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  • Silvertree

    Mod post: No wishlist posts in blogs

    By Silvertree

    Please be aware that we do not permit swap-related content on profiles or in blogs. Please post this content only in the For Sale, Swaps, and Wanted forums, or in the Wishlists topic. ~from Swapping 101  Thanks!

First posting/scent impression/anticipation

I'm very new to BPAL - but have already kind of gone overboard in trying things out. I love "O" and "Bliss". I also adore "Chimera". I like "Alice" well enough, but it's by no means close to the level of liking that I have for the first 3.   "Mouse's long and sad tale" is too flowery/planty for me. Reminds me too strongly of one of the department store type perfumes my mom used to wear many years ago. I wanted to like it, based on the reviews - but my nose is not in agreement.   "Black Pearl" is meh on me. I think I'd possibly wear it at about the same rate as "Alice" - maybe a little less.   From these I've decided I'm definitely a "Foody". Give me honey and other sweet, sugary scents. I'll pass on the plants, musk, patchouli, and whatnot. Additionally - all my life I've been on a lookout for a perfect rose scent. Based off my preference for sweet scented things - decided to give the Faith & Hope set a shot. Although - if it turns out to be a favorite, I'll be sad when it's no longer available. Didn't keep me from ordering it or some of the other LEs though. My reasoning is that if I find I love them, with some help I should be able to find the normally carried oil perfumes that might match up or at least be in the category of things I like a lot - and if I don't like them - they're LEs, so it should be potentially easy to re-home them.   I am currently eagerly awaiting the arrival of:   Womb Furie Delirium Bon Vivant Lemon-scented Sticky Bat Box of Chocolates: Fig and Tamarind Box of Chocolates: White Chocolate Mango Buttercream Nymphia Young Pine Saplings Hope and Faith: Siamese Twin Perfume Set   It has now dawned on me that of these, only two of them are regularly sold scents. Doesn't exactly bode well - but I do love having a lot of options to change things out from day to day. A large stash of delightfully tasty smelling perfumes should keep me happy for a loooong time to come.   I definitely suspect that within the next couple of months I will probably have some 5ml bottles and many imps up for swapping




Switch Witch Treasure Hunting Helpfullness!

