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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

The wonderful, magical smellies list...eight bagillion scents tried (and counting) - PART 3 (untested)

Bold = I own at least one bottle (or at least a partial bottle in a couple cases) of this scent Italics = I own an empty/tester/very low level bottle   Waiting to be tried:   Aeval Alice's Evidence Alien Invasion All in the Golden Afternoon Andreiphontes The Apple of Sodom Arcana Baghdad Baku Baneberry Bathsheba Bensiabel The Black Apple of Saturn Black Heart Black Hellebore Black Lily The Black Swan Bleeding Heart Blood Moon 2008 Blue Phoenix v2 Boadicea BRAII (tester) Cabaret.Goth (sniffie) Caligula CD: The Geek Show (unreleased prototype; tester) Champagne and Party Hats (tester) Chaotic (unreleased prototype version; tester) The Chilling Cellar Chintamani-Dhupa Cobra Lily Cockaigne Cordelia Couple Consulting an Enpon (sniffie) Croquet The Curator Danube Dead Man's Hand v8 (tester) The Death-Horse Deadly Nightshade Honey Deep in Earth The Deep Ones Defututa Delousing Powder Detox Dia Diwali (tester) Dragon's Reverie Elegy IX: The Autumnal Envy Epitaph Erato Eros Ether Evening Cicadas and Red Peppers Evil (unreleased prototype version; tester) Expressive Head Faeu Boulanger Faunalia The Festival of Anuket The Forest Reverie Frumious Bandersnatch The Ghastly Garden Golden Wave The Gorobble Hairy Toad Lily Halloween: New Orleans Haloes Hi'iaka Horreur Sympathique Hymn to Proserpine (or Prosperpine...that's what my imp says!) Iambe Ichabod Crane The Ides of March 2010 Illuminati Cotillion The Isles of Demons Jerusalem Cherry Infused Honey Jólasveinar 2010 Khandita Kitsune-Tsuki Kubla Khan Kumari Kandam Lamia Languor La Primavera Leather Phoenix Les Bijoux Les Fleurs du Mal Liberty Libra 2007 Love-Lies-Bleeding Lulu (unreleased prototype version) Lyonesse Mag Mell The Mandrake Charm Manhattan Mania Manipura Marquis de Carabas Masquerade Mead Moon (sniffie) Miaiphonos Mictecacihuatl Molly Grue Monarch Moscow Motley The Music of Erich Zahn MVJHL Bake Sale v3 (tester) Niflheim The Night Hag Visiting the Lapland Witches Noisome Clockwork Tin Locomotive Odd Portents Ode on Melancholy Ogygia Old Demons of the First Class The Old Goblin Olokun Oneiroi Parthenope The Phantom Wooer Philologus Phobos The Phoenix in Winter Phoenix Steamworks The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (tester) Pollution Pontarlier Pothon Meter Prurience Queen Alice The Reaper and the Flowers Roses, Pearls and Diamonds Rozpustnica Sanctus The Sea Foams Milk Sed Non Satiata Sekhmet v5 Shanghai Shattered Shill v1 (tester) Shoggoth Silenti (sniffie) Slobbering Pine The Sluggard Smokestack Smoky Moon 2009: Tristesses de la Lune Snap-Dragon-Fly Soothing System v1 Sticky Pillowcase Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener Strawberry Moon 2009 Suspiro Symmakhia Tabula Smaragdina Terpsichore Toad Toad Hall To a Woman The Torture Queen The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil Trinket The Triumph of Death Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bat Uncle Travelling Matt Unveiled Velvet Clown Velvet Unicorn Verdandi The Vine Violet Ray White Chocolate Mango Buttercream Whoso List to Hunt The Wild Swans at Coole The Witch's Garden Yürei   On the way:   Dark chocolate with merlot-infused black cherries and star anise French Tobacco Mayan chocolate with annatto seed, Anaheim pepper, cinnamon and vanilla bean Sic Erit Voyeuristic Monkey  




The wonderful, magical smellies list...eight bagillion scents tried (and counting) - PART 2 (more scents tried)

The first part of this list can be found here! I had to split it up because it was getting cut off otherwise.   Purple = love this scent (these are my absolute favorites, the best of the best)   Green = like this scent (there's a lot of variation here, I may like it--even like it a lot--but just don't absolutely love it or I might think it's nice enough but not the kind of scent I enjoy wearing)   Orange = this scent is just okay (I try not to lump scents into this category if I think they're nice but not for me; these are mainly the scents that I don't hate, but can't see a lot of appeal in, on me or on someone else)   Red = don't like this scent (I rarely actively hate a BPAL scent...these are the scents that provoke an immediate "Get it away from me!" reaction for some reason, often because they have almond or rose in them, but those two notes aren't automatic qualifiers for inclusion)   Bold = I own at least one bottle (or at least a partial bottle in a couple cases) of this scent Italics = I own an empty/tester/very low level bottle   BOOM! Studios:   Bette Noir   Diabolus:   Akuma Baobhan Sith Black Annis Black Phoenix Black Widow Blood Countess Bloodlust Bluebeard Catherine Deimos Dracul Ekhidna Fenris Wolf Goblin Hellcat Hell's Belle Incubus Kuang Shi Kumiho Loup Garou Maenad Malice Marquise de Merteuil Masabakes Medea Nephilim Nocnitsa Noir Nosferatu Phantom Queen Phobos Rage Serpent's Kiss Szepasszony Troll Typhon Unseelie Venom Villain   The District:   Countess Willie Crib Girls Josie   Doc Constantine’s Pharmacopoeia:   Bruised Violet Compound   Excolo:   Aglaea Aizen-Myoo Alecto Al-Shairan Anubis Bastet Baron Samedi Centzon Totochtin Clio Coyote Czernobog Elegba Eos Euphrosyne Eve Gaueko Grandmother of Ghosts Hades Hecate Kali Kurukulla Lilith Loviatar Nemesis Nyx Obatala Ochosi Odin Ogun Old Scratch Oya Peithos Pele Persephone Polyhymnia Queen Mab Sacred Whore of Babylon Santa Muerte Shango Skuld Tezcatlipoca Thalia Thanatos Urania Urd Xiuhtecuhtli Yemaya   Gris Grimly:   Detestable Putrescence Hideous Heart   Hellboy:   Kroenen Liz   Illyria:   Antony The Apothecary Caliban Desdemona Goneril Iago Jester Juliet Katharina Lady Macbeth Lear Oberon Ophelia Othello Queen Gertrude Robin Goodfellow Rosalind Tamora Three Witches Titania Titus Andronicus   The Last Unicorn:   Arachne of Lydia Captain Cully Elli's Song Hagsgate The King's Daughter Magic, Do as You Will The Midnight Carnival   ParaNorman:   Hippie Ghost   The Mad Tea Party:   Alice Bread-and-Butterfly The Caterpillar Cheshire Cat The Dodo The Dormouse Drink Me Eat Me How Doth the Little Crocodile Jabberwocky The King of Hearts The Knave of Hearts The Lion Mad Hatter March Hare The Mock Turtle's Lessons Mouse's Long and Sad Tale (I only love this when it's very aged, otherwise it's a like, not a love) The Pool of Tears The Queen of Hearts The Red Queen Rocking-Horse-Fly Snooty Rose Tiger-Lily 'Tis the Voice of the Lobster Tweedledee Tweedledum White Rabbit   Marchen:   Baba Yaga (GC version) Beer From the Marsh Woman's Brewery Belle Vinu The Black Rider The Chicken-Legged Hut Egle The Grave-Pig Grief The Light of Men's Lives The Little Sparrow The Little Wooden Doll (not so great on my skin, but pretty in the bottle or a scent locket) Moonshine and Mist The Night-Raven Prunella The Red Rider The Rose Rumpelstilzchen The Sea Foams Blood Serpents with Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues (kind of in between; I like it but it's bordering on being just okay) Vasilissa The White Rider The Witch's Repast   Neil Gaiman:   Aziraphale The Buggre Alle This Bible Crowley Hunter The Ifrit (tester) Ligur Famine Hastur Mad Sweeney I. The Magician Mr. Ibis Mr. Jacquel The Potters' Field Shadwell Sunbird (LE) The Velvets War   Panaceas:   Lustration Moxie Quietude Safari Seduction Succor TKO   Phoenix Steamworks:   The Antikythera Mechanism (I'm ambivalent about this one) No. 93 Engine The Robotic Scarab (in between liking it and feeling meh about it)   A Picnic in Arkham:   Al-Azif Arkham Azathoth Brown Jenkins Cthulu Miskatonic University Nyarlathotep R'Lyeh Shub-Niggurath   Rappaccini's Garden:   Belladonna Black Hellebore Honey Black Rose Blood Lotus Blood Rose Bohun Upas Death Cap Destroying Angel Devil's Claw Dian's Bud Hemlock Hemlock Honey Love-in-Idleness Mandrake Mantis Moon Rose Shadow Witch Orchid Strangler Fig Tobacco Honey Wolfsbane Yellow Jessamine Honey Yew-Trees   RPG:   Chaotic Cleric Dwarf Evil Elf Fighter Gnome Good Half Elf Halfling Lawful Mage Neutral Orc Paladin Ranger Rogue   The Salon:   And There Was a Great Cry in Egypt Carceri d'Invenzione Cloister Graveyard in the Snow Death of the Grave Digger Garden Path with Chickens The Isle of the Dead The Smiling Spider Two Monsters   Sin & Salvation:   Anathema Black Dahlia The Bow and Crown of Conquest Cathedral Damnation Death on a Pale Horse Dorian Fallen Faustus Gluttony The Great Sword of War Greed Hellfire (original) Hellfire (new) Hymn Jailbait Laudanum Lex Talionis Lust Magdalene Malediction Nero Oblivion Paramatman Penitence Roadhouse Rose Cross The Scales of Deprivation Sea of Glass Seraphim Sin Sloth Tzadikim Nistarim Vice Wrath   Somnium:   Nanshe Somnus Temple of Dreams   Vampires Don't Sleep Alone:   Tombeur VILF (the wet stage and early drydown are made of fail, but the later drydown is nice enough)   Wanderlust:   51 Amsterdam Athens Bayou Bengal Cairo Crossroads Delphi Dublin Eden Florence Glasgow Gomorrah The Hamptons The Hanging Gardens Hollywood Babylon Ile de la Tortue (tester) Kathmandu Kostnice Kyoto London Machu Picchu Manila Morocco New Orleans Paris Port-au-Prince Port Royal Rome Santo Domingo Silk Road Sri Lanka Sybaris Tenochtitlan Tintagel Tombstone Uruk Venice Vinland Whitechapel Yerevan  




