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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

Fall 2011 Switch Witch Help

Hi there! I'm so glad you got chosen to be my witch, whoever you are! I will keep editing this entry so that it's easy for you to see my answers to the daily questions and things!   Please know that I am super easygoing and love just about anything. I am a graduate student, so mail is love! This is my first SW, but I've done a few forum swaps so far and I just love 'em!   The only drawback that perhaps might put a kink in your plans is that I don't drink or enjoy tea or coffee. I make up for my lack of culture taste beverage appreciation with a heartfelt and enthusiastic love of just about anything and everything else, though! So no worries at all!   Here is my Amazon wishlist. Everything on there is something I want and would love to have!   I love and adore wax tarts. The only kinds I am not a huge fan of are blatantly foody ones. But anything else is fair game! Blow my house up with tarts and I would be just fine!   *&@- I do have one thing! The day my fiance proposed to me, we were sitting on a blanket on a mountainside, drinking in the late evening. He got down on one knee and proposed, and we toasted our new relationship status with two old-fashioned bottled sodas. I have the caps to these sodas - an A&W Root Beer and a Peach Nihi - but I am at a loss with what to do with them! If you are artsy at all and have some sort of great idea of what to do with them - or know a nacho witch who will - I will gladly pay to have them shipped to somebody so they can get them to you! I think that might mean more to me than anything else this whole round! -@&*   -- BPAL Wants -- BPAL Itself I really want 5 mLs of Quietude, Grr and Stardust. As for Weenies, I'd love Incubus Leaving Two Sleeping Women, Pumpkin Latte and Autumn Cider! I'll come back and edit this bit when I know some more!   BPTP I love, love, love TKO massage oil. We are down to our last bottle so any of this would be so appreciated! I'd also love a BPAL t-shirt (size 2X - just a men's tee, I'm chubby) and maybe even some yoga pants.   -- A lot of my daily products that I use come from Etsy, and I will always, always accept more! --   Paintbox Soapworks - I would love to try Gingermilk, Man in the Moon and almost any LE that is out! I have Smiling Jack and Indian Summer waiting in the wings. The fiance adores Avast!, though it might be taken down in the end of September. I have never tried a sorbetto, but would love to try one!   Dressgreen - I use their bar shampoo, and can never get enough! I'd especially like to try their Chamomile & Calendula blend! They also make my moisturizer, "Calming & Clarifying Facial Cream".   Bunnybutt Apothecary - This is where I get my deodorant! I can never have enough deodorant! You might think it's kinda silly, but please don't hesitate to send me deodorant! I have very sensitive armpits, and I love this stuff. Really! I'd like to try: East of Eden, Pirate Booty, Sucre Bleu, Hunnysuckle & Cherrybomb.   Two Timing Tart - I haven't tried anything from her yet, but gosh I want to. I would love to try some of her tarts! The ones I'd like to try most are: Silk Sheets, Tease, Peacock Plumes and Satin Sheets.   ---- Forum Questions! ---- Would you be interested in homemade edibles that are NOT sweets? Any specifics? I'm having a blonde moment and can't think of many edibles that aren't sweets! I do love homemade beef jerky!   What GC do you live in mortal terror of the lab discontinuing, but never get around to buying? My absolutely favorite is Dorian. I would weep buckets if it were ever discontinued.   Yo, yarnies! Do you Ravelry? If so, who are you over thar? I'm yewberry there, too. I'm not a yarnie, no worries there!   Do you like knitted goodies? If so, what would you like and what colors? I would love a Gryffindor scarf! Oh, and a pair of gloves! I don't own any and I walk to campus/work.   Who's into nail polish? What colors/brands? Nope.   Is there a quote (or lyric or part of a poem) that really resonates with you or is your favorite? My favorite quote is, "They say if you scratch a cynic, you find a disappointed idealist." - George Carlin   Dream candle? Scent, color, type (tealight, votive, pillar, jar, etc.), throw... I'm not a huge candle burner but I LOVE wax tarts. Love, love love them.   Weenies? The ones I want to try that I didn't buy are in my wishlist.   Which do you use, a PC or a Mac? PC.   What is your favorite animal? Lions!   What are you going to be for Halloween? I don't know! Last year, the fiance and I were Tetris blocks.   How do you feel about nick-knacks? I love them.   What traditions (family, holiday, or otherwise) are important to you? I love Christmas and Autumn because of the sense of community that comes out of the woodwork. I love giving gifts!   Do you like going to the movies? Yeah! We have an AmStar a town over and we go once in a blue moon. I adore it.   What are your favorite restaurants? Sylvia's is my favorite non-chain restaurant. The boything and I unashamedly love Chili's and Applebees.   Do you play any video games? Sure! Sims 3: Pets comes out in October and I am almost beside myself waiting for it. Haven't preordered it yet, but I will soon! I am a PC gamer - on Steam as "twystedfate," and my wishlist is there, though it's admittedly short at the moment. I also have a 3DS and love GameStop.   Do you like any anime? Not at all.   If you could have a piece of oil painting jewelry (pendant, pair of earrings, or ring) with absolutely anything painted on it, what would it be? (If you prefer wall art instead, same question as above.) I'd love wall art more than jewelery, I think! I'm not too picky. My bedroom is done in shades of blue and brown and our kitchen is red.   Do you have an E-reader/iPad/something similar that you need a cover/case for? All my gadgets and gizmos have cases.   How would you like to receive some of your Witch's favorite recipes, tailored to your likes/dietary restrictions? And specific wants? We cook primarily via crock pot, so if you have any of those recipes, feel free to share!   Do you need any boxes to store your smellies in? What would you store in said hypothetical box--imps, bottles, supplies, all of the above? I have a lovely box from CaudaPavonis!   Muppets: yea or nay? Nuh-uh.   Do you have an affinity for Calvin and Hobbes, Peanuts, The Far Side, and other comic strips? If so, which is your favorite? I love old-school Garfield. From the 80s, when he walks on four legs like a normal cat? I adore Garfield knick-nacks.   Favorite Mythological Creature? Unicorns or dragons.   Do you like hair things barrettes, headbands, flowers...? My kingdom for a hair band that doesn't pinch the crap out of my head. I don't use showy hair stuff, though.   Do you like to burn incense? If so, what are your favorite kinds...sticks? cones? resins? What are your favorite scents? Just wax tarts.   Harry Potter - a fan? If so, what house are you? I love HP! I am a Gryffindor consistently (both LJ sorting communities as well as Pottermore itself!). I love HP stuff!   If you were to receive a gift card, what places would you like to get one from? I shop at Kroger a lot, and as a grad student I could never say no to grocery money. For frivolous stuff, though? Barnes & Noble (for my Nook), and Amazon.   If you could see anything, what would it be? I really want to go to Disney with my fiance. He's never been and I haven't been without a small child in tow. So I want to see that. The fireworks at night with him!   When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter? I like to melt a wax tart that smells like escapism (seaside or forest, not foody) and go somewhere else in my head, take a nap.   What are your thoughts on comics? Not a comic book fan.   Are you musical? Do you play an instrument, and if so, what? If not, what do you wish you could play or do? Nope.   