Dear Witchy Witch, if my bpal wishlist isn't big enough, poke at me and I'll add more stuff to it.   Since the Maple Candy Question has been asked, how do you feel about syrup? My family is hip deep in syrup making right now, if you were my witch would you like some? Gimeeeeeeeee! I love Maple Syrup and Maple Candy! And I haven't had any in a while. When my grandpa was alive and we lived in the same town, I'd help him with making syrup some. It was fun! And tasty! Once in a while I'll buy a little jar of it, but not very often. I'd never put some in a shot glass and drink it either. Nope. never-ever. Ha ha ha ha!   Do people like Roller Derby? If so, would you want anything from that sport? Like memorabilia or anything? I've been to a bout, but I'm not big into the collecting thing. If there was something postcardish sized, that would be cool as wall art. Anything bigger and I'd have problems finding a place for it. (Bigger as in poster size. Sheet of paper sized would be ok though.)   Journals? Sure. I take a long time to use them up, so I don't need tons. I write down my crocheting rounds/rows in them to keep track.   Clowns - boooo or yay (love em or hate em?)? I may have a slightly little clown man hanging from a spring on from my ceiling. He may have an eyebolt through the top of his that is attached to the spring. I thought he was cute, so did my mom....everyone else seems to think he's creepy. So, now he's my creepy clown man. You can pull him down, and then he bounces for a long time. Yay! I'm trying to decide if I want to buy one clown scent, or two, or get decants of all. I'm not quite sure about the absinthe or hemlock. I generally don't do well with grass and dirt-if its the coconutty dirt, and I haven't found a leather I like yet, so that one is really iffy.   Would you be squicked if I made you something with a kiss print that was made with my actual lips? (The ones on my face!) I solemnly swear I don't have mono, Ebola, or any sort of French disease. Bubonic plague is still on the table. If its something to eat, I'd think about for a minute, then eat it anyway (I'm greedy that way). Anything else would be good.   What is the coolest thing you have recently bought or been given that wouldn't exceed the price cap? I'm going to show off my total dorkiness. Yay! A Magic Eraser! Runner-up is the stainless steel scrubby thingy that gets stuff off of my pots and pans without being all steel-wooly. They're both fabulous! I love them lots and lots! Actually the Magic Eraser may be second place, its a really close call.   So Witchees, do you enjoy pre-1970 movies? If so, who are your favorite actors/actresses? Oh man! I couldn't tell you how many of them I've watched and loved! I was probably one of a few little kids who was mostly excited about cable for the AMC channel (when it only showed old movies). It was awesome that I wouldn't have to wait for the inter-library loan anymore. Katherine Hepburn. She's fabulous! I adore her, she didn't take crap from anyone! She was fierce! Doris Day! (Calamity Jane was my all-time favorite for YEARS!) Fred Astaire! Ginger Rogers! Bing Crosby! I love the singing and dancing, the madcap mistaken identities! Murder Mysteries! (I don't know the names of any off the top of my head.) You know what's fabulous?! So many of these are available Netflix streaming now. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! I want to go home and watch some right now!   Are you interested in trying Super Villainess (from Villainess - the birthday scent that was just released tonight!) and if so, which item do you like the most? (Soap, Whipped, Smooch, Extrait, Smack...) Probably a soapy sort of thing. I'm not big on lotions and I'm not sure how I'd like this scent as a perfume. Soap or smack or Smooch, its sounds awesome for those! (I wouldn't turn my nose up at anything though.)   If I were to order you a Smack, which four notes would you like? Yes please! I adore the Unearthed, and love coffee smells, and vanilla, and bonfire, and chocolate, and marshmallow. Ok, so rather than keeping typing...I want all the scents. You can pick out any combination that sounds nice to you and I will love it. Smacks are super!   Would you enjoy receiving a knitted gift from your witch? If so what would you be interested in (scarf, hat, wrist / handwarmers, socks, etc.) and in what colors? Of course! All of them sound awesome! I probably wouldn't use a shawl as much as the other options. I don't care for white as a color, it gets too dirty too fast. I like colors! All colors!   Easter Candy - do you like it? If so, what types? MMMMM.....I LOVE CANDY! With the exception of the gooey cadbury creme eggs, I love it all! (The cadbury mini eggs that are solid chocolate are fabulous!) Pretty much, any egg shaped candy is good. Chocolate is my friend! Its good for me! Fiddle dee dee! I like other candy too. And snack mixes! I am a piggy! Nom nom nom!   What scent(s) are you petrified of getting DC'd? None really. I haven't gotten through a big bottle of anything yet, and there are so many things to love that I'm fairly certain som+ething new will come along that will be fabulous.   Wine? I can't. It makes my head ache very much. Cider is ok though. And beer.   3 things I crave right now: One night of sleep, the kind where I don't wake up, or have to struggle to fall asleep, 6 whole hours would be great! Spaghetti! Popcorn!   How do you feel about nail polish? What colors do you like? Sparkles? I like the idea of nail polish, but I lack the follow-through.   Ok geek check - what sort of geeky things do you do? Do you read comics/graphic novels? Are you obsessed with something (a TV show maybe?) Do you work in a geeky field? Do you play rpgs like Dungeons and Dragons? Would you like gifts related to any of these? I tend to watch geeky shows, but not get all crazy about them. And its mostly on Netflix, I'm too lazy to remember when they are on. I really like Firefly and Serenity. I saw all of Dead Like Me. I'm watching Eureka, X-files, and Dr. Who on Netflix right now. There's more in my queue. I like the Sandman graphic novels, but I have most of them now. I'd like to see the Serenity/Firfly comics. I don't play D&D or anythign like that anymore...I did a little bit when I was smaller, my brother would let me play. I like to play my video games. I still have a working Nintendo! yay! I was going to look and see if the Wii had a downloadable version of Centipede. From the Atari, cause that was awesome! I work with lasers. Mostly I work with a computer, and I write the code that tells the laser systems where to go! ha ha ha ha ha! But I used to be a tech on the floor running jobs and cutting stuff.   Do you have a favorite fabric? If someone were to make you a fabric item, would you prefer it be out of any fabric? e.g. velvet, satin, silk, cotton, bamboo??? Would this change if it were an article of clothing vs. a bag/pillow/blanket/somethingelse Wool stuffs make me itchy. If its a super-soft, it would probably be ok. I don't care for polyester much.   If your Witch lived near you, would you be happy or creeped out to get a "coupon" for a service like cleaning help or babysitting or dogwalking or coffee out with your Witch or something like that? Would you be creeped out if a local minion personally delivered a package to your house from a far-away Witch? Yay! We could clean out all the goodies from the pantry by eating them! You could babysit Mr. Boy! And take the fishies for a walk! Ha ha ha! I would love something personally delivered! It would be so fun to get some coffee or some snacky thing! People can come over here! I would probably need a little note to stay home that day or something. You could be sneaky and say something like I had to sign for a package. (now I will suspect that a package will mean a visitor!)   Let's say I have a pair of something you collect, would you like one of them and we have matching things? Silly witch! Of course I want a matching something!   paper goods, anyone need? I'm almost out of cute little notecards.   What is a scent that you've been trying to find even a sample of for a very long time to no avail? (What bottle would you die to get your hands on - even a partial?) I don't think I'd die for it, and I haven't really been looking...but I'd like to try the Ginger Skulls from Halloween. I want to try the new Spanked, but lucyboo has some and I can try it when we have a meet 'n sniff. Pretty much anything on my wishlist would be nice to have a dribblet of. Ha ha! I didn't help!   Violette Market Update is up. Do you covet anything from it? Haven't looked or tried anything from there. If there's something you'd think I'd like, I probably would! yay!   What periods of art do you love most? Like, if someone was going to get you a tapestry or a box or some other item, what period would you want it to most resonate with? the pinks and golds of Rococo? the clean geometry of Art Deco? The romanticism of Art Nouveux? The strange lines of Cubism? Yes please! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Anything would be lovely! I'm not really attached to any art thing, or style or colors. I'm no help at all! Yippeee!   Do you like pirate-related things? Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I would love to have a pirate something!   