chow or muddie buddies (ingredients: semi-sweet chocolate chips, PB, vanilla extract, powdered sugar, chex cereal)? would you want to get some from your witch / nacho witch? OMFG... -drools-   How would you feel about receiving a Groupon deal for something in your local area? If there is anything you WOULDN'T like, mention that also. Not really sure what that is, so Imma pass.   Do you like real sugar skulls? Things with sugar skull designs? I've never had one actually, but I love sugar, so it sounds yummy! If the designs on the new soap are anything to go by, then yes, I think it's really cute!   Who here adores meringue? Ya caught me, finally found something I -don't- love!   Are you more prone to order out or cook at home? Would you be interested in cookbooks, kitchen utensils, and the like? If so, anything specific? I'd love any little book or box of cards with your favorite recipes! Other than that, it's a mix, sometimes home, sometimes eat out, it just depends on the night and mood. Can't ever really have too much kitchen stuff I guess. If it helps, my kitchen is a lime green/dark green/pink kinda tropical color scheme/theme.   How do you feel about maple syrup? Omg, yum! I've never had -real- syrup like they've been talking about in the thread.   How do people feel about little pocket shrines, maybe something inspirational/motivational to keep in their purses/backpacks/whatever? Those are really cute, but I like carrying as little as possible. Most times I just stuff what I need in my pocket.   Do you like Star Wars? Original Trilogy? Prequels? Spin-offs? Favorite characters? The original trilogy, yay! I was such a big fan back in middle/high school. I like Yoda and the Ewoks and a bunch of side/background characters that I can't remember the names of.   Do you like beef jerkey, I know some may be vegatarian, but where I live beef is a staple and beef jerkey abounds. If so do you it really thin, hard and crunchy or thicker and softer. I love it! My uncle used to make THE BEST homemade beef jerky, but he passed away a couple years ago, and I haven't had it since. I prefer the thicker and softer kind, all sorts of flavors, even spicy.   Also do you like or racier ecards from time to time and do you need to be warned if something may be not safe to open at work. I work at home.   Doctor Who? Yay or nay? Err, dunno?   I have a couple spare Doctor Who stickers. If my witchee is a fan, would they like a couple Doctor Who stickers in their package? Never saw it, so pass.   Anyone love Buffy/Angel? Love Buffy, and love what I've seen of Angel so far. First two seasons of Buffy are the best though!   How would you feel about gummies? Like, gummy bears? Gummy werewolves? Gummy vampires? They make things other than worms and bears? Gummy anything is great! (I saw someone posted gummy boobies, that's awesome, I want!)   How would you feel about a totally original Gela-skin for your laptop/iPod/phone? Stickers? Decals? I like stickers and stuff, but I don't really have anything that would use gela-skins.   Since this is a Halloween round, what's your Creepy threshold? Are you a cartoon bats and smily pumpkins person or a skulls-and-bones the-dead-are-rising kind of person? Are your fairytales dark or Disney? Oh I love it all, this is my favorite holiday and season! But honestly, the darker, the better.   Are your ears pierced, Witchee? Do you have any other piercings? Would you like to receive any items of jewelry for these piercings? Sure! I have two holes in each ear, but I have sensitive ears, so they would have to be the special kind.   How do you all feel about Whoopie Pies? Err, what is that??   Are you looking for a certain kind of DVDs to spruce up your collection right now? For some reason I don't have The Black Cauldron on DVD. It's one of my fav movies, and I can't figure out why I don't own it!   Does anyone like postcards? Is anyone willing to be a Nacho witch for postcards? I'd love to get postcards from anywhere!   Anyone going to see any good concerts this fall? Seeing Deadmau5 tomorrow night! (Spet. 18th) I saw Avenged Sevenfold a couple weeks ago. Not sure what is coming up though, haven't checked yet.   Do you like Star Trek? Original TV series, films, spinoff series, etc? Favorite characters? No.   Witchee, would you like a framed photograph and of what? Hmm, I dunno what of. -ponders-   Do you wear t-shirts? Are there particular things you like on them? Would you like one designed by your Witch? And, if you don't mind saying, what size t-shirt do you wear? I do! I have a ton of WoW shirts from Jinx. Goofy gamer related things are fun, or stuff with things I like, bands, etc. I usually order XXL online when I'm not sure, my boobs are big and things shrink in the dryer on me.   How do you feel about pumpkin scented things? Not perfume related, but soap, candles, etc.... Yum! -eats them-   Has anyone else heard of or does anyone else love Glamourkin? I has not heard of it. Okie, I looked it up! Those are cute, I'm not sure if I'd wear one but I can see it as decoration of sorts somewhere. I like magickal thingies for mah room.   If you had an international witch, is there anything you would like from the UK? (Or Australia, Belgium, France any other country we have witches from. Whatever is unique and local there, I'd love to see/try things that I couldn't get around here.   SOCK PREFERENCES? Cute? Scary? Purple?   Would you like/wear a pair of these? http://www.ravelry.c...rary/yoga-socks If so, what color? I will pass on those, mah toesies get cold easy.   Is there anyone here who likes toe socks? You know, those socks with a place for each toe? I do, I have a couple of stripey ones.   What strange misc. items would you love to receive that you just haven't gotten for yourself? Hmm, I love strange misc. items. I would have to say hair scrunchies or ties. I do my hair in pigtails or braids a lot and never seem to have a matching pair of colors for that. I been using my multi-colored silly bandz lately, and then one broke. It was a dragon. I was sooo sad! Oh oh! Silly bandz!   How do you feel about franken polish? Are you okay with all chemicals, or would you prefer 3 free? Would you want glitter or holographic glitter? What colors would interest you? I love you guys, I had to look this up too, but that's a cool idea, I never thought of mixing. Or, I don't have the bottles to do it. Ne pref with chemicals, I looove glitter and I love all colors. I have this thing for purple and orange together, if anything can be made pretty with those. Kinda Halloweeny.   Dear witchee, how do you feel about lip balm? Favorite style (twist up tube, pot, tube with wand, etc.)? Favorite flavors? Flavors to avoid? Favorite brand? Do you need more right now or are you set? Are you one of those people who could never have enough lip balm even though you have a bowl on your dresser overflowing with them and 10 in your purse and an order for more on the way? Definitely one of those people that never have enough! I've got all sorts, some I ordered from a friend just came and they are yummy! Called Brains, Fresh Tomb and Zombie Breath! She has store on etsy, neondragon or some such. I like Burts Bees, and I like kinds that are tinted, cuz I never really played with lipstick and I don't know if I'm brave enough to try a real one, so I have one that's kinda maroon-ish. I would try others too.   Would you be interested in getting fountain pen inks or art supplies via JetPens and or DickBlick? I like Microns for inking my illustrations. I've never had a good fountain pen.   For those interested in watercolors, how would you feel about getting a palette filled with paint from my watercolor tubes but not getting the paint tube itself? I'll pass, I have my own ginormous collection of watercolors.   How do you feel about getting art supplies in general? (copic markers, watercolor, brushes, paint, sketchbooks etc.) I've always wanted to try copics, but they are expensive. Brushes are always good.   How do you feel about Threadless tshirts? Omg, the House Brawl tshirt! I saw that a looong time ago and wanted it soo bad. Every Night I Have The Same Dream is cool too. I have frequent dreams of zombie apocolypses. Oh, if I haven't mentioned yet, I love zombie things.   If you were turned loose in a basic drug store (CVS, Walgreens - a pharmacy with attached mini-mart, basically!) with a $20 bill, what would you pick up? Candy and nail polish, maybe try some new makeup thingies.   Darling Witchee, would you enjoy farmer's market pickled veggies (green beans, garlic, asparagus, etc) or fresh canned peaches or something of that nature? I would adore fruits over veggies, but only cuz I haven't had anything pickled besides pickles. I would try anything you sent though!   Do you prefer color or white photographs? Nature or abstract? I like color. Tropical settings with beaches and palm trees are yummy, dark night settings are cool. Graveyards, full moons. Things like that. Animals are awesome too.   would you be interested in something like this? https://lostcrates.com/how-it-works That sounds interesting, I wonder what sorts of things come in it? They would be scared of my personality though, hahah!!!   What are some of your favorite paintings? (famous or undiscovered?) Feel free to link to examples! I'm not really sure, for an artist, I'm not really up to date one what all is out there! I have some prints in my wishlist on DeviantArt. And there was this one painting at a museum I went to in high school that was really dark with an evil looking skull or skeleton or something like it, but I don't know the name. Or the museum. But, you know, dark stuff.   If you could have an image painted for you - sky is the limit - what would it be? Me and my WoW friends all gathered and taking down the big bosses, Rag, Nef, LK, Deathwing, etc. Haha, that would be so awesome.   Name your 3 favorite scents for candles: Pumpkin, Vanilla... Mmm, I dunno! Fruity/foody over flowery.   Name your 3 favorite types/flavors of tea: Ginger Peach, anything green tea with mint, and anything that anyone else has named because I want to try it!   Would you like any ecotools makeup brushes? They're kinda one of my favorite things ever, and they're animal-friendly and the handles are bamboo. And to top it all off, they work really well for applying makeup. I am open to trying new makeup-y things.   Do you like Legos? Especially mini-fig key chains, Lego block keychains, small Lego sets, etc? Haha, I ALWAYS wanted these as a kid, but now I'm not sure if I have the shelf space for something really big.   Since the previous question about "what would you buy from the Lab if you had unlimited funds, etc" left WAY too much to the imagination with no limitations (my answer was pretty much BUY ALL THE THINGS!), what would you do if you found a $50 bill on the ground and a nagging voice in the back of your mind told you that you HAD to spend it on BPAL or else face Death. Also, say they had free shipping (LOL) so don't factor that in. What would you get? And spend it all! Or as close to $50 as you can get. Sprinklecake - $20 (I only just saw this a few days ago, yum!) The Last Unicorn - $26 Imp of Cheshire Cat - $4   Are there any characters that you love or identify with? I love Severus Snape. Like seriously. I would marry him. And Thrall. I would also marry him and have his little green orc babies. Maybe identify with Luna, for being strange and out there, but being able to see things that others don't.   A question! If you are crafty, what's your personal art style? I'm not talking just about what art you like to look at, but what kind of art do you like creating? Do you have a "process" while you're creating beauty? I love drawing, I usually start with a sketch, then do ink and scan to color in photoshop. I love doing things with my hands, I can't sit still. If I'm home and watching a movie or tv, I -have- to be doing something, like sketching or making bracelets or playing with sculpy. Even doing my nails or folding laundry, haha, I just can't sit and watch!   Are there any Arcana Weenies that you MUST HAVE? Ooh, they all sound lovely. Caffeinated Death stands out. I always tell people they can sleep when they're dead, it's perfect, hehe! Dia de los Muertos, Little Goulie and Ruby Crow and Zombie's Cucumber also stand out. I can't tell if it's because of the names or the scents or both though, haha!   So what say you? IS an "unexpected" visit/in-person witching OK? That would be soooo cool!   On shuffle, what are the first 10 songs on your playlist? Rammstein - Spieluhr In Flames - Where Dead Ships Dwell Coheed and Cambria - Justice in Murder She Wants Revenge - Up In Flames Evans Blue - My Damsel: A Confession To An Adversary Foo Fighters - Everylong Foster the People - Helena Beat She Wants Revenge - Walking Away OneRepublic- Won't Stop The Strokes - Reptilia




September 8 Questions!