Does anyone garden? I don't have the space, unfortunately.   Do you decorate for Halloween? I would love to!   Is anyone fond of programs like Adopt a Tree/Highway/Library/Manatee/Acre of Rainforest/etc? I have always wanted to adopt a lion. This would seriously warm my heart!   What #1 actor, director, author and/or musician are you obsessed with? Not really into any actors or directors, but I adore How I Met Your Mother! My favorite band is Counting Crows and I love Jim Butcher's novels.   Are you interested in anything from the Villainness Bad Apples update? No thanks.   If you have a pet, would he/she/they like to receive a treat or a toy as a gift? Does your pet have any dietary restrictions or other preferences w.r.t. said treat? I wish I had a pet.   What are your top three "I want to try them but I think I'll never get to try them" (or, "I've tried them and I want moar moar moar, but I don't think I'll ever get any") scents/bath oils/sprays? Midnight on the Midway, Faith and Comforting Plush Companion - a 5 mL of any of these would make me so happy!   Is there a particular artist and piece that you would like a print of? If so, what is your max size that you could spare on your walls? Magritte's "Homesickness".   If you are in to beauty and makeup related stuff, what kind of stuff do you like? What is your skintone and hair color? Are there any beauty products you've wanted to try but just never purchase? I'm very natural - I don't ever do anything to my face or hair.   Do you like coffee or tea? Would you be interested in trying some different types? I will amend my earlier statement to this - my mind can probably be changed, but I haven't seen it happen just yet. If you have a tea that you think could turn a tea-hater around, please include it with explicit instructions on how to brew it!   Are there any CDs/Albums you've been wanting but haven't bought yet? What format do you prefer? (i.e. mp3, actual cd, record, etc) Not that I know of.   Are you going away for any part of this round? Nope!   Would you like to receive a mix-CD from your Witch? Yes!   If your witch were going somewhere on a vacation during the round, would you want a little souvenir? Sure!   Do you enjoy any outdoor activities? Do you have a favorite form of "exercise"? I just like to go for long, meandering walks.   Do you work/study at a desk and enjoy interesting or cute office supplies? I. Love. Office. Supplies. Pens, pencils, sticky notes, I need a new pen(cil) cup for my desk!   Witchee, are you a fan of musicals? If so, which ones? Not so much, these days. I will always have a soft spot for Oliver!   I am fond of the thrift. Do you mind lightly used goods? Please be specific! As long as it's washed, but I'm an unusual size.   Would a gift or a postcard from Disneyland make you squee with delight or puke into your mail box? I would love one! Lion King is one of my all-time favorite movies - anything Lion King related would be great! (I dunno if a plushie Scar exists, but if he does, I want him!)   How do you like your chocolate? For example with nuts, mint, peanut butter, caramel? Mint and caramel are two favorites. Pretty much anything but dark!   What are your favorite types of Halloween candy? I do like candy corn. I am a big fan of the bat-shaped peppermint patties. Also Smarties, Rolos, Starbursts, and fun-size Hersheys!   Do you prefer soap or shower gel? Please give examples of your favorite scents or brands. I prefer bar soap. I mentioned my favorite brand up yonder, but if I am being honest - unless there's another Paintbox update - I guess Yules? - I'd rather have deodorant! Does that make me weird!?   Beads! Do you use them? Would you want some? What sorts of beads do you like? I don't have any sort of use for beads that I know of.   Anyone here like caramels? Sea salted caramels?!?! I love caramel!   Would you like a hand dyed or hand painted scarf or wrap or other item? If so, what colors/designs/fabrics do you like? As mentioned above, I would adore a Gryffindor scarf.   This was a question before, but does anyone here like stones? Just pretty polished stones for use in whatever purposes? I'm afraid I don't have a use for that.   Do you wear t-shirts? Are there particular things you like on them? Would you like one designed by your Witch? And, if you don't mind saying, what size t-shirt do you wear? I am a 2X in dude's t-shirts. I adore t-shirts. I stalk shirt.woot and Threadless regularly!   How do you feel about pumpkin scented things? Not perfume related, but soap, candles, etc.... Love.   Do you like Star Trek? Original TV series, films, spinoff series, etc? Favorite characters? Nope.   Witchee, would you like a framed photograph and of what? If you want to go down this route, I can provide you with several photos of me and my fiance that I'd love to own framed!   Are you more prone to order out or cook at home? Would you be interested in cookbooks, kitchen utensils, and the like? If so, anything specific? I would adore more crock pot cookbooks. We already own Slow Cooker Revolution.   New question: How do you feel about maple syrup? Yes please.   How do people feel about little pocket shrines, maybe something inspirational/motivational to keep in their purses/backpacks/whatever? (Like these: http://www.art-shrin...cketshrines.htm) That could be sweet!   Do you like Star Wars? Original Trilogy? Prequels? Spin-offs? Favorite characters? No.   Do you like beef jerkey, I know some may be vegatarian, but where I live beef is a staple and beef jerkey abounds. If so do you it really thin, hard and crunchy or thicker and softer. (OK that borders on obscene)- I like thicker, middle-softness jerkey. Not too spicy.   Also do you like or racier ecards from time to time and do you need to be warned if something may be not safe to open at work. Sure.   Doctor Who? Yay or nay? (please don't make me cry by saying nay) Nay.   How would you feel about gummies? Like, gummy bears? Gummy werewolves? Gummy vampires? I love Trader Joe's gummy bears. Love them. Would love you forever.   How would you feel about a totally original Gela-skin for your laptop/iPod/phone? Stickers? Decals? I have a Dell Studio 1537. Go for it!   Since this is a Halloween round, what's your Creepy threshold? Are you a cartoon bats and smily pumpkins person or a skulls-and-bones the-dead-are-rising kind of person? Are your fairytales dark or Disney? Disney with a dash of dark.   Are your ears pierced, Witchee? Do you have any other piercings? Would you like to receive any items of jewelry for these piercings? Yes! My ears are. They are very sensitive, though. I love earrings! Especially gaudy ones.   interested in anything from Lush? I don't like Lush.   Do you blog? Would you like a header for your blog, a layout, etc? I love custom LJ layouts   Would you be interested in a handmade bookmark? Absolutely!   do you like chex puppy chow or muddie buddies (ingredients: semi-sweet chocolate chips, PB, vanilla extract, powdered sugar, chex cereal)? would you want to get some from your witch / nacho witch? Oh yes.   How would you feel about receiving a Groupon deal for something in your local area? If there is anything you WOULDN'T like, mention that also. My area doesn't have a Groupon.   How do you feel about notebooks/journals/stationery? Anything you need or particularly like? Love. I am a Post-It whore.   Fabulous witches and witchees, perhaps you all could note of you've received MeiLin's goodies? Or if you want? I have not!   How do you feel about stuffed animals/plushies/general soft, cuddly things? If you like them, what kind of animals would you be interested in? I really want one of those big smooshy round stuffed animals. I forget what they're called!   How would you feel about kitchen towels and other similar household objects, if they are pretty or a souvenir? Definitely!   Witchee, would you be interested in having a special tea cup/coffee mug/glass to drink out of? Sure! I am left handed.