Grand Guignol v4

In the bottle: Super dark, super rich, medicinal fruit cough syrup.   On wet: Ooooh...delicious apricot simmered in sweet musk. Decadent and candylicious.   Drydown: There was a brief, worrisome moment of "omg, EVIL PLASTIC!" but that seems to have faded. Now I'm getting a sweet, lightly fruited musk with a vague brandied undertone. I also keep getting these odd hits of...violet candy? Whenever it registers, I'm reminded of Psychological Horror, even though they're nothing alike in terms of notes or "feel". Weird.   Overall: I like this blend! It's not as smooth as I would like - especially when compared to the gorgeous released version - but I think that age will help with that. Fruit and musk and sweet stuff grounded with a smidge of something darker are favourites in my scent stable, so I think this proto - which hits all those marks - will eventually do very well for itself. Until it has a chance to soften those rough edges, though, it rates a 3/5.




CD: Misfortune Teller v3

In the bottle: very similar to the released version, but there's a hint of something lighter/sweeter swirled into the mix. Interesting...   On wet: Sweet vanilla with a fruity sparkle - creamy and smooth. Definitely not the heavy, heady red musk n' fruit combo I'm used to!   Drydown: It's kinda difficult to get this scent sniffed out accurately - it's faded down so much! What I can smell is a much softer, lighter version of my favourite Misfortune Teller - like someone's added a few drops of the released blend to a bottle of creamy vanilla. The red musk and fruitiness is still present, but not as prominent, and there's a much sweeter edge to both. I'm not certain - it could be the way my nose is interpreting the mix of components - but I'm catching a hint of leather and possibly something resiny, too. Hmm...the longer it dries, the heavier/richer it gets.   Overall: M. Moriarty is my favourite scent and has been for quite some time now. Mlle. Lilith is a close second. They're similar in feel, but serve the many different moods I have. When I want something close to either released version - but NOT a released version (gotta love those annoyingly indecisive days, lol) - then this proto will be a great option, especially once it's had a chance to age into the glorious deliciousness I know it will become. Currently a 4/5 and a keeper.




Fourreau Noir-Serge Lutens

Fourreau Noir by Serge Lutens......tonka bean, lavender, musk, almond, smoky accents   When I first put this on I could tell right away that it's an unusual, striking creation. I wasn't sure if I actually liked it but, like many other Lutens perfumes, that didn't seem to matter.....just the experience of trying it reminds me of why I got into this habit.   So, up close, Fourreau Noir is a little scary, almost harsh and chemical smelling. It reminds me of hot rubber or maybe leather. But the throw is quite beautiful and I think I mostly get the lavender, but the musk is very nice too. It's almost like what I wanted from Miel de Bois, but in the end couldn't love that one. But I do love this. It also reminds me a bit of the tonka in my beloved Chene but this is more.....what's the word....not really sinister, but more like this has a dark secret. This is more of a dressy occasion type of scent.   *sigh* Only problem is, there are already at least 3 other Lutens that I want full bottles of! Guess I have to add this to the list!





A Golden Idol All Night Long Alice Bathsheba Bayou Black Opal Black Tower Bread-and-Butterfly Centzon Totochtin Cockaigne Cthulhu Come to Me Debauchery Destroying Angel Dragon's Eye Faustus Hairy Toad Lily Hell's Belle Inferno Her Voice Katharina Kathmandu Kubla Khan Kumiho Mata Hari Nemesis Niflheim Port Royal Roses, Pearls, and Diamonds Samhain 2007 Saturnalia Snap-Dragonfly Squirting Cucumber Sri Lanka Sundew The Death-Horse The Great Sword of War The Raven The Scales of Deprivation Thorns Ultraviolet Utrennyaya Vampire TearsWolf's Heart Velvet




Genre Swap Q's

Do you prefer paper books or ebooks? Paper   What kind of weather is the pefect ‘watch a movie/read a book’ weather? Any kind! It all depends on if I’m in the mood to read or watch a movie. Although, those cold, rainy days where you just want to stay in bed and do nothing are good days to just laze around to watch movies.   Favorite movie poster/book cover/art in a book: I really love Frank Frazetta’s book covers. I love the sketches/drawings in the Spiderwick Chronicles series.   Wislists: I have an amazon wishlist and the retail therapy post is a good place to look     Paperback or hardcover: Either is fine. Although if I start collecting a new series, the books have to be the same type – I have a paperback of A Game of Thrones, so the rest of the series I must get in paperback.   Would you like burned movies? Why not?   Would you like audiobooks? No thank you   Do you like comic books? I’m a big fan of manga. I’m a Marvel girl but I’m not opposed to reading DC – would like to read some Wonder Woman. Also am very interested in reading Witch Blade.   Would you rather play a hero or a villain? Probably a villain or a hero who uses not-so-nice methods in accomplishing things.   Have you ever skipped to the end of a book or movie to see how it ends? No. If I don’t plan on reading a book/series or movie, I will look up the plot/ending.   Does it bug you to watch/read movies/books out of order? Yes – it just helps you understand what’s going on.   If your life was made into a movie, what actress would play you? I can never answer these.   Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate? Tea – can’t stand coffee, and I don’t really drink hot chocolate.   Popcorn: love popcorn. lot’s of butter and salt – the only way to go.   Fave sweets/chocolate: Twizzlers, taffy, Haribo gummy bears and happy cola are the candy I tend to eat the most. Also like gobstoppers, smarties, sour punch straws, and various asian sweets. When I do want chocolate (which is not often) I go for dark chocolate.