I'm going to Disneyland in a couple of weeks, is there anything I can get you? Do they sell pick-axes there? I could use one! Crunchy Steve really sucks, I want to hit him with one. No...that's not true...I don't want to go to jail. I just hope he chokes on his food. Ummm....I'm not a huge Disney lover, but if you find something that looks nice for me, then yes!   Copied CD's or DVD's? If its a mixed cd, absolutely! Full-album cds, not so much, unless its something that is really hard to find. I prefer the artists to get some money for their work, but I don't outrightly ban copied stuff.   Would you like caffeinated lollipops? sure! Ha ha ha ha! I'm easy! Probably not a lot of them though, just a bit to try.   Soaps? Be specific: I LOVE soaps! Villainess, Paintbox, Savor, everywhere! I like scrubbies too! I like spicy scents (I'm spicy!), patchouli, citrusy stuff, if there are florals involved they have to be on the light side. Anything like candy or food is good.   Sock Dreams? What kind? Sure! I haven't tried anything of theirs. It would have to be something that is big though, I'm festively plump. I saw MeiLin mentioning that she found stuff that fits her nice, so you could probably find out from her what is good, we're the same size! Yay! (well, I don't know if our feet are the same size, but we're both 22!)   Would you want an invite to a site that is invite-only I haven't heard of any sites that are invite-only. Does that mean I'm so uncool that I don't even know about the cool stuff? Wahhhhhhhh! I'm cool! I'm the best!   Are there any fancy/gourmet/special herbs or spices that you'd love to receive? Sure! I cook quite a bit, so I would use them! Yay! I don't know what variety I would want though. We eat quite a bit of fish, so stuff that's good on fish. Or good on sometime. Bonus points if its something you like and can tell me how to use it, or what it goes good on! I tend to dump some stuff on my food, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I eat it either way! Ha ha ha!   DVDs, Blu-Ray, both, neither? DVDs and VHS all the way! Wheeee! I'm a bargain at garage sales!   Piercings? I have an industrial in one ear, 3 helix in the other-I think 16 gauge, but I'm not sure. (I never change the industrial or my hoops.) Then I have the regular earlobe ones too. Those I change lots. Yay!   Do you have any blogs you regularly read? Yup! Cakewrecks, and some other ones!   The world has given you the day off. You hear that, no chores, responsibilities, or budget you have to follow. What would you do in those 24 hours? Eat cheese! And candy! Then roll around on the floor saying "uggggh! I'm so full! I don't feel good!" ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Then I'd take a nap. And watch tv. wow...this sounds like every weekend for me!   Do you enjoy gardening? If so, what kind of stuff do you grow? Vegetables, flowers? I don't have a yard to dig in, and the growing season is so short here that I don't grow much. Usually some tomatoes and a couple of boxes of flowers. I have lots of inside plants though. Mostly stuff that doesn't need a ton of care. I always wanted to try a little herb garden inside.   Favorite artists or specific paintings? I like art! I do not like Picasso.   Steampunk inspired items? Yay or nay? Sure! I'm one of the people who think that steampunk is made by adding a gear to something. ha ha ha ha ha ha! I don't have any steampunk stuff, but it sounds nice!   Do you like those little crocheted dolls? You know the ones! They have a Japanese name! GAH! If so, who needs to be emulated as one? Sure. I don't have any, but they are cute!   Pirates vs Ninjas vs Zombies - who wins? Which do you love most? Poppets will win! They will stand by and watch the mayhem. Then they will say "silly pirates", or "silly ninjas" or "silly zombies". (Ninjas would beat pirates. Not sure if Zombies could take out the ninjas. depends on if they are the fast zombies or the slow ones.)   Astrological charts and interpretation/ reports? I'm not hugely into them, but I would read them if anyone wanted to make me one! It would be interesting!   Do you like wearing things in your hair? If so, what kind (snap clips, scrunchie, headband, etc), how big & crazy (lowkey, bigger the better), and colors. I always have a hair thing, either in or in my pocket. Mostly just the elastics. Headbands tend to be too tight for me, I have a big head. Scrunchies are good, so are clippy things. I used to have a flower on a clippy thing, I really liked it, but it broke. I like the hair chopsticks too. Either lowkey or big and crazy is good for me! I'll wear both.   Chocolate. With stuff in it? Are you more a plain chocolate lover, a chocolate and normal items lover (normal items being nuts, fruit, caramel) or do you like weird stuff in your chocolate? (weird stuff being curry, chilis, balsamic vinegar, floraly things) I like chocolate! Yay! Probably not much on the floral, but I've never had it. I love chocolate with chili powder or cayenne in it. Its spicy! I tend to be a little more in favor of the dark chocolates, but a well made milk is good too. I'm not all that into white, but Mr. Boy loves it, so pretty much anything you'd send would be appreciated.   For those who like lipgloss, lipstick, tinted balms, etc, what colors do you wear (and warm? cool?) and do you prefer something sheer or more opaque? How do you feel about shimmer? Yes please! I love tinted balms and lipgloss! Shimmer is good. Sheer is fun! Opaque is nice! If it helps any, I'm quite pale with pinkish undertones to my skin.   What's your favorite animal? Or is there one that's particularly significant to you? Fraggles! Or Poppets! Or do you mean a real animal? Hee hee hee!   If you were able to get a vintage or prototype bottle from the upcoming West Coast Will Call, which one would you want? Wheeeee! Something! A prototype would be fun, as long as it wasn't all inscense or floral. (I'm not really into aquatics and super-sweet either.) I haven't looked at the protoypes much, since I figure I won't get to try them. A vintage bottle would be nice too! A surprise! Ha ha! Sorry I'm not more helpful.   Hey, how do folks feel about little e-goodies, like links to stuff your witchee likes? (articles online, pix, fic, etc) Yes, if my witch would like to! I sit at the computer all day at work.   Tim Tams? Yes or no? Chocolate Creme, Caramel, or Dark Chocolate? I have not had Tim Tams. So yes! Ha ha ha!   Is there any "classic" literature (Hemingway, Dickens, Elliot, Bronte, Hugo, Wilde, etc.) that you would like to add to your collection? I can't think of any. I used to get lots of books from the discount classics sections at bookstores.   So how does everyone feel about receiving ebooks? I'd prefer a regular book. Since I'm on the computer at work, I rarely start it up at home, and I don't have an ereader thingy.   candles and/or aroma melts: yay or nay? Candles! Yum! I tend to like scents similar to ones I like in oils. With the added, Vanilla anything is super!   My random songs: Are not so random. I have Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on my ipod right now. (I love how Jim Dale reads them, I wish he did more audio books, I'd get them all if he was reading!) ha ha!   LJ Friending list: I only use LJ to order decants I can't get on the forums. And I avoid all those social networking sites. I have a blogger account, only to easily read blogs I like. I haven't posted on it in years. (I'm a dinosaur! Raaaaah!)   If you were to make an order RIGHT NOW (Not that any of you will make any bpal orders until SW is over, because you do NOT want to mess up any plans your witch might have!) What would you order (from lab, forum, DD, TradingPost, etc) The only thing I can think of would be some Snake Oil. Oh, and I would like to get a bit of Enraged Groundhog Musk, but I don't need a whole bottle, a partial would be nice, or a decant. If something else comes up, I'll add it to my wishlist. I've got piles of imps and decants to test yet. (And since I have so many things to test, I won't be buying anything more for a while.) Speaking of testing....I'll try hard to update my "things I've tried" listy.   What level of nudity are you fine with on items? I'm good with nekkidness. No one here will be offended!   I know the ?aire asked about gently used books and if you like garage sales, but would you like other kinds of gently used items that may have come from a garage sale? Gently used and in nice condition stuff is great! And a bargain! You should give me some! (If you want)   Do you like cooking seasonings, like the kind you can get in ounces sizes? If so, things you'd love to try out? I love seasonings! Stuff for on popcorn is good. Stuff for on meats is good! Stuff for me to eat is good!   Do you like any particular kinds of green or back teas or coffees that could also be gotten in bulk? I don't drink enough coffee to get a bulk amount. Mostly Mr. Boy and I'll get one of those little fancy flavored packs that'll make two pot fulls of the little coffee pot (I have the little Mr. Coffee), and we'll maybe make one pot over a weekend. We don't have a grinder, so it'll have to be pre-ground. I tend to like flavor green/black teas, not the plain (I don't like jasmine though-its icky). So if you could find them or a herbal, that'd be nice. I can take both tea bags and looseleaf.   Favorite snack foods (and can they be from bulk section as well?) I like snacks!!!! Wasabi peas are a favorite of mine. But honestly, any snack is awesome. Bulk sections are fabulous!   Baked goods? Gimmmmmmeeeeee! Any sort of food stuff is good for me! (I don't care for anise/licorice stuff, or olives.)