Scarf swap Q's

Would you enjoy a novelty scarf? Sure! I’m a gamer, love Doctor Who (though my favorite show is probably Babylon 5), and I’m a Marvel girl   Delicate, tough, or it doesn’t matter? Doesn’t matter. I tend to forget to wear one, but when I do, I like it to actually help in keeping me warm.   How do you feel about ruffles/pick ups? They’re fine   What are your least favorite colors – I do not really like pastels or neon colors. Would not like a scarf that is made up primarily of orange/yellow (if it’s in a variegated yarn that’s fine)   Non-knitted scarves – why not?   What scarf types do you like? I only have plain straight scarves. Shawls or wraps would be fine, I’m not to sure if I’d like a moebius scarf (they look interesting but not sure how efficient they would be). Poncho-like items – not so much Cowls would be very useful I’ve never had a hooded scarf, but if it was cute, I would totally wear (my ears tend to get neglected so something like that would probably be really useful)   Lace? Lace looks really pretty and I don’t think I have any lace scarves or what not   How do you feel about art yarn? I think art yarn is very interesting (and some can be gorgeous) - not to sure if I'd like a scarf made entirely of art yarn, but if it's worked in, that would be fine. I always feel that art yarn needs to be made into an accesory like a purse or something similar.   How do you feel about mixing up textures? If the yarn feels good, I don't care how many textures are in the scarf as long as it's comfy.   Stripes - yea or nay? I love self-stripping yarn and straight up stripes are fine.




Poison Apple redux (and a compliment of sorts)

Since I bought a ding-dang full bottle of Poisoned Apple recently, I figured I'd try my imp again. I was getting ready to leave, my dearest husband was still laying in the bed but fully awake. He wasn't sure why I was putting the oil in my hair, but whatever, he's a man, he doesn't understand these things. Finally, as I was about to finish my beautifying rituals, he said "You smell like apple pie." Win! He's smelled some of my other BPALs and said "uh-huh." This time he actually committed to saying something about it, which leads me to believe he might like it. I take smelling "like apple pie" as a big time compliment, especially coming from him. He rarely notices nuances of fragrances, so this was something that kinda made my day.   It was weird that he associated the scent with pie and not just with apples. Apples are a food but I don't think of PA as a foodie blend. I don't really detect any kind of spice at all when I smell PA. I smell more of the apple peel and the opium note. Again, it's an accomplishment that he noticed, bless his heart.




Tried and Tested! (updated on a regular basis)

I just want to keep a list of all of the scents I have tried so I don't get confused in the future. This seemed like a good place to do that.   Alphabetical and completely out of order as far as GCs/LEs/etc. Most of them have just been sniffed. Just looking at the clusterf**k of a list is already driving me crazy. I'll be organizing it soon when I'm not so sleepy.   51 #20 Love Oil A Game Called Yes and No A Howl in the Darkness Ahathoor Aizen-Myoo All Night Long Anne Beany Anne Bonny Arachnina, the Spider Girl Aremata-Popoa Aries 2007 Arkham Atlas Moth Autumn Cider Azathoth Baku Banshee Beat Baron Samedi Bat's Blood Bensiabel Bette Noir Bewitched Black Annis Black Butterfly Moon Black Death Black Heart Black Lace Black Lotus Black Pearl Blood Amber Blood Kiss Blood Lotus Blood Pearl Blood Bloodlust Blue Morpho Bonfire Night Boo Brahmin Moth Brimstone Brood XIX Burning Vulva Cake Smash Chaos Theory V Snake Oil (dunno which one) Chuparosa Clio Come to Me Coyote Creepy Danse Macabre Ded Moroz Depraved Desdemona Devil's Night 2009 Devil's Night (?) Dionysia Dirty Djinn Doc Constantine Dorian Dorian CTVI (dunno which one) Dove's Heart Dragon's Blood Dragon's Musk Dragon's Tears Drink Me El Dia De Los Reyes Endymion Enraged Groundhog Musk Epitaph Eris Ether Fallen Feeding the Dead Fire of Love Fledgling Raptor Moon Fortunato Geek Geek.Goth Ghosts in love Goblin Goliath Birdwing Golletes Gomorrah Grog Halloween in Las Vegas Halloween in San Francisco Has No Hanna Hellfire Hemlock Honey Hexxenacht 2005 Hexxenacht 2008 Hollywood Babylon How Doth the Little Crocodile Hunger Hurricane Hypothermia Inferno IO Moth Jack Jailbait Jazz Funeral Jezirat al Tennyn Johnathan Harker Juliet Kabuki Kathmandu Kroenen Kyoto La Befana La Belle Dame Sans Merci Lady Macbeth La Mano del Destino Lawn Gnome Lenore Les Bijoux Les Infortunes De La Vertu Licorice Bats Liz Lolita Love Me Lunar Eclipse Lune Noir Lurid Lust Machu Picchu Mad Hatter Madrid Maenad Malignant Dreams of Cthulu in Love Mata Hari Mictecacihuatl 2011 Midnight Kiss Miskatonic University Mme. Moriarty Misfortune Teller Monster Bait: Bloody Mary Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp Montresor Moscow Mother Ginger Mother Shub's Toothsome Banketstaaf Mourning Cloak Mouse's Long and Sad Tale Muse Namaste Nightmare No. 93 Engine Nocnitsa Nosferatu Nothing but Death O October 2007 October 2010 Ode on Melancholy Odin Ogun Old Scratch Oneiroi Ophelia Osun Pa-Pow Paladin Pannychis Penny Dreadful Phantasm Poisoned Apple Purple Spotted Swallowtail Pussy Moth Queen Queen of Sheba Red Devil Red Lace Regina Erebi Robin Goodfellow Romanti.Goth Rose Red 2007 Rose Red 2010 Samhain 2011 Samhain 2011 (TAL) Samhainophobia Santa Eularia Des Riu Santa Muerte Scherezade Schrodinger's Cat Shadow Shanghai Shango Sin Slaugh Smokestack Smut Snake Oil Snap-Dragon-Fly Snow Blind (Revisited) Snow White 2009 Sonnet D'Automne Spanked (Revisited) Spirits of the Dead Sprinklecake Steam.Goth Sundew Symmakhia Szepasszony Tattered Lace Thalia Thanatopsis The Black Apple of Saturn The Death of Autumn The Forest Reverie The Hell-Gate of Ireland The Kingdom of Sweets The Lion The Masque The Premature Burial The Reaper and the Flowers The Sea Foams Milk The Spell of Amorous Love The Tell-Tale Heart The Vampire Bride The Wild Swans at Coole The Witching Time of Night The Witch's Garden The Zieba Tree Thunder Moon To a Woman Tombeur Tombstone Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bat Two, Five, & Seven Undertow Vampire Tears Veil Velvet Velvet Nudie Velvet Unicorn Vicomte de Valmont VILF Villain Voodoo Wanda Werepuppy White Rabbit WILF Womb Furie 2010 Womb Furie 2011 Worm Moon Yemaya Yerevan Zarita, the Doll Girl Zombi #occupywallstreet




It really sucks to be down one of your five senses.