Hello Witch! I'm going to try to be as thorough and helpful as possible when it comes to answering questions. You may be sick of my blathering by the time this round is over   From the Weenie Update....what are you most wanting to try? My dearest Witch, it must be known that I have very little self control when it comes to BPAl I've ordered decants of most of the things I'd like to try, but am hemming and hawing on Halloween: Las Vegas, Nightmare, and An Incubus Leaving Two Sleeping Women.   Who's into nail polish? What colors/brands? I am so into nail polish, it's a little bananas. I love glitters of all colors, prefer to stick to reds/pinks/purples for cremes and shimmers, and love every brand I've ever come across with the glaring exception of Zoya, because those suckers never dry for me.   Candles? I love candles! I prefer jar candles, and love clean and/or citrus scents the best. Witch, you should know that any fragrance with patchouli causes most of my household to have an allergic reaction, so no patchouli please   Is there a quote (or lyric or part of a poem) that really resonates with you or is your favorite? The virtue of courage is a prerequisite for the practice of all other virtues; otherwise one is virtuous only when virtue has no cost. - C.S. Lewis   Do you like knitted goodies? If so, what would you like and what colors? As someone with close to no skill in the knitting realm, I would adore knitted stuffs, particularly hats, scarves, and gloves. As for colors, I love them all except the paler colors (they wash me out and get dirty faster).   Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics? I have celiac disease (no wheat/gluten) and live a low carb lifestyle to combat it, so I would be highly appreciative of things like jerky (of all types!), dried fruits, pickld veggies of all kinds, and nuts.   What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying? Harlot! It's one of the most perfect rose blends I have, but I just keep huffing my imp and pushing it out of my BPAL cart to make room for new things.   Do you have wishlists for non-BPAL e-tailers? And if so, could you provide a link or a list? At this point in time, I do not. I just signed up for the book swap, so over the weekend one of my goals is to make a small Amazon or Etsy and Goodreads wish list   Witch, do you use a PC or a Mac? I am a Mac worshipper. I fought with various PC’s my whole life, but this summer I bought a Macbook, and it’s true love. “Never gonna give you up” as sung by Barry White comes to mind :rofl:   What is your favorite animal? Elephants! But only with their trunks pointing up because someone once told me that an elephant with a down pointing trunk was bad luck. I don’t know if it’s true (probably not!), but I like the up pointing trunks better anyway.   What are you going to be for Halloween? I haven’t decided if I’m going out or not, but if I do, I have a rockin Absinthe Green Fairy costume planned! Green leotard, some kind of cool stockings/tights, green makeup, and floral stuffs in my hair. If it happens, it’s going to be my best costume ever.   If you could have a piece of oil painting jewelry (pendant, pair of earrings, or ring) with absolutely anything painted on it, what would it be? (If you prefer wall art instead, same question as above.) I would prefer wall art, and I love starry night skies with crescent and harvest moons or woodsy/floral/fairy scenes.   How do you feel about nick-knacks? My house is very small, so the knick knacks that get to hang around must be very special, like one from my Witch!   What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you? Every year on Christmas Day, my family gets together and we go to the movie theater in the afternoon. I love that one Sundays are also considered family days: we get together and have a big dinner, which is a lovely way to wind down the week and get started with the upcoming one.   Do you like going to the movies? I love going to the movie theater, but it’s so expensive here that I don’t go very often. I think the last thing I saw in theaters was Captain America, and that was on a date.   What are your favorite restaurants? I eat low-carb/Paleo, so I don’t eat out a lot. But when I do, I love Mexican food and sushi!   Do you play any video games? Nope.   Do you like any anime? The only one I have is the first 6 volumes of Saiyuki, which I love to pieces, but I can’t find the rest of the series.   Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for? I don’t have an ereader, so I have no need for a cover




2011 and 2012 Forum Questions

Email: mymymai@hotmail.com   Wishlists BPAL Wish List (including SW/SF Help): http://www.bpal.org/topic/127-wishlist/page__st__2175 Other website Wish lists (amazon.com, etc):   Amazon: http://amzn.com/w/LWIIPP27L8JF Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/people/mymymai/favorites?ref=pr_faves Think Geek: https://www.thinkgeek.com/brain/gimme.cgi?wid=81ee080f3 You can also find it by searching under my e-mail. MUA wishlist: search for mymymai on MUA. I have a fairly recent list there. ____________________________________________________________________________ 2012 Questions ____________________________________________________________________________   S’mores? Yes! However, I need it with dark chocolate   What's the neatest freebie you've gotten? It can be cool or thoughtful or just totally unexpected, and not limited to BPALdom. A Magic the Gathering bag from PAX this year   Would you enjoy receiving cute but useful items like colorful kitchen utensils/gadgets, or bento supplies? (boxes, chopsticks, accessories, etc?) What about things like spice mixes (homemade, or Penzey's for example) Bento supplies, sure. I also would love spice mixes.   Do you like cute, seasonal or fluffy PJ bottoms? Like they sell at Target, Old Navy (they have had cute Halloween ones!) If so, what size do you wear? I have more than enough.   What kind of chocolate do you like? Nuts, no nuts, white,dark, etc? Dark, dark, and more dark. I like them with nuts, peanut butter, caramel, or peppermint.   I live near a Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, and Penzeys! What does your little heart desire from any or all of these places? Organic and gluten free items, more quinoa (red!), supplements you find helpful, paraben free shampoo and conditioner.   Are home made foods acceptable or does the idea of eating strange mailed food disturb you? I like strange and unusual. Bring it on.   I just gave you $20 and sent you into a "has everything" store ala Walmart and told you that you have to come out having spent it all, and none of it on anything you need. What would you buy? Be as specific as possible! Those nail polish stickers. All $20 of it would go there.   What kind of cuisines do you like? (I mentioned this in my ?aire but curious what my witch may like)And, what are your favorite restaurants? Japanese, Ethiopian, Thai, Chilean. Restaurants = Boom Noodle, Genki Sushi, Circa (West Seattle), Paseo   I'm from Canada - is there anything specifically a witchee might like that is only available here? Fresh Lush, poutine, maple syrup, Red Rose tea, smoked meats.   What are your "fandoms" and would you like a t-shirt from TeeFury if an appropriate one came up? Labyrinth, Never Ending Story, Mario Brothers, Star Trek TNG, My Little Pony, Cthulhu   Do you have an eReader and if so which one? Yes, Ipad and Kindle Fire   Do you like candles, or tart burners, or something? If so, what's your favorite scent to burn? This was in the 2011 questions, but I like pine, juniper, and spice scents. Nothing foody. I would like tarts, but I need a tart burner first.   Marzipan? No!   Would you be interested in washable/reusable muslin “paper” towels (basically muslin squares hemmed around the edge)? Maybe in some sort of box to put on your kitchen or bathroom counter? No thank you.   Do you drink alcohol and if so, would you be OK with your witch sending you homemade infused vodka? Also, does your state allow alcohol to be shipped through the mail? Infused might be nice, but I don't think Washington would let you send it.   If you get me (or a fellow Aussie, if there are any playing this round) as a witch or witch's minion, would you like to try some Australian specialties, such as TimTams (delicious chocolately cookies), Caramello Koalas (koala shaped chocolates filled with gloopy caramel), Australian native spices or anything like that? Yes, all of it!   If your witch is a knitter, crocheter or sewer, is there a particular type of garment you would love to receive (hat, scarf, wrap, cowl, socks, fingerless gloves, arm warmers etc)? Scarf, fingerless gloves   Is there anyone else in your house (kids, pets, partner) that would really appreciate a small gift being included for them in the switchwitchy haul so they don't feel left out? I'm sure hubby or kitties would love something.   Since it's been mentioned several times, and I've also offered to nacho witch some, would you you like to receive wild rice and or maple syrup? I promise to include recipe ideas with the wild rice. Yes to both!   I have 5 bushels of tomatoes sitting in the kitchen right now that are supposed to turn into red sauce tomorrow, so would anyone like a basic red sauce (spaghetti sauce) to make its way to them? Sure!   How would you feel about a taste of (insert witch location here) box? Definitely! Last year, my wonderful witch Alethia adopted a bat for me from batworld.org, a bat rescue and sanctuary. Bat's World Would you be interested in having a bat adopted in your name? Sure.   Some of your favorite artists? Classic and modern? Manet, Waterhouse, Mucha   If you could have an image or certain subject painted for you on any type of "canvas" (on a box, on paper, on a canvas, and so on) - could you point your witch to some of these images? Anything relating to Cthulhu or gothy.   Is there a GC scent that's been on your list for ages but keeps falling off the bottom of your order because of the LEs? The Night-Raven.   Nail Polishes? See 2011 questions below.   mix-in-a-jar? How to you feel about cookie or cake or soup mixes that come in jars and you just add, like, an egg or water or what have you? Sure.   Would you be interested in beer, wine, or other specialty beverages from your Witch's area? I’m not sure Washington allows it, but if so, bring it on.   