Switch Witch Questionnaire - Spring 2011

Switch Witch Questionnaire - Spring 2011   Basic Info   Pets: Mado- 5lb maltese- about 1.5 years old- he’s SUPER laid back and loves to cuddle and follow me around. He can never bite hard enough to squeak things, so he tends to chew on rawhide or play with crinkle-toys, but despite his weak bite he’s incredibly tough (aka not noticing red ants biting and crawling all over his face and nose). Paku- about 5lb black pom/pap mix- almost 7months old- he’s a hyper breed and love to run around (and under) things, and while he tries to be a good dog his ADD kinda takes over most of the time…. But he’s too adorable to ever stay mad at.   Here's a pic of them both   Children: nope!   Religious orientation: maybe agnostic? But I do connect with Hindu, Buddhist, Wiccan beliefs… So I guess I would say I’m ‘spiritual’ rather than religious: I like the chakra system in relation to reaching enlightenment, birth charts, meditating, and nature.   Favorite Holiday: I don’t really have a FAV holiday, but I suppose x-mas because I tend to be able to get with family and that’s always awesome!   Occupation/Major in school: I guess I’m a housewife trying to be an artist thing? Lol   Living arrangement (by yourself, with roommates, etc): me, hubby and 2 pets   Livejournal/Blog/Website: Not sure if it’s even applicable, but here’s my flickr     BPAL Favorite BPAL oils: Agape Lick It Lick You Mean It Candy Butcher White Chocolate & Sugared Violets Miller V. California Red Tide   Favorite notes: cream, vanilla, light leather, chocolate, linen, honey, foody scents, ripe berries, green fresh apples   Favorite non-BPAL perfumes: I don’t really use anything else LOL   Least favorite notes: I don’t like metallics, ginger, heavy booze, patchouli, grapefruits, blood, anise, red musks, and strong florals, some foody scents end up smelling awful on me (pumpkin notes especially )   Least favorite non-BPAL perfumes: For the most part I don’t enjoy the “perfumeyness” that normal perfumes at the mall, etc have… I always get a headache going through that section of a store!   If Beth made a custom blend for you, what would the notes be, and what would you want the label art to look like? hMmMm I think a creamy spiced honey and/or vanilla! I don’t need anything heady or complicated, but rather a sexy-spicey warm skin scent. YUM As for label art, a nude wearing a sexy black rabbit mask. (I should draw that! lol)   Clothing & Jewelry Hair type: dark brown medium length that is kinda dry. (I’m trying to grow it out atm, but I swear it grows extra slow…)   Skin Type: um… a light tan with combination skin.   Allergies (specifically B&B related): mangos (my hubby is allergic)   Other things to avoid: none I can think of atm   Tub, shower or both? both   Favorite bath & beauty products: Surprisingly when it comes to the shower I do enjoy scents that I would hate in a perfume like lavender and lemongrass. (and I like ‘em strong!) I enjoy a lot of things from LUSH. (my top being: -Jasmine & Henna Fluff Eaze : it makes my hair SOOPER soft and luxurious - Ceridwen’s Cauldron Bath Melt - Fizzbanger and Ickle Baby Bot Bath Bombs)   When I do indulge in baths, I love BUBBLES! Anything that gives me an insane amount of bubbles would make me giggle with happiness after a not so great day.   I also like fake eyelashes (natural or fun looking)and high pigment eye shadows!   Clothing Style/Fave garments: Most of the time I wear leggings with some kind of long shirt or short dress. I am also totally in love with rompers, sundresses and maxi dresses. Light-material sun hats are totally fun too!   Favorite clothing colors/colors to wear: black and blue. Mostly dark colors, but it’s always fun to have something bright every now and again, especially when its hot out.   Type(s) of jewelry worn: I usually wear a necklace of some sort and a pair of simple pearls in my ears. But my fun earrings are always dangly. And then I do enjoy wearing kanzashi in my hair too I don’t wear bracelets most of the time since my wrists are small… And I tend to not wear rings except for my for go-to pieces, because they always tend to annoy me as the day progresses lol.   Ring/wrist/collar size: ring finger is size 6 (not sure about the other fingers…), my wrist is 6 inches around, if collar size means shirt size then I’m a medium.   Jewelry - gold or silver? I prefer gold, but I actually like both   Do you have any allergies to metal? nope   Favorite gemstones: gold stone (both classic red and blue) and tourmaline (which is one that helps me meditate actually). But I enjoy lots of colors, so if they’re shiny then I tend to like it!.   Sock/Shoe Size: shoe size is women’s 9 (US)   Lifestyle Style/home decoration style: dark woods and neutral other colors. I like bright flowers to bring some life to the room. I also decorate the place with driftwood that I have collected in the past.   Favorite decorating colors: rich dark browns and bright fresh greens together. Or regal purple with light cool grays.   Things you collect: DRIFTWOOD! They are just so smooth and beautiful in all their forms, BPAL (duh), kanzashi, sliced wood rounds (to paint on), handpicked sea glass (I have maybe one jar amount that I collected on vaca once, but I’d love to have more), fun Wii or PS3 games.   Favorite music: I’m really ignorant when it comes to music and tend to just grab onto things I like from others’ collections. But I suppose I tend to like mid 90’s pop (Ace of Base! yes I’m weird), Disney (what?! It’s fun and easy to sing along to and reminds me of fun childhood memories!) and then things like BOND, Octopus Project, Tegan and Sara, etc.   Least favorite music: not really into country, hard rock, rap, metal, you get the idea, nor do I go for plain classical music.. lol   Vegetarian/Vegan?: (Please be as specific as possible to reduce confusion!) nope, I loves the meat! But I have veggie and vegan friends, so I’m not opposed to anything in that category either!   Other food restrictions: well once again no mangoes (hubby is allergic), and then I don’t like licorice, wintergreen and spearmint, taffy, peeps, cherries, onion, strong cheeses, olives… yea I think most of this list doesn’t really apply lol. I tend to enjoy more soft things rather than hard or crunchy things (yea I’m totally weird… ex: I can’t bite into an apple, I hate the feeling! I have to cut up apples first.. lol)   Favorite flavors: white chocolate, peppermint, milk chocolate, raspberry, honey, vanilla, key lime, cheesecake, cookie dough   Favorite foods/drinks: STROOPWAFELS (even though I can’t find them here.. ugh), kimchii and most Korean foods, and … I don’t know… plum liqueur?   Favorite authors/genres: I like humorous odd historical/cultural/creepy/erotic books that teach me somewhat useless knowledge lol, historical fiction, cookbooks, craft/art books , and some interesting spiritual books. Ex: Stiff: the Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach The Dirt on Clean by Katherine Ashenburg Myths & Symbols of Vedic Astrology by Bepin Behari Art & Physics: parallel Visions in Space, Time, and Light   Least favorite authors/genres: I don’t read romance, fantasy, political.   Books/authors you'd like to read, but haven't yet: The Big Oyster: History on the Half Shell by Mark Kurlansky Packing for Mars by Mary Roach Time Traveler’s Guide to Medieval England: A Handbook for Vistors to the 14th Century by IanMortimer Moloka’I by Alan Brennert Ultimate Dog Treat Cookbook by Liz Palika The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Volume 2 (or Vol. 1) by Drunvalo Melchizedek (really weird… but interesting nonetheless) Some kind of good bread machine recipe book for 1lb bread machine   How do you feel about receiving gently used books as gifts? Totally cool with it   Favorite stores (including clothing stores): Q-pot, Betsy Johnson, LUSH, Sephora, Gamestop, pet stores, Max Brenner's Chocolate Restaurant   Favorite online stores (including B&B stores): LUSHUSA.com, Amazon.com, Some etsy stores, Gamestop, BPAL, bittersweetsny.com and Agent Provocateur for window shopping   Magazines you subscribe to: none   Magazines you like, but don't subscribe to: Scientific American, Discover, Science Illustrated, Real Simple, any recipe magazine (I prefer desserts, but I think I need to graduate to big-girl dinner recipes lol)   Favorite movies: While I get excited about new movies and such… the ones that give me most comfort while I’m painting are animated films (Disney, etc), and action/comedies from like 1992-1996. (what can I say… things that remind me of my younger years are so fun even if my hubby hates it). I also like supernatural thrillers and science/nature documentaries.   Favorite TV show(s): I like all the CSI’s, Law & Orders, Top Chef, Kitchen Nightmares, Simpsons, Modern Family, Fringe, Futurama, etc… I used to watch anime too, but don’t watch it much anymore.   Hobbies/crafts done: As in things I like to do? Well, I like playing with my pups and having play dates with them. I love making desserts but am not very advanced with it, but I’m trying! My last baking adventure was lemon soufflés! I also love to paint and draw, I was in a funk for like almost a year but am slowly coming out of it now YIPPIE! As for things that interest meI go back and forth between different crafts…. Which means I have minimal-medium knowledge in quite a few things that I rotate in doing like-- scrapbooking, henna, macramé, kanzashi (though I’m VERY new to this), a little origami, card making, and sculpture.   Wishlists BPAL Wish List   Etsy wish list   Amazon Wishlist   LUSH retro (things they don’t sell in the store) Ice Hotel Bubble Bar, Temple of Truth Bubble Bar   Random Questions: - On a scale of 1-5, how organized are you? Probably a 3. Mostly because I’m organized at first, then organized chaos ensues, then once its reached its peak I reorganize it lol.   - Where, outside of the U.S. would you love to visit? (if you're international, this can be anywhere) Korea, Italy, Australia, Japan… lots of places haha   - Do people tell you that you act older, younger, or your age? It actually depends who/when I’m talking to someone. I’m told that for my age I’m incredibly open (possibly too open) and can have an intelligent conversation with people much older than me. But at the same time, if something adorable catches my eye or I’m with my nerd buddies, I dissolve into a squealing child. I’m a true Gemini in most aspects of my life where I tend to be both extremes… lol But I suppose the happier I am, the younger I appear....   - Have you ever been skinny dipping? Nope. I was always a bit of a house-nerd and just was never in a position to do it (perhaps I should put it on my bucket list? Lol)   - Do you wear pajamas to places other than at your house? Nope. My self-conscious side tends to make me over-dress even when going to the supermarket >_>   - Your least favorite feature about yourself: physical- thighs/butt. Non-physical- is probably my lack of self-confidence and that I tend to care WAYYY too much about what others think.   - Do you live in a neighborhood or in the middle of nowhere? Neighborhood.. in fact, I see too much of my neighbors.   - Do you like to shop? YES, but it tends to be window shipping as my tastes tend to far outweigh my finances.   - If you were a shoe, what would you be and why? I’d probably be a tall shiny black stiletto with cushion on the inside, and a painted sole underneath. Which I picked because I am pretty tall but am a bit curvy and in reality I cannot wear heels very often b/c they hurt (hence the foot cushion). I tend to wrestle with presenting myself as a classy girl like that of a NYC socialite, and the other side that wants a tattoo sleeve and dyed blue hair and to be that quirky/sexy/cool artist. So while I keep that classic behaved girl in the sleek black cocktail dress shoe, the painted sole (perhaps red, or some other design) shows the brewing artist underneath it all.   - They're making a bio-pic based on your life. Who's portraying you? OMG I have no idea… skip.   -Have you ever thought, "oh, I'm going to get myself one of those one of these days" but then never do? List 1 under $10 and 1 over $10. Under 10$ - a recipe book or magazine (either bread machine or slow-cooker related) Over 10$ -a gravity teapot at tavalon.com I used to have one and used it ALL the time! But gave it away before I moved, and am now wishing on a daily basis that I had it back. But then I found that they no longer sell it on amazon, and the website doesn’t ship directly to Hawaii :’( , so I keep meaning to have a family member have it shipped to their home, and then ship it to me after… but it still hasn’t happened.   - Sunrise or sunset? Sunset because I’m never up early enough for the sunrise   - Has a stranger ever told you that you did something really well? What was it? Well, someone on the forum said they really liked how I draw/paint. Which I think is the only thing a stranger would say that I do well.   - Do you like garage sales (boot sales)? I love garage sales. Sometimes it sucks going from house to house (so I kinda like flea markets a lil better), but you always find awesome stuff!   - I like to slather my food in …: Omg this is easy. HOT SAUCE. in Spaghetti, on sam'iches, on rice, on potatoes, in soup... I go through at least 1 bottle of Siracha a month, and can use a whole lil bottle of green tabasco in one meal...   - State fairs or carnivals? O_o umm.. fairs?   - Do you like to splash in puddles after it rains? Did the thought make you smile? The thought of doing so is always fun and wonderful. Except for the time I actually did and yucky street-puddle-water sprayed up my skirt, and then it wasn’t so great.     Notes (Here's where you can add additional information you'd like your Switch Witch to know!): -I know some of the things I liked were definitely over the cap but I left it there so you have an idea of the types of things and styles that I like.   -I’m pretty open with things like adult material (nudity, erotica, etc), inappropriate jokes, and crude language. So if you have an idea that may cross one of those lines, I'm cool with it   -I do enjoy learning new crafts like basket weaving, felting, crochet, tatting, wire jewelry (all of which I have NO experience in what-so-ever)   -Also feel free to make something too if that’s your forte!   -My puppies love toys and treats too! (though they’re VERY small and neither can squeak toys with their small weak jaws lol) They like chewy, rolly, crinkle toys, and thinks with dangly pieces they can chew on. (think cross between baby and cat toys lol)   -I live in Hawaii where it’s hot and sunny. So keep it in mind when shipping because food/bath items can definitely melt (which means Ziploc-ing stuff just in case, or just avoiding it in general).   -I hope I haven’t sounded completely insane and that I gave you enough ideas and lee-way to du yor thang! HAVE FUN!!