Bottle List

Absinthe & Lace [Neck] Antique Lace [Full to top of Lettering on Label – Over 2/3 full] Atlas (Moth) [shoulder] Autumn Cider [2- Shoulder, 1/3 full] Banded Sea Snake (Aged) [A bit over ½ full0 Banshee Beat [shoulder] Bat of Good Death [shoulder] Beaver Moon 2005 (Cobalt) [shoulder] Benevolent Triple Conjunction [TOL] Berry Moon 2009 [shoulder] Berry Moon 2011 [shoulder] Blackberry Jam & Scones (2,- Taped Label TOL, Just below TOL] Black Lace (Apple) [Neck] Black Lace (Original) [shoulder] Black Lace (Res) [shoulder] Blood Pearl [Just under TOL] Blue Phoenix v2 [shoulder] Blue Pumpkin Floss [2- Shoulder] Boomslang [2- Aged Top of Lettering, Shoulder] Bonfire Night [shoulder] Buck Moon 2005 (Cobalt [Neck] Butterscotch Balls and Black Beetles [shoulder] Cabaret.Goth [shoulder] Cake Smash v6 [shoulder] Celeste [Neck] Champagne & Party Hats [TOL] Cleric v2 [shoulder] Crypt King [shoulder] Edge of Chaos: Chaos Theory IV – DCCXXXIV (Sour Apple) [shoulder] Epomorphorus Monstrosus [shoulder] Fetish.Goth [bottom of Label] Fledgling Raptor Moon [2- Shoulder, TOL] Halloween in Las Vegas [shoulder] Hamadryad (No idea which version smells neither cinnamon nor minty) [shoulder] Harlequin & Columbine [shoulder] Heroine [shoulder] Ho Ho Ho [shoulder] Honey Moon 2005 [Neck] IXHV4 (Coffee) [Neck] Jacob’s Ladder 2005 [Just over ½] Joulumuori 2009 [shoulder] Lambs-wool 2010 [2/3 full] Love’s Philosphy [Just below Shoulder] Luna Negra [Neck] Mary Celeste v4 [shoulder] Midway (Original) [2- Neck] Midway (Res) [A little under ½] Miskatonic University [2- 2/3 full] Monsterbait: Bones Trombone [2- Shoulder, Just under ½] Mother Ginger [shoulder] Mourning Lace [shoulder] MVJBA Pancake Breakfast [Just under TOL] MVJHL Bake Sale V III [TOL] Old Glasgow (Colbalt) [shoulder] Old Moon 2012 [shoulder] October 2011 [2/3 full] Pais de la Canela [2- Shoulder, Neck] Peach Champagne [shoulder] Pinched with Four Aces [4/5s Full] Pink Champagne [shoulder] Pink Lace [shoulder] PL176 (Candied Orange) [A little over ½] Pomegranate III (Wandcapped) [Neck] Privilege [shoulder] Pumpkin Cheesecake [Neck] Pumpkin Princess [A little over ½] Pussy (Moth) [1/3 full] Red Lace [Neck] Ruddy Daggerwing (Butterfly) [TOL] Sangria Champagne [shoulder] Senelion (BPAL) [Neck VERY full] Schwarzer Mond 2006 (Wandcapped) [Just under TOL] Single Note: Annurca Apple Blossom July 2012 [2- Shoulder, Neck] Single Note: Eight-Petaled Lotus [Neck] Single Note: India Ink July 2012 [2- Neck] Single Note: Siberian Musk [Neck] Single Note: Spanish Red Carnation July 2012 [2- Shoulder] Single Note: Vanilla Bean 2005 [2/3 Full] Sleep [1/2 Full] Snowblind (Orig/Cobalt) [Just below shoulder] Spanked 2011 [Neck] Sparkling Apple Cider [4/5 Full] Sprinkle Cake (Boozy Vanilla?) [Just over 2/3 Full] Sprinkle Cake (Chocolatey) [shoulder] Tattered Lace [shoulder] The Arabian Dance [shoulder] The Black Temple Burlesque Troupe (Fresh) [Neck] The Changeling [shoulder] The Girl [1 decant about] The Malignant Dreams of Cthulhu in Love [Neck] The Living Flame (Cobalt) [2- Neck, TOL] The Queen of Hearts [shoulder] The Perilous Parlor [shoulder] The Second of the Three Spirits [shoulder] The Wiley Grasser [About a decant and a half] The World (Tarot- 10 ml) [5ml] Velvet Unicorn (Wandcapped) [shoulder] Vespertilio Proterus Kuhl [Neck] Wake [2/3 Full] WILF (Male Label) [Neck] Zombie Apocalypse [shoulder]




Cartier.....my thoughts

I am more and more impressed the more I try from this house. I love Declaration, which I first heard about here on the bpal forum, when someone compared October to it. I see the similarity. Anyway, here's what I've tried. There are lots of flankers so it can be hard to keep track. Notes are from fragrantica.com.   Declaration....."Top notes are artemisia, caraway, coriander, birch, mandarin orange, bergamot, neroli and bitter orange; middle notes are orris, ginger, cinnamon, pepper, juniper, orris root, jasmine and guatemalan cardamom; base notes are leather, amber, tea, tahitian vetiver, oakmoss and cedar" Wow....just reading the notes, I didn't know all that was in this scent. I didn't love this at first. I thought it was okay, but kind of faint, and kind of unfocused. But as often happens, I was drawn to try it again, and again, and eventually I realized what a beautiful scent it really is. Woods and spices are what I smell, but very light and breezy, kind of like a wind before a storm at the end of summer. Gorgeous.   Declaration Essence....."orange blossom, sandalwood, amber, lavender, musk, tea, lime, vetiver, geranium and lemon" I have a mini of this too, and so far have only tried it once. It seems to be sort of like the concentree of Declaration, stronger spices, although the notes don't seem to match up with what I'm smelling. I'll be wearing it again but I do think I like the original Declaration better.   Eau de Cartier....."Top notes are coriander, yuzu and bergamot; middle notes are violet leaf, lavender and violet; base notes are cedar, patchouli, musk and white amber" Beautiful, but I've only tested it once. Very, very light and I think I would have to over-apply to get the right amount. Weird accord that, again, doesn't match up with what I read in the description, or rather, I can't pick out individual notes. Just crisp and smart, very nice.   Eau de Cartier Concentree......"Top notes are coriander and yuzu; middle notes are violet leaf and lavender; base notes are cedar, patchouli and white amber" Huh. Do they really have the same notes? They are similar but the concentree is definitely stronger and longer lasting. I think I'm more likely to buy a larger bottle of this one, very crisp and refreshing, but with the stronger scent comes a little bit of synthetic feeling. I think I favor this one.   Must Cartier Pour Homme Essence...."Yet another beautiful and very light fragrance, this one seems a little more traditional, more suited to the office. I like it but it's so light that I'm left feeling a little slighted. I'll wear the rest of my mini but probably not get a bigger bottle.   Yet to try but very interested in: Eau de Cartier Essence d'Orange...."op notes of Eau de Cartier Essence d`Orange bring us a sparkling, luminous cocktail of oranges and bergamot. A heart encompasses sophisticated violets, while a base is enriched with patchouli along with warm and sensual cedar" Sounds beautiful and I'm really thinking about going straight to a big bottle on this one. I love citrus and I've been really in the mood for it, with the hotter weather. Definitely need to try this one!