Are there any crafts/skills you've wanted to learn but haven't gotten around to? And if so, would you be interested in supplies and tutorials? I’d love to learn how to crochet or make soaps. Yes, supplies and tutorials.   Who here would be happy to get a lil' sumthin sumthin from Adagio Teas? --> http://www.adagio.com Yes. Drink all the tea!   Do you Ravelry? And if so, what's your handle over there? Would you be interested in gift patterns from your queue? No, I don't.   Retrospect / What does your kitchen look like? Colors/style? Well, yellow with black and white checkers would fit our current kitchen. It's straight from the 1950s.   Who likes Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kisses? If it is dark chocolate, I'll try it.   Witchee, what are your favorite quotes? Answered in 2011.   Put your iPod/MP3 player/what-have-you on random and list the first 10 songs it plays! Answered in 2011.   What's one random thing you really like and one random thing you really dislike? Glitter (<3) v. Rabbits (dislike)   Are there any herbs that you haven't been able to lay hands on that I could send you? There's an herbal shop I really like here in NYC called Flower Power that has quite a wide selection. Anything unusual.   If there are no "witchy" shops near you, is there anything I can pick up for you from Enchantments? No, I think I have everything I need.   Ninjas or Pirates? -- Pirates   I have an extra room spray and 2 extra bath oils (one Cephalopod, one Exhibit Hall Fatigue) from Dragon*Con - would anybody like a decant? –Yes, please!   I live near a Mast General Store. It has lots of vintage-y toys, southern foods (jams, jellies, spices) and vintage candy. Is there anything I can get for you? – Jams would be nice, as well as spices.   Do you have any Fall or Halloween traditions? – I dress up, but not much else since I started teaching.   a) Are you OK with "special deliveries"? Is the address in your questionnaire the best place to reach you for said deliveries? c) If the delivery requires a phone number (as say, some florists do) would you be OK with that information being tracked down by your Witch or asked of you anonymously? – Yes, but would need to coordinate schedules.   Haus of Gloi custom perfume? Any!   Dry/sweet? Red/white? Lager/ale/porter/stout? Fruit? Spice? Hops? Sour (brettanomyces, etc)? Dry red; fruity and spicy.   Any Bath, Body or nutritional type items you would love to try from a Natural and Organic food store (similar to Whole Foods) that you don't buy because they are a bit too pricey? Anything that works well.   Any favorite Bath & Body Works scents/products? The coconut lime verbena. Songs that you keep meaning to buy but never get round to it? Not sure.   Movies that you love but forgot to put in your questionaire? The Crow, Howl’s Moving Castle, eXistenZ   Name one movie you keep meaning to buy, but just never get around to getting? Willow and anything else on my Amazon wishlist.   Are you a Disney fan or does even thinking about Disney make your head hurt? If you're into Disney, would you like something from the Happiest Place on Earth ? Evil Disney cats? Yes, please. Dear witchee, would you, could you use an electric candle warmer? i'm talking something like this. I would not, could not.   Do you lust after some new socks/tights? Yes, especially foot traffic stuff and K.Bella   are there any of MeiLin's books (e-book or print) you'd be interested in? I’m not sure.   Are you a gamer (of any sort - video, casual, tabletop) and are there any games you want? Table top, RP, causal. Would love more obscure Munchkin decks, Cards Against Humanity 2.   If you are into tarot, what is your favorite card? No thank you. I have like 4 sets.   Would you like your own set of handmade rune stones or worry stones? No thanks.   Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cider, or none of the above? Tea!   Gum, hard candy, soft candy, or none of the above? Black licorice of all kinds.   Loose tea or tea bags? Do you need anything for your loose tea? (Filters, presses, etc.) All tea. I love it.   CUSTOM-Made Pottery?? yea or nay? coffee mugs, rustic or more elegant? a set of bowls? soap dish? bird feeder? something alltogether different? and lastly, good colors for glazes...? Sure. I’d love something with blue or purple glazes.   Do you have a forum buddy? Someone who knows you and/or your tastes well enough to answer questions on your behalf? ralenth knows me better than my husband.   If you have cats, do they like catnip toys? If you have doggies, would they like a super-reinforced canvas toy with a squeaker in it? That would be great.   If you have kids, what are they into? No kids, no plans.   How do you feel about wearable knitted lace? Shawls, wraps, and the like? Sure!   I live in Japan. Anything you would be interested in from there? All the things?!   -Flash games? What are your daily websites/blog visits, or favorite YouTube videos? Dragoncave. I used to play Neopets.   #1 My new job is at a consignment store where we have all kinds of designer brands for very reasonable prices. Are there designer clothes/purses/sunglasses that you desire/love? (Give some indication as to your "style" as well. For example, do you like bohemian-style frocks in lavender? Crossbody purses in black? Sunglasses that are round and bug-like?) Glasses, purposes, scraves –funky ala Betsey Johnson. Designer clothes wouldn’t fit my large caboose.   #2 I realize that we had a similar question in the ?aire, but I need you Witchee-s to list at least 5 items, each ranging $20 and under from Amazon.com or Walmart.com. 1. Ludo plsuh 2. Minecraft Creeper scarf 3. A Unico DVD 4. Labyrinth artbook 5. Totoro DVD (slightly over, but want so badly)   My Little Pony... Cute or meh? Adore it. I have 8 on my desk right now, not including my Tokidoki unico figures.   And what are your favourite characters from your fandoms? 1. MLP – Nightmare Moon 2. Cthulhu – Cthulhu 3. Portal – GLaDOS 4. Labyrinth – The fire creatures or Jareth. Actually, all of the characters in Labyrinth.   The end of this month I'm going to Scarefest, the big horror and paranormal con in Kentucky. (www.scarefest.com) If I were your witch, is there anything you would like from there (skull jewelry, art prints from an artist that catch your eye, etc), or anyone whose autograph or photo or such you would dig? Anything, really. I love stuff like that.   What is your holy grail "I'd kill to just have one drop in an imp" bpal scent? Cabaret Goth, Boystyle.   Are there any existing Weenies that you have your eye on, but haven't gotten around to getting? Answered in 2011 questions (I updated them right as the round started).   if you wear earrings, do you have pierced ears? Yes, but my ears are metal sensitive. Stainless steel, pure silver only.   Lip balm - tube or tin? Tube, but I have a number already.   Would you like to receive a journal or sketchbook? How about other pretty paper goods like post-its, notepads, bookmarks, letter paper/envelopes? I do like Japanese-inspired paper supplies.   Are you interested in audiobooks? If so, any specific titles? Poisonwood Bible if they have it. Bar soaps with some scrubby bits, yes or no? Yes, but I need olive oil based.   Do you need any small electronic gadgets like flash drives and the like?Nope.   Would you like a pair of knitted socks? No, I don't think so.   Do you have any use for knitted dishcloths, facecloths, etc, especially if they were fandom related? I like cotton if it is on my face.   Do you subscribe to any sample boxes, and if so, which ones? Would you like to receive some samples? (perfume, eco/"green," skin care, hair, music downloads, cosmetics, soap...) I'm a Birchbox subscriber. Do you have a problem with nudes??? It doesn't go with our decor.   People ask a lot of questions about dogs and cats, but I know a lot of forumites have rodent pets. How would you feel about hammocks or toys for your rats/hamsters/gerbils/etc.? No rodent pets.   Who here is going to be picking up JK Rowling's new book on Thursday? I didn't know she had a new one.   What do you do to take care of yourself when you're having a rough day (sick, life not going your way, whatever)? Well, considering I'm sick right now, I plan to get some frozen yogurt for my throat, pick up some cold/flu medication, wrap myself in warm socks and jammies, and sleep.   favorite and least favorite baked goods? Is there such a thing as a bad baked good? Molasses cookies, omnomnom. Least = anything with raisins.   what size T-Shirt do you wear (standard AND babydoll)? xl and xl/xxl respectively.   I found a fantastic little shop while traveling that had unusual jellies and jams. Would you be interested in trying something like Georgia Moonshine Jelly or TOE Jam (each letter stands for some kind of fruit, I don't remember which ones) or something similar? How about homemade jam in general? Sure.   Would you be interested in homemade herbal remedies and tinctures? Sure.   Is there anything you might want from the latest update (Lab or TP)? (update) Spider Silk Bath Oil Samhain Room Spray Haitain Vetiver Orb Weaver Spider Wolf Spider Hothrun Dath Waves of Mist   Haunt stuff? I've never tried it, but I would love some samples.   Villainess stuff? Maybe the Embargo or Ennui smooch, or any smack as long as it isn't foody scented.   BPAL t-shirts on etsy: I looked and I didn't see any, but if they appear again, I'd like any in xxl or xl. Edit: ReallyZeb sent me the correct moon. I really like candles moon, sturgeon moon, sugar moon bella, chaste moon, long night moon, trick, worm and windy moon. Thank you ReallyZeb   ____________________________________________________________________________ Updated 2011 Questions ____________________________________________________________________________   From the Weenie Update....what are you most wanting to try? The Apparition, Ghost House, Meditation in Autumn 2012, Third Charm, The Vampire Bride, Luna Azul   Who's into nail polish? What colors/brands? Yes, Zoya. A link to colors I want are under my MUA account (mymymai). I'd also be interested in the chunky glitter topcoats by Orly.   Is there a quote (or lyric or part of a poem) that really resonates with you or is your favorite? "I took the road less traveled"   Dream candle? Scent, color, type (tealight, votive, pillar, jar, etc.), throw... Pillar in pine. Yay, alliteration   Do you like knitted goodies? If so, what would you like and what colors? I'd love a Cthulhu or geek-culture inspired scarf (Mario, Portal, Minecraft, etc.)   Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics? That would be nice, but I can't have it made with dairy.   What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying? The Night-Raven   Yo, yarnies! Do you Ravelry? If so, who are you over thar? Nope.   Social Media? Yes, Facebook.   Do you have wishlists for non-BPAL e-tailers? And if so, could you provide a link or a list? I have some through etsy, which I linked in my questionnaire.   Witchee, do you use a PC or a Mac? PC.   What is your favorite animal? Cat.   What are you going to be for Halloween? A Minecraft person. I have a grass block skirt, but I need Minecraft accessories now.   If you could have a piece of oil painting jewelry (pendant, pair of earrings, or ring) with absolutely anything painted on it, what would it be? (If you prefer wall art instead, same question as above.) Starry Night or something with an aggressive or scary stylized cat on it.   How do you feel about nick-knacks? My house is full of them, so no please (unless they are Japanese-inspired).   What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you? Birthdays, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and yearly trip to Ashland, OR.   Do you like going to the movies? Yes! I just wish I had more time to do so.   What are your favorite restaurants? Anything Japanese. (Genki, Boom Noodle). Do you play any video games? Yes, Minecraft, WoW (used to, but not enough time now due to work).   Do you like any anime? Yes. I've just finished Xxcholic, Rosario+Vampire, and Darker than Black. I'd like to see more of Black Butler or anything newer since I have trouble keeping up. Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for? Nope, I have a case.   How would you like to receive some of your Witch's favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants? Yes, I enjoy cooking, but I need things that are fast since I have little spare time.   Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? What would you store in said hypothetical box--imps, bottles, supplies, all of the above? If you can find those Michael's book boxes (the ones that look like old-fashioned books, but are actually boxes), I would adore 1 or more.   Muppets: yea or nay? Yes!!! And Fraggles.   Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, and other comic strips? If so, which is your favorite? Garfield.   How much do you like jewelry? like, if you were to get a shit ton of it during the round, how excited would you be? Since I'm still growing my collection, I'd love it.   Favorite Mythological Creature? Satyr   Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers? In limited themes or styles (Hello Kitty, Tokidoki, Cthulhu, or Kanzashi)   If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from? Lush, Amazon, Sephora, Nordstrom, Macy's   Do you like to burn incense? If so, what are your favorite kinds...sticks? cones? resins? What are your favorite scents? Sticks and resins in frankincense, myrrh, and nag champa.   When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter? Sleep or cuddle with my kitties.   Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you're drawn to? I adore mythology in general. Send it all my way.   If you could see anything, what would it be? Can be a person, an event, a landmark or monument, an object, etc. And it doesn't have to be on this planet, or in this time period. The Great Wall.   What #1 actor, director, author and/or musician are you obsessed with? Actor - Johnny Depp Author - Piers Anthony - I've read the first 5 books of the Xanth series and I want more. Musician - Dir en grey   Are you interested in anything from the Villainness update? I'm new to Villainness. I'd just like to try it.   - Harry Potter - a fan? If so, what house are you? Very much a fan. I like to say Slytherin.   If you RP, tabletop, forum, or otherwise... Do you have any original characters you'd like to see art of? If so, please give information! Even if it's a link to a web page or a profile or picture! I tabletop RP - Pathfinder, Eberon, Cthulhu - figures or art would be great.   Are you musical? Do you play an instrument, and if so, what? If not, what do you wish you could play or do? I play the flute and piano, although my music reading ability is a bit rusty.   Does anyone garden? And if you do, what do you grow? If not, would a starter garden kit be something you'd be interested in? We just moved to a place with space to garden. I'd like to try it, so seeds or other starter items would be great.   Do you decorate for Halloween? Is your decorating taste elegant, kitschy and fun, or scary? Occasionally when we have more money, I do. It's usually a combination of kitschy and elegant.   Witchee, do you have any symbols or totems that have special meaning for you? The raven. According to a Mayan healer, it is my spirit animal.   Is anyone fond of programs like Adopt a Tree/Highway/Library/Manatee/Acre of Rainforest/etc?: Any of those would be nice.   Pet Gifts: Yes, my kitties would love gifts. My younger cat especially loves really fuzzy things (like those warm, fuzzy socks and blankets you can get this time of year) to sleep on.   What are your top three "I want to try them but I think I'll never get to try them" (or, "I've tried them and I want moar moar moar, but I don't think I'll ever get any") scents/bath oils/sprays? Rockabilly Goth, Boystyle, and I'm not sure of the third.   Is there a particular artist and piece that you would like a print of? If so, what is your max size that you could spare on your walls? For me, I love Hokusai and his Great Wave print or Hiroshige's Rapids print and no larger than 17x22 since large spaces are limited on our walls. Any, anything from Seattle's local artist, Henry.   Do you like coffee or tea? Would you be interested in trying some different types? I love tea more, specifically chai, matcha, and aged oolong.   Are there any CDs/Albums you've been wanting but haven't bought yet? What format do you prefer (i.e. mp3, actual cd, record, etc)? mp3 or CD. I'm not sure about anything I want at the moment. Maybe Silverspun Pickups, Ladytron, Goldfrapp   Are you going away for any part of this round? Nope.   Do you enjoy any outdoor activities? Do you have a favorite form of "exercise"? (keep it clean, all!) I'm trying to get back into being active.   Witchee, are you a fan of musicals? If so, which ones? Yes! Wicked, Cats, Avenue Q, Young Frankenstein.   Would you like to receive a mix-CD from your Witch? Sure! I would especially like a mixed tape with various international artists. I have exposure to Japanese Jpop/Jrock, a little Kpop, and just 1 artist from the punjab arena.   I am fond of the thrift. Do you mind lightly used goods? Please be specific! I'm fine with thrift shoes, accessories, books, art.   Would a gift or a postcard from Disneyland make you squee with delight or puke into your mail box? It would be cute. I love Disney cats if they carry those types of postcards.   What are your favorite types of Halloween candy? Candy Corn = #1; although spice drops are also nummy.   Do you prefer soap or shower gel? Please give examples of your favorite scents or brands. I like both. I adore cold pressed oil or milk based soaps, like those from Getaguru. I do not like glycerin-based in my soaps since my skin reacts to it. Scents I like are peppermint, absinthe, cucumber, rosemary, lavender, sage, clove and orange. As far as bath gels, I adore Lush gels in every scent except candy fluff.   How do you like your chocolate? For example with nuts, mint, peanut butter, caramel? I am open to anything except white chocolates. I love darks, especially with caramel, peanut butter, or nuts. As far as sea salt caramels, those are godly to my taste buds!   Would you like a hand dyed or hand painted scarf or wrap or other item? If so, what colors/designs/fabrics do you like? Oh my gosh, yes. I love blues, purples, and teal greens. As far as fabric, silk would be amazing, but I'm open to anything.   This was a question before, but does anyone here like stones? Just pretty polished stones for use in whatever purposes? If they have interesting marbling, yes.   And another question; anyone like anything in particular from Think Geek? Why yes, yes I do. I have a few items on my amazon wishlist, but frankly, I want *all the things*.   Pinterest, do you have boards you want to share or are you following anyone with great boards you want to share? No, I don't pin.   Would you like to receive e-books? And if so, in what format? I have an ipad which I should use more often. I do like having the paperbacks in my hand though.   If you have kids, would you be interested in getting things for them? And if so, what are they interested and what sizes are the wearing now? No kids.   Would you be interested in a felted handbag? Do any of these styles appeal to you? http://tinyurl.com/3o2epzl (there's at least one guy-friendly style, too!) I like the messenger bag.   Are there are patterns, motifs, etc that you especially like? The Japanese wild wave (kimono-type) motifs, in addition to river and pine motifs.   Witchee, would you be interested in having a special tea cup/coffee mug/glass to drink out of? Oh yes!   If you're a tea drinker, is there any specific tea you would like to receive, not just the kind/flavor but also the type/packing--i.e., tea bags, loose tea, compressed, etc? I like loose leaf and brick forms. As far as flavors, green (matcha especially, oolong, lapsang, chais, and really dark, complex flavors are preferred.   How would you feel about kitchen towels and other similar household objects, if they are pretty or a souvenir? No thank you.   How did you dress up for your last party or compulsory-formal-dress occasion? 1940 glam with rhinestones and victory rolls.   Fudge? If you can find dairy free- yes.   Mochi? Oh dear goodness, yes!   Compressed tea? Yes, please!   Paintbox Soapworks - anything you're interested in, in general or from the latest update? Anything from the seasonal updates!   Do you guys have any sports that you follow obsessively? How about favorite teams and/or athletes? I'm not a sports person...at all. Unless you count equestrian sports.   How do you feel about notebooks/journals/stationery? Anything you need or particularly like? I would enjoy cutesy notebooks or stationary, like tokidoki or Hello Kitty.   Does confetti/glitter make you angry or fill you with glee?] There can never be enough glitter.     