BPAL: Yules: Rose Red 2010

Yules: Rose Red 2010 Category: Limited Edition Quantity: bottle   Description: ROSE RED 2010 The perfected winter rose, dew covered and freshly cut.   Review:   In the bottle: A velvety red rose, fresher than in a flower shop.   Wet: It’s a bit too strong at first, it’s annoying for my nostrils; however, it gets better after 10-15 minutes.   Dry: It’s much better now. It’s a delicate floral scent, feminine, romantic, and almost a sacred rose.   Verdict: For those who might be turned off by its initial strong throw, my advice would be to let it dry completely before judging it. It becomes subtle and almost sweet over time.   More reviews: Limited Edition: Yules: Rose Red 2010




BPAL: Yules: Lick It Vigorously

Yules: Lick It Vigorously Category: Limited Edition Quantity: bottle   Description: LICK IT VIGOROUSLY What else could possibly be more lickable at Yuletide? This is a candy cane perfume, minty, sweet and sugared. [Please don’t literally Lick It. I need no cheerful holiday lawsuits, thank you!]   Review:   In the bottle: Hmm, sweet mint... It’s very fresh, green, and maybe a little bit spicy.   Wet: A lot of sugar comes out as soon as it touches my skin! It smells like mint-flavoured candy, no doubt possible; it also feels very fresh... I might even say cold...   Dry: Strangely enough, it turned almost vanilla and floral on me (one day, I’d like to know what’s wrong with my skin chemistry); however, it’s still fresh, yet softer and more delicate.   Verdict: It’s a funny perfume, it really smells like a candy cane, sweet and minty, even though it turned soft on me.   More reviews: Limited Edition: Yules: Lick It Vigorously




WHOOOO, It's finally here!

That's right my order has finally arrived to my home, and I'm super excited to see what inside and what this smells all about. I order six imps to sample, for the simple reason I wanted to know strength and just how accurate they could get these scents that they claim to have in certain oils. So of course when I got home I saw the box and did back flips in my kitchen, rushing to my cave (room), I soon tore at the box until I saw what was inside. A giant bundle of bubble wrap, okay cool I like bubble wrap, pop, pop; anyway....I open that see that my mother had opened it first and saw what her one bottle scent was like. She left a pretty fun message about it on my answering machine. Anyway, looking through the box I find this super cute and amazing ghost woman image post card with Zombi in the advertising, which is funny because I wanted to try that but decided at a later date I would. Looking at my imps I see them all scattered on my bed, looking through them I notice there are two from what I can see that I didn't order, okay cool I got frimps, than to my greater surprise I found that I got two more! That's right I got four Frimps of things I didn't think I was going to try and I even got a frimp of ZOMBI! I was thrilled and overly happy about the entire thing, I haven't smelt any of mine yet, but I did take a whiff of moms and let me tell you, god that stuff is strong. She order Highwayman and almost instantly I get musk, tobacco, and what I think to be alcohol? Hmm... I'm more than just a little satisfied and I can't wait to try this out. That's it for now, thanks for reading.

BPAL won't judge me

Oh godses, I'm caving. YET ANOTHER BLOG! WHY NOT?   Firstly, I need somewhere where I can squee at updates, plan orders and commence to squee over them until they arrive, then squee some more. Oddly I don't feel comfortable squeeing the gospel of BPAL all over facebook or my other blog. (That isn't to say I never mention it there. Just that I hold back.)   Secondly, I need to organize my shizz up. This past year has been.. difficult. To say the least. My husband (and in BPAL terms, MY RIDE) was sick on and off during 2010, and while my son was born in 2009 it wasn't until last year that he started touching all my stuff and I had to start hiding my BPAL (my 4 year old outgrew that phase quickly, bless her!) And my habit hobby (buying, swapping, selling, testing) suffered for it. As a result I don't have a real good grasp on what I have*, what I want to keep and what I need to get rid of.   * Having to tell someone that the bottle you sold them has less in it than you presented it as - or worse, doesn't exist at all - is just as horrifying as it sounds. People were understanding, thank godses, but I can't recommend doing this on a regular basis.   Having this space will, I think, make life a lot easier when I have the need/time to focus on BPAL. I will add bottles to My Stash, write reviews and hopefully sell some old bottles so that I may have room (and Paypal) for new ones.   And thirdly, it's just nice to be part of a community whose one common denominator is BPAL.




Yes! Victory will be mine!

Finally after what seemed like a dueling task of long dedicated hours to picking just the right fragrance to allow, my nose, the sensation of smelling has arrived. That's right in only a few moments I will place my order, via BPAl.com, and will than wait for long, hair ripping weeks until my package arrives. When that comes, I will race to the darkest corner of my room, tear at the cardboard that undoubtedly will be its holder and feast my eyes on what I've been waiting for. Surly the moment will be grand, and I will smell as great as the Gods high above, or at least I'll be half way there. When that dazzling moment comes, I will write further in my blog to inform any who decide to follow me, of the scents I got and which of those I adore. Thanks for reading




imp List!

So as a noobie Bpaler I've been collecting Imps to get my addiction all together. I Loves It! Could Go Either Way Not Really A Fan   General Catalog Bathsheba (Ars Amotoria) Bewitched (Bewitching Brews) Black Tower (Bewitching Brews) Blood Countess (Diabolus) Blood Lotus (Rappaccini's Garden) Bordello (Ars Amatoria) Bread and Butterfly (Mad Tea Party: The Garden of Live Flowers) Come to Me (Bewitching Brews: The Conjure Bag) Danube (Wanderlust) Delphi (Wanderlust) Dian's Bud (Rappaccini's Garden) Dorian (Sin & Salvation) Dragon's Eye (Ars Draconis) Embalming Fluid (Ars Moriendi) Eden (Wanderlust) Endymion (Ars Amatoria) Flora (The District ) Glasgow (Wanderlust) Kumari Kandam (Wanderlust) Laudanum (Sin & Salvation) Loralei (Ars Amatoria) Marie (Diabolus) Mouse's Long and Sad Tale (Mad Tea Party) Namaste (Bewitching Brews) Ophelia {Illyria} Peitho (Excolo) Plutonian (Boom! Studios: Irredeemable) Prunella (Marchen: Prunella) Rakshasa (Bewitching Brews) Regan (Illyria) {Discontinued) SmokeStack (The Steamworks) Suspiro (Ars Amatoria) Tamora (Illyria) The Doormouse (Mad Tea Party) The Knave of Hearts The Lady of Shalott (Ars Amatoria) The Lilac Wood (The Last Unicorn) TweedleDum (Mad Tea Party) Venice (Wanderlust) Voodoo Lily (Rappaccini's Garden)     Limited Editions 413 U.S. 15 / Miller Vs California (Lupercalia) A Cold Clear Winter Day (Yule: A Christmas Carol) A World of Fools (Yule: A Christmas Carol) Autumn Cider (Halloween 2011) Candy Phoenix (Anniversary) Changing the Shadows (Yule: A Christmas Carol) {2010} Crypt Queen (Halloweenies) Dance of the Mirlitons (Yule: The Nutcracker: Act 3) Dark Chocolate and Pepper-Smoked Caramel(Lupercalia: Box of Chocolates 2009) Ded Moroz (Yule) Fearful Pleasure (Halloweenies: Sleepy Hollow) {2008} Gelt (Yule 2010) Gods of Intercourse (The Salon: Novel Ideas for Secret Amusements IV) Issac the Living Skeleton (Carnaval Diabolique: Act III: The 13-In-1) Kitty (Courtesans 2011) Kusunoki Tamonmaru Masatsura Surprising a Ghost Fox (The Salon: Yoshitoshi: Holding Back the Night) Lambs Wool (Halloween 2010) Lemon Scented Sticky Bat (Neil Gaiman) Milk Chocolate Buttercream (Lupercalia: Box of Chocolates) Nothing Gold Can Stay (Halloweenie) Nuclear Winter (Yule 2008) Nymphia (Lupercalia: Ode to Aphrodite) Peacock Queen (Yule 2010) Pomegranate V (Halloween: Pomegranate Grove 2010) Punkie Night (Halloweenies 2010) Samhain (Halloweenie 2010) Snow White (Yule){Atomiser spray} The Harp of Cnoc I'Chosgair (Bards of Ireland 2010) The Kingdom of Sweets (Yule: The Nutcracker: Act 3) The Phoenix in Winter (Anniversary) Tiki Princess (Atomic Luau Lounge: Forum Exclusive) Tin Foil Hat (Black Helicopters over Black Phoenix)   Sniffies Common Jezebel (Metamorphosis: The Butterflies) Highwayman (Bewitching Brews) Pumpkin Latte (Halloweenies 2010) {Limited Edition} The Fool (Tarot Oils) {Discontinued} Twenty One (Bewitching Brews)       Non Bpal Beast of Babylon (Conjure Oils) Gingerdead man (Solstice Scents) I smell Good in Chocolate (The Soap Box Company) I Smell Good in Coconut (The Soap Box Company) I Smell Good in Grass (The Soap Box Company) Kuku (The Morbid the Merrier)