Last minute Carnaval breakdown, selected possible purchases

Just like the title says. The Carnaval is leaving for a hiatus until maybe later this year. I'm getting a little panicky at the thought of these going bye-bye. These are my possible purchases, out of the whole Carnaval.....   Doc Constantine....."Sheer musk, cedar smoke, fir needle, black amber and leather" I have a partial bottle, and hardly ever wear it. I think I may have enough. I do love this blend, but maybe it will be reformulated when it's brought back, and that is more exciting to me than getting a new bottle right now.   The Parliament of Monsters....."Dust, incense, wet tobacco, and a curl of opium smoke" I had a decant once upon a time, but swapped it away because I didn't love it, and ever since then I've been just a little curious. Maybe I should give it another chance? Possibly, but I think I'll pass for now.   Faiza, the Black Mamba....."A sensual blend of twisting, exotic, serpentine oils: black amber, caraway, oakmoss, green sandalwood, bergamot, jasmine sambac, gardenia, orange pulp, vanilla, blackberry, black musk, white honey, ti leaf, and ginger" Another one that I used to have a decant of but swapped away. I remember it as being complex, lush, and fruity, almost like a deeper cousin of Men Ringing Bells? But there was some funky note that rubbed me wrong. Still, this is the kind of thing I've been in the mood for lately, so it's a possibility.   Stormclouds Over the Midway....."Thunder-charged ozone, plum-colored incense smoke, opium tar, and wormwood" I tried my decant the other day, and it's much better than I remembered, but still didn't last very long. I think I like Midnight On the Midway just a little better and I have plenty of that.   The Torture Queen...."White amber, vanilla musk, white tea, ambergris, gardenia, and chrome" I think I tried this briefly at Moonarcana's house. Still calling to me, although I haven't done anything about it as of yet! Really should just buy it and be done with it.   Sir Hugh Ockram's Winding Sheet....."Rotting linen, white sandalwood, hyssop, and dust" This has never really been on my radar and I've never even sniffed it. Looking now at the description, I think I stand a chance of really liking it. Hmmmm....   ......and that's it. I do want to get Egle as well, so it would be a 2 bottle order of Egle and something from the Carnaval. I think I have about 3 hours to decide..... : /




New and Improved (not to mention concise and organized for once) Wishlist!

***desperately seeking a sniffie of Pumpkin King; only needs a trace amount of oil. I must know once and for all if this is going to be worth hoarding money for or not!***   Things I have tried/own some of and am looking for as much as I can find:   Egyptian Amber SN Lughnasadh Mabon (original only) ***Pumpkin Hard Candy*** The Confectionary proto The Heraeon of Argos Unseelie.....hah   Things I haven't tried but lust after so hard, I must have whatever I can manage to find!   Black Amber SN Black Cherry SN Dark Chocolate (Gaiman) Egyptian Musk SN Fig SN Hellfire (original formulation only) Horror Coaster proto Night Parade of 1000 Demons proto Raspberry SN Toasted Coconut SN Waxworks proto   Things I would love to try in sniffie form first: any of this year's randomly named protos (except TX30 which I already own), Beltane, Blue Moon 04, CD protos I haven't yet tried (see bottom), Citrinitas v4, F54, Frost Moon, Gaslight, Harvest Moon 04, Ingenue, Orange (Gaiman), Pink Moon 05, Moon of Ice, Morella, Needle in a Haystack, Noir, Pumpkin King, Poe, Red Moon 04, Semiramis, SNs I haven't yet tried (see bottom), Storm Moon, any Tarot blends, Tattie Bogle, Unseelie, Whippoorwill   GCs I need more imps of to fill DIY bottles: Aeval, Akuma, Black Annis, Bon Vivant, Carnal, Dana O'Shee, Depraved, Drink Me, Eat Me, Grog, Helle's Belle, Kabuki, Kill-Devil, Morgause, Seraglio, Scherezade, Skuld, The Bow & Crown of Conquest, The Harlot's House   Other GCs I definitely want bottles of (will also take imps) : Alice, Against Idleness & Mischief, Arachne of Lydia, Bard (RPG), Belle Epoque, Black Hellebore Honey, Chokecherry Honey, Cockaigne, Courtney, Cyborg, Dawn: Maiden, Deadly Nightshade Honey, Debauchery, Detestable Putrescence, Dirty, Dragon's Milk, Dwarven Ale (RPG), Eclipse, Eden, Evil (RPG), Glasgow, Goblin, Gomorrah, Half-Elf (RPG), Halfling (RPG), Hecate, Hellcat, Hideous Heart, Hollywood Babylon, Horreur Sympathique, How Doth the Little Crocodile, Jailbait, Josie, La Petite Mort, Lawful (RPG), Lust, Mage (RPG), Molly Grue, Mommy Fortuna, Morocco, Mouse's Long and Sad Tale, Neil, Neutral (RPG), Paladin (RPG), Pandy, Pele, Queen Alice, Ravenous, Salma, Schmendrick, Sin, Sudha Segara, The Butterfly, The East, The Lilac Wood, The Midnight Carnival, The Ninth Cage, The Red Queen, The Queen of Hearts, Thieves' Rosin (RPG), Uruk, Vial of Holy Water (RPG), Whip, Witchblade   CD protos I've already tried or own: Alley of Games v4 (own), Black Widow Circus, CD023 (own), CD Tilt v4, Fire Dancer v6 (own), Misfortune Teller v3 (own), The Fire-Scorched Carousel (own), The Confectionary, The Toymaker   SNs I've already tried or own: Egyptian Amber (own one treasured imp!), Honey, Plum, Sweet Pea (own), Vanilla, White Musk (own)   I may also accept more of many things I already have, so just try me; the worst I can do is say no.   Iffy notes: anise, apple, aquatics, bergamot, grass, ozone, rose   Get it away: cedar, cologney scents, eucalyptus, heavy dirt, jasmine (except star or sambac), lemongrass, lemon myrtle, lemon verbena, strong herbals




Summer LE Breakdown

Rated on an "interest scale" of 1-5   Brood XIX...."Tree sap, hay, almond blossoms, moss, hemp, corn stalks, acorn, sweet amber, and rice milk" Well, I don't like nut notes, but other than that I'm fairly interested. I'd love a dry summery scent and this looks like a fancy, lighter relative of Scarecrow (which I already have a bottle of and hardly ever wear). Worth a decant, for sure. 4/5   Atlas...."Mallow, oak bark, coffee bean, hinoki wood, and khus" I haven't grown to love The Arabian Dance as of yet, and that's what this list of notes reminds me of, even though they only share the coffee. But this does look even more promising than that.....I'm all about woods, usually. Preliminary reviews are saying the mallow adds sweetness, and I'm not sure if that would be good or not for me. Bottom line.....worth a decant. 4/5   Brahmin...."Rose otto, red ginger, caraway seed, myrrh, orange peel, mandarin leaf, black peppercorn, and vanilla orchid" Without the rose this would be sort of intriguing, but the rose kind of turns me off. Could be worth a sniff but I'm not actively seeking it. 2/5   Io....."Red musk, pomegranate, cranberry, blackberry, mango, purple sage, thyme, and angelica root" Too much non-citrus fruit, not really my thing. 2/5   Pussy....."Orange blossom honey, brown sugar, saffron, tonka absolute, and tobacco leaf" I am over my aversion to honey, and I will try it in the right combination with other notes. That said, this could be sultry and sexy, or it could be too sweet and cloying. Worth a try, for sure. 3/5   Blue Morpho...."Wild orchid, pikake, honeysuckle, calla lily, agave nectar, pink geranium, violet leaf, and white amber" I like violet leaf and white amber, I think, but I don't like lily or geranium. Think I'll pass on this one. 2/5   Goliath Birdwing....."White sage, lemongrass, lemon balm, dusty beige musk, and drops of anise" Sounds beautiful, and I think I need to try this! I just hope it's not too one-dimensional with all that lemony goodness.   Mourning Cloak....."Opoponax, kumaru, cocoa butter, Mysore sandalwood, verbena, almond milk, guiac wood, beeswax, and myrrh" I do not like the smell of cocoa butter, but the other notes sound good. Not sure about this one but it's worth a try. 3/5   Purple Spotted Swallowtail....."Black plum, opium poppy, dusky amber, opoponax, castoreum accord, dried berries, tolu balsam, clove bud, and lime" This is kind of a wild card, because it could be really good, but I just can't imagine what it's like. I really have no clue but I'd like to try it. 4/5