Can you sum yourself (whether it be personality, life's goals, ethics, whatever) in 10 words or less? Work hard, continuously learn and strive, go forth with style.   How about little bottles of booze? Ya wanna? What kind? Do they make mini absinthe bottles? If so, omg, yes!   Would you be interested in a sample box(from somewhere like Birchbox or loosebutton)? Sure. I am signed up for Birchbox, so from another company, sure.     How do you feel about stuffed animals/plushies/general soft, cuddly things? If you like them, what kind of animals would you be interested in? Love!!!!!111!!!xinfinity I really want those new Labyrinth plushies that Piazo is selling. I also collect evil plush kitties (scar, Cheshire cat, Kyo from Fruits Basket) and plush Cthulhu (anything aside from red).   When you're miserably sick (*sniffle, cough!*) what are the things that comfort you the most? Sleep, fuzzy socks, tea, and Miyazaki movies.   What constitutes ultimate luxury to you? (go crazy!) A mani/pedi, a full facial (90+ minutes) with Eminence products and a massage =^-^=   What do you really NOT want? Nickle jewelry, knick-knacks that are not super geeky or don't have a purpose, rubber band creatures (cat eats them), anything with raisins or rabbit fur (or anything that's been around a rabbit, or heck, anything that references a rabbit).   Are you more prone to order out or cook at home? Would you be interested in cookbooks, kitchen utensils, and the like? If so, anything specific? Both depending on my hours. I love ethnic cookbooks and I'd squee with any that have injera!   How do you feel about maple syrup? Good. Hubby loves it though.     Do you like Star Wars? Original Trilogy? Prequels? Spin-offs? Favorite characters? Star Trek. Picard...mmm.   Do you like beef jerkey? Yes, and most kinds of jerky, too.   Anyone love Buffy/Angel? Nope.   Do you like or racier ecards from time to time and do you need to be warned if something may be not safe to open at work? A warning would be nice.   Doctor Who? Yay or nay? I've never seen it. Exposure needed.   Creepy threshhold? High + gore. I grew up watching horror movies and still love them.   Piercings? 2 12 gauge circular barbell or CBR capable holes. 2 standard earring capable holes.   interested in anything from Lush? Ahem... Twilight bath bomb, Butterball, Avobath, Geo Phyzz, Fairy Jasmine, Space Girl, Fox in the Flowers, Golden Slumbers; Blue Skies and Freedom Foamer bubble bars; B Never, Raining Men, Sonic Death Monkey, 13 Rabbits, Grass (yum!) shower gels.   Do you blog? Would you like a header for your blog, a layout, etc? Yes, something learned but that relates to perfume at the same time. I'm on Wordpress if that makes a difference.   Would you be interested in a handmade bookmark? I have several right now, so no (unless it's made out of metal).   do you like chex puppy chow or muddie buddies (ingredients: semi-sweet chocolate chips, PB, vanilla extract, powdered sugar, chex cereal)? would you want to get some from your witch / nacho witch? Yum, yes!   How would you feel about receiving a Groupon deal for something in your local area? If there is anything you WOULDN'T like, mention that also. Woot, please! I don't think there would be anything I wouldn't like   Foods: Beets = yummy Brussel Spouts = yummy Black Licorice = *heavenly light shines and music plays*   Do you wear t-shirts? Are there particular things you like on them? Would you like one designed by your Witch? And, if you don't mind saying, what size t-shirt do you wear? I have way too many, unless the shirt you find is filled with awesome, like My Little Ponies, or zombies in disco shirts. If you find that, I'm xxl in girls.   How do you feel about pumpkin scented things? Not perfume related, but soap, candles, etc.... I'm open to it.   Has anyone else heard of or does anyone else love Glamourkin? New to me.     Are you looking for a certain kind of DVDs to spruce up your collection right now? I have a couple on my Amazon wishlist already that I've been wanting but I haven't bought myself.   Does anyone like postcards? Is anyone willing to be a Nacho witch for postcards? Sure!   Anyone going to see any good concerts this fall? I don't have any planned at the moment because I'm saving for a trip to South Korea and Japan in the summer.   Witchee, would you like a framed photograph and of what? I don't really have room for a desk photo, but something I can hang I could use. As far as what, something spooky or beautiful, like Japanese gardens, would be great.   How would you feel about gummies? Like, gummy bears? Gummy werewolves? Gummy vampires? Yep, send them my way.   How would you feel about a totally original Gela-skin for your laptop/iPod/phone? Stickers? Decals? Yes, the laptop skin would be so much fun!   Yoga socks: Sure. Toe socks: Yes, especially sockdreams.com. Infact, I love their sockittome stuff so much (the new clock ones and the fish ones on the green background have been on my mind of late).   Cthulhu: yay or nay? Ie, Ie! Anything and everything, especially stuff my Metaspider <3 Is there something that you wish you could do, but you keep putting it off? Sleep? Aside from world travel, nothing comes to mind at the moment.   Put your current mp3player (I am the anti-apple, so no ipod ), winamp playlist, what have you, on shuffle, list the first 10 songs: Pandora for me  1. Alles Gesagt by Melotron 2. Ver Vlad by Crazy Ivan 3. I Am the Rain by Assemblage 23 4. Timekiller by Project Pitchfork 5. Body and Soul by Sisters of Mercy 6. Wish by Nine Inch Nails 7. Tear You Apart by She Wants Revenge 8. Passive by A Perfect Circle 9. Stitches by Orgy 10. Dragula by White Zombie     Do you have any interest in rocks? Not like, polished colorful stones.. but like... rocks. With geologic significance! Geodes I adore!   If your witch were to knit you a scarf/shawl/cowl, which would you prefer, and what features would you want? Would you prefer something light and drape-y or thick and warm? What kind of colors would you prefer? Do you have any fiber allergies or preferences? I’d love either a scarf or shawl – something drapey in cool colors.   Do you like/own/wear/want fairy wings or something of the like? I’d adore a pair.   How do you feel about terrariums? No thank you.   What's your favorite horror movie? Event Horizon (horror/suspense), Suicide Club (J Horror)   If your witch was the practical type and wanted to include one or more of your everyday essentials, what would those include? I'm talking about the bath products, lotions, face lotions, teas, food, etc that you really use every day. Aveda Embrightenment anything   Jane Austen .. Yay or Nay? And zombies?   I put up quotes I love in my office and studio to get me going, They range from goofy to sarcastic to inspirational... Are you interested in a hand painted quote? Do you have one in mind, or a topic in mind? I love me some sarcasm and puns.   Do you like period or period-styled paraphernalia? Stuff like postcards, notecards, jewelry, office supplies, what-have-you? Yep – Victorian; Greecian.   If you like manga, comics, and/or graphic novels, what is it about them that you like, in general? The story, the art/style, etc? The art. I love Pet Shop of Horrors style art, or Doll style art. I enjoy the artbooks more than the manga though.   if you could have a salon scent made, based on any artwork(s) what would it be? Something Art-Deco=ish but with a creepy side.   Are you scientifically curious and/or process-oriented? Would you like a project-type gift that allowed you do do something like make soap from scratch, take and (nontoxic-ly) develop photographs using a pinhole camera, use plant dyes on yarn or fabric, etc.? I'd like to make soap from scratch or make my own perfume.   What's 'your' song/your theme song? I have too many favorites to say that I have a specific theme.   What would be your superpower? Unlimited knowledge.   Witchee, would you like a gently used BPAL tshirt? Sure, the larger the better.   Do you like homemade snack mixes? I know Puppy Chow was mentioned in a previous question, but what about healthier and more natural type snacks like granola or trail mix? You can put a lot of delicious and fun things into trail mix, yeah? If you say "Sure, I'd love some!" what kinds of things do you like/not like in those kinds of snacks, ie coconut flakes, raisins, certain nuts (allergies??), candy, etc. Give us your list of DO's and DON'Ts! No raisins, but puppy chow mix sounds good.   Do you like charm bracelets? If you had a bracelet, what sort of charms would you want on it? Favorite hobbies, symbols, whatever? I have Pandora charms. If you can find the knock offs in green, yellow, or red colors, I’d be happy.     Would you like any ecotools makeup brushes? They're kinda one of my favorite things ever, and they're animal-friendly and the handles are bamboo. And to top it all off, they work really well for applying makeup. Yep, totally!   Do you like Legos? Especially mini-fig key chains, Lego block keychains, small Lego sets, etc? No, too sharp. Since the previous question about "what would you buy from the Lab if you had unlimited funds, etc" left WAY too much to the imagination with no limitations (my answer was pretty much BUY ALL THE THINGS!), what would you do if you found a $50 bill on the ground and a nagging voice in the back of your mind told you that you HAD to spend it on BPAL or else face Death. Also, say they had free shipping (LOL) so don't factor that in. What would you get? And spend it all! Or as close to $50 as you can get. The Night-Raven and Emma.   Are there any characters that you love or identify with? Not really.   A question! If you are crafty, what's your personal art style? I'm not talking just about what art you like to look at, but what kind of art do you like creating? Do you have a "process" while you're creating beauty? Acrylic paintings (I’m a super messy painter and I love the war paint look when I’m done). I spread things out, include, create like mad, then put it off for months.   So what say you? IS an "unexpected" visit/in-person witching OK? Heck yes!     What strange misc. items would you love to receive that you just haven't gotten for yourself?: Zuni festishes, plush microbes, more dice from Chessex (d10, d20s in cool colors)   How do you feel about franken polish? Are you okay with all chemicals, or would you prefer 3 free? Would you want glitter or holographic glitter? What colors would interest you? I prefer natural, 3-free polishes. If you can franken a Zoya, please go for it!   