Review - Snake Oil

I feel somewhat behind finally giving Snake Oil a try, especially as anything with "sugared" and "vanilla" in the description usually ages well on my skin.   In the imp, I'm initially taken aback at the strength of the scent. Upon the second scent, I smell sweetness, definitely, as well as a unique buttery spiciness. This is a smooth scent.   Wet on the skin, at first, I get a whiff of that typical alcoholic tang that generic perfumes all have, so I waited about two minutes (after having read several other review that recommended giving Snake Oil some time to settle and "morph"), and I still smell that tang, though not so much in the typical store-bought perfume manner (thankfully). I'm catching mostly somewhat sugary spices.   Dry on the skin, after about forty minutes, and THERE is the vanilla! Truthfully, it took only about ten minutes for the sweetness to come through, but I wanted to wait and see how long the spice rack flavors would last. I'm so glad I didn't judge Snake Oil on my initial experiences, because I would be missing out on this wonderfully unique scent! No powdery, no soapy, though I wouldn't necessarily call this sugared vanilla so much as I would call it "spiced vanilla."   Overall, I had to reapply one time, but that was it. Snake Oil lasted very well on my skin without a suffocating throw. Several of my students (I'm a high school teacher) complimented me on my scent, but only when I was standing next to them while correcting work. I can see why this is a popular scent, and I will definitely be purchasing a bottle for my evening outings!   Source: Snake Oil




Review: Belle Époque

So glad to finally try this scent! I moved and fell out of BPAL in all the craziness, and this was the first scent that I received and sniffed in over eight months. What a great welcoming back to BPAL!   In the imp, I don't smell any citrus. Just sweet vanilla and sandalwood. The scent is strong but so pleasant!   Wet on the skin, the throw is not overwhelming, which is wonderful. I can't stop sniffing myself! The sandalwood is definitely coming out strong along with the Lily of the Valley. That extra muskiness must be the opium, which, apparently, I adore (and as a result, I am browsing for more opium-mixed scents right now).   Dry on the skin about thirty minutes later, and I am enamored. The musky vanilla-lily-sandalwood combination is lush and womanly, though not overly so. It seems to go slightly powdery (not soapy, however) on my skin, which I prefer in scents anyhow. I still don't smell any mandarin notes, though I am certainly not complaining! There is something about this scent that seems almost dreamy.   Belle Époque is a classic! It makes me think of warm gardens and beautiful women lounging outside with large brim hats many, many years ago. And it makes me remember watching the movie of the same (with a very young Penelope Cruz), which it seems to reflect in an amusing way. I will definitely be adding this permanently to my growing collection. I highly recommend.   Source: Belle Époque




Forum update/news for February 2011

Hello, BPAL.ORG!   As we mentioned before, one of the things the moderators/admins are trying out is keeping you more informed. A lot of stuff gets discussed in the running of a major forum like this, but you folks don't hear most of that. We'd like to rope you in a bit... hence this blog! We'll be using it to keep you updated, toss out some ideas, and if I (Belladonnastrap) am making the post, at some point I'm gonna rant about something that has absolutely nothing to do with the forum. Why? Because that's how I roll!   FORUM UPDATE A GO GO GO!   First off, we would all like to say thank you for your patience while (whilst?) we go through a bit of construction. The membership has been really patient with us, and while we understand that all recent changes haven't been met with butterflies & unicorns, we appreciate you sticking around. We're going to do our very best to ensure that bpal.org is a place where we can not only discuss the wonderfulness of the Lab/Post & their works, but our own awesome corner of the web. Sort of like Oh No They Didn't, but smelling better and less obsessed with Britney Spears.   Moving to the country, gonna buy me a lotta scrubs. Retail Therapy. We admit that the RT organization did not go completely as planned. We're still working on that. In the meantime, please continue to leave your feedback in this thread, and believe us when we say we're working on it.   SKINS! And not the crappy MTV show either! Diana goes much more into depth about this then I ever can, so please check out her announcement for news & where we stand when it comes to making the forum look shiny!   Changing of the Guard As Diana previously announced, quantumspice is no longer a member of the admin team. We wish her well. We wanted to take the time to just remind you of the moderators.   Admins: ShriekingViolet (aka Diana), Morrig Moderators: Silvertree, Ivyandpeony, Andra, alicia_stardust, Jessica, WickedGoddess, parrot_suspect, Belladonnastrap, emzebel, jenpo, Shollin, Sarah, LiberAmoris, maewitch, Noumenon and Heartbeast   Please note: These are all of our active moderators. We have some moderators who are on hiatus, so if you should message them with any sort of forum concern, please be aware that they might take a bit to get back to you and/or forward it to another active mod.   Odds & Ends   A couple of general reminders to the forum population:   1) Please watch your image sizes! Images are to be no bigger then 480 pixels wide. If you upload an image and it's been scaled down, that means it's too big. Please resize.   2) No swaps outside the swaps forum. This includes "Hey, by the way, I have XX available. If you're interested, PM me!" in any section. If you say "I think this is allowed, but I'm not sure..." chances are it's not. Remember, you can always PM a moderator if you have any posting questions.   3) Please search to make sure your topic hasn't been made into a thread already. We're actually doing well in the dupe topic department, but a reminder never hurts!   So that's it for February! We'll try making these monthly, although we don't want to spam you all! In conclusion: Tyler from the Vampire Diaries? You're a tool. Seriously, dude: WTF were you thinking?! I'm gonna be vague because I know that not everyone is caught up, but OOOH. You make me so mad. I've been like all night because of your antics! I hope you get kenneled.   NEXT TIME: I swap! You Swap! Everyone Swaps!; Working at the Grindhouse; and Lupercalia: What if the Hokey Pokey really IS what it's all about?