My Stash

Bottles: Dorian Bordello Harp of Cnoc I'Chosgair (x2) Womb Furie Black Lace (Resurrected) The Great Sword of War Himerus Unveiled Pirate Moon Selkie (x2) Lycaon The Antikythera Mechanism Boomslang Katrina Van Tassel Egg Nog '07 Haloa '07 Diwali '07 Snake Oil Coyote Incubus Theodosius, The Legerdemain Frederic Tiki Princess Monarch Minotaur Hunter Moon '07 (x2) Count Dracula Red Lantern '06 Hua Mulan VILF (x2) Interfector Philologus Chaos Theory: Vanilla Series #245 A Howl in the Darkness The Byronic Antihero The Infernal Lover The Hag Pumpkin Queen Wolf Moon 2011 The Soldier Puck   Imps/Decants: Alice Antonino, The Carny Talker Belladonna Bengal Blackberry Jam & Scones Blood Blood Pearl Calico Jack Cairo (x2) Cake Smash Cockaigne Dance of Death Danube Deadly Nightshade Honey Debauchery Dorian V2 Dracul Envy Fascinum Fenris Wolf Grand Guignol Gypsy Hellcat Hurricane Hymn to Prosperine Irrelevant & Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream Jolly Roger Juke Joint King of Hearts Lightning Lilith Victoria Love's Torments (x2) Lucy Westenra Lurid Malice Mary Read Masabakes Megaera Morocco Neo-Tokyo No. 93 Engine Nuit Ogun Oya País de la Canela Peitho Perversion Phantom Queen Ravenous Red Devil Red Lace Roadhouse Rosy Maple Satyr Screeching Parrot Shub-Niggurath (x2) Sin Spooky Tavern of Hell Tezcatlipoca The Bow & Crown of Conquest The Castle The Caterpillar The Lion The Robotic Scarab The Unicorn Tiger Lily Tombstone Umbra Undertow Valse Finale et Apotheose Vasakajja Versailles White Rabbit Wicked Witchblade




collection of BPAL bottles.

LE 5mls
amber and lace
as above
benevolent triple conjunction beeswax amber and star jasmine boticelli's unicorn (partial) cabbage white
countermagick courtesans relaxing
dolce stil nuovo
eldritch dark
eve (OLLA) (x2)
fleurette's purple snails the great brocade addressee (x2)
gypsy queen
harper (partial)
harvest moon 2013
hesiod's phoenix hope imaginer jonquil and poet's narcissus
leather phoenix les origines
love in the asylum
lucy, kissed miss anna
miss ida roses pearls and onyx (partial) the serpent in the roses
snake charmer, first resurrection
snake charmer, second resurrection
snake skin
so below
this wan white humming hive
vain sorceress

GC 5mls
black pearl
the bow and crown of conquest (on loan to my boyfriend for an indefinite amount of time)
neutral (RPG)