Dear witchee, how do you feel about lip balm? Favorite style (twist up tube, pot, tube with wand, etc.)? Favorite flavors? Flavors to avoid? Favorite brand? Do you need more right now or are you set? Are you one of those people who could never have enough lip balm even though you have a bowl on your dresser overflowing with them and 10 in your purse and an order for more on the way? Twist up tube, natural ingredients, any flavor save mango.   Would you be interested in getting fountain pen inks or art supplies via JetPens and or DickBlick? (I know I have a wishlist on JetPens and just love using fountain pens in my artwork) DickBlick…..OMG…..My Dream Store. Let me go wild in there, please! I have to purposely take only cash out when I go there or else I do real damage *****   -For those interested in watercolors, how would you feel about getting a palette filled with paint from my watercolor tubes but not getting the paint tube itself? (kind of like this but without the covers for the compartments and bigger http://www.flickr.co.../in/photostream) I’d prefer the bricks, but that sounds cool.   -How do you feel about getting art supplies in general? (copic markers, watercolor, brushes, paint, sketchbooks etc.) Yes! Yes !! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   -How do you feel about Threadless tshirts? I have too many atm.   If you were turned loose in a basic drug store (CVS, Walgreens - a pharmacy with attached mini-mart, basically!) with a $20 bill, what would you pick up? Crazy fake nails, that hemp body wash, and some make up wedges. Darling Witchee, would you enjoy farmer's market pickled veggies (green beans, garlic, asparagus, etc) or fresh canned peaches or something of that nature? No thank you. Do you prefer color or white photographs? Nature or abstract? Nature but hubby loves abstract – if you can find patterns in nature, that would be best of both worlds.     I have a question! What are some of your favorite paintings? (famous or undiscovered?) Feel free to link to examples! Japanese art, Waterhouse prints, any close up ladies by Manet.   If you could have an image painted for you - sky is the limit - what would it be? Crazy demon kitties in vivid colors. Round canvas.   Name your 3 favorite scents for candles 1. Pine 2. Juniper 3. Spice (like spice drops)   Name your 3 favorite types/flavors of tea 1. Matcha 2. Sencha 3. Oolong     If you had an international witch, is there anything you would like from the UK? (Or Australia, Belgium, France any other country we have witches from. Postcards, chocolates, texts in French, anything native or relating to regional art.   Dear witchee, if you answered 'Mac' to the Mac/PC question previously issued by another participant, please tell me what kind of computer you have, what peripherals you own (like the wireless trackpad, wireless vs/wired keyboard and mouse), and whether you're interested in Apple-related items (stickers, keychains, other things with the logo, etc). Wireless keyboard and mouse (PC), interested in those gel skins or USB hubs.   SOCK PREFERENCES? Socks Dreams – K Bella, Knee highs.   Is there anything you'd like from the Mütter Museum Store? No.   I just noticed that Cocoa Pink has 5 ml Perfume Atomizers. Yay or nay? Scents you would like? Scents you would NOT like? Sure, Black, Coffee, bourbon vanilla (No super sugary ones).   what's your favorite kind of pizza? Hawaiian!   who are your style/fashion icons? post pics if you want! Dita Von Tesse,   Are there any food items you're craving/aren't able to find around your area? Not really. Unless we are talking about unsweetened mango cheeks.     If you're interested in a handmade pouch/cover for an item you have (phones, tablets, books, keys, kettles...), what would your ideal pouch/cover have? Design, material, additional functionality/features like pockets or lights or secret hidey-holes? I’d love a dice bag    Would you like a photo collage based around your interests/favorite colors/favorite themes? No thank you.   If you're crafty, are you interested in spoonfeather? And if so, what things there delight your eyes? I really don’t know what it is.   Colors! What are your favorite colors and what colors do you not like? Pictures and links, people! Purple, teal, and black = Love! I can’t stand pink and orange.   What is your favorite word? Laconic or Draconian.   What are the feelings on arm warmers? Color, style, texture, length? I’m happy with darker colors and I do like meshy or gothy type looks and fabrics.   Do you like tarts? tealights? jar candles? votives? I need a tart burner first.   What's your favorite flavor? Sour, sweet, bitter, salty? Sweet and sour. Sume = heaven!   So, are there any online gaming witchees who covet purchasable in-game items or other gamer-y stuff? (yup, geek question) Hehehe, me. WoW (I’d love a time card), Minecraft   Anyone doing anything cool for Mabon (or the start of fall, if you aren't pagan? Nope.   What is your favorite coffee blend at Starbucks? If you don't have one, what is your favorite roast of coffee? I like tea more than coffee.   It's the weekend, and you find yourself without a single chore or responsibility for a few hours. Right this very moment, what's the one thing you would do if you could do anything? I would read while getting a pedicure. Yay, multitasking.   A wild question appears: Would you be interested in regional jams, jellies, or other preserves? Yes. Hubby loves marmalade (I can't stand it), but I love any other fruit jams/jellies or anything with spice or savory flavors.   Is there any kind of international candy you love or would like to try? Licorice and chocolates.   What is something totally random (yes, that thing that just popped into your head) that hasn't been covered by any previous questions? Dear witch, I love Japanese cultural items (kokeshi dolls), kimono items ( I have several full kimono), fans, and Oxaocan sculpted cats.   Is there any cheesy/non-cheesy Canadian stuff you'd be interested in? Syrup, fresh Lush.   If you were to go here and create your very own chocolate bar, what might it have in it? Dark chocolate, curry powder, cocoa nibs, ground coffee, cinnamon.   Do you have any bedtime rituals? Is there any particular product you have to apply or a certain shirt you wear or an act you perform to get you in the "bedtime" mood? I like to read before bed.   Princess Bride? Yay or nay? Yes!!!   What's your favorite classic fairytale, witches Anything by Grimm.     What about little wee creatures for your desk or mantel? No thank you. My desk is super cluttered right now.   If you had to decide what your stripper name was, what would it be? I'm also using the pet name + first street formula. I'd be: McGee Vanderhurst ---obviously, I'd be a boylesque character.   What level of contact were you hoping for from your witch? I was hoping for medium high contact. I've had ninja witch before, and anticipation + awesome witching package were fabulous, but I like more contact.   Previously didn't know about you? I used to dj, I love Japanese fashion and culture, and I have a strange obsession for cheap che-che plastic (think Hello Kitty plastic wallets).   Your favorite restaurant or type of food to eat out. Would you use a restaurant.com voucher? Groupon? Yes! I adore Japanese (shiso and ume = <3). I would love a voucher to any type of food though. The more exotic, the better.   Are there any local museums/attractions you keep never getting around to going to? Yes! The Burke.   What kind of purse do you prefer? Leather, cloth? over the shoulder or crossbody, or something that can do either? Do you like bold bright prints with fun things, or monochrome, solid colours? Leather and water resistant cloth. I like any type save messenger bags. I love Tokidoki and wild, crazy prints. Metallic? I'm there too.   julep maven monthly boxes: Sure!   Your favorite restaurant or type of food to eat out. Would you use a restaurant.com voucher? Groupon? Japanese and I'd love a coupon.   Like commercial socks? Other than Sock It To Me and K.Bella, not really.   What kind of bear is best? Panda   Is anyone interested in reading The Night Circus? Sure.   Hershey's Pumpkin Spice kisses? Could be yummy. I'll try it.   I have a not-so-secret love for The Broship of the Rings. Are there any prints from her store you'd like? No thank you.   Who here likes Stephanie Pui-Min Law's artwork? Any would be great.   Do you drink wine? Oh yes! Reds and Roses please.   Is it just me who is nervous at revealing herself to her witchee, and finding out who her witch is?! I'm looking forward to it.   Witches, did you lament NOT getting one of the condom case/imp cases that got released with the courtesan series??? Yes!   I recently saw candy corn in non-candy corn flavors like CHOCOLATE and CARAMEL APPLE. It's not a fancy brand, I just saw it in the drugstore, but who here would like something like that? Dear god, no! Only regular Candy Corn, please!   You get a package in the mail containing 3 things you have really wanted more than anything else you've mentioned so far in this thread. (they are all reasonably priced of course! ~$20 or less apiece). What are they? 1. The Night-Raven 2. Creeper scraf 3. The Creeper pillow on Etsy.   How do you feel about hemp? jewelry, soap, etc? Soaps would be fantastic. Anything from Dr. Bronner. I don't know about jewelry though.   Is there a magazine that you DON'T read because you can't find it near you, but wish you could? Any of the Japanese-based Kimono magazines and Egoist.   Is anyone else afraid of or creepy out by dummies/puppets/Muppets/etc? Other things you’re squicked/freaked by that’s best left by the wayside? Other than bugs, spiders, or molester-looking clowns, nope. Describe your sense of humour. Punny, Silly, Sarcastic, Goofy, Perverted - Punny and Sarcastic. Do you like reusable grocery bags? If so, do you like the kind that fold up (ie Chico Bags?) I like the kind that fold up with Asian-inspired designs. Something like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 are are styles/print types I like. Really graphic and nature inspired, Japanese influence or cutsey   Is there anything you would like from Sephora? Thar be a dangerous site. Arr. Anything from the tokidoki, Trina Tarantino, or the Hello Kitty line would be freaking amazing. I'm also interested in Fresh's Brown Sugar scent. Dear witch, if you got me anything from any of these lines, I'd have to worship you forever.




Switch Witch Questions!