Daily Outfits by PixieMoondust

Due to the encouraging response from GUSPers, I have created this blog, for us to post our daily outfits for viewing.   Pictures don't seem to appear in the blog posts, although you can create albums to put them in.   Voici my outfit from yesterday:         Pixie    




Favorites by Category - for fun

Fun! This is going to take some thought...   - - - > Means I don't have a favorite yet, either haven't tried any or none that jumped out and said "love me forever"   Ars Amatoria: Defututa Ars Draconis: --- Ars Moriendi: Twilight Atomic Luau Lounge: --- Bewitching Brews: tie between Mata Hari and Chimera Diabolus: another tie, this time Baobhan Sith and Kumiho Excolo: Mania Illyria: Three Witches Mad Tea Party: Mouse's Long & Sad Tale Marchen: Light of Men's Lives Pharmacopoeia: --- A Picnic In Arkham: Miskatonic University Phoenix Steamworks: Violet Ray Rappaccini's Garden: Hemlock Sin & Salvation: Tzadikim Nistarim Somnium: Baku Wanderlust: Pais de la Canela   Panacea: --- The Salon: Needlework so far, but need to try MOAR Carnival Diabolique: Pickled Imp VILF: Philologus   Boom! Studios: --- The District: --- Gaiman: The Buggre All This Bible Gris Grimly: --- Hellboy: --- The Last Unicorn: Last Unicorn Sachs & Violens: --- Witchblade: --- Dawn: ---   Lunacy: Mourning Moon Lupercalia: Bijoux Y'Ha-Nthlei Halloweenie: Pomegranate II Yule: The Arabian Dance Forum Only: --- Carnival Noir: Bearded Lady Thirteens: August 2010 Anniversaries: Quicksilver Phoenix Retail Exclusives: U (Mutter Museum) Event Exclusives: Bat of Virtue Single Notes: Cinnamon      





The ultra-stripped down, bare bones version. I've amassed backups of all the scents I truly love, and I've tried a few I thought I'd love but it didn't work out. There now is but one scent I am drying to try, and, if I should every be so lucky, collect:     *******Black Lace V1********     If ANYONE can help me in any way, be it a decant, an insane trade, anything, please holla at me! I will jump thru many a hoop to get a crack at this rarity! Many thanks! <3




Swaps rough draft

Still lots of work before released into the wild/posted to the appropriate threads. To do: Add fill levels, check price caps, add prices.     These are the bottles I am mostly looking for right now: The Ara.bian Da.nce Pa.is de la Can.ela Vio.let Ra.y The C.oil Bat-W.oman Good Judy: J.olt Bat Can.dles Moon   Open to offers of all sorts, I have a huge wish list here on the forum and also on ScentBase (they are slightly different because of my laziness in cross-referencing)   Wish List o' Doom   My ScentBase Profile   And if there's something you think I might like that you have to swap, ask! Still a ton I haven't even read reviews for yet... Always open to good offers! Good & Bad Notes - what works & doesn't for me so far.   $10 minimum, $3.50 shipping if purchasing. 10 mL. Bottle: Les Fleurs du Mal - The scents of the blossoms of darkness, condensed into one perfume. Features a rose base, softened with lilac and wisteria.   5 mL. Bottles: Ostara (2007) - orris root, bergamot, frankincense, daffodil, orange pulp, attar of rose, jonquil, strawberry leaf, benzoin, violet leaf, copal, honey cakes, sweet cream, and the blossoms of springtime. Sunbird – no chapbook Thirteen (13): June 2008 - white chocolate, dark chocolate, apple blossom, honeysuckle, frankincense, allspice, nutmeg, black tea, tonka, and sandalwood. Thirteen (13): March 2009 - Bittersweet dark cocoa is surrounded here by 13 complex aspects, including exotic musks, caraway, allspice, aloes wood, lucky hand, Irish moss, and bamboo. Beneath it all is a glowing core of glistening cherry.   Lab Imps: $2 each or 6 for $10 Blood - A vital, bold scent, throbbing with sensuality. Essence of dragon's blood resin, thickened with myrrh and cherry, with a trickle of clove. Bon Vivant - An effervescent blend of crystalline champagne notes and sweet strawberry. Czernobog - A combination of three musks, with splashes of dark myrrh, vetiver and mullein. Grog - Arrr! Avast ye, matey! This be the scent of pirate rum! Penny Dreadful - Soft perfume evocative of noir heroines over rich red grave loam.     Discontinueds: Île de la Tortue - Damp air trapped in limestone caverns, heady greenery, hothouse orchids, nicotiana blossoms, bois de chandel, elemi, palm wine, garambullo, pega-pega, flame of the forest, and a swirl of Haitian vetiver. Mantis - Crushed herbs and sweet amber resin with a streak of patchouli, neroli and golden musk.     Decants: $4 each or 3 for $10 Autumn and Winter - Bitter currant and dry leaves. Winter wind at dusk. Beaver Moon 2010 - Strawberry and peach cheesecake, heavy on the sticky glaze. Moon of Small Spirits - Snow-blanketed wild grasses, sage, swamp tea, cedar, giniminagawunj, copal, rosehip, juniper, clover, elderberry, sweet flag, butterfly weed, wood sorrel, and pine. Rivet.Goth – sniffie, might be testable $1 - Black leather, tobacco absolute, rust, gritty musk, and machine oil.   Black Phoenix Trading Post (BPTP) Decants $4 each, 3 for $10 Candy Corn Coated Candy Apple - Tart green apples coated in thick gobs of melty granulated white sugar, with butter, bourbon vanilla, and a dash of cinnamon, spattered by candy corn and candy sprinkles. Narkissos - Gently blushing vanilla, haughty opoponax, duosmon, oude, and narcissus.   Wylde Ivy Perfume Samples $1.50 each As American As Apple Pie - A sweet Apple Pie blend that is heavy on the hot golden apple filling and light on the spice and crust. Chocolate Mint Truffle -Enticing and rich blend of gourmet dark chocolate, milk chocolate truffle, with a creamy mint swirl.   ZOMG Smells Regular size $10 Anti-Hydrogen In a Pear Tree – a ripe pear chilled with white mint, snowy ozone, and fizz   Samples $1.50 Up Quark –Sweet basil, sweet moss, sweet musk, a hint of black pepper, and tiny flowers crushed underfoot from dancing in the woods before you ascend into the thick, summery night.





I've tried to note when these were decanted, but most of the imps are not marked. All I know is that all of them are about three years old, some might be even older.       BOTTLES   Tokyo Stomp, full Libra, full Enraged Orangutan Musk, 1-2 imps worth     IMPS   LE or Discontinued     Bonfire Night, 2007 Butter Rum Cookie Candy Phoenix Diary Of A Lovestruck Teenage Cannibal (half) Dragon Moon (half) Harikata, 2008 (half) Ebisu Making Love As Two Octopuses Look On, 2008 (half) Eggnog, 2007 (half) Lick It Again, 2006 (2/3) Lover’s Parodies of Sumo Holds, 2008 (half) Love’s Philosophy, 2008 Men Ringing Bell With Penises, 2008 (half) Sticky Pillowcase Sugar Cookie, 2008 The Little Sparrow The Spell Of Amorous Love, 2008 (half) Wolf Moon       GC     51 (almost empty) Asp Viper, 2007 (half) Australian Copperhead, 2007 Baneberry Bess Black Hellebore Black Rose Boomslang, 2007 (half) Cobra Lily Habu, 2007 Hades Horreur Sympathique (half) Lampades Laudanum Madrid 2x Manhattan (half) Megaera (half) Moon Rose Night-Gaunt Oneiroi Red Devil 2x Satyr Silk Road Spellbound The Organ Grinder (almost empty) The Rose Vicomte de Valmont Vixen Water of Notre Dame Yerevan




Good Judy: Jolt

Jolt Category: In The Mood Quantity: sample   Description: JOLT Wake up! Get revved and ready to go go go! Cuban coffee, black tea, double shot of espresso, spices   Review:   In the bottle: It’s spicy; I identify clove and pepper.   Wet: More clove! There’s some dark, maybe even black, coffee behind it.   Dry: Finally, I get the black coffee and black tea, but it’s still very spicy.   Verdict: Overall, it’s masculine-neutral; interesting, but just not my thing.