My Reviews

BPAL REVIEWS I'VE POSTED (click on oil name):   X = Didn't Work For Me 1-5 *, with ***** being just below signature scent rating = signature scent no * = judgement reserved   11/27/11 #occupywallstreet**** 03/13/09 13 February 2009** 04/19/09 13 March 2009** 06/26/11 13 May 2011 04/25/09 413 US 15/Miller vs California*** 05/17/09 Abhisarika** 02/12/09 Agapé**** 05/09/07 Aglaea*** 01/26/10 Agony of Longing*** 04/12/09 Al-Araaf* 05/03/07 Alice* 03/28/07 All Saints 2006 03/09/07 Amsterdam*** 03/13/07 Anne Bonny*** 06/04/09 Antimony v9***** 03/07/07 Antique Lace X 11/15/09 Aperatos Eros*** 07/05/09 Aphrodite v7* 04/01/09 April Fool*** 03/22/09 Aries 2007** 03/11/07 Ave Maria Gratia Plena X 08/07/09 B340 X 07/07/09 Baba Yaga v7*** 03/18/07 Bakeneko X 05/18/09 Baobhan Sith**** 03/13/07 Bastet X 05/11/09 Bat of Good Death* 05/15/09 Bat of Health* 05/14/09 Bat of Longevity*** 05/13/09 Bat of Virtue* 05/12/09 Bat of Wealth***** 03/03/07 Bayou X 04/29/07 Bearded Lady** 07/23/09 Berry Moon*** 05/04/07 Bess**** 07/17/09 Binah* 03/09/07 Bitter Moon*** 03/05/07 Black Dahlia*** 04/08/10 Black Death* 06/02/09 Black Lace***** 03/13/07 Black Moon** 09/30/09 Black Orchid*** 03/12/07 Black Phoenix X 05/26/07 Black Rose* 05/01/09 The Black Swan*** 06/02/09 Blood Moon 2005**** 06/03/09 Blue Moon 2007** 01/19/07 Bluebeard* 06/21/09 Boadicea X 02/08/09 Bony Moon*** 11/07/09 Bow & Crown of Conquest 11/08/09 Brom Bones*** 04/23/07 Buck Moon** 03/01/07 Budding Moon** 11/12/09 C. Auguste Dupin**** 06/07/11 Cabaret.Goth X 01/19/07 Calliope** 06/20/09 Cancer 2007*** 02/19/10 Candles Moon*** 05/23/09 Carnaval Diabolique*** 08/29/09 Carnivale*** 03/19/07 Caterpillar*** 03/17/09 Catherine*** 07/14/09 Centzon Totochtin**** 07/08/09 Cesky Krumlov v1*** 07/25/08 Chaos Theory IV: CLXXI*** 08/01/08 Chaos Theory IV: CXLVI*** 08/28/08 Chaos Theory IV: DCCXXXIV*** 08/19/08 Chaos Theory IV: DCCXCIX**** 08/24/08 Chaos Theory IV: CMXLVII**** 04/24/09 Chaos Theory V.1: Dorian CCXI**** 03/22/09 Chaos Theory V.3: Penitence XXXIX*** 04/22/09 Chaos Theory V.4: Snake Oil LXXXVII**** 06/06/09 Chaste Moon**** 04/07/10 Chaste Moon 2010* 06/14/07 The Cheshire Cat*** 03/12/07 Chrysanthemum Moon X 03/06/09 Chypre***** 09/29/09 Circe X 02/26/07 Coiled Serpent, The*** 03/27/07 Cold Moon X 03/24/07 Come To Me 11/29/09 Conservatory Tableaux X 04/20/10 Croquet** 11/03/09 Crowley**** 09/30/11 Crypt King**** 04/28/07 Dark Delicacies* 05/20/09 Darkness* 11/30/09 Daylilies at the Bottom of the Stairs** 02/03/09 De Sade 09/27/09 Dead Man's Hand**** 05/06/09 Death and Life Completed 05/04/09 Death of the Grave Digger 06/11/11 Death.Rock X 11/21/09 Deep in Earth*** 03/30/07 Delirium** 03/02/07 Depraved**** 04/06/09 Destroying Angel* 11/06/11Devil's Night 2011 X 03/03/09 Doc Buzzard*** 12/05/09 Doc Constantine*** 09/04/07 Door 13 06/07/09 Dragon Moon 2006*** 08/07/07 Dreamland*** 02/28/10 Dublin* 05/21/09 E Pluribus Unum** 05/09/10 Egg Moon**** 08/06/07 The Emathides X 03/07/07 The Empress** 06/03/07 Eris** 08/11/07 Eshe, *** 05/20/07 Et Lux Fuit*** 05/22/09 Fairy Market 06/11/11 Fetish.Goth**** 04/03/09 Florence** 03/13/07 Flower Moon** 04/07/09 Flower Moon 2009 10/11/07 The Forbidding Foyer X 05/07/09 Fox Fires on New Year's Eve at the Garment Nettle Tree at Oji*** 06/30/11 Fuwa Bansaku in Ruined Temple with Black Monster on Umbrella**** 05/08/09 Garden Path with Chickens** 04/05/07 Gaueko**** 12/27/09 Geek** 05/24/09 Gemini 2007**** 06/11/09 German Expressionist Horror*** 02/28/07 Ghagiel 08/06/09 Ghosts of Arroyo Seco Bridge*** 06/10/09 Giallo X 06/08/09 Gibbous Moon**** 05/19/09 Gladdener of All Hearts* 05/24/10 Goassamer v3*** 05/09/09 Great He Goat**** 03/14/07 Greed*** 06/23/07 Gypsy Queen**** 09/01/11 Hagsgate**** 10/27/11 Halloween: Brooklyn**** 10/11/11 Halloween: Las Vegas X 10/26/11 Halloween: Los Angeles X 10/08/11 Halloween: Montreal X 10/25/11 Halloween: San Francisco**** 04/27/09 Haloes 05/27/09 Hanami** 06/19/07 Harlot*** 03/20/07 Harvest Moon 2005*** 06/10/09 Hay Moon X 05/02/09 Heavenly Love & Earthly Love** 07/09/09 Hermes Trimegistus v2** 03/28/07 Hetairae** 06/18/11 Hochelaga X 03/18/07 Holiday Moon**** 06/23/09 Hua Mulan** 03/13/07 Hunger Moon X 03/26/07 Hungry Ghost Moon** 09/13/09 Hunter Moon 2007**** 07/30/09 Hurricane**** 07/15/09 Hymn to Proserpine* 05/25/09 I Married a Vampire From Planet X X 09/30/09 Iago*** 05/05/07 The Ides of March 2007** 04/11/09 Ides of March 2009*** 07/03/11 Io** 06/12/09 J-Horror** 03/11/07 Jabberwocky*** 05/26/09 Jacob's Ladder 2008** 03/05/07 Jezebel** 08/28/07 Jezirat al Tennyn** (rev. 3/08) 11/24/09 Jonathan Harker** 12/01/09 Joyeux Noel X 06/08/09 June Gloom 2009*** 05/30/07 Kalahantarika** 05/17/07 Kanishta* 05/28/09 Kataniya, The Clockwork Woman** 03/10/07 Kindly Moon*** 03/07/09 King of Spades X 06/12/11 Kitty 05/29/09 L'Estate X 04/23/07 La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente 04/27/07 La Fee Verte*** 11/05/11 La Mort: Mon Ironie Depasse Toutes les Autres 11/26/09 La Mort Qui Danse** 04/28/09 La Vague*** 05/01/07 Ladon**** 05/28/07 Lady Luck Blues* 12/20/11 Leather Phoenix**** 04/15/09 Lenore (Demon In My View release)*** 05/31/09 Lilith and the Jarocho**** 06/21/07 Litha*** 06/07/09 Litha 2009 X 11/13/07 Long Night Moon**** 03/23/07 Lotus Moon 02/26/07 Loup Garou** 11/09/09 Loviatar*** 04/26/09 Lucifer**** 05/05/09 Lucretia** 04/09/11 Lucy's Kiss* 05/21/07 Luna** 03/22/07 Luperci '07*** 03/30/07 Lycaon** 08/08/11 Ma'at v17*** 05/30/09 Madeline*** 04/25/10 Malediction*** 01/30/10 Malignant Dreams of Cthulhu in Love*** 03/12/09 Malkuth**** 04/04/09 Manila X 03/10/09 Mantis** 06/07/07 The March Hare X 06/05/09 Marcilla*** 03/28/09 Marianne**** 03/05/09 Marie*** 09/13/09 Mary Read*** 04/14/09 The Masque (Into the Maelstrom release)*** 03/17/07 Milk Moon 2005* 05/14/07 Milk Moon 2007* 04/20/09 Minotaur**** 01/04/10 The Moon x 06/14/11 Moon of Horses*** 04/16/09 Morella*** 03/19/09 Morgause 02/28/07 Moscow** 11/05/09 Murder of Crows**** 03/05/09 Mystery X 09/06/09 Nagarjuna X 03/04/09 Naiad *** 08/16/09 Nanny Ashtoreth 01/19/07 Nanshe X 03/18/09 Nefertiti*** 11/28/09 Nephilim*** 07/18/09 Nero*** 03/10/07 Netzach 06/14/11 Ninon X 03/21/07 Oborot* 10/10/11 October 2007, 2010, 2011***** 05/10/07 One to Tie, Two to Win*** 01/19/07 Oneiroi 04/11/09 Ouija 06/26/11 Paladin** 03/01/09 Pandora X 05/19/10 Panther Moon**** 03/12/07 Paris** 04/29/09 Parsifal*** 11/23/09 Peach Moon**** 04/30/09 Peacocks** 03/21/07 Peitho X 03/06/07 Penthus* 03/29/07 Peony Moon*** 05/15/07 Persephone**** 03/06/07 Phantasm 05/22/09 The Phoenix**** 01/30/11 The Phoenix in Autumn** 05/15/07 Pink Moon 2005 04/23/07 Pink Phoenix X 04/17/09 the Pit and the Pendulum**** 04/24/09 Planting Moon***** 05/10/07 Poisson d'Avril** 05/07/07 Pontarlier*** 05/01/11 PPH-08 X 03/29/09 Prague*** 04/18/09 Premature Burial*** 07/10/09 PX72 (Cobwebs Prototype)**** 03/24/07 Queen* 03/25/09 Queen Gertrude*** 03/23/09 Queen Mab X 07/27/07 Queen of Hearts*** 09/04/07 The Queen's Salon** 01/12/10 R.M. Renfield X 04/11/10 Ra*** 10/01/09 Rage*** 03/21/07 Rapture* 10/25/09 Raven Moon**** 01/22/11 Red Lace*** 11/10/09 The Red Rider***** 01/26/09 Red Rose** 04/07/09 The Rose** 06/03/07 Rose Moon ** 04/22/07 Rose Red***** 06/10/07 Sacred Whore of Babylon* 08/31/09 Sacrifice*** 11/22/09 Sagittarius 2007* 05/16/07 Saint-Germain X? 04/08/09 Santa Muerte 06/17/07 Selkie*** 11/08/11 Sentimental Initiation*** 03/08/09 Shadow*** 03/08/07 Shadow Witch Orchid*** 03/01/07 Silentium Amoris ** 03/07/07 Sin*** 08/04/07 Singing Moon ***** 03/12/09 The Sleeper X 03/11/07 Sleepy Moon* 06/18/09 Smoky Moon** 03/22/07 Snake Oil*** 09/05/07 Snow Angel X 03/06/07 Snow Moon***** 06/01/09 The Snow Storm***** 03/11/09 Spectre*** 06/09/09 St. John's Eve** 06/11/11 Steam.Goth X 03/21/07 Storm Moon X 05/10/07 Strawberry Moon* 05/30/09 Strawberry Moon 2009*** 01/03/10 Strength**** 03/25/08 Sugar Moon* 03/25/08 Sugar Moon* 05/03/09 Sunflower* 04/24/07 Suspiro* 03/29/07 Swank*** 03/31/09 Sybaris**** 06/04/09 Symmhakhia X 05/27/07 Tamamo-no-mae** 05/06/07 Tanin'iver**** 06/25/11 Tattered Lace*** 09/28/09 Tears X 07/11/09 Tetramorph* 04/11/11 Thunder and Blazes*** 06/17/07 Thunder Moon X=me/**=Mr. Stellans 04/05/09 Titus Andronicus* 05/16/09 Toad Hall*** 06/06/09 Tombstone**** 06/23/09 Tomoe Gozen** 11/13/11 The Triumph of Death*** 03/19/07 Tushnamatay* 03/15/07 Tweedledum** 03/20/07 TwentyOne** 03/20/09 Twisted Oak Tree***** 04/23/09 Two, Five & Seven 06/16/11 Une Folle Enterprise* 03/02/09 Unseelie X 05/02/07 Urd *** 06/11/11 Vamp.Goth X 06/14/09 Velvet Bandito*** 06/15/09 Velvet Nudie** 06/17/09 Velvet Panther*** 06/16/09 Velvet Pink Kitty* 06/19/09 Velvet Tiger*** 06/18/09 Velvet Tiki X 03/30/09 Venice*** 03/09/07 Venus** 05/23/07 Verdandi*** 06/14/11 Veronica** 11/16/09 Vice X 06/17/11 Ville-Marie X 06/15/11 Virginia*** 12/03/09 Vishpala** 03/21/07 Vixen*** 11/27/09 Western Diamondback**** 01/01/10 Whirling Wind Moon X 03/15/07 White Moon* 10/21/09 White Rider 01/26/09 White Rose 03/08/09 Windy Moon*** 07/23/09 Winter of Our Discontent**** 01/27/11 Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse*** 06/01/09 Wolf Moon 2004** 03/02/07 Wolf Moon 2007*** 05/11/07 Yemaya*** 05/25/07 Yerevan, Old Yerevan*** 11/04/11 The Zoom X