I get these really gnarly sinus infections at least twice a year, usually right about the time the seasons change. Naturally, I would get one now. I'm pretty good overall but I'm very congested, so I can't smell a damn thing. I mean, I have been burning candles, sniffing stuff at Marshalls, smelling BPAL stuff, and nothing. I am using the NielMed Sinus Rinse, but I still can't smell. What a ginormous bummer.   I decided since I couldn't smell period I'd wear a BPAL that I was comfortable with and that I knew wouldn't be offensive if I accidentally put too much on, which was Emma from The District. I wish I could say how it smelled the second time, but...   I can only hope that my sense of smell returns sooner rather than later. I would like to go through some more of my imps that I haven't tried, even though I have made what I feel like is good progress. I was thinking of saving my bike money for my Weenie order, but now that it won't be up until next week I might take this opportunity to make a small GC imp order from the lab before they get the huge OMGWEENIESAREUP rush.




More trieds, SNOW WHITE '07, update madness, etc.

I finally found a BPAL that just plain ol' doesn't work for me. The Hesperides. Boo. The first of the many Greek mythology-named BPAL oils, and it's just not so good on me. The notes sound like what I would like: oak bark, leaves, twilight mist and crisp apple. I don't even know which note in it turns yucky, but one does. Too bad, because I was hoping it might be nice and autumnal.   I've also recently tried a tiny dot of Boomslang (verdict: too heavy for right now, will try again at night in the late fall.) Black Rose (verdict: nice rose with something else.) And Belle Epoque (verdict: fresh and green, loving the lily of the valley.) Belle Epoque and Black Rose are both scents I like a lot and I would like to explore a bit more; Boomslang is strong, so I need to try it at an appropriate time.   I purchased a full bottle of Snow White '07. She's one of the top oils I've wanted to try since joining, and boy howdy I'm so glad I purchased it here on the forums. It does smell like coconut, but IDGAF... It's freaking amazing. It's so soft and warm and womanly and alluring. I've read the reviews and I'm happy to have found '07 as the more recent years seem to be not as good.   I am waiting on pins and needles for the Halloweenie update. I really want to read about Pumpkin Princess, that sounds *so* like something I would like. I'm off for the next three days, so I am sure I'll be F5ing it all day and all night.




Neck-alicious Swap Questions & Inspirations

In-Thread Questions   -Any specific scents, which may be part of a fiber or attached to a fiber, that you can't deal with(i.e. wet sheep, cloth dye,wood)? most scents should be fine as long as it goes away when it dries. As for koolaid, lingering scent isn't a problem. (though since I live in a hot and humid place, make sure dye isn't gonna release while I'm out sweating or something lol)   -are you cool with the neck accessory itself decorated by me? that's fine with me, I like looking unique and that sounds pretty cool. I like embroidery, beading, I've seen lace applique that looked cool, painting can be totally awesome (altho hopefully not too stiff afterwards). Just not cliche, I don't really go for applique flowers or pompoms...   -patterns and fabrics I like for non-knit stuff I like silk, chiffon, jersey, fleece & felt can be really nice but keep in mind it can get pretty hot in HI! I like houndstooth, pin-stripes, checkerboard/plaid, and cool repeating prints (be it like the skulls or oranges below, or eyeglasses). When it comes to painting, it's kinda free reign i guess.. I kinda like stylistic foxes, bunnies, houses, deer/antlers, food, typography (ampersands are pretty), dissection/instruction/blueprint-like images, or kinda fairy tale-esque.... (here's a few etsy stores of art styles I like... ink and watercolor oddness cool topography red reding hood love this piece odd mix type & blueprint I'm not really into dots, paisley, floral (unless it's more geometric rather than realistic), rainbow, or classic tie-dye. here's a link to different items, i really like the look, feel, materials, and construction of these...   -Would you enjoy a novelty scarf? And if so, at what level? I have always loved the fox-shaped (white or red) scarves... but in hawaii it tends to come off too weird >_> but I wouldn't mind fox imagery (embroidery or something). I also like retro-y themes like skulls, eyeglasses, bows (embroidery.. not actual bows attached). I also do like text if it applies... but nothing comes to mind as far as what to write. In general, I like a good-looking crisp, clean scarf that has a cool/slight punk/young feel....   -Delicate, tough, or it doesn't matter? I would rather it not be SO delicate that I can only wear it to special occasions (b/c those are VERY few and far between). It's probably going to be worn as a fashion statement (or as an inside item to keep me warm) so it can be anywhere between somewhat-delicate all the way to rough and tough! (i don't mind handwashing)   -What scarf-types do you like? exs: Cowl (either the scrunched down kinds... or the tall ones that shield your neck while you wear a jacket), hooded scarves, shawls, poncho-like, skinny (or wide) and long (or short) normal scarves, wrap, fashion types (like necklace-like, or shawlettes), moebius?? I like cowls (probably more scrunchy as a tall one would probably be too hot!), shawls, ponchos, not really normal scarves so much, wraps, shawlettes, moebius! (a lot of them lol)   -what kind of non-knitted scarves/wraps do you like? Length? Style? I have some examples below in the "etsy" section of non-knit stuff... I tend to be attracted to the shape, pattern, and finishings of non-knit-neckwear... I like... -Cowls- kinda loose at like boob or higher length -shawlettes- fringe/no fringe is cool.. anywhere from slightly above boob to tummy length (for the point hanging down in the front). Also, maybe a way to button/clip the ends that wrap around the neck could be nice... -ponchos- any length... i'll probably be wearing it inside. It could be from the elbow (like capelet length), down to waist or past the waist length. Though the longer it is, it may be nice to have some buttons or something to open it on the front or side or something... -as for finishings, i mention it below...   -how do you feel about ruffles/pick ups? I guess I'm sorta kinda picky on scarf-finishings.... I am not a huge fan of the ruffles, no pom-poms, most crocheted flowers, tie-dye... I DO like buttons (snap and normal)(i tend to like being able to open/close things), those gold-pyramid stud thingies, fringe (if it's a shawlette), zippers, embroidery, tasteful beading, i do like the swarvorski/judith leiber purse/bedazzle-esque section, and painted stuff can be fun too! I like the different fabrics or sewn lines that can make stuff interesting, (like these kinds of items)   -what are your least favorite colors? No pastels, no orange, sorta not pink, not really black (i see all kinds of fuzzies and stuff all over it), or "faded" colors. I don't really like any color that's dark (so no forest greens, dark blues, wine-reds, etc); the only exception is royal purple/plum and gray. (i like brighter colors... not neon.. more like "vivid" lol).   Most colors I can deal with if it's part of a gradient or something, as long as it's not too much...   How do you feel about art yarn? it looks cool as a skein, but I wonder how nice it will look when it's knit up? some of the crazier-mixes seem like they'll look too weird.. (i like more of a clean look) but I'll trust your judgement if you're sure it's gonna awesome, it probably will   How do you feel about mixing up textures? I don't mind if it still looks nice (i don't love patchwork).. I think it may be cool if they're the same color but in different textures. Though I think it could look really cool in non-knit stuff (like the outside in 1 texure, lining in another... or something lol)   Stripes? I don't always love stripes, but there are def examples of very-nice looking ones! i like stripes if they come off more clean/modern-looking. (not a fan of self-striping unless it's socks). Noro stripes look awesome... plues this and this.   Do you have preferences for lacy scarves? like in my ?-airre, it depends on the usage. honestly I like both.. as long as it's pretty, I don't mind   is there any crafting related but non-scarf item that you would want as an additional gift? notions, needles, fibers, etc? any skill you want to be enabled in (spinning, knitting, crocheting, etc?). I'm still fairly new to knitting so things related to that would be fun. It's totally not necessary to get me anything extra, but any of these would be fun and greatly loved: yarns (any weight), a bit of roving for thrumming, stitch markers (with a very-thin loop), dpns and circular needles (anything above US6), tiny beads/crystals. Also plain jersey and/or fleece fabrics, and sheets of felt would be fun for sewing up some plushies!! Lately I've wanted to do some embroidery too; get a lil fabric, that wood loop, some needles and thread and work it lol. so... yea... I like LOTS of things lol     -How do you feel about scarf/shawl accessories, i.e. pins or brooches; would you use them? I would love it! I've seen very pretty pins that others have had and am a bit jealous   -are we talking just delicate laceweight lace or is a nice openwork pattern out of a larger gauge yarn probably more delicate and relatively tight... if I can stick more than 3 fingers in a hole then its probably too openly knit for me...   If you like to read, what kind of books are you into? I def don't NEED any books, but I do enjoy them. Like: funny, interesting information, historical fiction, slightly morbid (ex: books by Mary Roach)   If I add candy/tea/etc to your package what would you prefer? What would you rather NOT get? I don't mind any, but once again I don't NEED any of it. I like white/green tea... and chocolate is yummy!   Any favorite: animals, sports/teams, bands/singers, etc that I might include in my plotting? animals- I like foxes, bunnies, and mushrooms (yes I know they're not an animal but they fit into that foresty scene) and on that same vein I like hydrangeas/poppies/orchids/airplants sports/teams- not interested in any bands/singers- not any enough to warrant plotting. In general I like kinda popie-indie-rock   -What do you see as your "gender style" ie: Girly Girl, Sporty Spice or Tomboy, Absolutely Butch Girl, Sort of Femme Guy, Total Queen Guy, Man's Man. Let's see, I would kinda place between between girly girl to possibly metro guy? lol I like slightly nerdy (like computer or art-school nerdy), super girly (be it cute or sexy), and/or modern fashionable with clean lines     -------------------------------------------------------------   Ravelry Favorites here are a bunch of ones I've seen and loved! feel free to mix and match, or straight up use one of these patterns! I thought it was a nice mix of different techniques if you're knitting, and a lot of different styles if you're crafting in another way...(my super-top 5 are *-ed)   --outside types: cowls, moebius, shawls nice wrap coral-like scarf great in blues, beige, white, red.. Houndstooth bandana-scarf cowboy cowl *pretty pretty shawl airy cowl   NEW cool pattern/texture scarf *NEW clean and modern moebius     --inside types: wrap, capelet, shawls *comfy cool shawl love the red grey combo! big and whimsical wrap giant shawl with arm holes *insanely warm wrap clean and warm maybe even wider? lol   NEW 1 sleeve wrap *NEW sexy plaid wrap and i love the color combination! -------------------------------------------------------------   Etsy Favorites oops! b/c I knit, I kinda forgot that people may be using other crafty methods to make their scarves! So here are some cool etsy things (not knit) that may give some inspiration too (*-ed my awesome top 3!!)   jersey scarf felted scarf hand painted hand painted skulls scarf hand painted scarf screenprinted cool cowl *super cool convertible poncho not sure about the border design/color in the featured pic, but love the design! also cool convertible capelet also not sure about the design/color combo in the featured pic, but love the design! unique classy scarflette *assym poncho *cool capelet