Books for 2011

I'm keeping track on Goodreads, too, but I'd like to keep up with it here!   So far for 2011:  
The Stepford Wives by Ira Levin
Franny & Zooey by JD Salinger
Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman
A Touch of Dead by Charlaine Harris
Mathilda Savitch by Victor Lodato
Madame Tussaud by Michelle Moran




Valentine's Swap Answers

Would you prefer a poem or romance novel & what type of romance novel? I read Erotica books and really like those, but would also enjoy a poem   How do you feel about burned mix cds (good time for mood music *giggle*)? I LOVE mixed CD's and also enjoy making them   Do you have metal/ jewelry allergies? The part that goes through my ear needs to be silver, but other than that, no. I rarely wear gold colored things at all, but love silvers and bronze colors   Baked Goods/Mixes? I love baked goods and mixes, however I'm back on my diet (low calorie), so unfortunately I'd better pass on these (unless they are low calorie, in that case I'd love them)   Do you like cute stationery, stickers, note cards, stuff like that? Yes - I love all that   Do you like tea? If so, do you prefer your tea loose or in tea bags? I do love teas (not generally cinnamon though) good and strong flavored and bagged or loose is great.   What is your favorite Valentine candy? Sweet Tarts - but I'm really trying to avoid candy right now.   How would you feel about receiving a knitted / crocheted gift? What kinds of yarny things would you enjoy (scarf, hat, mitts, cowl, socks, etc)? What are your favorite colors for wearable accessories? I knit myself, so I know how long this kind of thing takes to do, so no thank you.   Would you enjoy some loose beads for your own crafts, or any other crafty bits? I already have joined the bead swap, so no thanks   Would you rather get things all together or in a couple of doses? That is totally up to my swap partner - I'm great either way   Kid/Parent/church lady safe or not? No need on any of the above counts   Length of necklace, size of bracelet, post or dangle earrings preferred? 18" - 20" necklace, 7" max on bracelet, either post or dangle is fine   Stuffed critters or other things of the cuddly variety? No thanks - my pets tend to snatch these up and make them their own   Would you mind receiving an in person delivery from your Cupid? Would love that - with advance notice and plenty of warning (I'm not into surprises), but since I live in the sticks, I don't see this happening.   For those who don't do jewelry/have a prohibitive amount of metal sensitivities, etc., would you prefer something like a keychain charm or other little ornamental thing? Anything like that would be great   For you chocolate lovers - do you like yours plain or with nuts? If nuts are good, which kind? I feel like I'm beating a dead horse here with the I'm trying to watch my weight no candy please thing - I may break eventually   Do you like hot cocoa? I do - sugar free would be great   Does anyone have any strong objection to gently used items? I love recycled items - bring 'em on!




Books to read some day, one day

Fiction: American Gods My super lovely book swappee sent me a copy! Happy Book Dance Time! Breathers: A Zombie's Lament Ye gods, this book was bad. I, Claudius The Riddle of the Traveling Skull The Strange Affair of Spring Heeled Jack The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities Third Class Superhero   Lovecrafty goodness: The Cthulhu Mythos Encyclopedia I Am Providence: The Life and Times of H. P. Lovecraft The Lovecraft Lexicon Miskatonic University Why haven't I bought this book yet? Weird Words: A Lovecraftian Lexicon   NonFiction: The Lost City of Z: A Tale of Deadly Obsession in the Amazon Pandemonium and Parade: Japanese Monsters and the Culture of Yokai Snake Oil, Hustlers and Hambones: The American Medicine Show Wicked Plants: The Weed That Killed Lincoln's Mother and Other Botanical Atrocities Ghostly Ruins




Valentine Swap (answers to questions)

Would you prefer a poem or romance novel & what type of romance novel? Any poem would be great! How do you feel about burned mix cds (good time for mood music *giggle*)? No thanks. Do you have metal/jewelry allergies? No. Do you bake/would you be interested in baked goods or related mixes? Absolutely! Do you like cute stationery, stickers, note cards, stuff like that? Stickers yes, stationery no – terrible handwriting. Do you like tea? If so, do you prefer your tea loose or in tea bags? Either would be great I also love hot chocolate. What is your favorite Valentine candy? Red hot hearts, milk chocolate anything, especially if it has nuts, caramel, or toffee. How would you feel about receiving a knitted/crocheted gift? What kinds of yarny things would you enjoy (scarf, hat, mitts, cowl, socks, etc)? What are your favorite colors for wearable accessories? I’d LOVE a pear of socks or fingerless gloves in black or shades of blue. Would you enjoy some loose beads for your own crafts, or any other crafty bits? Wouldn’t mind receiving beads. Would you rather get things all together or in a couple of doses? No preference. Kid/Parent/church lady safe or not? Yeah, probably. Length of necklace, size of bracelet, post or dangle earrings preferred? Post earrings or short dangles, necklace 16 inches, bracelet 7 inches. Stuffed critters or other things of the cuddly variety? Love, especially cats. Would you mind receiving an in person delivery from your Cupid? That would be great. For those who don't do jewelry/have a prohibitive amount of metal sensitivities, etc., would you prefer something like a keychain charm or other little ornamental thing? Anything my cupid wants to send would be fine Chocolate with nuts? Yes, definitely! Any type of nut, and I prefer milk chocolate over dark Hot chocolate? Love it! Gently used items? Fine with me.




V-day Swap Questions :D

Do you have a preference for a poem or romance novel and what type of Romance novel?   I don't have a particular preference. I do admit that I read a fair amount of romance novels. I love alls kinds, but I ESPECIALLY love historical romance novels. I also dabble through supernatural, fantasy and modern. I'm really into "fiction" novels right now which are kind of like romance novels. ... I like a high component of romance, smuttiness is optional.   As for poems, I can take them or leave them, the most important thing to me is the flow of the poem, how smoothly it reads.   How do you feel about burned mix cds (good time for mood music *giggle*)?   Ehhhh... my issue here is that I don't have a good way to PLAY them. The disk drive on my computer broked :/ and my car doesn't have an ability atm (but will at some point, so maybe?)   Do you have metal/ jewelry allergies?   Yes. Nickle. Nickle. Nickle. No nickle. It gives me a terrible rash. Nothing with nickle. No costume jewelery or white gold. Just sterling silver, yellow gold or other non-metal materials please.   Do you bake/would you be interested in baked goods or related mixes?   I bake a loooooooooooooooot. I also love baked goods. I'm especially interested in anything that might help me learn how to frost a bloody cake? Definitely my weakest link...   Do you like cute stationery, stickers, note cards, stuff like that?   I like it, but rarely use it. Though I did just pick up some pen pals, so I may be more open to this than before <3.   Do you like tea? If so, do you prefer your tea loose or in tea bags?   I love tea! I currently do not have a tea... steeper? strainer? whatever it is called, so I only use bagged right now, but I do like loose tea. One note though, I forgot to include in my questions. I cannot have caffeinated beverages. Chocolate is okay, because the dose is very small, but caffeinated tea or coffee is a no-no. I do sooo love herbal teas though.   What is your favorite Valentine candy?   Hmmm. Chocolate? I'm not a fan of hard candy, is pretty much it.   How would you feel about receiving a knitted / crocheted gift? What kinds of yarny things would you enjoy (scarf, hat, mitts, cowl, socks, etc)?   Oooo. I would love knitted/crocheted stuff. Scarf, hat, mitts, cowl would all be nice. Socks might be a bit odd though, unless for around the house? My shoes fit quite snug   What are your favorite colors for wearable accessories?   Bright jewel tones! Red, green, blue especially.   Would you enjoy some loose beads for your own crafts, or any other crafty bits?   I'd like to learn to make handmade cards, but otherwise have not been crafty lately.   Would you rather get things all together or in a couple of doses?   Hm. I just want my cupid to feel comfy. I don't mind getting things all at once or parceled out.   Kid/Parent/church lady safe or not?   Does not need to be "sensitives" safe. Can be as... anything as you want.   Length of necklace, size of bracelet, post or dangle earrings preferred?   Any length of necklace. Bracelet is pretty... small. 7ish inches long should be okay? I rarely wear earrings, so I have no preference I suppose?   Stuffed critters or other things of the cuddly variety?   Aieeee yes. I love cuddly things. Mmmm soft and cuddly.