Ohgod I hope I'm doing this right...   Hello fellow Switch Witch/Warlock! It's a pleasure to be stalked and loomed over by you! I'll try to be as detailed as I can, but I'm not overly picky, and happy to be thought of! <3 SO THANK YOU, AHEAD OF TIME FOR YOUR GENEROSITY!<3333 By the by... Just so it's clear, I am of the male gender, so that's something to keep in mind, unless you're getting something for me to share with my 3 year old daughter... Then the sparklier the better! (hell I still love sparkles... but I don't mention it openly...)       So here's what questions I can find in the overwhelming Switch Witch thread, hope I'm getting a majority of them!       My Etsy Wishlist   Amazon Wishlist!     From the 'Weenie Update....What are you most wanting to try? Oh good lord... Autumn Cider, Boo 2011, Devil's Night 2011, The Autumnal (even though the patchouli worries me), Nothing But Death, Pumpkin Latte, Pumpkin Princess, Sonnet D'Automne, Silver Apple of The Moon, Golden Apple of The Sun, Green Apple of Venus, Glittering Apple of The Stars.. Hell this is my first Halloween, Imma jump in both feet first!   Who's into nail polish? What colors/brands? Hmn. Not really into nailpolish, but my little girl loves anything glittery and purple, just has to be fast dry or she gets frustrated! lol   Is there a quote (or lyric or part of a poem) that really resonates with you or is your favorite? "Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice." Wayne Dyer   "By trying we can easily endure adversity. Another man's, I mean." Mark Twain   "I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." Edgar Allan Poe     Dream candle? Scent, color, type (tealight, votive, pillar, jar, etc.), throw... Well jars are probably the easiest for me since they're self contained. But a mint or leather candle would absolutely be my dream.   Do you like knitted goodies? If so, what would you like and what colors? Sure! I collect scarves, as ridiculous as it sounds, and any color but pink! Fingerless gloves are fantastic too~ Orange, black, green, blue, red...   Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics? Sure thing! I'm always up to try new things as long as it doesn't have mushrooms, olives, or brussel sprouts in it, or excessive amounts of fat!   What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying? The Harlot's House. Yes I know it's a floral.. but holy hell it's awesome.   Yo, yarnies! Do you Ravelry? If so, who are you over thar? ...What's a Yarny? *blank stare* Do you have wishlists for non-BPAL e-tailers? And if so, could you provide a link or a list? Hm. Not really so much, but J-List is a good place to look for something for me, or Etsy. I'm a big fan of leather goods, figures, necklaces, cultural items... Heck I've been lusting over getting a shirwani.... Which do you use, a PC or a Mac? PC!   Favorite animal? A toss up between Fox, Raven, Coyote, and Rabbit.   What am I going to be for Halloween? That's still up for debate. Depends if I can get off of work for then. If I can. Definitely a satyr. Been wanting to build the legs for it too!   Social media Er... not really ; I stick to my msn and AIM.   If you could have a piece of oil painting jewelry (pendant, pair of earrings, or ring) with absolutely anything painted on it, what would it be? (If you prefer wall art instead, same question as above.) A fox or raven would be fantastic, and I'm more of a necklace person than anything! Also love forest-y or steampunk motifs. fairies are great too, but nothing Ann Brown. Yes, I am tired of her fairies. Give me the grubby, unearthly fairies instead of the carbon copy generic pretty fairies.   How do you feel about nick-knacks? Totally up for them. They're fun and good for conversation pieces!   What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you? Bathtime for the munchkin. And Trick or Treating with the immediate family. Always fun to watch the kids have fun, and then play card games over the candy later ;D   Do you like going to the movies? Mm, sometimes. As long as I'm interested in the movie!   What are your favorite restaurants? Hodamn. I am a huge fan of Greek and Chinese places. Not the super Americanized ones. Give me a small hole in the wall place, you get the real taste of regional cooking there.   Do you play any video games? Definitely, I've got my Wii and I love my rpgs and fighters.   Do you like any anime? Yep! Ghost In The Shell, Hetalia, Mushishi, Jigoko Shoujo, Hellsing, Vampire Hunter D, Anything Ghibli Studios... Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for? Nope, unfortunately not.   How would you like to receive some of your Witch's favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants? Inserted into my mouth, preferably, but if it's icecream, that may even be delivered by IV, thank you. But really, just things with not a ton of fat or excessive salt, just to keep my body running at the somewhat typical level it usually does!   Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? What would you store in said hypothetical box--imps, bottles, supplies, all of the above? Hell yes boxes would be wonderful, even if they're unfinished with the bottle holders in there! I've been trying to get a hold of a new one as soon as possible. I'd ask for an imp box, but that would just make me want to collect them instead of sharing them >>   Muppets: yea or nay? Most definitely. ANNNNIMMMAALLLLL! Or Swedish Chef, or even Fraggle Rock!   Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, and other comic strips? If so, which is your favorite? I'm a big fan of Get Fuzzy and Order of The Stick.   Favourite Mythical Animal? Hm. That's a tough one. I'm generally all about mythical beasts, as long as it's not one of the arachnid types.   Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers? I do like hair things, but flowers? Er... No thank you. I've been wanting to try other ways to keep the hair I have out of the way, but the more gender neutral you can get them, the better Oh... and include them with directions... >>   Harry Potter - a fan? If so, what house are you? I was. A long time ago. Then I read the 5h book... and pushed it aside. No thanks.   Is there a particular myth/folktale/legend/fairytale/godstory that you're drawn to? Hm... Again a tough one to call as mythology and folklore is my shtick... But I'd have to say I love the ideas behind the Ghede. Especially Le Baron Samedi.   Do you like to burn incense? If so, what are your favorite kinds...sticks? cones? resins? What are your favorite scents? I do, but I don't know if I have any favourites, I like sandalwood, and cinnamon, but for the love of all that is holy, no patchouli! *pleads*   When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter? Generally a good long walk on a trail makes me feel good, or getting a friend to say hello, or playing with my daughter, even if it's teaparty. Though a good nap makes everything better too. Or music that is bouncy and upbeat.   If you could see anything, what would it be? Can be a person, an event, a landmark or monument, an object, etc. And it doesn't have to be on this planet, or in this time period, or in this reality! Hmmm. I think that I would love to see a day in the life of a superhero.   If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from? Probably Amazon.com, or Walmart, Iunno if Etsy does them...   Are you musical? Do you play an instrument, and if so, what? If not, what do you wish you could play or do? Yes actually I am musical. I sing, play the pan flute, ocarina, regular flute, sing, percussion... Just it's been a long time since I've done it publically.   Does anyone garden? And if you do, what do you grow? If not, would a starter garden kit be something you'd be interested in? Augh I miss gardening. I've been in an apartment for so long that I'd probably love a starter garden kit to begin again.   Do you decorate for Halloween? Is your decorating taste elegant, kitschy and fun, or scary? Eh, generally no, since I know if I tried, I'd be waaaay too ambitious and end up buried in decorations.   Witchee, do you have any symbols or totems that have special meaning for you? Hmn. Definitely the coyote and calaveras (sugar skulls). Ravens are good too.     What #1 actor, director, author and/or musician are you obsessed with?   Actor: Michael Duncan Clarke. And Robert Downy Jr. (And Mickey Rourke sometimes >>) Author: Neil Gaiman, and Brian Jacques. May he rest in peace Musician: Hm! That's a tough one. But Gorillaz and Innerpartysystem are consistent favourites for me.   If you have a pet, would he/she/they like to receive a treat or a toy as a gift? Does your pet have any dietary restrictions or other preferences w.r.t. said treat? I have a cat, and a ball python. The cat would spaz over catnip toys, and snakey... well he'd just love you for a new thing to hide in. Whether it's a large tube or a repurposed cardboard box!   Are there any CDs/Albums you've been wanting but haven't bought yet? What format do you prefer? (i.e. mp3, actual cd, record, etc) I'd love the new Innerpartysystem album, and Plastic Beach from the Gorillaz, and I usually prefer mp3s since they can't get scratched up!   Do you like coffee or tea? Would you be interested in trying some different types? Tea, oh hell yess. I love tea. Anything caffeinated preferably.Coffee however does not agree with me.   Would you like to receive a mix-CD from your Witch? Sure thing! I'm open to learning new tastes in music!   Do you work/study at a desk and enjoy interesting or cute office supplies? lol sure. I'm game! Just no pink things   Do you enjoy any outdoor activities? Do you have a favorite form of "exercise"? I like hiking and walking mostly, I miss being able to be out and go swimming on a daily basis >:   If your witch were going somewhere on a vacation during the round, would you want a little souvenir? Oh definitely, the more unique to the region, the better!   How do you like your chocolate? For example with nuts, mint, peanut butter, caramel? Dark chocolate, usually. But anything with mint, peanuts or peanut butter are MINE I tell you. MINE. (no almonds, cashews or pistachios please!)   I am fond of the thrift. Do you mind lightly used goods? Please be specific! Actually, thrifting is kinda fun. I don't mind it at all, as long as it's not socks or underwear But if you find a fantastic vintage vest or belt, don't hesitate to think of me. Steampunk is my thing!   Would a gift or a postcard from Disneyland make you squee with delight or puke into your mail box? Hey, kid at heart here. Definitely. I love Nightmare Before Christmas, Finding Nemo, Wall.E, Lilo and Stitch... And my daughter is a HUGE fan of Tinkerbell and the princesses. Especially Cinderella, Ariel, Belle and Jasmine.   What are your top three "I want to try them but I think I'll never get to try them" (or, "I've tried them and I want moar moar moar, but I don't think I'll ever get any") scents/bath oils/sprays? Heh, got a few of those. GEEK (MOAR. I want moar of this. Now. With my obsession with leather, this is my new Holy Grail of bpal) Snowblind (got to try it and nearly got eaten by the S/O ) Buck Moon (Haven't gotten to try it but it looks great) TALs, (Caliph's Beloved, Lord of The Forest, Prosperity... Hoping to try em.) More Geek....   What are your favorite types of Halloween candy? Hmn, I love fruit candies,Jelly Belly, lollipops, the Milky Way Midnight bars, and I love the old Willy Wonka candies. And Cinnamon Disks... Rootbeer barrels... Gummies.. Hell, I just love candy. Just no almonds please or overly chewy things like Laffy Taffy.   