Can You Bottle This?

Poking around BPAL and learning about the evocative scents Beth produces has led me to start thinking about the smells in my own life I wish I could bottle and pull out when I need a hit, or to preserve fleeting scents for posterity. Here are the two I've thought about so far:   My Garden -- tomato leaf, lavender, tarragon, warm soil, water, roses, peonies, hydrangea, with a waft of dry grass and oak leaf on the breeze   Jasper -- warm light skin musk, clean laundry, milk, a dusting of baby powder. The elusive smell of a baby's head.





Imp #30: Sin   "Thoroughly corrupted: amber, sandalwood, black patchouli and cinnamon."   Note: Middle of cycle. Imp from direct from the lab, but it's been sitting here a while.   In the bottle: Sandalwood comes out first, but I can detect the other scents as well, in a smooth flow. Warm, round, and a little spicy, this feels like a wintery scent to me.   On me: Amber and cinnamon dominate, while the sandalwood and patchouli fade into background supporting notes. It is somewhat foody, but also sensual. The black patchouli does not give the strong hippy patchouli note I feared. As it dries more, it is becoming more woodsy.   1 hour+ later: The scent has not really changed. It is still a delectable warm, spicy scent, with a woody background.




Unread Book Challenge

Inspired by the challenge over in the Book Club section of the forum.   A list of the books that I have bought and never read (numbering is just for me to keep count of how many -- not necessarily the order in which I'll read them). I will update these as I make my way through them.   1. The Space Between Us by Thrity Umrigar 2. Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray 3. The Scent Trail by Celia Lyttelton 4. The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke 5. Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zeven 6. Tamsin by Peter S. Beagle 7. The Kindly Ones by Jonathan Littell 8. Life Before Man by Margaret Atwood 9. Briar Rose by Jane Yolen 10. Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner 11. A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray 12. The Butterfly Revolution by William Butler 13. Cold Skin by Albert Sanchez Pinol 14. Ghostwritten by David Mitchell





As of June 2011, I'm still very new to the wide world of BPAL so this list will change as I try more new things. I'm never opposed to trying new things.   Notes that I enjoy: Peaches
Wet, Earthy scents
Cold Scents
Green Tea
White Wine
White florals (Gardenia, Honeysuckle, etc.)
  Some things I dislike: Anise/Black Licorice
Strong Citrus (it might be tolerable if it's very reserved)
Heavy Musk (I'm not a fan of "old lady" scents, however musk can be tolerable if muted, and White Musk seems to like me ok)
Strong Mint
Leather (as much as I want to like it, leather scents seems to amp. on me and punch my nose in all the wrong ways)
  Scents I'm Neutral on: - I can take 'em or leave 'em Vanilla (it really just depends on how sweet the scent is: I don't really enjoy sugary-sweet vanilla, but I like a rich bourbon vanilla)
Rose (It's kind of a mood thing I guess)
  Misc. Likes: Tea (Black, Green, White... I love it all)
Dark Chocolate
Nuts (Almonds, Cashews, Macadamia)
Stationary (Stickers, pens, paper... it all makes me happy)
Tiny nick-knacks (dollhouse and curio cabinet stuff)
Kwaii/Japanese/Cute things
Bats and Ladybugs
Knitting paraphernalia




List of Bottles

Here's the meager list of Bottles I own... More will definitely be on the way soon! Full, unless otherwise noted   Gaiman: The Graveyard Book The Owens Tomb (Partial)
  Limited AF6 (Lab Prototype)
Blue Morpho (Metamorphosis 2011)
Thirteen (13) May 2011
Gemini 2007 (Green twins on an off-white background)
  Limited: Yuletide 2009 Hypothermia (1.75 bottles worth in my stash) - Content with my current collection, but I'm always open for more.




List of Imps/Decants

Here's a list of Imps I've received and tried. ♥ = Want/Would purchase a full bottle (Not swapping) × = Will probably destash. PM me for trade or sale. If no mark, it means I'm undecided on the scent, but feel free to ask.   A Picnic in Arkham R'lyeh
  Ars Amatoria Carnal ×
Delight × (swapped)
  Bewitching Brews Grog
The Hesperides
Red Devil ×
  Diabolus Malice (swapped)
  Excolo Iambe
Urd (aged, hand-written label)
  RPG Elf ♥ (decant, hand-written label)
  Illyria Lysander ♥ - This one just makes me happy
  Limiteds WILF × (swapped)
  Lupercalia (Decants) Burning Vulva × (swapped)
Gods of Intercourse
  Mad Tea Party The King of Hearts ♥ - (Sniffle, decant)
  Marchen Belle Vinu ♥
  Rappaccini's Garden Laurel Honey × - FFTL Frimp
  Sin & Salvation Sea of Glass
  Somnium Baku ×
Oneiroi (x2) ♥
Temple of Dreams ♥
  Yuletide Scents (Ltds) - I really like all these, would like full bottles if possible. Hypothermia 2009 ♥
Snow White 2009 ♥
The First Soft Snow 2009 ♥
The Snow Maiden 2009 ♥
  Halloween 2011 Araw Ng Mga Patay
Elegy IX: The Autumnal
Ghosts in Love
Le Revenant
Nothing but Death
October 2011
Samhain 2011
  Limited: Blue Morpho (Metamorphosis 2011, Decant)
  Random Frimp The last Squished Jellybean × - Received this with my generous gift of Yules last year, will probably destash. Convo me if interested- this is a unique scent that I would be happy to send to a loving home.
  Please feel free to PM me if you're interested in a sale or trade. My Wishlist is here My Likes/Dislikes can be found here My feedback is here   Thanks for looking!