My Bottles   BPAL   Anne Bonny Antikythera Mechanism Athens Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand Banshee Beat (3) Beaver Moon 2010 Bengal Black Butterfly Moon Black Lace Resurrected Black Pearl Boo! 2009 Cake Smash The Changeling* Countess Willie Crib Girls (2) Dark Chocolate and Pepper-Smoked Caramel Door Dorian Falling Leaf Moon (3) Feast for the Greatly Revered Ones First of the Three Spirits Gennivre (2) Halloween: Las Vegas* Heroine Hope (2) Hygeia The Illustrated Woman Katharina The Last Unicorn Lawn Gnome Les Bijoux Liberty Lilith Victoria L'Inverno Madame Moriarty The Magician (Vampire Tarot) March Hare The Midnight Carnival Midnight Kiss Mircalla Mother Ginger Mother Shub's Pfancy Pfefferneusse Nocnitsa No. 93 Engine (2) Okayaki Paduan Killer Swarm (2) Pallas Athene Pickled Imp (2) Pink Snowballs The Priestess (Vampire Tarot) Priala Pumpkin Latte Pumpkin Princess 2011* Pumpkin Queen 2006 Red Lantern 2011 Rose Red 2010 Shanghai Skytyping with Chemtrails Smokey Moon (Tristesses de la Lune) The Soldier Snow White 2009 (2) Snow White 2010 Sonnet D'Automne* Sunbird Tamora Temple Viper Tree of Life Waltz of the Snowflakes The Wiley Grasser* Zombie Apocalypse     Conjure Oils:   Adoration de la Terre The Azure Dragon Black Cat Crossed My Path Evocation des Ancetres Jeu du Rapt Khosrow and Shirin Midnight Chai with Kali Ma Nuit Vajra (2) The Vermillion Bird The Yellow Dragon     Violette Market   Antoinette's Tea Cakes Baby New Year 2010 Calaveras Chocolate Chocolate Antlion* Chocolate Fire Ant* Chocolate Horse Lubber Grasshopper* Chocolate Mallow Pumpkins* Chocolate Snout Beetle* Chocolate Vampire Bat* Chocolate Honey Chocolate Forest Chocolate Magi Hestia (2) The Lion and the Lamb Lost Woods of Killarney Lydia's Firefly Lanterns Miss Susanna West Smoking Plum Sophia Peabody The Spice Islands Sun Bear Honey Co. Bass Wood Honey Veronica's Chocolatier* Custom 1: Chocolate, Incense, Woodsmoke, Cardamom   Nocturne Alchemy   Bastet's Crystal Pumpkin* Bes*   Possets   Archangels Cherubim Dangerous Oil Dominions Cri de Couer Dangerous Flossing Hearts and Flowers High Tea Isabella Limoncello: Giardano Rosmarino Madame X Perpetual Motion Machine The Scent of Angels Seraphim Silver Carnations Silver Ginger Tisane of the Witch Silver Neroli Tisane of the Witch     Arcana   Devilish     Blood Drop   Dixie Elouise Adelaide Deschamps Perfectly Legal and Innocuous Kiss Cake     13 Gypsies   Cauldron Smoke Which Witch   * = waiting on this