Do you prefer soap or shower gel? Please give examples of your favorite scents or brands. Soap? Uh... I use Irish Spring, and a Spearmint soap that I had stumbled across at a farmer's market... So I don't really have brands, persay. But Mint= love.   how much do you like jewelry? like, if you were to get a shit ton of it during the round, how excited would you be? lol Jewelery is cool, but I have HUGE wrists. So bracelets and all those doodads never fit. (most of the time. My ankles too!) But I do like necklaces, rings, and my ears are pierced. Ear cuffs are awesome too. The three year old girl loves jewelery too. Heck she goes gaga over the dollar store costume jewelery!   What are your thoughts on comics? Gimmie. Gimmie moar!Sandman, Lucifer, The Unwritten, Fables, I'd love to get my hot little hands on Young Heroes in Love, which was debuted in 2009. and HELLBOY. Gimmie. Gimmie all of them.   Beads! Do you use them? Would you want some? What sorts of beads do you like? My answer.... OOOOOOHhhh... Shiny.   If you have kids, would you be interested in getting things for them? And if so, what are they interested and what sizes are they wearing now? Oh sure! I have a 3 year old girl who is as tall as a 5 year old, but skinny as a rail, so she wears 4-5T just because of how long her legs and torso is. So things with elastic or sizing bands in them are really helpful for the skinny mini. She loves princesses, purple, faeries, cars, golf, Olivia the Pig, anything sugary (though she inhales frosting like there's no tomorrow) anything sparkly, dressup, recently she's become rather obsessive with my BPAL, so anything sugary sweet foody is her bag!   Would you like a hand dyed or hand painted scarf or wrap or other item? If so, what colors/designs/fabrics do you like? Again, I'm a collector of scarves, and big on steampunk and vintage/victorian/medieval things so warm neutral colors, green, black white... Have at it! I'm also huge on mythology and ravens so run with that idea too!   This was a question before, but does anyone here like stones? Just pretty polished stones for use in whatever purposes? Sure! Semi precious stones that are polished are fantastic. I used to be a rock hound as a kid, and having a family friend as a geologist/mineralogist was great in forwarding that love into my adulthood. I still hoard the rocks I have, and was lucky enough to get an unpolished ruby!   How do you feel about notebooks/journals/stationery? Anything you need or particularly like? yespplease. Leather bound journals, lineless journal,stationary with faeries on it, or foxes or ravens...   Does confetti/glitter make you angry or fill you with glee? ...tubes of glitter may be accepted >> But loose may cause a riot.   Do you guys have any sports that you follow obsessively? How about favorite teams and/or athletes? Pittsburgh Steelers. 'Nuff said.     Paintbox Soapworks - anything you're interested in, in general or from the latest update? What is this you speak of? .___. SURPRISE ME.   You have to place a Lab and Trading Post order. Right fuckin' now. No spending limits. What do you buy? ... you just opened Pandora's box right there. Dee, Dee, more Dee, Ultraviolet, Demons of The Old First Class, Pumpkin Princess, Sprinklecakes, all the apples, the hair gloss, WILF, Iago, Autumnal, Nothing but Death, Sonnet D'Automne, Sugar Spun Spectre... Do I really need to list it all?D:   Does anyone like kimchi? I've never had it but would probably like to try.   Would you be interested in a sample box(from somewhere like Birchbox or loosebutton)? Again, man say whut?   Compressed tea? Hellyestea. I'd just need something for the loose leaf and such. Never used them before.   And another question; anyone like anything in particular from Think Geek? Nn, a few things, but I haven't been there in so long... Generally if it's steampunk in origin, or a t shirt. Gimmie.   Mini booze? Hm, I'm open to try new things!   Also, what about mochi? Yesplease. Anykind!   How do you feel about stuffed animals/plushies/general soft, cuddly things? If you like them, what kind of animals would you be interested in? If it's a fox, raven, rabbit, hedgehog, Disney Princess related, Ghibli Studio related... that is a big 10-4 good witchee. Yes.   how interested would you be on somewhat personalized bottle cap labels? Definitely!   How would you feel about kitchen towels and other similar household objects, if they are pretty or a souvenir? Ehh, no thanks.   How did you dress up for your last party or compulsory-formal-dress occasion? I'm pretty good about dressing up for those types of things. For the last thing I went to that was 'formal' it was a wedding... And I wore a full suit. Black with white shirt underneath, a blue tie and a black fedora.   Do you enjoy puzzles/riddles? (Cryptograms, Sudoku, Crossword, Jigsaw, etc) Wish I had time for them! But I miss doing jigsaw puzzles.   Would you like to receive e-books? And if so, in what format? Sorry don't have a reader or a computer that can handle them.   What do you really NOT want? Makeup and coffee. Please no.   What constitutes ultimate luxury to you? (go crazy!) Uhhhh... I'd say getting to dress up and go to an art gala or opera.   When you're miserably sick (*sniffle, cough!*) what are the things that comfort you the most? Sleep, and chicken soup with toooons of garlic. Or Sezchuan chicken. The hotter the better!   Fabulous witches and witchees, perhaps you all could note of you've received MeiLin's goodies? Or if you want? Not sure what this is!   Would you be interested in a sample box(from somewhere like Birchbox or loosebutton)? Again.. .Aroo? What be this?   What are your views on fudge and brownies? (Also, if you live in a warm place, where the fudge might melt, that'd be helpful to know. Or, if you're diabetic and fudge is death, that'd be useful to know, too.) More for brownies, myself. But it gets pretty darn cold here so I think you're okay!   Who here adores meringue? I make peppermint meringue cookies every year!   do you like real sugar skulls? Things with sugar skull designs? Sure they're cute.   How would you feel about receiving a Groupon deal for something in your local area? If there is anything you WOULDN'T like, mention that also. Uh, sure I guess! I'm not much of a dancer though...   do you like chex puppy chow or muddie buddies (ingredients: semi-sweet chocolate chips, PB, vanilla extract, powdered sugar, chex cereal)? would you want to get some from your witch / nacho witch? Yes. Yesplease.   Would you be interested in a handmade bookmark? Oh yeh, I need bookmarks.   Do you blog? Would you like a header for your blog, a layout, etc? Nope sorry   interested in anything from Lush? Not sure what it is, but as long as it's not makeup I'm willing to try lol   How do you all feel about Whoopie Pies? Mmmmm.   Are your ears pierced, Witchee? Do you have any other piercings? Would you like to receive any items of jewelry for these piercings? lobes are indeed pierced, but remember I'm male. I do like ear cuffs too.   Since this is a Halloween round, what's your Creepy threshold? Are you a cartoon bats and smily pumpkins person or a skulls-and-bones the-dead-are-rising kind of person? Are your fairytales dark or Disney? I can stomach a lot of creepy, down to guts and blood. But for the love of god, no exposed bone in flesh. I was traumatized as a kid and even now I can't eat things off the bone.   How would you feel about a totally original Gela-skin for your laptop/iPod/phone? Stickers? Decals? Got none of this, don't worry.   Anyone love Buffy/Angel? Grrrrr Arrrrrg.   Doctor Who? Yay or nay? (please don't make me cry by saying nay) yaaaay. Blinks. fuckin love Blinks.   Also do you like or racier ecards from time to time and do you need to be warned if something may be not safe to open at work. Hah, I draw erotic art from time to time, so have at it. Just be sure to warn me.   Do you like beef jerkey, I know some may be vegatarian, but where I live beef is a staple and beef jerkey abounds. If so do you it really thin, hard and crunchy or thicker and softer. (OK that borders on obscene)- My response. ... MEEEEAAAAAT!   Do you like Star Wars? Original Trilogy? Prequels? Spin-offs? Favorite characters? Meh, not an uber fan but I like it.   How do you feel about maple syrup? yum   Are you more prone to order out or cook at home? Would you be interested in cookbooks, kitchen utensils, and the like? If so, anything specific? I love to cook, but I need new pots, pans, knives and the like. Cheap stuff only lasts so long! (cookbooks are awesome too!)   Witchee, would you like a framed photograph and of what? Fishes. Or wilderness things. Just not something uber cheesy lol   Do you like Star Trek? Original TV series, films, spinoff series, etc? Favorite characters? Meh. Not a huge fan honestly.   Anyone going to see any good concerts this fall? Not that I'm aware of ):   Does anyone like postcards? Is anyone willing to be a Nacho witch for postcards? Sure thing! Though I don't know anybody who would want one from here >> It's boring here.   Are you looking for a certain kind of DVDs to spruce up your collection right now? GHIBLI! Everything Ghibli. I lost all my DVDs in a bad move from a terrible ex. I miss them so! ):   SOCK PREFERENCES?   Would you like/wear a pair of these? http://www.ravelry.c...rary/yoga-socks If so, what color?   Is there anyone here who likes toe socks? You know, those socks with a place for each toe? lol socks are socks, man. Don't need to be all fancy.   If you had an international witch, is there anything you would like from the UK? (Or Australia, Belgium, France any other country we have witches from. ANYTHING. I love new cultures and places!   Has anyone else heard of or does anyone else love Glamourkin? Another, 'what is this?' moment.   How do you feel about pumpkin scented things? Not perfume related, but soap, candles, etc.... Cool with me!   Do you wear t-shirts? Are there particular things you like on them? Would you like one designed by your Witch? And, if you don't mind saying, what size t-shirt do you wear?   Do you wear t-shirts? Are there particular things you like on them? Would you like one designed by your Witch? And, if you don't mind saying, what size t-shirt do you wear? Yes I live in t shirts. And I love animals, snappy sayings, naughty things... pretty much anything, and sure I'd love one designed by my witch. I wear a size L to XL in mens.   Name your 3 favorite types/flavors of tea Green tea any mint flavored chai   Name your 3 favorite scents for candles cinnamon cake apple   Amigurumi, yes or no? Yes~   would you be interested in something like this? https://lostcrates.com/how-it-works Yeeeees pleeeeease!   Darling Witchee, would you enjoy farmer's market pickled veggies (green beans, garlic, asparagus, etc) or fresh canned peaches or something of that nature? MMmmm again yes please!   -How do you feel about Threadless tshirts? Suuure!   How do you feel about getting art supplies in general? (copic markers, watercolor, brushes, paint, sketchbooks etc.) Yes, a thousandtimes yes.   Would you be interested in getting fountain pen inks or art supplies via JetPens and or DickBlick? (I know I have a wishlist on JetPens and just love using fountain pens in my artwork) Yes! I always need new pens.   Are there any Arcana Weenies that you MUST HAVE? lol surprise me.   What are your three favorite art supplies? Hmm! I think my three favourites are inking pens, watercolours (tube mostly!) and masking fluid!   Are there certain brands of art supplies that you prefer? I really prefer Sakura brand pens overall, but I have no preference on others. Just be careful on some paints as they contain lead!   What are your thoughts about luxury shaving products? Hm, I've heard great things about a more traditional shave. So I'd be up for it. However I have no shaving cream brush or a container to put it in! I'm pretty easy to please though, so don't fret about excessive things! I'm happy just to be thought about!  