What I Have Tried -- May 2011

This is a fairly complete list of the BPALs I've tried. Scents are repeated if I have had more than one container (decant, imp, bottle) of them, there's no secret significant to the repetition.   #20 Love Oil aatos polemoio Agnes Nutter Aizen-Myoo akuma al-azif al-azif al-azif All in the Golden Afternoon All Night Long anactoria 2010 Anathema andreiphontês Animal Totem: Gentleness of Deer Anne Bonny Anne Bonny Antonio the carny talker antony antony Aperotos Eros Aperotos Eros arcana ashlultum athens Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo Autumn (retail-only salon) Autumn (retail-only salon) autumn moon of the mirror stand Ave Maria Gratia Plena Ave Maria Gratia Plena azathoth Banned in Boston Baobhan Sith Baobhan Sith Baron Samedi Baron Samedi bathsheba Bauble bayou Beaverversary bella donna bensiabel Black Annis black cat black cat black death black hellebore Black Lotus Black Lotus Black Lotus black opal Black Phoenix Black Tower blood blood amber blood kiss blood pearl blood pearl blood rose Brisingamen Brusque Violet Burial Burning Vulva Cairo Calaveras Caliban Calico Jack CANDY CORN COATED CANDY APPLE Carnaval Diabolique Cathedral Centzon Totochtin champagne, chocolate, and cheap sex changing the shadows changing the shadows Chaos Theory 6 V5: The Amber Series Chaos Theory 6 V8: Eris’ Tilt-a-Whirl Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors Cobra Lily complete unknown coyote Creepy 2009 Crossroads Crossroads Crossroads Ct Amber Series #34 CT V: Dorian Series danse macabre Death Cap death of sardanapal Dee Defututa Delirium Desiccated Frostberry Pie Filling Devil's Claw Dia de los Muertes 2009 Dia de los Muertos Dirty Doodad Door Dove's Heart dragon's blood dragon's claw dragon's heart dragon's heart dragon's hide Dragons Milk drink me ehectactl El Dia De Los Reyes 2009 enkhespalos Envy enyalios enyalios epitaph eris eris Faizas Companions: Boomslang Faizas Companions: Boomslang Fallen Fallen Fallen Fascinum Feeding the dead 2009 follow me boy Gaueko Gennivre: L artiste du Diable Ghoul Hooligan ghoulish Gluttony Gluttony Gluttony Good Omens: War gothabilly Great Grey Witch Green Phoenix Habu Habu hades hades Has No Hanna Has No Hanna hatmehit haunted Havana Hay Moon 2008 Hay Moon 2008 hecate helena Hellboy Hellfire Hellfire Hellfire Hellfire Hellion v.2 hemlock honey herbert west hetairae High John the Conqueror house of night I fell in love with a floating brain iago Imperious Tiger-Lily In Winter In My Room inganok jewelers Ingenue INTERFECTOR Intrigue Intrigue Intrigue ira bath oil Jazz Funeral jezebel joyful moon kabuki Kali kathmandu khalkokorustês khalkokorustês Khrysee KIll-Devil KIll-Devil king of hearts Knucklebones Knucklebones kostnice kubla khan Kumari Kandam kurukulla Kypris Lady Macbeth Lady Macbeth Lambs-Wool 2010 laudanum Lawn Gnome le serpent qui danse lolita love me Love's Philosophy lucretia Lunar Eclipse Lunar Eclipse luperci 2010 Lust v 7 lysander mad hatter mad hatter maenad maenad Mandrake Mandrake Mandrake Mania marie Mary Read Masquerade Men Ringing Bells With Penises midnight Midnight Bell Midnight Bell MIDNIGHT MASS 2009 Midnight on the Midway Midnight on the Midway Minotaur Miskatonic University Miskatonic University Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller Monarch moon rose morgause mouses long sad tale mouse's long sad tale Namaste Namaste Namaste NANNY ASHTORETH - Good Omens NANNY ASHTORETH - Good Omens night gaunt nocnitsa nocturne nocturne nostrum remedium NOW WINTER NIGHTS ENLARGE nuit Nyarlathotep Nyarlathotep O O O Oblivion ochosi ogun old scratch old scratch olisbos omen ON DARKNESS 2009 Ouija oya oya ozymandias ozymandias ozymandias paris Penitence Penitence Penny Dreadful Phantom Queen PHILOLOGUS philommeides Phoenix Steamworks Flagship Scent Phoenix Steamworks Flagship Scent Pickled Imp pink mood Pink Plastic Flamingo Plunder Plunder pontarlier port au prince Port Royal Priala, The Human Phoenix pride Prosperity Of A Country Prunella Pulcinella & Teresina pumpkin 1 '09 decant Pumpkin 2007 #5 Pumpkin 2007#1 Pumpkin 2007#2 Pumpkin 2009 #1 Pumpkin 2009 #2 Pumpkin 2009 #3 Pumpkin 2009 #4 Pumpkin 2009 #5 Queen Of Hearts Queen Of Hearts Queen of Sheba Rapunzel Ravenous regan rhinotoros R'lyeh romanti.goth RomantiGoth RomantiGoth Ronin Ronin Ronin Rose Cross Rumpelstilzchen Rumpelstilzchen saint foutin de varailles Samhain (2009) Samhain 2009 Samhain 2010 saturnalia Scherezade Scherezade Scherezade schoedinger's cat Schrodinger's Cat Schwarzer Mond: Brian's Creation (2008) Schwarzer Mond: Brian's Creation (2008) Sed Non Satiata seragalio Seraglio seraglio serpent's kiss shadow shattered shattered Shub Niggurath Silk Road Silk Road Sin Sin Sin Sin siren Siren Sleipnir sleipnir smut 2010 Snake Oil Snooty Rose snow white snowflakes somnus Sophia sri lanka Stormclouds Over the Midway Sudha Segara Sudha Segara temple of dreams temple of dreams tenochtitlan Tezcatlipoca Tezcatlipoca Tezcatlipoca Thalassa, The Galapagos Mermaid Thalia The Antikythera Mechanism The Antikythera Mechanism The Apothecary The Blockhead The Bow and Crown of Conquest THE BUGGRE ALLE THIS BIBLE - Good Omens The Candy Butcher The Caterpillar The Caterpillar The Caterpillar The Caterpillar THE CHAPEL The Feast For The Greatly Revered Ones The First Soft Snow The Grand Inquisitor's Heretic's Fork the great sword of war the great sword of war The Hamptons the hell gate of Ireland The Hesperides The High Priest Not To Be Described The High Priest Not To Be Described The High Priest Not To Be Described The High Priest Not To Be Described THE IFRIT - American Gods The Illustrated Woman The Illustrated Woman The Infernal Lover the isles of demons The Ladies: Agrat-Bat-Mahlaht The Ladies: Dionysia The Ladies: Eisheth Zenunim the lady of shalott The last unicorn The Lights Of Men's Lives The Lights Of Men's Lives The Little Sparrow The Little Sparrow The Little Sparrow The Lotus Tree The Mock Turtle's Lessons the obsidian widow the obsidian widow The Organ Grinder THE PARLIAMENT OF MONSTERS the peacock queen The Potter's Field - Graveyard Book THE RAT SPEAKERS the raven The Sea Foams Blood the steeple The Two Headed Goat The Velvets The Wild Men Of Jezirat Al Tennyn The Wild Men Of Jezirat Al Tennyn the winter of our discontent the zadok allen vinyard Tiresias, The Androgyne tko massage oil TOMBEUR trick or treat Trick or Treat 2009 Troll Tweedledum Tweedledum Ü Ultraviolet Ultraviolet umbra Urd Uruk Uruk Veil velvet velvet nudie velvet tiger Verdandi Verdandi VILF Violet Ray vixen Voodoo Voodoo Wensleydale When The Winter's Chrysanthemums Go White Rabbit White Rabbit wicked Witchblade wolfsbane womb furie wrath Wulric: the Wolfman Wunderkammer: Hand of Glory Wunderkammer: Hand of Glory Wunderkammer: Tabula Smaragdina Yew Berry Infused Honey