Two more additions to my "tried" BPAL oils

Yesterday I sold my bike (an Electra Townie 3 in metallic fucshia.) I was sad to see it go, but since I never ride it, it was time. And I got moneys.   I wore Blood Amber yesterday, which was one BPAL I felt kinda iffy about. I like amber as a note, but making it bloody just seemed a little unappealing to me. Surprise, surprise but I actually *really* like Blood Amber and I think it's a scent I'll be coming back to in the fall. It lasted really well on me and it smells divine. Another winner. When will I start smelling oils that I hate?   Today, I purposefully picked one that sounded rather like a "no" to me: Eat Me from Mad Tea Party. In general I don't like foody scents (with the odd fruit or well-done vanilla being the exception.) The "three cakes" note just really turned me off. I don't want to smell like a teeny bopper or a cupcake, so Eat Me was seeming like something I'd hate. In the vial it smells vanillaish and sweet, but I decided to keep an open mind and tried it on my skin anyway. Lucky for me, the red and black currant notes really come out on my skin. Eat Me turned in to a lovely berry-vanilla that doesn't smell synthetic or sticky (which is what I had expected from reading the notes.) Eat Me was a big surprise winner for me, which shows me that I should always try the oils on my skin before passing judgement.   All in all I've at least liked all of the oils that I've tried, and I love several of them. I suppose I'm lucky that it takes so little product each day, otherwise I would have a hard time narrowing down which scents to buy in full bottles.




Working on my wishlist (and waxing poetic about Poisoned Apple)

The sheer amount of BPAL stuff out there is overwhelming. I don't really need to smell everything, but there's still so much that I want to try. Should I just pick a scent family (ie rose scents, green scents, etc.) or one of the Lab's collections (Marchen, Sin & Salvation, etc.)? How exactly does one *manage* their obsession?   I didn't smell a new imp today. I wore Poisoned Apple all day. Lemme say, the second bite is as good as the first. It doesn't smell as dirty to me today, but it does still smell very dark. I did get a better whiff of the opium smoke today. A lot of the reviews say this is a straight up sweet red apple, but I don't get that much. It smells a bit green to me, and there's the darkness from the smoke. I get apple, but it's not fake or terribly sweet. As a matter of fact, I think that the sweetness is nicely tempered by the other elements. The only thing I don't get directly is the oleander, which is odd. There's tons of oleander around here (it lines the streets and freeways in so many places in CA), so I should know what it smells like. Or maybe my nose is just so used to it that it doesn't register. The official notes from the lab are red apple, opium, oleander and hemlock.   Tomorrow I do plan on trying a different imp. I feel a bit guilty for planning a Lab haul soon with so many imps to go through (upwards of 20 that haven't been tried or even sniffed.) Perhaps I'll do a few more days of testing and then order. The Halloween update should be happening soon, and there are already a handful of scents that I really want to try from that. Wallet, be damned.




THREEFER today, including one of my top wish-sniffs and new obsession revealed

Last night before bed I decided to try another of my RAOK frimps. Again, I grabbed at random and ended up with Kiss Amongst Discarded Tissues, which according to the label was from Novel Ideas 2010. I don't know the notes because I'm having a hard time locating the review. It's a light floral to me, very pretty. I still suck at picking out particular notes. It's not as sweet as Desdemona, but it's not overly rosey either.   Today I had a long day of classes, getting my car serviced, and dinner with my husband's (boring) family. I wanted something daring and fun. I chose Black Opal from a recent forum imp purchase. The Lab doesn't list the notes on the main site, so I might have to look it up in the reviews. If there ever was a way for something to smell both sparkly and black, this oil does it perfectly. It smells so smooth and luxurious, it's a total winner. It's definitely the first imp that I've smelled that I would look for a full bottle of. I even put some in my hair, and good god I smelled so sexy and wonderful all day long.   I also received yet another forum imp purchase, and this forumite was kind enough to include one of my top wish-sniffs, Poisoned Apple. Naturally I had to try it as soon as I could, and I am just so in love. In the course of one day, I have tried two imps that I now need full 5 ml bottles of. Poisoned Apple does smell like, well, apples, but there's something kinda dark and wet that comes across too. Earth isn't one of the notes, but this one pulls a bit dirtish on me. Like just the barest hint of dead leaves or dirt. It's amazing. It's very complex and beautiful, and I am so grateful to the amazing girl who sent me this. I was going to purchase a 5 ml of Snake Oil, but I guess that one will have to wait.   Finally, my husband has now seen my new BPAL obsession. (He already noticed the Paypal transactions, but he hadn't seen or sniffed any imps or anything like that.) He doesn't *get* it, but I did know he wouldn't. At least I can ask him for imps and bottles for Christmas without feeling like a total fool.




Day two (still on the RAOK package)

Today was my second day of *my* personal BPAL madness, as I would like to call it. I sorta grabbed something at random, which happened to be Emma from The District. This is one that I actually smelled when my RAOK package came. (Some of the others I still haven't sniffed because I want to be surprised. I also haven't read the notes for almost all of them. Look what a weirdo I am.) That's not the point though. I'm talking about Emma. Prior to trying this, I would have said that in general patchouli is a note that I'd most likely avoid (with the main exception being Chanel Coco Mademoiselle.) Patchouli isn't the main thing that I get from Emma, but it's definitely there. I get a greenish-pepperish-patchoulish-sweetish sort of feeling from this particular oil, but it ends up being pretty awesome all combined. (Per the Lab, the notes in Emma are vanilla bourbon, tea rose, jasmine, pink pepper and patchouli.) I find that the pink pepper and the patchouli are really softened by the florals and the bourbon kinda adds this nice sensuality to it. I like Emma a lot, and I look forward to revisiting this oil in a couple of weeks after I've tried some more.   On a not-even-related note, I painted my nails neon yellow (like a highlighter) and I want to add some crackle polish to them. Fun times!




The Stash--for tracking purposes

BPAL/BPTP 5mL A Bachelor's Dog A Blot Upon The Earth Anne Bonny (2) Amaterasu v2 (2) Amaterasu v3 Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand (11) Banshee Beat Bastet Bengal Black Forest Black Lace (original) Black Moon Blood Kiss Blossoms In Springtime Blue Pumpkin Floss v3 Body, Remember Boo '09 Boo '10 Boomslang Bordello Butter Arsenic Cabaret.Goth (2) Cake Smash Cake Smash v6 Candy Phoenix '05 (2) Cat Allingham Cathedral (2) Celeste Chaos Theory IV: Edge of Chaos MCCLXV Chaos Theory VI: Vanilla #426 Chaos Theory VI: Vanilla #543 Cheshire Moon Chimera v5 Chrysanthemum Moon Crowley Crypt King (2) Death Adder Devil's Night '11 Dia Dia de Los Muertos '04 Dionysia Dorian Dreadful Lies Eat Me Eat Me v6 Elf v4 Epomophorus Monstrosus Faiza, The Black Mamba (3) Fetish.Goth Fledgling Raptor Moon Giant Vulva Ginger Skulls Glitter '06 Glowing Vulva Goblin Gothabilly Grand Guignol v4 Gun Moll Gypsy Moth Habu (v low partial) (2) Half Elf v5 (2) Halloween: Las Vegas Halloween: Montreal (4) Haloes Heavenly Love & Earthly Love Hexennacht '05 Hod Resurrected Hod v2 In The Forest (2) Inez Invasion of the Flesh Eating Reindeer from Uranus IXHV4 (2) Ivanushka Jacob's Ladder '05 Jacob's Ladder '10 Joyful Moon Kali Kitty (2) La Mano Del Destino (2) Lady Una L'Essence De L'Engouement L'Essence De La Passion (3) Loli.Goth Loosening of the Obi Luna Negra Lune Noire (2) Luperci '11 (3) Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller Marshmallow Poof Mead Moon Metal Tiger Midnight Mass ‘10 Midway (original) Minotaur Misfortune Teller v3 MB: Bloody Mary MB: Bones Trombone MB: Closet MB: Underbed (2) MB: Underpants Mouse's Long and Sad Tale Mr. Jacquel Nepthys v11 O (2) #Occupywallstreet Odd Portents Orange Phoenix v6 Osiris v4 Paduan Killer Swarm (2) Panther Moon Penumbra Phyllocrania Paradoxa v1 PRC12 PSX54 Pumpkin Princess (2) Raven Moon Red Lace Samhainophobia Saqqara v2 (2) Senelion Schwarzer Mond '08 Schwarzer Mond '11 Serpents with Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues Silas Ruthyn Silver-Haired Bat Smut '06 Smut '10 Smut '12 (2) Snake Charmer Resurrected (2) Snake Oil Snow White '04 Snow White '08 (trunk show label) Spanked '11 (2) Spellbound Spicebush Swallowtail (2) Sprinklecake Stardust Sugar Skull '05 Sugar Skull '06 Sugar Skull '10 Sybil (2) Temple Viper (2) The Anti-Saloon League (2) The Antikythera Mechanism The Arabian Dance The Candy Butcher The Coiled Serpent The Crumpet Rebellion The Elephantine Colossus The Harp of Cnoc I'Chosgair The Illustrated Woman (5) The Infernal Lover (3 heavy red musk, 1 light red musk, 1 no red musk) The Unheavenly City Thirteen (10/06) Thirteen (2/09) Thirteen (8/10) Thirteen (6/11) Tiki Queen Tombeur Tombstone (2) Touched Twice Triple Benevolent Conjunction UOH2 (2) Vamp.Goth Velvet Nudie Velvet Panther Velvet Pink Kitty Velvet Tiki (2) Velvet Unicorn White Chocolate, Marshmallow and Coconut Truffle WILF (2) Womb Furie ‘10 XCDL13     BPTP BATH OILS (2) Bittersweet Chocolate Bourbon Vanilla Frankincense & Myrrh Glowing Vulva L'Eau De L'Engouement L'Eau De La Passion Looking Glass, Looking Glass (~3 oz decant) Snake Oil Spun Sugar Spectre Tricksy   BPTP HAIR GLOSS Frankincense + Clove Snake Oil     BPTP ATMO SPRAY Aphrodite Kypria The Ghoul-Haunted Woodland of Weir     TAL OILS Anechoic Chamber Benevolent Triple Conjunction Samhain Yule     OTHER ETAILERS Haunt Blood Orange Cacao 5mL Solstice Scents Sandalwood Vanilla roll-on

Gold Dust Kitten

Gold Dust Kitten


Virgin no more!

Yesterday, I got my first package of imps from a very generous RAOK. There were a lot of scents to choose from (many of which I will post about as I get around to trying them.) But I chose one that I thought would be semi-safe as my first real foray into wearing BPAL oils instead of traditional mainstream perfumes.   The one I chose to start with was Desdemona from Illyria. I tend to like floral fragrances, though I can safely say that things like sweet pea are usually kinda... not good on me. (The other notes are carnation and water lily, and I do like both of those.) Also, I'm an English major and today was the first day of classes, so I thought that made it all the more fitting. In spite of my initial misgivings about Desdemona, it actually smells really pretty on me. I completely suck at describing scents, but it is very sweet and soft and floral with just the barest touch of sensuality. In a word, I would describe it as feminine. It lasted pretty well on me, and I am still getting little whiffs of it 15 hours after applying. I'm not really sure that I'd buy a full bottle of this one yet, but I will come back to it soon and decide. For my first time, I'm pretty satisfied.   I'm not sure if I'll try something more daring tomorrow. Time well tell.




BPALs tried

And here's a list of the BPALs that I've tried (though don't necessarily own). Again--if I've reviewed any of them, I'll likely link to the review (at some point...)   Aelopile Bliss Calico Jack Dragon's Blood Eat Me Eve Fenris Wolf Galvanic Goggles Good - RPG Series Gremlin Cake Grog Hellcat Kitty Miskatonic University Nyarlathotep Phoenix in Autumn Red Lantern 2007 Schrodinger's Cat Strawberry Moon 2009 Thanatos Vice Whoop Yggdrasil




BPALs owned

Here's a list of the scents I currently own. And if I can figure out how to work this blog, I'll probably make links if I've reviewed them anywhere...   In generally, there are all imp-sized. For one or two I might have a bottle. Except for bottles, I'm pretty willing to trade just about anything, so if you see something you're interested in, just ask. There's a good chance I'd be willing to trade for it. And if I'm not--then you just managed to stumple on to the rare scent that I've decided to attempt to hoard all for myself!   Aelopile Antikythera Mechanism Ave Maria Gratia Plena Bliss Calico Jack Cthulhu Dee Dragon's Blood Eat Me Eggnog Eve Fenris Wolf Galvanic Goggles Good - RPG Series Gremlin Cake Grog Hellcat Kitty Kyoto Minamoto no Yorimitsu Cuts at the Earth Spider Miskatonic University No. 93 Engine Nosferatu Nyarlathotep Perversion Phoenix in Autumn Rat King 2010 Red Lantern 2007 Schrodinger's Cat Shoggoth Shub-Niggurath Smokestack Strawberry Moon 2009 Thanatos Tin Phoenix Tintagel Vice Whoop Yggdrasil





I'm sure this will get larger as time goes by...but currently there are only a couple of scents on my wishlist. Don't judge me!   Beatrice - sample Liz - sample FOUND! Phoenix in Autumn - bottle FOUND! Weeping Branches Moon - sample




Fall SW 2011 notes (?)

This is being written IN CASE there is a Fall 2011 round & I manage to enter it DESPITE being on vacation & away from the internet for a whole week in early Sept.   I will be updating & condensing previous blogs for the aid of my dear witch, who ever she may be!   Big (new) stuff around here includes:   - Daughter now loves pandas and penguins ALMOST as much as turtles.   - We hope to start house hunting sometime Feb/March!   - I hope to make some extra income for the family via etsy.   - daughter starts preschool this September   - I've started knitting! But am working on stuff for everyone in the world EXCEPT me, so feel free to knit me anything if you are so inclined! LOL   - I'm trying to loose what's left of my "baby weight" before we start trying for number 2 (which may be soon!) Green & Oolong teas are supposed to help with that . . . I'm exercising whenever I can, . .. anything helpful you know of is great. **ahem** this doesn't, however, mean that I don't want any chocolate, brownies, cookies or the like. One must splurge now and again, regardless!   I think that's it for now . . .




Fille en Aiguilles...Serge Lutens

Finally got a bottle of this, one of my favorites! Gave myself a pretty intensive application today to get the full experience, as before I only had a 2.5 ml sample.   Well, what to say, how to describe this. It's a very 'me' scent, woody, spicy, kind of sweet, also deep, dark and....almost smoldering. Not really an incense, but it has a quality of incense about it. The notes listed are "pine needles, vetiver, incense, fruit, spices, fir balsam, amber". So yeah.....there is a feeling of pine but in no way sharp or cleanser-like. Add to it sugary fruits, but not candy-like....more of a sweetened boozy fruitcake with pine and resins, maybe frankincense? I dunno it just smells damn good.   I applied pretty heavily and this seems to be a scent that stays close to the skin. There aren't any "high pitched" notes. According to the box it is eau de parfum strength and in my experience, the stronger concentration of scents seem to stay closer to the skin. That's what my Bois des Iles does, anyway. It's somewhat closer to the way perfume oil behaves on the skin and in the air around me. I love this so much and it just hums in a quiet way....I can't imagine ever feeling like I put on too much. I don't think I'd fill up a whole room with this one, sillage-wise.   Anyway, so glad to finally have a bottle! Just in time for late summer going into fall. Beautiful.




Kouros by YSL

Ah yes.....the legendary Kouros. I bought a small bottle, totally untested, just based on the infamy of this fragrance. It's a love-it-or-hate-it scent, those who love it praise it to the high heavens, and those who hate it invariably mention bodily waste (human or animal, often cat) when describing it. It's pretty cheap and apparently being discontinued, so I went for it.   First try was.....alarming. At first, I smelled a sort of dated men's fragrance, something from the eighties, nothing too earth-shattering. Then, as it warmed up and dried on my skin, I smelled......the elephant house at the zoo. There's a large part of men's cologne, and up close, there is a large part of elephant dung. Interestingly, this didn't totally turn me off the scent, but I didn't think I'd be wearing it again. Very animalic if I understand the term correctly.   Well, fast forward to tonight, and I'm just sitting at home doing laundry. I wanted to try something unusual and it doesn't get much more unusual than Kouros, so I gave it a second try. Yep, the elephant house is still there. But, what's this? I am liking this? Wow, I can see how this fragrance can be addicting, and I think I actually like it! The scent hasn't changed, it's just so.....intimate? I don't know, just compelling and weird, and I am now glad I have a bottle. I think I'll have to try Body Kouros too.




Notes I Like, Notes I Don't [11/2023]

LOVE: Amber (particular white, but I love all), Apricot, Aquatics (as long as they are not soapy), Balsam, Barley, Benzoin, Blueberry, Cake, Cardamom, Carnation, Chrysanthemum, Earth/Dirt/Damp Soil, Ginger, Grass, Hay, Herbs, Honeysuckle, Ho Wood, Incense, Lavender, Lemon, Lemon Verbena, Licorice/Star Anise, Marshmallows, Milk/Cream, Mint (particularly herbal), Moss, Orris, Osmanthus, Peach/Peach Blossom, Pine, Red Musk, Resins, Rice/Rice Pudding/Rice Wine, Saffron, Snow, Spices (love them all but less so nutmeg and clove, and cinnamon is good as long as there is no red hots to be seen), Tea (green, black, all really), Tomato Leaf, Tonka Bean, Vanilla/Vanilla Orchid (really just all vanillas with a preference for airy ones), Violets, Woods.   LIKE: Apple, Beeswax, Berries, Caramel, Clove, Cocoa, Leather, Patchouli, Pear, Plum, Rose, Sandalwood, Sarsaparilla, Soft Florals, Tobacco, Vetiver.   QUESTIONABLE/NOT A FAN: Booze, Cherry, Clove, Coconut, Coffee, Indolic Florals, Milk Chocolate, Nutmeg, Nuts, Pumpkin, Smoke (some smokiness is okay, but it can nauseate me)




My Favorite Indie Perfume [11/2023]

My Current Favorite Perfumes!   Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab: My Little Grotesque (Lilith) Eat Me (GC) Tamora (GC) Edith Cushing (Crimson Peak) Wulric, the Wolfman (Carnaval Diabolique) the Soldier 2010 (Yule) Snow-Flakes 2009 (Yule) Zombi (GC) Celeste 2011 (BPTP) Lady Una (Stardust)   Other Brands: the Fox Sisters (Fantome) Namba (Fantome) Curiouser and Curiouser (Poesie) Eternal Ankh (Nocturne Alchemy) Twice to Tea (Poesie) Honey Craves Sunshowers (Arcana) Gehern the Troll (Arcana) Lycanthrope (Fantome) Poison Pen Lane (Poesie) Pavane (Possets)




The Box of Awesome (AKA the scents currently living in my "favorites" box)

This is my (not so) "short" list of favorite BPAL scents. Things get moved in and out now and then, so this list is constantly in a state of flux, although most of the older scents are perma-faves.   Bolded scents are ones I would wear any day, regardless of the sort of mood I'm in, without hesitation. I love the other scents, but not everything is something that I always feel like wearing.   Anne Bonny
The Black Rider
Black Temple Burlesque Troupe
Brom Bones
The Buggre Alle This Bible
Captain Cully
The Coiled Serpent
Dancing Koi
Dark Chocolate, Whiskey and Cognac Truffle
Eat Me
Fenris Wolf
The Forbidding Foyer
The Infernal Lover (red musk)
The Infernal Lover (no red musk)
Invasion of the Flesh-Eating Reindeer from Uranus
Tarot: Judgement
Lump of Coal
Lust v7
Madame Moriarty, Misfortune Teller
Mad Sweeney
March Hare
Monster Bait: Closet
Mouse's Long and Sad Tale (very aged)
Mr. Jacquel
Nonae Caprotina
Panther Moon
Pinched with Four Aces
Quincy Morris
Snake Charmer
Snake Oil
Velvet Bandito
Voodoo Queen
Western Diamondback
White Chocolate, Black Raspberry and Apricot Cordial Truffle
White Peacock
  The second string favorites:   (A lot of these would be in my main favorites box if I had more room. Some are in here because they're too similar to other favorites already in The Box of Awesome and others are here because I really like them, but have to be in the right mood to wear them. Still others are just ones that I wear often enough to want them to be a little more accessible than the scents in my BPAL cabinet are.)   Blue Moon 2004
CD: Misfortune Teller v3
Chaos Theory VI: Recursive Self-Similarity V7 #36
Elf v4
Event Horizon
The Forbidding Foyer
Herr Drosselmeyer
King of Spades
La Mano del Destino
The Lion
Magic, Do as You Will
MB: Underbed v1
Miskatonic University v3
Pancake Breakfast
Phyllocrania Paradoxica v1
Phyllocrania Paradoxica v3
Queen Mab
Queen of Spades
Raven Moon
The Red Rider
Stranger in Camp


